The general aspect of epring fashions denotes the inc at extravagant fancies in the way of hate and bannets. The latter are, perhaps, the moat bizarre of the two. Some have a small conical crown pleeed very high on the top of the head and a harder lying flat upon the heir; others haves. high crown. iiaicg straight- up from the back of the head, and 9. border raised from the forehead and laid oloee over the tem- ples; others, still more fanciful, are in the shape of a equare cap slit open In the middle of the front; there is no border to speak of; the edge is generally trimmed with beads. There are, however. vexy pretty little capotee of colored gnipute, and miller of colored crepe. embroidered with silk 0. a darker shade. Beleonnblc Recipes. \ Rhubarb Pie.-â€"Peel oï¬ the skin from B elke of young rhubarb. and cut them obliquely into pieces of About an inch and a halt (some kinds need no peeling), stew slowly in sugar. or in butter. and a. little water till soft; sweeten and make into a covered pie. Coiton goods are running a. very suc- cesn'ul rivalry with woe! fabrics in pcinï¬ i beauty, and certainly have the advanhe e of them In chevpnese. The new catineea- 3 wonderfully uhhraobive. There are the prettiest: crepe-ï¬nished cotton g9 )ds. dainty ï¬rmuremoven materials with bunches and sprays oi flowers and-leuvas, s. new cotton fabric known as toile de Jersey, and a material with a. crinkled surface nailed Kensington crepe. Then there are buistes 9nd linens for warm days. The Scotch ginghsme are almost as prevty as summer silks. They come in very ï¬ne checks, pin stripes and a sort of china effect. and, stylishly made, could not. at a lime dis- tance, be distinguished from silk goods. Chaussures.â€"â€"Bouse shoes of ï¬ne kid, with a pattern of flowers embroidered over the instep, a narn w ruohe round the edge and small bow at the aide to match. House slippers of black satin, with border and small bow of black satin and red silk lining. Walking-boots of black kid faced with shag:een,low heels, pointed toes. ï¬fteen smell buttons; and fancy boots of ï¬ne French kerseymere in I tiny black and white check, made gainer fashion. and faced with patent leather; ï¬fteen very small bleak buttons. ‘ Rhubarb Puddingâ€"Put several stalks of rhubarb, peeled. into a. stewpan, with the rind of a lemon, 9. stick of cinnamon, two gloves, and as much moisu sugar as will sweeten it. Place over the ï¬re and reduce iï¬ no a pulp. page through a. hair sieve. then Add halt a. nutmeg grated, 9. quarter or a pound of fresh butaerï¬he yokee 0! four eggs and the white of one. Mix all well together. line a pie dieh with good uï¬ paste. put in the mixture and bake for alt an hour. Cleaning Flannel.â€"Flannel that has be- come yellow from being badly washed can be whitened by soaking it for two or three hours in a. lather made of one quarter of a pound of ourd soap. two tnbleepoonluls of powdered borex and two tablespoonfuls of carbonate 0! ammonia, dissolved in ï¬ve or six gallons of water. Boil the soap in small shavings in water till dissolved, then add to it the other ingredients. Let the flannel lie in it until it looks whiter. then squeeze and press it, and rinoa in blueing water, and hang it 1n the hot sun to dry. Iron while it is still damp. The most fashionable materials for spring dresses are stamina, woollen not and a w style of veiling called voile-de-misaine, In some fancied resemblance to the vex- e o! sail 010111. All these fabrics are of a oarae, loose texture, somewhat akin to canvas. Woollen net or tulle-de-laine is the most novel and is made in all colors, but being a. loose, transparent» fabric it requires to be laid on over a silk material which shows through. Gathering fruit is a (sequent practice of animals, and yet there is astratagem attri- buted to that †walking bunch 01 tooth- picks" called the hedgehog, which is curious enough to deserve special mention. It seems that fruit is frequently found in the hedgehog‘s sleeping-apartment, and its presence there is explained in this remark- able way : It is known that hedgehogs often climb walls, and run off upon low houghs, and instead of scrambling down in ,the same manner. they boldly make the leap from the top to the ground. sometimes ten or twelve test. They coil into shall in the air.strike upon their armor of spines and bound away unharmed. In taking the jump. they have been seen to strike upon fallen fruit, which.thus impaled upon their spines, was carried away by them ; and this has given rise to the opinion that in some such way they may have stored their winter homes. A novel trait in spring ooetumee is that the sleeves are very much trimmed ; the trimming is put on on the inside from the shoulder to the bend of the arm and con- Iiati ot pauementerie and fringe, woollen lace or braid ; it the latter, it is put on in several rows close together and ï¬nished in loops. Charles Gounod is at work on a new orsuorio, the subjeoh which he has selected {or treatment being the life of St. Francis 9! Allili. J list now fashion's whim is a. hemjseket. made in soft silk. with lace or gold and silver trimmings, as dressy as possible. It is a thoroughly comfortable article. in- tended to be worn for home dinner. either with any convenient skirt or before a low bgdioe is put on, with a full-dress evening o 'rt. Galleon: studded with steel dots or stars are used for trimming spring jackets and mantles which are made of fancy Ppeokled cloth. lined with thin silk; they are fair toned at the neck with a. ateelolsap; the sleeve is semi-wide. wizh velvet facing. French {nine in black and every color, which is now made with a. strong and rather rough wines, will play a great part in the continuum for summer, as it drapes well 3nd makes charming ornamentation. Lapin lazuli ball handles, with gilt claws, are much used just now on parasols, and antique