.z'mamr; , .f::‘2L.'.'. ."‘.~..“’"“‘,- “‘13:†LP“) a 3"“. ’1'". 3.3,»? mï¬lfiï¬ï¬'f‘» T ‘t-‘fl': 3117'.» a. Numerous Class. ' “ - » .. ~â€" Tlie following discussion took place upon Dr. Urtoii moving in the matter of Farm-H WNTER Junie _ ct . “a banks l The disease commonch with It_titligIlit d:- r - v A . i - lrimgnnent of the stomach. hut.i not: ectt- . I SA T‘O .Dl' 0mm moved [heI House ""0 00.1"“ v it in time ll|\'(IlVPB tho .mhole i't‘hmt‘. rm..l ’3 a " mitten to cntiiiider the tesolutinu declining bracing "I. kidneys “v†mum". and - . I ,. . . .. r . l - - v Iii PxpetientIto britth in a bl'l tIti extfnd in {INI- Ihe mm†’zrwdu'm ""emI "dI _ . 9 OIL III II I IIIIIIII E 'bemrhbnnkmg we'll“? '6) “gncuhungi the nflicted drngo outamisernhl‘i- exiltence r . W T It“? " TI- . ‘nttd at or persons iii t e omiiiion. e . . - . , - - ’. - ‘ : Sli' in .50.. :'t ius. g. . - - . I I. in til death give: what" fromIIufl't-rtnz. 1 he . -,_ .. w ,I . - r .. r l ' 0 :"lf‘lflm “in: [30512]“ me}? hat-d (“er bug“? diéoase is omit mistulmn for other com“ l Iljs‘fdigrld mbym 0f 1 ' z i - .1:3.1:;.22“...;“;i.'.."?..i'".:::; .23.; ism-«1r i... w‘ B.-. 4 w I A s... « ‘ tion which metchuiits got so th'iil they me “MOMâ€! quemiom‘ he "in be .br I? i l l‘ r 3 Q} qu “O‘CO'ii' I .y ' d t ' h .the he. h‘mscltil one o t aI o I rm tesui've tum- , . . . . . - r. -.' \-'- __fl Md """mmE ‘0 l’r'v'â€c hI““ke'3 r0" I‘laf‘s' ,Etigigéngtvnl... ldit‘ttrtltrl. pain or diï¬ioultv '. w .8- S, I Anilinil liitwnio . . . . . . 1.6%. L" O R Y o U R ï¬nd “we Char'fld mehmim mm“ 0f "3" iii hretithitw after entitw? ll tlteten dull. l Invt’stul l'-‘. Cnnndii. .. hillltlIlJ mum‘ 10 per fem m“! Ingher' The bl" heavy feeling attend-9d hr drnvdnosn? l Duiitll iil’ll' l"'i‘I---- 1040033 . “5'1" ‘3 If" pml'usgd ‘0 )mmduce pnwidpd .lhm lit-Vt! thu- 1-3 nullow tinge? Does a thick l Ilium-[MN ‘ i l & 15: § l fl litllnPt'N might become stockholders in a . LI 3 - h b HhI um. “m; John Mahmud/1,; E t ‘5 ‘ *lâ€˜ï¬ n:- U a t'n-int-ts' hunk, tirowdod that thvy 0“9d no "I" 5" mum“ 3'" "u "u l' g ' I‘m†'-' “"31†"' l iii..i:\'i{ia'ix<, irLAXNiaw, E'l‘C., E'l‘C., II .. -. .1 »-I-;. A 1; ‘1 “n... . ' ' i n -. ' 1 ' d h! H . I I I SI, . , I . I I. . tretn ll tlu. t. orntnd. accompnl-IF I in. I; “31:25:â€;131.“ 2:33:31: I: "F" (:W‘.’ * ‘ Et- 3†3 hy the hunkois into negotiable bonds and h mgr“ "mm m H" 3"" “Id b“ , I w 3 a l l . . . . I - .there a fulneas about thr- rttvht ilde tit! it tho I uuut'tititet-d hr the Government trll tour ier . . ‘ - l P ' I livo-r were enlarging ? Is there colitiwnens 7 I l l j. l l \i‘ (‘Hiiiitl no u "' - .-‘. .' pascutitrnndl ltmn atlczetit-s. llt- ltt‘llt‘t'l’d. on the con-- '1", we mm“ rmm ‘h' Md" 7 ‘ ~ - a..-“ nut. It had been stated iliut if such a hill . . . - - T m; f g {HQ I . , - ~ - . I , I I __ lsthrre vertigo or dttztness when risinz II I AT RV," ' :dmiirpxgi':Vw;)ll::guni:lzr gtzigtxifvtdn'fgd Suddenly from a horiznntnl position? Are » . ,. .. . . . . q... .. . ..,.II I_ .. _ . .. , . ,,. .. . ‘ ’ ' , . ' ' ' ’ . “'1 y S Q? l-T.A.W. i».- w, t '- v i ’ ' I ' - ‘ i ‘ " J ’ ‘ 1 A Large {llHl SgthlHlltl Nitli'iC ()l lit’il \YL’I'S, 310 {ONE}, “‘VOYSlCd‘S, triirv. that it would malm the operations of l'l'gly‘riol2?:‘dÂ¥â€â€™; :nfilrofl' "ï¬r? fix": V at nan! ! ‘ ’ ‘ ' ,t ‘ ‘ ' " ~ I'“ a C I ‘ " I‘ s ' - - ~xi‘ng "w ‘ ur' .2 '_ v v A I V 30m?!" “bl! †“d ( mmdm†l weï¬ldb’ Full Ullfad'ixlBitifihjltfn"if?â€â€œ333‘, 'iit-compitiiied by tlutuli-nco, or n hi-k-hinu m â€"-ll AS ON 11 AN D Avâ€" ‘ Cit ill“ Cilia, 51.6., :11 LOWL‘SI :l’l‘lL'L'S. m Hid“... we NF,“ m,†(If-“Ml...