. ."- ARRIv-ING ALMOST DAILY. AT ’THE F co‘l‘?‘ )1“ ' .l'I STOCK LARGE AND WELL sssoRTED ..l . - l...‘ - EVERY‘_'T£INE, , A S'PE‘CIAfliY' ESAAC CROSY.'1 LENT s COR IN '1 ONTARIO HOUSE , _.â€".Is rusmltuv you 11‘ WITH Aâ€" LARGE STOCK OF FISH Ofull kinds, consisting of White Fish. Fultucn 'l‘roul, Finuuu lindtlic, Bloulors, Lifrm-k Fish. Imhrndor Salt [lot-tings. Fri-ch Suit Water Ilrrtings, Siscnt-s, Dried llcrrings, Etc, I‘Itc. Also in i‘lourdz Feed we have a large stock Such as 'lirst-c Fun.in Flour. Buckwheat Flour. Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Oatmeal, Coruuwal, Km. * Gnocuuucs, noo' AM; SHOES, aw. At viciy low rates. Call and sec for yourselves and confer a favor on “ Eâ€"I.&LL. Richmond Hill, February llth, 1885. Plï¬l’lcsl Fictiosj &:Sl PIANOS I UPRIGHT AND sQUAREE Are cmmlructixi iron. the very lust Muleriulu hr (‘Xpm‘IPUCFd Workman, mm are fully ' oq'ml in point ..l t ’h’W @Cï¬ls ;.,-;;Qix V-KErQ-L‘ ‘ ' (WA/o c ‘L(‘ C.“ r ) 96-) (:5 . « 1;“ .1, H at, \o‘ 7V \\ / END To the high priced Alnuticun Instruments. '45 ‘ a é) _,_ TESTIMO .L " IAALE. Hunts. R. S. WILLIAMS 6; Sox's ‘ TORONTO, Am.“ 12th. “BL GENTLEMHN ~I have much 1:1(‘nsnro 1n testifying to the grout cxcolfoncv of yLlir l’innos. put thou} several: to the-Lust, not] ï¬nd :ltcm pus~ ‘e .‘ those (XIIIlJitips “1- un†and mm,“ ccptuble to the Lrue ItlliSIcnurnntl lovvr «)fcluss,mxlmu.~1c an charming: singing tone, Itetl from the mollndelicato pianisqu to every (league of loudness and l‘ulncss, nnswars rcudily tolevery shade of totaling. I consider these instrumenc u grout acquisition in musi" ï¬nding a. piuuo which 1 can Iccommcud wish pc- I um. Gentlemen, yours very truly, . iul society, and on) fun: conï¬dence. CHAS W.EWING, (Of London. England.) Organist. of St Peter’s Church. Goburg, Oil TORONTO, Nov. 4th. 1852. “3551-5 R. s. \VILLIAMS dz Sovsâ€" orlimmlship of your Pill nos, 1 huv ' urc (11qu to those of any OHM (-..N'1'sâ€" lluving thoroughly cxu‘nincd the W )mting tin", In in} opinion, tnv ‘ I ’ Icun only speak in tho Sulllt‘ nigh terms regarding lhulr 11151. . ing cnu-ubiiity uf lone, plensnnt much, use, nt'e foreign instruments, when our homo untc I am glad to hour (but the cxtenSIvo Iucceus that, I think you ju .u y ilesuve . I um. Gentlemen. Your Obedicnt Servant, cul qiinlttles ; such. that. [I‘li rc‘ sewn: ' uisc can produce Fitch Piano», and at uno- sulc of your instrumean shows that. you hrs In GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. "f "owlâ€"“fer- T- ‘==x=â€"â€"_===â€"_ W0 make a. special style of Organs in large quantities. 1-11: captionclly low rates. tuyments arranged to suit the “an of years. For full particulars write to Venue 8t. “reroute. â€"_nâ€"- l WILLIAM . 8. OR 226 Dundas St. London E PR00+ I huve Hull evo'y \Vcénhsd so no“ ‘J 11 Sanderson, W C eusily nrndu†and it touch which ' much pleused M second and fourth Tuesday of such month I e no lu-sitution in ‘rs oi the bust Makers til-1t I huve seen for their ï¬ne lull slug- s to he no necessity to purchase" :hird less cost acting with the l i.†I all d are therefore uch to offer them at; ex 1 Cino“. B R-cdd‘itt. P convenience ef purchasers and sureud over a Mcc‘mflghyn Clerk. M T66 s.l . , Woodland-g6 'Jbttmés‘. ‘- ‘ . 'alE'ITOIIR-Our Own Com-mummy s NM." F . 