Umil further noiice, Mails will be :losed at the above Oï¬ice as follows :â€" . MORNING. Going North, South, East, and West, at. . . . . . . 8.10 EVENING. Going South, East. and West,at........... 5.40 Mail for the North, via. Railway, lieaves oncen day, in the morning, as above stated. RICHMWD HILL POST 0FFICE. mm mm: mm H Morning Mail from South, West and East, by Railway,arrives at Evening Mail from Toronto by Yonge-s‘reet Stage, arrives at... Night Mail from North, by Rail- W_ay, arrives at .......... . ....... . 0mm. HUUHS- 3.30% Richmond Hill, Dec. 17th. 1885. G DING NORTE. Toronto, ‘ 8 lo Thomhill, 9 m Richmond Hill 9 21 King, 9 82 Aurora, 9 50 Newmarket, 10 02 Holland Landing, 10 12 Holland Landing, Newm arket, Aurora, King. Ricbm and Hill, Ihomhill. The Btnlhonsâ€"Quetton at. George. changeâ€"Riggs dz Ivory. Final Revisionâ€"John Boyd. may be found on ï¬le at Geo P. Rowen 62 Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.)where adverbim in: contracts may be made for it IN NEW YORK Toronto, The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. The Progress of Our Village. M. Teefy, E‘qu has handed us ex- tracts as taken from the Assessors' Rolls. of 1873, 1885 and 1886, at our request, showing the progress of this place. It will be seen what strides have been made by this Corporation since the year 1873, the year of Incorporation, until the present time. The value of personal property as assessed in 1873 and the present time, has largely fallen off, whilst the population does not show ï¬fty per cent of an increase. In 1881, the year the census was taken, gave a return of 869 of a populatinn-z :91th THURSDAY, MAY 13‘, 1886‘ m. 47 : We give the above for what may be its value, at the sametime, if there is any truth in it. we shall not be backâ€" ward in offering our congratulations to the gentleman and to the Riding for the lmnor about to be conferred. The World, «I course, is always careful in not giving ‘Ieun to rumors unlesa it is satisï¬ed that. fliere are some grounds for the rumors being truthful. Does N. C. W. know . Provincial Secretary Fielding’s resoâ€" lutions favoring the secession of Nova Scotia, from the Canada Confederation were carriediin the House of Assembly by a vote ot’ 15 to 6. Nova Scotians were always noted for being a troubleâ€" some lot of fellows; whether anything will come of the resolutions carried reâ€" mains to be seen. The idea is to get New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island toijoin in the move and then to form‘- a‘ Maritime Union between the three Provinces. This ideals‘hould have been carried out' years before Confedera- tion. but we are afraid the object is about as far off as ever of being obtained. Jealousy would not permit of a move of this nature long ago, although it would have been economic and naturally beneâ€" ï¬cial and we are much‘ afraid [lie same thing will prevent it at the present time. Instead of endeavoring to break up the Union of the Provinces. it would be more creditable if the Liberal Government, who now hold power in Nova Seotia, initiated some practical way whereby the three Provinces down by the sea could unite in one Parliament. They then would not only be able to carry on the duties of Government more cheaply and at less expense, but their powers as a factor in the Dominion Parliament and Government would be more felt and more respected than it: is at present. And then, if unfortunately they were not satisï¬ed with Confederation they could go with more force to the Home Gov- ernment. asking to be freed from a Union of which some at least down there seem to think is the cause of bad times, bad health, and every other fault or failing of which the human system is snbjeo to. Total Assessment Aaaesu’d value real estate 102,200 “ Income 950 value person a} p‘ty 11,500 Population 39 enturad on Assessmenh‘ R011 (181 A Political Pomter tor the Brethren. The following is in the World of Sat- urday last :â€"" It is rumored that Mac- krmzie Bowel] will retire before the next. election and mat. Clark Wallace, Di 1’., a representative Omngism will take his place in the Cabinet.