3;: 5mm mums! A Large and Splendid Stm-k ofifieavvrs, D‘Ic'lt(.)lis, “'ors‘eds, 5' Scotch, Main and Canadian _'l‘weed.~, Full Cloths, &c.,'&c., 1x1 Lowust PHCL‘S. - ' FALL (23 ‘NINTER GOODS.†Also :1 Large Stock of Slaplc‘and Fancy Grcceriés.C1#GCkery 6: Glassware at batten; prices Flour, 8: Feed We havea "large stoCk GROCERH‘W, B-(Hï¬'E‘f-ï¬ AN!) 5!“) 13.“, 3&0, HBE PRU-0E1»! LARGE STOCK OF; FISH Riglmgopdflill, February llth, 1885. PR-E’PflREiFORTl-iEéWlNTER LENT 1 COMING Mums. R. S. Wmmum & Sox‘s _ GENTLEMEN ‘â€"I have much ph‘nsnrp in (osti put them severe}! to (natal-st, luul ï¬nd vlmm luth Med q muse, quulitiz-s of (one and tunch no no» copmlfle to the true In l}$1cm1)_nngl lover uf (lussmul lllll‘lCâ€"IL charming singing tune. pm;le m1. 1]. ntod {mm the muse dehuate plum _ of loudness Mud fdluess’ and, u mum) which answers remlil ' ti) every smxde m taming. _ V V T0110:ch April lit , mu. "101119 grout exr‘cllmmc (‘1’ _\'(‘nr Piunus. 1' havu 'nn to awry (IL-gr: c ' ._ H I '92. u 'i‘flx £ng I icronsiqm' these: insix‘umrnt n m't-nnuzmquisitirm in m nudmg u. puma which 1 can recommend mm >11 cr- om; Humans R.B.\VILLIAMS cs: Sn~ a; m ' ' v V" , _ ‘ “‘j"“‘5' "“ Gâ€"INTSâ€"Hm'mg th‘m‘fmgmiv (anpuincd the workmanship of \‘our (l’.lf:.(\)v‘;4t-h'rlb§2' - - Imtmg theâ€, m anoppmm. qu‘y'au‘e (‘quul m 111mg; “1- “,y 0â€â€œ {5 0mm 1" {Klimt ï¬dlhi-‘lmf’JOII m 15ml: ou‘ly speak m tux,- ï¬uhlu mgu menus reuurdiug mm musical quulml-a "nh'tI‘Z-ir’t'i“ 1"?" s'ecu" in: pufbm'y hf =01").pleusunttuucn, (w, am such, that. lhvru sw-yinsï¬ Lu DU “'0 11¢»cclslzi"’.?â€"ul :5ng- t {In ulstnnneuts, when uur hump enterprise can pruduce Hlf'h 17mm". mm P" “n .f" l’lncm‘sfl I am glud to hgnr lhm_tl.euxtuu=1ve sule of.your msgrumeuts 5110“ s “if t . l~ t , nu J19!!er c ht nuccoss that 1 mlng you 39 my ‘iesel m. ' “ 5‘" “"0 '“thé: With t e Wu mike Especial sute of (“guns in Iurgg qllnlnillun. nnu Ioptiounlly low rates. :uymouts arranged to suit the coma am of yeasts. For full particulars write to Aw ennslruucd frum Ilu- wry bg-S' Mag“ "AT ' - ‘VIHOLESALE PRICES. I am,Gcntlcmeu. yours very truly. all kinds. consisting“[\Vlulc Fish, Falmcn 'l'mut, Finlmn Haddie, _;V'Blbiuors, ‘Cvul-(Ila‘Fn-h. lml-rndur Sn]! [l_cr_ri|x§_gs. If‘ruh Salt \l'nmr " llvrl‘illgf‘. Sisc’nvs, Dtied Horriugs, Etc, Elc. Also in Suéh as ï¬ralâ€"c'rms Fumih’ Flour. Buckulwm Flmxr. Grulmm Flour, Crucka Wheat, Oatmeal, Cornmeul, &c. ' At very lvw rules. Call and SH: [X r yourselves and confer a faé’og‘ km Tux 5c, TOUCH a; EBUiE’A m LI'E‘Y ! Of Drt'ss'Goods, Prinis. Glni'os. Ifésiery, 810., at Prim-s to suit Purchasers. C.) R G BLANKETS,.FLANNELS, ETC; l'i‘C., AND SAVE MONEY BY- GOING'TO JOgEPH HALL. TESTI R£OL“<£'IA&..LEE IS l‘IHGl’AHHDJ’OH IT WIN] A 'Geuilemcn. Yuur Cbedicnt Servant, Yer-ca 8t. TOwntEI ‘.’<.AJ".LJU‘VUU‘VUOY>’D ski-'3 wtv'cv'flfct/G l‘o lhe high privml .Hm-ximn lnslrummam 131531363555 1 a! Mainlinls hv expwrwrmd kamo‘n and any Tull} I'qlml in unih! 4". ESAAC CRiL‘vSBY. CHAS W. 1' k V'. 1'] “IN G, (Of London, England,)- Organist of St. l’umr'a Church. Cuburg, On Tonnxwo. Nov. 4th, 1852. lunnzrslnip of \‘our l'iunon, I lmvc nu hesitation in e ni' any mm) 021110 ' Muk‘e‘rilthtn 11mm seal; M I --- . S. WILLIA.MS, OR 226 Dundas St. London ultsocietymnd Inn much pleased :3. um um mommm quc to un'vr them at ex- tenuniuuce of purchasers and spread over a GEO. \‘V. STRATHY. Mus Docl To pay or not. m pay ?