Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 May 1885, p. 3

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UPRKGâ€"HT AND SQUARE E EEE; 3&3 “ ? {EH 9 S E Magma. R. S. WILLIAMS & SON .s. Tum) . , ‘ y W . _ . NTO A1111 12th 1 (JRNTJJuMLTx ~] hnvc much pleasure 1n testfiymg to the grant ox olfence of, \Tlur Piano’s 88;. lmvu put them sevm’olv to inquest, and find them possessed of thusn quulitivs of tone and tonal-1 no no" cephablu tn the true nnl. nLn 11nd luvm‘ of classical musicâ€"u clnmning singing tone easily grudu , v _ Med from the most, (101i Lte pinuifisimo to every degree of loudness and f ‘ ' ' . _ . ulnehs 11 - » nus 'ers mndll): to c ' r_\' .slmdo (>1 funllng. ’ nd a mth Whth Mussns 1: S.\V1LTJAT\IB & Snxs- TORONTO Nov 4th 188" Glebâ€"lhwmg thyuughly examined the \Vorlmmnship of your Pianos, 1 lmvo no hesitation in bhutng thm, 111 my (umnun, they are equal to those of {my other: of the best Makers that Ihuwe seen 1 nun nn‘lu alum h. Hun fl».‘|\ll 11hr]: Gav-nu I~Arlnw A tremendous Stock all sizes and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere. (Toronto not excepted.) GROOEBIES OF ALL KINDS 1 consider £11031; inshunmuta u gruutuuc'qnisitiou in musiciul society, and am finding 1;, piano wlnch l can recommend wmh perfect confidence. 771 Mil glud to hour that the cxte sive sulu‘of yo 5 111111;” success that 1 think you justly deserve. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, \ I . ‘ A > _ I A , F _ _ ‘ uu‘ ‘ "y AIAllul\rlD mum AIHLVU seen 1 can only speak 1n L110, mu: lugh terms regardlug then‘ muslcul qualities ; for their tine full sing- jug capability of tune. pleasant touch, (\20, m1} such, that there seems to be no necessity to purchase ioreigu instruments, when our home enterpnse can produce such 1’ _ _ ianos, und at onwthird less cost 1 am glad to hour thut th e cxtenswe sale of your Instruments shows that you uro meeting with the cur-nunfl “mi. '1 think vnn in sz (hmnrvo BQGTS AND SHOES â€" 3... WW; muke u Slrck‘riil‘l Her of Organs in large quqntibiufi. uud1_Lru therefore able to offer them at (up cuptimmlly low mum. Fuynmnts mnmged to b‘ult the comemence cf purchasers and spread over a tuuu ul yours. 1‘01 mm particulars write to R. S. WILLIAIMIS, Yonee St. Toronto. OR 226 Dundas St. London TEE ONTARIO HOUSE E885 @PBING1885 EVERY_LINE A SPECIALITY NEW SPRING GOODS @RGANSF] Axe constructed from the very best Materials by experienced Workmen, and are fully equal in point of ‘*\ Cgrf‘mrp \ ~ * V , 4 A. q ’ r ‘5‘» i“ C152 , ; f" , U‘ 3;, wimcwfvgsmsmj {Si/pwflg‘ / ()0 {WW}, {?%x 3 , a y r, 1), K \ W )‘J\ 7 1 Try our beautiful Teas from 25 cts, to 80 cts per lb. Suuars, Soaps, Canned Goods, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Etc. First cl=iss,Butter and lresll Eggs always on hand. Goods Delivered. A call solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. 1 mm, Gentlemen. yours very truly; ARRIVENG ALMO$T DAILY ASSORTED Field and Garden Seeds in great quantities. Choice Faunily Flour and Feeds of all kinds. Spades, Shovels, Forks, and other Hardware at very low prices. STOCK LARGE AND TESETIMOIQIALS. To the high priced American Instruments. â€"-New Goods atâ€" AT THE PEANGS ! CHAS W.EWING, (Of London, England,) Organist, of St Peter's Church. Uuburg, 0n T91mN'r9,_Nov. 4th, 1882. -11? ,1, .. A ISAAC CROSBY. JQSEPH HQLL. 226 ’nafidas’StIEEaZ'fl GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc‘ much pleased at Drive it Away. DrivP nwuy all poisum-us humnr f'mm 1119 Mood before it dn'elops in scrufulu (2r sum“ Chronic {'m-n- nl disease. Buidock Bluud Bitlers will do i[. A Golden Opinion. Mm Wm Allan. of Acmn, (leulmes llml Hniymd's Yellow Oil is the bust