The question at issue in the public mind nppenra to be: In rhis specially prepared work more deuirable as I: book of instrnction to the youth than the Bible in its entire form? Those who answer in the negative do so principally rm the ground that the whnle Word of God or mum at. a†hhmxld be used. 2‘:an There it a wide diflbrenco of opinion no to the advisability of having the Bible in toto re-introduced into our public schools. 6 At least: that is the int-'snence which must. Ito-drawn ill-om the discus- sion on the question at the .meeting of the Brand of Education Monday evening The Bible has, during the past. year, given place to a work specially prepared by the Department of Education. In that work is comprised carefully selected. parts of Holy Writ. It was revised un der the direction of eminent theologian-t representing nearly every Christian deâ€" nomination. Though it is only a pert; of God’s Word, yet in it the old. old story is still plainly told,notwithstanding that a few links of the chain may be missing. ' EVENING. Going South, East. and West,at........... 5.40 Mail for the North, via. Railway, have: once a day, in the morning, as above stated. Until further notice, Mails will be :losed at the above Ofï¬ce as follows :â€"- RICHMOND HILL POST MEIER. MORNING. Going North, South, East, and West, at. . ..... 8.10 Mania Muil from South,Wut md ut,by Railway,urrivel at 10.00 Evening Mail from Toronto by Yongemtreet Stage, arrives n. 7.00 High Mail from North, by Buil- wav, arrives 7.45 may be found on ï¬le at Geo P. Rowan a Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce at.)where advertis- in: contracts may be made for it IN NEW YORK We, in min opinion; 1hfnlt i“! wfl‘l he a bad day'fon tbi'a Dominion if our the Province of Nova Scotia shouvhi soch its connection, notwiihstanding, the moon of too many of the papers of Ontuio, against. the little Province by the sea. OFFICE HUUBS‘ Richmond Hill, Dec. 17th. 1886. Local Self Government; for Cape Breton Wanted. A large meeting has been lately held at Sydney, C. B., at which it was reâ€" solved to use every constitutional means to secure local self government for Cape Breton as a Province of the Dominion. This we look upon as an ofl'set to the notion of the leader of.the Nova Scotin Government in trying to get thet Prov- ince out of the Confederation. ï¬b’riï¬m, BLchmond Bill King. Holland Landing, N ewm ukot, Agra“, Alqu Eahxqogd mu. changeâ€"Tho Ballan By-st court of nevisionâ€"M Teefy Localsâ€"B Gunman No. 18: Whole No. 1451: Velma 28. Cape Breton is an island at the esstern extremity of Nova Scotis, being in breadth about 85 miles. and in length from north to south 100 miles. The ï¬rst settlement in this island was made in 1712 by the French,nnd it was united under the name government with Nova South: in 1819. Cape Breton is divided into four Counties, Richmondflnverncss. Victoria and Cape Breton. and sends eight members to the Provincial Legis- lature. and ï¬ve to the House of Com- mons. Population in 1861, 63,000; in 1871, 75,483, and at the last census in 1881, 84,500. It contains one of the ï¬nest harbors in the world and 200 miles nearer Europe than Halifax. It is rich in mineral wealth, in its ï¬sheries and its forests, and with a united people, Nova Scotia should be the ï¬nest and wealthiest Province in the Dominion. We would recommend to her people to give I little lees attention to politie- nnd more to the progress of the country. We are aware that a large body down there think and are antisï¬ed' that the natural place for their Province is to be a part of the United States. That it has within its borders riches and intelli- gence suï¬cient to offset any advantage that it has gained by being a part of the Dominion: we believe, but since being I part, we hope good counsel may suf- ï¬ciently prevail to make the best. of what rome‘think has been a very bad bargain in being united Lathe Upper Provinces. The ships ot'Nova Sootie fl'oet in every port in the World, and thousands of her sons und- daughters have helped to build up the neighboring States of the Union. 