†TRAIN TIME. Elm: ‘i‘iuxh 352mm. Richmond Hlll. Ont. N0 TIOE T0 S UBSORIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARRIVALS. Whole No. 1450 : Secession. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. GOING SOUTH. 10 2b Incorporation 1895 1886 1873 $114300 mew-5:9 31' 159 Ye at of Year Year '7 a. m. to 12 00 12 0! 12 10 12 40 12 63 I 06 2 05 1’ 18 156,950 3,700 11,600 the winter Volume 28. 10.00 7.00 7.45 1151;390 4,400 9,660 520 618 680 046 703 716 923 In an advertisement in this Week’s paper it will be noticed that the Revising Oï¬iber for this Riding in the Dominion Voters' List has called meetings for a ï¬nal-revision oi‘ the lists. An' opp‘orâ€"l tunit‘y will then be ufl'orded for Refor'mh- 1 era and Conservatives to object to those names which have been placed on the lists without having the necessary quali- ï¬cations, The probability is that there are many such. The evidence wiil have to be produced in Court and those nlmes’ erased or the Franchise will not be worthy of the name. Every Reformer and every Conservative who knoWs of a case of this kind should spare no pains to see that it is attended to at the proper ‘ time. The qualiï¬cations ofv’otcrs' must i be as folloWa :â€" In addition to being 21 years of age, owner, occupant, or tenantâ€"in cities, $300 ; towns, $200; counties. $1.60. Sons of owners, if value of property is suflicient to qualify both father nn‘d'sous. Tenant paying rental of 8202p†mount; Fishermen, owner of real property and ï¬shing appliances worth 150. income of' earnings amounting to 8300. Voter: other than owners must have been in possession of the qualiï¬cation and have been bonaï¬de residents within the riding' for the full twelve months between Jan- uary lst, 1885, and January 1st, 1886; Sons of‘ owners, hOWever, are nlloï¬ed six months' absence during the year ex- clusive of time spent attending an instiâ€" tute of learning in Canada. woonnnmax. John Burkholder as Owner's Son ; Wil- liam Stewart on Income; William Stonehouse on Income; Thom“ Ward on Income. Added to the D. F. VOters’ List; The following names were added to the Dominion Votero’ List for Richmond Hi1} and Woodbridge at the Court. of Reviaion ï¬eld at. Woodbridge on the 13th April last;â€" RICHMOND HILL. George Blanchard, Income; John Blanchard, Income; David Benson, Tenant; William R. Barker, Income; Alex. Couller, Income; John W. Dam- eron, Income; Alex. J. Hume, Income; James Hinchey. Income; John Jordan, Owner's Snn ; Alex. Kirkland, Income; George Kennersley, Income; Henry Ludl'ord, Income; Theodore George Law,0wner's Son; A. G. W. Lawrence, Income ; Gideon Mondie, Owner's Son ; Andrew Magee, Income; Alex. Mo- Kenzie, Income; David D, Pugsley, In- come; Fredrick Pugeley, Income; Fredrick Huston, Income; William Rielly, lncome; Asa B. Wilson, Owner's Son; Maitland Wilson, Owner's Son; William E. Wiley, Owner; Walter E. Wiley, Income. Loxunx. May 4.-â€"The Queen formerly opened the lndian and Colonial Exhibition: touday. The weather was beautiful. Crowds gathered along the route taken by Her Majesty from Buckingham Palace, and greeted her with enthusiastic cheers. The large number of foreign princesses snd din plomats. who attended in court, dress. com- bined with scores of British officers present in full glittering uniforms. made a magniï¬n cent spectacle. The Prince of Wales, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Henry of Battenbcrg and his wife (Princess Beatrice) and the Crown Princess Victoria