\LARGE STOCK OF FISH Pï¬mm? £33308 i UPREGET AN SQUARE A Large and Splendid Stock of Beavers, Meltons, _Worsteds, : wScotch, Irish and Canadian ’l‘wreeds, Full > Cloths, &c., 8m, at Lowest Prices, ' a A ~ FOR YOUR FALL & WINTER GOODS. Also a Large Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceriesflrockery 65 Glassware at bottom prices The FIRE PROOF I Flour & Feed we have a large stock GROCERIEQ, BOOTS AND SHOES‘, &C, Richmond Hill, February 11th, 1885. PREPARE FOR THE WINTER Mums. R. R. WILLIAMS d: Fox’s TORONTO. April 12th, 1881. GENTLEMEN -â€"I have much plr‘n‘sxu‘e in testii’ying to the great oxopQEencg‘of ycn‘r Piunos. I have put “mm haven-cl,- to they test, urml ï¬nd them 1|(3§scase(1 9: those quxtlvmesp! ï¬one and hung!) no acm- cavmhle to the true musiciun‘nm} lpvcr of clusaxcnl musxcâ€"m uhurunug smgmg Lone, eaglly gradu. tted from the most; delicate pmmsnmo to every degrc _ e of loudness and fulness, and a. touch which unaware rggdilx to eyery shufle of {(mhng. _ _ ‘ V LENT IS COMENG w I Eonsiglur €11qu instunxmexu: u gruuihcquisitinn in musiï¬ul society, and am ï¬nding a puma whlch I can recommend with market, conï¬dch )1“an H.121. WILLIAMS 5: Sn‘ 3â€" I TORONTO. NovAth. xssg, Gl-zu'I-sâ€"Hnwing thoroughly exnmmnfl the \Yorkmnnship of vour Pianos. 1 have “0- minimum in stating lhn», m m) (minim, (Iwylum equal to [how of any mm s 01 the bust» Maker, m.“ um“, seen Icau only speak in the game mgu terms regurdmg their musical quulttlea ; {01. their ï¬ne fun "in? ing capability of lDDL', pleasant touch, &r-, an: such. mm “Km 58â€â€œ? m be no hecesï¬ity m Pumhum ' foreign instruments. when 0111' 11mm}: emerpnso cull produce Hm], hmwgl “m1 at unwmirï¬â€˜ was on“, I am glad to hear thutï¬lle enunswe sale of you r Instruments shows that yam are meeting with the ‘ aucceas that I think you 11] my deserve. I um, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, “'0 make a special style at Oagm‘s in Mme quynuties. nud um thereiom able to 03v: than: an ceptionally low rates. Iuyments arranged to sun. the convenience at purehuscrs and apt-es. v ï¬lm 01 yous. For full particulars write to I ‘ . 52:5. WILLIA;3-. Venue St. Toronto. OR 226 Dundas St. London. Are canstructed from the very best MMm-iuls luv-experienced Workman, and are quy ' equal in pninl uf CAK" . WW 70 W no VA: \y w u \l .h \J‘ M 'émQQs-i zen, gagggeï¬g t,» i a, TON E, 'I‘OUL‘l i g L . “ WC? A («@235 @éaéfémwÃ©ï¬ ONTARIO HO'USE H AT , WHOLESALE PRICES. I am,Gentlemeu, yours very truly, Such as ï¬rstâ€"chxss Fumin Flour, Buckwheat. Flour. Graham Flour, ‘ Cracked Wheat, Oatmeal, Cornmeul, 8:0. Of all kinds. consisting of Wlmc Fish. Salmon Trout, Finnan Kiddie, Bloaters, Creek Fin-ll. Labrador Salt Herrings. Frczll Salt Water Her-rings, Siscoos. Dried Herrings, Etc, Etc. Also in At very 10w rates. Call and sec for yourselves and confer a favor on Of Dress Goods, Prims. GIOVGS, Hosiery, 3“... at Prices to smt Purchasers. TON E, TOUCH «Sc DURABILITY ! BLANKETS, FLANNELS, ETC, ETCs, AND SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO JOSEPH HALL. -â€"â€"IS PREPARED FOR IT WITH Aâ€" TESTIMONIALS. To [be high priced Americh Insnuments. \ PEAEGS z ‘AN D THE ISAAS CRQSBY. CHAS W. EWING, (Of‘Lnndon, England) Organist of St. Peter’s Church. Cuhurg, On Tonnx’ro. Nov. 4th. x2252. 'iaauos. I have 130' lugï¬itation in c “'Ofl'mnnï¬hip of your .0 A .nm. . Jaw.