LARGE.†STOCK - OF FISH: Flour & Feed we have a large stock; 61:00;qu Es, incurs A m)- _sq¢ms, - as, LENT IS COMING Richmond Hill, February 11th, 1885. NET. {SPRING‘GODS FIRE PROOF "Pm/mg? Pianos 2 EVERY msz A SPECIALITY UPBIGâ€"HT AND. SQUARE! “mum R. S. WILLIAMS a: sox‘s . ,, . T0120 ' , ‘ ' GENTLEMEN â€"1 have much plen sure 1n testnymg to the great exeoliem‘iairf vAchxrli'uPliï¬ttxltnme} 1 m, . put them seven-eh tu theï¬gst, and ï¬nd them possessed of those qualities of toï¬e and mu I L cupmblu to the true unpalcmnpug Ipver of clussicnl musicâ€"u churmiu" ziugiug t-one £315?) v s? “)0â€" nted from the meandelxcute pmmsupm) to every degrae of loudness un'a fullness and. t I )1] H.“ u" answers regain: to every shmle of feeling. - ' n’ one “hwh W I éuusider ihe‘sg insirumeu.s a greatvupquisition iu musiviul society, and ï¬nding u. piano Much I can recommend With pelt. ct, conï¬dpnca 111535158 11.8. WILLIAMS & So‘-aâ€" .» . ' , "" “M “m V“ Qx<:N'1'sâ€"'Hn\'1ug thylpnghl y examined the Workmanship of your Eï¬â€˜rï¬T?ï¬% its") ~. . smtmg than, 111 m3_0pmwu, (hexnre equul to mesa of any mm.†mm“ lwst'Mukou mmfllï¬ï¬ atlop m ' Icun 0u_13_y speak m the game lugh terms mgm’diug their musical quuhï¬es - gamma“ an (“1“â€) 5.9"†mg ququxluy of ione. pleasant touch, &¢-, an: such. that. more sea ms to bu n'o necessit v te u , 5mg- furexgn Instruments, when our hum-u enterprise can pruduce such Pianos: and at oneâ€"'31 {196 momma 1 am glud to htgnr (butylre cxteusxve sale of your instruments slums thxlt you are ~ It- ‘ ‘3'.“ 005†luccels that I Lhmk you 111 my deserve. “"39 mg with the I an), Geuuemcn. Your Obedient Servant, ONTARIO . HOUSE Ia. ORGAI‘ == ===â€"====:_==_====== V . ,,i w m We make u 5m:qu stym o! Urgans 111 large quantities. and are therefore able to at!" them at captionally luw runes. :uymehts arranged to suit the comcuience ef ' tam at yeua. For full particulars write to Immune“ and amend m Are constr'ucled from Ike wry bra! Materials by éxperxencsd WOlkall, «no me full) ' _vquul in puinl of ARï¬â€™IvINc ALMOST DAILY WELL ASSORTED I am. Gentlemen, your§ very. truly, Of all kinds. cnnriaiinz of Whuc Fish. Fall-nan Trout, Finn}!!! Hiddie, Blowers, Creek Fink. Lularudor. Salt Ilvrlilngs. Frrill Salt “'u‘er ngtings, Siscoos. Dried Hex-rings. Etc, Etc. Also in Such asflï¬gal-‘éhsg Family Flour, Buckwheat Flour. Graham Fioar, ' Cracked Wheat, Oatmeal; Commeal, (we. At véfijloif-fates. Call and see for yourselves ind confer a favor Ion STOCK LARGE ' {AND JOSEPH HAJIJL. â€"â€"â€"IS PREP‘ARED FOR IT WITH Aâ€" TESTIMON IALEï¬. To Ihe high price-d Amelican Inézruments. Yonzo St. Tammi: AT THE PIANOS ! AND THE ISAAC GRQSBY. CHAS “LEWING. _(Oi-London"England) . Organist of St; Peter's Church. (Jobnrg, On' » Tunoxro. Nov. 4th. 1882. _ e \Vorkmanship of your Pianos. 1 have no hosimtion in 1 (how of an ' 1 ~ " ohm: l‘ 's} Makers-thin lhqve seen domain" um: ‘. S. WILLIAMS‘ OR 226 Dundas St. London GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. '~’ '3‘} Mu much pleased at 0V6! E When purchasing n’ broom there should be careful eeloction if you [desire the beef. Chaose green emf, end no Ilm [he handle in :0: shah. The mlk of the corn ehm‘lld not go 5210" the ne- ing. as it in Mink eedvliavble ' to bteak of. In "weeping, handle the 1mm. liglnly end eLill’Illy, the heudle inclining forward, than the , dun may than be piniallyepreveuted {rum raising iym'ehe Iii-Lend no can, clone lb: egeatle con- tinuous mou'm tbi'eri'lhe place “ ehe‘n it in to be aetlmred'up. 3t'rcquiree some science and common eeeee eumlaiued to une e hymn: properly. Don'l lee. ear the 1111632 msleu yoe 'qu to curl- end bend the cdgea, and aid the 13:00. in repidly acquiring - dilapidated appear- unee. ‘ Sweep on both sides elterunzely. and-wet before using to replete its leni- bilily. Broom- thallld each have e neil ol‘ their we whereupon in their leiwn moment. they any ie' “upended at e safe distance fro. the Ire. If inn-eveâ€" ed in boiling sud!