lit ought to be a crime, for there oer-l - itaiuly should be a law of theland makâ€" ing such w'anton destruction penal. Such a law. however, will not be necessary if .peoplevill only follow the suggestions â€"â€"â€"----’r _ , , ' given 1 _ UM“ fmll‘" "me", mall“ "n b‘ feel certain that no farmer can arise from closed I“ the ï¬lm“ 0m“ a“ “110Ԡiâ€"' , an intelligent perusal of it without com- l. ling to the conclusion that he will either i M O R N l NC. ‘number of acres of what he has at pres» ’ t I‘m-9 ' _ G01“: south“ Si ' and ernment of the Dominion have on its above stated. not, by one or other of the countless a Fun by Rail.“ "rive. “ 1° 00 ,ars sure to support that political party all s , , . . rof woodland be taken into consideration way, arrives a“ m' to ‘have ( as some places have ) one or more Postmaster. and suburbs by tree-planting ‘P begin at (nee to plant forest trees on his ‘ Goingh’ortir, South. East. out. West, '3’“ ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ †' 6‘16 ‘ Statute Books a law to the efl'ect that d.“ ways within its reach, encourage the which is philanthropic enough to supply Evening Mail from Toronto by 8.15 lin the case of each farm that competes for llllllli HUUHSâ€" 7 . r 7.30 p. m We feel that the reviewing of this Richmond Hill, J uric 23rd. 1884. fsrrns or (if he has much of it in and We“ at. _ . . . . . 7A5 Ibush ) tbnt\ he will preserve a certain s not be amiss in many cases. Why should not each Provincial Gov- - It g‘ ' ï¬n, pgfl'. fer every hundred acres cleared so many “kingï¬mï¬ffï¬ â€œ9,. “wing, 13’ are to be under forest. Why should it , planting of forest trees by the road side ? .. All voters who traVel much in summer Morning Mail from South. West lthern with shade trees. Why should Yonge-street Stage, arrives at. 7.90 inot the extent and condition of a piece Night Mail from North, by Rail- lCounty prizes? Why should not every ,incorporated village and town in Canadal ' days in the year. called arbor days, to‘ M. TEEFY' be devoted to urns-renting their streets lsubjoct requires more time and care than The War in the North-West. .â€"â€"__â€"â€" We give our readers some information no, in all his attruclivé‘ness ' Straight. italsv'art.“ to the fight at Dock lake on Thursday last. ‘ and resolute. the Gre‘riadiers marched: lopu parley was in process beta eon Mayor .13 Mendy “9' a melt; 'myd'nppareutiy midi!" A answered. II MIX Pltipps's Report; fllld WC (.‘rt sier and Riel under a tin: of trues; the turbed by the tumult around them. bulb-breeds ï¬red on the police ; the latter old familiar "rd cm“ and me whim emu" V Twelve of (‘rozrer's party were l heltsl flow soldierly their wearers looked. to the station. Themegular British rpv‘» cost has lbng'bbvn it 'stranger toour criy. but in the Grenadicra he loot-ed up to-dny The killed. Crozier retired to Fort Carlton, I'l‘bev ("u-[it‘d their head; high. and they a low miles westward and joined Col. Irvine. Next dav. Friday. Col- Irvine destroyer! the fort snd'the stores in it and with Crczier repaired to Prince Albert. the main settle - lino-m in the locality, where he is now To do both these thing! would posted. The only means of communication with him is by courier westward to Battle-- ford and then by wire to Winnipeg. The situation it will therefore be seen is very serious: not that Irvine’s command is in danger. but that it will require a large force to subdue the rebels and bring in the ringleaders. The breeds are evidently bent on ï¬ghting: they must tight or submit. The next matter is that of putting down the rebellion. (ion. for large reinforcementsâ€"as many as 2000 men. As for as we can see he ought to look for as many men as possible in the province of Manitoba and the territory be» yond. The diflit‘ullies in the way of trans-- porting Ontario militia are quite serious. Til ISDIAh‘S IN ARMS. Orrawa, March libâ€"in the house of Commons shortly before midnight Sir Hec- tor Langevin read the. ofï¬cial news of to~ night from the Northwest given in two der- patches. The ï¬rst dot-patch says that all the Indians-â€"Crees and Stoneys-â€"ueder Chief Rod Pheasant are up in arms and that matters look most alarming. The second drsputcir says that Indian instructors I’uyI-e and Appleganh have been murdered â€â€˜ we can bestow. We have but touched . . ‘ . . m “d†TR‘IN TIME' upon a few of the topics which Moi-by lrgmm'hHi-e mite 1"??le the some NORTH. , , , . IJourn on caring e as .s Toronto. 7 55 it 45 s on Phipps "em-‘3 01.19.“! “dmlnfl’le RGPO" members appear-ed too sadly impressed to Thomhilly 3 5° land treats 0f. (00, In a most Interesting. care about further business. $5.3m“ mu 39?. ago manner. In fact, the little book is L_l’lou§dtupk;rz’p tribe “31.117156:an “"0"! 