A Daniel Come to Judgment. Wu strange as peeple grow older what lots of sex: so they lose, And how they get full of notions, and begin to pick and choose, And “an up uuuh_ strange ideas, and want such ~quaâ€"ei- thiiéa doneâ€"y Wbi. what is a. fellow to live for. if he never can ave any fun! Now there are fathers and mothers, as good as good can be. But they from it a. boy goes counting, for fear he'll run Into a tree : They ï¬rst 1! a boy goes skating. for fear he’ll get 75 19.117; ' " " Amt theyjre sung 1’:th he‘_ll ppme home broken, if he dais ié'iléy’lisseban. And in for stealing a. ride as the big teams roll 5 038. And as for a. swim in the river, if the current be swifl or strong, Or climbing 9. root on a. ladder, or shinning a good big poleâ€"â€" Why, they look at a boy i! he tries it, as if he had got no soul They want you to enter a. parlor and bow like a grown-up man ; They want you to move without racketâ€"just show me the fellow who can 1 To come down stairs on tiptoes just creeping as still as a. mouse, And to keep things quleh and chilly as it boys never lived in a house ! When you open your eyes in the morning and are lying awake in bed, They'd rather you wouldn't take pillows to shy at another one's head ; They'd like on to talk in whispers and never to ram or out. And empt your jacket pockets so they never would ook bulged out. Then. in spite of all this nonsense, they'll look in a. to luw‘s eyes As if you were the ones who were foolish, and they were the ones who were wise ; You‘d thing as people grow older. they ought to w meet :00. But_ wouldu’q {nuke guch blunders in talking to A GORDON ’S PRIDE Miss Devencourt looked wonderineg at her. Aime: she was gone. while the spell of her beautiful presence rested on her, she nidjo ‘Miee_Dlgbyâ€"» Lady D'avencouro, wEo heard the remark, smiled. ' “ Rely upon it, Laura." she said, " you have been mistaken. I do not think any- thing would ever change Ethel. She is the proudesu girl I know, and nothing will ever malts her legs proud.†_ “Ember I 5353 been mistaken in my estimate of Babel Gordon’s character,“ ahg is_ vggy much changed.†“ I should have imagined that she would resent inannntly any swamps at setting her supper“; guide." _qbserved Imam. Miss Digby said nothing, but thought deeply. She would almost have been bet- ter pleased it the young girl had shown some little resentmentâ€"it she had been angry or contemptuous; anything would have been better than this polished indif- ference, this nonchelant calm. Helen Digby never doubted in her own mind but that it eoveredjhe gaging 9f a._tempeet. Once when Sir LaBnErd tried £0 revive the vexed topic, Enhel, looking am him qui°fly'.“i.d."_ . " We had better not discuss the question, papa. What must be, must be; nothing tnrther need be said about it. I ï¬nd that words are very useless, after all." Alter that Sir Leonard said no more. June come round with its warmth, its sweetness of perfume, its bloom of roses and brightness of sun. One morning. quite unexpectedly, Sir Leonard received a. tele- gram. The government business had been hastened. and he was to leave on the mor- row for Austria. "Euhel." he said. " here is news that I did not expect. 1 mush leave here tin-mor- row." "The next moment he wished he had broken the news more gently to hex-Jo: her face grew wh_i_1je eyen to the very lips; “ To {narrow 1†she repeated: ‘7 We have never been parted before. I1: is very sudden." “ Iam very sorry," said Sir Leonard. " I wished to take you myself to Be. Ina's ; that will not be possible now. I should have [site you more happily it I had seen yog safely there.†' Ethel had recovered her calmness, but the 0010: did no!) return to her race. " Iï¬ Will be happier, my darling.†he interrupted ; and she remembering how soon they were to be parted, repressed the quick mgr: mm rose taper hps. “Perhaps his helmet as it is, papa. I ahaJlleuva my old home and you um the same time. Life will never be the same aging hype." _ How she suffered during the remainder of that day no one ever guessed ; the love, the pride, the sorrow that warred in her soul, the struggle between her love for her father. her guet at lasing him, and the angry pride that forbade any expresslon of either love or griefâ€"her hatred of the fair- !sced, gentle lady who was to take her dead mother’s placeâ€"her natural sorrow and reluctance ct parting with her old home. and laying down the crown she had worn so longTâ€"all rushed over her at once. He could not have spoken more unfortu- nate wards, for they returned to her in the hour when the most subtle ot temptations was before her, and they turned the scale agginat b_erl. 1,7,, I . ~ aIn was late when Bit Leonard returned, but she was waiiing for him. He looked tired and pale, earewotn and fatigued. “ I did not think you would sit up for Jae, my darling,†he said to Ethel. “ l have made all arrangements for you. and you will be happy, I am sure. I have told Mr. Smithson than he is to make you an ample allowance for your own expenses, so that you will not be short of money; you can have more at any time by writing to " M188 Digby will drive over h - . rqw afternoon." he observed. $32.3 I272); tv51“ start nah {our for St. Inn’s. Heaven eaa my at in and task the" I†g, e be: happy At the Hound of Mm Dlgby’a name he: She made no reply. " I shall not have one minuhe‘s fear for you, Enhal.