â€"lâ€"â€"ythat is the question -- whether 'tis hatter for mc'to rcl'iwe to take. a Inc-.l paper. and depxivc my family nt' reading all the flaws, or pay up prnmptly all n printer asks. and by such a payment cheer him? No pay no paperâ€"then no more shall I be musted on IhEJH‘WN and local hsps thrnuglmnt the tuwn and divers tnpic,â€"’tis a can- summatinn that I lung-have feared. To penâ€"Io Mop? To stop. [orchnnce tn limeâ€"uyv. there's the rub! for in that stop Im intolost (In I take in :HIV ol‘ the affair“: that move the tnwn. and such a shuffling nifof all that's goml may make me puma. Thrre's the run-ch. that every mlimr maintains I'nr those who com? down with th car-h. and ue'vr deâ€" luv to setlle up " that little hill." For who trnuld hear the pointed :quihs and pungent paragraphs, which far too Pnf't. roflz-ct upon the man vhn rails to saith: his subscription hill ? I‘ll hth mei. : tn tlleJ-(Iltur, and with my purse ï¬le- lhmic in my hand, will settle up in full, mu: 3e.†from datv, by pninu to him [rum anv nmdy cash the mm which is his dLe. How Hr. am Cumu- SuaAn -â€"“Suzar at‘hnH‘ cost," was theJabd ppeled iua Boston gltnt‘t'f’s More window. "What are ynu paying per pound flmglugar now 'I" min-d :"I éusmmnr loe clerk u; the sugar cnum‘er. “We are px'gjngu Iniflv mar 6 cent‘s per pnund sit whole:â€" ï¬nlu," said the chuk. “Well.†said the cur-tamer. “I'll take a pnund. > Here’s your pay," handing out 3 ecnfs. The clerk deliveer the wads, put the 3 rent! in the money drawer, and thru Ihnt Sign Canm down in the twinkle of an eve. Na nmrr gnnda mid a! “In†com" in that stormâ€"N. I}. Grocer. Ccmpelled to Yield. Uhinmm- FM" diHPflH‘fl. hummn nf Ihe Mood, mupnumx and hid anus me «~an 4] by l’suudm-k HIt-md Rulers, which Iurifg und regulate.- all the sacn'elinm. “ Bun“ R Hnummxm PANAPI‘ZA "has no "qua! fnr rrii 1: pain. bnth intvrnnl und external "It run-F PM )in the Side. Duck or anvis. Sure ’llmmt, lilmuuuï¬ism. motlxsxclm. Lumlmgo and my kind of u l’nin or Aclm “ It will mast surely quicken the- }tloml 11ml llm: . as its noting noweris wonderful." “ Rruwn’s Household Putnam-n," he“ iurzacknowledged m the mom l‘uin Hello.th ,und M ,lmlhle the Mn‘ngm of any other Ehxir nr Linimvnt in (he “'m'i ,, should be in every family h'mr‘w' for use when wuntnd, “ as i *flenlly is the qmt rumefly in the world for ('rmnps in the smumch, and Pain: and Aches of all Irindï¬.†and in for sale bv all Drug-lists at 25 cents u bottle U im- working people. Sandi!!! cont: pout-- ’ age. and we wil mail you free n. royal. ‘ valuable sumfxle box-Of goods tha’. will ' ‘ put y'ou in the may nimn‘king more money in n few dm 5 than YO'I ever thought pnzaibla at nny busTnasn Cupiml not re uired. Ynu cnn livo M homo and work in spar» tune only, or all ma time. All-of both nexus. of all ages, gmndly suc- L-nssful. 50 co 1m; to $5 easily annex! every (won‘- ihyz, That all who want wmk umy test the busi- nmsa. we nmko this nnpnrallulbd oï¬cr: '10 all who urn not Wall satisï¬ed we will spud :31 to pay f r the troul 19‘ of Willing us, Full particulars. directions, etc, sent from. Immaaso pnv absolute- ly snrn {ur all who start ac, once. I‘M-I" delay Addumsrmsox 4: Co Purunnd Main. Pcrhnmthe most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern msdiciue hm: been Mtuinerl IN the Dixon treatment, 101‘ Cntnrrh. Out of 2,0Mput-iema treuted during the past six months, fully ninety per cent. have been cured at mid stubborn malady. 