Mums. R. S. WILLIAMS & Fox‘s V . GENTLEMEN â€" l hm'ï¬ much }‘1(‘(‘S‘.U‘C 1x1 toshqn put. them severe“ to the tgst, and ï¬nd vhem yo: e ceptu’hle to the true Inqsicmuï¬ugl Ipwr of (1:15 nted from the mo§t delwnto mums-[mp to every answers rendith eyssry shade of reelmg. T0 ‘2 tn the great 0x01]! ssed 0. those quulibit 122:1 lun<icâ€"n charming degnc ul' loudness and I consider E115“; inisï¬â€˜umen :. t, . ch'xisibiou in milsiéiu] é ï¬nding a piano winch l 0qu recommend with pen itch conï¬dence. I nm,Gentlemcn, ycurs very truly, CHAS \Y. Vilraih glad to hear ihut. thé (:5;th w suu:‘df"?ï¬Â£â€˜iï¬Â§&i§’†Inccess that. I think You jn 113.: (leech-o. ) ' “e I am, Gentlemen. Your obedient Servant. UP’REGHT AND SQUARE Gawaomafï¬iyelu, spectml style of organs m 1.213;? quantities. and are therefore able to offer them at p n ow :31. ea. - :uympn s urrulgge u suit thu com mience ef c " ' term 0! years. 1'0:qu particulars wnte to ° put base“ and Spread 0‘ I);me , E11033 EVERY LINE A SPECIALITY 3‘. w. . . ‘ P ‘ if far a _ :2; a - NEWSPRIN moons Ara constructed from lhe very hrs! Materials hy ’ equal in, point ARRIva ALMOST DAILY WELL A$$QRTED .‘HE ONTARIO HOUSE. TON E, 'l‘éBUGII 45;: EEURABILI'I‘Y ! f x m ‘ I 11’ ‘ @H m NEW ADVT. NEXT WEEK. JOSEPH HAL L. THIS SPACE STOCK LARGE AND BIObIIALg. Tn the high price-41 (\mt-xican hnslrumeuls. Yomze St. Tovonta BE LON GS TO AT TIIES PEAHGS Y “r, V, .5...,j wuu. ',0 every degnc ul loudues and tuluess, and u. y . A 3. . . . acq'xisxblou m m wad». .m 2' AL , 15S? iu] S'Qciel ' and um mm TORONTO, April 12(,h,1881 lug tn the great oxm 11mm; of yrur I‘imms. I 'ed 0. those qualities of tone and touch a ..n n â€"-L ' ' ' ISAAC CROSBY. Ms M" PXPEHCHCPU Workmen, and are fully puinl of ' . S. WILL]: OR 226 Dundas St. Laaï¬s' EWING, (Of London, England,) Organist of St, Peter's Church. Cuburg, 0n TondNT9._Nov. 4th. 1852. ‘b'hi'v‘ "c ..... -1â€... GEO. “V. STRATHY. Mus Doc. vm .ronc and touch 60 uc~ ‘g sgngllxg tone. easily “rump 1d tuluess, and a. touch “hich “In much pleased at I have was at ex~ over a ‘Portlm‘id .7 M ï¬ne annv-rEMArzâ€"Services at 11 n m, and! p m Prayer meeting on Wedneï¬duy evening 7 80 Rev J W Cameron, pastor ,,,_ _.U-., uuu. u nu a ucxocx. lev. President. T F. McMahon, Sec‘ Librarian. VILLAGE Couxcmâ€"Reeve. Wm Pu cillors,B Bodditt, PGSuvuge, W McConughy, Clerk,M Teefy RICHMOND HILL CORNET Bumâ€"M tics in the Lorne Hall every Tu in: at 7.30 o'clock. C. Savage. Ludo: Rmâ€! CA‘X‘nomcâ€" Sou-vices : Thomhi‘ and Richmond Hill um" 30311:) ; ‘the Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am. und' at 10 50 a. m, ‘. {av Father Egan, Pastor. SOC! ET! ES Iï¬xmuoun LODGE. A. F 6' A M. No 23. G R Câ€" Mmta in the Lodge Foam, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon. nt 8 o'clock, pm A. J. Rupert. W M ; H. A. Nicholls, See. I 0 G T.-Th1ï¬ Lodge meetsin the Tnmxwrance Hull ever VVeenvsduy evening at 8 o'clock p m. J H Sunderï¬on. W C. R. ’1‘. OF TEMPmecE.â€"Bichmond Hm Coun- cil, No. 43.;meeba m the Temperance Hall. emch: alternative ’J‘uesr .y eveningatï¬ o'clock .p. m: Bonéï¬ciary Part cntes issued to member: for 31:00" or in case of death 32.000. one hulfpuyahle in case of disability. J. H. Sanderson. Select Councillor. .. Fm): BRIGADE.