Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Apr 1885, p. 3

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THE ONTARIO HOUSE A tremendous Stock all sizes and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere. (Toronto not excepted.) GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Try our beautiful Teas from 25 cts, to 80 cts per lb. Sugars, Soaps, Janned Goods, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Etc. First class Butter and fresh Eggs always on hand. Goods Delivered. A call solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. BOOTS AND SHOES NEW SPRING GOODS FIRE PROOF 1885 SPRING 1885 Pianus? Pianos 2 EVERY LINE A SPECIALITY UPRIGHT AND SQUARE E Mesans. R. S. \VXLLIAMS &. SON’S. TOROXTO A Ml 12b GEN’I‘LEMENâ€"â€"1 have much pleasure in testifying to the great excellencv of volur l‘imha’slfe} have put them severely Ln molest, and find them possessed of those qualities of tofie and touch so rte-- ceptuble to the true muswum and lover of classical music-in, charming singing tone, ousin gradu- nted from the most delicate piunissimo to every degree of loudness and .t'ulness nd ' ' answers reqdily: to eyery shade of feeling. , u n, toucn “ hwh I consider £11059 inshumentu 1L gruntfiqquisitiou in musicinl society, and am much pleased at finding u. plane which 1 can recommend w1th perfect confidence. um Gentlemen, ‘ours very truly CHAS VV.EW1NG, (Of London, Ennlundfl I ’ 3 ' Orgxunst of St Peter‘s ChurEh. Coburg, On MESSRS R. B.WILLIAME & SoNsâ€" _ TpRON'ro, Nov. 4th, 1882. GENTsfiHflIVl’Dg thoroughly examined the \Vorkmnushxp of your Planos, I have no hesitation in starting thnb, 1n Lu y opinion, thoy'm‘e uglml to thqge o‘f‘mgy ubhxgr of thq‘l ,st Mnkgrs‘tlmt Ihuve seen “i3; éifidrto hem mm the extensive sulelof your ifistruhlcnrfisréhbglérfihhb §6d'd1~o nxéotlng-W’i'thvt‘lfié Buccess that I think you justly deserve. . I am, Gentlemen. Your Obodlent Servant, “I 0E1? 6:113} speak in the same high tcrius regarding thmr must qualities ; for their time full sing- ing capability of tone, pleasant touch, (9w, urq such, that them seems to be 110 necessity to purchase foreign instruments, when 0111' 11011153 enterprise can produce 1111011 Pmnqs, 11nd at (1110»Dl1i1‘d less cost We make a special style of Orgnns in larva qugntitiofi, nnd are thcrvfom nblc to offer them at ex- ceptionally low rates. Payments arranged to amt the convenience ef purchasers and spread over a. texm of years. For full particulars write to R. S. WILLIAMS, Yonee St. Toronto. 05? 226 Dundas St. London Are constructed from the very best Materials by expenenced Workmen, and are fully equal in point of U \ H .kfl A 1‘ V. 7g»; e g 4 t A _ R“ J {M} k ‘l W >4» ~ » 7 ~ v vjzx “ {an ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY WELL A$$GRTED Field and Garden Seeds in great quantities. Choice Family Flour and Feeds’of all kinds. Spades, Shovels, Forks, and other Hardware at very low prices, ' TON E, TOUCH & DURABILITY I STOCK LARGE AND TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced American Instruments. â€"â€"New Goods 2113â€"â€" AT THE PIANOS ! ISAAC CROSBY. JOSEPH HALL. GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. “ The massacre of eleven persons by Indians at Frog Lake is merely a taste of what these uncivilized red men are capable of when once they start on the warâ€"path, and of what may happen on it very mucli larger scale before the troubles in the North-West are ended. There seems to be no doubt that such a. massacre actually took place but it is extremely hard to know what to believe about this rebellion when the papers on one political side are manifestly magniâ€" fying every unfavorable report, whilst those on the other say but little about the same report, or suppress it altogether. If the Indians immediately in the neigh- borhood of Fort Pitt, which is about 40 miles from Frog Lake, are deâ€" termined to continue their bloody work, then it looks very much as if Inspector Dickens and his small force of 25 Mounted Police, together with those few men, women and children who are cooped up in Fort Pitt, are in an extremely perilous position, unless speedy succor reaches them. for they will certainly be cut off should they attempt to retreat to Battlefore, a distance of nearly a hunâ€" dred miles. However, it is impossible to say what a day may bring forth, and there may be no further massacre after all, which is the best way to look at it.” â€"-â€"Truth. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained by the Dixon treatment for Cutarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, fully ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefltted, While the pat- ent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue. Mr Dixon at once adapted his cure to their exterminationâ€"this ac- complished, he claims the Catarrh is practically cured, and the permanency is unquestioned, as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still, No one else has ever attempted to cure Cutarrh in this manner, and no other treatment has ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple. and can be done at home, and the present season of the year is the most fay» curable for a speedy and permnnent cure, the majority of cases being cured at one treatment. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs A H DIXON & SON, 305 King street, west, Toronto, Canada. and enclose stamp for their treatise on Cutarrh.â€"Montreal STAB. GATARRH--A NEW TREATMENT. CONCERT n SCAnBoRo’.â€"An entertain-, ment Was held in tho school-house. Scarâ€" boro’ village, on Wednesday evening, 15Ih inst., and proved a great success. Mr. Beau, teacher, acted as chairman, and in an opening speech stated that the object ofthe entertainment was to obtain mottoes and flowers for the decoration of the school. Miss Minnie Jackson presided at the instruâ€" ment and Miss Fannie Chester led the choir. The recitations by the scholars and the readings by the teacher were highly up- preciated by the audience and often encored. Although the children taking part. in the tableaux were quite young they performed their parts well, and reflected great credit on themselves and teacher. Mr. Jackson, by special request, gave a song in his usual fine style. The proceeds amounted to $15.50. A Great Mistake. It is a great mistake to suppose that dyspepsia can’t be cured, but must be 811'- dmed, and life made gloomy and miserable thereby. Alexander Burns, of Cobourg, was cured after suffering fifteen years. Burdock Blood Bitters cured him. Are you disturbed {it night and broken or your test by a sick child suffering and crying with pain or cutiing teeth '2 If BO, send (it once and get a bottle of Mm; WINHLow’a Son’rnma SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is inculcul- ablu. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im-- mediately Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake a bout it, It cures dysentery and diar- rhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softena the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, and gives tone and energy to the Whole system. Mns WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING iapleasant to the tastonnd is the prescription of one of the oldest and best femqu nurses and physicians in the United States. and is for sale by all (lrungists through-- out the world Price 26 cents a bottle. It is stated that the Inspector Dickens in the Northâ€"West is the youngest son of the eminent author, Charles Dickens. ago, and we will mull you free a royal, valuable sample box oi goods that will put you in the way of making more money 1n n few days than vou ever thought possible at ml business Capital not required, You can live at ome and work in spare time only, or all the time, All of both sexes, of ull ages, gmmlly sum ccssful, 50 cents to $5 (Hwin earned every oven- ing, That all who wtmt work may teat the busi- n ass, we make this unpurxnlleled offLr : To all :vho‘nre nut well satisfied we will send $1 to pay H ELPior working people, Sand 10 cents 1508f," far the trouble of \v1iti g 118, 1 , directions, etc, sunt free. Immense mu‘ ubsulutc- 1y sure form] who strut uh once, Don’t deluy Address STINSON & Co Fenland Maine Well to Remember. A stitch in time saves nine. Serious re" sults 0ft follow a neglect of constipated bowels and bad blood. Burduck Blood Bitters regulate and purify the stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys and the blood. Take it in time. ROMAN CATHOLICâ€"~Services : Thornhill ut9 um and Riclmmnd Hill nt‘JO 30 run ; the following; Sx‘u‘u] y at Ricymoyd 1_Ii111}t 9 mm, nnd Thoruhill PRESBYTERIANâ€"Sel‘vices at 11 a m, mn‘I‘GSO p m Prayer meeting on \Vednosdny evening at 7 80 Rev J W Cameron, pastor nt 10 SD n m, Rev Father Ergufir,71’ustor ST MARY‘S (EPISCOPAL.)â€"â€"Sorvicos at 3 p m, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament um hold M: 11 IL 111 Sunday School at 130 p 111 Rev W Bates,1iector IVIETIIODIETASerViCOS at 10.30 a m, and 6.301» m Sunday School [Lt 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening M 8.00 p 111. Rev. W 1% Barker, Pastor. Rev W B Booth, Assistunt. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M, No 23, G R Câ€" Meets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic H1111, on the Monday on or before full 1110011, at 8 o’clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M ; H. A. Nicholle, Sec. I 0 G 'l‘.â€"This Lodge meetsiu the Temperance H1111 every Woenesduy evening at 8 o‘clock p m. J H Sanderson, W C. A. 0. U. W., IVY LODGE, No. 114.»â€"Mects iu the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull, evcrv second and fourth Tuusduv of each month, at 8 o‘clock, 1). 1n. Benoficury ccrtiticnto given for $2,000 in case of death. Isaac Crosby, Muster Workman, 13. Gremlin), Recorder, R. T. 0F TEMPERANCE.~Richmond Hill Coun- cil, No.43, meets in the Temperance Hull. each alternative Tuesday evening at 8 o‘clock 1). m. Beneficiary certificates issued to members for $1,000 01' in case of death $2,000, (me halfpuynble incnse of disability. J. H. Sundersou. Select Councillor. FIFE BRIGADE.â€"-Regular meeting first Friday of every month, held in the Council (Ihnmbm‘, at? p. m. Membership free. Certificates issued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions. J H Sanderson, Captain. H. A. Nicholle, Secretary. MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening. in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o’clock. Wm. Pugs- ]ey, Pr sident. T.F. McMahon, Sec. R E Luw, r :yuA‘. M. LIh'mrian‘ VILLAGE COUNCILâ€"Reeve, Wm Pugsley ;Cnuu- cillors, B Redditt, P G Savage, W D Powell. F McCunughy, Clerk, 1\I Toofy RICHMOND HILL CORNET Bunâ€"Meets for prac- tice in the Lorne Hull every Tuesday even- ing at 7.30 o’clock. C. Savage. Louder. ” ,2 ma $111113qu glam 1, ADVICE T0 MOTHERS CII [TIRCIIES SOCIETIES The American Ambassador at Vienna, Mr. Kasson, has lately forwarded to his Government an interesting account of a remarkable surgical operation lately per-- formed by Professor Billroth, of Vienna,l which, wonderful to tell, consisted in the removal of a portion ofthe human stomach, involving nearly one-third of the organâ€"â€" and, strangeto say, the patient recoveredâ€"â€" the only successfukoperation of the kind ever performed. The disease for which this operation was performed was cancer 9f the stomach. attended with the'i‘ollowing ’ symptoms:â€"The appetiteris quite poor. There is a peculiar 'indescribable distress in the stomach, a feeling that has been de-- scribed as a fnint “ all gone" sensation; a sticky slime collects about the teeth, es-- pecially in the morning, accompanied by an unpleasant taste. Food fails to satisfy, this peculiar faint sensation; but, on the contrary, it appears to aggravate the feelâ€" ing. The eyes are sunken, tinng Withl yellow: the hands and feet become cold and stickyâ€"a cold perspiration. The sufferers feel tired all the time, and sleep does not seem to give rest. After a time the patient becomes nervous and irritable, gloomyfliis mind filled with evil forebodings 'v’hen rising suddenly from a recumbent position there is a