A Kingston despatch says a letter has been received here from Michi- picoten, Lake Superior, which says Athat whiskey. which is not allowed to be sold there, sells for $20 a gallonI and continues: “ At this season of the year a great many men come to the lake shore to go east by the it st boat. These men have lots of money. List night the police got wind of the arrival of a dog train with whiskey from the Ssult. A couple of Indians brought the informa- tion. Chief of Police J‘ OGonnell and Policeman D. McLellan started out to in- tercept the paddlers. The police had a dog train of tour dogu and a tobog- gen. Through carele»snese on their part the police allowed themselves to be surprised, and the ï¬rst warning they had was two of Colt's six shooters staring them in the lace, and the usual order given in this part of the country, “thumbs up,†uttered by the whiskey men. O‘Connell was completely taken by sur- prise, but although owning up that they " had the drop on them," he would not hold up his hands. McLellan made a move, when he got a shot in the top of hie head that completely stunned him. The two whiskey men then pounced on O‘Connell, beating him on the head with their revol- vers. The whiskey men took the weapons from the police and also took the dogs and toboggan, leaving the police nearly dead. This happened ï¬ve miles from here, and the police have had an awful time getting home. The place where the ï¬ght happened and the snow for yards around was 0 )vered with blood. O‘Connell's head is badly cut in three places, and McLellan has the fur- row ot a. bullet for three inches on the crown of his head. This afternoon one of the gang was arrested with the whiskey, clogs, toboggans, etc , in his possession.'The other is yet at large, but the police are alter him. The Russian port of Viaï¬ivoatoek, in the s 23. of Japan. has been closed by the sinking 0 torpedoes. In the Commune this afternoon Mr. Labouchere and Mr.R onerd asked whether theG :vernment before dacidirg to go to war wnh R issia. would seek the Lfï¬aes of a friendly power to obtain apeaceeble settle- ment? Mr. Gladstone replied that never during the present correspondence with Russia, or the discussion of the serious questions at present before Parliament, had the vaernment said anything to the prejudice of the idea advanced by the questioner ,. As, however, every answer made by the Government in the Cummons was announced to Russia, the Government had decided it was neither advisable nor convenient to make declarations through Parliament. A Bu. Petersburg correspondent tele- graphs that, Ruasxa has declared Mr. Glad- stone’s abatement in the House of Com- mans, in asking for a vote of credib‘ has comprumiaed negotiations between England and Russia. and imperilled their success. In is reported mï¬e RUhBiEzD troops are adzauoiqg ppgn Tirpul. Naval ofï¬cers who ï¬ave been retired on half pay have been ordered upon the aomve list. The wï¬'nlé Balsam-n press is c‘zamoring for the seizurgot Her“ by Rupeia. “’hlakey Men Get the Boner oi the Police. Mr. Gladstone will be a; ked in the Cum- mons on Monday whether he is willing or not: (:0 submit the Anglo-stwan dinpute to President Cleveland for arbitration The Duchess of Edinburgh. daughter of the late Czar, is great-1y dist-tensed at the strained rent-10m»- between Rusmia and England. She Will reside at Cubourg in the event of war. The Armhtmng works, at Newcastle, having received an order from Russia. for a. large quantity of war material. have deulineu‘ to ï¬.l 1t. A last (Thursdm) night’s Dnblin cable‘ says : Notwithstanding the early hour at which the Royal visitors started for the North this morning there was a large turn- out all along the route from the Vice Regal lodge in Phoenix Park to Amiens street, the terminus of the Dublin, Drogheda & Belfast Railway, and the crowd was very enthusiastic. The engine was handsomely decorated, and the special train made good time. At all the stations, where the train stopped long enough to permit it, addressee were presented and replus made, and everywhere, even from the cottages along the line, there were signs of welcome. in the shape of banners and arches and mottoes. Arrived in Belfast the Royal couple were met by the Mayor, the members of the empiration and an immense crowd of citizens. The route from the station to Ulster Hall was packed with people, the houses were gay with flags, the windows were crowded with ladies and the streets were spanned by arches. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed. The cheer- ing was incessant. and the Prince and Princess hadï¬perhaps. never a more hearty and spontaneous welcome anywhere than was accorded them in the metropolis of the North. Arrived at Urster Hall, the various public bodies of the city presented addresses and the Prince made feeling replies. Throughout the whole reception there was not a single discordant element. The Prince and Princess embarked in the evening on the royal yacht Osborne for Garrickfergus Roads. where the yacht will be moored for the night. A last (Friday) night’s London cable says: Although 11) further news has arrived either from Russia or from the ï¬:‘ld of expuczed hostilities in Afghanistan, there is a. general feeling that th’é‘eituatio‘h‘ has somewhat improved. This feeling se ms to be mainly due to the reactiin it :11: the sudden etimuhe given to the war lever by Mr. 'Gladhtone'e $55 000 000 demand made last Tuesday evening, anti as day utter day pleats withoun the molars.