†be con- ï¬inued. “ Under my charge, you might perhaps have committed some girlish imprudenoe, but under Miss Digby’s than will be impossxble. I have no hesitanoy and no fear." “ Do not talk to me about money, pnpa. †Ihe ma ; “ all the money in the worl’d could not. compensate me for one hour of yonsrbaemf She had a. long and bitter sorrow before her. She had to carry a burden that would have broken the heart of most womenâ€"she had a future before her from which the strongest heart might have shrunk in dismay and sorrow. But in that sad after-life there was perhaps no day except one in which she angered so terribly 8.3 she did now. " i shall maké all arrangements for you. Ethel,†he said, “ and Ihave no doubt Mlaa Dlgby will wxan you to join her to-mor- row." Sir Leonard was buaily occupied; he had arrangements to make with his lawyer and his steward. The household was to be kept on as ueuelâ€"none of the servants were to be parted with. The housekeeper was left In authority during the summer months, and the servants were told that in the autumn Miss Dlgby would return with Miss Gordon, and that from that time all authority must be considered as vested in the farmer's hands. There wee som 1 little murmuringâ€"some little demurâ€"bot no one dared to utter a. word. Her love for her father repressed the angry words which rose to her lips. She raised her colorless face to his. "Do not think of me, papa,†she entreated; “ think only of yourself." He kissgd alga sweetï¬ paljaflfaioe. " My darling Embel," he said, “ I did not know how dearly I loved you until now. 1 thank Heaven that I can leave you in such excellent care." wiSVhe clasped her arms round his neck, and hid her white face on his breast. 1!: was evening when Sir Leonard rode away tgo Ghanpry Cpurt. boyié'wé'uid’ydii '1 arms fell from him ; she raised her face. and its tenderness deepaned into gloom ; all the memory of her wrongs seemed to rush over her as once; her voice changed as she answered him. “ My greatest plessure will be to hear from you, Ethelâ€"to know that you are well and nappyâ€"to know that you are learn- ing to like M188 Digby, afld proï¬ting by her moiety}: "Kaiï¬dignmh flush covered her face, but he was going away, and aha would not Eris“: hm. - an u n , ,_AL_ “ fryâ€"Elma her, Ethel. for my sake. and because the happiness 0! our household will do and upon your love. In two years you wil have seen so much of her that you willhnowrhow up spprsojape her." . . ' T‘â€"1;;ï¬Ã©v,"_6iiveaith‘e‘ éi’r’lï¬rï¬ it Very anguish of sorrow, " talk to me of yourself. now thatjqu grqgoiug, not 91 her.’_’ _ “ I shall be sway for only two years. Ethel," he continued, “ and when I come back you will let me see my hopes accom- plished. Let me ï¬nd youâ€"more beautiful you can never beâ€"but more patient and gentle, more submissive-mill you, darling ? Correct the faults that through my care- lessuess have grown with your years. Let me ï¬nd you gentle. obedient, all that my heart desires, and then I shall be richly repaid for all the sorrow of absence. Will you, for my sake, promise to become this, Ethel?†. There was a brief struggle between her intense love for he: tether and her passion- ate pride, but her pride carried the day. She turned from him. 7‘7Ybu Will have others to think 0! when you letugn,‘papa." “ Yes, biiu‘ ions whom I love like you, thelï¬â€™ >he {apnea sadly. If either father or daughter could have foreseen what was to happen during those two years, in would have seemed to them more merciful that she should have died then and there. It was over that terrible parting which had seemed to Ethel more bitter than death. Bu Leonard had delayed the {anal moment as long as he could. Hie daugh- ter’s white lace and heavy eyea ï¬lled him with a keen sense of sorrow. " I shall soon be back. my darling,†be said, trying to speak lightly ; and when he broke down altogether, and seats ï¬lled ms eyes, and his vonoe dled on hm 11 8. He said no more. but held his dang be: in a. close embrace ; she was then the brave: of the two. i'; The years passed quickly," she observed, "and you Will be away to: only nwo. Look at. me, papa. so than you may remember the last: look on my face was a smile." She did smile, poor ohild.with white quiv- ering lips, bun the smile was (or more puitul than any nears could have been. When Sir Leonard was gone. her sell‘oontrol gave way ; ahe flung herself on the thick grass and wept: wish passionate tears for the father wno would never be the same to her age-in, (or the home where she was no longer to son as mistressâ€"wept for the power and position than were no be here no more. It was biuherly hard, after absolute power. to he hreahed like a child. Pussionase nears came from her which did non sotnen her heart, but hardened Ill against the lady whom she considered the chief cause or her sorrow. She foresaw, with all the keen perception of youth. the change there Would be in her lite; and even during the ï¬rst pang of grist to: her father’s loss, something like u reproach formed itself in her mind con- eernjgg his past treaament.‘ 7 7“ WEy,†5-110 thoughn, “ has be given me my unrestrained liberty for so many years, only ï¬o take 1: tram me a} luau . Lite dld not seem to her, when she rose from the place where. in the wild tempest ot grlef. ene had flung herself, to hold one single charm. She had loved her tether; he was gone tram her, and when he returned It would be to marry. She had loved her home, and her own tnntastio rule Bhetoâ€"lhwï¬, too, had passed away. Thus: was nothlng beture her but to submit to the rule ot a. Strange woman. M was intoler- ably herd. She felt inclined to wxsh for death; but the Gordon pride came to her and. Mme Dlgby was to be there by two; she must not ï¬nd her weeping or and. Ethel went to her room. and as tar as she could removed all trace 0! team. She dreeeed herself with unusual care; she gave orders for the needlul pnolnng with a calm, clear, eteedy venue, and then eat kown to alert Mles D.gby’s unval. It was hard to resist such kindness, but the women who oï¬ered it was one who intended to ueurp her place in her father's heart and home. She would have euï¬ered anything rather then allow Helen Digby to note her pain._ .1 H, Aâ€. “I wish, Ethel," she said, “ that Ihad the gm of eloquence. I should like to tell you some of me nhoughte that are passing through my mindâ€"410w anxious I am [or your happiness and welfare, how gravely I look upon the precious charge that your tether nee entrusted to me, how ready I am to wait upon you, to render you every service in my power by night or dayâ€" indeed to devote my time. my thoughts, all to ygu.’