Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 May 1886, p. 1

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" The baby was knocked out of my arms. and when I came m the amines of the wnber I mmd nun find him. I remembered grabbnrg about: amng the niches igthu Wall, and that: was all umin I came to she: being rescued. I must-have clung to the well an hmr uuomwioua. Au Edinborgh cablegram 1)! 13M (1?th- deli.) night’s date says: The Edinburgh Exnibmon wan openers no‘duv mm fitting ceremony by Prince Albert: Victor. Hie R vyal Highness arrived yeaterday at New- buttle. the Marquh of Lmlziuu'a seen, where he bpann lure nigh!» mien :- neleet party“ 0:1 his way to Eiiuhmgh the morning he was met by the filxdloihmn Yenmanry Cavalry and e-cormd mm the (sizy. The freedom 01 the city were then tendered to him. as it wan awhike ego to his father, end to hie grundtmher, the Prince Canaan, before mm. The ceremony over, a procession was formed, and peased through the leading thoroughfare“ to the exhioiiion buildirg~ in the Meadows, where the Prince. wee precinted With an addrepn, to which he made a. suitable reply. He then declared the exhibéniou open, after which a very handsome gold key {or the outer door of the buucing was presented to him as a (souvenir. The procession then relormed and passed down-the stream of the Old Town, headed by the old 0in Guard, which has been reproduced [or watching the Palace. The Prince, who was everywhere received wnh the greatest enuhueiesm, re- turned to the home of hie hoen. the Me' quis cf Labhian. where he will remain ml to- mcrrnw. A public holiday was proclaimed in Eskburgh in honor of lhe event. Brilliant "Inning by Prince All)”: Vlc’or 01 \Valu u Tl a baby was alive, and, having the use of bulb my hr‘md and arms, I soon brougbu tum to. I called oomnanuly for help as loudly as I covlil Byhh myself and the oi iad were tut.ny ohllled by the water. I shouted tr: aid until my value was entirely gone. and than, feeling that We must both die from exhaustion and cold unless I reward me up in some way. I began nu Wurk mybeét up, uéiuz one hand and my test. Lmle by male I crept up- ward by til 01 the niches in the wall, mm in half an hon: I was almost: wiahiu rebobmg disbunce of the top at nhe wull. How my hurugth ever held out I do not know. I suuppad to teen, and thought of towing me baby up over me curb. It] had had etiengun enough in my arms] know I could haw (1058 so. has whey were too fixed and wank. After testing a. while 1 éxs taming around in: number place to p my but a lime ‘mgher, no dww myself up,&hrn .1 loan my honing, and we fell back into the water. “ A0 10 dio‘lock this forenoou," said Mrs. Fteneb, “I wont to the well the): a pill of water, takisg baby alcng.‘ I saw that aboard on lhe cm!) was loose and I ran back to the hopee to get a. hammer and nails to fasten the board, and thoughtleuly left the enild‘by the well. When I mime buck the baby‘wae g'me. I looked in the well and saw him eamggiihg in the water. Tuiukmg that aims one might be in the home soon, I runhed buck and wrote on the slwie that we were in the well. so that we could have help as soon as possible. I then hurried to the well and let myself ddwn to the water by the niches in the well. I'euoseeded in gettiig the baby out o! the waterwinh oue haud while I held myself above the water with the other. I then p!eeed one foot in a niche on one aide of the well. and \he other foot on lthe opposite, and then braced myself so I could- keep them the water, which Wee above my Whlht. 'l he Crew a! Ihe Earl Duflcrin'lleporled to be Short 01 Food. A Hxlifax. N S., despstch says: Last Octcfier the steamer Brcoklyn Was wrecked on Antioost-i Inland while on a. voyaga in m Livermo‘e tn; Q when. The wrecking uneamer Enl Dcfimiu late hire on Nowmber 49h tor the wreck. bun alter securing a. mug? wast Hedi-wrackeé in the same place on N‘owmber 20m. The owners have under- stood by aden {but the crew wanted to remain on 1113 island all winter, and did no» try to gut them off. The crew of twelve men, new getting uraibhwce, built; a hub of wreckage.aeven miles tram Fax Harbor, where there tare only three fishezmun’r families, they got what provisions they muld fun) the wreck uud Fehnied down During lbs wmter tbry wffdred terricly 110m cold, and towalda the npring thiir provssiom have been short. 0. e of their nnmbsr,nnmed Jame» Green, decidud to try and gel heme. He took an open boat and orchhvd 1h" Gm! of St. Lawrence. 8 diamnce at 180 miles, to Guepel Puiut. He W381i)th mm: days in the ton and lut- tel-ed heverely. The men had nmhm; when he lelt; in the middle 0! April except» fl ur, and no prospect: v! venting anyubirg. {lhe wimn- wua a wry hard In) and all hand? “flared terribly. In is happened the Bpfierzr g men mil be sent for immediatel) . Sit Wdlia'n Jumar has been elected for the sixth mime Prasidanh o! the Royal Collzga of Physicians 0! London. nor Ile'nrlrvudlog Expnrllnces in Al- lemunux lo urn-cue lien: mum Irom I “'ell ’ . A Hornelltvdle, N Y., dispatch Hays: Frazar. anuh wa‘; his family ll‘vtd ml the old Mmea farm, in the town 0! Bradford, this oouaty, 1’”; the favmym'd isndmp Well. wnh a. luw Curb, the water heibg drawn up by as olQLtmhioned aweap. 0:: Smurduy all the family were absent: from home exoepn Mrs. French and her 2-year- old son. Fxrmar French name home at! noon. There waa no one in the house. Ea went into use kitchen. 