Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Apr 1885, p. 1

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The Tragic Ending 0! an Ohio Elopement Case. A Clarington, Ohio, despatoh says : The sad death of Miss Minnie Hamilton, one of the beauties of this section, is the talk of the country side. and as the facts come out it is made apparent that the young girl's life was sacrificed to silly romance. When the roller skating craze struck Ohio young Arthur Simpson, who is the son of a wealthy; farmer living near Clarington,; tor k the lever and spent much of his time at rue-inane pastime. Among the lovely girls who doted on the nimble-heeled ‘ youths was Miss Minnie. She was the daughter of a prominent farmer on the Virginia side of the Ohio river, and although she came to this city-upon visits but twice a year she was well known, and a general society lavorite. She had :.just graduated at a fashionable seminary and came to town to enjoy a short vacation in January. The rink had charms for her far in excess of all the winter amusements of this place, and she became a nightly Visitor. Young Simpson and the lovely Virginian naturally gravitated together, and they immediately became fast friends. Friend- ship rapidly ripened into love, and before three weeks had passed the twain were secretly engaged. Arthur followed up his conquest by a visit to the home of the Hamiltons, and was received with most unromantic good-will by the parents of his aflianced. This appeared rather to dis- appomt the young people, who were of a romantic turn, and had rather enjoyed the prospect of opposition. But they resolved to get up a sensation anyway, and so they planned an elcpement. Miss Minnie left home for a short visit to a friend in this place, and everything was prepared for a most sensational disappearance. On Wed- nesday night the ardent lover procured a shaky ladder which he placed against the house where his love was stopping. 1t hardly reached to the second story, where the room of Miss Hamilton and her friend was located. The night was dark, and a disagreeable drizzle made the ground and all without slippery, for the moisture froze as it fell. Simpson had a carriage waiting at the corner, and was prepared to fly with his lovely companion to Cleveland, where it was arranged the marriage should take place. A shrill whistle notified the waiting girl that her young man was prepared to receive her in his arms, and she silently arose and prepared for flight. Most of her baggage had been sent to the depot, instead of to the house, on her arrival. Softly she opened the window and peeped out. Afew whispered words were spoken, and tremb. lingly the young girl began her descent. But the silly lovers had forgotten that Mr. Patton kept a large and ferocious bulldog on the premises. At the first shrill whistle of Romeo that dog began tugging at his chain, and suddenly it parted. The next instant his fangs were buried in Simpson’s shoulder, and he let go the ladder with a cry of pain. The noise awoke Miss Patton, who screamed and alarmed the house. The hubbub was sufficient to distract an acrobat. The poor girl could not retain her hold on the slippery ladder, and fell to the ground. where she lay insensible. Simpson almost paralyzed with grief and terror. engaged in a terrific conflict with the ferooious dog. They rolled over and over on the ground, the brute tearing the youth in a frightful manner. Nothing but the opportune arrival of Mr. Patton saved Simpson‘s life. The insensible girl was carried into the house and medical attend. anoe summoned, but nothing could be done, and she died yesterday in terrible agony, calling wildly for the foolish youth whcse lolly had cost her her life. Simpson, atter having his wound dressed, rushed from the house demented with grief. He refuses to go to his home, and has re- quested the authorities to restrain him. The parents of the unfortunate girl are distracted, and the life of her mother is despaired of. Nuplinls ol 1: British Ambassadorâ€"The Dresses and Ihe Presents. A London cable says: The marriage of Sir Edward Baldwin Malet, K.C.B.. British Ambassador to Germany, and Lady Ermyn- trude, second daughter of the Duke of Bedford. Was solemnised yesterday at Westminster Abbey, and was attended with almost regal splendor. The bride- groom has been in the diplomatic service of Great Britain for more than thirty years. but he looked as fresh as when he attended his first ball in diplomatic uni- form at Frankfort in 1854. He was an attach" o! the British Embassy at Wash- ington during the tieklish times between 1862 and 1865. The bride’s dress was Worth's chef d'wuvre. The robe was 0! white brocaded velvet, covered with flow- ers, every petal of which was worked with pearls. All the buttons of the costume were studded with diamonds. The bridal gifts were numerous, and their value is estimated at £20,000. They included a tea and breakfast service of gold, with kettles, tea urns, sugar bowls and salver. The bride is 29 years of age. while Sir Edward is 48. A London cable says ; The dowry given by the Duke 02 Bedford to his daughter on her marriage with Sir Edward Malet yes- terday was $650300, invested in console. The papers to-day have columns of desorip- ‘ tions of the gorgeous wedding ceremony in Westminster Abbey. The Radicalnews- papers contrast the unseemly splendor of the wedding pageant with the Duke of Bed- ford’s constant refusals to subscribe to local charities. They recall the fact that the bulk of his immense income is derived from the rental 0! rookeries in the city slums. which are in a sad state of delapida- tion. They also recall that during the smallpox scare last summer the Duke of Bedlord refused to clean the pestilential alleys of his property around Covent Gar- den market, and even refused to allow others to remove the accumulated filth of years. It is said that the only time when His Grace shows a lively sense of his duties as a landlord is when some tenant fails to pay his rent, in which case the tenant is evicted with great promptness. A New York deepatch says: The mar- riage of Mrs. (Gem) Tom Thumb to Count Magri will take place on Easter Monday. The Count failing in his efforts to purchase his intended wife’s professional engage- ments has gracefully submitted to the ceremony being performed while Mrs. Thumb continues on exhibition. The wedding will take place in the Church of the Holy Trinity in this city, and cards of invitation will be limited to the mutual friends of the contracting parties, the Italian and French consuls. and the Mayor, and none but those to whom invitations . , a L_ _:L._-.... u‘.