- tion of was, wh ch has aw: r .1 times been predicted a's imhinentypqople begin to realize that the shun-lion after all diffcre vi, ry little from that of a. week agn, when peace seemed very probable. Baron de Steal had enother long interview with Earl Granville today, and 1t is said on excellent; authority that the Ruaeian ambassador tallied gery eoot-hjngly: . ’l‘o Ihe Prince and Princess 0! Wales. Had Lord Dufleria been at Cork with the Prince and Princess‘ of Wales their reception would probably have been less hostile, for, despite his present position as a servant of the Britieh Government, the Viceroy'e name is still held in honor in South Munster on account of his gallant eï¬orte to relieve the faminevetricken popu- lation of Skibbereen during the great crisis of 1846: when he was only 20 years of age. The incident of the onion flung at the Royal carriage recalls the ready jest with which an English member of Parliament paciï¬ed some rather too free and independ- ent electors who were pelting him with turnips: Gentlemen, I do not in the least dispute your right to throw turnips at me, but, it yqu have no objection, I would wish to have them boiled ï¬rst.†Equally happy was Lord Kimberluy’e anewur to a hull) who approached him at the head of a gang of roughe and declared ï¬ercely that he would “ sooner vote for the devil than for him." “ Ihave not the slightest doubt of it, my good fellow,†replied hie lordship, quietly, “ but in the event of your friend not coming forward may I count upon your vote ‘1" There are 623,325 Odd-fellows in Great Britain,a gain of 38,377 during last yew. The number of deaths in 1884 was 7,078. A BELITAK'I‘ WELUOJIE LATE CABLE NEWS. “ TIIULVIBS UP.†The Onion Incident. 'l‘he Dulles, Patronage and Privileges or the Lord Lieutenant. The Lord Lieutenant is charged with a certain, but not very large, amount of patronage, says the “ Fortnightly Review.†SIDOB the disestablishment of the Irish Church there is no ecclesiastical patronage ; since the introduction of open competition there is little civ1l service patronage, a few heads or chiefships of departments and a few secretaryships alone remaining. The Lord Lieutenant nominally, but in reality the sovareign on the advice of the Prime Minister, appoints the judges. In a similar way he appoints the Lord Lieutenants of cvunties in Irelandâ€"be actually appoints County Court judges, ofï¬cers of the police and constabulary forces in Ireland. also the stvpsndiary magistrates, and in the boroughs ordinary or unpaid magis- trates. He also appoints, or, as it is called, "pricks," the high sheriffs of counties from the lists submitted to him by the judges of assizes. He has a few legal appointments, such as crown solici- tors, clerks ot the crown or peace, and also some unpaid and honorary appointments to certain public boards. There is, it will be observed, no patronage of a character different from patronage in England, cer- tainly none necessitating a Lord-Lieu- tenant for its exorcise. That portion which he exercises as Dsputy oi the Crown should be resumed by the Crown ; as regards the rest other arrangements could easily be made. The principal departments under the control and management of the Lord- Lieutenant are the prisons department, the ï¬sheries, the lunatic asylums and the Registrar General. Each and all of them are analogous to the similar departments in England, and, so far as they are con- cerned. there is no necessity for the vice- royalty. The Lord-Lieutenant, as the representative of the GoVernment, is also nominally concerned with the sys- tem of national education in the country, but as the exposition or defence in Parliament of the Government policy falls upon the Chief Secretary, the latter is really the principal person. So far, then, nothing points to any necesrity for the Irish Vice-royalty. There is one function or privrlegs of the Crown which has been delegated to the Vic oy. the exercise of which has of late sub steel the Lord Lieutenant to much unjust contumely â€"the privilege of pardoning oï¬enders or mitigating their sentences. In Great Britain the Secretary of State for the Home Department is the responsible adviser ot the Crown in these matters, and as an illustration of the absurdity of any distinction in this respect between the two ccuntriesit may be mentioned that if an Irish convict is transferred to an English convict prison, as is frequently done, the power to pardon him ceases to rest with the Viceroy and reverts to the Crown, acting through its Secretay of State in England. The most important of the Viceroy’s duties I have kept [or the last, namely, the preservation of peace and order in ireland. It is only too evident to any one who really knows anything about Ireland that if the dead weight of the British Government were taken off Ireland the two (actions in it would be at each other’s throats, and even now, between the (riquent party demonstrations on the one hand and agrarian crime and disturbance on the other, the Executive Government has to exercise vigilance and to act with energy. The whole of the Royal Irish Con- stabulary Force is directly under control oi the Lord Lieutenant, and also the Dublin Metropolitan Police. Should these be insufï¬cient he can always call on the military for aid. He has also at his control a large number, over seventy, of stipendiary magis- trates, Who are sent here and there, as occasion may require.to aid in the preserva- tion of the peace. Furthermore, the Lord Lieutenant has usually had certain special powers given him by Parliament for the maintenance of law and order. The exer- cise of these powers rests with him exclu- sively, and he is responsible for their use. At the present moment he has extra powers under the Constabulary Acts, enabling him to quarter extra police in counties and charge part of their cost; under the Arms Act, enabling him to restrict the importa- tion or possession or use of ï¬rearms; and under the prevention of Crimes Act, enabling him to prohibit public meetings, and when needed to impose other restric- tions on the liberty of the individual. Not Enough Jurymrn In 8. Thomas to Try the Case. A last (Thursday) night’s St. Thomas despalch says: An the Aesizes this morn- ing Ransom Forbes and Sarah Jane Still- well were placed in the deck. Forbes being charged wmh murdering Louls Napoleon Snillwell on the ï¬res of January last. Sarah Jane Shillweil is charged with being the instlgahor, and procuring Forbes to commit the murder. Mrs. Shillwell was dressed in block. She looked thin and pale, and was nervoue for a. short time. but soon assumed 9. composed appearance, and pleaded not: guilby in a'disumoc tone.