0n the table wan; salute on which was wriaten, in a bushy Borawl: -‘ ' ' “ Bxby and I are in the w'ell.” anch ran to the Well. Looking down, ha saw hl'd wife in the waner, clinging to 1 the wall. but uppanutly dead. Alv: Mon-is, aneighbar, Was {wasng at: the time, and rekpunded to the Intmer’u cries for help. Moms lea himself down in the well and fastened a. rope {around Mes. Frauen. and she was drawn to the hop. Sue was alive, but: ulomscioua. She wag resnortd with d fiimlny. As men as ‘ aha revived she asked for her' child. The body of the child was found at: the hobtom of the well A mashing of aevsml uhouaand unem- ployed wpzkingmen wan held an Manches- ter yesterday. Eight persons wen-warranted to: diuordgxly condueu. I grow one mate of them evnry year, and [MW plenty of fuel for the News the whole year runvdJiLfi use mum in the other stove bend". I plumb them in hills the same x 8 mm (*m'ly three seeds to the H15). and cumvem t-he Mme be com. I am them when the leader or top 11 me: is ripe. let- n'mg them he an the. ground two or three dew. L. what; iime I can «.1? all the Bead hema,wk.ziah are puninto an open shed wiuh n flour in is, due same as a (mm-crib Thea eznlks are then hauled home end packed in n (summon ahéa‘ with gmd roof on is. When mm in the righfi time the engine, when dry, are hard as oek, and make a: good ho} fire while the eel dheade wnh the seed in makeabener fire than the been hard coal. The 888d. being very nah m 011, widburu belts-r and longer, Lula-i yer huh, than hard one]. The Bmfl arm- is WK) th‘l’d on land. The piece of , .rd wlacl‘ed to plant on should be (“gm-y EDIiOlvfd wnh manum‘ In we grant stepper: (91 air!) .) region in the interior 0!. Ru em and m 'l‘uxnury, where the win- ners are more severe than here in Dakota the m; flowers rue and have been for can- hurim pump the only kind of (net used.â€" Chwyemze Sun, THE EDINBURGH EXHBIHON. HERO!” HIRE. FRENCH. s'l‘thvnn G SAILOBS. flower» lor II'Iu-l. A teriible tragedy was enacgsd inthe northeestsrn section of Toronto yesterday just as the afternoon wss'closii‘g. No. 510 Parliament street, opposite thsgutes of the St. Jimee’ cemetery, was the scene of the flfihlr. Charles Reid, a. drunken, worthless man, shot his wife With a revulvi it twice and then shot himself. Mrs Reid is llvil‘g and may recover. butane woufd-be murderer is nomore. Tan your; ego the two were married. Mrs._ R id was left $2 000 by her father. The tempistion to Equender this little suns was beyond Reid‘s powers of resistance, hid in about a year’s time his wife's little fortune had disappeared and he had made himself a worthless drunkard. Then. it is said, he began to abuse his Wife. 0n the advice of her friends she piperstsd from him. The would-De murderer and suicide con- tinued to hang round town. He haunted the hotels. and was known as a. boarding- house best and a gentleman oi leisure. Mrs. Raid went out in the siternoon yesterday, and on returning home shortly before 5 o'clock was told by a boy named Norman P-uuoher, who lives in-vthehousemhnt a man hsd celled during her absence and stoked let her. He guys the name of Hidg‘e. Mrs Reid suspected that it was either her bus. osud or an accompl'oa of his. Raid msds his eppegrsucemsaihing into the hallway without knocking. ' He’was tin-3e: the influence of liquor. His wife We Id not speak to him, out he insisted on biog hesrd and shoved himself into the dining- room. “ You have not used me right," he said, With s. drunken simper. Dasirous of getting rid or him, Mrs. Raid di'PthObf’d young Poacher for a. policeman, While she sent a young lady. who was staying there 011,3 visit, often some of the migiihors. Rad returned to snnoy his Wife, and becoming enraged at her silence, drew in reviJv-sr, rui-hsd up sluiiee-irle of he: and presented it at her breast. G‘estly agitated, the woman invoked the’ruflisn’s arm up just us he pulled the trigger. The wespon did not explode, but the next second Reid levelleu it again at the pale and trembling women. There War! s sharp report and a bullet iodged in her left arm near the elbow. Rs-id loliowod this with another shot, the issdsn misiile this time taking tfi:°h in his helpless victim's neck. She fell hawk on the lounge iosenrible and bleeding. Thinking that he had finished his murderous work and sent 1"” Wife to the other world, the fiend shot bin: sell through the bend and sunk to the 1110:. Miss Wesson returned with assistance only to Witness the Wife and the husband lying as she thought deed in their own blood. Police and physicians were suinmuned and Mrs. R dd was put in bed. The what in the arm war extracted. Dr Brent [nobud for the other in the neck, bu: did not come across it. On account of the patient’s weak condition he refraintd frnm iurthsr search: The murderous husband utill ley insensihle on the bloods’isinsd chi-pet, wilh the warm red liquil uczmg out of a. big wound in the side oi his head. The builst muat have imbedded itself in his brain. Detective deburn had him re- moved in the ambulance to the General H‘Jdpithl, where he- died at 830, having never milled. With “’blrh Queen Victoria Opened Ihe Great k‘xhihlllon in lion-Inn. A London estlegrum Says: The Qieen symbolicslly opened the Indian and Colonial Exhibition on Tuesday by hand- iog'-Our Sin" the key ct Ill, which the Prince received with nbe gram. bchming xhe Grand Master of the Freemasons For unlye. moment: he held in upiniie case to the “who view. In is well worth a minute deseripiinn. Imagine i 1 hall a foot long. made 1:! burnished gold. set: off wnh enamel and a. variety of jewels, the bow being hexagonal in shape. In the centre of ihe hexagon, as seen from one side, is a golden representation of the head of a lion in high relief, langubdfifivith ruby, crowned and sell in red enamel surrounded with a band of white enamel, mm the lnBOl’ipllOfl, “ The Go oniul, and Indian Exhibifiion.” From this cemrel circle relieve to the angles of the hexagon six shielde in» raised blue enamel, eecn hearing a eymbul in gold of the colony o: dependency. the animals chosen being the sheer, elephant, iiger, opossum. beaver and bLffllc. At the bow end of the key and surmouming the bow is the Imperial crown‘ the band at which is jewelled with rubies and emerelds. The pin of the key as it leaves the hexagon uterus