Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Feb 1885, p. 3

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’A stsns. R. S. \VILLIAMS 6K7 Sox's. GENTLEMEN â€"I have much pleasure in Ms“ _ n: to 1110 yrmt m put them severe] ; to the um, um! 1':qu 1119le pus (Assad n: thiam- mm aepmble to the true mnsicilm :uul luvur 01' Mus m Ac~u ch in” nted from th: )lloSLdOch‘ltO [lizznlvsdm-O to (aver) (lugl‘gc “I lunum.» unsyers rqqdll}: to c ' 'shmle nt {Lavina}; Mussns R. W. WILLIAMS 3; Grzw'x‘Sâ€"lim‘ing Hunm . smtmg £11m, n- m) 01" iwn. Hwy I consider tho 0 inshmm-u .51Lgzl'vutzu'q‘xisitio finding :1. piano \vkuch I can rccommuml \vlih wed I nih glud to hour {but ti Iuccess that. I mink~ von j-fix I cal} (July'sllcuk‘ iuAlXu: ing cayubllny of 20110, plw forelgn mstnuncuts. w I _._._â€"_â€"_.â€"_~.- “9 mum: u. :1 «ml 5x)“: 0H1]; um in Law.- quwnunm, ‘ ceptwmul: low mics. :4) n1_(~1-. ‘ m-nmgui to suiL Llu. ('01. tam 0! years. For full particulars write to ammm Groceriesflroclr; A Large and Splendid Stock of Beavers, 1391mm, \‘Vm's‘eds Scotch, Irish and Canadian Twceds, Full Cloths, Sun, 810,, at LowestPrices. 22-103. TYOUR FALL £3 WENTER GOODS. Are constructed from the very blst Mu! The "NM WWW Z Richmond Hill, February 1111), 1885. PREPARE Ffifi WN?ER GROCEEHES‘, EMMD'E‘FS AR”) SHORES, Flour 8; Feed we have a large stock LARGE STQCK OF FISH I am, Gentlmneu. yum‘s very truly LEN'E1 ES COMING AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Sficlfas filmâ€"class Family Flour, Buckwheat. Flnur ' Cracked Whom, ()ntmcn], Cornmeul, & Ofnll kinds, consisting «if \thc‘ Fish. Salmon Trout, Finnzm Huddie, ., Biomcrsl Crock Fir-ll. Lnbl‘ndur Sn}! Hm‘rings. Fresh SnlL Water I‘M-rings, Siscm's, Dried Herrings, Etc, Etc. Also in C5}? At very low rates. Call and ace “'1‘ yourselves and confer a favor on TGN E, TGUQEK c5325 EBU Eé’fa EEE E‘E'E‘Y O‘f Dress Goods, Prin‘rs. Gkn’vs, Hosierv, &c., at Prices to snrt Purchasers. Also a Large Stod; of Staple and BLANKE'I‘S, FLANNELS, ETC, ETC, 1' [but the mluusivc m" k Vonju my ucscl‘YO. I ..m, GenticnzuL Your Obediun Sen . '. A ‘ ' \' 01 )um‘ ms‘u'. AND SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO JOEEPEâ€"E HALL. TEfiTIMOlflIzifdfi ‘u A). 1w .LUJJLAM Yonae St. Torontg. OR 22:8 Dundas St. London 'l'u lhe ‘1? IC'JJ/xvflq V “)7 \ \\:\, EV A \ C}. JCEQ‘anvaWDSt?‘ ll] Hl' IS PRICI’AIH‘JD FOR IT WITH A 1L grmt zu'quisitim) in m high priu‘d 9.. “a... 1': 23% FEE; ‘inml the \‘Corlmmx l"111:~1‘()1)1(l$(5 “1' st Mnlurmla hy oxpm'mnccd Workman, and are fully W]qu in 1min! (If 1‘l I" r- cu” pm vuf)u1:ril.sir isitirm in mwsifiul s: pod} ct confidence. ‘IIAS \V.L1\‘.'II\‘G, Organist AND THE . (:1 5? W F 13$ka mmiuun [nsn'umenls . 'VV‘IL ‘ M l OR 228 DundasIéâ€"zfifidnn 5" ssware at bottom prices ahip of y ' UIIH’)’ ll! UH. 10411011 Piano:- ments 511mm th fazcxwmzm WWW” mwxaam‘e nr lung-(tum ulxlu to ufl'el' them at 0};- umo ct purchasers and spread oven). at nxvd‘ 'llK‘UI-f yrnr Pianos. I have -qu1irio 01' tone and tnuch 50 MC" 51 armisng 1:;ng tone, ensin prmlxr 11035 and {1111253, mu] a touch \zhi- L1 ocichn and 11m (Of London, England) ‘ of Sn Peter's Church. 001mm, 011 Tulmx’ra. Nov. 4th. 1582. I ,ur l‘imms. I have no htsitutinu in :1 Kb c l;st Mnlaem than lluu'e sewn hti ~. . 101‘ their fine lull Sim,- 32c 1m necessity to purchase 110-,1I11d at (my-Lhinl less cost} mm mm you ure meeting with the} GEO. ‘V. STRATHY. Mus Doc. TORONTO”, A} 112“), 1881 :1an Graham Flour, much plefised m R. T. 01* TEMPERANCT’Lâ€"R ci]. N0. 4?}. weeks 111 the Ten 1 3 ILormLfivc Tuvsnhu' awning lvnuficmry vertificnter i _ VILLAnE Canyonâ€"Reeve, W cillors, B Rcdditt, P G Savng McConaghy, Clerk, M Tcefy RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANn.â€"Meets for prac- ‘tica in the Lorne Hall every Tuesday even- . in: at 7.30 o'clock 0. Savage. Leader In I’uzsley ;Coun- e, W I) Powell. F I for workmgpmmie. Sour-I 1’3 cents unfit-- 11:10. and \w will mail _\ou free :1. myrfl. ._ \‘ultmhlt- anple hm: nf goods that will put you in (he \\ my of)» thing mmo mnm'y M's than Wm (WM thrupht pnssildn at in a few 0 any bnsmoss (‘ tn] not mqufred, You can live In home and TO ‘ in S]!ll|"' Limo nulv, or M] the tzmrx All of both Fetws‘ 0f all ages. gmndly suc- r‘ossful. 50 cents; tn ~45 (Jinkin nnrnnd every m'on- i112. That '1‘]! who want; work may his the busi- nosw. we make thzs muzm‘nllclod thtl‘i '10 all whn are not moll mfisfivd we wiH Spud $1 to puy for tha trouble of “wiring: us. F1111 pnrfir-Ulnrs, (‘xi “Minus, etc. Sent free. Immense wu' nhsnlute. V sure for 1111 who start 216 «mm. Don’t delay Address STINFON 8c Co lN-Hmnd Maine ROMAN CATHOLICâ€"Svrviccs : Tlxornhill at? am rmd Richmond Hill at 10 3 .u m ; the falluwimz Sunday at Richmond Hill at 0 am, and 'l‘ilm'nbiil at 10 L30 (L111, Rev Father Egan, l'ustor. PR];SBYTEhIANâ€"Sm‘vicfls at 11 n. m, mum '30 n 11) Prayer meeting on \Vm‘mesday evening at 7 30 Rev J \V Cameron, pastor ST MARY‘S (Emsr'mun\â€"â€"Sorvioos nt 3 pm, ex. (wept the third Sunduy of every xnnnih, when the florvicn and snm'umenfi are held at I] n m quu‘my School at] 30 1,- m Rev W “ann nmem. insun, Indium Slippy-inIvndvnt. :md Mzajnr va, n Tm‘nntn. By his genial :Iml (-hzuhuhlt- dispusiliun. [1w dweomwd nundp nanny warm hivnds; malice and nvmirv found no [rd-1mm»! in He. built. and as :1 c:n~.~:vqum\(-P, it "my ho suit? 01‘th 110 films 10hisgmve “Mum! leaving an enemy in Hue \x'urM, The decensed leaves a widow [<islm- of Mrs J. l’. [51:11, (:I' Dvenlme] W’Il) hash-on (he {axillful [xxxxhwr of his ys mer snrrmx's {or more Hum 46 \‘Purs. :wd uhn has llxe symgemhy of Ihv “‘hnle cnmmu'lilv in her hermn‘wx‘xmt. 'I‘hs‘ {Mg m xhn (Thy Hu'l. Humilmu. was; flaming nl hqu-mns: as a token uf lCSpPCI lo the dv . .. w “A auuuny School at] 30 I; m Rev \V iih-t‘cr, Rector RIXC'J‘HHDTSTâ€"SCI' " .08 nt 10.30 a m, and mum n] Sundm School at "J p m PmyI-r mmm‘nv evpry ’Fhm‘sdny evr-niugz va‘ H10 p m, an. \V R Barker, Pastor. Rov “7 B Buoth, Assxst-LGt. I 0 G T.â€"Tln'.e Leda Hull (We: 5' \Vnenr 5111:5‘ J H Snndnrmn, \V C. A. 0. U. \\'., IVY Lora]; No Committev Room of the Me second and fourth 'l‘m-Rdnv m ' ck. p. m. Beneficnry ('0 mm in ens-o of dam]: 1s: Film BRIGADIL- mgnlm’ meetng first Friday of v-vvry 111m1tli.heiriin die Comm-i1 (‘lmmlmr at T p.11], h’luixvhershin “‘00. (Iortificntns issued tn members rumbling thin to curtain pri ilegvfi nndoxnmmimxs, J N Sanderson, Captain. II; A. Richelis, Secretary. MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Musnnic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. Wm. Puas. 1m. PreFideuL. T F. McMahon, Sec. R E LnRV, Librarian. caused â€"(‘0M RICHMOND LODGE. IL: Meet: in the Lodge Pmm Mondny on or hpfore full A‘ J. Rupert, \" M; H. A H’IXUfiC y vel‘tificnfer is rod Lou“ or in mti of dmitli "$2,000 in case nf disability. J. H. S Councillor. .. . A. u m um m mnc Hull. evvlv second and fourth 'l‘m-wdnv nf mm!) nmnth. at S n'c](:ck.p. m. Bemaficm'y oertil‘mnm given for sy‘nm'iu cast" of donLh lsanc Crosby, Muster “’orumnn. B. Gremmu, Recorder, (Inning i852 ()I‘ the (.‘(UHL’H [but 1: mum-xi Ilvof‘ivic Pmnd 11ml )(‘mz Hw survive .‘Yl'é‘als H N. Cusp. .T-mes‘ (‘2-‘nl' J. M. [Vim-mm. Plum. MMJHH, J. 'I', GM" deomm-n‘ was n (wal nl-'l)l';_'(". \vm. hrquently “is was Mn: 11 rhuing 18.2 Iran-xi llvv (‘i (:i'izrns Mr cvsvur Hugh! in Humilmn‘ Over s‘inop. 1m «Kn-v s' .(l In llu- domh of Mr, M N. “PM nm‘m'ru‘ld on th-ndny nf'mrnnmr. 