‘ Forbes seemed cool and indifferent. and pleaded not guilty in a ï¬rm voice. Mr. Colin MsoDougall, counsel ior Forbes, requested that the prisoners be tried s.ps.rutely. Mr. Idington. on behalf 0% the Crown, refused the request. The selecling of the jury then began. Only ï¬ve jurymeu were accepted and sworn when the clerk announced that the panel was run out, there having been but forty-eight juryv men empannelled. The different counsel for the prisoners challenged the balance. This brought the case to an abrupt ter» mination, whieh was a great disappomtment to the large number of witnesses sum- moned on the case. His Lordship said there would have to be a new jury empan- nelled, and adjourned the case until May 18th. The Crown was represented by Mr. J. Idington, of Stratfbrd, and C. W. Coul- ter, of Cayuga; E. Meredith and Chas. F. Clarke for Mrs. Stillwell aLd Colin Meo- Duugall for Forbes. In it proper to call a prison window a “ guilt " frame? A Sb. Paul papers Bays: “ House ates ing is not uncommon in Dakota. Lea week J ames' Caugney, in Aurora county, was absent a. few days, and on his return found his house gone. He traced it: to another county. and had one James»Mc- Guire arrested and ï¬ned 320 and coats.†Twenty-four hours after the news of the battle of Penjdeh had reached St. Peters- hug, the correspondent of the London Standard telegraphed : The general publio even here in the ospltel has not an inkling of what has happened, and thus there is before me the extraordinary spectacle of nineti‘on of 90,0Q0,0QO of people 6315a very brink o! a calainibous- wit. and, with the excemion ot a mere handful of people. all utterly ignorant of tho tact. 'l‘lIE STILLWELL TRAGEDY- THE VlCERoY OF IRELAND. VOL XX VI. Chenille trimmings will remain fashion. able, and we shall have chenille embroider- ies. pasaemeuteriee ol chenille and silk, chenille and velvst or beads, among others heads out with facets, which glitter bril- liantly. and are of all tints and colors. The short " Spanish †or " Sultana †jacket is tashion'e latest whim. A dainty little fashion is introduced of having a card-case made to match the call- ing ooenume and any lady can easily make one to much any dress she desires. Plain gray-cottons and gray-blue are made up with red to look very pretty for country wear. The red sometimes forms a. billing, over which the contrasting color is out out in points or shell shapes, while upon the bodice it forms a tucked vest. A new braid is of ooppary-oolored gold ; it is narrow and set up on the material in knife-edged patterns which completely cover the emfwe. It is used for vests and standing “military†collars. It looks ex- ceedingly well upon the light viouna cloths which are fashionable this spring. The pretty beige and almond tinted dresses are revived, and ï¬nd as much favor as they met: 25 years ago. Handkerchiefs are purely ornamental. They are small, with colored borders, deli- oubely embroidered and enriched in one corner with design or monogram. Lawns with small ï¬gures are made up with open VAahaped bodioes edged with lace and belted with so“ silk the color of the ï¬gure, or they are ï¬nishod with Swiss bodicea in silk or velvet). Very pretty ï¬ohus are made in soft folds of gold or silver-dotted tulle or muslin, to pass round the throat and cross low upon the front of the bodice. The nook is com. pleted by a band of Velvet edged with standing lace. and the ends with lace and a» group of velvet and satin loops. Judge Clement has given leave to the petitioner to assume the name of Charles Clinton Fletcher after May 10th.-â€"-Brook Iyn Eagle. “ Catogan †is the name given in Paris to the newasn style of hairdressing for young ladies. Sashes of watered ribbon, which are eight. twelve and sixteen inches wide, are worn as ï¬aianea f r elegant indoor and walking callers and are eapenial favorites with young ladies. The key-note of this season seems to be embroidery. It is used upon everythingâ€" dresses, bonnets, ribbons, laces, trimmings and fabrics of every description for under and outside wear. DeWitt Charles Clinton Fletcher Piper petitioned the City Council for leave to change his heme to Charles Clinton Fletcher. He says his name is too long for o invenienoe in correspondence and for transacting business. Be hasbeen known as Charles Clinton Fletcher for some time. and prefers that name. The name Piper he dislikes, as it subjects him to ridicule and humiliation. perrous often calling him “ Bagpipes †and “ Pipestem.†and reciting in his hearing such old-time sayings as " Tom, Tom, the piper’s son, stole a. pig and away he run," and “Peter Piper picked a peek of pickled peppers." He was born in Dereham township, Oxford county, Ontario, and his parents’ names are Isaac and Sarah Piper. His mother's maiden name was Bull. The etamine fabrics are the novelties and they are always in combination patterns. plain with clustered and shaded stripes of velvet or chenille or ï¬gures. not large and usually in soft, dark mute, the striped or ï¬gured tint being used for drapery, tor panels or lringe and for basque. Etamine is the name tor what would have been called canvas grenadine a few years ago. Hats are steeple-crowned, and the scarfs and wings and ornaments which trim them are mounted in such a way as greatly to increase the apparent height. Embroidered lace, embroidered scar-is and embroidered tissues in soft, dull India tints and colors are greatly used, and the letter are twisted and fastened with silver and Rhinestone pins in many novel ways. The pins are much smaller than last year and more like the reel patterns in jewellery. A curious but important case, in which small-pox infection was convey ed in a letter is recorded by Mr. Karkeck, in his recent report on the sanitary condition of St. Marychurch, England. On March 1st, last year, a case of small-pox was reported to him in the person of a domestic servant, who had seen no one ill or recovering from small-pox, and who had not been out of the town for months. Moreover, no case of the disease had occurred In St. Mary- church or Torquay for years. On inquiry, it was found that the infected person had received letters from her sister, an inmate oi the West Bromwich Small-pox Hospital, “ who had unfortunately sent the germ of the disease in her letter.