In another column is copy of' a dis- cussion that has taken place in the House upon the Farmers of the country “Wingâ€"more banking facilities. The subject. was introduced by Dr. Orton and supported by Mr Her-son, who took the ground that the whole bank circuâ€" lation of the country should be wiped out and substituted by a Dominion cirâ€" culation, in other words, all notes circuâ€" . lated by banks should have the resources of the country as scourity that 'they would be paid. This is done already to a pretty large extent, and whether it would bcjudicious to have altogether a National Currency is a question that has been argued for and against by financial > minds time and again. We are surâ€" prised to see Mr. McMullen, a member of the OppOSition in the Dominion Parliament, advocating the reduction of the rates of interest Ofï¬ce Savings Bank. This Bank is established to serve the poor man a d others who have small savings to invest, and to reduce the intcrqt from 4 pcr cent. to 3 per cent. for the purpose of driving them to the chartered banks is not what we would have expected from one of the friends of the people, suehflasl We believe ' Mr. McMullen claims to be. the Government Savings Banks are the most secure for parties desirous of deâ€" positing their savings in, and we also think that it would be injudicinus and injurious to reduce the rate of interest as desired by Mr. \chnllen. Sir John Macdonald did not favor the views of the Member for the North Wellington, and gave him a reprimand such as he deserved. paid by the Post“ speakers of the evening: A collection was taken up to defray expenses. Beginners succeed grnndly. hone fail. wl Terms tree. HALLCTT Boon Cm. Forth-ad Main Con servative Meeting. i The annual meeting of the East Riding of ‘ York Lilncrul Conservative Association was held in the Franklin House, Markhummn Wedir sday, the 18th ult., Mr John Gibson, President, in the g chair. Minutes of last; meeting were read and ; conï¬rmed, when the election of ofï¬ce 3 took place for the ensuing year with the following re sult :-â€"Piesident.John Gibson. re-elected; See- 'l‘reas. Thou Williamson, rc-electcd. It: was here ‘, discovered that a GLOBE reporter was in the ‘ room, when ' Mr Wilmoth. seconded by Mr Milburn, moved that all who were notor did not wish to become members of the association, wihdruw, and that g a. standing vote of the meeting be allowed on ‘ this motion. The motion was carried and a. GLOBE reporter , withdrew. Business was then resumed. and : Vice-Presidents were elected for the different { townships as follows :â€" i Markham Townshipâ€"Adam Hood, Scatboro ‘ Townshipâ€"“Int Treilway, York Townshipâ€"'1‘ i Humberstcne and liolit Miihnrn, Markhth Vil- 'lngoâ€"Jtunes Rollinson, St Matthew’s Wardâ€" ‘ John Shaw. Ilivcrside~Artltur 'I‘iï¬in, Mouï¬wlle ‘ â€"D McMurchy, St. Paul‘s Ward-John Shaw and l R-éilt Hamilton, St Matthew’s Wardâ€"Arthur l’l‘i "n. l Considerable discussion took place in regard to the healthy state of the Dominion oi Canada, l compared with that of the Unim d Staten of ‘_ America. Eulope and elsewhere, “hich was tit-- r trihntcd to the good management of the Right. :Honomblo Sir John A Macdonald and the Do- ‘ niinion Government, when it was Proposed by J Robinson, seconded by Mr Low- son. that the \xisoaud carefully worked out policy ‘of th: Government: in protecting and fostering l Canadian Industries has been eminently suc- i ccssfnl in renewing our National prosperity, and 5 in a. great degree warding 01? the mil r‘ï¬rcts of the van general depression at present existing , Hmonghout; America and Europe. (Applause) 1 Proposed by Mr Wm Millikan. socondcd by Mr , Williamson. that: the support and gratitndo of l the pl 0111c of Canada are due to the presont ‘ Government for their stutermanlike sagacity and . energy in pushing forward to an early compla- tin) one great National Railway from the Ala-- lantic to the Paciï¬c (Applauso.) ,. Moved by Mr Humberstone. seconded by Mr e John ltlchgne, that this meeting most cordially 1 endorses and improves of the etfcrts of Messrs more money than at anything else by tak- ing an agency for the best selling book out 1251!: l Unlil further notice, Mails will lac dosed at the above Ofï¬ce as follows :â€" FEST [EFFIEE 'Péfl'l'lï¬ï¬‚! MORNING. Going North, South, East, and W est, at . . . . . . . 7.45 EVENING. Going South, East. and West, at. . . . . . . . . . . 