Can Deafness Be Cured ? Mr. John Clark, ol’Milldudge. Ont. de- (isreaitcan. and Ihat Hagyard’s Yellow 0%! is the remedy llwl cured him. lt'ia also a speciï¬c for all inflammation and pain. Going South, East. and West, at ........... 6.15 A bill to amend thc Act relating to “'etghts and Measures, introduced by Mr. Costigan, provides that two gallons shall be a peck and eight gallons a bushel,and that arterJauuary lst, 1886, in contracts for the Sale and delivery of any of'thc underntcntioned articles the bushel shall be determined by weight. unless conveniences for weighing are not available, or unless a bushel by measure is specially agreed on in writing, the weight equivalent to a bushel being as follows: wheat (50 pounds; Indian corn. 56 pounds; rye, 56 pounds; peas,beans, and clover seed, 60 pounds; barley, Timothy seed and buck wheat, 48 pounds: malt, 36 pounds; oats, 34 pounds; flaxsced, 50 pounds; hemp- secd, 44 pounds; bltte grass seed, 14 pounds; castor bccns, 40 pounds; potatoes. turnips, carrots, parsnips, beets and onions. sixty pounds; bituminous coal, seventy pounds. Power is also given to the Governor-inâ€"Council to specify the weight cf other articles equivalent to a bushel. Violations of the foregoing provisions subject the offender to a penalty 01'35 for the ï¬rst offence, and of $50 for each suhsrquent offence. Another clause of' the bill reâ€" quires that all apples paelth in Canada shall be packed in good strong l-arrels of seasoned hardwood or basswmd made as nearly cylindrical as may be, the slaves of such barrels shall be twentv- four inches in length, and such barrels shall be sufï¬ciently hooped with a linâ€" ing hoop by nails, and every person offâ€" ering apples for sale in barrels other than in accordance with this shall be liable to a penalty of twunty-ï¬ve cents for each barrel so offered. Nothing: in the Act, however. is to prevent. the reâ€" moval of hoadsoi'harrels itt order to disâ€" play the contents thereof. it is further provided that every hermetically sealed package ot'canncd goods. such as fruit, Vegetables. fish, meat. etc, shall have the name and address of the packer, the weight of the contents of the tin. can‘ package, and the year when the contents were packed leginy labelled or stamped thereon. and a contraventimt of this pro- vision will subject the offender to a ï¬ne of $2 for each tin, can or package for the ï¬rst offence and («HE‘ZO for each tin or package for every Subsequent offence. A penalty of like amount is also pro- vided for misrepresenting the “Tight of cans or packages or the date on which the contents were put up. Fo- altering: or forging the label or stamp on :1 tin or package a penalty of not less than $50 will be incurred. it is also provided that the Governor~in-Council may. in respect of any article or class oi articles, ï¬x a percentage of discrepancy which shall be allowed between, the represented weight and the actual weight ot' any tin or package of hermetically sealed goods, and may exct-pt such articles as he deems meet from the operation of' this Section. The said section. however. is non to apply to any toteign goods of a description not: canned in Canada for exportation nor to any article excepted by the Governor'~in-Cottncil. The provisions respecting hermetically sealed Unlil further nolice, Mails will be closed at the above Oï¬icc as follows :â€" 9 gm ;_.::, I “L‘le NFL-2%; saï¬iziua: #-_-___ mamas» m mm mm. Mail for 1110 North. via. hilwny, leaves oncen. dny,in the morning, as above stated. No. 45 : cans or packages do not come imb opera- tion until October lsr next. Morning Mail from South, West and East, by Railway,urlives at. 10.00 Evening Mail from Toronto by Yongc-slrcet Stage, arrives at. 7.00 Night Mail from North, by Rail- way, arrives at .................. . 8.15 Musicâ€"Professor W. M. Clarke. Administrator's Noticeâ€"Casper Wideman. hmving Dockâ€"A. aneil. Boots & Shoesâ€"Rom Siver V THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1585 The date printed on each purer denotes the “me when {he subscription writes. We do not hold muse-Ives rcsprmsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. MORNING. Going North, South, East, . ‘ and West, at. . . . . . . 7.45 UFHEE HUURSâ€" 3.301% Postmaster. Richmond Hill, June 23rd, 1884. Toronto, 7 55 Thornhil], 8 50 Richmond Hill 9 00 King. 9 10 Aurora, 9 30 Newmnrket, 9 4'2. Holland Landing, 9 52 GOING Holland Landing, 8 1.3 Newmurkct. 8 ‘23 Holland Landing. Newmurkct, Aurora, King, Richmond Hill. Th ornhi 11, Toronto, NéWMï¬sié Studâ€"Clarke dc Seugen TRAIN TIME. Weights and Measures. ‘3va $1311va: Swain. Richmond Hill. Ont. NOTICE TO SUIMCIa'IBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARRIVALS. .