211555115. R. ‘R. WILLMMS d: Sax »; (hzwrr, M N â€"I hm'e much 1401.911}? in [vsti’x put them so 'erelv to the test, :Llul Iiml ‘th’lh y-né ceptuble to [110 true lllllbiciull n1â€. ‘ ~. wed 11-01.; 11m mw’u}..‘.’ H xxg to 1110 great “wed 0; those q 1' u] (: :‘sianl musicâ€"1L uhu ' m ; ~im_o to every dcgr. (A imam answers readily to every shade funding. 1 consider these insIrumc-l-s n great acquisition in musiciul s ï¬nding a. piano which I can recommend with perfcct conï¬dence. I an1,Gen§]emen. yours very truly, CHAS \". EWIN G, 11. S. \VILLXAMS & 50‘ Bâ€" N1§~leiug thwyunuhlv rxszinn‘l “‘0 “M 'n stunting than, 11. m) oy11m-u,llxeyure equal to Kim ‘ 1 can onIy speak in Line SulDU nigh terms regal-dim; ing exu'ubility of 10ne,plcusuut touch, (kc, m‘v suchï¬t oreign instruments, when our home, untvrgvrimm J I Inn glad to hear that the extensive suite of \‘om if; success that I Lhiulg \‘on My dam.) m. ’ Muss GRGAE ,, __ _.._â€"â€"â€"_=== We make a, special style of Organs in large qunntitivs. and are therefore able to ofl‘s copbionally low rates. Payments 211111ng to suit thu comcuicnce ef purchasers and term or yours. Form}: 12.2mm m f m *0 UPEEGâ€"HT SQUARE e . "fl a; W EMEQE. @2305 9 EVERY A SPECIALITY NEW SPRING GOODS am Tm K5514?! A 1155 “ W‘Ef‘.f‘. we: )9 ounsh-ucrcd rum": 1): g. £14“ ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY ï¬Â§Â§@R?ED it v6 D STOCK LARGE AND I Ln),'GeuLlcmcn. Ybur Cbediont Servant, TECES’I‘I 3511):â€? 143.1135 Yonge St. Tore mfg. AT THE PIA HG» .1 (gass‘tml IxiilhiCâ€"IL uhflmiug “11461113 (one, 0 every (103120 of lwulnoss and fulness, and n onm’sitiou in musiciul society, and um um ï¬n‘d Anxmicun lnsn‘umems. CHAS ‘.'.EWING, (Of London. England.) Organist of SD Peter's Church. Coburg, 0n n TORONTO. Nov. 4th. 1832. 1v: v'nflznmnship of ynm' l'iauos. 1 have no hesitation in to Um x ‘ I: ‘y will rs n: the lust Maker; thul Ilmve seen regarding U1 1' musical) qualities : for their ï¬ne full sing- n‘ ‘ tell. that More sevnm nu be no Maccsbitv to “volume vriiw ("11! ymduL-e such l’iuan, and at. 0mm ird ens cost of your instruments '01)an that you are meeting with the . \r.u~rn1\7, up“: l;[ll,l 'ng to 1110 front 0 r‘rl'cnce of mar Piuuus‘ L‘lu' . SESAAC CROSBY. ll 3;: DU E§A Bl LI'I‘Y! S “v r‘xporwnc-ui Womnmn, and are fully Hint of .. 5?». Wâ€"»7ILLI.A1\1$. of: 226 Dundas St. Louder.- "11d are therefore‘uhle to offer them E (‘Xf‘f‘l cc of yLnr Piumis. I have as of tone mm ngh 90 :1c« GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. TmmNTQ, Apriljzth, 1881 am much pledsed at tone, 032.513!~ Virgujq- rmhem at ex- spreud over a. touéh 'whi’c‘h u. .....u "AII numuyuu , _ ....,,V . in Work that will at nnce bving you in money faster lhn.n anything else in America†All nhou‘ the 5:2“! ,w'u in puesents with each box. Agents wnntvd evprywhere, nf either sex, of all ages. fur the time, or spine time only. to work for us at thm’r own hr-nms, Fortunes Ior all worker“ ab“ Rnlutolv ussur , Don’t delay. I! HALLETT & Co .1 n :1. Pom mill. M uihé Well to Remember. A stitch in lime saves mne. Serious re-- nulls nl'l fullnw a neglect of onnstipalrd lumels mud lmd hit-(1d. “unlock Bond lime-rs reg-minus and purify tho Momuoh, bowels. liver, kidneys and the blood. Take II in Iiuw, ROMAN CA My o'LIc-â€" Saw-ices : Thornhill at 9 a. m and Richmond Hill at 10 30 Ml) ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thornhill at, 10 30 u 1)], Rev Father Egan, Fusion. l’nxsnYTErJANâ€"Servicen at 11 a n m Prayer meeting on Wednesday 7 30 Rev J W Cameron. pastor ST MARY'S fEPIscOPAL.