of Germany led the Royal procession through the building. and were followed by Lord Burlington, the Marquis of Sulisbury.Earl Derby and scores of other distinguished persons. So great was the rush to witness lha reyal progress to the Exhibition building llmtil required, beside 11 strong force of cavalry, upwards of 4,000 policemen to keep a passage way for [he Royal carriage- thrnugl) the atreels. The Queen nttracted much attention by her toilet, which contained a conspicuous departure from the sombre bluck in which the public has been so long accustomed to see her. She wore a black silk dress trim- med with beads and lace, and a black bun-- net relieved by a large white OMI'lch feather. Princess Alexandra, wife of the Prince of Wales, was attired in a striped blue silk. The Crown Princess Victoria of Germany had on a moonlight satin dress. The music was grand. Among the num- bers was "Home Sweet Home" sun: by Albnni. The immense choir accompanied by me gram. organ. and orchestra rendered the " Halleujah†chorus with powerful of» feet, The opening ceremonies were simple. They cansisled ofa carefuily prepared pro» gramme of music, the presentation of ad» dresses to the Queen by the Colonies pal-tin cipaling in the Exhihilion and a formal decimation by Her Majeuy that the show was open. The feature of the munical pm of the programme was the rendering of Lord Tennyson'e ode by the van choir. The poem is in four parts. one of welcome to the exhibitors, one of prayer fer the inheri- tance by the colonies of England’s attri- butes, one describing the loss ofthe United States? and the lesson of the loss and the fourth'containing an appeal for the unity of the Empire. Her Majesty was tremendously pleased with the ode. the singing ofl which produced a really wonderful effect. It‘ll the parts were sung in English but the second. This had been translated into Summit by Prof. Max‘ Muller Ill 1 mark of courtouy to the large number of Orientlla attending the Exhibition. The texn'of‘th'e Ode in as follows :7 W'olcome, welcome ; with one voice In vour welfare We rejoice. Sons and brothers : that have sent, From Isles and cups. and continent, Produce of your ï¬eld and flood. Mount and line and prlmx‘l'wood. Works of subtle brain e‘ï¬d hand And splendors of the morning lendâ€"- Gifts from every British mono ; Britons; hold your own. May we ï¬nd, as ngea run The mother featured in t Ion : The Colomal Exhibmon. And may yours for ever be '11:“ old strong“: and constancy Which has madé your father'l great In our ancient lelmd state ; And where’r the flagmay fly, Glorying between sea. and sky, Make the might of Brimihr'hnown, Britains I hold your own. Britain fought her sons of ybre u Britain failed. and nevermoré' Careless of our growimz kin. Shall we 5111 our father‘s sin ; Man that are in 'a.’ narrower dayâ€"â€" Unprophetic rulers they'â€" Drove from out‘the mother's new That young eagla‘ 61 the Went. To forage for herscif‘ 8.10228. - Britous I hold your own‘.‘ Skaters of our glorious past, Brothers, mutt we part at last. Shall not we, through good and m. rlonva tu (me _a.nothm~ still. Britain’s myriad voices on“ ; Sons, be welded, each and an. Into one Imperial whom. One with Britain, heart and son], n ‘ . fl , one (1000., mm *hrono; o. Don’t Neglect It. Gnosnr's Stock of Millinery is large, cheap and stylish. THE many friends of Mr. Jobn'Brownl SOBXBBLING books from 2 to 8 enm- will be sorry to learn of :11! severe ill-~ ‘ “ch for “In at the HERALD stout nesa of his wife. , 7 I 1 lGOING T0 BRANTrOBD.â€"-The Youb‘g RFAD R‘le' 5‘ I“?! 5 “Image Of ad’ Canadian Lacros‘se Club of this village, vernsemem “you “1311 9‘ 800d 59‘ 0f has accepted an invitation from the teeth at cheap “‘63- Brantford Club to play in that‘ city on A. F. & A'. M.â€"Richmondf I.oa2e:the 24m May- I A‘. & A". M.