mention mu. ros'r omen. Until {whori’omm Hails will b. doped It the above 0E0. as follow-:â€" PM flFFIEl WEI! Going South, East. and West,at...........v 6.15 Mail for the North, via. Railway, leaves once: day, in the morning, as the" stated. MORNING. eoin'g North, South, East, and West, at. . . . . . ‘ 7.45 Momin Mail from South,West and ant, by Railway,arrives at. Evening Mail from Toronto by Yongecatrcet Stage, arrives at Night Mail from North, by Rail~ way, arrives at ................... 4. The speech of Sir Jnhn Mncdonald in 1872, in which he expressed a wish to “ catch him," Was pen l'ectly consistent with the letter we have quoted abnve. If the man could have been caught. he could have been tried and punished. But he could not. be caught, and he was Mill capable of mischief; and so in llie interests of peace and of’the lives of the people it wag wise to get rid of his pro- poo: eemebgm. UFHEE HOURS Toronto. Thomh ill Richmonci Bill King. Anton, ~ Newmnrket, Holland Landing. Bonand Landing. Newm “he, Aurora, King, Richmond Hill, Thornhill. Toronto. Biehmond Hill, June 23rd, 1884. pactâ€"dâ€" No. 41 : Whole No. 1396: The Grit organ is trying, in imitation of Sir Richard Cartwright, to make it. appear that in 1870â€"71 Sir John Macâ€" donald was the friend of Riel. And the organ quotes the following letter as ifit was quite a new thing: t‘ [Private and Strictly Conï¬dential. ] “ OTTAWA, 27th Dec., 1871. †My Dear Lord Archbishopâ€"I have been able to make the arrangement for the individual that we have talked about. I now send you a sight draft on the Bank of Montreal for $1,000. I need not press upon .your Grace the importance of the money being paid to him periodically-say monthly or quarterly, and not in a lump, otherwise the money would be wasted, and our embarrassment begin again. The payâ€" ment should spread more year. Bo- here me, your Grace's Change~8teglo Bros‘ The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription unites. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. 3. 'The dangerous state oftho coun- try was such that when the Grit Gov- crnmcnl of Ontario. in order to make political capital. oflcred a reward of 85,000 for the arrest of Kiel, there was tn instant. outcry from the penple Grit Government deliberately risked the lives of the whole people of the Northâ€" West in 1871 by that vote. which they luew Was dud would be made in rain. The action of D. A. Smith and Govâ€" ernor Archibald saved at once life andt property and peace. And the Govern- ‘ nent of Sir John Mnedormld deserved gratitude for accepting and ratifying] their action. , z‘ THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1885. Now the letter above quoted has done duty a thousand times. and that con- oiusion of the Globe's has become feeble with overuse and incapacity. We proâ€" pose to give the simpie facts: I. The letter in question was not a promise of'zm amnesty nor a condone- ment of a crime. It. was an attempt to get. rid totaiiy ofa rascal who was out cnfthe power of Ike Government even then, but who was near enough to make mischief. - “This evidence is absolutely con- elusive. There is no escape from the fact that while Sir John Macdonald was eryinginthe name of his Maker for Riél’s capture he was transom:ny payâ€" ing out public money to facilitate his escape.†2. The money so sent to Archbishop Tnche Was never used. The money that was used was some 82,400 raised by Mr. D. A. Smith and Governor Archibald in Manitoba without any knowledge of Sir John Macdonnld’s offer. The Government ï¬nding that such men had come ‘0 the same View as Sir John xecognised their action and recouped the money; “ Very obedient servant, '-’ ( Signed) JOHN A MACDONALD " His Grace lhe Archbishop of St. Boniface, MoMrenl.†The conclusion the organ comes to is as foliows: TRAIN TIME. The Riel Affair of 1870. Elm 33ml: 3313:3111. . Richmond Hill. Ont. N0 770E T0 S URSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARRIVALS. EVENING. “BSâ€" 330"; 121°. -M. TEEFY. Postmaster. GOING NORTH. 75?) 850 :, 9 52 some 301313. 813 823 y n 1005 910 11 45 01 00 M 10 u so 12 05 12 so 12 45 12 55 145 Volume 27. 10.00 8.15 7.00 7 41 7.5!. 845 85E) 5. In 1874 Mr. Muckenlie's Miniatera’ were negotiating with Riel for an‘ amnesty and trying to induce him not; to become a candida‘e for Provenclter.