lmusch :ld I'vmvdy in the world for culrls. L'I'oup, HOI'C lhrmu, burns. scnlds and mixer painful complaints. Her Opinion is well founded. “ BROWN’H I‘IUUEHULD I’ANAUEA "has no equal for relieving 1min. both intvrnul and external 1t cures l’minin the Side. Buck 01' Bownls, Sore Throat, Rlicunmtism, tontlmclw, Lumlmggo and any kind of 11, Pain or Ache. “ It will must. surely quicken the Blood nnd Hon], us its (H'tlllg pmvvris wondm l‘ul." ” Brown’s Household Panacea,” lie-- ing acknowledged {LS the grout Pain Reliever, and of double the strength of any other Elixir or Liniment in the world, should be in every fzunily handy for use when \vuntnd, “ as it really is the qest rmnody in the world for Cramps in the stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kind“ " and a, is fol sale bv all Drugpists at 25 cents 1L bottle Pvrhnps the most extraordinary success that lms been achieved in modern medicine has been attained hv the Dixon trontmont for (liitm‘rh. Out of 2,000 patients trented during the past six month ‘, fully Lin v per cent have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the lei-is startling when it is renmniberod that not five per cent. of 1mtionts presenting themselves to the rcmilnr nructitioncr me hem-fitted, while the put- r‘nt medicines uud other advertised cures never rcrord u cum ut 1111. Shifting with the claim now gmmrully lt-olim'od by the most Fciontifio nmn tlmt the disonse is due to the prosonce of living parasites in the tissue. Mr Dixon :Lt once adapted his mm). to their oxtcnninutionitl‘is nc- complishml, Im claims the (intmrh is practically (mrnd, and the permanency is unquestioned, {is CIITK‘S oflected by him {our yeui's ngo are cures Mil], No min olsv hns over nttmnptml to cum (Tutnn'h in this nnmnm‘, and no (ltlll‘l‘ troutnirnt has ever cured ()uturrh. The, aplilicntion of the rmnedv is siniplv. mnl can he donn at home, and the prosont season of the your is the must fav- ournbln torn snwr‘nv nnd permnnont cure, the niujm-ity of cnsns being cured at one trentnmnt. Sufft‘rors should Cl‘l‘l‘OSpOlld with Messrs A H DIXON 6(- FZON. 305 King street, west, Toronto, Canada. nnd enclose stmnp ful‘ their truutise on Cnluxrlx.~â€"Montrcnl STAR. I wish some stronglmuht angel stood before you, just now. while you road. girls, to flush be- fore you, us no words of mine can, the power you possess to heln or to hinder the cause of helm-crnuca; to mukc you feel your responsibll- ity, because you ure girls, in this mutter; to shudder at its weight, and to never ceuse trying to fulfil it I Dnnbtless you have heard in great deal about the value of your smiles ; but do you lmow the value 01 your frowns ‘2 I wish 1 could make you feel the value of your frowns and the hmmrmnce of knowing just what, to frown upon, \‘v’lmt 9. man moat, (10 by a blow u woman can do by u. frown. “11911 the timc comes that the young mom who now slnu'es his tixno in your an- cioty and the saloon ; who ljokes about; tempor- nnca in your presence, and taken a. glass, socially. now and than, is 11101219 to feel that, these things munml, lm if You um to be his companion nt portly ride or church ; that good society cannot tolarntu those things in its membnrs; in short, thut lllifi kind of mun in unmshionablo and unpopular. thou alcohol will tremble on its throng, and the liquor truffle will hide its cancerous face. GATA RRHnA N EW TREATM ENT. \Vliul Mrs. Hayes did in lhe While Home every woman can do in liar own liume, ll she will. If the girls Mlm read these words will each (bf lht-m, all logellin', use their influence on 1116 side of temperance they can make temperance fashionable u here the y me, \\ ill yuu do it. ' Goriva Grunt does 1: manly thing in refusing to drink wine everywhere and in all society It is only :1 strong: man who can keep his wine-glass upside down~in this 01158 right side up tool~ while all the grand people around him are sipp« in ; chmnpngue tmd twisting! eucli other in apal'k~ ling drinks. No mm mm tvll how “ fru this little cumllo shed its light." But no man can du for n fashir‘n in society whth 1L woman can It is women only, us Dr. Holland said; Blood. 