Of all parts of the earth the Antarctic regions alone are comparatively destitute of life. Few species of living things in the vegetable or animal kingdom can endure the rigor of the South Polar region. No terrestrial quadruped inhabits the land within the Antarctic Circle, and whales and seals are the only mammals that enter its area. Summer in the Arctic regions, with its abundant life on land and in the air and sea, presents an animated and a gheerful scene compared with the utter desolation that reigns perpetually iu Ant gratis waters. Explorers tell us that not only does animal life abound, but that men can live in some of the most desolate parts of the globe. It is a mistake to suppose that the Sahara desert is merely a. useless sandy waste. Much of it lacks not so much eul- tivable land as industrious hands to make the vast expanse of withered oases bloasom again. The Mussulman sect known as the Senousmns has for years been digging wells. irrigating the land and turning many hundreds of barren sores into gardens. Twenty-four years ago it planted its head- quarters in the desert near the western border of Egypt, built reservoirs, began plantations, erected convents, and now a population of 8,000 people live at Jsrabub, where the soil has been restored to fertility by their labors. There are large areas in the Sahara that need only rain or irriga- tion to cover them with verdnre. Through these regions pass the caravan routes. along which the 50,000 camels engaged in the Saharan commerce bear their burdens. Mr. Anderson, the civil engineer who last year completed sixteen years of explora~ tins-in in Hunt-h .11 {vim-4. bottvnec the Orange and Zambesi Rivers, says that the rain that falls for a few weeks every year in the great region known as the Kalahara desert covers the blackened verdureless plain with splendid vegetation. Game is abundant there, especially lions, leopards and ostriohes, and he has counted in this desert twenty-two lions in a troop. and has seen 200 ostriohes in one flock. Beasts and birds ï¬nd sustenance in this region where onlya few Bushmen hunters live. Far northeast of them on the semi-arid steppes of Kordofan and Dsrfur millions of sheep and camels exist on the scanty pasturage of that desert region. The earliest Arctic explorersfmud in the little Spitzbergen archipelagoâ€"where, it is believed. no human being had ever livedâ€"herds of reindeer upturning the snow with their boots and noses to get at the lichens on which they fed. Many reindeer live as far north as Littlston Island, and several scores of them were killed by the Hayes and Polaris expeditions. Musk oxen, or their tritees7 have been found along the shores of the great frozen sea as far north as explor- ers have attained. Lockwood, far north of the supposed limits of animal life‘ found traces of this wonderiul quadruped, which grows fat on the tender shoots of the Arc- tie willow and ploughs up the snow for moss and lichens, As a means of suicide the small venomous serpents of Oriental countries have slwaqe been in vogueâ€"the mp of Cleopatra. re- curring to every one’s memory as a. pro- minent example. In certain parts of Bengal there is said to be 9. race of gypeies, one of whom tor a. fee will furnish a. small cobra LU any applicant, “ and no questions asked.†A man who desires to commit murder proeures one of these reptiles and places it within a bamboo just long enough to let the head protrude s trlfle at one end, and the tail at the other. Armed with this deadly weapon the murderer creeps softly to his enemy’s tent at dead of night, puts a. hole in the well, and intrx duoee the bamboo. The tortured reptile, crrelees upon whom it wreaks its animosity, etrikes its fangs into the sleeper, then is with- drawn, and the assassin steals silently away.â€"â€"Gamleman‘s Magazine. The :Strnnxc Mnlady Which Aflllcle I Pennsylvania Family. A Reading, Pa., telegram says : A strange story of superstition and witchcraft, which is veriï¬ed by some of the best-known peo- ple in the neighborhood, comes from Wind- sor Oas'le.a small village situetui along the foot of the B‘ue Mountains. John Fink, a farmer has ï¬ve childrenI who have become efï¬icted with s. strange malady, and the entire neighborhood believes that they me bewiio‘xd. The afflicted children are : Caroline, aged 21 years; John, aged 16; Louise, aged 14 ; Sallie, aged 11,aud Millie, aged 7 Residing near the Finks is an elderly woman who has been looked upon with suspicion by her neighbors for some years, and she is believed to have bewitohed the children. The latter say that the old woman maniftsts herself in the form of a cat, though no one else is able to see it. They are frequently thrown into violent paroxysms one are seized with terrible spasms, which pass from one to the other. They frequently cry out beseeching God to release them from their terrible spell. They imagine that the cat is endeavoring to jump into their faces to scratch their eyes out. Then they tear at their throats and rush into the open air. as they say the imaginary old woman is try- ing to squeeze the life out of them. Next they weep and cry out that she is biting them. They become exhausted after these spells and their fiiands fear that unless they are cured soon they will die. Dr Hatï¬eld, the family physiï¬an, says it is a case which he cannot solve. Dr. Hagen- man, of this city, the recognized witch doctor throughout Eastern Pennsylvania. visited the children. He laid his hands on them, goiig through all the iiicantelims. Alter hi4 Visit ilie children became worse. The house is continually surrounded by crowds of people, who drive to the place from miles mound. Home Popular Mistaken He! Forthâ€"Idle sustained In Places Believed to be Sterile. The Russian explorer Prejevalsky said, after his recent journey in northern Thibet, that‘sn enormous amount of animal life was supported by the scanty herbage grow- ing on these bleak, halt shenle plains