‘ Messrs. Dorion and Letellicr told Arch‘ bishop Tacbe that they were in favor of ‘ an amnmy. And this was after Mr. Blake and his friends had offered 85,000 for Riel‘s capture. and uhm Mr Blake was Alim'atcr of Justice. 7. In 1875 Mr. Mackenzie personâ€" ally moved and carried a resolution by ‘which Riel was to be aminural afler ‘ï¬ve years of (mile. a proposition against iwhich Sir John Nacdonald and most of his ï¬ieuds voted, but for which Mr. Blake and Mr. Mackenzie (the mm who had vfl'crcd 85.000 for his capture) spoke and voted. Their Ihypocrisy was thus made cleanâ€"Mail. 6 In that same year. 1874, Louis Riel was elected to Parliament for Provencher and to the knowledge of Mr Mackenzie’s Government came to Ot- tawa, entered the open Parliament buildings, in company with two mem- bers, went. to the clan k's oflice and signed the roll of Parliament. It Wus known that he was coming; it was whispered when he had come; and it was known where he had been hiding. But nor a Government eï¬icial or police ofï¬cer or deteclive was on the ground. and there was the most furious winking of Grit eyelids as Rielcame and signed and went. Yet they had offered $5,000 for his capturel How very much in earnest they were. valuable sample box nf goods that will put you in the way ofnmking more. money in n few than 3 than you ever thought possible at (my businrrs Capital not required, You can live at home and work in spare time onlv, or all the tune, All ni both sexes. of all ages, grundly suc- cessz’ul. 50 cents to .55 easily earned every oven- ix.:;. That all who want work may test (he busi- ness. we make :th unparalleled offer: ’1 0 all who are not well sntiaï¬ed we will send $1 to {my for the trouble of wn'ming us, Full particulars, Gil-actions, etc, sent free. "Immense vuv nbnoluteâ€" 1y sure 10; all who Marl. at once, Den"; dvlny Add-1m“ mmeoa & 0;; Portland Hm I for workmg peo‘vle, Hand 10 cents host-- “El-Page, and we wil mail you free a royal. The gerrymandering redistribution bill of Mr. Mownt cannot be better ex.- empliï¬ed than the effect it will have on the Riding ot'Mr. Hess. of North Perth. At the last election Mr. Hess was re-- turned for the Local Assembly by a majority of 118 of which 115 was ob - tained in Logan. To prevent Logan doing the like again it has been taken out of the North and placed in the South Riding. Thus reducing Mr. Hess's majority to 3! The result may be that Mr. Hess may lose his seat, and it may have the contrary disposition. Mr. Ballantyne the member for the South was returned by 215. Of course, it will greatly reduce his majority, but he will have a hundred to spare. From what we learn, the divrsion as it. Was before was a fairly constructed one, being comely in shape. and the natural division between the ridings being the Grand rl'runk Railway. Mr. E. Andrew, who has been in the employ of Lund‘s Carriage Woth here [or a number of years. left 21 week ago. He has purchased a general store in an unincorporated town near Barrio. Beâ€" fore leaving our village Mr A. took unto himselfa partner for life in the pnrson of Miss Lucy. second daughter nt' Ihe iute Willium Murrwood, of this place. Tcston, April 8th, 1885. An exchange snys:â€""Tho excuse that the population must be made more equal and therefore somethioghad to be done; But if the Government were honest in arranging the population the same end could have been arrived at by putting north east Hope with the balance ofthe same township already in the South Riding and leaving the North still a compact square; it. Would seem more natural to reunite the divided township than to take over a new one and leave hall'ofa townrhip in each riding. but what would be the effect of that? It would only increase the majorities for both members, making Hess perfectly safe, as well as Bullantyne. This would not do, [less had to be got rid of if possible, so off comes Logan!" It has been hinted around that the Salvation Army is about making a raid on this place. The Temperance Hall nnly being occupied on Saturday nights. I think there would he no trouble gelâ€" ling it, or at, least we hope not, if they should wish it. We are glad to see Ihe Painter out and at work again nfu-r a severe spell of sickness. l’uiulers’coï¬c seemed to be the cause. -It is but right to salemt notwithstand- ing appearances are against "on for nrxt election, he is nm afraid. He thinks the result will be,such feeling will come out of the manifest injmtice of the net as 10 cause