'l‘hinis npno the lens «hurtling when it is renwmbered that not, ï¬ve par cent. 01' patients pmsenting 4 themnelves to 'the mmmr practitioner me hmwflm‘d, while the pat- upnt ‘lnmiicines and-other advertised ‘cun‘s flavor record a cure at all. ’ Hurting yith the. claim naw gonernily believed by the mo" izcientiflc men that the disease is due to the presence 01 living phrasibes in the tissue. ‘Mr.Dixon at once adapted his cum to their‘cxtcrmiuutio'nâ€"thie ac- cnniplishod. he claims the Cuturh is practically cured.'and tire p‘el’mnnoncy is unquestioned, u cures effected by. him four years ago‘ are cur" Min. No on.» elm: has over attempted tocum Cutzurh in uliï¬ln‘flmuï¬r, mulmoother‘ treatment in»! ever cured Camrrh. Tm appligntionnf th’e remedv is simple. and can be done at home, and tho rift-sentselwmi of the year is the most fn'v- ‘ouruble for l spéerlv and permanent curqh the mnjqrity of cases being mired ’nt bne tre'mmut. Sufferers should 0! rrenpnnti' 'with Messrs 1A H DIXON &.+‘0N. 3 5mm; street, west, Toronto, Cunndnznnd enclose stamp for unit "satin on Ontarrh.â€"Moiitreal Sun. . and cuhivaunn may nun-wrun- Ihe’p'mdm-u Iiun. il in not mo much In xuv xhul. in the rapihy npu'v’onchI-ng scmchy of limbo-r Ihmnghum ()nmr 0, ï¬ve of ten acres no dawned migh' become more ialunble than [he lest hf the farm I From Mr. Phipps' Forestry Report. I The America}. Amman.er M Ivtie‘nna, I would “‘Ehh to press on all owners of, Mn Kanoâ€, [ï¬u' tatnlv forwarded 'to his {mm HOPE"! ill‘OY'mrl". eï¬l’odanl "W3?! Government an interflting'accbuiit of it ; whusv woodlota im- nenrly cleared. Or seem I remarkable surgitml ,onémtion 'ln‘tply per-- ideoayedpnst rpnumtmg. the great deairuul'fm’nmd by Pram.†,Billrmh, of Vlt‘lllm,' hili'y ufesmhlishinu. a i-lnnnmtion “(new which, w'nqdetr'u'l to Ie_JI., consisted :in. the mlmu; the imith or whirha-wr he the- most- t‘XlKISt-ll side ()I' lhsir farm; cull rt. il‘ne \\'i:|, u slivlteiuhvlr hut wh'vn'» (mt-r about it it Would Le much more. udvmitugunéu to make thvsllrlleiuhvh broad enough fur in #inn‘l lure-st “'hnn we cun-uder that such usluâ€"ller has ntlon lw'en kuuwntu duuble .thwrmwjn‘thté udjuceut liélds, tnmmhn-w mg Ion. th» \‘ulue oi the V wnnd “huh “my h‘r-‘mr.rltit~ul thin», and how git-«Hy can: and cultivation may now-wrun- the’prmlut-~- llull. it is not too much In rmv thut. in the rapihy ups-touching scmcht‘ of limbo-r throughout ()nmr 0, ï¬ve of ten acres no. dawned might become more ralunble than the test nf the farm -.-~â€"â€"â€"â€" CATARRH--A NEW TREATMENT. Pcrhnm the most extraordinary woman that has been achieved in modern mmliciue has been nttuinerl hv the Dixon treatment, tor ()ntnrrh. Out of 2,0(bflput-ienta treuted during the past six months, fully ninety per cent. have been cured at thid stubborn malady. 'l‘hinis npno the lens nmrtrling when it is remu-mbered that not ï¬ve par cent. 01' patients praseming 4 themselves to 'the remimr practitioner are buncï¬tu‘d, while the pat- upnt ‘mmticines and-outer advertised ‘cun‘s flavor record a cure at all. ’ Hurting yith the. claim naw generally belie’ved by the mont izcientiflc men that the disease is due to the presence of living phrasibes in the tissue. ‘Mr.Dixon at once adapted his cum to their‘cxtcrmiuutio'nâ€"thin ac- cmiiplishod. he claims the Cutnrrrh is practically cured.'and the p‘et’mnnoncy is unquestioned, u cures effected by. hlm fmtr y'eurg ago‘ are cur" reu’mvnl Hf v portion ï¬fths linmunammm'h. iltV'Jl'ViIIL'. lit-tidy; (hie-Alum pf the "manâ€"â€" aud. «twinge id say. 'the'pmi’ént reenter-flâ€" the nulvmum-‘e-uiiul éhwmtidii "of thi- Mud eyer {.ortkmnt. " 'v'fhe'dis'ease for which this uperntiun .wnnv’tmtbrméd “was cant-er of tth smum’chmuquivd with the fa hmth sv‘iuptunmfâ€"TEK appetite is quila‘poor.‘< '1 hm: is a pecullb‘r indescribable fluxth in the stomach. a feeling thut has bpvn deh- scyihed us a faint “ allgg‘oue" sensinmn ; a sticky“ slimr collect: lboul the teeth. on» pecially in tlm morning, accompanied by nu ‘mfpleaaant mum, Food fails to satisfy this peculiar faint dammit)"; but M‘- H! leou‘trary. it appea'vl tn uzgravate the feelâ€" ging 'Ihc or": are’iu'nken,‘ tin rd 'llh Sylltiw: tho hands and feet *l‘wcnme cold ,_uhd _Itl.Ck}‘-‘-€tl culd"lpcrpmrmkn‘. Thy ’su'ï¬â€˜erurs feel lirPd all the limo. mid sleep dun not agent to gin nit. After a’ time ’tho p‘u'tient heqnmu turret}: and irritable. 