‘ ~14 , “52" mmnwssm EVENING. Whole No. 1397 : G OING NORTH . 9 D4 9 1.5 10 ()5 835 SOUTH. '7 a. m. to ll 45 0| 0‘) ()1 10 145 2 (10 Volume 27. 5 (m 6 00 6 10 6 2†6 42 6 5:3 7 05 G 43 G 55 7 08 7 30 7 41 7 5| 8 45 i Tire Work, a thoroughly indcpclidnnt ljournal and not. particularly favorable at ‘ i that towards Sir John and his Governâ€"j lnicnt, thus writes in regard to what has been so often quoted by both the country and city. press upon the question of. sending the troops to the Northâ€"West by our own road .â€"â€"“We cannot help think-- ing that. our Government did right in determining: to lend the troops over our own road; though many are disposed toi blame it; for that decision. “Difï¬culties might. have arisen at Washington. and I the result might have been complications .and delay. Rebellion is a domesticl l afl'air which should as much as possible i be dealt with at home, and not. brought‘ 1 more than is absolutely necessary under the cognizance of foreign powers. Fan ‘ i cilities for the transmission of troops iwere offered to England by the French Emperor at the time of the indian Mutiny.but. though not unwelcome in themselves. were *on principle declined. Nor is it easy to say when a rebellion reaches the proportions and dignity of n civil war, interference in which. whether [by direct assistance or by granting facili- l ties, forcing Governments are bound to abstain. If the American Civil War had extended in this direction we eer- iainly should not. have allowed the Federal Government, though it regarded itself throughout as engaged in the sup - pression of a rebellion. in move troiips over our roads, The Government at Washington at present happily is friend- ly, which it would not have been had the choice fallen on Blaine or Logan. the latter of whom especially is an Antiâ€" British demagogue of the must. pro- nounced and blatant kind. We can trust Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Bayard for theistt-adfast enforcement of inter-- national law against Feniam‘, or any are ' else who may attempt to violate it to our injury. as well as for the ready con- ces:inn of everything which we have a right to claim. lint we must beware that we do not presume too much on iheir good-will or place them in any equivocal situatian The Irirh vote is still strong, stronger even in the itnagi - nation of the politicians than it. is in actual force. This. alone, however. the Government might defy. But. if with the Iriin were combined the hulk of the Republican Party acting in the interests of fiction, and the Western Democrats who are incensed at. the loss of their spoils, the position of Mr Cleveland and his collannries might become one of srrious difï¬culty." Waterloo News. “'nher [Ill-Hill, (If \\':IiPrluu. WINGS iha' “bl-Jymd'h Yellow 0†has dmw grpul gum! in hii fullviiy. his Wife he‘in: Clll‘f‘d of (‘u'-- Inusv Inn-pi! lhnl ("her ndeiva failed In rvnww. he- alsn smws that a HPiJIIh'vl‘ Mm pmmplly rein-wed (nf lUmnm-nsm by Ike- sa me l‘(' medy. ll 6anpr the ~taunt.r man has too much resptct for the may hairs nt'aue to reâ€" fute it in the iunguuge it dUFBTVeS. sn [. n mete lookcr on, will make :1 lb. hle cï¬â€™nrt tn take up the cuducl in his deâ€" l'cnce. l think it degrading to his mm rrspectnbility to try and disturb the ququdo nl’ a household whore there are juet two young peoplv. particularly wlwn those two mentioned have neither father or mother to counsel nr dclvnd them l think when a person lets their evil nature predominate so far as to try to turn against them their best curtth friend with malicious falsehoods. halt: los't'all sense of honor. MI would advise him to lz-t this young mhn «:0 his way in peace in the future, and with these few remarks I will retire. tor working people. Send l0 cents Dost-- age, and we will mail you. free a royal. valuable sample box of gonds that will put you in the v. my of making more money in a few an.) s than you ever thought possible at m; businpsn Capital not required, You can live an mine and Work in spare- time only, or all the time, All of both sexes. of all ages. gmudly suc- cessful. 