Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Feb 1885, p. 3

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«A =3: wmwwm‘x : fimwes ? Pianos 1? UEEflGâ€"HT AND mUARE Riclugmid‘ Hill, October 22nd, i834 BONES!“ D EA Li NG, EQU A R if; B A HG A INS. Mmsns‘ R. R. \VILLIAMS Kr, Sm: .: TORONTO. April 12m, 1881. GENTLE x .1 have much pleasure in testi mg to the great oxtwllunce of )1 ur Yitmos. I have put than} severe]; to UM: trst, mu] find them pt s.essed q." those qualities of tone and touch 50 non ceptublc to the true musician and lover uf dug u! mnfimvm c ated from the moszdelicuce 1-inui_ 41:39 to eve )0 ans ' as r’ "(lily to cvmy shude ut feeugg. lmrmipg flinging «mm, 02.5in urn-lu- gree of loudness and fulnoss, and a touch which Sa‘ve Money By Buying From Us, A Lagrgeandsmendid VStm-k of Beavererel'tons, "Worstéds, “ Scoithyglfrish' and Canadian 'l‘\vemls-, FuH fl , ,Llloths, Sign, &c., ut‘Lowest’Pri‘ccs.’ I confiidm imam insirumu :L greut‘iqunisition in musiciul society, and am finding aiming which 1 can recommend wth vein-ct confidence. ’ - . Msssns 1:. S. §VIIfLIAMS 6; SW'Sâ€" . ‘ ‘ an‘um’m. N(>v.4tl1. 1882. {Lgm'sâ€"lnu'lug (1191:0113th exn'mnm‘. the Workmnnship of your I'iuuos, 1 have no hesitation in ltutmg Lhm, u. m) (nmnnn, Lle‘ are equal to tho '1: of m y n] an; of the best Makers . muml- {n um o .n.. :"1. «n v ..n A.. FALL a; WINTER GodD‘é; VI ufil glad to hear let the exLLnsjve hula-of )‘Vorlu'fiixllétl‘xiuzéx Iuccess that I think You ju My «Reserve. V I 1.1a, Gemlemcu. Your obedient Sen nut, Q'f’D'rosé Gamls,“Pri‘ntS, _Gioves, , Hasieryhkcw , , 'atl’rices 10 smt'1’urchazse‘r5w» «' -' r. w '-:i :4 ‘ q firm-sea :i Léii’rgé‘-#~=Sibek~gsf staple aiady Eatl'gy ; Gro¢é§i¢$0yoékery 6; Glassware at bettom pricés’ _, .. v. H“. "w. “MW- 3 uuul LIAEIVU at: it niusicul (llhlllLiCS ; {or their fine full six uru such, that them 5 l'lllh’ Lu bu uo uecassity tn )urciu: rmcrl so can pruduce H18: Mamas, and at ouo-ihird fast. or A-_. 71 cnii only'spcniiin‘tiic mine fiigh ter is regarding the in}; cupubiiity (1f lune, phiusunt. touch, it; foreign insti 1m:an WiiHl our 110m w , , , . .1 “‘1 ...Lu n1 fififlgfiflm _& PRUWSIDfiS, HOUR 81‘ FEED, BBU’TS KzSHUES, T1162 PROOF; !; PREPARE FDR THE WINTER Are cmmlrucied from the var; bl'St MMH'iuIs hv rxpenencrd Workmeu, and are fully - vqun in {mint uf' fig 1 ,. , WY WW 7 gin/Muff r v1 nktwmx\ @..QU,MV~JI Soxixgjliij'ig:Irusflrb‘ppud ring in file midpt of this communin in the ahape of min 11““ 5‘3, TOUCH. a: DURA m LE'I‘Y ! (1 MB 0 ’ a {L $15 v £71?“ in“ I tun, Gentlemen. yours very truly, AT‘ WHOLESALE PRICES. _ ' ,. “ . . . , g: 3 .5. nl_ I” For"iT you come once you mil-come the more. and wonder why you 'dld - ' not come before. We promise all patrons O R GA N S! BIG- . BARGAIN-S ! BLA'NKE’I‘S, FLANNELS, ETC; ETC, AND SAVE MONEY BY GOING.- To J HAVLL. TESTIMOlV SEAL-£3... To the hi â€"~IN NEW AND FRESH PIANOS ! 5h prim”! Anmicun Insu-umcnts and :1 positive salé ISAAC CROSBY. CHAS \V.EWING, (or London, mam” Oygxmist, of St Peter's Church. Coburg, 0n ‘ ‘ :I‘fmnx'rqtNov. 4th. 1882. .uv,,. x . n pruuuce wen names, and at ouo-ihird lash cost Jhtruuxenm slums that gun um meeting with the GEO. \V. STRATHY. Mus Doc. p1 gnuch pleased at sing- n l “[LLwill help you to more money right nwuy (,hmr miythimg Mac in this mud. All. of vithvr sex, Sin-com] from fiz‘stlmur The bran mud to fortnno opens lwfn ‘u flw.‘ work erg. ubonlntcly 511m, A}- aqcc uddre' . TRUE 1",. . Tho [Univ of Hm ext-min" wns “ The Son'- jvuhwjnyh is Hm IIIQTX'PSI.