_’ “‘7 iâ€"ihank you,†reaponfled Ethel, still mgre coldly. _ 7 “Ihope that: the plan of going to St. Inn’s uo-day pleases you, Enhel," aha Bald, genbly; “1 auggeuneu inc Sir Leonard because I thought: the sooner you lain Founnayne the newer. Can I do anything to help you to pack or prepem tor the jouryey ?" “ ls ineie nothing I can do to make you happierâ€"no lessen your sorrowâ€"to make tho gi‘mo pass_mpre pheerfqlly ‘2†" Nunhfug, I thank you,†'was the chill- ing‘ ugly. Bun Mme Digby was not to be daunted. Some would have turned from the cold, averted race, and have left; Ethel to herself -â€"nos so Helenâ€"she wee faithful to her Must. '7 Tell ï¬ne where Miss Gordon is," she aai_d, “ and 1 Wm go go per. She walked ntztuugh the splendid suite of rooms where she one day was no rexgn as mmnress. She tonne Ennel simng m one or me pretty llghn balconies mat looked on to the menace. Sue went. gently to her, and laid her hand thn a. quien. caressing touch on tube girl’s shoulder. “ My deurusu Ethel." she said. " I have hastened no you knowing what you would be so loner and unnappy, Wham can I do to 005nm“ you ‘2"_ 7‘ 1 te'med you mlght be lonely, Ethel, so I huauened to you." But Miss DAgby was not to be repulsed easily; ans man down by Emel’s side, and would non names the girl’s shrinking trom her. “ Heuuetorwua," she and to herself, “ I am to be second in my father‘s house. A snanger takes my member's place as well as mme. Sue will triumph over me ; she wm laugh to nhmk how ensuy she has deposed me; bumsuï¬ur as 1 may, no Sign of my suffering shall she dwoover." Her eyes shone brightly through her tours; her whole face was beautiful irom ins Warmth and kindness. She saw the cum- aou flush rise Ou Euhei’s brow. She would [Mu uuVu mueu me. 5m in her kind arm» and mused her face. bun Euuei rose with quiet uiguljy, and said, ouigiyâ€"‘ “ Thank yon," was the digniï¬ed reply. “ I shall feel lonely until papa. tenurns, and no one can comfort me.†' "Mi maid has done that already,I than}: you,†returned Ethel. When Helen Dngby arrived soon ether ward. mu 0: eympunny and kindness, ready no nge an the unuenuun and ufleoulon chum ens thought: would be needed, her recapmon tamer unarmed her. She would non allow any gne to unnounoe her. 7‘ G56d-mo:u1dg,-M1§a Digby; I did not expepu you_ao aoon.â€_ I _ "â€"i do not‘ignder that you should ream CHAPTER VII. leaving Fountayne," said the gentle voice egeju ; _“ i_u_§e IL‘tgeeuï¬fnl P‘leee." , awe; A___. She would not say how dearly she loved in. How perfectly ehe shought it; nor how for the remainder of her lite a dark cloud would hang over it. In would no longer be her homeâ€"sacred to herself and those she loved ; u would be deeeerated by strangers, spoiled by the new rule her father would brlgg thither. .. u "o e“. L4": â€"°§5t.'to Miï¬Ã©srbiigbry woufd she admin even the Least regreh._ " Changeoiiï¬iélways pleasant, I behave," she returned; “ B‘ountayne is not the only beautiful p_l§oe in the_worlg." "ï¬rm: a gviiiful smile Helen Digby looked at the beauhilul deï¬ant face. “ How am I to reach your proud heart, Ethel?" she inquired. “ How am I to aotuen you and make you believe in my ainoerjt-y ?" “ 1 do not see that your sincerity can- come me," replied Ethel, haughtily. “Do you non think, Miss Digby, that it is time we began our preparations 7 You will par- don me, perhaps xi I lee-V‘s you._†_ It was not anger that flashed the face of Helen Dlgbyâ€"no feeling of anger rose in her heart against the spoiled child who resented her coming so greatlyâ€"nothing but a. profound sense 0! pity, which moved her almost to tears. Ethel’e calmness did not deceive her. She understood perfectly the cold exterior. mail“ could but win he: liking!†she t-hgughp, But it was not to be. Ethel bade fare- well to the servants, who seemed grieved and distressed M parting with her. Sue said farewell to the home where for so many years she had been beloved and happy. It was a. bright afternoon when she left. Foun- teyne and, unconsciously, she lets the brightness and happiness of her life behind her. They had a pleasant journey through the beautiful country that lay between Foun- teyne and St. Ine'e Bey. During the greater part of the time Ethel looked out at the carriage windows; it was impossi- ble. from her beautilul, cold, indifferent tees, to guess the nature ot her thoughts. At the different stations where they stop- ped, people looked in wonder at the lovely girl whose proud, bright eyes seemed to glance at everything so calmly and indifl'er- ently, whom nothing seemed to interest, who received with such haughty nonohel- nnoe all the admiring gleucee bent on her. What were they worth? What was all the world to her, whose heart was aching with a. storm of pride, sorrow and love ‘2 Ethel was not wanting in politeness to Miss Digby ; she rephed to all her remarks, and with quiet grsee received every lmle attention the elder lady offered her. Helen Dlgby would rather have seen her angry, sullen, impatientâ€"anything rather then so coldly incleferent. It was useless to try to thaw her. Helen made no more attempts to win her eonï¬denee. “ It will tome in time," she thought; “1 shall only make hersngry it I persevere." Ethel, preserving the calm on her face, allowed the dark, evil spirit ct hatred to enter her heart; shining there ounwsrdly calm, her face cold and severe, her words few and colder still, there was s. ï¬ulul vol- cano or wravh in her soul. She felt angry, ï¬ercely angry, with her faaher, Helen D gby, and all the world besides ; it was anger that could ï¬nd no vent in wordsâ€"than would not seek rellet In speech. Yet Ethel Gordon was naturally a noble girl, proud and generous of nature, frank, trunhiul, and pure of soul ; but she had been badly trained. She had been allowed to grow up wnh her faults unchecked, and the alter resulu was long years of bmer, unavailing sorrow such as (all to the lot of few. The Queen’s Hotel at St. Ine’e Bay was different tram other places of the kind. St. Inn’s itself was a pretty, picturesque town, built at the foot of olxtfe almost hid- den by green foliage. The broad expense of blue water, thegolden sends. the Winding walks up the ohï¬e, the pure eelt breeze. Lhe quiet that necmed to Shield the pretty town, attracted v1eitoru~but they were of a peculiar kind. There were no breee bends to enliVen the promenadee, there was no pier, there were no assembly-rooms