and highly-carved ones. A'so whine muslin paruaols. matching the mus. Iin bonnem; are to be the newest thing this you. Silk mitts are very much in demand. The ï¬ner grades of black and colored mine are almost perfect works of art. and with the improved shape they ï¬t: the wrist as closely as they could do it tahey were but- toned. Hat trimininga are in great wriety, but those most popular will be the moyen age of eoru canvas with quaint printed designs in dull colors and gold. The ground maternal ié not. unhke rather heavy, round thread scrim. A pggtty novelty in jackets. likely to prove & tavbrite with young ladies, is made of stookiuette, which is embroidered by 9. new patent process after the jacket is made up. High-shouldered effects continue popular and are so especially becoming to many ladies that they are not likely to be abn- doued very soon. I Gloves have few new sugaestxons as far as kid gloves are concerned. but in silk gloves there are some very elegant novel- ties promised. Hats are very high in the crown and more or less conical; their brim is of various shapes. turned up sometimes on one side. sometimes on the other. Spring Fashion Ndlél. The soft, Persian tinted lace introduced last autumn promises equal popularity for dressy summer wear. An Animal Apple-Gtherer. FOR THE LADIES. in. The baggage masher noticed a peculiar email when in was unloaded, but no atten- tion was paid no it until this evening. The body had been bent Illner double and forced into the trunk. A hemp cord was drawn so tightly around the neck. arms and lays than in had cut deeply into the flesh. There were no marks 0! violence on Jim body‘ and more wal nothing to furnish a clue to except an international money order in favor of Filippo Garvao for 1526, drawn at Chicago. February 2451:. a. mistake.â€"Louim Alcott i7: Woman’s Journal. ‘ * ‘ Bit: when no bodily puini'whh allevieted and Instinou warned them some- thing was wrong. I began to question and doubt: a theory which claimed to cure nan- oers yet. could non help a headache. ‘ ’ ‘ But when thirty treatments left the arm no banner and the head much worse, I dared lose no more time and returned to “he homaerathy and message from which I had been lured by the hope 0! ï¬nding a. short and easy way to undo in a monuh the over work of twenty years. This is my experlenoe, and many ouhers who have made the experiment: tell the same story, Whitehall thetabuloue ohees reported no we prove to be failures like my own when Investigated. To rely only on the blind. groping. self-delusion or temporary excite- ment which the mind cure brmga to most 15 With a very earnest desire to make a fair trial I took about thirty treatments, ï¬nd- ing it a very agreeable and interesting experience up to a certain point. No efleon was felt except sleepiness for the ï¬rst few times ; then masmerio sensations occasion- ally osme. sunshine in the bend, a. sense of Walking on the air and slight trunoes. when it was innpossible to stir feta few moments. A Calgary leï¬ter says: With the ï¬rst glimmering of morning every one turned out to catch a. glimpse of the tar-tamed Rockies, whose snow-clad pinnacles glist. 9113:! in the sunlight, majestic and sublime. some ï¬fty to sixby miles in the distance. Calgary is very pretuily situated at the confluence of _me B_ow end Elbpw rivers, in a level valley. circular in form, and almost wholly surrounded by high hills. From the summit of the hills on any clear day the Rockies can be seen, clear and distinct in form and outline, and seemingly only a few miles away ; indeed, so deceiv- ing are they to the newcomer that a recent importation from the white cliffs of Eng- land started on foot to take them in before breakfast,_ and was _only dissuaded from the completion of his undertaking when, weary and footnote. hunger and the big hills induced him for the time to re-aaek the comforts of bus hotel. neolch Juliane. Councillor James Steel, 0! Edinburgh. will in the Liberal interest) oppose Mr. Gosohen in the Eastern Division of that; city. A subscription has been started in Glen- gow with the object of placing a memorial medallion or bust of General Gordon in the Corporation Galleries. A Deconpoeed Human Being Found in n Trunk. A last (Friday) night’s Pittsburg, Pun, deepatob says: A trunk from which an unbearable stench emanated was burn open at the Union Depot this evening and found to contain the body of a man abouu 30 years of age in an advanced stage of decomposition. The face was badly dis- colored and bloated. The trunk was a common wooden one, and evidently had not been used before. In arrived from Chicago yhie morning but no person called to claim It is now ofï¬cially announced that the next Lord High Oommiaaioner to the Scottish Church General Assembly will be Lord Aberdeen, who has already noted in that capacity at former Assemblies. Hie reappointment will be hailed with much pleasure by the Church of Scotland. A writer in the London Times says: “ Mr. Charles Stewart Parnell descends from ‘ hold Nortolk’s Earl, De Brotherton.’ son of Edward I. and Marshal of England, as well as from that Thomas Mowbray. Duke of Norfolk, whom Bolingbroke chal- lenged to mortal combat, and whom Richard II. banished for life. Another of Mr. Parnell‘s ancestors is John Howard, the ‘ Jockey of Nortolk,’ ï¬rst at the actual line of the Dukes of Norfolk, who was slain at Bosworth and duly attainted by the victorious party.