from a centre of {our elephante' needs, whose trunks form a smash on vibe:- side of the how. The radiating shields are of yellow gold, and beer the numes oi seveml of the oolcniee, who-e symbols are on the obverse. and in the centre is a email nugget: of gold. The key in not merely an emblem oi the Basie cere- inony, bua is also a master key to all the ducxeot the Exhibition. Nexn week uhe Queen opens the lee'pt,01 Exhibition. A MAN S'HOJTS HIS WIFE AND THEN SUICIDES llerolc "omlun at u Widow Lady in 'I‘r-v- lug lo Suva Her (Hievriug. : A Form Scum: (Kmsw) deepmrch says: Abuur- 1 o'clock L unb‘s dam broke and en immense dey at Walter uniting winh the already ewrlleu brook rushed d>wn the valley. The house occupied by Sarah Brown, a. widow, was struck by the toaem und ewwb 100 yards down the stream, where in lodged among the tree-1. Mn. Brown and (our of her children were in it; The water rvae rapidly around it to a depnb 0! several fee-n The mother held her rix months’ old infaun in her arms above the water, leaving her older children to care for nhemeelvee. She suddenly noliced than her 5-year-old boy was drowuiug, and in attempting to save him the infant slipped from her erme and was drowned before Md mule reach it. The remainder of the family were rescued. A TORONTO TRAGEDY. Dreadful Ending to Unhappy Mar- ried Life. General Longahreet, now a silver-haired vezemn, wane to see how he was repre- uenmd in the oyclonrna of the second battle of Buil Run in Washingfson the other day. Ha was there pirflrayed, withlccks much blacker than no wears now, in a group of officers around G :nerai Lee. Being uukuu hlu opmion o! the) aoene. he said: '- Well. i6 aeems to be abnfl all new except) the run." Several Mormon missionaries have been mobbed in various paths 0! Switzarlsnd and they havu determined to abandon for the prevent their proselytizing efforts in that country. 7 ~Pmtesaérâ€"Ate you at theorem B or 0, Mr. Backworthy. Mr. B.â€"I guell I am at lea. ' ’ VOL XX VII, u A 1'10 l‘l'llClfi’S BAKING. A WONDERFUL KhY, The fallow/i119, are mormily Wrzunderflâ€" A. Erdxhsn." C4 Dudik, Ftank Nowslzi, 3,483 13 -_.-‘ WJSCOI'ISIh'S GovernoreDegevmined _to.Pre- serve Peace at all Hazards. MILWAUKEE, May â€" Rreicieule of the nonvhum patron ui‘ me oiey'who were aelir M an early hunt this morning noticed a. great: number 01 P 1165 who had nurtioipmued in yesterday's note a; Bay V'awheiugly and in pears, making; their way iuwa‘rde the large Pulmh Church in shun section of the city. By 6 a. 111. four hundred men Were assembled, eeeh bearing a huge club, iron her, or same other implement oi Wallflfa. The men wexe formed muo line. end all nhe mder proceeded in the disemion of Bey View. raising she my tea they went, “ K-ll :he milinm and burn the milie.” Being apprimd of the web's coining, Maj .r Dreemnr ordered the four a :mpnuks under his command to form inside the rail- ing mills enclosure, where they had new in‘ camp du‘riz gnhe uishvhund Biatibned them in the been possible position to 'oh’eck the huleeolxiug mob. A»; the letter erprcaohe‘d nhey were ordered‘ [0 shop. No heed wa‘l given and M‘jor Tcuemur repeated the Order. Agmm the mqu, which was new abouulfiibeen hundred strong, ignored the caution and pushed chmd the budge The order be fire was when givm‘, and as nearly as; could he ieurntd the {our com- panies emptied their guns With a steady uim an the among. Swing reverel oi their number full wounded or dead, the inch threw ibumselvee flstli on the ground 'and >0ughu Weekend): of His rnizrumi embank- ment», [Thereault nub: firao voJey hwmg each a: salutary efi‘egjm, the milisiw main smoked their arms. and e squid at police assisted uhe WOUL‘ai‘d. ' um KILLED AND WOUNDED The killed and wounded were as {allows : K‘liedâ€"Mlcneel Ruobaieki', m.«.rried." laborer; ancz Kuuktl, bged 64 34103 through aha hmr‘u while feeding euackeue in him yard; Jyh'aun Wueeeku, lubuxer; Milli”) Jenkowmki. laborer. "Jam O~inzki,aged 23, and Feed. 'Gsxd- bum are non seriously Wuunded. ' The riots-re in greater part retreated to the section of the city where they rekide. The exemmenu there reached a high pitch, and finals“ 0! vengeance were heerd on every earner. In the western pcrmou of the may we Gamma Se-eialmne have Gnui‘éd the police unu axe miznia reserve m che unuury a great hmounfi urouble. Thtee Gimme have nhey bren c) ed to Mxlwuukee Garden to dlspere-e aorowd of 2000 or more Bl-l’lketa and Sucihlieue, each mum she vigcroua use (I poncemen’e cznhe upon- the heads and. bums at We mob bx»ng neces- sary. 'The riotere, ' or thefie of Polish uahionaliuy M leaéh, proceeded to Back She residence 0! Capo Barchardn. otlwhe Koa- c ueno Guard, leaving in a complete wreck. The imuriahed Polandere then assembled near the Polish church, and in is rumored decided 110 mm themselves and make a. raid on the mimic at; Bay Vlew Mills this altermou. ANOTHER DISTUBBANCE. While he eronble was going on at Bey VIBW a. large eruwd nt Socialists and Bankers assembled an Mllwunkee Garden and were preparing to carry (mu 8. pro- gramme o! riot: and deezrnoolon, but mny pullcemen and three Infantry companies were deepatehed and cleared the premises. The mob then reassembled and proceeded ho Bean’s brewery, where a dxamrbanoe wok place. in wbioh in was necessary no resort) no firing. but 80 tar as known no one was lulled. though,” Via believed several 0; :ha timers were wbunded. The city is in i state of excitement DDPqu.iӣd at any time since the pasanh trouble ex mmenced. mixer mar or worms. 