â€"Richmond" Lodge} No 23‘, A. F. & A. M., will meet iii} their lodge room in this village on Mon- day evening next, 17th inst. Goon Tapestry Carpet for 30 0011:â€: per yard at the Concrete. Wm. m ENIonC:n.â€"We are re- quested to mention that the sixth rule in connection with the Richmond Hill Agricullutal Fair will be strictly en- forced. Fntending exhibitors will (here- f‘dre do well to amend to entering their articles for exhibition before the momâ€" ihg of the'Z‘Rh. S'ALvurou Arum Marinaâ€"The Salvation Army had a n‘weling at. Thorn~ hill last night. The min-ring was led By Capt D' D. Walton, V. 8., and Cap- lain Dick Gage. the Curiey Torpedo, am! Living Wonders" from Toronto. The army does not deal in powder and shot; Silver'colleo‘tions; however, seem to He an appropriate adjunct of their music". Fon “lent the HERALD Stdrd,Momh Orgum from 5 to 25 can“ each, also Lacrosse and other kind: of bulls; A Tnnmrm Paosner.-â€"On Sunday the 23m inst, Rev. Professor McLaren, of Knox College. Toronto, will preach in the Presbyterihn Church of this plu‘oe. The Professor has but few equal and perhaps no sflperior an preacher, in'the Dominion; THose whq ban the privilâ€" ege ofhenring him will hBVe a time of spiritual and intellectual enjoyment rarely met with. _ FINAL Conn!“ or REVISIONâ€"John Boyd, Esq., Revising Oï¬icer for th‘e Electoral District‘s? Went York, gives notice tHat he will‘hold a sitting for the ï¬nal revision of the List of Vote’rs at I'Mington‘ on June, 14th ;1 Maple, 15th; wanav’iéw, 16th : Pnrkdale, 18th :. Woodbridge, 21in; Weston, 220d; Richmond Hill, 23rd ;-' and St. Mark’s Ward, 2411:, commencing at M) o’clock, COMIRVATIVE Murmurâ€"The 1154 mu! meeting of the Parkdnle Liberal Conservatives was held in the Masonic! Hall, Pnrkdale; on Friday evening Inn. The attendance was lnr e and great 0:!- thuaiasm prevailed. r. J. M. Lemmas the chairman of the meeting. 091. Gray, M. I’. P. Mr H. E. Clark, M. P. P., Mr. Wallace, M. P., and Mr. Wigle. M. P.. all addressed the Meeting upon the politian question} of the day Tms in ï¬ve and‘tcn 1b 12m at a'graat reduction at. the Fire Prooï¬ ARBOR DAY.-â€"Friday last being ap-- pointed «a Arbor Day, the same was ob served in this village. In the ï¬rst place by the children of the public schools being allowed their freedom on that day from the toil of learning their alphabet, etc; in the next. a number of the citizens hied to the woods and procured some two hundred trees, half of which were put to adorn the new park. The present season was very far advanced for the date. It has been suggested to us that the lat May would be sufficiently lnte enough for to hold Arbor Day on, and we are inclined to think that the suggestion is worthy of some consideraâ€" tion ns being more suitable. Nothing tends to beautify and improve the apâ€" pearance of a place more than having the streets lined with trees; as the pleas- ant cooling shade gives a comfort not otherwise to be procured. We are un- der the impression that our Vlllsgc has the best supply of shade trees of any place north of Toronto, and the people seem to take a pride in having them to it; able adidres'néi.’ '- Mr. Wallace and M'r Wigle came all the way from Otthwa to_ attend the meeting,arriving by the 9.15 train. ANNUAL Exmsrrros.