‘ MARRIAGE 01" SIR ['9- NIALIS'I‘. wuu away .1... -__,_- are sent wxll be permitted to witness the ceremony. The Count and Mrs. Tom Thumb are anxious to avoid any public d1;pla.y.&nd as soon as possible they will sail for Italy. Miss Lucy Adams will be bridesmaid. and Major Newell. the husband of the late Minnie Warren, will be the Oount’s best man. A recent return shows that out of 285 men of the battalion of Marines landed at Suez on Dec. Blst lest.140â€"â€"ss nearly as posslble oneehalfâ€"we re in hoepitsl. In the course of three months 600 men had been in hospital of whom only 205 had been considered fit to return to duty, the remainder being sent home or to other hospitals in the Mediterranean. These men, who have been condemned to garrison Suez, Suekim, and other Egyptian seaports deserves. great deal of sympathy. They have suffered almost as heavily as though they had been in the field, without any 0! the commutation: of native «who. BDMANCE AND DEATH. Mrs. Tom 'l‘humb‘s Wedding. Horses and Cnule Wnulonly Cut and slimmed in the Darkness. The most dastardly outrage in the history of the township of Percy, East Northum ber- land, was perpetrated Wednesday night. George Thompson and Jacob Oliver, return- ing home from a sale, stopped at the Arlington House and put up their horses under the hotel shed. Between 10 and 11 the hostler found Oliver’s horse bleeding profusely from a dreadful out in the breast. which severed the jugular vein. I‘he horse died shortly after. A search was immedi- ately made for the miscreant, but Without result. When Thompson returned he iound that his horses were gone. Heimmediately went home. and on his arrival found that they had preceded him. They, too, bore several gaehes, which shows that the Villain or villains hai attempted to take their life also. The halter was broken, and it would seem as thOngh their escape is due to their fright and efforts to get away rather than to the intentions of the perpetrators of this horrible deed. in the morning the greatet excitement prevailed, which was increased when it was learned that a similar crime had been committed about a mile from the Village. Two horses and a cow belonging to a. farmer by the name of Broadworth were found to have been butchered in a like manner. As yet no clue has been found to lead to the discovery of the inhuman monsters. No reason can be assigned for the diabolical act. The Goun- oil is talking of offering a large reward for information that might lead to the arrest and conviction of the parties concerned. Had they been discovered within twenty- four hours it is feared they would have fared roughly at the hands of the infuriated populace. Dr. Bain, Lord Rector of Aberdeen Uni.- versixy, is said to have been invited to become the Radical candidate for Sheffield. Major Bell, of the Bell Farm. N. W. T., hnejuat returned Irom England, where he made arrangements for the establishment of an agriculcurnl college in connection Wihh his farm. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, of New York, has very generously sent a dominion of £100 to the Dunfermline Branch of the People‘s League as an expression of his sympathy with its objects. Major-General A. J. H. Elliot, C.B., has been appointed no the command of the forces in Scotland in room of Major-Gen- eml Alastair MacDonald, who has retired. Major-General Elliot has had a. long and aomve military experience. He was present ah the battle of Balaclava and the siege of Sebnetopol. and has served through an Indian campaign. Mr. George Anderson, one of the M.P.’a for Glasgow, having accepted the appoint- ment of Master of the Mmt at Melbourne, the Gltsgow SIX Hundred met on Monday night, the 2nd inn. and selected Mr. Rus- sell, of Aeoog, as his successor. A Vienna. oable says ; A terrible scene was enacted at the circus on Saturday evening. Amongst the many attractions which drew a. large Mteudance was the per- formance of Zsth, the lion tamer. with his cage 0! periorming animals. Zath, who was a fine specimen of muscular humanity, in his silk tights and spangled jacketJeaped lightly into the cage and, armed only With _,_A:: .A__.L.'__ a small riding whip, commenced pulling the animals through their exercises. The cubs played their parts well; but the old lion was particularly sulky and remained growling in the corner. Zebh approached to stir the animal up, and just: at me same moment a seat in the circus tell and disc tuzbed the trainer's attention. In anec- ond the animal sprang upon him and tore him to pieces before any of the altendants could interfere. A slight) panic ensued and several women and children were injured in the rush than was made for the doors. A Berlin cable says : Prince Bismarck 3 states that he has been informed that the Samoan Parliamcnt has requested the British Government of New Zanlsnd to annex the Samoan Islands. Acting on this information be instructed Count von Mun- star to protest to the Brltish Government against what was deemed to be an infringe- ment of internstronsl agreements. He states that he has learned that the mem- bers of the Somosn Parliament are simply creatures 0! an English commercial clique. Your correspondent has since ascertained that New Zaslund has sent a. formal appli- cation to Lord Derby, the Colonial Secre- tary of Great Britain, for permission to annex Samoa, and hue guaranteed to defray all expenses. The consent of Lord Derby is considered doubtful in View or the new agreement betwaen England and Germany. 