6.15 Mail fonthe North. via. Railway, leaves once a day, in the morning, as above stated. RICHMGM} Iii LL MST OFFICE. Merninsz Mail from South, West and East. by Railway,urrives at 10.00 Evening Mail from Toronto by Yonge-strcet Stage. arrives at. 7.00 Night Mail from North, by Rail- OFFICE HUURS- 3.361% Postmaster. Richmond Hill. June 23rd. 1884. Town to, Thorubill. Richmond Bill King. Aurora, Newm nrket. Holland Landing. EEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Public Noticeâ€"T F Wanna». yollund Landing, hewm arket, Aurora, King, Rich mend Hi1], Thornhill, Toronto. THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1885. No. \B . The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. W0 do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. The Local Election in Winnipeg nn Tureday, resulted 1n the return of Mr Hamilton by a majority nf‘ 75. His opï¬bnent. was Mr Luxon, Editor of the Free Preu. The gain gives Mr Nor- quay 21 seats, on! 9f 30. Mr. Gludstone’s Government has been sustained by the scant majority of four-â€" teen, in a house of ï¬ve hundred and ninety members For a Government that had at the commencement :1 maâ€" jority of one hundred and fll'trâ€"nine votes must be considered as a defeat. The Daily News says, the Government. is inclined to regard it as a defeat. At. the last general election. 242 Opposition as against, 398 Liberal including,r Home Rulers were returned. The Globe of Monday s::ys:â€"" We do not. then, we repeat, believe that. the Gladstone Min- istry will resign becmrsc of the late vote on the Government’s Egyptian policy But ifit should the crisis will only in that way be precipitated with results not. encouraging to jingo cant and Tory reaction. The Liberal ranks will only then close up the faster and the ï¬rmer." The Mail is ot'Thc opinion “ that it. is a good thing: for the Conservatives that they will not he called upon to form a new ministry.†As Sir Stafford North- cote has committed them to a policy in Egypt involving m0re than it would be pleasant to undertake, and as Parliament will be dissolved before many months it is just as well to let Mr. Gladstone’s Egyptian Policy have full sweep, and let him enjoy either the good or ill that may proceed from it‘ Mr F M Morson for Mr Wilson has moved to set aside the election of Mr Henry Duncan as Reeve of the Town- ship of York. The County Judge is to take evidence in Hue matter. way, arrives TRAIN TIME. NOTICE TO SUIISC'II'IBERS. an: “eljnrk “gamma. Richmond Hill. Ont. ARRIVALS. Farmers‘ Bank. Whole Na. 1391 : GOING NORTH 9 42 f. 9 b2 GOING ;, 813 8 ‘23 8 52 9 04 9 15 10 (‘5 9)“ SOUTH‘ '7 a. m. to ll 45 01 00 0110 11 50 )2 05 12 80 12 45 12 .55 2 00 . 6.15, Volume 27. 8.15 643‘ 55.51 705 730 741 75:3 845. u . losed by Mr Wm Millikan. socondcd by Mr Williumsmi. that the support and gratitude of the pl oplc of Canada are due to ilze presmit ‘ Government for their stutcnnanlike s;_gncily “ml hr] (If . energy in pushing forward to 1m early compla- m tin) one grout Nntionnl Railway from the Ali-- 1 lmitic to the Paciï¬c (Applunso.) he ,. Moved by Mr Humbersmne. seconded by Mr ; John Mchgne, that this meeting most cordially i endorses 11ml anprm‘es of the efl'orts of Messrs ‘ Meredith and Morris and the opposition in tho 1 Loan} Legislature to secure and protect the rights and interests of the people. ugnnist [L ch- eminent. which has degenerated iuta IL mere W'- beuurocmtic machine sustained by n corrupting system of wasteful expenditure. an improper "d centralization of power, corrupt jolilrery and rm open prestitvution of the po“ 01‘s of the Legislu-- m" ture (Al'ylnu ‘0!) A highly interesting meeting wns held on Monday last, in the Presbyterian lChurch in this village, on Sabbath Schools. state ol'Beligion and Ternper~ ance. The meeting was opened at 2 30 pm with devotional exercises. Re". R. =D. Fraser, N. A., road the report on Sabbath Schools. The report was not las full as was owing to some of the schools not reporting. A very inâ€" teresting address was delivered by the lRev.G. M. Milligun. of Toronto. on “‘The Spirit and Aim of Sabbth-School Work.†A discussion on which was followed by several hresent. The annual meeting of the Emt Riding of ‘ York Lihcrul Con servxtive Associution wus held ‘I in the Franklin House, Marklmmmn Wedn‘ sday, 11113 18th ult., Mr John Gibson, President, in the g choir. Minutes of lush meming worn mud and ; confirmed, when the eicctiou of ofï¬ce 3 took 1 place for the ensuing year with the following re ‘ suit zâ€"Piesidem. John Gibson. re-elected ; Soc- } 'l‘reus. Thea Williamson, rc-electcd. It was here ‘. discovered that a GLOBE reporter was in the ‘ 1'09!“r__‘7.1.19“ . ' 1 The Rev. R. P. MacLay. M. A., of Patkdale. read a wry interesting paper on “ State of Religion " in which rt-fcr - once wasmade tn the Salvation Anny as being more pernicious than butt-ï¬nial to the spread of religion. Mr. Mackay is a very fluent speaker. The aftermmn meeting was brought. to a clcse at 5 30 o'clock. The evening session was ope-nod at 7.l5 by prayer. An arldtoss was delivered by the Rev. D. I. Macdonnell, B. l).. the subject. being “"cicligittn in the Home." The Rev. gzvntlputan handled the subject from different stand» points with an ability and force that deâ€" liuhted and pleased his hearers. A discusï¬nn followed which brought out lseveral speakers in an interesting way. Markham '1'0wmlnpâ€"Adnm Hood. Sculboro “ Townshipâ€"\an Tredwny, York Townshipâ€"'1‘ 1 Humberstone nnd 1mm Miibnrn. Murklmln Vil- 'Ingeâ€"J:Lmes Kohinson. St Matthew’s \Vurdâ€" ‘ John Shaw. Riverside~Athur 'I‘ifï¬n, htmxifvxlle ‘ â€"D McMurchy, St. Paul‘s Ward-John Hmw and -b_t, Hamilton, St Mumhew’s Wnrdâ€"Arclmr ‘ Votes of thanks were tendered to Messrs A Bounteo, John Gibson, and ‘l Llamas \Villinmson \ for the able mann‘erin which they have conduct- ] ed the affairs of the Libeml Conservative pnrty 3 in East York, when a. most enthusiastic meeting was brought to a cloutâ€"SUN. The next suhjvct, taken up was on “ Tompvrnncc†delivered by Ike Rev. John Smith. of Tarnnln. in an ’ablo and inslruclive address which was' delivered with much force and power. “'11er “e mcntinn that that gentleman has been one of the means whereby Ihe'Scmt Act Jus. Dick. The choir added consider- ably to the interest. of the occasion both afternoon and evening.r by the singing of some beautiful Hymns accotnpnnied hy the sweet tones of the organ. brought forth by the talented Miss Flora Coulter who presided. The evening session was crowded by a packed house, ¢ail of whom ._listened mth marked attention to the several spenkersof the evening: A coilection was taken up to defray expemes. has been cmritd in so many cf the counties of Ontario during: the last 12 months, our readers will understand that any rzmmks we may make rogmd- ins: his :zddu-ss will convoy a pror idea of the same. Carleton, “u think, is the latest and last place in which he took an active part to contributing to the quota of the wry large ninjmity by which the Act, was cun'ictl in that place. A disâ€" cussion uprm the suhjvct alter the deliv- t‘i‘y of the llddl‘t‘ï¬ï¬ culled Forth the llev. Mr. Macdnnnell. which, if" we undoiâ€" stood hint might. left the impression upon our mind that he was not in favor oi'l’mhibitinn but :tdxocut-d Tempe-râ€" nncc pure and simple, qunting some partsnf'SCripture to f'uvtur his views. The meeting “a.- Im-ught m x. close about. 10 pm with prayer by the Rev. Are you disturbed at night and hroken of your rest by n Bick child suffering and crying with pain or cuting teeth ? If so, send at once and get 11, bottle of Mus \VINSLOW'S SOOTHING Si mm mm CHILDnEN TEETHING. Its value is incalcuL able It will relieve the poor little sufferer inn-- niedintaly Depend upon it, mothers. there is no mistake a bout it. It; cures dysentery and diur- rlioen, regulates the stoumnh and bowels, can: wind colic, softens the gums, Veduces inflamma- tiau, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. M35 WxstoW's SOOTHING SYRUP Iron CHILDREN TEEjrnING inplensant to the antenna is the prescription of one of the Oldest. and best female nurses and yhyaicians in the United some. and is for sale by all dragging through-- out the world Prion 23 can!!! a bottle, ‘ Mr W‘iqulibtb. seconded by Mr Milbum, moved that all who were notor did not wish to become membels of the association, wihdmw. and that nstnndiug vote of the meeting be allowed on thjg motiqp. lha motxon was carried and a. GLOBE reporter withdrew. Business was then resumed. and Vice-I’xcsidcnts were elected for the diï¬emnt townships an followg; :â€" ï¬r Boultbee then addressed the meeting “ith a sound and telling succch. He wuspleused that the above resolutions were so heartin supported by the meeting. There was no sound opposition in Ottawa. no policy and scarcely rL le..fler. Mr Blake had even been condemned by leading Ro- form pupa) s, such ms the MODU'PHI STAR and othtrs. 'l'ho STAR says that Mr Blake has Hub-- stuntialy no policy am" until he ï¬nds a policv to work upon it is utterly impossible for him to ac- COIllldi‘h on) thing, Liberal ltelormem und the public generally ft e1 assured thut while Sir John Mucdonnld holds the ruins of power nothing (lis- nstrous will hquen the country through uny fault of his, mu uppenr quite satisï¬ed that he shall be our leader as long as he conducts things lienrly so well us thov are being conducted at prurient. While the Europeun world is suffering severely. (16 well as our American cousins, we tare passing through our (liibculties comparative- ly easily. without, nctunl suffering. and What, have we to thank for thisâ€"Protcction, plainlv and without IL doubt. as the speaker explained to the entire satisfaction 0! the whole meeting. We are now making the raw material into some- thing more vulunble. and thereby enriching our country. instead of sending it. awlv in its crude Mate for the enrichment of other countries. aloud Any‘lauso.) ‘The qwe‘tiug Wis a. most enthusiastic one. There were :50 refresentative men present from all over the rjdgng. Moved by W Trendway. seconded ‘by RichnnL eon Humphrey, that, we cannot but deplore and condemn the unwise and unpntrimic course pur~ sued by the opposition in Hm Commons mm tho Grit; press, in yurriste-mly belittling and running down our own country, believing as we do, that this vicinus and factions Flundcring of our 1mm- (ion and resources is fraught, with inculculnhle mil. in preventing and retarding valuable immi- gl‘ntiun and the investment of forum: Capitul (Appljulsesl Presbyterian Conference. more money than at anything else by tak- ing rm agency for the best selling book out liegmners succeed grandly. hone fail. Terms iree. HALLCTT B001: Cm. rem-ma ADVIEEâ€"TO MOTHERS The following is the Honor Roll for 4112 Richmond Hill Public School for the moth of February .