Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Mar 1885, p. 2

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Is it not nun-Zing; tlwuvi'nrr, that any man calling himself a British ruby-ct, a Uanndinn Citizen, simuld ever even dream of'oflreiin'." opposition to such an undertaking? Should We not rather Yet; there does seem to be a small but noisy section of- not Canadian prople, butâ€"peruple living in Canada who intimate that. such are their feelings inasmuch as they take every opportun- ity of trying to make others belieic that we labor under great disadvantages. and who tin all in their pu‘t't ' tn prevent. the develupment and prosperity of the land in which they liveâ€"one ut'thc brightest gems that sparklrs, ainl glitters, and fl tshcs in Victut'izt’s Dindt'm For some years past they have Ctlltit‘ti on this unâ€" putriotic conduct by their attacks on the U. P. R. Every one knows that, this enormous undertaking is a most patrotia enterpriseâ€"puttintic in every way, in giving to Canada the benefit of extensive commerce 1mm ocean to net-an passinc through her own land instead of that til the adjoining lit‘puhlic in opening up the great, Northâ€"Vt'cst to the ind usttimix emigrant from ewry elime; in giving: the Mother Land :1 highwny lt‘v nhieh irct‘ trade with the East c-tuld be ourâ€" ried on cheaply and expaditiously ; in giving: her a great military road wherein; in ease of necvsrity the Bliliail Lion could be transpnrted tn meet “"00 more the Russian Bear on th:- plains or in the mountain {innit-secs ni' Ai'ghu' isâ€" ttm, and to conquer him. tun; as Well as in Other wa s almost innumerable. Every man who enjoys the privileges afforded those who live under the British Flag ought. to be proud ofthe great Empire of which he is a subject; and he is a traitor to England it' he would willingly do anything to injure her inâ€" fluence either at home or in the Coionies. Canadians all know very Well that the people of the neighboring Republic look favorably upon the Monroe Doctrine, and for many years have cast, a lttn;:in;_r eye upon Canada. Now all unbiasst men, almost- trithont exception. who have considered the questton ofannexaâ€" tion, and who were best qualified to consider it. believe thatâ€"even leating .all patriotic leelinus out of the question «â€"we are better to every way than we would be as a new and ( for a long time ) insignificant portion of the United States. But besides this there is some- thing in the sentiment of patriotism. . It has raised many countries to such a position that they have been able to take the Van in the work of the world’s civilization; it has been an important factor in the formation of the characters of some ol‘the noblest men that. have ever lived; andâ€"much as it may be contenmed insotne quarters to-day~it has helped to give to the world some of the noblest heroes of ancient. or modern times, men whose names are “ familiar as household words," and whose deeds entblazon the pages of history. Britons for ages have been noted for their patriotism and surely it has not been left for Canada to be the first nl'ilieh dependency to grew tired of the. old Flag, the first Colony to i'otsalte her mother’s side for that oi a stranger. What, the. descendants of the men that fought at Crescy and l’oietiers, at the Nile and in the Peninsula, under Nelson and Wellington. to grow tired of' Old England, to forsake the breast, whereon their strength was grown and to throw themselves into the arms at" a stranger 1 Never l No. 42 : The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscriytion expires. We do not hold nursrlwa responsible for the opinions of our Correspondcma. PflST BFFIEE “TIER !§ THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1885 Until further notice, Mails will be closed at the above Ofiicc as follows :-â€"â€" Lessons on the piano 6: organâ€"Miss mm Bailey Changeâ€"P. G. tuvggo. RICHMOND HILL MST OFFICE Going South. East. and West, at. . . . . ‘ . . . . . 6.15 Mail for the North. via. Ruillay, leaves oncoa day, in the morning, In above tated. Morning Mail from South, West and East. by Railway,un ivcs at 10.00 Evening Mail from Toronto by Yonge-nrcet Stage. arlives at. 7.00 Night Mail from North, by Railâ€" way. arrives at .......... $.15 MORNING. Going Nttrlh. Scum Fast, and “fist, at. . . . . . . 7.45 Tex-onto. Thornhil], Richmond Bill King, Anton, Newm arket, Holland Lnndflhg, Holland Landing, Newm arket, Aurora, King, Richmond mu. Thornhil], Toronto. UFHCE HOURS Postmaster. Richmond HilL June 23rd, 1884. TRAIN TIME. NOTICE T 0 SUBSCRIBERS. “(7111: figm gamut. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. P. RAILWAY. Rlchmond Hill. Ont. ARRIVALS. Whole No. 1394 : EVENING. GOIHG NORTH. 755 850 900 910 930 942 g, 952 GOING SOUTH. g, 813 823 835 915 10 05 .bâ€"o<-â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 11 60 12 05 12 30 12 45 12 55 2 00 ll 45 01 00 01 10 145 Volume 27. 56:: 609 610 020 642 655 705 11] presents given away Tend us 5 cents postage, and by mull you l wlll get; free It package of goals of large value, that will start you in work thut “‘ill ntl-uce bring you in money faster mun uuytlu‘ng else in America, All about the .' WNW in inosuuts \\ it'll each box, Agents wanted everyw new, of either sex, of all ages, for :he 1iu.e,or spme time only, to work for us at them nwn names, iortuncs tor all worker: ab" solutsly assured, Don’t delay. H HALLETT & Co Portland, Maine "anew-“"3 Pills â€"lmpm-taut {m- thn dvlicateth it is tllfllmdlt It) (intermine which is the more Itying In the human constitution. the dump, cold days of autumn and witmâ€"w, nr the lwen. dt'v. (‘t'hh’tly winds of spring. Throughout tlw seasons gnud health may he mninminr-d hy nrcnsiuunl I" st"! of Hul- lnwafs Ptils, which y-util‘y th» hunt] and not as whnlesome stimulants tn the slain, stnmuth. liver. hnwels and lttxlurya 'l'lvis ce'cluzttod nwdit-ine howls but a f‘lit' trial In r-um‘incu tho nifiug :ttul (l-‘stunvrtiny that it \th| resume and rshve-r the-n: withuut dung- cr, pnlu nr itu--;nVHt"et-(~u=. Nu l'umilv sht uld h» withqu u Stu-ply t-l' Hulk-Way‘s Pills null ()ittluwtat. us by a timely wruutste tn thmn llw tith mung: lulu-Jinn may lw 'PClulnIt-d. sttll'vting may he spund. and iii}: saved. A Valuable Patent. The most valuablw tliémvm-y pan-and in modern :nnps is Ilml nf Ihe hr-sl Nomi purifier m d liw-r and kidnpy regulator knnwu. \Vl’ mfnr m Huldmrk Hum! Billels. “hich is making sv- mnnv wmdw ful (nu-s and bringing Ihe Messed buun of heahli I0 60 many prnplo. n l'uilure? 0r ( Inns-t likely renénn of any) does it hope by wrecking the Company. to nusr the present Ministry tram rfiice? lt is sumewhnt diflicult for n pnlrimic or own an hem-st, man to think any of these snppositinns tn be true; to llh‘lll \‘e that there is in ("nnflda any bmly 01' men who for such con- :iderntinns “'tlllltl betray the best inter- <-5ts ol' lht-ir cnuntrv. Why, in corn- parison with any such penplc as these O'Donnvnn Rnsrn himself is a patriot. ofthe first water. At any rate such panpleâ€"il‘such there bcâ€"HIM‘ jusl :Is We“ make themselves easy; tor the country known that the On, would not appropriate :1 single Sixpence rul'pnhlic money to any other than its legitimate purpose; the country dv-mnn'ls that. the C0. shall not he wrt‘cketl bv a set, of enlumnintm-s; the country declares that the mud must be cmnnh-tvd at any cnst ; the country has snfficirnt love of fair play to Ftljljliru Sir John in sprite nl‘ all the contomptible and covertly (fi‘m‘ts that have been made to drive him l'rrm nflice because nf’his C. l’ R. Policy. expect him to encourage such an en' ‘sr-i prise by a” the means in his power m dull the unsettled regions between C Atlantic and the Pacific may enjoy thu‘ blessings of civilization. Yet before: ‘the first sod was turned, and up to the present moment. wiIhout any caution, ‘ attacks the most unkind and unlme, the most unpauinlic and ma- licious, have been made upon ch: 0. 1’. I'-r.n Press keop disurncinsz ilsdf and the purly it prufussos to represent hy doing: allin its puuor (n wnck the C. P. R. Co? Is [he Rt-[brm Press in the pay of’n rivul rnih‘oud monopoly ? 0r i~: it afraid the Unnservaliws may sue-- coed where the Ilcl'urmers have proved ! And,after all.what fodndations had they for any or all of these charges 7 Was it that. the road would not be completed in I the time specified ? All the world knows l it will he in operation long before that ltime shall have expired. Was it that l the road will not he up to the standard lagreed upon ? Even its most. bitter t opponent cannot deny that it will be in every way superibr to that standard. Was it that the Company appropriated to some other purpose part. of the sub- ,sidies given by the Government ? Well, this has been insinuated. It. has been more than hide that the Directors are a set of diehonest men. But the utterly false and vindictive character of all Blll'll charges is clearly shown by a statement published a couple of weeks auo by the President. Here it. is proved by figures that cannot lie ( different in this nepeet from those of the Globe) that not one of the Directors has derived any pecuniary bencfit