'l hose '1 roublesch Felons. I wish to tell those who may suffer from that terrible scourge, felons, of a painless remedy that will effect acute in twenty- four hours, as I had occasion to prove Within the last three days, says a writer in Farm and Fireside. A lady came here who had been suffering over two Weeks with a. felon on the end of her middle finger. I saturated a. bit of grated wild turnip the size of a been with spirits of turpentine and applied it to the tffected port. It relieved the pain at once. In twelve hours there was a hole to the bone. and the felon was destroyed. I removed the turnip and applied healing salve, and the finger is well. The writer 0: the above has seen this remedy tried for felons with success in one or two cases. Spirits of turpentine is a. useful remedy in several complaints. The writer used it last fall in a very bad case of sore throat by applying it to a. red flannel ‘ woollen rag and then put it on the throat. which gave relief in a few hours and a cure in a few days. Prof. Carpenter, a school teacher of this county, says an East St. Louis deapateh to the Atlanta Constitution, reports that yester- day when he opened his school-room he ‘ found it full of snakes of various sizes. The snakes were crawling all about the floor. on the desks, the teacher‘s table, the window sills, and under the stove. As there was not room for the snakes nlld the children, the letter fled pell mell from the room. In the panic many of the children were painfully bruised. It is supposed the school house being at the foot of the bluff the snakes at the approach of winter crawled down the blufi, and sought refuge under the house. The warm weather of the past few days and the heat of the stove ‘ thawed them out, and they crawled through l the cracks and holes into the sohooLroom. An old sayingâ€" " It you put milk in your tea. before sugar you will lose your sweet- hurt. VOL XXVI. MADIIAN 0R FIEND ? .Iu- Samoan Aunt-union. A Lion 'l‘nmcr Killed. [V] illlous ol sunken. Scollish News. A last (Sunday) night’s London cable says : Massowah advices say the rebals, reinforced from Berber. attacked Kasaala, but were repulsed. The Growerno: of Kas- uula states he can hold out ((5): some tune, and will burn the town rather than submit. In the recent; operations against Tammi all ponions of the torus worked admirably and gallanth on very difiioult ground, covered with high thorn bushes, and occu- pled by an agile and determmed enemy, showing that the troops are able to master the Arabs in any position. SUAKIM, Maren 22.-â€"The British loan 21 killed in Friday’s ergugement, including 17 Indians, and 4‘2 wounded. including 16 Indiana. The troops in the zsrehs st Hasheen yes- terday morning shelled and dispersed the rebels collected on the adjacent hills. The whole force, except the Guards, will advance at daybreak this morning. They purpose constructing zarehas at points seven or eight miles from the camp. The Berkshire regiment and the marines will be left to guriison the znrebae. the remainder of the troops returning to this place. BUBPRISED BY THE ARAB‘J. While the detachments of English and Indian infantry were making a zsreba, seven miles southwest of this place to-doy. they were suddenly surprised by a. rush of Arabs who had been messed und concealed in the defiles west of Heeheen. The Eng- lish formed a square as quickly as possible, but the camels, mules and horses were driven back in confusion on the troops, causing a stampede, and amid clouds of dust the Arabs penetrated the south and north of the square. Meanwhile the mnrines and the Berkshire regiment, who were on the east and west sides (f the square. maintained a. continuous fire. hold- ing the enemy at bay. while a charge of cavalry and the fire from the guns at the Hasheen Zirebe. checked the onslaught of Arabs, whim, at the onset. threatened a. serious disaster to the British. Gen. Graham reports the English losses, so (or as known, two officers and twenty-two men killed, 33 men wounded. The losses of the engineers and transport corps and Indian troops are not reported. TERRIBLE HAND T0 HAND ENGOUNTERS- Furious 5nd. Unexpected Attack by Arabs on the British. Camp Followers, Tran-port Employees llllll other: Ten-lbw (Jul lipâ€"Scenes ol Indescribable Conluslonâ€" steadiness nntl Discipline Wln the Day, and the Enemy ls Driven Back will: Great Loss. An unofficial eeiimate places the British killed an 52 and the wounded at 85. Nearly all the casualties were due to epeur thruth received in haud-to-haud encounters. The Arabs gou behween the tmusporh t-min and the zarebe and speared the men of the transport. corps and killed the animals. They foughn savagely, refusing to give or take quurcer. General MoNelll, who was commanding the zareba. reports vaguely than there were several thousand rebels in the fight, and that over 1,000 were killed or wounded. General McNeil] is blamed for not: taking preouubione against: surprise. The enemy began its attack at 3 o’clock this morning. They were repulsed, and the ground was cleared by 4 o’clock. The damage to transport material yesterday is Immense. The guards and artillery were sent to reinforce the besieged troops, and the whole British force remained in the field during the night. The camels and mules ware hamstrung by the Arabs. Scores of camp followers were out up. The Aruba scattered about in the vicinity inter’ oeptin the native fugitives. The appear- enoeo the yelling Arabs was so sudden that the whole assemblage of transport unimule,miz.ed with the natives, became panic-{stricken and surged on the znreba, making resistance hopeless. The scene was indescribable. The Arabs fired and crept in all' directions among the animals. The Hedendowahs swarmed from the bush like magic and attacked the zareba fiercely on all sides. The Sundanese ‘ coolies were mistaken for the enemy, and many were killed by friends. The Berk- shire regiment and marines stood firm and cool, and fired volley after volley into the ranks of the enemy. The naval brigade inside the zareba also opened a hot fire. The Indian troops held their own gallantly as soon as they were able to again close the tquare. Eventually, being unable to stand the rattling fire, the enemy disappeared as they came. Gen. McNeill drew in all his forces and stood to arms. The Hussars brought in the wounded. though menaced by the Arabs, who watched their movements vigilantly. The drsert is dotted in every direction with runaway ani- mals. The enemy’s loss must be heavy. The camp at Suahim was prepared for a renewal of the attack but was unmolested. Gen. Graham has received the pipe line apparatus to furmsh his army with a full water supply during their match toBerber. He will start on Tuesday to make the per- manent advance necessary to secure eueh oceupetlon or the country as will permit of the construction of the railway between Suekim and Berber. The Mahdi has sentenced many natives to death for not; revealing the treasure sup- posed to be hidden at Khartoum. Many slave women from Khartoum are being sold in the vicinity of Korti at one hundred dollars each. The Mudir of Dongola is being joined by many friendly Arabs on his march up the Nile. The Mudit's warlike activity is car- ried on for the purpose of dlsabusing the Arabs of the notion that hot weather will preveuu aggressive operations against the Mahdi. A SURPRISE PARTY. Funerals here in Germany, writes an American correspondent, are conducted very differently from ours. Instead of an undertaker a "women. “ todh frau." walks before the heavy, lumbering hearse be- deoked with blank nodding plumes, and carries one or more green wresthes on her arm. She wears a. long black cloak. Two or three carriages follow, and a. procession of men on four. No women,exoepb the one with the Wreabll, appear. Waggon-loads of green trees and shrubs are carried to the house to ornament the room where the deed is laid, end removed after the funeral. “ Why do you set such a tough chicken before me ‘2" indignantly exohtimed ufair damsel in a restaurant the other day. “ Age before beauty, always, you know, madam,” replied the polite attendanb,who well knew how to serve his employer uni a. tough chicken at the some minimâ€"Indianapola Journal. ‘ ' RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1885. Queer Funeral Cuilomn. Mr. MoGsllum denied that} Ontario or Ontario municipalities had any claim in this matter. If Elgin had given money to the railways it had profihted by so doing and had been repaid the money from the municipal loan tund. One listening to this discussion would suppose (tom what hon. gentlemen opposite said that Ontario was not in the Deminion at all. He declared that the municipalities of Ontario should not be allowed to rob the Dominion, and he would do his best to prevent such robbery. He was not afraid that his action on this question would keep him out of the House Mr. Bourbeau presented a. Bill to amend the Scout Act. He explained that it referred to certificates for the sale of liquor, and was to provide that reprint or minister should have the power to grant such eer- tificatee. The Bill was read the first time. Mr. McCarthy moved, in the absence of Mr. Cameron (Huron), the third reading 0! the Bill to provide that persons charged with misdemeanors should be allowed to testify in their own behalf. The Bill was read the lhird time. The debate was resumed on the motion of Mr. Wilson for the copies of the petitions from the County Council of Elgin, praying for a. general measure of relief to the municipalities of Ontario which have aided railways declared to be for Dominion purposes. ’« Mr. Wilson said that he had not intended to continue the discussion of this matter, and would not do so but for what had been said. Elgin had borrowed the money it had paid for railways, and had repaid every cent of it. The Municipal Loan Fund distribution did not help the county in this respect. He had not a Government at his back to gerrymander a constituency for his benefit, but under the circumstances he did not see why the honorable member, judging from past experience, should not feel perfectly contented. The motion was carried. Mr. Charlton movad the second reading of the Bill for the punishment of seduction and other like offences. He briefly went over its provisions. It made it a misde- meanor to seduce a woman of previously chaste character under promise of mar- risge, but provided that the marriage of the parties should be 'a bar to the convic- tion. It made it a misdemeanor to procure a feigned marriage or to inveigle a chaste woman into a house of ill-tame for the purpose of prostitution. Two years was the maximum of punishment provided tor. He said this was the fourth time the Bill was introduced. It had been fully con- sidered each time and had been passed by the Commons, but had been thrown out in the Senate. He would not discuss the measure at length, as he believed the mem- bers of the House had their minds already made up with regard to it. Sir John Macdoneld said that while he objected to several clauses of the Bill those relating to feigned marriage and the entic- ing cf girls into disorderly houses were sufficient to save it. Because of these clauses he would vote in favor of the Bill. The Bill was read the second time with- out a diviriou, although a. few members said “ Lost ” when the question were put. Mr. Orton’s Bill to provide better bank- ing facilities for farmers was read the second time. l I A Foolish Sorceress Condemned lo Twenty Years’ Imprisonment. The sorceress of Villejoint has just been condemned to twenty years 01 imprisonment at hard work, and alter that to twenty years of surveillance by the police. Last summer this woman, Pommier, made acquaintance in the church at Blois of a rich old lady, Mme. Duval. “I