'Our village has been very quiet for sometime, past. ~ _ The ice on the rivet; Humility being ovcrl '3 fret. n'l thickness and drawing nca‘rztlze time ofyear that we may ex- pect it soon to go, .a large. flood is looked fun; IWhal .soft~.wlea.t|1cr.thas dome. al-. rtéady, a considerabe damage .haswbeen' done to cellarsywilh, wa: y 'Carpculcrs'_ 1 liave ' Ichtnmoftced , ihcir c'otltracts‘ on n‘e'iv Buildian um, sagging. to b'e'crccted hcrc this sunliner. I ' On Saturday night. quite an uproar by a crowd o.I1vyoung men and boys blowing horns and ringing bellsshouting, yelling and, singing " we will roll the old Cliu‘rict along,"- Councillor, Mouuscy, who‘linppe'tied to be closé'al hand. soon, putluistop to such an unlawful gatherâ€" ingifl mu"... ., . M r. James Harper from Ridgel'own was here on business _ll1is week, and loo‘k's hourly: ’ Dr. J. Orr, brother of' Dr. R Orr, Maple, has bought. Dr. Grunt. out, and will commence in his new ï¬rll‘l in about ten days. We wish him success and a good practice. . Birthâ€"On Tuesday morning. the Blst ult.,tln:u“1:'c of Charles “7 tnillcr. ol'n-dnuulltcr. . . 11);: Tuesday Division Court Was hold in this Couri Boom. his Honor Judge McDougull 'presidin‘g. 'I‘wulvc ciises‘ heioucullcd. but only three were deâ€" fended. one dismissed. and one ad’â€" 'jou'rued. 2 cases were judgment. sum.â€" tnousordcrcd to pay so much per month. In'aull lite cases judgment was given for the inlnintifl's. The Court lasted about an hour . , ~ The ’illnge Council willnieet next Mouduv nil-ht, in' Slochl‘iliics' 'Iustilule Hall. at 730 p.tu. Woodbridgc, April 1st, l cATARRHâ€"-A N'Ew TREATM‘EiIIT. Perhaps the most extraordinary su cams that has boon u‘chicved in modern medicine llns hoeu attained by tlJeJlixon ‘Er'onunent for (lutnrth. ‘ Out of 2,000 patients treated during Qhe push, six months, fully ninety per cent. huvé h‘aen cured of this stubborn malady. 'l‘hisis none the. less startling when ii: is remembered thut not live rcr (mutant. patients presenting thethsclv‘es to (2163' ragltllir practitioner «Ire hour-ï¬tted, whilc the nub] out. medicines and other advertised c‘n’réu never record :1 out-c nc nil. _ Sturlinu with the claim now pr-Iwrnlly believed by the most scientiï¬c men thnt the disease is due to the presence of living Parnsitcs in the tissue. Mr Dixon at once nduptctl his cure to theircxtcrmitmtionâ€"this 1mâ€" cmpplisht‘d. he cluims the Cuturrh is pruclicully Clerq, nut] tho permanency is unquostioned, us cut-cs éflected lvy him four yours ugo nro cures still, No one else. has ever uttetnptetl to cum Cntuu'rh in this mummr, nut] no othor treatment llus ever cured (Jiltilll'll. Th: applicutitm of the' ' rotnedv is simple. and can he done nt- home, and the present senson of tho your is the most fuv~ ournblo for u 5pc.ko und pcrn‘mnont cure. the tnnjority of crises being cured l'i’ one irPlltu]8Hi-V Fulforcrs should or rrespond with ' Messrs A ll DIXON &' EON. 3 ,5King street, west, Toronto. (Tunmlumnd enclose stump for their treatise on Columnâ€"Montreal STAR. - 7‘..â€" was created in the 110th end of the town l , Wallace,, . . . . .. ., - luflrr entlttg..sngnel_lnws.m llvï¬lull‘ {rod fem , * *Sir.-â€"It gives ‘A Skilfnl Surgicï¬li'.0r§mtllï¬i ..The 'Aiuer-imu V" Iii!!!» Mr. Kasson, bu. lull-Iv . torrwurdeduo in: ‘1. remarkable surgical oneruliqn ,glltloly .l P,"- fuvlned hy, ,I’tol'nssnr liillttvlli, g9! dining; which. wondwl‘ul.,lo loll, l‘tll;$l\‘l;efl.,,llll . lln removal of u pol-lion 0t" Ihc lumransllmnnch, involving ncmly tillag~l.l1itd if, this orallyâ€"- and. strange to sliyqlhe pulunt regovqrprlâ€"g lllle only successlul. operulion, clinic loud lever: performedâ€... The disease for Winch ,this operation was 'peri'ortnod‘ .was 't'mu'eâ€"r ;‘ol"lhe.slomuch. attended with the-..lkillomnu Ls’nnptomsrâ€"J‘he appetite sis qnile poor. )‘I‘hilre is a peculiar:itldesmilmhie: distress: iin the stomach. n leeling th has been de-- ‘scribed as a“ffl1itlt 9‘ all gone"_ sstasnlmu ; a. mucky slime;co|l:ecls3 about the ileclhn 135-- l pct-inlly iu‘fltho. morning, ncrottmuiud._. by Itun unpleasant latte. food fuilalunisnnsfy .tliis peculiar faint. sensutiutry-butn-on l-le lcbutrnry. it-upreursvlo ismgnuvu-tetlhc fresh: 1 mg. ’l he -eyes~are.