â€"-A Flmic Hopper Edgar Ansley Rosana Law Minnie Souch Esmcr Ketfler William Balkcr SENIOR m. L. Lynett C. Cooper 1. I’omcil M. Davis M. ancs G. Barker Smmn. JUNIOR. Dnllie Dnulhwaite John Falconbrid’ge Maggie Glover Florence Tyrrell Morrin Wilson Efï¬e McL’air Alex. Reid 31m SENIOR 35m Jusxon Wm Flack Mary Mulliolland John (\‘vymnur Orvil Drury James M undey Gertie Smith Mary Rumble} 2ND SENIOR 2ND J mum: Nellie. Kirkland Louie Huï¬cy Albert Albin Alec Findlay Jun Mundcv Minnie Albiu ‘Villic Savage Willie Rumble 151' Smmn 1ST JUNIOR M Bussinglhwniglitc Isaac Mulllnlland Mary do May Savage Bull" Hawkins James Hawkins Aggie Kirkland Lizzie Rumble M uudc Furnlmm Bertha Findlay l uséd Burdock Blood Diners. when relief was! quick and permanent. A. LOUGH. Alpaca, Mich , U. S. _ ‘ V 2 Maggie Glover Florencv Sheardukn Florence Tyrrell Sara Clianrd Morrilr Wilson Euwsl lhclditl l-Zflic McNair Mattie Harrison Alex. Reid Lillie Clszord M WILEY, Teacher. FORM IV 151' DIV 2ND va 3RD DIV Willie Gums ll GHHIOBS F llnoper Herb Snules A Glass E McConnell F ICmprril-gham l Andiewa if} “liliqn nnnié )izlpes w Clifford A Brillinger ll Sanderson Ada Brown Eliza Cobean Jane Schell J Cnmcxsnmx. Tcnclwr. The following is ll-c slnnding nf the pupils in 11.0. Cnrrville School for the month of February :â€" F Flmt 499 Ed Tester 580 J 1*} Jones 471 C H Rupert 545 C HollingshendMH M wafcr .29 I R Mrllibh 371 F J Feagcr 516 Jun Cnnmbs 359 Minnie Boyd 499 Jun 0 Rumble 320 Jane Conmbs 392 Lucy Ncss 308 Emma Cnmnbs 376 R Walkington 375 R Rumble 351 R Drmvzing 329 A Comubs 291 Sn. 1}. Ju. III. 0 B Applvhm 447 Chm! Cnomha 478 5401mm (‘oombs 426 J W Bone 430 Wm Cnnmbs 416 Bertie Coombs 416 Ida Cmnnba 374 Wm Gardener 3‘26 Lnu Tester 372 Jun Baker 317 Wm Bnyd 352 Robbie Marsh 297 Dora J Flatt 301 Benin WhiNy 26-! Jun McLean 140 JAB. BAssmo-mwuamz, Teacher. Following: is the Report. of the Patter- son School for February :- 4TH CLASH Wm Mulhollund James Haï¬cy Charles Seymour Hurry Hardy Al Bussingllmaighm I huve suffered for the last 20 years with Dyspepsia and General Dubilily. and trird many remedies, but wiIh lmle success muil Mr McBride above mentioned was. with his wife, sometime a resident in this village, and the many. friends of Mrs McBride will no doubt. groatly sympathise with her in the Mid loss susâ€" tained in the death of her mother in so sudden and melancholy a manner. StR.--l take the liberty of‘writing a Few lines to you resptcting an item which appeared It) ymr newspaper oi'Feb. 26th siiznml “ Davy Crocket,†the writer of which is a fool. and what. is worse a liar. Therefore I have to appeal to you as a gentleman, us your position indicates to the. fur a remedy in the future. I think it a very hard thng that re’pectnble people cannot be left. alanc, but must be Hbthed and slunderod in a public p:;pcr without any Cause. If'yon would quiet- ly read over such correspondence, I do not. think you would allow them to be prcscnteo to the public an heretofore. Yours Respt-ot., A FRIEND To TRUTH. Cranberry Marshville, March 3rdI 1885. STRATFORD, March 2nd.â€"Lnst oven- inu, while the family of Mr \Vm. Mcâ€" Bride, Head Master of the Collegiate lnstiluve, was at Church, Mrs Cumming mother of Mrs McBride. who had been left in charge ofthe house, accidenially t'eIl into an open cistern in the buck shed and was drowned. ( We have to uro'ngize to (Le 'rnrty who {Eels so aggrieved over Ilvc letter of “ Davy Cmckm," and trust that no Cause will be given in the future fox comphints.â€"â€"â€"En.) MW ORLFAKS, Feb 271hâ€"It is ex- pvcu'd by many that the Exposition will collapse in a few days. To ï¬le Editor off/1c Herald. A. 1 CLASS A Voice from the Unlted States. IV CLAss. A Collapse Imminent. School Reports. A SAD ACCIDENT. “ Davy Crocket." .ASS A. 2 CLASS pper Reuben Glass sluy Millie Trench W 'l'illie Trench mlca Wellingmn Hull 1 Her 'Charles Kirswell talker Flora Pon‘cll E. A. SPRAGOE, Principal. Fem)! II. I. JUNIOR 11!. CLASS n. : -‘ D. Palmer P. Snulns M. Lewis J Kmfler L. Palmer E Fiver C. Wilson 1’». Momlic W. Skeele L. llnrrison E. Mnlmncy W. Garvin T. M. RUTHERFORD, Teacher Foam III. F6335 I. H A NICHOLLS. Teacher 2ND J mum: Louie Huï¬cy Alec Findlay Minnie Albiu SR. IH. Lust week having Sitld that. my inâ€" tentions were to'léévé here and my -last letter would appéufr:at thi's' datésit would nut do {or me to Léepmyburjréad’era rauyi longer in euepqtne,-Aa_n_d its 1,._,ltztée’_' done in the past; that whatmlg said I kiut‘cttde’d‘ to dn.‘ 1 do not munn'tto break a promise; on this necnsionwltliough some of ._my5 friends Inay have no' respect for my future wellinre.