‘ "In Hui-I IH‘ HN'. ,1". MilruulnlinV " In (m l Imz'ch Ruv. l~Zd-»vus-d lhfrvisiM. A ; " In 'Hmu'o-n." h Wm: a mailer nf nigka that lwu Infill"- miqiuc-m who won- uunmmwd for (In: t-w'n- inu Ennis”: dni nnl waive. Thu :I'esmml Wus “I‘m”! MW!" '0" O'clock. all bring phrased wilh [he selrive. The Ins! session commpncvd at Fm’on (KL-luck. ‘ Aha: lwm-ly Vllihl'lllt‘n' dr-vminnul rxerciscs. 1hr. nginuwu uf'lhv [um-inns étr-ssi m wmv mud and :idoplnd The newly PIx‘C-‘Pd [I’m-sidx-m. Mr John Cruddnc, funk the 'chair mud (it-Hunter! his inlrhdul luv v mMi‘oss. The reliving I’xeSi‘ch. Mr. L Look. (-nnnmn» Inked Ins wccrswr.‘mud expresm-d -n lmpe that he wnw'd have great success during his term or nIfiL-e. Cu Agustu Munixié‘ .3‘,4'l'ke ‘foii’rt'fi hit‘n‘u’ai 30in“t‘%ent'i0n"-‘of- 1319‘- Iownuhipoflunghan Sublth Selmql ‘As‘u sbciution was held in Hope MPihOdiSt 'llhurch. {mirth cutxr-r-ssion. nu Wednesday . and 'l‘huradnyllmtta . deut'us i-I;n§Pt‘lUfii""-=II:TE lflltdmi. emigxdt-t-ihg , thy: hick-met (3' (if _ ting: |.,w9uther. Mr. Bllrkhqldgr gym} cud 'tho) singing at all the. sessio'im; and Mt , ‘thn'yf ol" Wimdbnidze. \pu asidrd~,nt, the amp“... z; They conventqu wus_‘;gt*e-:t!y, itkdebn-d tohmh those persons for the able ttmnuetj in y, high flit-y petlbrtmd their resyteénvo d‘iitit'ét~ who fivsluwsniun want/named out «Wt-lines» ; glafierrnpuuaut 2.()’ (Jack. Mr. Lulguck.‘ l’iepident (tithe. A§q,g)§i_i_tlititi, (.octzpitfl “the! chair, attdv‘cuiie‘d theircgnven [in]; In may} Ai'tpr de'v'n'tioitisi eyiérét's'ési‘." lh'e PIPSide'ntl d'e‘tiv'ewd the inlruduclury address. in which 1 he reviewyd thy pgnc‘eediugs -.of the past wear. and (th'wrnttJnted Ihq cutwention on thett'ery ftivurahle circumstances in which Ihey are now platcod. I ' ‘ ' ' i A Double Purpose. Thej‘xopulnr mnrdy, human-(1's. Ynllow Oil, in used bml) inn-n.tu and vxlvan}. for u-hl's, [9351192. cnl'is. group. ll‘xf'ullluliSJl. deIxésa uhd 'disrhses» of an ‘infiuxnmnrlmx ..v ‘ A rtésnlulibn offhvnkn'tn [he RQY. John Mt-van wns. vmy rundiull)’ uud unnuinunmly :udnplvd by 1119 cunvmuiuu fur hi3 sm-vu-vs durlnL' lhc srssim's. “is Inhnm as Sunday Srluml Afll‘ht nrt‘ \'f‘l‘_\' mam-nus and ‘vaf-- devnying, and are 0f urn-m valuoi 'ln the'im" poxmm wow, in Which he‘ is engnuvd ' APRIZE nnun’e: The aflern‘zon aessimu cnmmeuced at two Uyt'llw'k. After devotional l'xel‘(‘i.~‘"8 lhe Inimst uflhc priwinus seasinn w~le final “"5 udoplvd. “ The Sower, wlfioh is Ihv Test-hex," mu: 1})? suhjm-lv (\f' ffiSouSsiofi; “ In his SIndy." by EM. D. Cnm‘vlon': “In his Clusel," by Hva J‘ W. Tmfi-n; "In hié Class," hv Rev. J. .\l(:l'}weu 'l'he,mld_gguser-'_s wvrn omdiully‘ reunited, arid élichexl a. veF'y' prnfimblé'dimssimi. ‘ ' V " The .frilowimz “flicers were appointml :â€"- John ,(dedfvc. I’Icsidenl ; Hairy! Hmwu, SgnremryQ-Jnhn Gilliss, Treuauz-er. The One-very interesting {Hum-9 nf'lho Snssinn was 11m" Queénrm mew.‘“:hich 'us in charge of [bet Rev.- Julm MCEWGH. “flhflfifl mmwers we‘re: fur llle must purl Irim. and graphic. The Rev J. McEwm. Can't-ml Se’crm’nfy of IM l’rnviumuvl Snbhfilh School Assad“:- iimp. deliww‘d nv 9:“le und elmjuont Hd” drvss rm ""l‘he Suit" 'which Was Iullu'wmi- by" mmlhi'r app-'ofir‘mle" yidtlrr‘ss on " lls Not-(1H,"? by Ihu'Re‘I.‘ J. Runkivi’ Never“! nppruprinle remarks were made .by different wankers. Tho semvd dny’n SPSEiutI was cmfimmmed 519 30. Prayer u'nd- 'pmise n‘ccupipd ‘20 minutes.” After rendin the Iltinli'tvs of the pu’evinns svssmn, reports were milled fur. The business cummitlée madv lhr‘ir I"npnt't..' uni: item of which was that the next meet-- in}: of the cr'ufveminn shoulrf be: held at Kh-iuhex‘z. The report was nriopwd. . Thu Troalurer‘n and Finance Cumminee's ropnrl wus prcsmled, from which n was nhéwrylhgl... the wand $945 was on ihe right gidv offing Vlmlamr. vu’x'inusf'mmmmu!inus MWnshin .m-e re'prusynted nu flue }‘:X_Q(‘}lli\'(‘ (‘nmmiIMm r' I}. (jailecjior’n V-us mkenjxpvfor Ille_,,fui3d§ nf'ihé Prov I ISg'mdhy nghuial ’sncin'h lion. t m "‘V "" H ' " ‘ I ‘ ,Iu'vgu nllllly'. K. , ‘ ‘ ’ \ Thé'flfi‘efiihé héssiOIi’ dommefiévd'"fii‘ ‘7' o'clnck‘und comiu‘iled "uan ' ‘10." The at» t'o'ndmice w'n‘s‘ grémly i'n'c‘réused. 