such a strong: repulsion offecling amongst his constituems as to place him once more in the Legislative Hulls. Mr. Guillet, Conservative candidate for the House of Commons, by a mnjurity of 79. » A fair was held here on March 313$ andn great many homes and buyers were present. Not many animals chang- ed hunds. It IS not known at pxescnt whether this is the commencement. ofa monthly fair or not. A part from political considerations it is unfortunate such a curving: and cutting of constituencies should he adopted. A fair and just expttmaion of the people is certainly not obtained, and the result will be a demand to stay proceedings from the independent voters of the country demanding from the Government through their votes that no further such lobsidcd arrangementsâ€" as the Ridings of North and South Perth will present. by the Bill recently introduced into the Local Houseâ€"can be allowed. We like the arrangement of placing the wholo'ni‘ the city of Toâ€" ronto in to one division excepting: that part. about the minority Vote, and think an improvement might be accomplished it' the idea was carried further, at least, so far as the Local is concerned. (From our own Correspondent) Land's works are Very busy just now getting out ordered work West Norlhumberluud has returned The Drift of it. TESTON TED. (From our own Correnpondent.) At the annual meeting of the members of the County Orange Lodge of West York, held at Wondbtidge. Feb. 3rd. 1895â€"the County of West York having lost one of its oldest Brothers a few weeks beforeâ€"could not let this nppnt-tunitv pass without ex» pressing their sympathy in some way to his‘ faunin for the bereavement they were under. hr the loss of their ftrlher by demh. A (‘ommittee Was appointed to dran n resolu- tion, and get it engrossed which was done; in an excellent manner by J. U Owen, 50‘ Church Street, Toronto. tmd framed by Mr. Edward Vivian. furniture manufacturer. Wnodhridge. Good Friday evening was the time appointed tn present the resolution. when the members of the County Lodge, District and Private Lodges. numbering about 40. met at the Orunge Hall ; opevtedi in the. Royal Arch. Purple Degree. Pnrt ofthe regular routine of business having been gone thtnngh, on motion it wus re- duced to the Orange Degree. About 8 o'clock the Brethren marched to our deceased Brother's lute residence, where all of his fumi‘y were found, exceptith.r our County Master. Brother N C. Wallace. M. P.. who was preventedâ€"i»- it. was his inten» [tion to he with usâ€" on account of his second ‘ sun being seriously ill at Ottawa. The ; large sitting-mom hcinu filhd to its utmost ; with our deceased Brother's family. relatives jund Brethren of the Order, liother John ' Wright. Chaplain ofthe County Lodge of {West York. nrose to his feet, and Ink‘ng ; Miss W'all: ce by the hnnd, explained to her fluid nit present the object of calling such ,nn audience together. it wns to express our lheartfelt condolence to you and the other intetnhem t)f_\0‘dl' family at the loss you have, sustained bv the death of your father. I also think it is unlitqu but right for u: as Orange Brethren to offer something in the way of a memorial or resnlntion to our dc» ceased Brother for the noqu work he had performed for the Order in years gone- .hy Mr. Henry Welsh. Deputy-County Master of 37': st York. was then called upon to read the resolution and make the presentation. The resolution was as fol-~ lows:â€" tLoynl County Orange Lodge of West York. l ! l Where to Keep It. ; Keep it in yunr funin The lu-sl remde for m-cidmdn nnd ruaergencies for Ruins. Scnlds. Bluires. Snreress. Sme 'l'hrom. lCroup. th'umqlism. “hiihlains and Pain for Snmm-ss 0an kinds. i4 11):)! marvellous healing remedy, Hayyatd's leluw UII. Send sxx cunts lol- postage, and re ceiw frcc, a 008th box of goods which’ will help you to more money right away than nnythimz else in this walk]. All, of either sex, succeed from ï¬rst hour The broad road to fox-tune opens before the work- ers. nhoolutoly gure, At once midxeaa. TRUE & on Agnew m mug. Accidental. A “mud. n! Moth-:2. i.. n wcenl leupr. 