Unlll further nolico, Mails will be closed at the above Oflice as follows :â€" RICHMOND 1i] LL POST 0FFIGE. Going South, East, and West, at. . . . . . . . . . . 6.15 FflST EFFIIIE NEE I , MO RNINC. Going North, South, East, ‘ ' and West, at . . . . . . . 7.45 Mail for the North, via. Railway, leaves oncca day, in the morning, as above‘ stated. lle speaks in general but glowing terms of the manifest prosperity of the farmers of Quebec and Ontario; touches upon the prosperous condition of certain lnanufactories in the larger towns; shims lightly over that increasingly prosperous branch of business, canning fruits and vegetables; and at length reaches the Great Nortliâ€"West.and ï¬nds himself on Major Bell’s Farm of sixtyâ€" four thousand acres ! Even a Canadian farmer accustomed as he is to his many large ï¬elds, will open his eyes when he reads about driving “ for twenty miles through crops of wheat, oats, and flax, extending as far as the eye can reachâ€; of a piece of wheat which measures ï¬fteen hundred acres, was sown in two days, and “carried thirtyâ€"ï¬ve bushels per acre of magniï¬cent wheat†; of one hundred and eighty horses, one hundred and thirty men, and ï¬fty selfâ€"binding reaper-s on one farm; of eight: hundred acres of grain being out, bound, and stacked in one day ; " and yet this only represents what was done on this farm in ’84. All this work and much more, which seems almost fabulous, was acâ€" complished by means of discipline of “ almost military regularity.†The orders for each day are issued the even 1 ing before by telephone from Major Bell’s‘ residence to each ofthe four sections into which the enormous farm is divided The Qu’Appclle valley lands are spoken GI’in Ligh terms boll; fur arable Morning Mail from South, West and East, by Railway,arrives at 10.00 lveping Mail from Toronto by Yonge-strcet Stage, arrives at. 7.00 Night Mail from North, by Rail- way, arrives at ................... 8.15 DFHEE HUUBS The present trouble in the Northâ€" West many suppose will have the eï¬'eet ofretarding emigration to Canada. But why so? For, after all, where can a man’s life and property be better pro-- tccted ? Even in Great Britain itself recent dastardly crimes show plainly that human life isjust as safe in Canada as in the very heart of the world’s meâ€" tropolis. Moreover, the advantages to be had here by laborers, skilled work- men, and the lower middle class of British people generally, are more than enough to counterbalance any danger to life from the present disturbance; and this will soon be put down, and that effectually. The advantages referred to are plainly, graphically, and in no exâ€" aggerated way, placed before the public in a pamphlet recently written by Prof. Henry Tannner, M. R. A. 0., F. C. 8., Government Examiner on the Princi- ples of Agricultural, and Director of Education under the Institute of Agriâ€" culture, South Kensington, London, England. This little work is preï¬xed with a very clear map of the Dominion, on the back of which. is a plan for a workingman’s village, surrounded by farms of from one hundred and sixty to six hundred and forty acres ; a scheme which the pamphleteer urges very carn- estly and for very cogent reasons. It consists mainly of a reproduction in the Northâ€"West of the English Village system, without any of its drawâ€"backs, and with prospective advantages to the Villagers far greater and more permanent than ever entered the brains of even the most ultra Radical. The work under review is written by one who thoroughly understands agriculture. and who ( hav~ ins: visited the Northâ€"West in '83 and ’84 for the speciï¬c purpose of considerâ€" ing its facilities as a farming country) speaks with authority; and if we give a somewhat extended notice of his book it is simply because of the value of what he says and of the importance of the subject. Richmond Hill, June 23rd, 1884. Holland Landing, Newm m‘ket, Aurora, King, Richmond Hill, Thoruhill, Toronto, Notice-J 01m McClure Tommie}? 'i'hbiuï¬iil, Richmond Hill The date printed on each paper denotes time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves reaponaible for opinions of our Correspondents. King, Aurora, Newm nrket, Holland Landing, No. ‘19: Whole No. 1‘10! : Volume 27. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1885. Successful Emigration Canada. TRAIN TIME. Wm 33ml: ifmnlfl. Richmond Hm. Ont. NOTICE TO S UBSC’RIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARRIVALS. EVENING. '7 a. m. to UBS- I7.30 p. m- M. TEEFY, Postmaster. GOING NORTH. 