'gltiumthlh tninti ï¬lledflllh evil flurehndiim' lWhvn rising 'surldénly 'fror'n ‘a‘ recumbt‘nt ipoiirimi flaw: in "n' diiï¬invga.‘ I whistling Limitation. nud'hetï¬n obliir‘efl' 'tn Quip tome-- fthirig 'ï¬qymwo kohti-“(rom falling.‘ The ghnwglq equine“ 1hr thin dry am!“- hat at firms; the blond becoming, thick and lltagnunt. ‘Ipd dries trqtzglrt-ulgtg 'prnpï¬rly. ‘ Alter a tith‘e thé‘ pxiticnt n'ptt. igp {09d noon in?!" ï¬lling. mmetimeé agar; 43ml ‘foru j.A‘...: ll 1 l Pmmnx’TEnuXâ€"Sewicna at )1 a m, undue p m Prayer rune mg un Wodnondny evening It 7 :50 Rev J W Cumemn, pastor R031 A): CATHULIC~ Services :yThm-nhill at? nm and Richmmvd Hill at 10 30 run ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 nm. and Thornhill M M 30 n m, lev Father Egan, Pastor. ‘ ST va‘x (Erxscoanâ€"Scrvicos at 8 pm, ex- ccpt. the third Sunday of every month, when uh: service and sn‘cmmeu' nre held at 11 a m Sunday thoul at l h'O v m Rev W Bates. Hector Mytnmms'r-Sarvices at 10.30 a m, and 6.301: m Shawn} Fchnol nt 2 30 £1 m Pmyï¬r meotim: nvery Thursday morning Av- 300 p m. Rov. W B Burk-tr. Pastor. liav W B Booth. Asswtant. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M. No 23, G R c- Meets: in the Lodge l-‘noxu, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M ; H. A. Nicholle. Sec. I 0 G 'I‘.-â€"-This Lodge meetsin the Temperance Hun every Wpen' Eday cvoniug at. 8 o‘clock p m. J H snmlerson, W C. A. O. U. W.. IVY Loren, Nu. H4.â€"â€"-1\Ir‘ots in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull. ovelv second and fourth ’I‘uesdmv of each month, M: 8 o'clock. n. m. Bencflcury cert-manta given for sum» in mm of dth Imuu- Crosby, Master Workman. B. Grenuap, Recorder, R. T. 0)" TEMPERANCEAâ€"Riehlnond Hill Couri- cil, No. 43. Ive-em m the Tymperunce Hall. each alternative Tuesday evening m. 8 o'cle p. m. Bcnuï¬riury certiï¬cates ismzerl to members {or smnn or in own n!deu!.)1&<2,000, one halipayumo in page or disability. J. H. Sundersou. Select Councillor. Fmr. anuAhnâ€"Regulm maeting ï¬rst Friday of every mtï¬nlx, held in the Council Chamber. Not Bad. - n57 p.111. muhership lren. Ceniï¬cat-asx’ssuod ' ' - 'x. ' u : ' f m to members entitling them to certain privileges 1 h u so “zrreublt “n†9v " m "I a and faxemplions. J H Sanderson, Captain. H. Wi“ "the i'- l"0" Clmlhs. Gold‘slh lameness. A. Mcholls. Secretary. (-ruup. uulhlnn and bmnch'mi ~Hw‘p‘ymd's Mmcmmcs Ixsn'm'm.â€"Libmry of over 1000 Pecwrul Balsam: in reliable Iur yuulag cr volumes open evorv 'l‘uandnv Avnhinn h. um . . I Aibmrian MECHANICS Ixsn'rv'rmâ€"Libmry of over 1000 volunch 0 an every Tuesng evening, in the Masonic all, from 7 to 8 o'clock. qu.Pugs~ lav. Frasident. T.F. Mchhon, Soc. B E Law. I’dhr-ï¬nn VILLAGE Couxcmâ€" Reeve, Wm Pllzsle§;Coun- clllori, B thditt, P G Sane, W D Powell. 1“ McConaghy, Clerk,M Testy RICHMOND HILL Comm-r linenâ€"Meets for prac- tica in the Lorne Hall eve Tuesday own- ing 5!; 7.30 o'clock. 0. Savage. olden A SUBSCRIBER'S SOLILOQUY. mm And Comfort To The Entering ï¬lings gimimy A SHELTER-BELT OF TREES. CH URCE-I E8 ‘OCIETI ES memed enndltmn. .0 Hang: Maigctish Ito theanstr. - Othttfflimï¬13_Wétf¢ is' Ii. galoita - tarir'm of the hem"; and‘ the “butï¬ilitï¬ furl he may ham hturrdiséhsm‘ ï¬â€˜owar'dl the but; the pnttent: in nn'tblg’to' #0163" ‘nny foéd whqtnyr. n the qp’eniog in†'thoéiimomimis hbbmnbn do", arms-uhbg no. Although thin disease in indeeg {ï¬rming sufferer; with the nbnvé--huhod_ ’nymptomn nbmzld not. feel inervoull" fh‘i- _‘ ini hundred and "Inï¬ty’fllihfl that-fan? 