That clever hint about Cyril Wentworth had the intended eï¬eet on the nervous invalid. All her old tears of Cyril Went. werth'were reawakened. A longing desire took possession at her to have her daughter married oï¬ safely out of the fortune- hunter‘a reach. In her sudden anxiety she would have St. Leon and Beatrix married that moment by telegraph it osaible. She infected her husband with all er own fears, and both concurred in the opinion of Mrs. Le_Roy_ that delays were dangerous. So ailetter wefxt hastily Hack to Eden tul_1_of g_ood_tid_inga to the_dwell_era therg. The Gordon’s approved and even advo- oated Mrs. Le Roy’s plan. They wrote to their daughter, and recommended her to shorten the term of her lover’s probation, regretting that the state of her mother’s health made it desirable for her to remain where she was yet awhile longer. The let- ter was ï¬lled with such warm, parental love and advice that Laurel involuntarily wept over it. A generous check for her Parisian trouseeau was inolosed. This the young girl put carefully away. _ _ So,tollowlng that fate, she went reck- lessly on in her strange career. Three weeks later she was no longer Laurel Vane, was Laurel Le Roy, almost forgetting in her wild happiness her enemy’s threat, 'f Who breaksâ€"pays 1†“ I shall never use it," she said. “ Gold could not tempt me to sin. It is love that has made me had and wicked, but I can- not draw back now. I shall marry St. Legn Le Roy. It is fate.†They were crossing the wide Atlantic Ocean, and every one said that there never had been ï¬ner weather or a pleasanter trip. They had no rough winds the whole voyage. The calm, sunny blue sky hung over an ocean as beautifully blue and almost as calm. IZl‘he foamy white-ceps of the waves were almost as fleecy and pure as the snowy little clouds that sailed through the sky. The beautiful shining-winged sea- birds were a source of beauty and delight to every one. Every day was warm and sunny, every night was moon-lighted and balmy. No one had expected such perfect weather in October. Days came in which Laurel almost tor- got the long, dark, threatening shadow that lazplways just aheqd of her. Forever after those two weeks remained in Lnurel’s memory like 9. beautiful dream, tadeless and ineï¬aceable. For that little time she was perfectly secure. She knew no one on the steamer, no one knew her. Her husband was perfectly devoted to her as she was to him. They spent long, happy days together on deck, never weary of each other’s society. They talked to each other by moonlight, their talk otten drifting into poetry, which is the most natural language of love. They made some acquaintances, but they did not seek other society. They were all in all to each other, The girl-wife could not ï¬nd it in her heart to repent of what she had done. It appeared to her that she had been made for him, and he _for‘ her, judging by their mutual love. Certainly a. change for the better had been eflected in St. Leon Le Roy. Hie dark eyes were no longer cold and cynical, but beamed with love and happiness The mocking smile no longer curled his lips. They were sweet and gentle. His voice rang with tenderness instead of sarcasm. His hatred and distrust for all women because Maud Merivele had deceived him was gradually dying out. He believed that his bride was an angel. When the awaken- ing came, it was all the more bitter because he.ha.d believed in her so truly. Laurel was as lovely as a dream in those honeymoon days. Her face glowed with happiness, her dark eyes lost their sombre, brgding shadow, an§l_ sparkled like stars. Till each quick breath and in a sigh Of happy langour. Now alone, We lean upon some graveyard stone, Uncheered, unkissed. my heart and 1. She would not think of that nearing future much. She gave herself up to the delights of the present. She was the most fondly worshipped wife in the world. When they went to Paris, he loaded her with costly gifts, splendifi dresses. grieeless jewels. _ " Nothing is too costly or too ï¬ne for you, my little love,†he answered. taking her in his arms and kissing the beautiful face over and over. “ You will need all these things when you get into society. When we go home. we will spend our winters in New York, and the women in society there dress like queens. I shall want you to be the ï¬nest of them all, as you are decidedly the most beautiful.†CHAPTER XXVI. When they went to England, Laurel wondered a little tearfully it they should meet the Wentworths. She knew that they were in London, and the thought of The passengers said that Mr. Le Roy‘s young bride was a perfect beauty. When she walked on deck in her soft, ï¬ne, white cashmere dresses, with a crimson scarf about her shoulders, diamonds blazing in her small, shell-like ears, and her splendid burnished golden hair flying like 9. banner of light on the gentle breeze, no one could keep from looking at her, no one could keep from envying St. Leon Le Boy the posses- Ilsion 0! so much beauty, and sweetness and ove. Laurel had never known that she was beautiful until St. Leon told her so. It was a. new delight to her. Some faint hope came to her that by that beauty she might hold his heart, even when he found her outâ€"even when he knew her at her worstâ€"en impoetor who had masqueraded under a. false name, and so won him. She had read that " beauty is lord of love,†and she prayed that it might prove so to her in her dark hourâ€"that hour always just a little aheud at her, when she should moan : So tired, so tired, my heart and 1! Though now none takes me on his arm To fold me close and kiss me warm “ I hope it will be a. long time before we return to New York,†she said almost pet- ulantly, “ I like Europe better than America." “ You are a most disloyal subject 0! the United States,†he laughed ; “ but. you shall stay as long as you wish, my darling.