â€"â€"Regulnr meeting ï¬rst Fridav n! mmrv man". “A†.-._ u ... , mm: unIGAhE.â€"â€"Regular meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month, bold in the Council Chamber, at 7 p. m. Membership Iran. Certiï¬cates issued to members entitlin them to certain privileges and exemPtions. J Sanderson. Captain. H. A. Nichol :3. Secretary. MECHANICS INSTITUTE.â€"Libr&ry of over 1000 volumes open every. Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. Wm. Pugs- lev. President. T F. McMahon, Soc. B. E Law. Librarian. A. 0. U. 1",. Iv! LODGE, No. “4. Committee Room of the Masonic Hall, e‘ second and fourth Tuesdnv of each month. o'clock.p. m. Beneï¬cnry certiï¬cate given $2,000 in page! death Isaac Crosby, ML Workman: B.‘Grezimm, Recorder, ' r ~M¢ets in _. u.†“my nul nLLuuguu in work that will at “nee bring )ou in money faster thnn anything else in America, All “hunt. 1119 $34 ,Of-U jn ,pvesems will) ouch box. Agents wanted (fl'r‘rywhoro. of either sex, uf all ages. for ï¬lm lime. or spmo Lime only. m work for us at. Lhmr own )1: mos, Icrmmas tor ul] worker“ 51". sulutclv nrsmml, Don't delay. 11 HALLETT 65 Co J‘Lu-din .‘l ‘1 A re you disturbed at night ï¬nd broken of your rest, by a nick child suffering and (-ryii'a with pain or cntiing teeth '2 If so. send up once vnd gel. 11 home of Mus \VINHLOW'S SranIxa SS‘ Imp rm: CHILDREN 'l'mc'rmh‘ai Its value is incnlcul- uhlm It will relieve the your little sui‘fvrer inr- Inet‘intciy Depend upmiit, mothers. them is no mistake a bout it. It cures dysentery and diar- 1hme. rogulu’os {he stonumh ui-d bowels. caret wind coiic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- iiuu. and gives tone and energy to thu whole F} shim. Mns \Yixsrlow’u Eoo'rmNG SYRUP FOR ' immmnsx TEETHING isyicnsnnt tn the taste and H the prescription of mm of the nldcst and best. female mix-Sm; mid physicimm in tho Unitod States. and is {or snlo hy ull draught: through-- out the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. $200,000 v Sure to Conquer. The most Jumblv-mun» ennuh is sure in yield i! Iimflly mound uilh Hug}':|xlrs Po-c- mm! Halsum. Penman m lulu: and safe f-r 31 um; or Mr! I I J; m ‘Cl'ms Car-ml] 5‘25 “cutie ('x 1 llnli! 433 Ruhbie Marsh 479 J “'1. “mm 476 Jun Rnlwr 388 “Tr.- Gmdener 3'20 :J.’; E. szes .520 ML Menish 536 Luvv Nesm I 420 C Unliiv'gnhend 402 5. F. (“hm 402 25:) SR. 2sn Jn. Joe Mm dev Louie Haï¬'e] Willie Sum-«go Alec Findlay " erm Mnlhollund 51mm» Alhm Albert Alllill Mary Humble Nellie Kuklum} Nellie Kellvy lar'r Sn. ‘ .v 19141:; M. llllasinulhwaigbte Maude Farulmm Bella Hawkins May Savage M Buninwhwuiglue Jam's lIqu in: Aggie Kirkland lsmu: ‘Mulh.’ llnnd Lizzie liu‘mh e Mary Ifugnhfe Jmneu Mundvy Harvey'ka Willie Flack Euph Knkiand The following is lhé standing of P sou School for ï¬lle pmnlh of March : 4TH (fuss Willie Mulhouaud James Hufl'ey ' Hurry Hardy Ghnrlm Seymour Jane Rumble H Gnrvin J wile, = {I Glove-r ‘F'red Hooper ' “(Glass A. Glass Ella McConnell C Hall ' W. ('lill'ord Ella Wilson F'McConnell Ez'flrown l3. Teasdale Herbie Soulea A: Brown 1;. Washington .1. (‘kl'ntxsn AME, Teacher. lb. Lyneu ‘ D. P; lmer ‘0. Powell (l. Barker 0. Glover M- Maps: Sh:th u l’. Soulej J. Keeller ' uJ. Glass' 3L Roddil! McKenzie J. 