5 erherlyi gre‘elingu WPN‘ .nddresstd by .lhe Rev; M. iF‘awt-uu Pnslnrâ€" mythe Church. In ‘which the Rr-w. A‘ Sherwood responded in an up» prnnx'iam nmnner; Maxessefi Adi-'1' -- 'l‘HeSefi-{Thé mudâ€"‘â€" A Coinpnniuvui’ by‘ Rev. 'A McLaughlin; yud uu “ The Wardâ€"A mehn.” by 111:: Rev. W. R. Booth. were delivm‘ed. ' “'S'uil. Fem]. flower. sowing? *1)r"‘1he"hhrt~ the word, :lh9;_LfHCJIEI-,‘. small the tmgvest , .ur. J Logger i ruduggq Ihc )fil‘j'fll fillifi'c'. ¢ “ Hm? wé cqiiddél lh‘é (iu'ui'lei'ly‘.i’rvi’ew 'in four.Sari!)ng'sc‘hn'ul.” 'He' ‘sufialyke’r’ "gva'ven g \‘N'v' iii‘RCIiTM nfldr '1 ' ‘Vijlt’i: kWh al.65513- “namion'wné? heRE‘M Whiiflx‘x‘fifi‘i‘eréd’ mm. - hers look part. The session was” one, pf grep! nlilih'. ValiousChmmillnen'wére appointea 1h 'range the lzusilwss of the future sessions. H1116, Secretary yresenved Ihe repur“ of Ike >Ex9L-ufivi-{wln‘iycvh' crzfilhined Enevbr'ul'i'fiuis 0f gin-em interim: 'l’herv 'are H) ‘schonls‘ ‘iu Ilze township; fmm 134)! which repurlshgld 11mm reccived. all of which cunmimed many inlgrwliqgl'ucvs. iliumrul‘ivo vmaghq‘pmspm’" ity of the respective schools The number ¢ fcp-q-qrginug repm'lved “1.39432; 1, _ ‘ ‘he general lupic uf the programme was: . .. . . ,. , , u ant, ‘to pay 011‘ interest. or .fnr On, farm property at 6 per 0 mortgage; m. higher rates of building, draining, or olhor mr I0593.‘ Llort' n .55 8 I; bought. Notes discounted. Advances plso made on second mortgages. Farmers will save money by applying direct to me ~ . Dac. 2nd, 1354, FOR COUGHS A'splcoLns K'AY'S COM Po UN’DUtfiJNs E El) Annisced, Scm'ga‘ Scum 'rnIn 1m .7 th COTGâ€"U 1711?; 11:03 Articles, Sold anrvw or mm a. scnool. “8001A:on or V‘lUGHAN. '7 AY'S ‘TIC‘TiL‘L Lyourmgia, Face-ache, gm: gtlvprtir-rmcu'tfi. Fourth Annual Ccnvéfition: ’ g ‘AX’S COMPOUZVD’ KY‘STOM PEUNDJEFCWM and Colds, is equally serviceable for Horses and (mum .. - Annisced, Sew-73a. Chlorodyne. Articles, Sold Bverywherm Bole Warâ€"KAY 3305.. q’s COMPOUND, awdcmulccnâ€"t leyccturgpt, 1'9: 7001ith and Cglds $100,000 LOAN ‘chai mx (~0an Ir-r yonmzo, and m- ueivufreo, n costlv box at goods \x hich will help you to more tummy right nwu ‘ (,hmr miythimg Mac in this EEUONB Ign's ‘szssmx OF PRIVATE FUNDS TIC 'P‘iL‘L's‘f a specifi'cf‘i'n gin, Face-ache, 65c. AR. RIEI’NL)LDS, b1? Adelaide street, East, To) "*“Y'Bwifimmapéé ‘cment fur Brokenfi Squill. Tom, am»; with r, Toronto 6m: |'- , '. ' .1511. Auglm 1883. i ’ "Far Sumâ€"'1 =wriv'e m fiell'wynn Hm! Mr Homy HIHiPr. glut" Yulfislmry', '“T-hs. ,iui'mmii um- Ihnt h». snfl'urwi frnm n swere form 02' ‘indizelslion for unwde of four years; and flank no mid of doctor's nzelhvine wilhuul i Ihe sliuhN-‘S! benefit. and dercinrr‘s Mother ‘Svizel‘s Syrup .wlhiA-h hergot fwm me has ‘s‘aved his lifv. i . (Sixisd) 'N‘ W'¢bb,.chemm, may k-Mr Whitoyfirflr __ I ,4 .,.,(,x J-‘nhl. G Gould. ‘27 Wlfliigliéfl.i‘hdnvmu ~.