†“ I do not know how I shall ever be able to wear all of these splendid things; they are too ï¬ne to: me," she said to him almost afraid ot herself in the midst of this aplenâ€" did paraphernalia. He wondered why the fair [we grew so pale, why his young wife shivered in his arm}! and ghoqgegi her pyes fromihiis. THAT BEAUTIFUL RIVER. Loving hearts will quiver, Though no tempest blow- Gallant ships have foundered When the breeze was low. Sailor lads ere ï¬ckle, Changing like the wind; Nelly’e lover far away Another love may ï¬nd. Bonnie Nelly standing At the open door, Shapely shadow falling On the sanded floor. Young and fair is Nelly, Yet her eyes are amiâ€" N elly‘a absent lover Is a sailor lad. Nelly, ï¬e! thus doubtingâ€" Suilor lads are true; I can see a. gmlant barque Breast the billows blue. I can hear her anchor chain Battling o’er her sideâ€" I see a sailor leap ashore, Outstripping time and hide Nelly, woman, hasten, Put on your freshest gown, A sailor lad is coming up The road that’s from the town; He’s looking for a place he loves, A little garden stile, A little homely cottage door. A little laasie’s smile. 0h. faithful sailor laddie, A king might envy thee! For such a. welcome home as thine I’ll gladly cross the sea. CHAPTER XXV. All Idyl. coming upon them was not pleasant. She did not think that Beatrix Wentworth would approve of what she had done. and she recalled Clarice Wells’ threat with an unogntrollable shudder. It had been so v1v1 . “Jivwould betray you even in front of the altar 1†had Bald the maid. “But then,†said the trembling young bride to herself, “ there was no likelihood that they would do so.†London was a great wide city. They might stay there for years, and never stumble upon these people of whom her guilty conscience made her feel so horribly afraid. Deoidedly the thought of stumbling upon the Wentyv’drths wags pot pleaapht. Again, she remembered that Cyril Went- worï¬h was here on business, she and her husband in quest of pleasure. Their ways lay far apart. There were no mutual aims and pursuits to bring them together. It was decidedly unlikely that they should meet. But some one has cleverly said that “The most unlikely things always hap- peg-l†‘ They had been in London several weeks, patiently “doing†all the wonders of that wondertul city, when one day Mr. Le Roy took his wife to the famous art gallery. She had developed a perfect passion for ï¬ne pictures and statues, and he knew that she would be charmed with the works of the old masters that were gathered in this famous galleryâ€"the Titians, Murrillos, Guidos, Raphaelsâ€"all the glorious men who, by brush or chisel, had handed down their name to an immortal tame.‘ It was a. bright“ day in December. The sun was shining, for a. wonder. in murky. foggy London, irradiating its usual “ pee- soup†atmosphere. St. Leon was delighted that the sun shone so brightly. He knew that it would show the pictures to still greater advantage; and he liked for his darling to. have all her pleasures at their best. ‘ Looking at Laurel you would never have guessed that until a few months ago she had lived in cheap lodgings with her erratic father. and tended their poor rooms with her own little white hands. She looked as dainty and lovely as a little princess now, as she tripped along by the side of her handsome, stately husband. The day was cold. although the sun shone so brightly, and Laurel was wrapped in a long cloak of shining seal-shin, with a pretty cap of the same perched jauntin on her head, its long brown ostrich plums drooping against her long golden curls, contrasting with their lovely tinge,which must have been a favor- ite shade with the old masters, for St. Leon observed that they had painted it on the heads of their most beautiful women. “ There is not a picture on the walls half so lovely as her living face,†he said to himself, exultently, looking at the fair flower-face with its full crimson lips, its oval outline, its wine-dark eyes with such wealth of jetty lashes softly fringing them, and the soft bright fringe of love~looks, shading the low, white brow. The splendid diamond solitaires in her rosy ears flashed and sparkled with every turn of.the restless little head. and were wondrouely becoming to her style. It was no wonder that St. Leon’s eyes turned often from the changeâ€" less canvas to dwell in fondest admiration on the living face full of the glow and flash and sparkle of youthful beauty and hap- piness. He told her that she was more beautiful than the pictured faces on the walls, and her eyes flashed with joy, and her face flushed rosily. She was so glad of the fair- ness that God had given her, she never wearied hearing about it. It was the link by which she hoped to hold her husband when he found out the truth about her. She often asked herself anxiously which would be the stronger in the terrible hour â€"his love or his prideâ€"bub she could never answer her own question. She loved Sb. Legh, but she did_not yet_under§ta.nd hi1_n. They were standing in front of a. semph- its-looking Madonna, when suddenly he touched her arm, and whispered in her ear: She turned her beautiful, happy face from the picture toward the group who had just come up to themâ€"a. young lady and gentleman with a. trim maid following after, some rich, warm wraps over herlarm. They were Cyril Wentworth, his wife, and her maid Clarice. “ I beg you: pardon for naming in. 0! course, you know best, Mrs. Wentworth," replied discrete Clarice, dropping the augjreot. “ Some others are waiting to look at this, dear. Let us move on.†' “ No, not now. What do you take me for, Clarice ? Do you think I would betray sweet little Laurel. to whom I owe all my happiness? cried Beatrix, indignantgly. The beautiful smile from on Lsurel’s lips as she met their startled gaze. She uttered a. moan like one dying, and all in a moment fell senseless on the floor. “ I beg your pardon. That might have been the case at ï¬rst, but it was not likely to last,†said the maid, pursuing her argg- ment with the freedom of a favorite. “I do not believe Miss Vane’s antipathy lasted long. He was very handsome and fascinat- ingâ€"just the man to win the love of an innocent young girl I And he admired her, I am sure of that, Mrs. Wentworth. And believing her to be his equal in wealth and station, what was to prevent their marry- ing it they loved each other ?