'bf '“1h'otiaind have no Cancer. hut Iimply dv apnin. a diva» easily removed riflrcl'led‘iii It'bropér thinner. The latest and but, tepid] for? the‘ diséue il Seigol’l Curtain-Sung; _n vegetahle’pre--. p‘uutiun sold by Ml (-lmmï¬vu am! medicine v‘nrrdcrl throu'ghouï¬hejw‘qéld,. und be t'hc prnplzemrn, A} J jWh'ite '( Limited), 17. Faxï¬rngdoyuroud;' Ln:udt‘yh’.‘" E C.‘ This Syn-m) lav-1km- at the yorv“!6m:iatiunhf lhn diva". and drives it. 700Â¥1Iad brunch, 6n: oflho Ill-tom. > J Mary-211:9â€, Hotel-borough; ‘ ‘ «'Novpuibw 291b, 1881. Sir.I-lt givflvmg premixplunnro to in-- form vnu of this benefit I have rrceived lrnm Seigel'n Sum)â€, ilMqum' g‘rpuhlpd for in": I'ill'l (lyiiicï¬sin'jibuihpi‘i'gri A few dunes-of 1h. SWupi- “131333 rolie‘ï¬'hnd ’nfler inking two buthlu'ef ii :I’fiail quite cured. : ~ -1 unit, Siriyourtlruly, 7 Mr. A. J. White. William Brent; ‘ ' †‘ Sdpi§'lilbe'r 81h, l853. Denr Sinâ€"l' ï¬lld‘tht’l‘inle oi Svixel's Syrup Ito-adin incruaing. All who hichi ll‘lOd it speak-vary highly“ of‘ its medicinal "Um-u: one cunomer danciilwp it- an n -- God-end In dyspeptic i|p(iplo.." ' I always rucnmumnd ii with conï¬dent. I I Fuilhful ynurl. . ( Signed )_ Vincent A Willi, ClzemimnDonmi, Merlhw 'l'yvlvil: To Mr A J Whit. ‘ ; Soigel’l Qpemlin; Pill: inro llieiboalt fumin- pliysic that thI ever horn dthiH’Pl‘Qd. 'l hey clmguso-lm: lmwels from ail irritating .ubslancwn, and 123mg iii .fn- " ;-.he~|ili3; condition...“ 'ljvligf‘finrlï¬rc ' > i , - Preston; Sept. 21“, 1883. My Dear Sinâ€"Youi-‘Symyi and Pilli me snll veiy popular wnh my (:Mlnmt'r‘. many xngin-g they axe-Ilia best» family inwliciiwa pugible. _ ‘ ‘ 'l hp Mle lieva up wondevfullv. in fuel, 0m: “'nuld ï¬lm-y nimnnl that: the fwoph! war-r hrynnring m hrrukfmi. dine and sup rm Mmhor Seigfll's Syrup, I'Iw demand in no exams"! and the sutiufhmmu no git-M. I am, dear‘Sir. yuurflfailhfully. ( Signed) , . _ W. Hawker. To A. J. White, Esq. Synuish Town, Jamaica. Wrntl'lndien, a, ()Dctlfl, 1 Dear Sinâ€"Y wriydflri ihfnu“ 1! Mia! I have d‘rived great Heheï¬t, from " Neigel'a Syvup †Fur some yenrsljmve sufferâ€! from liwr compliant. with )1» many and uric-d mmcmnilmit levxls, an lhn! mv life was a pm‘pruml misery. T'ch'e Inmnhs um. I was induced to try Spigol'y Syrup. )uu‘i mlhuugh lulhm‘ scvptical. having: vied 1-0 [mu-y repun-d inï¬d'ihhe reirwiivs. I d»- |.-rmined to give m [Hal 3 buir trinL In two or throw duys l (u?! uunsidemhiv Ingmar, and now at 1hr! and of twth nnmlhs (- hawâ€"- iug N-mium-d taking i! ) ! any rind In an" that I am a diï¬â€˜rrem bring allngmhflr I}. is said of ('mlnin {Ions th‘n Ihvv ("mm as n [mum and fl Messing m Imen" um} I hum- un wagon to d- ubl lhe h'inhfuluess of NH“ summon-t I can unlv rm}. hnwevm‘. Hm! Svigei‘n Syrup hns “Um? as n “ hmm and u hl~s.-inz" In me 1 MW recumwnndwi i. m sH-arnl ['szllnwâ€"suï¬'urers (mm this div running complaint. and H-Pir Ivsjimvmt VI? quin- in wow-dukes with my mm. Cumi- Indy! Fur Ihe beneï¬t l have Vdedvud Frum IhE v-xewllent prepay-Minn.pl‘g\nï¬)t:§,me .m furnish you wuh this unsolicited antimonial. l’im, drinr Sir. ' 7 Yqurs MerA-prvurhxllyfl, . (’Signud ) (Iii-my, Pu Urn}. , (L G. Whiw. Esq. I Baptist Missimmr). flvnainghu’m. Whixohaven. ()ct‘, 16. 