dizziness. a whistling sesation, and he is obliged to grasp some-- thing firm to keep from falling. The bowels costive, the skin dry and hot at times; the blood becoming thick and stagnant, and does not circulate properly. Alter a time the patient spits up food soon utter eating, sometimes in a sour and fer-- mented condition, sometimes sweetish to the taste. Chew-times there is a palpitau tation oftlio heart, and the patient fears he may have heart disease. Towards the last the patient is unable to retain any food whatever, us the opening in the intestines becomes close, or nearly so. Although this disease is indeed alarming, sufferers with the aboveuiiamed symptoms should not. feel nervous. for nine hundred and ninety-mine cases out ofa thousand have no cancer, but simply dyspepsia, a disease easily removed if treated in a proper manner. *The safest and best iemedy for the disease is Seigel’s Curative Syrup, a vegetable pre~- pnration sold by all chemists and medicine vendors throughout the world, and by the proprietors, A. J. White (Limited), 17, Farringdonroad. London, E. (‘. This Syrup strikes at the very foundation of the disease, and drives it, root. and branch, out ofthe system._ A Skilful Surgical Operation ' Sc, Mary-street, Peterborough, November 29th, 1881. Sinâ€"It gives me great pleasure to in-- form you of the benefit I “have received from Seigel’s Syrup. 1 hbve been troubled for years with dyspepsia; butunfter a few doses of 1110 Syrup, 1 found relief, and after taking two bottles of it I feel quite cured. I am, Sir, yours truly, Mr. A; J. White. William Brent. September 8th, l8b’3. Dear Sir,â€"â€"I find the sale of Seigel’s Syrup steadily increasing. All who have tried it speak very highly of its medicinal Virtues : one Customer describes it: as a _“ Godsend to dyspeptic people.” I always recommend it with confidence. Faithnt yours, (Signed) Vincent A Wills, Chemist-Dentist, Merthyr 'l‘ydvil. To Mr A J White ’ Soigcl’s Operating Pills are the best family physio that has ever been discovered. They cleanse the bowels from tlll irritating substances, and leave them in a healthy condition. They cure coativencss. Preston, Sept. 218‘, 1883. My Dear Sir,â€"~Y0ur syrup and Pills nre still very popular with my customers, many saying they are the best family medicines possible. The other day a customer came for two bottles of Syrup and said “ Mother Seigel” had saved the life of his wife, and he added, “ one of those bottles I am sending fifteen milesaway to a friend who is very ill. I have much faith in it.” The sale keeps up wonderfully, in fact, one would fancy aimost that the people were beginning tu breakfast, dine. and sup on Mother Seigel’s Syrup, the demand is so constant and the sutisfucttou so great. I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully, ( Signed) W, BUWkGI‘. To A. J. White, Esq. Spanish Town, Jamaica, West Indios, Oct. 24, 1882. Dear Sir.â€"-â€"l write to‘infurm you that I have derived great benefit from “ b‘eigel’s Syrup.” For some years [have Suffered from liver complaint, with IIS many and varied concomitant evtls, so that my life was a perpetual misery. Twelve months ago I was induced to try Seigel’s Syrup, and although ruther sceptical. hnviné,r tried so many reputed infallible remedies. I de- termined to give at least :1 fair trial. In two or three days l felt considerably hetter, nnd now at the end of twelve months ( havâ€" ing continued taking it) I am glad to say that l nm It different being altogether. It is said of certain pens tltnt thoy ” coma as a boon and a blessing to men” and l l’ttH’O no reason to dnuht the truthfulness of the stuttmcnt. I can truly say, however, that Seigel’s Syrup has come as a “ boon and a blessing” to me I have recommended it to several fellowâ€"sufi'erers from this dis- tressing complaint, and their testimony is quite in uecorduncc with my own. Gratin tude for the benefit. I have derived from the excellent preparation. prompts me to furnish you with this unsolicited testimonial. I am, dear Sir, Yours ever gratefully. (Signed ) Carey B. Berry, A. G. White, Esq. Baptist Missionary, Heusinghum, Whitehuveu. Oct. 16, 1882. Mr A. J. Whiteâ€"Dear Sinâ€"I was for some time afflicted with piles, and was ad-- rvised to 2'va Mother Setgel's Syrup a trial. which I did. 1 am now happy to state that. ‘it has restored me to complete hesth,â€"I t remain, yours respectfully. ' ' 5 cents pustuge, and bynmil you , will get free a package of goods of large value, that will start you in work that Will nt once bring you in money faster than mlytliing else in America, All about the $200,000 in presents with each box, Agents wanted cvm‘ywhcrn, of either sex, uf [Ln ages, for the time, 01' 51mm time unly, to work for us nt their own homes, Fortunes for all werkem [lb-4 solutely nssurad, Don‘t deluy. ll HALLETT & 00 Portland, Maine $200,000; Can Deafness Be Cured ? Mr. John Clark, of Milldridge. Ont. de- clares it can, and lliat Hngym‘d’s ,Yellow Oil is the remedy that cured him. It is also a specific for all inflammation and pain. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Pugntive. Is a. safe, inn, and effectual destroyer a! worm in Children or Adults. FREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS.‘ ( Signed ) 1n presents gwon uv_vt_Ly Seyd us John H Lightfool‘ MEREâ€"DHPAYNTS IN ALLCOLQBS READY FOR USE USUAL 5113001,: 01:11; GRQQERIES SPRING _HAS COME AGAIN Sanderson am, am. APPlES. APPLES. APPLES. CHARLES DONALD St (30., 79, Queen Street, London, E. 0,, Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merchants and Shippers, thh a view to Autumn and Spring Business. DAVID BLAINy Esq, President. SAMUEL TREES, ESQ., Vice-President. K.‘CHISHOLM, M. RP. H. P. DWIGHT. ESQ., D. M. MCDONALD, ESQ. O B, ROBINSON, ESQ. A MCLEAN HOWARD, ESQ. J. GINTY, ESQ. ‘ CENTRAL BANK 0F CANADA. Deposits received and interest allowed thereon at current rates. No notice of withdrawal re-- %uired Drafts on all parts of Canada, United hates and Great Britain bought and sold, J. M. LAWRENCE, MANAGER They will also give Lhe usual facili» ties to customers requiring advances. London, July 3lst. 1884.â€"9- m RICHMOND HILL SAVING’S DEPARTMENT Richmond Hill April 9th, 1884. COATSWORTH 6L HODGINS, fiarrifitsm, finlititm, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, OFFICES : 15 York Chambers, MONIEY T0 LOAN. E COA’1‘BWORTH.JK. FRANK E. HODGINS‘ Toronto, Nov 18th, 1884 gly 7 Ig‘afiisters, Attorneys-MrLaw, Solicitbrsâ€"in- Clmncery. Convevuncers, etc, Officesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellingtonmtreet, Toronto V HOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIN WM SETON GORDON, V G150 F SHIPLEY Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Ofliccs 18 King Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Oificé Every Saturday. W M Hall, J S Fullprton, W Cook. ' PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. Toronto. May 29th, 1884. Ferguson. Boln, Gordon 41 Shlploy, HALL, FULLERTON & COOK On Sutgrdays. Momy to Loan at Lowest Current Rates. A G F LAWRENCE. ’I‘ C MILLIGAN. Nov 27 L11, 1584 1y LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN, Barristers, Solicitors, CONVEYANCERS, ETC ‘” ‘ No. 141mm Toronto Ofl’icesmambo“,1 Richmond Hill OIfice-E A LARGE STOCK O]? FURNITURE GENERAL AND FINAN 01 A L AGENCY Farm & Other Property, Betcha, Taverns and Business. For Manufacturing and other purposes. S ock and Share Brukers, etchotc. Goodwilis Bought and Sold ! Toronto J (L11 9th 1883 Toronto Feb. 18m 1393 FILLINES WARRANTED FUR II} Y’s CALL AND SEE ME. [)RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST nnA‘rJ'rv AT The only Dentist in Toronto using Hurds sup-- paratus for VITAMZBH AIR FARMS C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8, That has ever been in this town, at. frpm 5c. to 750. per roll. A large stock of Extracting Teeth Without Pain Best Material in the Market- SYNDICATES B‘OIEMED Filling and all other operations neatly done‘ ' My Gold WALL PAPER AND BORDERINGS ‘! Yonge St. Arcade; Toronto. White LeZd, Olll and TJrBentine. Paint and Whitewash Brushes all