â€_ “ And you will write to them? The plunge has to be made some time. As well now_§s ever,†urged lbs maid. “Iam afraid Miss Vane has laid her planato marry Mr. Le Roy. Why else should she have wished to remain at Eden 7†ButrBeatrix, who was' very fond of the lovely girl who had made such 9. sacriï¬ce, for her sake, would not believe it. “ She was a dear, good, honest child,†she said. “ I had hard work to persuade her to p‘ersonate me for a little while. Her exaggerated notion of gratitude was all that tipped the scale in my favor, allowing a. little for her romantic pity for two despair- ing lovers. I am sure she would not attempt an intrigue_at her own_ risk.†“ But Laurel was not in love with Mr. Le Roy. She was afraid of him. She wrote me to that effect,†objected pretty Beam-ix, ï¬xing her large blue eyes surprisedly on Clarioe’s sober face. “You are very clever, Clarice, but I am afraid you are making mountains of mol 3. hills,†Beatrix Wentworth answered,’ lightly. How could they marry without papa and mamma’s consent? Beatrix Gordon would have to return to New York and be married from her father’s house. And how could little Laurel Vane, with her big black eyes and innocent soul per- sonate me to my own parents? Do you not see that your theory wouldn’t hold water, Clarice, as Cyril would say in his lively way.†Clarice was silenced but not convinced. “ Anyway, I wish I had not left her there," she said. “ My conscience would be all the clearer. But, Mrs. Wentworth, don't you think. that you should write to your parents now and confess what you have done, and beg them to forgive you for your naughty conduct and runaway mar- riage ‘1" Two crystal drops brimmed over Mrs. Wentworth’s blue eyes and splashed down upozl her pink qheeks. "‘ Dear papu, dear mamma, it was naughty and wicked to desert them so,†she said ; “ but they were too hard on Cyril and me. I loved him so dearly. I could not bear 1t. But I loved them too ; and although Cyril makes me so happy, my heart aches for the dear ones at home." More than once, since they came to Eng- land, Clarice Wells said, anxiously to her mistress : “ Onewrisks a. great deal for love’s sake,†said Clarice Wells. “ You would know that_by y_our egperienoe, Mrs.»Wenthv9r§lg." They had discussed the matter several CHAPTER XXVII. times,each retaining her own opinion of the matter on the wellnknown principle that Beatrix, like most adoring young wives, who oouï¬de all ï¬hey know to their hus- baggalaid ye: grle‘vsmoe before Gy_ril. The handsome, happy young Benedict- humbly begged his wife’s pardon for coin- ciding with Clarioe’e views rather than here, but he could not be shaken from his ï¬ rat opinion that the romance of the conspir- acy would culminate in the marriage of St. Leon Le Roy and Laurel Vane. " It would be'» a. ,dengmtul ending," he sum-Llaughiqg at hp: hor1:i§ied‘tape._ “ ButiI tell you it would not," she said, emphatically. “ It would be just too dread- ful for anything. and I will not believe it of sweet little Laurel Vane l†“ I hope she may justify your .good opinion, mydeah?’ ’said Cyril Wenbworth, dryly, but kissing her fondly: and loving her all the more to: her: boundless faith in her fellow woman. But they dropped the subject then. and it any one speculated further on Laurel Vane’e hopee‘and plans it passed in silence. Beatrix was too generous to believe evil of the innocent girl who had served her in her )elever counterplot egam’st her parents. She loved Laurel for all she had done tor her. When the shock of the truth came upon her it was all the harder to bear because of the loving faith she had persist- ently cherished._ That bright December day Cyril weht home to their neat, pretty lodgings arid annguqoed that _he had _a. holiday. 7 7 “ It is such a. lovely day, I should like to take you out somewhere, darling," he said, smoothing the bright waves of he: golden hair with oat-easing ï¬ngers. “ You know it is not often that I have the chance to escort yon anywhere in the day.†- The); discussed duly "the important sub- ject of where to go, and decided on an art gully}. Both aggred piptures. r They were unusually gay. Beatrix had been pining a little of late under the depressing influence of the rainy, dismal weather. The bright sunshine revived her ,epirite and brought the warm pink roses to her cheeks. She laughed and chatted geyly to her delighted huebnnd. v Clarice dressed her mistress in her silks and furs and decided to follow the party with extra. wraps for her mistress in case the day should prove colder than they thought, and in order to gratify her own penchant for sight seeing. - No thought came to them of the great surprise that awalted them in the famous art gallery. They went forward to meet it all unconsciously, even as Lnurel awaited their coming among the pictures and statues, all unconscious of what was heat- ening to her. “ They loitered in the gallery and admired the beautiful paintings and statues, all the work of master hands long since dissolved to dust. They saw only two persons beside themselvesâ€"a lady and gentleman with their faces turned toward the beautiful painting of 9. Madonna. The lady had golden hair that was strangely familiar to Beatrix and Clarice, but then. many of the Englishwomen had golden hair. Each said to herself that it was only fancy that it reminded them of Laurel Vane. So they went on slowly and uncon- sciously, and the handsome man and beau- tifg! girl turnqd around apd faced them. They saw the young face whiten with fear, heard the frightened moan break from the trembling lips. saw her reel diz- zily, and fall like a. stone at their feetâ€"and they knew that it was