‘ ’I admit. I may hnv-e inserted ton lame a dust: fer some, but I defy z'ny or all ul' the subjects that 'I :tpprnncltcd which did not have a solidi tf'vuntl-tinn fur an attack It was not. tny‘ ‘intentinn when writing you ï¬-st to conâ€"1i tinue. but as some ot'uur most promising young: men were getting 'giddy-hcmied' 5 ,about sntnething that. they or mYBPif" : knew nnthingr about. l thought a changcl would not he amiss. hence my writings! commenced. Your sgt-ikw, 'mrneyllicâ€"t Kay. of two Wet-ks :th (by the tone nil his letter) may have bet-n one of then ‘giddy headed chickens.’ It is likely‘ that his brain gut turned up side down if not he would ltCH-I have thought of t styling his men departed chum nu "hyâ€" drulxcudud monstva Nut lung ago Barney undermok‘tu get 'up :1 piece of poetry for the press. and after spending three days and the same number of night». he ï¬nished. ~ It was late in the night when he did so and the quantity of lbolscup paper; (four shot-ts mitten on both sides.) he did not attempt to read it uver until the next morning, and l thou such a circus. He gathered to- ;gcthcr his family for an. audience, and lemnmcnced the diï¬iculttmk lry minding land letting them‘ know what. a great. ‘ A bachelor living near King Creek 1 mm in a party on the 51h (Jun a few 1 high†ago. algd When! relmnilig'homc he 1 went to steep; aha émild irmt ‘reailize the ‘ pasilinn he Was in when he awoke to ï¬nd 1 himself cum-r and allvnpon u’ sunw‘hunk. 3 He xhinks some one flayed a lrick on 1'him . The 0115' harm done was a brake" \ shaft. ' I mm: they‘hnd fur a ‘pop' Poor fellow, he put his fdnL, info it badly, ï¬r when 'he had ï¬nished. after two hour? steady reading and explaining it to ihcm, not. en‘» a nniie greeted him. - Us: cast it umdcnnd said in Was not‘ worth the paper it was miueu on. The next day he started out \i-ilh his horse rind 'curt, and doing hugjugss. with ,a man living a short distmme fmm-hcrc. Barney traded the poetry fer :a bag of rags Iisuppnse Barneys mm ive’riis'(if any) wiil be of a more writing 'ehairncn-r,‘ possibly my i'mlernl sermon. Burch adieu. The best comhmmiun of blood clcansing. regulating. health giving herbs, mom and bark: rm" inlo Burdockl Blood Bittersâ€"- a yurely, vegetable remedy than cure: dil- .8359! of the blood, liver wd kidnap. A wuiding took place here not long 2120, so now one or two of our young sardines Inok cross eyed ever Hint". Mr. Hcmy Ahril is Pxpeclcd Io xemvn in a few duyu. “ho-n Hm mm: ILat have been uï¬â€˜noxk so long expect to be taken on. Quite a cmnhml‘idn was caused in {his place a fcw walks ago. since my last "ems nppmred. “ Dude" No 2 played the most prominent part in the nï¬uir; bu! with the help 01' his brother “Dudes†and “ Omaha " lyte'aï¬-capéd the punishâ€"- :nent of the offence. Dan's’t mfkr your spring sun before- coeiug whut Wallace Bros and their new Inilor can do forum. The best milor they evvr had. ' A big: farewell-is being prepared for mc '31. the U Bugger; Home '7 [wxg Sag/m day night. True inhinuiona win not be limited, 50' I b‘xv'vnd thrm to one am} a“. Friends damz'mix‘ 'vébfscum. th- & (‘0?! m-w~ Mme is rnunin} tnia liuw. wnh new powers up ho-nded with lhv- Wnl'ds. "A Man-km l‘yeni'd in Woodhridgt- n: lam- " They, are doing a goml ‘nndr- in Ihv I'Iqwu' line. Mr. \"szm, the chantry, h‘IHV limlucuL-v. \x'r’ns‘w'iue Ilrm-e Ibis wpek wi:h rmylv [+39 um;ng frvm 4 In if) gall-Hm mm“. This awn-ill We†flu thn- Xiqunr ï¬ne 0" Fl? ‘1) " 1|le >(‘hnn‘ childer frmn Kl:-inghur,, llllï¬hv'l‘iiig six sltï¬gmxh'mw In \Ymfllnidue in d {num‘ed our NI!H"$ fur u coup!» of hguzs seeing xhs- sums and visit» HIL' Iheâ€" cm.rl_\" slow) , lht‘jmunï¬h‘rï¬ onjuying lho-ms.-lw-s :mmcyl mm, Ihv,,cllildrvm '1 hr; slm‘led for henna, inhtnul 4 n‘.(:ln(:k. I'y'eing ߠwell Hilllhï¬t'd ‘hm [ht-v l mm In H" ndhx id 9. Un Fridnj‘ awning n shâ€"iyhin: pmH‘ drnve up m [119 Woodwing Huuse nhuul mne ‘n’clnclk {mm 'l'nrnnm. nhmho-ring «Luul ‘20 cnuplr. Inn'ng “ill! llwm n hm.“ hand and fully equip] yd for a dancing parly The lmgu dining hall lye-mg cit-mud. the dnm-ingz 8mm ulnlr tho-iv univul wmnwnced and kept it up until 4 u'ciuck in Ihe 'nurnn ing. all we'll phased wnh lhrir vvighl's pie-“SHIP. m-d lhr Mud W»)- 1hr prulnielmesa t-fflxe Woodbridgc House umd Ihum,lefl for 'l‘urnmo. 0n Salurdnv _evening ns llw Sulvulinn Anny “as ull their parade (Imam Piuy streel, Ihey hqud opposin- the Wnndhndge I] num- umi the new whnlesale storm The Cupmiu m Sume of the him-d- washed shldivrs 0rd" ned Ihnse That “we in pl'ocediinn In kneel d. “'n (m Ihe mm». A gin-at many aha-596 IMO 0141918. and u few short prayers were offered up- V {egulnr mmnh’y muting of L. U. L. No 28 ivyOr-unge Balkan Tuesday even- ing an hum-past 'he-vem‘ :A good aneudauc is J‘oqnestvd} A v ' M r David Allan returned home on Thurs- da) Insi lwinu ailment eight weeks in the Slul'e (\fv’lllinhis. so-Illliug‘f up the :-f-- fuim ol'his thl'nrluiHJ-Equlr Amt-d Jrï¬'ely. deceased. [19 um evezylhu-g wuund up to his anishunion. ' Hrs. Wm. Mnekie has returned being absent nbnul xhne weeks at the Skming Carnival. Mnnlrenl. Mrs; W. W5 Smnh is recovering w-ry allmly. after a lung seveIe-nnd lingering su-km-ss I At Rullnn Skating Carnival Misses Maggie Manllumn and Sarah Gilmnur of our yillag». cunied off the rust prize for faves! skating. ‘ Laskay. March 5111,1885 ()nr Woollén mill hands were id‘ee n shot! lime lust week. Owing to the lore-uk- imz hf lhe cnmk (If the engine, but are lunning again. v ()ur M. P. arrived hero on Saturday morning Vulld rt-munwd Ilmil Mnnduy mam-- ing. when he rmurned to. Ottawa, taking his wif'r- and family. Woodbridge,‘March'31d. 1885. W Oodbn‘dge ' J otti‘ngs. (From our own Correspondent.) (F1 om Our Own Curteugomient) The Bea Combination. ‘LASKA'YQ Pmm PAD VAUGHANâ€"The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan will nwet at the Town Hall on Tuesday next, 1011: inst., at 10 o’clock am. ‘ “1'. C T. U.