- I 'hm‘n ulwny! lqu-I‘ a grid: in!va m in vmn Inwhvhms and Y but» r650hfinvndc-d dwm. 1.5 l have fblxnd'znuxrfii’ 1‘us "uses of I‘m-n {Thin 'IIPSI‘I (moi, VI ' _ l " .Thulpas Chnis'mum “'ISM' "Al‘lfl‘ilflnf‘ *1 find [Tint 11m ll'f-U'e shmdih‘" harms“. l snll more of )‘5'ur int-dwian Than uh; other kind > ' * ‘ " ~’ : has beéxi‘achxeve‘ .mo 1: ii ’11:; noon; ,9 pMained bvv th'é gi’trgd‘ " Sflfmflfngt‘gofgfigfirrhi‘ f Out of 2,000 fiatiancsimqtbd duringrjhegpast . nix V rmouthsfi 11y magi; percqntllmva eon curpd ‘ of this sen lfqrn ‘115 may "i‘lns‘is‘flmm the Tens “at‘nrtling when it: isnfimmbufiqgumt p0; five pm- cant. of patients pm 'outiug t 3e1nflzelv’es to this .3 regular pru’ctitionl‘n’Mezlieheflttod. while tho put- om medicines and ner advqtmfl culreg‘ nqver, rdcord a cure at all. ’Stmil‘in‘g with ’thembmim' , ‘nowgonemlly behaved J hy ‘ the muatg‘xgelieubiflyc, ‘ mbh "that the dise‘uge‘is Vdue_ to thq presauco of living mimsibes inathe‘. “Ssne. Hr'Dixéa" at“ Once :udapted hrsuure to‘ mqir axtemimntipuJ-ftpis uc- cnmplished, he claims the Cutun‘h is‘ prfictica‘lly v'mréd. and the permmmncy i's nnqnmional; as .qurés oflecped by himfounyeurs ugov um pares fstill. No on. ' else has' aVer “Mflfiupt’e‘d to cum VOatanh‘ih‘J in manner, and no 0mg? treatment bun aver? glued GCtarrh. The application of; the 1‘ ramedv is simpleltuid can be done nt‘home, and “he preaent'seus'on of the yen-1‘s the mqu (av: I oumble for I_spged.v nud,permng1'ent remâ€"ye. the rnmjorit~ of cases being cured atone" treatment. | Sufinrem should vc-‘rregpqnd ‘wim J-Messrs‘ A H 1 mXON 6: SON-3‘35 Kim; street, wesm, ‘I‘uronm. ‘ , Canndu. and-enclose staffip fo'r th‘eir'lrémtih on lCfl‘rfll’l’hnâ€"MOHtIQHIASTAB' ff " . n , N Dru-roll, Cl:1:\."§:n1‘wn_â€"4A"I who buy i! nrn his-“sud. nnd rr'oumw-nd i'. ' J s “MLHHL'A P 1“, K'il‘lfit‘d}l'id£l‘.â€" Tle [mth spam in amnvri vw Thair mum \‘nluv A Arms'r-ml. Mmlwl SIN-H. "alum-in annss.â€" h hiriI-t-Il’lexs {M'mft m s‘M’ that your \‘nllmhle nwdi ~iny-s lmvé. grout mh‘ in Illin'dimri(-l’-‘1&u.-: rr- Ilmn‘a’ay other I know of. L'i'xiny grant ‘snlisf’uclmn ' Hth Lfinn. Mn-I chum «41mm wvll ré‘u (:nmnwmi 1h" (‘lnin'irr- Svrupvt'rnm hm‘ing IH'M’I-d é'fi Pffivncs'f‘m' indisN-sfimu "mm-If. Ftincklwiln..Ax-iu‘nulh. Fnlirnrshimn; SOD! '23. 1992 “(‘fll‘ Sinâ€"Lay your I soul‘xnu n hhlu-r rnd’munmlrfing Mmyhrr S-‘igl’lffl Sv'un I 1mm w-rvx" much plmfiurrriu still I-muinu Irmimnny m llw u: \f as: isrnrdm‘y results nf‘flm I'mm-rl Syrup ‘m d'l’lxis. “HF! pawn llif'f1il‘illl“$ fiit} um? willhwme. but. \‘mhm- Feigc-I has hm? u month sale (Ii-0r sim-P I cnnnm-mmd.’ and 5351M iri us L'Ienl dvnwmi as who" I_ fii‘sl homim m KP“ the» nudirhu'. Th:- (‘ums “MPH ‘Im’ve ohms.- un'h’r mv nulicp urt- (-hiv-H\* muse of iiv-fi‘r cr-lm‘l-nim :uori gplwml (Inlrililv. ' _ Lihé u'th'iéf a‘t mg'ht'tt {text’s n‘ yp‘dii‘bs unuwttt-n. "'Mntty'péts'oit’s hw'v )1 ts nbhut' the" cheat andI 'deaf‘tmtdftt-dnmhms 24'}: Hm hack. ., They, I dun; mrd htilt-em :' ,Ihe m0th has a had mate. ._t‘t§[;,t>t:i;tlly; it! the mmning. A fiml of sticky ahth collects {\hnllt the _tt‘t"l]. 'i‘hé v-hppetfl'e' ifl‘ from. 'l'ht-tc' is tt‘fN-ting'likt- ti th‘V} it (my ‘the stn'mm-h : sombtimvfi n“ fiint ‘hl‘lifhtté semi sntion ut the pit 'ot" the 'stnmm'h which t'nnd day‘s no‘t smiafyfl-t'l‘hb en’s'nwmtttkvtt, the hatth and fem h‘remm- CI>lllnltd1flQJC'flmlny After a while n cough sets-hum, first ydry, but after a few mutuh§ it is uttepdett with u gut-Cents)» (‘nlullrvg‘dvtixl octomtjtgttffl'H-tt: afflict: out one facts titfid‘ttllflte‘ whifflfund 'sieep dnes nut seem to‘nfl'ui-d 'ginv rest?“ firm? n litttv- he bt-t-mtws net-'vn'ttd. ‘jtt‘thhhhn It'ttd ghtnmyi 'and htta évil ifnrnhnifiv’tts“.