have suc- ceeded," said she, after some preliminary conversation,“ in discovering the secret which formerly rendered the sorcerers so powerful, and what they used to do I can do. Ican restore harmony and peace in the home of your daughter. and I can also, if you desire it. give you a large fortune; I have the power to make gold come up out of the earth like water flowing from a spring.” Fascinated by these remarks the old lady took the woman home with her, to Villejoint, a village two miles from Blois, and gave her the best spare bed. room. Then the next morning she gave her a sum of money. which the hag locked , up in a bureau drawer, and, handing Madame Duval the key. said: “ I have pro- nounced the charm, and as soon as 1 am gone it will begin to work; but if you should during my absence open the drawer the spell Will be broken.” The woman went away, promising to return on the fifth day. This she did, and, on entering the room where the money was,she exclaimed: " I am inspired ; I see all around me buried in the earth. If I had only four loo-franc notes, two of 500 francs and 2,000 francs in gold I could draw up thousands of millions from the earth." The sum she asked for was added to the treasure in the drawer, a crucifix was placed on it, another charm pronounced, and the old thief departed, promising to return on a fixed date. On her third visit more money, all the jewellery and silverware in the house were added to the pile in the drawer. On the fourth and last visit she gave Mme. Duval a white powder that was to be burned the following Thursday aiter she had carefully closed all the doors and wine dows of her room. “ As soon as it is con- sumed,” said she, “ the earth will open and give forth it‘s treasures.” Mme. Duval obeyed instructions. On the day and at the hour named she pounded the powder into a small crazier and a terrible explo- sion followed ; the windows were smashed, the ceiling torn open, the walls cracked, and when the neighbors rushed in they found Mme. Duval lying on the floor in such a state that she was supposed to be dead. On her recovery she was finally induced, after much persuasion by the local magistrate, to relate all the circumstances of this most extraordinary affair.â€"Paris Letter to the New Orleans Picayune. s__m____..â€"._.A..~_....Anâ€"4 ~nnnv¢~u DOMINNN PARLIAMENT. Beetrioe wants to know what the beau ideal is. The beau ideal is the beau with a. purse that will stand the Ice cream all summer and the oysters all winter; who will come when he is wented and go when he is not; who willâ€"~but ol the things that the bean ideal will cheerfully do and cheer- fully nut there is no end. Strive to attain unt-J him, Beatrice. The been real you will fiud rather a. ehabby fellow in compari- Bumâ€"The Judge President Barrios, the Guatemalan usur- per, married his wife when she was 15 years of age. He went to the convent where she was at school and commanded the authorities to give her up. He assumed 39.1)01d a front that they were glad to let him have her to get rid of him. He has seven nhlldnm. V . - FRENUII BUI’EBB’I‘ITION. The Bcau Ideal. Hon. 0. F. Fraser, in moving the House into committee on theresolutions ‘with reference ~lo new legislative and depart- mental, buildings. said: The question whether or not new buildings are necessary has already been decided this session. The House has. by a very considerable major- ity,’pronounced itself in the position that, having regard to the character ol! the pre- sent buildings, that having regard to the necessities of the public service of this Province. and that having regard to all the circumstances that ought to be considered, the lime has come when new public build- ings should be erected. So long ago as 1880 an Act was passed authorizing the Government to expend the sum of $500,000 on new buildings. The House is aware that subsequent to that vote being taken competitive plans were advertised for, obtained and remodelled. and that tenders were received by the Government. The House is also aware that the Government came to the conclusion that buildings such as were necessary for the requirements of the Province could not be erected for the sum of $500,000, and as the Government were pledged to the House that no greater expenditure would be incurred, no further step has meanwhile been taken. Now the Government propose to ask the House to be permitted to expend $750,000 for the erection of the necessary buildings, and the proposition is to amend the Act previously passed by substituting $750,000 {or $500,000. What we propose to do is that suggested by the Act of 1880, viz., to erect the buildings in the Park. By those who are competent to judge, it is said that that site is one of the finest in the Dominion for such a purpose, and I agree with that opinion. That site can be had for nothing. because it hon. gentlemen will look back to the Act they will find there is an agreement made authorizing the erection of Parliament Buildings there. That agreement is made binding by the Act of 1880. The plan pro- posed by the Government saves to the Province the cost of the site. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Mr. Fraserâ€"â€"This matter was some time ago fully considered, and it was thought advisable that, having regard to the fact that the grounds and buildings now occupied by the Eduoation Department are in every way suitable, and that it will always be an advantage to have the Model and Normal Schools together under one roof. the Education Department should be retained Where it is and so save the extra expense. For the erection of the buildings according to the plan of Messrs. Gordon & Helliwell we received ten different tenders from oon- tractors, all of whom were men of experience and all financially able to undertake this work and willing to underâ€" take it, so that they were in every respect the tenders of firstlolnss men. Mr. Meredithâ€"Might I ask whether the Education Department is to be provided fog jn Q13 new Buildings 7 Mr. Carnegieâ€"They will be tendered for again 92031339 ?