500,000 SOLD 01/:r one-half milll'zm of Dr. Chase’s Recife Books were sold in Canada along. We want awry man, woman and child who is [rambled with A's/er Com- plaint to try this CIL‘E-Zl-LLflf rcmcdy. r v- .. .m -|\Iul um nut-c, nnu CHEETâ€" lnlly endured :he' liffed eyebrows and shrugged thoulders of lhe diplmnancs. British. French, Russia-all. and the little slmrI--lived hiss of “ funhiouuble ” society, unli: 11ml hiss turned in u (:lle‘o’l‘, and fash- innuhlu snciuly turned round. like [he spaniel ii is, and trailed on behind Its mistrus. IL bevmne unl'ashinnuble to serve wine md 10 offer wine in feaslllmmljle 50-- ciely while Mr. Hayes was in the \\ bile House ' What. did Dr. Hollend mean by “women only ‘2” Is it true that only women can make wine-drinking unfashionahle and heal the Nation of' this curse? You and I need to know this first, because if only we women can do this thing. why it is an awful re-- sponsibility upon us, each one of us. And ifsomebody else can do it. we. like all the lothers. would like to give that somebody lelse the job. Five years ago. at Washing- ‘ton, Mrs. Hayes became mistress of the White House, and it. was for her. and no one else, to say what the social atmosphere should be which surrounded her guests. and how they should be entertained at her house Well. she did an unliearlluot'lhing. She banished wine fi'om‘ull her entertainments, with just one exception. Secretary Evan-ts made a fuss. He was mortified. 3e could not endure to have Lord nnd Lady English, Count and Countess French, Baroness German, come to the White House dinners and have nothing fit for them to drinkâ€"not a drop of poison l It was too utterly queer I 80 Mrs. Hayes made one exception in {av-- or of those great foreign highnesses, and allowed wine upon her table in their pres-- once. But only for once. Her conscience â€"hi,~_rh souled woman that she is lâ€"smote her for that one little cowardly compromise with wrong. She could better endure to have Secretary Evnrts and the Smiths ashnmt-d 0! her, than to he ashamed of helsell‘. So she quietly and forever after prohibited wine from her table, and cheerâ€" The unqualified suc s of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint resls solely with the fact that it is compounded from nature’s well known liver regulators MANDRAKE AND DANnELmN, combined with many other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having a powerful efl'ect on lhe Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and It is :1 well known {21E} rtl‘iat' an inactive liver causes a dull, sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples, etc. ; Chase's Liver Cure is the only remedy that will most positively cure these complaints. SOMETHING New. Gavan AWAY FREE \Vrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase’s Liver Cure is a valuable Household Medical Guide and Recipe Book (84 pages), containing over 200 useful recipes, pronounced by medical men and (lruggists as invaluu able, and worth ten times the price ofthe medicine. I. EBMANSON 8:. 