“ .1 u GEO. WV. STRATHY. Mu! Doc. much pleased at Hymn No 199. "‘Who are the Reapers." Rev J W Tetten took up the next subject. The “ Sewer, which is the,tencherâ€"â€"In his Closet " The teacher-going to his Closet shoves that he is conscious of his need of Divine Help ; seek God's help in this Work. Have great faith in God’s power. Depend once upon a-living God for help. The pathway of success is in fervent earnest communion with God in prayer. .He'referrod to ‘ a passage of scripture found in Numbers '11 chap; commencing-at the 16th verse. a few verses, also at the 25th verse : “When the spirit/s power of the Lord came upon them. they took a delight in the work." 26 verse : " They prophesied in those days." Isaiah 6 chap R verse: Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord saying I “ Whom [shall I send and '11" will go for us." " I said, Here am I, semi me." The speaker brought up this passage of scripture of to show that we ought always be willing to work. no matter how humble the posi- tion, when the Master calls for laborers to his work. It would be an (honor it an angel came down from Heaven to lead one of our poorest hnmblost (hildrcn to Jesus. nut-their privilege, reserved for us, this 'th'ought ought to encourage us in the work. We all shall by and by meet up‘nbovo. Hymn No. 48. " Sweet hour of Prayer." Rev J McEwen introduced the next suh'ect. " The Fewer, nhith is the lG-llt‘ht râ€"In his C ass. We have come to the crisis of our resition before the class. After the study of the lesson, some-- times on your-Jam's, .lfoachers th t pursue this course Will gel ï¬lled, his soul shin (The full be-- fore his class Have a method in teaching. Can- not teach without you tell. Be sure you are be- fore your class ; this may seem a small thing, have the class gathered around you, you sitting i in the midst. will have more power with class. The Teacher should discriminate the real differ- encc in his tellingthe lesson to the class, and in causing'the pupil to know what you are telling. You may tell,yeu may influence. but can You tear-h. A successful teacher not only seeks for the conversion of his pupils, but connrunes with them about spiritual things. Get attention,“ is the hunks! tiling to yet. Get down to. ur hp (0 the lmwl of the pupil intelligently.heginning “ but they llimvr to lend them on to “hat they do not know. must have the ('e-voyrration of his class. There are four great points we should remember in touching a class successfully. Two ac“ conmlishrâ€"d by the tcnrhvr, tuo Ly the pupils. Thr- two by the teacherâ€"1st. Have something to teach; 2nd. Present the truth in such a Wli)’ that the pupils can understand it, The mher two by the pupils-4st, He must not 0an hour but he must not. listen ; 2nd, He must g've back what I have told him, if he gives it back in his own languape. you may be sum he has got it. Hymn No. 17. " When he comoth.“ A collecti: n taken up special to aid the I’m.- vincisl sabbath school Association of Cunuda. to help defray their expenditures. licvl‘}. Bnrrnss, amombei‘ of the Executive of Provincial sunday school Association, made a ‘,(moral statement in helm]! of the Finance neeleï¬ for mid Association. Our Kindness Committee has I‘L‘l’Cf'd with the amount received at this celicction, to make up the balance out of our Treasury. to give unto li-ev. J. M: Ewen, Secretory ~-i 1‘“ virzciel sundny sclmolAssrcintion, the 2&1 dint of Eï¬l2.0(‘,whiuh the Convention approvedy f. The following: I ‘ l Cruddock. I’rnsident. Maplv; H Kofl‘or. I‘rr sidpnt. Sherwood ; Jun Combs, 'an VimJ‘rcs» Mont, (,‘nnviile; H Brown, "(X‘l'i‘flu')’. Edpolv; (1 Nixm‘. Aswistm‘ytnsecremry, MIL-p141; Jno v villis. Trmmnrer, Rhcrwood. .Iixecutive Committeeâ€" Broa C \Vm‘stm‘, '1‘ White and Kenneth Deatnn, all of Kloinbm'q P 0. Finance. Committeeâ€"Bros II Dickout If Maple, ’1‘ “flight. mu} J Sunmhonse. of \Vnn/jhridge. ()ur new mmuul mretina to meet in the month of Jaumury, 1895 Some time inth mm‘wthï¬f Junepoxt, n subhnth school 1!!»- stimte to ho hclrl 1n the ullugo of Klemhui‘g. one (in) ’s usshn. l‘usinus (‘( irnvittcc announced lhl- n vxt soizshn l c ("- in} (1 (mt in full us on the printed ivroprnnmw.came-1m ilu't chmso No? he struck (if. Question drawnâ€"Upon motirn the time was cxtcmlcd for 15 minutes. for tho pllr-~ pose of giving icv J McEwcn the privilege of ink in: up the Question l‘mwcr. Rev J McEwon with his his usunl tuct’. und utility conducted tho some in an interesting: manner. As Rev J Me.