2 in 79.11 _\'l‘Hl' (71.3138 “:10. Hnmihnn I of its uldvsl nnd must hi«Jl11\~ In luv lur l’nin, [ml Denf'nwc. Hm n Hi all Fi-sh cr-Ln furnish i! huh. ()u" 10 1h.- More. If {urine-m wrmld en lo H20 sum” (*xrwnso, and have mm fmm their pIm-v In |!l(‘. slm‘e. Ihwy Cuulii find out the prive nl' 2min (wary duv. Mildwli and Humor is still sum-lying the vilhngc nnd when; will) ice, I) ucks. 1’: feet Smmre. \Vnndhridgo found} mtlels on Monday night M 730 o’c'ock, in the Mechanics‘ right monlhs. Wulincu “ms is arthng will) 1}!“ phone Cumpn-w for mm, fwm 111‘ 10 lhv .L‘lm't'. H runle wrqu gn I sum” (*xmlnso, and have mm fynm pIm-v In |!l(‘. slm‘e. Ihwy CUUM find w prive of ngin (W y duv. night «I Inslilule. On Saturday evening as the Salvation Army was on their weekly par-“dc ztlmrg Pine Strept. llwv were interrupted by un tit.drvidu:rl, arty'ing he was tr consmhle and wmrltl stop such processions. The Army ‘nm hwding what this supposer Constable said. Inmcho-t'l on to tlwir place of worship. The Cmrslublt: followed Hz». and was met by n man that Snld he could get water any “here. A 3'0ng mmr from the 7th Con put in appearance. and stated uhat he could (ll) to either constable. water man or blood- wushed S()!diel‘ hnlonging tn Ihc Army. A great crowd gnthm-t’d mund. and It hving ufter 7 n’t-lnuk, the hntols were all closed. ll. rt‘sulletl in the whole three blowing Off thfiir 2:15. nnll no (me hurt. ' Hut-ml on Sunday at the E-mlish Church (‘mnutea-v. ‘v’v'ondhridge, the daughter of litlwm Francis Haslem. ()l' Tlristluton, ngrtd On Saturday the annual School Sectinn sleigh ride of Pine Grme passed through our village, and joined the ninth Concession Section. and drove to Bolton villngp, where a very enjoyable time: was spent. On Saturday evening as the Salvation Wednvsdny :md 'l'huisduv being Ihe two days St»! {or !he Suhhulh School Convenlinn in ihe Preshyleiim (lunch. :1 great number ofchildren. grow” up people. and heads of filmiiiPs‘ Visited our villnge fur the pn=posu oi'iinih duing their inn-ling: and ullcnding {he Cunvmiliml which proved to he a suc- cpss. A iiht’l'lli collection Was lnkvn up. ‘and went to Show that all who allended new 1 in favor (if Hie good work {Mr thI paisl yvni', and trusted lhni the ensuing year wunld en-- mil more schnlnls (in lho Subbn'h Schnnl {0H, and more lanblHS in our princesan Churches Ihnn any ()ilier year in lhe past. On Friday evening quire vl numhur (if nur young cilizons, mnnuniing: to lwn sleigh Innds. enjuyed themseives by unending ihe skating (annivnl nt Bolton rink. Durng [he time of skating. Ihe Carriage shop of Richard 51 Juhn. hmlhernin-Juw tn ‘ Amos Maynard. of our village, ionk lire. Mr. St. John was absent unending n Sulvn» lion Army Meeting. He lost uh his [0018. pattern“ and stock, Ihe building being [0- I tally dvstrnyed. Yr‘Hnw ()H \Vuudbxidge, lab. 2m]. 1885 Alllmugh haul Iimvs is Ille talk all over the country. our village mm'chwus and trudrsmeu have been doing a good business lhruugll llll". wlmle week. s aides! nnd nwsl highl)~ rmph'wbd WI.“ Mr "PM was :a nuln'enf "'nrv- r Hugh“ (1. um! nilh Mrs. Best (-nmP nmilmn in [846. and have H‘Silil’l‘i hvu3 s‘iIH'P. Fu‘r many yams ho UH'IiH] nn ('0! sEx'r- ('mnmisfion and Mllf'l'cm husiu hIL-I u-nmminn n" n (-Hn‘m‘ Allvlinlmr-r I \- vli Innuw Ihrx ugh:sz lhn PXO\‘:II(‘(‘. wouhv Mr..\or and AMI-1mm] l’zL'IxN I‘m snnw mans in hi-e mnphw. Tho nsv-n‘ was m e nt' Ihe (-hm'r-r memme A nether Landmark Cono‘ W oodbrldge Jottings (From Our Own Correspondent) Wimout Doubt. ()5! is par (mm/Halon the wmedy Lnnflms‘x. Rl'eumnlism. CI" 111-. Hmm‘. Frnsl hilt-s. Slifi' J-inm CI’IURCIIES 500115121155 th-ndny nf'mrnnmv. 