†charged jgiis from the wtnmm-h? lit thnve f-Pqttt’nt LARGE 5.13002; 0}?! _=£&;I ‘ ’ . . . - - , val itittioti of the hwrt? These mitmtfl I I , , . . ‘ 7. "3' ""m“ I‘m" ""C'e""" .gma,.(,m5 mm. "m u, "If"... m m... ii.an All new and good. A large btocit of fresh Canned (mods wlitcn _ I Mr. ilCA‘lIIl en Ehld lth helit-vetl the (midi! . I. I _ ,- ripâ€"EJ QEGGK'H)‘SIHn hail dunr more to pauperize theghm “I†mrm’m me wm'mr m mm “R ‘h P110629. I , \l \ - ,. - - I dtPï¬dflll dltlt‘lfll' promotion. If the CHI? he II by; m4 by filivl‘: '8 dildnnnct‘lilt|lh¢ireacvnrin§lix: Ione of lung stunvling, tho‘to will hp ii drt'. Flour and Feed constiinllv on hand at the Lowest Pilot-s. . I . .. I . (I even-'in for tl hill of this (‘llat‘ltCth as he “will! .cnughi “ï¬ndâ€: f‘ï¬"; Hm" b' 5:; A l i, H “is. .(1 IGVC‘N IIOHer-V’ dc" haii'wvd "l9. rmmms had snm‘dw't “whim n dirtiv'yhl‘hriiix nail-flirt...†At Toronto l’ricos delivered in mind ntdvt'. 'l’itrttirc Fl'llltlf‘S :tll sizes ill "Vii-“‘5 l0 :‘mt Purelmscrs' “in:grï¬hgtlitiflr fi;"l’:";‘n':';;: Imid l’l'lt- hunds and 't'w-t .tire covered bt' and made to order. Paints and Oils ot’ all kinds. ll:irdtv:irn. Gl:i.~ls- . tiu'mew wns to‘redIut-i; the nite ol‘ interest V22:39::ï¬l‘lstT133I‘r'LId5;;3’: '53:“;3: Ware, Crockery and other gItttitls :it the lowest pl‘lCcS. Cull and I in the Post ()ï¬ll'e Sayings lliink to 3 [nor Ilw'IvaI'uic PM“ "NIPer and “I0 "in"! “Inâ€: examme the EOOdS“ I}? G RA V7 «(1‘ ICI'IIL lly this means the public Would be “Iâ€! II†“N FIIIII‘IIV "Handling "gain" min Grccer1€s.£1‘ocl~:cry “lasswa-re at bottom prices “""‘“" '“ 'h" “W “m†‘t......._v....i.;..g an“... The "min. ..r I r: l I Also at Large Stork of Staple rind Fancy b hAVlllfl plenty tti'mont‘y would l)»: glvttl 10‘ . . . . . . . L'ire loitns to t'wmein at N low rule of intet- “"5 "windy '8 '"dlg'shml "r dl'mmm'. “.“d .‘t vet’i'AAi; Ht. lie wns inclinw‘ to think the resoluu “.3li (“mum-v .or me. Prop" ~mi‘dwine E's“! I ' lion was a pivot: of htinconihe. nod†interdud W!†"m0" 1"“ disens" 'f “ken “I "I mâ€" J! m the lion guittlctnu'n to curry favor With i his k’tlllfllillt‘flilfl, .J APPLES. (‘iniettcy. It is most important. that the .__..- dismou- shotild be promptly and moonlit & CO" Mr. lleOii stronglycondntiinedilie pro-mumâ€.d m m‘ ï¬i‘s' "RJH' "hm ‘ hm" i I 7 ‘ 1-31-7- II.. .II II . I I I . I .RIGGâ€"s 3.»; NO... 3., position (ti. tho- Iimi monitor for Nuth lrnh "imr'wf :.dc"n cure}; 1:. ï¬ve" “ :2; ‘9‘ Qm'en Sh'efl' London‘ E" (2" SURGEON DENTlSTS Wt-llitvglr-ti [ M r. Mt'hltillt-n ] to l0‘tllh':~‘ the I M 0 ) am“ " mu“ " "I can ' ' . - - . " v i to nrt'osuntid with Am the I , E um: ol‘ loom-in in the l'tml unit-.- snyinga "“W‘dt’ "h‘m‘d he Peri‘wW'd ‘" """l "’9'" “ I“ be {Jul c - 'l 208 Queen St Vv est, TorontoI ' I stand. l l "____._...._-__Afl_‘. _H. . n mmmunï¬cmzl ymmt-mmwmmv 1-“- â€"T‘.‘? :im‘rws‘gnrxmmnmm UK Luuriuoou w~â€" AN D 'i‘ ll iiâ€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- ' WM, .h m “Mk “I 3 “H. Wm vl~lw,nnvemmml' rostigv (If:th disuse is eradimwl‘l. until Grow-"5' Merchants and ShippersI with ' the appetite has returnod Ind the digestive «Hz-ts ruin-trod to u healthy cond'llmt- 'l'htisiirc-st and most ul‘l'ncttml renwdy for this distrnssing complaint in “Soiynl'n (‘ttrntive Syrup.â€- "ultimo [input-lion sold hv all f‘homists and Marti. ine Vendor! thttzukhuut the world. out! hv tho turn-- nriutnrs, \ J White. Ltntm-d‘ purring- . ‘t’I‘octlthppururiiiitinr 5 1.90. I’Min loan t-Vtt it‘tiiiu by use of l-Il‘n. ' 'J‘iin hunk wnti umd'ulttiost Ulllllt‘l" hr the \t‘itt‘lé» . l . o i it. C 3.58 lo; those-ii. mid it' tho tutu of internal ve:e retlut't-tl it would lie tiructicnlly t'ohl-ing: lhtt poor iii ill lie 08th red the rth. of it-trr- , mutt want low enough at 4 [(-r cont Ht- thought there must he riifiitrient whide mid intvlligtent-n in tho House In dwinea n \‘iPW to Autumn and Swing limitless They will also give the usual thcili -I I ties to custmnurs requiring athatiCCs. _ ‘ London Jul) 31st 1884.