10m:th The date printed on each paper denotes tho time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. Newmukot, 10 0! Holland Landing, 10 12 THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1886. TRAIN TIME. arm 311m: aim“. NOTICE TO S UBSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTt. The Bible in Schools. Rlchmond Hlll. Ont. ARRIVALS. GOING NORTH. 810 ’10 921 988 U33â€" 330’? 3?. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. OOXFG IOV‘A‘I. 1025 910 I42 1| 0| 1! I. ll 40 12 u I“ 305 705 TN ,355 1.14 Never drug the atomach will! nauseating and weakening nxpectoranu and opiates ; Baaymd’s Pectornl Balsam is pleasant and reliable in in “Teen. and Info in all thron and lung r-nmplnimn “m. ’if neglect-Ed, and in (‘nrwntnplimu There ere indeed mlny exemplery meet- ers who treat those in their employment with all due thoughtfulness, who never overtax their powers, Who melte due provi- eion for their comfort, who elweye pey them “ e feir do": wage- for n feir dey'e work." who remember that those who work l'or them are human beingn. end not mere bent- of burden or pieces of mechanism. But all employers of llbonr are not of thin stamp ; iFthere were the world would be better and happier. There Ire there who seem to regard the men in their service In mnd‘e forth: one especial purpose of in-t ctenunz their nine. who cure not what sort of house: they live in. what Iort of bod they eat, or whether they ever heve an hour for reerietion. They seem to cere nothing for the mon’e diï¬cultiel. never give them the elighteet grain of sympathy in their troubles. never ellow n moment for plenum IOClIl intercourse withtheir fel» low-workmen. In it any-wow". themthat Jock Fireman. Torn Sawyer. Peter Emery- wheel. Joe Cnrpenter. Bob Painter, Bill Moulder. and‘all the other fellnwl, neing no reason to believe that their mutter hoe any other ol'ject in view than to get out. of them) as much on possible and pay them on little as possible. and thnt when_.;§ey {are put. l'ehnur Ilieymu goeo the mnkhonne l l or die of elervdtion for ell the master cane. â€"ie it nny wonder that they ehnnld rebel ageinet luch-netete of thiwzn. um!" which they are "08le no ifthey hadno minds. no eouln. no hemnw feelings 1 It! in any wonder that strike-,uhould be the order of†the day. or that. in" one form or other should be "running utmost every civiliued uetion under Heaven T ,. Ll} mam slzuli Euler, guru; I'hc‘; words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book l of Life," eto.â€"â€"~Revelation xxii; 19, is frequently quoted by them. “ To the pure all things are pure," is a true old adage, but human‘na-tureis weak and frail, and especially in the young [here is a tendency to feed bad passions, but; that it should be overcome by God's! l i grace is the hope and» prayer of all" who are engaged in the work 01’ impartingI spiritual instruction to the young. Those in favor of a res-introduction of the whole Bible into the schools, claim that the danger of tha youthful mind becoming contaminated by objectionable passages, is entirely obviated if the teacher uses, due discretion. That is true enough; But it must be remembered that ali‘ teachers are not thoroughly versed in Bible history, and with the best of in- tentions on the part of the teacher there, is the danger that objectionable ports of} theWord might be read before the pupils. Again, it must be admitted, that sol matter how well acquainted with the} Bible a teacher is, he or she personally cannot be expected to exercise such faound judgment in selecting passages as lthe eminent theologians who revised the abridged work. They brought the light of their wisdom and experience to bear on their deliberations. They, we may rest assured, carefully considered