that form the highest plateau in the world, some 13,000 .teet above the see. He said the wild yaks there must number millions, and that a full-grown yak weighs from 16000 to 18,000 pounds. Nature’s chemis- try evolves these great masses of flash from the poor herbage of a. region so lofny that its lakes are frozen over until nearly June, though they are 600 miles nearer the equa- ï¬or than we are. In the Registrar’s notes for the last quar- ter of 1884 we ï¬nd that m the parish of May and Dslsrossle one of the deaths recorded was that of swoman 100 years old. In Kirkhlll one of the ï¬ve deaths recorded Was that of a female 94 years of pgswthe oldest inhabitant. of the parishâ€" and smotherY that of a. male 85 years of age. In Glenelg only one death took place, that of a pauper, aged 92. In the southern district of Gsirloeh the death of a woman 97 years of age was registered in December. Is Easy. Sutherlaudsbire, the last entry in the death register is that of s womsn 104 years of age. W 1811!} PI; (3E8 0F THE WORLD. It seems rather difï¬cult to make any new dihnovery in mediums which Frenchmen do not claim to have known all about for an leubadeoade. Thus,“ the February meet- ing of the Sooiété de Biologie, M. Rabutean said that the properties at hydrochlorate of cocaine were known before 1870, that in 1872 M. Laburde had shown its tonic effects, and M. Demarnes pointed out its anaes- hetic poweuin I thesis. Longevity in me Scolch Highlands, ARE THE CHILDREN BEWITCIIED ‘3 Strange {VI unler. General Graham telegrapha as follows : “ Tamai Spring. noon.â€" Our 'forcee advanced at £1 o’clock this morning, and occupied the Village. We encountered slight oppoeicion. We found very little water, and that little of a. very bad quality. I shallreturn with the whole force $0 the ï¬rst zarebe. Four soldiers were wounded in occupying the village, two of them belonging be the Auetrulmn contingent.†A special from Suakim says that Gen. Graham commenced an advance on Tamanieb this morning. He had non pro- ceeded far before he found the enemy strongly entrenched just beyond Tamai. Gen. Graham attacked the Arabs, and 8. bahtle is now proueedmg. A deapatch ï¬led at Tamai at 2 o'clock this afternoon Hays Tama'i is in flames. The Brnish loss in occupying the place was one killed and sixteen wounded. The advance to Tammi was made over broken ground and through deep ravines. Few rebels were about and they retired after the exchange of a few shots. After burning Tamai, the British returned to MoNeIJA’e zerebn. The cavalry will return here. The enemy‘s loss was slight. The men are in good health and spirits. Gen. Grehum intends to push the railway as far as Handoub and to remove his camp thither. It is feared the scarcity of water at Tamai indioetee a similar want at other places. _ I _ - By the British Troops with a Loan oi One Killed null Several Woundedâ€" Grahnm’u Further Movements. A last night‘s London cable says: Since the unfortunate surprise of Gen. MeNeill’B command, Gen. Graham has shown extraordinary Vigilance. He leaves nothing to be independently carried out by others that he can poseibly super- intend himself. He is everywhere, and is last regaining the conï¬dence which was a little shaken by the dieaatrous occurrences of the commencement of the campaign. News received from Suakim shows that he is proceeding against Osman Digna With great caution. being fully aware that he is dealing with a powerful and wily toe. His great want has been water, and this has leu to exasperating delays. but he has by this time, in ali probability, fought a decisive battle somewhere between Tamai and Tamanieb, and news of the result is awaited with the greatest anxiety. If he succeeds in defeating the Mahdi’s lieuten- ant he will make no attempt to follow him to the hills. but Will return to Suakim. Gen Graham will probably occupy Tokar after capturing 'J‘rinkitat. He will also send an infantry force to Handuh to pro- tect the workman who are to lay the ï¬rst section of the railway toward B :rber. If Token is captured it Wlll be the final blow to Osman Digna, as that town is his store- house and treasury. ' A balloon used in taking observations yebterduy bursa during a gale. The Kentucky women are as enthusiastic about horses as the men. They unhesitst- ingly piece the horses before themselves as the great attractions of the State. I remember hearing a. conversation between General Grant and a. Kentucky girl at the St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange in 1875, when General (then President) Grant was visiting the St. Louis fair. A number of ladies were introduced to the President, whereupon he spoke in very high terms of St. Louis, the fair, ate. " Y in are mis- taken, Mr. President ; we are not from St. Louis," laughinply said one of the girls ; “ we are from Kentucky. 8. very flue State, you know, which promises three things all men of taste must appreciate.†Gen.del‘1sle telegraphe from Hanoi on Wednesday: Gen. Negrier is making favorable progress toward recovery. The evacuation of Langeon seems to have been slightly hurried. especially after the success 0! our counter attack, which was made without serious loss. No further reason is given concerning the rapid evacuation of Dong Dong. The Chinese only appear desirous of re-cccupying their former positions to the northward ol Deoquan and Deovan. The situation is better than the overdrawn accounnof the past four days led me to believe. TAMAI CAPTURE†AND BURNED A hat night’s Paris came 5 ye: It 18 stated that Gen.De l’lme desires Uol. Harbinger to be punished for his hurried retreau from Langaon. The bases 0! the treaty between France and China. are that the Chinese shall evacu- ate Tonquin. that the French shall occupy Formosa until a treaty of peace has been executed. and shall forego the indemnity from China, and that a. treaty of commerce shall beponcluded, giving nmde advantages to France. MV Ferry considered the norms