sizes. Full Stock of Pai'nters' Material at, less than Toronto Prices. MORTGAGES OBTAINED QUALITY AT Try our 250. Teas. Ask for hafnp‘e; Fish}: éud Feed. ' All will be sold at‘BotLom Prices. ¢ ' 1 P. Gr. SAVAGE. Wax-ranted to be made from the CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, And the People's Store is on hand with the largest new Stock of Patent Rights disposed of By means of Vitalizod Air. TORONTO DIREC'I‘ORS. N0 9 Toronto Street. P. O. Box 2527. J. I. EVANS & co, THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, £13m. Lender Lane Toronto. A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. .No. )4 Building & Loan Chumbers,15 Toronto st. Hardware, Crockery, and the Rear of the Centraanuk ly-me Artifical Teeth. upper or under, $5.00. Pain- less extracting by use of Etherized Air. The only firm in the Dominion executing flrst»cluss Work at the above price. SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto_ RIGGS & IVORY, Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as followa : Richtgopd Hi} 9th & 24th of each month G. H. HUSBAND, L- D- S DENTIST, NE WTONBROOK, ONT. Will visit the following places professionally .â€" Unionville .. .lst Monday of each month. Weston 9th and 2151: (10 Maple,... 16111 do Richmon 19th do Wood bridgm l Mr Husband W111 be found in Ibis oflice, (It Nexvtonbrook, every Saturday. except when Sutur- duy falls on the above date. (at Palmer House) Aurora, lat. 8th, 16th, and 22nd Shoufl‘villo ...... . "lath Markham ...... . ...‘..2‘)th Victoria Square .. .. ...2lat Thoruhill ...... . ...231t1 Woodbridge . ...28th Kleinburg . ...... ..29th Nobloton son: Aurora, lat. 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Shoufl‘villo ...... . “lath do Markham . . . . . , . . . . . . ...‘..2‘)th de Victoria Square ...... ' .. ...2lat do Thoruhill ...... . . .1 . . . .231 :1 do Woodbridge . 28th do Kleinburg .. 9th do Nobloton . on: do Vitalized mr always on lmnd at the places (at Nope" 91191113. It does away with tho pu._n in exiracting BMW! EENTEAL HHTEL THE YDBK HERALD UNlY $l. This House is qne of the Best Hotels to be, found north of Toronto. Evorythi 11g is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Stnbliug and. attentive hosblers. Terms, $1 per day. l’roctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect wiLli all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a 111., 12 a. 111., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n 1-11. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. This Hotel has been refurnished, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the loading Hotel north of Toronto. The bur i': sup- )lied with limbo-lass brunt} of ligum‘s and cigars. 1V.,.._u. ._L J Palmer, Prop. Excellent ucéoufindduton “for Comn‘fisrcml Travellers, and the General Public Good Stabl- ina and an attentive Hustler. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POWELL, _ Prop Western Canada Money received on deposit, and interest payable halfyeurly or compounded. tiou. Advertisements Without written win bu insem'tw‘. )mh'! forbid mm «.11 VITALIZED All! ! Loan and Savings Company Ofl'lces~l\'o 70, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senntorl’resident GEORGE Goomsmum ..................... Viceâ€"President D11L150T01cs~8amucl Plath, M P,A1fmd Geodet- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Leo, 11011 D L Mucphersou, Senator See our roducad loun table Fdrifilxgbher infor- mation apply at the offices of the Company EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Office, Yunge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscription :_â€"â€"$1 00 per mmnm in advance. When not paid in advance $51 50 will be chm-god. Tmusibory udvarbisementn’, first insertion, pérhne ‘ A. .A ,... Each subsuquent insertion, per lino Contracts for Lime and space mad Tom] Assbtg, $3,506,600 NOTARY PUBLIC, &C 1%ICI-IMON1) HILL. MONEY T0 LOAN ON FARM SECURITY. SAVING-’8 BANK BRANCH MARRIAGE Newtonbrook, J uue 13th, 1883. Capital, $1,!) I ARoservo Fund, $450,000 Richmond .Hill, April 3rd, 1884‘ M. TEEFY, The York Herald. . 