from the undertaking in the past, nor can any of' them do no in the future except in common with all other stockholders; and also that they haw 1912“ "MW 4'01» rid-rm ALW they command to-day in the market. Not Only so; but it is also shown that the Company have expended on the main line alone nearly ten millions (9612.168) of dollars more than all they I-ave reocived in land. and cash. and loan. from tho Gowrnmtnt; whilst on the whole Workâ€"main lineexrensiongmd branchesâ€"they have expended nearly twenty-five millian (24,982,381) of dollars more lltlel the amount of the Government loa-v and subsidirs. Now in the face of all this, why will the Reâ€" R. Co. by the Loyal ( l )bppflsitir". in the Dominion Parliament and by the Opposition Preps tlIrUUflhnut the c0‘3yxt,-\‘ Its routc,its passible traffic, In probable unet'ulnul, and so on. were once l‘uir rulijectl of fair criticism; but aurely they are no no longer. Peeing that the project began lilh c Reform Adminih Motion and in to be completed by : Conactvattre Administration, both parties thus showing what they think of the matter Surely, too. at no time has the O. P. R. been a fair subject of unfair criticism; much let-u in it so now when so near completion. Now, in View of all this. has it been fair to Canadaâ€"not. to any. yatrimic~hna it been t'uirto the countries on the Other side of the Atlantic who find their sur- plus population on nlmort insoluble enigma for the Reform Party and Re- lorm Press of this land to do all in their power to make it appear that the vast rrgions which the road is meant to open up are almobt entirely worthless and on 3 fit for the residence of civilized beings ? Again, last. autumn when such glowing accounts came to old Canada of the marvellous adaptability of' the North- West for agricultural purposes. and the vile slandcrs concerning it were thus ex- posed, was it honorable, was it commonly decent. for the same Party and Press to concentrate all their efforts in Beeking to do effectually what they had been trving to do all along, namely, ruin the C. P. R. Co. by causing a panic throughout the country by means of the mendncious and malicious cry that the road could never pay working expenses ? FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is inculcnl- ’ nblu It, will relieve the poor lit-tie mm rer im-- ’ l'nellitlhflly Depend upon it, mothers. thmc is no , mistnke aboutit, It cures dysentery and dinr-‘ l'l‘mtl. regulates the stomnch m-d bowels, cures 4 wind colic. softens the gums. reduces inflamnm- I tinn. und gives tone and energy to the whole a} stem. Mus \VINHLOW'S‘ SOUTHXNG SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING ispleassut tn the tilSteJ’MJd is the prescription of one of the oldest and best; lemme nurses and physicimig in the United States. tmd is for sale by all (1 ggists throughâ€" out the world Price 25 cents ottle. THE NEW and ItnproreSâ€"Cn compile by J. G. Realty. t" sale at h. HERALD Boook Store. URA wno â€"-'l’lux f-illowing ('xtrnct from the official regulations relative to drawing. issued by the Education Deâ€" partment, explains iself zâ€"“L'nndidntes for tbxnmination must place their draw- ing books in the husdsml' the prcsiding examiner on the morttimz ot' the first day of the examination. ' Every exorcise must be certified by the teacher as being ‘Wilimut doubt. the best. entertainment ilhat has taken place, eilher in Thorn- 'hill or surrounding villages for some i time past. and reflvcls great crotiit. upon the originators. and especially the Mitt-es Reid. who wrrkod zealously in order to make tho affair in success. Special men- tion mith be made of the piano and Vpipcorgan sent expressly from Toronto Booklthc candidate’s own work, and should for the occasion, and also of the ‘ .how his progress during,“ least, three l mouths: Orchestra, which was simply grand. The receipts amounted to about 870. 9 \thn' in the opinion of the , court, judge or justice. the dnnmgos , worc (-ccusinned by dogs the (Moor or t-wnsttt of which tttc kt own. and dogs ,i tho UWIM‘I' or owners of which are unâ€" Eilmown. or the owners of which have not W llt‘t‘n summoned to appear [More the ‘cottt‘t. judgv m- juatit-O. the court. judge [Ol‘jllrliC‘l‘ tt-ttv decide and all-judge ans to _tthc prtqortiou ot' finch damages which. ,lhavinu reg-«rd tn the evidence adduced r. as to the Hltt-n‘zll). ferocity and character I{of tho \‘utious dogs Phown to Int“, bccn .