- enee I ~iee-‘3, the brush will become 0er «ugh, end gill last much longer end llII’I keep like a new broam. E. R. Yam: Baron; Auccunamâ€"The mem- ber for the East Riding 0! York. G. W. Bldg-row. M. P. P., requeeted e lpoclnl meeting of the "-- wcintion on Mturdny,.t-he Nth last, to consult his ennstituenn relative to In: oflzmt meta-n now henna con-Mend in the cod, Home 0! Assembly. The nepoase wee lively and the M- undanee large end verg- ropnunht-ive, there being present memhm om nearly every eub- division in the Riding. The President. J. Giblon. Em . occupied the cheir. The luhject neuter: were very intemgenqy discussed and much im- yorient information givon. Heur- nupert and McMahon. edimr of (he "Libewl." re reentsd Richmond nm in nnticipetion of the coma-- buï¬on. by which that lively villexe become! I a. part In! East York. The mucus was amount outin- factory (mound beneï¬ted bath the remnant»- tivee and represented. Amongetum mmniuom, members present were D James. Elgï¬. A Forster. D Reeve. Mat-khum ; J Richmdeon. nq. Reeve. A M Senor, En .- D Reeve. W W Walton, Coun- cillor, J Clark, n. in; Scarbom ; J GibmnEsq, Yrrk :G B. Vanmmt, Eï¬q.*W B Fpeiuht,A.Flaury. Councillnr, Mnrkhumflflllugo : Jae Eckrmit. Esq, ,Uuionville. Measrfl Them-on, J Lundy, end about 70 omenâ€"Econonn r. A Plan! of Ion Vlnit‘ug I: 'be camnon urd ‘oli-khqwn Burdock. h is one of Ihv M91 Mood ’ p‘wiï¬e‘v! and kidney rezniuloflrin Ih- Negeubk «Md. and “:6 compound known In Burdock B‘ood Bitten, pom“:- wonderfu! power, in diseases 03' the blood, liver, kidney: and atomncll. nt- this stubborn mnlidy. This is none lhe Jess startling when it is remembered that not ï¬ve ror cent. of patients present-ins themselves to the rfgulur nrnctitioner are hencï¬ttod, while the put- ent Medicines and other lulvurtimd curs-n never record I]. cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most vciemiï¬c men that the disease is due to tbs presence of living nnrusites in the tissue. Mr Dixon at once adapted his cure to their exmrmhmtionâ€"this ac- complished. he claims the Csisrrh is practically cured, sud tl-e perm snnncy is unquestioned. as cums eï¬ecsed by him four years ago are auras still. No one else has ever attempth to cure Cntan‘h in this manner. and no other treatment has ever cured (interim. Th! application of the rcmedv is simple. and can be dnnn at home, and the present season of the year is the most faw- ourabls for a. spec:th and ‘permnnenc cure. the ma 'ority of cases being cured at one treatment. Rn nrhrs should ct rrespanrl with Messrs A H DIXON & RON. 3' 5 King street, west, Torpnto, Canada. and enclose stamp for their treatise on Gauntâ€"Montreal 8mm. . GATARRHâ€"oA' NEW TREATMENT. Perhaps the most extraordinary means: (but has been unblequgln modern modlcino has been attained bv he Dixon treatment for Cuvtarrh. Out at 2,003 mutients trauma during the past six m‘opths, fqlfy nine-xx pgr 0923...th0 beeq cu_md We wish 11w public-both large and smallâ€"In dI'stinc-tly understan that in_l).o farm-e WP purpm-e saying just what we plume about Ith, This week we have m‘ded lu t-ur nfufl'a " buy †standing 6 iv»! I; llxt‘hml in hm sluckings. weighs [7] p um; and mum-mow 45 int-has about the z-lwsl. Wk quail {mm In-fure lhe uutrugtd cilizu) no mure.