â€"The twelfth annual Spring Exhibition of the Richâ€" mond Hill 5; Yonge Street Agricultural Society will be held on the Queen-s Birthâ€"day, Monday, May 24m, 1886, on the New Park in the village of Rich- mond Hill, when about 8700 will be awarded in prizes to successful competi- tors. We are of the opinion that the Exhibition this year will surpass any previous one, as the prize list has been thoroughly renovated, and the third prise, formerly given, has been dropped, so that the prizes now offered are well worth competing for, and ‘we trust the farmers will not only come in themselves but also bring their stock, &c.. for oxâ€" hibit. The Ladies' Work, 820., will be shown in a“ tent on the ground. The Teston Brass Band will be in attendance during the day and enliven the proceed- ings. Admission to the grounds, non-- members 25 cents; Children 10 cents. ALL lines of ï¬rstâ€"ohms Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware & Crockery can be bought. at, the Concrete at. lowest Toronâ€" to prices. SOUL AND SONGâ€"~The entertainment which is to be held in the Presbyterian Church on the evening of the 24th, will be of a character both pleasant and proï¬~ table to all who avail themselves of the opportunity to be present. Variety when combined with merit and that too of a superior character, cannot fail to please and proï¬t. Variety we behold everywhere in nature. Variety is a source of attraction in art. Man is so constituted that monotony soon becomes irksome. There are some for whom lit- erature ofl'ers special attractions, some who become enraptured with the strains of music. To the former we feel no hesitation in saying that Miss Churchill occupies a position as an Elocutionist second to none in America. Few in the world can rival her in power of expres- sion. To lovers of song we would say that Miss Ryckman and Mr. Kelley are fully competent to satisfy the most enâ€" thusiastic votaries of Orpheus. LOCAL ITEMS. It you want a Stylish Hat or Bonnet, go to the Fire Proof. OMITTED.â€"Tbere was omitted in the Prize List of the Richmond Hill k. Yonge Street Ag. Socier in Class 12. Dairy Produce, Buttbr, 61km, Ist prit‘e 83; 20d, $2; and Home Made Bread, 4 lb. loaf, $3 and 82. Mr. Wm. Innis, of Bradford, gives a special subscription of 85. EMBnomnmn. Laces, Muslim, Lace Curtains splendid nook at the Concrete. BLACK KNOLâ€"Atte‘dtion should be paid to the black not. on plum and cherry trees. Av. this season all diseased trees should be destroyed in order that those not already affected may be saved. Anv owver or o¢uupant who allows any black knot. to remlain on any plum or cherry tree shall be liable to a ï¬ne of‘ not less‘ than 35 nor more than 820‘. ATTENDIâ€"The Rev. J. W. Cameron has announced that he will, on the even ing of Sunday the 16th inst. in the Presbyterian Church, preach om "The Coming of Christ." The invitation is to all those who have no servibe ih‘ their own church on that. evening; to all those who do not nttend any church ; and to all those who will go, to go and hem" for themselves. SUPPLIEDâ€"LThe High Schooi is furn- ished with chemical apparatus which with duty amounts, as per invoice shoWn us, to 366.03. The articles were purchased at Chicago, rather a long distance to get them from. Could they not have been purchased in the city? Is it not. a fair subject to enquire of the Dominion Gov ernme’nt whether the duty would not be refunded seeing the goods are for educa- tional purpoaea.- ' TAPESTRY Carpets“from 35 cents per yd. at‘t’he Fire Proof. Excnnnnr TALENT" ENGAGED.â€" The following talent has been secured for the Methodist‘Church Cancert on the 24th of M ny :â€"-Miss H McCalium. To ronto; Miss Anna Howden, Millbrook; The Atliaena Glee‘ Club. rll'oronto. The hundreds who heard Miss H. MeCallum sing ï¬ve years ngo in the Methoéis‘t Church will be pleaped to learn“ that she has com-ranted to sing here again. No singer since that time has left" so deep an impression on the mindé of a Richâ€" mond Hill audience as she did then. She has, during the pastyear, been care- fully cultivating her voice‘nnder the in slruction of the ï¬rst teacher in the D6â€" minion, and a great treat may he exi- pccted by the large numbers that will doubtless go to her on the 24th inst. Dwmslrr or Postman AMONGST THE Renewal) IN HEAVEN.