- Ewcn hm] tolcnve for Toronto, by the evening train. A vote of thanks was heurtly given him for his ursirtnnce with us at this Conn Mion “ Praise God from when} all blessime flow" Benediction pronounced by the Rev M Fuwcett. and the session closed at: the hour of 5.30 5TH SESSIONâ€"EVENING. He that {moth forth and weepeih, bearing his prncious seed. shall doubtlrss conic with rrjoic inaninning his shench him. Chmr taken by the Presidr-nt M '7 1) in, Devotional cxm‘cises for minutes. Bros. J (iillis, J Combs. J Kuiser, L Lock, and the Rev E Bumms taking port in the some Singing: anins No 127, “Neur the Cross"; 10,“! mn coming Lord†; 14, “T611 1119 the 010. Old Story" Minutes of the 14th session road and mloptco. Bro John Crsddock. the elected President, was next introduced to the chair and guvc u few un- cournging and intcvosciug remarks. Hymn No 15, "stand up for Jesus†Rev E lim‘mss intro-- (luced the subjcor, The Sowing, “\Vhich is the H: “stâ€"in ourChlnch" ’J'he serdsmnn always expects to' reap if he sows, ’1 hr- hILrvcst untici - pun-d in that: they almost forgot the sowing: time. In the two Provinces. Quebec and 011-- t-nrio. by the influence of the sabbath school. 1 there were 5.700 converted to God All the SuVi’ ‘ our rcquires is “My son give me thy heart" Sub- buth school instmcti‘ons und parentifll training the majority of our Church, The 1‘Qlipious train- ing of our sundcy school have helped to build on our "hurches, and our young men in the Minis- try, when exumined at our conference. all con- fcss that the sole instrument: in God’s hand which led them to their conversion. tinl trniuing and sabbath school The Church was paren- instruction. should support its Mission. A Church that power; supports its Mission Willi never sunpnrt its Minister. In our own Church last; your 922 was ruist for Missionary purposes by the children. The least; the Church could do 1310 support its sabbath rchool. and may we all I shine as the struts for ever and ever. Hymn no 10], "Ho reapsrs of life’s harvest†In the absence of tho Rev 1’ Nichol, who was expected to he prPsent to introduce the next subject, Rowing, "Which is the Harvestâ€"in our Fan-11y," the liev A McLaughlin very kindly con- sented to open the subject. Our fmnilies have reccived more Rood from the instructions of our mhbuth schools than what. our' Ministers have been able to reach. A sabbath school plunicd at the the points in New York. through ‘ho influ- ence of the prayers of God‘s people there, has been the means of making many a home thore happy, which otherwise was very difl‘crcnf. My sunday school teacher has taught me to give mv heart to Jesus. We cannot tell how much rook! we nredoimz for our families. Ours is n. divine , work. Wc who have found Jesus lr-t his power , ho known to others. and let us in the name of our muster Jesus Christ, consecrste ourselves nnnw to our work, Byan No 2-9. “Ring the Bells of Heaven." As the llcv J H Brirkwell ulso fail: d to be pre-- sent to introduce the lubjcct nssianml hi-n, Fow- ing “‘Vhirh is tho Hmvrst-ns in Heaven," it wns thought- ‘oost to alron the. subject (‘ollnotion taken 11 ‘ motor! to I)n.v V D ‘ 1 ' " ' i being the principal cause for the conversion of ' 4, The Businessr Committr’e rresemed their Report on nnminxtmu of Ofl‘xcera 11nd Commuters for (hp (man'ng went. and mu) 1 mution V' 5 ndppteq. m1†1," 7 Severn] rt‘miï¬'iy\'}¢>)‘crgivgn by Bros .7 Gillis. L Bmwnth A MtLuughlin, Rev M Fmvcett, ‘wv.J. McEwcn. Rev. D. Camelot: took up .tho next sub-- ject. " The Sower. which is the teacherâ€"In his Study." Une thinz’ necessary that u tencher should hate in his Study. is I good Commentary, and should take Christ us his example, the greatest and best Teacher the world ever had. One great element in his Studv is prnyer. Prayer is tire means the teucher'mn) he eudOued with power from on High. The speaker referred to several persons whose rut-Cesar was