93° “5 “2 ' l'terar in its a with here until "'0 "‘90 - 0" ‘02" ‘1' t -"|i. 0 rq‘me l y W .Yr . y ï¬gï¬pggkgghdingl 31322 2 DO :32 r their a suitable verse and an appropriatel whom probably 250 warriors could he. had l The total number of Indians, nearly Crees, GOING SOUTH. Holland Landing, 8 13 . s 43 Newmnrket. s 23 ll 50 6 55 Aurora, 8 35 12 05 7 08 King, 8 52 12 30 7 30 . Richmond Hill, 0 04 12 45 7 41 r Thomhill, 9 )5 1‘2 55 7 til | Toronto. 10 05 2 00 8 45 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice~H B Dewsbury. : Executors’ Notice-Margaret Scott. Localsâ€"A. Moodie. C S lMcNoir, s: John dirt 83nd: Wraith Richmond Hill. Ont. -.._..._. Ne. ‘13: Whole No.1395: Volume 27. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1885. N0 TICE' T0 S UBSCRIBERS. The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. FORESTRY. Amongst the few good things en-l couraged by the present Government of Ontario is the annual compilation of a, Report on Forertry, a subject. mozc far reaching and more closely connected with the prosperity of the country than is generally supposed. The compiler is.‘ Mr. Ii. \l'. I’hipps of Toronto; and he has succeeded in giving us a book this year which is of absorbing interest,r especially to the people of this Previuce; it being distinguished from last year’s Report by having more particular referâ€"l once to Ontario, whilst that of ’84 was of a more general character. He purâ€" sues what is called the inductive method, drawing general principles from almoet rrumberlcss statements made to him by energetic agriculturis-ts in all parts of the country as well as from his own ob~ rervation both in the United States and Canada. His two main objects are to encourage the planting of forest trees and to pre- vent any further deforcsling. Apart from the greater attractiveness of a home around which suitable trees. are planted in picturesque positions â€":r con- sideration of some importance from a domestic point of viewâ€"Mr. Phipps vividly depicts the evils of ti sweeping process of doforesting. To this he} traces the exposure of homesteads and: farms to cold sweeping winds. the block- , ivg tip of roads with snow-drifts.daruag-. itzg floods in the spring, drought in l 'for the nation is to hold on to the scâ€" rthc Dominion, we notice that lit. Gooderham. owns stock classical allusion. We cannot do better than advise our readers, especially our agricultural readers, to procure the Re . port for themselves. We assure them ’that if they hut carry out its suggestions they will in a comparatively short time be more than repaid by the increased healthfulnoss oftheir homes and by the increased beauty and fertility of their acres. ‘ O. P. R. The session advances, and it is evi- dent that the question of further assist- once to the Paciï¬c Railway must in some form soon be before Parliament. All that can be said has been said already. lVe cannot stick where we are. with the road half ï¬nished. There is not the slightest reason for doubting the integrity of the President’s character, or the honesty of his representations,and ifhis figures are correct and his calcula- tion well four-ded the prospects of the road, as a commercial enterprise, are most favorable, and its value to the stockholders when it is completed. will be great. In that case the best course ( curity and make a further advance by .way oflonn. The lender] we have said. will not be of so much value in the hands ofthc Government, where it will be liable to tho indrfinite claims of the Northâ€"Western I’rovinccs as it is in the hands ofthe. Company who hold it as private owners. Bonds would be (xposed to all the adverse influences and fluctun . tions of the money market. Tr at the, Government will propose assistance of" some kind cannot be doubted. It must, complete the road or fall. This its: supporters will be told in caucus. and :r' fee will probably be paid to Quebec.; There will of course be a. raking ï¬re from the Opposition, which will be directed as usual not against the policy but against the contractors. Charges; of'scamping the work we are persuaded} will fall to the ground: the road hasl been solidly built, and is well equipped. â€"ll"c€7.=_. Government ‘Bank Returns. In takinga glance through the reâ€" turns of some of'our charter-ed Banks of! one of; the members of the family of the late‘ in the Bank of Toronto totlre extent of lâ€"lOtli part ofllro capital, and the family. name about as much more, and tho estate ofi the late Mr. Warts very near as touch. in the district to which the rebellion may extend is as follows: At Fort Pitt “90. at Edmonton 292i, at Carleton 1791, at Bat- tlef'ord 2423; a toral of 8325â€"probably one half of whom are warriors. WORSE LXI} WORSI. Wrxsirso. Man April l.