â€"-l}orcalis. H I IHLLwill he! ynu to more money r! m. nway mu anything else in t is warm. All. of either sex. succeed from ï¬rst-hour The broad road to {ox-tune opens before “It work‘- ers, aboolmaly sure, M once address, Tau: li Co Aguata Maine. . agu, and we will mail you ï¬ne a. r0) a]. valuable sample box I)! goods thaf. will put you in the “ Ry of making more money in a. few an.) s lhnn \‘on ever thought. possible M any Lusiness Capital not It-quz'red, You can live at, home and ank in spam tima onlv; hr all the- tmw. All of both sexvs. "fall ages. {:1 undly suc- t-ossful. ï¬ll-cents to 35 emin enmed cw ry aven- imz. 'lbat all who want v.0xk may ms the busi~ new, v.e make this unparalleled offer : .'Io all who we not well satisï¬ed we will send $5} to pay hr the Iroulule~of writing us. Full ynrticulurs. dirm-ticns, ate, kent free. Immense nnv absolute- ly 'sure for all who start at once. Drn’t delay Addreu STINsoN & Co I’vrtland Maine H tor workmg people, Hand 10 cents vast-- A PRIZE " What is :erl fun a ('vld,†in u qurslion oTIu-n asked, hut seldom Hï¬linrncllkuiit m FW‘ Hed- We can unsWH' in lhv' sutiï¬ucliun nl'nll. i. may nil! fulth our nth-ion and lrv Hugs tar-1's l’u-ulurul Balsam. u safe. pleasant and certain throat unJ lung healer. Sold by MI thuggisxs ing an ugr'ncy far the best selling hr‘ok nut Begmunrs succeed gn-ndly. None fuil. WI more money than M. lmything else by mk- " Terms free: HALLXTT Boon 00., Portland Main ROMAN CATHOLIC-- Services : Thurnhill ate am and Richmond Hill 11H“ 30 am ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 mm. and Thornhill at 10 30 a 111, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. PBEsBYTEnIANâ€"Servicm at 11 a m, nude?!) 13 m Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7 30 Rev J \V Cameron. pastor s'r MAnv’a (EPIscorALJâ€"Servicen at 8 pm, ex- cept the third Sumluy of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at n a m Sunday School at l 30 n m Rev W Bates, Rector w ..., u...“ u..m 1; Lu Runda) School at?) 36 ‘3 Prayer mnetinsz ev_cry 'l‘hnv-cflnw ntynh€nnm& Im ._ . n ,,, u“ n . . m “up; vvu Thursi‘ny evenirigqif- 5.051) lâ€"ZII. liev. W R Barkér, Past-or. Rev W B Booth. Assistant. RICHMOND Lemma, A. F & A M, No 23, G R C-i- Meets in the Lodge Foam, Masonic Hall. on the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M ; H. A. Nicholle, Sec. I O G T.â€"This Lodge meetsin the Temperance Hull evevy VVeenvsdny evening at 8 o'clock [I m. J B Sanderson, W C. ' A. 0. U. “7., IVY LODGE, No. luâ€"Mnnts iu the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull, even; second and fourth :Tuesdnv of each month. at 8 o‘clock.p. m. Beueflénry certiï¬cate given for 332.00011; mugs of death lam Crasby, Master Workman. B. Grenuun. Recorder. . ' R. '1‘. OF TnMPEnANCE.â€"Richmnnd Hill Coun- cil,No. 43, meets m tlm- Temperance Hull. each alternative Tuesday evening: at 8 o'clock p. m. Beneï¬ciary certiflc‘utes issued to ' members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000. one lmlflmynblo in case of disability. J. B. Sanderson. Select Councillor. Fm}; BnIGAnE.