due to their being constant in prayer. ' Be in earnest studying the Scrtptur‘eâ€"study also the character of those you are to teach. all differ in their temperament, have different kind nf Soil-â€" study how best totreut each of three diff-- erent kinds. Several kinds of character as represented in the Scripture were tnken up and explained, showing the way each kind have been treated;,. Study how best you can impart the pure milk of the word. that ye may grow lherebr. Seek God’s blessing to rest upon all your labor and you may he sure of aubcess. ‘ Thou therefor? that tem-bbst nivother lmchesl not won thyself. Plesideui took the chair fut Ihe-huur 0f2.l {liévl J. W. Tong" condhcled the praise meeting for 20 minulvs. assisted m the same by Rev. M. Fawcet. fey. Wm Nianhkcy‘ E. Bun-ass and Run A. Mt'LMIghlin. Singing Hymn Nu 9. " In the awn-t bye and hye'f; 66, “ Wonk for the night is coming" v Minute: of3rd Session rend and gdopted._ seasion be conducted an on 2h» prnymmme, also lhene be a special cullvcriun lulu-u up 16 aid mp Provinciul Snbbulb Schuni Ap- uucialion. Benediction pronounced by the Rev. A, Mclmuglin Session udinurued 3'! [2 15 o'clock. mm; (‘onnr‘tifln taken 1m nmi’mmed'to $5.84. Rev E Barre as considervd it a. pity to drop (1 grand snl‘jert. and voluntverod to sax wry-dawn the ammo, ’Ihe tone of his rm ram: with xnch awn-t melodyâ€"all of whirt verv interesting, stimulating us nnwnrd i1 wnflg. kunwing we ma 1 reap if we Mint now ve 'ts channipg gï¬oot. __ m, _- ‘ ....N u. unnnlullllg 911006. ‘Usmfl resolutions were pnsï¬od ; thanks tender- ed to 'he friends in the neighhmlmml for their numeral hospitality ; m the Ix-Hnistern who have assisted us in the dizcnssiom of the (‘onventiun ; to the lender nn'i organist: for their services in this musical put of our Convention. Hymn No 25. “San in the r-rmi 0! Jesus." after which the Rev E Barman cgve a few touching re- marks m (be (unwell and cioscd the Convenï¬on by ronounc‘ng the benediction. ‘ Tï¬is closed one of mu grandest .abba‘th gaiapol Conventions held in ma Towmhip of V gum, “anm- to meet. sax-r; to part. happy .‘.11 hope to meet again. God vlsss‘ou sabbath schools. {all of which is submitted 1:: bonds of christim ova. HINBY BROWN, Sec. V. S. 8. A. Vaughan, Jan. 29th, 1885. 4m ssssxox~unnxoum (Qonfinued Iran} Third Page) to drop such ‘0 811‘ u {ow 111'“ rrmm‘ks of whip), were , in out not and The'diuase commench with a slight do» rsnuement of the stomach. but, if nettleciedp it in time involves the» wlml! frame. 6m" hrncinz the kidneys' liver, panel-ens. Ind, in fact. the ("lure gtnttdulu lsyatrm, and the emit-ted dings out a misershle t‘xialfltit'el until death gives relief from sufferingl The ‘ disease is (titan mistaken for Olifl‘l“: ï¬lm“ nlnints; but it the tender will ask himself .“the following questions, he will he able to determine whether he'vhimlelf is one 0f Illa ‘uiflicted :â€"ane I distress. pain or difï¬culty I in breathing after eating T Is there". dull. heavy feeling attended b7 dromll'e" ? Have the eyes ayellow tinge 7 Don I thick, sticky. mucous gather nbout the gums and teeth in the mornings, accompanied by n disagreeable taste! ls the tongue coated? “I there pains in the side and hack 7 is, there a. fnlness about the right side as if the tliver were enlarging 7 Is there costiveness 7 lls there vertigo or dininess when rising ’suddenly from n horizontal position? Arc ithe secretions from the kidneys scanty end [htghly colored, with n deposit after stand- ing ? Does food ferment soon after eating. laccompunied by flatulence or n belching of gas from 'the stomach? is there frequent palpit‘ntion of the heart ? These various symptoms may not be present It one time. I but they torment the suï¬'t-rer in turn as the ,dtesdfnl disease progresses. ‘ if the case he one of long standing, there will be it dry. hacking cough, attended after (time in ex- pectoration. In vety advanced stage the