Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Apr 1885, p. 2

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Bloamomim‘fin POST OFFICE. Until furtheriouco, Mails will be closed at the above Office as follows :â€" PflST HEEIIIE NllTIlIH ! MORNING. Going North, South, East, and West, at . . . . . . . 7.45 EVENING. Going South, East, and West, at ........... 6.15 Mail for the North, via. Railway, leaves once a day, in the morning, as above stated. Morning Mail from South, West ' and East, by Railway,arrives at 10.00 Evening Mail from Toronto by Yonge-strcet Stage, arrives at. 7.00 Night Mail from North, by Rail- way, arrives at .................. . 8.15 0er HOURSâ€" $301113, Richmond Hill, June 23rd, 1884. Toronto, Thomhin, Richmond Bill King, Aurora, Newmnrket, Holland Landing, Holland Landing, N ewm arket, Aurora, King, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Toronto, Money Foundâ€"Robert Marsh. Fonthin Nurseries-Stone & Wellington Chgnge-Joseph Hull. No. 46 : THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1885 The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. It is the old time principle, the crystâ€" alized wisdom of ages, that the Do- minion Government seem to have adoptâ€" ed in the present exigency in the Northâ€" West. The endeavors of the Hon. Mr. Blake to get our forces sent by the so called ” short route” through the United States, would have one effect contorâ€" balaneing all the advantages to be obâ€" tained by it, namely, to bind Canada in very strong obligations to that Govern- ment. We are asked to call in the actual help of a foreign power in order to quell what is at worst but a temporary disâ€" turbance amid a small portion of the people. To do so would be equivalent almost to requesting the loan of a regi- ment of troops or battery of artillery for this purpose. It would certainly be an acknowledgement of natural weakness and decrepitude, such as only to make us appear contemptible, a band of an “ infirm and unstable” condition which it is unnecessary that we should put upon ourselves, unless under the most powerful of reason. To solicit such a favor from the Washington authorities would be more than a confession of natural imbecility. It would be to in- vite detrimental comparisons,and suggest the question how far it might be prudent to push repayment of another kind upon a suitable occasion oHering. The effect of Mr. Blake’s speeches in Parliament on this point has been to magnify our distress far beyond its proper dimensions, and thereby to give far greater promiâ€" nence and weight to the condescension which he urges the solicitation of. There is no doubt that it would depend largely in the future upon the personnel of the \Vashington Cabinet whether or. not, in having granted so distinguished a favor1 as that spoken of, Canada should be regarded as a sort of creature or bond ‘ slave of the Union. Certain of their politicians, have ever been ready to preach the subordinate position of Canada, and to minimise our country and its resources. When it became‘ necessary in 1870 to send troops to the, Northâ€"West in a former emergency, we‘ saw how difficult it was to obtain a right of way through a narrow strip of their territory. A powerful party in the States was but too ready to call in question the granting of the privilege, to the em«- barrassment of the Cabinet at \Vashing- ton. The Opposition press are ready enough to find fault with the Governâ€" ment at Ottawa. They, we are exâ€" tremely sorry to notice. appear well pleased to make capitalâ€"if they canâ€" even out of the trouble we are at presâ€" ent placed in by their sensational and cruel yarns. It is questionable, very indeed that the trouble would have been better met even supposing Mr. Blake and his friends had happened to have been in power. It is all very fine to find fault, to blame, to censure, talk is so mighty cheap that the paid scribes who flourish their quills find delight in using strong language, in calling hard names, in making personal and abusive epithets do duty for sound arguments and reasonable deductions. They may rest assured the public will not be so easily blinded by such sentences even if couched in wormwood and steeped in gall. No, the majority of the public are more reasonable, they know the difiiculâ€" ties of the situation and will allow for all reasonable mistakes. Sir John Mac- donald’s forty years of public life will stand him in good stead at the present time, and enable him to bear up under the bitter malice that his enemies are only too ready to pour upon his head. TRAIN TIME. We “43m: 3mm. NOTICE TO S UBSORIBERS. FEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmond Hlll. Ont. ARRIVALS. THE ROUTE. Whole No. 1398 : M. TEEFY, Postmaster. GOING NORTH. 