Laurel Vane, that St. Leon Le Roy was her husbandmnd that her wretched falsehood had found her out I No one could havé believed that Mrs. Wentworth’a gentle face could grow so hard and cold. " Do not look at me so sternly and coldly. Mrs. Wentworth," she cried. “ You sent me them}; Are you not to blame '2†Mr. Le Roy, turning in the same moment with his wife, saw two feces that he :eoogr nizedâ€"Cyril Weutworth’s that he had seen once in New York, and Clarioe’e which he remembered perfectly well. Beatrix he did not know. He glanced at he: carelessly. little thinking what an influence the pretty blonde had exerted over his life. Then suddenly she let the shielding hands fall from her burning face, and looked at Beatrix. No one spoke for a moment, then Clarice asked, slowly : “ Did you deceive him to the end 5’†“ To the bitter end I" ahuddered Laurel, in a hollow tone. “ You have betrayed me 1" she said, in a. faint, almost dying, tone. Beatrix seemed incapable of speech. Clarice answered, coldly: “ We have said nothing yet I†Then she contjnued, gravely : “ Yes, I am his wife," Laurel answered, faintly. And she tore her hands from Beatrix, and covered her face with them. A pang of jealousy, keen, swift and terri- ble as the lightning‘a flash tore through his heart as he beheld his worshipped bride waver and fall, like _one dead, to the floor. . A touch of color came into the blanched face. She turned her dark, frightened eyes up t_o_ thqir 001d imam "Miss 'Vane, 'are’you Mr. Le Roy’s wife?" He believed that the mere sight of Cyril Wentworï¬h’s face had produced that terrible emotion that had stricken her down like a broken flower at their feet. He oBeyed her like one in a dream, and the moment he was gone quick-wihted Clarice borrowed Mrs. Wentworhh’s vina- igrette. At that moment Laurel ahivered and opened her eyes. She saw herself sup- ported in Clarioe’s ï¬rms, while Beatrix, kneeling by her, ohafed her small hands. They saw her glance wander past them yearningly, and a. moan of pitiful despair came from her white lips as she missed the face she sought. " You fairiied, and Mr. Le Roy has gone out for some eaufle‘C’ologne," said the maid. For an instant he stood motionless, almost petriï¬ed by his agitation, then he bent down over the beautiful face that only a moment ago had been lifted to his spark- ling aud glowing with love and happiness. It was pale and rigid now, and the jetty fringe of the lashes lay heavily on the white cheeks as if they would never lilt again from the sweet darl; eyes. _ Quick as he was, light-footed Clarice was before him. She was kneeling down loosen- ing the furs and laces about the throat of the uncenscious girl with deft ï¬ngers. She looked_up aï¬ hing my. ptrange glance. “ It is 'only a. faint,†she 3833. v“ but she may be some time in recovering. You had beggar go cut] end lying eau _de Oohgne." “J only sent him on a. pretext," she said. “ We must get her revived before he returns. Mr. Wantworth, will you please remove her gloves and chute her hands? No, perhaps your wife might do it better,†she added, with a. quick afterthought. “ IE is â€"Laurel Vane,†he said, and Beam-1x answered, “ Yes,†in a dazed tone, while the maid supplemented quickly, “ Or rather Laurel Lghon’ Beatrix had been clinging to her hus- band‘s arm, staring like one dazed at the strange scene. She knelt down and drew off Laurel’e dark kid gloves and chafed the delicate, dimpled, white hands. She saw a broad gold wedding-ring on the slender ï¬nger of one small hand, guarded by a keeper of magniï¬cent diamonds and rubies. All three looked signiï¬cantly at one another, and Clarice said. woman-like, to her mistress : “ Mrs. Wentworth, I told you so." Cyril could not repress a light laugh as he stood gazing down upon them. His keen perception told_him the truth. Laurel Vane had so bitterly betrayed the A woman convinced againsh her will 18 of the same opinion still. CHAP TER XXVIII. trust she reposed in her that she did not knov: how to_torgive herzd “ Do not charge me with your folly, your madness 1" she cried, indignantly. ' " My sin was bad enoughâ€"but yours is beyond pardon. How dared you, Laurel Vrme, marry_the _prppd, r_ioh Sb. Leon Le Roy ‘1â€: "I'loved~ birdâ€"he loved me I†moahed the wrejohgd yoqqgï¬ride. "‘ And what will become of his love now when he learns the truth '2" queried Beatrix, with stinging scorn. Cyril hastily interposed. ' “ Do not be hard on her, Beatrix. She was kind to I15. Be kind to her. See. she is algost brpken-henrted by your scorn_l‘_’ u Laurel looked at the handsome, kindly face. It was full of sympathy and pity, not hard and angry like the women’s laces, Her despairing heart ï¬lled with new hope. She clasped her hands, and looked at him WitlLdtn'k, appealing eyes. , “ Yea, I’pitied you, I helped you to your love,†she said, pleadingly. ‘5 Will you let them rob me of. mine? Will you let them beï¬rgyfme ‘2†»' Alfthe pity in his heart, all his manly compassion, was stirred into life by her words and looks. ‘ “ We love each other,†she went on, pathetically. __ “We love each other even as you and your wife love. Do not come between us yet! Let us be happy a little longer 1 _ “ Beatrix, you hear,†said Cyril,bending down to take his wife’s hand in his OWn. “ They love even as we love, deer, Can you bear to part themâ€"to betray her ? ~Sheis little more than a. child. You will Break hemheert. The beginning of it all lies with us.» Do we not owe her our pity at leastâ€"our pity and our silence?" “Your silence is all I ask," cried the culprit, eagerly. “ The end will come soon enough. Let me have a little respite. Tell me where to ï¬nd you to-morrow. Mr. Le Roy has an engagement out then, and I will come to you. I will tell you how it all heppenedl I will beg for your pity on my bended knees l" I She began to weep passionately. Beatrix could not hear those bitter team. She drew_out her carQâ€"gase hgaï¬ily. _ “ Here is my address,†she said, “ come to me to-morrow, and tell me the whole story. I can judge better then what is best for me to do." ‘ She did not pity Laurel much. She felt angry with her for her presumption in marrying one so far above her as Mr. Le Roy. And then the folly, the madness of it. She could not understand the mad love that had driven Laurel. step by step, into her terrible position. “ Mr. Le Roy is coming. Do not let him suspect anything wrong,†said Cyril, balmy. He'turned with a smile’ to meet the hanggom}, 91943915: gentlgmgtn.