51mm I!an he um 21-. necidrnt smne lime agn. hv which one of his klwvs was sm'errlv in-jurvd A few mlplxumimm ui'Huuvu'rd's lelow ()il afforded immediate and com- plete relief. The nnmml meetmz nthe Loyal Orange County Lodge of Waist York, held in lhe Orange Hull. Woudhridgp. on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd. 1885. the following rvaolulion was unanimously adopted: Moved by Bro. John Mcf‘lurn. Chaplain of Loyal Orange Lodge N028. spoonded by Bro. Giiberl Gilmnur. Wm-shinful Master of Loyal Orange Lodge. ‘10 28. Whereas it has pleased Almighty God in his inï¬nite \- isdom to remove by death from amongst 1“ at the ripe age of seventy- f'nut' pan and eight months, Captain Nathaniel Wanner-Jim father at our esteem- ed Brn Nathaniel Wallace. M. P. for the west riding of York. l)epttty--Crnnd Muster t-ftlu- Loyal Association of British Ametit‘a and Cuunty Mastel of the Loyal Urang‘l Cmme Lung of west Yurk. who is pro-- vrnnd 1mm being: [mutant with us tnâ€"dar to pit-side over our dvliltvtatinnsâ€"lhrongh lining in his plate» in Parliament at Ottawa defending our rights and tlmsw nfthe County -â€"â€"nml “hers-n: uni doc-pawl! Brother was 'ltP fUUYIdPr of Run-wick Loyal ()rnng» L0ng Nu 23. and a residant of the village of wnndhrirlge for «Iver fatty years,|{nsnlvrdâ€" that m- the :- tt-vtï¬tttul mpmhwra of the Hounwn's PILLS --Tho GH-al Need. â€"-The blnud is the life‘. and on in purin our henllh us well as vxislunce depmvds, Theme Pills Ilmmughly (-lr-anse Ihe vim] fluid from n†cnnlnminmimm. and h}- llml Int-ans shenulhen amd invigorate Iht- wlmle sysu-m. henllhily snimulam sluzsishvcwnns‘ lepress nvuut'xt-ihd aclinn. and esmhlish Order 0f circulaliun and SI‘CI'GliUll thruugh- oul (‘vm'y hurl ()l‘lhe had“. 'I lw balsamic nule ul' llnllnwuv‘x Pills exeu-iihs mmâ€" u-Hous panr in 'ving Imw lu dla'nifilnled and nervmn consliluliuns. lesv l'illa dis- lndiv nll hhsnucvinns. hub in lhe lmwels and «Ass-“how. and urn. nu lhul “rennin. much Shlluhl urlt’r lm- promoting vegulurivy ul' notion in young female-s; and delicate [‘vamm who am. mummlly weak, or have from some cause l)« came so. \J‘u'nv O-ango Lan'c- nf wus! Yank, do lvndPr In his (lunghmr Anniv, and Ike (\l'hf'i' nwmhars ‘1' ins fumiiy (-ur sinct-rr. and hemlf'ofv symwuthy in llwil gum! uffliciivp. and we puny Ihnl Ihc-y mm 1w sustuillrd hr Divine grave. n.‘ d muy thH-hy h!- enabled m wly on Him. whn has promismi to be a thvr to NW fatlwrlesss. In Ilm death of (Human: wuilnren his l'umily have Inst a mu d father. nyrd up have lost a staunch Brmlu-r. updvvmfllv Impt‘. knowing ï¬r-t r‘ur itru-tlem’s pilgliumuois ovvr. we may all join him in the gueuI Grand Ludge rn high whose srssio'l is eternal. Hr:an “ us" I)p;uxy--Cnnnly Muster. Rmrn’r FLYXX. (‘numy Slvcreraxy. \Vnodhridgv, Feh, 1895. Mr‘ T. F. Wallace mrlied in behalf of his sister. and in the: nbsem-v of Mt' N. (Z. wallm-P. M: P , With a fvw mmm'ks thunk-â€" i-IL' tlm Bruhwn nl'tlv- ( Older fur tlw kind way tlwv lmd lmpn trmm-d by themt Nmer being a tmml-or nt'tl-c Otdvr, he wns taken nlmgmhr-r l'y sun-lisp. He Wtuld "gr-in tin-Mk Hunt. and “mum let snnw at the Orange llwthren [It'FSFlif haw- tlw fluor. A ï¬-w phr-tt and w-ry fe-sxliug uddxesses were dvliverml hy llrn Jtlh" wright, Henry welsh. Gillext Gilnmur. Robvrt Flynn and John Momma. Teut‘s WIMP flaming from almost tut-my mm‘s PP‘H in the mom. They then adjuner to the large dining room where Miss wnllnt-e had a tuh‘e Fptend with the l‘wst eutnhlps wnml- brilige cou'd aï¬eld. After sntisï¬ing thr- innernmnn the company Rant about mt hrnr at tlw hnnse. when the numbers (If the ()ttlur left for their [Judah-room, and clnsed the Lodge lhr'lh -‘â€"Av wrundbnd :e on Ike mmuing uf Grmd Friday. tho- wife 09' Grange Ellison, of a son. luviani'mS wart snnl by mail nn Manda". Ihr 30‘]! Nun-h. In Bro. w PML'MH. Hm. Hirminghunlho Jnnr’s. Bro. C. F. (finrko. A mph (-mno an Mnnduy mowing. April Gill. {u-n. nil Ihosn RIGIIHOII. saying Ihey ware vnry snr-v u! no! heinguble to he pres-- PM. as Ibm‘ did um root-5V0 nnlivp in vime. Who C V" tell “lye-1‘ the dehy has been. (Mr M P nnd his fumilv' nrviwd hnme on Mnndny lnmning. and he left fur Ulluwn On Monday I \‘t-hiNL". wondbeiclgv. April 8-h. 1385 W oodbndge J ottlngs. VAUGHAN COUNCIL.-,â€"The Municipal Council of Vauzlmn will meet. at .the Town Hall on Tuesday next, 14th inst, at 10 o'cloék am. ' " I Goon vahle ih Dress Goods, Winceyn and Lybster Shinings at A. Moodie'a. FIRE COMPANY;-The FireVCom- pan; will meet in Council Chamber on Friday Waning’n'em. JOIli inst , and a large n'ttc-udance'i! rcqnosled as im- portanrbn'sinesa will be transacled. COMPIqu CASEâ€"The charge rof conspiracy to bribe against Messrs Bunt- ing. Wilkinson, Meek 'und Kirkland fails to the ground. The jury acquit ,The Judge's charge has strongly in favor of ihe defendants. IF YOU want avgood Tapestry Carâ€" pet for 40¢. per yard, go to the Fire Proof. ~ SEEDS +Sleel¢1-Bros & Co.. corner of Frank dz Jarvis Streetl, Toronto, have a a large stock uf seeds, etc.