755 850 900 910 930 942 n 952 3! GOING BOUTE‘ g, 818 B 23 8 35 8 52 9 04 9‘ )5 10 05 11 46 01 00 01 10 11 60 12 05 12 30 12 45 12 55 145 Volume 27. 500 600 610 620 642 055 705 643 655 708 730 741 751 845 till a case has been arranged for arguâ€" ment before the Privy Council, be will suspend the operation of the License Act of 1883, in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court in the case recently argued before it. That decision left all retail licenses under the control of the Provincial Government, and all wholesale and vessel licensee under the control of the Dominion Govâ€" ernment. It will, no doubt, be settled that whatever the decisions may be no penalties or costs shall be borne by private persons in consequence of the unsettled state of the law, and the dis- ‘puted nature of the licensing authority. The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan, met at the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 14th of April, at 10 o’clock Mr. Isaac Renman. the member elect as second Deputy-Reeve in the place of Daniel Reaman, deceasedY having executed the declaration of qualification and of office took his seat at the Council Board. The Reeve in the chair. Members present, Messrs. Cook, Malloy and Elliott. Minutes of inst meâ€"eting read and on mo» xiogflapgrgveq. The following petitions were presented :â€" lst, by Mr. Cook from D. S. Reaman and 31 others, for the grading ofa hill at Carr-- ville. 2nd, by Mr. Cook from John Lahmer and 56 others for making the Ontario Tree Planting Act applicable to the Township. FromwA. Daiiél and others for the etch-- tion of a weigh scale at Nglshyille. A claim was received from Sarah Dick for injuries sustained by herself and con-- veyance on 2nd Jan. last, by the overturn-- ing of her conveyance on ‘he hill between lots 30 and 31 on 10th Con. An application was received from J. & W. Rankin, requesting to be allowed to do the” statute labor on old Yonge Street, under the supervision ofthe Path Master. Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Reaman, that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay the following ac» connts :â€"â€"- M. Rhiness, 6 dys work at §$ per dy$ 3 00 J. Oliver, 10 dya work at $15 per dy 16 00 W. Gordon, 4 days work at. “ per dy 6 00 J. Watson, 126 loads gravel at 100 Moved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Malloy, that the following road accounts be paid :â€" Dist No.â€" D. S. Renman, for 200 «(in post-.822 00 Dist No. 2â€" T. Tamley. for 483 cedar posts at $1.30 each .........§..... 62 79 J. Elliott, for hauling plank" . ... . l 50 G. Wallace, for hauling 1200 feet lumber d; l00 posts . . . . . . . . 3 Op A. Bumbie, 25; days at $1} per day 38 25 C. H. do “ " 38 25 J. H. do 9 “ 13 50 H. do 283 .“ 42 75 do 25 loads of gravel.. . . 2 50 W. Mnnshaw 10 6,8 at $15 . . . . . . . . 15 00 â€"Carried. Vper'load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 60 Patterson & Bro., 41 days at 5:5 per day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 50 A. Eurpble, 25; days at $1} per day 38 25 " 'iam'bér a; l00 peas ........ 3 oo -Carried. Moved by Mr. Malloy. seconded by Mr. Elliott. that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following accounts: '1‘. F. McMahon, printing 300 copies Townships accounts . . . . . . . . 26 00 Earl & 00., for Manual, eIc . . . . . . 19 85 ‘ -â€"Carriod. Moved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Cook,1hat the sum of $100 be paid to A. Malloy. Commissioner for District No. 2 & 3, for paying for work done on bill be-- tween lots 20 and 21, Con. 8 [ special apâ€" propriution:]â€"Carried. 1., I, .- "A l The Clerk was instructed to have a By-- Law prepared for next meeting, making the Ontario Tree Flaming Act. of 1883, applicable to‘tho Township. 