18h‘2. } Mr A. J. Whi'e_-â€"â€"[)¢mr Sky-i .Imls far [north lime uï¬lum-d ‘wilh pilo-ét2 and "was adâ€" visvd In gm: Mmhor Smut-{'3 Syrup} triui. which I dld' I um Imw hiippy trigmm than it has rammed me In complete )he._.lh,â€"‘ E remain, 31mm respecpfully. ' ' The nlhow day a customer camc- fnr (wry, bunk-s of Syrup and said " Mother Seigpl†had saved NW 1in of h?! wife; and he added, ~' one at 'hese butth 1- nm Sending ï¬ï¬rm‘. mils-s away In a fride who in very ill. I have much fuilh in it." ' ’ thout Doubt. Yellow Uil iepar excellence the remedy for ['nln. thllCnPbfl. Rheumatism. (3mm. DPMIH‘SH, Hump. Frusl. lines, Sliï¬' Juiuls and all Fire}! Wounds; Any medicine denim mm furnish it. A siizmi'Vsï¬â€˜r‘gfaggi"(Spadem m presents given away Send us 5 cents postage, and bynmil you ' wlll get. free 9. puclmpe'of goo-m of large value, that will start you in wax-u Hint Will a! mute bring you in money luster than anything Else in America." All uhuuc. me $221,001) in n‘esuhts with each box, Agents wanted avetyw 'ere, of eic‘msr sex, of atlluguanfor the limo, 01' spam tame only, to woxk‘mt us at their own homes, Fortunes lorvnll worker“ 1.1)» s dutcly assured, Don’t delay. H. HALLETT a 00 Portland. Maine ' ‘ old Send an mints tor postugp, and ‘19- i _ _ ceivu fray, ugostlv-box 'ut' goods’v‘vuich I will help you :0 more money rl m, away than anything else 111 I is werld. All. of amber sex. succeed from ï¬rst hour The broad mud to forums opaus before lbw work. era-boom“! sure, ,At once “dross. Tau & 60 “an†lids.» ( Sign: d ) Juhn [H Lighifout K. CHISHOLM. M. I‘. P. H. P. DWIGHT, Esq, D. MV MCDONALD, ~EBQ. C B, ROBINHUN, ESQ, . McLEAN HO‘NARD, M; J. GINTY. Esq. DAVID BLAIN‘, ESQ†President. SAMUEL TREES, Esq, Vice-President. ' Dept-sits received and intnrost allownd thereon at current rates. Nu notice of withdrawn] run quirad Dmfuz on yllpartsnt Cmmdu, Unitefl States and Great Britain bought and sold, HALL, FULLERTON S: COOK 18 King Street East, Toronto. ichmond ELI Pest Cï¬ca Ever Saturday. w u um. J 5 Fuderwn w Uuo‘x. Toionto. MAY 2911:, 1584‘ A G F LAWRENCE Nov 27â€}. 1884 CENTRAL “MK 0F CAKABA. RICHMOND HILL SAX’ING’S DIEPAllTBIENT .1. H. I;A}\'RENCE, MANAGER Richmond Hill April 9th, 1884. BxLï¬â€˜ifltcl’ï¬, Attorneys-ut-Luw, Solicitors-m- Chlmcery. Convm'uncers, etc. ()fliceeâ€"Impcrml Bunk Buildings. W'allillgtun»street, Turonw “mun FERGUSON, Q.C. Jonx RAIN Wu SHTUN (z‘ommn. GEO F Smerr A LARGE STOCK 0F FURHITU 9E CHARLES DONALD 8; CO., OFFICES : 15 York Chambers, LAWRESCE & ï¬iilJJGAï¬â€™, Barristers. Solicitors CONVEYANCERS, ETC. x .' , "No.14 BuikFug & I mm Torontu ( ’11“ “‘â€" Lhumbcrs,‘b‘Tur0m:o sh. Rich mond H i H ()é‘fi(-u'£5§f;{,.fl‘f§,j§§ 0n Safurduys. Mom}; (0 Loan 1:! Lam-st Curran! Rafts. APPLES. ' APPLES. APPLES. 79. Queen Sweat, London, E. C; Will be glad to correspond with Apple Grown", Merchants and Shippers, wnh : \‘irw to Anmmn and Spring Business They Iii}! also give the usual f'ucili ~ ties to customers requiring advances. ' Lond¢m,Ju1) 31st. 1884.â€"9- m 310N134Y TO LOAN. E COA'I'IWOBTF. Ju‘ FIIANK E. Honcms‘ Toronto, Nov 18x11, 1884 {1y Fgrgueon. Rain, Gordan 8:. S'hipley, (iamhiils :tmght and 8qu ! l‘amnt Rights disposed of; â€"â€"-HAS ON HAND Ag.â€" LARGE stream 033* GHOOERiEss ‘Will be Sold. at the Very Bottom Prices. Sanderson ammom HILL, ow Farm 6:. Other Property, GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY 2; For Hun'nfaptvuriug und other purposes. S ock and Slum: Bro).ers. (-tc, etc. To‘mum Jath 1883 J‘flUHN TILE, OF THE BEST “v.1 vn'v AW‘ UITELIZEEH ï¬lï¬ Ffiï¬iï¬iï¬ The only Dentist in Toronto using Hurdn PhD-- , pnrutus for C. P- LENNOX, DEN FIST Extragiing Teeih Without Pain 'PILLINGS WARRANTL‘B FDR IE! Y’S CALLAND isms ME, 2m» rob. 13th m , TE ~ ? “.0 3? - 2:; E, ’8 ‘ S '3: <9 BEST SETS 6? TE‘IEEH $8. gjï¬h‘iï¬tcrs, ï¬nzisitnw, ’ “"NOTAIHES, CONVE‘YANCERS, SX’N],)I(7ATTEP= F()IYI\I HCL‘ Best Material in the Market. Fillingnnd an -other I) mmytions 'ncatly doné ‘ ‘ My old Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. COATSWORTH 3L HOGClNS, RIMETHM; ES “RTAIXED