or air- culating libraries with thelr leoilitiee tor gossip and flirtation ; St Inn’s had none or those eeeeioe attractions. The vieitors who came thither were grave, elderly people, tired of the noiee and buetle of the worm, thoughtlul men who came to study, artists who wanted emlling sunny, laud- eeeper, the weeried and sorrowml who wished for rest. “ It was tor that reason that I selected it." replied the elder lady. “ I have been here several times. and have enjoyed as much privacy as though I had been in my own home. I hope you will not dislike the quiet. Ethel." “ It is a matter of but little moment to meâ€"all places are alike," returned Miss Gerdon. Yet, alter a few days, she found the life not unpleasant. Miss Digby left her very much to her own devices. She had wished, at ï¬rst, that they should share the same rooms ; but Ethel's manner convinced her how unpleasant she would consider such an arrsnzement. so separate suites were orden I! â€"one tor Miss Gordon and one for Miss Duchy. Miss Disby's rooms were The rooms were large and lofty. the cor- ridors broad and lishn; the hotel, as a whole, was qulen and peaceful as any gen tlemen’s house. Euhel could not help liking the aspect of the place. although aha silence and loneliness somewhat dismayed ht r. "I thought." she said to Miss Dighy, “ than hotels were always full of people: thisiaeema quite _empty." .ru.1 No place in England was less known than St. Inn‘s Bay. If any one wished, for any reason whatsoever, to ï¬nd seclusionâ€" to be. as It were, out of the Worldâ€"4119 only thing needtul was to visit St. Inu’a Buy. No newspaper with its tell-tale column or Vlsltore. was ever published there. People come to St. Ius’s, remained there for a law weeks or months, and then away, and no one. perhaps. except the mistress o! the house where they had been staylng, ever knew their names. Notwithstanding this commercial draw- back, the Queen’s Hotel was a favoriie resort with those who wished for quiet and repose. Miss Digby had chosen in because her most intimune friend, Lady Shelton, was staying chore. To those who cared only for a beamilul sea, picturesque scenery, pure, bracing air, and quiet, in was the ï¬uesn spot in England. Those who wished for society would ï¬ndnone there. The Qaeen’s Hotel was one of the fairest homes In England. but as a. commercial speculation it had completely failed. The company had offered it several times for sale. but no one seemed to care in the least about buying it ; so that from year to year it struggled on, sometimes plying its expenses. but more otten leaving a deï¬ciency for the company to meet. Some of the shsreholders had suggested building a. pier and a library ; others declared that it was useless “ to throw good money alter bad." The Queen’s Hotel had once been St. Ine's Hail, the residence of a wealthy gen- tleman, who at his death left orders that it should be sold, and the proceeds train the sale diwded among the London hospitals. It was purchased by a company, who decided to transform it into a ï¬rst-class hotel. It was a grand old mansion, stand- ing in the midst ct ï¬ne grounds. There were a small pine-wood which ran down to the sea, and a broad. deep lake with water- liliee floating on its calm creaet; there were groves Iormed by blossoming lime-trees. and large cedars,the shade of which termed a moat beautilul summer retreat; there were picturesque paths under the trees, where flowers grew in richest abundance; there were graceful fountains. the silvery spray of which rose high amid the dark- green foliage. CHAPTER VIII. olo_se to those oocupigd by Lady Shafton._ It was not an unpleasant life, but coming there at all was a mist-aka. Enhel was young; she had been accustomed to a life of ocustanu activity, to plenty of sccieï¬y, to the occupation and ewibemenu always attending the management of a large house; now she had nothing to fall back upon. nothing to distract: her thoughts. nothing to do but to muse by nighs and by day on the injury she imagined Helen Digby to hav_e_ doneyer. It was hardly the life to heve chosen for a young,beanti1ul. gifted, imaginative girl ; for once. clear, calm-judgmg Helen Digby had made a mistake. She would have done far better to take Ethel to some seaside resort, where the world would have roused her from her morbid thought. and have restored her gayety, her animation. and her high api_me._ For the ï¬rst time in her life Ethel. Gor- don found herself alone; for she had shunned and avoided Miss Dighy us much as possible. She had been accustomed to the homage and atten- tion of a. large household, to the tender love cl a father who never neglected her; now she was alone, with strange faces around her. strange voices in her ear. She had been accustomed to be ï¬rst ; everything and every one had depended on her; now it was otherwise. She had no power and no influence. No one consulted her, her opinion was never sought. Lady Staiton had given Helen Dlgby what she considered sound advice. "I see exactly how matters stand,†she said, “ and my counsel to you isâ€"lesve the young girl alone. Your kindness must in the and make its way. Wihhahauglxty disposition like here, the best way is to treat her with kindly indiï¬arence. The time will come when she will seek you, non 5’09 “9‘3 . . . ' And Helen hoping it would be for the bean. watched the beautiful face in silence. luoking day by day for some male mark at affection, but: never receiving iii-hoping that all would end Well, yes turning away winba shuddering dread lest evxl might follow. It was something like hatred that Ethel tell: for the lady who was to make her place. 