†Fern-ml Struggle on n Trainâ€"A Tramp Shoots use Messrnxcr Fatally and Bl be the sale. A Chicago despatoh says : The Louisville express arrived three hours late. The passengers and truinmen give a different account of the robbery than the one ï¬rst telegraphed. There was no organist band 0! highweymen. Shortly before the train reached Bloomington a man having the appearance of a tramp entered the express car from the smoking car, armed With a heavy club. In the express car were George K. Davis, express messenger. and Peter Webber.baggageman. He struck Webber on the head, telling him. while Davis ran for his revolver. Before he could reach it the then hit him also. and then. taking away the revolver, shot him in the heel. He then made the baggageman open the safe and take out the money. The ‘ tramp pulled the bell cord and stopped the train. but he ï¬rst ï¬red at Webber, the bullet striking him in the forehead. Webber succeeded in reaching the smoker and gave the alarm. but the robber had disappeared. The amount stolen is not knownh but exceeds $1 200. Davis and Webber are both alive, but the former cannot recover. Webber says both doors of the car were open at Hermdsburg, and they were asleep. Just after the train got into motion Webber was awakened by a violent blow on the head. Staggering to his test, he sawa tall, muscu- lar man struggling With stis. The mes- senger was bespattered with blood. which was gushing from a. wound in his head. He had also evidently been struck by a club while asleep. Webber tell to the floor; Davis, managing to loosen his right hand, drew his revolver. Before he could ï¬re the man wrenchsd the weapon from his grasp, and leveling it like lightning. pulled the trigger. The bell struck the messenger in the head, and he tell dying to the floor. When the sale had been rifled the robber left the train as it slowed up in answer to the bell. Trousers with two legs are a pair ; a shirt with two arms is only one shirt. Philoso- phers had better give up trying to ï¬nd out whether the moon is inhabited with spooks end glee: up some of the dark mysteries o! gain nu. Sublime Spectacle in the Not-unwell. The mid (lure n Failure. CHECKED 'l‘llRoUG-ll. AN EXPRESS ROBBERY. VOL THE YORKHERALD. 1. In all Her Mljeaby's Courts of Justice in the Province aoruclï¬x shall be placed in acouspiououc place, cpposxne the wiuuesa box or the place in which witnesses atrmd during examination, and such cruciï¬x shall he of the size dehermmcd by the Liculenanu-Governor-in-Council. 2. Every court, judge, msgistwte, pro- thonotary clerk and other person entrusted with administering oeths shell, before a witness be aliuwed to swear and give his testimony, call upon him to hit his right hand in front of the cross and to place his left hand on the book of the Evangelism, end to Gil-“BB him to ewaer before the oruoi. ï¬x and upon the Holy Evangeliste to tell one truth and the whole mud: in the cause in which he is to be heard as a. witness. 3 Every shariï¬ shall phoe or cause to be placedaomoxï¬x in the manner above ludicahed in each and every of the court houses winbin the limits of his district under apennlty of forty dollars for each day in wmoh hg negleqhs so to do. 4. Such penalty shell be recovered from such sheriff by any person suing for the some before any circuit court or the die- hrioo in which the offence has been oom- mmed and shall belong to the prosecutor. In point of quality the present bench show is the largest ever held at the Madi- son Square Garden. Among the valuable dose is the red Irish setter Rory O’More 11.. owned by W. N. Cullender. of Albany, and valued at $10,000, the price of a 2 20 trotter. Mex Wenzsl, of Boboken, show: the red Irish setter Chief, valued at 55,000. One English setter, owned by a gentleman In South Attleboro', Vt, is vslued at $5,000. W. Amory. of Boston, exhibits a pulmsr which he values at $5,000. Some of the St. Bernsrds are offered for sale at $2.500 apiece and some of the deerhounds are priced at $2,000 each. Collies are valued as high as $1,000. One exhibitor asks $500 for a. bull pup and another $2,000 for a bulldog. One poodle is valued at $500, and there is a little pug dog in the show, weighing about seven pounds, whose price is $62,000. He has a. cage with clrpet and heavy curtains. Last January he took the champion prize at the Crystal Palace. London. A beauti- ful fawn-colored greyhound. Washington. imported trom Itsly, is exhibited by Mme. F. Restless. It is valued at $5,000.-â€"-N. Y. Journal. Her Majesty. by and with tha advice and consent of tho Legislature at Quebec, euncï¬s as follows: Au Ann iospeohing Buckégcz'zd aha «Eu-immis- "anon o! oaths. An Exlrnordmury Bill. The lollowmg Bill, read a second time In the Quebec Legislature, and is likely to be aarr‘legi, is worph priqtiug 1}:qu :7 Sad Ending 01 Pligbled Trollsâ€"A Your»: Lady cruelly Jilted. A Philadelphia telegram says: It is rarely that a more pathetic story is pre- sented than that contained in the return to awrit in lunacy today filed in the Com- mon Pleas Court here. The subject of the proceeding was Annie H. Gross, a highly- educated, unmarried woman of 38. She lived with relatives near Bhawmont. a pretty village on the Schuylkill, where the college boat races take place. The cause of her derangement is pathetically given in the testimony of her uncle, Rev. Mr. Gross. an Episcopalian clergyman. HER WHOM LIFE BIOILED. When quite a child, he said, the young lady was courted by a young army oï¬â€˜icer. Afteralong engagement she was. as he avers, " shamefully jilted.