Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Feb 1885, p. 2

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RICHMOND HILL P98?! MERE. Until firtheifiai'coj Mails win ‘9. closed at the above Ofiioc as follows :~â€"- PEST llFFIEB WEE! MO R N INC. Going North, South, E331, and West, at . . . . . . . 7.45 Going South, East, and West, 6.15 Mail for the North. via. Railway, leaves once a day. in the morning, as above stated. Morning Mail {‘rnm South, West and East. by Rnilwny,arrives at 10.00 EVening Mail fr‘nm Toronto by nnn YbaéZ-éir‘gétNSLVage, arrives at: 7.00 Night. Mail from North, by Rail- way. arrives at ................... 8.15 OFFICE HOURS Richmond Hill, June 23rd, 1884. Toronqu Thornhill, Richmond Bill King, Aurora, Newmarket, Holland Landing, Holland Landing. Newm arket. Aurora, King. Richmond Hill, 311011111111, Toronto, Private Schoolâ€"Miss Cameron. Credit Sgleâ€"D; J. Langstafi. Lamaâ€"'1. Crosby. Mr Blake is an able man no one can deny, but it requires something besides ability tolead a party to success. There are difierent degrees and kinds of ability. A successful lawyer or pleader at the bar is not of necessity a successful lendâ€" er of a political party. more especially when that party is in the cold shades of" opposition, and an opposition too de-- atrious of tasting of the sweets oi ofiice. The News adds "H as the Reform party the courage to define wherein amend - ments are required. and huvi: g spoken to put in a stake they dare stand by ? Or is the Reform Party on u) stcrâ€"n loathsome thing without. backbone or grit, or grizzle much less bone. Fie on such a party. It is not pleasant. to urâ€" rnign a party that has commanded thirty years of uninterrupted allegiance and services. But something must be done by 'somehody. The Httul has been squeezed out of the party by respectable (lo-nothings, and it is time it was gal- vanized into life or buried. Perhaps it would be better to bury it" This is serious talk from the News. it is evident.- ly sure at something. Itis apparently tired of working up the claims of the party upon the country with such poor results as the showing at Ottawa gives. it is plain writing, and we trust it feels all it writes. it evidently feels at times like acting a little independent and. hence gives vent to its feelings. Being in op- position without. an apparent chance of gaining power, is, we are free to admit, very disheartening. No. 37: Whole No.1589: Volume 27. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1885. The date printed on each paper denote: the Mme when the subscription expires. We do not hold nurselvea responsible for the opinions of our Correspondenks. The St. Catharines News, a Reform Journal, is not satisfied with the leader- ship of the Reform party. There is a strong impression in this Province.” says the News, and indeed throughout. the country, that the position of the Reform party is wanting in originality, independ- ance and force.” Mr. Blake is good at critizing, but there is something more than criticism required. A platform is wanted. If objections are made to the policy of the Government. it is reason- able to suppose that those objections should give rise to suggestions wherein the objectionable features 0! the policy of the Government can be battered. The News is not the only paper on the Reform side that gives vent, to its dissatisfied feelings upon the subject of the way in ivhich the leadership of the party is handled. It was suggested some time ago that, Mr Mowat ought. to leave the Local and try his hand at Ottawa. The suggestion might be acted on, but we questoin much whether any improve- ment would follow so far as obtaining the reins of power in thelareer sphch of action. There is no doubt great dis- satisfaction in some quarters at, the way things are being managed by the leaders of the Reform party at Ottawa, but for our part we cannot see that. any imâ€" provement Would arise from a change of leadership. Mr. Mackenzie was deposed and Mr Blake was put as leader in his place. Did the change benefit or rather did it. not show a weakness in the ranks? a weakness that the opponents of the Reform party were but only too glad to notice and take advantage of. What would have been the position of the Conservative party toâ€"dayâ€" if the counâ€" sel of some had been followed at the time of‘the Pacific scandalâ€"if Sir John had been set aside, not as it is now, we venture to say. It was a wise and paâ€" triotic move in sticking by the old chief. It showed wisdom and patriotism in a marked degree, and future results only justified too well the act, TRAIN TIME. @6112 $53M: ‘ifmnld. .NO T1 0E T0 S U135 CII’IBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARR|VALS. EVENING. N 01; Satisfied. W 3.30%. 