00., Sale Agents,‘radford. Liver Compiaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Biliousness, Jaundice, Headache, Di7 iness, Pain in the Back, Costiveness or any disease arising: from a deranged liver, DR. CHASE’S LIVER Cum; will be found a. sure and certain remedy. Miss Elizabeth Cleveland, the lady at the head of the White House. seems to be a pretty vigorous person, if we may judge from the following article from her pen, which appeared three years ago in the Youth's Temperance Banner. When wit- ing this panegyric on Mrs. Hayes, she could little have imagined she was committing herself. Her circumstances are. however, somewhat different from those of Mrs. Hayes, who was mistress of the situation. while she acknowledges that. she cannot control her brother:â€" J. 0. Holland Wrote in Mrs. Hayes’ album these words: “ I’Vemen only can make wine-drinking unfushinnable, and heal the Nation oflhis curse.” Rest And Comfort To The Suffering THE LADY OF THE WHITE HOUSE. '. C. T. Union Items. NATURE'S REMEDY HAVE YOU LADIES I Are you disturbed at night and broken of your ; rest by u. Sick child suffnl'ing and crying with 3 pain or cutiing teeth ‘2 If so, Send nt once nnd get u, bottle of Mus WINSLow’s SOOTUING SYRUP 1501:. CHILDREN TEETIHNG. Its vulue is inculcul- able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer inn-- 1 mediater Depend upon it, mothers, more in‘ no | miska 1L bout it, It cures dysentery and (liar- ‘ rha‘u, regulates the stumunh mid bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, ruduces lullumum- U011,llnd gives time and enemy to the whole system. Mics Wmmnw’s Soo‘rnmu mum you CHILDREN TMHTHING ispluusmxt to thc trustede is the prescription of mm'of the nlilcst and bvst female nurses and physwiuus iu the United ShltOF. and is for sule by all druggihtu through-- nut Hm “mun 1w: ‘1): 5 , . .7 u. To A. J. While. Esq. Spanish Tuwn, Jnmaiuu, West Indian. ' Out. ‘24, 18.82. Seigel's Operating Pills are the best family physio that has ever been dincovered. They cleanse the bowels from all irritating substances, and leave lhem in a healthy condition. They cure coaxivenesa. Preston, Sept. 218i, 1883. My Dear Sinâ€"Youn- Syrup und Pills :n'u anll very popular wilh my cuslmnera. many saying they are the best family medicines possible. I q n Denr Sinâ€"I write to inform you thntl have derived great benefit from " Seigel’s Syrup.” For some years I have sufl‘ered from liver complaint. with its many and varied concomitant evuls, so that my life was a perpetual misery. Twelve months ago I was induced to try Seigcl’s Syrup. and although rather sceptical. hm"ng tried so many reputed infallible remedies. I deâ€" termined to give at least it fair trial. In two or three tlnys I felt considerably better, and now nt the and of twelve months ( hurâ€" ng continued "thing it) l u'm glad to say .hut I nm a. tlifi'ercnt ht-ing altogether. It Is Said of certain pens that they " come as a boon and u blessing to men” and l have no tenson to doubt the truthfulness of the stzitt moot. I can truly say, however, that Scigei‘s Syrup has come as a “ boon and a blessing” to me I have recommende it to several fellowâ€"sufferers from this dis- tressng complaint. and their testimony is quite in accordance with my own. Gratin tudc for the benefit I lntve derived from the excellent preparation. prompts me to furnish you with this unsolicited testimonial. 