21st inst. (71' his “so. Hnmihnn Inst um I 71nd must highly rmpwlm “PM was :a nunvonf H’mw now IIIHHJIII‘UI llw l’xm‘fiu-(h .Wwor and AMI-inn": l’n'lm‘ t‘ mans in hismnpluv. Tho me nt'lhe (-hnHr-r mombels s Sncin'y uf Unmiilon. and I; hnnmed as im Pnsxdenl. u mmnhs'x' or flu- (‘ivv (‘nn (“H v; Unit, 1: u) u; H. A. Month]; See. Lodge 111 wt in (1:9 Tgvppfmnca r :11.” Wounds Any uwdicine dealer New: Riehnnmd Hi'nl (‘mm- the ‘mmrortmcn Hall. 01011 awning: :: ,8 n’chv-k D. m A. F d'AM, N0 ‘23, GROâ€" (mm, Bfusnnic IIu]1,on the full nm at 8 n’cJock,1un ; A .n n evening at S o’cldck 11g::,8 n’clnr-k p. m. nod to membem for «2,000, mm lminm‘nhle H. Sanderson. Select Agar; in the tempo: 1;] r of his l6 \‘Purs. w Winnie The flag Hie mii‘. whil II 1) 11) nun I I’ll: v khvim. A-hm'nh, I'Vn'fhrshivo. 59p! ‘23. lRC‘Z “our 83 ,-â€"Lns! vmr I 5' u! n1] :1 lerlvr wo'uummldiuu Mnlhl-r Srignl's Syxnn I have: vm-v muvh plvnemn in Hill lmming “wilnnuy In lhv \mr unfisl'nomry wsn’ls x-f Iln- HIde Syrup m d Pi”s_ Most 141'le nwdil'ilws din, um wiIh me. but Amhm- F igvl has hnd n Mondv snlu (*w-r 355nm I mimnmnw-rl. and is mill in an, 2:0"! M'finmzd as who“ I firs! hugmn to RP” the midivimu 'l he- 'uvl’S which hum (1mm- nwhn' mv HUIiCP :m‘ (-hikfiv lhnse L-f liver (:nmxulniul um] general debilily. | :\ ommiu minis‘lPl' in mv nr-ighbmhnnd mus it ?s rhn only I11ingwhivh has hunefi'n wd him and 1031mm} him to his nmnml (-(m- lil'itm I-f'IH-nllh Hf'lm- heng mmNeln [mom-h Fur :I (wnsidvrnhlu Imnglh nf‘lImP. ' I'Ctmld ‘ I of large vulun, (hut “‘1” starnou in wurk that Will uh nuce bring you in money faster 111an an) thing else in Amelicn, All nlmut the 5:2 mm in plasmas with each box, Agents wantud every“ here. uf either sex, uf ull nges. for 111:, lime, or spme time only, tu wr‘rk for us at their mvu humes, Fortum-s tor all worker1 all-- solu :ely assured, Don‘t delnv, H Rn mmw An In. poi-mad, Muine' Not Bad. It is so ngneuhlv mm even an infant will lake it. For coughs. colds.huznseuwss. ('rnup. uslhma and bronchitis Hugymd's Pectoml Balsam is reliable for young or old’ V r r ,. “ BROWN'S Hr-UEHULD PASMHZA " has no oqunl for reliuVing 1min. lmth internnl nml exterle It cures Pain in the Side. Buck or Bmvnls, Sore ’I‘lxrnnt, liliemnntism. tnntlmclw. Lumhugo and any liiml ('f 1: Pain or A0110. “ It will most surely quicken the lllnml 11ml anl, as itsnr'tinupmwris won'lmful.” “Br wu's llmisolinld Pnnucou,”l-o~- i175; acknowledged us (liegreut l‘nin Relievmuuhl of -lnul>ln 1110 siren;V h of any miner Elixir or Linimcm iv the wnrlrl. should he in every fmnily hunt‘V for use when wuntml, “ as it renlly is the (lost rl‘lnmly in the world for (.‘rzmms in the stomach. l‘uins zmtl Aclms of all kinds." um] is for sale bv :Lll lh'ngcists :12; 2.“: cents in. bottle: The best (-mnhnmlinn «f hlnnd ('10 “using. leglfiming. llF‘lllzh giviu: hvrhs, mats and hunks runâ€"q- inln Hurduck Mum} Minusâ€"- :1 [Indy \vgunlxh- u Indy 1! r! 4mm dis- muns run-Ar mm Hurdmrii “had “it n [Indy u-g. qu 1- llu dy I! M 4111 (Hum; (.f’llu: blood. HVur uud HL‘VS. Srigol's Hyvnp which he got from me I]: saved his lifu. “nu. .u_vuuu;,; l'xbl warm All, of eltlmr sex. succeed from The brand road to fortune openslmfnro crs, :Lhonlutqu Furm‘ At once address. In!