â€"Tirs situation is becoming worse and worse. fire] is corr- tin nully receiving accessions. lig Bear’s band and the Fort Pitt Indians have joined him. It is also stated that in spite of all denials a number of Montana half-breeds. to whom he is well known, are takiuz an active part in the movement The Rev. Father Le Brat. of the Fort Qu'Apple mis» sioo, and one of the most peptilar and best informed priests in the country, says he speaks from puctiaul knowledge when he states that affairs are much more serious than the [maple of eastern Canada imagine and that ilt‘m between seven and ten thou' sand well-minted troops will be required to clear the country and suppress the rebellion 'r be movement. Ire thinks. has gone too far already to hope for an immediate pence- ful solution. -‘.__.. IN THE CITY. ,, The scenes of excitement on the streets. on the econsion of the leaving of the volun- teers for the seat of war, have Seldom been equalled in the history of Toronto. As early as six o'clock hundreds of citizens and uniformed volunteers streamed down to the drill shed, young ladies trumped with theirtlepartin-z lovers through the muddy "lads. while. mothers and sisters bra-'er fought their wav throuin the. bustling. crushing Crowd in order to catch a last glimpse of the sons and brothers who had so nntrly responded to the call of duty. At ten o'clock the crowd had become so great that they had lire-rally forced their way into the drill shed. and had to be driven out throwh the east door by a squad of infantry Al half-past ten n‘tlnclt the Queen's an bugle bur-d‘snurrtled the old nsaerribly cull, “dress for parade." lzllll imrntdinrely the soldiers, rho had been lounging about in moms-Lt were rushing about In every diver-.1 lion. stripping occasionally to say u hurried gnod~ bye to fi nis Shortly before ll o’clock the buglm-s of both regiments sounded the " fall in.†and in a remarkably short time the battalion: were ready for the march. The Q 0. It. were at the west end of the shed. and after forming into line nmuaed themselves by singing lintin " Roll the Chariot Alon): " 'l‘hev presented r‘. fine built asthr-ircnmpsnir us of the Grenadiern, looked frilly its well and perhaps in better- spirits. They wore the welL-km-wn dnrk tunic wi h forage cups and black leather bolts nr.d linen hsvprsuclrs Shortly after half-mast elven the oilicers c mprising the stuff came out from their gunners. nml l4it‘tllt‘.Iritil‘-r('(lltittt‘l Utter. stepping forward on the balcony. addressed ti 9 men of both recirncrrts as follows: . _ I SHARES. "Mount the Queen’s Own and [loyal rummor, and fertile lands changed into Gem Goodmymmmmg mm 3200 000 Grenadiers. you are how about to start on scenes of barreuncss antl desolation. All ‘ Wm Goodmymm ’414 41.400 3 “’1’†"‘“Y' Pm"? '0 l’“ a llr‘IZHfdMH-l "Ml this and much more he proves by tthA1f Umdfllmm 300 30 000 ‘ "ml-"Wm Jâ€"""’-.','l “fiddl 'lus'T‘" ï¬le" I I ,, ‘ - - g ' ' """ ‘ ‘ “Insureâ€"you W] n 0 Justice to your-- Obscnduon and Cchnmcc 0f himself ' M’s- 8- K3 Gomlerhl’m 40 4-000i selvrs and to the regiments to which you and many ,Olhers' , , , Iiobt J. Goodcrlinm... 98 9.9.00 belong. Ihnvo not much to say. bni l ‘Auonler lml'ormnl cqnmdf’mlm“ '5 lhe l Chas I]. Grinder-hamâ€, 379 37 900 trust you will see the necessity of preserving vane oftlrc wood which is ruthlesslynem-y Gnoderlmm.._, 385 38 500' lbs: strictest disclpiire. You are now on destroyed, its value not srmply as fuel, 9 Wm G Gondprhnnhu “0 “.000 itciit'l‘ service, and the country looks to you but as material required in factorieiAlbertE. Goodmlmm H) lmmltn m-t with steadiness. pr-nlnpiiude. and where itenterslamely into the articles ‘ . r ' r- .. ' . It'llll'tt‘n't‘ ‘0' "MP" “'9 li'l'ish Soldier ll"! nanny-acmred 1;. ,his commcliou he Il‘lstdto OrJ' G' “ or's' 1:48 1:4‘H’0 . been famous. You will. I am certain. ren- ‘ ii II]. II. Beatty...... -00 40.000 5 dvr all the assistance von can to your (if-- shows how, even as fuel, wood iuav be! made almost as proï¬table as any other s-mp and how a piece of woodland may be. made an inexhaustible source of ï¬re- 1 wood ; and where the wood is such as is . required by manufacturers it is,of course, l more profitable still, and ’may be mado‘ equally'inexhaustible. Every one knows! how scarce wood for fuel has become, but r few are aware of the difï¬culty of obtaining ‘ it. for industrial purposes; and yet Mr. Phipps shows that certain trades are suï¬cring from this very difï¬culty. From a pecuniary point of view. therefore, simply as n utilitarian considerationI it ' is evident that dcforestine: at the orâ€"l dinary rate is simply suicidal. As to planting,’ the information given is simply invaluable. The best. methods of proâ€" ducing trees from seeds. transplanting from the nursery. the kinds of soil and aspect best adapted for certain sorts of plants, their cultivation, beauty, uses, 5684 $568.400l We also ï¬nd the Central Bank busl 154 shareholders on the Hill and at Patterson, representing 815.400. Vaughan Plowman's Associâ€"l ation. The annual trusting: of the share; named Association was held at. Palmer’s Hotel, Maple, on Saturday last. March 28th. at 2 o’clock p. m . when the folâ€" lowing persons were electtd Officers and 3 Directors for the present