942 r, 952 GOING 813 823 835 852 9 If) 10 05 910 SOUTH. ll 45 01 00 01 10 11 50 12 05 12 30 1‘2 45 12 65 2 00 145 50;: 600 610 620 642 655 705 3530115 45034.04 667-3778 the the and grazing purposes. From thirty- ï¬ve to forty bushels of wheat is the yield per acre; whilst both Shorthorm and Hereford Cattle do admirably, thel former being preferred on account of the high price of the latter. Near the I Fishing Lakes seems to be an almost terrestial Paradise ; for Pron Tanner, quoting words' which exactly describe his own experience, says of the garden of the Roman Catholic Mission. “ We found here a garden adorned with flowers which would do honor to any garden in Ontario. I hurriedly made a bouquet of at least twenty varieties. There were growing in the garden cabbages,tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, carrots, beets, onions, vegetable marrows, cauliflowers, etc, all of which were so ï¬ne as to lead some of us to say that they were as if grown for an agricultural show.†Of the country between Qu’Appelle Fort and the Touchwoed Hills he says, “ Mile after mile, hour after hour, did our dx ire ex - tend through lands which dtï¬Cl'VCdly take rank amongst the best put-Lions of this fertile district of the Qu’Appelle. \Ve drove about thirty miles through a district which may be described as a grand area of ornamental lands, having a good turf, and well adapted tor tillage and mixed farming.†0f the water the wild fruits, and the beauty of the landâ€" scape, he speaks in high terms; and tells us that ï¬sh and game are found in lavish abundance. Several very complete and lucid fab- ular statements are given showing the amount of capital that maybe proï¬tabe invested in working farms of diflerent size-s. and the proï¬ts to be xeasonabiy For laborers extravagantly high wages are not so much an inducement as the facts that they can live comfortably, save something 'from their earnings, be better fed than in the Old Country, secure land easily, be free front anxiety as to the wants of old age, and provide for “ the comfort and welfare of their families.†The advantage of laborers being unmarried is that they can be more easily housed; but, owing to the influx of capital, the time is fast apâ€" proaching: ( and in some places has come) when married men will haVe the preferâ€" ence. Some rather amusing accounts are given of housekeeping by young bachelors; and it is pointed out how desirable it is that capital be invested in comfortable houses, and how proï¬table such an investment would be to all conâ€" cerned. Prof. Tanner emphasizes a fact which has not hitherto been sufï¬ciently acted upon, namely, that whilst Canada has plenty of work, of bread, and of land, for healthy, strong, and industrious emigrants, she wants 7w incapablcs. He speaks very encouragineg of the children sent, out from “ the Homes â€; but impresses upon the authorities of these l'lornes the necessity of not send- ing out the little ones before they are thoroughly trained. l He ï¬nds no language too strong to express his ideas of the great advantages of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway; and, as an example, cites the fact that the Government sections, free for settlers along the line, were practically taken up within nine months after being set apart; and he also mentions the unparalleled energy of the Survey Department of the Government in having lands surveyed and mapped ready for settlers, no fewer than seventyâ€"seven million acres having been done in ’83. Even upon some of the most elevated and apparently inâ€" ferior soils along the line of the C. P. R. experiment has shown that wheat, barley, and oats can be grown successâ€" fully. As might be expected, where the road passes through the Rocky Mountains agriculture is almost nil; “ but the mineral wealth is exceedingly great, and only "thinly veiled." As to the climate of the Northâ€"VVest he gives a statement of one settler who said, “ If they would smash up all those thermometers no one would know but that the winters were very enjoyable and the summers most pleasant;†and of another who said, “ It is remarkable, but. true, that the only persons I ever heard complain much are those who have never spent a winter in Manitoba.