‘ :I cnnsidvrnhlu Ivnmh nf‘lImP. ' I'Ctmld amnion n‘sn -. gxenv mmy mher cn'Sr's hm span-e would nut anw. A nem' friend hf miuv. who is vm'y much uddivled m was-- lh‘r'lms‘s, or (-mislipminn, finds [hm Mmhrr Rvig: I's P1115 m9 Ihv nnly pills whk‘h Fuil his ('mnpl- int. All other Pil's cunsr- n w- m-Iinn which is \‘erv annoying. Mnlh-r Rui‘ml's Pills do nnt leave u had "Em-- rim-ct. I have much plmsnu- in (-mmnm-ul- In: a min m sum-ring humunivv Mullwr Kuhn-Vs nwdicmw. which um um shum H‘ this Ieller is of any sorvice you cm: puhhsh it. Dear SILâ€"I wrirr- to tell yuu IQHH ..r “1°an Ulilivl'. (.f'Ymrshu'y. “Wm inl'mms m" Ihul h» Fllfi‘i‘l'r‘d i'rnm n. suvem fw'ru'nf' indigvsliun fur llpwulds nf' f’nux' 39mg. and mnk no 0nd uf' dncmr's n Lulu-imp, whhuuv the slightest henvfil, hnd dm-lurx-s Mmhvr (Jo Agustxi ‘Iil‘vnixkii (Signed) N Webb, Chemise, Cuhle Mr White. APHIZE $200,000 “uh! "HI-LP. Ml" Ah)! (-nmnI' mi zhu- Cum-iv:- 3 pru‘od 1"“ t mx'nrv for II VI it v khvim. A I irrth Tinmufi ('Imrm‘nn. “'09! Ano‘n'lmwâ€"I findl‘ml them-adv smndih' i'wrrnss’sfi l u-ll more of _\nur nzorhciuus than nny mht'r kind N Dun-0H. Chm. Salem â€"-~AH who buy il urn nlnnypd‘ um} romunnwnd 5'. J n lbflkuiil. A I' 5‘. Kingshridgrx- The [mh‘it‘ sown M amw'ri‘lr- llw-ir grunt vnhw A Armsn-ad. Mmkot MrppL DnllulE-hl anow â€"II i~‘ IIWNHPHR {m- nw In snv lhnv your vnlunhlr- mndu'int-e huvn gr»)! s-fll‘ in Ihis dTSIrimâ€"glpntrr than nay other I know hf. vhin-y wont smisf‘nch '1) Huh! Luiy‘o. Mul -.~hnm -â€"I' ran wuH r0” (-nmnlv mi ihv- Cum-iv:- Snup f'n m having \‘t-nr ml dirt-ms um] I Ihv-m. as I haw 11 und (‘1an) {mm xhv‘ii' us". J S. Mutcnm‘. 55 Highgnlp. KondM.-l haw :niwnys prom pIPHSIH'f‘ in rwgnmml-nd" in;' II"- Fur-live Svuun. for] have lwvm- knnwn u (‘HSP in which i! has nm ri‘liwved nr cnrrd. mu] ] lmvv $0M In:an grnssr's 1mm. G G-mhL 27 nun Sné-m. Audm'er. «I hurt: n’wuys Inlwr a glen! ian‘PS! in Con A \\'(-H). )4} Ymk SHNLZPHFHSO: ~I lmv9 anu largo q-mmixy. nnd Ihv ParlH‘S have loslifivd U.) ils hung wlmt you rvasmn it, ‘ ‘ Uriah-coloured, depnstting :\ sediment :tl'ter standing. There is frequently a spitting up ot‘the l'oori. sometimes with a sour taste, and sometimes with a sweetish tns'e ; this ‘is frequently attended with palpitatirm of the heart ; the vision beenmps imprired thh spots before the eyes; there is a feeling 0t" L'rent prostrution and weakness. All of these. symptoms are in turn present. It is vthenght that nsmly one-third Of our pottltn lntion has the- disease in some 0f its vmied forms. it hns been found that. medical men have rhisttiken tho. nature nt‘ this (its-- ease. Fame have treated it fur a livm- complaint. others for Lillney (license. etc.. .(-!0.. but nonn- M' the vatinu's kinds nf' twat- ment hm‘e been attendvd with NHPCOSS hl-‘Ctlllfit‘ thn remedy should be such as to not lmrnmniously upon each one of' tllPse Organs, and upon the stomach as well ; fer in Dysnervsm (l'nr this ts renlly what titer disease is) all nfthese organs pirmlre «if this disease and raqnire a wmody that will act upon all at the. sump time. Snigl‘l'fi (‘urutive Syrup nets like a chnrm in this class nt'eomplnints. giving almost, immedin Rte relish The fnlimung letters from chem- ists ol'stundieg in the community wltPte thaw live. Show in what estimation the nrtic’e is ht'iti. Jnlm Art-hen Harthill. near Sheffield :â€" i (‘fitt in‘fi‘iPtliij‘ rpcnmnwnd it in all who may he srtli'm-ing from liver or stomach (‘0!!1plnitrts. having the testimony of It)" customers. who lmvw durived grant hermfil frnm the Syrtnt nnd Pills, The sale is inâ€" Ct'P-‘ISitlfl' wnttrlerlullv. A J \Vhize, Icsq' 1103‘- And Comfort. To The dues no! smisfy. The evPs urv mukvn. the lmmls and feel lwcnnm cold and lc-vl clummy After a while a cough seis in at. fins! firv. but :If'll-r a few mnmhs it is ullendv'l will: a grrenish coloured “mam-min". The nlfiici- vd one fools tiwd nll lhe while. and sleep dues not seem to nanrd any rost. Afier a limt- he bricnmes nervous. mimhlo. and "loomy. and has evil {tn-elmdings. lern‘: . H Qirlllinpss. 5. sort of whirlifig sensalinu in Ilu- lyend wlwn rising up suddenly. 