\â€"Services at 3 pm, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month. when the service and sacrament are held at H a. m Sunday School MI 30 v 111 Rev W Bates, Rector METHODISTâ€"Services at 10.30 a m, and 6.30;) :11 Sunday School at, 2 80 p m Prayer meetincz every Thursday evening at 9.00 p m. Rev. W R Barker. Pastor. Rev W B Booth. Aesxsmnt. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F a: A M, No 23, G n Câ€" Meets in the Lodge: Foam, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full mnnn. at 8 o'clock. pm A. J. Rupert, W M ; H‘ A. Nicholls. Sec. I 0 G T.â€"This Lodge meets in the Tompomnco Hull evely Weenrvsduy evening at 8 o'clock p m. J H Sanderson, W C. _-u.u u on n 141' D}! tico iifthé Lorne Hall ev inn: a: 7.3!) o‘nlock. (1. Savage Are you disturbed at night and broken of your ref-L by u siok child suffering and crying with [min or cnfiingz teeth ? If anS semi at once Mud gob u. home of Mus WxNaLow s Sennath SH“)? rm; CHILDREN 'l‘EEmeG. Its value is incalculâ€" nbio It will relieve the roar little suflvru- inn-- mediuwa Depend upon if, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It climndyaentery and diur- rhmn. rng‘ulu’es 11m stqmm‘li and howels, cure! wind colic. softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion. and give: tone and enemy to the whole system. Mm; WINsLow’R Soo'rnme SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING isplennnnt tn the mataand is the prescription of one of the hides: and best ferrule nursrs and physicians in the United States. and i: for Halo by all drupgiï¬ia through-- out. the world Price 25 cents a bottle. $200,000 A. O. U. W., IVY LODGE, No.114.-â€"M Committee Room of the Masonic I second and fourth Tuesdav of each u o’clock.p. m. Beneflcary certiï¬cate $24.00 in case of death. Isaac Cros Workman, B. Grenuan, Recorder. _ . m, _. “yum-mu nun noun- cn.No.4B.meets m e'l‘empemnce Hal]. each alternative Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock p. m. Beneï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to member: for $1,010 or in case of death $2.000, one half pa. able in case of disability. J. H. Sanderson. lect Councillor. Finn BRIGADE-Regular meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber. at 7 p. m. Membership xrea. Certiï¬cates issued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exam tions. .7 B Sanderson, Captain. 11. A. Nichol a, Secretary. MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall. from 7 to 8 o’clock. Wm. Pugsâ€" 12",Preeident. '1“ F. McMahon, See. R E Law. Librarian. VILLAGE COUNCILâ€"Reeve, Wm Pugsley ; Coun- cillors, B Redditt, P G Suvuge, W D Powell. F McConaghy, Clerk,M Teefy wmmd. The Inn is; estimuled M c mu un $50000 The Insurance sumâ€, as fhllnwï¬: Q M n. $3.000; Gore Disnim, $2.000; Harm-Id. $2 000; and the Waterloo Mu- hm', $2 000. Nsqunxu-r. April lo.â€"sthy beforé rn‘dnighl 1hr planing mull: ul' Wm. 0 me 4* Sons Innk (Lee. The men mm: at well: up In a lace lmur, and it is lhnuulfl a hvu'Id jv-urnnl Bel ï¬re tn 1hr. shining: in an upper mom. “he‘e pails aw mmuf'uMw-d. 