†She was prostrated by the shock of separation, and the treatment, as the clergyman says, " spoiled her whole life." Early in 1883. the testimony goes on. there entered the young lady’s circle of acquaintances a reo- tcr who here some resemblance to her old lover. He awoke in her remembrancss of the past. Though he was married she became possessed of a strange fascination for him. Her family seeing the drift of her thoughts, prevailed on her to join an excursion party to California. On her return she was attached with absolute melancholia. She would lie prostrate for hours, wishing for death. Her tempera- ment, which always before had been quiet and kindly, became excitable and irritable. As the months went by the manifestations of mental unsoundness became more marked. She made large purchases of articlesof which she had no need. On one occasion her bill was 3400. She said jokingly that she was a new Mrs. Tcodles. Attempts to divert her from wasteful expenditures failed. SWEET BELLE “RULE, OUT OF TUNE. One afternoon she was found sitting in bed with a sunshade open and over her. She talked incoherently and abused every one. She engaged passage for Europe. desired a parlor car to take all her friends to see her off, and asked a gentleman for letters to all " the crowned heads of Europe " so that she could be presented at court. She called always on the name of her old lover and the clergyman who resembled him. While she was at church a carriage was brought, and when she emerged she was put into the vehicle and driven to the Pennsylvania Insane Asylum. She made no resistance. A certiï¬cate setting forth the fact that she was insane had been obtained. so that everything was prepared for her admission. She has an income of 91,100. A committee appointed by the Court Will take charge of this. ant-nusnz-n__~.Aâ€"._-....n__._n_-_m_ -r-‘-r-. H Vamhsry. whose writings have been frequently quoted of late, was a heroic explorer. He disguised himself as a dervish. and wandered for many months as a religious mendioant among the ï¬erce nomads and ianatical races of Turhestan. His talent for languages enabled him to assume the role of a Turkish dervish, but he knew that it his disguise was penetrated it would cost him his life. His ambition to promote philological studies made him content to live in the dirt and privations of mud huts; led him to Bokhara, where Stoddsrt and Oonolly, England's ï¬rst and last Ambassadors, had been cruelly done to death, and carried him to Kniva, where a few Russian captives in the jail were the only representatives of Western nations. Until quite recently the history of his remarkable travels over twenty years age has been the chief source of information with regard to the people and countries in Central Asia that Russia has subjugated. The telegraph wires between Macon, Gm, and Chaleu recently ceased working, and a search was made for the cause. The cable passed through the cellars of the excise oflice at Macon, end it was discovered that it ley over a rat hole and disturbed the rodent in its movements. The little animal ed gnawed through the covering of the cable and bitten through the copper threads. thus breaking the connection. A Determined nxplorer. nigh Priced Dogs. OBAZED BY LOVE. RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1885. _, ..-â€"._ .v-v Iv: III-Iii nLuUUUMIUl-III- Mr.‘ Cameron (HiyonLremarked that the Premier. though he expressed himsell strongly in favor of the principle of female euflrage, and although he had introduced that principle into his Bill, yet had given every opportunity to defeat it. Unless the Premier showed himself alittle more in earnest about female suffrage, and used his great influence with his followers to have this measure carried, he was afraid the women of Canada would not have a very high opinion of his sincerity. He did not see why a distinction should be made between married and unmarried women in regard to the franchise. His views on the provisions of the Bill would be found in his iormer speech on this Bill. After recess. Mr. Fleming said it seemed logical that it property was to be the basis of the franchise only one should vote on the property. It was said that if woman were to vote they must be allowed to represent their class in Parliament. There was a way out of this difï¬culty for the Pin;me The non. gentleman could appoint them to the other branch of the Legislature where they would ï¬nd congenial companionship. particularly it they were leaders of a certain age. in fact it was whisperad that some had already crept into that branch of the Legislature. (Laughton) It that did not commend itself to the hon. gentleman he might make Senators elective by a vote of women. In all seriousness he believed that it the franchise were given to women it would have generally a good effect upon politics and upon public life in Canada. Mr. McCraney speaking, as he declared, from an old settled OOnViOEiOD, spoke strongly in favor of female suffrage. At present there were women of great ability who owned property, conducted men and paid wages to men who were their em- ployees. These men had votesI but their employers had not. He gave several in- stances of this kind within his own know- ledge. He was sure that women could be able to give valuable assistance in conduct- ing the affairs of the country. If a parlia- ment of women could not do more work than this Parliament had done this session it would be a standing disgrace to woman- kind. He read from the views expressed by the Chief J ustioe of Washington Territory, where female suflrage is the rule, declaring that so far as it had gone the experience was in favor of female suflrage. He be- lieved that votes should be given not only to unmarried women and widows. but mar. tied women as well. Mr. Coutsol said he kid no idea. at this moment what the sentiments of the House upon this subject werepbut he knew that in the Province of Quebec the subject had been thoroughly discussed during the summer, and the well-expressed view of a. majority of the Province of Quebec was against giving the franchise to any woman. He_wou_|d vote for the amendment. Mr. McNeil] opposed the principle of woman suï¬raga an some length. The beans and belles of New Guinea. are by no means forbidding. Imagine a man about ï¬ve feet nine inches in height, his body s. nice brown color. covered, it he be a. masher. with red earth and varnished with oil, his face painted in diflerent colors and a. piece of polished stone through his nose, his hair long and frizzy. ornamented with bird of paradise plumes and cookstoo