=,-comiating of seed grains. clover des‘, grasses. grass mixtures and H19 ï¬nevt varieties of turnip, carrot and mange] seeda'of un- excellcd quality. f I See advertisement. 'J‘nr. inLUSTnXTnDJlfAn ans.-â€"The Grip Printing? tint]: Publishing: Co. of Tnmnm issn‘ed paper with the above title on Sntuhlni‘lnst, April 4th. It. 'contains twelvtz-lnrge pages, 9nd ï¬lled with illustrations (ii'inci‘dent’s and events connected with :11;leNnrllrWed‘ leâ€" he lion. A vvryiï¬ncdpnble page picture graphically tit-wrihqsthe departure of lha-cnntingont from the Queen's _an and 'l‘mlh [loyal regiments, and the men nf'the lni‘nhtrj School, from the Union Stalin", annntn, on which neâ€" cusiun probably thu largest crowd of pcnple that ever nssemhlcd in Canadian territory \ms “ï¬ttlllg‘fl'd together. This picture will he will wonh framing as n menu-rho ul' lli'ot‘s secnnd rebellion. Besidw this the paper entiï¬iinï¬ â€™siflg'i‘nphic skiqch ml“ the battlent Duck Lukb,‘ and nlw numerous nthé‘i' Striking illnm ratiom in cm. iwctiiln‘1ï¬â€™l ll' l’lici'l'ié‘belllor'l{'iinclitd-§ ing portraits of the principal-indinn Chich and thetgmtmfBnttlt‘l‘nrd;3slmw- ing the besiegedr‘gzirrimn. ,T he engrav. ings are ï¬nely litlm‘grnphed. and the publishers give a really interesting publication We are sure their ufl‘urts in this dirpctton will be appreciated by i all Canadians. and that the paper will ‘ have a very large sale It is placed at the lowhprice of 15 cents. and can be procured either from the oflicc of publi cationin Torentoor, {irons local-s’tntioners. l BEE JOUINA'IQI-fWe have received a copy of the inulybrr of the Canadian 'Bce Joitrnal,‘ published at Beeton, Ont._, by_‘ A. June! 5L Co. It. is neatly gone‘n up being published in pamphlet form on good paper. and conâ€" sisting of sixteen: pages. This is the only Bee Journal published in the Dn- minion, and Walnut that it {my be heartilysupphrtg'd;jal il Worthy of it. GREAT CREDIT ‘S‘ALLâ€" A great Cre- dit sale wf vnluuble‘Fï¬rm Slack, Imple- ments, etc“ etc.,"will take place at Lot No. 4. 3rd Con._ of Vaughan, on Friday, April 10th, the 'p‘rhp'errt'y of Mr. Michael Fisher. . Terms. :-â€"..â€"-Sol‘t Wood. Sow Pig: and all sums :of $10 and under. cash; over that amount 9 months Credit on fumbling “approved joint notes. Sale to comn1eh§§":it 12 o’élock, ‘eharp SPRING 1s Hunâ€"War mayisal‘cly pyedict-fl1:nt$pthrg=’is hef'c at [351, for on Monday eveningrhe sioett strains of the- l’tuliun "‘Oi'gi’nn’Gi'intfer," opl’flerdy Girdv,†were liq-“Lon our streets, and thisis :1, sure indication. The« robins have also arrived}. and the‘ snow which has f'cuvsred the~ around for the past three months iï¬rhpl'dly disappearing and all life seems to cchd the eenliment that the Spring, Spring, beautiful Spring: is upon us onca more. after a very long. cold. and tedious winter. TEMPEMNCENEETINGs.-â€"The unit- ed congregations oflhe Mi-ihndist‘ and ii’resbuoriun Churches intend hnidinu mommy temperance†'nmrlingzs in the Churches alterna‘cly. The ï¬rst meet.- ing was held an Mimduy owning: last in the school rnmn oi'lh-é Mirth-dist Uhnrch ‘nud was very 'ln‘rgelv attended. The icv W. PL Buik‘cr' occupied the chair. and Hers. Fannieâ€, and Calm-run dcâ€"- iivervd intmvsn‘nu' antifprnï¬lzible. ud- dmsses on 'l'rlnprrzmcni It. is expeclcd ,Io secure .the semri‘ces 0"- VMess-rs. Bur- gt-ss. prnce and other [awed Flkeukcrs befure long. '°" ‘ ' " PARCEL Damvsmzâ€"Ur. A. Mulâ€" doon. of Thornlnill, intends putting a conveyance on the route between Thum- llill and 'l‘oronto'for :lnc sale or delivery of eggs. humor and parcels of every dc- scnplinn. The trips will be made daily, commencing on Wednesday April 15m. leaving 'l'lmrnhill at. 8 u m., and Cr‘nmâ€" men-inl Hotel. vais Snort, Toronto. at 3 pm. The generous suppm‘t- of the public is respectfully solicited. B) moderate clia mes-and Slrict. attenlion to cverï¬lï¬ng culrufled'l in his care. he lmpes to merit a shame of pubhc patron- 2:19. SIIIMTINGS f'rbm‘lOc up, at the Fire I‘m-of", best vulue,.ever shown in Rich- mond Hill. V JSTRY Ditnrmas;r«â€"AL «1 "mating ($th! vesin of r'l‘i'ini‘Iy' Chmohfi‘imrnâ€" Mil. held nn -’Mm:day' lust; ‘Mt-ssrs. Lnnuslnï¬ and Edema weie appointed Ghunchâ€"Wardens. Mosrm’Bmwn and Pinyu-r Wi'l(“:)plhllillhjdii‘lll‘ ,8!