0! the poueemen burn thh ptecee of the bursting boom and the bulletu med M them during lash night's afimy, John Dlegun and Nxehuleu, Shannon are dead. The fulrowing hweuby‘four officers who sustained serious and possibly haul irjuries are at the County H-mpital: Thom“ Ma- Henry, Henry Wemkle. S McMahon, B F SohueH, J41)“ H Kaug, John Doylm'Heury Smith. Thoma» Hauneasy quph Wormau. JAB B: nd‘ .C.W Wmtney. BH-Lard Murphy, l‘immby Flmvm, Laurence Murphy. Puke: Bailert-y, Tim'QSflhvnu, P E M('N Alty, Michael Horun, August K siler, Alex Jama- non‘JameH Sta: ton.Puhriuk HmmordJameu Barber. Wm. Barnes. The [mluwmg officers are believed (it) be: finally wounded, bun were at“ ahve at 7 p.m.: anb flannel), Nulaon Hansen, John Burcm, George Mailer. YHE BEHBâ€"IHEUWER A REVUEUUURARY ASE“, The oiuzena wounded and at the County Hospital we James Lee, a locker on ; t‘hnmaa Noian. one of the mJb; M cbael Hahn. Joseph Hahn. Robexh Bouilau, J Am Lapland, Junu Fraser, Funk Rush. Peter [“y, John Sachem Auguan J-mob. Jnr‘eph K muguhies, Charles Sohumuoker and Emil futz, Tuia does 110% comprise, it is b::lieved, more ahan one-third of the howl number wounded - Nearly <1510000 has already been aub- Pcrlbed on (Mango for the Income? 0)‘. the dead and wounded (flint-re. ' The police msde another mid on the xffiue of the Arbeiter Zeimng yesterday “harm on. They arrested a. man in thr offiw, who, upon being searched, produced a. large revolver and dink knife. lame (film were diz-cavered mveml boxes of dynamite and a. number 0? red fl»ge and incendiary banners, all of which were atized. The dynamibe was taken to the lake from and rxploded. The tffzot wm terrible. A Lizue about the size. of a. hen’e egg was plaaed in a couplirg link .and exploded, and the henVy iron was seamen-ed into fine ‘bm. About 3 p.111. detectives made another ~euroh of the Arbm’ter Zeilung preminee. They were reWarded by we GIHOOVEFY of 8. gram lot: of ammonium: suitable for Wm- eheeter rifles, rhea-guns and revolver, several lures for bombs, 9. dirk k'lifé end 5 huge Cella'e ravolver. The stuff was iound under an alley k > IMP.RTANT EVIDEN‘CE E’ECUBED, ‘The police are rapidly collecting evidence agaiurh the chief couapimtore among the Anarchisue. They searched Spien' cfliae and found absolute proof. The inflimmu» quy circulate headed " Revenge] " “ Work- iuzmen, to Arms! ” 3rd “ Atzemion. Work- iugmeu l ” were found With the form in type. These were looked up in the Central Station as evidence um Bpiesand Bob wabb THE WESTERN SLAUGHTER. five More of {he Wounded [hiéago i7‘ulicemeu3 L'Eeyund Hope of Fecovery; I RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1886. m I: ' A‘smull tint occurred at the town of Lstke, [man mgha. T we potioemeu were bbdzy burn. The lwder at ma nowr». named Biank, Wm.- shot through the bean, M..Cu:miok'a Reaper Works unarmed up um ' morning man a preuzy full force. Offiaara Barrett. Slavin, Miller and Jacob Hausa! are beyond hove of recov- ery. The remainder of nhe wounded will prnhably_reoover. Mayor Harrison this afternnon,“ after consulting with his department: oflioers and oil‘izens, published ‘9. card proclaiming than garnering: at people in crowds orprooes- nuns on the sweets and public places of the clay are dengerous and cannot be permitle’d. and orders have been issued llo preveno all such gatherings. and no break up and dis- yerse all crowds, to prevsnu injury f0 innocent persons. The Maya-r urges all law-abiding people to quietly attend to their bfiaits and not to mean in crowds. It the palms order any gathering to disperse and bbey be null obeyed‘all persons so dis", obeying will be treated as law breakers and will incur the penalty of their disobedience. INQUEST ON A MURDEBED OFFICER. The 1: quesb over the remains ot- 'Police Officer D.t'gan was concluded this evening Chris Spies and Michael S (iwebbmwo of the prisoners, made statements in bheir own behalf which damaged raltber than helped them. The jury recommended that all the prisoners be libld toflmudar. , > A HORRIBLE XNCIQENT. About 6 o 0100!! nuts evening hhree cfiioers sisnloned v 0h; D spluines sweet vmdncb were eboLnl ram A8: saloon. Oflicer Michael Madner‘r instantly grappled no. man: who held Ihe revolver, and in the snuggle hogh were shot, Mudden’s wound being mar-ml. The fund for the benefit: of the families of the dead and wounded has swelled to 828 000. Thai police raided the hall of the Anarchists at 105 North Wells sheets thin mgirgiug ggd‘sreizad aAtew musketg. Officer Madden, who was shot: last nighb, is rtul living, but; his condition is criuioul F‘dly three-fourths o! MoOormick's em- ployees repel-bud for duty this morning. Tue collscnug of evidence against the nonupimtora in preoeedmz. rapidly. Tbs State Altomey says: ” We will push the prnnacusion‘of the men who instigated the riot. and helped to carry am the murder, as far as the law allows us.” The proprietors of the Deeriug Works have decidt d vagrant a work day of eight hours and an advan‘oe of 15 per cent). on the lormer pay. The men will return to - Emifl‘mtz, a civilian who was shot, is in a dying ogndiniop. 01333;: Barrett, wounded by the explosion of the bomb on Tuesday, dyed this torenoon, and Otfiear George Mllle’r died‘to-uighu. mikwg a hotel of flour: demos to date among policemen. Officer Madden, who was shot. last night. is exill‘glivmg, but his condition is critical. Ofiixerp Fmvin and Jacob Hansen are beyond the hope at recovery. The remainder of the wounded will probably recover. Doleouves iuspeaned the house 822 Henry abreeo no dhy. They found fitny rounds of ammuninun and uwov rifles, a sword bayoneu, bitly and a quantity of Anarchist literature. The ccaupsun of the house, Gusuave strangemuid no he a mnu'dcr of bombs: was arres‘ed. The police raidsd 71 West Lake atreet, seizmg a number of red 11ng and banners, embluzaned with the must- rabid threats against the oomtihuted uuchorinies. work An incendiary fire was Btu-had in the lumbar yards near North Avenue Bridge this morning. A can oxmaioing _ex- plosives was {dam} in the yards. 