“ “ Mr. Le Boy, I am Cyril Wentworth," he said, genially. “ Permit me to assure you that your wife 13 quite recovered, and to present you to my w1feâ€"Mrs. Wentworth.†“ Married !†said St. Leon to himself, with a. start, and a quick glance at Beatrix. He bowed to her gracefully, then hurried to his wife’s side. “Iloved him, Mrs. Wentworth. That is all my defence. Call me weak, cowardly, “ You are better, Beatrix 7" he said, anxiously. and they all saw his passionate heart looking out of the beautiful eyes he bent on he: pale and tear stained face. And she could not tell him that it was true. It was a. part of her punishment that this dark shadowâ€"the thought that her ï¬rst love had been given to anotherâ€" nhould never be lifted from his life. She, knew that it was a. pain to his jealous nature, but her lips were sealed. Some day he would know the truth, she said to her- self bitterly, but then it would come too late for hlï¬ happiness. “ Yes, I am better, thanks to the good- ness of Clarice and her mistress,†she taluered. “ You must thank them for their kindness to me, St. Leon, and take me awgyfi He obeyed her request in a. few courte- ous words, bowed to the party, and led his wife away, outwardly cool and collected, but on ï¬re with jealous pain.‘ “ My God 1 why did she marry me, then? was in ï¬g: weaphpnd posigipn ‘g†She clungâ€"to him in a. sort of nervous terror and few. “ She loves Him atili! She fainted at the bare mghï¬ of h1m!â€he muttered to himself. The bitter doubt téte his heart likes. knife. An unconscious coldness grew up in his heart toward her. He placed her silently in the carriage, and, springing in beside her, gave himself up _u_o bit'.1aer_refleuzajaipnxa1 ‘_ “ Forgive me, darling, for doubting you,†he said, repentantly. “ It was because I love you so deorly, and I have always been so absurdly jealous of Cyril Wentworth. I would give anything upon earth to be able to say that you never loved any one but The carriage whirled them away to their hotel, and as it rattled over the streets Laurel watched her husband’s cold grave face with wonder. He had never heard her speak with such passion before. Her love had been like a. timid bird brooding softly in her heart, too shy to soar into the sunlight, but the words burst from her now eloquent with her heart’s emotion, and made sacred by the burning drops that fell from her eyes. He could not but believe her. The jealous misery fled irom his heart as he clasped her in his arms and kissed the trembling rosebud mouth. “ What is it, St. Leon ?" she asked him, slipping her arm timidly in his. “ Why do you look so grave ?†“ I am puzzled,†he answered. “ Over what, St. Leon ‘2" asked the beau- titulAgirl. In eame over her like a. flash. that he was jealous of Cyril Wentwornhâ€"ot Cyril Wenhworbh, whom she had never beheld until tic-day. Hot tears of pain and humiliation gathered in her eyes and splashed heavily dow1_1_her_pa.l_e cheeks. " I am not perfect, St. Leon,†she said, “ and life is not all sunshlne. Some day the heavy, lowering clouds of late will pour out their blinding rain upon our heads. You may believe many hard things of me then. St. Leon, but you may be sure of one thing always. dear. I love you now and I shall love you forever, with the maddest, deepest passlqn a woman’s heart can cher- ish l" “ Over your fainting spell,†he answered, moodily. “ You told me you had ceased to love Cyril Wentworth, but at the bare sight of him you fell like one dead. What am I to think, Beatrix ?†7 How she longed for him to know the truth, to tell him that she had never loved mortal man save him whom she called her husband 1 But it was one of the pains and penalties of her position that she could not confess to St. Leon. He must go on believing that her ï¬rst pure love had been lavished on another, must go on doubting her, for his looks and words assured her that the ï¬rst seeds of jealousy had been sown in his heart. She clasped her hands arbund his arm. and looked up to him with dark, pathetic eyes: “ Oh, SE. Leon, you do not, you cannot, believe that I love him stil! ?†phe sighed. " Why. then, your agitation at that chance meeting ?" he inquired. †I was startledâ€"only that," she answered. “ It was like seeing a ghost. And you must remember there was Clarice, too. I assure you I was more startled at the sight or her than by Mr. Wentworth. It was a nervousness. agitation, fright, what you will, St. Leon, but not love. No, no, no, not love I I love you only, my hus- band. You are the life of my life I" CHAPTER XXIX. CHAPTER XXX. wicked, it you will; but I could not put the temptation from me. Think what all my life had beenâ€"how dull, how gad, how lonelyl Was it easy to put away‘ happi- ness when it came to me in so tau-a. guise ?" _ The white hands were clasped implor- ingly. the dark eyes were lifted pleadineg as the and words fell from Laurel’e lips. Beatrix Wentworth and Clarice Wells, her judges and accuser-e, looked gravely upon the tortured face of the culpritâ€"the fmreet culprit that was ever arraigned for sin. _ “ Do you call it happiness 7†said Beatrix Wentworth. “ I should not think you would know one happy hour, living on the verge of a volcano that: may destroy you at any, moment. I should think that your sorrow and repentance would almost kill you.’