111-: Sir John Macdonald announces that Tififiied by Mr. Malloy. Esconded by Mr, Elliotl, that the petition of D. S. Reamnn and 31 others for the grading ofa bill at Carrville be referred to the Commissioners for Dist No. 1â€"Carriad. Moved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Malloy, that the petition of A. Dalziel and others fer the erection of a weigh scale on the side of the road allowance at Nashville, be granted on condition that it does not in-- terf‘ere with the public travel.‘â€"-Carrled. Moved by Mr. Réaman, seconded by Mr. Cook, that Mr. John Rankin be allowed to do his road work on old Yonge St. under the direction of the Path-Mustanâ€"Carried. Mov‘ed by Mr. Cook. seconded by Mr- Reaman, that Messrs Porter and Malloy be a deputation to wait on Mrs. Dick relating to the claims on the township in conse» quence of an accident â€"Carried. The Province of Ontario numbers 109 Unions. Three thousand children are members of Bands of Hope under the supervision of the Unions. There are 14 departments of work. It is estimated that the W. C. T. U. of the United States numbered at least 6,000 Unions, with a membership of nearly 200,000. Missouri, Kansas and Iilinois have added about 100 new Unions each this year; New York, 135; Pennsylvania, 180. MW CHILDREN SHOULD SIGN THE PLEDGE. 1. It will lead them to inquire what ardent spirits, beer and Wine drinking does. The Province of Quebec has now 53 Unions representing 13 counties. There are nine departments of work in conâ€" nection with the Provincial Union, 39 Bands of Hope have been formed, the membership ranging from 20 to 140. 6. It will preserve them most. effecâ€" tually from the enticements of the vine~ cup} _ ... A .- n u - 10. It will‘ make them active and bold to gather in others, and extend the cause. 3. It will teach them their moral and free agency, and that they are to be actors for themselves in future life. 4. It will cause them to feel, as they have never felt before, their responsibilâ€" ity. ~E3. It will give them a new and permanent interest in the temperance cause. for others 9. It will bring them out and em-- body them as a Temperance armyâ€"a JuvenileATexprple. _ WIN Main V 72: It will lead them to resolve that theirs shall not be the druukard's end. ,I. '7. It will prevent them from being urged to drink by others. 8. It will make them good examples W. C. T. Union Items. The License Law. more money than at anythin else by tak- ing an agency for the best so] ing book out Ifipgixmers succeed grandly. None fail, Terms free. HALLETT BooK 00., Portland Vaughan Councfl. The remarks required to past: are an aggregate of 125, and 30 per cent. of the value ofAeqclA: paper. The Recommended are marked ‘ Aggie Reid 16'! Carrie Powell 175 l Reuben Glass 146 Adolia Palmer 172 Wellington Hall 143 ' Willie Bailey l7l Maggie Moody 137 Chas. A Wiley 1'68 Millie Trench 136 Mary Map a 158 Tillie Trench 135 Emma Mic ael 158 Florence Powell 130 Lizzie Palmer 151 Lizzie Kennersloy 127 Lone Lynn 149 Chas. Kerswell 127 ‘ Minnie Davis 148 James Wright 126 Geo. Glover 148 Gertie Barker 144 Grant Cooper 144 Fulton Soules 128 To JR. In Phoebe Scales 183 Joe. Keefler H7 Wm. Garvin 165 Emma Siver 163 Jon Glass 162 Maud Bailey 1.55 Minnie Reddifl 151 Bella McConflglly 146 Robert Moodiu 140 Joe. Blanchard 121 John McKt‘nZIe 115 Bertie Hopper 110 The highest possible number he obtained 180 Div. III To DIV n DIV 1v John Falconbridge 173 Willie Alex Reid 1174 Hattie Maggie Glover 161 Jennie Efliie McNair 139 F Empr Hattie Harrison 138 H Sam Merritt Wilson 137 Edith A Florence Tyrrell 136 Herbie D Doulhwaite 134 Herbie Lillie Clifford 118 F Mc Arthur Weir 114 B'lorenm Everette Law 110 Florence Annie Cosgrove 104 Charlie Freddie Redditt 97 Willie McKenzie 95 Tillie King 94 John Good 91 Sarah Clifford 84 ' Willie Savage 83 ' Edward Tester 172 C. H. Rupert 171 R. Walkington 136 ’ F. J. Seager 133 Uniform Promotion Exam. The Council met on Monday evening, April 20th. The Reeve in the chair. Councillors present, Messrs. McConaghy, Powell, Redditt and Savage. The, minutes of 26th _March, were read andflaprprovefi. VThe Ifollowing accounts were read :â€" James Piper ........................ $ 4 05 Lawrence & Milligan............. 5 00 George Reddittl ................. 