feathers. his teeth black or red, his ears weighed down with huge ear ornaments, nis waist compressed to waspiéh propor- tions with a broad belt of bark, shell armlets on his arms and dogs’ teeth neck- lsoes round his neck. a. breast ornament of boars’ tusks or pearl shell. a. painted waist ribbon with long streamers in front and behind, anklets and kneelets of colored flax. and a small netted bag over his shoulderâ€"imagine all this and you have a typical New Guinean. The women match the men. The young girls wear abundance of ornaments but after marriage law. They are an profusely tattooed, and wear a colored pettiooot, which reaches to the knee. Sir J uhn Maodonald said that every year he was becoming more strongly "convinced of the justice of giving the franchise to women who were otherwise qualiï¬ed. and he hoped Canada would be the ï¬rst coun- try to give women the position that she eventually, after centuries of oppression, would obtain, for it was only a question of time all over the civilized world. In England the feeling in favor of female suffrage was growing marvellouely. Women were allowsd to vote at vestry meetings ; they could be elected to School Boards; they had the franchise to a certain extent in municipal matters. and they had proved themselves worthy of every privflege conceded to them. He had ‘ reason to believe that the present Premier ‘ of England was in favor of female franchise, but had not incorporated the principle in his Franchise Bill for fear of imperilling the success of that measure. He hoped the amendment would be lost. He expressed himself as personally in favor of granting the suffrage to all women, married or unmarried, but he believed there was s. peculiarly strong feeling against giving votes to married women on account of the supposed discord it would introduce into mules. For his own part he was not ccnvmced by this argument. Men and woman who differed in religious faith lived together without discord. but he was of opinion that we should never refuse a step in advance, and therefore he would not refuse a partial measure of female enfranchisemeut if he could not get a complete measure. He had been strongly impressed by a remark made to him by a wealthy English lady, who said she had no vote, although her butler and ï¬fty other persons who derived their incomes from her had the right to vote. He concluded by again expressing his hope that the amendment would fall. Gen. Vogel von Falokenetein, recently deceased at: the age of 89 years, fought in the Prussian army against both Nupuleon the Green and Napoieon the Limeâ€" in 1814-16 and 1870-71. He also served in the Suhleawig-Holshein campaign and the war with Ann!“ in 1866. Mr. Laugeï¬er pointed out that the amend- ment proposed referred only to the Province of Quebec. Sir John Macdouald said it was well to have the quesnion of female suï¬uge settled at the ouvset. Mr. Townehend moved to strike out of the inherpretanion clause those words which made an unmarried women or widow an "owner" within the meaning of the Acts. He was opposed to women euï¬rage and wished to obtain the vote of the committee on the! subject. ' The House went into Committee of the prle 9n the Franehxse Bill. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Beau lies and Belles. ‘ When real property is owned or occupied jointly by two or more persons duly anaes- sed, and for a. sufï¬cient amount, each owner or occupant shall be entiuled to vote. This. however, does non apply to a person voting as a mere “ householder.†mom: Immerse. 12. Where Indians do not reside among the tribe or among other Indians, and who possess the some property qualiï¬cations as whites-that is, who are duly assessed and upon the voters’ listsâ€"they are entitled to vote. Where there is no assessment roll and no voters’ lists (123., in the unorganized territory) land of the value of 3100 and residence will entitle them to vote, provided they do not receive the Government ennui- ties. and do not reside among Indisns. EXPLANATIONB. In all cases the VOLSI.‘ must be resident within the electoral district or riding, both' at the time of the assessment and of voting. end must be esseseed and upon the voters‘ list ; and every householder voting as such must be a. resident of the loos! munici- pnlityâ€"i. e., 01 the city, town, Village or township where he votes. Any voter, therefore, it will be seen, can cast but one vote within the entire Provmoe. “A landholder’s son must be a. resident of the local municipality at the time of the election, and must hsve resided with his father therein for twelve months next prior to the return of the assessment roll. and must be entered upon the assessment roll. Temporary absence. not exceeding six months out of the twelve, is allowed. The person claiming to vote as a “ house- holder " shall non be a mere lodge: or boarder. not a. person who is a. joint occu- pant wnth others or one house. _ Persons voting on an income or as wags- earnere must be residents of the local municipality at the time of the assessment and continuously until the election. Mr. Samuel Wuddell’s Experience Amongst she New York Bunko lVlen. Mr. Samuel Weddell, who visited New York last week with his family, has been made the victim of the sharp bunko steerers whose exploits amongst the strangers who visit Gotham are so often chronicled in the press of that city. On Monday Mr. Waddell‘ left the Hotel Brunswick to transact some business and had not proceeded far on. Broadway when he was stopped by a re- spectably dressed man who accosted him as Mr. Porter, of St. Louis. "You must, surely be mistaken," replied Mr. Weddell. " I am not the gentleman you take me for ; I am from Montreal and my name is Wad-- dell." Oï¬eriog profuse apologies the bane man moved off and Mr. Waddell continued» his walk. He had, however, barely pro- ceeded for two blocks further when a: remarkably gentlemanly young fellow of about 25 years dressed in the pink of perfection and good taste rushed up to him: with outstretched arms exclaiming “ How are you, Mr. Weddell ; when did you arrive from Montreal; are you alone or are you accompanied by your family ‘2" Mr. Weddell replied that he was accompanied by his wife, and failing to recognize the young man asked to be enlightened. "Why." replied the bunko man, “don't you recognize me? I am a nephew of Andrew Allan, of Montreal. I married Miss MacMaster, of Toronto; she was one of your wife's most intimate friends.