sktn-nuun-es :1 dirty brownish appearance and the hands and feet :nre cove.er by n cold. sticky‘perspimion. A: the liver and kidneys becnmémor‘e‘ and mormdise’tsed, rheumatic pnins appear. and the usual treat- ment. proves entiter unnvuiling against this {latter ngottising disorder. Therjorigin of this malady is indigestion or drlpeosiu. and ‘a Imttll quantity of V the proper medicine will remove the disease if taken in its in- ‘cipiency. It is most important that the disease should be promptly and properly treated in its first stages, when a. little' medicine will efl'ect a cure, and even when it has obtained a strong hold the. correct remedy should he persevered in until every vestige of the disease is eradicated. until the appetite has returned, and the digesttve organs restored -to a healthy; condition. The unrest and most~etfectual remedy for this distressing. 00mph:th G’jsj“ Seigel's Cnrntive Syrup,†a vegetable ï¬repurntion sold by all Chemists and Meditioe Vendors throughout the world, Andi-.133]: the pro-- pl'iclm‘l. A J White. Ltmtted, l7. Farting- don Rand. London: E. G; » 'Fhis Syrup strikes ntvtlte very foundation of the, disease. and drives it,.root and, brunchQï¬ut the -“tent. " > "W'" “ Market Place, chlilinglon, York, October ï¬nd? lSS2. Sinâ€"Being a sufferer for‘ years with dynpppsia in all its worst Mum. and after spending pounds in medicines. l was at last, persuaded vonv Mother Spigel's Curative vanp. and run llmnkfnl to say have Ileiiwd man limit-ï¬t fmm it than any mlier media cine l ovrr tools. and would advise any one snfl'rring fwm Ill!" SHan complaint to give it a ll’lMl. llh" "Hulls Ilwy Wnnld anon ï¬nd out f'urllwmsvlvos. lfynu like in make use nl' this testimonial you me quite m liberty to "lo 50. Your: I'espI-clfuny, ( Sigrwd ) R. Turner Sahel} ()peruti n: PiHn me 1hr best family. physxc Ihm has eH-r Inn-n (liscovured They cleanse Ilw bnwvls from all irrimling subsnurocs, and leaw llwm in a heuhhy cundilion. The? (‘ule cr-sliveness. St. Mary SIreH. Pvlerbnrons. Ime-mIM-t‘ ‘29nh, I88I. Sinâ€"II given me L'wnl pleasure In in-- Form you of Ihe hmu Ii! I have received from Svigel’s Syrup. I In": been tumbled for ymna with dvsnepsiu ; hul after a few dose" nf the Syrup. I fmmd Is-Iier. .m d after Ink-- ing lwo buulis of it I feel quite cured. I am, Sir, yours truly, Hensingham, \"lxilehuven. Oct. 161]),1882. Mr. A J. White.â€"Dear Sinâ€"I was for- man lime nfl'iicwd will) pilns, and mm ad-~ vier to give Molher Seigol's Syrup H. mm. which I did. 1 am now hnppy to stnlv that n has rammed me In complete healthâ€"I n-maiu, yours respectquy. ( Signcd ) Jnhn H Lighlfnol 15H) August.1883. Dear Sir.â€" [wire to M1 _n\u chm Mr. Henry Hiliior. onnlesbury “'iim inlmms me lhnt he sufl'ered i'mm a swere Turn: of indigestion f’)!" rnwmds of l'u'ur yr-a’i‘s and took nb end of ducter’a medicine 'vtilhrml lhl-shghls-sl lu-nvï¬l. and declares Muller Seigel's vanp which he got. from me has saved his life. ‘ Mr A J While. Mr \Yhhe. (hemist Callie September 81!). 1883. Dear Sunâ€"I ï¬nd lllv sale of Soluvl’n Symp steadily increasing. AH whu hive Ilied i! sneak vrrv hi;th of HS mmiicinul virlues; one cusmmur d"P(‘l‘iht‘S at us a (Signed) Vincent A. Wills. ClimnisI--Denxi=t, To Mr. A. J White. Merlliyr ',l‘y_(lvil. Prvston; Sept. 215:. 1883. My Dear Sinâ€"Your Syrup and Pills are still very popular with my oustumers. many saying they are the best family medicines posjihle. V "Godsend to (hspvplic pemllee." ways recommend it wilh confidence. Faithfully yours. The (“her day a cuslnmer chme for lwn hollles of Svlup and sun! " Mulhvr Seiuel†had saved the life of his wife. m-d he added, “ (me nflhese hollles I am sending ï¬fteen miles away tn 3 friend who Is very ill. I have much fni'h in it." The sale keeps up wondellnlly. in fact. nnc would funcy nlmnsl lhnt the peuple were beginning In hrrulil'nsl. dxne. and sup on Mother Saigel's 33Hâ€). lhe demand is so conslmiland the sansfnclinn so gmul.