FIRE PROOF N EW SPRIN G GOODS EVERY LINE A SPECIALITY 1885 SPRING 1885 THE ONTARIO HOUSE A tremendous Stock all sizes and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere. (Toronto not excepted.) GROCERIES OF. ALL KINDS Try our beautiful Tens from 25 cts. to 80 cts per lb. Sugars, Soaps, Canned Goods, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Etc. First class Butter and fresh Egus always on hand. Goods Delivered. A call solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. BOOTS AND SHOES UPRIGHT AND SQUARE E MESHRs.R. S.‘VILLIAMS & SON’S. TORONTO A )ril 12th 18 GENTLEMENâ€"l have much pleaï¬nre in testifying to the great exr‘e-llnncn of,yclur Piano’s. 8%. hnv put them severely to the'tgst, and ï¬nd them possessed of those qualiï¬es of tone and touch so no ceptuble to the true musmxun and lover of classical music~a charming singing cone, easily grad“- ated from the most delicate pianissimo to every degree of loudness and fume s ' answers reqdily to eyery slmde‘ of feeling. 3 ' and a tough wmcn 1 anisideVr £11059 insénunents u grent'h‘qquisibion in musicial society, and am much pleased at ï¬nding a. piano whlch 1 can recommend Wmh perfect conï¬dence. 1 en. '01er var trul CHAS W.EWING (Of London, England) I am’Gent em 3 y y. Orgullis‘t of St Peter's Church. Cdburg, 0n MESSHS R. S. WILLIAMS & Soxaâ€" ~ . '1‘9RON'1‘0.N0\'.4th,188l2. _ _ Gaun‘swflming thoroughly exammed the Workmnnshxp of your Pumas, I have no hesxmtxon 1n stating chain, 1n my opinion, they'are equal to thqge oï¬mgy othqrs _of cm; p931; Make}: _that Illave seen "1 (Jr: {and to hem 'that the extensiVB sale‘of your iï¬strumenrtsVSHOQé {him you'HrV/e méetmg $11311“; success that I think you justly deserve. I am, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, y speukyin-the 5871110 high tefms regnrding the}; lh’u ibhl’hilifljl s . or {ï¬elr 116;?11‘iiu ing capability of tone, pleasant, touch, &0, am? such, that there seems to be no necessity to purchase foreign instruments,‘wher} our hmpgfï¬qrprflme cuq prpducespcl} Pinups, land at one-third less cost [QBGANSL] ARREVNG ALMOST AILY AT THE We make a. special style of Organs in large quantities, and are therefore able to ofler thérlirligt :3;- ceptionally low rates. Payments arranged to suit thu convenience uL‘ purchasers and spread over a. term of years. For full particulars write to WILLIAMS, Vanna co Tina“..- ï¬ne n..._.n_- o‘. n ___A.,,, Ara construcwd from the very best Materials by experienced Workmen, and are fully equal in point of %%%%$@g WELL ASSORTED Field and Garden Seeds in great quantities. Choice Famin Flour and Feeds of all kinds. Spades, Shovels, Forks, and other Hardware at very low prices. STOCK LARGE AND TE STIMONI¢1LS . To the high priced American Inslruments. Yonge St. Toront’a."o'R‘ 321335352787. London â€"New Goods atâ€" PIANOS ! ISAAC CROSBY. JOSEPH‘EHALL. GEO. ‘V. STRATHY. Mus Doc. The Ointment is used with such wonder-- ful success as a dressing for Wounds, ulcers, and sore legs, and for all the external diseases and casunlties to which the advert-- turous gold hunter is peculiarly liable, that scarcely a digger’s tent can he found within the vast area of the gold ï¬elds unprovided with a stock 01' this healing, soothing. cool- ing preparation. The hard fare of the digger, and sometimes his habits. tend to vitiate the blood and develop running sores and purulent ulcers ot'the body and limbs. Bud legs. especially, are very common at the diggings, and seriouslv interfere with lnbours ot the diggers. The worst cases of this class are, cured by the Ointment with extraordinary rapidity. The best method (it healing sore legs, and Sores and ulcers generally, is by iubhing the Ointment into the inflamed putts around the oriï¬ce, ï¬rst opening the pares and softening the. flesh with warm t'mnentatinns. The part affected is then dressed with lint or linen saturated with the Ointment. Sur‘h is the external treatment, but it is also