‘th'hgt‘ld in committing such damage, was prnlmlth‘ dutm by the dogs the owner or tumors of which lmvc been summoned ,fto :tppcur heft-re such court, judge or ltjnstico, and Flttlil detcrtt-inc in respect. ,‘ thvrelof and a; portion tht- damage which '~ such court, judge on justice decides to have bt'cn probably done by the dogs whose owners hme been summoned, amongst the unit-us owners who have ,' bet-n summoned as atom-said. :5 The same prom-odious shall be there- upon had against the party found by such judge or justice to be the owner or lct‘pt-t' ot' the dog or dogs which by such 3court. judge or justice shall have been ; found to have Contributed to the t’ltttnuge‘ sustained by the party :tugrirvt‘d. as if the information or Complaint had been laid in the first instance against. such 'pttrtv ; ( 5) Any apportionman of‘ the' ;flmflllllt of dtllllilct’s sustained nme in! :jetlrstltmflc of thts section shall be final iand conclusive and nut. subject to any appeal ; provided. that such court. judges or justice nhull not. decide and apportion the S'tid damage against any persont othcr than the person in the information. or complaint first tzhorurd. nor "ward: tho sumo in lltf‘ said jltrlutntrnt or conâ€"y viction without such utitl‘r person httvâ€"' log: had an opportunity of Culling witâ€" twsscs. Are you diaturhcd nt night and broken of your rest by u sink (-liilrl suffering and ('ryir‘q with pain or cuiiinpz teeth ? If so. send at once und getu Imttln of Mus WINSLOW's SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is inculcnl- nblu It; will relieve the poor lit-tie mm rer inn-- i'nediiimiy Depend upon it, mothers. than: is no mintnke about, it, It cures dysentery and diur- I'hmn. regulates the stomuah m-d bowels. cures wind culie. softens the gums. reduces inflamma- tion. und gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mus WmaLow's SOUTHXNG SYRUP FOR HILDREN TEETHING ispleasaut tn the tuste,n.nd is the prescription of one of the nldest and best female 1)")‘F!.E and physician; in the United States. and in for sale by all (1‘ mints throughâ€" out the world Price 25 cents a ottle. 2 Sir, Your remark: in refereue to "w. Red ' _ :ribmiua of man in the Legisâ€" Imn‘e AMJPJMK. e13” ein'riy as regards Wm ;;: 125m fur-kt 31? am nu: of pace. I we ‘ure I“ w W“ M‘th fair of con- ’ Indicnon my “'6 sensu, ma taken of 43m i|.lw‘»i§sxfl’of the #39 Ridinga. no aiiuulul u: Sihthmond Lid; to mask; :he ' number? 13031 b» iii-:6” me taro Riding! 1wch be TOQU. :u‘ to the East side of 1 Toy Eéilor 61' . "- Herald Major Gray watt returneci thy only 31.1 28 of that majority was got in this Inuieipulity, and hunce, no doom. this is the sole Me of the transfer without consent being asked of our desire: or wishen in the matter It may he, Sir, ,that the rery ? ct. so palpable to the most obtuse will entry its own. condtmmtion on the do; of reckoning. I believe there we won independent in thought Ind action living in both the townships of Vaughan and York. who will turn the “scales in favor of fair grlay and jut-tie: it was quite suflicient to deduct ; Patltdolo from the West Riding Without going into stich extremes and showing ,tlie object in 'i'it‘w. by placing us where ; we were not rcquiredâ€"-â€"so for as equaliz- ‘itig the constituencies are concerned. ; [here seems to 'be no end ol'schemiog to servepolitical ends, and the beauty of it is, it is all done under the cloak of morality and fostered with n futhtrly care by the pure in heart ofa would be -â€"nnd we dare hope Outside oi politiciâ€" honest man. But the exigencies of [party demand a straining of points which lie coneidered allowable in a political way, 1but in it private relation between man and man would be doomed at least a [questionable proceeding. That terrible fellow. John A.. done what was wrong. therefore, it become. right for Oliver to do the same thingmnch in the excuse we find quoted upon the lips of parties who you would expect better of. l action l'ur' dutnages.:ur heibfittc IJquce at the hearing: or the said i ’ibl'nmlion or Cl'mpiuint brfure him. lit“ the damage orsmne part of the duumue sustained by Mich aggrieved party “as the joint net, Hf Fume other ting 0 ' dngs, and “1' lie dug or dogs: owned or kept bv the party charm-ti in such ini'm-mminn or com- plaint. the cnutt, judge or justice him“ have powrr to decide and :nppurtion the damages stmaiued by the complainant, anmng and against the tespoctive owners or keepers of' the said dogs. as far as such «mnersor korpers are known. in such shares and prnportiuns as such courtjudue or justice shail think fit. and to award the Same by the judgment nt'the said court judgr, or in the con- viction nf'such justice on bchaifut' such :ngvtievt-d party ; An Act to amend the Act to impose a Tax on Dogs, and for the l’romcion of Sheep. 