11 Is now uhoughu the main who threw nhe bomb on Tueuday waaarevoiutionary agent tzom bhl- East. Inspector: Bonfield raided Zepfle hell this morning and found a lot at 11111815909, red flags, and German hookeexpounding Somalisth doctrines. This alteinoon the whee alum raided the anhahlxehmenfi kept, by C H. Bissau, on South Gfiurk sheet; marrying away ninety gum! and revolvers. In ‘waa declared Bieaéll‘had been supplying the Swiulisue with guns. ' « BT nee BAIDED BY THE MOB. " A mob of 6900 to 8.000 permuu reassem- bled nea‘r the ’eorner 01 18h street and Centre avenue at noon to-day and raided Rueenfpin'u’e drug 850m, cattygng (fl‘everyv wing portable. They mhen raided aliquot store in the Viciniw. Women and ehfldren joined in this mid. The police dispersed the mob. Tv‘veuuy rioteré in the Twelfth street: dia‘ :riou ere arraigned and held until Sutur- day in $300 bail enohfl r ‘ Tue yardmaaher of the Northwestern R:.iiway says Isa-day a crowd of men name who the yards and compelled she few swflohmeu who were working to leave. An 11.55 ao-nighu two alarms of fire were soruck, one amrm from Ashlsud wanna bridge in the lumber diam-mt", {be other is from State and Harriaon streets, the can“: cf the city's lowest: quarter. It incendiary fizea wexe to be BhatflEd by Anarchists u would be difficult to choope No other loos.- 1i in?! from which (qunlly diassurons con- flagmmioue could spread. Howaver, in ten miuuuaa the fires ware announced to be outs. What on earth are the people going to do with the been this year? The whoie country is alive wnh ahem ; the churches, eehonl-houees and some private dwellinge have been ruthlessly taken possession of by the inveterate liacle workers, and the proaptol is than either the people must surrender or the bees must go, and the direcfly incited to ridt and bloodshed. The Aparebieu Parsons has ‘nou been captured as ’fi'reh 'reyongdu He is'uenill in hiding. Sahwab’b‘wau mischkefi' ‘for'him when the that: arrests Were made. " iattbr dun'b appear m hurry about: it. We suggei-h am all the public buildings be duuafied to: beehivas and this fall the entire valley deals» 9 a dividend on honey. There’s millions in itâ€"Santa Ana (Gal) Standa‘rd. The (oliowm'g ogbleatam wan raéeived by the GNarn-ak-Gs‘herln'ifmm the Queu’: “Opening of the C 'lmia! E8 nibiuion want: t if splendidly. Dalighbed [Q 863 to many of my Ginadian i-ljf‘j «Ma. ‘ i “ Vic-roan, R. (k I." The GavemorGeueral mma a auinnble reply. ' ' ‘ A Berlin cable any: : Evnpexor William: is taking some much neeced rent an Wies- lnd‘en, and his hemluh has already shown signs of improvement ; notably he ia'almoat emirer lree from those‘ fainting fins to which he was _ so dlstresaingly subjccb for Home months back. He will ahonly visit Ems, and In July he will grossed ‘t‘oG as» mien for the bulbs. The Emperor still remains in veryle‘eblg health. eWhe'ga hu'sineaa house is in a “ rhsky" oondmon, is in proper to speak of iv an a and 7' ago- [rum the Queen. he Bees ll-ve no! Struck. A Winnnpag danpatch says: Dr. Ma- Dmuldmf Mmuedusa, cnmmibaed suicide yesterday by throwing himaelf into ,8. alongb. Ha firhh tried to and kite with a. razor. - A Winnipeg despatch says: A large puny of immxgmmts from the east. in charge 0! R~v. Mr. Bridger, avrivad this afuernoon. Most of them iué'end to pur- chase land and foilow farming. A ‘K 'i‘ue railing for Rial‘a grave WM brought in from S). Vim? yeauerday and placed in 'vosm'ou. Ah the head Is a. plain wrmdan M085, bearing the words “ Louis Qawd Rial." ' " The awards by the Dominion Govern- ment: to nhe Indmr‘s who loyal during the late rubbllinn are new baing made. Delegates leave for Oanawa tomorrow uigau no intatview the Gavernment regard- ing 5 2mm: for Red szer improvements. The delegates will 'alao proceed to Mau- breal mid Marviuw aha Canadian Pacgfig‘ Rai'lwzw symfiosfe with regard to discrimi- nuhina from!“ rams. ' This bfflel‘DOOU the members of the 9011: Bmmlion' ware [Hammad with the Norah- Wast maduls by Mrs. Aikens, wife 0! me Lentenava Neruur. The Luann Legiulgtura tic-night passed a resolutionfiakiug the Dominion Guern- menb for a land grant for the Portage OegtralRailgvay. _ ' The Minister of Public Works {Jo-day sent a telegram to 8:: Hector Laugeviv, urging than immediate steps be taken for uhe banking at the Arminihoine R‘ver, for the purpose or praveudug nu ovexflow. The Apathetic, Deni-F1le Shakeâ€" Giant Like Grip at a Bur-lugs; Mun. ‘ No words are so natural to humanity, none so siraigho and quick from the- heart as the language of the bands. obsegveg a. wriher ‘izx “ Oaanpll's Magxzins." Our Oriental grienda, w'rhb fire at u. Indra slow and dignified bbaiucter, disapprove 'ot the Wanner» Ouabem of taking hold“ of the preéioua, person of an acquaintance and shu‘king hini in; weloame. 'Ia ma. he'more dikhiflad to Ishw, but: if‘h‘an nfida‘find activity be’ our charaozerinli‘oa. wt‘lilfi Y'h'a‘ hruatlul mymery’ol a. hand-clasp. "In is” an index in icaeli The formal andgold charac- nar ofisrn hfiruighfl fingers for an: insulin; xhe dull and apuune‘piu lam ua'mke hold 0! Lhé‘ band like a dead fish ; the‘ energetic bush neas mun means an old friend wiuh 3 gm xhab brings the water into his eyesmhe' warmmearmd taken our band and holaaiu. The nervous band. wibh its afieotiqnate swiltneasl oomex.» out most: readily ‘and' long- ingly.. And is abate anything mnrbnniuml ooareverenb'ilove than the kissing 0! this hand that has been bountiful in love to us ?_‘ A Winnipeg de'rpM'o‘a awn: The Pto~ viuciul G wernmeub wiil « fifer a reward for inferrnnuon as t9 the came d the death of one Knox, who'ia huppoaed w have bad a. considerable sum ‘0!