proper to give the patient a few doses of the Pills during the ptogress ot the cure, as they serve to purify the blood and discharge moxbid matter from the system. while the Ointment is doing “8 work on the surfaceâ€"The Scie’n“ hjic Witness. National Prejudices Vanquâ€" ished. The magnetic influence of gold attracts the people of every clime to our shores. Men of all nations, and speaking all the languages of civilization, are to be found congregated on our auriferous plains. Differing in all other things in their customs, habits, and religionâ€"yet there is one point upon which their opinions coincide. Engl- ishmen and Americans. French, Swiss, German, Swedes, Italians, and Chinese adâ€"- mit without a dissenting voice. that the great remedies introduced to the world forty years ago by Holloway are better adapted to the cure of diseases in this cli- male than any other preparations in exis» tence. This appears, in fact, to be the ex- perience of mankind in all parts of the world, and hence the universnl popularity of these medicines. We consider,h0wever, that the boundless conï¬dence placed in their efï¬cacy by the representatives of so many nations at the mines, is a striking phenomenon in medical history- Many of these people in their youth, and even at maturity, were accustomed to the use of drugs and nostrums peculiar to their several countries. These remedies were connecth in their minds with associations of home, and indorsed, as it were, by their national prejudices. Yet they have been thrown aside and utterly repudiated, While Hello-- Way’s Pills and Ointment have beenadopted by a common impulse throughout the entire gold regions. 'Jhere is only one way of accounting for this movement. It is the resultof conviction-conviction grounded on personal observation and experience. rim- 1\: ,. , ,1 kn. Tm: “Brzz Saw †Newsrsrsn.-â€"'l'he May number of Lum Smith’s I’hiladdelphia HERALD literally sparkles Wllh dynamical and electrical exposures of pernicious news- papers, frauds, quacks and humbugs that. infest our land to the detriment of legitiu mate journalism and business and the morals of our boys and girls. Editor Smith pre-- fers serious charges against Gov. Hunt], of ldahn, and calls on President Cleveland for Bunn’s removal Anthony Comstoclc, Secretary ofthe N. Y. S. for the S. of V.. is again otl'ered $l800 to explain his con? uection with W. L. Allen. a notorious fraud and legally indicted blackmailer, The rl‘eims press and ofï¬cials are appealed to to drive Byron H. Van Haul), of Leon Sptitlgs. Texas. from that State. lt Hp" years that Van Haul) is trying to establish a harem. " Dr.†W. H. Hale. publisher of “ Health and Home,†Washington, D. 7., is again fully exposed. Algernon H Wilt-ox. Tom Chiche'ster and “Dr.†Fry. all of Philadelphia, arevgiven “Thirty Days «Notice " to discontinue their demoralizing r" Pennyroyal and Tansy Pill †business. Smith declares if they do .not heed his wttt'ttinz he will arrest and prosecute them: himself. The Louisiana Lotterty C0. is again exposed. The stories,. poetry. and puzzle department of THE HERALD are ex-- cellent. Smith scored his furtynsixtl't vicâ€" tory on the 2lst at May. before Judge Ar- nold, the jury .awarding Smith $25,000 damages. The .National Illustrated Magaz’nc. Washington, D. 0., May. 1885, editorially remarks: “ While we should be sorry to hear of llln entering the arena of politics. we newrlheless believe that Mr. Lam Smith. ofthe Prune HERALD, is bet- ter qualiï¬ed for such a position than most men. In the ï¬rst place he. is already one of the most abused individuals in the coon-- try, consequently he would be indifferent to the lihellous attacks that are always brought against those who take part. in public affairs. Secondly, as this abuse comes wholly from scoundrels whose villainies he has unmasked. such accusations are anything but detrimental to his charac- ter, being rather favorable than othetwisefy A Proï¬table