=sunken, atitivcd wtlh yellow: the hands undul‘e'el .hecome‘cnlll sud. stickyâ€"4y:cnlth~ perspiration; ‘ The sufl‘erersleel tired all the limp. and sleep does-not seem to give twist. ~Af'e'r ‘ l't-iule lhc [yulietit hecmm‘s nervous und irriluhle. glonmleis mind ï¬lled with Pril forulmdin-JA W hen rising suddonly from u ‘t'évntnbpnl ,ltosiliou llioro is n. dizzim‘ss. :1 ‘M‘llisliing lsesulmu. and he is obliged; to gutsy some-- 'lhinu littn‘ to hoop ' from falling, The lhowvls elnslive. lhuï¬l-‘iumdrv avrl-lhol or times; the hinnd .lleqotn‘itlg {hit-k nan 'utugtmnt. 11nd (loos not circululo. proporlla; , Alter ‘1 little the [llvllit-rlli‘fpi‘ill upl'lr‘nhrl soon '1 l l mcnied ctmdi‘liull.g'aomrhnrfi R‘A‘Gfl'ls’h' l lhe unite. Oltbnulitnés illegals .3. 7,1.lnlniln - lu’lilin oilhe Ill-ail. nnd lhc~ [Muir-tilt l‘f’il‘gi he 'msiy llliVI‘ bikini 'di’ï¬ousc‘f‘ _ ‘tr lust the pullout is’ tumble to .wlnin any food whatever, its-life opening in lltq'itltps‘liues bl‘l'omos close, or hourly. so. .Alilmuch- this disposer-is. indeed :1 ’lurmiuy,‘hummus‘ wilh the ulmve’unnluid‘ sytnplt’ytn's should not feel lieivous. for. nine. .lllllltdrt‘liwlllllfl‘ ninety-mince CHEFS out nfn tlmusu‘ndflntvo no Cancer, but simply d‘vsmnsi: ‘ :{iimune' cal-Illyrvmm'kd il'llr'ul'ed'ii‘l it pro; _ .nnuuu-i.‘ 'l‘lw m‘rnl untl lnssltettwtly for the discus? is Soigcl’s i‘urvl’livn So I up. n vigotfflélf'lu‘ej-- plunlinn spill by all (‘llEllllsN :undqnw‘lil-ino vondurs Ihtonghoul llw world; marl fliy tho p-‘oth-lmu. z\,.,.I While ( Hollis-d; l7. Fut'riugdmlrond. Loudth Id. (3. This I gylup Bllllflfï¬ M llw Vcrv l'otl134312i’giillolf~ lln- ’ dist-use, mid drives it, root 'und ~b2 Inch, oul ofth synlrm. ‘ ‘ '«j' " '» Siflla’ry’éslrnet,’ Noveznbor __, nilr‘,.fl(’ht liluasmhh’m (in-i, Mrm volt 'Ill' tho hiillrlil i. lfll\‘teâ€~izi’lc'é\'lat‘iirl lrnm Seigel’s Sl'rill’kf’ l have brnwtll'B-‘ouif.t«l for' yours with dyspnï¬siu; h Terr-91' dos-es of the Svrup. I l'nnntl-w u; taking lwo bullies of il l fusiqililé ‘ I am. ism-"nu ,, Mr. A. .1.â€w1me. ‘ J" ‘ William I‘m-rut. . . ,_ Sag-ilemlieifllit. '88 Dear Sinâ€"l find the solo oi," izcl's synm String-Hy il’il't'wusiug. .Allfv‘x , , Eliuvo triod‘it sl-enk very highly or its 'mé-diciuul vulnou: oiu‘y'cnstouw‘r deactilics’ig' its, in " Gndsond-to dyspeptic people." I always recommend it with ('Oni-iderce. ‘ ' " ’ Failhliul yt-urs,l.r.. TIH’: BOY.â€"â€"If his sister is kissed by anon", he is always the person to “it- ucssthc performance and tells of it he" l'orc a crowd. lie is ulnars the one to Eire to the world the fuel lllut his sister uséspowdcr ind \tours false teeth. and is 32 years, old. If thch is .1. morlgnge on lire. place. the hoyrheurs you spool; ot‘. ' mid then goes around talking about us though it w-oro something lobe pointed in 'with ptide and pleasure ’I‘Irerylhiuu‘ you say in the bosom of your family that should not be repeated the boy re. - punts, mid always has the faculty ol' ml- peating it at the wrong time and to the Wrong person. l . M...â€" . , Rom] RIX calms for postugo, and )9- . Ft-oivc fruo, ucostiv hos of goods which ,_.willhelp you to mow money right. uwnv than anything' rise in this world. All, of either sex, succeml-Imtn ï¬rst. hour ( Siam-fl ) .Vincent. :9.» AV gimmick-Denim, Mot-I'll} , To Mr All White , ' I I h‘oigol‘s Opt-ratio: Pills vn'rl-tho‘ 'ho‘st‘ fumiiy physio lhul lnts over lwuâ€"il'dis’mlwrml 'I'lwr ole-nus:- lho lhvwcls‘ Tllntnill‘ ilr'i'f’u'linL' suhslauci-s, ‘ntud leave ..llimn .ivr gfllliï¬zgllhy condition. ‘ :-'I‘.h'eyr~r.ug;a (Hu-Hivwmgux ’7 Preston, Si»;rlg.g_2‘lsl, My Dezlr‘Slréâ€"Your Sylnp umli’llng: ‘uit- . mill rely pointlur \V’lilJ my. i'llSlvlllmlS nun-y saying lhey ms.