'l'l‘o fucwrv an? ftnnndg-y were burned to "I. Porlimvs the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modem medicin. has been attained hv the Dixon treatment for Catnrrh. Out nf 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, fully ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it in remembered that not ï¬ve per cent. of pntieuts pr ‘sentiug themrclves to the rt-uulur practitioner an bencï¬ttcd. while the pat- ent medicines and other advertised ouer never record a. cure at all. Starting with the claim now gr‘ncmlly believed by the most scientiï¬c men that the disease in due to the presence of living narusiteï¬ in the tissue. Mr Dixon at once adapted his cum to their exte rmiuution~this ac- complished. he claims the Cntarrh is practically cured,nnd the permanency is unquestioned. as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. Nn mm else has ever attempted to euro ()ctarrh in this manner, and no other treatment has ever cured Cntm'rh. The application of the remedv is simplc, and can he done at home. and the prpsent muson of the year is the most inw- ourahhâ€" for nepm-dv and permanent cure. the majority of onset; being cured r-t one treatment. Sum-rears should ct rrespond with Meser A H DIXON & EON. 8' 5 King street. west, Toronto. Canada. and enclose stamp for their treatise on Cnlbl‘l‘br-Moufl‘efll STAB. . . A Great Mistake. It is n gum: mxsmke l0 suppeae lhnl Jyuvo'psiu can’l be cuxed. but must be e-\-- dined, .und life nnnde glunmv and miserable lheaahy Alexander Burns, of Cobwurg, wvs (:uwd aflor unfl'ming ï¬ï¬een yearn. {uldock Blood Diners cured him. We ame them-rams, derxved from com- prienl skuIces. as matters ofgenerul inter- unl.-J¢las » uc’-rlect judgmem, int'm'm uslhal Hm ~- 1.0w.n"s PILLS are u poshive speciï¬c fur such conwluims. They have been lried in the rice ï¬elds and comm pl-mtalions of the St'ulh. in the vulleysof Ihe Ohio and the Mississippi, on lhe unheullhy banks of tho {9d River. on the wesIern praixies, and among the cmwbmkes nnd swamps of Louisiana nnd Texas. Wilh the name happy resulls; and mulliludes uholmve hereto- fun- trustvd In dungprous curuxives. and fnlnd 11mm ()1 link: or no use. now relv entirely upon this powerful yet. harmless ven-mhle lemedy. CATARRHuA NEW TREATMENT. Dr. Maloun, a French physician. is said to have been so fond of dragging the sick. i that when one of his patients had swallowed ‘u dozen or two of his prescriptions without wincing. he wiped the poor victim's hand, in an eéstacy Of admiration, exclaiminz. " My dear sir, it really (affords me pleasure to attend to youâ€"you deserve to be ill.†'l'lteflremedial system, of Holloway. with ; whose fan-.e ol'l'zthe world is ringing. is in beautiful contrast with this wholesale in. discriminating use oftho mstexis medics. It comprehends only two preparations. but they would seem to include the antidotes for nearly all maladies. As a case in point [for we cannot discuss so vast. oeubject in u couple of paragraphs]. we may instant-e the extraordinary success of Hot.t.own's PILLS in disorders of the Liver and Stomach. These complaints, we are intormed by medical men. have greatly extended their ravages of lnte years. and assumed a more molignat form. Be that as it may. there can be no doubt that. such disorders prevail l in every set-lion of the country at this sea- son, und that, they baffle the skill of our } most eminent medical men. One of their; worst features is that they paralyze industry ‘ ofthe busiest seasons of the year. and. if not fatal in themselves, lay the foundatir n of m-mv dangerous dismders. A remedy, i “therefore, that will at ome bne'uk the chills: and restore the energy of the patient, In! d ; correct. the liver and stomach, must be I f1 inappreciahle mine in our ugiiculturol dis- tricts. Friends unon whom we can rely. and who have had full opportunities to fmm :wuu uuu wuan Tuesdav of each month; a; é clack.p. m. Beneflcary certiï¬cate given for 2,000 in case of death. Isaac Crosby, Muster Forkmtm, B. Grenuan, Recorder, R. T, 010 TEMPERANCE.