50 cents to $5 easin earned every even- ing. ’1 but all who want work may test the busi- ness. we make this unparalleled ofl‘er : To all who are not well satisï¬ed we will send $1 to pay for the trmzble of mitng us, Full particulars, directions, etc. sent free. Immense mw absolute- ]y sure for all who start at once, Den't delay Address STINSON & Co Portland Maine Sm, -- Will you please be kind enough to allow space in your paper for the fol- lowing: â€"if‘ not already declared. The Canadian mute should be at, once ï¬nished to the Paciï¬c. It may be of gltml hem ï¬t to the nththor country in an event of the kind. We see in our own can: the nu- cessity ot'the mad and depirthility of having it cnutplt-ted without delay. [low would it, do to :lnk asphtnnce of the Hume Governtnvnt in the matter. it is certainly Worthy of tsunsitlertttion} and having a ttanrcontitwntnl mute through British territory In case of War in the East. would. we take it. pruu» pmï¬tahle and useful to the British authorities. '1‘} c New York 'I'riI/une says that the l’tincc of \Vulrs has dune-n pluckylthing in visiting Ireland at thin time with his “ire and eon. There was wall danger that harm might come to lntn or lln'lll. All ovor the United Kitngdt In his courage has been applauded. and he hns (lullblluFS rendered his country at imtinu pervicc bv warming: :1 good many Irish hearts In goutt‘r loyalty. IL is omiter teasibe that the influzmca of his visit. nitl nm ln: seen in the pullticul rvlutiunn nt' ln-luml and the rest of the British nation; but underneath the t-utl'acc it will work to strengthen the allegiance of th ‘ average Irishman to the cmwn. l was thinking.†T sat down to night, littll some, cspvciu‘ly mm, needed some gentle rvprnoi'. I think that the Lustnv corrospmidrnt for the Aurora lit/rallies intott‘crrs just a little too much, and ventures too far into and about the private busilwss of his neighbors, any, {ind his mm killdlt‘d. I'Iii'iii-Wili set-ms to point to one 3mm: [mm in the neigh- horhond. and this same )nung mutt bouts hiu mm name. and mum. is his tmplww. Oé'cuursm we knnw wlml. mcun spirit prmupts it. the little word (walk-w) Laskay,_ April 13, 1885. To the I‘dilor of'lhe Herald. War between Ennluud & RIM-in is sure n The Route to Take LASKAY. SPOOPENDYKE. The princian Business of. {I719 evening wnslha revision of the Byu'bnws of the Brigade. of which notice if moï¬on was given by Fireman Storey M Ille hut regular met-ling Tbe'Byâ€"lnwa were taken up section by Iaclion and revised as follows :â€" lâ€" Movcd‘hy G. Trench. meander! by A. B. Wilson. th'atj'the No nfjmeï¬ in ï¬ne Bri - gado be limited to 50 [ Ofï¬cers and men ] -Curried. Sec. Ilâ€"Moved by G. Trench. secondwl by E. Snider, that Sec. II of HyuLaw I read: Zanchmen. 10 Homen. 1 chu Hon Hose. 2 Tunguenmen. 15' Honky ï¬nd Ladder men including fnremun.â€"Carried. The regular munlhly inn-Hing of Ihe Fire Huignde was held in the Eugum House on Friday mania-g last. Foxemuu Ro-dd-il-t in the chair. Minute! of hm: meeting read and conï¬ned. and prvaide at all meetings. and in case 9H SPECIAL SERMON._A special sermon his absence the ofï¬cer ptosem at any ’tan‘ to ‘nungflmn will he preacth in the have all the quers canterrtâ€"d delegated to - - . . . . I t I a said “ï¬râ€. (.Hmed V Methodist Lhurtgh next . unday evening Sec. [Vâ€"“uvt‘d by G Tumult. seconded by the R“; ME" Balk“. . Subject-â€" by J. Browntev. that. suid section mm 33f True Maultness. folluws :â€"'Hm Tueasurer shall yufu-ly krep ‘ ~ - all munieï¬ m Brigade and 1va sum», onty.l Tux BEST'Valuï¬ â€˜0 couons “.0111 49 on w-Ie uf Brigade», and signed Ivy Ofï¬cers tap, at Crosby l.’ - ‘ Q _ __ ‘ - . . . III ( mnumud and . ecxetmy. (urtwd ! ,ruu‘flm mn m", D I. n _,r:m D". 2â€"Moved by A. B. WiEsnu. seconded by G 'i much that auid lb»an read: That Captain have power In cu†sv-eciul mes-tings and preside at all meHiuuB. and in case 9ft his absence the ofï¬cer-meats"! '15! any lime have all the gunners caul'errtâ€"d deleguleu vlo' Said ofï¬t-er.â€"('mried ' 6â€"3.». H-MJM m H.‘ "A. Nwh‘nlls',’ laconde h, (L Tmnch leads as fulluws; Any member nf Brigade absent from In rpganr practice _shall he ï¬ns-,6 Ihe sum of 201.- Ind I'rmn leuulur Invetinz We. only in can» uf sickness or any other reusun ucoepz- .d by “rizude. Moved lny T F. Wallace, roam-dud by Jan.“ Mmmscy. 'lml we (in now adjnurn on meat in the Mechanics' Institute Hull un Ihe ï¬rm Hand") in May. ut."8 u’clo‘ck p m.â€"â€"Curricd. in (‘mnumud and SPCI'HIRIYnâ€"(‘Mrlii‘d ' I‘“ ‘ ' ,- 3 ~lievised «I previnua meeting: to 'reml " THAN“ TOME I" 01â€"1,“: 1"" as follvnws; That Bligude m‘é'el once {i “759'? Imorn’ï¬e Wm Pleas? 'E-ccept mnrnlhrin ugupmg [Frnin la! May tuhv Och), our "Iugvtl‘ï¬dfr‘l mulpï¬menmry ticket Sec. lVâ€"Movod by G. TrPnch, seconded by J. Brnquee. row! as falluwn: Any nmmberul' this Brigmls serving far one you" shall :eceive the sum of $2. less amount. of ï¬nes charged against himâ€"Car- ried. ‘ Sec. V -â€"-.