Â¥ ’Thet't‘t 's u gidttiuess. a amt of whiuli‘ngunensatinn _ n th:- nbeiXd-Whl‘" rising~ttn.m~idrqu. Thr- bowels become cns ‘. :V thgsrgin; kidry and hot M‘timn; lheh 'chd hpptti'ttog' thihk mid stagnant : thfiwhflftlfioh the "tyvfi’jbécomp tingndwith yellow; the mitt? i Acitti " and ltigh-(-ntnttted. d‘epe‘w'n'ingnanmfiimmit- ,at‘tor standing. ~Thni~e is Inié‘ttvtttlgth” spitting up of It)? ford. “DHJBIiD)MHWiI;thT stung? tum», and n-gttwtimeqwithL-a sweetish; ,tng‘e : this is_ frrquuntlv at! ndttd. with p l r' ‘ at. n.’ the hmut ; they Qt! hecnmeq‘i‘ ittfd thh 1.1m: ho-{nre the 3's; theréhis n" (feeling 0" yt't‘nl txrnsl'mti i" 'mtd' “fiéhnflé. “All of thosv sym’ntnt'ns 5'tr't-evin‘ itut'n' fitpiettt. It is thought t] at m-mly one-third of nnr pom». Jmimt hug the dt9ffinst‘, m somexofits.._\mt-ied farms It hutt heen ‘ gogndw t},th1 ttwdit-a] man hvwr- "I‘Sttlkt‘tl Ihé tiithtlm'fl’this dis- trasn Scxtne. havfi-‘ahrh'fid‘ it for a: “Y?! complaint. nthPrs t‘rtr kidm-y diseuso, etc. «to . hitt 'tz‘dni-jnt’ the vnv’inui'k'inth“ 'an trmt'r m?!" have“ boty'tt’ ‘ ’tttottdoflf‘with sum-ens tuft-tum» ttm rB'nir-d; hotthl'he “finch: in To act luirmmfimthlf'nprm it,an trite of “wit! OI'L'atts. Mud 'ttpnti'thn. 51m'tt‘xnch‘figfi‘ fun-11"; an .in,.Dt'§ttt-t-sta (anr'Vtfihts IR: ’f-ti's‘tlt’t‘r: wlr‘nt th‘P Q. (Htst-ttéo j!):ti| (if; tit-M: firmina- fut“! kt? (“J1 this dtsvtme tt't'ta tjaqttit-t‘, tt't’fin thhi ’ will vm-t nvmn n” at the' \hnmv Y"ttttttu " Suigpl'g ("mm-iv? Syr'tt'p nets hf“; ‘8; : t-hfirm iti this Mass nt'cnmnhtiu'k, ‘gtt'iug n‘lt‘uus" i'tttmedi’» hté rent-FL "Hip Ifnli'mt m: 19119514 from (-hrim- ists nt'ktht‘ttit’t-g 'in tho t‘m‘ntntmitv “ht-m thew livo. show m 'tt'hnt“ ékti'imttinn the nrtic’e is ht-ld. ’ I, f' ’ ' Juht't'Att'hrr, Hitflllt”: 'twn'tjghrf'fiflht‘ :â€"-‘ I ('1!!! ('«ytlfit'lt-ttl’S'Ctfl‘ltmmitt‘rfit‘tit nll whn‘ may hr Fu’fi'vt'ing from livt‘r“ fir 'atnn'ttt'ch complaints. h‘i'tvt'nz 1",!“ tt‘sfilhmif "hf ntv' t-ttstom'n'rs. who ‘htl\'f“ drt'ifefi 'flrf‘llf h'e‘m-fit ' rmm 'hPSE’Jttpwnnd I’iHs.‘ Thé‘ sale ii inâ€" crp‘tsittg ttvmtdtl'i-Tnllvi. ' f “' . ‘ “no. A Wslth; 141'Ynt'k‘Sttbét. Po'l'fmlt: â€"J hnw sold’tt hit-gt: 'qunntil’t‘. 'nttd the I‘Rt'llt-‘S lmt’e’tostifi‘ed' to its min; \vhnt yutt l’t'prl't‘SPllI it. ~ 7 n ‘ I t lmv" énlwuvs UII'PHY p'lmmui‘o 1""th n’nmmuda inq lhi‘ (‘urutive Swim. (6" l, ‘hin’e uvvt‘r known u cash in ivhichljt h 3! ‘nm "rnlieved m' cur-rd. and] MW" in“! rji 3' L7" I 1-‘(|,1’I;'(;Gl)llld. ‘27 “Ifwlgl'ré'f‘l. cr-lm‘l-nint :ttort gptwml (It‘liilily. A vermin minther in mv .tmighhntltnnd. mu it is the only thing Whit") has iwnefilu ml him nnd H-sImt-d him tn M4 nmnml er)”- dttinn OHM-nit]! flrlF'l‘ IM'ill‘j nnnhlvto mth for n ohtxsidortihle lenith ‘(il"!lntfl. I Could menlt‘onhlsn {grout mm v, other buses hnt symce would not 3th. A'nmu‘ friend pl" rfiiué. whnjii t'nry'mtu'h u-Mt‘vtr-rl "t'n ens:- tiveuecs. 'nr cmtslipttlion,'finfls that 'Mnthm' Svigd'fi Plns'filvt‘f‘llle only with; taWc'tfl suit his (‘OntrilvitlL > ,AJ] 'ntheifi Pil's buns” tt W‘- :1(3li()ll_\\’lli(‘h-"is \‘PIV -Itl\|\0yill‘!. Mother Stxiqel's Pills do’jint 313M? u had nflvri (Am-ct. I huvé much plenattre iutcomnwnd- my main tn. Vsnfl'etit‘ig "libmqnilv Mutlwr Swim-J'smmticmes. whtc’h me no phum. If this letter is ofmi‘y sm-vide yonlmn [tuhllhh it. ' - ' ‘ . “ BROWN’S EOUEHUED PANACIQA " ha"; nb' eqm‘fl 1 for .rc'lievingpflm} haul imiérnulxnm’d external, 1 '1t cures Pain 11) um} ,Side, Back or‘ Iiuwplsh Safe Throat. Rheumatism. “Immune, 'Lu‘umug‘o‘ and any kind; of n l’niudr‘ Achez. (“It ,wiurmost surely.- quickcn tho Blopdyand Heal. as its achingnoyrrm \vonvlelfulflfr “Bhnm's Housnh'old‘f'amucen.”,hé-s i‘n’g nqkupwlgdgedag glhe groutl’aimlleliqver '13: of double the stréugzh of in; hghef' Elixnfl ' , Linimenbiv the wm-ldpnhonld'l'Ze i livery Ifzmnl'y- hm (xv foruse when‘wn‘uted, flag it mully is Lthe, qes rvmedy‘ in ‘th’ga' Wm’lfl “fur (Mnfifif'in “in stomach, and- Puinsggd Aches njjgu, 'ndsfigfigd ‘for‘sng‘pwyf {Hal prugl‘gsts q; gbvcex‘lrt a. bot e an”; GE‘N' ‘ ‘ A Smite~ in'yéstmefifi‘. . Inveéljhjtwgflxi'IJ-fiV'Q cévfls ’fu’rfn bnll’ie pf Hngzynrd‘s-'Peéifio‘ml Buié’anfi" [he he'd! 