1 Section 16 of The Act to impose a Tax on Dogs and for the I’rutcclt'on of .‘hmp, chapter 194 of the RM'itiLd Statutes, is hereby amended by adding thereto the sub- sect ions following: Her Mnjvsly, by and with the advice and cum-em ot‘ Ihe Legislative Asmmbly l-fllzo Province of Unturm, enacts as follows : “this mm ox“ thing goes on much more flu: Geography of the mum" will be onlirely changed. A jnb will be given in some rt the pubiiahers in gaming: um books. Ewn mm some 0:“ me sauna and village-a are dubious «a to that (‘onty they form a part. March 23rd, 1885. um haw, uF‘v‘I‘mge street. (2) If ‘itv shal‘l ng-pPar befiire {he Regan-mafia: 5! Seats. ADVICE T0 MOTHERS BILL. Yours, RICBMOND I] m. My communicuiun urn few weeks ago, ‘0 nos coming am in piinl, naturallvxcuuaed s b. sensation in am neighhmhm-d, ‘ ad the ‘35 inhabimula anxiously watchrd [he fn wing 39' i weeh' paper! in hope; that I miwh ‘amew I_ ‘ up enough «may lo and fine necessary f gnnrmm‘e. Sewing chm Ihvy are so u - Rectum I will try and send you a few ohhe {'0' Input focal happenings. No Matter. Nn manor «have pain. Inmmwss or Earp-- was exists Huzym-d‘s lelmv Ull nuke” 0r appiiul WiHL'IVP inane-alian H‘Hé'f, and : [ma-Jinn cum quickly f'nllm'ws its use. etc , etc , will mkv place at Luis NH. 52 and 53. Is! (‘on of Markham. on Sutur- day. Mulch 29th. l885. the property (if Mr. Hubert Wilsnn. Sale In comnn-uce M. 1 o'clnck shnrp. 'l‘cnns â€"â€"Fur the Fat “nun. Fat Cattle; Foulrx and NH sums M 310 and under Cash ; over that amount 9 'mnths. m-dit. 7 pair cent. allowed for cum. II. Mayan" A uctioncer. EXTENSIVE Sumâ€"An extensive Credit Sula of Farm Smck. Implements, Ellie} l'. 0.. Mutt-bum, 18515 lel Julw. hem-1 thurouuhly l‘righlvued, llllI'IiFd nlfl l’r'vr Hluug “fluids "'0 fun. ht use. Meantime- Him"! l’i Ier had shinned fl home. and nlmde llll‘ wmnr‘n lulkfl an llml Ilicy were in n lllhll stale hl vxcile- men-l. wlwn Ihey suw the approach of the good old dud uSuisu-d lly lhe mun. Pelvr Wnfl canind imn Ill? linuse. laid on a lied, and lzmzuu m lame-Ill his and misl'nrnnw. wlipn lhu old lady, llls vrum. mime forward and pinginsz l0 exumiup llm leg. when having carefully dune fir. out frll n thisllu mp, and M llw Hume I (‘hllSl‘lt‘rhlllt‘ sermoh was made viaihlv. Call this a shake, hold-- in! up the lhi~llP. Yam old foul. cried Ilin vrnw. that l‘vlm'sjujkm you are lrviag m an an. \\ lnu Ihni'a .l’vlf'l'fl. (-iiml Ihenld nva. Jumping: up. “(all lJucOl‘, whul mu nltl fw-Iyu-n musl be. living Hume beer and my pipe Matrimony films to he the rage. as two of the numhfps in this vicinity. have crossed the matrimonial liver. We be” Ibo cos- tumes. the font. and the generalJumouj. in one case v»pecialij, were siuip‘y grand, wmelhiI-g once seen could novel-"ht??- gum-n The happy pair are mefing out. of ill» neighborhood a Ibo“ disInuco to chin» HIM-cc- fmminz; being tlw his and roul of Ihe :wighhmhr-od. the bride will naturally be rum-pd. Mid her place “ll” be hard to fill, her law emp‘nyor preuuling her wnh he: marriage - mm as | math of his esteem. We rah the happy pair every fiuvcvaa in life. and envy 1he groom his luck in having CM-lulf‘d such [Ha-i217. 'Hw mavan he made the «Hall to :29! the gmweu! un 1w gww“ yuln in the face. his hair mum! on wild. he slliwrml and shook. his N's-1h clmnmed. his luwes knmekvd lugmlwr 0h! Jucub, hr ex" o'uirm-d. huh. nw M 90 hume. I'm flu Hun! Mi up. my jacket Wun’l go on my back I'm dung. One warm day. in haying time {while hmd m wmk in n Inc-nduw the Mt! mun l’nwr drunde his. scylhe and hnnjkfi gm Qh‘! Uh ! W said 2|];nlti'rninxi Yum-gr Prlervheing w-Iy dVElse to snakes. he hM‘ing m mu» lime been chased hy it blank It'p‘i e. he fell hack. crying: out, where is Ihe snnko-w “me. up mim' lug. Uh! Uh i Why dun’l you kiil him chiuimfll Pele: juniur. keeping at a snfe distal-cw. ('Nu’l gel at him 0h! He will kill me with his hilos. But yuung Peter was no! In ho- Caught "a nmde nfl‘ with all agreed m :hv uld man “hm-e is hp 7 saw: Jucub. seizing a small pilchfmk. pmmgvlly lIruugh-I ulna instrument ncruss Ihe 19:3. hlillflifl}! old Peter I0 Illa gmund. anihe: hv-ij-rd the old man up. lww. l bun: gm )uur jacket. put it unmuys Jake. SIRâ€"Plrake gin Im- some in ycur pa» per for the {allowing Snnke story: In ihw mun of h-nswl.‘ in the County of Huron. IhPre f‘mmt-IPV Mva n “It'll-40"!!!» fnlmel Iman Pewr Van Ripflr. His only smu was n snapping Ind «If savanna-n. hi.