\lnved hv A. R. Wilmnjecond- «d by E. Glover read as I'm] own : V'l'hul rull' 8~ Mun-d by T. F. McMahon. Inf-cond- Pd by G. Trnwh. Ihal H‘ud na‘ fullows: Nine members shall form a qumum -’Car- lied Tl-w nllmuinn of (ava one is an the-war, and nhu is 111 Mama. 01-9 M uur wall mime-19d vnuuz men at- 'o-r (in! [hr N‘IVK‘PR m 1ha “Huh-h (‘hurch mum va rvrin, a ago and as it In the usual l-IMum uf'N-r the m-nenivtiuu living pro-- INEIHVPI‘I‘) lnr Hwy mm to go :0 their IF" ~yn cliw hnnws ur lma-diu: Imuse. This mung mun innit-ml nf'cmning wyslward In hm buurding. smutrd nu a Imrth-»e3mmly (hum-Vinâ€; nvr-rmlung u cnuple nf young ludif‘s. um far from th pines: nf' wmï¬xhhld‘e nulks delihwanâ€"ly in belwevn the Iwï¬â€˜hwilhn - m M‘quinng MMm-r his! mmpnny wad ac» ('vp'nhle- m' Iml: u very ï¬vw wmds passed he- Iween them nu their way, and What did pH 3 “'KS IN“ V"I'y ‘IIPM<MI" ‘III ‘he "fly “' ('Uul'" amp; ï¬nuIiy lLe yum“,- Indy that he wnuld ï¬lm In pay his addresses In. arrivrd a! lwr IPFidI‘lH‘e. mu] hving n linlo in advance nf Ihe foul-g remit-man. quirtly shut the gum. RI- um hulk-in;- Ihé- «pile. and i! being some mhal ut'wr dmk. walkrd uh against lhc pivkel ’encv. nxcluiming. Uh! yml, have a [ticket lanes in I'im- Grnve; and had to nlnkP his way In Wtundh idge the him. he (-nuld. Muralâ€"Ynung nut-n ulwngl a k if it is there is m.- danger ofvtlm gate bring .~In.t in vnur face, or rum-ng against a piP‘U‘l fPl‘C‘“ in :« I!a'k "lull-l. ‘ Mode by G Trwnh. set-untied by J. Hmwnlev. lhnt Messrs Nichulls. McMnhnn and Wily-In [wririn-n 1h:- Cu‘uneil Aibm _i.n' cases of ï¬r». when lhe lirimde 'is in ruby-J of rrl‘reshmenls. the Council furnish 1119 same â€"Curried. , A CumnmnicM-inn tram Branlfurd 'wns hï¬d m’m- rm mre munlh. ' ' _ \Vilh rvfgvence In R lirummnn cummuuié Culiou. llw “90.114an ms iusn'ucled m repiy Ihul lh-- Hripsde wmfld h" mmth to amend un u('(2uul.l ut'nmusemems in our Niagar- CHI-vied be lévisvd every lhro-e- muth and all murm- hm‘s um answering to roll-(mil during Ihat time he expï¬lled excl-mt in cuse ufsirkneSs or ulht-‘ruasun accepmhle to meeting.â€" Cnrrini. The Council met at the .‘leclnmics’ [militate "ml according: '0 :N'j‘ Iurnlnom l’rusrnl, Juhn A va. lL-eve, Unulucillnni Wallace, .‘lnunaey, and MeKerzie. \linumm M'lzwt meeting were read and and 21110.0th M. H KiwflerOO (-npies 'I‘rmsur- H’s Accnmn..\lnrch 1641385 4 50 and by 1'. F. Wallace. arcuuded hy Jns. Mnunsey. that. Ihc 'J‘ren-urer be instructed to pay the accounts of II. J. Bengal†and M. H. Kmflvr â€"Oarried. ('nllld. Muralâ€"Young nu-n nlwngn a k if it is there is m.- danger ofrthn gate b/ing mm in vour Inca, or running against A plP‘H‘l franc“ in n dunk IIIL'III. ‘ Died at \Voodhridge of whooping-cough, nu Tm:de PVPhing‘. Ihu 7th inst . L urn Alice. second daughter of John Noah and Ania Stung. aged R tons and 8 Innmhs. Iii-thsâ€" 0n ill!“ 84) inst. the uife of 'l‘hoa Hnymeml. linker-nan Hotel, of a sun. also on the Mth inst†the wile of Charles Dewshuny of aduughtermnd at Pine Grovo, on"the l2lh.inst., the wife of Robert Rown- trm. ut'n inn. Dr. Urr is here and willing to wait on any on» withing his setvit-es. We ’ivi‘ah' him a Ion-g stay. amongst. us and a good pmclice. April 17th. 1885. FUNERALâ€"7T1“: remains of the late Hrs. Holmes were placed in the vault. , at Richmond Hill ymerdny afternoon. It is the intention of the family to have the body conwyed to England almost immediater Appropriate services were held in the English (.‘hnrch. The: Rector improved t‘ho’gdonsioh by u very suitable address .w'lï¬cliiwai listened to with every attention byrthjose present. The family have the sympathy of mxiliy friends in [this neighborhood on thezaad loss they have sultgt'rnod-jnthe death of a much respected and-banned 9mm. LAcitos'stiCPNV;MION.;The an-- Dual meeting of the National Amateur ‘An’mmiminh of Canada was 1 inn-nudi The (Hm-k road the fhllnwing nocmints, and laid lhvm lu-l‘urc the Council :â€" II. J. RounaIIJZ cedar posts, Nov. V 13.1., 1884..-.... 68 April 6th. 1895. A Good Test- For our suxieen years G. M. Everest, of Forvsl,haa sold Hugymd's Peclm..l Balsam. and in! sales are meadilv increasing. It tunes cuug hs. colds and all lung compllinll, is pleasant to take 3nd always relinblo. Bvâ€"lmw. NH. 41. instimtcd n lkyâ€"-' Law rmpcc'ing the Public IImlIJ-L. 85- Law, war innuducvd, pmsul through its "minus magma and pnmzd. ' A [‘1'] was presentrd rum: Juhu Pulmer. [or wireshmems at Guoa's ï¬ne human-tin: to $3. Send 311 cents for postage. Ind m- caivafree, aoosuv box or goods which wiil~help you to more mono ht. nwgy than anything else 11 t is wax-1d. All, of amber sax, succeed from ï¬rst hour The broad road to fortune opens before the work- era, nhoo‘nfely sure. At once address, TRUE & co Agusm Maine. Wm. ‘mbvan and Levi Gaan were gum-- pus d