â€"The Rev. J. W. Cameron preached a very instructive sermon on the above subject, last Sabbath evening in the Pres- hyterian Church,taiting for his text: 1st Corinthians, 15 chap. and part of the Hat verse: “ For one star differeth from another star in glory. He prepared his hearers for what was to follow by readâ€" ing at the opening of the services the 25th chapter of Matthew,which contains the Parables of the Ten Virgins and also of the Talents, both very applicable to the casein question. He commenced his discourse with an earnest' and eloâ€" quent premonition to those present as to the necessity of being sure of attaining to Heaven at allâ€"referring to the par- able of the Virgins, which shows that preparation and watchfulness are both very needful to the Christian's safety. He also showed that it is of far greater importance to be able to read our title clear to Mansions in the skies, than as to how we will be employed after we get there, but there is a diversity amongst the saints in Heaven. The text and also the parable of the Talents fully ilâ€" lustrated, show that God only asks His Servants to do such work as they have ability to perform and rewards them acâ€" cordingly. He also showed that amongst the works of God in creation there was great diversity. from the sun shining in its glory down to the smallest luminary in the arch of Heaven, but each carry- ing out grand design of the Great Archie tect. He closed his sermon, which was of a reasonable length, by showing us that although some will enjoy higher positions in Heaven than others, yet when once we were permitted to enter through the Golden Gates of Paradise we would all enjoy happiness to the very fullest extent of our capacity. His whole sermon was an earnest appeal to hishearers to be ready, to be watchful, to be in earnest about their hopes of eternity,for great would be their reward. The whole service, including the sermon, the fervent prayers oï¬ercd up. the songs of praise and the solemn benediction at the close, could not fail to instruct the mind, edify the soul and strengthen the whole spiritualsystem oftthose that heard THE amount, of Milliuery turuad out by the Concrete in April was far ahead of what was done in the same month in any former yeah, and the value and slyle were ditto. If you want what will please you in Millinery, go to the Con- crcte. LOCAL ITEMS. mm will-a: IT will pay those who want Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks, Garden Rakes, Garden Forks, 890.. to examine the stock Ind prices at thd' Concrete. SAD' Accmnnâ€" A sad accident 00-} curred near York Mills on'Tueaday last. ‘ It. appears that Willie, soh‘of Mr. Wm. ; Bell, was av‘v'ay drivihg in'a' sulky, and ‘ by acme mean! he was thrown out and ! killed. NO one saw the accident, and; when he w'an found by Mr Dunc‘an wal' cold in den“ and terï¬blv Bruised. The poor little fellow was only 14 yearâ€: old and his bereaved parents line the deep 1 l sympathy of the entire neighborllood. Oï¬â€˜ldflis EflEOTID.-â€"The adjhurned: meeting of the members of'the Richmond' Hill Mechanics' I’ngtitute was held on‘ Monday evening, May 10th. 00' mo- tion of Mr; McCobaghy, nec‘bndéd by Mr. Pugsiey, Mr. H. A. Nicholla took the chair. The Secretary then read the minutes of previous‘meeting- which were conï¬rmed,» The’el’edtion of oflicers for the year 1886-7 wa‘s‘ then taken upI and resulted “follows :-â€"Pres., I Crosby; m Vice-‘P‘rea, D.- Boyle; 2nd Vice- k’rcl., T. F McMahon ;; Secre’t’ary, H. A. Nicholle; Treat. W. Sandersbu ; Managing Commitr'ee, Messrs. Tyencb. Switï¬'er, MeConagl’iy, Puhnley, Moodie, Savage, Law and Dr, Wilson. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Tue:- dn'y eveningMay 18th, when the Varied! Committees will be struck. Y0}! can buy at the Ubnc‘rete for 25 cents each of the‘ following :-â€"â€" 13 B‘irs good Lnuhd'ry Soap; 4 Boz’es full count Matched. 