- the host lhunly I'll'llWlll'llll‘S‘ possible. I ,_ . , '. . . The otlmr (Ir-IV u t-usmmer. cums for. lwu bottle-s of SVlllp and sold ‘* Mother 'f'éeigoi†had snwd llw life of his wife, and" he added, "10116 or those hultlcs I 71m sending: ï¬llet-r. lnilvs nwm‘ In In friun-(i who is i'f‘ry‘ ill. I lmt'o'tnlu-h I‘nilh in it.†7 ' I’ y 'I luv sula lump: up \romlexlrrllpili fact. one would i'unoy ultnosl ill~‘li the . pools» ,. in .0- V The brand loud to fortuna opcnshehwe th.: work- 01's, uhoolutcly sure, At once address, TRUE (1’ Co Agustu Maine. *Where to Keep It. Kecp it in your family. The heat romcdy for not‘idcnlu ntd mnergcncics. for llums 32(23glllé...lillli~0§,- Snwrosss. Sore 'I‘hmnl. Crnup. lihyutn'uism. Chilhhiius hull Pain 10.- Sotottcss ol'ull kinds. iiljirm:tulllx‘e'llnus -lrcnling.tetn.edy, ilugyurd‘s Yellow Oil. 1 .__~_‘ I tor working people, Hand in cents Dost-- ' A E Pugs, und we will mull you free It royal. ' vuluulnlo sample box of goods thut will i lantyuuin tho wuy ofmukiug morctnoncy in n few (lot 5: than \‘0‘1 cvrr ihoughc ymssillle at any business (‘styzi‘ul not required, You crm live ut. home run] '-\'0Tl\ in spur» time only. or ull the tnm'. All of hath soxs-s. cfull ugvs, gmmlly suc- I-essiul, 511 01111:»: to onsily mum-d cvvry (-von- ma. '1 lint all who wont wotlc may lost the busi- ness, we woke tlt? ntlptu‘ullnlcd (lfll‘l': ’Io nil who ure not well rntisï¬vd we will send $1 to puy for the trouble of uniting “5, Full particulars, directions, etc, swnl- fri‘l‘. Innuense unv l'iJSOIl‘it-O' ly sum for all ,who l-rtnrt ut mica, Don't. delay Address STthm: 6:. Co 1’-.-.1~tlu.nd Muine c.--_.___ V Shire to Corquer. Thi- mOsl illellh‘lsllllve Cough is sum to y"e‘nl il' liuwly ltPulHl Mill] liuuvmd‘s Po-c- 'nl'ul Huh-tum. P'casanl to lake and safe far young or old. v 0131312 h -._.__ CHURCHES ROMAN CATHOI.IO-â€"Sorvices : Thornllill at? am and Richmond Hill ntlll 3041,â€) ; the following Sundnv lit. Richmond Hill tit 9 run. u‘nd Thornhill at. 10 30 11 In, Rev It‘uthcr Egon, l’uswr. PnnsnY'rIarJANâ€"Rowices nt 11 n. m. Atnle’io pm Pmyormocting on \Vcdnesduy evening at 7 30 Rev J W Cameron. pastor ST Muir's (EPISCOPAL.lâ€"â€"Sel'viCeS at 3 p in, ex- cept. the third Sunduy of every month. when the scrvice and sucrumenf- are held School at I 3pr m Rev W Bates, Rector METHODIST-Services at 10.30 u m, and 6. Sui;th School at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting overv hut-sting; evening at 9.00 p m. Rev. W ll. Burke)", Pastor. Rev W B Booth. Assistant. . SOCIETIES , :ICruzoNn LODGE, A. F (b A M, No 23, G n Câ€" Mects in the Lodge Poom, Masonic Hall, on the Motzdny on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock, pm A. J. Rupert, \V M ; H. A. Nicholls, See. I O G T.-This Lod uy evening lit. 8 o'clock p m A. O. U. \V., Ivr Loner), No. ll 4.â€"-Mnets in the Committee Room of the Mnsonic Hull. ch‘JV ‘ ,ut 8 given for y. Muster o'clock-p.111. Beneï¬cury certiï¬cate $2,000 In case of death. Issue Crush Workman. B. Grennun, Recorder, R. T. OF TEMPER.\NCE.â€"Richm cil. No. 43. meals m the Temp alternative Ttlosduy evening a Ileneï¬ciury certiï¬cates is $1.00“ or in case of death in case of disability. J. Councillor. th: BnIaAbm.-Regulnr meeting ï¬rst Friday I Every month. held in the Council Chamber, t 4 p. m. Mempership tree. Certiï¬cates issued to members mulling them to certain» privileges and exam )tvions. J H Sanderson, ' . . A. Nicholis, Secretary. "' captain '11 ‘ MECHANICS INs'rI'rv‘m.