â€"chhmflnd Hill Coun- 1. No. 43. meets m the T ,perance Han. each [Lemmin Tnnaflou M. ‘ ,,. n . ‘ _ RICHMOND HILL Coï¬NE’r BAND‘ an 4.‘ AL, Facts that Should be KnownflAn Alarming Diseasé Atflxcting gï¬il‘luge glirmtmï¬ ADVICE TO MOTHERS. All OPINION AND ITS BASIS. CHURCIJES SOCIETIES in museum ngen away Fond us cmxts postage. and by mail you wlll get free a package of goo ls ‘pf large vulug. that will start you Baumâ€"Meets for prac- every Tuesday even- 6. I m". Mgsaiic ‘ï¬gï¬jfaa’v _-_‘. .t8 o'clock p. m, 10 member: for "Mme halfpa able Sanderson. lect y-hgfejgs in the a m, nude 30 .y evening It Your: truly. ' 'V ( Signcd ) Wrbh, . Mr White. rhggtyisl, Culne. sememberfsih. 1883. Don" Sinâ€"l ï¬nd lhl' sale of Semel's Syums'eadily incrensing. All “bu have nir-d i1 ElIPMk vrrv highly of "a mrdiciunl Viv-HIM; une Hummer duncriiwa it as a "Godsend m dvsp'plic pun-met." ltd-- wuys recommend it will: cnnï¬dcm-o. Faithfully mum, : ( Signed ) Vincent‘A-Jwills. Chemist-:De‘miat. To Mr. A. J White. Myrthyr 'l‘ydvil, PJMIOH; Sgylt. 219;,“ 1883. My Dear Sinâ€"Yunn- Syrupypbd' Pills are still very p0; Illur with my (gunman, may)! saying they are Ihe best. fami’} medi'ciuu possible “ " " The sale kerps up wondnlully. in fat-I, rune would funcv almost IhuLthe people weâ€! beginning In hwakl'um; dinin'nnd sup ml Mollner Sei'gel‘s Symp. lhe' d'e’mund is s Cnudlulllnl'd the sausl’action no glut.â€" am, dear Sir, yours luilhfully, " [Signed J - w Bonhr. " Bnowx’s Hounuonn PANACEA Jana no equal for relieving ain. both internl'l' and external It cures Pain In the Bide, Buck “lauds, Sort Throat, Rheumatism, toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a. Pain or Ache. " It willmoacsurely quicken the Blood and Hen], as its acting power is wonderfull†“ Brown'é HouseholdPanmeu," be-â€" ing acknowledged a.- tha great Pain BBHover, and of double mhe strength of any oypanlixi; or T . . A .. , . . . . ~ .-.._....A 1_ AL , 7, u , , ,V o cut-lulkuth Howrahnuu of double mhe strength of Eng oyetg‘fLElixi or Liniment in the wor fl. should a in cry in. ' Hy handy {or use when Wanted. “ m; it really is the qest remedy in the worlqt to; Gym inT gha stomach, and Pains and Aches of all k ds,"‘u.nd in for sale bv all Drugeiuts at 25 cents Lbaflfloa ( Signed ) Jo‘h’n H Lightfuot lélh Mgmu. 11883. Dear Sir.â€"- I wriie m tell ym} that Mr. Henry Hlliion qf Ynmhhuuy .‘ï¬iiwri‘uforma me lhm he suï¬'ered from n neveixe form of indiueï¬linn fur nmymds of fnur wears. and look no end of dncmrï¬/ médicine wixhnm th slighlPsl brno-ï¬t. nnd‘déelbres" Mother Seigel’s Sw-up which he got from me ha- snved llil life. ‘- ' The o'lwr day a customer camp for two bottles at" vaup and salt] " Muthr Srigol" had saved the life of his wif». spud he added. To A J White 15': ' one of these hmtles I am aelidhg miles 1w“ In a friend who K'very have much fni‘h in it." Henalngbgm, Whitehav‘en. vact.‘ l‘Glh,1882. Mr. A J. Widthâ€"Dear Sine! was for annu- Iimp hmiCIPd with pilnsflï¬nd was lad-- vised In give‘ Mmher Seigel's Syn'lp n Vrinl. which I did. I am now‘ Immi‘y’ l6 lune that II has removed me to complete“ healthâ€"l remain, yours rospeclï¬ll|y,~ H: *2 ( Signed ) 3611’“ H ‘Lightrum Yourl respectfully, ( Signed “'R‘. Turner. Soigel'l Operating Piâ€- Me the bell family phymc lhat has ever hear discovered They cleanse the bowels from all irrium'n: aubsmnces, and leiwe their: in a henhhy eondiï¬on; Thy cure cmï¬vvmm. " "‘ St. Mary urea, Peterborour. V Novembi: 29111:, 1881. Sin-11 given me Eront plenum to in’» form you nf Ihe hm: H! l huve