21 50 The Cle§k read two letters from the Provincial Secretary's Department re-- spectively dated 30th March and 10th April, relating to the exchange of Public Park lot, as also reply to that of the 10th April. Moved by Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. Powell, that the Treasurer is here-- by authorized and instructed to pay the accounts just realâ€"Cairied. r Movedvby Mr. McConaghy, seconded by Mr. Savage, that W. Brickuell is hereby appointed Health Inspector of Villgxgeuf Garfied. N ‘1‘ Moved by Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. Powell, that Mr' Tcefy’s resignaâ€" tion tendered verbally on the 13th March, be not accepted, that he shall continue to he the Clerk and Treasurer of the Villageâ€"Carried . Mr. Teefy withdrew his resignation. Mr. H. Nicholls and Mr. T. F. Meâ€" Mahon appeared before the Council as a Committee from the Fire Brigade re- questing the Council lo provide refreshâ€" ments for firemen after they have been called out to suppress a fire, which was approved: _ n. u“ n 1 1 Moved by Councillor Savage,seconded by Councillor McConaghy. that the members of the Council do meet on Thursday afternoon, the 23rd inst., at 2 p.m.. in the Council Chamber, for the purpose of proceeding to inspect the state of the sidewalks and streets in the village, An amendment was moved by Mr. Redditt, seconded by Mr. Powell, that Friday, the 24th inst” be the day apâ€" pointed for inspection of sidewalks, etc. The amendment Was carried. The Council adjourned to meet on Monday, 18th May, at 8 pm. Died at Woodbridge on the lGlh inst,E the wife of James Mcllhenney. after al year’s illness, 0t consumption, in her 56th year. She was buried on Sunday. at the English Church cemetery. The funeral service was conducted by the RevO 1" Ford. As the notice was given to leave the house at 9 30 o’clock sharp, being an hour before the regular time of worship at. the different churches, it was largely at-- tended by all qenominations. l The ice on the Humbe: started to move on Saturday last, which caused great ex-- citement in the village for a while. The water being high c-u‘ried it. down without. doing any damage to our corporation. WM: THomas Eafls has opened his new butcher sllqp,__No._ 1 ngjgce “Street. Miss Tilda Franks and Mr. Rich anlor, of Wnodbridge, are recovering fast, also Mr. Levi Willis. of Pine Grove, is on the fair way of recovery. miufld‘gglArBérdour, junior, has been laid up with a sore foot. Foresters. of Toronto, intend having a grand excursion to Woodbridge on the Queen’s Birthday. April 22nd, 1885. To Fomvrn To FOURTH W oodbridge Jottings. (From Our Own Correspondent) Jas Mundey Jno. Seymour Maggie McNair Harvey Cook Euphemia Kirkland Willie Flack May J. Rumble To SR. III. Vesta Mnlhollaud CARRVXLLE. Village Councfl. RICHMOND BILL. To JR. 111. O. B. Appleton 158 Ida Coombs 138 Louisa Tester 137 Selena Coomba 135 Wm. Coomba 130 Dora J. Flatt 127 Bertie Whifly 125 PATTERSON. To FOURTH 3173 Willie Glass 139 164 Hattie Mapes 130 “ 161 Jennie Wiley £20 139 F Empringham 108 138 H Sanderson l04 137 Edith Andrews 96 136 Herbie Garvin 94 134 Herbie Sonles 94 118 F McConnell 89 114 Florence Bailey 87' 110 Florence Moodie 86" Geo. Glover Gertie Barker Grant Cooper Fulton Soules Charlie Hall 86‘ To SEN. m. J. W. Bone 140 M. TEEFY, Clerk. To 821. m. 116 153 153 152 145 143 I42 141 of marks to 1' o DIV m “ SAB‘BATH SCHOOL LEssoN.â€"The ,gnext meeting for the study of the Sab- ibath, School lesson, will be held at the |residence of Mrs G. Wiley, on Friday ’ evening, at 8 p. m. All Sunday School friends and workers are cordially invited. FOUND.â€"A sum of money found. See advertisement. GENERAL Groceries at lowest prices at the Fire Proof. A. F. & A. M.â€"â€"~The regular monthly meeting ofRichmond Lodge No. 23 G. R. 0., will be held in this village on Monday evening next, 27th inst. POSTAGEâ€"After the 30th of June nexta two cent stamp will carry an ounce instead of only a half ounce letter in the United States. We would be glad of a reduction tola two cent on the half ounce in Canada at present. IF YOU want agood Tapestry Carâ€" pet for 400. per yard, go to the Fire Proof. ’ ‘ MUSIc.â€"The village Band came out on Tuesday evening last, and gave an excellent openâ€"air Concert, which seemed to be greatly enjoyed by the citlzens, as the street was well lined with promenad- érs. We trust that this may he the first of'a series of Concerts which the Band will give during the fast approachâ€" ing summer. CREDIT SALE.- Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements. etc., on Friday, May lst, the property of Mr. A. Arnold, at his residence, Thornhill. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock. Terms:â€"â€"All sums of$10 and under, cash; over that amount G'months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. S. Eekardt, Auct. THE BEST value in cottons from 4c up, at Crosby's. CRICKET.â€"A meeting will be held in the Lorne Hall, in this village, on Friâ€"- day evening next, 24th inst, for the purpose of reorganising the Cricket Club for the coming season. We hope there will be a large attendance at this meeting, as we have some good Cricket material, and see no reason why our village should not turn out a first-class Club. Chair ‘to be taken at 8 o’clock. HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS.-â€"The examinations for admission to High Schools at midsummer will be held this year on Thursday and Friday, 2nd and 3rd July. The examination in the non-professional subjects for III. and I1. class teachers will begin Monday, 6th July. For I. class grade “ C” on Wednesday, 15th July. For grades “A” and “ B,” on Thursday, 23rd July. The professional examination for I. class will be held Wednesday. 22nd July. N. Y. ;‘ Miss Marie 0. Strong, contralto, ilate of Boston, Mass, U. S.; Herr iFried, tenor, of Rochester, N. Y. ; Miss Berryman, mezzoâ€"soprano, of Toronto; Mrs. H. M. Blight, pianist and acâ€" companist, Toronto ; Miss Kate Strong, Mount Forest, the accomplished mezzo- soprano and elocutionist; Mr. Fred lWarrington, Toronto, Musical Director. ‘ The Portage La Prairie paper speaks of Mrs. Keltie as follows câ€"Special menâ€" tion of Mrs. Kcltie will not be out of place in consequence of the reception she was accorded and the favor with which 1 she was met by the audience upon her lappearance each time before them. lShe has a pure and sweet soprano voice of great force, which she uses with ease, and which gives every evidence of" thorough cultivation. She received anl lencore for every song she sang, which} vwas well deserved. and after herl ‘first appearance became the favorâ€"1 ite of the evening. She is a small ilady of most pleasing appearance, andl ‘will become a great favorite wher- 1ever she appears owing to her talent as a vocalist. Such an artist as Mrs. Keltie is deserving of the highest apâ€" vpreeiation. The Toronto Mail in speakâ€" ing of Miss Strong says :â€"The singing of Miss Strong, of Mount Forest, is exâ€" ‘ceptionally worthy of notice. Her voice isafine contraltc, and she sang with great cflect. The Globe sayszâ€"Miss Strong, of Mount Forest, a contralto, who has had a musical education in Boston, delighted the audience with her sin inchâ€"COM. g o CUT THIS Ownâ€"In view of the pos- sible advent during the coming summer of that. dread visitant eliolera,to America, we publish the following remedy, which is known as the New York Sun Cholera mixture :»~Take equal parts of tincture of cayenne, tincture of opium, tincture- of rhubarb, essence of peppermint, and spirits of camphor. Mix well. Dose, fifteen to thirty drops in a wine glass of' water, according to age and violence of the attack. Repeat every fifteen or twenty minutes until relief is obtained. SHIRTINGS from 100 up, at the Fire Proof, best value ever shown in Rich- mond Hill. GRAND CONCERT.â€"â€"A grand Concert will be held in the Victoria Hall, Thorn- hill, on the evening of Friday, May lst. The programme will consist of Solos, Duets, Vocal and Instrumental, Comic Songs, Dialogues, Recitations, etc. The following performers will take part :â€" Prof‘, W. M. Clarke, late of Worcester, England, in his highly amusing songs in character; Mr. Reuben Fax, of Brant- ford; the greatest Comic Singer of' the dav.-.( In character) ; Mr. H. Phipps, of Braniford, the celebrated Violinist; Mrs. Revel], of Toronto; the Misses Haekett, Toronto; Miss Loar, Woodâ€" bridge, and other excellent talent from Toronto and elsewhere. Prof. Clarke has engaged the above performers at an enormous expense, and as this will be the Concert of the season, all are invited to attend. Proceeds in aid of Trinity Church, Thornliill. Admission, 25 cts.; children, 15 ets. Doors open at 7 p 11]., Concert to commence at 8 o’clock. CROSBY has the best and cheapeat Teas in the village, from 20 up to 750. METHODIST CONCERT ON THE 25TH MAY.-The following distinguished and pepular artists have been secured for the annual Concert to be given in the Methodist Church in this place on the evening of' May 25th.’85 :â€"Mrs. Celestie V. Keltie,t.he favorite soprano of Buffalo. LOCAL ITEMS. SPRING goods at the Ontario House. See advertisement. A MEETING of the West York License Commissioners will be held toâ€"morrow ( Friday ) at the Court-house, Toronto, at 10 a. m. FONTHILL NURSEBlEs.