- mouey in his poems- sign, and who had myuseuously 11153115. pea-red from Wlduipeg. A mania: is beliwad to have been committed. ‘ An epcstle once wrote, “Let iove be without dieeimuletion.” Had he livediu our day, he might heve thasught it quite as important to say, “ Let love he wnhont sentimentality." In looking over the re- ports of charitable instituzions+=.especially purely voluntary ones~â€"~we are frcq‘iently struck by the utter absence of any eztempt to deal in whut might be 031196 a scientific manner with the (none that come __w1thi‘n their scope. Instead of this. we have any amount of sentimentality and gush, pious azctipfions of thanks to: Provi- dence, considerable leudaiion of the officers engaged in the work of the inetiin- tion. and long lists of donations, with the nemae of the donors. of courre. Now. we would cheerfully exchange all this for 9. little information likely to be seniaeshle in a boientific point of view. Buy in is an “orphans’ home.” What we should like to know in connection with the operations of such an insiimtion may be roughly indi cated under the Iollnwing heads: 1, In regard to ~ 839.11 inmate, whether he or she is really an orphan or not. 2 I! so. how the condition of orphan- age and dependence arose. 3‘ How it happened that private aid kgm friends or relatives was not forthc‘omingâ€" whether, for example, the existence at a convenient esvlum mm which the orphan could be put had anything to do with the child‘s being 111086 there rather than otherwise provided for. 4 What m‘oral effects seem to flow from the eb~enne of parentnl afiectivn and influence. 5 What the special influences of the home "or asylum seem to be in difierent classes of cases. 6 What the subarq‘ient conreerin life of children reissued from the mine has been.â€"From Popular Science Monthiy for May. Accidents, now that the open eeaeon for hunting is on, are to be expected. Proper carefulneee would prevent them almost entirely. No man who cennov keep his wine about him under almost: all circum- xtancee is fin no be brushed with a loaded gun. The man who always hendlee a gun as it it were loaded and dangerous will escape accidents no himeell‘ and others. In bunting game mile no Ii-ke whatever of ahDOUlL‘g man or beset. In is always been *0 keep out oi fields where there are domestic animals feeding. unless you own the fields and animals. ” Luck before yen ehsou." is a good maxim for the hunter to applymeoscmllywhen his dogs are on a points. Leek all around below flushing the game, and it there is day living thing except: the game in range. don't shoot that way, or banner. don'n ehuou at all. ‘ A Bamhflu letter says :V The fullu’wing, were one contents of 1113 ' summech o! a. ahatk captured by H. M. S Rover, rat- St. Kmts, or! the 213!) inexact” and which wee u'pened in the - presence 0! nee:le all on bond; Ems! an; empty mefan can (at-out two pounds)»wee brought out ; then came 01.23 mgehher two hum begs’.‘ with; the blineu Main, two swabs for washing flown (leeks, a stone sbuuhfive inches in fidaumeficr. 'mhe :emains of an. old hat; a. haversack with .hu'oklee and straps, and a great number of bmcu, apperenhly those of e mule or'borae; Entry Hyrxdmap. Preai'hn‘ ot the Egg..- han Social Dum'oomnio Fedsrpfiion, in an interview wicb a Lancion oor'vea'pondeufi. said he was atrangly opposed to .the movement made in Chicags,_ gm it is un- wise for annnorgamzsd [nub to oppose a drilled forge; huh be “war in sympuhhy ‘wiuh the principk' to: whichuhe Booiallaus were contendmg; ~ Ofiiug to the’ 'preValencq of scab, the. ennry 0! sheep moo Britiah‘oblumbi: wiuh- out inspection is prohibited. ‘ The Conleuis 0! I Shirk’u Stomach, Charity n57 nn‘ubjecc 0! Study. PECULIAKITIES 0F nun-31mm; Luie Northwest News. Beusonnbl‘e Advice. WHOLE‘NO 1,451 NO. 51. n ,.__ rises beiore‘ him. Hence these savage tribe's prescribed the rule that never nicer marriage should a grandee his monhev-in- l‘ew, and this in time became a secinl law nr‘custom. It has Eéen'more than once flippently sdggertcd that/this lesson’v! a venerable «experience might be accepted and the custom edopted here, while others, lgqiully regardless 0t eocial and other Ou'Ii-‘qulflnuefi, hawe advocated the insti- twin: of a. kind of suetee arrangement, which should bind the British moi-roe by social propiiety to clUsJ HE: mortal career. upon her» daughter’s marriage. Apart trom_ the suggescmn onéy being available incases where one-daughtersalune blesse’d‘ ii marriage; there is._,the more important consideration that to eliminate mothers-in-law altogether from society, evenilit were posbible, Would be worn diqaetrous in Its (fleets. Is her. presence really always so disagreeable, so baueful to enjoyment? Is ' her advice hevar needed? .. The world has» always sided again-«b her ; it does notsstop to consider the double cuaracteristics of legal matter: nity wh:ch_”are involved when both sons and danghiers marry; it still pereiets in vjewmg he“: only in her character of wrie’s mother, and repeats and revivsfies trom time‘to time all the malicious denuncia- tions or Witty, migraine that heve become usauoiated with her name. Thaokrray even, who. with his large knowledge 0‘ the world and of the human heart. might have been. expected to be more lenient to the unfortunate rece=ol- mothersiin-law, goes nut 02 his wev to drew the horrible Mrs. Mackerz‘e. pitying his avg“). silly little Rosie, and the mo iijared wives of her BOQUuiDt- Phones, without reflecting that they might in‘fihe‘ir turn bec me mothereV-in-law. Does ‘ ride this fact furnish loud for reflecaiuu to ’the young' ‘hnsbands of today. who a quarterot a century hence may find iheir laviog wives‘ unavoidably drifting into mother-in-lawhood ? And sgsin. is it not rather unreasonable in a young man to object to her who has had the greatest share in moulding the character and train- ing the habits of the we woman he has chosen from all others (.0 be his companion (or life? How strange in is, when one looks the queationin the nice, that a lady who is considered harmless enorgh until her children marry, should aim: than happiest of family events be elevated to sum-e. painful pedestal of disagreeable- ness 1 Their ‘ Condition in Civilization and Among