†The case was at once removed to the Torquay Sanitarium, and the only person in the household who became ill was the recipient and reader of the letters. Whv DEW!" “hurl!!! CHEM“ FIHChel‘ i Fred.flluke’u Addresn Io lhe inwn Butler Count von Moltke is staying at San Remo, on a visit to Dr. Goltz, swell- known German physician. Bis heal‘nh has gremly improved since his anivai from Berlin, and he is to remain on the Riviera till the beginning of May. The Count looks very thin and pale; but must be strong for his age, (84). as he takes long walks every day in the olive groves and up the hills, usually accompanied by his nephew, Capt. Moltke.-Lond0’n World. Henry Sigourney, of a well-known Boa- ton tamily,haa married one of the ooryphees in the ballet of a. Boston tneatre. Mr. Sigourney is about 30 years old, and has an income of nearly $60,000 a. year. In the graduating elase of forty homes)- pauhio pupils of the New York medical college a Brahmin, of Bombay, India, received the ï¬rst honorable mention for excellence in his studies. ' Starr Stanley died at Ithaca, N. Y , Monday, aged 100 years and 3 months. He was born in Duhohess county, Dec. 25th, 1784 For four days previous to his death he refused food, saying he had lwed as long as he wanted to. He had never been sick before during his life. Last year 8,457,309,017 cigars and 994,- 334,000 cigarettes were manufactured in the United States alone, requiring over 91,000,000 pounds of leaf. In 1872 not 40,000,000 pounds were used. The vast bulk of tobacco, however, is consumed in “other manufactures,†which required 217;451,000 pounds in 1884. Piper Wishes lo Change His Name. Sm all-pox by Correspondence. P003 “ B 1GP] PE ï¬.†Spring Fashion Notes. RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1885. old You Mollie. First, better butter can be made ata creamery than by an old-fashioned way of churning with adasher. Why? Because a neater system can be reached. I believe system is the greatness of success. Now, I presume there are some who will ques- tion this statement. It is very natural for a farmer to think that his wife can make Just as good butter as any mai that ever flourished the paddle. We will admit that perhaps she can make good butter, but is it proba- ble, or even possible, that she can reach a state of perfection as nearly as the cream- eryman? She may make pretty good butter one day, but perhaps the butter of the next day Will not be so good. Seldom is the butter of two days exactly alike. She puts the cream into the churn, and is pretty sure that she will get some butter, because she has performed the same labor 1 many times before and obtained buttery but for her life she is unable to say whe- ; ther the butter will be superior or interior 1 to that of the day before; and it she should not obtain a particle of butter from that cream, she would be utterly unable to explain the reason whyâ€"and all because she does not understand the fundamental ‘principles. We may experiment and obtain a result, but unless we understand the principles we are not sure that another experiment of the same kind Will produce the same result. To obtain a. desired result, we must understand the principles governing that result and co-operate with those principles. Again, the farmer’s wife has not the facilities for butter-making. She has not the nicely prepared cellarâ€"the cemented floor and wallsâ€"the vats, the coolers, the butter- workers, and all these apparatus which we. ï¬nd in all the creameries; but. instead, she is provided with an uncemented cellar, which is occasionally, if not irequentlyL visited by rats, which are very fond of; butter, and especially of cheese. They will ‘ molest cream, and it is very annoying to the wife when a rat wadee into a pail of cream and is unable to wade out. It is ,diiï¬eult, almost impossible. to keep an uncemented cellar free from rats, owing to their natural propensity of burrowing in the earth. The farmer or his wife cannot give the time and study to the art of butter-making that the creameryman can and does give to the business. If the wife makes the butter, she must divide her attention between this wok and her household aï¬airs. If the I farmer makes the butter, he must devote one-half of the day to the cellar and the other half, not to the study of the process of good butter-making, not to the perusal of news- paper and other reports of the price of good, bad, and intermediate butter in the East and West, but to the overseeing of the farm work. His help requires his attention and presence; they receive only one-half of it. The “dairying business" requires his full attention; it receives only one half of it. Perfection is reached in neither business ; they both lose by insuflicienoy of attention. It isjust like trying to kill two birds with one stone and missing both. If his attention is so divided, how is he to make improve- ment? He does not know of the late im- provements. He has not the time to ex- periment and study, but continues on, making the same kind of inferior butter. There are many people in the United States (the number in Iowa, I am happy to say, is constantly diminishing) who are plodding along in the same old roadâ€"in the same unenlightened stateâ€"and making no better butter to-day than was made two hundred years ago. But the creamery system has opened the road to improve- ment. _It employs the chemist to analyze the milk, to ascertain the exact amount of butter in a given quantity of milk; and when that quantity is known, every exer- tion Will be made to procure that amount of butter. The purity and quality of the milk will be tested, and the temperature kept perfect, to secure every particle of butter therein existing. Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Iowa Butter and Cheese Association,â€"1 must state that I feel very much out of place in addressing this large convention, composed of men who know ten times as much about this question asI; men who are old, some of them in years and others in experience ; some whose hair has turned white by the silent fall of the snow-flake of time, and others whose hair has turned guy by severe exertion of their mental and physical abilities to gain the comforts and enjoyments of life secured by the precious metal. But I understand the object of this association is to bring the business of butter and cheese making down to a system so perfect in economy that manufacturing and commercial industries will be no longer able to boast of superior systematic principles. In order to accom- plish this purpose, conventions must be held to suggest, discuss. argue and debate new thoughts and ideas beneï¬cial to the advancementof this branch of industry. The great aim of this association is. second, to beneï¬t the communityâ€"the poor as well as the rich, the farmers as well as the creamerymen, of this enterprising State of Iowaâ€"one section of this great and glori- ous country, which in art and industry is surely, steadily, rapidly and inevitably placing itself at the head of the world. It is not with the thought that I can render you much information on this subject, but with the hope of bringing forth to your con- sideration some point which has been pre- viously passed unobserved, that I shall speak to you a few minutes upon the " Beneï¬ts of Cresmariesl" Now let us consider, for a few minutes, the beneï¬ts to farmers. How can people preserve the vitality ol: the soil? It is evi- dent that they must put back as much as they take from the soil. If we wish a yard of calico, we must leave, sooner or later, its equivalent in cash, or we can get no more calico. Any retail dealer will tell you that, some times without asking. So with the scil : we must restore what is taken away, or we will not get any more cern. Now, what is the easiest means of accomplishing this purpose? Is it the easiest mode to export the produce and import fertilizers? 'L'hat is not economy. A man who spoke here yesterday Touched upon the product hay. " The soil is dying out," said he, “ We must secure some remedy." Each of you in this audience knows Thaé in his mouth the word was closed- ows. DAIBYING IS THE EASIEET AND MOST ECONOMICAL MEANS OF PRESERVING THE VITALITY OF THE SOIL. We will allow ï¬ve acres of land for each cow that is placed upon a farm. We will also say that one in the season will make 150 pounds of butter, which is placing it very low. Five acres, according to the statistics of 1880, will produce 38 bushels of com, 66 bushelsot oats and 2.84 tons of hayâ€" assuming one acre lor corn, two for cats and two for hayâ€"which will weigh 10,752 THE CREAMEBY SYSTEM. and Cheese Association. BENEFITS OF CREAMEBIES pounds, which in that year was estimated at $42. Deducting one-tenth of this weight for the water entering into its composition, we have 9 676+ pounds of true soil. Now, it we export this it is gone forever ; we can use it no more, and all that we receive for it is 042. But if we feed this produce to a cow, she will yield 150 pounds of but- ter, which, valued at 28 cents per pound, will amount to $42 We can also secure, from no extra produce, one calf worth $10 and one hog worth $10, and deducting the interest, at ten per cent. per annum, upon the value of the cow, which we will esti- mae at $30, leaves 017 more for this pro- duce than by exporting the raw material; and, also, you retain as a fertilizer all of the product except 135 pounds of true soil in the 150 pounds of butter, and that required to build up the animal tissue of the calf and hog; and which ter- tilizer you replace upon the soil and make to reproduce year after year, until it is ï¬nally all converted into butter. If we convert the whole 10,752 pounds of produce into that many pounds of butter, and value it at 28 cents a pound, it reaches the sum of $3,010 56 Think of the amount we lose by exporting the raw materialâ€"think of the value of the spoils. Spoils result from manufacturing. Then, if we Wish to secure our own wealth,we must look to the cream- eries for assistance. England gained her im- mense wealth by her manufacturesjnducing other countries to send her the raw materials and allow her to manufacture them into goods. She returned manufac- tured goods, but kept the spoils. She has grown fat upon spoils. She has sucked the very life-blood from the countries that patronized her, or that were under her con- trol. She assisted in reducing Italy to poverty and pmperism ; India to famine and starvation ; Egypt felt the influence of her political policy. America was made a victim of her greed until the sons of Eng- land grew to manhood and broke loose from the apron-strings of their mother country and paddled their own canoe. Like Eng- land, the farmers can fertilize the soil of their farms by keeping large numbers of cows and importing feed, if they can ï¬nd some State so kind as to sell its produce. Now, let me say that cows must be well fed. In the cow you will ï¬nd the silver rule and the golden butter. If you do not feed her, she will give you but little milk; but if you feed her well, she will do for you all that she can. If you have a machine, keep it well oiled, or it will soon wear out, and you will sell it for old iron ; if you have a cow, keep her well fed, or she will soon get so poor that you will have to sell her