your :â€" President, Alex Cameron Viceâ€" Prcsidrnt. J. C. MeQuarrie ; Treasurer, James McNeil ; Storetnry, W'm. T. Robinson ; Assistant Secretary. Alfred E. Krï¬er. Directorsâ€"W H Clubine,. D Kinnee, TV Kirby. F Kelli-r. T Mathe- ron. A McNeil. ll Wilson. R llloLcan,l T Jackson and A McNaughton It is. the best time for felling trees for various not the intention of the Society to holdl purposes, how the wood should be, a match this Spring. but intend makingl seasoned, the prices it will bring in the preparations for holding one during the market, etc, etc.. all receive duo attonâ€" ' coming;r Fall. Several suggestions were tion. In fact, the Report is quite exâ€" ,' offered, which will no doubt prove bencâ€" huhstivo. j ï¬cial to the success oftlre Society. The For the deforesting done by the hardy , meeting then adjourned to moot again at livers. and if you burl: to endure hardships. us every soldier basin his lime. you will hr ar it like (‘anndi am. like soldiers of the Qutrn. It is ‘uipt-rlani lliut the men of blllh regiments maintain the friendliest footing towards each other. There must be no bickering. jealousy, or petty quarrels You go r-ut tugelber as comrades iii a comrnr-ncnnsc. and] am certain you will act as comrades from the start to the end. In conclusion. I would solemnly warn you against taking intoxicating liquors. Whisky is not needed in this expedition. and I hope it any of'yon have any in your canteens you it that the Queen’s Own and Grenadiers have no use for it.†THE MARCH THROI'GH THE STREETS. As the hands on the city hall clock rue" lull upon therats of the listening crowd. 'l‘nronto's contingent for the Northwest had begun to move Out in East Market street the scene was indescrib- able. Weeping women. wild, excited men, and troops ufyr-lling boys faced the men as they quietly Slrd out of the armory and began their match to the station. As they swung into King street. with the band play- pioneers of Canada there was some ex- Palmer’s Hotel. Maple, on Friday, June ruse; for not only did they ï¬nd them-.191h, at. 5 o’clock p m. solves surrounded by dense forests, thel hints of the bear and the wolf. but stern ’59c'demfl- necessity, the demands of nature, comâ€" A mm'd' “f mmh'm' ’" 3 "Wm lem" if?de every NOW or the wondnmnilf 330" 'ago, by which one of his knm was severclv .m- firrtuers now, however, there is no injured ’ excuse; nay. their defer-eating (where Yellow tiny do not plant ) is simply a sin; ad ' plete relief. statts that he met an net-idem some time scene been witnessed in our thoroughfare. A few applications of flagyard's gallant ï¬ve hundred marched along. and Oil afforded immediate and com- fair hands shook blessings ing "Auld Lang Sync.†the crowd cent up a wild shriek of delight, so rapidly passed hiring the line. " Here they come." Never ince that dark day in ’66, when the some regiments marched away to repel the Fenian: at Fort Erie. has such a Every window in the street was filled as the . out of handker- ‘ chiefs all the way from St. Lawrence Hall 5â€â€œ: Middleton is asking, had reason for it, for seldom has so fine a body of men been seen our streets. They were the pick or the regiment. and a fine .selection of room aild pluck it was. Fol-- lowing came the Queen's Own, in their nest attire of rifle’men green. epic and span use new pin. There :was an element of sadness permeating this scene of sxultution, but no signs of it were visible in the faces of those who so willingly stepped forward to obs-y the call of duty. At the junction of Church street the crowd sent up a mighty cheer, that completely drowndcd the music. and let all King street know that the Northwest contingent was moving forward. At every street corner the cheer was re~~ caredâ€"a long. ringing. heart cheer that P I no trio-loss rnnnrrer. brightened up. and in u†npprurmrct'. Hid although not as heavily marked the llrur of half-«met eleven the; _ . eastern doors of the drill shed swung open. | peol'le rend "dwn'sflnenm' rind the strains of " The Girl I Left lit-hind l ï¬nd a ï¬lm" adl'orll’l'lg burglllns "levy, r Ibusiness man will feel that. he must do d the signal was “he†made one’s heart jump and the breath to some hard. , . Not a man in that vast crowdin windows or on the housevtops. but would have thought it the highest possrble honor to Wear that honorable uniform and mar-ch off with the boys; not I. worrian. whether Weeping behind the rich cur- tains of a con logo or caning from the windows of e. work-room or factory, whose heart did not no out to these young men who gave up every-- thing. molhcrs, s‘sters, sweethearts. and the comforts of home to travel more than nthousnnd miles and suffer thovicissitndes of a winter cum. psigu in on inhospitable countr , to establish order and punish transgressors o the law. But while the citizens of this city rejoice that the men-were so prompt to obey the summons to the front, and gladly, eagerly struggled ’ for a. place among the chosen few, it must be‘ remembered that their deport" has brought tears to sunny rt ï¬reside and fillet main~ a. fumin with Kimmy (oars. Parsing ’I‘liomns' and the large stores in l Marching in front of them and bah mi them was a tumultuous throng. yrririci rally volunteers in civilian dress, who shrieke with joy. Cheer upon cheer went up as floral tributes were show- ered from the windows or hairdo-'3 to the men as they passed. ’I he crowd pressed forward. thous- ands upon thousands. and as the line swung into York l“treat there was scarcely elbow room. It l , that block, the men were again loudly cheered. l ., 165.1. 