'Blaushnrd SENIOR Maggie GIOver Ddihe Dnulhwaflo Mérriu,,Wi_laon . J’hlm Fulconbridge Alex Reid Efï¬e McNair ' FORM IV 151' DIV. V 2ND DIV. - flhxgje Manes ‘R, Games: A Nuscoe Law Edgar Amlé-y hulher Kerfler [Cl-orel-ce prï¬r \Iinnio Suules . V Willie Baikal Jeane Cooper Ssxum m The following in HM! standing of the Richmond Hill Public School for [he month of March:â€" gï¬illnyc gammy 3mg. 81;. A l C mss ADVICE T0, MOTHERS 1 Inhs 488 Wm Chou-.1»: 4'34 zlrah 479 Mu Cumubs 48! u: 476 U H. Apple-Ion 16}: ~ 388 Louis: Tender 451 em-r 3‘20 burn, Man 392 J. B.â€stG'rnw.\1(:n'rl-:, Teacher. CI-IURCIJES Séhodl iReporté. 5!“ :1. me:le glvtm away F-‘oud us 15 cents ynstuge, and by muil )mx Hvlil gvh {me It pnwkupn of gnu-is of lame vn‘l_x e, that will start you T. M. lewï¬nnrokn, Tgacher. mm: m FORM H. FORM 1 Sn. H 391mm Cnmnbs Wm Chou-.1»: Mu Cnmubs U H. Apple-Ion I". J.-Svn§er M5 R. J. Wn‘lkiuglon 469 Ed. 'I't-Buér 463 eroh Fred',‘iQ,-’ livdditt Frank Sheppard Ruhhie -M iuhael Willie DnthWuile Louie ,Uupyerv Eva Jewel} ‘ M. WlLu', Teucher. Charlie Kerswell FloreLce Powell V. Smuccx, Principal. NICHOLIS, Teacher. or‘m [)vury . Mary Mulhullund spell I mohfhrzï¬. é r zâ€"Lgfeï¬s in _tho Junâ€: 111 Thomhill-uti’ a. m n ; ‘the following Mg. and Thomhill u w b’i‘éézén. F A 2 Cussv WFITinglnn Han Rvulwn Glass Miille 'I‘Iench Maggie Mondie 'l‘xllie Trench ‘ 3lgn .13.- 6- Sims erzuu u L. Hartison N. Unison E. Lyman M. anis W. Skeele E. Mahouey C. “'ilvon W. Hall mate given for CNSbY. Muster â€"Meets {or prac. Qlfï¬day own. ng of Puller-- n m, nndt‘ '50 3n» DIV. . Brillinger even 0| WIN Dear Sn â€"â€" I'Writw'rr') W†'y‘nn mi MI: Hwny HIZIivr.‘ hf" Ynnshuq‘.’ “‘i'l‘hï¬ i'v‘ifmihs ma Hm! hï¬ Ruï¬'wwi-fmm n svï¬a‘m'tt’éirni n! indigvslinm fur unwngds of funr 'yemm and look nn end nf dulltnris nuuhoiung wit-hum IhP Sliï¬lltflï¬'lhellg‘ï¬lg and r194:in Mythâ€- Saigol's Syrup whit-h he go! fro V NIL huh saved his m... ' " " ’ Best And Comforg. To '31,“- Bulletins. “ BROWN’S IanEHnurv PARACEUWJM iio‘ 'eiiu‘nl for relieving pain. both intmpal my} lextemall It cures Pain in the Side, Brick or BoWelsp. Sorta 'l‘hrnut. Rheumatism, toothache; Lujmbnï¬o and any kind of a Pain nr Ache. “ It will 'moap surely quicken tho Blood and Hen], as its'adtiu‘g boweris wonderful." “ Brown‘sallnuspholdPmudear" be» ing "clumwletlged as thagreut Pain Reliever, and cf alouhle the sirens; h (sf-any other; Elixir or Liuiment in the “'arld,~shqul(l be in every family handy for use when wanted. “ us it really is the qestr rï¬medy in the world for Cmmps’ in the stomach, and Pains m d Aches 9f ll‘kjgdsf" and in hu- nuln In" "II um.†A. nz _ “w .__v_ “up. .. ii; for sulé bv an 5;1i§£ist:s'ut 25 centé‘i’borï¬a A Good Guarantee. , H. n. (A‘uvhmn. drugé‘ml [mucus-Mr. T‘n . wriws HIM he ï¬lms 'guumnuâ€"ed"M‘t-r 300 hunlos of Bmdm-k ,mund Bitter! fur rhslurpsia, Lilian; Zagllncku and.-,liver, and kidney luvuhlm In l"'!‘l'l|898 has it disapâ€" pninu-d lhusv “ho uéktd ii. In. Canada; it givas‘ the same {:Pnel‘a'l lsarisfacho’n.’ (Si-Wed) N Wéf:fl,'€hpmiil, Calne Mt White.. 7 , y ,r “yr .3. v-d him mu] unï¬t“.va him ln‘hw nomihl ( m- dxlinn “Hm:th 5|“?!