_’ “But 1 do not repent!" cried Laurel desperately. “I shall never repent while I remain with St. Leon. I am too happy. in spite of ,my fears, for sorrow orflrepent- enoe. Wheh I am horn away from him, when I haVe lost his love, then I shall repent, hhen I shall understand the depths of my dreadful ain ; but never before I†' ‘ They looked’at her in wonder. They gould not understand her. Surely she was madâ€"the glamor of passion had obscured be: reason! " And when the end:oomes -â€"when he has put you from himâ€"Wham will you do than, poor_qhild_l," _aa}s_ed_]‘3e§.tri;, slowly.†» ' “ThenI shall die," thé beaï¬tiful girl angwqredï¬egpairipgly » _ ‘ . And again they did not know what to say to her.‘ She had no thoughts outside of this low that she held by so alight a thread. She could see nothing beyond it but death. Beatrix could not help feeling vexed with her. She loved her young hue- band with 8. fond, romantic love, but she could not comprehend the madness of Lau- rel’s devotion. ' “ It is not so easy to die, Laurel," she said, impatiently. " You are a women now, and you must not answer me like a. child. Your sin will ï¬nd you out some day, and you will perhaps be cash adrift; on the world. You should have some plans formed for that time.†There was a moment’s silenoe; then Lang}! Enurmqred, trembling!y : “ St. Leon loveh meâ€"péiï¬mps he will for_g_ive_ me.†. And the mistress and maid looked at each other in silence a. moment. They did not know how to deal with this nature. Both wondered in themselves it St. Leon Le Roy would indeed forgive her falsehood. They did not think so. 'Glarioe gave an nudlble sigh from her oorpeg. Besatrix murmured, “ Poor 0111111 I†Béatrix toyed nervously with the bassels of hgr pnlglbluo: morqipg dress. “Laurel,†she said, after a. moment, “ Clarice and I have formed a plan for you, We do not want to betray you to your husband. We think it would be better'it you aonfessed the truth to him yourself." (To be continued.) A committee of the United States (Jon- greaa hasreported favorably a Bill to pro- hibit aliens Bind foreigners from acquiring or owninglanda within the United States. The police system of Mexico is admirable. At every street corner there is a patrolman, night and dayâ€"not a patrolman, either, for he never moves. He stands‘like astatue during the day. occasionally leaning against a lamp-post, and answers inquiries With the greatest urbanity. Whenever there is a row two or three policemen are instantly present, and it their clubs cannot suppress it they use revolvers. At night the police- man bringsalantern and a blanket. He sets 'the lantern in the middle of the street, and all carriages are compelled to keep to the right of the row of lanterns, which can be seen glimmering from one end of the street to the other. As long as people are passing he stands at the corner, but when things quiet down he retires to a neighboring doorway, wraps his blanket around him and lies down to pleasant dreams. As all, the windows of the City of Mexico have heavy prison-like gratings before them, and all the doors are great oaken affairs, that could not be knocked in without a catapult, as there are never any ï¬res, and everybody goes to bed early, the policeman’e lot is usually a happy one. He is numerous because of revolutions and because the Government always wants to know what is going on. Blade from Almost Anything and Used in Almost Evervlhing. The National Dr’llggist says: At the request of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue of the United States a committee of the National Academy of Science was appointed, consisting of professors of Uni- versity of Philadelphia, Yale College, Columbia College. Harvard College and John Hopkins University, the purpose being to scientiï¬cally investigate the vari- ous products known as glucose, grape sugar, maltose, etc. The committee found that glucose is made from many things besides starch and potatoes, such as “ from leaves, straw, rags, chips. twigs and resi- dues from brewaries, distilleries,†etc. The following, which we take from their report, shows to what use glucose is put: Both glucose and grape sugar ï¬nd exten- sive applications for a. great variety of pur- poses as substitutes for cane sugar :r for barley. The most general purposes for which glucose or starch sugar is used are : First-For the manufacture of table syrup. This consists of a. nearly or quite colorless glucose, with a. sufï¬cient sddltion of cane sugar from the sugar reï¬nery to give it the flavor and sppesmnce of a highly reï¬ned molasses. The quantity of cane syrup added varies from 2 per cent. up to 33 per cent. Secondâ€"As a substitute for barley malt in the brewing of ale or beer. This is really a substitution of Indian corn for barley, but it constitutes a very imperfect substitute, as the torn, by the treatment employed in extracting its starch for con- version into glucose, is completely deprived of all the nitrogenous bodies and mineral salts which it originally contained. Hence, the glucose alone, which is simply trans- formed starch, is substituted for the entire barley grain, with its great variety of valuable constituents. This is not true, however. of the maltose produced from the entire corn by the action of the malt. This material contains all the soluble constitu- ents of the corn, together with the addi- tional substances which are rendered soluble by the action of the diastase of the malt. The demand for glucose and grape sugar ,for these purposes is extremely variable, and depends on the relstive prices of corn and of the articles for which this kind of sugar is substituted, especially sugar-house syrup and barley. Ninthâ€"Other more limited applications ; in the manufacture of wine ; by the bake): in making cakes; in cooking; in the pre- paration of sauces ; as an addition to some canned meats, especially corned beef; in the preparation of chewing tobacco ; in the manufacture of printers‘ rollers, and in the manufacture of some kinds ef inks. Thirdâ€"As a substitute for cane sugar in contentipnery. Fourthâ€"For the adulteration of cane sugar, to which It is added to the extent of 2049r_r_1mte_ per cqnt.