†Then as to market facilities at each station on the C. P; R. the farmer can sell his produce. and buy stock, impleâ€" ments, etc. In fact, the elevators or 'granaries on the C. P. R. are very num- erous. and very convenient; and here the farmer can dispose of all the grain he has to sell. Some of these elevators have a capacity of one hundred thousand bushels. So much do settlers value the C. P. R..that. theyare actually going in advance of the road, “ ready to “wel- come its approach,†into places which, were it not that the road is going on, would be left for many years in primeval solitude. ' The case of that peculiar and indusâ€" trious people the Mennonites, receives attention; and their success is adduced as an illustration of the advantages of the village scheme which the Prof. adâ€" vocates. The noble conduct of Lady Gordonâ€"Cathcart in assisting the Scott- ish Crofters, the success which has atâ€" tended their tflOI‘lS in the Northâ€"West, the letters they have Written home to their friends, all receive attention, and are of the most, encouraging character. Here are families which came out two years ago, their only capital being their brawny arms and a borrowed ï¬ve hundred dollars for each family; and now they are practically independent. The same is true of the East London settlement, though many of the people had never seen the open country until they left London, and none of them knew anything about farming. The plan for their emigration originated with Sir Francis de Winton and the Vicar of Belhnal Green ; and the Baroness Bur- dett Coutts performed for them a similar kind ofï¬ce-.10 that done for the Crofters by Lady Gordonâ€"Catheart. Prof. Tanner devotes a section of his book to the Indians; and from what he says of them and of their treatment by the Dominion Government'it is erideut to any unprejudiced person that the present trouble is not the result of thein voluntary action. but that they must have been enjoled, incited, almost co- erced. into their present_ position by one or two scheming maleoutents who are bitterly hostile to everything Canadian and to everything British. expected ; and also in what- time the capital, if borrowed. may be repaid. We term only say here that. ahout two thous» l and dollars are amply suï¬icient to stock. lbuy implements, erect. buildings, and [work a farm of one hundred and sixty acres; thirty-Jive hundred dollars for at farm of three hundred and twenty acres ; and eight thousand ï¬ve' hundred for a farm of six hundred and forty acres. But even those who have not. this amount. of capital can do with much less,- and the case ofthe Crofters is an ex~- ‘ample of people doing admirably upon six hundred and forty acre farms with ï¬ve hundred dollars borrowed capital. 01' conrse, but a small portion of the land can be worked for a few years. In ‘fact many a man has done well whose ‘only capital has been his labor. The tables referred to give full information ‘yas to all necessary expenses and all reâ€" !ceipts which may be reasonably expected; Land are simply invaluable to the intend- _: ing agricultural immigrant. The work has evidently been written by a man who is at home with his sub-- jcot, whose statemenla may be relied on, and who seems determined to do what he can to promote “ succczsful emigra- tion to Canada.†. Easlly Caught. It 18 very easy to catch (:uld, but not so onsyto cure it unless you use Hagyard’s I’ecloral Balsam, llle best remedy for all tllrtml.bronchinl and lung troubles: coughs, ('uld: m‘d consulnplivc {ehdunciuth A Few Words About Trees. Sunday was reported by the inhabitants ol'Gooseville to have been the most dreary witne‘sscd in ten ytars. our Church being completely isolated. In the (:vcing some few, who could support a rig went to Rich- mond Hill to hear luv. Dr. bloue. but some pedestrians of a more romantic nature plodded their weary way to Victoria Square, to hear Rev. ‘W. ll. Booth. I hear they got left after Church as one of them could see bicycles on his way home. Headfoxd, May 5th, 1885. (Crowded out from last issue.) Simâ€"«May we not hope to see the presâ€" ent summer used to commence a good many plantations throughout the country? Timber of all sorts is growing scarce. In all our woodâ€"working establishments they are of opinion that of many woods our sup- ply is running veiy short. in ten years lime, he who has considerable oak, elm, basswood, hickory, maple, or any of the woods of commerce on hand, will be well ofl“. There is another inducement to action in this mutter, namely. that n fainter who protects his farm with a good broad planta- tion along its exposed side or sides will presently ï¬nd his farm labor much more remunerative by the possession of shelter. or those few farmers who possess lines of sheltering plantations, I have not found one who would relinquish them for any money. The universal statement is, “I only wish I had wanted them when I ï¬rst came to the country; then I should not only have had shelter, but I would have been able to sell a good deal at ï¬st class timber by this time.