meek-ed from Seighl's Syrup. I harm been troubled fur years wilh dvsnepsin ; bu! aflgi‘ A few doses of the Svrup. l f'nnud relief. and aher ink-- ing (Wu lotllis of it I feel quite'cured. I um, Sir, your! truly; Sir A J While. Willi‘h: Market Placc, Pocklinfton, York Octobgr‘Tizndmssz. Sin-Being a Iufl‘erer for-“ham with dyspepsia in all ix: worst hymn, and After spending pounds in mndicinea. I was at lalt persuaded mm Mother Seigel'h Curalive Snup. and Inn thankde to my have derived 1nan hemï¬l from irlhnn hny mher media cima l evpr took. and would advise any one sum-ring from the name compluint lo give it a trial. the results they would. anon ï¬nd out for Ihrmsolvea. If you like Io make use of Ibis teltimonial join an quit. ll Iiberty'm do no. The disease commences with slight do" rsngement of the Ito-ch. But, if neglected, it in time involves the -Ihole>ï¬|ne, ell†‘ brscing'the kidneys, .liverfirpgngeu, Jud. ‘ in fact. the entire grsndulpr y‘sjllsll'lr sud.) 1 the sflicted drops out n liner-hi existence I until in“ gives relieffro-ts'uï¬'cingovTh'elj ’diseue 'is often....mistnbém {on ï¬ber, L con»: ‘plsints; but if thezresdergiltzukghhaself.‘ the following questions, he will.>e..,lbli t2; determine whet‘her'he himself is'one of the} nllicted :â€"Enve' t tum-m pain or‘ dincuny l in breuthing sfter e’sting? Is there I dull.- heavy feeling attended by drowsiness! i Have the eyes ayellow tinge 1 Does s thick†IMicky. mucous gather about the gyms and teelh in the mornings, secouipamed by -s disagreeable taste, is the tongue saved 2 ll: there pnins in the side and back, is (there It fulness about the right side II if the jliver were enlarging? Is there costiveness ? ls there vertigo or divzineu when rising suddenly from a horizontal position? Are the secretions from the kidneys scsnty and lugth colored, with a deposit. after slend- ing 7 Does fond ferment soon sfter exiting. accompanied by flatulence or a belching of gas from the stomach? Is there frequent palpitation of the heart? These vsrious symptoms may not be present at one time. but they torment the sufl‘erer in'turn as the 'diendt‘ul disease progresses. . [tithe case he lone of long standing, there “will be a dry, l huckinz cough. attended after n time by ex- pectorstion. ' In very lldvtineid"'hlgel the skin assumes n dirty bro‘wnilh 'eppeurunce. and the hands and feet sre~ covered by e cold. sticky perspiration. As the liver and kidneys become more and more disc-led. rheumatic pninl appear. sud the usual treat. ‘ ment proves entirely unsvuilint Igsinst this ‘lntlt‘r agonising dism-der. Tho origin, of this malady is indigestion or dyspepsia. and a small quantity ol‘ the proper medicine will remove the disease if taken in in in- cioiency. it is most important that the disease. should be promptly snd properly treated in its ï¬rst stages. when a little medicine will effect a cure. and even when it has oblainedn strong hold the correct remedy should he persevered 'ih‘hntil every vestigs ofthe disease is erï¬dicstod. until the appetite has returned. and ihe‘digentive orguns restored 'to a hed‘hhy‘ condition. The surest and most «ï¬retttal-nre'medy for this dislrflsitt: complaint-sis w“ Seigol‘s Cur-alive Syrup."s vegetable preparation sold by all Chemints and Medicine Vendors throughout the World, and: by the pro-- ptietors. A J White. Lunm-dnu. Flirting- don Road. Landau. 