11: was hard enough to lose her (abhor, to be away trom Founuayne, but in was harder shill to know that when he returned, he would belong to some one else, than he would give all the love. the care, the thought what she had valued so highlyw anouher. I! something would bub happen to prevent the marriage 1 Yet she wished no particu- lar harm to Miss Dlgby. It by mining her ï¬nger she could have Injured her. she would non for world! have done so; but aha longed for something to happenâ€"eomehhing that; should lowar Mine ngby in her father’s estimationâ€"them should make him think lees highly of her prudence and her die- oration. Self-engrossed as the visitors were they could non fail to notice the beautiful wist- ful race of the girl. with its listless, weary expressicn; she appeared so youngâ€"she was only jusï¬ seventeenâ€"yet her features hadatired look as though she had not found lite very bright: The sweet summer days glided on. Ethel and Miss Dlgby not always at breakfast. which wee served in the ladies’ room. At ï¬rst Helen Dlgby had made an eflort to spend the days with her young charge. Ethel would not have it so; she would either retreat to her own pretty sitting room. or say distinctly that ehe was going, out, and wished to he alone. If the place had been more frequented. Miss Dlgbv would never have allowed the young gm to fall into the habit of wandermg alone; but. as Indy Btefton said-end Mme Digby agreed with herâ€"Ethel might walk about the o‘nfls for years m 85. Inu’e end not meet any one. There could be no danger. and it pleased her so Miss Dlgby dzd not interfere. Still watching her intently he noted how iudxï¬ereun she was to everything around herâ€"how motionless she set. her eyes never for one moment leaving the great expense of water. He noted the tired, listless expression on the exquisite laneâ€"the shadow la the peeutit§l_eyes._ The manager was pleased to hear it, paid greet attention to the wines selected for the stranger‘s dinner, and told him how pleasantly the evenings could be spent in the grounds. Mr. Nugent went thither; he looked indifferently on the clear waters and the blue sky, but a sudden ï¬re fleshed in his eyes as they fell upon the features of Ethel Gordon sitting under the lime- trees. “ What a beautiful girl I" he thought to himself. “ Who is she 7" He stood still and watched her with charmed eyes. He noticed the proud oar- risge of the rich brown head. the superb beauty of the girlish fees, the grace and symmetry of the perfect ï¬gure. ‘ In was a warm beautiful evening; the sea. blfltZB swaps: over the pine-woods, and mmgled with the perfume of the flowers ; Cue waves broke and apreafl ounin gram sheets of whme toamumuy rose and fell like she change :12 some grand harmony. The sun shone over the sea. until in resem- bled a sheet; of heaving, rebtleas, gllmrmg gold. 77' “ Who 'is she ?"-he repeavted. “ And what can ape be dqingperg ?f’ On the lawn of the hotel the visitors were standing or sitting in little groupsâ€" some watching the shining see. others. despite the beauty of earth and sky, deeply engrossed in books, others in conversation. Miss Digby was with Lady Stalton. They were watching the waves, and Ethel Bet near them. the fairest picture on which the sun shone. The evening was warm, and she wore a. white dress at some shining material. richly trimmed with gold lungs â€"a fantastic dress ; but Ethel wee an artist in dress as in everything else. The dress was fastened round the slender waist by 9. gold bend, and fell in graceful folds to the pretty feet. The square-cut bodice gave a glimpse of a. beautiful neck, white and well molded ; a. rose nestled close to it. The luxuriant waves of rich brown hair were loosely arrangedâ€"they were gathered back from the fair brow, and fastened with a. golden arrow; a. rose lay in their sunny depths. No fairer picture was ever con- eei_ved by an artist, or set forth by a poet. No, the manager feared not. They had been pretty fortunate in May; in June they had had very few; J uly. still fewer; and in was seldom that: any came In August. A satisï¬ed expression came over the hand- some Race. "I think it is very probable." said Mr. Nugeuh, “ shut it I like the place, I may remain here for some little time.†Ethel was not joining in the conversation â€"her eyes lingered on the golden,g1ittering sea. She was Wishing that she was tar away over the restlecs watersâ€"that she was in any other place and with any other people. Those who passed near her won- dered at the listless expression of the beau- tiful young face. He: folded hands lay still But for the faint stir in the leaves of the red rose, as it rose and fell with each breath, one might have fancied her sleeping. _ “ Shall you have many more guests this season, do you think '2" asked Mr. Nugent, with a careless smlle. Little did she imagine that she was keenly watched by a pair of dark eyes that belonged to a handsome debon-nair lace. That same evening had brought a stranger to the Queen's Hotel who wrote his name L .urie Nugent, E:q., and who seemed to have a well-tilled purse, and was on that account made very welcome by the mana- ger and his satelites. Mr. Nugenn had declined to enter the drawing-room, where most of the guests were dining, but he had ordered a recherche little repast to be served to him in his own room. Then he asked to look at the visitors’ book ; the manager, with a low bow, showed it to him. 775'“ happy," hé laid to himaelt. CHAPIER 1X. “ If she wereâ€"it her eyes were lighted up and her lips smiled-«aha would be simply irresistible. What can make her look so sad ? Au her age she ought; to be all smiles and blushes." Owe he saw the two ladies near her address her. She miss-d her eyes, but: no light came inns them, and when she had replied to the questions asked, they turned agaigï¬oward t_he lake. v“ Those are her friends, and she does not like themâ€"she is not happy with them." was his second cnmmeut. Then he watched her again, until the evening began no close around them, and the three ladies went in. “ I shall never rest till I know who she is and ï¬ll about her,†her said to himself. “ I hardly like to own such a thingâ€"1 who have seen some of the loveliest girls in England, and cared for none of themâ€"but I believe, honestly, I nmju loge a}: list." He laughed to 'himaeif, and, though his mouth was handsome. that laugh was not pleasant to hear. [low Ile Gained Valuable Inform-lion DIsqu-cd as a llon Man. One of the members of the English Lega~ tion an Washington tutniehea some lnhflreï¬t- ing gossip regarding General Sir Peter aneden, of whom the papers speak daily by reason of his