â€"â€"'l‘he next meeting: of 11.9, W. C. 1‘. Union. will be held a! the reï¬iill-nce nf‘ MrsJ Smreg. on Wednesâ€" day nut. 4th inst, at 4 p m. WE understand that Mr Jnhn Duncan 1119 sold his property purchased from {m Duncumn Estate, tn MrJohu Gray, 0" this village, formefly of Carrvillc. CREDIT SALEâ€"th of Fnrm Stock- Tmnlmnents. ctc., on Int. 60. 1 Con. V:ul$’hnn,hy Salem Eckurdt rm 23rd inst†being the property of Mr. Chas Crosser. ACCNZDING in a Bill now being passed in Hue Lm-ul Hausa Bichmnm! Hill is; to be taken f'mm 11m “'ost Riding and added '0 the East Riding for election purposes. I. O (1LT â€"-Tht: Y‘ O. G. T. Lads-3 of this village paid :I vhh In Eglingmn on “Wednesday evening last. and wore cnurtenusly entertained by the Lodge of that place. LENT Sinvasâ€"Srrvices will he held in St. \lmy's Church. in this vil- lage. every Thursdav owniva «1min! Lent and at 'I'rinity Church, Tharnhil}, every Wednesday evening. Firm BnmAnm-le N‘gnhr mnmh- ly mvminu 0f the Fire Brigade. will be held in the Council Chnmhnr on Frir‘uv evening next. 6th inst, at 7,30 u’c‘ock p.m. A In]! ancndunce is rrquosted. MONTHLY FAmâ€" The mnn'lulr Cmâ€" l'le Fair held in this village nu “’rdnrn- day last, was largely anondvd. Stock ,wns plentiful, in fact. move m 11â€.“ at any pnwinus fair for sometime past, but prices were a little low. VILLAGECDUNCILâ€"Tlle Village Coun- cil met. on Monduv evening. but as sevâ€" eral of rho mmnlvors hid to go away. no business was dam- nnd Ihe [homing udâ€" jnurned until Monday waning: next. wlwn some impnrlnnt business will come up before the Cour’rcil' HELD OVERj-‘Vc regrof m M“ mn- spnce and lime will not allow hf insert,â€" ing “ A Fonmlium I’rdagncun's" cam; municaliong xhr' minmns of the \Vondâ€" bridij Council, and our Cranberry Marsl‘villc corrcspuhdcncc. MIGth HAVE BEEN Wonstzâ€"On Monday afternoon last as the two young indies. who were on a collecting: tour for the Chuteh of'Enuland Mimion Fund, and were heng driven up Yonge Street by another young lady in a cutter with a horse that. was somewhat spirited, an accident happened that might have prov- ed more serious». It appears they were met and passed on the road by another fast and spirited animal. which the horse of the mung ladies did not like,and therefore started off with the hopes of overtaking: the other, in his endeavors he nmmtged to get one of'his legs over the shaft causing a breakage. The driver of the other team on heing called to. drew up and helped the young ladies in their trouble. Great credit is due to the young: lady who was driving for her ï¬rmness under the difï¬culty in which she was placed. If' the horse had got away :1 serious miahnp might have hap- pened. Mr. Playter very kindly und- ertogkyto bring home the cutter and horse, alive the Young ladies. SHOULD m: STOPPEDâ€"“‘0 have to call the :IHt‘nliMI of who. Council In the novesxity or mnmlhinz being done to pm 1: stop to the annoyance caused by penâ€" throwing against tl-c mndnwn of the ratepaytrs. by boys or would-be men. 8990 IN PRIZESâ€"We are glad to learn Ihat the Lnrridge Farm Sheep are meeting with ready sale m the New Or- lr-;:ns Expat-"Mon at sntisfnemry yrim-s. 8990 is the umuum of premiums secured The boys deserve a 1on-ln2ig'm procesrion when they†x‘elurn. ‘ A NEW PAPERâ€"The Mugmt is a new reading paper. published in annntn, and is the spiciost pnper published on the continent, containing: the best sch-câ€" lions from all the bust fun papers in the world. besides rich original mutter. Price 5 cents. The Mugan f'roe purâ€" chasing agencyâ€"In cmnwcrinn with the Magnet, the publisher has establiehvd an agency for the putchusingz 0f goods ol'every kind, and in qnumity. for par- ties living: amnhere in the Dutnininn outside of the city. The Agency buys anything that, any person wants. at the lowwt pricvs,and ships the gnnds bv mail or uxpress. charging: nothing far the service«. See particulars in the Magnct. Address .’l1agnet Purchasing: Agency, 88 Adelaide St. West, Tor- onto. GIMME: 'l‘mr. PARKâ€"A thinn is on the mundn M's-king the Cmmcil tn churrgn the site tvl'flm park. What the in- tentimu is in reunrd' m 1hr pa-vsa-m gro-mml we do nut, lew. but it 50mm to l e the npini‘rm Ihnt it wiil not answer the re- quirvmvnls for which it was bought uivhnutn considerable sum of mum} being spent on if. LAID AT REMâ€"The funeral of Mr. R Fivcrs look plane from his roslu‘li‘m-o in this village, on Tuesd-Iy last. an 2.30 o'clock. ‘llz was vttnndcd by a large number of Elm villagersth mnnins were placod in they 'ault m the vt-nn-tery. The Rev Mr Barker of the Method-is! Church rend lllC bm-inl st-nvi‘cv. 