QUALITY , AT Al Toronto Prices. duiivcled in gmul under. Pwturc Frames all sizes. and made in nl‘dcr. Paints and Uiis of all kinds. Hardware. Glassâ€" ware, Crockc-ry and other goods at the Iowan prices. Call and examine the goods. P. G. SAVAGE. Barristers, So]icitors,&c. Ofï¬cos PRIVATE FUNDS TO L011)!" ‘3'“ W“. u‘ï¬fw“; A 3'5"“ Warranted to be made from the H owls, Taverns and Businch All new and good. A 'lnrgc Stock of Fresh Canned Goods which CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, TORONTO By means of Vitavlized Air. DIRECTORS. P. 0. Box 2527. o 9 Toronto Street Flour nnd Fred constantly. on hand are the Lowest Priors. J. I. EVAIIS 6.: CO, THOS NIGHTINGALE'B, ï¬rgal. Louder Limo Toronto‘ A. A. ALLEN, Cnshim‘. ’1‘ C MILLIOAN 1:! Yorkvile Thankful for the flu"ch of the past Vours rr nyatill be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Riclmmml llilL. ,. 9th dc 24th of each month (lLt Palmer House) 7 Aurora, lst, 8th, 1611!, and 22nd Mouvaille ...... Thornhill ...... \! Irodbridge Kleinhurg . Noblcton .. ’Vitniizofl nix alwava on appointment. 1t dées 2y wit} extracting " This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. )verything is managed in First Class Style. Sum},ch Room for Commer- cial ’L‘ruvclxurs. Good Staining 11nd attentive hustlers. 'l‘ennsz, $1 wor any. I‘rocmr'b Hus quvvs this Hotel to connect wizh all the Ii 1: It Trams going Nnrth and South. at 8 a 11)., 12 a. 111.,5‘10 n m. and 7.30:)1’11. Thia Hotel has been rofnmishcd, renovated, nnd titted up in ï¬rstâ€"ulnss s ylc, and is now I119 landing Hate] nurth of To . xto. The barf: sup ylied with 11mm):sz hwmd of liquors: and ( 'QIH‘R. 'Zxcoilent {wcmnmodmion for Com. with] Travellers, and the General Public Good smbL imz uud m: uttvntivn {(nst‘lcr. VJeS’sern Canada v 7. Omces~â€"I€o 7", Church-street, ’101 mm) HON GEO W ALLAN, Seu:zt01‘,Pmsident Gris-mm Goonmmmr .......... 'Vicevl‘rcsident Dim-:C'ronsâ€"F‘nmuel Flatt, M P.Alfror1 Good/3r- hmn Geo W low's, Thus H Lee, Hon D L Mmey [rm-wed on deposit, and interesl pnyzwic lmflyonrly 0r compounded. ‘vVi‘J visit the following places professionaliy .-â€"' Unionville,. ..... lat Mummy of each month. \‘iestmz, “9th and 2] st do Maple, ..... .“16111 do Richmond Hill. 19th do \Voodbridch ’ud do Mr Husband Wm be found :11 his 011100, at Newton brook. every Saturday. except when Sutur- dny falls on the above date. THE PALMER HOUS. RICHMOND HILL. 3‘ Palmer. Prep. Mucphcx‘son, Senator Cnpiml, $1,000,000; Reserve Total Assets, .; ,5no,<;oo Artiï¬cal ’I‘eeth,uppor or 1m dew. $5.00. Pain- less extnwting by use of Ethcnzcd Air. The only ï¬rm in the Dominion executing ï¬rst-class work at. the tubove x: 'ce. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POVJELL. Prop VHN 1‘7 1" 1'0 LOA N. Set: our reduced 1mm “mm For fur matiou apply (H Um mince-B of the (Jon THE'YSEK HERALD 0%†$1. SAVINGâ€"’8' BANK SURGEON Dwmsvrs, 208 Queen St West, Toronto RIGGS V & IVORY, G. H. HUSBAND, 14.13.53 VITA LIZED A E :3 S NOTA RY PUBLIC, &C, RICHBIONI) I-[Illlf MONEY T0 LOAN 0N FARM SECURITY. Richmond Hill, April 3rd, 1884. NIARRE AGE At his printing 0mm, Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Snbscriptmp:â€"$100per annum in advance. When not puld in admncq $1 50 will be charged. ‘ ' ‘ {transitory n rivertiseménts, ï¬rst insertion, pnrline... ............. . Reents. Each subsequenbmiertion, p, . 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on apylicu- Linn. Adverfiï¬ementn without written insfructinns will he inserkd :m'ul fol-bid and chanted Manna -1- “a... It. mm Iawtonbrook. June 18th. 1883. The York Herald. Loan and Savings Company -\m , , \v DENTIST. NE WTONBROOK, ONT‘ WALTER 8 LEE, . E. KEEPLER, BRANCH @2115 .TEEFY, Dr A ROBINS SURGEOI“ ENTIST. AURORA ~AND ISSUEB OFâ€" EVERY (1 101m “mm For further infer the wince-s of the Company PUBLISHED BY gamma, 9th dc 24th of each month THURSDAY, Young Street. Richmond LICENSES. 