relunlone to the Anglo- Rusgian boundary question in Central Ame. "From his youth," said this gentleman, “ Lumsden has been a man of war. He ï¬rst saw it in the service of the East India Company, and distinguished himseli an a youngster in the terrible meeting of 1857. Having talent for Hindustani dialects he studied them patiently and carefully. In this way Gen. Lumsden acquired a know- ledge of the sentiments and character oi the rank and ï¬le of the Indian Army, so that his service in the country has been sim- ply invaluable. When Sir Frederickfloberts was on his way to Gandahar a few years ago it was of the utmost consequence that he should have some accurate knowledge ol the route, and the forces likely to oppose him in the mountain passes. This infor- mation Sir Peter Lumsden, in his own time and way, volunteered to obtain. Three days elapsed and he had not returned, and General Roberts began to be seriously concerned for the safety of his daring staï¬ ofl‘icer, and ï¬nally thought he had been murdered. The General was sitting in his tent late on the afternoon of the fourth day when a dakir, or holy man. suddenly appeared, riding furiously down the mountain side, and wanted to pass the sentinel, who was a grim old Highlander. The sacred man was an extraordinary- looking creature, and the reverse of saintly, as he appeared to European eyes. He was almost naked, the garment he were being a pair of dirty trousers made of goatskin. His hair nearly reached to his waist as it hung down his shoulders and back, and the lean, brawny arms were covered with a paste made of sandalwuod ashes mixed with caetor oil, a deccotion of peculiar sanctity and a powerful smell. A nosegay of sandalwood, consisting of ninety-nine beans, completed the equipment of this wonderful object. The man dismounted from his beast, whose heaving flanks told of hard riding, and in a dialect oi! Pushtoo or Afghan asked to see the head sahib. The Highlander did not understand and moaioned Lim back. Just then General ltoherts came out, and. keeping a wary eye on his visitor. asked him in Hindustani what he wanted. The visitor, in barbarous jargon, made the general understand that he desired an interview. When they were alone the dakir said: “ Don't you know me?" It was Lumsden, whose disguise, dirt, wig and all, had been so complete as to be even unsuspected to a man whose intimate friend he had been for ten years. While demolishing an old chimney in Oteego count-y, New York, recently, work- man found 397 in Continental money dated 1776 and 1777. The printing of the notes was perfectly legible, and in general they were in good condition. The package con- sisted at one $40 bill. two $220 bills. one #8, oneï¬w, two 50°..one {E and one 1}}. There is a remarkable absence of pau- perism in this country. The rich men are few and tar betweenâ€"that is, couifting riches as we count them in Americaâ€"but a man With an income of $1,000 a year is considered a wealthy man, and a peasant or farmer who has $100 laid by for “a rainy day" is ranked almost among the capitalists of his district. In all the empire it is estimated that there are less than ten thousand paupersâ€"a wonderful record [or a population of 37,000,000. Not to make comparisonsâ€"which Mrs. Partington says are "odorous"â€"-I suppose you have at least ten thousand paupers in Illinois. Perhaps your readeis will begin to think I am falling into the habitâ€"a habit as old as the days of Shakspeareâ€"of travellers who praise everything in foreign lands and depreciate everythingin their own. There is a tendency in that direction when one compares the social life, the happiness and contentment of all classes here with the relative conditions which prevail in Ame- rica. I am not opposed to missions or missionaries, but I honestly believe that enlightened Japanese missionaries could do much good in America.â€"-Tokio Letter in Chicago News. “ Knowing how superstitious the Afghans are, ansden had selected a disguise they would not readily question. for they are dreadfully afraid of offending those holy men whose superior sanctity is indicated by a degree of dirtineaa that is appalling to the civilized mind. He knew the dialect of the class he represented perlectly, and its religious stock in trade in quotations from the Koran, so whenever he approached an Afghan encampment he dashed fearlessly up to it, yelling; ‘ Fah sllah Mahomued reeoul allsh,’ the my stin words at the truth- ful, and, though questioned pretty sharply once or twice, his ldeniity was never eun- pected. The information he obtained enabled Candahar to be captured, and made the campaign the most successful one ever made amid those bleak mountains, so often fatal to England's arms. For this dis- tinguished service Gen. Lumsden was. in July. 1881. commissioned a. major-general of the Bengal staff, and given a large grant of money, amounting to about $100,000. This is the man on whose report and judg- ment, above all others, rest the chances of a war that may change the entire map of Central Asia." The Royal gun factories consist of forges, smith’s shop, rolling mills, pattern shop, brass and iron foundry, gun-boring mill, tool rooms. turneries. lighting-room, ï¬eld gun section, engine repairing shop, With other branches. In these various depart. ments are at work some 600 machines, lathes, and boring machines, drilling ma- chines, other machines for rifling. planing, slotting, shaping, milling, screwing, lapping. and wheel cutting. Twenty weighing machines record and regulate the produc tion ; two circular saws are at work. 240 Vises are waiting to grip anything they can get hold of. Then 54 furnaces continually do blow, with the aid of six blowing fans, while there is engine power to the extent or 700 horses, and bailer power toamnch greater extent. And the factories can produce 6,000 tons of guns, from the light mountain howitzer to be carried on the back of a mule to the latest Woolwich infant of 80 tone or more. At the head at the factories are two or more artillery oflioere, while the general ‘ etaï¬â€˜ consists of 24 clerks, draughtsmen, and timekeepers, 24 foreman, 386 artiï¬cers, and 571 laborers and noys ;while as for total annual cost, the guns take in round numbers a quarter of a million from the annual estimates.