'l‘lw lmwels become ensllve: [he skin i4 dry nnd hot H! limes ; Ilm blood bvcnnws thick and Human! : film \llnws ol the (A505; bpcome linL'Prl ‘with vollnw_ Ihe urine is scanty and l Like a thivl at night 11 steals in upon us lmmwmws. Minty persons hav» pains about} the chem and sides. and sonwtiums in the; buck. 'l'hey lop] dull and sleepy : the~ mouth has a lmd taste. val-eciully in the l morning A sort nl‘iticlq slime collects about thn trwth. 'l'he appetite is pom. Thu-re is a feeling like a l)P:|\'_\‘ lnad (m the slumm-h ; snmetimvs n faint. all-gone sew-A sution nt vhe pit of' the stomach which food , What is This Dlsease That is Comng Upon Us ? The Best Combination. um very truh-_ (Simwd) Wu 'Send sxx cvnts 1m‘ postage, mm In, x-eim free, nonstlv box of goods which _\\'i11he)p you to more money right mmv tlmn rhyming: else in {his Ynurs truly. - mumm- Av: nu nuumr" all-- , Don‘t delay. H HALLETT 5: Co ‘11) presents given ‘5 arms postage, 1: “111mm tree :11er 1' lurge vulun, (h: d) Wm S (Hussu.(‘hem’st. P: . and is mill in [firm lwgmn l0 mvs which 11‘ ('hikfiv lhnse x. Slir- orlvfmm first) our u: openslmfnw- ti): work- ouce address. TRUE ti: nts given away Send In! wastage, and by 1 nuil you n punkru.” nf goals Imvn ret-mmm-ndw? numm one o: 4-1 15H] August 1983 \nup Ir! m h'lvn din-Minn unsqu , I'Vn-finrshivr‘. Sm in us 9:0»! IO M” the! 1mm; (Yunn- se “1' liver -â€"-l-IAS 0N HAND! Aâ€" ug 03'5" ()n Suturdnys. Mowy [0 Loan ut Lou-(st Current Rates. A G F LAVImNCE. T C MILLIGAN. Nov 27th, 1884 1y For Blunufnctmingnnd other purposes. S och and Shams Brokcrs, etc, etc. Toronto Jun 9th 1853 Gmuh‘ilis $911thqu 8qu ! Patent Rights (IisynSed of; SYNI)ICA’1‘IE!~T E‘()Rl\llfll? The only Dentist in Toronto using pamtus [or “TRUE M? WM? 0. P- LENNOX, DENTIST Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. PILLINGS WA BRANTED FDR IU Y’S CALL AND SEE ME. Toronto Feb. 18th In W M Udlh J S Fullerton \V Ugo}! PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. Tomnto. May 29th, 1884. lyâ€"pC Extracting Teeth Without Pair. Eichmcnd Hi.1 Pest (fice Every Eatuzday. GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY ! Farm & Other Property, REST SETS 0!“ TEE“! $8. CONVEYANCEUS, ETC ' ' V - in“ I nron to (J{fit-v.:-3,fl;,1fb]w§j Richmond Hill (Mire-{3, Bufi-iswrs, Atturne)‘sant-Ium’, Sr; ' mln'c-{u- Chancn‘y Cuuvevnm-ere, (to. Officesâ€"LA Jcrinl Bunk lhuldings. \Vellingtun-streef, Toronto Hmms FERL}1LON,Q.C. Jam; BAD! WM S N Gomms, G A) F 5311mm: HALL, FULLERTON & COOK LAWMIXCE & MiLLEGAN, Barristers. Solicitors {\RAIN TILE, OF THE BEST ’ QUALITY A'l‘ THOS NIGHTFNGALE'B, Ferguson, Eain, Cord‘on {lg Shipiey, E COATMYLIUIH Ju. Toronto, Nov 1811:, 1884 I? Q ‘ ‘r, O .1 ‘y 33 arming, gamma, , ' NO'I‘A'IIIES, C’JNVEYAXCERS, OFFICES : 15 Yet); Chambers, Doprsits recein and intrrest unowml thvrcou Ht 0‘. rent rules. Nu notice of withdrawn] re" quirmi Duns: on {all pxu‘tsof Uunudu, United States uud Great Brituiu bought and sold, 1)IR.ECTORS. Ii. CHIQHOLM, M. 1’. P. l{.1’.D\\71(H£'1‘, ]lsQ.. D. M. MCDONALD, ESQ. c B, 1((H:IN~1)N. Esq. A MULEAN HOVVARI), ESQ. J. GLNTY, ESQ. J. M. LAWRENCE, MANAGER Richmond Hill Aux-119th, 1585‘ RICHWIOND HILL SAT’IN(;’S XWEX’AR’IBIENT DAVID BLAI" SAMUEL Ti 9Q, President. , Esq, Vice-President Best Material in the Market CENTRAL BANK 0F CANAHA. Fillmg and all other onemtions neatly My Gold They will also give the usual f'zxcili - lies to customers requiring advances. Landon, July 3lst. 18842â€"9- m 79. Qucen Street, London, E. (3., Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merchants and Shippers, WM) :1 \‘lnw tn Autumn and Spring Business CHARLES DONALD 8: CO., fWiu 133 86151 at {he was; é'bttom Prices. APPLES. APPLPS. APPLES. mmmm ma, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Offices IS szz Street East, Toronto Sanderson A LARGE