“h9‘illg nnhlilv‘flim'PnPh for a (musinlerahle lrng-Lh ufuémuwél could may-Hm: nan I. {2va mm y other (mm-s bur spam- Would not ulan A m-ar flier d (W m i119, » whn ~ is "'PI‘V llnu'b'h mfdiv'l'f‘rf ‘ "cri’s ‘ Iivmwss, m- ou’vmii-n‘tiun, ï¬nds 11151 "Mmh‘n‘i' 39L" 1‘8 Eli’s um flu- nn|_\‘ pills Whrelrw suit his (-0"an int.’ All nth-r Pil's .rnésel are; :mlinn which is gn-vv ,3Ilu-nyiu]. ,; Mother SPiJvl's Pills ‘35) um! Imn'o u Lllftfillnf'erf effm‘l. I huvfl"mufll 'nlralsvlvgjjn ruhinwnd- m: Man-tin In ‘snï¬'virin: humauiw ‘MU‘lh-r S~i1wl‘s mwlimnm. which m'v ‘iin’izl’iï¬in If [his lower is of any srn'ice you ":Bn‘puhhsh n. - : 2.’ * ‘ A (WI-Min miinisrer“ in mv vaighbmhnnd sars il ‘5 H1" m'l 1y Ihin‘g which has in uef‘h- Are pleasant to tats. Contain that: m Putative. In a. Ill-1°, inn, and otreczul decimat- of mm in Chum-en or Adult; Spun. [ Inn-n wry much pleunurn in still hearing hstinmny m Ihv \eq: mutinfamnry rosuhs of lhr- rmde 35min xuzd l-‘il‘... Mail pulvnl, Ins-divinr‘s‘ (ii?! ..‘m “1"†"Te. hui l‘mlwr Feigr'l has‘lmd 'n nu-miv“ shle 'm't-r him'e l mnnmevxm-«L and 5,; still in m meal denml us when: I ï¬rsr hnmm 10 Sell lhe mrdir-inn. 'Hn- (:lll'l-‘S uhivh; haw come umlnr my nmipp um Chin-Hf Lhasa: pf: liver complain! “mi mineral ,dehilily. ‘ WORM, ï¬OWiDBRSQ Tin-mus Chapman. “’PRL Auckhmaâ€"I ï¬nd that the Imde swudilv 'i‘icreases. 1 wall more sf your medicines 11m†any Other kind V . , .1" v . N DnrrnH. Chm. Suhn.â€"AH.\vho buy it are pie-used. nhd rocnmnwud if. . _ . J s “Mimiâ€: A l’ S. King-shridgeï¬â€"The puh’ir' we") I0 ar'rmnci do their great value A Arman-ad. Market Strata.†“alum-hf Fullness â€" Uh nm-dless fut" m9 3m snv ihnt ynnr vuluahle mod-circus- 'havé‘: grind suir- in Ihis dislri‘clégI-mm'r llmn Inf OfHer I kno€v ul'. giving (1mm snï¬sf'imlmn Ruhr. Lani-w. Mn-Hx'shamxâ€"I can '\w-.ll"ro-- (-nmnwmi Ihn (‘mmive Svrup l'rum, having prnvvd iU-x rfï¬mmj {'nr indjgc-miqn‘mysvli'. Fiitwklwim. Arlyn-(nth. Fonfulshiw, Sept 23. “‘82 “pnr Sinâ€"Lax! )‘031‘ I sun! vnu a letter I'l'cmnnwmiing Mmbm~~ 'Su' vel‘s J S. Mctcn‘lfv. 55 I]igllglï¬9, Kmflanl haw ulwm’s sin-a! plieusure in \mmpndu . , ' , n. , , mg lh!‘ (‘urnnve iSwur‘. fur I ‘I‘t’we never known u oasn'in w'nirh it hm 'n'm rolim'ed nr Q‘lll‘Pd, inï¬ll ] lm'vn snld many-‘g‘l’n‘ssos HUM. G Gould. 27 Hugh S’hï¬-etfliAndanu ml hm’o always mkm‘ a many i‘lfli'l:fiï¬' i‘n vnur mmhrimï¬s’nnd I haivé‘ l'i-(‘bnxmovldPG Ihem. as I haw f'nund mnmu-ousn'cases of cure from their use. 7 can ‘A' \VILQE'IQI \'?11k 34%. may; â€"-I haw snld {IL-burg“ qunnï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬‚V mid Ihï¬ Pumps have lesliï¬ed In its :bmhnghut ynli reprnsmn it. 3; - ~- :lw‘ Jnhn Archer, I-lhnhnll. ngér‘ï¬hcflield :â€" I can cnvrï¬dP'IIIVy IPctlmmo-na ifcd it†Who may lw Fuffvping from -3-livor~' Edi†stomach. cnmplnims. brain; Hm veuimnny of 'mV onyzlnnwm. whnjmw‘ deg'ived {xglngghpnfï¬lr from the Snub um] Ping Tli‘eneale iivinj . .JulL. 'J ' Inn-nah“; n crt-using' \vrm‘du-rht'lv. Fun-alive Syrup uciahlm :a '4'r5hn'Iry'm in l’hin Mass of cnmpiaim. ggiviu'q: alm’hfl! 'immedi-- . .. :nvluu mmus'. lllqumuln Me rFIin. Tho fulio‘w mg It‘jl'e‘ra From“ chem- inls ofsmmiing in~lhe coi'n‘mflï¬icxy’ who)"- they liw, xbow m- whatâ€mimaï¬nn 'lh ariic‘e is hr-ld »- J "flawuers. ‘ Many petstms havé hninn abnth . It.» chestm‘itd sides. mud stwnoiri‘mnis‘ in th'1 puck. 