'ihm'nt 'u’nd_‘1dt"g hmler knnmr. Cures cmulis. hrdn‘c‘h’xl'rs, nslhmh and allupuiunm-y .ury‘ comphintszn Ti .s r. 1- u '3, c'A'rA‘fiR‘H-J NEW” TREATMENT. ," ' I? igh ifme,*'1<im.dal.â€" I -Ym-s very; lru!v, g _.. 7 v (Siznéd) Wm’s (Hassoflwmisl. NJ While, Esq} r ' ' ‘ rte-3 Ant cantor jrgi Ipers'lyxfl‘grlnrg: ccens that; A L4. L4.“ mat i_s This 'Disgasefi‘hatajs ‘ .EQMEIUfiQEEi 1.32%? Q‘ifi’: ' A G F Lurnxxcn 0v 2? th, ISM CONVEYANCEFS, ETC Toronto ()ffic+n:-§1§’[;,',fb’:,Ҥff Richmond Hill ()lficc-{i 18 ng Sirenanst. Toronto. Richmczd Hi] Post Cfflce Every Satuday. Hotels, Taverns um]. Busing-gs. Goumfiéis Bought and Soul I forManufacturingan other purposes. 8 och and Hlnn‘c Brokers. etc, etc. W M Hall. J S Fullurton “ PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN Toronto. May 29th, 1884. _I.A\\'RE.\'CE & MILLIGAN, Barristers. Solicitors. Toronto Jan 9th 1833 HALL, FULLERTON & COOK 0n Suturduys. Many to Loan at Lou-cs: Currant Hales. . GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY I Ferguson, Bain. Gordon 3:. Shipley, Barnaters, Attorneysmt-lmw, thcitors-m- Chuncery. (Ionvevancers, etc, Officesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings. Wellingtonâ€"street, Toronto HOMAS mevsox,Q.C. JOHN MAIN \VM SETUN Gonnox. (£120 F SuerEr Fain) & Other Property, The only Dontistin Tnmuto using Hurds 9.11-- pamtus for ‘fj‘STOCKh . or prawn}: *‘FRAM'ES ,_ Largest Stock 9)? 1 _':F‘ui‘fiiturfle muwgmmas C. P-LlaNNdx, DENTIST l)IREC'.l‘ORS. K‘CHISHOLM, M. P.1’. H.’P.D\VIGH'1‘. Esq, D.»M. MCDONALD, ESQ. C B, ROBINSON, ESQ. A‘MCLEAN H0\VARD, Esq. J‘ emu, Esq. 2Depnsits received and interest allowed thereon M current, rntes. No notice of Withdl‘flWfll re-- Quired Druhs on ullpurtsof Canada, United 5mm and Great Britain bought and sold, Richmond»Hill April 9th, 1884. Etjzmimw, mutants» . ‘ N0’1‘ARIEE4, CONVEYANCERS, { ’OFFICES : 15 York Chambersfi .4 . RICKMOND HILL . SAVING’S DEPAR'FBIENT E Cmu‘swowm. JR. Toronto.1\‘0v 18kb,1384 [)HAIN TILE, 014‘ THE BEST QUALITY AT DAVID BLAINE Esq, Pr’Psidoni. SAMUEL TREES, ESQ., Vice-President. lExir‘aciing Teeth Without Pair. APPLES; \APPlES.“ APPlE-S. CHARLES DONALD & (30., CENTRAL BANK 0F CANADA. FILLINES WARRANTBD P113 Ill Y’S . CALL AND SEE;M~E. IMPORWMf‘ BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8. :They will aisn give the usual f'nciii ties to customurs requiring advances. ‘ London, July 3lst. 1884.â€"9- m Xmas at the P9011163} Sitoffe’. ;79, Queen Slrect, London, E. 0., Will be glad to chrrcspnnd with Apple Growprs, Merchants and Shippers, mth 21' virv’v m Autumn and Spring Busixvaess ALL ., AT , REDUQED HTP‘RICES. BEGHMOHD HILL; tom. antlers 0114' ‘7 '77 531' N I)l(JA.'1‘l£S F()IIP.I E.‘ D Best Material in the Market. Fillmg and all other operations neatly done My Gold Yongc St. Arcade, Toronto. ‘WuLerflr hud’, fill suimblé for We srusm:al,‘bQIllcm~p1')(~es. ' .aelj‘leiG/lflqfiwuf’O v 9 SHIVM'R Bf . d ‘ I 4 I _ I _ A Emrg Uvsua; ‘slhohckvpf ihgu; ,guodsgfl‘ flour ‘ (i'_'b"' , ,,.,. h v .,n COATSWORTH 4'. HODGI NS, MORTIMQiES OBTAINED Sligck of ‘Groc’eries ,nefi and frvsh‘; N:w gynfiéliunfidvafl zspld'ps Chéfip as any, olhvlr Huue'é iu'To DION 1:.Y TO I4OAN. Barristers, Solicitors, 6:0. Offices Warranted to he made from the I‘umnt Rights disposed of ; TORONTO By means of Vitalized Air‘ . - -, V, . "' '.