3?. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. GOING NOETE‘ 755 850 900 910 942 ,v, 952 GOING BOUT!- 813 8‘23 ) n 9 )5 10 65 852 ll 45 01 00 01 10 11 5° 12 05 )2 30 12 45 12 55 145 50:: ‘10 H2 655 We are called upon this week to‘ chronicle the death of Mr. Abraham Law, J P, on of our village forefathers,‘ Mr. Law was born in Pennsylvania i near Philadelphia, Oct 13th. 1806. At 3 the age of 18 he moved with his parents 2‘ l to Canada, and settled near Stonfiville. j ' He came to Richmond Hill. a small = ‘ hamlet of adosen‘ and a half-houses, about the year 1826, where he soon after 1 1 purchased the property whereon he has ‘l resided to the time ot'his death. He ,1 has (until five years ago) always been a ‘ very active business man, and for a ‘ number of years wa engaged in business ‘ as a general merchant. During the troubles of 1837, he took an actiVe part in assisting to restore quietness by join- ing the loyal party, and opposing reâ€" bellion, although always a consistent lie-r former. He became a member of the ‘ Methodist Church early in life and in uniting with the Church here became one of the first members. The Church then being in its infancy and numbering only about 15 members, all of whom are gone but one or two. Later in life he received the appointment ot'J l’, which position he filled with considerable ability ’ for a number of years, and till death. In 1873, he was elected to the honorable position of Chief Magistrate or Reeye of our village upon its formation into a: separate Municipality. In the fall; of 1879, through cold and over exertion“, his heretofore rugged constitution Ibeâ€" gun to giyo way. and in the spring of" 1880, be was seized with a severe illness of which he never fully recovered and was altogether incapacitated from engag- ing in active business, since which time he ha been gradually going down to the grave. He died as though going to sleep without the lest struggle; He had a family of thirteen, nine of which are still living, four sons and five daughters, but only two reside in this village. The funeral tool: place on Tuesday - last, 5 and was largely attended. uwmwwmu titâ€"unease!" The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan met at the Town Hall. on Tuesday, lOlh Feb., at 10 o'clock am. The Reeve in the chair. Members present, Messrs Cook, Reaman, Mnlloy and Eiliou. Moved by Mr. Elliott. seconded by Mr Mnllny, that the petition of llnbt Holland and 53 others. asking the Counml to place guards on each side of the roadway at My. Boyle’s mill pond he relerred to the Coin-- missioners for Diet. No. l.â€"-Cflrried. Dist Nol William Trench for 260 cedar posts de- livered... ....£ The minutes of last meeting were read and on motion approved; ' ' ‘ ' A petition was p'resénted 'frnin M4. Cook. from Robert Holland and 53 when; relating to the guarding of the roadway at Mr. Bovle‘s mill pond. ' ' ’ Dist. No. ‘2 -. G Wallace, for hauling 4 toise of stone at 85 per toiao .................................... Dist. No. 3 v John L. Card. cutting bill on'7th Con ..... Wm Ellis, for lumber and work... Moved by Mr. Reaman, seconded by Mr. Malloy. that Treasurer be and in he'rebv authorized to pay the following road ac-- counts :- " W H Line. '14 days at $150 ........ Jabs H Kirby. 32; days at $L60.. Roht McLean, 6 “ " " .. M. Duffy. 34 days at $1.50 ........ John S Kinnee 16 days at $1.50" Chas Cousins 10 " V " .. Robert Rumble ll “ -. - " W- Proctor 19 H u n u u 10 “ 50 can Move-d by Mr. Cookl secpnded b 5 Mr. Reaman. mat Ihe Trensureflm and in' ere-- by unlhorized I» pay Ihe following accounts: u 3 “ at 50 cents... N Kirby ‘2 “ at $1.60 ............ A Whitmorefl loads gravel at $1 per John Dibb 6 days at $1.50 ...... ' ..... John H Watson 6 days at 3| 50.. Rebt H VVatswn 18 duys nt 50 cents J nmes Morris )2 days at 50 cents..... J Watson, 6“ loads gravel at 10 cents J Dalton 15' Geoxge Law 1)} M Powers g; ” Moved hir'Mr Cook,“ sccbixfiélimby Mr Malloy, that the Clerk and Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to retain out of the funds of the Township the sum of $6 for drawing deeds, 6:0, for Farr of deviation of roadâ€"Carried. v .....-._...., -__-_.._..u-._.