'l3h9v "eat dnti um‘d -slvepy: thy I'mnuth hash had tugte wottpeciulty in thM : ' mornin ‘ z. A sum nfaticky slings aqua-ta ntmm the term. The appetite is pom. smrnuch ;.snmetinwru4fn;im “HI-gone. sat-:2 lsntinn at the pik‘ut' tho astnmj'u-h which that] I dues nnt Kali-4g. 1 hands and fee‘thrcptluf cnld mgdhtv-elclntqltlx lAt'ter a while a cough arts in at ï¬rst Hrv. .hut nf'toriu f'r'w r‘nnntha it is'n'ttcéuded uith'i greenish (ml(“indext-Pctnrminm;The utï¬iot- o-rd one (vets thud nllthe whi;le., .and steep does not seem t!),!lfl‘ttl‘d nuy gem. After .q tinw he becoméé I‘ltï¬l‘VOllS.‘_ irtitnhle. 'and' gloomy. and his vvil- forehbdihizs. Tth‘ iitt'u giddinnss. a sort of whirling nensntihh‘ ‘in thu- tend ,vthen.t;isiug up gaugidmaly. Th“. thnu‘eha become tens'l'wé : the talkih it dry and that at time's ; I'hé hl’nnd hncnthéi thick wind ‘Flflgttflttt: the whntvs ut the eyes hoconw tiugPd with yvltnw. the urine is scantv and and sometimes with a‘woetiah flame : thitt is fl'qumntly “ande with pntm'mtirm of t the Imut : they visior‘tthecnmesiwnrited tht'h spots bufme th’n Pyes"; thoré i; it“ feélivtz 6!" great prostrtitin‘n tn‘t'd weflheas. 'AH ' of these svmmoms mic in tug“ present. .1: in , RICHMOND“ m,“ - m thmtght that ymml’yi'one-thiul at nut? harm-- Intirm hm: thy fitmu‘s‘gz 'tu IAO‘thQ‘J‘f it} vnried forms, It has high? fttiit'Vdf'fihnt. nipdimil men hawk mink-lth the Imtuv'e nf' thii Idiflâ€" emu, Snme havé'trénte'tf it" t?" it" Hitter complaint. othe'rs flit‘l‘idttfly‘ flinénm.‘ ’étti. run. but non» of the various Mndm-h‘fl t‘ma‘t- uvent hurt» hey-n ,nttgndgd,1vizhv auécesa‘ ,bfcu'usq the tram]! should such 6.9;“): 4 jt-PPLES; -~tPPtES.‘ act‘hanimninu-ély ,upml qttch, n pigt'. ,thgsge organs. imd’npb'ri'the s'rimac'hf‘nl weâ€; far in Dyspepsm (forthis 13.:5 ron'ity‘rf'ï¬tm‘ {be diseuee is) :5†‘tvf'lhese (treating. puï¬tnke sf n till ,,,_ to act upn til the sums Lime; Sqighlï¬ r‘ut .. . 1- , V. ‘ .‘. x Ht p 'Tht-re is a t'eélmg him 8% her-v; :lnudmi‘ that‘ 'i tï¬srflAIgsyrcxa The eyes afpgaunkey. Ihf- ,‘-L;‘ Ihighst-oluuréd; depnmting‘h aédiiihém.’ after ' tatmudinz. Thermirfrvquent‘lyéï¬hpittinQ-up ‘ - of the. food, anmntimelmith ,‘B'Jriir mun: n ' z. .f'vz this diseasé and ragujreflg‘pmfdy that A SI. CC)â€1 _, V V _-,.A-_.- -;-,-,.-., ‘.‘y‘_l AJVLuJIMJtALWUpD 1 That has eyer been in this town, at from 5v. m 75c. pt-r l0â€. 1\ large stuck of MIXED PA’ INTS IN A LL COLORS REA DY Ft Hi USE H M'hitte Lead. Utls :u'n't' l‘urprntinc. I’uinL mud Witttzwnsh' Mrushvs :.! mugs. Full Stuck ut' Paintcts‘ Material “1‘ 105s Ih ltl :l'tmmtu Pt'ice'r!‘ A-LAJ$GI§STKFCEIQEVEUEKWITEHaE L Hurdwtuy. Ct'ov‘lttaty am] the I. I. ' i I ,' " 11<3£ncaEiCHJEEaIEn§ Try our 25c. Teas; Ask for Lamp 0. 'I“I(HH' hunt AH will he sold at Buttom Prices. 1 P.GuSAVAGE, kand81'8011 Bum, t tPPtESt - J t @tnthl, Imam. w n & .70 numn Qt “on! A J Whiw, 1‘} What isi'ï¬iï¬Ã©i DxEéasé ""Thati‘l'ig SPRING ‘ (30ng Upon Us ? A..I .L.D,... vvgpb vyvu war a x V I I ,1 a, A- , Aud the People's Store is on hand “’ilh the largest new muck of Like a thief at Inghc , ":8"!!ng in; nan M‘s) _-, ‘V’AIJIJ V PAPE} R, D 13 of: I) ERI I nv.