â€"Libmry of over 1000 volumcs open every Tuesday evening. in the lMamnIc_Hnll, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. \Vm. Pugs- llav, Presxdenz. T. F. Mcllhhou, Soc. B E Law. l l rm'rl Hill Conn- eruncé Hull. ouch £8 o’clock p. m. sued to members for $2.000. one hullnuynhle H. Sanderson. Select 0 H. l l Librarian. VILLAGE COUNCILâ€"Reeve, Wm Pngsley ;Coun- G Engage, W D Powell. F v ‘ Brannon» HILL CORNET BAND. lice In the Lorne Hall eve , the st, 130 o'clock. 0. Bongo. â€"Cfl 't‘ agmy even- 'Slnanish Town, Jamaica, \Vosl‘lndirs, ' . , , fl . .,.., , ' ~, its-re (lo-rived great helth from ".hlltgol s M ll 'utn Sunday which I did.- 3"!» m remain, your); lospoctl‘uily. ge meets in the Temperance l â€"Meccs for prac- . werP ill‘gluhing lo lnrniil'usl. (limp and sup on Mother Seigol's Sylup. tho (let and is locatisluul und lhc sulislnclttm'so Luv-all. ‘ i l mu, dem- Sir. yours dutifully. . (Signor!) V To A. J. While. Esq. . ‘ llowke'r. ' i . ocrf'z‘l. llsszy I ., Dear sou-4 “+an incur“ .14.. unit Syiup " For sotnc"_\‘c:tm I‘iillll'egf’zillil‘ciml lirlm livor complaint. with us Ihfn‘w nlédl vuriwl concomitant F'l'lls, s4» 'tlxnt'l‘tn‘v lily wnsa [-crpvlual misery. r 'l'uvlve. nub-Ills nun l was induced Io lty tut-L'le «S'VHIP, and utlhough rullwr sm-picul. ll?1\lll__\! .l-ii-tl so lnnny reputed ital'nllihlu too'ml ..l (hm‘ urn-it ed lo' give vi loasl :1 lair ll. l, 1:», , [no or Iin'c’t‘ duls I loll i-utlsiclexul)‘\â€lu-llpr. III-(1 now at the Mn] oi tuvlvo mouths ( l):n‘â€"-, ing continued inking il ) l mu L-Ind v‘lo suy tlml lum adillrmlt luring llllllgvl-lwr, h is said of (wt-lain pros lhnl IIIIA)‘ .~- mm“. M a boot: and :1 blessing to mot." :1an I limo.- no H‘llsUH to doubt the tlullll'uluoï¬s of lho stun than! i can truly 1-H}. lv-tiovm-.'llt;tl Heigol's Sylllp has come as u " Mn.†hull u Messing†tonne l ltuvi- ll‘L’(‘IlHlll‘i‘(I¢-'¢i n to sen-ml l'vllowâ€"sullierms from “this diaâ€" Iyessing complaint, and l'vrir la>liuinny is; qllilP in nt-onrdnnco with my own. . (il‘ulin lode: for tho' benefit lhuvn lio'tivdd l'mm the t-xct-llenl propmuliun. protttpts’nie In furnish you will] lillS unsoliriuâ€"d lostitno‘nidl 1! tun. (lt'lll' Sir, it‘s . Yours over grub-fully l . ,7 , g... . (mmmd) (why in In ., . A.G. “llilt‘. I‘J-q. linplisi M . Ilonsinuhslm, “'hilchuvou, ()cl 1852. Mr A. J, “hilt- “Mir Sinâ€" I out»: for some Iitnc Hmlcted uiIh pilvs. :mtl "Wits 'udn‘ vised lo givefllmhor Serge-Vs Svqu n ll‘l‘yll. l mu now happy in slnli- llllll. it has restored me to complete ‘ lis..lh‘,-'-I ' (Signed) “Jot... swig-litres: ' not?» And Comfort. To The Entering}. ‘ ' “ BROWN'S IloUEnoLI) PANACEA "11.131111. 0.un for roliM‘ing pain. boil] intoruul and external It cures Pain in tlIe‘Side, Buck or liow‘els, .Soro .’l‘llroutt. Rheumatism. toothncho. Lumhugo und l any kind of u l‘uin or Ache. “ It willmost surely quicken the. Blood and Hold, us its acting noweris ’ wonderful." “Brown's Housohold l’unucox,“lu~-- ing acknowledged ns‘thc grout. Pui’n Relieve ,untl of .louhlo the slreng h of any other Eli .r or Liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, “ us i'ttit‘eully‘is the l l qcst mmedy in the world for ~Cl‘flrlllllsnin ,tho stomach, und Pains mid Achss oi all kinds,†and is for sale by all Druauists at 25 calms-u. ‘bof-Lle 5' ï¬Â¢ ii mi. A Coed ,Cuarant'oer V I}, n..(.‘m~l1run. drugulst Iliuizcnslcr Wrill'ï¬ that he has guaranteed ow' hotlles of llutdoolt Blood liil’fEl-s for dvsiw'psiu. luilioua .ntlncks null. Iliyt-r. and kidney troubles. In no (-usrs- lmsdtwdmny-l ipuinlrd those who usrd it. In, Canada it give‘u thé sums general salisfuoliouw " 5 cents postage, and by mail you U’UUUWUI get free In pitcknee of goods yof large value, thut‘wm‘s‘mrt’von in work that will at once hung' on in Inoiie'y faslcr than anything else in Auto cu, " ‘Alinltqut the scooooo in. resents With-leach-‘ho'x; "Agents wa‘ntéd‘everyw are, of either sex, of all ages. for p l? l. o . l. ,_ ---â€"-â€"-_.