11.7 KEEFLER, WALTER S LEE, gym @mfifi. Dr A ROBINSON. MONEY T0 LOAAT. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA â€"AND ISSUER OF~â€"- PUBLISHED BY @mtalr, und space made on applica- LICENSES. l-Iy - . I msbructlons ‘ u ,. 1 1 . Manager 8 cents 3 cents “THE STAR fissmmce- Soc’y Sir Wm McArthuv, K C M G, M. P, eX-Lord Mayor of London, President. W W BayneswEquP I AHSecretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annuu‘. Income . . . _ . . 1.600.000 r Invested in Canada; . 1.200.000 Dealh clams paid. . . . 10,000,000 TORONTO REFERENCES. John McDmmld, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq., Hon. SunniorMcM aster A. M. Smith, Esq: James Motealfo, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loans mudc on security of Company‘s Policy at 5 per cent intor 1; Lounsnmdo to Church Trustees, at a. low rate 0 interest. Sand for prospectus. R. 13.011311. B. and First Silver Medalist University of ' 'oronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. S A L, England (Late of London, England] Surgeon, Etc. . V L’fi’Oflice Hours 8 to 9.30 [1.111, and l to 2.30 p.111. DR LEWIS G. LANG-STAFF ! Members College Physicians 6:, Surgeons. Residence, Yongo Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond 11111, May 23rd, 1882. 1y Dr. George Langstaffi THORNZIILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, M. U. P. 6: 8., Ont, qu Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, Office and Resi<1011ce,~0n<3 door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOUIisis to 10 [1. m, & 12 to 2 p In Thornhill Fob 11th, 1883. Member College of Physicians 8: Surgeons. (mum: 0F STOUFL‘VIL‘LE‘) OFFICE HOURSâ€"From s m 10 11.. 111., 5 to Sp. m V RESIDENCE (if? CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Age-m in the United States, nor are my Mudxcincs sold there. l’m‘c‘nascrs shuulz! Hun-Mme look to the label on {he Vols .u..I 8mm 1mm address is not (131;, Uuurd Strum, Lundul they are spurious, ‘ The Trudu Marks of my staid Medicines are gistered 1n ()Ltuwu, and 11150 at W’ashingtou. Sicnwd U‘Hnww m .r v ,m and sold at 18. 1131., 25. 0d,, 45. 6d,, 113., 22, and 3.15 (“011an mm] Pot, and in Canada wt 36 cents, 00 aunts. and $1.50 cents, and the large sizes in provortiou. Manufactured only at Profess 01‘Hollowav’s Estabhslxment 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON DR. JAMES .LANGSTAFF I 1m. W. J. WILSON, MEDALIS’I‘ TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Coughs, Sore Throths, Brouchih. . and u]! dimrd era of the Throat; mnl Chest, :15 also Gout, 1t] 1011 matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases Worth their ZVeigh: in Gold ! purify, regulate and improyo tho qunlity of 131» 00a. They assist the digestive organs, clamps increase the secretory powers of the Liver, bmco the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest; Elements for sustaining uml repairing the) frame. will be found invaluable in every Household the cure of 0mm Sores, Hard 'l’unwmra, WELL CURE 0R RELIEVE BlL/OUSA’ES‘S, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, lND/GESTION. [’LUTTERI/IG’ .14 UNDICE. OF THE HE [ma/Pam, fiGIDITY 0F SALT mam, THE STOM IIEARTBURN, DRYNESS’ HEADACHE, OF THE «S Thousands ofpersons have testified that by their use alone they hane been restored to health and strength, ufmr every, other means had proved unsuccessful. Pills & @immt This Incomparable Medicine has secur. ed for itself an imperishublc fumu throughoutthe \Vorld for the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDS And every species of disease arising from disorderei LIVER) KiDNEVS, STOMACH. COWuLS OR ULOOD, T. MELBURE! 8: (40.. RiclmTond Hlll, Oct; 12th, ’82, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. STOMACH AND BOVVELS DR. ORR, MAPLE, Sec. 6: Trcurs. for Canada. 16 King St, East, Toronto Of London, England, fifimfiwl. LIFE A D PERRY, THE STOMAL‘H, DEYNESS OF THE SKI/V, OF THE HEART, fiGIDITY 0F ' i'deN‘rO.

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