‘ . more money than jatiunyuxipg GISQEbyf mks mg un'iigéncy fur the Des? .sellinv book om; Beginners succeed grnnfllvl" ' nhe' fail Terms fresh HALL???VBOQKVGOH‘EQLMILDQI ‘ ‘ v w r - nurs, wry Huh. (Signvrl) “‘m Ymmi truly, 1]) Wm S (Haï¬v;,f;hexh3rh 15m Aingï¬Ã©i. Ham. l!- Toronto Feb. 13th 13:13 PILHNES WARRANTED PM IQ Y" CALL A ND sms M.E. BEST†SETS 01" TEEâ€! $8, Th6 only Dentist in Toronto ï¬sing Kurds " pumtus for Extracting, Teeth Without Pain P- LENNUX, DENTIST Goodwins Bought and Said ! _ Put/ant Rights disposed of; :SYN n ICA.TES F()R1\I ED For Manufacturing nnd other purposes.‘ S ock and Shuts Brokers. etc, etc. Tm‘qmn Jan 9th, 1883 VITHLIZéiMIï¬ Pï¬ELï¬E A G _F Im‘rnzxcz 'th, 186A Farrryét; pt-hex-iPropex-ty,‘ GENERAL AND - FINANCIAL AGENCY ! PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN‘ Thronto. May 29:11, 1884. [DAVID BLAH, Em, Y‘resident. ’SABIUEL TUBES, ESQ, Vice-President " l‘ CONVEYANCE‘RS, ETC. ' “ _ y _‘ , VNO. l4 Buitd‘mgï¬z Loan [.0] out“ (1’ US chmqu3,151'01‘01120 st. Richmond Hill ()lfi:rc:-5§ï¬Â§ru‘fï¬,ï¬ff§ ‘ 0n Saturdays. Many [0 Loan at Lowest Current Haws. Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Ofï¬ces -18 Kng Street East, Toronto. Richmcnd Hi1 Past (flee Evezy Saturday. ‘ ,. W M “Kâ€, J S Fuilerwn \V (look. Q‘IEAWREXCE & MILLEGAN, Barristers. Solicitors. Best Material in the Market Barristers, AtcorneyS-ut-Law, Solicztbrs-ï¬x- Chuncu_ . Con vevxmcers, etc, ()fllcosâ€"Impcrial BuukBuddings. \Vcllingtun-streen Toronto nnMAH meusox, Q.C. Jousfl BMN W11 SE OF 6015mm, Um; F SuxanY HALL, FULLERTON 8: COOK ; Kuhn; and it‘ll . other operations neatly My Gold ’ E COA'J'sonu'H le. Toronto,*Nuv 18m, 1884 J. M. LAWREXCE, BIANAGEII Richmond Hill Avril 9th, 1884. Elgarrim ï¬slwitnm, NOTARIES; coxvxï¬mxcnns, OFFICES : 15 York Chambers, Rain, Ccrdron ac, S‘rhipley, Deposits received and interest r.1]mwd thereon at current rates. No notice of withdrawal 12-2-- quircd Drafts on ull parts of Canada. United States and Great Britain bought and sold, AJENTRAL BANK ~ 0F CANADA. DIR EC'I‘ORS. ~K..CHIsnm'.M, M. P. P. 11. P. DWIGHT, 1959., u M.Mu1:>0NALD, ESQ. c B,uonmsuu.1«:sq. A McLEAN HOWARD, ESQ. J. GINTY, ESQ. _ RICHMONB HILL SAV’ING’S DEPAIvK’l‘l‘IEN’F They will also give llxe usuul f'ucili - tlés to customers requiring advances. 1 London, July 315:. 1884.â€"'9< m ' 79. Quan Street, London, E. C., _\\'Iill be glad m correspond with Appl'c :Grbw'oijs, Merchants and‘ Shippers, mm a flaw l0 Autumn and Spring Business "Yon'ge. St. Arcade, '-l'o.rdmo. MURTIEMiES META l 3 ED COA-rswomu & Hoocms, Wan-aqu to be made from thu 1‘1 ONI’JY (1‘0 1.0AN. Hotels, Taverns 11nd Engines-9L By means of Vitalized Air. TORONTO J. LEVANS & co, P. O. Box 2527. N0 9 [onto Street r3211. c-‘r. EL Lauder Lane Toronto. A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. Flmxn E. 110nm. élv '1' C Emma.“v 1y HAS’ " COME AGAIN doï¬e lyâ€"me 3.13-- EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing 01119.9. Yonrzo Street, m Hill. Ontario. » Terms of Subscripth :â€".$51 00 per an advance. When not paid in advance 3 be charged. Trmxsitory u dvcrtiscnw um, ï¬rs; insertio: ' " ’yi'i‘liut“,. ' ............ Each sunsequc‘un inxertiou, per line Contracts for time and spate made on: Zion. Arlvarti 0'“ '* , hnM written inst; will be in we? arm} forbidmul shat-gm] eu'r. r1115! . )KIGIJMONJJ: "I‘XII;"I;L new: 'I‘O mm m mm szcvm 5 This Housm‘s one of the Best Hotels to In. ‘ found north of Toronto. Everything is managed i in First: Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ; ciul Travel“ IS Uond Staining 11ml attentive ‘ hustlers. Terms, 651 pm- duy. l‘mctor'b Bus leaves this Home] to connect will all the N I: R Trains going North [Lnd South; at 8 a. 111., 1.2 u, g m. 10 p m. (de.301;m, N OTA RY PU BLIC, £30 MARRIAGE .Hlu. Soy: nur reduced Iunn table For f: mutlon apply ILL th: omcps nf Hm n. Mmoy mmived (HI dvpnsil, and i pay-awe lx;xi!'_\'cm'.y or compounded. m {a 1' W7 L 041 N. Capital, $l,rmn,nun; Regen-e Total Assets, $3,5ï¬0,~.‘00 ‘ ’1'(7ItSâ€"â€"“i'.lnilt'1 Mutt. M 1’ 1mm, Geo W Le" Rlnnnk..w~nn a. A. Gooderv , 'I'Lms H LLL, Lon D l; 3111013111: {€011 'Sc‘xluto; SAVENG’E BANK Bxizxmorz » - ‘W‘estern Canada Lean and Savings Company Otflcesvâ€"Nu 7U, Church-snout, Toronto HON (21:0 \‘v‘ ALLAN, Smmtm‘,1"198mm): (“comm GOODXCRUAM... ..‘\xr:c-l‘1'nsideni This Hotel has 1mm] ref"r:“shorl, renovated, and “drew: ll)! in ‘ 5st st; me, mu] 3:; mm 4])? lemtimg Hutu] nurth of Toronto. The bur 1. sup plied with ï¬rst-class 1m:sz 0i liquors mu] (Sigurd. Ewellvut nucummoduminn fur Ummnm‘cinl '1‘m‘.’s'lhrs.xmd the (lonernl Public Good Stub]- inu nml nn uttmmvu limb-tier. RICHMOND HILL. JO 1‘] POXV IELL. 'Prop V- .J u um. Junâ€. n‘nystill be consulted many branch of the pro fessinn, as foilm ' Richmond Hill. . 9L]: 6;- 2~lth 0f each month (:11, Palmer House) Aurora. 151, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stoum'illo. . 18th do Murklmm..,... . dc Victoria Square .. do 'l‘hurn‘uill , , ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ . . . . . . do \2 Unabride ...... (10 Kleinbnrg do Noblcton Aurora. 151, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Sbouï¬villo Murklmm.. .. . Victoria Square Tlmrn‘uill u \2 ondln‘idge Kleinbm'g Nobluton . . . Vitulizr‘d air always an hand at umpoizrgmn: 1: does away wit} extracting THE PflLMER HOUS: RICIIAIONIIHILL. 5’ Palmer, .F’rofio. {HE YSBK HERALD 0W $1; Richmond 11m, April 3rd Will visit tlié followingplncos professionally .;â€" Uniom‘iflei ,lst Mimdny 0f each month. Weston 'JIII um] zlsb do Maple, do Richmond 11 do \‘w’ocdbridgo ...... do Mr Husband “'11: be found in his ofï¬ce, at New! aubmok, every Saturday. cxccpt when Suturâ€" day falls on the above date. vatonbrook, June 13th, 1383. My Artiï¬ccl Tecthmppcr or under, $5.00. lein- 10523 uxtructing by we of Ethcnzed ML The only ï¬rm in the Dominion executing ï¬rst-class wmu‘; ut the above 1 rice. G. H’. H [ISBA NI), L- I DENTIST, NEWTONBROOK. ONT. VE'E‘A LEZEE) A “R ' Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. W est, Toronto The York Herald 'l‘hnykIgllfor flu; favors of t) WALTER. 8 LE .n- reduced lunn table For further infor- umwly at th: emces of the Company . TEEFY $132359; @gt‘z‘aï¬. â€"AND ISSUER OE 'V ELERS SURGEOL‘. DENTIST. AURORA PUBLISHED BY k' l with the pa_u in (1605 mm. LICENSES, , 188} ‘ 00 P01“ aypgm in um: 31 50"wiii Fund, snow We ‘ pus}~ yours in stmcbiom 3.] tvmnï¬iu the plnces of on up 9110,), Iichmond l-ly Mnnnqn: S cau't‘sl 3 cents. inlercm 1,500 The Truth: Marks of mv mm ,Vndn sistered in Ottawa, and also n.u Was. S ed THOMAS .1 CAUTION o-l hnye no Arrvm in [he Umlrd th‘s. nor are my Medicines Sold there. l’urcunst'rs shuva then-Mme .1001' m the label mu Ihs: Puts run} Mum's ’If’ .udd’res‘s is. m-I 53:; (13501“ ‘1: > u ‘ [he-Vunrvuir ‘ ‘ u p “Aâ€! LUUJUL and sold at 3'8. V311†2s. 9:1,, 42;. 