â€" All the Year Round. SIB PETE B LU LVISDEN. 'Ixe British Gun Factories. The nappy Land 01 Japan. (To be continued.) â€"The weakest, woman, smallest child and shaken invalid new use hop bihï¬ers Wm safety {mud great gogd. [3’ My wife and daughter were made healthy by the use of hop hitters, and 1 recommend them to my people.â€"-Metho- dist Clergyman. â€"-0 6 men tottering around from Rheu- mumum, Kidney trouble; or any weaknea» will be made almuh new by using ho; bitten-s. Ask any good doctor if hop Bitters are not the been family medicine 0:: earn]: 111 Malaria! fever, Ague and Biliouaness, will leave every neighborhood as soon as hop hitters arrive. 7‘My mother drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out) of her syawem with hop bitterE’â€"Ed. waggo Sun_. r S’Keep the kidï¬eys healthy with hop bitbers and you Vneed ugh {a}: siokpess. â€":iée"vvv;t'oi W is V rréhdérrÃ©ï¬ harmless and more refreshing and reviving with boy hitters in each draughn._ ï¬lgor 0! yoï¬'nn for $116 aged and in- ï¬rm in hop bmura I! l â€"“ At the change of hie nothing equals Hop Enter: to allay all troubles inuident Theretu." â€"“ The best periodical for ladies to inks monthly. and from which they will [BOBIVB nhe g_r_em_eat bapgï¬b, i_s_hop_biqh_e{s." â€"al§diortherrsiv§iah sickly,‘ frettul, nursing children, will cure the children and beneï¬t. nhemselvea by taking hop bifterg daily. â€"Thousands dle annually from some form of kidney disease that might have been prevented by a. timely use of hop hitters. irâ€"V-Inrdigesbion, weak stomach, irregulari- cies of the bowels, cannot exist when hop hitters are used. A timely * ‘F * use of hop Bitters will keep a. whole lumlly In robusu henltu a. year M lmle cost. -â€"To produce real genuine sleep and child-like repose all nights, take a lime hop bimra on taming. 3N0“ genuine withoutnbunoh of green Hope on the white label. Shun all the vile. poisonous amt! with "Hop " or " Hops" in their name. It is reported in London that a branch 0! Delmonioo’s celebrated restaurant is to be [horny opened In that my A Story From Washinglon Which May Make the liais- aland on End. The craze for playing poker has broken out among fashionable ladies in Washing- ton. The doings of the Army Poker Club. where the lives and reputation of so many cï¬ieers have been blasted. are a matter at general knowledge and gossip. but during Lent, when it was so wicked to dance, the fair dames have consoled themselves with the clatter ot the chips and the excitement at “ the draw.†It is stated that one young society belle recently lost over $200 at ï¬ve sittings. This is quite a large sum in a game where betting above 25 cents was prohibited. The favorite game among the young ladies, however, is the “penny ante 5 cent limit." This is almost exclusively conï¬ned to ladies who have only a limited and moderate amount of pin money each week, but there is said to be a heap of fun for the specta- tors.~ Very few gentlemen are admitted to this game. A much more reï¬ned and respectable form at amusement has been established for their enjoyment. The piker parties, where both sexes play. do not use Vulgar chips or still more vulgar money; that would be carrying the thing too far. Elaborate and costly favors are providedâ€"paid for, of course, by the gen- tlemenâ€"and then the entire party site dowu to the game of “ freeze out.†This is every popular and entertaining style of amusement. and is played quite exten- sively. Some of the lady players have become adopts at the game. One of the most demureolooking young misses in town recently defeated an “ old stager †at a 1 party given at a certain fashionable resi- } deuce, and when, a few evenings later, he came bank for his revenge, she won enough 1 Bid gloves to last her a yeahâ€"Washington \ Letter in Boston Traveller. EVEN after Mid dleton's expedition reaches Batoche’a, he will still be 43 miles from Prince Albert. “Sanitatel Sanitnta Via the paroxys. mal but timely editorial outcry of the Memphis Appeal. Rev.Von Schluembnoh, “the German Moody," is journeying in the Sauthern States. Young men or middle-aged ones, suffer- ing from nervous debiliny and kindred weaknesses should send three lebter stamps for illustrated book suggesting sure means of cure. Address Wotld’a Medical Associa- tion. Buffalo, N. Y. Charles O'Connor is said to have enunci- ated the principle that " a reporter should gen all the news be can and give it so the world, but a. lawyer should gen all [she news he can and keep It to hlmeell.†It’s no secret that Dr. Pierce’s Compound Extract of Smart-Weed is compoaed of best genuine French Brandy, distilled Extract of Smart-Weed and Jamaica Gmger Boot. with Gamphor Essence. and constitutes, theretore. the best remedy yet known tor colic or cramps, cholera. morbua, diarrhoea, dyatentary or bloody-flux, or to break up colds, fevers and inflammatory attacks. 50 cents. By druggiata. Curious Injuries to me Submarine Cable. The sunï¬sh has repeatedly injured the submarine cable between Portugal and Brezal and along the east coast of South America. Splinters of bone have been found thrust into the cable through the several eoveringe no deep as to affect the electric wires. A small species of marine animal also appears to devote its special attention toward boring and destroying cables. A short time ago the cable in the Persian Gulf ceased to work. Examina- tion was made, and it was found that a whale, which was entangled in the cable, had broken it. The animal was covered over Wltm parasites, and in its efforts to free iteelt oi them by rubbing its body against the cable the cable was broken. and one of the ends then ccxled around the whale in such a way that it was unable to free itself, and suffocated. How can we raise more corn to the ache: ? Why. of course, by using Forum's 001m Exrmoron. Putnam’s anlees Corn Ex- trucaor has given universal satietaomon. tor it in euro, safe and painless. Like every article of reel merit in has a. host of main:- tore. and we