what they were doing when they arranged what the little volume should contain. And certainly the discretionary power of deciding on what is proper literature for the instruction of children and what is not, is safer in their hands than in those of the public school teachers of the prov- ince. That the beautiful lessons con-â€" tained in the Bible are calculated more than anything else to impress a child with a true sense of his or her duty.none will deny, and we believe that all, or nearly all, of such lessons, are contained in the specially prepared workâ€"Guelph Herald. An old prophecy, ascribed to St. Bridget, the originaantin copy of which in etill to be uen in the Church at. Oberemnel, nye. “ Quando Marcus Parcha dabit. Et Antonius Pentecouem celebrabt't, E! Joanne: Christan: adorabit, Tofu: mundua vac clamabs't." Freely rendered it in, When Enter falll on St. Mnrl’e Day, And Whiteun on St. Antony'e Day. And Corpus Christi on St. John'e Day, Then till the World Ihnll cry woe. Thu year( 1886 ) the nbove coincidence. occur; und it would seem that the prophecy in being fulï¬lled; for boycotting, Itrikel, riots are rife everywhere ; whilst. to crown ull. Gladstone ( who by come inecrutlble Providence in permitted to be Prime Min- ister of England) in doing what he can to diemember the greatest. the breve-t. the noble-t. the freeelt. the non philanthropic. and the moat Christinn Empire the World has ever beheld. Just now. however, that pert of the fulï¬lment of St. Bridget’e prophecy which we wish to glance It. in the conflict going on between cepitnl end labour, and not the politic. of Great Britein. It is patent to all that there is such a conflict; but all do not see in it the ex-v ternsl manifestation of e difï¬culty which reaches beck elmost to pre~historic times, and the germs of which exist, wherever ex- ist: humanity. But this is prsctiully of little consequence ; the serious ehsrscter of the conflict arises from the feet thst it rsges between two classes. the employers sud the employed, upon whom the world's materiel prosperity chiefly depends. Indeed, should it become inveterate, there is no reslising the terrible chsrocter of the dissster which would be the result. A little coneiderstion shows that both pnrties ore to blame. that u want of mutual loving thoughtfulness lies It the root ofthe diï¬iculty. Surely if em-- players and employed would only allow those more generous feelings which, after all, are to some extent in the nature of even the most selï¬sh. to assert themselves. if they would only learn to regard such other as belonging to the some great Broth- erhood of Humanity And to the some sscred Christian Fraternity. they would soon take such on interest in esch other's welfare as would preclude the necessityâ€"slmost do away with the possibilityâ€"of serious trouble any between cspitsl and labour. Indeed this same desirable result might be produced by a lens worthy consider-lion. even by the somewhat selï¬sh thought thst their interests are in a sense identicll.thst their duties are reciprocsl, snd thst whet tends to beneï¬t the one most in the long run beneï¬t the other. But men are so wrspped up in self. they are in such haste to be rich, that they will think of nothing else; they will see nothing else. they ohstinstelv close their eyes to everything else. except what scans to them the shortest end most direct wsy to uccomplish their object , and, so, they no ruled by the old curse. selï¬shness, they on led astray by the old trouble, shortsighted-o Dell. Labour and Capital. (Continued next week. (For me Elma)- K Secret For The tumor.- The great secret of beauty is pure blood: Eruplions-nnd all blotcbea that diaï¬gnre the face, may be quickly cured by Burdock Blogd Bitters. Annie Heath, of Forllnnd. r‘hrï¬ï¬ng Hm aha was mm! by this remedy, after" suffering fnr lwn yearn. HOLLmuY'u Orin-xle AND PULLâ€"Ab- ttcoues. Eryair‘elu, Pitea.