__ n, , V â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Mnllny. seconded by Mr. Elliott. that the application of A Cameron and others tor the use of the Town Hall tor the purpose of holding: a lennpnrty therein [by the mu-mhms of the Pteshywrimt Church] be granted ml (rhndittou that they make good all damages that may be caused thereby.â€"Currted SPECIAL MEn'rme. Aspecial meeting was held in the Clerk's Ofiice, Richmond Hill.on Friday, 13th inst, M; II a. m. Tho Reeve in the chair. All the mem-- be}? “9.39mi; _ Moved by Mr Manoy, seconded by Mr Elliott. that the Treasurer be and is horeby afithorized to pay '1‘ F McMahon the sum of $4 for foolscap paper, $2 for printing 100 bills, 25).?!) for 50 nom- ingxfion pillaLi}: I.“ {7.75â€"Cargiqdz Moved by Mr Elliott. seconded by Mr Renmun, that whereas D Fotheringham, Esq , Public School Inspector for North York. in making: the apportionment of the municipal grant to schools for the year in 1883 for the township of Vnuglmuv wrongfully apportioned to the village of Wood: bridge on! of mid grant the sum of $122, There- fore the Council of Vaughan requests that he will take immediate means whereby said amount will be refunded to the township, and the Clerk is hereby instructed to forward a. copy of this resolution to Mr Fotheringhnm.â€"Curriod The following; By-Laws were then passed :â€" By‘an No 480, uppointingthe interest accrued frnm the Municinnl Loan Fund to the various school sodium and union school sections. By‘JLtm No 484, clasingflp and disposing 'of a. Bond allowance between lots 20 and 21 in the 7th on, _ Moved by in. Elliott. seconded lty M. Malloy, that this Council grunt pnmissinn to the ratepayers nf Vellm'e to erect n weigh scale on the side of thu public mud on condition that it does nm inmrfere with the public trawl, and thnt Mr. A. Cameron be appointed to attend to the proper pine-- ing of the snmo.-â€" Curried. The following By- ans Were then passed: ByuLaw No. 478. regulating the salaries of Councillors for the pteseut your. BynLaw 479. apphimiug llxe Local Emmi of Health and Medical Health Ulficer under the Public Heallh Act of 1884. r BvaLrHuVVN o Aéflgopeni‘ng and estnldishing roads on the southerly part of Town Lot No 51 in the vignrcg of lflqiflbnw. . "Tia'e'bblméil ishen adjbui-néa 'u'xi'tif Thesdsiy, the 10th March. J. M. LAWRENCE, CLERK. Moved by Mr. Ellion, seconded by Mr. Maliuy, 111m the (‘awmker be insnncled lo gel lbe drum of lhe smve in the Tan Hall lepmned. and also the opening under Ihe door put in proper repair before the next memingpf Ihe (‘nuncil -â€"(‘arried. The Council then ndjnuxned nntii Friday. 13!!) inst, to meet al H a m . in Ihe Clerk’s Office for the purpose 0! taking up germin road By â€"-Laws. are By'v-Lmv No 485. opening and establishing a. 1023i nylon thg ppflh half 01101120 in_ _t_he__'ith {Jon The balance of lhe stock of the late firm of Messrs'Jumes Campbell & Son, Booksellers, Stationers. etc., Toronto, was sold by tender at 32 cents to the dollar, amounting to about $22,000. The purchaser was the wife of one of the late partners. The "new firm is conducting business in the old place under the style of O, M. Taylor & Co. By‘lLaw No 481 nppnrticning the interest negrugd fr9_m 1.1359 Cjergy Respryp Fupd. "viii-13x; N76 4‘82} élrosifigEfihrirdiifidsihé of road ullmvnnce 33 feet wide between lots 81 and 32 in 1119 vijlnvgeyf Klpinburg. Vaughan Councu. QBITUARY. 50 cents at $1.50.... .5100 82400 .15“) .1650 .2925 .525 20 00 22 50 17 26 1'2 75 'l 50 39 75 ‘29 I)“ 9 00 9 00 9 00 64 40 On Tuesday evening last a surprise party from Woodbridge rind the 6, 7.3. 9 Con. Vaugllanyent to Mr. R. Taylor’s ; to spend the evening. On arriving there l the proprietor and proprietoross madel itlrem Welcome, and the largest room in sthe house was soon cleared for any wish; 1' ing tovlrip the light fantastic to'e'. fifl‘his‘ Ibcing a succiss, thev o':'or‘i'clu‘d’éd"td’isur~ lprise M r. Samuel McClure on Thursday ‘ } evening, when they found they were all ‘ lmude welcome. The music was furnish- , ed by the party, and a very agreeablg ; time Wes spent. Vtâ€"fiiriixé: 6m: village this ’flzfluweek the wife of Peter D McLean, M. D. .alsé file wife of John McCulluch, bmh daughlefi, a}! argdojng yell. ‘ (Tar M... PLpnid us {I visit oh .Sétur- day evening, and left» on Monday mornâ€" ing. " " " iflenrv Abe“ is away attending to business in the Nm"lh~V\"est Territories. Gilbert. Gilmonr Jo“ on Tuesday morning Io amend the Grand Orange