for a canner. Again, consider for one moment the saving in exporting the butter instead of grain. During the past year there were exported from this station 660,310 pounds of butter. If 10,752 pounds of produce be required to yield 150 pounds of butter, then, according to the old rule of threeâ€"which, I believe, was used a great deal when the older heads here went to schoolâ€" 47,331,020 pounds of produce will be required to pro- duce or yield 660,310 pounds of butter. If this all had to be drawn a distance of six miles to the station, the cost of delivering to the depot would be 32 per ton. The freight from hereto Chicago would be 63 per ton, making a total of $5 per ton ; which, upon 47,331,020 pounds, would amount to $168,327 55. The transportation of butter would cost $1 per thousand pounds to the depot, and $15 per thousand pounds to New York city ,making a total of $16 per thousand pounds, which, computed upon 660,310 pounds of butter, would amount to $10,564.96 â€"a savrng of $157,762 59, which farmers have not been slow to perceive. What is a better business? What is a surer business? Will it go down ‘I Can it go down ? Some newspaper men, who have nothing else to talk of, may say so; but, so far, it has not gone down, or even started to go down, but, on the contrary, is going the other way. The business is yet in its youth; it is growing larger every day. The number of creameries in the State is continually increasing, and has now reached six hundred. It is utterly impossible to ï¬x any future period when its maximum will be reached. It is moving rapidly onward, sailing manfully over the broad ocean of time, bravely meeting and successfully baffling each and every storm and tempest. always avoiding the rocks and sand-bare by the aid of the ever-watchful and dutiful seamenâ€"the members of this association. Together With the Advemures 0! :1 Com- mercial Traveller. George B. Macredie, of Kingston, a com- mercial traveller representing a Toronto house, says the Whig, is at his home and quite ill witma lame back and rheumatic limb. He was through the Belleville flood, and has a lively recollection of its effects. On Thursday he was in the sample room in the Queen’s Hotel preparing his goods tormspection. The hotel is but a short distance from the river. Looking towards the door, he noticed that water trickled in upon the floor. He walked over, lifted the latch, opened the door and was struck by the incoming volume of water. In a moment it was three feet deep in the sample room. Macredie seized three ï¬ne raccoon coats and jumped upon one of his sample cases in order to throw them beyond the reach of the water. The trunk turned bottom side up, and the commercial man went down into the water head ï¬rst. His back struck another sample chest, injuring him severely. Completely saturated Mr. Macredie rose, waded through the water now waist deep and walked around so that another door could be opened and the water let out. When he got back to his room he found a pig upon the table. It had its head through one of the traveller’s best plug hats, while a mantle lay across its back. Help was secured and the animal, loudly squealing, drawn out of the sample man by the hind legs. A large portion of Maoredie’s goods was destroyed, a case of hats completely. Icebergs twelve feet square are lying four blocks from the river bank." Lord and Lady Melgund, with their infant daughter, return to England from Canada, London Truth says, at the and of April or early in May. Lady Florence Anson also goes home this season, when her marriage with Mr. Henry Streatfeild. ot the Grenadler Guards, A. D. C. to the Governor-General of Canada, will take phce. Robert Waioot, who claimed to have shot Gen. Sir Isaac Brook, the commander of the British forces at the battle of Queens- town in the war of 1812, is dead. He was 103 years old. Waloot during the rebellion showed his sympathy for the South by making and transporting tent poles through the Confederate lines. For this he was deprived of the pension to which he was entitled by his services in the war at 1812. There are 1,500,000 acres of swamps in North Carolina. A PIG’S PBEDIIJANIEN ’1', WHOLE NO 1,395 NO. 48. Tm; annual report of the Ohio Agricul- tural Experiment Station urges the pre- servation and maintenance of forests, and says this concerning woodlands: “ The ï¬rst step should be to remove all worthless varieties, and to encourage the valuable sorts to take their place. Stock should not be allowed to run in wood lots for purposes of forage; there should be a. careful guard against ï¬re; seeds should be planted in vacant places of such varieties as are most desirable; shoots of inferior varieties should be kept down, and valuable sorts should be trimmed up, so that they may grow tall forming trunk rather than branches.†THE Church of Scotland Disestablish- ment Bill, now before the British House of Commons, proposes to disesteblieh the Church of Scotland on the 1st January, 1887, but its ministers ma-y continue to occupy their menses and glebes till Whit- sunday, 1887, and also subsequently on certain condition. The property of which the church receives the beneï¬t is to be transferred to commissioners, who are to compensate ministers and others and to have the management of churches, except those belonging to borough corporations. Ministers are to be compensated by receiv- ing annuities, to be determined by the net yearly value of their ofï¬ces and by the age of the holders. LORD BEACONSFIELD said in 1873 that, as he sat night after night opposite the treasury bench, its occupants reminded him of “ a range of extinct volcanoes.