Life. Few men lune. accomplislwd the same amount ul‘ wurk und good in (his world as the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 500,000 uf his works have been sold in (Immde alone H’e want every person troubled will) Live-r Cmnplninl, Dyspepsia, HPfld" ache, Kidney 0r lrinary 'l'rouhlns, l0 call in at Sande'rson Bros, and buy a bunle of Dr. (hnSe’s Liver Cure, it will cure you Medicine and Recipe Book $1.00. Re“ And Comfort. To The Suï¬erlng. " BROWN’S HOUEHOLD PANACEA "has no equal for relieving pain. both internal and external It cures Pain in the Side, Buck or Bowcls. Sore Throat, Rheumatism, toothache, anlmgo and any kind of a. Pain 0r Ache. “ It. wiilmost surely quicken the Blood and Hen], n8 its noting Doweris wonderful." “ Brown's Hmmnholdl’mmcen,"110â€"- ing acknowledged as the grant Pain Believur, and of double the strength of any other Elixir m- Liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wmmx , " as it really is the qest remedy in the world for Cramps in the stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds,†and is for sale 19v all Druggists M 25 cents a bottle THE TRIUMPHS OF A GREAT DISCOVERY. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestioq, Biliousncss, Jaundice, Headache, Dizziness, Pain m the Back, Costivcness or any disease arising from a deranged liver, DR. CHASE’S LwER CURE will be found a sure and certain xemedy‘ .|‘HIUI"\EG III-I‘lâ€"Tn' . The unqualiï¬ed success of Dr. Chase 5 Liver Cure m Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it in compounded from nature’s well known liver regulators MANDRAKK AND DANDELION, combined with many other invaluable roots. barks and herbs, having a, owerful efl'ect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and load. 500.000 SOLD Over ene-half million qf Dr. Chase’s Ruiz}: Book: wtre sold in Canada alone. We want emry man. waman and child who is trouHcd will: Lz'vtr Com- plaint to try this Luellan rcmcdy. LADI E3 It is a well known fact that an inactive liver causes a dull, sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples. eta: Chase's Liver Cure is the only remedy that will most positively cure [h complaints. Am... In...“ Enn- “UNI-lulu“ IIâ€"l-I ‘--â€"-- v , Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase’s Liver Cure is a valuable Household Medical Guide and Recipe Book (84 pages), containing over 200 useful recipes, pronounced by medical men and druggists as invalu- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. T. EDMAHSUN 8:. 00., Sub; Agents, Bradford. , w. .W- SOMETHING NE_w. ‘VGIVEN A!“ Eng hl‘i.ATURE'S_“RErMEPY 13 AVE \( op sation at the pit of theistomnc): which food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken. the hands and feet become cold and feel clammy After a while a cough sets in at. ï¬rst dry, but after a few months it is attended with I greenish coloured expectoration. The afflict- ed oue'â€feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest. After a time he becomes nervous. irritable. and gloomy-and has evil forebodings. There is a giddiness. a sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bowels become costivo : the skin is dry and hot at time ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant : the whites ot the' eyes become tinged with yellow. the urine is scanty 3nd high-coloured, depositing a sediment after standing. There is frequently a spitting up of the food. sometimes with a sour taste. and sometimes with a siveetish taste ; this is frequently attended with palpitation of the heart ; the vision becomes impaired With spots before the eyes; there is a‘ feeling of great prostration and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn 'present. It. is thought that nearly one-thit'dvof our popu-- lation has the disease in some of its varied forms. It, has been found that medical men have mistaken the nature of this dis-- ease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint. others