=â€"Regular meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber, at 7 p. m. Membership tree. Cerciflcntes issued to members entitlingflehom t6 certain privileges and exempt-ion; J Sanderson, Captain. II. A. Nichols, Secretary. Micemmxcs INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volume: open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall. from 7 to 8 o'clock. Wm.-I’ugs- 16v. President. T F. McMahon, Sec. R E Law. Librarian. VILLAGE Couxcmâ€" Reeve, Wm I cillon,B Redditt, P G Suvnge, V McCounghy, Clerk.M Teefy Bxcnuoxn HILL Connzr BAND.â€"-. tie. in the Lorne Hall every '1 in: at 7.80 0'01 . 0. Savage. Lead METHODISTâ€"Services at 10.30 allo- °n1\An1 n{ A) on » ... nu , m, an}? 6.3019 m ï¬ling): gimtmy >'_|'her Quegtjon of the Day- Raising the Dust. ‘Send m chn fry rnnzngé. and m- ‘vg fujap. a. contlv box of goods which CHURCH ES SOCIETIES HILL Connzr Emuâ€"Meets for prim- Lorne Hall every Tuesday oven- \IML 6 an"-.. vAAzA, I'l‘eeve, Wm ngï¬slgy £91111; va'vélf 1‘ The din-u count-nee: yith n Ilight’dan range-aunt of the etomuchfllitit, i! tweet-tell“ it in tile invoke: .15}! gltn’k ' fugue," 'l'lrl‘l" um]... the kidneys, Iin-r. annexe“. lull in int-t, the time . gttululorjyi oil-hut] the n-ï¬l «ed (1ng out o milfril-lt- exitfeuoe' . until dull (in-s lilivf from entering Tile " dine." in often mistaken the Qi_ll0f‘ 9'0!!!- t-laijau it the render will Ink) mimic†v the followittz queuing-urine ule in. Mile4 in i detonatitte whether be him" iq/one. of the ; uflncted :â€"Hun l ct diï¬wnllkl in breathing After cutting 1 do “let. a dull†heavy trolin: flit-mini .bv droniuelg ? Han the eyes. uyolloo tinge? Doe: “hick Iti( l’ï¬â€˜mucom gntber nit-wt the gums 3nd teeth in that morninï¬, .uccoupnnied by 3: diluwnhlc tutu? l- the tangue (noted? h then» pain. in the lid. Ind back 7 In there 0 {nine-I nhout therizht side u if the liver tout enlarging 9 lo then continues: ? I; then urtigo‘or dininm vl‘en' [lï¬lnf luddetfly froth_ I horizontal pominn 7 Are ‘the tee-elitan from the kidneys acuity and lluhly related. with a deposit nï¬er stand-- ling ? Don food ferment noon after eating. Itccompcnied by flutulence or I belching of gun from the "munch f VI; there frequent paltnitutinn of the hurt? The" .urionn ‘ Iymptoml may not be [mat-ht at one time, I but they torment the lufltzrerjn't'urn its the dreadful diam» program. If the case be one of long llandiuy, time will, ban dry. hacking cough. attended after a than by ex- pectorulion. In (my udmnced. “weigh; elm: "um" i dirty M'o'niuil “pun-nee“ Ind the hands and feet In eleven-d by a cold. sticky pernpiration. A: thallium and kidney: become more and more diseased, rheumatic ruins appear. and the usual tt'Palr lment proves entirely unnailing ngninotthio latter agonising» disorder. The «right of: this mnlndv in indigestion or dnpebsi’n. and a nmnll quantity of the ’properi'medicine will remove the disease "if Inkenliu' it! in- cipiency. It in molt. importentfthnt' the‘ disease should be, promptly Ihd“3jvt‘npmly treated in in ï¬rst Itngel, when“ a little medicine will efl'ect I cure. and even ’wl‘en it has obtained 5 strong lmld the' correct remedy ultnuld he persevered in until may vettiï¬'ohhe' disease ir'eradicntt-fl, unlil the appetite line teturned; 'rmd the digestive {Organs restated to' 'a lienlthy condition. The unrest and most «ï¬retual’ remedy for thin dislt'luinl complaint 'ii ""Seigel‘e Curntive Syrup.†1 vuemhle preparation acid it! till Phemifltn and MeflidneSV-(‘ndors throughout the world, and by the pro-- prietorl. A J White. lelll'd. [-7. Firming-- don Rand. London. E, C. ,J‘lis‘jlyrnp lirikes at the very foundnlion anti-767m», Iud‘drivel it, root and b’r‘tutch. eta} (if-thy} system. 