â€". l t In presants given away Rena us i l l 'UioVémmenl nu inlerestjttg,,,s,ccuuut ,of _p_ , Sanderson Eros; p. ul'ds’lli'c ;' , J. 01x=1'i'.nsq. Toronto. May 20th, 1834. TFINANOIA L AGENCY l .Goluluills ilcugllt and Sold !, i 3 RICHMON \V A L I l P A P I5 R .» Wlnlc lit-ml. Ulls nnd 'l'uriwnllue. Try our 25c. Tens. ' .Ask for nnnn'e. Plus. ills. Will. 79. Quoon Street. London, Ii. 0., Will ho glad to correspond with Apple Growers. Merchants and Shippers, With a view to Aututnu and Spring Business. They will also give the usual flicilis'l tics locustnmors requiriugudvanccs. 1 London, July 3lst. 1884.â€" 9» In innit. mm or ..CAsAlu DAVID BLAI‘J, EsQ.,-rresitlent‘. . SAMUEL TREES, ESQ, Vice-Presxdont. DIRECTORS. ' Ii.CIIIs-.u01.n,it. 1). 1’. llfl’. DWIGHT, ESQ, D. ilI.I\I('DUN:\LD, ESQ. C B, lill‘iIN~()N. ESQ. A NollluAN HOWARD. ESQ. A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. _ . __._. RICHMOND HILL , SA‘VING’S DEPARTMENT Doprsits received and intcrcstv :.llo_wcd thereon . 111 current rules. No notice ol.w1tndruwul re" quired Drnfts on :11] ports 01 Cuinttlu, L 111ml ; Statics and Grout. Britain bought. null sci-.1, v , _. J. n; LAWRENCE, MANAGER Richmond mu April 0th, 1081. l l l l C COATSWORTH 6:. negative, ‘ J ' ' Q; '6 (O ‘ ‘ gluing-rm, Mï¬lilli is. ' ,Norliniss; Coxvtrmmn , OFFICES : 15 York. Chambers, No 0 Toronto Street. IM'. ()NISY '1‘() 1.()1XN. E Comrwott'ru. JR. FI-Axx lionons. Toronto, Nov 13:11, 1334 au- Ferguscn. Bain. Cordon & Shtptey,i Barristers, Attorneysut-Luw, Solicttut's-ui-‘ f‘lnttlccry. Convcvzint-err, etc, (lilie(-s- luipcnul ‘ Bunk Buildings. Wellington-street, 'Iurouto Jam: Lint Gnu F SHII’LE’Y .- l ImMAs FERGUSON, Q.C. WM Sis-rim Gonnox, P. O. Box 255-! . HALL. FULLERTO Durriziers, Solicitors, d‘c. I8 I King; Street East, Toronto. Lichmczd Ell Post (ï¬e: Every‘Ss‘curday. W M Hull, J S h'llllci'tOII. \V Cook. PRIVATE FUNDS 'I‘O LOAN. N & COOK 3 0mm. 1 ly-pllm ’ nullsth s uranium, V . . | Bar sters. SOIICltOl‘S,’ i NCISIIS, ETC. No. l4 Building dz Loan chambers,†Toronto st. , . . m . . ,1 Richmond Iilll ()li1(:c-.Cc3‘,,.,§f‘m,,,Ԥ 0n Saturdays. . vi 1.; CUNV 'l‘orollto Oil'ict's- 'lA. .h'onrg/ (0 Loan at Lowest Current Halos. A G F LAVYI‘. luau. T C MILLIGAN. l Nov 27:11, lSSl 1y i}llAlN Till], 0'1I THE BEST ‘ QUALITY AT TIIOS NIGII’I‘INGALEK, amiss L Au D minnows iiiâ€"{rm on Farm & Other Property, lotols, Taverns and Business. in _ Potent Rights disposed of; SX'NI) 1(JA’1‘E75 B‘()I€1\IED For Mlulufucturing untl other purposes. 5 och ', 22ml Shara Broilers, etc, etc. J. I. EVANS & CO, I - .Leudcr Luna Toronto. Toronto .1111)ch 1883‘ “TORONTO Ili‘lllllill llll ill'lllll C. P- LENNOX, DEN FIST Yongo St. Arc-ode, Toronto. The only Dcntistin Toronto using Kurds [Lu-- pumtus for lxlucllng' leelh’ liilhulll Pall: By means of Vitalizcd Air. Warranted to be made from the Best Material in the Market. Filling and all other operations neatly done My Gold 111.1.th WARRANTED nu. m is thelimc. or spare time only, to work for us at. thataown homgl. Dir orgudnilels lorï¬ï¬‚l workers ab»- 90 y assure . on' a . Emu dz Co Portland. Mom. y (innings 13311361315," " a .SPR-IN ' COME ' 1 Ar d the I’epplc's Store is on hand with the largest new stock of : A ND Tilili has ever been in this town. at. from So. to 75m pm- toll. MIXED PAINTS IN ALL COIDRS READY FOR U i’aitll lllllI Full Stock ol'l’ .intcts’ Material {A LARGE STOCKS? PU . .llmduama Crockery, and the a: .