for kidney disease, etc†etc, but none ofthe various kinds of treat- ment have been attended with success because the remedy should be such as to act harmoniously upon each one of these organs. and upon the stomach its well ; for in Dyspepsia (for this is really what the disease is) all of these organs partake of this disease nnd require a remedy that will act upon all at the some time. Seigel’s Curutive Syrup acts llkP a charm in this class of complaints. giving almost immedin ate relief. The following letters from chem- ists of standing in the community where they live. show in what. estimation the article is held. Like a thief at night it steals in upon us nnawares. Many persons have pains about the chest and sides, and somefimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy ; the month has a bad taste, especially in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach ; sometimes a faint all-gone gen-- John Archer. HarthIll. near Shefï¬eld :â€" I can conï¬dently recommend it to all who may be suffering from liver or stomach complaints, having lhe testimony of my customers, who have derived great beneï¬t. from the Syrup nnd Pills. The sale is inâ€" craasing wonderfully; » What is This Disease That is Comng Upon Us ‘P Geo. A Webb. 141 Yor‘kSn-ee‘, Belfast: â€"â€"I have solda Inrge quantity, and the parties have testiï¬ed 10 ha being what you repj'esenAtA it. J‘ S. Metcnlfe. 55 Highgate. Kendal.â€"â€"l have always gréat pleasure in recommend.- ing 1he Curative Syrun». for I have never knnwn a case in which it has not relieved or cured. and I have sold many grosses. ' Inht. 'G Gould, 27 High Strée't'. Andover. -I haye always taken a. great. interest in mm medicines and I have recommended them. as I have found numerous cases of cure from their use. - Thomas Chapman. West Anck‘aneâ€"I ï¬nd that xhelrude Meadin increases. I sell more of your medicines than any other kind. are pleased, and recommend it. A Armstead. Market. Street, Dalton-in Furness ~It is needless for me to snv that your valuable medicines have grout sale in this districtâ€"great†than any qthe-r I know of, giving great satisfaction. .1518 Balmâ€, A P s, Kingabridge.-The publiq seem tc: apprepiatewtheir grint' valqe Friocliheim, Axhroatli. Forfurshire, Sept 23. 1882 Dear SHEâ€"Last year I sont you a letter recommending Mother Seigel's Syrup. I have very much pleasuw in still bearing testimony to the very satisfactory results of the famed Syrup and Pills. Most patent. medicines die out with me, but Mother Seigel has lmd a steady, sale ever since I commencvd. and is still in as great demand/as when I ï¬rst began to sell the deicino. The cures which have come under my notice are chiefly'those of liver complaint and general debility. Rnbt. Lnine. Melksham.-â€"T can we" run-- commend the Cumlivé Syrup from having pI-(lvrfd if? efficacy for indigestion myself. A certain minister in my neighborhood sacs it is the only thing which has beneï¬t-- rd him and restored him to his normal con- dition ofhnalth after being unableto nreach for a considerable length of time. l could mention also a great many other cases, but space would not allow. -A near friend of mine, who is very much addicted to ens-- tiveness. or constipaiionl ï¬nds that Mother Seigel's Pill are the only pills which suit his cemplaint. All other Pills‘ cause a re-- action which is very annoying. Mother Seiael's Pills do not leave a bad after-- effect. I have much pleasure in cammend- In}: again to sulfering humanity Mothpr Seiqel’s nwriicmes. which are im sham. If this letter is of any service. you can publish ll. 15111 August, 1983. Dear SILâ€"I .write to tell you .lhat Mr Hemy Illllier, ()meesbury, Wills. informs me that he suï¬'ered from a severe form of indigestion for upwards of four years. and took no end of doctor’s medicine without Ihe slightest, beneï¬t. and declares Mother Seigel‘s Syrup which he got from me has saved his life. Mr