7, An, “amâ€: D1355“? 4mm: 8 Nmm“ erkn PIECE, Po‘qklingjom gm]; Ocmbgr 2nd, {882. Sinâ€"Being a suï¬'erpr. for- year; with dynpppsia in all its warm Mums, and uï¬vr spending pounds in mwdicinps. IV was at In»! pernunded '0 fly Blolher Seigel'sfuratim Syrup; and am thankful Io any hanij deySVpd more hemï¬t from it lhan uny’ mher rue-dr- cim- I evvr lock, and would advise anyhow: shfl'm'ing from lhe snme complain} m ‘giw il a Irial. thr- renulla they Would sopn ï¬nd out fnr Ihemsolvmx. If you like; In ‘mnke use of Ibis leolimonial yo am quite at liberiy m do In. Your! respectfully, ‘ ( Signed") R. Turn", Seigrl'l Operating PHI» are _lhe best ï¬tmily phystc that but: ever been dEs'cnw-red 'I hwy cleanse the howvlq fun}: till irrfluling aubrtgutcgn: mtd luuvn_tht{n) in Ii‘xheullhy condition. They cute'cnstivmwn. - St. Mnry Itréle‘, Paterborbuï¬. I:1.‘"Elllb9?‘. 29tlh. .188]. Sinâ€"1t givnu me gwnt pleztsu'o to in-- farm you 01 the hi‘ll' ï¬t I have i‘ecei)‘«d ("rum Seigel'n {\‘yi'np. Ilmve hem huuhled fur y‘aata with dyspepsia ; ltut nftvr n few dose? of the Syrup. I ï¬-nnd relivf. {It‘d after tank-- in; ma bottlis of il I feel quite cutc‘d. I am, Sir. your: truly, Mr A J White. Wil'im Dear Smâ€"l ï¬nd llui Sillf‘ of FH-JM’H Sylunsloudily increasing. All “hu l'nw- :ivd il sneak \‘rrv Iii-4th of m aniicinnl viruws; mm rusmnwr dost-rith 1| .ns 8 "Godsend to dvsw'plic pHmlPfl." 1 uk- wuys recommend it with conï¬dmue. I‘Miihfully vonrs. Mr White‘ {nrJdnnT'ds llxal he would Vgï¬ndiy' “Iarxï¬mend '1! to all. - ‘ .1 4 ( Signed) Vincenl Al Wi‘lls. Chnminl-4Demiul. To Mr. A. J White. Mgrlhyr 'l‘ydviL Preston; Sept. 2lst. ‘ 1883. My Dmr Sinâ€"Yum Symp and Pills are still \‘r-rv pn; ularwilh my (~uslomexs, many saying lbey are lhe best fumi'y medicines poisihle. The n'hv‘r day a cnslnnmr came for lwn hnnles r-I’ Svnm and sand " Molhvr Seinvl" lmd Snvg'i the life 01' UK wif'p. and ht: added, nne ni' Ihese homes I am sending miles 1w“ In M friend who Is very have much fui'h in it." The suite km-ps up wnndmlqu. in fat-l. mnu would {31ch Mums! that the [maple wwe boginviug Io lireukfnsl. duw. and Flip on Molher Seiuel's Syrup. lhe dvmund is so constaul‘m‘d [be saushu-Iinn so gxenl.-l um. dear Sir. yours Jailhfully, [Signed ] W Bowker.‘ To A J White Esq. A Hearty Recomhqendation. Jacob A limpey. ol‘l'nulmmme states that he has when nurde'h: “loud “imam with L'qu hmmï¬l in n lingmin: bhmnlnim. “ BROWN'S Hommnnn PANAGEA"1HLS.HO equal for reï¬t-vine; 1min. both internal and external It cures Pain in the Side, Buck orrlkrwcls, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, motlmchv, Lumbugo and any kind of a Pain or Ache. “.115 mu most, surely quicken tho flood and Henl, us its acting vowrris wonderful." “ Brown's Housphnid Panacea," beâ€" ing acknowledged a: the grant Pain Reliever, and of double the sire-112.1] of ang other Elixir or Linimenb in the world. shogld e in every family. hundv for use when Wanted, “ as it; reully‘ is the qest remedy in the world for Cramps in the Vtomnch. and Pains and A011 5 of 1111‘ kinris,†and )3 for sale bv all Dragging at 5 cents a bottle A Declded Hit. 7 Hugym'd’s Yellow le Iouclws lhe tight spot every lune when nppued ï¬fr rheumnl- )sm. naurnlgia, p8il|.'80.lele'SB nr lumeness, and internally for colds. sore throat, etc, i‘ is equally infallible. Re“ And bemt’on To Thehs‘uï¬ering‘ Yours IruIy. Si ( Signed ) V\igned ) N. “7n bk ' Chemist. “nine Sememher SH). 