0 ADVICE 'ro MOTHERS. Are'yop disturbed at night and broker} of your rest by n‘ sick child Bulletng and crying With pain or cutting teeth 1' If so, send at once and get a. bottle outwit Wmsu‘tw's soowurgm Br nus non (inhuman TEITKXNG. Its value rs incaicui abld ItTWiil relieve the poor little suff rer 'tmn rnediateiy ,. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it, It cures dysentery and diar- rhoea, regulates the stomach ar-d bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums. reduces inflamma- tion, and gives tone and enert'y to the whole system. Mus WmsLow's Soo'rrrmo SYRUP you CHILDREN TEETHING ispleusunt to the tnste,aud is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States. and is fornale‘b all druggiststhroughn 9|“ the world Ifrico 2 cents a bottle. ' . g, [E m I‘lm.mwav's Prr.r.s â€"i‘hnnges of lem- 'peralure and weather frequently upset per- sons who are most careful of their health. . and particular in their diet. These correc- tive. purifying, and gentle. aperlent Pills arc'the best remedy for all detective action of the digestive organs. They argument the. appetite. strengthen the- stomach. cotyect brliousness. and carry off all that is lroxrous from the system. . Hullowny's l’ills are composed of rare, balsams. unmixed with bmr muff". Ulld 0" Ill!“ “(K‘Ulllll HI'E peculiarly well adtpted for the young. deli- cute. and aged. As this peerless rnedrcnir- has gained fame in the past. so w-ll it pic-o serve it in the future by its renovating and l invigorating qrmlities, and the Impossibility TEMS... . priestess Suits mails to’order’at' Alex. Maudie?» . SPECIAL lines in black and colored Dress Goods. Splendid value at the Fire Proof. ' HELD Gumâ€"The School Reports for. the thumb of. M srch,sre unavoidably held oyer. untilrnext issue. Asssssnvo -â€"Our "iiopiilar Assessor, J. Wf Elliott,iEsq., is making his annual cells among 'the' villagers. MI‘LESIAN -AN Dâ€" ORI‘O LE l WILL STAND FOR MABEi‘l AT THE“ 0" 8 TABLE 5, OAKRIDGES. HOLIDAY.~To-morrow,Good Friday, being a public-holiday. the business places of the village will be closed. NEXT Murmursâ€"The next meeting ofour Village Fathers will take place in the Council Chamber on Monday evening next. 7 FLOUR and General Feed atthelowcst cash price at Alex Moodie's; Ssnvros a'r Marr.s.â€"â€"A Church of England service. will be held in the Masonic Hall. Maple. on Easter Sunday, Imported “Mrcxsv Flt-w." don "Maura HAMPTON," has been the best horse eves- liurdlos in America. and his record in this style of racing has never been beaten either on thin Continent or in England. ORIOLE. now 5 years old. by r‘am thoroughbred n are “ Momma. " by irr-ported "Tm; TFL’I'ER," grand dam by “Var PARAISO." is for appearance and speed aid- "Enm CHII',~ of its doing harm. l was exactly '1‘.’ o'clock when the contingent wheeled into the planar at the Union depot. TE)! EMBARKA'I ION. When the regiments arrived at the Union station they foundthe building and yards ï¬lled with people. The two special Canada. Paciï¬c railway trains, ten cars each. and drawn by now- orful locomotives, were standing on the tracks of the Esplanade just south of the station The roofs of these cuts. as well as those of rt couple of freight trains. were crowded to the edges wtth men and boys who had climbed there to get a good view of the embarks tion. 01: the south.out- side the platforms of the station. the University students to the number of about two hundren', were formed in two lines, and passed the time in waiting the arrival of the brigade in singing their Caflcge songs. The strains of "The Girl: I Left Behind Me." and "Auld Lang Sync" were heard coming from the direction of York Street. "They're coming "was the cry thsth started and passed from one to the other until every one was pushed and surging and yelling and shouting in their endeavor, to get sensor the trains as was possible. The Gr ' 4ier to the south of the two trains and halted. Their came the silent Queen’s Own; headed by their band, and ugie band and pioneers. They took up their positions on the north side of the trains. The three rear cure of the train on the north truck had been already ï¬lled with the 87 from the Infantry School under command of Major smith. They bud marched down from the new fort and were comfortably settled in their seats and their knapsacks and. other accoutrements hung up. Alter standing beside their respective trains about fifteen minutes the order to embark were given. Immediately the women who could get near their boys rushed to them and throwing their arms about them burst into tears. Thiswns a most affecting sight. Grief grew contagious, and straw.’ men. grey-headed fathers tilled out their handkerchiefs and wiped away t in tears as they shook the hands of their sons. perhaps for the last time. At last, every man of the contingent being on board, the whistles ,cf the locomotives were blown to announce that the trains were ready to start. It was exactly twenty-dive minutes past twelve by the Union station clock when the wheels slowly begun toxevulvo, uud the cry, " THEY'RE nFF l. " went up from every throat. '.l’ho speed of the train quickenod ; the volunteers c'owded to the windows, and. thrusting out their hands, receiv- iugparï¬ug shakes; the bands. which won left at: home, started up " Aniri Lung Sync "; hundreds of men ran along beside the cars; thousands of hondkorchiefs waved from the windows of the station and other buildings; the women talks begun to cry in good crmrcst; bats were thrown up in the air; cheer utter cheer and shout ufttt'sbout rose from the throats of the ï¬fty thousand rotpie. tltrrc assembled; hoquots were thrown into the windows. and Toronto’s best. blood was cone, to be short, if necessary, in putting down the rebellion. THE 12111 AND 35TH HALLED OUT. Orderslmvo arrived from Ottawa. calling out the. will Buttu Simone Forresters ) and the 12th battalion. of York, for immediate service. The 35 battalion are it very strong corps. and one of the best country regiments in the province. 1t numbers ten corn men if necessary. â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"= A HAPPY ltIAN.-â€"Blcsscd is the man who doth subscribe for a paper and pay therefor. “Ills feet shall not be for- saken by his friends nor persecuted by his enerniesmor shrill his seed be begging. Blessed is he, that walkcth into the other: ofn r1t‘tvrptrplrrr,b‘(‘tl ,even rrrtert-tlr the sanctum and pain-rift: year‘ssubserip- tion therefor. He shall learn wisdom day by day and be. exalted above his fellows. He shall talk tnnwiuuly upon all subjects and his neighbors shall be astonished at the muelrness of hi~ learn- ing. [Io shall not cmrtrnot bad debts nor lose good bargains. Ile shall not r-lmll behold the notice of the collector and he shall bring his prodnCts to market wlnn the prices are. exceedingly good and withhold them when the price descendeth. He'slrull not. lay hold of red hot pokers. for the knowledge of metallurgy will teach him hot iron burns! Ills children shall not vex him or his wife wear the brooches. ponies, and will turn out, 500 ' pay additional per cent. on taxes. for he' Exnouroas’ Norron.â€"-_-The creditâ€" ors of the lets James MoNnir are re- quested to send in their ' claims. etc. before Friday. the lot of May. as the executors will not be; liable rm- n‘iry clar‘mslreeeived after that date. See advertisement. Ir YOU want agoed Tapestry Cirr- pet for 40¢. per yard, go to the Fire Proof. Mon-rum Car-rm. Farmâ€"An ex- ceptionally ï¬ne looking lotof Cattle. Sheep. etc, was on hand at the monthly Uattlc Fair held here on Wednesday last, also a large gathering of people Only a few sales. however. were made. as the prices asked were a little high. AGRICULTURAL Sr.ctsrr.â€"-A meet- ing of the members of the Agricultural Society was'lreld in the Lorne Hall on Friday nicht lust. for the purpose of clearing oflicers. The old hands were appointed, except. in a few cases where removals necessitated a chance. Another meetini; will take place to-morrow ( Fri. day) night. Lacrtosss Cowonnr.â€"'i‘he chros-e boys have everything arranged for their 'grand annual Concert. which take place on Good Friday evening. They have secured excellent talent from room, Deer Park. Eulington, Thornhill. Springhill, Patterson and Richmond Hill. and we trust the boys will be greeted with a bumper house. THE CHEAP Cash House are agents for Matthews Celebrated Self feeding Safety Lampâ€"Call and see sample. ENGLISH Orrunorr.â€" Service will be held in the Eucliin Church in this village, on Good Friday evening at 7 30 ‘ p. m. and on Furndny next sacrament will be administered at the usual service and the ringing ably assisted bv the. members of Trinity Church choir,Thorrs hill. 1‘ The onnrleestrv Meeting: will take place on Easter Monday at 7 30 p. m. TENDEns.â€"Scalcd tenders will be re- ceived by the lluiir'litltr Committee of the West York and Vauchan Agricultural Societies up to 7 o’clock. p m.. on lThursdny. April lfitlr. for the removal of the Agricultural Hall in Woodhrirloa to the new fair grounds. Speciï¬cations and conditions can be seen at the ofï¬ce of Wallace Iirrrtlrers. Security will he. required. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ricer-pted. Guitar Cnsnrr 5%st A great Cre- ldit sale of anllnble Farm Stock. Imple- ments. etc. etc, will take place at Lot . gum grlrrrtis’trrrrrrts. No. 4, 3rd Port of Vaughan. on Friday. April 10111. the prnperty of Mr. Michael C urrants lb l . v ' ‘ . ~13 Fisher. 'l‘ennszâ€"Soft lVood. Sow I but.†a It “kills 3": 3 as I’rgand all sums of 8l0 and under. 0 ntmeal 8 ‘ . l cash: over that amount 9 months credit Sugar 5 “ "5" on fuml l'r r ‘ 'd v' ' I . , . . 2 a nil}. apputh Jtllnb notes. Baking Powder, 1 packet. .53, 3 Sale to commence at I2 o’clock, sharp. Y 088‘. 1 l'flcl‘fl- ' 3 Lunch provided. Sale without. reserve A Princely Fortune. A man may possess the fortune of a prince but ('ttil lever possess livpltllrt‘hâ€˜ï¬ withorrtgood health; ins-enri- u'bich the blood must be kept pnr-r- nnd rvvr'v trr'gnli ill proper action. llu'dnek Blond Bitters‘ l ADVERTISE.~â€"Tlre best business man in the city of Albany is reported to have said that he spent the most moan for advertising when people felt yoo‘restï¬ "' that is the tin-.0.†he said " when. If thevl l will leave their old places and go to thel 1new. and the new one. ifit is smart. will r as the proprietor is Eckardt, Auct. Goon value in Dress Goods. Wines-ts and lobster Shinings at A Moodie's. Finn ---On Monday evening last. about 9.30. o’clock- our villagers were giving up. Salem l purify the blood and regulate all the organs. startled by the ï¬re alarm. and in a very ' will throw it out and touch not a drop ofl ' H 'l he tyne soldier needs no whisky. so ‘ few srconds the three departments of our Fire Brigade were on the road to thercene of notion. It. was discorered that the ï¬re was in the residence of ill r. Jesse Good.on Mill Street. near Wilson's pond. and the road being greatly drifted it. was some little time and after a great deal of hard work. before the Firemen not the engine t.) the spot. When the Brigade arrived the house was in flames. l but the ,men quickly ran the engine on lthe pond and had two streams of water lplaying on the ï¬re like a flash, and in ‘less than half an hour the flames were i keep them every time. The old-fashioned things in a modern style if he Wants to . . ____ M M» V» N ___7 1 mitted to be superior to his celebrated am, April 5th, at 3 pm. All are invited. " s ‘7 . a W. C. T. U â€"The next meeting of E [3 TERMS. the. W. C. T. Union will he. held at the Ton ONTâ€. 1 Pool... 3:: residence Of ; M rs. '1‘“ San‘lfl'm“ 0“ THURSDAY, April 2, rm. Mares taken to pasture and carefully attended Tuesday evening, 7th met, at 7.30 p. m. , "am H “mmâ€, “mm,†lite on t‘casmrnblo terrxzs. Tm; Boar R Clixâ€"Edward tianran, Waughâ€... p... m, H u - .,.,,,..,, H. [mm-my; 53'. amp“. I the Canadian .on. smart. was, again do» Barby Sums do: u g ’ . “Mamaâ€. yank" feated at Sydnev, Australia bv Wm 0M.†qL'jj. 4n Mar-11 "$1885. but Peach on Saturday last, by six boat. ï¬g? :gfu-W ._ . WM.» â€".._._._.. ..-___..-. . . o s, D . an . . momâ€..- arr one . w , “"9"†The “""“"““°° w" “ .5::7r.....‘::%:.:::..,..; m. . r. . M res FLO RA COULTER TRY OUR Teas. 25o up to 80c ; New Mutton,bythccrsrcase,por100nm... 39 co, '. ‘ Uhickens,per pair a.) 91, '13 PREPARED To GIVE | Prunes at Alex Moodte s. gueks,peribrncn :3 ‘1 =3, _ , 0889.030] . . . . . . . . . ‘ .I ‘ .V NOTICE â€"Mr H B. Dewshurv elves Turkeys,eucii t ‘2: 2 froi Isiah-SONS IN 1V1 UbIC. notice that he has sold out his Harness “"“t’rlxr‘zglfrg 3,, Richmond Hill.Feb mu, l855. _ Business to Mr. George McDonald. and E f nip dgiryâ€. :2; - - -â€"â€" .â€"â€"-- s res . 07 - v that all accounts not settled before the £53063, 1mm“ (1 (.7 o p , GEO. F. [1"Y, Ist of May. will be placed in court for gizggl’lrgl'ï¬n : g :ng . . if ..... 2.5 40 " v °â€""’°"°" S:t‘:f;¥§:..":l. “‘? ..... r. 2. r r»... Vetermary burgeon ! Fm“ BR'GADE M laminaâ€"Th? Turnip“ per bag o "n ‘3 Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, ' " ' ' Carrots [er do 40 5‘ monthly Fire Brigade Meeting. which mm Pr†mg 5., 6,, ~ . TM a “h “u should take place to--morrow. Good {invalipptpgr baa - 1'0?“ x; 2:: Ofï¬ce & Resl'lellce'rp,Distal-imam: Friday evening is post oncd for one mtg..." “ """ can to 'o - - . per. ton.... 0 _Day and night util- week. ' p .0 .3 , P. 0. Button vrlle New“, mum“ Wool tier lh .. Feb 2nd. 1885. ly l - m, iSTOVES groves. I have a few Parlor Cook and Coal Heating Stoves which I will SELL AT COST Also rt number of Sleiglis and Skates at Cost. Envo 'l‘routrliing of Tin and Galvanized Inn. Custom work prom} tly attended to. CHARLES MABON. Richmond Hill. Jan 7th. 1585. m3- .