â€"Unvarying suc- cess attends all who treat. thue diseases ac- cording to the simple printed directions wrlpped round Velch pot and box. They are invaluable to the young and timid, whose buhfulneu Inmetimes endangers lifa. Though appnrantly local. dueues of this nature are usentially blood diseases. but a little Attention. moderate perseveunce. and trifling expert" will enable the most diï¬ident to conduct any one to a happy issue Wilh- out expooing secret inï¬rmities to any one. The Ointment checks the loonl inflammaâ€" tion and‘ alleviates the throbbing pains. These directions also clearly point out when Ind how H’ollownyrs Pills are to be taken. that their purifying and regulating powers may again by adjusting andstmngth- suing the constitution. A special meeting of the Council wan heid in the Council Chamber on Tue-~- day evening last, 18th- hm. Present, the ReeVe, (in the chain) Councillors Heglditt, MoCouaghySavarge'a'nd Powell: Minu'tes of In; Eating Were read and‘ adop‘tfdn e Two 5i“: for work June on public park were read and passle also onion in favor of Mr Thomas WHson,for wart: done at the millâ€"dam, for M5, was on motion of Mr Savage, secnuded By Mr Redditt passed and ordered to be paid. Mr MoConnghy asked leave to with- draw By-Luw relating to Railway Bonus being granted to a Company. i'ntroducei by him at. last meeting, with u View of intrgduoing another one instead.- Moved Ii Mr Redditt, seconded' by Mr Sumo that have be granu&.-â€"Car- rind. Mr MoConazhy laifl Before the Coun- oi‘l a Byâ€"Law for the purpose of grant- ing a bonus to the Richmond HillJunc- tiotiRuilmadflompagydfnf 810,900; Moved and seconded that, the Byâ€" Law be read 1 second timeâ€"Carried. Moved and seco'nd'e-d“ that. the By» Ln be read a ï¬rnt time -â€"Carried . The Council waamoved into 3 Com- mittee ofthe whole on the Byâ€"Law.’ Mr McConagï¬y in the chair. The blanks and dates were ï¬lled in as fol- low! zâ€"Thut the By-Law take effect on uud Ifter the 1's! day of J‘n‘ly ;: who vote on the lame be taken on Tneadiy. the 151i June. The Cohniil then adjourned to meet on Monday, the 31“ of May. The Reeve to Ippoint, on Monday, 14th June. at the Town Hull at 16 o’clock, No person to impact the count- in; aid»: ballotn nt 5 o’clock on the day of polling, one in favor of and one against the grant. um; ICCALLUI. 7. Solo 8 Chorus. ." When the Min: have cleared "my." luv. 1â€le nuton nan "man an: own 6. Solo . . . . . . . . In. I, w. IPABROW. 6. Chan:- . . . . . . . " The Kinz'l Highway." nun Cu! 01.". 7. Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . “ Li'leninz Angela." man A. nownn‘. 8. Solo & Chorus. . . .“ when My Work In Done." Members of the Athwnn Glee Clubâ€" Rev Manly Benton, Mrs Manly Benson, Geo. Cocbrnn. H. Lee. Alex. Leslie, jun, J. F. Adams. M. D.. M. W. Sparrow, Robl. Ram- uy, Jno Spin-row, Alf. W. Blight, and Miss A. Tucker, Accompnnist. ' PART I. l. Duet. .Jnltrumenhl. ..CharIaGodjrry 2. Solo . . . . . . " The Skipper." . . . . . . Jude. an. can. flux. 3. Ending. ." A Legend of BregenZ."..-â€" “ mu CHURCHILL 4. Solo. . .“Tho Flower Girl.". .Berryman um nrcxum. 5. Duet. ..“ Flow Gently Deve.". . .Parry Inn “on†nu: 1m. KELLY. 6. Bending. "Widow Bedou's Courtship"â€" qu CHURCHILL. 7. Gain: Solo. . .“ Spanish Relront.". . .â€" ln. 0. KILLY. v The Gmï¬itteo rose and: reported the By:Lug with thierblank! ï¬l]ed i2. Church Programs for the 24211. The following me the Programl of the Methodilt and Prubvtorhn‘ Ehmh Con- certs to he held hrro on Monday next, 24th in“. :'-- 2. Pine Solo . . . . . REV. MAIL? IIRION AND ATH‘NA GLIE CLUB 'Tho ï¬nal reading of the By--an will be on Monday. 21%: June, in event ofitp «fryingt _ PART I. 1. Chom.-. .. . . .‘. . . . . . . . . . . .“ Sailing." ATH‘NA OLII CLU': um u. Reading..8¢sloction from "Skunk"â€" ulu cauncleL. Duct. . . .“Mum- and Scholar." . Howe. mu ncnux AND 1m. 0. KELLY. Solo. . " How Fair Thou Art." . . Weidt. In. 0. “Lu, Bonding. . . . .