-9- m in H. HUSBAND, L. :2. H ' DENTIST. FEWTONIJROOK. o.\"1‘. ti‘ litiii’AiIi-Ill FOR IT WITH .‘.â€"â€"~â€"â€" :3 to 27:2, MAFLL, . . - ‘ . ‘ v I Vt'ill visit; the itill(t\'{lll"1tl3ch ‘-‘-i'ot\=s‘~iomil‘t’ ' ‘ ‘ “A ' ' thtt whet-.liv it w it it! buy toss-Ith- tor u m » . t ‘ ' ' lt . h: i,, *‘ ‘ I w vI ... n r. - I “I “I _ I. - ’ Inmm r M"; pnm 41Ҡ[he ‘LSI 4' (mm in dun Bond. London. E C.~ Th]! ï¬t‘v'iip (#F Cl‘i‘ih E11. istI .NIiJndtiy ttftiru motif". E "WM; 1' ""LLII II I‘ l I m II. I p..- “Ic'w’ - 'r - 5 ‘ . ‘ ; . . “ U ' ‘ ‘ - ‘4 I} ' V; ‘ ' ’: nu: ,. -.2. I. . if. . . (’III‘Ita .' t: i: If i\ a '. fluff ‘ l I I I . Isn'tâ€! n, H", weâ€. fmmdmmn (If-"w (“5",qu - {MI IIIII .. i mm (in nitms tI (l J it to t (i ,I k SI. « w ~ v i w (t'llltlH. to got his lllttltt‘) on it twirl It ItImd III“. O‘ , d t h t t' the IHVID 't‘TAIV ‘ ,“roniilent l. 1". '1'" H. K“ 1 q ".0 (u‘ I“. if," - . . t A I - ‘ . fl 3 g In, - \.. .. ,n- A“ .4, hi- " " "‘ "" “" lulr' of llilt'H‘Sl its tiny otlwr persons but at sysu‘m cs ] ’ mo' u" "n"? ' on †SAMUEL 'l‘lJ‘Jiï¬J‘ ,. ViJOqu‘tidch. I - - - t t '- ~- ~ - - . ~ soot it was not tosslhï¬. llo h- l:P\'t d it ‘ ' «Irons ,I ‘I ‘I I _ . m. i r' * {093:0 9.217., tutti It all l9“ 1; criii.~i.-:':.:;' of ‘\ min [<hliI >zilttiCit 'l't'ttltt Fintinn l all , p i , _ , I ., I l)IlZ L - 3.! Jo and \Hllltit found in In: «it. L‘, it! i or .. ' i \' . . n . i . r. . .‘ . dw' wu‘ in the tun-l tittetmln i>t (.lllilltlu that the Mark?! PlM‘J'. Pufgliltntztmt. Yfllh ' LyiHyhovgrySaturday.{ï¬lth-ML“Element/Iâ€; .‘ r. w ~ 77.. r wâ€" »â€"._â€".â€"â€"- 7 blontmsI (it: :1 1‘ ::li, l.:.l-t:.<iur twill llt’l'lllifls. l‘rt .li hilt. \‘u :itcr ‘ ‘ n . r number "it!" ‘882' Ii. iti'ï¬ztciildrï¬iiiiiiii'se. Sinâ€"thins: a nutl‘mer for yours with u it, i:<‘inw<(ii‘i,tasq. (LYNN-[min in till its thrat taint-i. und suitor jgf§fgeNnilg‘l'ARD.EsQ- spending [ll‘llttllï¬ in nit-dicittvs. I wait at last ' ' ' A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. ‘ pPrFllfldfltl tottv Mother Seigto‘l'h f‘ttmtivt- ~â€"â€"â€"-- Sritip. nnd tint thankful to any huw- dwiwdl RICHMOND HILL more hemï¬t from it than 'nnv Wither nthl-r. 51“,“er “.5 D1;].~A1}'1‘31EN'r . the hon. mention-an ltt‘lerWl the ruttoluti'm l - - ' - ‘a t: t ma ‘ ‘ ‘ '~ ‘ - n t l two-r 00k. and would ndvt-‘u our on:- ‘31 la) 3i: lim’", I: grind nit!) [HERE hour.) (I t l i Sir John Mnedotmldâ€"And ti popular one wholn hunk oiwnlution ol lllt‘ count-y illl'vtlid hr- \t‘llld i tit. tu.d sillistituitd by n Drttlllttitltl citculut'n-‘t. Dr. (l-tuu ttiiid ltltl hon. friettd[ Mr. Mb- Mull-x'fl had sputum ol the tttwl‘niion lit-in: ititrtrdUt-vd tor the put-[tom of ('tiri'yiiig favor with his constituents 'l but slit-wwl dziy [mils on Us it'l'llltj,_‘>", Stat-nan, Utictl li‘t'tings. lite, l‘itc. Also in .' ‘ ~ 9-w- ‘Zn . “I '2“? . w .t: 0 ti: «,1. L in aw e a large stock Such as iii':iâ€"-l:l‘lr‘.< Family Flour. BllcliKlH’ttl Flour. Grithiini Flour, Nit-1 \Vllt’lll, (hittncul, Cot'ntiicnl, 1&6. liS‘YE‘iDXfi‘TC‘Ok, o 5.21:: 2311i, lGSJ. Hy VE'E‘AEUEZZEEZE) Kiwi 3 Dr A {29535225 're. svnnnox D1Cti'1lbi‘.AJROBy‘. ‘ . . Deposits received and interest .‘.-11I4twf‘t'i tum-eon mm‘l‘l"! rm!“ ‘l’lt' suml’ comply-mt ttt Hill" at. current rates. No notice of thhdl’lthll re-- St't‘ l'. r \Olll‘Ft‘iYCS and confer it favor on . . .