“ Blank. Richmond Hill. The ï¬nancial mate- men! ni' bmh vesn-ios show an impmveâ€" mom M'er l'uruwr yours It is flu: inâ€" tention 0f ilae members nf' 'l‘hnruliill tn dn' considorubig imprnvr‘Im-nts iii cun- motion with ' ‘fl'ie' Church†the: present your, in [he ,slia‘pgrnf painting and 're- pairing. A l'eiim lid" 31' lhe inside of the building in llui way of'chniflgin‘; the seam to a more modern styie Would be 21 marked and desned impruvcment. The services in bo‘h‘ 1hr Churches on Easter Sunday Were ixx‘u'crh :nppri-ciah‘d l-_\‘ bnth corigregï¬fioné.“ Several members ot'lhc choir of St. Mary’s... going in Tlmrnhiil -in ,ghg.‘_.umt._ning. and ihe Trinity coming to Richmond Hill in the afarnoon. - ' LOCAL ITEMS. GENERAL Groceries at lowest prices at the Fire Proof. GENTS Suits made to order ai Alex. Moodie’s. TEMPERANCE items from the W. C. T. Union will be pub‘ished in our columns at their request, commencing next week, FLOUR and General Feed at the lexical cash price at Alex M oodie's. CREDIT SALE.â€"â€"Mr. N. Stephenson intends to offer for sale by public Auc« tiou, at his residence Richmond Street, in the village of Richmond Hill on Thursday, April 9th. some valuable property consisting of Horses. Imple- ments, Furniture. etc. Sale to com- mence at 12 o'clock noon, sharp. Sale without reserve as the proprietor llub no further use for the articles. Terms 1-â€" All sums of 88 and under. cash; over that amount 6 month credit will be given on furnishing approved ioiut notes. Salem Ecknrdt, Auct. 24TH MAY CONCERT.â€"The ladies of the Presbyterian Church intend giving the grandest musical festival ever held on Richmond Hill. in the Auditorium of their Church, on the evening of May 25th, 1885. The following noted talent have been secured at great expense 2â€"†Mrs. Caldwell, Toronto, leading Soprano of Canada ; Mrs Adamson, Toronto. Violinist Graduate of Leipsic Connerâ€" vatory, Germany ; Sims Richards,‘-uni- verbally acknowledged the best Tenor in Toronto ; Mr‘ Kelly, Collingwood, Bari:- tone, will once more delight 3 Richmond- Hill audience with his sweet singing and guitar accompaniments; Mr J D Kcrrison, from the School of Art and Science, Toronto, will act as accompanist during the evening. This will un- doubtedly be the treat of the season. as neither trouble nor expenre will be rpured to make it a success. Programme will appear later on;â€" 00.“. TRY OUR Tenn, 25:: up to 80c ; New Prunes at Alex Moodie’s. Thomas Mortson, of King, Winiam Farr. of Vaughan. and Charles Brown, of Markham; were on the special jury, that tried the alleged Conâ€"- spimcy Case. _ , V M r T. H. Reddit’t left here to-dny for qutreal, to reprelent the Young Canadian anronaq Club at. the annual Conwepgiqn which takes place 'on Friday, 10th inst, in that city. ‘ » The Misses Bpi‘aage, bf Owen Sound. are stay-- ing a, few days in this town, visiting their sister, Mrs. John Boyle, Percy Seager, son of Mr; Edmund Sanger whd lixjes a. short; distance from this village, is u'way ï¬ghting in the North-»West. _ ‘ ‘ . VMiss Newton. Miss M Kaefler and Miss" F31: conbridge were hpmé this week spending - their Easter Holidgya. '1‘ ~' ; ‘_ - Mr. Emma-,0! \Vcodstock, accompanied by Miss Trench. returned Imme- on Tuesduy last, after u sllort- sojourn with his friends and rem-- wives in this village. Mr. 0 Kyle, traveller for the ï¬rm of Eby, Blaine 6: (lo , 'l‘oronm,nccompanied by his sister. spent, over Sunday visiting Irieuda and relatives here. Miss Rose and. Miss Jmmie Rose,of Toronto, went Good Friday in this village, visiting their friends. THE BEST value in cottons from 4c up, at Crosby’s. ' 2 l Mr and MrBM'ing, of Cleveland. Ohio, no at present visiting relatives in this village. ~ Mr E. F. Lnngstnff, nl Torpnto,“ spending his Eustcl vacation in this Vmage. Miss Carroll onykehnm Hall School, Toronto, is spending a. few days with friends here. Mrs J. Brown. of this village, is one of thy winners in Truth’s Bible Competition. Rev. I. Campbell. of Listowéni was in town for a. few days this woek‘visiLing friends. brnught to .1 china by the pal-farmers and audience jnining in God Snvt.