†In 1885, says the London Telegraph, “ the Con- servatives seem to resemble ï¬rewmke that never will go off; there is always some dampness or disarmngement of the machinery which prevents an effective attack upon the enemy’s position." to be surprised. After being imprisoned for eighteen months he was placed in the military rallroad transport service, and told that he was never to receive promo- tion. Being surprised by an enemy is the one unpardnnable sin for the Germans. FROM a. return published by the Berlin municipality of the population of the German capital it appears that Berlin had on December 151:, 1880 (nhe last census day of the German empire). 1,123,608 inhabi- tants, including the military. By the end of 1881 the population had risen to 1,156,- 382 souls ; 1882, to 1 192,073 ; 1883, to 1,226 392; 1884, to 1,263,196. The garrison of Berlin was, at the end of the latter year, 20,064. A fresh census of the German empire will be taken on December 131; next. ALUT a. year ago an English gentleman, travelling in Garmany, came across an oï¬ioer employed in auperintending some details of military railroad transport. He had been 5 ca. tain during the Franco- Ger_man war, at} hitgallqwgd h_is company THE report of the Superintendent of Public Schools in Boston discusses the experiment of manual training for boys. Two hundred boys, from ten different grammar schools. have been under instruc- tion in carpentry two hours a. week since September. They were selected by the masters from among those 14 years of age or older who had the permission of their psi-ants to take the instruction. “The experiment has already gone for enough to prove that work of this kind can be joined to the ordinary grammar school work with good effect,†says the Superintendent, and he advocates the making of provisions for industrial training tor girls as well as for boys. THE resources of civilization have been brought into service in the case of Max- well, the St. Louis murderer, who is on board a steamer bound to New Zealand. A cable message has been sent from St. Louis via England, Portugal, the Mediterranean. Arabia, India. Australia and New Zaaland to the Auckland authorities at a cost of about $3.50 per word. or several hundred dollars altogether, and it it retains any of its original meaning alter this trip 0! 16,000 miles through all these strange countries, there is little doubt that Maxwell will be in the lockup within an hour after the ship’s arrival at Auckland. Tim London Truth thinks that Queen Victoria has gone to Aix-lea-Bains for medical treatment; and that the denied of the Court Circular is proof only of the aversion of the Royel family to be thought ailing. Truth says that the late Duke of Albany was several times on the very brink ot the grave when the papers were being instructed to state that he was perfectly well, and the Prince Consort was practically a dead man when the news of his illness was communicated to the publio,tor his case was hopeless before the ï¬rst bulletin appeared. Anxious inquirers alter Royal pereonages who are indispoeed are invaria- bly assured that " â€"â€" is going on favorably," when the subsequent issue makes it clear that at that very time the august invalid was going straight and fast to the grave. A DI:CUSSION has been lately going on in England with reference to the employment of electric eels for purposes of vivxsection. One paper points out that, before an anti- vivisectionist protests against experiments upon electric eels, he should sbjure eels altogether as an article of food ; for eels are usually skinned while they sure still alive, on the ground that this culinary process removes the oil with the skin and leaves the flesh white and ï¬rm. And the St. James's Gazette says that no virtues have been written down to the eel’s credit. It does not care for the suffering of other ï¬sh. No eel is ever touched to its heart because a. big cod has made a. breakfast off of two dozen whiting. Besides, the eel is a. canni- bsl. A big eel in want of a meal always looks out for a. little eel. Why anti-vivisee- tionists should be tender over so unfeeliug a creature it is hard to see. Some time ago Prof. Virohow brought: together the resultsof an inquiry into the relative proportions of the blondnhaired, dark and mixed types among the school children of the German empire. Since then the inquiry has been extended to Belgium, Austria., and Switzerland, and embraces nearly eleven millionchiidren in its scope. In a lecture at the Berlin Acad- emy of Science. Prof. Virchow now shows that more than 50. per cent. of the school children of central Europe belong to the mixed type. The distribution of the purely blond type, which contributes something over 23 per cent. and is associated with unmixed Teutonie blood, is rather curious. It is highest in Hanover. where it forms 43 per cent. of the population, but It is very nearly as high in the extreme east Prussian and Pomeranian districts, where history and tradition locate a preponderut- ing Slavic element, and points to the com- pketeness oi the gradual industrial conquest of those regions by the Teutonic race. CURRENT TOPICS. As I carelessly walked by the sea, one day. I passed by a. boatmnn who quietly my: .. Upon the warm sand, with bus rod by iuido. ,A boat anchored near, on the rippling tide, 4 Why did he lay there, so idle, an?“ I rWere there no 1.1511193 t9 catch wi 11 is El: ‘2 ADDRESBED T0 " DAGONET." Why do we live on God's beautiful earth, That ringeth with music and rapture and mirth, 'Mid the glory of day,‘mid the grandeur of night, The centre of all this vast palace of light ? To live is to plead with an eloquent voice Till wastes that are barren with beauty rejoice. With courage undaunted to battle for truth, And leave blight examples behind us for youth. To live is to rescue the tempted and tried, In haunts where the stricken and diesolute hide. The outcast in darkness, the captive in chains, With blood. like our own flewinz warm in their veins. To 11w is to gladen some desolate hour, And succor distress with Hope's lite-giving “An-Inv- thron , To' thrill 51th the tongueof a. scrap]: divine, And kindle pure faith at humanity’s shrine. How sweet is the harp that to music can turn The sighsin and hearts that most bitterly yearn. Impaeuioning souls that have suflered and .. 