'E. C... i This Syrup ..atrikes M the very foundation 'of'th‘e disease, and drives it, root and branch, out "of the system. ‘7 v 'i mplouut coins. Contunthohon Pnrntivo. I: s m m and «mm-u 173233255 tr WORM POWDERB; non And comron To The short-r a. Numerous Clans. Willi‘hm Brent. ï¬fteeni ill. I PILLINGS WARRANT}!!! run 10 Yâ€: GA LL A N D SW12 MEI}. Toronto Jun Mb 1838 BYNI) [GATES FORDIED For Manufacturing and other purposes. 8 not: and Share Brokers, etc. etc. The only'Dontian Toronto using Kurds Impâ€"- parutua for BEST SETS 01“ TEETH $8, Goodwills Bought and Sold ! Extracting Teeth Without Pair. VITALIZï¬Il All! FARMS A G F LAWRENCE. Nov 27th. 18“ ‘ GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY ! Fan-m &: Other Property. Hotels, Taverns and Business. W M Hall. J S Fullerton. W PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. Toronto. May 29th. 1884. CONVEYANCEBS. ETC. . No. 14 Buiidin 6: Loan To") ["0 Umtvs'chambersnngmnto at. Richmond Hill ()[Ii(:e-‘c‘§§§m‘i§;:§§ ‘ 0n Saturdays. Monty (a Loan at Lowest Current Rates. Richmond HM Post {flee Every Saturday. 7 ï¬isasgaï¬; rAitorneys-M-Law, Solicitbrs-{nl Chancery. Conveyancera‘ etc. (mines-Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto mums FEBGUEON, Q.C. J om: BAH: Wu SETON GORDON. GEO F smut! HALL, FULLERTON 8:. COOK LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN, Barristers, Solicitors. RICHMOND HILL SAVING'S DEPARTI‘IENT COATSWORTH i. 'HO'DGINS, ’ ï¬migttrï¬, ï¬nlicitnm, r NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, OFFICES : 15 York Chambers, Fgrguso'n. flgln. Gorï¬von &_ §hjpley, DRAIN TlLE. 0F iTIIiEï¬BEHST (\YTAYI'Y" A’I‘ Deposits received npd interest Allowed thereon It current rates. No notice of withdrawal rev- guiud Drum on all parts of Canada, United taken 5nd Great Britain bought and sold. J. M. LAWRENCE, MANAann Richmond Hill Avril 9th, 1884. E Cmnwonrn. JR. Toronto, Nov 1811:, 1884 K. CRXSHOLM. M. P.P. H. P. DWIGHT. EIQ., D. M.MCDONALD Esq. onuomxaon iasq. A McLEAN HOWARD, E J. GINTY. Esq. Best Material in the Matket. DAVID BLAIN, 15:80., President. SAMUEL TREES, Esq.. Vice-President. CENTRAL RANK 0!“ CANADA. Filling and all othero stations neatly My 1d APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. U‘pAL iBTOCK OF GHOCERIES CHARLES DONALD 8L CO., ‘ 79. Queen Street, London, E. 0., Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers. Merchants and Shippers, With a View to Autumn and Spring Business. They will also give the usual facili- ties to customers requiring advances. London, July 31st. 1884.-â€"9- m MIXED PAINTS IN ALL COLORS REA DY FOR USE SPRING HAS COME AGAIN RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Sanderson Bros., 3. P- LEN N OX, DENTIST Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. I8 King Street East, Toronto. A L$RGE 5311001: 01‘ FURNITURE That ha» ever heen in lhis town, at from 5c. lo 75c. per roll. A large stock of MORTGMx‘ES OBTAINED QUALITY A’l‘ WALL PAPER AND BORDERINGS I White Leadt UNI and Turpentine. Paint and Whitewash VBrushres 7 all sizes. Full Stock of Painlerl‘ Material at less than Toronto Prices. MONEY TO 1‘0 AN. Warranted to be made {tom the Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Oflicei Tty our 25c. Teal. Ask for nump‘e. Flaur and Feed. All will be sold at Bottom Pricel. P. G. SAVAGE. By means of Vitalizod Air. TORONTO Patent Rights disposed of ; CHEMISTS & lDRUGGISTS, J. I. EVANS 6; CO, Leader Lane Toronto. DIRECTORS. P. O. Box 2527. No 9 Toronto Street. And lbs People's Store is on hand with the largest new stock of THOS NIGHTIN GALE'S, gm}. ‘, Esq. A. A. ALLEN. Cushion FRANK E. Honams. 41v '1' C MILLIGAN‘ 1y Hardware. Crockery. and the W Cook. ly-I done EVERY THURSDAY, A1: his printing Oï¬â€˜me, Yonge Street, Ric Hill, Ontario. Terms 0! Subscription :â€"â€".