‘ the Queen. The receipis'amounted to $65. We were w'cH pleased to see our villagers tu'ru mil an m'u‘sse to ï¬npport the Lacrosse boys. as we think they argdgherving of it. and Iherc is no doubtbut that they are satin- ï¬cd at the result of their ‘Cunc'ert. ol' l’uttclson, skilfully rendered a Cornet Solo in :1 manner never before (quull‘cd around these parts. Mr. and Miss Col- lins. of Thornhill. played several iustru~ tnentals on thé Violin and Piano in splendid stylc and enlisted hearty apâ€" plause. as also did Mr. and Miss B-niley. Mr. Agnr' gave several of his comical readings and hcptrthe house ‘in_ roars 01" ‘lnughn-n. ,Thh .Egliuflon ‘aud Richmond Hill Glee .Clnbs favored the» audience RM] 3 nun-.bnr' of Glass, in' a nmmwr which showed that. the members were possessed with voices of good compastl, and they were capable of using: them to :ulv.‘.~mtu«.zo. By special request the La crnsm Club repented their ï¬rst chorus. The pm-lbrnmrn throughout were nearly all hearei‘ycncorcd.z~lwwing |ll(' hiuh up- ;uccintiou «:l' the audience. MM} Hewi- Son, Miré Wilcy and Miss Aikscy played tlm accompaniments with good taste and proï¬ciency. Mr. A. G. F. Lawrence occupied tlie'chair in a very able and «:10 ‘og manner. The Concert was CROSBY has the bést and cheapest 'l'cus in the villago, from 20 up to 75¢. LOCAL ITEMS. Personals. In looking over your popular paper 'his year past. I have noticed short, titâ€" hits in the shape of items. some laughâ€" able, others of a more serious nature, from most every town and village in the 'good old County of York. I ark your readers one favor before going into the subject loo drep, that they will have to excuse me as I am leftâ€"handed, so if any flaw appears of words spelt upâ€" side down i hope they will use their good sense and excuse me, aud correct the some the following: week. Springâ€"- hill is second to none for items of inter- est. and a) many of our townsmen are so well adapted of becoming shorthand reporters, I am really surprised that. more have not taken this precious work in hand before this and became a cor- respondent. Springhill is situated (Well I suppose every person who can read and ï¬gure knows without me teliing them.) Its inhabitants are increasing rapidlv by way of immigrants and births. What makes our town so popular is the station beloiv us. If that good old structure could express its opinion it would raise more mischief than the rebellirn in the North-Wort. I hope I am not intrudâ€" ing too far before giving you a few of the past items. and so will proceed. A few weeks ago a society was for med here to be known as the “ Anti- Slimling Society." and some of the members are a Bailifl'. Shoemaker, Mason. Station Agent, Telegraph Student, Blacksmith and n tanner. It is the general im- preaaion that. this Society will take the cake from anything in North York. ‘ 0. Montgomery and W. Crossley left Inst week for active service in the Northâ€" Weet. A large number of ciï¬zens saw them off from the station, and wished their) a safe return. Our shoemaker is heard early and late pegging away, and making fresh promises for._new boots. Ron O’Moon. Springhin, April 81h, 1885. 0|: account of 1‘s purity and concenirMed shenzlh and gmul. yowrr over disease», Burdock Blond Miners is the chmme and ï¬rst blond clpanhing tunic known for uh disordered conditions of the blood. Else the same will be placed in Court for Col-‘ lection. H. SIVERS. Richmond Hi1]. 19th March. 1885‘ A man may prsuvss me fmmne of a prince hut mm m-ver possess happiness wilhnm 200d hHIIIh; in stcnre which ll)? blood must be kept [-urc- and «wry nrg‘nn In mnper nclinn. Burdock Bh-md Rifle-'5 purify the blood and vegnlale all the organs. NOTICE. In the County rf Ym k. Farmer. De'ceuse‘d, who die-1 an or about-the 20th (my 1.! July, mm, are lerL'Ly notiï¬ed to 801:6! Ly 1 03?, we; aid. on or minus Friday, the lst of May, Now next ensuing. t0 the undersigned Executors of the personal estate of the said James McNair, their (‘hTIStiJLII uml surnames, nul‘lrosses nml descriptions, the full yurticulm‘s of their cim’ms. a statement of their nccnnnfs. turd the munre ('1 the socnritienï¬f any) held by them. and that iu'imedintely after the said lst (luv of Muy next, the nmets of the (astute of the swirl James Mcâ€" Nnir will be distributed Hmong the parties on- titled thereto. llflYillfl roim‘once to lhe clnims of whichnmico shull 1mm buï¬n furnished to (he (‘xemltors as above required ; and the mid exA- confers will not b9 liable for the fluid assets or any