acceptable wuh few modiï¬cations. The French defeat at Langeou occurred before- hand. The following telegram has been received from Admiral Courbet: The French fleet, under Admiral Lange. attacked Pheng £100 on Sunday morning, bombarding the forts defending the harbors of Pong Ben and Mskunk. The forts and guns were dis- mantled in three hours. when two powder magazines exploded, setting fire to the village of Mekong, which burned for twenty hours. The fleet was ,‘ not injured. The marines landed and marched to Makung on Monday and occupied the village on Tues- day, after several battles. in which only ï¬ve Frenchmen were killed. The Chinese garrison, numbering 1,500, suffered heavily; The French are in the best of spirits, and will occupy Litsiteh on Wednesdï¬y. Bmiliugly, the President asked her what they were. She answered, “ We have the fastest horses. the prettiest women and the ï¬nest whiskey in the world." The Presi- dent replied. “ Your horses are certainly justly renowned ; I have some on my farm near here ; yourself and party prove the correctness of your second-observation. but whiskey ie one of the things that requires age. and your men consume it so feet that it rarely has a, fair chance to become good.†The girls thought that it Gen. Grant could not make a long speech, he was apt at apartee. Gen. Bouiaugei} the French commander at Tunis, has been ordered to Tonquin to assume chief command. Benn" 0! line Recent Fightinuâ€"Prm‘e Proposals. San Francisco gets 900,000 bananas a month born the Sandwich Islands. The number of bananas on a. bunch average 110, and hhey bring in that city at Wholesale 04 per bunch. The sale is large but to the retailer the proï¬ï¬ is small. The Mahdi began marrying when he was 16 years old. and hub ' kept†oil doing it, till he has now aooumulated a polleonion of thirteen wives, which looks as if the False Prophet found real proï¬t in matrimony. FRANCE AND (ill INA. VOL XXV [. G rnnl’s Reparlee. Sir JJhn Maudonald, moving the second reading of the Bill from the S aunts respects- ing explosive substances, explained that it was based on the Impermlsmtuhe, and wus directed to those who caused explosions wihh the intemion of causing loss of life or ingurv to propeny. Mr. Blake'suid he noticed there were considerable changes in the form, if not in the substance. as compared with the Imperial statute, and asked that when the House went into Committee the mover of the Bill should be prepared to show what the provisions of the Imperial Act were. Sir John Muodonaldâ€"Certainly. The B1“ was read the second time. Sir H. Langevin, moving the second read- ing of the Bill to amend the law respecting bridges, booms and other works constructed over or in navigable weters, under the sutherity of the Provincial Acts. explained that it was to remedy a. defect in the law which prevented the Dominion Govern- ment from compelling the proprietor of a work built under the Provincial authority to make alterations without which navigw tion would be interfered with. On motion of Mr. Uhapleau, the Bill to amend the Act respecting the Depart- ment of Seoreï¬ary of State was read the second time and passed through Committee on the Whole. 0n the order for the second reading of the Franchise B111, 811‘ John' Maodonald said he could not hope to get in through before six wish the'obsaruetion offered. (Laughter) Mr. Millsâ€"The genclemaa has been thirteen years getï¬ing the Bill thus mt before the House. He can hardly complain if he does not get it through all Its stages in an hour. Several other unimportant measures were 363311096 3. stage. On the motion to adjourn, Sir Richard Cartwright said: A telegram has Just been put into my hand from an alderman of Kingstonâ€"" The ofï¬cer commanding 'B’ Bsttery declined issuing rations to the wives and children of the men gone West. Subscriptions are being taken up, and the City Council is intervening to prevent starvation." I have no doubt the oflicer acted according to the customary rules of service, but I would mention to the First Minister what I am sure he knows, that the Wives and children of the men of “B†Battery, unless considerable indulgence is extended to them, Will be under very con- siderable distress without the allowance which is all that their hubsnds and fathers are entitled to receive, and I submit that under the circumstances of the case there is no ‘feer of any. mischievous precedent arising if some reasonable indulgence is shown to these pior, people. The First Minister, I am sure, will see that steps are taken to preventthe wives and children of these men from being compelled to depend upon the charity of the men of the city of Kingston. Mr. Pope. moving that the House go into Committee to consider the resolutions on the subject of the proposed Colonial and Indian Exhibition to be held in London in the year 1886, under the Presidency of the Prince of Wales, inflamed that Canada had been asked to gas rantee £10 000 toward meeting any deï¬cit that might result from holding this exhibition. India. had guaran- teed £20000 for the same purpose. It was expected that the Exhibition would fully pay expenses, and that the Government would lose nothing. In the Amsterdam Exhibition, the Government had to pay $5,000 for space. In this Exhibition the space cost nothing. -The resolution “was cansidered in Com- mijpeeï¬pd gqpoxjced.» _ in provided beEber and niore .x'eady means of collecting the psnalaies for the infraction of the law. Su: John Macdonaldâ€"The matter will be taken into immediate consideration. It involves the uomidemtiou of the cases of allthe militiamen who have gone to the Northwest. However, it will be taken into immediate consideration. ' The Bill was read the seeand time on the understanding bhat only ï¬his stage should beï¬iakgp today. 