“ My Baum". . . . .Anon. um cnuncmuu Solo . . . . . . . " Good-Bye." . . . . . . . Toni. um “cum. Soio. . . .“ The Link Hero." . . .Adams. In. C. KILLT. Bonding . . . . . . . . . . Selected. . . . . . . . -â€" Illll sanctum“ PART II. Pilno Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selected ins: TUCKER. Choral. . . . . . . . . . . “ Brian: Splikley†ATKINA OLEI CLUB. Solo. . . .; . .. . . .“ Shaw Me Thy Way." XIII ICCALLUI. Solo. . . . Recitntion. . . . . . . . 65mm . . . . . . . nale OLIIZ cm! Solo...-..... ........... Recitation. . . DB. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. METHODIST CHURCH. Viiiage Council Inn A. weak. ..“ When the heart in young." man A. Hownxr.» ......“The Hunt." J. r. mun. l . LIE. . . . . . .Selecled. Friar Phillip.‘ . . . . Judith . . Dayliruk" H Cslnry. " NEW Prim/l at Grennau’a. How pretty the shop looks I It you want a Stylish Hat or Bonnet, go to the Fire Proof. Arrnso'noss on THE ï¬rmâ€"Visit- ore to the annual Exhibition of the Rich- mond Hill and Yonge Street Agriculâ€" tural Society to be held for the ï¬rst time on the New Park Ground in this village. will be repaid by remaining in the evening to the entertainment in the Presbyterian Church. We feel conï¬dent in asserting that a Literary and Musical Festival of so high a standard has never on any former occasion been presented to an audience in this village. Monday will be a memorable one to all who can make it convenient to remain and enjoy the rich programme which appears in another part of this issue. For further information see posters. Notice the portrait r of the Elocutionist, Miss Churchill. in the window of Mr. A. L. Skeele, Jeweller. An evening of thor- ough intellectual enjoyment is assured ‘ to those who hear her. ‘ le Muslins at Grennan's. ‘ N. Y. T. Assocurrox.â€"-We have received a circular announcing that the regular halfâ€"yearly meeting of the North York Teachers Association will he held in the Public School, Aurora, on Thurs~ day and Friday, June 10th and 11th. commencing at 10 o’clock a. 11:. All Schools in the riding are to be closed, and both days reckoned as visiting days to all ‘teachers who attend the Conven- tion and answer to their names at the roll call of each session, so that their section will sustain no loss in the apâ€" portionment of the Municipal Grant. It is hoped that every teacher in North York will endeavor to be present on this occasion : and all friends of education are cordially invited to attend the meet- ings. A very interesting programme is to be iptrodnccd this session. Dr. J .l A. BIcLellan, Director 'of Institutes, will be present and open the proceedings. The session will be interesting to the public generally, and all those who can find'timc to attend will derive a beneï¬t therefrom. l T3031: wBo are deairoaa of kéepi'ng. a ï¬ie of the il’v "i036 and Mail} and virho Jug a numbers? can be up? in“! .1 (Lu; n1“ plied at fliia‘ of». Rnummm that the Rev. Professor Manren, of Knox College, Toronto; will preach in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday next. Exnnomnms. Laces, Mullins, Ludo Carmina splendid stock at the Concrete. VAUGHAN COUNCIL-“T3! Municipal Council of the Towoaï¬ip of Vaughan wï¬i meet at the Town Hall, Vgllore. on Tuesday next, 25m instâ€, at‘ 101.11). _MEETING.â€"â€"Thc Direcmrn of fhe Meehaniti' Institute will meet on Fri- day awning next, in the usual place. whenCommiltoea will be stra'ck. and! other business transacted. It. in to he Roped there will be a good attend-nee. By order of the President NEW Embroideries, Laces, Glovea,‘ Hosiery, &c , 3t Grennan'i. Conn OFJRIVISiON;-Publlc' notice is giwn to all whom it may concern; that the first sitting: of the Com-E of Revision for the village of Richmond Hill, will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, May 3Tat, 1886;- at 2 p. m. All persons interested are rcqu'elml to take notice. an SinEWALKs.