- ~ . .1 ‘ ‘l. ' d l ' ‘ ' '1 _ t o " a mu" Hâ€- mm" “m. “WM mo" ï¬nd “522.1;iiirz’iih‘iiiï¬liii :iiilfléhldumm i Tllflnltm‘dm “10 “1“er 01' the past Years 1)“ (3001110 () I 4 A ’ A . a" .. .. l ' . ~ . ' 1. m - " “N‘wï¬ I up _ II - I I I .0", {m- [llpms’IV(\.. [f “m likt- tn nmllr _ h nyï¬ LlhQL=lnlull.Ull11111.11} ordnch 01 th: 3m. . . ,3 T . . 53"} .EfKâ€"jg WEE"! A E a E B Dr. Orton. continuiny. said the hon. u" “f "Ii. "mmnniui'yo. no quit. at J.M.LAWRENCE. lit/omen: ‘t’eIs munstIt'ilIlon- I I I I I I I TIM-auto on .I "' M ‘ ‘ “ ' ' L’t’tttiemnh [ Mr. McMulle-i ] went on to may ,‘Iibmr m an M ‘ nichmond HilIl.A:‘ri.19th,ltlSil. 1:333:21IIflngIIIIEII.. mi d: -vttu mom. main Graduate of Toronto Uni‘h that the furnth tit~ thzs (mutiny bud aim-tidy ' ' - r u I II I . Actual-n. tst, tit-11, 16th and 22nd . do i M. (J. 11:“: (‘imI Tm, 3mm... “05;.- tno ermit fucitttirs for borrowing motto-y. You" '"P'" “' Yv . ' ' " " ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ i ï¬lmmm'm“ (:0 ' . . . p ‘ I ‘ “1‘ “NFL. . Probably the hon. gentleman li‘id tn View (Mgr-Pd) R-I 1“"“"t 'ii.I Sq are .. ‘ 1 Snow lnotm it. the Country ot Wellington. spigd'l Opelâ€"min†Pills my the but (‘3' t †"l‘mr‘l‘ï¬â€˜llli ""' “0 I II II I. I I ~ ., ._._._. tom 1‘“ o. do l [Ml-th I.]I It Would Bet-m that ll" NOH- fumilv phystc that has our hw-n llIISCtI'Wt‘t't‘d COATSWORT" ‘9 Hooclfls. Kleinlittrgg. do gvitllctniin “uttlml ,intmvrn to have money Th9). chm,“ It". hawâ€. (mm H†"-rlluhug thtblutott d0 tit llVfl pvr cunt. and he. hope-d when the . . . antmtmcen,wd llt‘llV!‘ than in a healthy ' . q t -,« o.» hon. lttt'ntltm‘ t't'ltlrttt'd to Il‘tl‘ county oi “mm-mu".x 1")“. “m. cmhtvï¬iruzI lililglna', ‘ ‘ . IL I I I .. I I 3‘ ‘ 09 I .. nlwnyn on liiitiu tit. tlits rilnccs of l a“ ink") unpoi 1: dogs: an or with the lyiijti iii flï¬â€˜tII. ,- o . ‘ , . , l: v I I I I II , v I ' whit II_ FI Itmihcting u ’- .‘.3:51";stiltixrl this s«. um s _ - Â¥ - ‘ W ‘ W ‘ u . . ‘ ‘ ’o’S ititeivst. I llt’nt-wvd lflugltlflt'.] He [ Dr. "‘Wf‘ll‘h†22hâ€), lIRgl- . . 15‘Y01'k 011811“). ‘ , r up p g; It rn III ‘I ï¬t.†[ti ‘)tll’)ll, rugwttrd thtit any gentimmtu t'rmn Sinâ€"It givr-s mt- yrs-at platinum tn inn] N°9T°"(’m° Strut v i I h w l I that county ullttlll'l mum-st it rt-dtit:tioti in ' form you of the lto'ltt fit I htwo. rot-eivetl from M()N1'-JY '1‘0 LOAF? " ' “Fmâ€: HI !th rutts (itw internal iii the Post Ofï¬ce Snv- Saigel‘s Syrup. l ILAH‘ hetn trotihléd' t'ur E'Corrswoii'rn Jtt. FRANXL. luoDGIkB.g I I "'5" “""L’t wars with dt‘sneitsin : hut aft-tr a few dottn Toronto, Nov 18in, ISs-t illv hir. (‘nanr said the hon. member for hfthe Syrup. l iifltlttd’tVller. m.d fll‘ef ink-- emitâ€! \vt'lllllL’lUH [ ltr. Orton] load ing twu bottlis of it I feel quite cured. talked uhottt ralti-tiitigz to his constituents. but it tic-t-tiied more [tremble thtit itiutmtd nl doing that lw. Would "Bill!!! to his post. Mr A J White. iii tltv l“ul‘ lVi‘st. Dr. Urtonâ€"Tht- hnn urntlemun is iihont Yonge liltillim mi .1. Ferguson. Baln. Cordon a Shiptey, )iurristers, Attorneys-ut-Luw. Solicitors-in- Chtuic'n‘y. Convevutioersmtc. (illiceseluiperinl Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto HOMAH Funonsort,Q.C. Joint mix Wu SETON Gannon, (1E!) F Sultan? P. o. Box 2527. l nm. Sir, yours truly, \IVil'liim Brent. Hennlnghnm. Whitthuven. THE PALMER H059: II II III iiilru 2.10 ND tiii.i,,. l as tttr out Hi he was when it" shot. the t-ow 0" 16' ’1" ‘ . _ -_ l P '3 _ _ . . .. .J almer. 3. rep insiuud lit the limit «I utr landlian Mr. A J. \\ hitp,_ Dnur himâ€".1 wait for .1 s MrI (I‘mmmnI :-!i{:1“(aï¬pxI[g;id ,iw Li]. I,.__ swim timi- hfllicH-Il “it’t llllFl. tuirl tit-its tith- HALL: FULLERTON &Coo This House is one of the Best llnilulb "‘ " . . ' I ' , 3 ‘- 0 t - towed hunks winged to give tinnitus that. """" m 1â€" 5""h" *‘-"-’"l 95?