_. __ Mr. Meredith differed from Mr. Morris in his views on the question. He did not think that Mr. Fraser had made out a case â€"first as to the necessity for the buildings, next that the funds could be provided with- out injuring the finances, and thirdly as to the site. He proceeded to criticize the statement that $125,000 to $150,000 would be needed for the erection of a new wing for the Crown Lands Department,and he quoted the records of the House to show that only 525,000 would be necessary for a vault. He opposed the selection of the site, and sug- gested that this and Government House block should be disposed of. Then there was a strong feeling that the public at large should not continue to support Upper Canada College, and while he recognized the great good that the institution had done in the past. you he thought the assets of that institution should be taken to support the University or some other educational work. He suggested, therefore, that the land occupied by Upper Canada College should be taken for the site. Again, it was a mistake not to place the Education De- partment in the new buildings. He pro. posed that the Education Department should be placed in the new buildings. and the Normal School put in the neighbor- hood of the University. If this land were sold with the other land then there would be suflieient realizsd to erect suitable build- ings on the present site oi Upper Canada College. A division was then taken on the motion to go into committee on the resolution, with the following result: YEAsâ€"Measra. Awrey, Badgerow. Balfour. Buskervllle. Baxter, nishop, Blezurd, Caldwell, ()ascadou. Chisholm. Clark (Toronto), Cook, Dill, Dowling. Dryden, Fell, Eraser, Freeman, Gibson (Hamilton), Gibson (Huron), Gillies, Gould, G10.- hum, Gray, Hagar, Harcourt, Hardy, Laidluw, Lees, McIntyre, MacKenzie, McLaughlin, Mc- Mahon, Muster, Metcalfe. Morris, Mowat, Mur- ray, Neelon, l’ardea, Phelps, Rayside, Ross (Huron), Ross (Middleaex), Sills, bunler, Waters, Widdifield. Wood, Youngâ€"50." ens . Brnder, Carnegie, Clancy, Creighton, Denison, Ermatingzer, h‘rench,Hum- men, Barn, H035, Hudson, Kerns, Kerr, McColman, McGheo, McKay, Meredith, Merrick, Monk, Morgan, Mulhclland, O'Connor, Preston, Ross (Cornwall), White, Wilmot~26. The House went into committee, Mr‘ Baxter in the chair. Hon. 0. F. Fraser moved that the sum of $750,000 Bhofiulq bq aubatifiutqd for $500,900: Mr. Meredith advocated the removal of the Education Department from the Nor- mal School buildings to the new Parliament buildinga when they were completed. HonfC. F.Ftasér opposed 'thla on the ground mm the present place was more convenient to all connected with the Department and all who bad business with it. Mr. Merrick urged the Upper Canada. College grounds being utilized for the new Parliamgngbtlildings. h > Hon. 0. F. Erase? said that was impossi- ble and absurd on account of the extra. cost it would involve. The motion was carried and the commit- tee 5053 and reportefl. Mr. Fraser introduced a Bill to amend the Act of 1880. for the erection o! Parlia- ment buildings. He explained that the only amendment was as to the amount of the appropriation. which would be changed from $500,000 to $750,000. With the con- sent of the House the Bill was read the first and second time. 7 Mr. Sills moved the second readmg ol the Bill t-o Incorporate the Niagara. Falls Rail- way Company. ._ Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) said it he had thought his name was destined to receive the amount of abstention from the public that it had he did not think it would have appeared in connection with this‘aoheme at- all. However,he was convinced that this was a matter so far as it afiected public interests afleobed them favorably. There was a. petiuion in favor of the Bill signed bye. very large number living in the locality. including the majority of the frown Council of Niagara Falls. and it. ‘afizi’ned that who work proposed would not WHOLE NO 1,394 NO. 48. in any way affect or mar the scenery of the river. From his own knowledge of the locality he was satisfied that this was the case. It was intended that the rail- way should be started at a point below the IOWer Suspension Bridge, while the terri- tory proposed as a park was not intended to come below the Clifton House, so that the park would not be interfered with at all. He maintained that the rail- way would be in the public interest because it would afford facilities of witnessing the points of interest along the river between the lower bridge and the village of Queens- ton. The opposition arose from this argu- ment, that a park might be formed and that this Bill might give a franchise that those who might at some time organize a park company might attach some value to. He could not help observing, and he thought he was justified in stating that the opyoai~ tion to the Bill had emanated from one source aloueâ€"â€"-the Canada Southern Rail- way Company. If any one was going to be affected by this Bill it was this company, because this railway would compete with the Canada Southern in taking the summer trafiic from Toronto to the Falls. A cer- tain promoter of the park scheme hap- pened to be the solicitor of the Canada Southern Railway Company, and the objec- tions to this Bill, if not emanating exclu- sively through that source, did so almost entirely: I‘lw Arabs Never Surrender. (From the London Telegraph.) As at Ten and Tnmai, the wounded Arabs refused to be made Winners, and great caution held to be exerclauJ in moving about; the field, not only to avoid the covert stubs (169.16 by the bleeding Arabs, but the rushes and outs of the fanatics who sham- med death in order that they might the more surely get a. chance 0! burying their wgnpons in one of us. Mr. Meredith read a petition from film town of Niagara Falls in favor of the estab- lishment; of a public park, to secure unra» striated access