†With such plenty of young trees as are yet to be found in some of our woods, there is no difï¬culty in starting a good reserve of forest on any furm, A great many trees could well be planted this spring. But to any one who would wish to defer it till fall, when they may have a piece of ground in good order for the purpose. I would suggest a method which I obtained from a very successful tree cultivator. “Trees I plant,†said he, " rnrely fail to grow. My method is, in June to go to the bush, select such young trees as appear most tit. and with a sharp spade cut a circle round the tree about eight inches from the stem. I tie a string round the tree to show that its roots are cut, and mark a red chalk cross on the south side, to plant it asit stood. I then leave it till full, when I take the waggon and go for my trees. By this time the summer’sgrowth has started fresh roots inside the circle, nnd the young:r tree, prop- erly lifted with tt spade. will come up a mass of earth and roots which will cling toaether, and grow without fail. Then, taking all the earth I can, and planting ur once after diggingï¬lling up with Soft loum. not hard chunks. and mulching We‘ll llflet" wards, the trees will live, if mice and cattle can he kept away.†Mr. E. F. and C. M. of Victoria Square, were in town last week. The fotu‘er hay-- ing received a pressing invitation to call upon one of our young ladies. He being rather bashful, called upon the latter, who by his winning smiles and loving ways cupt- ivutes all the young ladies who fall into his company. They proceeded as for us the school-house, and thought they would turn in to Miss B’s, and lflh’e some lunch before proceeding, she being a very‘inti - mate friend ofthe lndy Mr. E. F. was in quest of. Fortunately, this young lady had come there to dine that same (l ty. Mr. F. was completely overwhelmed with joy at ï¬nding as he expected u prize of such value at his disposal, but after relating his story, the young lady said she knew nothing about it. Mr, I". was stung to the quick to think he had been so foolishly enticed to the Queen city. Their homeward journey was somewhat quiet in comparison to the morn- lug trip. To the Editor of the Herald. Toronto, May 7th, 1885. A 'grand meeting of the Military School took place in the store-whom belonging: to Jag. Wellmm) on Wednesday evening. for the purpose of electing new ofï¬cers and purchasing tiflcs suitable to defend the towu, us it is in gloat danger of ï¬ll attack by Yellow Calf All the members lucsent, it was moyed that the l’t'esidPnt, Mr. Jos. Comisliy, tnlte the chair. The khaitmun in u iew htin and well chosen nmmlts congratulated the braves on driving off Yellow Calfnnd his bund from the Sugar Cum p, and the able manner in “hich the-y. disposed ofthe syrup, and stated for what reason the meeting had been called. The ofï¬cers were all re-‘elected :â€" Walter Mapes acting as See. and st Wellmun as 'J'reus. They have decided on the Winchester rifles in preference to the old muskets they foun- Bt'lV had. Trees planted closelyâ€"say four feet each wayâ€"by the acre, will grow much more rapidly. and produce much better timber than those grown separately Orin lines. The roadside tree grows to branchesâ€"the plantation tree to tall, straight sticks of clear timber. Planted in numbers, each tree to overtop the ether, and one tree thus help: the other to grow. Spring and Summer. . Prepare the adv for health and Vigor by taking Dr. Chase‘s Liver Cure. No Spring Medicine equalst 1! stimulates the Liver, aids digesxiou, and [uniï¬es the blond. Large home and Recipe Book, $1. Sold by Sanderson Bros. (From our own Correspondent.) Yours, etc., Headford. R. W. Pumps PEEK--A-vBOO. THE BEST value in~ coatons from 40 up, at Crosby’s. ‘ ' THE Rutledge PubliShiug 00., of Easton, Pm, is a fraud. FINE Teas and Coffees at. The Cheap Cash House at lowest. prices. THIRD SUNDAY.~â€"Service will be he!d in St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in this village on Sunday» next, at 11 am. COUNCIL.â€"~The next meeting of our village fathers will be held in the Counâ€" cil Chamber on Monday evening next, 18th inst. INSPECTIONâ€"The Public School Inâ€" spector, Mr. D. Fotberingman, was inâ€" specting our schools this week, and re- ported them in good standing. GENERAL Groceries at lowest prices at the Fire Proof. RETURNED.â€"We are pleased to learn ihat Mr. and Mrs. Peter Patter-- son have returned from their trip to California mucir improved in health. SEND THEM IN.â€"â€"The Secretary of the Agricuhural Society is new ready to receive entries for the Spring Fair to be held in this village on the 25th lust. Exhibitors send on your entries I MRS. Adnmspn, of Toronto, Solo Vioâ€" linist. is a hbe in l1érself', and she will perform at thé Presbyterian Church Concert. in 'this village, on the evening of the Queen’s Birthday, 25th inst. Go and hear her I . 