1 am, dear Sir, Yours ever gratefully. ( Signed ) Carey 13. Berry, A. G. White, Esq. Baptist Missionary. â€" SL. Maryustmet, Peter-borough, November 29th, 1881. " Sinâ€"IL gives me great pleasure to in» forin you of the benefit i huve received from Seigel’s Syrup, ! have been troubled for years with dyspepsia; but after a, few doses of the Syrup. I found relief. and after taking two bottles of it I feel quite cured. I um, Sir, yours truly, Mr. A. J. White. William Brent. September 81h, 1863. Dear Sinâ€"I find the sale of Seigel’s Syrup steadily increasing. All who have tried it. speak very highly of its medicinal Virtues : one customer deseribps it as a “Godsend to dyspeplic people.” I always recommend it with confidence. Faithful yours, (Signed) Vincent A Wills, Cheniiel~~Deulist, Merlhyr ’l‘ydvil. To Mr A J White , The other day a (-nsmmer came for twn bottles of Syrup and said " Mother Seigel” had saved the life of his wife, and he added, “ one 0! these bottles I am sending fifteen milQSnway lo n friend who is very ill. 1 have much fuilh in jl.” The sale keeps up wonderlullv. in fact, one would fancy almost that the people were beginning: to blenkfusl, dine. and sup on MotherSeigel’s Syrup, the demand is so cunsmnt and the sntisfucnon so great. I am, dem- Sir. yours faithfully, ( Signed) W, Buwker. A. G. White, Esq. Baptist Missionary. Hensinghum, Whilellaven. Oct. 16, 1882. Mr A. J. Whitesâ€"Dear Sinâ€"T was for some lime uflllctud will; piles, and was ad" vised to give Mother Selgel’s Syrup :1 trial. which I did. 1 am now happy to state that it has restored me to complete l18..tl1,â€"â€"I remain, yours respectfully. (Signed) John B Lighlfoot. A roat Gur A cure for Group. Thole is no halter remedy for UN)le than liagyard‘s Yellow Oil taken ilHeI-uully and npplicd according to special directions. This is the gum! household panacea for rheumatism, axiff joints, yuin, inflammalinn. &c, r The American Ambassador at Vienna, Mr. Kusson, has lately forwarded to his Government an interesting account of a iremarkable surgical operation lately perâ€" lformed by Professor Billroth, of Vienna, which, wonderful to tell, consisted in the removal ofu portion of the human stomach, linvolving nearly one-third of the organâ€" and, strange to say. the patient recoveredâ€"- the only successful operation of the kind lever performed. The disease for which ithis operation was performed was cancer ;of the stomach. attended with the following ‘ ‘symptoms:â€"The appetite is quite poor. There is a peculiar indescribable distress ‘in the stomach, a feeling that has been de-- scribed as a faint “ all gone" sensation; a sticky slime collects about the teeth. es" pecially in the morning, accompanied by‘ un unpleasant taste. Food fails to satisfy this peculiar faint sensation; but. on the contrary, it appears to aggravate the feelâ€" ing. The eyes are sunken, tinged with yellow: the hands and feet become cold and stickyâ€"a. cold perspiration. The sufferers feel tired all the time, and sleep does not seem to give rest. After it. time the putient becomes nervous and irritable. gloomy,his mind filled with evil forcbodings When rising suddenly from a recumbent position there is a dizziness. a whistling sesatton, and he is obliged to grasp some-- thing firm to keep from falling. The‘ bowels costive, the kin dry and hot at. times; the blood becoming thick and ‘ stagnant. and does not circulate properly. 1 After a time the pntient spits up food snou nfler eallng, sometimes in a sour and fer-- mented condition. sometimes sweetish to the taste. OlIen--times there is a palpita- tation of the heart, and the patient fuan he may have heart disease. Towards the last the patient is unable to retain tiny food whatever, as the opening in the intestines becomes close, or nearly so. Although this disease is indeed alarming, sufi‘erers with the above-named symptoms should not feel nervous. for nine hundred and ninety-nine cases out ofa thousand have no ouncer, but simply dyspepsia, a disease easily removed iftreuted in a proper manner. The safest and best remedy for the disense is Seigel’s Curative Syrup, a vegetable ore-- patation sold by