-â€"Mr. B’rownlee ha: been doing some good work in re-â€" pniring ané making new tome parts of 91m lidewalka in this village. We have to thank the Board of Works for giving us I good piece of nidewa‘li in front of this oï¬ce. But after thirteen years use of the old one it is abom time Some folks will say, so much for living alongâ€" side of oneof the Council. » Cnnsn‘t'sStwk of M-illinery in large, clienp and stylish. OHITTED.â€"-Tliere was omitted" iithe l’rine List; of ma Richmond Hill & Yonge Street Ag. Socieiy in- Class 12. Dairy Produce, Butter, 6 lbs., lat priZe 83’; 2nd, 82 ;'and Home Made Bread, 4 lb. loaf, 83 and 6% Mr. Wm. Innis, of Bradford, gives a (special subscription of 85-. Extra prizes will also' be giVen for Imported Brood Mares, Fillies god Span of Horses, in Class No. 1. '1'!!! TBA]! ton BnAnrrnnn.â€"â€"-Tlm Young Canadian Lacrosse Club will leave here on Monday morning next at 4 o’olock for Toronto, in order to catch the 7 o’clock train for Brantford, arriv-- ing in that. city about 10.15 arm. The boys have been practising pretty hard for the last few nights, and no doubt will make it interesting for their opponents. They will have their new suite by that time, but it is hard to say whether they will addawch to their apperanee, as they are naturally such a ï¬ne-looking lot of fellows. The following will, in all probability, compose the team :---A. E. Pugnley, A. Mnger, J. M. Palmer. W. Edmamon, S. S. Scarle, W. E. Wiley, J. McConaghy, D. Pugsley, 0 Savage, F. Fowell; P. Kelly, and J'. Piper. Tan Queen's BIRTHDAYCyâ€"Before we again issue, the 24th, the great day. and the day on which our villager look forward to for having a good time, will have come antigen, and we take this opportunity of' extending a meet“ hearty invitation to the‘inhabitante of the sur - rounding country? to come and‘visit our village on that day. and providing the weather is ï¬nerihere will. no doubt, be a large crowd present. The members of the Churches and Agricultural Society will be pleased to see all visitor: and use them ï¬rst-clans, and altogether those who come here on Monday next, will have an extra good time; and, bynthen by, don't forget to remain to one of the grand concerts in the evening. just to wind up a pleasant day's recreation. ALL visitors to this village on (116 24th. are re'qucatcd to call at the Con-- orete House and see the special nttrac r tions. [£11 goods at lowest ï¬gures in the trade. ' LUC} {my I’i‘EMS. Spring " do .................. Barley do .. Oatu, an . Poul do . Rye do Dre-sod Hoglmer 100 mm... Boei, hind quarters, per 1L0 m . Mutton, by the corona. per 100 nu Chickens, per pair .. Ducks, per brace Gammon}: ........... Turkeysa each Butteerrolla .. lsrge rolls.. tub dairy. Eggs, 11-0621. do: Pontoon, per bag Avples per barrel ...... Omonl, groan, per do; Cabbngo, per do ..... . Celery. par do ..... . .. Turnips, per bag Lettuce .............. Ann-ram): Carrots, per bu; . Beets, per bulb ..... Parsnipo. per bag . HM penton ...... Straw par. ton Wool Der lb ‘. ‘ A WARNINa.â€"Chi‘ldren should not: handle ï¬re-arms: Scam};le books ffom 2 to 8 cents caoh for sale at the HERALD ‘Store. THE Street Car strike is still holding out in Toronto. TH: yodhg Shamrocks defeated the youths from Elgin Milk at Lacrosse on Saturday lust. Rnuvnn-The West York Commisâ€" sioners have decided to renew the license of Mr John Palmer of this place. THE MARKETS TORUN T09 THURSDAY, May 20, IBM. "non AT ummnu' vuuooxs What full, new, pet bush ............ s 0 80 Spring . Barley Oats, foul Goon Tapestry Carpet for 30 cum plr yard at the Concrete.- CnAngED.â€"Aa will be seen By {he ad“... the day for voting on the Rail-- way Bonus Bah-Law has Been changed from Wednesday next to toe 15th June. Ixrnovm'dï¬â€"Mr. John Pnlmer in buying a new front put in Mr. J. Dev- li'n'a Hal-nest Shop, in tï¬e Lorne mock, which will add considerably to the apâ€" pearance. Bonumxox " INDEPENDENT."