White. A re you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by asick child sulfering and crying with pain or cutiing teeth ? If so, send at once nnd get a bottle of MRS Wmsnowis SOUTHING SYRUP Ton CHILDREN TEETHING. its value is inculcul- able. It will relieve the pom‘ little sufferer imâ€"- mediater Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diar- rhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels. cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mns WINSLOW’S SOO’X‘HXNG SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING ispleusant to the tusto,nud i is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses mid physicians in the United States. and is for sale by all druggists through-- out the World Price 25 cents a bottle. N Darroll. Clun, Salonâ€"AH who buy it Marvelous. One dose of Dr. Chase’s Liver Cure will cure sick Headache. [)9zziness, and Suur Stomach. l to 211011108 are warranted m cure Liver Complaint. Indigeslinn and Bili- ousness. Sold by Sanderson Bros. The Best Yet. The best blond cleans“- livnown to medical science is Burdock Blood Bitters. ll puriâ€" ties the blood of all foul humors and gives strength to lhéweak. : THE Clinton New Em man sued a subscriber in Wingham for 10 years un- paid subscription, and won the suit. Down in Dixie. - The wife of Mr. J. Kennedy. Dixie P. 0., was cured of a chronic cough by Uagyard'a Pectoral Balsam. The best lhrout and lung healer known. A J \Vbixe, Esq WIN Yours truly. (Signed) N Webb, Chemist. Cnlne Yours very tljifly, (Signed) Wm S Glasso,Chemisl. more money than at anything else by tak- ing an agency for the best selling book out Beginners succeed grmndly. None fail. Terms free. HALLIZTT BOOK 00., Portland ADVICE T0 MOTHERS USUAL STOCK OF GIâ€"IOOERIES SPRING HAS COME AGAIN MIXED PAINTS IN ALL COLORS READY FOR USE RIGHMOND Sanderson, Bros.9 APPtES. APPLES. CHARLES DONALD & CO., 79, Queen Street, London, E. 0,, Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merchants and Shippers, thh a View to Autumn and Spring Business. MUSIC STORE. They will also give the usual facili»- ties to customers requiring advances. London, July Blst. 1884.â€"9v m MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS And music of every description will be kept. always on hand at rock bottom prices. Instrun ments tuned and repairer] The public are invited to give me n. calhmd inspect the ’stock: Orders promptly attended to. W. M. CLARKE. RICHNION I) H [ LL 2 OFFICES : 15 York. Chambers, No 9 Toronto Street. MONEY T0 LOAN. E CoA'rswom'H. Jn. FRANK E. HODGINS‘ Toronto, Nov 18th. 1884 fly .-.,_--V,, 7, r Barristers, Attorneys~at-Imw, Solicitors»m- Chancery. Convcvuncers, etc, ()tflces~hnperiu.l Bunk Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON. Q.C. JOHN BAIN WM SETON GORDON, GEO F SHIPLEY Ferguson'rï¬gm. Gordon 8:. Shipley, "W AA 1' ..... C'nlu'nifl\ra,lli. HALL, FULLERTON & COOK Barristers, Solicitors, 8:0. Ofllcca 18 King Street East. Toronto. Richmond Hm Post Ofï¬ce Every Saturday. A LARGE STOCK’OI‘ FURNITURE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. Toronto. Nov 29th, 1884. CONVEYANCERS, ETC Toronto Oflicesâ€"E‘Iï¬â€™gï¬ï¬fijk 0n Snturduys. Money to Loan at Lowest Current R ates. A G F LAWRENCE. T C MILLIGAN. Nov 27th, 1684 1y LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN, Barristers, Solicitors, -No. 14 Building & Loan Toronto Ofï¬ces chmubersJé Toronto st. ' ' ‘ R ‘ ftl RlChn‘lOlld H111 Ofllce-Cï¬ï¬gmï¬mgï¬ To the premises nearly (mposite the Masonic Hull, where a full supply of GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY That has ever been in this town, at from 50. to 75c. per re“. A large stock of Richmond Hill, June 10th, 1885‘ Farm & Other Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business. Goodwills Bought and Sold ! DRAIN. TLLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT For Manufacturing and other purposes. S ock and Share