†This appeared to satisfy Mr. Waddell, as the two proceeded to a fashionable restaurant, where a prime bottle of Pomeroy- was called for by the conï¬dence player. To make a long story short the old game was played, Mr. Weddell acceding to the sup- plications of his supposed friend, who represented himself as being momentarily expecting a remittance from Montreal, receiving from Mr. Weddell a draft on this city for 8300. He next invited Mr. Weddell to visit his house and inspect some paint- ings. This Mr. Waddell refused to do, however, and, becoming suspicious, he visited the police headquarters and related the circumstances. Captain Williams immediately told him he had been victim- ized by a band of the sharpest bunko men in the city. Payment of the draft was con- sequently stopped, but in all probability it has been cashed in New York by this time. Montreal Star. FLEECED BY BUNKO STEERERS. INCOME FRANCHISE. 10. The same as in cities and towns. WAGE - EARNEB'S FRANCHISE. 11. Every person earning as wages or salary $250 per annum, and whose name is placed upon the assessment roll. (This is not liable to taxation.) Board and lociging furnished. given or received in lieu of wages, are to be taken as part of the $250 in town- ships. Mosquitoes have already made their appearance in southern New Jersey. nousnnowsn. 7. Every resident householder. OWNER, TENANT, on oconpmr. 8. Every owner. tenant, or occupant of land of the value of 8100 whether owned or possessed by himself or his wife. mxnnommn‘s son. 9. Every resident lendholder‘s son resid- ing with his tether when the father is assessed as owner or tenant at 3200 and upwards, or for twenty acres of land irrespective of value. noussnonnnes. 1. Every resident householder. cwxns, serum on cccomm. 2. Every resident, owner, tenant or occu- pant of land of the value or $200, whether owned or possessed by himself or his wile. munncmns’s son. 3. Every resident landholder’s son resid- ing with his father when the father is assessed as owner or tenant for $400 and upwards. (The word “ son †includes “ grandson,†“ stepson †and “ son-in-law.â€) INCOME FRANCHISE. 4. Every person deriving an annual income of not less than $250 from some trade, occupation, calling, oflice or profes- sion and assessed therefor. (This income is liable to taxation.) WAGE-EARNEB'S FRANCHISE. 5. Every person earning as wages or salary $250 per annum and whose name is placed upon the assessment roll, and who is not otherwise assessed for income. (This is not liable to taxation.) INDIAN FRANCHISE . 6. When Indians do not reside among the tribe or with other Indians, and who ‘ possess the same property and other qualiï¬cations as whites. that is. who are; duly assessed and are upon the voters’ list, ‘ they are entitled to vote. IN TOWNSHIPS AND VILLAGES. , Persons Enlllled to Vote by the Provin- cial Franchise Act. ONTARIO FRANCHISE ACT. IN TOWNS AND CITIES. WHOLE NO 1,399 NO. 49. No such failure of winter wheat over so extensive a territory has ever been known. embracing, as it does. twenty States. Every circumstance seemed to favor it up to the let of January. with the exception of heavy snows in the month of February, since which time everything has gone against it, and the almeet certain outcome will be, compared with 1879 and 1880, not more than half the acreage, and three-fourths of that ha]! wiped cut of existence by dry. cold, frosty and windy weather.â€"Itlinois Garrar- pondent of Country Gentleman. When the hens heoome broody, they may, with care, be moved after dark to secluded nests provided for them, where they Will be away from the sound of other fowl: and be in partial darkness. Make the neat of ï¬ne hay. out straw, pine needles, or any soft material, a little soil being placed in the bottom to keep the shape ; many scatter on flour or sulphur to keep off line. Set but few eggs, nine or ten at the most, until the weather is warmer, then the usual number of thirteen will be quite sale from injury by chilling. Be careful to select large, well-formed eggs, and tap them together lightly, to make sure of the sound- ness of the shells. Do not now leave all the responsibility with the hen, but look after her each day. See that she leaves the nest regularly, for food and drink. and at the same time, if the eggs are not clean, wash them with lukewarm water. Nothing seems more unreasonable than the digniï¬ed superiority of the husband or the brother who ï¬rst preaches the unim- portancs of dress, perhaps consistently for. titying his words by his own example, and then turns to criticise his wife or daughter fLr being less well dressed than some fair neighbor who gives her whole mind to that absotbmg department. Does he really suppose that a woman can be bien mire by giving to it three-quarters of an hour in the spring, and three-quarters of an hour in the autumn, which are all. as James Par- ton boasts, that a man now needs to devote to his tailor? Let the wife neglect what has been called the " gospel of good gowns " as completely as the husband disregards that of good hats. for instance, and let him see how he likes it. But whether he adopts the policy of indiflerenoe or not, let him at least be consistent. If we hold it the duty of intellectual women to be well~dressed women also, let us give them full credit for doing the double duty. If, on the other hand, we make no such demand on them. let us omit all the jeers at the faded " water proof †of the literary woman and the dyed and turned dress. and even the short hair â€"cut ofl‘, let us charitably suppose, to save time for study or for work. In the same way, if the husband expects his wits to be well dressed, let him not sneer at the time mercilessly spent in shopping, or even groan at the bills when the results of shopping some in. Let him not complain, as I heard a young husband the other day, that two women when they meet always talk about dress, when perhaps the very point under discussion was the question how to dress as their husbands wished without it costing those husbands too much money.