“? “ "‘3'- Q3: \I‘ 3 2‘2". . M?†:v 9,...) i 5:} ‘4: Le V‘f 7n. 3.1 $ . i found north of Toronto. Everything: is iiininivet] Barristers, 5~r‘>11<=1‘-01‘3.&°- Ofï¬ces l in First Citiss St in. ' h I I I I . _ I _ . I. W. ., ., Farmers Banks, An Alarming Disease Afï¬lCtmR‘ - ‘ Nagy}: ‘ . .. Ni-i-oiiiiiiodatioit they detain-d. rind thr)‘ dk‘sl't'll. itnd they writ! li'tl'tfl'tl tti tilitttitt it til highri‘ laws nl‘itttt‘rritt. if local h tilts it‘liiith i did. l ttm not: happy in Ftntu thttt it tins t't‘ï¬tatt‘tl the to m-mpletl henlth.-â€"â€"~l rn-tntiin. yours tt-Ipt-ctl'tilly. ' 18 Kim: Street: East, Toronto Richmond 121;! Post Cfï¬ca Evay Saturday. _ Sutiiplo Room for (10min wr- CltLl 'l‘i'ttveliei‘s. Good titulflizig tuitl tit rentivv l liostlei‘s. Terms, bl 1391' tiny. Pr“: this: louver, this Hotel to connect with till tlio r.’ l: it . Trains going: North tiiid South. tit S u. 11)., I; it. W M lit-.1]. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. \ I‘ \1’ ‘ ‘ I i I I ‘ ,, n ‘ could he i-wcurrd It} the Governiiwnt to J5lunsrt0“ \ (“0" WAX-.51" DUL ‘~‘11<1l-v0D1-‘~ plL‘VQ‘.‘ t. lilt‘lll brill-1 wiped out. lin llt'lltfvt‘li the {minors could ohtiiio nmmtnmodntir-n. An Act. “hit c-tt'vltilly tltN'll ltl‘ltvisittllfl. on ( Signed ) John ll Liflhtfont l5ll1 August, 1883. Dear Sir.-â€"- l writ“ to to-ll Will that Mr. Toruto'mav 29â€â€œ ‘584‘ “mom i Ma'um‘zx‘ciumzmxmtm or *1 . 1,. .1 ,“‘~ II s_ 1- W orb... their. Yuri... .. iii ’t l i i . 4 - - . llt‘ttl‘t' lltllii-r nt‘YntI-shurv W'iitit informs "†l ..l the hunt tnrlitzutt-rl ltt thn t'llthllHHlUlt Would ' ' ' . - -. '. I ' " . : wt ‘. : ~~ t' “E? 1...... w... i..-....i...., n... .....i_. .t... i"",.‘l“1.“f’}f“jҤf-“I '2'"; hummer. & lillilittlm‘t, l lll‘tfll ltltptitlntll industry in tlw county. :"(fw‘lx'ld "If anvrn‘,“ "I I’la‘ié.v.m‘:2m r." I . . I ' 1~ . - ' it! ' “1 _II U “C (H H 1‘ l.ln|. ‘ , It) ' k v Q I I 5" """" Mfl‘d‘mm “"“l “3" ""“"â€"" “f‘.i,..';i..m.... 1.....5, md .1901“... um.†BBITISLQTS. SOllCltOlS.i.Y01â€"IN I’D‘NJEELL. Drop IIIIi‘...:.I MaI‘." . [II II.I_ . I.. ‘ PM I “W 1‘? all†3" m H I I Kim“ "(hr I“. l .‘tPILN-l it .Q\'llt‘. \\l’tl('l| he not trout me has CONVEYANCEFS. EAL» I This Hotcl )mn ham: 2. †when! r4 nt;_ttriiit‘iits Hi the twu t-uilin-r Silt-ulu‘l's no ' ’-' . sun-(l his lil'u. ilu . . .. . w- ‘ and tilted up iii tii‘s‘wizl I t i . _ . 1N0.“ :iiitttlinrzt‘lcimmt: III . I II .,.I I 01'0"“) (;m( (‘ï¬-CIHLIU‘JBT“ lorormitost. ‘ 1‘ .d'ng.H°t.‘I1""‘ulm 1‘“- ' )tllOtl mil) in - I U. I “,3â€. (,4; the I onelluiit .mtnimntit‘.‘ V - ll ():Ttt.C~Cc.}+II.,.; gunk 'i'r/W‘Cllt rs, mid Hiâ€: (l:- -l I‘tili‘m‘. mu and am iitzmituo Hustler. Il'It' (liiiitisition atdo‘. ' title oi whom t‘ltHl‘tti'l' PllZ'd the itwoliiiinti at; no utH-iiti-t to t'lfllfll vol-at h nil-1 9h» t-tltf't ll'ifl'llltt‘d it tut ' . t x M"! "I" 3' \ omit-vi Good i 3. II I II . NI WWII I ltlLllltlbttdolnll ('lit‘tniitt. l‘olne Ft-Iml-ttihtlr 8th. l933 {tn-tr Sinâ€"l ï¬nd tltr sult- of .‘vtw'l'ï¬l noun-thing til'n \‘tuy dill'uit-vit tt’I‘llHL n. ('tzllflfli ( Siam“! tht',I III‘YVY‘t‘, “'4 h» tillage-l. ittitt-nrl Hi t‘mti till- Mr “'hitt'. i-._r to gift ilw. "tllt'§_\\':t$ gain: to th'- Ni rlli- wt-st The limit ni~nih~r ï¬tl' Ninth Wei-- .. . .. ’titgtuit J‘ll'. hltthltttleii .4: itvsrd l-e ties-.lu- .. . . . ' ' .' ‘ g . isvinn Slt“t‘lf‘lll\ inert-mutt: All -v.lm inn- lion (in lltt‘ ut'nttvtd lllvll tho» l.k|'[nl'rfl Ind - 4 I ,9. Hr--. mm-.. m3. at; azi . wt- -‘ 1‘3 ‘5 tit-ital tar - I&I ‘ sans-i...- . - - . - tried it smâ€"n'i V't‘V hightt of its ttin-dit-iviul good ottottdi tttt'ititit-salioutly lit It_vr-t tn.