to the Falls, and against the Bill. Mr. Awrey contended that the petition had been gotten up after the strenuous exertion of. the Csnada Southern Railway Company. He stated that the inhabitants of the neighborhood were largely in favor of the Bill, and that a large majority 0! them had signed petitions in favor of the railway scheme. The El“ was read a second time. Mr. Wood moved the second reading of the Bill to provide for the better observance of the Lord’s day by prohibiting Sunday excursions of a certain kind. He took the ground that railway excursions should be prohibited on Sunday because they inter- fered with the peace of the people who wished to observe the day in aOhristian manner. Exploring along this wedy a party of our men came upon six dead and four wounded Arabs lying under a. bushy dwarf mimosa. tree. The soldiers had uninter- prstor with them, and the Arabs were called upon to surrender and come out. That they said they could not do; would the soldiers therefore come and take them. The tour wounded men still held their spears in their hands. “ Very good," said our soldiers, “ put down your spears, and we will see you are well treated, and do all we can to cure your wounds.” The question of the second reading was then put, and five members nob calling for the yeas and nays it was carried on division. The third prisoner I assisted to bring in, but he was hardly a. capture. {or the man gave himself up. He had a. Remington and War 100 rounds of ammunition. His story was that: he had been one o! the Berber- Eéyptisn garrisOu,nnd sinus the fall of that plume had been forced into the Mshdi’s army. He was glad to escape from them, he declared. and I muss say the fellow looked cheerful at being taken. A trooper ol the Nth conducted him to Gen. Stewart. He was our one unwounded prisoner! The answer of the four Arabs came fierce and concise: “ Put down our spears,infidel dogs! By God and the prophet, never 1 ” There was 9. crack of Martini-Henrya. You can guess the rest. It was again, as at Tab and Tamai, almost impossible to take prisoners, and we secured but two of their wounded alive. A correspondent of the San Francisco Bulletin recalls a reminiscence of the visit of the Princess Louise to Victoria. BC. One morning as she was passing by a little toy shop she saw two poorly clad urchins gazing longingly at the many dazzling‘ allurements displayed in the show Window. She stopped and inquired what it was they particularly wished. adding that if they would tell her she would buy it. Two cheap and gaudily bedizened dolls had attracted the children's attention, and the Princess stepped inside the shop to make the pur- chase. The amount was 25 cents; but, alasl the Princess had left her purse at ‘ home, and the little children’s laces began to fall as they saw their prospect growing fainter and fainter. Annoyed and vexed at the oversight, she turned to the shopman and asked him i! he would trust her for a little while. The old shopkeeper, all un- aware ol the identity of his royal customer. scanned her over carefully and finally remarked: “Well, yes. You have an honest face, and I guess it is safe enough." At weddings, writes 8. Hanover corres- pondent o! the Baltimore Sun, the bride otten wears black. We were at a wedding in the fine old Market Church the other day, at which the bride wore a black satin dress. white tulle veil with the myrtle (periwinkle) wreath, and the conventional garland of myrtle around the neck. These garlands are made by the intimate friends of the bride, and one evening before the wedding is set apart for making the Brent kranz. And it is observed in all classes. There is 9. oustom. however, in the Luth- eran churches of preaching a long discourse to the bridal pair just before the ceremony, and there they have to stand for nearly an hour. It seems as if all that was to be said to them could be done in private before the ceremony, Especially in such cold weather, when these huge churches are as cold as the weather outside. The result of the experience of the expedi- tion up the Nile has proved conclusively that even the most formidable series of cataracts can be surmounted at almost the lowest state of the river by English-built hosts manned by soldiers. For all practical purposes it may be said that above Dougolu the river and its shores were unmapped and un- known. The eha‘nnels and proper pilotsge of the river had to be discove'red'by the boats yard by yard as the force advanced, the passes and defilea found out and ezylorod by the Oavfllry. Trusted the Princess Louise. Bridal ’l‘oilels In Germany. Fencing is a very fashionable accomplish- ment just now among ladies, and some very pretty cosnumes can be designed. One worn by 9. fashionable belle is of black satin picked out “7" - “nun-wt" : and com Biflfilug, of Turkéou “AIS-Ora, :hora kilted skirt, with rows of narrow red braid, blouse with sailor collar of rod silk, term-comm stockings and a curious little cap of the two colors. At the court ball in the imperial castle at Oten the Empress Elizabeth of Austria wore a grey-blue brocade dress, embroi- dered with gold, trimmed with gold lace, and to this splendid diamond jewelry. The Crown Princess Stephanie had on alight green satin robe trimmed with pink tulle and silk, an emerald necklace and a diadem composed of pearls and diamonds. The Grand Duchess Isabella appeared in a green velvet dress trimmed With lace, and the Grand Duchess Clothilde in a similar red velvet toilet. The Princess of Sexe- Coburg wore an especially uncommon dress, a pink moire antique trimmed with lace and stripes of beaver on the long train; to this. blue velvet hows. The dresses worn by the young ladies who dancedwere chiefly remarkable for their simplicity and similarity; they all appeared in short white tulle or gauze skirts,with silk bodioes and only a little flower trimming. without any further ornaments. The latter were, however, especially fully and valuably made up for by the married ladies, who had almost unanimously chosen feathers and lace. We must not omit to mention that all the ladies were long white gloves reachâ€" ing above the elbow. Silk stockings are all the rage ior even- ing; open-worked or lightly embroidered in shades of one color to match the tullet. Plain satin or kid ahoea of the sums hue cub low are still fashionable. but the newest styles are embroidered in silk, chenille or beads, with a very small bow or coquille of narrow lace. v The scar! haawnow become the favorite finish for the peasant skirt. It; can be made 0! either silk 0; ribbon, and relieves the monotony of these new skirts.