~$1 00 poi- mm mivunce. When not paid in advance 31 be charged. ‘ Transitory xgdvertiaementm ï¬rst; insertion, parlme ............. ; ..... Each subaequeut iniertiot, poi-1i Contracts for time and space made on :1 Lion. A An; ‘iisuments without wri‘ ‘- V . w ' ' .VflNIo'Y ’1’0 LOAN. See our reduced loan table For further 1‘ mutton apply at the omces of the Company iRICH‘MOND HILL. MONEY To LOAN 0N FARM szcvnm. Mmey received on deposit, and payable hulfyeuny or compounded .VQNEYT’JLOA N. NOTARY PUBLIC, &C MARRIAGE SAVINGS BANK BRANOI-I Loan and Savings Company Ofï¬cesâ€"No 70, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senntorl’xesidenb GEORGE GooDEmnu Vicevl’rosident DmECTORsâ€"Famuel Flatt, M P.A1Imrl Gooder- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thus 11 Lee, Hon D L Mncpherson, Senator Capital, $1,000,000; nescrvo Total Assets. $3,500,000 ThisI Hotel has been refumished, renovated. and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and in now the leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar 1': sup« glued with tirst~class brand of liquors and cigar». .xcelleut accommodation for Commercial Travellers, and the General Public Good Stabl- inu and an attentive linstler. Western. Canada. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be {ouud north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class SL319. Sample Room for Cmnmnr- cial Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hosclem. Terms, 31 var day. I’roctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect win] all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a. m., 1;: a. 111., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. GRAN]! CENTRAL HflTEL RICHMOND HILL. JOPIN POVVELL, Prop THE PALMER HOUSE. RICHMOND HILL. J' Palmer. Prop. may still be ddnémtÃ©ï¬ 3;: an}. lulzachyï¬â€˜thé pro lession, as follows : Richmond Hill... ‘ 9th & 24th of each mnnth ............. .. w u... v. vwvu u (at Palmer House) Aurora. lst, 8th, 16th. and 22nd do Stouflvil]e...... ...... ....18th do Markham ...... ...... 2%): dc Victoria Square ..... 21:: do Thomhill ...... ...23xd do \foodbridge ...... mm“: do Kleinburg ...... ...‘.’9th do Noblcton .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th do [UUNU Wtallzed uir always on hand rap eh. pluses pi M‘fointment. It does away thh we pa_n m n! rnntlua 'e'xlnicuiig' THE YUBK HEBMD UN'LY $1. Mupl’ei‘. ,161h ES . Richmond H111 19th do Wood bridge ............ .,,21nd do Mr Husband will be found in his ofï¬ce, at Newtonbrook, every Saturday. except, when Sutur- dny tells on the above date. Newtonbrook, June 13th, 1883. My VITA LIZED AIR 3 Artincal Teeth, upper or under. $5.00. Pain- less extracting by use of Ethenzed Air. The only ï¬rm in the Dominion executing ï¬rst-class work at the above mice. Will visit the followingplaces professionally .â€" Unionvfllo,. .. lst Mandny of each month. Weston, .9Lh and 2155 do Muplew ..,161h do â€" 3§§chr§op§i 19th do 11111.. Richmond Hill, April 3rd, 1884. SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto G. H. I~IUSBAND, L. D. S RIGGS 6: IVORY, Thagypl for thg favors of The York Hefald. ‘. 'I-I. KEEFLER, yuan“. __.7 , WALTER s LEE, DENTIST. NEWTONBROOK, ONT. .TEEFY; £39131 (1353x315; Dr A ROBINSON. â€"AND ISSUED. 0Fâ€" SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA PUBLlsnED BY 213mm. LICENSES, ' 8 co ate. 5 cents. made on :Lpglicu. the ‘ page†years Fund, $450,600 ?, Richmond mnum in $1 5U will Manager a 13. interest intor‘ The Trade Marius of my suit“. Idoldiztines ni'u iuwrud 111 Ottawa, 2)..