__ Fxtthâ€"AE a substitute for cane sugar in canning fruits and in the manufacture of £quin jgllieLs. Sixthâ€"For the manufacture of artiï¬cial honey. This is neatly put up in glass jars containing a small piece of genuine honey- comb. Seventhâ€"In the manufacture of vinegar. Eighthâ€"In the manufacture of liquor- cclcring used in mixing liquors and making artiï¬cial liguora. ' The Policeman’s Paradise. USE 3 OF GLUCOSE. llow:n‘i Minimal-’3 Good Deed Landed Him ‘In 91': [ï¬snne Alylumâ€"‘l‘he Story of Ilia Escape. To the Editor of the Milwaukee Sentinel. Sunâ€"I have read a good many stories of late concerning the conï¬nement of sane persons in .lunatio asylums, and I am nhereby prompted to relate a. bin of per- sogalgxperieng’ez ‘ In the year 1855, while [was serving the Methodist Episcopal Church in a New England town, a neighbor’s house took ï¬re. In common with others, I stood on the verge ol the root, passing buckets of water, exposed to intense heat onone side and freezing winds on the other. I took a fearful cold. For twenty-ï¬ve years it worked havoc-in ‘my physical and mental systems. Nevertheless, I continued in my ministerial duties. I preached many a sermon when suffering intense agony. At certain periods, however, I would be comparatively Well, and then again, my head would get heavy. my breathing labored, my appetite ï¬ckle. 1 would lose interest in life; feel sleepy at imid-day and waketul at midnight. My heart occasionally gave me great concern. Not knowing to the contrary, I attributed this ill feeling to malaria. But eventually mental strength faded away, and I was utterly prostrated. I was oauterized.oupped, ‘blistered, and treated by many physicians in many different ways. - Myiease was a. puzzle as much to my physicians.“ to myself. For one of them at ï¬rst prescribed for delirium tremens, and yet I never had tasted intoxicating liquors. Another said I had brain disease, another spins] difï¬culty, another nervous prostration, heart disease, etc. My mind eventually gave way, and in 1882 I was conï¬ned in the Brahtleboro, Vt, Insane Asylum for six months. When I knew where I was I demanded instant release. I then made a visit-to Oceanic, N. J., but I had reookned too much on my strength. I again lost my reason for a considerable period. _ That I was in a deupera‘te condition is evident. My blood had become infected with virus, which inflamed my brain oeoasionally, and doomed me to an early death ; for no physician gave me any hope of a cure. I ï¬nally found out what my real disorder was, and undertook my own treat- ment. "in a few months I was restored to such a state of health as I never expected to enjoy. ‘That was over three years ago, and my physical and mental health have remained intact to this day. v I Ednogullon 111' I: nggraabr‘a P n- . . D . Mary Anderson 15 taking lessons on the fl'ï¬â€œ B manage com,in violin. More strings to Mary‘s bow, eh ? mm mm: circum- It†glib-E; éiigï¬awigaï¬ï¬feï¬evt, Bfluflalo, N. Y. I , PLACE to Emma a. Busm. as. Last March I came west, and engaged in garden farmmg. In all that time I have not lost a day’s work; have apparently enjoyed the most vigorous health and I expect to live the full term of life. The remedy I used was Warner’s Safe Cure, and if I should live a. thousand years, I should pever tire of telling of its praises. ' " “ Loss of power in elther sex, however induced, speedily, thoroughly and permanently cured. Address. with three letter stamps for reply and book of per-tic .. u‘are, World’s Dispensary Medical Associ- 3 ion, 663 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. Photographs of Prince Henry of Batten- berg are being sold in London by the tens of thousands. The Prince, by the way, will be made a Knight of the Garter on 1113 wedding-day. You 'win confess with “me, Mr. Edltor, that; such a change is remarkable. And you will, also. I am sure, agree with me, when I say that whatever created such a mental and physical restoration is deserving the highest praise. Why suï¬er a. single moment, when you can get immediate relief from internal or external pain by the use of Polson’s Nnnvr- LINE, the great pain cure? Nerviline has never known to tail. Try a 10 cent sample bottle. You will ï¬nd it just as recom- mended. ;Neuralgis, toothache, cramps, headache,and all similar complaints liisap- pear as it by magic when Nerviline is used. Large bottles 25 cents. Test bottles 10 cents, at druggists and country dealers. There are undoubtedly thousands who have an experience similar to the above, to whom Mr. Hopkins‘ recital will app 3&1 with persuasive force. Do_d_ge’a Cornet-SLst. The sudden death of Schuyler Colfax, after a walk of three-quarters of a mile through an atmosphere 30° below zero, followed by rest in a heated waiting-room. ought to make all of us reflect upon the similar dangers to which we are exposed, with the view of avoxding them as far as possible. In severe weather we all live at high pressure. The heart works its hardest, the stomach assimilates its best, the nerves are strung to full tension. To one whose heart is sound, whose arteries and veins are strong, whose stomach is unweakened by sickness or improper food, whose bowels do their duty, whose nerves are free from disease, and who is provided with good food, warm clothing, and the necessary shelter, the winter is enjoyable, and health is at its highest. Nevertheless, it is life at high pressure, and too great a pressure may ï¬nd some point in the complex machi- nery of life that will give way before it.â€" Philadelphia Record. There are 5,000 unemployed men in Buffalo. Sweet are the uses of adversity, the printer’s copy said, but he set it up, sweet are the uses of advertising. Sweet, indeed. to‘those who in sickness and suffering have seen the advertisement of some sovereign remedy, which upon trial has brought them from death’s door. " The best thing 1 ever saw in my paper was the advertiament of Dr. Pierne's ‘Grolden Medical Discovery†is again and again the testimony of those who have been healed by it of lung disease, bronchial aflsotions. tumors, ulcers, liver complaints and the ills to which flesh is heir. LEEDS, , 25 Norwood Crescent, Victoria Road, Leeds. 