1)l?.OGltAI\ll\lE.â€"â€"Tl)0 following is the programme which will be carried out at Methodist Church Concert, in this vil - lage,on the owning of Queen's Birthday. 25th inst. :-â€"-Trioâ€"*‘ Ye Shepherds lull me â€â€"l\liss Marie 0. Strong, Miss Berryuzan, and Mr. F. Warrington; Songâ€"“ The Heaven in the Valley â€â€" Herr Fried ; Songâ€""The Better Land†â€"Mrs Celeste V. Kellie; Duetâ€"“ Exâ€" clalsior â€â€"-Miss Beiryman and Mr. F. Warrington; Songâ€"“Grand old Ocean†~â€"-Miss Marie 0. Strong: Song «“ Thy Sentinel um I â€â€"â€"-Mr. F, Warrington; â€"â€"Song-â€"-"Swinglngâ€â€"Miss Berrymun, Ductâ€"“ Master and Schoolâ€â€"â€"Mrs. Celeste V, Kellie and Mr, F. “’arringâ€" ton ; Piano Bebeâ€"Irish Airs-«Mrs. Blight; Songâ€"Tit for Tatâ€"Miss Berryman; Songâ€"It was not to beâ€" Ierr Fried ; Tri0«Ti Prego O l’adri â€"Mrs Celeste V Keltie. Herr Fried, and Mr F Warrington; Recit’airâ€"Fia dungue O Mio Fernand0~Miss Marie (3 Strong; Songâ€"The Boatswain’s Storyâ€"Mr F Warrington; Songâ€"â€"-The touch of a Vanished llundâ€"J‘lrs U V. Kcltie; Duet-â€"Love and Warâ€"â€" Heir Fried and F. Warrington. Don’t, fail to hear the above talent, or you will miss the [rout of the season, as Mrs. Kellie is a concert in hcrsclt‘. FIRST-CLASS Potatoes at The Cheap Cash House, only 300. per bag. NOT IMPROBABLE.â€" It is reported that Sir Charles ’l‘upper will return to Canada. and that Sir Leonard ’J‘illey, who has been ordered to England for the good of his lzealtli. will take his place as High Commissigner,â€"Sir Charles Icy- entering the Cabinet as Minister of Railways. HOLD ON 1 to what ?your money until the evening of $116 25th inst, Queen's Birthday. and then spend it to adâ€" vantage by *going to the Presbyteriâ€" an Church Concert. and hear Mr Chas. Kelly of Collingwood, the popular Baritone Singer and Guitar player, also Mr. Suns lï¬ehnï¬Ã©e; of Toronto, 'the unequalled Tenor Singer. GRAND SPRING EXHIBITION.â€"â€"The eleventh Annual Spring Exhibition of the Richmond, Hill and Yonge Street Agricultural chiety will be held on the Queen’s Birthday, Monday, May 25th, 1885, on the Fair Grounds in the village of Richmond Hill. Over $800 will be distributed in prizes to successful com~ petitors. Several special prizes will also be offered. The Richmond Hill Brass Band will be in attendance during: the day. Dairy Produce, Ladies’ Work, ete., will be exhibited on the grounds. A number of Directors have been apâ€" pointed to take» charge of the various classes, and it is expected that the Fair this year will surpass any thing previous ly held. For Rules and Regulations, Prize List, ete.,‘see posters. I). l’ugsley, M . Palmer, 14‘. Powell, U. Skeele, G. Derry: and J. Piper. Bull to be faced at 2 p.m. The public is in- vitcd to attend. Admiasion to the grounds 15 cents. With its fair aim-d C‘hangei'ul‘ dress L- A type of oui‘ youthful country In its pi‘ide and loveliness.†Fms'r MATeII.-â€"The ï¬rst Grand Lacrosse Match this season will take place betweenthe Victor-ins of l’ai'kdale. and Young Canadians, of Richmond Hill, West-em District Champions, on the Fair Grounds in this village on Sat urday next, 16th inst. Although our 1055 have not, as 36.4, had much practice this season, on account of the nnf’aiorn able weather, they will, no doubt, give their opponents, who are counted upon as being a ï¬rst--elass Club, a good game, and it is expected that the ninteh will he very exciting and closely contested. The Young Canadians will appear in their new suits,_and we trust they will look as nice and neat as they have in former years. The team will be picked from the following list :â€"â€"A l’ugsley,\\’ Mager, J, MCCOnaghy. S. S. Seni'le, C. Savage,\V, Viley‘ 'l‘. Young,B. Brown, A LARGE NUMBER PLANTED.â€" Friday lust, Arbor Day, was duly ree- ognised in this village. A large numbâ€" er of'out citizens gathered together in good time, and after securing several conveyances made for the woods, where the ï¬nest and best young trees that could be secured were brought home and planted principally along Yonge Street. A number of those that. were planted lust your having died. they were replaced with fresh ones, and altogether about 150 were set out. The Maple Reerncd to hold entire sway to the exclusion of all other varieties. and we are not sur» prised, as it is, without doubt, the nicest and most beautiful shade tree that can be planted, _and we are fully in accord with Darnell when he says :â€" All hail-to the breadâ€"leared Maple l LOCAL ITEMS. EXTRA value in ï¬ne Dress Goods at The Cheap Uash House. MISLAID-TWO Ladies" Rubber Coats mislaid. Any person having such may ï¬nd an owner by applying to L. B., n this Oflice. GREEN grass is beginning to show up, and the trees and shrubs are already budding, and will shortly appear in their spring grandeur should the ï¬ne weather continue. ' RICH and poor, young and 01d, and in fact every person is invited to attend the Presbyterian Concert in this village on the evening of the Queen’s Birthday, and enjoy a rare treat. CLEAN UP.