~Ht‘_\' ' ‘ ., . . 9.. . s t ' .rIv it ' "" mgâ€: T r‘ ' ) 7'1"“ ,D,(“l Him“, (tum. “1-†h, w“), I,“ m “nanâ€? “ Itittuwa. m9 nistnnwr tin-milâ€: t us it I)1\A.N T,II_lt,I UL [[133 lylml UIDLLi/II U‘IUI 9â€â€œ d h wlm h H“ “I I,†a! I", I l " Gtidnt‘lttl to dtupnptic palmtop." I rilu QUALITY AT 'r ' *. . t ‘ t ' i t: i . . . ., i-n - - t '\ . 'l “ 9‘ wars tectitiitntend it “'llll nonlidsmt-e. T808 NIGHTINGALE S, iMClltlltâ€˜ï¬ could no :nudt- wt-ntw llli pro-- ' Vnrlwilt- 'H'S’ll wait that the (ltmeiiinietit Shoin rub the pool- H"l\'ltlllï¬ ii-la itnd liihn in: “It‘ll by reducing ilm not: of ltIlt‘I"SI nit lltt-tt' ism-- rigs in order thitl thttf tiii.ht hi" torch-«l to To Mr. A. J White. put their twitter into private ba't'n’ré. titttl thtiatori-e private. hank-ts to it-doc» tht- . rum to furnth lint. :in the nivinher for, My Dt‘at‘ Sinâ€"Yum Syrup and Pins are Ate consitrnt-it .2 ,’:~:-n. in. wry l): «1t Mnimfzilg my FYI-Pitt»: «gm! Workman]. and are full} lt'tititl cum had pointed out_ this would 1}.“ still \‘Iery poyulur with my (fllfsttintt't'ï¬. man} i ltu..1:rtnt}'r. I tmmrmmmm l ' ' ‘ l __ ,“_47A 4 7.. “m ‘An‘n, _‘, ,, Monty Io Loan 4!! Lowest Currant Ii‘nlcs. . A G F Lnumxcr. '1‘ C MILLtGAN. Nov 2721i, ith ly mmmeâ€"xrm l l i t Fulthi‘ully tours. r l ( Signed ) V,“at;Q.,);;:.i.lj}.,I M MGENERA 1. AN D hleitltyr 'l‘ydvil.I [J â€"â€"AZ\I) ISSUED. CF“ 2,“ a :3 < a}? i i i, _ $1) . IE A; I5: ' r1 . . iii“ 1.103333%. 3 RICH BlONID v 'i, . hi: incon parable Mirt‘lit iii:- 1’ I! l l .1 I. .3 i'v- itso.’ rm ini' Ar'islinl. MCNEY TO LOAN ON FARE»: $3033.?de “‘0 RichmondEMILAPI'ilBrd,1891. "d “1mm me" “was†" Preston; Supt. 2lst. “183. Mtlll't'tltiihï¬ tlii’i‘Mlllill ON (, throughout the Yaw} t l i I I t i . . '. -, " ‘.. ' . II I I . . . . . . I . . . > ltllllttllilg is “Cit. I I I .z-II“ ,,I pm“, ,,{ or its til tort. for the lnitiltiiig ltiMlittllHttS 51'3")! ‘11-‘3' 3“? [he he“ (Mm! mt‘dlflll'“ . . v .. D a a . v..- _,, ' V ’ ’ ‘ l WPIP not lPiuh-rx on rvul rSl‘Jli'. and turn. - l‘osr‘tlilu. Fa 1 m L" 0"110‘ I {Opp} t'v' ’ m. ' - “WW " m:'“"~"" l I- W ‘ I I T] I! d I » I . r I Ilotnls.Tnv0rtis and Busnieas. 1‘ T ,- i t‘t'l‘ mm It bllll lltht‘ to dt-ni with limit and “3 “‘Il‘" “3 " “"3""““r "1m" {‘1‘ N†‘ I \7 ; “pg-tuck-.. . l... .1â€! '\ I, r. » r 0...........;.. i. ... 1.... hours at Mm", ""1' “ “who Svmtl" ï¬titititt'ttts Bought and Sold .. . (:20 but It. 1JO...L.- drama; a â€".~4ir .1 tin. Mac-lotmlllâ€"llm’ Itic- in'mdm-‘r M" ““"".'l ‘h" m" "r M“ “m†""d h“ “ddod' l rnteutnightmiisi‘nseaor- I can and ewvin o C w l a -- t ol ttit- I‘I‘Sulttllltlt was moaning the “opt-r " “"9 "l "‘9" him?!" I "'1’ ’"mdmll mum" ' . . . â€". . r()PMEIs étip.cg_\~o â€"hzilv.-~...g.:.(..ifn1‘l5m? i V ' 3 touts". llt‘ would Illltttfl-tll‘ nutttuirt the mill†"W'" l" ’* l""""‘l “"0 ‘5 ‘Cl‘t’ m- l SYNI)1(’A1 1‘4" ‘ ‘ ‘ l “i I. A j Y ‘ l l I I y ' (“mm l " ' ' l~ v» nttit-lt l'ui'h in it " For Manufacturing and other ituriwses. $5 ock ‘ Um.- utio u ALLAN. ï¬ttiiztvii'IPx l llltttl-ln iii the rxtmctutoti of tun-tin: this “II t - and mum: Brokers‘ “Imam GEOIINI 60mmer I_.I I - D hm n, t", hand...) "I..." it h‘ “I m“ ,. lht: rule harps up wondntully. in fut-t. J I EVANS & GOI ' ‘ ‘ “ """""""""" ‘1“ I p 53 I I t I ) tut-tmurv lttluiditig t'vtuotitiit r, [mutt-("inn tn “0" “‘“HH {M'cl’ “mmâ€, "1'" ll!“ WWW" ' Lauder Lane Toronto I “final Â¥.L’iiit&:.lo(II.n?.‘vI.3r_ , - ,, . I \. _ _ I I I _ . . . I ,. t . i. t. . -utm . . h, . ,1 t_ ' \l V“ @t 'h ' W‘th “’"l "’ “hm†""95""! I" "1â€" “i m Lym'n‘lwg “: hi'lnkmh" dim" and .mm Toronto Jun 9th 1883 Macililiut'son, Senator, A n i x b t-tiltutitl hittikfl. it thttltl, providt-d it mu nu Mother N'tit'l S mm†"1" d' "mml '3‘ a“ w. w.» . l “~â€"- l T - ' . L V. {J not oven to the til-jtmtions of noun-l limit..