Savage -'.ll'lbrfl. : To aupppra nhe idea “not mothersdn-law- ‘ have never been favorably regarded. elbo- mlugiets [hell us 'hhau a ‘smgulur ,ouynom. which emote that a men shall have: look upon the Me of his-mother‘iu-law ninei he' is onog married. pmVeils among numerous savagapeopieeeppareufly Widely oundarod‘. by geographmal diacrjbutio an} o'flerg enoee oft-ace. The custom“: Samuram’opg, aha ‘Kéfiitfi of- Soutlf America, hm‘éug several (“2 bile-Australian tribes; and amoog many Polyueumns, a. {not which mma people assume to point to a common origin: u! these races, bun which opheru look upon nsrmnmimrny vi zhe ex‘isntnue of a napu‘ml lemon 3’ pace of wisdom indigenou‘s to each of these countries, and the direoh growth of, _ individual experi- ep‘oe. The custom being hung, in ‘ enigh widely eeparuted' conbiuohte as, Africa And Auawrulio is considered as proving mam mush have been suggested by},me common necessity ot.,'humm nutty-e, lend repsona are nun.wgming'lao show Why savages discovered' it was hence: lor-B‘moh hon w [00k upon’lhis mother in- low. Primarily, any fibemnppor‘tera of fihia‘ theory. heoeusehlu mmher in-la'w Was a picturejn nun’cipmiou 01;wa his wife was like” to he. Beforemarziage. a mun’g m‘iod may'nob 7be open to the cord pro- oaneeeamrnoompuieou.‘ but atherwé‘rd ha‘ bagmafio oonalde; whet: earl ot- wtargaiu‘» he has made, and it his mobherui-law baa not improved with age, the ghsbtly Odhibfliby of 'his‘wfle‘ Beeoim'ng hke be: As a. matter of fact, in spite of all thnfi nowhanmd playwrights have written, the mohhera-in-mw of sons generally get on with them (a): heater than wich their daughters'iu-lamâ€"Cassell‘s Famin Maga- zine for May. - A. women from her early ounseiousness inclines to reminiscences. As she grows up she stamps such unstable adventure and each zvlessenb- friendship upon her mind by some token. Our dune museums, wilh their eager collection of odds and bias. would pole into nothingness when com- pared With, the bottom drawer at agnl's oureeu. This she generally devotes no he: keepsakes. At 5 she commences storxng it wibh horse-chestnuusjnd broken bins of ovlored penalis given her by deer friends. Some of those are the mysteries of the “ secrets " which are the life of ohlldhood’s freemssonry. ‘By 10 she has a gold piece, generally bestowed by a bachelor uzo‘re. and perhaps some tokens trcm friends when are. dead. They are prerssd four-lemma .olover, pincuehions wwh zmologiml tendencies. gray flsnnel rshbms and such. stew osrslully preserved valen- um. s, some hobeles than once held per- tumery and low present only s Ladies reeolleeuion ' to aha nostrils. An 17 she hes some faded \iJlens, some locks of heir. :A'few sarsps of dried orange peel, a oulleuhion of "dmoing programmes, and tastefully tucked in the fu’rnhermosu corner a. bundle of notes lied "with a blue ribbon, As the years pass still the "ensures Increase. By and by the wedding slippers sre lsid away In the drawer which holds the valentines, and stizl. 8.9- nhe years pass, oimeee pair of the wees! shoes, kicked out an the heel. and & silken curl whioh shows a. silvery gold in the light). Alter this the keepsakes are lower, and are chew: the sa-uVenirs of and days than 0! glsd ones. Fluel!y, otter s'long time, some one lays away in t-he drhwer e thum‘bed red instru- ment with a look of gray hair and e. thzead-g min wedding ring. Then the drawer is looked.â€"0hicago - News. m anENqnow M0 l'uuRs-m-LAW an'of tbs good Samaritans, while look- ing «1 the‘twama p! Harassed people in the submerged path of Montreal lafiely, came rigorous a womaw Who was" wringlng her hands aad'crying hintefly. ' He inquired ‘nhe cause 9! hertronble. " “For pisy’s 'gukegl’fighe fluid. '«“'-take' 'me to Paint 89. "Cuarlesfl. ‘.‘,H;we ynu‘ any one there in flange: 7:", .quariqd aha; ,defieoztiveg. “ Not: only in d‘apger.’f zemed :the‘ old woman, “ bufi drowned, 21 an; .Nmoeu certain ! Leaving my bonds it; abdirylenighm I for'gefi:m‘y pe‘b'cavrfihioh has been my com- ;naion tor yearfi "ahéT wish to aée about Jr’YI - ‘ ‘ “f 1' 4 . . Ah .Paris‘gflenri Bopbefort. editor (1 L'Intran'sigcant. and M. R‘erlfiae. flopghu a duel wim‘kpmofi ya'aperday.’ Fowl-shots were firéd '~ by each ‘ consonant, none of. which did'ahy yum. A “Quinn’s souvenirs. The Queuum Discus-Jed by me Sabbath SChQRthiofilflflflll-a _ The semi-yum”! quanta: the Sabbath School Association pthuuda was held at Elm Sweet Methodist Church, Toronto, yustrrdxy. Arrangements were made for work durinfifhe ‘enaulug six months and for the Provincial Oanvagyon so be held In Hamilton. In th'e'a’vemng sddtesaea were dhhvend before a large audience by Mayor Huwmbd, Rev Dr'. Poms, H. M. Parsons and owners. Towards the close of the meeting ‘1 .ldhfifihsnead broughu forward ma question's! Emu»? parades and bauus. Au mnmuied uimuaaion followed. the gen- etul teahug halve one of‘ mmdemnazion ct such [madam Rav. D -. Pouau- dld not: up- prove of the Hukj :ua huvmg been luhroduoed hi: all. He bhnugho ihab in should be aet- tleq by we Miuiwerial Association. It has occurred also to the writer to make many observations as to the circum- stances under which tea'and cuff-e are found to agree, or disagree "with drfieren‘t“ persons ; in the flret place, as {Sir W. Babette has pointer; one, tea, it taken at we reame.time as terinaceons food, is much 'more' likely to retard ins digestion and cause dyspepsia than it taken ailittle time filler eating ; and the custom adapted by many pr‘reons at breakfast, lor instance. of eating first and drinking their tea or coffee aleerward lea sensible one; so also in is better to take oné'e 5 o’clock tea with- out the one on: iry bread and butter or cake than thh it. Indeed. while there is little that can be told against a cup of hot lea as a stimulant and restorative, when taken about roadway between lunch and dinner, and without solid