â€"Housebolders clean up your backyards, outbouses, etc., at once. The Ileath Inspector will. be visiting you shortly and it is better to do the work voluntarily than under compulsion. IF YOU want agood Tapestry Carâ€" pet for 400. per yard, go to the Fire Proof. HURRAH l Our village is at last going to be favored with a visit from the celebrated Mrs. Ua'ldWell., as she will sing at the Presbyterian Concert on the evening of the Queen‘s Birthday. Don't fail to hear her, it may be your last chance. THIS SETTLES Ilaâ€"Webster tells us 'ru the dictionary proper that “dynâ€"aâ€" mire†is the way to pronounce it, but the supplementary list. says "dy-naâ€" mite.†Perhaps the better way will be l0 call it. dinâ€"aâ€"mite when it merely makes a noise, dienumite when it. kills somebody. THE hmumnATM)\VAR NEWSâ€"- We have received the sixth number of the popular Illustrated War News. The trout page contains a picture wldch \vfll be oi'intcnse, though mournful, interest to Canadians. It represents the Burial Os the Volunteers who fell at the Battle of Fish Creek. A graphic sketch shows the attack of halfibreeds on the steamer carrying the ï¬rst expedition for the reâ€" lies of Battleford. The commencement of the ï¬ght at Duke Lake is given from a sketch furnished by a Itorthâ€"VVest Mounted Policemen. The advance guard of the Royal Urcnadi as passing Humâ€" boldt, and the men of "C" Company (Infantry School) returning irom a rabbit hunt are from sketches from the same source. The entertainment of the 7th Fusiliers, of London, at Port Arthur is shown on page four, also the Ottawa Sharpshooters (G. G. F, G.) at VVinniâ€" peg. This number contains the usual twopageSuppbnwnt, whmhis a ï¬ne one, and represents, in three sketches, Toronto ladies receiving and packing contributions for the soldiers at the ï¬onL The paperseHsatlï¬ cmns per copy. DETROIT FREE Pumaâ€"Mrs Caldâ€" well has a Very ï¬ne and remarkably flexâ€" ible soprano voiceâ€"in respect of flexibil- ity, lhe ï¬nest, perhaps, that has teen here in years. It is not easy 10 over~ praise her singing. Go and hear Mrs Caldwell at the Presbyterian Concert in tlus place, on the Queen’s Birthday, 25th inst. IIOLLown’s UlN’t‘MEN’t‘.â€"Sores,\Vonnds. Ulcexutiuns, and other diseases affecting the skin, are capable of speedy amendment by [his cooling nnd healing ungueut, which has called forth the loudest praise from persons who had suffered for years from bad legs, abscesses, and chronic ulcers, after every hope of cure had long passed away. None but those who have ex- perienced the soothing effect of this ()tnt-- ment can form an idea of the comfort it. be- stows by restraining inflammation: and 91-- latying 1min. Whenever Uolloway's Uint« nient has been once used it has established its own worth, and has. again been eut'get'ly sought for as the easiest and sufest remedy for all ulcerous complaints. In neuralgia, lheumutism and gout, the sunm application, l‘lthl} used, gires “onderful 1eliui'. PHILADELPHIA J 0URNAL.â€"The song, “IfEnghmd tu Herself be True,†by Mr Sims Richards (almost 3 Sims icovcs) brought down the house. He was brought back the third timeY in the second part of the Concert, and when he sang‘The Star Spangled Banner,’ the audience went fairly wild with enthusi asmi Mr Richards sings at the Pres-â€" byterian Concert here on the evening of the Queen’s Birthday, May 25th. IMPROVING â€"- Councillor Savage has had the painters busy as been around his premises for the last week. His store and residence have undergone a thorough renovating, being 'painted in a bottled green and dark wine color; and shows oil to splendid advantage, making them compare very favorably with any in‘ the village. Sanderson Bros. have been greatly improving their Drug Store late-- ly, both inside and out, by having it nicely painted and ï¬xed up generally. They have placed in the store three magniï¬cent new oval show cases Mr Matthew McNair, at the north end, has also been treating his residence to a coat of paint, which gives 1t :1 ï¬ne appearance. And thus our village gradually improves. FISHERY LAWS.