as members Mud accepted by the Brigade. Mom] by G. Trench. seconded by A McLaughlin that n he pdd «CurniAedr. ' The meeting mlj'numcd. Fise Bx-x‘gade Meetmg. W câ€"odbnége Jottings. Woodbrldge Council (From Our Own Correspondent) Jnux MCGUIRE, Clerk. H. A. Nunsz, Sec nupl meeting of the National Amateur Lacrosse 'As'sucimion of Canada was lieid ut M‘oï¬tï¬ï¬hliéh Friday last, when about, ï¬'fly’éï¬egï¬nwere present. The Seoretury’stépoflr‘showed that out. of ‘the fourlioia‘l Chumpionshipu in On- jtario onlyic'pe "th changed and that iheing therjgfeét' 50f the Excelsiors of of Bramptmjfl ï¬be‘loung anadiano ‘of Richméï¬d Hm, thus bringing the medal to our village. The other three Local Chalppiquahipa are held by Geru- wall, Peterborough, and Brautford. ‘ Immense:Cpmvemmmg’rhe an-. Amman; M nsw Tucum -As will be 89?!" by {card in number cnluu-n, Prof. W. M. Clarke is' open to receixc pupils in Voénl ahd lnstrumgntal Mutic. Terms modexate. receivedLl3V6ruggibe ‘that a thorough reorganisaiiomof the club has been made. They have Durham wishes. Aamccmuï¬u. Sammy Manna. â€"A large-meeting of' the members of' the Auricuhmf Socic'y was held on Friday awning lust in Lorne Half. The Judges to' 1h}; various classes were nppï¬imed. The Prize List also was re- vised, but not" inany' charges were made. '0'. rifu.ri"rnexw.‘_ c‘ .T. U. wilk meehmcâ€"Jhgrresidgnee of Mrs. Sterl- ing on’Tueséuy .eVenina. April Zlnt.‘ at 7.30"o'clnck.’~ » All‘ Christian workers kind'iyin'vi‘te‘di. ' ' - ‘ ST: MARflSuâ€"H Service will beheld in StaMdry‘f‘s‘Vhï¬rch lit-~11 an. orSunâ€" 49!. ““éxï¬ï¬‚gfbuihï¬Ã©' ‘ ‘ ‘Gflï¬NGWim-EW .village daddies: will new in tlgw-‘Tcounailzchamberr on Monâ€"- agy' netting qewzmmnst. Tun Cad/DURING THE PAST WrNIEILâ€"qu nights during the winter just alpsï¬eflrï¬ttlhg' thermometer reg- istered art v’atipnlspoints‘ below zero; the previous winger :thjs only occurred 22 ljlglhlï¬. It indeedlooks from this. Hm, we have ‘lrudï¬â€˜un-!vz1¢n"lwil)ler, as was pre- dicted by ‘o‘ur ï¬stqll'rgentipmphels. GENIKAL Groceries at lowest prices a «he. Fir§.iÂ¥"ééf-’.. ; Swmmsuâ€"Dn Tugsiuy evening last. the Band b19311, '00k a march Illrnugh :he Villqu and almpped .11: Hit; residence ol'uur'hap'py lbï¬jnsnï¬an, M r. B Grounan. wlm "has jun; e'n’terrd into the hands of wedlock, 'Afi'or' pltisi'ng'v 111)“!!!th uf' ï¬ne selocliu-nï¬â€˜ ï¬lm; buys were invited in. fllid tnundlggup uzcellcnt spread) and anUQCChfdi agdmuutivn in the shape of mum-y. The bride and groom Inn-c the best wirlxesjpfg lhe‘,Bund,'-. and elm of their many friend: for a long, happy and prmpeloug,,life ’ " 'l‘uul’luf‘r' ‘sm L'Amnssz CLUB. â€"â€"Thu I’nncrsm'f'L-ncrmse Club was re- nrgu'nizvdï¬'n 'lflmradu‘v ï¬ght. the 2nd huh, and the; f'Qley’ying nï¬icers elects-d;â€" Prepidcnt†Jun 1)†Putters)"; Vice-- President, I". DIchine; Secretary and Treasurer, A. S. Patterson; Captain Ilnbmt Bluir ;«;,C0mmitlee J. Tully. J C. \Vliuln, J.“:A.d‘um's. The Club has bven ureutly ï¬lignï¬lhened by the uddiâ€"‘ liuu nl' Fevural’n‘cw players and intends I-nving u try for like \Veslvrn Champion-‘ slip before Ihqsenson is over.-â€" Globe. PRESENTATan AND Annaass.â€"Fri- day evening: hl'sh ‘bving the closing night for the sessim'i'of Jesse Ketchum Night School, Toronto, the Head Muster. Mr. W. E. Wiley’wus mnde'tl.e happy "(-1 . piem of a beami'l'ul Silver Service hund- somclv engraved with name, date' and by whom amen", also a very pleasing and 3 NEW Mtfsri‘j‘S"ï¬onm.â€"i Messrs. Clarke & Seager iuï¬pudï¬m-xt week. opening a new music smite in promises formerly occupied by Mrj D. Hopkins. just. oppoâ€" aile Brown Bros. Baker), in this village. where a full supply of musical instm- inen’ts and milsia"of every deacription will bu‘kopt ailwnvs on lmnd at. rnck bot mm plicus" '(lrdurs promptly attended m. We wish the new ï¬rm success bountifully Illuminated 1 Address, to which the teacher made ll very suitable rt‘ply. The remainder of the evening wsm spent in speeches by the pupils and friends of the school. ’ Tm; CHEAP Cash House are agents for Matthews" Celebrated Self ffl‘ding Safely LallnpeCull,aIId see sample. Bums awn. Snons.â€" Mr Robt. Sivor calls the ahemiou‘ ut the public that he futulid‘sthngï¬ï¬-hnbusiness in the old stand, if; this ivjllh‘ge, and having: receivâ€" ed a lur‘géï¬tncflgï¬ncw goods cnrfliully invites the public to call and examine Hurtinma Beomand-Shocs any. st_\le made to qurg‘ :Repairing neatly and promptly Janene: LECKYV- 1.1.1de indeed are they who are gono‘to the. Nnrthâ€"West, for now that gendéhflhg]. breezy; slushy, sloppy and muggy gp‘r‘ipg is, here, the average housewife i} lpok'mg up I.