â€"â€"Salesmen Wanted at once to begin canvassing on Fall Sales for the, Foothill Nurseries, Toronto, the largest in the Dominion. Steady employment to successful men, and good agents are earning from $40 to $75 per month and expenses. HORSEFLESH.-â€"Mr. Nelson Smith, auctioneer, of Ringwood, has brought from the stables of Mr. John Palme, Richmond Hill, that beautiful Clydes-- dalestallion Craigmair, which he will travel during the coming season, and as Mr. Smith is known to be a firs-tvclass horseman, and this year controls an A 1 horse, the people will no doubt hail. him with gladness as he approaches each ntopping p1ace.â€"-â€"Markham Sun. SUBSCRIBERS will be kind enough to observe the date on the address of paper, and remit. the amounts they may owe. HOLLOWAY’S OIRTMENT AND PILLS.â€" Whenever the weather is variable, and the temperature constantly changing, the weak and delicate must be very careful to neâ€" glect no symptom of disordered action or ill health. Weak-chested rnd strumous subjects will find in these noble remedies the means ofcasting out the bud humors which originate and prolong their snl’f‘er- ings. The Ointment should be well rubbed twice a day over the chest and the Pills taken in alterative dosesV It will penetrate and act most wholesomer and energetically on the diseased structures ’] hese remedies manifestu wonderful power in removing all tainls from the blood, and consequently in curing a multitude of chronic ailments which seemed to he almost irremediahlo. Miss Brenghtonmt Toronto, was recently visitâ€" ing relatives and friends in this vxllage. Dr. Harper, of Barrie, has been visiting friends lfiere this week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J W. lliott. Mrs. V0116 and Mrs. W. Snowdon, of Aurora, Five been in the village this week visiting r0: utives. Mr. John Palmer, of this village, carried on” the lst Prize m the Swing Exhibition hold at Mark- ham on Wednesday last, with his noted horse “Dandy Jim." and 2nd Prize w1th his 3 year old “Tinnald Doon." A Good Test- For oyer alxleen years G. M. Everest, of Forest,has sold llugymd’s I’ectorul Balsam. and its sales are steadily increasing. It cures coughs. colds and all lung complaints, is pleasant to take and always reliable. Waterloo News. Walter Linton, of Waterloo, writes that Hagymd's Yellow Oil has done great good in his family, his wife being cured of Cal- louse lumps that. other medicines failed to remove. he also states that a neighbor was promptly relieved of Rheumatism by the same remedy. DICK â€"Ou Thursday, April 16th, the wife of John Dick, Esq., 124 Shuter St, Montreal, of a. daughter. I’UIIKIsHâ€"On April 16th, at his father’s residence 143 Yorkvill-~nv0u1xo, Toronto. Harvey C. Putkiw,necoud 8011 of Mr. J. Yul-kiss, aged 20 years. ‘ Tn Lonâ€"â€"SCOTT.â€"At Woodbridgepn VVeduesday, 22nd inst ,nt the residence of the bride's fath- er, Mr. W. A. Taylor. junior. to Miss Maggie Scott, second daughter of Mr George Scott. Barley Oats, ac .. Peas do. Rye do . Dressed Hogsmer 100 lbs... Beef, hind quarters,per 1L0 Ins Mutton, by the carcass per 100 tbs... Chickens, per pair Ducks, per brace Geese,each.....4... Turkeys, each Butter,1brolls .. large rolls.. tub dairy.“ Eggs, fresh, doz Potatoes, per bbl Armles per barrel Onions, green, per bag“ Cabbage, per do Celery, per do .. . Turnips, per bag .. Carrots, per do Beets, per bag Parsnips, per bag Hay pen-,ton... Straw per, ton. Wool Der lb. Wheat full, new, per bush Spring do ....... Barley (W . Apply at the Music Store, Richmond Hill. Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. COPY OF CERTIFICATE . We, the undersigned do hereby certify that Wm. Mumford Clarke has this (my successfully passed his first degree in Music. and therefore he shall be classed as a Professor. - W. F. C. BATCHELOE M. D. S‘gncd {13. W. BAXTER, M. M.Y Richmond Hill. April 14th, 1885 MUSIC STORE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC! And music of every description .Will be kept, always on hand at rock bottom prices. Inscruw ments tuned. The public are invited to give us a call and inspect our stock. Orders promptly attended to. CLARKE & SEAGER- ALESMEN Wanted to begin canvassing at once on Full Sales. Steady employment to successful men, uood agents are earning from $40 to $75 per month and expenses. Terms and outfit free. Address PROF. W. M. CLARKE. RICHMOND HILL ! THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION. We will in a. few days open [L new Music Store in the Village of LOCAL ITEMS. Opposite Browns Bros. Bakery, where a full supply of FflNTHILl. WUESHRIHS Organist Trinity Church, Tllornhill, is open to receive pupils in Richmond Hm, April 14th, 1885‘ gm gantrtimmuz. OVER 400 ACRES! THE MARKETS TORON'l‘Oe THURSDAY, April 23. ISM. PRICES AT FARMERH' WAueons STONE & WELLINGTON, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont‘ MARRIED. Personals. l31RTIâ€"l. DEATH NEW London, Eng. 660 997 000 3 $095 695 obs 25 _ 40 0 25 1 00 8 30 35 40 50 00 08 0 50 0 60 10 00 19 (‘0 G 50 11 50 00 00 (‘9 )5 15 0 67 2 00 1 00 25 0 25 8 30 40 t-iS 00 10 56 IS ()0 NH)â€" 10 0 73 2 75 A sum of money was found in this viflage by the undersigned. The owner can have It by proving property and paying for this netice. Richmond Hill, April 17th, 1885. 00 00 BOOTS & SHOES. CARRYING ON BUSINESS To which the public is cordiallv invited to ex: amine. Boots «in Shoes any style and made to order. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Richmoné Hi1], April 15th, 1885‘ NOEII'ICE. ADAM WIDE MAN. In the County of York Deceased, who died on or about. the 20th day of November, 1884, are hereby notified to send by post prepaid, on or before Monday. 1813 of June. Now next ensuing, to the undersigned Adminis- trator of the personal estate of the stud Adam \Videm an, their christian and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptionm. the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the seeurt’ios 0i any) held by them, and that immediately after the said In day of June next, the assets of the estate of the said Adam Widemen will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having reference to the claims of which notice shall have been furnished to the administrator as above required ; and the said administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received bv them at the time of such dis- tributiou. I beg to call the attention of the public that I intend In the old stand and have received a. large stock of Dated at the Township of Whitchurch Mom. said this sixteenth any of April, A. D. 1585. NEW GOODS GRAVING DOCK £11m gammmem. Under and by virtueof Revised statutes of On- tario, Chapter 107, section 84, the Creditors of SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the under- signed, nnd endorsed “Tender for Caisson, Graving Dock. B. 0.," will be received at this. oflice until Monday. the lat day. of June. 1884, inclusively, for the construction, erection and placing in position of n BAISSBN I'll}! THE HAVING MEX MONEY FOUND. According to ylana and specifications to ba seen at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa. and on g1m1icution to the Hon. J. W. Trutch, Victoria. u. u. Persona tendering are natifled that tenders will not be considered unless m {1119 on the print- ed forms supplied, the blanks properly filled in, (mil signed with their. actual signatuwm ‘£-,l 1‘< .1 din Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- cepted bunk cheque for the sum of $2,000 made payable to thn order of the Honorable tho Minis- ter of Public Works. which will be forfeited if the party decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, 01' if he fuil to com pleto tho work contracted for. If the tender be not accept- ed @119 ghcquo will bef‘otiirn‘ed. W," 1 A- --....._L “We” 5:31;;‘ll’élniel‘1‘tgiif1‘l‘0t b2w bound to accept the lowest or any tender. Department of l’ublic \Vorks‘ Ottawa, 20th March, 1885 Now next ensuing. to the undersigned Executors of the personal estate of the said James MeNuir, their christian and surnmnes, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. and that immediately {Liter the said 1813 GM] of May next, the assets of the estate oi the said James Mo‘- Nuir will be distributed among the purties en- titled thereto, having: reference to the claims of which notice shall have been furnished to the executors as above required ; and the said ex" centers will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of Whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at the Township of Vaughan aforesaid