1883 ï¬fteen ill. [(USU‘AL 61-0081 017‘ err-1003331133 MIXED PAINTS 00.140115 READY FOR And the Pea eta-7810?! is.qu i-THE with the largest new flock of ‘ ‘ I Sanderson 79. Queén Street, Londdn, E. 0., ‘ Will be glad to cqrrespond wilh"Applc Growers, Merchants and Shippers, mth 'a View to Autumn and Spring Business mmom um, um. APPlE8.- APPLES. - APPLES. CHARLES DONALU. &VCO,, CENTRAL BANK OF CANADA. K. CHISHOLM. M. P. P; H. P. DWIGHT, ESQ, D. M.MCDONALD. ESQ. C B, ROBIN SUN. ESQ. - A MCLEAN HOWARD, Esq. 'J. GINTY, ESQ. DAVID BLAIN, ESQ, Presidentv ' SAMUEL TREES, Esq, Vice-President - They will glso give the usual 'f'uciliw- lies to customers requiring advances. f London, July 315:. 1884.-â€"-9- m Deposits receivml and interest allowed thereon a! current rates. No notice of withdrawal re-- guired Drafts on allpm‘ts of Canada, United ‘tates and Great Britain bought and sold, V mcumoun HILL SAV'ING ’S DEI’ARTDIENT A, lAI-ESGE STO‘QK OF FURNITURE J. M. LAWRENCE, MANAGER Richmond Hill Avril 9th, 188}. @mï¬at-rrï¬, ï¬ï¬‚icitnm, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, OFFICES : 15 York Chambers, E Coxrawom‘u Jn. Toronto, Nov 1801, 1384 ' Bu:£é;e}s, Attorneys-ut-Law, Solicmbrs-m- Chancery. Convevunccrs. etc. ()mccaâ€"Imperinl Bunk Buildings. Wellington-straw, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. Jomz BAIN Wm SETON Gommx, (512.0 F SEIPLEY Ferguson. B_ain. Gorgon? & shipmy, HALL, FULLERTON 8L COOK I8 King Street East. Toronto, Richmond Hi] Post Cï¬ce Every Saturday. Toronto. May 29:11, 1884‘ Thu! him ever hem in ‘his 1‘ CONVEYANCE'R S, ETC. 7 \ " x , w No. 14 Building& Loan I 0r0H10 (J [W (‘5 'clmmbel'nï¬Ã©u‘uroutu st. Richmond Hill ()lfice-{fï¬ï¬i‘m‘ï¬sjï¬‚ï¬ 0n Saturdays. Monty m Loan at Lowest C wan! Rates. A G F LAWRENCE. '1' C MILLIGAN. Nov 27th, [SS-L 1y LAWRENCE & MiLlJGAN, Barristers, §Solicitors GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY ! Goodwiils naught and Sold 1 I‘utent Rights dispnsed of ; SXTNIJICATES F()R,IVIE D Farm 6: Other Property, For Manufacturing and other purposes. S ock and Share Brokers, etc, etc. Toronto Jun 9th 1883 {)RAIN TILE, 014‘ THE BEST QUALITY AT ' T1105 NIGHTINGALE‘S. VITALIZï¬i} HIR'PARLHES C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST The only Dentist in Toronto using Hurds parntus for Extracting Taelh Wilhuut Pair. 15m SETS 01“ min: $8. FILLiNGS WARRANTED m 10 TB CA LL AND SEE ME. Toronto Feb. 13th 1883 W M Hall. And the Peo f’cywu‘VWd h‘ith the )m'gesl new vessel: of ‘ WALL PAIâ€" 11f“ jAND BORDERING-S z Wlmï¬â€˜be‘d. UN and l'm-pnnliu ) 1 Paint and Wlliwwusly Bfllflllefl all sizes Full Stuck ul' P-inleri’ ‘aIeriul m loan lhnny'l'oruum Prices. Warrantad to be ma a {gem the 34351; Material in the Market. ï¬rst COATSWORTH it. HODCINS, Filling and all other 0&emt1’o'm non,th doné . ' My Old. \4. Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. MflRTh‘AiiES (HSTAINED leour 25c;__Téu. Aukfor mum e. F‘uur-Lu! Fred." A1216“! be sold it Buuom PtiCcL P. G. SAVAGE. LIONI'JY TO 140AN. Barristers, Solicitors, «520. Ofï¬ces PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. CHEMISTS 85 DRUGGISTS, Hotels, Taverns and Bu siue's's‘ DIREC’I‘ORS. TORONTO By means of Vitalizcd Air. No 9 Toronto Street. P. 0. Box 2527. J. I. EVAIIS & CO, J S Fullerton A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. Lauder: Lane Toronto. FRANK E. Honqms 41v Hmd wnx'éxL make-y. and UN: mm, \V Cook. lyâ€"psm frum 5c. 10 7.3L- .. I RICHMOND HILL. ; “pumnmm‘o LOAN 0N FARM snovnm.f Artiflcnl Teethmpper or under. $5.00. Pain- 1058 extracting by use of Ethel-med Air. The only ï¬rm in 1110 Dominion executing ï¬rstâ€"class work at the above price. . SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St West, Toronto; RIGG-S & IVORY, G. H. I‘IUSBAND, L. D- S DENTIST, NE WTONBROOK, OXT. Will visit the following places professionally .