Lodge at VVingzham. ' Wallace 31:65 have engnaed their old miller, Henry Holland. Give ,lfim. a call. " -- - " A week ego the man "that Kyle &-Co have shpérihtendififih’cit‘ b'u'si‘ne‘Ss in the store-of Fyfe- & 00:, 'suid‘to himself, I have been confined close here for a week, I will take a drive. and getting a horse and rig started. On 'being inâ€". formed there were tolls on the ronthnt would have ;to be paid. he said; he would seehhout that he "knew the law, - and would not pay them. driving through at a rnpidfrnte not heading what thetkceper Said. Aday or two afterwards a County Constable from Weston, came to our village'with it document. and tired senl attachedto it inquiring for this-{gentle- iman, Land on findinglhim the Constable made him a present of this paper with the red sea] attached, requesting him to attend at Weston at the very hour nam- ed on this document. The Superinten- dent of} this firm getting advice from several parties, advised him to settle the matter, and he came to the. conclusion- he would, and wentto Weston and paid1 over the ‘sum of nearly 85 0‘0,‘-s'a_ving:’ that the laws were different here than in Hinglnnd. When he has been around Woodbridge as long :1va have, he, will find out the laws. The Congregatinnal Sunday Schonl of Pine Grove and Pine Ridge passed through here on Tuesday on their anâ€" ndél's‘éigh ride, and. made‘ a splendid turnout. .1 ' The Salvation .',arm_y still continues here. Before long we will have some blood-washed soldiers. Our M?!- Elliott.‘ is-visiting. friends at Hamiltonu‘ , ‘ 4. I must "érnve‘ your lenient-yin the matter oreowestmndence. [t twnsnot my desrie tn itatm-t‘er-e'in this line at all never again. but: I have hoth seen and hemd (if the misdeeds ct' that. unl'ut-tunztte l’eter'Pud. Inc-outruâ€" vertihln ttnd tmconvertible .he is u...h_\'drn-â€" hended monster. Helms vexed'the souls uf patert'nmilius and “made wuuhful .the vtturg hem: thntashnuld know no sorrow. In one sense l_t"elt.sorry for hint for he is‘ Subjectto.strange'inflnences, the-re is an older head than his whose bright light sends its piercing rays over what 'otberwise llliul‘tl he n peaceful village. I. hate li'eeu infurtm‘d that for sotnetitne' past he has had (-uttnidernble business to the town, alsn lnotice, that there is to heii new book out shortl‘y~ whit-It is now in the ltl‘ufis, and that as soon as the Wmld h is the pleasure of perusing ils ll|Sll'llCltVe pages there will he n wonderful change in nll things nrthodnx. Peter is young and rush. he totnIHIlu us in uur day and generation; but this man of light he wants to interfere in our l'ututt- welfare. he is Inore‘lo'hé "pitied than the Pnd. I am fearful of his'h‘lisgttid- mace. But he is natutnlly perverse ttnd snmewlmt high mindvd. :tlld perhnps not Ettllrfir-d with the notire he gets from ordin- nt_t‘ tnnttets, he must needs try to do nwuy with t'm- teachings oranges thnt me :15 the hills immuvn'nl’e unto all time. It. grievns my bent" to think that people should he so sullwillvd tllld nptninnttted even unto their own destruction. i think we do not sufâ€" fiviently L-nnsioler these things, nnd l uhjure PHH' Pad to he cntol'ttl of his 'usaociutions or he tum; entire day wish he had taken my ttdvico. Peter laughs and thinks it all right. hut it' he wnttld lend me n willing eat- I mnld caution hint. I think, to his profit, ns Wr-ll us pletthtttv. The one thing that makes my heart sad in these drys of bucks. papers and venternl tnl'ortnution that should be instructive to all, tlmt there are persons in our very midst; who are by nature Inn-e- gittod thnn the masses. from whom the peotrle Shullld learn that which is to their benefit. instead We are fact: to face in our every day lift- with n stvecies of consummate ittrlitfetence to Ihtngs that should be inter-- resting to everyone. To Our Readers- If'vou sufil-r h-um headache, dizziness, baclfiaéhe. hiiiousness or human; -of,lhe blond. pry Hurduck Blood Billers. II in a guummeed cure for'nll irregularities of the blood, liver and kidneys;- non-l: u: hvgl'v'll ’I‘lw mun ofthe swingel he has gone a little “may. It seems he prufi‘ezed. so I um told. his hol'ly ypotnnn’s [mud to a young lady sometime in the recent pnst. but the heart ol the fair otm Would have none of Billy’s overtuns. mad I understuml poor Billys heart lell considerable] his stock of hope went down below par. 7 Nevertheless. his mightiness tallit-d. and the bmwny hand ol toil was proffered "Pl once ngnin. Still she preferred no to the covrted yes in nuswer to earnest plending, Billy was still of llw some opinion. How eXHCIIy it came uln-nt I do not know mn- cnnld I be certain in the mutter. 