- name was 3150 Pelkr. nnrl unnn old Pelrr and young I’Her dvvnlw-d Ihe primfipnl care (If'he old man's farm nnw and III-m nssiMo-d by an anciL-nl Hun-hum" nanwu Jake Swevflmfl‘er. whz. find in the ueiglzn b-wh-md. Mud wem on! In wu-k by Ihe dnv 11' same mtelprising go ahead young mun would start a Iivecy haw. the call for rigs mmld simply munund him providvd tlwy wene fiust clam ones. To move Ihis. a vermin )muttg nmn going under the non dc plume of the: "Dutchman" hired a turnout a cuttpie of week. ago and druve ofi'to meet hm lady low. but. whethn’ the rig dld tmt ngree with the taste of the lady or nut l du not know. but they were Been later on m a well known lowâ€"Jown-Jn-theâ€" World kind of u ’eonwyauce. Ydungz I’vle'r Cribs uu'. What’s lhe [mu-- (er ? hmking al his sin. Uh! Uh! Chine right 11310 Ymmg I'Ner hurlivd nrv In the “‘1in hf Hi This week the Inst imp of the reason came off; invitations were sent out wholeâ€" sale. keeping the ushers busily euguged fl week ahead. Uue ufthem during hitt Cu” at some I’CSlanCP, whether through fear at being seen there or excitement, he mutually being of a nervous [em pmment. went away forgetting his hat ; nut daring to venture hack tied up his head old woman, fashion with his handkerchief and streaked for home ; whether the lost garment has been claimed ar not, we cannot. say. It seems the party was It very selnct nfl'nir as one young man. who went without a lady.hegged the favor of a dance from n particular ‘fliel d of his. His request was grnnted. However, another mote favored lriend coming fnrwutd he was accepted and the “Hay Seed’.’ rejected. let conscieume seemed to name her for it. and she retired in a melancholy mm to a quiet comer. Gander Hill, Mar. 2m. 1885. To the Editor of the Herald. {I‘m our on Correspondent.) Story of a; Snake. Gander, Hill. 'nura me SNAKES Srmsnn’s JUBILEE.â€"-There was on exceptionally large audience preaont lot. the Spinslor's Jubilee held in the I Victotin Hall, Thornhill, on Monday levening last. The ten served in the :dining hall was excellent. the place beingi ' perfi-ctlv packed from 6.30 until 9 p.m.. lby a huge throng. eugerly' waiting I0 have .1 chance at the Vinnds. After the ten. Miss Ada lleid an chairwoman, ninâ€" ‘eended the plnfi'urut, and opened the ‘ programme of the Concert in a neat and plensingspeech. after which the Spin- s'ors. in thoir fantastic cops and white aprons. crowded the platform and gave an enthusiastic ()ld Mnids' Chorus} which was heartily applauded. The re- tnninder ot'tlte programme was superb and carried out to the letter; most of the talent coming from Toronto. [t was. without doubt. the best. entertainmentl that has taken place, either in Thorn~ hile or surrounding villages for some time past. and reflvcts great credit. upon the originators. and especially the Mitt-es Reid. who wrrlzod zealously in order to make the affair a success. Special met.- tion might. be made of the piano and pipcorgan sent expressly from Toronto for the occatzionI and also of the; GENTSâ€"for your Spring Suit go to the Cheap Caah House. Dumasâ€"A few diaries for 1885, for sale at cost and under at lbe HIBALD Store. CnAsGE or Pum‘r *‘J'he Rev. Mr Fawcext. of Maple, will occupy the yu‘p‘it in lhe‘M’cfimfm Church here on Sun;- CATTLE FAIRâ€"The manlth came Fair will be held in this village on Wednesday next, April 1st. C urrants 3 It! ,1. Z R nisins 3 " z: I. O atmcal 8 “ a i S “gar 5 “ "S -_- B illing Powder, 1 packet. '5’ E Y east, 1 packet. 7" 3; THE COMING CONCERT.â€"The La- crnsse Concert, to beheld in the Masonic “all in this village rm the running. of Good Friday,April 3rd. promises to beta grand affair, us the Comnnittse have se- cured the services. of some ol'the best Local and Provincial talent. The pro- gramme will consist of Solos, Duets. Vocal and Instrumental. Glens, (70min: Songs, Readings, lit-citations, etc _ etc. The following will take part zâ€"Mr; John Brown. Mr. Chas. Bosch. Miss Herdmnn. of' Toronto; Miss Sewers, Deer Park ; l’rol'. 'A. L. Wilson. Eulingtnn; the Misses Reid, Mr. and Miss Collins.'l‘hornhill; Messrs Crossley and Lloyd. Springhill; Mr. 0. Savage, PnNnrsOn; tliss Bertha Wilson. The Bailey Fa and Mr. S. Agnmogcthcr‘ with the Glee & Lacrosse Clnbsol’ Richâ€"i mond Hill. The liund will lend their :tisislancn, and we trust the boys will be greeted with a full house at this, their] annual Concert. r . naming-2t. 1 ,. 1.:- F 7A. . 8; A. M.