7 _ Mr. Ohapleau sail he oouid not see his way to adepting these suggestions, though that; referring to the teachers was worthy of consideration. A Bxll to give effect t9 the arrangement for sale by the Public Work»: Department; of the Dundas and Wlanerloo Road was intro- duced and read nhaï¬rat time. Mr. Pope, maxing 1h: second reading of the Bill respect:qu intentions or contagious diseases aflactï¬ug animffls, explaiped than The Russian Forces Emu 61 the Mr. Casey apjke strongly in favor of hav- ing all the appointments made by a. Board whxoh would be indepsudenu of political iï¬ï¬‚uences. Mr. Foster advocated a. non-political syslem o_f appointment. 'The Conilhihnee rose and reputed the resolutions. According to the best available informa- tion. the following is the" present distribu- tion of the Russian quoee' enet of the Gas- pien ; At Merv. Yuleten nud' Seriyezi, Col Alikhunuï¬ hm 3,000 Rilr‘sian troops, 1,000 Turenmen horse and sixteen guns. At Serukhe there are 2 000 men, but a. portion of these have'been moved to the 'Mdrgeb. At Pnl-i Khatun and Zulï¬oer there are detachments ot Uoseaeks, a body ot.150 0t theee horsemen at each place. ‘At Pnl-iv Khishti, on the Kushk, ‘there are ‘ 500 trained Sarik Turoomene. The garrison of Aehkabed, which ie-normafly only'4,000 men and twenty-four guns, will be increeed to 8000 when the reintoz-ouuente of 6,000 men sent from the Caucasus have arrived. These ere at preselnt‘onlyenurouge t9 their destination. At the same time it is be- lieved that an attempt will. be made to, re- inforce the Merv garrison from Knives and- Turkesten.â€"London Standard. Mr. Mulook hreferred to the method of holding Civil Service examinations. He suggested that there be one ofï¬cer in Ottawa who would prepare questions and send them to the lone] examiners at various points throughout Canada. The local examiners would send the results to the central examiner, who would prepare and publish the reports of the examinations at the earliest possible moment. Under the present system months had elapsed before the candidates knew Whether they had passed the examination or not. He also spoke strongly in favorVoi appointing teachers as loot] examiners. He thought the examiners should be appointed for each examination, and opposed the idea of appointing permanent examiners, who would become a regular charge on the Gov erument, The House wgnï¬ into Committee on the resolutjgnp rgspecï¬ing gm; Civ_il Servipe fiat: The greabgrmdniedea of President Madi- son are conducting a little privahe ‘aohool near Orangu Court House, Va. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1885. Expenses of Legislation, Public Inetitu-v tions Maintenance, and for salaries of the oflicere of Governmcnt and the Civil Service for the month of January, 1886â€... ................ ......... 30,000 00 Hon. 0, Mowat stated that the Govern- ment had decided to have an investigation in regard to the management of the Gen- tral Prison. So {at as the information of the Government gees there Was no foundw tion for the rumors at all, but at the same time, as the rumors have been given eur- reney to a large extent, they thought it best to have an investigation. Mr. Meeaie himself had expressed a. great desire to ha_v_e the investigation. Mr. Meredith hoped that .the prisoners and guards would be allowed to give their evxdence w1thout any restraint, and expressed himself as saï¬iuï¬ed that an investigation had been ordered. Society girls, says the New Orleans Picayune, are the most maligned creatures in tho world. They are accused of living on salads and ices and cakes; of lying in bed till 10 o’clock in the morning, like the slothful John of nursery rhymes ; of never mending their own clothes and never wait- ing on themselves. They are supposed to do nothing but make calls, dance. go to the theatre, to receptions, dinners and lunches. It is thought they do not know a. chopping board from a stove ruler. Nevertheless, two of the best known young Indies in New Orleans society are at this moment con- ducting quite a large pickle business, and they are selling their delicious pickles everywhere from French Market to Car- rollton. These girls started into the pickle making business in a. frolic, but succeeded so well thst they have just ordered several hundred dozen bottles with their “ ï¬rm name,†“ B & '13.,†blown in the glass. B. and T. are the initials of their ï¬rst names, which. “it were only permissible to tell. would doubtless subject. the pretty pickle makers to an avalanche of proposals from forehended young men. ‘ The amendment was loan on {be same division as the lush, wnh the’exoepmion than Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) and Mr. Awrey voted in favor of the amendment. tice ...... . 3. Education“... Maintenance 0 Pub Agriculture and Arts . Experimental Farm.. . Maintenance and repalrs 9 G9 em- ment and Departmental Bu1ldiugs. Public Buildings.... Public Worka....... Colonization Roads. Chargua on Crown Lands Refunds ........... Miscellaneous Mr. McMahon said he would Join issue with the member for Hamilton. Hon. 0. Mowat-1 entirely agree with the views expressed that Hamilton has been well represented hithurto. During the whole time this Government has been in ofï¬ce it has been Well represented. and l m sure its representatlon could not possibly be improved. I am sure that I should like to have the support of two members from Hamilton. and I know that the present member for that place is con- ï¬dent that it an additional member were granted it would lead to two Retormera being returned. We have been acting in this measure on non-political grounds, and we have acted with respect to giving eddi- tionel members just as we 'huve acted in respect to not interfering with county boundaries. After pointing out that Ham- ilton would not be entitled to two members, he concluded by remarking that he should be compelled to oppose the amendment. Hon. 0. Mowat presanued a. message from His Honor t-he Dent-Governor transmit- tingthe following supplementary estimates Civil Government... 107 00 Legislation........... . .. 