â€"Harper’r Bazar. I hate it. I have no pride in victory. But when men do make war they ought to be in earnest. Their weapons should be the deadliest they can use, their blows the heavmst they can deal. To say that they make war, indeed, but they must not make it too effectively ; but to kill a man with a solid bullet is legitimate. but to wound him with an explosive one is atrocious; that to blow your enemy to fragments with gun- powder is civilised warfare, but to employ dynamite for the same purpose is worthy only of savages. is a species of cent born of the idea that war is a magniï¬cent game for kings and nobles, and must be carried on under rules that disguise it from being too dangerous or disagreeable to them.-â€" Tom Greer. We congratulate our readers over visions of peaches and cream in abundance next summer. Never have our peach-growers united in more favorable prognostications than those we published to-dey. From all quarters of the Peninsula comes promise of a lull crop: the only apprehension expressed being for the late yellow varieties in some localities. The crop is not yet entirely out of danger, but there is no good reason to apprehend any further damage.â€" Wilmington (Del.) Every Evening. Want Mr. Gaelz. The trustees of Zion Church, havingfciled to secure Rev. Mr. Ross, of Ouhario, owing to him not being transferred to the Manitoba Conference, are now endeavoring to secure the services of Rev. Leonard Gaetz, formerly of Ontario, but now of Red Deer, near Oelgary. It is not yet known wheï¬her or not: he will accept the appomt- meatâ€"Winnipeg Tinm. After a winter's rest, it horses have been idle most of the winter, it requires care in beginning to work them. An excellent farmer once remarked that the ï¬rst day or two at Spring work he only wanted his men to do half a day’s work per day. bur to be all the day doing it. Fre uenu rests and pulling back the collar to a mu: air to the spine will often save much loss from galled shoulders. Grass lends should be put in order for the mower by rolling; pick up fallen branches and whatever rubbish wxli obstruct the machine. No sensible tau-met will pas- ture his meadows in spnng. A hundred pounds of nitrate of soda to the acre will be a proï¬table application, as will be a. bushel or two of plaster to clover. A merchant who should draw out half his bank account once a quarter and throw the money into the gutter would be looked upon as a lunatic. But is the farmer any wiser who suffers his manure heap to be exposed to all weathers, and its most important elements to evaporate or leach away? He is simply throwing away his oapital.â€"Vc. Watchman. Feed the hen well with all she will eat at corn or dough before giving the chickens their ï¬rst meal of crumbs and boiled eggs, otherwise the hen, who will be very hungry, will leave but little for the chickens. Keep the hen as quiet as possible to: a. day or two. until the chickens get a little stronger. _ Make the change of cows from dry feed to pasture very gradual. Give salt to pre- vent injury from over-eating o! succulent grass. Bring up early, and feed hay with roots. and give hay in the morning, before hhey go to pasture. Agood, large, thrifty yearling is worth more in spring than a poor. stunted two year old, and one now than has been properly wintered than two that are ï¬hm in flesh and hide-bound. Delaware Peach Crop Sate. The Necessity at War. The Dry Goods Bill. Farm Gleanings. .eeï¬ The Exploits of Gen. Komnrofl. (From the Pall Mall Gazette.) Gen. Komaroï¬ distinguished himself by military tact. audacity, and resourceful- uses as well as personal bravery in the Russo-Turkish campaign in Asia Minor in 1877, when he won his present rank of general. After the capture of Ardahan. near the Russo-Turkish frontier, Col. Komarotf was left in command of a detachment which had the difï¬cult duty of defending a considerable tract of the neighboring mountainous country, and of protecting the Russian frontier as well as covering the flank and rear of the army then operating against Kare. When the movement urged by Loris Mehkeï¬ was made against Erzeroun. Col. Komarofl executed a very bold and successful manauvre. With a flying squadron be advanced from Ardaham, passed rapidly round the enemy’s flank, and came down upon a part of the Turkish force which was holding the Panak Pass on the Sahel:- longh range, which commanded access to the town of Olti on the northern side, whence the Turks intended to attack Ardahau. Col. Komaroï¬â€˜s unexpected appearance had such an effect that the enemy retreated at once without ï¬ghting. and the Russians were enabled to occupy Panak and Olti, and to capture 2,000 rifles and 500,000 cartridges. When at a subsequent period of the campaign the Russian troops were ordered to retire from Hadj-Vali, Col. Komaroï¬'. with his detach- ment, found himself placed in a very perilous position by reason of the with- drawal of the main column of the Russian force, from which he became separated by a distance of from four to ï¬ve miles, while he was exposed to Turkish ï¬re from the twin heights of Great and Little Yalta. By a dash he drovo elf the 200 Turkish cavalry who held the Great Yalta, stationed abody of his own men in their place, and under cover of their ï¬re brought the main part of his own force round to the eastern slope of the hill. where after a time they were joined by reinforcements from the Russian army under the very nose of the enemy. and the whole force was enabled to retire in order. During the attack of the Turks on the night of July 31st (Aug. 1st) upon the Rus- sian camp at Kiouriouk-Dara, COLâ€"or rather at this date Gen.