'I‘hut ic» hrs" at Springhill â€"the ice was cold nnd in the evening the supper was hot. Billy was law. he overlook n yonng Indy. possibly the lm'wd ow. per-- Imps ho was none too sun» of lmr identity, howevvor. litllv challenqu her for a foot" tau-e down the 4th us far us upptmlle the stntion. should he “in sht- must consent. if her feet proved thtI swil'mst in the rum he should maver mention matrimony to hrr again ' tu-re‘r." Under penalty of a heavy fine: A fair srurt. so saith an eyeuwitness, uwny went the- (Inmva Billy’s wind gave out he was losing. this was desperate. Billy put on n lwuvy spurt. No use, he fell. his mighty pruslrulioh fell athwurt the fair (me’s truck. at collision. a fractured leg. Ah Hilly. poor Hilly. I am told he has been sick, and the maiden is more averse to him lhnn ever. Luilmy, Feb. Hill. 1885. W oodbndge Jottings. Woodbridge, Feb. 171]). 1884. (From Our Own Correspondent) (From o'ur own Correspondent.) LASKAY. Bu:sz McKn. Moiuniniflbémi'egl 'ffa‘peys for are at the HIRA‘ML Book Store. ’ ‘ BULK, ;0_y.s_'t:¢il' add Pickles an The ' '9“? “WWW” 9‘13 I > ' “gum pun 991mm .xgatp mysoddo amp oqq ‘1 THE Pre‘SByterian Sunday School had ‘a pleasant sleigh ride an Satureiay law. ‘ 1 , " thfipé? . Y . d b r jays)qu seesald mm..suaumosang .53 53' I EDNEQUAY-jf..§mer,ay mfg .PRIVA'TE SCHOOLâ€"Miss Cameron is ‘skyiyeém'fiay’fifinj‘E‘W-‘wer‘fn h?” m: prepare‘d'to I\iive'instruction to" pupils in ; ‘ NH 9 are n l M'onmgv 4 {Englisu‘ branclsés';* arm will "open -a| I wéfimimana that. Mrs. Campbeliél‘rivate School‘on Monday. March 2116.: wit anuaggszana' that Mrs. Campben has sold 11325 piop‘e'rti'fir 8750‘ ‘to Mr Henry .Milley, Pgaa§§§ibn given ls§ (May IVY LODGF, A. OHU.’ W. meet in the Readihjz Rqomg‘of the' Masonic Hill,ron Tuesday evening next, .2431: ingl. DUCKS, Ebt‘ténades, Shirtiqgs, etc; Cheap at the Fir! Prod; ‘RICHMON'D LonGB.-Ri¢hmond Lodge Ni). 23, A, F. 8! A. M. will meet in their Lodge room in this plice, on Mon- day evening next,-23rd inst. m 0.212 UL'â€"-';‘Tbe nextflmeé tling' of ‘the W. ,Gw'l‘. Union will be held at llgq residence of MrsC. Mason an Wednesu ‘day, 25th ' inst, at 4 p. In. All ladies are cordially invited. * Bnmmnn RAcns.â€"A number of our villagers an attending the Bradford whiter races, which takerplace toâ€"day and t‘o-morrow. - . PERSONA-L._4Misl Emily Woodington', of Clinton Street, Toronton yisifing her friends at Lon-ridge Farm, the resiâ€" dence o‘f‘erR. Marsha ~ - N0?:I:N:Tmnâ€"â€"An interesting and longthy-‘accuu'nt of the Bachelors’ Oyster Supper->’_at='5'l\lnp1e' also a ietter from Crabber‘i1Mfiisbvilfe, did not arrive in time {briiflaejlttion this week. Come a little ea'fliel‘j. ' BAis:-!Néw sc‘yxest Nobby Goods! Just opégéfi_'gt The Cheap Cash House. EXTENSIVE Cmcmr SALI.-â€"There willvabe golfin'ét th'e'PaIn'xq‘r House, Rich- mo'n'd Hill, (in Saturday, Féb. 28m, :1 numbgpgfifialpgble Horsesfiolts, Cattl'e, etc , (lieimppeny 9f J. Lungstafi". Salgiogogxnery‘cg at 12 o’clock, noon. Tcrins 3â€"1‘le'aums of $50 and under, 8 momhsiereaiupall sums over-850.’ one year's crcfiitr 8 per cent. per annum ntf'm anytime for cash. Salem Eekardt, Aucx. " 1'" " ' A Aucm‘yi ‘ sunâ€"A Credit sure or Fa rm Stchk, Implements; etc , e'lc.; will mkepluce in Lot No. ,, 28, in rear of 2ndC'on, of Vaughan, ' ml Wednesday, Feb. 25th.. the property-.0? Mr. Charles Baker. :‘ISakv-to commence at 1 o'clnck. "l'éru:‘s {at-For the-hay and all sums" of $10 and under, CaSh ;-'ov'e-r that amount 8 months" Gtcdirwill be given on furnâ€" ishing approved Joint Notes, Sale will}. out any'mepe’rm; .J. C. Slpkes, Aucc. MECHANIcs’ INSTITUTE LECTURE.â€" A~Liecmre will be’delivercd in the Mn- sonic Halrfiinvthis - village, on Friday eveningl'next, 20th i inst} under the auspices" ofghe ‘M‘cehanies’ lnflitdle.’ by the popplui‘flectux‘ér, C‘ A. Hireclnféldér. Esq., of ToiHfiTOfSibchT-A-m PrchiéiorTc America.:'..y ; Tbis'will describe Ihc nu at re‘nrarkable~~rnins- and ancient. remains of Somm'fi'éntrnl nnd~Nortlr America, and ivillAno‘donbp' be vci‘y interesting We twist: the Lecturer will be greeted; With a full zhonséQ Admission free. A col- lcctiomwillbegtnken up to defray ex- penses. . w OLD Mains TO THE FRONTâ€"Bache- lm's Ahoy l-The girls ofthe Methodist Congregation intend holding an " Old Mnids’" Ten Mid Concert in the Church, Richmond Hill. on Tuesday evening: nex‘t, 24th inst. Ten will be served from 5 to 7.30 p in . in the _nsunl excellent st_\-le for which the Old» Maids of this Church lmve‘become:notorious. The l'ollmving peiformers will take part in the Cm:cgrt::}â€"yM,iss Brieker. Winnipeg; ‘ Miss HerdnianJ ‘anonto; The Misses Reid, Thoruliill‘i J1 iss Flora Coulter, and other night of _n high order. 