31} lbs: but Layer ï¬nes. 3} lbs" heat Gramflated Sughr. 7 lbs. good Dried‘AppIes. 5 lbs. be‘at new Busnia thes. Fm): BRIGADE Mnrmdâ€"Tbe regai- lar monthly meeting of the Fire Brigade was held in the Council Chamber on Friday evening last. and about thirty members present. Lieut. Storey in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. in accordance with notice of motion given at. last meeting by ï¬reâ€" man 9. Trench for the changing of By- Law No. 4, the abme Byâ€"Law was changed to read as foll‘dtvs :-â€"â€"Csndidates shall be admitted to this Brigade by nomination and a vote‘ By ballot, seven black ballots to reject any candidate. All candidates admitted subject to the ap- proval ofthe Fire and Water Committee. At a ree‘ent meeting of the Executive Committee-Capt, Lient., Sec , and‘ Foreman of Bose being prd'sent the fol- lowing were appointed zâ€"Hoseâ€"A. Linklater, ist branch ; U Sheppardï¬nd branch; John Piper. C‘.’ Soules, J Mcâ€" Coneghy. W. Mclmughla‘n,'0. Storey,A. Savage, H. Peach. A, Wright, A. Davis, B. Retlditt as Fireman. Hook and Ladâ€" derâ€"W Cooper, E Snyder, A B Wilson, 0 Mama, 0 Trevothan, Ed (allover, NV, Stevensou. L Gaby, R McDonald, 0 Wright. P G Savage as Firemnn. ‘A communication was read from Kinesr- dine. regarding a demonstration to he held there on the 23rd and 24th June, to which a hearty invitation was extend ed to this Brigade. The above was laid over for one month. Also a com-- mnnication from Oshawa extending an invitation to a demonstration to be held there on the 24th inst; the invitation Was declined. George McDonald was n‘nanim‘busly elected as a member of the Brigade, after which the meeting ad»- j-Ournedf H. A. NICHOLLL, Bee, Mus Anns Howden then sang " Extasy" b y Ardith. This lsdy who is evidently very youthful possesses a fresh clear soprano voice of good range and fall of music. She has a pleasant Manner witl't‘ an audience and created a most favorable impression. In response to a determined encore she gave " Love Remember Me†with excrllent taste and sweetness.â€"Toronto A Globe. Don’t miss the treat of hearing her on the 24th of May at. the Methodist Concert. here. The singing nf Miss Howden was a treat to hear. She has a good and well lrainPd voice which she knows well how In me. She is also young and pretty and has a very winning Witching smile. Her manner and movements on the plutl'm-m were graceful and lady -like She was doubllPss the Star of the evening â€"â€"Montreal Herald. She will sing at the' Methodist Concert on lhe 24th of May. The Athnem Glee Club of the Cend lml Methodist Church gavea Concert at the Temperance Hall last nzght on behalf of lhe Temperance Reformatibn Society. The Rev. Manly Bnnson acted'asconduclorl A very pleasing programme of Glces,Vocal and Instrumental Solos. and Jubilee Hollis was rendered in excellent styleâ€"Globe. April, 23rd. 1886 Go and hear the Alhaena Club at the Methodist Church here on the 24th of May. The lady has a voice of great compass and flexibility; one moment the Hammer il astonished as sound after sound of heavy ham burn: from the feminine lips ; the next his heart leaps as her lilvery hellvflike notes palpitate on the sinâ€"New York Tribuna Miss Churchill will rend at the Presbyterian Concert here on the 24th. WmmnnDâ€"On Sundmv. May 9. at his 18.60 resi- denqu 44 Dnvenpprj. road! ‘Jomph Witherald, Hanwn's ‘I’nu -Indigenion.