- I Constant and lllt‘ ï¬atisitmttnit Rt) glvhl.-l Cupitnl. $l.'t(!ii.n"": ‘1“;ch Fund, 9:45;) i .I, ,ill‘lh'nflh i†11w: “L: "ï¬ve t 'l o iln: ltihlh l-l'lt'l’ll .‘ nit-limit lnsiriitnmits. nim, lM' Mil it'uitlti' ol‘ l'tirtlwr contiitlt- :.-- "I". drltl‘ 5"} SW†"'"hmnh TOI‘UA‘SM‘ 539%" l "l . m†.' ’P 7‘ “he "my 1 “‘2ԠI"? _ I¥°I_I “.Im ~ ' [qwedl w n L .1. I V a. __ t In l‘i-"i‘llill and slrt»ri:v_t.i. all“: t g â€". .. -I I I , -~. ,0“ 'rr. tr . - , .... J . . . . ETI Erich““. 'l he ll‘ltvlltlll was carried. T - J w,- .- m f I I “'t '7 l 5*; E; I '6 "(F-ti “if? '7 “mks 1W1 ("mud '“w " I m (I I I I I o A iite hit]. I. > .5, g - If v Ihr'Jm .. 7:: .5 n.» «J»... .‘u. «in». Mnsms 1‘ S \tILLT.\T»i§ it- ..n\ .. I I I TORONTO. April 12th,1881. _.__- ___+ ._.__.___. ‘ I" ,g t it 1 V» ,. .., u... S .. ,' (it: .L “\I - I inn"- iiiiicli Ilonthe iii H’FLI‘ "HI: tn the grout t-xr'elfeut-e t-f yttir Pianos. 1 bffl't: - ‘ a “F l . ’ » Ali:! Q 3" n l ‘ ~ - ‘ tint tliteiii lich‘lO" to UV st, lLtlt: mid 'li~I'tii ' ‘SSQtl oI'. those QIiiLlIitittant' Itono nitd touch an uc~ i no“ And c°mf°fl To The suï¬bflnl . 600d AdVicO- l 3‘ ‘ i . - i ’ v . .. ï¬gslaigï¬nmï¬xue 1.1:;IiIcIItItIlIiIiIs;tL;iI:It;iIninl ’>«t'l‘ ol (1 il mit *ieâ€"ii cltdd‘mlllg singing tone, easily smdu- \ “ BROWN'S llotmtmtin PANACEA "has no equal ‘ If nur wads-p5 will "C(‘O‘ltl prom-er at?" l "__ _““"‘ ' “Loy "'Cm‘bed 0†‘lPW’M’t “'l’l l'IlCTOSl ‘ ‘ no to every dcgi‘w of loudness iind Editors and a t ' ' - - ~ , ' - " r' ‘ ‘ t . . ‘ . - ‘ '-- ' - ‘ ' - - o v . I I _ I I I ' “m it‘llâ€... 225%, titers: misï¬t-.23 s my « m .. in... .n c p. 1 mo Nor DEN 11; QT : P“ in .i IIt-oiir» It‘l‘ tho-n lllSll‘llltlt-It: ~ :tIuIi-ti tnItIAIqtiiSitinIn in nititnrtiil somety. and am much pleased at Throat. Rheumatism. l<ttttliucllï¬ Litnilmgo turd lingyaid'n Yellow ()il tit. lltltill for use in j. J“ J 5 ’ M ï¬ndmg IL limit“ “limit 1 cut: icCOii-timml Milli Lo-t- ctr coutidoiice. any kind of ti l‘nin or Ache. " It mlimost stirelv ,.,. , . ° . q .h h p ,. s‘ . id w i CHAS w EWING (or Landon Fn I ] quicken the ltlood tindHet:l,ttnitsnctlngtnm‘eria l 'm 'Lu'cw" ‘ ‘L l... .‘ur “A .s' "um 3" ' Opumsvt of Sn PeIe I Ch‘ Q 1m: .l I‘vOnilerflflI" “Brown's Hnnsehoidpanama,"be"i Lame-nous. | rottp. Llitlhlmna, litiviiiimttsin " ‘ r 5 “"m- (JOD‘WHr 0†mi; acknowledged in the great Pain Relic-var, and 1 and M“ Vat ietiem of m hm: pui.†"Mi MESH" '..‘.‘.ir JAMS 6; Sr 5» I I I ’1‘oRONTO.Nov.4th,1882, of double the strength of any other Elixir or - - - ~ i. - ‘ Gr,“ }l:u‘ v tniiglil) ""“‘il|r‘tl titre \Tm'lzmimsliili of yuir Pianos, 1 have tio hesitation in Linititont in the world, should ha in every family "'flammmwnst "‘ “In 5"†5‘" tom"! "'5' stu.titigt11m.,itt i \Itu- r lt‘ll. llll‘_\Illl'i‘ : tiiiitl to tlio of nity otiitis oftlio beet Makers thttt Ilitivo seen 1mm“! for “59 When W‘WW‘L “ a“ “I “fully “1 “’0 [lible- ' ' ‘ 1mm only sperm in l.i.u ll‘lll t tragitrdtiigtlit-ir iitiisicttl qualities : for their ï¬ne t'till sing- ‘19“ r"1“9(ly 1" “10 “‘m‘ld for Cramps in the {’7jng (:lL}':tl.‘il ' of .0110, [llt't'tnll‘lIin'lt‘tv, cw, such. limt there S." “2:: t : tic no necessity to Inn-chug I stomuch, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and foreign iiisti \llt.l.£.,:., (ii titii Lu can produce Ftlt‘h I‘iiitin‘». tutti tit Olie-Lliird less cost 15 ‘0’ 551° 1W all Drill-1918‘s at 25 cent! at battle 1 mn glad to liuut' iltiit the ox: . Ilc of your instruments shows that you are meeting with the i success that.) i :hink rm: It". My unsure. l ..i..t, Geiitloiiit-ii. Your Chedi‘vm Servant, ullSWOl‘S I" ,1. "r; -..._. ‘ wonrct‘i .lI-mii .. l “NW/'1')" '1'“ LOAN. l RAD Herix‘ til i; ‘.l’0ii\l")' Yonge A rende, ’[‘0r0nl0. See our reduced 1mm table Frâ€. rum)“. in“... ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ I I _ “to. mutton LL 'ly tit tli': nth-.203 of i'li' Company 'l‘li'vo ‘d. “" mt“ S "l:i'iniri:ii Sitt‘ofiilii iiir’. o Mitiingm w. (I r; I. .m‘ n... 4 w... . g [t t- I“ ih w-ih I1 P in; iitnlllllltltlidod uini-l‘. in prdsanta given awn, tom] us ' . ' ~ H ML~WW‘J_N “_‘W 4:»? 7 7m, I i l ‘ w i '17! i ' \‘ri- 79:: as i L ‘ .’ contl‘jimtngoJitd b§tuuilyotl x ' 'IU'OL 3' " I‘lQI‘aIld "I H) v n ‘ I “Jâ€. l it'll) get; tree Ipackage of goods ' U ’ f OXFORD STREET 7 of large Value, that, will start you ‘ a wnhOUt 00‘1"" in work that will at: once min i GEO. W. STRA'I‘HY. Mus Doc. 3 allow Oil is par excellence the remedy “We, than anything 0]“ in $93.2: 1112233: . ~ ‘ '1." , iiilmh’lntls. ‘ _I .i'orl’itin. [lilnlellPFH. lthrntnntism. CmupI the $201,000in preeentswith each boxI Agents $8, H. H. KEEFLER’ILJrzlllit) tind _ I \ ~ u ~ ~ ' wanted everywhere. of either sox,uf all ages, for (“M “mm and iâ€) can“ and fl ’ 1“") ' Dean" sfl' mmm‘ F “’8‘ hunt ‘Snï¬i J""'†the time, or sprite time only. to work for us tit l 1)“)“0111'7‘1' i3 B I X / TI " N ' I land ull Flt-ah Wounds. Any medicinedealer thleirtltwnlmmel, Dlt'm'tunen tai- nitworkera ubn ‘ . I -~-. . . ' . ' _ an Ma y assured. on't (1011] . H HALLETT 6: Co . 1 ix?“ ï¬â€˜ "L JIâ€" . I Ic-Hl furnish it 1,01“de Mum I y I um,Gcntlcitieii, yrins \‘a'y truly, The only Dentist in Toronto tiring IIurdii tut-- ' pamtus for r l mt oi ~ .. l l l I PUBLISHED BY By means of Vitalizod Air. I â€"â€"â€"--â€"nâ€"__ FY‘iPY TIIL‘Rt‘DAY, Wurranted to be made from the l M hiS printing 0113?;- me “was. Richmond 1t , U 'tnl‘lO. Best Material in the-Market. ' “'9’â€in Subscription r ‘4 . C.\l"l'i.’-.\‘â€"l have no A; United States. nor re lth his: I “l (toner riiiiuiii in ‘â€" II I I I I 33 . A t ' ll ~‘*â€"â€"‘- ' .ndv’glce. .thinnotimrl m mlumco 50 “ml NW“- P‘â€c"â€s" ‘ chmâ€! 'l I send “x can“ for postage I a I .. . . . . , 1 06 0 target. ., i l- l .1 v 3.“ . I. n. .1 . l . t u m- . Not Bad Fillin and all otboro orations notit ' - w H“ A N ‘M I“ i “I MM 1 , =â€"-â€"-â€"" "r..â€" â€"-â€"â€"-..;».,__~<.-.,......: *w"â€-_&â€"* m."-â€" m: I A PRIZEWIwufi-ee, acostlv box 01 20011! WhiCh It in no It rumble H l' "a . v f g My (gold 1y dono Tmttsitoryadvertisements.ï¬rï¬tinserbion. tf‘t‘ttm ‘4 ‘th 5'†inï¬ll"; 'Q‘ “my II II IIIIIII IIII ‘III III III III IIIIIH III IIIIIIIO qumIItSI and um “mm-me mm, to mfg, theâ€, at ex. thlhelti you to more money right 2 . m in mi in am | ~ . i i . , . . - . . . . ceptionIttilIv low rntos. :.tI. mt“.- ts ul‘l‘tillgtd to suit; “.10 comouienco of purchasers and amend over it. “my um," any‘hing 91†in th“ wm lake i" F‘" 0â€â€œ21'3- C‘ï¬dï¬Jl'm‘WNB-‘i Y - t v";- term at years. 101- full particulars Wrle to S I I Â¥g:1gï¬ï¬‚hggghfgr'égto'gf’gi‘tggg Efï¬gy croup. anhmu and bl’ntlcllllll Huuyard'u ' I a l t. I u on. lbool ‘ - e a I ' , ' , l I ' ‘ 1-t I t loln' . . . . hinge St. ToyontIoIl- on zzcavounLd‘.1-sb LAondmon 8.“). Ammtragégr, At one. IddIOBI. IT)" at P 0‘" ‘8‘!"“11 1' reliable ‘Ilt CA LL.ANI) SFL NIE. .atvorttsameuts woman. written on“ I ' I Mouth You)†W Epcli subseth .itu; tlmv :ii't} Fltllt‘l 71m Contracts for time and r- {we rr Co or x w. I Th3 ’l'rndo Min-1w fl“ niv smut v m A a t ‘ Hymn ' giatcr» l in Ottawa, and also tit. ted. ' ’J‘HC‘J; it") uh‘rnai. T,;m:‘.mt. ‘ v on.“ '1 . , n .’ I per lin e . . , . . . . l I I I I I inshructic II mil he inflamed hum forhid and ~nii2r:(«d to} I m. rater; ' ‘ '