â€".. Having sold out my Harness Business to Mr. George licIlmmld, I lieniry rite rotic- that. all Marmot: not settled before ) ItlI‘AY, MAY ist. 1835. will be placed in Court fr r l‘ollt‘ctim). . H. B. DEWSBURY. Richmond Hill. April lst, less. ~ti4, EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Under and by virtue of Revised statutes of 01'- tario. Chapter iO‘i, motion 34. the Creditors of I r: r1 r; F Mlt- JAMES 1\’I(2N:\Ilt,l O C 0 I D133 BLUTION . TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership 'n 'lie County (f York. Farmer. Deceased. who do] on or about the zitth day of July. it“. run curried on for some time post by tho undersign- l ed under the ï¬rm name of ' a H. Sanderson 8: Sons l ’ Has been Dissolved this lortlym tifudtc send iylost. )rre; aid. on or 13th DAY JAN†1885, before lcoiisont, the sol ior member of the Friday. the lst of May. and that. .1 II (t: W A Sanderson is Now next ensuing. to the undersigned Executora of the personal estate of fit - said James Alasdair, their christian rmd surnames, addresses n.1er orirpmvererl to discharge rttnl settle all doth to turd by the said partnership Signed, descriptions, the full particirlu‘ s of the ir elui .s. l I’Ali’l‘llill‘illli' NOTICE. rt statement of their accounts. mnl the nature r-f We the. undo-sinned ltnvn cntrrcd into Partner- thn securities (irony) hold it: thoi-I. ’rrrnl that. immediately utter the said lst (luv 01' May next, 'ship under the union and style of Sanderson , llros , and Will continue on the Old Business can the assets of the estate of the shirt James arc- Nnir will be distributed among: the parties on- l ried on by the late Firm of II. Sanderson 6: Soul. ' Signed, titled thereto. linvinu reference to the claims of r which notice shall lirtvo br'n furnished to the J. H. SANDERSON, V. I. \V A. FANDERSON executors as above required ; and the said ox" ecutors will not be liable for the said assets or N. I; â€"â€",’.li parties indebted to the late Firm of II. Smith ram. & Suns rro lrrrebv ratiï¬ed that all any part thereof to any person (‘1‘ I‘NS‘ "‘3 (’1' whose claims notice. sh rii not have been recvlvul accounts clue must be settled on or before the Int ’ Day of Mart-1r. 1M5, after which «late, they will b. by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at the Township of Vrtuulimr aforesaid i ‘ - - v placed in our Enlieitur's bends for collection. Lessons on the I’m no and 1 5mm, Residenceâ€"Opposite Presbyterian , this twenty-eighth day of March. A. I). 1585. (Signed) ‘ v v, SANDERSON B308. (.burolr, Richmond hill. Richmond Hm, Jun. “m, 1585. m3 larch 25th. 1&5. MARGRET C. S. lia'cNAIIl, JOHN SCOTT N O T ICE l All parties indebted to the estate of the LATE ROBT. SIVE R S, - Are requested to settle their Accounts on or Wrrxnss, E SNIDER } EXECU'I‘ORS. Richmond Hill, P. 0. i-tâ€"ri, MISS ETTA BAILEY ' -WILL GIVEâ€" Organ. m-n iron curious ANEUOLnS Y «vs (30.“ r‘OU'S‘iirâ€"rrr LINsr'ITV. ,r X. A"Ill§"('(l, Sour ('iilrrrutlytm. r V_ I7 A Y’S (‘0)! POUND. :r demuloctit X ‘ r-xprott-runt. ftirrd'ullvi'lrs and C :lrltt ‘ r: {.7 A Y'S l'(.l.\l l'l‘lUN IT for Clluuhs and; \' tv‘riris, is equnlly sorvioerrbltrfor Horses, out! before the - ' (1â€. “u ‘ 16th Dayoprnl next. l r’ A Y's“ TIT? Nourrrlgia, Faceâ€"ache. Ass. 7 r ‘ ‘ Else the some will be placed in Court f-:r Col- 1’“ 0.\ G“ lilXI‘l.â€"- Ct-‘mt‘nt. ill-r Broken lection. ‘v/ Articles Fold m'ery‘nrhprv. ' H . S IVE RS. Richmond HillJth March. i885 s-Lesaos. a on. ’ Seed . and Produce Merchants.-. Corner Front 8; Jarvis 8138.. TORONTO. S A L “I†We can now furnish Fine Barrel Salt at 0N2 DOLLAR ’P’ER BARREL! ' And Finest Quality- of'Dniry 'Salt. at a ' DOLLAR TWENTY PER BARREL, At On r Warehouse. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 1 Choice Alsike Clover Seed. All parties wishing to buy or sell seeds or choice seed grain, will ï¬nd it to tlreirndvantngo to call upon or correspond with us. VSTEELE LEGS. :8 CO. V ONE swrm with the current", -:â€"â€"-:-.-:-: The Cheapest and Best. tat-ennui of 1's purity and concentrated 2th and great Irowr-r- over disease. Burdock lilo: d Ilitters is the cheapest and best blood cleansing loniqphnown for all disordered conditions of the blood. On I more money than: at anyth in also by tak. in: an agency for the best sol in book out : wlflfegluaers succeed zrsudly. one full. I ‘crms free. nu.LG Econ 00., Portland subdued. Owin't: turbo place having caught before the family wore. aware, and the scarcity of help, the building was almost a total wreck. Some ofthc contents were saved. butthe greater part, including a piaho and some silver-- were, were consumed. 'Mnch praise is, ‘due the Firemen for;thé"inanner in which they worked, and also to. Messrs. Redditt and Savage for theï¬way they handled the men. The lossiis almost covered by insurance. ‘ N. Bâ€"We are agents for the EMPIRE HORSE 8L CATTLE FJUI). Please Semi for circular which contains testimonials from leading Feeders and Stock Raisers in the Province It is cqunlly valuable for Stock of all kinds, horses. cattle, sheep. pigs, &. poultry. Dairymen always ï¬nd it largely increases quantity and quality of milk. ' , git. Fq till, Toll-l, it?†with , r1 us. I specific in; - Solo Makers.â€"KAY BROS†Stochport. .Eng.