â€" Richmond Lodge. No. 23 A. F. & A. M" will meet. in their lodge ronm in this village-on Mon- day evening next. 30m inst. A PILE of one million one danr billl would be fortyâ€"five feet high. We have just started a pikz. Subscribers in arre- ars will please take the hint. FN._LM. ... InMLuAAâ€"lmum -. . Wan cutes as l'nllnws concerning the hpnngil' “385. The large fields of ice on the Iakrs both east nnd west nl' us will have a great tendency in causing backward pprinu‘. {rpm-ta come to lmn-l- that not in the recollection 6f the oldest. resident, has so much ice been seen an Lake Huron. This, ul'cnurse. will create 5 Cool atinnsphern, which will he carried over Ontario by the west winds that prevail in the npring. and it might be- well on in May bcfnrc we have real warm growing weather. lt will be well for tho. furner to give this mntter their conâ€" sillerntinn when sendingr time arrives. It is curtain that it wit] take weeks ofwarzn weather, wind and rain to dissnlvn such immense fields nf' ice as now (‘lel on Huron and Superior. It You want a good Tapestry Carâ€" pet for 400. per yard, go to the Fire Proof. ' Nanakâ€"Notice is given that tbs Annual Meeting ofthe Richmond Hi" and Yonge SL. Agricultural Society will be held in the Lorne Hail, in this village. on Friday evening, 27th inet. Com- mencing at 7 30 pm. A large attend-- ance is requested. BEAUTIFUL new Spring Dress Good- at the Cheap Gash House. Emmaâ€"Min Etta Baiiey will give lessons on the piano or organ at her residence. opposite the Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill. ANNUAL SLHGH anâ€" The scholars in connr'clilm wilh fit. Marv'a Episcopal Sunday Schth in this village had their annual sleigh ride on \Vedncnday 1~fter~ noon hm. They were taken us far as. Newtonbmnk. and on their return In wan,- prepared for du-m in the Temporâ€" ancc "all. The “file folks seemed m greatly enjoy themselves. ’ NEW STOCK.â€"Sprlng llal come again and the People's Store i3 on hand willi the largest new stock of wall papers and burderinga Illut was ever in ibis town. Furniture, 'IIardware, Crockery, Gm- ceries, Flour and Feed, etc., etc., all of which will be sold at botmm prices. See new adverlisemem. New MUSIC Tsunamâ€" Before very long we are to have a new music teacher in our village. in Ihe person of Prof. W. M. Clarke, formerly ofllraml'ord. Thr- Professor lms hnd fourteen ' years ex- perience In both vocal and instrumental music, and will. ln a few days. be preo pared to receive pupil. at Mr; moderate ralel. SPECIAL fin?! in black and calmed Dress Gaods. Splendid ulna a! the Fire. Proof. Tm: Comm SPRING â€"An exchange LOCAL ITEMS. ls n‘ TRUE. â€" “’0 have lunar-ed it nah-d that we Nnrllpern Company have nfi'cred Io build a branch of the railroad to Messrs Puttersou'n Works, if they promise to remain. TM is of itself a Wd‘hli'fiis, aid wolrusf‘lfie“ b‘fl'é’r may ‘be accepscd. Richmond Hill. mth March. lSSS. Pumcnous are out to the effect. that next summer is to be the hottest ever known. If the predictions were made by the prnphets who said this was to be an open winter, readers of this item need be in no hurry abnilt buying a mum hat and n linen duster just yet. Else the same will be placed. in Court for Cal-- lectiom H. SIVERS. LATE ROBT. SIVEBS ANOTHER New PAPERâ€"The 'I‘n‘p Hammer is the name of anmher new paper. published momth by the emâ€" ployel of Ihe Mame! Manufanturing Company, Toronto. It is got out: in book lorm and comprimed ul‘twonly- four pages, part of which in well covered with advertisements. The price is only 20 cents per annum. May it prosper. 1 6th Day of April 11 ext. MISS ETTA BAILEY Wham. full. new, pet bush .. Spring do-.... fiufu, 7 Jul . Pens do . I: vs do “maxed Hogua-nr 1001M, . Bechhindqum-ters,per no In: _ Mutton, try the cut-case, per mu You Chickens. pair pair .. Ducks, per brlce Geesemmh ........ Tun-Rays. each Butter,lbmlln .. huge nulls" tub dairy.” E223, from. d»: Pomums. rvr hbl Avril-n per bun-01' Omnns, green, )7" b Cabbage. par do ...... Celery.P0: do .. Turnips, per bag Carrots. por do Bodsdyor bag . Pnrsn-i‘ps. pm bag Hay pol-Jon. Stmw per. ton. Won] her lh... 'J'r-‘mn HUNDRED Convrtnrs.â€"-Af‘- tor the sermon in Berkeley street Meth- odist Church last Sunday night. the Putor. Rev. J. 'E. Stan-r, Mater} that an a result of the recent revival services in connection with the Church about two hundred persons had expressed n desire to be ndmitteJ to membership in that Church, and about another hundred were applying for admission to the mem- bership of other Churches. He read out a long list of these names and reâ€" quelted the persons mentioned to come forward and be admitted to the Church of Christ. Soon the aisles were full of converts Ru. Mr. Starr readout the rnlos and obligation of the Methodist Chutc' , I’td after doing so symbolically held out the right hand of fellovnhip tn the Waiting throne. Rev. Mr. Starr was formerly Pastor ol'the Methodist Church in this tillage. and We con- gratulate him on his niece” in It) good a work. ' ' Tmm.