'l'lw- pullâ€"hearers were Messrs. Bruwnj‘nnl'm, Mendio, Atkimon, Nrwmn and Crmby. Mr Sivcrs was! an nld and rvspected resident of this plat-v, and being so suddenly taken away, after only a few days illness, has been a severe shnck to his will: and family. He was in lus 66th year. I’Unuc NOTICEâ€"A meeting of llw members of'tlxe West York :mel Vaughan Agricultural Societies will he list-Id at llaysH-ud'u Hotel, in the villnuv of Womlliridgqon Monday,th Will) March, at. 2 o'clock pm. Verv important bmi- ness will come before the meeting. LOCAL ITEMS. Mr. A. Pattomun ,nf T‘t-rry. anminrz. New Yrrk 1 HM». nrvivmi on Snfnrt‘nv n‘nrnir‘g lust for n few drws’visit «6111 his Lrnfhor. 1’. I’n‘ftersen, Esq , z of the PnttGarn Agricn‘lturul “'orks. I Mr. John Dmmm has deci‘ml tumzm'n enter liuto Hm farming hnsfnoss. and will therefore 1 move to his hmn. which is situated nhou a mile and n qunrtcr south of this vilIn‘ge. the first of next; month. ï¬sn Dunkin and Miss Trench Ieft on Saturday last (or a short visit to friend: in Toronto. Mr. John Cook. of Sherbonrrxc street Toronto. mule a short visit to the village n few days ago. Major Gray. M. P. P.for W. York, will please gcngm our thanks for I’mliameutury pauers and 00 a. We understand Mr (‘hmlos Gmmh. Manhunt. Pine Grow, is crminu nut nan. candidate {or Deputy«1€eeve of Vaughan. Mr. A. ï¬nddnlsy. wife and fnmily. of Gunmh, have been in thr- villnan this last week attending the funeral of the Into ROM Sivers. Mrs Nich-ullflmf this vil‘.nro. is M wresnnt swmd- ing a few dtu's with hnr divmh’or, Mrs John Mor- gan. of Fairview me, Willowdule Rev W. R. Dnrkrr will mar-ch a Smmiul Sermon In vn'vn'z men nnxf ï¬nndnv Evnninq in the Meth- odist Church. Sub]ect-“ Total Abstinence." Mr Jnhn McBride. Hem-l 'M'nstnr of our High $011001 10ft. hr-r‘ mi Tnosflny hunt for St'nfford, to attend t‘w fnnom] of the late Mrs. Cummincu. Mr nw‘l Mn: Ylm‘rv PIM'tor nnfl dnnahtl‘r. of F" e Inniqu'r-w Yurk Stutmwvro visih'ng Mr Nelsrn T’lnytnr, a short distance north of this village, for a. few dnys. Uhslinnw .sL'iI- dist-mos. humans «1' like Mood. ompiinns and old sows are mm d by P-uuduok Hlund “imam, which [uril'y and regulate all [he spcvolirms ARMFTFADâ€"At Voodl‘r'dpn, rn Marc-h 4th, in» mm 5011 of Henry Armsteud, SIYERRâ€"At his rnsidnxzw, Richï¬mnd Hill. on Saturday Inst, of Erysipelus, Robert Sim-a, aged 66 years. 122} MANvOn Feb. {6â€}, at his late resident‘s Daniel lionmnu, I‘n;-11t}'~1keve hi the (own-- gm) of Vaughan, in his 5503 year, of ’l‘x'yhoid Perhrns the monk oxtmord'nmry EuccnPs that has been achieved in madam medicine has been unitinan bv thr- Dixon trunmnnï¬ for Cutarrh. Out vi 2300 putienis trontud during the pus: six. mnulha, iiiiiy ninety per cent. haqu liven cuved (if this stubborn malady, This in 1mm the less startling whom it is rmnembtn-(l t‘mit nut five l-or cent. of put «its prmsenting themnolvos to the rrnuhr pr- eiliomzv no hem-fitted} While me put» out mruicmea and Mbrr tirithiseri cums never ronord n (mm at all. Starting with the claim now unxzm'uliy believed by the must scientiï¬c men thht UH" dismse in due to the presume of living wrrusiics in the tissue. Mr Dixon at (‘nue adapter] his "rpm to their ex ttmflnncionmfl‘iH nc~ compiished. ho claim! the (himth is prncii‘cuiiy cured. mud the permnm-m‘y is unquestioned, n5 cm'vs «flawed by him {our years ago urn 0mm: mi), No on» elm, hm ever attempted to cum Cntun‘h in thin trimmer. and no other treat-hymn him ever mm d (futurrh. Thi- Bppiicaiion of the remedv is simple. and can be done int home, Mid the I‘d-went season of the 39m in the limst inv- ournhlu for a MOP-1" 11nd prrmhnvnt euro. the majority of (mst boilâ€: cnrpd ’ t one trrntmext Snifcrvrs ski-mid c: Yrr'ï¬ponll with Messrs A ll DIXON d' SON. 3 5 Kim: fluent, it's-BO, Tm‘ontn. Cumminme cxu‘lnsu stump fur tbaix treatise on Catarrh.â€"Moutuul STAB. CATARRHuA HE‘V TREATMENT. Barley Outs. Pans hyo Pans do. . Nye dorm . Dreamed Hogst-r 100 Rm. ‘ MuLilindquarterser 110 ms Hutton, by the can-n80, per 100 ms Umrzkens, per pair . Ducks, per brmm (Sammouchw Turkeys, ï¬nch Butter, Hanna ., lump roll. tub dairy†"2:15.:stle (ml . l'otnmes, per hhl Apples par inu'rï¬l U Unions, grm turn I) Cabbage, pm- do . ..... (.‘elrry,pnr do ..... 'l'nmips, per bag Carrots, per do Boats, par bng . ,. I’nrmius, per bag Hay per. 10:1,. Straw per. mm. Won) her 11). Wheat full, new, per bath Spring do .. Irvâ€"To sail the property at present owned 1 y the Vunghun AL'ricuMm‘n] St'cil ty. 2nd~"l'o puxchns’e mom-Sty for Fairs nnd Ex- hibitions. 