211:! do 8th do 10th dc 2153 do ‘31 (I do 18th (10 {Qt}; do can do 1:11: the places: of with the pan iu ON. Fund. $450,600 l-Iy Manny-I 'Sir ‘Nm FicArthuc. K C M G, M. 1 I". -x-Lord Mayor of London, | Frustdent. i W “I Baynes,Esq.,1-‘ I A‘Secretary M. C. P. & f;..0nt,'1‘v:o Yea rs Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto Gengzal Hospital, 011190. and Residenccpâ€"Ouc door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 n. 111, 6:12 to 2p m Thouquiu th um,1ns:§_ This Incomparablc'Mcdicinc has secur- ed (‘01‘ itself an ilnpm'ish:lhh- Hum! throughout-line \Vm'M fur the alleviation and cure of most diseasm to which humanity is heir. t] 11.11.0113“. B. and First Siiver Meduliï¬t University of Toronto, M. C. 1’. S. Ontario. L 5 AI},En{zlxm<1 (Late 0X†Ionian, England} Surgeon, Etc. motive Hours 5 to 9.30 mm, and 1 to 2.39 p.m. Mamh. Residence. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond 1111?, May 23rd, 1882. 1y -s Collega Physicians 5; Surgeons. I '. v a v ï¬ER. Vv . 3. WE ILSGR, MEDALIST TGRONTO UNIVERSITY. Member Col‘mge of Phys} ans c“; Surgeons. (LATE 0F s'rovrrmem) OFFICE IICUXIR,~â€"I<‘rmn 8 :0 X0 3,111., 5 to 8p. m mismm Yonge Street, mom-nan HIâ€. Richmond {1.11}, Oct E1, ’52. :nrify, rognmto rm‘ increase the secretory powers of the Liver. bmcn the nervous 5 stem. and throw 111th the circula- tion the pure-st Elements for sustaining and. myairiug the frame. John McDmmh], Esq. L J. Cmnpl‘el], Esq., Hon. Smmtm‘McMuster A. M, Smith Esq. James Metculfn, Esq. lieu; Enoch Wood, 1). Lonnqmodo on security of Company's Policy at a pm rent inturu t, Lomnsmude mmmrcn ’.“mstoas. at a. low rate 0 inherent. {in-1d for prospectus. Graduate of Toronto University, W'orth their “Height. in Gold I 1 Thousands ofpersnns have testiï¬e'! that bv lhvi) use :nlnne lhrzy huue been resmled in hunhh and sH'onglh. :nl'lvx‘ awry other means hm] pun-0d unsuccessï¬d. DR LEWIS G. LANG-STAFF 1 ILL". will be found invaluable in every Household in hbecum of Open Sores. Ham Tnnmurs. Coughs, Rorr‘ Throz‘fm, Bronchitis. and all disord cm Hf L310 Throat and Ghost, a? ulso Cant, Rheu mutism. Scrofulu and other land of skin diseases BR. JAEIES LAWSTAFF E “A D i1?! Mnnnï¬rctm‘cd only at Profess or Hollowzw’s ESTilbllSthGl’lt 5.33. OXFORD ST {1531‘ LONDON rmd901dat151.154.,25.M..4s.6d.,11a., 22,:1nd 335 each 11m- nnd Pat, tun! in (‘mmdn :LE 36 cents, so cente, and $1.59 cont-s, and the largo sizes in m'onorzimx. (TAU'rmxâ€"I have no .Ar'enr in the United Slums, nrir mg my Medicines so!!! them. - Purchnqm‘s shnuid Wherefore luck to “VP lnhvl 1m Hm Puts and “0X93 -H‘ the "(‘Edrpgg is pm! 533, Oxford 51mm, London [hny urn :pnriulm, Tim Trude Mnrks of my avid Mm‘khm Ma gintered 1:: Ottawa, and also at Wam'ningto L1. Sig-Jed THOMAS HOLLOWA‘: a nlfnrd street. Lemma. BIND 113N533, D ' CHEFS/.4. If! :L‘JCEC 7/015}, {Pï¬r'i'ffl' d/lw;b;u 'hg frnm OMALH. 8 m ,M S m A 3 C t .vn 5.4 ml cvcr‘; rp :32: cfc' disordered Ln .3, I. 129301wa Fund. . . Annlm! Incnme. . . . .. Tuvvslvd i'.- tnudn. . Dem!» Chums: puhl 'J mums H 8: (38.. L). EM, DR. 05252, MAPLE, Georg , Sac. 65 Truss, for Canada. 15 King St, .uu: BGW E LL? l.) Of London, 3-1 mg] and I. OLD \VUUNDS. CULDS THOR): HILL, ONT. haiku}. .1 0., a! r» A D PERRY, AND yo {110 quality I)! Hurray/2's , THE HEART, chazry 0F NEE/[JD arm. EH: 1" RI . $10.(l00,00f, 1.600.000 . . . 2130.000 10.000,noo Lnn gstaï¬', Sn, £11151, Toronto Dec 1st 1583 Tcacn‘ro.