‘Usï¬UAL swogis; GEEO'CEBIES Ia}. ‘ Bottom Prices. l _ _ . l CHARLES DONALD &_CO.,5 l ', 'VVill visit the followingpluct-s proiessionully .-â€" '4' Unionvillo,.. :n‘ uy shill In). or 3 Richmond Illll. ' Auroi lsl, 1... ., l‘jth, and 221111 do Stol .. Io . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb‘Lh (lo Murkhlnn ..... . With dc \‘ictorit. fitiuuro . ‘lsb do . l 'I‘hm'nhill ill (10 ’â€" '\1oo<llu'id{j9 ‘ith do liloittlutrg in do )Iohlalon . . to (lo Vituliiml :x,i1- tilu‘uys. on lillild lit, the pluses of nupoin .. ,‘u lllllillllll I . â€"la' Palmer. ‘l found IIcI'lll of Toronto. , in Mr 1 ciul ’I‘ . T111511: going North untl South. at 8 n In, , nt._ 5.10 n In. and 7.30 l) lll. ‘ Muellherson, Senator l motion apply at. the (illiccs of the Company t l l t llEST- SETS or mull $8..M- H. I'll-SEEP“ LEE, jMGZ‘iEY TO' LOAN CIT FARM l l ’ BORDEBINGS l i A luv-go. small of ‘ r [1 kg) .13 Whitewash Brushes all at loss lb'lu 'l'oronln Price-s. R-NETETRE Fionrlllndf‘léd. Ailwill bcsoll P. G. SAVAGE. 551mm, RIGGS 8: IVORY, SURGEON DE {TISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto, Amino-V Teethmppcr or under, $5.00. Poin- lcss Extracting by use of Elhu‘ized Air. The only lit“! in the Dominion executing ï¬rst-class work ut the above nice. l v I G. Iii. l-IUSBA ND, L. DENTIST, NEWTONBROOK. ONT. l . lst Monday of each month. Weston . ,9I11 11nd 215i; (lo Mnjlle. ...l(llh do Ric-him .. .. lilth (lo “loollhridge ...... . ..,...2£Inl do Mr Huslzmnl will he found in his ofï¬ce, at Ncwlmihrcolt, cvory Sutut'tluy, except when Sutur (lay falls on the ubovc dutc. Newton‘uroolzJuue13th,1883. l-ly VITA ms. no A“: V o Or A ROBINSON. 5 SURGE 7. DENTIST, AURORA a’ 'I'hnnltl'ul for tho. fuvcrs of ii'c past; yours _ Oil £1: any hrunch of the. pro 1o. ion, he follows: ...... 0111 5: 24th oleach mouth 81’) (zit. I'ulmo‘cl neut. ttlocs uwt'y with the mun in extracting ~ ll Gilli ill. l'rns inasmss noose: RICHMOND HILL. Prop. This House is. one of tho. Best Hotels to hr: l'lvcrvthinq is managed a lit-0111 for Commer- Hit-Jilin; mnl lLt‘l‘CllLiVO liosilmw. Towns, $1 nor any. l’ruchu-‘s. llus loaves this Hotel Lo connect with all tho N I: ll. 12 u. st, Clams Stylrl. xvellm‘s. (,lood RECH'MGND HILL. 1’0‘W7 ELL. This Hotel has llflf‘ll 'ofurnishotl, renovated, and ï¬tted in; in llrs‘uâ€"I'h _\‘lt-., and is now Tho ln‘xding Hotel north of 'Ioruutv. The bar 5. .le- ]ulietl with ï¬rst-cluss bruntl of liquors 11ml cigars. Excellent mommnmlution for (‘mmnerciul Travellers. and the Gcncrul Public Good Sinhl- iuu mid 1111 tillcntivn Hostlor. Western. Canacl Loan and Savings Company Olllccs~l\'u 70, Chin-chances, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Scnutmyl’zwidwt GEothE Goonnnnut .................... 'l’ice-l’rositleni ' JO [1 N Prop l a, Dllll-ZCTORSAFRIDHOI Pluti‘, M 1’, Alfred Good/3r- ltmn, Goo \V Lewis, 'I‘hos II Lee, Hon I) I. Cumin], Summono; :oscrvo Iv'untl, $450,600 'l'otul Assets, $3,500,l500 SAVINGS BANK. BRANOIEI Not I"; H'Ct‘ll'Qll on doposil, :lll’l interest payable ltitlfycurw or compounded. 310 KEY ’/'() L0.-l .“v'. See. our reduced lotm table For further infor- WALTER S LEE,!, , ‘3 uuagor M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, &C, â€"AND ISBUER OFâ€" M ARRIAGE LICENSES. Ich H NONI) It I LL. SECURITY. f l Richmond Hill, April 3rd, 188i. mmr~m.é;:zr rzwsamm " The York Herald. I’UDLI ’51! ED BY EVERY THURSDAY. At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yongc Streci, Rich Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscripuon :â€"$1 00170" annum in l udvuuco. When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. _ {transitory ndvcrtiscments, first insertion, perline.... ............................. 