3rdï¬'l n mm-‘ngge said property far putt of purcl‘msg money. .,,, .. ‘_, _. WEE-ET YEI‘K AND VAUGHAN ES- Iiltm'l'URAL SEEIETIBS. At 2 (Vt-lock p m, u.» (In-Mn (‘n the following 11"(‘1'051118 of ï¬lm Dirmmrs of the said Ruqimirs in cnnforh-ity wi 11 Sections I\0 $7 and 59 of “The Agricultuml nmi Arts Act“! Viz ‘ y {,o'mbern of two years standing shun be ull‘owed to vote. . Dated at VVoodlnidge this 3rd Cay March, 1585. WOODB‘B IDGE‘ A Needing oflho n‘nnlxrrs: of (he \th Ycrk and Vaughun Agricultural Societies will be hold at Public Notice 16th Day Marchrl 885, THOMAS. F. WALLACE, Secretary V\':sb York dz Vaughan Ag. {societies F0602: ONE DOLLAR. At 3.1m: Sartrtésrmcutï¬. STEELE ms. 8; co. Seed and Preduce Merchants, Corner Front 8: Jarvis Sts., TORONTO. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Choice Alsike Clover Seed TH E M A RK E'YS ONE BOLLAR PER BARREL 'All parties wishing to buy or sell seeds or choice seed grain, will find it to their advantage to call upon or correspond with us. STEELE BROS. (23 CO. N. B.â€"-We are agents for the EMPIRE HORSE 8L CATTLE FJOD. Please send for circular which contains testimonials from leading Feeders :1 mlStock Raisers in the Province It is equally valuable for Stock ol‘all kinds, horses. cattle, sheep, pigs, & poultry. Dairymen always ï¬nd it largely increases quantity and quality of milk. HAYSTEAD'S HOTEL, PRICES AT FABM‘MIII' WAuGUNh Componed to ï¬eld Personals. TOR()N'1‘()' We can now furnish Fine Barrel Sal! at MONDA Y.~ In the “flags of Txmmmn', March 5. 1395‘ DFEATF-I And Finest an 80 1E0 82 . 0 m e M 0 r2!) It '12! a an till Quality oflhiry Satt at TWENTY PER BARREL, Our Warehouse. 30 b0 ml 50 an (5 20 m; is '15 «20 35v w H (‘n \m :15 50 0s 80 men 1 {'0 2 (-u 8 5’1 m; 22 4U _ 50 ; 4") 5|. 4w 1 310 | 'C‘egirw flxlm'timumtz. Hummur's PHI.s.â€"-Sm‘den changrs, firquem “'23, Mid pvevndmg (lumpy-ea ï¬rmly imrr-de the \‘llnl functions. and cr-nâ€" (luH‘lU il -lwuhl1. The IHrlldy fur such dim)!st “08 in some purifying -medicino, like these Pills. “lzich is compatenl to grapple successfully with Ihe nrisehivf It its source and slump it out. without fuelling the nm-ves. (n- “cake.â€ng the system. Holm- luway's Pills oxllztcl from the. Mood all Imxmus manor. regulate- the ucIi-xn oft-var! rlisnvlmml 01mm. stimulan- the liver’und’ LizlnPys. and wlnx Ilu- bowels. In curing ch95! Complaints the-5e Pills are remarkuhly Plfertive, "specially wlwn aided by a free lbw! hpplib-Uiun Of'lhe Uiulmku't. TM: dunble lie-alanl wiil mzsure u (:mlnin. sleudy and heneï¬cienl progrle nnd wuné l'enllh wiil soon he re-esluhlishd. PRIVATE SCHOOL. Miss Cameron is prepared to give instruc‘ion to pupilsinEugliSh bnmchcs. School to open 0}) MON A Y, MARCH 2nd, ’85. MISS FLO RA COULTER GEO. F. KELLY, Veterinary Surgeon I Ofï¬ce & Residence-Rf P. O. Buttonville-Bfgngg‘ Feb 2nd. 1885. Richmond Hill, Jan 7th. 1885‘ STOVESE SELL AT COST ! Eave Troughing of Tim and Galvanized Iron. Custom walk promptly "mauled to. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given Mini the pnrtnerahip carried on fur some time past by the undersigmâ€" ed umFer the ï¬rm name of by mutual consent, the senior member of “W ï¬rm yetiring. nnd (but J 11 6: ‘V A Sanderson it? cmlmwelud to discharge and settle nl‘l debts to and by the said partnership H. Sanderson '& Sons’ K“) C K “.. 13th DAY JAN. 1885, “‘I'rmzas, E SNIDER “'0 the undemigm‘z} have cnfrrcd into Pnrmrr'v ship unr‘mr the name and ï¬ of Sundrrsun' Bros _ nnd “ ill continue on the Ulll Brnixmss cnrv ried on by the lam Firm m' 11. Sanderson & Sons, N. 3â€"1111 pnrt‘ies indebted to the 11m- Firm of H. Fundn‘s-m L’s Sums urn, htrflw notiï¬ed that “1' accounts due must be settled an or bdrm “Em lat Day of Mnrch. IRHS, nftnr which that», they: I m 1334 lflaced in our Solicitor'a hands for colkcxion. Richmond Hill, Jan. Nth, 1885. On farm property at 1* per cent. to 1‘8)†oï¬a' mmtguges as higher rnten of interest. or {mt building, draining, or other plutposrm Muttgugm bought. Nr-tns discounted, Advuncn ulsomude‘ on second mnrtgugps. Fun-mere will snvc money by applying: direct to me E. Ry. IZEY’NOIAI)S. 5? Ad‘ laidc street, East. Toronto;- Dac. 2nd, 1‘88}, am: Graduate Ontario Votelinary College, Torontq WK} LO&N LESSONS 1 N MUSIC. Richmond Hill, Feb. 19th., 1885‘ [7 A Y 'S Nauru} Richond I-Ii11.Feb 11th, 1855‘ I have nfew Parlor (.‘nok mu] Coal Honing Stovea which I will TOR COUG HS AND COLDS' ’77XY'S'C0M POUNDIM’ Cab-,4“ ana Colds, is equally serviceable for Horses lnd‘ (tattle Sleighs and Skatcsat Cost. “().V\GULâ€"Iâ€"N-E.â€"Cement fur Broken AY’S COMPOUth a demuiccni 2\3"'Sr-TIV(rPIIV.LS‘ Va speciï¬c in K'YTQ‘CO M I’OUN’DUF 1.1331117}? Annisuod, Ermua. Squill,Tolu, $13., with Chlm‘udyxm, Articles Sold everywhere. we Mnkers,â€"â€"KAY Bl-IOS‘, Stoskport, Eng A HTS RENEW MWHIE. } .um‘min, Face-ache, 6:0 $100,000 ‘xpcctm‘nutv. for (mughs and C )103 IS PREPARED TO GIVE STOVES. Has been Dissolved this OF PRIVATE FUND-S NOTICE OF Also a. number of Signed. Signed. CHARLES MASON, Sign 9LT, .T. H. SANDER-“ON. ‘v'. 8.. ‘V A. EANDERSON Day and night calls promptly Intended to S jXNDEBEON B1308, Lot 8, 4th con. ’l'p, of Markham.