â€"- fit his mam-omen, 2nd Can. n! Vaughan, on Thursxhy. 19th inn!” Mr John Clifien, aged 43 yeurs and 6 months. March 251)), 18-‘5. Baum â€"0n the 19th inst... at “Brae-id. .” nich- man Hill, the wife of Mr. J. N. Boyle of a. daughter. LAnm.-At Pntforson. on Saturday. 14th inst, :bo win of Mr. R. Laird of n srn. â€"‘VILL GIVE- Lessons on Ihe Piano and Axnxst-lfAnwrcnâ€"â€"At the Manse. Maple. on Wednesdnv, ’Jhih inst. by the Rev. D. Camc- lon‘ Edward Andrawano Lucv Muwood, an 01 the 5:): Con. 01 Vaughan. DEATFI Are requested to settle um: Accounts on or before me Arm Organ. Ronidenoeâ€"Opyosito Presbytorl‘nn Church, Richmond um. ONE DOLLAR STEELE BROS. & co. Seed and Produce Merchants, Corner Front 8: Jarvis _Sts., TORONTO. 551m: fidrzrtifirmmw. All parties indebted to the estate of the LOCAL ITEMS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY ChoiceAlsike Clover Seed NOTICE I All parties wishing to buy or sell seeds or choic seed grain, will find it to their advantage to call upon or (-urrespond with us. STEELE 13305. Cb CO. N. B.â€"We are :Igpnl‘s for the EMPIRE HORSE t CATTLE F: MD. Please Send for circular which contains lostimonials From leading Feeders and Stock Raisers in the Province It is equally valuable for Stock ofall kinds, horses. cattle, sheep, pigs, 8‘. poultry. Dairymen always find it largely llK'l'PaSr’S quantity and quality of milk. ONE DOLLAR PER BARREL ! TH E M A R K ETS 2310!! AT FARWIIR‘ WAUOHNS We can now furnish Fine Barrel Salt at '1‘()R()N'.l‘()- BIARRIED. Taununx. Much 2e, Is: 5. And Finest BIRTH. At 3080 «s1 0 #0 o 91 :r. n 12" u £8 {,9 0 4A 9 1'0 6 90 fl ‘7 9 25 O 2’) TWENTY PER BARREL, Our Warehouse. Quality 0H)airy Salt at 3!: 0 7;: 2 25 .50 4" 50 4% m 0|) 00 60 L” m I II ms “ILL STAND FOR MAKES AT THEIR OWN STABLES, MILESIAN OAKRIDGES. MILESIAIAy Imported "chxnr Fun," dun “MARIA Hnmrox.” hm: been the best home our hurdles in Amcricu. and his record In this atylc hurdles in Americ'n, and his record 111 this at 1c (1f rqqing has pegpr lgeeq beaten either on I it Contine‘ixt or in England. ORIOLB. now 53mm: old. by "L'an Cant," dam thoroughbrp impurth mare “Ronwu' by imported "Tnl‘ TESTER," grand dun :1 “VALPARAISO," in for appearance and spud mitted to bo superior to his celebrated tin. T0 Insure 1 .16 Eagle Leap‘...‘.. r0 Mural tuke‘n to pasture and curetu\lylfln&cd to on reasonable u-rum. H. UUBT'I‘DN ST. EEIIREB, March mu, 1285. GEO. F. KELLY, bVeterinary Surgeon 3 MISS FLORA COULTER I71\Y’S TH? PILLS, a specific in \ INeurnlgin, Fncgiucheidvcg: { _ _- ‘OAGULINHr-Cenmnt for Broken Articles Sold everywhere. Sole Makersâ€"KAY BROS, Stockpcrt. Ell. J. H. SANDERSON, V. I. W. A. SANDERSON N. Hâ€"Ml pnrt’i‘es indebted to the Into Firm c! H. Sundt rson & Fans are hereby notified thn d1 accounts duo. must be settled on or hetero the 1'“ Day of March. 18,45, aftpr which date. they will b. pinced in our Solicitor's hunds for collection. SANDERSON BROS. Richmond Hill, Inn. Nth, 1885. m3 Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Talon”. 0 fficc &. Reside n ce-ngf oi'u‘m; ' De. nnd' ni ht can. P. 0- Buttfln V] I IC'proympfl’ “scuba” Feb 2nd. 1685» I) We the undevsinncd have onkred into Partner- nhip under the name and style of Sand-tram: Eros . um] will continue mm» the Old Business car- ried on by the late Finn of If. Sanderson J: Sons. STOVES 3 DISSOLUTION. SELL AT COST 2 flaws Tronghing of Tin and Galvanized Irma. Custom work promptly attended to. CHARLES MASON. Mahmoud Hm, Jan 7th. 1885. m3- carried on for somnlilfnerimat. by tlje ra-nderlzgfl- ed under the firm nume of by mutual consent, the senior member 0! tho firm retiring. an] that .7 II A: W A Smademn in em mwered to diwhargc and scttlo I“ debt! to an by the said pmtuerahip Wznmss, E SNIDER I-I. Sanderson 85 Sons’ 13th DAY JAN.. 1885, LESSONS IN MUSIC. Richmond Hill,Feb 11th. 1885‘ KEY'Ié‘COM POUNDUF IJN>EI¢35 TOR COUGHS AND UOLDS I hnvo tlew Pink-9r Cook and Coal K013i): Stoves which 1 mil THE STALLIONS Fleighs and Skates at Cost. AY'S COMPOUN-D. :1 demulcefl expoctorunt. fm- (tum-J13 and CJMS l’AiiTXER‘IHH’ NOTICE. K y "STU .\1 Pmb DEWd ORIOLEI folds, is equally serviceable for Rbrsel uni mtlo A-nniseed, Senega. Squill,Tolu, £512., with Chlomdyne. IS PREPARED TO GIVI Has been Dissolved- thio STOVES. NOTICE OF Also a number of TERMS: â€"ANDâ€"- Signed Signed, “‘6 Onkridgu P 0.01:6,

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