21 January, 1884. Gents: Kindly send me the price of PUTNAM‘S PAINLES! CORN EXTRAUTOR. I have tried it and found it an admirable remedy. I call every three months upon the nest boot dealers in the north of Eng- land. 'I will if I cm proï¬tably, buy and sell it. Sad to my, many a good thing attains to nothing more than a fair beginning. On the other hand it is a matter tor congratu- lation that the growth of some evil things may be also promptly frustrated. A large proportion of the cases of the moat wide- spread and fatal of diseasesâ€"consumption, have their inception in nasal onterrh. Dr. Sage‘e Catarrh Remedy is pleasant, sooth- ing and efleotuul. Try it. It» has cured t10ueande.,fl All druggiata. Use only Putnam’s Painless Corn Ex- tractor. N. C. Polson &,Co, Ktngaton, ptoprs. The highest-priced pew in Grace Church New York, cost: the owner $3,000. ‘There are thirty-two miles of elevated railway in New York City. \tht an Englishman Wants. In Cold Weather. Beware ! A Pl’l‘lFUl‘ FATE. "Nlp'l In the Bud!†A Printer’n Error. \thl’s Ihe Use ? Very truly yours, REV. E. D. HOPmNe. Yours truly._ S.DUNN. “ My doctor pronounced me cured, but I got sick again, with terrible pains in my back and sides, and I got so bad I Could not move I I shrunk 1 From 228 lbs. to 120 ! I had been doctor- ing for my liver, but it did me no good. I did not expect to live more than three months. I began to use Hop Bitters. Directly my appetite returned, my pains left me, my entire system seemed renewed yes it by magic, and after using several bottles, I am not only as sound as a. sove- reign, but weigh more than I did before.†To Hop Bitters I owe my life.†“ Madden, Mass, Feb. 1, 1880. Gentlemenâ€" I suffered with attacks of sick headache." Neurslgis, female trouble, for years in the most terrible and excruciating manner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure, until I used Hop Bitters. " The ï¬rst bottle Nearly cured me; †The second made me as well and strong as when a' child. ' " And I have been so to this day." My husband was an invalid for twenty years with a serious " Kidney, liver and urinary complaint. “ Pronounced by Boston’s best physi- eisnsâ€" “ Incumble l " Seven bottles of your Bitters cured him and I know of the †Lives of eight persons †In my neighborhood that have been saved by your hitters, And many more are using them with great beneï¬t. “ They almost Do miracles l" â€"fl11-le.D. Slack. How To GET SICKâ€"Expose yourself day and night ; eat too much without exercise ; work too hard without rest; doctor all the Lime; take a.“ the vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want to know how to get well: which is answered in three wordsâ€"Take Hop Bitters! @None genuine without a. bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous atuï¬ with "Bop" or Hops" in their name. Gen. Grant‘s memoirs are to include reminiscences of the Mexican war as well as of the rebellion. It is likely that the volume will be ï¬nished within the coming three months. - â€"â€"â€"-Auy lady who desires further infor- mation than can be given in the limited public a a'oe of newspaper columns can obtain rs. Lydia E. Pinkham’s pamphlet “ Guide to Health†by sendmg a. stamp to Lynn, Mass. Toronto. Artiï¬cial Htiman Eyés U 8. EL, Lecturer on the Eye, at and Thrr at Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Oculist and Aurisv to the Toronto General Hospital, late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthaluic Hospital, Moorefleld'a and Central Lond« n ghroep engi Eat: _H9_spita.l. “317 Church Stre‘ t. Josh Billings, who has aband oned house- keeping and removed from Sixty-thud street to the Windsor Hotel, New York, is now about 65 years old, and.begine to feel the burdenof lite, irrespective of its pro- babilities. He has been lecturing twenty- four seasons, and has furnished a. New York weekly a. half or quad-tar column miscelluue. ous contribution every week for the last mneteen years. Barnum has thirty-eight elephants in training in winter quarters at Bridgeport. 'HE VOLTALIO BELT 00., of Marshall. Mich, offer to send their oelehrsted ELEomo-VOLTALIU BELT and other ELECTRIC Arrnnnons on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility. loss of vitality and man hood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rhes' matism, hem-alga, paralysis and many other diseases. Comp ete restoration to health, vlgtr and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them once for illustrated pamphlet free. W hearing a reg! fin tag ; that Lox-illard’s ‘ Rose Lem ï¬ne out; that Lorlllurd’s vy Clippings, and that Lorillurd’s Snulfs, are the best and cheapest. quality considered 7 Dublin, June 6, ‘81; SELF-VENTING PUMP FAUCET LAulna van uhflllhl “mun-1. W A} ‘ * * FOR THE CURE 0F KIDNEY COMPLAINTS m EITHER snx 'rms REMEDY IS UNSUBPABSED. * ‘ it LYDIA; E. pmxngws YEGETABLE COMPOUND 11' prepared at Lynn, Mass. Price 31. Six bottles (or 3‘. Sold by all druggz’sts. Sent by mail, postage paid, in ton: of Pills or Lozenges on receipt of price asabova. Mm. Pinkhm’s “ 11111113 to Health†will be mailed tree ‘40 my Lady sending stamp. Letters conï¬dentially numeral. ' * No family should be Without LYDIA E. PINKHAM’I LIVER PILLS. They cure Constipatihn,mljousnmlu Torpidity of We Liver. 25cents per box. ’ r ' . Address 68 Hughson street sauth Hamilton. The simplest: and best in the market. Price $14 " I was taken sick 9. year ago Wxth bilioua fever." EYE, EAR AND Til/MI". R. G. s. Ruizâ€"SON, L. B. 0.P. YOUNG MEN Xâ€"BEAD THIS. Loss and Gain. DON-14.6 I5 THAT Lorillard’s Climax Plug J. WINCKLER CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. R. U. AWARE PATENT "R. FITZPATRICK