300 (10 Miscellaneous Criminal and Civil Jus- “ Yeti," sand the honest tanner, " I know there are pe‘ople what always pubs the big Apply} ahï¬hepop 9f the bum; but I don’a.†Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) moved in amend- ment that: Hamilton be given a second member. There was no other constituency in the Province having a. claim: auyuhing like Hamilton toru. second memasr. He was willing to take two memburs far the city at: large, or the city to be divided E met and West; or North and South. “ That’s right," exclaimed the deacon, admitiugly. “ 1 have always tried to con» vmoe folks that that so“ 0’ thing don‘t pay in the; long run.†' Hon. 0. Mowat said the mlioy of the Government was that the B111 shall not interfere w1th the park schema, He said the Government Gourd not Halter them~ selves under the report of the (ï¬ammiasion- ers, and he reminded the H ease that the company could not construe: the railway without an Orderin‘Counoil. The quesnon was put and the amend mggt 195; by 26 _yeas_»s.ud‘ 37 myrs. Mr. Ermetinger moved that, the amend- ments he not now concurred in. and that the Bill be referred back to the committee of the whole House with instructions to add the following section: That the said company shell not examine any of the powers in this Act contained until author- ized by an Order in Council iii that behalf, and this order shall not ise-ve until six months after the Board of Commissioners appointed by an Act of this Legislature for the preservation of the natural scenery at Niagara Falls have reported to the Liam.- Governor. " If they’d go to the city once; in awhile they’d lemn something. I alwuya pub my- big apples 9.; the bonnom of the hurl†‘ “ That‘s the way." ‘ x “ Yes; you see people has got so suspi- cious than they ’mosw always open the bar’l am the bottom nowgdayg."â€"Philadclphia Call. ' " ‘ " The Jesuits have.,recenhly purchased the villa. in the inlay)de Elba. which was baou- pied by‘ Napoleon after his abdication in 1814'.†In is to beéohverted into ‘8. college. .Mr. Awrey moved concurrence in the amendment made in commitnee to the Bill to incorporate the Niagara Falls Railway 00.99335" _ _ Mr. Merrick moved in amendment that the Bill be referred back to committee with instructions to add the following clause: That the said company shall not) exercise any of the powers that this Act- contains until authorized by an Order in Council to that effect, which will ï¬rst have received the sanction of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario. A lady ii1 Indianapblis potted by mistake a small morning-glory plant last (3.1], which soon attenwardbloomed and has been in flawet. every- morning during the winter. ‘kae a mqmorandum of this for nan frost-time. The amendment was loan by 35 Days to 263639.87. 0NTARIO LEGIS!A%‘RE. Honestly Ilw' Bcsl Polio) Uselnl sacietv I-lrlu. $116,784 50 2,650 on 27,306 00 9,750 no 5,5u0 00 woo (0 10,00 00 24,646 50 5,435 00 9,010 0U 11 5:5 00 5,b75 00 3,500 LU “Oh, I know now; that's in. He was going to get me ablue gown with a big collar on in and a great. gold star in each corner, but I begged him to try and get a. whiï¬e one; whiae is so pretty like, and I never had a white dress in all my life," glanoing rueiully down at the homespun cotton. “ May like he had to go and go, ’fore he could get it.†For a. few moments ehe gazed earnestly over the water. 13 it smokeâ€"that long, thin line of gray? Yes! just around the headland something white is coming into view. A few more minutes and the great eteemer, g8.in bedecked with flags and pen- nants. burst into eight. Slowly, too slowly for Jo, the boat ploughe along through the blue water, until, all dripping with foam and sparkling in the sunshine, the huge wheels cease revolving and the Block Island is in at last. The ropes are fastened, the plank is thrown out and the passengers come euhore. “ I know he Will come to-day.†she says, seemingly unconscious that she is speaking aloud. "Just a. year ago to-day he went over there, Dad did. He went to get some ï¬xin’s for me,snd he promised to come back soon, but it has been so long. 0h] he will surely come to-day, won’t be?†she asks, turning to a westher-beaten, old sailor, who 15 gazing at her with justa. suspicion of moisture in his eyes. “ Aye, less, that he will,†he answers. “ I‘ve got extras for dinner t0~d&'y," she goes on, brightening up, “ ’oeuse he’ll have a. mighty appetite after being at them lurrin’ places so long, and I’ve made a cushion for his chair thet sets by the Window. Ibrushed up the team, too, and old Bess seemed to know he was coming, for she brought me over in no time." Into every face Jo peers eagerly. He might have changed in a year so very much that she must: watch closely. One by one they come; friends are greeting friends; they are all off now, andâ€"where is Dad? . “ How should I know him,†he answers, gru my. “ Move along I We are late to-day and can’t be bothered.†"Wall, cheer up, lass; he’s waiting for some good reason. P'raps he can’t ï¬nd whay pa gums for you juph yeti" With one despairing cry she bounds down the plank and searches tor him in the cabins. “ Come, come, move along, my girl,†says the captain, roughly. “ What do you want here ? †"Oh, I want Did,†she Hobs; “he was comiu’ bo-day, I know. Tell me, haven‘t you geen him 2 f’ 7 “ Quite like he’ll come to-day,†says the old mapper, “ and he’ll bring you so many smart wings that I’m ateared you won’t: be Jo any longer.