†old duds and propariï¬g for" {that {3‘ 'miher l‘neâ€" ume of bhssâ€" house ‘clémï¬ng,’ and lhe pnor hus- band will>bcmsém nut (1310 the 'wnndshed' to eat his meals of an ash barrel. and perform inmunprgble penwces whilst it lasts. 0112!. “0,035 man. CBOr-BY has the. best nnd cheapest Teas -in the ï¬ling». from 20 up to 75c. LOCAL ITEMS. Sunscmnnns will be kind enough to observe the date on the address of paper, and remit. the amounts they msy owe. fl Srnmo Goons.â€"New_ Spring goods at the Ontario House. Field and Gar~ den' Seeds in great quantities. Choice Family Flour,Groceries. Spades, ShovelsI Boots 55 Shoes, etc., etc . at extremely low prices. Look out for new advenin ment next. week. Soxan TRUSTEE UNSEATED.â€"-Jus- lice Rose on Friday last. useated G. R. Vannnt as a school trustee for Mark- ham Village. on [he around that he is dirquuliï¬ed by the Public School Act. having: fnrnished goods to the High School Board. It You want a good Tapestry Car- pet for 40¢. per yard, go to the Fire Proof. Fmansas from 100 up. at the Fire Proof, best value ever shown in Rich- mond Hill. FALL WAEAT.â€"A gentleman who in the interest. of lending house in Toronto has been making a tour of the wtstern counties says that the universal report is favorable of a grand ptospcct for the winter wheat, which is paid newr to have looked better, and to be quite safe from such frosts as might. injure it after the melting of the snow. Miss Smith, of Penetnnguinhena, hat prolant visiting friends in town. Mr John Palmer 10“ here on Wednesday last for Elma. where he has bum appointed tone: as one of the Judge]: at the Spring Exhibition to be held in that place. Miss Glass. of Maple. wns visiting friend: south of this villugo I few days this week. Miss Rt. John, of Sundexland. wan visiting at the Rev Mr Barker's duxing this week. Mr. James Tully. who has been a. resident of Newmarket hr several years, returned an Monday last to pursue his former employment. at lh’e Patterson Agricultural Wnrks No doubt but that the boys will be pleased to welcome Jim back, as he wnalwuys vely popLhu- amongthem. And munlo o! ovary description will be kept ulways on hand at rock bottom prices. Instru- ments tuned. The public an invited to give us a call and lnspect our stock. Ordors promptly atbended to. CLARKE' & SEAGER» To which the public in cordially invited to ex- mnlne. Boots 5: Shoes any style and mud. to order. Repairing neatly and promptlv done. ROIT. SIVER. Mahmoud mu, April 168ml!!!» m-2 The ï¬rst W. C T. U in Ontario wasl'ormed in 1874. In 1884. then Were 95 Unions and 2,000 members. CARRYING ON BUSINESS MUSIC STORE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS The Secret Out. The aecrm of success of Burdock Blood Bineus is Ihal acts upon the bowels. lhe liver, the kidney“, the slum and the Mood ; lemuviu: obslrucniuns and imparting hea'lh and vigor. m’r infll Be '2 a M sin Mr. W. I]. Uowlvnd, well-known as a leading Temperance man, when spoken to on the subject of the Scott Act, said: â€"" l lmtit'ed what, Ald. Davies said to a Globe reporter respecting the Use of beertending to do away with the evils of intelnperunce. In England Lord Brougham introduced the Bet-r House Acts, but. the increase of' drunkennesa which followed was so terrible that Lord Brougham himself had to ask for the repeal ofthosc acts. The fact is that beer can be made of any strength. and it"thcr‘e wore legislation against. whiskey and in favor of beer. the result would be simply tlat beer would be produced at sufliuicn'll Strength to gratify the taste I'm- stronuer liquors. Beer does make people drunk. and England's experience shows that there is no drunkenness so hnrmt'ul as the Pottish, sodden, brutal intnxication produced by hcer. So far as I am concerned. I Would as soon drop the agitation for the temperance reform altogether as to simply change the share in which drunk-nutter, would be possible." Humanâ€"At Richmond Hill, on April 12th, Helen Holmes, relief. of the late S. F. Holmes. Esq., Shcmeld, England. aged 56 years BOOTS 6: SHOES. Tnnmrroxâ€"menulzy the Rev. J. E. qnndcrunm M. A..Avri18th, at the residvnre 01' (ha brideis father, Mt. John w. Thonnson. of Uxbridge, to Miss Caroline Pï¬scilhz Kline. second daughter of Mr. I‘ctcr Kline. Aurora. GnENNANâ€"FmBALD.-â€"At the residence of the bride‘s father, un Tuesday, 7th inst, by the Rev. Geo. M Brown, Mr. B. Grpmmn, of the ï¬rm of Sneutb dc Grenmm, Merchants, Rich-- mond Hill, to Miss Emma, daughter of Thomas Sibbuld, Esq , of Streetsvillo. not.mwn"s t‘n.l.s -l'lm greatest Vr'nndter nl' modern times.