all chemists and medicine vendors throughout the world. and by the proprietors, A. J. White (Limited), 17. Farringdonroud. London, E. C. This Syrup strikes at the \erv foundation of the disense, and drives it, root. and branch, out ofthe system. Ladies Only. The complexion is oflen Iendered un- sightly by I'imples, Liver Spots, and Yel- l ywness. These it is well known are cuusvd from an inactive Liver mud bad blood. Dr Chase’s Liver Cure purifies xhe blood and whole system. See Recipe Book for toilet recipes. hints and suggestions onhow to preselve the cumplexion. Sold by Sund- erson Bros. “A. u. ‘«hbu1un out the wofld V'i'xxuv 25cm“ a bottle A Skilful Surgical Operatlon ADVICE TO I‘JIOTHERS A G F LAWRENUE Nov 27b11,18’4 For Manufacturing and other purposes. S oak and Share Brokers, etc, etc. And music of every description will be kept always on lmud at rock bottom prices. 1nstru-- moms tuned. Thu public arc invited to give us a cull and inspect our stock. Orders lnmmptly attended to. Toronto, May 29th, 1884. GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY I Farm & Other Property, Motels, Taverns and Business. Goudwiils [sought and Sold ! CALL ANI) SEE 31E. Tommo Feb.13t.h 1883 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Barristers, Solicitors, &0. Offices 18 King Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Office Every Satuday. \V M Hull, J S Fullerton. W Cook. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAK. ()u Suturd uys. Maury [0 Loan at Lowest Current Rates. Tho only Dentist in Toronto using Hurds up»- pumtus for UfiUAL STOCK‘OF GROOERIES MUSIC STORE. Bufiiatem, Attorneys-ut~lmw, Solicitbrs-ih- Convcvunccrs, etc, ()1flces~1mperiu.1 Chancery. Bunk Buildings. Wulliugtcu-strect, Toronto noMAs FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIN GEO F SHIPLEY WM SE‘L‘UN GORDON, HALL, FULLERTON &COOK CONVEYANCERS, ETC Toronto Offices-fifigfififigh‘ Richmond Hill ()[fice-fi FREEBIES WARRANTEB FDR Ifl Y’s fizwwm, finitextnrfi, NOTABKES, CONVEYANCERS, OFFICES : 15 York. Chambers, E COATEWORTH. J11. Toronto, Nov 18th, 1884 LAWRER‘CE & MELLEGAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Toronto Jun 9th 1883 C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. MIXED PAINTS IN ALL COLORS READY FOR USE 79, Queen Street, London, E. 0., Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merchants and Shippers, With a View to Autumn and Spring Business. They will also give the usual facili-- ties to customers requiring advances. London, July 3lst, 1884.â€"-9â€" m Ferguson, Baln. Gord_on anglmpley, EHTEEJZEE ME FflfilflES Extracting Teeth Without Pain CHARLES DONALD & (30., RECEENIOND HELL ! BEST SETS €51“ TEETH $8 SPRING HAS COME AGAIN APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. CLARKE & SEAGER- HILL, ONT. [)RAIN TILE, OF THE BE ~ QUALITY AT THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, Best NIaterial in the Market. Opposite Browns Bros. Bakery, whore a full supply of Richmond Hill, April 14th, 1885‘ Sl’NDlCAl‘I‘lS B‘OIIMED We will in u. few days open a new Music Store in the Village of Filling and all otheropomtions neatly done My Gold A LARGE STOCK 01‘ FURNITURE That has ever been CGATSWORTH & HOBO-INS, WFRTGMRES (RETAINED \VALL PAPER AND BORDERINGS 1 While: Lead, 01].: and Turpentine. Paint and Whilewash Brushes all iéirzeg. Full Stock of Painlers' Material at less than Toronto Prices. BIONBJY TO LOAN. ’l‘ry uur 25c. Teas. Ask for emmpTé. Flour and Feed. All will be sold at Bottom Prices. P. G. SAVAGE. \Vurmuted to be made from the By means of Vitalized Air. I‘utenb Rights disposed of ; TORONTO CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, And file People’s Store is on hand with the largest new stock of P. O. Box 2527. No 9 Toronto Street. J. I. EVANS & co, $25211. Lauder Lane Toronto. in this town, at. from 5c. 10 75c. per roll. A large stock of N0; 14 Building 85 Loan chumborsflé Toronto st. FRANK E. HODGINS. élv ’1‘ C MILLIGAN‘ 1y Hardware. Crockery, and the Rear of the Central Bank ly-pfim L43 pe‘rline .......... Each subsequent insertion. per line. .. Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion. Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged trunsiâ€"- ent rates. may still be consultéa illâ€"11:11}- b31301; Enfuthévpro feasion, as follows: Richmond Hill... . 9th & 24th of each month See our reduced loan table For fuithor i mution apply at the olficos 0f the Company (n1: Palmer Houééiw Aurora, lat, 8th, 18th, and 22nd Stoufi‘villo.. . ...... ....18th Markham ...... . .. .20th Victoria Square .213: Thurnhill ...... .-... ’...231d Wonabridge .. . Kleinburg .. Nobletou This Hotel has been refnrnislied, renovated, and fitted up in firstâ€"clues style, Mid is now the lending Hotel north of Toronto. The bar iv sup- plied with firHt-cluss bmnd of liquors and cigars. Excellent accommodation for Conmnercinl Travellers, mm the General Public Good Stabl- inu and an attentive Hustler. Money received on depmsit, and interest payable lmlfyezn'iy or compounded. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is nmnuged in First: Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stubling and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 ner day. Proctor‘s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R ’l‘mina going North and South. at 8 a 111., 12 a. 111., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. Western Canada OflioesANo TO, Churchfstrcut, 'fiorongo HUN GEO W ALLAN, Suuutor,1’msideutz GEORGE GOODERHAM ..................... Viceâ€"President Duma’rons~§muuel Plutt, M P, Alfred Gooder- hum, Geo W Lewis, Thus 11 Lee, Hon D L Mucpherson, Senator EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing omen, Yungn street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptwn:â€"$1l)0 per annum in advance. When not. paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. Transitory gdvertisements, first insertion, Vitalized air always on hand at 1 appointment. It £1005 away with extracting Eflfiféfl CEETEEL HTEI. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POWELL, I’rop Tomi Ass’eté, 353,600,600 SAVINGS BANK BRANCH Artiflcul 'I‘oethmppor or under, $5.00. Pain» less extracting by use of Ethcrized Air. The only firm in the Dominion executing first-class work at the above price. ' Will visit the followingpluces professionally .â€" Unionville,. ,..‘lst Monday of each month. Weston, l.9th and 215$ do Ma le,.,... 16111 do Rio mom! Hill. 19th do Woodbridge . l. 22nd do Mr Husband w111be found in his oflice, at Newtonhrook, every Saturday. except when Sutur- duy falls on the above (late. Ma 18,“. ............. Ric mond Hill THE PALMER HOUS RICHMOND HILL. J Palmer, Prc RIGGS 8: IVORY, VETALEZED AER ! THE YORK HERALD UNlY $I. G. H. HUSBAND,L- D. S SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto Thunkful for the f». yore of ‘ the ‘ page” years .Ll1! LA «Hahn - Capital, $21,000,000 ARosorve Fund, $460,000 Newtonbrook, June 13th. 1883. My Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgntivc. Is a. safe, sure, and eflectnal destruct- at mum in Children or Adults. FREEMAN’S WORM POWBERS. The York Herald. Loan and ngirggs Company . H. KEEFLER, DENTIST. NE WTONBROOK, ONT. WALTER 8 LEE, Efimm mm. Dr A ROBINSON. MOJVI'JY T0 LOA N'. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA PUBLISHED BY flmztal, 9th 8; 24th of each month the places 9! 