this twenty-eighth day of March, A. D. 1885. (SiginXRCRTT C S M hAIR I 1 u . . cY , JonN SCOTT }EXECUTORB. Richmond Hill, P. o In the County of York, Farmer, Deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of July, 1884, are hereby notified to sexidfby post, prepaid, on or m ore Friday, the 1st of May, TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH, NOTICE. MR- JAMES MONAIB, Under and by virtue of Revised statutes of Ou- tario, Chapter 107, section 34, the Creditors of (Signed) BRITISH COLUMBIA. For Alternate Husbandry, Permanent ' Pas- tures and Meadows. We make this a speci- al feature in our Agricultural Seed De- partment. Mixtures prepared for any soil or purpose. None but the finest varieties used. DON’T FAIL To TRY THEM. Finest varieties of Turni , Carrqt am} Mangel Seeds of unexce led quahty. PLEASE DON’T OMIT A CALL WHEN IN THE CITE A full line of Seed Wheat. Oats, Barley, Peas, Tares, &c. SEED AN D PRODUCE MERCHANTS, Corner Front &; Jarvis Sts., TORONTO. Alsike, Bokhara. Early and Large Late, Lu-r cerne White Dutch and Trefail Clovers, Orchard, Kentucky Blue, Red Top, Perreniak and Italian Rye. Timothy, 850., &c._ TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, 4â€"t i- ADMINISTRATOR’S STEELE BROS. & , W. ‘ESQUIMALT. B. c. GRASS MIXTURES. i-t-4, CASPER WIDEMAN. Admiulatrutor, Gormley, P () EXECUTORS’ Late of the CLOVER SEEDS. Late of the By order, SEED GRAINS. ROBERT MARSH. ROBT. SIVER. A. GOBEIL. GRASSES. ti-Z Secretary. Having sold out my Harness Business to Mr. George McDonald, I hereby give notice that all account: not gettlgq bgforqlffilDéL ‘MAY lit, 1885, will be placed in' Ciorurt for coiiéétion. H. B. DEWSBU RY. Richmond Hill, April lst,1885. -ti4, MISS ETTABAILEY -WI.LL GIVEâ€" Lessons on the Piano and March 25th, ms. WILL STAND FOR MARES AT THEIR OWN- ' STABLES, MILESIAN MILESIAFAW Imported “MICKEY Fume,“ dam “MARIA HAMYTON,” has beon the best: horse over hurdles in‘Americn, and his record In this style of mcing has never been beaten either on this Continent or in. England. OAKRI DGES. ORIOLE, now 5 yours old, by “Enm CHIEF," dam thoroughbred mare “ MORENA, "‘ by imported "THE TESTER," grand dam by “VALPARAISO," is for appoqmnco and speed adv mitted to be superior to‘llis celebrated sire. Organ. Residenceâ€"Opposite Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill. To Insure a Foul“. anglo Lena?”.............‘....,.. .. )0 Mums taken to pasture and carefully attended to on reasonable terms. H. QUBTTDN 5T. mm, March mm, 1885‘ MISS FLORA COU LTER GEO. F. KELLY, Veterinary Surgeon Office 8L Residence? P. O. Buttonville-fifi, DI S S OLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership carried on for some time past by the. undersign- ed under the firm name of by mutual consent, the senior member of the firm retiring, and that J H & \V A Sanderson is empowered to discharge and settle all debts to and by the said partnership 13th DAY JAN., 1885:, WITNESS, E‘SNIDER H. Sanderson <3: Sons’ We the undersigned have entered into Partner- ship under the name and style of Sanderson Bros.. and will continue 014*: the Old Business car- ried on by the late Firm of E. Sanderson & Sons, LESSONS IN MUSIC. Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto N. B.â€"All parties indebted to the lube Firm of H. Sanderson 8; Sons are hereby notified that- all accounts due must be settled on or before the 1817, Day of Mm‘chY 18545, nfterwhich (1nt(a,tlmy will be placed in our Solicitor’s hands for collection. SANDERSON BROS- Richmond Hill, Jun. 14th, 1885. m3 THE STALLION S K 0AGULINE,â€"C1§nent for Broken Articles. Sold everywhere. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Richmond Hill, Feb) 11th, 1885‘ NOTICE ! Feb 2nd.1885‘ ORIOLE! PA RTNERSHIP NOTICE. AY’S COMPOUND, a’fiémmcm Yams TIC PILLS, a specific AY’S’C'O’M POUNfiofi'MNsEED KY?§C'()â€"NI POWWES am} Anuiseod, Senogm Chlorodyne. Jolds, is equally serviceable for Hérsos and Cattle Articles. Sold everywhere. Sole Ma.kers.â€"â€"KAY BROS, Stockport, Eng: TRY THEM. (-xpeetorunt, fm‘ Coughs :md (lg Neuralgin, Face-ache, &c IS PREPARED TO GIVE Has been Dissolved this NOTICE OF TERMS: -â€"ANDâ€" Sinned, Signed Signed, 16'5 J. H. SANDERSON,V. S. W. A. SANDERSON Squill, Tolu _Lot 8, 4th con; ce Tp,of Markham. pay and nigh‘, calls prompuy attended to Oukridges I’ O, Ont» ith

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