â€" Unionvillo lst Munday 0'! each month. Weston 9m and 2131: do Maple,,.. ....16th do Richmon 19th do Woodbridga ......... ...2zud do Mr Husband wxll be found in his mflice, at N ew mu brook, every Saturday. except when Sutur- dqy falls on the ubékve date. 1r (Ly still be donéï¬iléki iix'in'y' mason†Si‘thé FEE fession. as follows : Richmond Hill... 9th «5: 24th of each month (at Palmer "701717363" Aurora, 15!, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stoufl'ville . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . “Jam do Mnrkhmn...... . 2%}: dc Victoria Square .. .2138: do Thomhm ...... ...231d do \1 oodbridgu . do Kleinburg .. do Noblcton . do Vit “zed mt always on hand at the places of win out. hdouswuvuyr with the pug: in “a... VITA LIZED A [R l exfructiug THE YUBK HERALD UN†33!. THE PALMER HOUS; RICHMOND HILL. .2! Palmer. Prop. This House is one of the Best Hotels to Iv: found north of Toronto. Everything is 111 mmng in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commm‘~ ciul Travellers. Good Stabliug and attentive hustlers. Tel-um, $1 her day. l'roctofu B'u; leaves this Hotel to connect will) all the N R B Trains going North and South. at 8 B. xu., 12 a. m“ 5.10 p m. and 7,30 )1 m. Eï¬ï¬fifl CEETML 33TH: This Hotel has been refurnished, renovati’d, and fitted up in ï¬rshuhws style, und is now V110 1v- ding Hut-51 north of Toronto. The burlâ€: sup plied with mst-clnss brand of H nuts and cigxzw. Excellent. accmmnodminn or Commercial} Truvellul‘s. and the General Public Good Stabl- inu and an attentive Hnsticr. RECHMOND HILL. JOIJN POVVELL. Prop Western. Canada, Loan and Savings Company Ofllcesâ€"No TU, Church-street, Toronto HON Gm) W ALLAN, Senutm-J’x esident. Gnunun GooDEnHAM .................... Vice-President D11: )c'rons-F‘mnuc1 Plant, M P.Alfrer1 Good/3r- bum, Geo W Lewis, 'l'hos H Lee, Ron D L Mucpherson, Senator Tom] Asset-3; $3,500,600 Mot-0y received on deposi1, and interest payable Imi.’_\'unr.y or emnpuunded. See our reduced 1mm tnhla For further infor- mation amdy at, the ofï¬ces of the Company SAVINGS BANK BRANCH N'ewtanbrook. J mm mm, 1883. Thunkfgl for the in mm of the NOTARY PUBLIC, 630, MARRIAGE mmm: THURSDAY, At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yongn street, Richmond 1. Hill, Ontario. L Terms of ï¬nbscriptmn :â€"$1 00 per annum in advance. When not. paid in advance $51 50 will be charged. Transitory advertisements, ï¬rst insertion. per ï¬ne .............. : ................ 8 cents. Elie}: subsequent insertxon, per line. 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion. Advertiemnents witlmut written instructions will be inserted until forbid and changed tin-sust- ant rates. M. H. KEEFLER, Capil :Ll, $1,000,00 Alieserve Fund, $450,600 Richmond Hill, April Std, 1884. M. TEEFY, The York Herald. WALTER S LEE, friï¬iml @m’flï¬. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGE ON DENTIST, AURORA per I0“. A large stock of lIONEY 'I’O 1.0.4 N. -â€"AND ISSUED. OF-'- 9mm, PUBLISHED BY 9th 49: 24th of each month LICENSES, thy places 9f pusgt†years l-ly 1| hunger faï¬sgamce Soc’y John McDonul<i,qu. (L J. \‘Jamp‘.