‘ v|v*. ., ..;, ’, 4 ." funnm, be beaten home of Ihe‘uewrsp smut-us m “plumes and’ImJl’m-w CHEMISTS a; DRUGGISTS, Pl 0. Box 2527. J. I. EVANS & CO, No 9‘1 ronto Street THOS NIGHTINGAL {'S, J. M. LAWRENCE, MANAGER Lauder Lune Toronto New Designs '01' Xmixs‘ and New‘ fekr'Qijdg; No. H Building 1% Loan chumben 5,15 Toronto 56. A, A. ALLEN. Cashier. Flux}: E. Honaxxs élv T C MILLIGAX 1y Vila Rear of the Uemml Bum: W Cook ly-pfim This House is one of the Best Hotels to IV: found north of Torontn. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Con'lmcar- ciul Travellers. Good Smbling and attentive host-Jew. Terms, 5] per day. l’roctor'b Bus leaves this Hotel to connect “'idl all the N 11 1c Trains going North and South. at 8 u 111., 2 a. 111., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. ' Thin Hotel [ma benn refnrnislxed, rn'vuvntod, mu} fitted up in first-cth style, and is: now 1116 lending Hotel north of Toronto. T-heybm i: sup- ylied with first-class brand of liquors and cigm‘s. Ixcellent uccummodution {or Connherciul Travellers. and the General Public Good Stub}- inu um] um attentive Hostlcr. Western Canada Loan and-Savings Company OfficeSMNo TU, Church‘street, ’l‘orbnco HON 61-10 W ALLAN, Sexmtor,chaident Gnoicum Goomcmmu : .................. Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plath M P,Alfred Gooder- lxum,‘Geo \V‘Lefvis, T110311 Lee, Hon 1) L RICHMOND HILL. JOIIN POVVELL, l’rop NOTARY PU BLIC; 6:0, RICHA‘IONI) I-{ILIh KONEY T0 LOAN ON FARM SECURITY. THE PALMER HOUS RICHMOND HILI.,_ J Palmer. Prat: G-flflft‘fl BEETML'HfiTEL Macbhex‘son, Seiiixtér MARRIAGE Capim], $1,000,000,- Total Assets, $3,500,000 Mmey net-wed on deposit, and - interest payable huihenny or cmnpounded. .. _...._ P. (at Pulmar 11011578)“ 7 ' Aurora, lsjt. 8th, 16th. and, 22nd do Stouzfville‘ do Markham ...... .. dc Victoria Square do_ Thonlhil] ...... do \: uodbridge . do Kleinburg .. . . do Noblcton .. . . .. . . do Vitulized nir always on lmnd ut the piucns of unpoimnxcnt. It does away with the pa_‘n in extracting _ See our reduced 10an table For {miller infor- mation apply at the omces of the Company" Tlmnkfulfor the Mvors of {To punt yeurs n‘ny still be consulted in any branch of‘tho pro fesm'on, as follows: . ‘ Richmond l-Iill.,. . 91.1) k 2%}: of each memth SAVING’S BANK BRANCH vérline .............. 'Scouts. Each subsequent insertmumer line. 5 cents. Contracts for time- amd space made on amnliou- tin). ' Adv’egbisements withnug written instructions will bu msegted'um found and changed brag 51» 9)“ was” g EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Office, Yonge Street, Richmond Hiél, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptlon:â€"~81()Uper nunnm in advance. When not paid in advance $1 50 Will be charged. Transitory {I‘dvertisementm first insertion,’ THE YUHKfiEBMU BfilY M. H. KEEFLER, Will visit the followingpluces professionally .â€" Uninm‘ille,. .i 13c Mundny of encl)‘ month. Weston, ..9tli and 2151: do Muple,... .. ,. mllilh do Richmun H. . 19th do “loudbridge ....... ‘ ...2.’m1 do Mr Husband will 1);; found in his‘ office, at Newtonbrook. every Saturday, except when Sutuh day falls on the above date. Newtonbrook, June 13th..