â€"Tlle followmg are the provisrons of the ï¬shery laws, which should be read at the present time :â€" Pickercl cannot be caught from 15th April to 15th May. Maskilonge cannot. be caught from 15(11 April to 15th M ay. Bass cannot be caught from the 15ih April to l5th May. Net or seine ï¬shâ€" ing without licenses is prohibited. Nets most be raised from Saturday night until Monday morning of each week. Nets cannot be set nor seines used so as to bar channels or bays. Indians as well. as white men are forbidden to ï¬sh illegally. Each person found guilty of violatingr these regulations is liable to ï¬ne and costs, or in default of payment is subject to imprisonment, No person shall, during such prohibited times, ï¬sh for, catch, kill, buy, sell, or have in possession any of‘ the Linds of ï¬sh menâ€" tioned above. NEW Suitings and Trowseringa, in nobby patterns, at The Cheap Gaul) House. Snnu'mas from 10c up, at the File Proof, best value ever shown in Rich- mond Hill. LOCAL ITEMS. OTTAWA. May 13.â€"In the Home of Commons the Hon. Minister 01' Militia. this afternoon read the iollowing omcinl despatch from General Middleton, received here at ï¬ve o'clock this morning: “Bu‘ocnm Hons], May 11. “ Have just made a. general attack and cmied the whole settlement The men behaved splendidly. Rebels in full flight. Sorry to say have not got Riel. While I was reconnoibering this morning. William Ashley, one of Riel'e pris- onersgalloped up with a, flag of truce and handed me a. letzter from Riel, saying: “ If you massacre our families I shall maesapre ï¬le prigqueta." " I sent an an i; it he would put the women and children in one place and let me know where it was, not a. shot would be ï¬red at them. I then returned to camp and pushed on my advanced parties, who were heavily ï¬red on. I no pushed on until I saw my chance, and order- ed a. general advance. The men responded nobly, «inlandidly leg] by their oï¬ï¬cqxj,‘001.'§l;ral.1benzie‘r They drove the enemy out of the rifle pits. Af- ter the rifle pits had been carried they forced their way acrosn the plain and seized the houiel, and we are now masters of the place. Most of my _f0_rr_:e§ _wi1_I b9 bivoqucked there. _ “ Right in the heat. of the action, Astlev came back with another message from Riel uvfolmws :r ‘ General, your prompt answer to my note shows I was right in mentioning to you the cause of humanity. ‘Ve will gather our families in one 1ace,a.nd as soon as it. is done we will let you *now.’ On the envelope Riel had written as fol- lows : ' I don’t like war, and it you do not. retresb and refuse an intsrview the question xemuins the Banjg concerning the priggners.z ‘ ‘Our losses I am afraid are heavy, but not IO heavy as might be expected. As yet I ï¬nd it is ï¬ve killed and ten wounded, †This is all I know of it at m‘eï¬ent. "The prisoners are all released and safe in my camp ; among them Jackson, a White :man, who was Riel’s secretary. He is not Wounded seriously, A Sad Neglect. Neglecting a constipaled condilion of lhe bOWels is sure to bring ill health and great Bufl‘ering. lï¬uxdocls Blood Bitters regulate the bowels in a natural manner, purifying Ihe blood and promote a healthy action of the stomach. liver, kidneys and bowels. I ï¬nd since Peter Pud‘ has left this part 0!" the country that things are very dull, and we don’t get. the news of the day to keep us in tune, so I thought in the absence of Polar Pad, I would give you ll‘ few notes; Some of the farmrers Around Lnskay troubled with the blues on account of Int; spring and the; scarcity of feedzA Barley Outs, Peas Ryo Bugler is on lhewar path again, and islhiuking of atarnug on Yhnky I. So Yanky had better be looking out for another pugilist, as I ï¬nd that Happy Frank is in favor of (he Bugler. We are very sorry to hear that the doctor i1 going to leave this town. It appears that people hexe have cnlfed on another doctor,so is moving to Kinghern, where he lhiuks he can establish abetter practice with a nicer class 011' peOple than ever he Could at Laskay. One of the Rebel spies has been sneak- ing around here trying 10 ï¬nd out the Strength: of the army here. I think Captm‘n' {owlen is going to place Omaha as the Drill Inspector. on picket. for lhe future. The peoyle of this town think lhat the rebel spy will soon meet his deserts with such a man as Omaha on picket. Wheat full, new. per bush ..... Spring do Barley do Outs, no .. Peas do . Rye do Dresï¬ed Hogsmer 100 ibu. Beef, hind quarters, per 1w lbs . Mutton, by the curcuso per 100 lbs Chickens, per pair ‘ Ducks, por brace Geese, each ......... Turkeys, each Buttonlbrolls .. large r0115.. tub dairy... Eggs, freak, doz Potatoes, par bbl Anples per barrel Onions. green, per bag. Cabbage, per do Calury, per do .. . Tlu'uips, per bag .. Carrots, per do . Buets, per bag ..... Pnrsnips, per bag . Hay pentou ...... Stmw per, ton. Wuol Der lb. Spu'xgeon was around the other evening taking notes. Notica is