~ol!, Esq., Hon. SmmtorMcMustcr A. M. Smith, Idqu James Metculfn, Esq. new. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made on security of Company's Policy at 51â€â€œ! cent imam t. Loansmnde tOChul‘Jll Trustees. at 0. low rate 0 interest. 8 for prospectus. Sir Wm PvIcAi'1huc, K c M G, M. P. rx-LOI'd Mayor of London, Premdont. W W Baynes.Esq.F I A.Sr=.cretary Roéorvrw Fund; . . . . . r $10,000,009 Aunuu! Immune. . .. . . 1300.000 Inveslvd i=e Canada. . . 1.200.000 Dem]: chums [mid . .. 10 000,000 'lmmxm hzr'umwus. E.A.W. ‘08. JAMES R. 13.011311. )3. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. P. 8. Ontario. L. S A L, England (Late or London, England; Surgeon. Etc. m’Oflice Hours 8 to 9.30 (1.112.. and 1 to 2.80 pm. Members College Physicians & Surgeons. Residence, Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hi1}, May 23m, 1852. 1y DR LEWIS G. LANGSTAFF ! Dr. George Langsta-ff, THORNHILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, M. (J. P. 6: 8.. Out, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto Genezal Hospital, Ofï¬ce and Residence,â€" One door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURSMS be 10 a m, & 12 to 2 p m Thomhill Feb 11th, 1883. I)“. WV. .7. VVILSON, ' MEDALIST TCRCNTO UNIVERSITY. Member College of Physicians at Surgeon-o (mum (‘F ETUUI-‘FVILLEJ ' OFFICE HOURS,â€"From 8 to 10 9.. 111., 5 to 8 p.‘ m nitsmnxcn Yonge Street, Richmond HIM. Lichmmul H111. Oct. 12th, ’62. Worth their W'eigh; in Gold! BIL/G- L'S‘.’!538, D 'I'SPEPSM, l "1'31" 95 3 TIOIJ, «IA UIJDICE. E.†VOIPE 1/ {7, 3/? -" 7' E ' ’ f? '4 15549752221, 55/291; CHE, And CV“ 6:33:23. ., 1..."-M3 cm: a 1-1 9:15:12 from . f» -.~ S’TCMAGH. LLOOD, Pï¬ig & @inmant This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperislmbie fume throughout 1110 \Vorid for the :liim‘iillion and cure of most diseases to which humaniiy is heir. increase the secretory powel‘s of the Liver, brace the nm‘vous a stem, and Lhruw mm the circulaz tion the 1; ash Elements for sustaining and numb-lug the frame. purify, regulate and improyo the quality of good. They assist the digestive organs, cleans Thousands nf'persnns have testiï¬ed that bv their use alone Hwy hauc lmon resml'ed In health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. Coughs, Sore Threats. Bronchitis. and a}! (thorn! ers of the Throat and Chest. as also Gout, Rhea matism. Scrofula and other kind of skin diseases will bu fmmd inmlimbh in every Household in the cure of 0mm Sores, Hard Tmnr-m‘s. I E: 69.. {Raid T. E Manufactured only at Profess or l-Iolmwuv’s Establishment 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON and L:on at ls.I,§L1.,Qs. ELLIS. 6d,, “5.. 22, and 339 en'chBox and i‘ot, and in Cnnmdn. at 36 cents, 90 cents. and $1.50 cents, and the huge ï¬xes in proportion. BAD i.EGS.()LD WOUNDS. CULDS, {ï¬x CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agam in the United Slates. nnr zI"r- my Merhcl'nns sold there. Plu‘c‘msrtrs shqud lherefm‘e look to the label on Ihu Pots and Unxes If l'na address is nul 533, Oxford Street, Londm [how are spurious gistered m Ottawa, {:1 Signed T 3'! (Milford six-eat». Lands). Th4 Trade ‘~ of my said 7" Eir-ims are STOMACH AND BOV‘VELS. DR. ORR, MAPLE, Sec. & Tress. fogCnnadu. 16 King L‘ r., East, Toronto 0f Lopdon, England. gypsum. STAR LIFE A D PERRY, .LAF AND FLUTTEEING 05 THE HEART, ACEDITY as ... u . own TLLC'MAS HOLL') WA} 4-101. 5th 1‘?) THE 8T05MCH, OF 7715 SKIN, Dec 1st 1888 NGSTAFF 3‘ Td n,