food, it ma7,cn the Other hand, he islrultlfll cameo or dyspepsia when accompanied at that time with solid load. It is also a curious fact that many persons wiuh whom tea, under ordinary circum- etar-cea’,’will agree eXceedingly well, will become the subjects at a tea dyspepsia. if- they drink thieimeverage at atlme when they may be enfiwriog from mental worry or emotional disturbance. Moreover. it is a. well-recognized fact that persons who are prone to nervous excitement of the circulation and palpitations *ol the heart have these symptoms greatly aggravated it they persist in the use of tea or coffee as a. beverage. Tne éxeeseive conenmption of tea among the women 01‘ the p )crer cIa-ses it the cause of much of the so-eallsd “ heart cimplaints” a among thrm; the food of those poor women couriets largely of starchy sub- stances (bread and butter chi« fix). to- gether wuh tea, i. 6., a food accessory which is one of the greatest of all retarders of the digemion ot starchy food. The eff otof coffee as a retarder of stomach digestion wuuld probably be more felt than it is were‘it not so constantly the practice to take it only in- small quantity alter a very large meul ; it is than mixed with an immenee bulk cl food, and its relative percentage proportion rendered ineigmfl- cent; and to the etrong and vigorous the slightly retarding eflect on digestion it would then have may be, as Sir W. Roberts suggests, not altogether a disadvantage; but alter a spare meal and in pen-.0118 of feeble digestive power the cup of black o« the would probably exercise a retarding rflnt on digestion, which “might prove harmful.â€"Dr J Burmy Yea, in Popular Science Month‘yfor May. Atm the weary bird iu his neat! There is one that dreams of the silver sea: And'one looks over the nunh‘countrie; .' : But the third. Linn e bird, He sings o’er 5 gr» vé iu the stilent wash. Willem one that 1 love is lying. ‘ ‘- SUNDAY P‘Auunss AND, 131an Ah‘ Ame,‘ ‘for the thp'rn‘ybyap‘zble _apra.y. l Amt me bind than Heaps in his Dust} Tn re is 6110 in a cast‘se over the sea; And one: in u. pine in the u ‘r h countrie; ' ‘ ‘Butbu third Little him, He sings at a lattice far in 1:119 west, Where one may I love lieu dymg. Each flt‘V to find mm a. nest: There was one w'enb rare v uyer the sea: And one flew aLmigho-rur the north counttip; but the third ' Linllu him, He winged his w my [0 me watery west. Wuera one that I love nus Slghiug. 0h_, f9; thq Wi’ghgripg bram_b19 ppray. ‘ The 10ml dwisiors of Lo'ndon are some- what pt 22 ing. A householder in a letter to a. Inn-don paper thus mush-ates them: “ Where do I luvs ?" he asks. “ Jan any one tell mu? 1 osnnot, fur reasons as 101- Inws : The deeds of my house state at Upper Tooting; The poem! authorities say an Balhsm. 'Ihe taxxug masters say Clap- hnm. The rstmg people say Batlerses. The local direoms any Wimbledon and Patney. I! I pay my taxes I go to Clap- ham. 1! I pay the gas I go to Barmondz say. It I pay my water rate I must go to Kingston-on-Thumes. To pay Iona] runssI must go to Bwterseu" It I vote for s. mem- ber of Pmlmment I vote for Olapham division. I! I look out in front 0! the house Wadsworth Common is 200 yards in front at me, and Betternes two miles beyond that. Ii I look out at the back 0! the house nger [1300an Park is 'oniy titty yards from me. It I go to “wand 01 my road I am than in the psrish ,0! Wands- worth. I! I wuXk, over the road I am in BJ‘UPI‘BQB. It I go to the uther end of the road I am in Btteauhsm. It In“ over my garden wall Inun sit on spent with 3?th of my body in three or (our parishes at the same moment." Agam I rou‘m’ed by me shining ia'eiz; ° ' I smmhc o“ the sandsâ€"my cross was not the"; Neither this}, 3190313. mgr glow! coulg I see; And the {faves seemed to any, Tmsiflg 11" 11219 their‘ep'myâ€" “ Sv rink «31 from thy smr'ow. figfiigh ‘ er tqâ€"‘moxrow fl. ,1 - heu‘E’érmty'a “mm” ~ lingp'thsuuahine V.\jit/!:u"n4 Lay the crosn upon Him Wgno hath hornu i,» for map: Then my cross shall but'be- Dike thy cross'on' am: seaWaubed strand. Shall bri 1"" Oh,threelit§13nbi1:d‘son a. bramble spray! n,,., n , The darkness was‘piist am} 3119 mgrping fair; .mmmm 1 . “Ian'h'fl‘ia road one; of the toughen! in the whole ‘Wérla?’ ‘a-ked a unmade! over a stxouri branch of the conduc- tor. ' ‘ And drew there a cross. Ihu type of was, 'l‘henhthal crown and anchor with trembling MN » m And paimfin thjelum’rt that n'ona‘could know‘; ‘ ‘ 'Abnve I dréw the star-â€" f: ‘ $1 sq p1 H‘pe, ‘thu‘star but in the r H! afar In gqldegalcttera qute :7" Once more." Struck a. chord in my pormwingheart: The sea, like my life. lay there-bleak and lone, Where no lighfi'o‘r joy, or hope had part; «Dull gray in the g oumiug, Quiv. ring and moaning, “ ?h7:ligbt.1 Oh, beauty! come once mom." I knelt in the‘ grey on the moistened sand, ._ x 3““, Vi'N). I don’t think so," was the com- p1» (tut: replyn K “ Butâ€"érénb heavensâ€"godd lands-what d3 you can this?" ahoutad‘~bhe passenger, as he Dying qofige aeaq. ' ' “ Th5 hind trucks are ofl‘ the rail. sirâ€" nnuhing’mure‘ You can‘t axgfieoh to run on the ties without some liqule unplaaaantness, although the engineer will do his best to raunoa n to tha mini 1 am.” At evening; Walked Qfi thé ocprm shore, When the shadows were gathering fast: The sun augmed to ling 1;, use" pguggto‘ponr His radiug c~imsqn on sea. mm must; ind the waives geritly sighed. V n theiv g‘o d-purp e pride. , . "Leavezus non- Oh, come back ‘onceimin'ef' ‘ Iq lgb‘e qbbing Tick a ahiveimg moiqu Duti'ng tha' past 24 hours twelve new oeeee'of cholera and tour deaths have been -réporbed at Venice; Inely, the ones and two dumbest Vinennza, end-eixseen canes and six deaths at Bari. Tea. and (toilet: nv-pepllcs. Ila Lives All ovu- lhe City. The Cross on the Sands. Three [Jule Bil-din The Minimum. Mum; ELISE LAUDm.

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