†“ Yes, 1 will,†replied the girl. “I’ll always be Jo to Dad anyway. Dear, old Dad. He’s told me many a time, how he picked me up out: of the water that dread- Iul night; and when no one seemed to want me, he took me home with him ; me, a helpless baby with nothing in the world but a. ring on my ï¬ne): with ‘ Jo ’ scratched on it. 0‘0, 1 wish I could do something big for him, so he would know." But her face is very pale' and there is such watrange, strange look in her great. blue eyes that; more than one honest- hemrted sailor draws his brown band across his eyes and murmurs, “Poor littlagall "- A tall, angular girl. clad in a home-made dress or the coarsest material. scant and patched, yet very clean, with a rough straw hat tied down over hair which is long. straight, and decidedly red. A girl with nothing pretty and attractive about her, but there is such a. brave, pathetic look in her great. blue eyes, that one involuntarily turns and looks at her again and again. Swifnly and Silently she passes along to the farther and ot the pier and, lifting one hand to shield her eyes from the sunlight, gazes sneadfasï¬ly at the distant horizon. Jo turns slowly away and mechanically passes up over the gangway. What does in matter to her than the sun is shining, that the band is playing its sweetest music? All the brightness of the day has gone for her. Calmly she walks ’ slo'ng‘, slowly untsshens Bass, and climbingin the waggon, silentlyï¬rives away. It in evening A sudden and fearlulstzorm is raging. 'Ihe sea. has arisen, and with a roaring sound rushes inland to dash itself against the, rocks. . Up at the great hotel, the huge drops of min dash against the windows, and the guests gathered together in the splendid parlor, shudder and trem- ble at every returning flash and deafening pea]. Down on the beach the angry But! is .rollmg in, mouutmns high, and the ï¬shermen are anxiously gazing out upon me dun-k woman; as if fearful of when. such indeliorm Inight accomplish. It draws up on she when-t beside the more pretentious vahicles, a young girl jumps out. ties the horse, lays her arms lovingly around his neck a. moment. then hurriedly pushes her way through the throng to the and of the pier. All eyes turned toward the road. An anuquuued specimen of a carnage is com- mg auwn the bill as rapidly as the lean and bony horse in front can drag in along. 'Suddeuly there comes a vivid flash, a. ternble raverberating roll and in the awful allenca that. follows, the group of waiting men gaze with horror 1:; bachnuher’e. faces. Then domes unofï¬het £15m. 019180 by and on the outer-edga of, tha’btWEthâ€"they see The excitement increases. The ï¬shing- boene huddle closer together behind the breakwaï¬er; the haokmen, growing impa- tient, vooilemte loudly ; the Marine band in the pavilion on she hill strikes up ; and yetâ€"â€" , “ Here comes Jo l" some one shouts. “ Depend on’h, the boat'll be in soon, now," says a grizzled, old ï¬shermen stand. ing close by. “ Jo'a a. sure 's'gn. Nigh onto 8. year smoe she’s watched that bout come in every day. and I never knew her to round the Head unless Jo was here.†Everybody is down on the pier. The Block Island is overdue more than twenty minutes, and the rickety boards crank and tremble as the anxious crowd press to the very edge, each one eager to catch the ï¬rst glimpse of the steamer as she rounds Clay Head. Just noon of a. warm, bright day at Block Island. On the broad, shady piazza ot the great hotel there is an unbroken stillness. The roses, elnmbering over the railing, nod. lazily in the breeze; the lace curtains at the long windows sway gently to and fro; the parlors beyond are silent and deserted. Up at the beach the waves are sleepin lapping the glistening end, while the brigun-eolorsd suits drying in long lines behind the bathing-houses are the only reminder of the merriment which existed less than half an hour ago. One or two ox-neams are slowly creeping along the road, loaded with trailing seaweed o! varie- gated hues; here and there is a. group of bronzad ï¬shermen mending their nets. These are the only signs of life. DA D’S J 0. WHOLE NO 1,395'N0. Mechanically he watches them robe her for nhe last resting-place, in pure white garments that & kind-hearted neighbor has brought ; unmoved he sees them place a few snowy buds in her hands. Presently whe door opens softly, a. rough- looking ï¬sherman comes in, and, bending over tihe coï¬in. his tears fall like mm upon the face within. A strange calm falls upon the old men. They cannot persuade him to leave her for an instant. He is utterly dent to their entreatiee, and, kneeling by the bed, he presses from time to time herioe-eold hand to his lips. All through the long night he keeps his silent watch, and when another morning breaks they ï¬nd him still there. “ The little gel was so happy yesterday,†he says, turning to the old men, who, even now, will not remove his gaze from her. “ I’ll never torget he: stendin’ there an’ aayin‘ as how she wished she could do some- thing big tor Dad; eu’ she has, she has, poor lime g_i1jl.'j “ Oh. Jo !" The tents are streaming down the old man’s cheeks. “ I bought the purtziest one to: ye; all soft and Malta, thh stars ou’t, and a great, long sash ; but; Iâ€" loahâ€"ihâ€"in the wreckâ€"Jo l†“ And a great, long sash.†This is very slowly. “Oh, Dad, itIonly could see in; but don’t cry; I guess I won’t want is; I’m going to leave you a little while,justa little while. I’m going up there, where they have lots and lots of white dresses, all shining and pretty; and soon you’ll come, too, won’t you,Dad? I‘ll watch for you just as I did here, and there won‘t beâ€"any storms â€"Dsdâ€"the vessel will sailâ€"right in the blue waterâ€"sn‘ I’ll be looking for you. I’ll have ’em give meâ€"s dressâ€"with a big, shining star on itâ€"an’ you’ll know me sure â€"I knew you’d come I†Just before noon she slowly opens her eyes and gazes at him in silence. Then, with a. llthle sigh, she aaysfeebly: “ I knew you’d come, Dad; I knew you’d come. ’Twes a hard voyage you had, Dad, and a pretty rough landing; bun you dldn’h mlnd in, ’osuse yon: lihqle gal was there." “ The whflne dress? 