7 ~ 77â€"- n’-"‘rl power, And, haply, to quicken of virtue the seeds. Till blossoms of love grow to fruits of good deeds. To live is to utter in story or song Thogghts noble and sweet for the hearts 01 the My thin boots were out in a few days. I forgot to hold up my dress and covered my pettiooats with mud. My bonnets were spoiled one utter another by the rain. I generally returned from the expeditions I took dirty, weary and cold. Whereas my young men acquaintances. some 0! whom had been the companions of my childhood in Berri, had none of those inconveniences to submit to. I therefore had a long gray cloth coat made, with a. waistcoat and trousers to match. When this costume was completed by a gray felt hat and a loose woollen eravat, no one could have guessed that I was not a. young student in my ï¬rst year. My boots were my particu- lar delight. I should like to have gone to bed with them. On their little iron heels I wandered from one end of Paris to the other; no one took any notice 0! me or suspected my dieguise.â€"From George Sand's Autobiography. Ah me]? 4 "-1 ""17"" W" ‘ Why did the boatnanwvwlt? A-maddeu swnngllM her hammock, neu- by ; Her ringlets weregolden, her eyes like the sky A song, like age 01' lovp, ï¬lled the air, As pure as the; ng, as mam as prayer. Adown by the‘ ocked the bout to and fro ; The wavenawergh' ht6w1th§he Inn's afterglow. striven With ï¬re that can only be borrowed from heaven! â€"Bhaldon Chad/wick. througirl?{hieâ€"{rezaévsv'w '- Where the hammock was and free. “An aggravating experience? That don’t more than hell express it. You know what atime I had with Bridget before I was ï¬nally compelled to let her go. Her prin- oipel railing was impudeneeâ€"pure and simple. Then I got Peggy. Well, Peggy isn’t impatientâ€"oh, no! I’ve had her now for over a month and I really haven’t seen enough of her to tell you what she is like. If she is needed for anything she is never to be found about the premises. Why. the fact is that girl goes out of the house twenty times when she comes into it once." Why sang the maiden so low ? At eve I returned from my walk by the cliff ; Two lovers I saw as they entered the skim The stars were now gliuting and dimpling above : The pines were still eighing their vespers or love ; The moonbeams were thrusting their darts “Have yBu been having an aggravating experience with your new domestic al- ready 7†A New York Suate farmer who was in Elmira the other day was asked‘ by a local epeoglator _it P8 bad guy bay to sell. "‘ Going to hang right on to my hay,†he replied. “ It England and Russia ï¬ght, hay will go kiting." “ Got any ponauoes ‘1‘†“ Lots of ’em. but in case of war ’baters will boost right up.†“Any cuts" ‘2" “ Two hundred bushels, but war means 80 cents a bushel for cats." “ How about pork ‘2" “ Got ten barrels, but pork is going to climb.†“ Can’t: you spare a few turnips ‘2†" Turnips? Well, in case at war tur- nips have got to jump, but bein’ I want some nails and unlike: and tobaoker. I’ll let you have ï¬ve bushels and take my chances on Russia. backin' down.â€-â€"Wall Street News. “ Hired girls nowadays are enough to drive one wild, Mrs. Jones.†'“ They are sure £0 be on hand when not! wanted and out of reach when you renlly need_their pregence.i' Sunset 00:: has invented a new way of calling a man a. list; he eharaoterizeea false statement as “ mieehievouely unver- aeious.†The usual diaiogue which pro- eedes a ï¬ght: Awill hereafter be as follows: " A great mï¬uy of them are exceedingly tryigg, Mrs. Brown, that’s a fact." First Géntlemanâ€"You, sir, are notori~ oualy adc‘lighedlyo misuhipvgus unvgraoihy. Séoond Gentlemanâ€"And you, sir, 3:5 an infamous devotee of uha same pernicious hflblb. The value of sawdust is chiefly mechani- eal when applied to the soil. Thoroughly intermixed by ploughing and harrowing. it improves heavy land by making it lighter and more friable, and renders light soil worse in dry seasons. But site: the saw- dust decays it is useful on all soils, and it gives sandy and gravelly earth more absorbing power. For this reason sawdust from such kinds of woods as rob rapidly is best. To render heavy soils light, eiuher durable or perishable wood will answer. First; Gentlemanâ€"You’re a bellioose exponent of malicious and mischievous unverauity, and have not suï¬â€˜ioleno physical streugnh or courage to resent the auanemant. â€"â€"Minneapolis Tribune. Beechnrinn Philosophy. “ Why should we hold back from death ‘2 Why should we mourn for those that are departed? The bud of last autumn is blossoming this spring, and shall the autumn weep because its buds are going to consummation of beauty? The children that you have are not so near you as the children that you had. and that now have you in oryetaline memory in the heavens, and they that are going forth out of life are not going forth out at life, but into lite." The Jolly Cowboys. A gang consisting of six cowboys bonded the Albert Lee. train at Minneapolis the other day to: Chicago. Things moved along smoothly until the conductor put his head through the door and yelled: “ J oliet I †“Jolly yet? " howled back one of tho eowbows. -†Wool, I ehud any we was; at yet don’t believe it, jest look er that! " The number of arms-bearing men in Al.- bama is estimated at 170,000. Lord Wolseley made a present of six thousand pipes to the British troops n Dongola. ' And a ball from 'the cowboy’a revolver knocked the ticket punch out of the com duetor‘a hand.â€"Peoria Transcript. Lady Dufferin has made a startling innovation on court oustoma at Calcutta. On her invitation to parties at Government houses appeared a. request that those having children would bung them. “my she Dressed Like a Man. Ah me I Two lovers were gliding on over the sea. Gentlemnnly Prellmmarlelo Would Take One Chance. The Function 0! Sawdust. Peggy’s Ins and out». A Lyric ox Idle. ll'nppenhlzn. swingingâ€"now idle