â€"â€"l nln, dear Sir, yours faithfully, [Signed ] W Bowker. An Alarming Dlsease Afmcting' a. Numerous Class. To A J mm», E's-q. " BROWN'S nomaan PANACEA " has no equal for relieving 1min. bath internal and external It cute-a Painiu the hide, Back or Bowels. Sorn Throat, Rheumuï¬sm, tootlmchv, anbugo and any kind M a Pain or Ache. “ It wxll must surely quicken the lllnml and Hvul, as Its um.qu nmverls won'ielful." “ Broun‘s Household l’unuceu,“ lie-- lng acknowledged as the great Pain Reliever, and of double the slrengm of any other Elixir or Linimenb in the world. should'bo in every family handy for use when wanted, “ us it. really is the qest remedy in the world for Cramps in the stomach, and Pains and Aches of all lands," and is [or sale by all Drnggista at 25 cents a bottle Useful to Know. Eve'y one sln uld I‘m-w Ihnl Hagynrd ‘ leluw Oh will give prom]! lenie'; lupplir-d «x‘ernully will stop any pain; and mkenI mtenmlly ("mo colds. astlmn», crrup. sore Ihloat and most lljflulnmulur) (-umplaiuls : Send sxx cents in- poawgo, and xe- ceive free, a costlv box of goods which i will help you to more money rigm. away than anything else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed from ï¬rst hour The broad road to fortune open: before the work- ears, a‘bool‘utel guru, At one. address, Tnvl a n “In I! .- hâ€" ers,aboolute] sure Go Agultu lino. Rel: And Comfort To The Sulfa-lam Your: truly, , ‘ ( Signed ) N. Webb, \Vil'inm Rient. I 01-- WTH’E PEOPLE’S STORETHE‘ ‘ , â€"â€"-HAS ON HAND Aâ€"â€"- - ‘ . . A 3-1-0013: OF Gnoomnxms _ v LIFE _-. q {Win be-Sold at the Very Bottom Prices d Flour and Feed constant†on hand nt the Lowest Prices. A. LA RGE STOCK! 01? FURNITURE K. CHISH‘OLM, M. P. P. H. P. DWIGHT, ESQ, D. M. MCDONALD, ESQ. C B. ROBINHON. ESQ. ? CLEAN HO“’ARD,EBQ. M . GINTY. EBQ. J. M. LAWRENCE, MANAGER Richmond Hill April 9th, 1884. ‘ ‘ APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. CHARLES DONALD & CO., RICHMOND HILL SAVING'S DEI’AR’I‘BIENT Deposits received and interest allowed thereon at current rates. ho notice at withdrawal re“ quired Druns on all parts of Canada, United states and Great Britain bought and sold, RYGHMOND HILL, ONT. CENTRAL BANK OF CANADA. DAVID BLAIV, an., President. SAMUEL TREES, Esq. Viceâ€"President. ‘ lgizï¬iaiers. Attorneys-ubhuw, Soliultbrs-m- Chunca-ry. Ccnvm'lmazers, etc, ()fflcesâ€"‘Iumeriul Bank Buildings. Wellingmn-strea', Toronto nouns FERGUSON, Q.C. ‘ Jam: BAIN Gnu F SHIPLE! Wu SETON Gannon, Sanderson garrmtrï¬, £91mth NOTARIES, CONV’EYANCERS, OFFICES : 15 York Chambers, HALL, FULLERTON & COOK Barristers. Solicitors, 3m. 0m ces I8 King Street East. Toronto Richman 351:1 fast Cfï¬ce Every Saturday. W M 3:11. J S Fuderton W Cook. PRIVATE FUNDS To LOAX". Tomato. May 29th, 1884. ly-me 79. Queen Street, London. E. 0‘, Will be glad to correspond wiLh Apple Groweni, Merchants and Shippers, With xview to Autumn and Spring Business, They will also give the, usual facili- tiel to custOmeri requiring advanpea. London, July 3lst. 1884.-9- m BIONLY TO LOAN. ‘ E Common“. JR. Faun E. Bahama. Toronto, Nov 15“), 1884 QIV Ferguson. Rain, Gorgon a. Shipmy, A G F LA“ memos. Nov 27th, 1854 LAWRENCE & MILLEGAN, Barristers, Solicitors. \ \ , . No. 14 Buflding a: Loan ’1 Dronto (’ ï¬n“ (‘3 'chumbormlé Toronto st. Rich mond H ill ()(fi(:e-3§3§m‘{§,j§§ 0n Saturdays. Monty (0 Loan at Lowest Current Rates. GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY I Farm 66 Other Property, Hotels, Taverns, and Business. Goodwills naught and Sold ! Patent Rights disposed of ; SX’ND X FORBIED For Manufacturing and other purposes. 