would specially warn uhe public to guard ageing!) those dangerous substitutes oï¬ered ion: the genume Pumem'e Extractor. N. 0. Poison dz 00., proprietors, Kingston. The average maple auger crop of Ver- mont is in the neighborhood of 12,000,000 pounds, but thls year it Will exceed than amount. English people um drinking more beer and less apu'iu. The revenue is less this year by $1,300,000. Beer pays a light tax as compared wm: lxquor. ’ â€"The medical profession are slow (and rightly so) to endorse every new medloine that is advertised and sold; but honest merit convinces the fair mmded after a reasonable time. Physicians in good stand- ing often prescribe Mrs. Pinkham’s Veget- able Compound for the cure of female weaknesses. WONIEN Wflo PLAY POKER. -â€"“All your own fault If you remain sick when you can Get hop hitters that neverâ€"Fail. Home Items and Topics. A Question. Thah anvmmm, the new pain remedy, is a good amole. Some indeed claim that the old fashioned preparations are just as good. nut any sufferer can satisfy himself by expending ten cents on a. sample bottle of Pdson‘s Nerviiiue, that nothing sold can quail in for internal, local or external pains. Alwaya speedy in EflcCt, prompt and cer- uain in every cure. H‘ S. Webher, Orange- ville. writes: “ My customers speak very highly of Nerwline as a remedy to: tooth- ache and neuralgia." All dragging and country dealers sell Nerwline. Try it to- day. There are with Sir Peter Lumaden 1,400 men. of whom 500 men are professional soldiers. The remainder are native set- vants and camp-followers of all descriptions \nd mule and eemel drivers. “ The lepreua diatiiment, whose eï¬ech Holds such an enmity with blood of man. That,awiit as quicksilvemh courses through The natural gates and alleys of the body," und causes the skin to become “ barked about, most lazarlike, with vile and lamb- some crust.†Such are the eï¬ecte of diseased and morbid bile, the only antidote for which is to 01931139 and regulate the uverâ€"an ofï¬ce admirably performed by Dr. Pierce‘a “ Golden Medical Discovery.†A bail storm as; Coraioana,’1‘exua. a week or two ago dropped hailehones that are declared to have weighed nearly twelve ounces. and wild geese and small birds were showered around flown promiseuously. A local pup-=1: thinks that “ in competition with other Slaves†Texas could do even better than this. mnnahl II the EYEECEB IAN B 818355 DODDIUI I uncut-u m- Téiéï¬ï¬o."lnm?m_ï¬'xfniiii Eiéa' ï¬Ã©ï¬iioil, flairâ€"«5916‘? 'inE'BE'EtrEf"E'€ï¬ï¬'5 1mg ‘I_§_ar_ flgspital. __ 17 Church am. I. U 8. 1b., Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat Trinity Medical College. Toronï¬o. 00111!!!qu Aurist no the Toronto General Hospital, {369 gliniggl_ Aggiatanj _l_7{_oya.l [Jungian Oyhghnli in “HE, "EM Mm mï¬'oli†DB. G. s. BYEâ€"EéON, L. B. QR 8. BL. Lecturer on the Eye. Ear and mum LYDM E. PINKHAM’Q * VEGETABLE comroum * as * * * IS AWPQSLIVDME CUR! * * * a For all of those Painful Complaintu am". ‘9 * \chkncaes so common to our beu " ‘4‘ * * * . *FEAIALE POPULATION.* . ' a; 11- WILL 0mm mummy TEE won" you or .' MALE COMPLAINTS, ALL ()VARIAN Tnotmul, ‘5 FLAMMATTON AND ULCERA'K‘ION. FALMNG A81) 1!: rucmmst, AND THE co. QU‘ENT Sx'mu. Wu ,4. mass, AND Is mnTmULAm.Y ADAPTED To TS"! CHANGE or Lurm “ . ' , " , ' 8‘ * IT wan mason}: AND EXPEL TUMOR: PRO): nu UTI-nmtsmm _ uLY M‘ACHUPPEVELOPMENT. Tm; Tltxmzx 'Tni‘AM12mml:rmousTImRmscncwï¬w VERY srmzxum' m’ n‘a 175E . ' . " ,, av "‘ IT mmn Fun-$21“. FLATULENCY, nns'mc- : \LL('I‘.A\'I .} 1mm :uu71,,\N1-s, ANDRELIEVES Wm :l. mzss‘n‘ 1: ‘rm 'cn. IT cums 131.0A'rnm, HE. D» AWE. ï¬jzuvul'; I‘mwmn'mzu', GENERAL DEBILIT'L DEPRESSION AND 1mm TmN. ., * . G 5 * THAT mmmu or BEARING D0“’N, CAUEING PAH“ WEIGHT 2:3: Umxuxm, IS ALWAYS anunu'mï¬ :‘UREDBY n's USE. , * . * . ’ 5. 'a * IT WILL AT ALL TIMES Ax» UNDER ALL cmcr'u STANCE! AFT IN nAmmm' wrm Tun mws Tam GOVERN Tm: pram; SYSTEM. . * . ° . xs SOLELY FOR THE Lumnxui HEALING or Imus}; AM) THE mamm- 01" 1mm, m THAT IT DOES ALL 11‘ CLAMPS TO no, THOUSANDS o: mums CAN mum anrnw. $33 * i i s * * For. Tm: 0mm 01" Kman Comyumn z! EITHER SL‘X T1117! REMEDY IS l'NSURI’ASSED» B r' “ LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND 'ï¬ prcpand ab Lynn, M& s. Prim $1. Six bottles for $1 swirl’ï¬y a1: :meixm. _m by LU'LU, yovtuge [midJu 43m: 11‘ P91: H Law‘an w IN [‘9 “ m’ min" » abovn Ii" 1 :. “Gm. 'tu {Mann ’ \‘ free to my Pin La y sou ling sunny Lr-mrs m r } answer-3a,. - ’ 1.10m {1. I‘iiwkhgxb"; should 1m whim: . -- U 1w. Pâ€"iljm 695151“ W hearin a red tin tag ; that Lorillutd": Ruse ‘envfflne cut; that Loflllard’q Navy Clippings. and that Lorlllard‘s Snuggnrp the best and cheapest. quality considgmd ?‘ ‘ " T0 DEALER AND CONSUMER. We import only the flneat qualities 055 Coffee and SpiCe. Our DAIENDED COFFEE, sold groqu and unground 1n 1 1b. 131115, 18 a periect luxury. Our 10:3. tins of. PURE SPICE are per 311; 3% our goods branded “3; we? guaranteed free from adul \ 951011. amilv should 1m x! 1. HM S. “Hwy cur anplditym “‘c Liven ‘2 SELF-VENTING PUMP FAUCEI‘ DU: BAKING POWDER, is “TIL, ‘.,:‘:]~5’8 flest Friend.†The Trade mpplied. with Whole Roastcc. cu: ‘u Ground Coffees in AIR- : l 7». 1-3on3. or 25 1b. tins. EURE GROUND $21038 all Slzed packages, W. G. DUNN & CO.,1 [have 1 positive remedy for the above dlseaae; b use than mnda of cases or the worst kind and e! on standln have been cured. Indeed, 50 strong is m (m In its 0 ency. that I will send rrwo BOTTLES FR 1;, go. gather with n VALUABLE TIIEATISE on this disuse,“ my Buflererknmza Express and P. 0. a N Am." M. n, The simplest) and best in the market. Price 5 Address 68 Hughson street aouth- Hamilton. CANADA MILLS. HAMILTON. \ Illustrated Caluloguc for 1885 Containing description and prices of the choicest FIELD, GARDEN & FLOWER SEEDS Mailed free. Every Farmer and Gardener should have a airy before ordering seeds lor the coming season andsomest catalogue published in Canada BENNIE’S SEEDS are THE BEST It In Not Dllpmed 'bnT’T. A. sum M. isiPBurl am. New You; nos.» 2‘; 55 THAT Lorillard’s Climax 31.118 J. WING/(LEI? PLACE to secure a Buaim In Education or 8 enooflun Prn R. U. AWARE PATENT