50 come, ye weary bitchelor ? Ye'who' havel troddtm through this sinful world for} the past twenty or thirty summers forâ€"l sach and unknown. brace up,and attend 1 the Tea'and Concert; on Tuesday even- ing next,.and select one of the charming Old Maida‘feryou future welfare and happiness. Yon will-be treated well. and probably get a reserved seat specially ee- lected for Bachelors. The Old Maids appear in costume and will no doubt look very attractive. Everybody invited. Admission-to Tea‘ and Concert, 991125- 0611”. 4 ' SPRING ,‘:qued§, Worsted; Coatings and Ulsmrings at the' Eire Proof. Proctor, I’. G. Szivztg'e, J. McConnghy; C. Suvagé,‘50; Skeel'e."l‘. Young and J. Piper, Munngipg Committee. With the above officers our Lacrosse Club will, no doubt, be r‘ti'n 0h a solid basis, and even Iéclipse the many ' victories of former years. We' wish it success for the sea~ son of 1835. ALI. kinds of groceries fresh and cheap at Ihe C11er IUash House ! Try our Teas! ‘ c FondEnf‘To ‘YIELD.â€"A good many subscfib'efs‘ (t6 Piétnresque ' Canada,af’ter taking ééyeinlununubers' lepented and reâ€" fused to 'acficfi: the reinninder. A perâ€" so‘n‘tlilis refusing at" P01: Hope. has been sued by the Conipixny, and the decision“ 0T” lJudgze “Benson is lo the effect‘lhut-f’he defendant must pay for Ihe‘fbtnni‘tiin’g numbers. The hooks-had been .dclifi'et‘édf» nce'ordingto the order signei‘l‘fiyVl'lie?E subscriber; as against which a'nyf‘olher” arrangement made by an agent and not embodied in the order, was not binding on the Company. Any person contemplating resislauce of pay- ment will find by the above judgment what are his chances ofsuccess. YOUNG ’CANADIANS ORGANISED â€" There was a large attendance at the re- organisation meeting of the Young Canadian Lacrosse Club. Champions of the Western District of Ontario. hold in the Lorn‘e Hall, in this village, on Friday evening lush A number oflhe oflicers were re-electcd by acclamation. The following is the result oflhe election :â€" T. H. Redditt. President; G. Derry, Vice-President; A. Pugsley. Captain; W. Mager, Vice-Captain : S. S. Scarle. Secretary ; W. Pugsley, Treasurer; M. Wilson. Field Captain; B. Brown; W. LQQALLTEMSy LOQAL.._I_'1_‘EMS- LACROSSE CONCERTâ€"The Lacrosse Club halve appoinbpd an excellent Com- mittee for getting up thefr annual Conâ€" cert which takes place on Good Friday. THE Cheap Cash House is the place to‘ get a nice, lent-fitting Jersey or Tweed ‘suitliforl‘thzit ’Boy of yours. Great variety of Styles and Patterns in all sizes; ’ ‘ FRA‘NK,Manh spenks'very' highly of the Ekpositid‘n at New Orleans, and we n'ndeljsta'nd he has disposed of some of "the shéep. The competition in the class is pfietfy strong. ' PRAISE MEETING.â€"Tile Praise Meet- ing in connection with 1he W. C '1‘. Union, which was held on Tuesday last, was very largeiy attended; At the close of the Thanksgiyin‘g'and Praise Service,- which Wnsflbondncted‘ by _£he President, a number fbf Indies gave their names in order to become members of the Union. ()REMT SALEâ€"Mr. Walter Lemon intends having an extensive Credit Sale'of Farm Stock. Implements, Eta, at Lot. No 39, lst Con. of Vaughan, on Tug‘sduy, Feb. 24111. Sale to commence at Ing'clock“ sharp. Terms :-â€"For me Fowls, Oats, Hay and all sums of $10 andsunder. cash ; over that. amount 8 months: credit will be gtven ou ‘f'umishâ€" ing approved joint notes, Salem Eckardt, Hounwnfs Otx'mnm AND PILLS â€" Disens’es of Advunued Yearsâ€"The grand climacteric being passed, mankind passes 10 old tige. Then the digestion becomes impaired, the nervous system grows feeble, and the’physicnl poweis become enervnted. Now arise congestion of the liver, lungs. or hand. fiilluwec‘r hy drospy. asthma. or npnplexy, which frequentlv ufflicl and nl'ten destrt y the aged. As the liver usually be» cmnes torrid. its activity may 'sperdily he revived by rubbing Rhilowny’s Ollllnlt‘nl (hornuuhly (H‘cl‘ the pit of the smmnclt and right side. at least twice :1 day. and taking the Pills at the same time. This treatment also dispenses all nthercongpstions by Viny- iug tli'e pulls unhhm‘l according to tlm sit- uations Hi the mischief. STR,'â€"-Pcrliups some of your readers would be glad to knnw a simple mctlmd of cfilblllntlnL: in‘terest.’ I, therefore, be}; to lgagld yoh for publicationthe following: ; divi'd'c' fun: 3 'pcr emit. by $4 ‘ K. u H 4 u u. u u up u 4%_ «I. u u h ‘ 5 _ H u .l c. u a ll I. 6 &R H u ‘n’ u u 'x: u 7 u 'u .n ‘ n u u . To the Edizo‘r of 17.;Hmzd .- Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the Dixon treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 mtients treated during the past six months, ful y ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. 'l‘hisis none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular prnct-itioner are bcnefltted, while the pat~ ent; medicines nnd other advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starling with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue. Mr Dixon at once adapted his cure to their exterminationâ€"this ac- complished. he claims the Cutcrrh is practically cured, and the permanency is unquestioned. as cures effected by him four yenrs ago are cures still, No one else has ever attempted to cure Cutcrrh in this manner, and no other treatment has ever cured (lntnrrh. The application of the remch is simple. and cm: be done at home, and the present season of the year is the most inv- oumble fore speeer nnd permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured at one treatment. Sufferers should or rresponrl with Messrs A H DIXON dz SON. 3‘ 5 King street, west, Toronto, Canada. and enclose stamp for their treatise on CuterrhrMoutreul STAR. - Miss Cameron is prepared to give instruction to pupils in English brfapches. School to open u .I‘. ,. n u u N ' H ‘ u u l‘ I! n _ hamsâ€"Find the interest on 8100 at 6 per cent... {on 84 days. - 84 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your test by a. sick child suffering and crying with [win or cuting teeth ‘2 If so, send at once and get a. bottle of Mus WINSLOW‘S SooTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is inculcuL able It will relieve the poor little sufl‘erer inn-- mediately Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cm'cn dysentery and diur- r1men.,reg.u1utes the stomach and howels. cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces mflammn- tion, and gives tone and enemy to the Whole system. Mm Wmsnow's SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING ispleasunt to the tnste,u.ud is the prescription of one of the nldest and best female uni-sci; and physicians in the United States. and is for sale by all druggists through-- out the wcrld- Price 25 cents a. bottle. MISS FLORA COU LTER LAW.â€"At his residence. Richmond Villa, on Saturday evening. 1-11.11 Feb.. in the 79th year of his age, Abraham Law. J. P.. n. native of Pennsylvania. and resident of Richmond Hill for 59 years. HELMKAY.â€"Suddenly at” his residence. 3rd Con. Markham, on Tuesday, 17th inst" John Helm- kay, aged 60 years. TInpALLâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, 17th mat. the wife of Mr George Tyndall; MONDAY, MARCH 2nd, ’85. GATARRHuA NEW TREATMENT. PRIVATE SCHOOL. LEA‘Lmnâ€"-Gumanm.â€"Ac Thornhiu, on Tuesday inst 17th inst, by {he RevFuLher McMillignn. J amen’LeaJess to Agnes Guthrie, all of Exch- mond Hill. - LESSONS "IN MUSIC. mohmohd mu. Feb 11th. 1:85. Richmond Hm, Feb, 19th, 1885‘ .ISILuln'ply the amount by fl)? days and gm. .flflvprtimmntz. ADVICE T0 MOTHERS. l‘ IS PREPARED TO GIVE MAR.RIED. Yours, etc., DEATH 6‘0)840'0 8] 40â€"1-00 400 800 GEO. F. KELLY, ‘ Veterinary Surgeon ! Graduate Ontdrio Veterinary College, Toronto. 1 .' , 4 . Office 8:. Read-ence-ggfo’} Mfi‘khifi, P. O. ButtonviIIe-Eg’gg‘fil‘; :ggggdgglg: NOTICE. MRS. AN N ATKINSON, VII-LAM: DP RIEBMBND KILL. In tha County of York, Widow, Deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of October. 1884, are hereby notified to send by post prepaid. on or before Wednesday. 