8 ock and Shara Brokers, etc, etc. Toronto Jun 9th 1883 [)RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST A" Arer 1’! C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST The only Dentist in Toronto using Kurds m)- pumhua for VITAMZiB MB Pï¬HLflEiS Extracting Teeth Without Pain By means of Vitalized Air. BEST SETS 0!" TEETH $8. FILLINGS WARRANTEB PM! In Y’S CALL ANI) SEE 31E. Toronto Feb, 1m 1393 V Wmantod to be made from tho _ Best Material in the Market. Filling and all other operations neatly done My Gold COATSWORTH t. HODCIHSf Yonge St. Arcade, 'l‘oromo. MORTHAHES OBTAIN“) A‘ Toronto Prion, deliveréd in goml ordrn Pmure Frames all sites and made to order. Paints and Di): of all kinds. Hardware. (Hausâ€" ware, Crockery and other gnndl at the. lumen: prices. ' )all and elamiae the good; QUALITY AT A’llugw and good. A large Stock. of fresh Canned Goods which CHEMISTS Jr. DRUG GISTS, CONVEYANCERS, ETC‘ TORONTO DIRECI‘ORS. Flour and Feed constantly on hand it the Lowest Prices. No 9 Tm‘onfo Street P. 0. Box 2527. J. I. EVANS & CO, THOS NIGHTINGALE'S, £1,5th Lauder Lane Toronto. A. A. ALLEN, Calm-r. T C MILLIGAN‘ 1y Yorkvilu i (at Palmer House) ‘ Aurora, lst‘, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Stouflville. ..18th Markham . . . . . . “Nth ! Victoria Square .’ 5 Thornhil] . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . Haadbridge .. 3 KIeinbuxg Nobleton Thankful for the favors ot the past years nay still be consulted in ugly branch of the pro fessiou, as follows: Richmond Hill... 9th a 24th of each month Klein bu xg . . . . . . . . . . . . ...'.’9th do Nobleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 30m do Vitalized air always on hrmd at the phmeé of ' ‘neut. 11; does away with the pub in exiructing This House is mm of the Best Hotels to he found north of Toronto. Ilmrvlhing is managed in First, (Ilnss Style. Sample Room for Connmzr ciul Travellers. Utmtl :Stahliug and Mn ntive hostleru. Terms, 6| Der nluy. l’ruclor‘b Mn leaves this Hotel to connect Wl.h all the N l: R Train? going Nurylyfnd South. at 8 a. m., l: 8.. Artincal‘Teeth,uppei- or under,$5.00. Pain- less sxtnwting bv use of Edmund Air. The only ï¬rm in the Dominion executing ï¬rst-class work at the above price. THE PALMER HOUSU RICIIMOND HILL. 3' Palmer, Pro-p. DENTIST, NE WTONBROOK, ONT. ‘ Will visit the followingplswes professionally .~ Unionvmo 15!: Monday of each month. Weston 9th and 213$, do Ma 19,... .......... 16111 do Rio mum 19th do Wood bridge ............ ‘2:de - do Mr Husband will be found -»in his ofï¬ce, at Newmubrook, every Saturday, except. when Satur- day falls on' the above date. v RIGGS 8r. IVORY, THE YORK HERALD 0W $l. 11"., 5.10}: m: and 7.80 Yâ€: RICHMOND HELL. Jt) KIN PON’VELL. Prop This Hotel has been refumlshed. renovntnd, and ï¬tterl'np in ï¬rst~clms style, and in now ahe lmding Hotel north of Toronto. The lmr *2 mp plied with limocluss brand of liquors and clgnri. Excellent unconnnorlmion for Commercial Travellers, and the General Public Good Stabl- im’. and an attentive HOSEIOT. summon DENTISTS, - 208 Queen St. West, Toronto G. H. HUSBANJJ, L. D. S M. TEE-FY, NOTARY PUBLIC, 650, RICPIIWONI) I’IILL. MONEY 'I'O LOAN CN FARM SECURITY. Western Canada VITA LIZED AIR ! MARRIAGE Ofllccsâ€"‘Nu 70, (leur(-.I;street, 'foronzo Hon GEO W ALLAN. Senutm‘ymsidonb GEewa Goommluu .. "Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"anuvl Plutt. M 1’. Alfred Gooder‘ ham, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lee, Hon .D L Macpherson, Senator Tomi Aakété, $3,500,600 SAVING’S BANK BRANCH Mm ey weeiverl on deposit, and interest payable half jenny or cumpcunded. See our reduced 1mm table For fullthcr infor mation apply at thr: ofï¬ces of the Company EVERY THUR sum, At his printing Ofllce, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Sabdcriptmn:â€"â€"$100per annum in advance. When not paid in udvnnm) $1 50 will be chargafl. Transitmry advertisements, ï¬rst insertion, perline.... 