part themuf in any pvrson or persons: of whom: claims no'ice shall not imvobvun rcceivul by them ut the time of such distribution. Dated at the Townahip nf Vuuluhnn aforesaid this twenty-eighth duy of Mmcl). A. D. 1685. LATE ROBT. SIVERS 1&1 R» JAIVI ES lVIcNAIR, 1 6th Day of April next. Under and by virtue of Revised amt-mes of Om tario, Chapter “:7, section 3‘, the Creditors u! Are requested to settle their Accounts on or before the For Alternate Husbandry. Permanent Pas- tures and Meadows. We make this a speci- al feature in our Agricultural Seed De- partment. Mixtures prepared for any soil or purpose. None but the ï¬nest varieties used. DON’T FAIL TO TRY THEM. Finest varieties of: Turnip. ‘Carrot and win _1_'L__ 'Alsike, Bokhara. Early and Large Late. Lu- cerne White Dutch and Trefail Clovers, A full- line of Seed Wheat. Cats, Barley, Peas, Tares. &c. Orchard, Kentucky Blue. Red Top, Perrenial and Italian Bye. Timothy, 850.. &c. mm: ï¬drrrtimxmtï¬. SEED AN PRODUCE MERCHANTS, Corner Front & Jarvis Sts.. TORONTO. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, Mangel ’Seeds oi‘ uhéxceiled quality. PLEASE DON’T omrr A CALL WHEN IN THE CITY. (Sigflo‘d) All parties indebted to the astute of the (From Our Own Correspondent) The Cheapest and Best NOTICE I " r‘ v . ‘E‘OAE‘ï¬â€™ESï¬'S'm “‘R'}Exmmns. Richmond Hill, P. O. STEELE BEDS. 8:, 80. GRASS MIXTURES. SPRING-HILL. A Princely Fortune. i-tA, EXECUTORS' Yours, etc., CLOVER SEEDS. Late of the SEED GRAINS. GRASSES. Having said out my Harness Business to Mr. George McDonald, I hereby give notice: that :1! accounts not settled below FRIDAY, MAY lat, 1885!, will be placed in Court for collection. Richmond Hill, April Int, 1685‘ MISS ETTA BAILEY March 2511:. 1355‘ â€"â€"VVILL GIVEâ€"- Lessons on the Piano and OAKRI DGES. WILL STAND FOR MARES AT THEIR OWE SI‘ABLES, 'l‘o Inlurc n Foal [Single Leap. H MlLBS! Imported “MICKEY FREE," dam "MARIA HAMPToN,†has been the bent horse over hurdles in America. and his record 111 this at 'h of racing has never been beaten either on \ u Continent m‘ in England. v MILESAN ORIOLE. now 5 years old. by "Ean CHIIY," :Inm thoroughbred mare " MORENA, " by imported "Tm: 'l‘rs'nm," grand (Inn: by “VALPARAISO,"iB for appearance and spend 54- mittod to be suporior to his celebrated lire. 1‘0 Inlurc n Foalm: .. .15 Single Leap .......................... )0 Mares taken to pnsmre and carefully atiended to on ma stumble terms. x» H. GHETTUN ST. 530MB, March 13th, 1885. MISS FLORA COULTER GEO. F. KELLY, Veterinary Surgeon ! Organ Residence~0prosite Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill. Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Town“. ' I. 3 . Ofï¬ce & New icnco-ï¬fom‘mhï¬m P. 0. But ton vi 1 IQ-minw; 3:53:13?“ Fobmd. 1885. l: DI S SOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given thnt the partnership carried on for some time past by tho underlign- ed under the ï¬rm nu me of We the unde‘rignr-d 1mm rmncd into Partner- hhip undnr Hm name and style nf Emnlvnou Bros . and will cuntimw on the Old Business carâ€" ried on by the lure Firm of II. Sunderï¬un & Sons. N. Râ€"Al] pal-{ins indebted to the Iatn Firm of H. Fund: rsnn (k rims are In why x: 5&5 that all uccauuts dun mnqt 1w. settled on ‘ i ) fvre the list ".ftvr which date, they “in be to] ‘5 hunds for collection. H. Sanderson 8: Sons’ 13th DAY JAN.. 1885; by mutual consent, the 5.32104. member of tho ï¬rm railing. and that. J 11 6; \V A Sanderson is empnwowd to dischargequ Settle MI debts to and by the said partnership “'I'rxzss‘ E SEIDER SANDERSON B1103 Richmond Hill,Jnn. 11:11, 1885. m3 LESSONS IN BIUSIC. Richmond Hill, Feb 11th, )855. THE STALLIONS J Art‘inles Sold evervwhere. Sole Malianâ€"KAY BROS, Stockport, Eng. 701’» COUG US AND COLDS 7â€"A‘ YԤ1I‘L).\l PhUN D “ï¬r C x Colds, is equally serviceable fox-Horses and Cattle 7AY'S 'l‘I’! PILLS, a speciï¬d in \ Neurnlgia. Fnce-ache,&c. v.7“ ‘to'AGULIN ‘1.-â€"â€"Cmnont far Brok’éi. \ Anniseed. Senegu. Sq'lill,’1‘olu, 5'0" with. Chlorodyne. ' ' - 7AY’S COMPOUND. 13 drmn’cvgfl \ pxpoctorunt. for (7m: dis :1 nd 1:18 NOTICE I I’ARTKERSE'EH’ MHECE. ORIOLE! Mia 603310111th :1: mmnw 18 PREPARED TO GIVE Hns been Dissolved this NOTICE OF TERMS: ~ANDâ€" Signed Sin: (2 d H. B. DEWSBURY. Signor], J. H. SANDERQON. V. 5 IV A. SANDERSON _ 3.0: 3, 4m con. ( 0 Tp,01 Markham. Day and night on!!! promptly nttcuded to Oukxidges P 0, 0:0. “4, “Huh! and