“ It‘ can be made to fasten either at the side or back, and easily made to harmonize with the rest of the toilet. The most brilliant affair of the season, thus far, has been the fancy-dress ball given by the Countess of Caithness. Those who remembered that lady when she visited the United States some fifteen years ago, may readily picture to themselves her magnificence in the garb 0! a medimval Italian duchess. Her dress, copied from a painting by Paris Bordcne, was in white stamped velvet, and blazed with diamonds. She wore a ducal eoronet in diamonds from beneath which flowed an ample tulle veil. The Duke de Pomar, her son, per- sonated Monte Carlo. His dress. fashioned like that of a herald oi the Middle Ages, was all in black and red, one leg being encased in red silk and the other in black. One of his shoes was red, spangled with gold coins, and the other was black, with silver coins. His broad hat. slashed and pufied like those of the soldiers in Faust, was looped at one side with a white dove, in allusion to the pigeon shooting at Monte Carlo. A superb costume, which was the creation of Worth, was worn by an English lady. It represented Night and Day, one halt of the dress being in gold tissue. veiled with floating clouds of pale rose-tinted and lavender gauze. the other half being in dark-blue satin, starred with silver, and with clouds of black gauze clasped upon the hip with a large diamond crescent.â€" Nice Letter in Philadelphia Telegraph. With plain plaited skirts are again appearing the narrow flouncea reachingpp tome waist, which in their materials, and to _ low-out bodioes with short sleeves. are esitecially becoming and suitable as ball dresses for young girls. 'Very few jewela are observed in the evening; bksru are leaders of fashion who wear scarcely any, ofihera who wear none at all, just as their own fancy dictates. fllnlnpropos. Things said and done malapropos are sometimes very amusing. Here is an exqmple : For spring, loose flowers. garlands, sprays, bouquets. ternsâ€"in fact. any designs from natureâ€"are reproduced in dress goods to please the fancy of the fair. On a. certain charge of one o! the Metho- dist Conferences in the Valley of Virginia there was a. change oi preachers. The newly-appointed preecher'e name was Wolf. Hie predecessor was a serious, solemn man, who could scnrcely appreciate ejoke when made, much less be guilty of perpetrsting one. This preacher was pre: sent with the Presiding Elder ot the district at the fi rat quarterly meeting. The P. E. requested him to close the morning service on Saturday in the usual way. Taking the hymn-book, the preacher looked tether hurriedly for a hymn, and read, with a solemn air : The hair remains dressed high in spite of all attempts to introduce an opposite style the front hair is cut short and Irizzed. The German ladies are trying to intro duoe orinoline again. ' It comes, of hellish malice full, To scatter, tear and silly ', It seizes uvery straggling soul As his own lawful prey. The preacher, absorbed in his reading. never noticed the amused smile that lighted up every face in the congregationâ€"Editor's Drawer, in Harper’s Magazine for April. Scotland is excited over a case of leprosy. The subject oiitis under treatment in ahos- pital at Edinburgh, but was recently brought to Glasgow and exhibited to the medical students. The occurrence 0! leprosy in Great Britain has caused the doctors to examine the history of their pro- fession in regard to this terrible disease. The old books are full of accounts of the appearance and spread of leprosy in the British Islands. Leper hospitals were common institutions in England during the fifteenth century. By a statute passed in 1427 every borough in Scotland was required to support a “ lazar-house." The patients were generally fed and clothed at public expense, but they were cared for by the Knights of St. Lazarus. an order which was specially instituted for this pur’ pose. King Dav1d of Scotland took great interest in the cause of lepers, and numer- ous laws were passed during his reign in respect to their treatment. Buildings erected to serve as leper hospitals are still standing. Large hospitals for the treat- ment of lepers were established at Glas- ‘ gow, Aberdeen. Greenside, St. Albans and Edinburgh. The records state that King Robert Bruce died a leper and that Henry IV. was a victim of the same disease.â€" Ohicago Times. A mesmerist named Townsend has hired “ subjects ” who presented themselves at his lectures in Chicago, and, under the sup- posed influence of mesmerism, underwent painful tests. One of them failed to get his wages, and exposed the fraud, declaring that the endurance was simply due to prac- tice and nerve. In the presence of physi- cians, and without any " mesmerism," this man was prodded with needles, burned with lighted cigars, and had cayenne pep- per thrown in his eyes. He swallowed the bittereat drugs and submitted to all sorts of torture without the slightest perceptible tremor, and allowed needles to be inserted under the finger nails or through the tongue without winning. Countess ol Cnilhnoss’ Fancy Ball. Latest Ladies’ Fashions. Menage“ Shepherd of the sheep. To ’1‘ as for help we fly ; The little flock in safety keep, For, 011 l the wolf is nigh. Leprosy in Britain.

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