'You didn’t forget it? The white dress with the gold stars on the corners that: you Were going to get for your lmlg gal 2†One last-feeble pressure of his hand, one little smile, and Jo waits and watches no more on earth. _ Coveringvhia face with his horny hands he breaks into bitter weeping, and, turning, leaves the room. '" This superstition about Friday being an unlucky day is all bash," observed an elderly passenger to the middle-aged lady whose acquaintance he had formed. " I don’t take no stock in these superstitions, anyway. Now, I know something about Friday from my own experience. It was on Thursday that my ï¬rst wife died. and on Friday I married my present Wile." “ You wretch l" exclaimed the lady by his side. “ How dare you sit down beside a respect- able woman and talk so shamelessly. It’s disgraceful. and I wonder that your neigh- bors didn’t tar and feather you. What a mean thinga man can be, anyhow. The idea of a wife dying on Thursday and the widower marrying again on Friday.†“ But, hold ‘np, "madam. r~ You are excited. Itâ€"'" “:Now', don’t try to smooth it over. Don't say a word about it. You’ll make a bad matter worse. The old excuse about children to be taken care of, I sup. pose. I think a.man-â€"†“ But, madam. you are wild. » True, my ï¬rst wife died on Thursday-and: I married my second on Friday; but three years intervened between thevtwo 'events.’f " Oh I" They had laid her on the little white bed in her chamber, from which the harbor could be plainly seen. and, save for one or two kind neighbors, had gone away and left them together; she, lying so still, With closed eyesâ€"he, bending over her, silent and unmmdful of the presence of others. She is 'silent torus. few; Viiniérâ€"rients, and thenlaising be; head. she asks: The old man leaves the room. Hie whole lace changes. The terrible calm has broken up, but no tears come. Only a look of unut~ scrabble gladneasgnd joy. They bury them side by side, in one grave, close by the murmuriug sea ; and at the head they place a simple,whine wooden shaft, with just these twa words roughly inscribed upon itâ€"“ Dad‘s Jo I" II: all happened only last night. The std’rm had gone down soon after they had carried her home. and the sun is shining brightly, lovingly, as though there is no sorrow, and never a storm or wreck. u I kqu’d it,Jo; I'khow'd it. Somethin, big for Dad 1 Dear little gal I Wait just a. miguï¬q, Jq; I’m oomin’ I " His head, falls forward upon the coffin. Some one comes in presently and ï¬nds him shire. He is quite dead. A hush falls upon them all. Tenderly they make her up. and, with her hand still clasped in his, sadly wind their way to the little cottage where she has waited for him so long. They have come back, and have laid her unconscious on the damp send. Some beam had struck her, and she had now spoken since. The blue eyes are closed, but there is a. smile on the still, white face, and the small hand is ï¬rmly clasped in the grasp of & trembling old man, who is stoop- ing over her, and smoothing back the thick masses of hair from her pale forehead. But), see 1 Some one is hurriedly advanc- ing toWard them through the darkness and wish ; a. slender ï¬gure, wrapped in a shawl, with pale face, and eyes that burn like souls in the blackness. It is J 0. She springs into the lite-host beside them. Her presence nerves them on, and they push off into the seething waters. Viv -- __-r. The storm redoubles its fury. One sharp shaft of lightning and a cry goes up from the terriï¬ed women. A ï¬gure can be seen near one o! the dismantled masts ; a ï¬gure with gray hair and heard flowing in the wind. It is Ja'e Dad. They must try again. They cannot let him die when she expects to see him so soon. Five pairs of hands are ready. Can they have one more? In another moment it will be too late. And it. i death. Six stalwart forms, so full of life only a few moments before. are stiffening on the damp sand. It; is of no use ; no boat can live in such a storm, and hundreds of lives must pariah while they stand there. unable and powerless to help. "1L- _L___ .A , a ship is going to pieces. There comes the sound of a. signal gun, once, twice. All is confusion now. The life-boat is manned, pushed out and beaten beck. Above the angry shrieking ot the wind can be heard the shouts of those on the beach, the taint, despairing cries of those on the doomed vessel, and the sobs of the women who are endeavoring to keep back their loved ones from seeking death in those terrible waters. '99,), The Friday Huron-nu! ion. The facts as I gleaned them were briefly these: Old Huggings kept a street stall tor retailing ï¬sh and rabbits, and, being subject to rheumatism. prelerred to stand†on the comparatively dry pavement than in the muddy roadway while he pursued his business. To this a tall policeman on duty objected.and after speaking several times to Old Huggings on the subject. he at last gave him a rough push, the effect of which was to send the venerable rabbit monger reeling against his stall, which was capsized, and its contents spilled into the mire. Instantly the younger Huggings, who was ofï¬ciating at a “ pad " of mackerel a few yards distant, pluckilyâ€"his age was only 17â€"»came to his parent's rescue, and floored the meddlesome . constable of?- handâ€"knocking out a front tooth of the ctï¬oer's in the process. Six weeks, with hard labor, was the magisterial sentence on the youthful champion, and, the tooth having been picked up and ca re- fully preserved, the ingenious idea was to turn it to account in the manner already mentioned. The violently extracted incisor, which was white and sound, and, left undisturbed, would probably have done its owner many years or service, was set, gemâ€"like, in the centre of a large rosette ct parti colored ribbons, which was suspended to the gas-pipe in the centre of the room where the mm took place; but, beyond that, the proceedings were distinguished by nothing that was particularly note- worthy. The raffle was well patronized, the large room being as full as it would hold comfortably, and the winner proving to be a barrowman of some eminence and means, he generously announced his intention 0! having the tooth mounted in a soar! pin, and presenting