1 the pn_u m Manager infor- The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are giscered 111 Ottawa, and also at W'anhington. Signed THOMAS HOLLO WA} 53 Oxford street, Loudou‘ of? CAU'l‘anâ€"l have no Agent in Ibo United States, nor are my Mvdxcines sold there. Purchasers shuuld “Hart-Fore low]; to the label on 1110 Puts mud Homes. “the address is not 533, UM'ol'ti bllccl, London. [be-v are spurious. and sold ntls.1id., 23‘ 9I1.,4S‘6d.,118., 22, and 333 onchliox :111d]"0t,1md in Cumum (Lt 36 cents, 90 cents, uml $1.50 cents, and. the largo vizos in prouortimx. Coughs, Sore Thronm, Bronchitis. mm] 1111 disord ers of the Throat and Chest, us also Gout, Imeu matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin disease! Mal'lufac’rurcd only at Profess or Hollowav’s Esiubhshment 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON incrense the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous syutem, and throw into the circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. will bu found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Euros, Hard Tuumurs. This Incomparable Medicine has secur. ed for itself an impcrishable f'amo throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. purify, regulate mm imprnye the quality of filood. They assist the digestive organs, 0100.113 BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. CULDS‘ Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and sirenglh, after every other means bud proved unsuccessful. M. C. P. & 5.. Out, Two Years Resident. Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, Office and Residence,â€"Oue door south of P. 0. OFFICE IIOURSVS to 10 a m, (S: 12 to 2 p m Thomhill Feb 14Lh,1883, . R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. B AL,Enghmd (Late Of London, England] SmmeW- 7 7 Members College Physicians & Surgeons. Residence, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, May 23rd. 1882. 1y Member College 9f Physicians 55 Surgeonl. (LATE 0F STOUFFVILLE.) OFFICE HOURS,â€"From 8 to 10 a. 111., 5 to 8 p. m RESIDENCE Worth their W'eigh': in Gold! Pills & @imment 3011166 Hours 8 to 930 114.111., and 1 to 2.30 pm. DR LEWIS G. LANGSTAFF I Dr. George Langstaff‘, Graduate of Toronto University. DR. W. J. WILSON, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. John McDomth, Esq. (3‘ J. Campbefl, Esq., Hun. SmmcorMcMnstor A. M. Smith, Esq: Jmnos Motculfu, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, 1). Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at 5 per cent interest. Loansmude toGhurclx Trustees. at a 10W rm 0 interest. Send for prospectus. BR. JAMES LANGSTAFF I Assurance Soc’y Sir Wm NIL-Arthur, K C M G, M. P. eX-Lord Mayor of London, President. W W Baynes,Esq,F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . , $10,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . _ 1,600,000 Invested in Canada . . . l.200,000 Death chums paid. . . . 10.000,000 'J‘mmx'm REFERENCES. EAJV. THE â€" v STAR Richqud 11111, Oct; 12111352 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 1154373031, HEADACHE, W! LL CU RE BIL/OJSHES , D YSi’EPSl/i, I .‘l D.’ GE 8 7/ ON, .14 U,“.’DIOE. m 5/3; [1/13, QR RELIEVE DiZZ/NES‘S, ' osopsv, H. 5775mm: OF THE l-IE ASID/TY 0F And eVery 5:: C105 of diseaSe arlsln fro"; c5!sor»i:red 1. "7-78, WENT-TVS, 8T0 AVH. BUNELS GR LJLOOD, T. EILEURR & £30.. STO MACH AND BOWELS, DR. ORR, MAPLE, Soc. & Trans. for Canada. 10 King St, East, Toronto Dec 15!: 1883 Of London, England, TUOILNHILL, ONT. @sz‘efiml. A D PERRY, LIFE AND am: .. Etr ‘I'IIE STOMAGH, on VII/E38 OF THE sK/N, OF THE HEART, ACID! TY 0F Proprigtgr:l TORéNTO.

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