8couis. Each subsequent IBSGI‘DIOH, her line. .. :3 cents. mom] ' CALL AND SEE M 1“. 1080mm Fable“: 1888 Coulmcts for time stud sluice made on spplicu- t ticn. Advertisements wibhouls writton instruotions‘ will be Inserted :2th found and. charged truss†on rates. , Hon. Scnuim'Mcllustcr' .sssmce Sac’y Of London, England, Sir W'm McArlhur. K C M G, M. I'. tâ€"XuLOI-d Mayor of London. Prssident. _ W VJ 131157119333qu I A,Secretary Iiosorvo ll‘nur-l. . . . .,. $10,000,000: Annunl Income. . . . . . 1.600.000 Iuvcsmd i'e Cuundu. . . 1.200.000. Detllh claims paid . . . 10.000,000 .. ‘“ ’I‘ourlxro lilil'lilll“'(ll?8- ‘ ~ John McDonald, Esq. C. J., mnpl‘oll, Esq, A. M, Smith, lï¬sq; Rev. Enoch Wood, I). ty of (,‘ompuny’s I’olicy at t . r .. 'Jumcs Mctcnlfn, Esq; Louns mode. 071 sec“ h’pcr cent; into] . Lounsmmle toChurchT ' interest. rust-cos, Iii 1151017 1an V0 Scu‘dl‘or yi'cispéctus. A D PERRY, Sec. 6'; Trans. for Cznwrlu. 16 king 5%., L‘usb, Torr 1160 'Doc late 1883 I.A.W. .3" \VILL CURE Oil IELIE:~:E BILIOURA" '33, BL? Tl.“.’[5“3, 0 75195133314, til/70298 7, 'Sr?7i0/L’, "LUTTER/WG J/i' 1/1"}35 CF TII'E ..l/SAW, £373.77†"fl, * y Of 3";7' {f 7 8i 7.7/3 1.5/3: 7" fl, - {iii/1'... 53 i ‘7 'lr CF TEI'E 8 ""3 arisingffom ‘. aromas»; ‘ 1.â€" ‘ 3. b-0u3, TI " "7'". , v Proprlc' . , lo a n iguggn'c‘ gl‘lctliull. DR. ORR, MAPLE, It. 13. Orr, B. and First: sum- Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L V L4 A L, England (Late of London. Englaudl Surgeon, Etc. [aniline Hours S to 0.30 u.111., und 1 to 2.30 p.m‘ ill}. JAMES Inlfl’GS’MFF 2' AN DR LEWIS G. LANGSTAFF l Mcmbcrs‘. Collctgn Physicians c"; Surgoons. Residence, chgc Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, '1\I:lv Eiti'tl. 1392. 1y staff, Dr. G Gorge THORNIRILL, Graduate of Toronto University, Ill. (3. 1’. [c 8.. 011$, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, Ollie» and Residence,â€" 0110 door south of I’. O. lFI‘lCE HOURS-S to 10 a 11:, d; 12 to ‘2 p m Thornln'll Il'ol) 11th, 108-1}, 1v Lamb 021T. ., R. I, , BB ls}. W . ell. Eli’s H.303, l/EEDALISE‘ TGBONTO Ui~ilV"li3ITY. Member College of Physicians 5.: Surgcoaa. (LATE (‘F B'IOUFI-‘\’L'.l’.l’..) HOE IS, 1113 loll) n. 111., 5. Lo 8 p, m IuJSTDlCNCII Yongo Eitrect, Richmond E OFFIC Hill. Richmond Hill. ()(-i.l‘_’i11,’8;'. ~77 H'U “forth their Falls is disluesi This lncompiniiahlc Medicine ll‘lS scour. cd for itscll' an ilnperishnblc {limo illl'ollglloui. the \Vm-ld luv the allcvilninn and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. g; = 5,. . _ y :r purify, 1'::{::1l;1l- and improve the quality of 1< God. They 1 :1le the d , stive organs, cleans th STOM/‘LCH AND 130V 7ELS, inoroztsc h '- mtory no " tho. IIL-t'vou. n, untl t lion tho gun'th Elements 1 rcpsiriug the frame. " of tho Livonhrnce tinto tho Circula- or sustuininl,r and Thousands alum-sons lmvc testiï¬el that by their nso alone lhoy huuc been restored to liculllt and slrmwlu, rill-"r every other means hud proved unsuccessl'lll. will in» found inruluubluiu every Household in the cure of Open Sol 1‘s. Hum 'I‘unwurs. Coughs, 91‘s of the 'l il'lnl'tlliuclllrctl only of Profess .or Ilollmvuv’s lï¬slublisllment 533. OXFORD S'l‘ll EE'I‘ LONDON and sold at ls. lid†‘33. 9a., I161, “8., 2?, and 333 O‘II‘IIDOX an! l’nt,u11vl in Cltnfuifh lit 3;! c 5, no cetllf‘. and $1.50 cents, and the largo SIZSS in nro’porbicu. (‘AtlrloNâ€"l have no Acorn in the United Ruins, nor ul'c my Motliciucs sold lhnro. I’urcl‘uusors should lllFl‘L fore lool: lo the label or: llm l’o i‘ll‘i iiorzr's. Il‘lhq nddress is not. 533, Ox. . ll Slrecl. Loud-g; Ihoy urn, Spurious. The Trade llnrlcs 0‘? my said V" giscered it; Ottzms, and also 11:. W Ci'lnod THC'JIAS 3"- Qxicrd street“ London, 1.1.74. -'“