STOCK OE“ FURNITURE MGS’FGA fii ES (BBTAM ED COATSWORTH «5:. HODGlNS, Pei! ()N]2Y CFC. 1.0 AN. Warrantod to be made from the Al Toronto Prices, delivered in guml :HJx'l'. l’icmrc Frames all sizes and made In order. Paints and Uils m all kinds. llurdwure. Glassâ€" ware, Crockery and other goods at the lowest prices. Cull and :5 cxnuriuc llxe goods. Hotels, Taverns and Businegs‘ By means of Vitulizod Airl TORONTO CHEMISTS :35 DRUGGISTS, J. I- EVANS & CO, All new and good. A large Stock offresh Canned Goods which P. 0. Box 2527. No 9 Turonm Si‘reet‘ Flour and Feed constantly on hand at lhc Lowest Prices 5399211. Lender Lune Tomnto. No. 14 Bui‘dlng (“a Loan chuuxbul 24,15 Toronto st. A. A. ALLEN, Cushion FzzAxx Hanan. élv ankvile- Rear of the Comm) Bunk H unis 111).. 1 yâ€"me done Mo- oy N‘Ct‘il'ffll (m (vansil, null interest payable hulfycmuy or compounded. HON/v} )' ’l'() LOAN. See our reduced 10:11] tnhle For further infor- mation apply in thc offices of the Company EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Oxfi'w. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptxmu~$1 00 per :mmun in ndvnvncn. When not paid in advance $150 will be charged. Trunsitory {Iflvertisem 911ts,firstin sertion . Western Canada Loan and Savings Company Omccs~No TH, ('hurch-sh'eut, Toronto HON GEO V" ALLAN, Se:mtor,Pxosident GEGI‘GE GOODERHAM _, ViceJ’rnui pérliue... ... ......... Each lulmnquentinsertinn. per line . Contracts for time and space m:de tiou. . I _ Arlvertzsements wntten will be inserted until forbid and chai nt rates. Ho): GEO W ALLAN, Se:mtor,Pxosident 013mm}: GOODHRHAM .................... Viccd‘msident Dnmcnms~finmuel Flatt, M P,Alfred Gooderâ€" hum, Geo W Lewis, Thus H Lee, Hon 1) L Mucpbursou, Senator Cnpim], $1,000,000; :eserve F Total Assets, $3,5H0,u00 SAVINGS BANK BRANOIâ€"I RICPIR1ONI) I-IILI.. HONEY T0 LOAN CN FARM SECURITY. Tin: Intel has boon rnfwrnishnd. rnnm‘utm‘l, and fitted up in iii‘fit-I'EH‘IS st) 10, and now *he 10 :riing Hutvl mm ‘1 M '3' admin. Ti ,- 1) 1r . sup plied wth msM-luw 11mm! (:1 liquors :21va IN. )slxcullr‘m rr- mmmmlu‘lir‘n far ()0 I)II.L’x\i1LI Tqu'eIiL~)'s:.1Lxlv,‘x Lhu (haze-ml I’ublic (“mud Embl- iuu um! um azztnitiv Han-Lien: NOTARY PUBLIC, &C NIARRIAGâ€"E This Hansoismmof the Best Hotels to ha found north nf ’J‘Umnbn. 14} mrvthing is mmmrzed in First Ohms: ht) 1e. Sample Room for Coummr» ciul ’1‘rn\'e11:~rs. Umul SL..l)ling 11ml utmntive hoatlerS. Terms, $1 “or duy. 1‘ructo1":. Nu: lom‘cs this Hazel to connect: will ull the N l: R T1" 5 going; Nurgh :xnd South. at S 3. 1a., :2 a. RECHMOND HILL. JOHN Povv ELL. Prop THE PALMFR HOUS HI(.‘HM()ND HILL. J Palmer, .Pro 12: (at Palmer House) Aurora. 15!, 8th, 10th, and 22nd fitnuffville‘ .. Murkluunw . Victurin Sq Thornhill ...... \: oodbridg Kleinburg . Noblmnn 'Imrnhil] do :oodbridgc ..... . do Kleinburg do Noblmnn , . ...... 50th do Vimlizml nir always on 1mm] at the NM nmmiu ment. It does away with the pa. nyxrnmhm extracting Thankful for the fun-rs of H may still b: 0 us litel many hm fossion,nsfn]1mvsz Richmond H: . 91.11 di: 24th THw V U \Viu visit the followingplaces professionally .â€" Unimnilie, lst Mundny of each month. Weston,“ .9rh and 2181: do an10, ‘ ..,l6111 do liichmn I 11 19th do Wood bridge ......... ‘llml do Mr Hushund will be found in his 011109, at Newtonbrouk, every Suturvlny, except when Sutur- duy falls on the ubm 0 date. Richmond Hill, April 3rd, 1881 VITA LEZEE) A i R Dr A ROBINSON. G. H. H TJSBA NI), L. D. S DENTIST, NE WTONBROOK, ONT. Am. “l’I‘eeth.uppcrm‘unden$5.00. .Puin- less extracting by use of I‘lthtnzed M The only firm in the Dominiun executing first-class work ut the above mice. SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto RIG GS & IVORY, m. TEEFY, Nawtonbrook, Juno 13th, H383. The York Héfllfcf 3.10 'p m: and 7.30 n m WALTER. S LEE gjfl‘fl (5311‘. :Ermsl. m SEEK HERALD 0W 3?. â€"â€"AI§D ISSUER OF-~ SURGEOI. DE ‘IST. AURORA PUBLXS ED BY fluvial, P. G. SAVAGE. 