-This mtcom» pamb'e medicine incl-Fuses the appetite, stuengthenn the stumucb. clunnseï¬ the liver. currents bilinum-wss. pmvents flutulency, puriï¬es the system]. invigmatus the m-rvvs. at-d rstnblir-hs sound hrnllh. The enormc mt i'o-nmnd fur these Pi'l'ls thmu-ghuut. the ulnl‘w astunislwa vvmyhndr, and tl FiltL’lP trial will convince thu most scenticul that m) medu-ine qutli Hulluway’s Pills lm its ability to remove all complaints incidental to lh» human race. 'l'ht-y men blessing: tn the afflicted. and u fmon n» all that lulmr under internal or thurnnl disPfllP. Puriï¬" mtiun of the blond, wmnval. 01 all reï¬lluint from the secretive: twgttltSJItld L'E‘llll‘! "petit- iw action, are tlu- gamers (if the extensive curative rungv of Hollowa-y'a Pill; RICHMOND HILL ! I beg to call the litantion of the public that I intend In the old stand and have received a large stock of We will in a. 191' gay: gpen a. 90w Music Store Opposit- Browns Bros. Bakory. where a full supply of Richmond Hill, April 14th, 1885. NEW GOODS gm: §flvgrtisrmmta LOCAL ITEMS. W. C. T. Union Items. gmn monr y H}: I a.‘ onyguiqgalrgbi tak: influx ugeul-y in; End uca'uï¬gel‘ï¬qg bnbkAoIlt lie-{iï¬viékllsï¬arlilcbeied'Vgrundlyf Vï¬one' V fail; T~ nns tree. HALLX‘JIT Book Co., Portland MR. nowmun’s omzuous. DIA12R1 Jill). Personals. '01 days 0 en a. n in the V1] 59 a! I)EA’1‘I{ NEW PROF. W. M. CLARK E. Richmond Rim April Nth, 1855. m3. VOM' AND INSTEWI‘AL MUSIC! NOTICE. ADAM WIDE MAN. In the Count n! ank. Deceased, who died rn rr about the 20L any of Nnvem fur, “84, are hereby notiï¬ed to send by pnst prepaid, on or before Now next ensuing. to the undersigned Adminis- trator of the personal enmte of the sinfl Adam Wtdemnu. their christian and surnames. ud- dretsea and dencrimions, the iull particulars of fheir claims, a: statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securtien [if any) heid by them. and that, immediately nfter‘the mid lst (lay of June nvxt. the meets nf thug Pstute of the mill Adam WZd-mxun will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto. having reit‘rnnceï¬o the clain‘l of which notice sh rill have lSeen furnished to the administrator as ubnv'n required ; and the said administrator will not be liable for me said masts or any part thereof to a‘nv po~ son or persons of w lOEO vluima notice shall not have been received b\' them at the time of and: dis- tribution. Monday. lst of June. Dated at the Township of Whitchnrch nlor - said this sixteenth day of April. A. 1‘. 1885. (Signed) .. . A“-.. ...-.\«.. .u EALED TENDERS, udr‘resse" in the under- signed, and er-dnrsad "Tender for Cnissm , GrIVing PorkJ‘. (‘..â€will he rvcr‘iW‘d M. thi- omceunm Mondamthe lstflny of June. 18!“, inclunlvnly. for the mustluction, erection uxd placing in position of a EAISSEN MR THE HAVING DESK GRAVING DOCK Accnrding to plum and schiflcations to he seer at the Department of Public Works. Ottawa. and 911 applicnjion to the Hon. J. \V. 'l‘rutch, Victoria Person: tendering axe nnt‘ï¬ezl that lendm'l will not be considered unless made on the print- ed forms allmulied. the blanks uroprrly ï¬lled in, and sicned With thoir acmul simmtnws. Each tender murt he nccompnniod by an m:- replied bunk nhpque fnr me Fum a! 32PM mnfle pa} nltln tn the twin of ihn Honorable the Minis- ter of Public Works, which will be forfeited if the party decline to enter into 1!, contract when called upon to do #0, r-r if he fail tn complete vhn wnrk contracted for. If the. tel-(Yer be not accept- ed__t_he rheque will l)P_Eelurr:9d. .., , , _ _ , . A. ‘ 71:13.9“ ï¬Ã©ï¬iï¬méflt'wiii i136 bÃ©ï¬ bouan to accept the lowest or any tender. Department of Public Works. Ottawa. 20th March, 1886 Else the same win he pinced' i'n Count for Col-- lection. , H. SIVERS. Richmond HillJMh March. 1885‘ NOTICE. In (aha County of York. Farmer. Decensnd. who (Tio‘d on or nhnuc the 2am day (.1 July, 1884, nm hereby notiï¬ed to serlld thy post, mepuid. on or we ore Now next ensuing. to thn undersigned Executors l of the [numeral estate of “2- said Jamos McNuir. their chmtiwn nnd surnnmm, nfldronsp: and d’eï¬criptihns. the full pnrticnlms of 0h<=ir nlnin‘ï¬. 5 a statement of their not-minim and the nnmri‘ rf' the securitien (if MW) held by b‘lP'V“ nml ‘hntl immediately after t1)» Enid lst dnv of May next, ) the asqets of the oetn'e of the sni-l J;me Mc- Nair will be distributed "mom: the pmf‘i'w: on. titled thereto. having reformier Yo Hm claims at which notice nhall have b: -n furniahod m the executors an above qunirnd ; nnd ma mid ex" ‘ centers will nnf b!- liuhle for the said "REE-.13 or any part thprenf ‘0 any porn-ï¬n or ymrnvnq of whose claims “Nice shall not hnvr- hnon rtceivcd by them at the time 1-! such distiilmtion. Friday. the lst of May. Dated M thn. 