|883. l-‘ly , Artiflcvl Teethmpper or under. $51-00. Pain» loan extracting by use of Ethorized Air. The only firm in the Dominion executing first-class work at the above nice. G. I-T. H USBAND, L. D. S RIG-GS! as. IVORY, SURGEON ngrls'rs, ‘ , 208 Queen. St. West, Toronto VITALIZIED, Am 2 v 0,; rkomusor'ai‘ Richmond Hill, April 3rd, 1864 M. TEEFY, The- York Herald. WALTERS LEE, DENTIST, NE WTONBROOK. ONT. (WM MON/2' Y ’l'() 140;! N. .»AND ISSUEB 0Fâ€" SURGEO‘A DENTIST, AURORA PUBLISHED BY 91.1: (e 24th pf each month Reserve Fund, $450,600 LICENSES, Mnnngm Ms & fiintment This incomparable Medicine h :13 secur- ed for itself an imperishable run“, Ihrouglmutthe \Vorid for the afleviarion and cure of' most diseases to which humanity is heir. Rurify, regulate apd improye the quality of B «will, rT'ilOnyESlbt t‘u » ‘ STOMACH AND ,BOWELS, .qn 49 (uses we organs. clean! increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace tho nervous a stem, and throw into the clrenla- tion the yarn Ab Elements for sustaining dud rcpdlt‘lug the frame. Thousands of persons have testified that bv lheic “30 ahme they h:qu been rest‘med In health-and siren-11h, after every othEI' means had proved unsuccessful. Mnnnfnc’rnrml only at Prof‘ess 0r I'lu-lluwuv’s Establishment 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON mud mm at m. 11.11.. 25. 9a., 45. fid., 115., 2'2. and 333 onchBox and Pat, and in Canada at 36 abuts, Mcr:n!s,m1d $1.5ilcm1ts,mud the large’ aims in Uronoriifin. Momber Conege of Physician! Fa Surgeons. (LATE or b'ioUI‘I-W‘ILLE.) ‘ _ . ~_ OFFICE HOUBS,â€".From 8.9010 n, uL, 5 to 8 p. m 4 - “mum: on Worth their ZVeight in Gold 1'! will bu found invaluable in every Household LI the cure of Open Sores. 111ml Tuuvlnrs. Coughs, Sm-o Thruzmtq.Bronchitis, and all diam-d eras of the 'I‘hront and Chest, 11:3 :le0 Gout, ‘ Rhou mntism. Scrufqu and otuer kuld of skin dwenses _ CM'nnNâ€"l have rm Agent in the United Stan's. nor are mv Medicines sum there. l’nr‘~‘:nser5 situuial therefore look to the lube] on i111: l’ols aw] Rnxes If the :u‘idtess is tml. 532i ()xt'm'd Stgeet, London limv m": SLW'i-"x'fi ‘ The 't‘rmle Marks of my \fndir‘h gi‘sserm} 11) Ottawa, And {1113-} m. \mengwn, Signet“. y THOMAS IIOLZ‘NVA}. 33 0mm W.’London. ' ‘ ' BAD LEGS. OLD \VOUNDS. CULD‘S, M. C. 1‘. & S... 0111, Two .Yem‘s Resident” ASsistant Surgeon to Toronto'Geneml Hospital, Office (ma Rusi:lence,~0nc door south of PO. OFFICE nouns-:3 to 10 u_m,&12 to 2 p m 'I‘homhill Feb 11th, 1583. 3 Members College Physicians 6:: Surgeons. Residence, thge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1882. 1y R. B. Orr, M. B. and FirSt Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. I" S. Ontario. L 8 AL, Englnnd (Late 01' London, Burundi Surgeon, Etc. 80mm: Hours 8 to 930 a.m., and l to 2.30 pxm. . THORNIIILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto‘ University, I)“. VV. J. V’VILSON, DR LEWIS G. LANGSTAFF .I ML JAMES LANGSTAFF: John McDonnM, 1594. 0.11. Campiwen. 1?:qu Hun. Se‘uatm'McMust‘cx’ A, M. Smith, Esq.' . James Matcult‘a, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, .1). Loans made on security of Company's Policy at ‘ 5 p9: nentintero t. > “H L Lounsumdo human-h Trustees, at a low rate 0 “interest. ' Sendsfor prospectus. I.‘A.W. Agsarmce' Soc’y ' OF'anfion, England. ‘ " Sir-Wm 'M'cAz-t'hu-c.‘ K C M G, M, , VP, rX-LOl‘d Mayor of London, President. ' M r _ W W Bayn‘es;Esq.F Infiecretary "Roselve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 ‘ ' v Ann-UM Incunc.’ . . . . . 1.600.000 x Inwanâ€"d i: Cunu‘du. . . L‘Z‘JO‘OOO rbemh chums paid '1 L. 10,000,000 'J'mmsn) {pm-turmcus Richmond H111, Oct, mm. as Yonge, Street, Richmond HIII. BIL/0U3NES‘S, D YC’PEPSIA, I."""!G£€7/0.“.’, JA g2? 3/55. [.7 WIPE-1,43, mmgss 0; THE am, from { cm}. .5 CF} moan; 'i’. EILQURH & 60.. mm MEDALIST TCRONTO UNIVERSI by 'n‘w. r, «.mm A twp. v urn-r George ER. ORR, MAPLE, Sec. 6; Treus'. for Canada! ‘ 16 King St, East, Toronto Dec lat ’u'sa gamma. A D PERRY. LIFE . mfzingi weeps r, ' rwrmm'a THE mommy, win/£88 OF THE any, OF THE HEART, CID/TY 0F ‘ Pm. . prltc‘ Langstafi’, lazur: TcRéNTO.

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