91.11 & 24th of each month LICENSES. :, first in sertion , the past your: brunch of the pro en instructions charged tuansb- ‘un 1|, $450,600 the places pf on applicn Hy \Innngm Raouts‘ 3 cents “I [Lan sold at ls. 1:11., '29. 0.1., 1:. 6a., 118.. 22, mu] 333 emchBox mu] P03. and in Canada at 36 comm, 90 coan, and $1.50 cents, and the largo sizes in nrouortion. . The 'I‘Mdo Marks 0' {a .‘ s gisbered m ()ttawa,u.n3 us Signed TI- M nun] shoot. London, Coughs. Sm'e Thruntx. Brnnchifis, and all 0115 of the Throat and Ghost us also Gout mutism. Scrox‘ula and other ind of skint 0:3: (‘M'Tlnxâ€"I have no Agem in [In United Stains. nor are my Rhetiidncs $076 ‘horo, I’m-0.. ms rhuxfirl Ihewfm'e 100’. In the label on Ihu Pins and “axes W 1hr :uhhnss is not 533, Oxfind t'mw lhlfl' aw spuri vns .., Lnnrim, yttrify, regulate and imprnyc the q'lnlity of 510ml. They assist the digestive organs, cleans incrch the secretory powers of the Livmxbmcn the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion a para-3t Elements for sustaining and L'dyah’iug the frame. Manufactured only at Profiass or l-Iollnwnv’s Establishment: 533. OX‘ORD STREET LONDON Thousands of persons have tnxlifiel that. hv llwiv use nlrme lht‘y hum: lmen resmred 10 health and sll'englh. nfwr every other means had proved unsuccessful. will be found iuvulunma in evnt‘v Household in the cure 01' 01101) Sores, Hard ’1‘ lll‘nln‘a'. Pills éa @mim BAD LEGS.OLD WOUNDS. CULDS “2'0:th their Vinaigh; in Gold! 3 MEDALIST TORONTO UL‘I EESITY. Member Coilego of Physicians 5.; Surgeons. (LATE) 01" H’l‘OUFI-‘TYLLI'TJ OFFICE HOURS,-Ymm {x m 1|) :5. m., to 3 p.111 mcunan Yongo Street, Richmond Hm. M. (1. P. 6: Ont, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Terento General Hosyital, OFFiCE Ii<’>Ui:*§â€"8 to 1'.) u. 12,61: 12 to 2 p m Thornhill Feb 14th, 188;. THORNIIILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University. Members College Physicians & Surgeons. Residence, Yougo Street, Richmond Hili Richmond IiilT, May 23rd. 1882. 1y Dr. G eox'ue REE. ‘W’. J. WRMBN, DR LEWIS G. LANG-STAFF ! Iaomc'c Hours a to 9.30 n‘ R. 13.01133". 13. and First Silvcl‘ Medalist University of Toronto, M. (I. P. S. Ontario. L S A L, England {Late 01‘ London, England: Surgeon, Etc. UR; JMlES EJAPJGSTAFFE AND féssuragsce See 2 VJ Ilicllxx;o:)d H111 Omen: and It", CKlC:\,-On(} door south of P. 0‘ STO M ACH AND BOW’ELS E.A.W‘ 'i'unax'ru HFFFIHENUIS John 1\ICI)311xle,Esq. (1, J. Cumplxoll, Esq, H311. HulmmrMcanth A. M. Shun‘h. ltsq. James Motculfn. Esq. 120v. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made on security of Conipnny'fl Policy : 5 per cent intone t. Loansmmlu Ln Church intern- . storm ntn. low mto - t. Sew} for yrovpcctus. Sir Wm McAHhus. K C M G, I51. P. :X-‘LOI‘G Mayor of Lonccn, Prmldent. W W BayncmEqu I A,Secrotm‘y wart'v Wurnal . . . . . . $10,000,0(N. Annual lucnu‘.“ 0 . . . . . 1 000,000 Inwsu r] x‘- Canada . . . 1200,000 Dem}: chums {mix}. . .. 10 000,000 DR. ORR, MAPLE, Sec. & Trans, for Canada. ' 16 King: Stu, East, To! Of London, England gamma. m . . 1'34 cSTi'iJm: in} Tnmzus Hofim WM "le1. '36-“. ‘9‘7 Hi"? \Torlicmc‘: an I at Ifmhingtu‘z. WI. I‘thnnxtzlgs (1. J. Cnmphell, Esq A. M. S:v.i1‘h, lisq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D 1.18_. and all disort Lang's taffi Pr: 0;? ms 3.7m: so Gout, Khan of 5km (115811.598 v1 1 to 2.30 p.m Tcao'N‘ro, in NW was sold Inc 100’: i IF lim-

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