6d†115., GRV‘IIBUK and {’06. and in Canada ' 9“: coufc. mm ,4 .u’) cents, and the 19.1 proportion. . A‘Innnx‘hutnred only at Profl‘éss; or I'IoHowzw’s Establishment 533. ox ‘onn STREET LONDON Co'wï¬h’g, Soi‘o Throats Drdnchitia, and all e 01mg 'Elu‘outandChest, m also ‘ I ,. . . r . “an. \1III;BL,IL iimtism . bcmï¬'ulu tuna other k “ u. vaquJU I†uvurV 110 the cure of Oven Sore: 1X31" Tumnnr will 1 fbund invuluublpiin ever ' Hm .n A' A BA D LEGS.‘ OLD 'WUUXDS. ‘ CULDS increase the sem‘ntory powers of the) Livenbmce thennrvous. '5; HUJJJLLI throwinm the circula- tion the 1911!“ Elements for swimming; and 'rvymlriug tho fume. 'I'lmusnnds of persons have testiï¬cl that ’W Hwiv use :«lmxu 1110}: hum: been restored u. hmllih am] sirOn-th. nf'mr every other menu†lmd pruved unsncc sful. purify B nod. X211 This lnémnpurnble Medicine has secur. ed {61' itscfl' rm inmmjishnblq {hm-J throughout the ‘C‘fm-Ku' fur the ulléi'hliou and cure of most diseases to ‘whicz'l humanity 'is heir. " ' ï¬ssm‘aï¬ae {$96 Piiis 5; ï¬gment Worth their ZVeigh: in Gold! M. (J. 1‘. dâ€: 8.. Out, Txï¬'o Years Kcsidunt, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital. 011109, and Heaidencu;-0no dorm south of P. O. OFFICJ‘} HOURS -S m 10 a m, d1: 1?. {0 Lip m Thomhill Feb H th, 15 MEDALIST TGRQNTO UliquESSITY. Member College of (LATE 0's '-' OFFICE 110U11S,~L'=A'om S to EU a. 111., a’. I.) 8 p.1v 1;:::;1:)E\:c7-; has I: Sutgsons. Members College Ph'sicitms (f; Sui *cous. . J b liesmence, Yungo Street, Richmond Hill‘ Richmond 1131‘, Mu); 23m. 16S" 1y Graciuaio of Toronto University1 Dr. gorge La .11 gs taff‘. me; W. J. Ws-maw, R. B‘ Orr-,M. B. 7mm First Silver Medalist University of l‘dx'ozxtohlf‘. L3. 1‘. On'aurio. 8' A L, Englsz‘nd' (Lats or tendon, England] Surgeon, 19 m. , lS‘UfliL-b Hours 8 to 9.30 a.m., rind l 'to 2.30 1mm DR LEWIS G. LANGSTAFF‘V! HR. JAMES LAKESTAFF I John McDonald, Esq. (I. J. 0 “1‘9â€. Esq" lion. Suuamr-Mcmasmr A. M. 53 11.13qu James Metcmfn. Esq. Rev. Euuch Wood, D. m: ‘ ' n gecun‘ty of Company‘s Policy at #01 u. 5 pm‘ vent iumre '6. -_ . Lounsnmde Lm'hnrch_'1‘u1ï¬toea, My icy [My 0 interest. S ‘36. for prospectus. ILA)“ Sir Wm mum-um. K 6.12! G, M- P. eX-LOI‘d Mayor of‘London: ‘ Presxdcnh ‘ w .w Buynes,Esq,F I aï¬Ã©bretaé‘y BIL/0"".-";"3-†DVSP; ' ma'cssr '9" glnifchs/ffl' m emf-Lt? Ricbsï¬oz‘d 1, 0d. 12th, ': 2‘ Yonge Street, Richmond Hm. THE . f STAR sworn ACH Aim regulate and impmys the quality of They ussxst the digestive organs, cleans 12950: w Fund . ; r. ; .'$10.00Q:,0.QC Armun! Inc-Hue . . . . . . 1.600.000 I-n'mmd ix: C:;nmla.. . L'.’U().000 Dem h chums [mill . . .. 10.000,00_0 VTonomu HICY‘ICREECICS. ‘ WELL CURE OR RELIEV DR. ORR, MAPLE, Sec, & Trous‘ for Canada. ‘ ‘ 16 King St, East, Toronto Dec lst 1883 Of London, England, HORN BILL, 0263“ Ii «R w“ .I,» .IIV 1.0. \1 flow A D PERRY, LEEE ' v and 333 mm ,"ï¬ï¬‚ivinï¬s mo ‘0 n.“ WILSJL "hm. IOHAS‘ HOLXJO v73? :2“: a-‘rri ~~ f1 manages, maps- y, FLUTTERIHG 0F J‘HE yam: ACIL’ITV- CF , iti'a, an ‘4 also ’ BOVJELS, Household in