-â€"How much ilinught Has been benowed.nnd what voluminous lrutisel have been written upon ï¬fil universal and distressing disease. which it wilh certainty and safety dispelled wilhoul'f‘enr of relapse by a course of Ibis purifying. soolhing and tonic medicinal It acts direle on ï¬lm stomach, liver and bnwela~llien indirectly, Ihungll no lnss eï¬'eclively, on line brain. nerves; vessels and glands. introducing sucli order through- out the entire system lhm harmony dwells between each organ and its functiOns. Dys- pepsia need no longer be Ihe bugliear of the public, since Hollowny's Fills are fully compelent to subdue the most chronic and disliensing came: of impaired digestion, and to restore the miserable. sufferer to health, slrenlh. and cheerfulness. Miss Ella Ryckman. the Soprano, has a voice of great flexibiliy and richness.coupled with an exceedingly pleasing stage presence, which captivated her audience and drew encore after encore.â€"J:lamilton Times. She will positively appenr here in all her splendor a! the Presbyterian Concert on the 24th. Miss Chm-chill has ricMy rmrned her fame â€"Pren‘ident (‘levelnni She will take part; if) the Presbyterian Concert on the 24th of‘ Mav. LOCAL ITEMS. u-YJ JI‘KIASH Testimonials. DEATH 1"; RIGGS & IVO Hurry Ricaudu. of ’l‘omnm. cemï¬ the beneï¬ts received frqu the use of yard'! Yellow Oil an a cure for thin ‘and deafness, his afliction with these bined°troÂ¥iblés being a. naval-e one. SURGEON DENT-"mars, S-‘E. Corner King & Yonge TORONTO. Ask your dentist what teeth he preferé we will guarantee to eupplv them to you 11 and will forfeit $100 if not as we re resen‘ give more vitalized ninthuu 9.11 ct at m the city together. Call and'see us, and vs sure you will go away pleased. May, 1&86. WILL STAND FOR MARES AT THEIR. STABLES, OAKRIGE MILESIA They are too wellknown to reduire any p ï¬nd their colts are ths‘ir beat advertiseme‘ To Insure, $15 ; Season Mares, $10. LISTS OF VoT The Revising Oflicar for the‘ Electoral D of West York. in the Province '0! Ontario, " The Electoral Franchise . ct," hereby notice that he will hold & nitt ng At the Village of Ialington on the l4tï¬d y 0 At the Village of Maple on the 15th .duytJu At the Village of Dowmwiew on the lï¬tho At tl‘e Town of Purkd‘ztle on the 18th day 0 At the Village of Woodbn’dge on the let 0 At the Village of Weston on the 22nd dayo At the Vlllage of Richmond Hill on 23rd ofJ At S1: Mark's Ward on the 24th day of Junt At 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in the said toral District, for the ï¬nal revision of the Voters 01 the mid Electoral pistrigq.“ ttdrefox, and the name, addition and pos address of £119 person objecting to any mm the lint, or claiming to add to or amend t in any other respect, unless the same ha ready been sent or deliver «1 at the preli revision of the said List. must be delivered said Revising omcar. or sent to him by regi letter, addressed to him at Toronto, on or the thirty-ï¬rst day of May. 1886.111 the same as nearlyps may be, an 01' Notice of Com in the Schedule to " The Electoral Fro. If the objection be to the name 01 any ; afready ,on the List, the person ab ob] must, at the same time, deliver or mail by tared letter to the person no objected to, E lust lmawn address, a copy of the notice 1 Section. Revising Ofï¬ce for the Electoral Dist} West York. CENTRAL BANK OF DANA" Notice is hereby given mat a. diffid’end of pencent for the currant 1m] f-yeur, Doing a: rate of Six per cent per annum upon .t, a pa capital stock of this institution has been d ed. and that the name will be payable a. Bank and its Brnnchss on and after 17TH T0 318T MAY NE Both days inclusive. The Amime Meeting of the Shareholder! be held at the Banking House 1'11 this cit Monday, the 2151-. day of June next. ’Theich be taken at twelve o'clock noon. By order ofï¬ae Board. Tuesday, lst day I Toronto. 27th April, 1886‘ FINAL R EVISI gym gavzrti’mmm‘ Dated m May; 13352 THE STALLION S NOTICE BY nmï¬SING OFFI‘GER next. The Tr‘tmsfex Books will be closed from ORIOLE DIVIDENI) NO. 4 inn EACH POLLING'DISTRIOT‘ H. QUETTON ST. 9E0 A DoubIe Benefit. AND JOHN BOY-DJ A- A. ALLAN. 111-02-