1 st April, New next ensuing. to the undersigned Executors of the personal estate of the said Ann Atkinson, weir christian and surnames. addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts. and the nature of the securities (if any] hem by them, and that immediately after the the said 1st day of Rpril next. the assets of the estate of the said Ann Atkinson will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having reference to the claims of Whicfi notice shall have been furnished to the executors as above required ; and the said ex~ ‘ ecutors will not be liable for the said assets er ‘ any part thereof to any person or persons 01 whose claims notice shall‘not have been receiv- ed by them at the time of such distribution. Feb 21111885. Dfited at. Richmond Hill aforesaid this~twenty- eighth day of J amuu'y, A D, 1885.. Under‘ind bv virtue of Revised statutes of On- tario. Chapter 107, section 34, the Creditors of STOVES! SELL AT COST ! Eave Troughihg of Tin and Galvanized. Iron. Custom work promptly attended to. CHARLES MASON. Richmond Hill, Jan 7th. 1885. m3- CREDIT SALE! PalmerHouse,RichmondHill Sale to Commence at 12 00100]; T E R M S : Richmond Hi‘ll, Feb. 16th, 1885-. 1 Span Heavy Dark Dappled Grey Horses. 5 years 016. 1 Spun Draught Horses. 6 years aid. 1 Chestnut Horse, Heavy Draught, uged. 1 Roan Mare, Light Draught, heavy in foul. 1 Black Mare, 8 years old, Genera] AH Sums of$50 and under, 8 months’ credit ; all sums over $50 one year’s credit. 8 per cent per ant-mm ' off at any time for cash. The above animals are owned By Dr. J. Langstufl', and are independent of his driving horses and colts. FEBRUARY 28, 885, I have nfew Parlor Cook and Coal Heating Stoves which I will Sieighs and Skates at Cost. (Signed) ONE DOLLAR STEELE BRG$ & co. Seed and Produce Merchants, Corner Front 82; Jarvis Sts., TORONTO. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Choice Alsike Clover Seed. P u rpose. ONE DOLLAR PER BARREL !‘ All parties wishing to buy or sell seeds or choice seed grain, will find it to their advantage to call upon or correspond with us. STEELE BROS. (*3 00. N. B.-We are agents for the EMPIRE HORSE 8E. CATTLE FJOD. Please send for circular which contains testimonials from leading Feeders and Stock Raisers in the Province It is equally valuable for Stock ot‘all kinds, horses. cattle, sheep, pigs, 8L poultry. Dairymen always find it . largely increases quantity and quality of milk. EXECUTORS’ The undersigned has received instructions from STOVES. ISAAC CROSBY, JAMES COSGROVE . JAMES LANGSTAFF, Also a. number of We can? now furnish Fine Barrel Salt at Late of tho All the animals will be selcl separately. And Finest The Following Valuable- Property :‘ To Sell by Public Auction at the SALEM ECKARDT, Auct. Richmond Hill, P. 0‘. w-fi. EXTENSIVE -â€"ON SATURDAY At Exncmons. Quality ofDairy Salt at. TWENTY PER BARREL, Our Warehouse. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given that thy partnership carried on for some time past by the' undersign- ed- under the firm name of H. Sanderson 8: Sons’ 13th DAY JAN" 1885, by mutual consent, the senior member of the firm retirmm-and that J H 65 W A Sanderson in em owered to discharge and settle all debts to an by the said partnership WITNESS, E SNIDER ‘Ne the undersigned have entered into Partnu’v ship under the name and style of Sanderson Bros , and will continue on the Old Business car- ried on by the late Firm of H. Sanderson & Sons.- N. B.â€"â€"A1l parties indebted to tha late Firm of H. Sanderson & Sons are hereby notified that all accounts due must be settled on or before the 18!; Day of March, 1885, aftar which date, they will be placed in our Solicitor's hands for collection SANDERSON BROS. Richmond Hi1!,J:m.14th, 1885. m3 On farm property at 6 per cent. to pay of mortgageu at higher rates of interest, or for building, draining, or other purposes. Mortgagas‘ bought. Notes discounted. Advances also made on second mortgages. Farmers will save money by applying direct to me " E. R. REYNOLDS, TO LOAN Dec. 2nd, rm, K 1). mournigm. rucu~ucuu, no VITA GULINE.â€"â€"Ccment for Broken J Articles Sold everywhere. 1 Buy Mare, Draught. agedi. 1 Buy Cola rising 2' years old, General Purpose. 1' Small Driver, 5 years old. 1 Colt, 9 months nid, General Purpose, 8 Heifers rising 2 & 3 years old. 3 Steers, rising 3 years old. 1 New Milch (30w. 2 Cows supposed to be in calf. “mm:us momma. TOR COUGHS AND COLDS "AY'S’COM’P‘OUNb OF LINSEED‘ AY’S COMPOUfiâ€"D, a demulccnt XY3'S‘00’MPbUNDIJFCougha “a AY’S ’TIC‘PILLSZ “5 "specific in Chlorodylie‘ $100,000 Colda, is equally serviceable for Hbrsea Ind- Cuttle- ~A‘Axgniae‘ed, Sencgu. Squill, Tolu‘,. due“ with- Articles Sold everywhere. Sole Manamaâ€"KAY BROS” Stockport, Eng: expoctorunt, for Coughs and Cold: Nournlgin. Face~uche, 6m Has been Dissolved flifi; NOTICE OF 03‘ PRIVATE FUNDS 52 Adelaide street, East, Toronto. 3mm Signed. Signed, J. H. SANDEBSON, V. B.- W. A, SAâ€"NDERSON

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