'T‘nwnshin of Vmwhun aforesaid this twentyâ€"eighth day of March, A. D. 188.3. (“ï¬gflx‘wnm 6‘ S M N IR ) 1 ‘ . ,. . c A . . JOHN SCOTT IExncmom. Richmond Hill, P. 0. LATE BOBT. SIVERS MR- JANIES MONAIR. Are requested to settle their Accounts on or X 5 before tho (‘1 1 6th Day of April next, K "g Organist Trinity Church. Tnomhill.. is opaw to receive pupils in Apply at tha Music Store, Richmond Hill. Planostuned. Temlmodemte. Under and by virtue of Revised number 0! Our tario, Chapter 107, section 84, the Creditors of Lat. o! the TOWNSHIP OF WHITCBURFH, Updu' and by virtue of Revised Btntnh‘s of O"- Oatio, Chuptef'mi, section 34, the Credit-01's of gnu gavertimwntï¬. Alsike, Bokhara. Early and Large Late. Lu- cerne White Dutch and TreI’ail Clovers, For Alternate Husbandry, Permanent Pas- tures and Meadows. We make this a speci- al feature in our Agricultural Seed De- partment. Mixtures prepared for any soil or purpose. None but the ï¬nest varieties used. DON’T FAIL To TRY THEM. Finest varieties of: Turnip_. _Carrgt and BRITISH ('0 LU IVIBIA. A full line of Seed Wheat. Cats, Barley, Peas, Tares, &c. SEED AND PRODUCE MERCHAKTS Corner Front 82: Jarvis Sts.. TORONTO. Orchard, Kentucky Blue. Red Top, Perrenial and Italian Bye. Timothy, &c.. &c. Late of the TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, Mangel Sééds 6f unexceiled quality. PLEASE DON’T OMIT A CALL WHEN IN THE CITY. All parties indebted to the estaï¬e of the 4-t l- NOTICE ! STEELE 386% & $533. ADMINISTRATOR'S GRASS MIXTURES. :sqummur. a. c. i4 4.. CASPER WIDEMAN, Administrator, Gormley, P (I EXECUTORS’ CLOVER SEEDS. B y order. SEED GRAINS. GRASSES. A. GOBEIL. ti-2' ï¬ecretary. , 7 A Y’h‘ \ Cums H. B. DEWSBURY. Richmond Hill, Aprii lst, 1885. M4, Having sold out my Harness Business to Mr. George McDonald. I hereby give notice that all accounts not settled befofe FRIDAY, MAY lat, 1835, will be placed in Court for collection. MILESIAN.hy Imported “MICKEY FREE," dnm‘ "MAMA HAMP’HN." [ms been tho best horse ov9r hurdles in America. nnr] his record 111 this stylu- ol' mcing 1m: nevm‘ heen beaten either on this Continent or in England. MISS ETTA BAILEY March 25th,. 1&5. WILL STAND FOR MATES AT THEIR OWN SI‘ABLES. â€"WILL GIVEâ€" Lessons on the Piano and OAKRIDG-ES. ORIOLE. new 5 yrnra old. by “ERIN CHIEF." dmn lhormllzhbrrd 2mm; “ MORENA. " by imported “THE 'YT‘YJJ‘RIL" [grand dam by “VALPARAISO.†is for ummm‘nn-e my! speed ud~ _ _ .1 » ~ - “VALPARAISO.†IS for ummm‘nn-e my! speed muted to be superior to his celebrated sire. March 19th, 1885. Fn Insure 11 170111..†» “fngle Leap ...... . 10 Marni tukrn m pas'nre and carefully attended to on )‘exvsoxmhle tvrms. H. GHETTUN ST. GEORGE, MBLE$EAW GEO. F. KELLY, Veterinary Surgeonl MISS FLO R A COULTER GruduMe Ontario Veterinary College, Turonto. ‘ .‘ _ T, 3, 4 Ofï¬ce & RGNJOIK 0.1.3?“ “$153: - 7 , 1 P. 0. But tun v1 1 le nit-‘13P]? ,‘,‘,‘£=.32F,J:‘3‘. DISSOLUTION, NOTICE isJLejch iyeumzin ,nnmnm in carried on for some ‘l‘ngnc punt uy 1 10 llhdelï¬gn’ ed under the ï¬rm mum.) of ,1 II. SANDERQON. V. S'. '\V A. SANDERSON N. I} â€"All pnrtir‘s indol-tml in the 11er ï¬rm (if H. Flux] rsm. 8: Hum1rvhuwln'lotifir‘d 11mm 0.†0000111qu line must 1m smflml rm m‘ bof‘ re tvhr- hat- ]my omen-h, 1M5, zaflnruhi('h¢?utv.1lwy will be p‘uccd in our S'cliuitn 1's lnmds for com ctiLu. SANDEILSON BROS Richmond Hi‘lean. luh, l885. m2: 13th DAY JANu 1885, by mutual consent, the senior member of the ï¬rm retiring. and lhnt. .1 H (K: \V A Sumlerson' is empnwm‘cd to discharge and settle all debts to and by the and partnership \VITNBBS, ) E smmmf “'e the nndwsimwd hnvn rnitrcd intn Partner- ship under Hm 111mm nurl styln of Sanderson Bros . and will cnnlinuo (m 1119(‘ltl aniness cm; tied on by the late Firm of Ii. Sundersuu & Sous. H. Sanderson 6%: Sons’ 17,\Y.<'('(')}u i(i'mrmrLuann» \ lfklllllisr‘j'rl. Sum-31L. F1111â€, 'l‘olu, ((12, with; Organ. Residenceâ€"Opposite Presbyteri’Cn Churchmchmond Hill. I JCHSONS IN RIUSIC Richmond Iii“, Fc‘o 11th, 18 ' Feb 2nd. MFG. .‘OIR CUUGHS‘ AND (IOLHS f A Y (‘0)! POUND- THE STALLION S- 71\Y‘S THE [’1 L113. :1 speciï¬c in 5,, Nenrn‘xgin. Ftigiuchc,&c.'_r A rm "()XGULIN ‘}.â€"â€"Comont, {53' Broken! / Articles Sold nvm‘vwhm'e. Sole Mukers.â€"KAY BROS. Stockport. Eng I’MVI‘HIR‘HH’ NOTICE. NOTICE ! ORIOLE! Annismul, ('lo] vnulynp. "01:13.18 equally serviceable for Horses and. Mlle IS PREPARED TO GIVE murmur. fm‘ (tux-115 and C ulds Has loen Discolved this TO “NP-ï¬zj D.‘ï¬:râ€"Cutluim:xnd NOTICE OF TERMS :‘ Signed â€"A::Dâ€" Signed Sign on _ _Tyob 3, 41]) can; I†0 '1'1‘. of Murkhum. V,_Du,_v and night on“: 4 plomptlyutteudcdto‘ anx‘idgcs P 0, Ont. mu fcvn t.