hereby given that n dividend of three per cunt. upon the maid up Ca piml Stock of this Institution has this day been declared for the current half your, and that the same will be payable at the bunk and its branches on and after next. The Trunsfr‘r Books will be closed from the 17th to the 3151; May, bash days inclusive. Tho Annuul Gout-m1 Meeting («f the Share-- holders will be held at the Bank on next. the chair to be taken at twelve o’clock, noon. By order of the Board. Uné of the dudes of this town is going to the North Shore [0 ï¬sh, and build bmb wire feucr’s. Toronto, April 23rd. 1885‘ Bliluiu has beet-1 over to King Creek looking after a. brass turkey. Monday, lst day June May 1m], 1885. CENTRAL BARK 0F CANADA. MONDAY, 15TH DAY JUNE For Alternate Husbandry, Permanent Pas- tures and Meadows. We make this a speci- al feature in our Agricultural Seed De- partment. Mixtures prepared for any soil or purpose. None but the ï¬nest varieties used. DON’T FAIL TO TRY THEM. Finest varieties of Turnip, _Carrp_t and Alsike,lBokhara. Early and Large Late, Lu- cerne'White Dutch and Trefoil Clovers. Orchard, Kentucky Blue. Red Top, Perrenial and Italian Rye. Timothy, &c.,&c. A full line of Seed Wheat. Oats, Barley, Peas, Tares, 8m. SEED AN D PRODUCE MERCHANTS, Corner Fornt & Jarvis Sts., TORONTO. gm: ï¬dmtimtmw. Latest War Despatch. “Mangéf Seeds of unexceiled quality. PLEASE DON’T OMI'I‘ A CALL WHEN IN THE CITY. ZDIVID EN 1) NO. 2. TH E M A RKE’I‘S THE GENERAL'B REPORT.‘ (From Our Own Correspondent.) ’I‘ORON'l‘t): THURSDAY. May 14. 1885. rmcma AT mmmnu- wmeons L11, new. per bush ....S 0 96 GRASS MIXTURES. LASKAY. CLOVER SEEDS. SEED GRAINS. A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. GRASSES. MIDDLETON." OLD PROD. 056 0 50' 0 6'.) 16' 00 Q5 (‘0 7 00 I4 ()0 5.56 8° 1 25 18 00 15 14 0 67 2:") 30 40 $0 98 0 99 a1 9 [he l 00 1 10 2 50 20 («0 15 0 73 276 47 00 7 l 4O 00 COURT OF REVISION For the correction of the Annulment Roll lb! 1885, will be held in the Mochanica' Institute Hall‘ at the hour of 7.30 o’clock, p. 111.. on MONDAY, JUNE IST, 1885. Woodbridge, May 14th, 1885. BOOTS 65 SHOES? CARRYING O‘N BUSINESS To which the public is cordiallv invited to ex- amine. Boots 6; Shoes any style and made MI order. Repairing neatly mad" pmmpflv do“: Richmond Hill, April 16th,.1885. PROF. W. M. CLARKE. “VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSE Apply atthe Music Store, Richmond Hill. Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. COPY OF CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned do hereby certify (1m! Wm. Mumford Clarke has this day successfully passed his ï¬rst degree in Music. and therefore he shall be classed as a. Professor. Richmond Hill. April 14th, 1885. MISS FLO-RA COU LTER MISS ETTA BAILEY March 25th. 1855. â€"wmn.amn~ Lessons on the Piano and I beg to call the attention at the public that I. intend WILL STAND FOR MARES AT THEIR OWN. ,, STABLES, OAKRIDG-ES. In the old- stand and have reoaived-a lugs shock of mulzsm‘xmy Imported "chxm FREE," dam “NIARM HAMPTON," hm; been the best horse over hurdles in America. and his record In this style of rucing has never been beaten either on this- Continent or in England. March 19th, 1885. ORIOLE. now 5 years old, by “ERIN CHIEF,†dam thoroughbred mare " Monmu, " by imported “THE TESTER," grand dam by “VALPARAISO,†is for appearance and speed ad- mitted to be superior to his celebrated sire. To Insure a Foal Single Leap .......... Ofï¬ce 8L Residence-i P. O. Buttonvil‘l‘ebmï¬ Mares taken to 'pnsture and carefully uttendott to on reasonable terms. H. UHBTTUN ST. EBUREB, 17 K OAGULINErâ€"C‘emeuri for Broken Articles. Sold everywhere. GEO. F. KELLY, Veterinary Surgeon ! MILESIAN Organist Trinity Church, Tnornhill, is open to receive pupils in NEW GOODS LESSO‘NS INT MUSIC. Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. Richmond Hill, Feli 11th,, {885; of tlia Villth of Woodbrids'éc Organ. Feb 2nd, 1885. TOR COUG HS AND’ COLD‘S NOTICE I THE STALLIONS AY'S VCOMPOUVIVD, a demulcent AY’S COMPOUNDJ‘ur Coughs and AY'S TIO PILLS, a speciï¬c in Neurnnï¬a, Fmee‘vache, &c. 1 ATS COMI’O'U’DTDEFLIMEEI} J Chlorog‘yï¬e‘ Articles. Sold everywhere. Sole Makers.â€"KAY BROS, Sbockport, Eng Jolds, is equally serviceable for Hérses and Cattle ORIOLE! A1miaegd,Senega. Squill,Tolu, &c.,with expecturanb, for Coughs and Colds . W. F. C. BATOHELOE, M. D. s‘gned {H W. BAXTEn, M. M. London. Eng IS‘ PREPARED TO GIVE Rotiba is given that the Residenceâ€"Opposite Presbyterian, Church, Richmond Him JOHN McCLURE. Clerk. citing-"iv. TEWSI â€"ANDâ€"- it‘5 ROBT. SIVER. ce_Lot 8, 4th Con'. Tp, of Markham. ’Day and night culls promptly attended to Oukridgos P 0, Out. llt 16