Brokers, etc, etc. COATSWORTH & HODCINS, ï¬armtcm, ï¬nlitiï¬um, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, Toronto J (L11 9th 1883 W M Hall, VITALIZRII fllï¬ FARMS C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST The only Dentist in Toronto using Kurds 0.13â€"- pumtus for I have removed my new Music Store in the Village of Extracting Teeth Without Pain 1’ utent Rights disposed of ; SYNDICA’EES FORBIED BEST SETS 0F TEETH. $8, WALL PAPER AND BORDERINGS ! FILLINBS WARRANTBD FUR IE! Y’s CALL AND S1213 ME. Toronto Feb. 13th White Lead, Ulla and Turpentine. Paint and Whitewash Brushes all sizes. Full Stock of Painlers’ Material at less than Toronto Prices. Best Material in the Market. Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. Filling and all othero (stations neatly done My -old MORTGAGES OBTAINED Try our 250. Teas. Ask for Hgmp'e. QUALITY REMOVED. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, Warranhad to be made from the And the People's Store is on hand with the largest new stock of TORONTO By means of Vitulimd Air. P. O. Box 2527. J. I. EVANS & CO, THOS NIGHTINGALE'S, NEW £05311. J S Fullerton Louder Lune Toronto. Hardware, Crockefy, andihé APPLES. r H'amp'e. Flour and Feed. All will be sold at Bottom‘ Prices. W 0001! 1y~p6m Artiï¬cal'l‘octli,11pper or under, $5.00. Pain- less extracting by use of Etherized Air. The only ï¬rm in the Dominion executing ï¬rst-class work at the above price. RIGG-S 8: IVORY, SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. W‘est, Toronto DENTIST, NE WTONBROOK, ONT. W'ill visit; the followingplucos professionally .~â€"- Unionville,. Monday of each month. Weston,... ..9Lh and 215?. do Maple, ...... ...161h do Richmond Hill. 19th do VVoodbridge ..... 22nd do Mr Husband will be found in his ofï¬ce, at Newtonbrook, every Saturday, except when Suturâ€" duy falls on the above date. G. H. H USBA ND, L- D- S Thankful fur the fa vars of the past years nmy still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill. 9th & 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stouf‘fville . . . . A . . . . . . . .“JBth d0 Markham ...... .. . dc Victoria Square do Thornhill ...... do W’oodbridge . . do Kleinlmrg H . . .' . do Nobleton .. .. . .. .30t11 do Vitulized air always on hand at the places of nplpoiu‘t'meut. It does away with the pilJl in exï¬racting VITALIZED AER ! THE YORK HERALD UNlY $l. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. J Palmer, Prop. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Stubling and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 per day. I’roctor's Bus leaves this Hutel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 u. 111., 12 a. 111.. 5.10 p m. and 7.301) m. HEW CENTRE]. “3!. RICHMOND HILL. WILLIAJSI I’OVVICLL. l’xï¬op This Hotel has been refnmishml, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and in now the leading Hoth north of Toronto. The bar iv supA plied‘with ï¬l‘ï¬t‘clflss hrzmd of liquors and cigm} Excellent accommodation ï¬vr Comméi‘ciui Travellers, and the General Public Good Stabl- Western. Canada in»: and 1m attentive Hustler Loan and Savings Company Ofllucszo 70, Church-street, Toronto HON G120 “7 ALLAN, Seuutprfrcsident Gummy: GOUDERUAM.. ...‘Vice-Presidont Dmnn’ronsâ€"Snmuel Plath, M P, Alfred Ganderâ€" )mm, Geo W Lewis, Thos ll Lee, Hon D L Maclvhorsou, Senator Newtonbrook, June 13th, 1883. Total Asséts, $3,500,000 SAVING’S BANK BRANCH Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. See our reduced 1mm tuble For further infor- mation apply at the oli‘nces of the Company n RY THURSDAY, At his printing Oï¬â€˜icp, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontm'io. Terms of Subscription :~$1 ()0 per mmum in ndvu‘ncu. \Vhen not paid in advance $21 50 will be charged. Transitory givertisemonts, ï¬rst insertion, M. H. KEEPLER, 1113riiï¬e.. Scents. Each subsequent insertion, per line. .3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applica- tinnA Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged trunsL- ent rates. ' Capital,1351,9903990LReBerve Fund, $450,000 The York Herald. FREEMAN’S WQRM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Puxgntim. Is a safe, sure, and effectual fleamrea‘ of worms in Children or Adults. WALTER 8 LEE, ï¬mm @ï¬mflï¬. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA MONEY T0 LOAIV. flaunt, P. Gr. SAVAGE. PUBLISHED BY l-Iy Manager ï¬ssmme Sac’y THE ï¬TAR MM; Sir Wm MoArthur, K C M G, M. P, aux-Lord? Mayor of London. President. W W Baynes,E5q,F I AqSocretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annqu Income . . . . . . 1.600.000 Invested in: Canada. . . I.200;000 Death chums paid. . . . 10,000,000 TORONTO REFERENCES. John McDonnlrL Esq. C. J. (‘mnpbolL .141qu Hon. Senator McMuster A. M. Smith, Esq}, James Motculfu, Esq. Rev. Enoch \‘Vond, D. Loans_made 01; gepurity of Company’s Policy at R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medulisb University of Toronto, M. C. 1’. S. Onturio. L, S A L, Englnnd [Lace Of London, England; Surgeon, I'Ifn. IS'Oflicc Hours 8 to 9.30 mm, and 1 to 230 mu. 5 per cent; intcra’t. Loansmude toChux‘ch Trustees, at Mow rate 0 interest. ,Soqu for prospectus. E.A.W. Members College Physicians 8: Surgeons. Residence, Yongo Street, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1882. 1y DR LEWIS Gr. LANGSTAFF ! M. C. I’. & S... 0111', Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hosyital, Ofï¬ce and Residence,-One door south of I’. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 u. m, é‘a 12 to 2 p m Thornhill Feb 14th, 1883, DR. JMEES infléï¬STAFF I THORNHILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, Member College ofPhysicians & Surgeons. [LATE 0F STOUFFYILLN.) OFFICE IIOURS.~â€"From 8 to 10 a. 111., 5 to 8 1'). 1D RESIDENCE Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond H111. Oct. 12th, ’82‘ DR. W. J. WE H1503“, MEDALIST memo UNIVERSITY. Worth their ‘.Veight in Gold I Pilis 5; @imm I WILL CURE 0R RELIEVE This incomparable Medicine has socm'. ed for itself an imperishnble 12mm throughoutthc \Vorld for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. BIL/OUSNESS, DVS EPSl/l, “DIGEST/0N, dAUï¬/D/CE. 5;: 73mm: 0., SALT HEA nrsum, HEADACHE, JAUNDICE. ‘ ‘ 0F 7/15 HEART, EH YSIPEL/TS, ACID/TY ‘ 0F ] SALT [PH/SUN, THE aroma}, HEAHTEUM, 032013588 HEADACHE, OF THE 8K1â€, And every species of disease aria?er frnm disordered LIVER, EUDHEVS. STOPJIALu-i. BOWELS 0R BLOOD. T. MILBURE‘J & (50.. v the quality Astivu organs, urify, regulate and imp ghood. They assist the d}: increase che secretory pnwnm of Um Tuivoern‘co the nervous system, and throw 11m» Mm circum- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. Thousands ()Fpersnns have testiï¬el that by their use Mane they huue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccossf’ul. will bu found invaluable in ovary Household in the cure of Open Bpres. Hard Tillnnul‘m Coughs, Sore Throats, Th‘mmhiï¬s, (111‘! all (111mm? crs of the Thrme :md Chest, :19 Mm (Rout, liln'u matism. Scrotum. und other kind of skin diseases BAD LEGS. OLD \VUUNDS. CULDS. Manufactured only at Profcss or Hollowuv’s Establishment 533, OXFORD ST {EE'I‘ LONDON and solzl:1tls.1}«1., 2s, 9d,, 15.6‘1‘. 113‘, ‘32, 1m] 33.; each Box and Put,1md in (‘rnnmln m, :w (mum, momma, and $51.50 cents, and the huge ’u‘izus in Dronortion. _ CAUTmK-I have no Agent in HM: United Slams, nor um um Medician said there. Purchasers shule therefore look to the label (m 11w Pots and “()X'ES. II" 1110 address is not 533, Oxford Street, LomIoL thflynm slum? ‘us. Th') Tnfln ‘MIJIC hf mv v gistel‘ml m ()H.I:wu,1md uh“ m m“: ml 'm 33 Oxford STOMACH AND BOVVELS, DR. ORR, MAPLE, Soc. & Trans. for Canada. 10 king 5b., East, Toronto Of London, Eugl and, Gorge gamma. A D PERRY, AND m1 10:1 DEE/MESS, "T 030.03 xâ€. H. angel/"(2," [Blunt \V: ’X‘ llOMAS H Proprieicrz. _ TORONTO. Dec lst 1883 cleans