“ also at \‘.'z;,“.hin'_;tmL Siguofl THOMAS UULIJC‘OIJD and said at 19 23. 911., 451.611.,118" 011011120X and oh, mud in Cztnudnv wt 90 anus, und 5:1.5-0 cents, and the urge nrauortiou. -‘ ms CAM‘mN-ol have no Ammr in the United States, nur 2w: my Methciuus smd there. Purcimsmï¬ Hhuuk’i Ihcrt'f‘um Emmi; m the Libel on tin: Pm: (3nd fluxes H‘Iha address is m: 533. Uxé‘uzd mm, Hwy um BUUI‘iUlm , Lam»; B'I:H]Rï¬1ctfli‘0d only at Profess or Hoilowuv’s Estubhshmcnt 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON Coughs, Sore TL‘muts, Bronchitis. and 911 Alison: 81‘s of the Throat and Ghost, us alsq out, Rheu mutzszn. Scrofula and other 1mm 0; mm diseases increase the secretory powers of tho Livur. Draco the nervous system, and t1; )w i: ; {he cinqu- Lion the pure“? Elements for sustaining um repairing the frame. Thousands of persons have testiï¬e'l that bv thvil use alone thpy Inmr: 1mm zL-shmml In health and sin-uglh‘ after every what means lmd proved unsuccessful. will bu found invaluable in every Househbld the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tun-nuts. Emily, )‘nanluto and ilgzproye Hm q'mliiy of mood. They assist Lhe digestive organs, ulmml BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed fur itself an imperishable 12mm throughout the Wmid fur the aiicviatiuu and cure of' most. diseases to which humanity is heir. m3:- ' & $.12" Worth their ‘ï¬ioigh: in Gold! M. C. P. (K: 3., On}, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, Ofï¬ce and Residence,-0;10 dour south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 a m, & 12 to 2 p m Thomhill Feb 14th, 158;}, Member College of thsicinns a Surgeons. (LATE or SLA‘UUFFVILJJZ.) OFFICE HOURSâ€"From 8 to if? a, n:-.., 5. (o S p. m RESIDENCE Yonge Street, Richmond HIâ€. Richmond {1:11, Oct. 12th, '51. Members College Physicians & Surgeons. Residence, Yongo Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond ]Iil‘,1\izz‘,‘ 23rd. 1882. 1y ngstafl; G 00 1*ge a Dr. TIIOXLNUILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University ma. J. Wsmam, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. R. B. Orr,M. B. and First Silver Mednh’sb University of Toront‘o, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S A L, Englnml (Lake Of London, England), Surgeon, Etc. B'Oflice Hours 8 to 9.30 u..m., and 1 to 2.30 p.m.. DR LEWIS G. LANGSTAFF‘ I }THE STAR BR. J'MEES LANGSTAFF I 0t Landon, England, Sir Wm McAthur, K C N! G, M- P. ex-Lord Mayor of Londcn. President. _ ‘ ‘ NV W Baynes.Esq.FI a;-Secre-tary )1 Reserve Fund. . .. . “$10,900,000 Annual‘ Income. . . . . . 1.600.000 Invesged ix Canada. . . l.2£>0,()00 Death chums 1min}. . . . 10.000;00U' TUI-‘JJN'I‘O {Lari-nnxzczcs John McDonald, I (I. C. .7. Cmnp‘ 12,3543†H01). SmmtorMoh 01' A.S;uiv1‘,1,] '11.. James Metcnlfn, Esq. Rev. Enoch {0001.1}. Loans made on sacurity of Ccmpxmy's Policy at 5 per cent intern-~15. Lounsmnde toClmruh ’Jfrushoos, at a low rate 9 interest. :5 x1 for n cctus. Assurance Suc’y’ E.A.W. WELL CURE“. OR RELEEVE mucus/r1539, 073' :- 81A, INDIGEST/OA’, JAUNDICE. [me/FEW, car 5 12', And every r disordcrcsj L STO MACH AND ROWE] T. FELBUW is 60.. ,qï¬ ,’ g: DR. ORR, MAPLE, cow“ Sec. 65 TI‘L‘IIS. for Cnnudu. 16 King St, East, Toronto amaimx. _ v , V __,m...w~, 1 In Canada, wt 36 ceula, AAL _ v its. 911., 451.611.! 11 19.! 22, and A D PERRY, AND DIES/A’EI’S, rqu y, . urn-Tn 0:? 7;. ill-34:77; .51.?!7'V (1': Pr AH». $.v. TL‘ -'.' Pee lsb 1525's (:2 :‘J u S. E u‘zes ix.