80.9mm. Each subsequent insertion, per] i 3 cents. Contracts for tims and space made on applicu‘ tion. ‘ Advertisements ~without writfen instructions Wm be inserted 1mm [orbit] and ohmgod 0mm" It. I was. M. H. __ KEEFLER, Newtonbrook, June 13th, 1883. Richmond Hill, April 3rd, 1884. gnpigul,‘$l,[|901990;“1(eserve Fund, $450,600 The York Herald. Loan‘ any sagviqgs Company WALTER 3 LEE, gnaw ($31115. Dr A ROBINSON. .Vfl NH Y 'I'U LOA N. SUBGEOR DENTIST, AURORA â€"â€"AND ISSUE]! OFâ€" gmth PUBLISHED BY P. G. SAVAGE. 9th a 24th of each month LICEISSES, E. m thp phogé pf Hy Manager Of London, England. Sir Wm McAvlhuc. K C'M G, Ev; P. ¢x-Lord Mayor of London Presxdeut. ' W \V Baynes,Esq.F I A,Secvetar: Hvsmw Fum-l . . . . . . $10,000,000 ' Aunuu! Income . . . . . . 1 600.000 Im-nsxvd iv Canada. . . l.200.000 Death chums pail]. . . . 10,000,000 'J'umsm'o :EFHML‘ICI-8. _ John Mel) 31mm, Esq. (7‘ J. Cumnhcll, 13311., Hon. SanmtorMcMnstor A. M. Smith. qu. James Metculfu, Esq. liev. Enoch Wood, 1). Loans made on security of Compnnyis Policy n' 5 put new: i more 13. » Loansmmm EUULl-JX'CD Trustees, m a low rate 0 intermb. Semlfor prospectus. Assurance- EJ‘W. m. C. P. [c 8.. Out, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospita.‘ 011300 and Residence,-Ono door south of P. 0 OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 (7:; 10 s. m, & 12 to 211m Thornhill Feb 14th, 1583. MEDALIST TGRONTO UNIVERSITY. Edember College of Physicianu 5: Surgeon! (LATE OF STOUI‘FYILLH.) OFFICE HOURS,â€"me 8 $010 3.. 111., S to 81).).. THEEIDENCI‘) . Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond [1111. Oct. 12111, ‘b.‘. R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Med: University of-Tm-onto,M. C. P. S. Ontario. . ARIEngIand (Late Oflondon, Eagle. Surgeon, E tc. Leroflice Hours 8 to 9.80 11:121.. and 1 to 2.30 p‘ Members College Physicians & Surgeons. Residence. Yougo Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Iiiif, May 23rd. 1352. 1y Dr. George Langstafl THOBNIIILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University DR LEWIS G, LANGSTAFF DR. ‘W. J. WILSGN, Vlorth their ‘.Veigh: in Gold} 1 Pills &@inimm This Incomparable Medicine h :3 secur- ed for itwalf' nu impm-ishnh'c fume lhrnughnm the World i'ur ‘he alluvinlinh and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. urify, regulate and imprnye the quality of Shood. They assist the digestive arc/ans, clean: t BB. ‘ ‘J'AMES L‘flï¬STAFF AND increase the sem‘ctory powers of tho Liver, bmo/ the nervous system. und throw into, tho nirculn tiou t‘m wnreah Elements for sustaining an! taixnriug the frame. Thnusunda uf persons have tesliï¬e) that bv tlwiv use nlune they huue been resmrod In hmth mu] sn-englh. after every other means Inn] proved unsuccessful will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hagd 'l‘mm-urs. Coughs. Sm‘n Thrusts. Bronchitis, and all (“Sort are of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheri nmtism. Scrufqu and other kind of skin diseases Mnnnfactnrvd only at Proï¬ess or Holloway’s Establishment 533. 0mm J) STREET LONDON and sold at IR. 151., EH. 9a., 4a. 641.,1194. 22, and 335 each Box and Pat. uwl in Cmmdn m; 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the large" sizes in m‘onortion. _ CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in Hue United States, nm‘ are m\' Mediciva 50%] there. Purchssnrs shun!!! thewï¬n'u hmk In lhe label on Ilw Pots and Boxes W 1hr) address is no! 533. Oxl'm'd Straw, Lnndnl' t‘hov are Rpm-Ems. The Trade Min-ks 6! mv Haiti Eradicinza no giscered m OmuWa, unrl 21.150 m, ‘Vnehi gtou. Sig-Jed THOMAS HQLLJDWLR 33 "star-l 92.7-32.2. LO' BA D BIL!0£/3.‘!fff’, D VCPEPCM, I [31555 7/831, u’r‘i UIJBICE. [if/1 ETE 3.73.7, HEADACHE, ~ '3 hr; 7 girth“ And every specfag ofdlsmss arts’ng from disordered LRVCR. RENE/9. ETOMALH, CG‘NELS f! L‘LCOD, '1". EELBEYRE‘I {a 60.. S’I‘O M AGE AND BOWELS, LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS. DR. ORR, MAPLE, Sec. ‘& Trees. for Canada. 16 King an, Must, Torcnh, §§chicaL A D PERRY, f-LUTTERl/E'O '. OF THE HEART, AGED/TY OF THE grow/:03, mmrsa 0;: THE am; S!ZZII'.’[55’. Jan. 5th HR] Dec. Xst XSSS TORéNTG.