it to the young Huggings to wear on Sundays. , Here was mystery, to say the best, writes the London Telegraph correspondent who received this card. Had the article to be raflisd for been merely a portion of a olice constable’s accoutrementsâ€"his ste , his rattle or his helmet evenâ€"the latter hav- ing been knocked off in a street shindy and carried oil†by some valiant runaway " rough" as a trophyâ€"it would not have been so surprising. But part of apolioe- maul Which part? Supposing the grim wording to refer to a leg or an arm, it could be taken as indicating nothing less than that some obnoxrous member of the force had been ioully murdered and his unfortu- nate body afterward divided. But it was incredibleâ€"apart from the fact that to my knowledge no metropolitan constable had recently disappeared in an unac- countable mannerâ€"that the land- lord of the Nine Acorns who was by no means a man of ruï¬ienly proclivities, would permit an orgie of such a barbarous sort to take place on his premises. To be sure, the “ part †alluded to might be a lesser portion of a policeman than an entire limbâ€"an ear, or a nose severed from his head by a foeman’s jaws in one of those horrible cannibal scrim- magesoccasionally recorded» in the police reports. Yet it seemed scarcely possible that any class of Englishmen could be found to agree in applying the term “ champion of freedom †to a rascal of their fraternity who had been guilty of such a savage sot. At the same time. I had the landlord’s assurance. unmistakably, that it was actually part of s. policeman that was to be disposed of by cast of dice, and, that being so, personally. curiosity apart, I regarded as a duty I owed to the British public to accept and avail myself of the invitation. Lat any one who has the care of horses those cold, frosty mornings, deliberately grasp in his hand a. piece of iron; indeed, let him touch it to the tip of his tongue, and then let him thrust the cold bit into the mouth of the horse it 116 has the heart to do it. An enterprising French vineyardisb has rescued his vines from the ranging phyl- loxera. by the simple expedient of keeping a flock of hens among them. The principal use of rosin in medicine is to form plasters and ointments ; in plasters. for its adhesive or sticking qualities and drawing, and in ointments and salves,partly for the same, and also for the purpose of hardening or thickening them. In is seldom used internally. Thmoldesl Scotch Judge. Lord Does, the oldest judge on the Scottish Bench, who has just resigned ofï¬ce, was tor a. considerable time q‘iite unï¬t for duty. so that his retirement has not come by any means unexpectedly. Lord Dene belonged to the old school of Scottish judges. In his conversations across the bench he would use the broadest northern dialect, and even in his set speeches words that shocked the reï¬ aed ears of the modern our would occasionully slip out. A good story is told of him in the Parliament House in connection with this matter. On one occasion an advocate (now a. judge himv self) was endeavoring to prove an issue before him. Lord Deas, at last losing all patience with the argument. broke in with, “ Mr. â€", do ye cs’ that on high}: ?†“ No, my lord, I call it an i 45116." ' Deputy SurgeonGenersl Tuson ï¬rst used sulphur ï¬res in India. as a prophylaev tie measure against cholera. These ï¬res were made at ï¬fty yards apathand kept alight during the whole time that the fair was at ins height. Not: a. single case of cholera occurred; a remarkable circum- stance, since cholera had generally broken out at previous fairs. Two Frenchmen, the brothers Forre, have invented a new kind of harp, made entirely of wood. Instead of strings the inventors use strips of American ï¬r. The sound is produced, as in the ordinary harp, by the contact of the ï¬ngers, but the player wears leather gloves covered with resin. The tone of thevinstrument is said to be of remarkable purity. “Honor to the brave! Port of epollee- man will be rsfll ed for on Saturday evening at the Nine Acorns, â€"â€" streeu.tor the beneï¬t 0! young Huggings, who has been most unjustly doing time for standing up in defence of his aged father, who is well known and respected by most of you. Tickets for the beneï¬t concert slxpence each. P.S.â€"As all expenses will be paid by a. friend, the whole of the proceeds will be handed over to the young champion of freedom.†And they say “was her bowsprit saved her, make musn have gone over then ; Her bowspm it was that saved her; and little they think those men 0f one weak woman that prayed, as she watched them tempest driven I They say ’twus her bowsprit saved her I 1 513.1 'twas that prayer, and heaven I Queer Rnlfle in II London Public lloule. beach‘élgs}; té/the foil; Crash! ‘ ‘ * But'tiso Crash l ‘ ' * But Ms only her bowsprit gone: she is saved somehow; And a cheer bmnks uut,for a hundred hands have hold of her now. _______ , _.._,. “nu-b towered and broké; And flung hel‘Ah‘e‘adlflot‘l‘g, down on the hard L-» 4. ,u., r, w .7, N _.. away, A great wave rose from behind, and lifting her omwmma “an L“ “A There, sure enough, was a stranger smack, head straight for the shore. Bow W111 she land, where each wave is a mom: min ‘2 Too late for how 1 Run up a flag there to show her the right place! Slm must land now! she is cltï¬ï¬â€˜with a rush on the galloping wave top, I). stand, As the water sinks from beneath her, her nose just touches the land. And then, as rude handsyaacking a. city, greed of prey. . Toss; in some littered chamber, a child‘s toy light There; ‘Twas a, an of storm, for the giant Atlantic rolling in pride, Drawn by the full moon. driven by the ï¬erce Wind bide upon tide, Flooded our poor little channel. A hundred anxious eyes ; I Were watching a breach new brokenâ€"when sum denly some one cries : " A boat coming in l"~â€"a.nd, rounding the pier head that hid _her before PART OF A PolJUEMAN. Scienllflc and Uselul. The Bar or Btu-m.