-â€"Komarofl, for he had already been promoted to that rank. was charged with a detachment to take up a position at Mount Karaal, tour verets from the Russian camp, and there not at his own discretion. It was on this occasion that he received a wound in the breast, which, however. did not prove serious, the bullet having struck areligious medal which he wore. Gen. Komaroff subsequently took part in the storming ot Kara, and contri- buted no unimportant share in that cele- brated action. At the conclusion or the war he was made commandant of Batoum. on the Euxine. and alter the Akhal Tekke expedition he was placed in command of the trans-Caspian army. The Russians attribute the pcseceable annexation of Merv in a large measure to Gen. Komaroï¬'a tact and skill in other than military matters. The young men who receive promotion are the men who do not drink on the sly. They are not the men who are always at the front whenever there is any strike. nor are they the men who watch for the clock to strike 12 and leave their picks hanging in the air. They are not the men who growl if they are required to attend to some duty after the whistle has sounded. They are the men usually who pay the closest attention to the details of their busi- ness. who act as it they were trying to work for their employer’s interest instead of to beat him at every crook and turn. They are the men who give the closest attention to every practical detail, and who look continually to see whether they can do any better. This class of men are never out o! a. job. They are scarce. They never strike, they never lost, and they do not ask for their pay two or three weeks before pay dayâ€"Manufacturer’s Gazette. “ It is my nnalhetable decision, Clare," he said ï¬nally; “ I onnnob walk on the avenue with you if that poodle is no accom- pany us. You must: choose between him and me. In testis with you. Clara, it our engagement shall be broken ofl.†“0h, George I†the girl replied. and her face assumed an sshen hue, “ this is all so sudden. You mneti give me time to think in over. One week. George, and you shall have your answer.â€â€"Ingleside. A correspondent of the Cleveland Leader, who is journeying south- ward, notes that white men are seldom seen working in the ï¬elds. The negroes still do the work. The pictur- esqueness of plantation scenes has not altogether departed. Negro women were ploughing, hueing and planting, and the gay colors of their head-dressesâ€"handker- chiefs chieflyâ€"and the laugh and joke of their swarthy fellows of the other sex, gave the impression of another land as the call whirled by. now [he (Ibservnnce ol the Mosaic Law Ilse Preeerved the Vigor o! a Race. In enumerating the causes which have made the Jewish people so strong and vigorous, particular mention must be made 0! their observance of the Sabbath. This day was appointed for the double purpose of securing a set portion at time for the worship of God and affording rest to the body wearied with its six days’ labors. Obedience to this primeval law is held by the Jews to be as strictly binding on them as any other religious obligation. In Christian countries where the Sunday is kept sacred or observed as a holiday, another day of rest in addition to their own Sabbath is obtained, thus tortiiying them against the crushing toil and nervous strain or modern life. The loss accruing from this enforced abstinence from business worries is more than counterbalanced by the gain in nerve power with which periodical ces- sation from any harassing employment is compensated. This is doubtless one of the factors which have helped to invigorate both mind and body. and to develop in them those high qualities for which they ‘ are justly distinguished. To sum up: the ‘ longevity of the Jew is an acknowledged fact. In his surroundings he is on a far With his Christian neighbor. It the looa ity in which he dwells is unhealthy he also suï¬ers. but to a less degree. It the climate is ungenial. its influence tells on him, too, but with less injurious effect. His vigorous health enables him to resist the onset of disease to which others succumb. These advantages are for the most part owing to his food. his temperate habits and the care taken or him in sickness and poverty. No doubt he is specially fortunate in inherit- ing a constitution which has been built up by attention for many cen- turies to hygienic details. His meat is drained of blood, so by that means mor- bid germs are not likely to be conveyed into his system. It is also most carefully in- spected so as to prevent the consumption or what is unsound, hence his comparative immunity from scroiulous and tuberculous forms of disease. The Bible is regarded by some scientists as an old-fashioned book; but its teaching in relation to hygiene, even they will confess, has not become antiquated. It must be credited with having anticipated and recorded for our instruction and proï¬t doctrines which are now accepted as beyond dispute in this department of knowledge. In the Mosaic law are preserved sanitary rules. the habi- tual observance of which by the J ew. from generation to generation, has made him superior to all other races in respect of health and longevity.â€"Leisure Hour. The Men Who Are Promoted. J E Wis]! LONGEVITY. She Wanted 'l‘lme.