-We can support Mr Blake as a man, but we want to support Mr Blake’s policy, and that we can't do, for we don’t know what it is. Edward. you are causing us a great deal of trouble. Why don’t. you make a speech showingâ€"not what Sir John has done which in wrong, but what you will do which is right ? Edward, we entrant you to adopt. a deï¬nite and distinct policy. Ammanâ€"At S ringhill on Monday Inc, 17th inn" the be oved wife of Mr. R. Archer. Iged no yours. TAPEBTRY’ Carpet: from 35 cents per y3'. It the Fire Proof. ‘ DIM-not Tram-The fly that pro- duce: the larva which denroya the cannot and gooseherry bushes hns laid its eggs. Look out for and destroy them promptly. About I week hence, look over the leaves agai'n‘, and if you acne small holesâ€"like pin holesâ€"you will ï¬nd the worm at work on the lower side ofthe leaf. ' N-xw Brennanâ€"The Committee appointed by the N. A, L. Asociation to rearrange the District Championships in Ontario wound up the business on Saturday last, and we ï¬nd that the Championship in VWeatern Ontario can only be competed for by club, in the Counties of Peel. Huron and York, and the city of Toronto and suburbs. NEWEST Shirts and Tim at Grenmn'n: RETURNING To run VILLAGEâ€"We understand Professor Clarke. teacher of n’a‘usic. intends returning to this village. He ï¬nds the walk from where he now reside: to'utt‘end to his pupils in this neighborhood too far to be pleasant. We think it would be a good move on his part; as he is at present circumstanced. We are conï¬dent that owing to the un-- ‘ certainty of the weather and other causes ‘ he onnnot keep his promises or fulï¬l hie‘ engagemen'tx, and an a natural eouse-o queue: those who depend‘upon him hou‘ come in a word-disgusted. 1‘ BRANTPORD Stoneware Butter Crock: all sizes at close prices at Grennan’e. ANNUAL EXHIBITION.-The twelfth annual Spring Exhibition of the Rich- mond Hill & Yonge Street Agricultural Society will be held on the Queen's Birthâ€"day, Monday, May 24th, 1886. on the New Park in the vitlnze of Rich- mond Hill, when about 8700 will be awarded in prizes to successful competi- tors. . We are of the opinion that. the Exhibition this year will surpass any previous one, as the prize list." has been thoroughly renovated, and the third prise, formerly given, has been dropped, so that the prizes now offered are well worth competing for, and we trust the farmers will not only come in themselves but also bring their stoclt. &c., for ex- hibit. The Ladies’ Work, &o., will be shown in a tent on the ground. The Teston Brass Band will-be in attendance during the day and enliVen the proceed- ings. Admission to the grounds, non-- members 25‘cents ',= Children 10 cents. THE amount. nf Millihery turned“ o'u‘t By (ï¬e Concrete in April was far ahead of what was done in the same month in any former year, and: the value and myle Were ditto. If you want what will please you in Millinery, go to the Conâ€" crate. Til-I PEACE 'r’O'Gbuâ€"Vinitora to our village on the Queen's Birthday will please remember that the Ladies of the Methodist Church intend giving. in their usual excellent style, their annual Dinner and Tea,‘iu the School Room of the Church. Meals 25“ cents. In the evening the grand Concert will be held. at which some of the very best talent procurnlil'e will take part, as will be Ieen by the programme in-yanother column. Be euro and attend I Don’t min the treat of the seanon. Tickets only 25 cents; Reservcd‘seatl 35 center THE Newest Styles in Christy and Straw Eats at Grennan’a.- NEW Dress Good! at Grennan's. LOCAL ITElVIS. DEATH s 0 so go 31 .. a 75 o 32 - 0 62 0 7o .. 34. as 50 000 T m 13 00 'a' "0 )1 (A! " Tho vocalist was Miss Anna. Howden. ‘2 a Canadian young lady who has already been heard in Toromo, she gives great promise of a brilliant career. Her voice is a sweet. clear soprano; of good range, and while not; powerfully strong is quite strong ‘ enough for concert singing. Miss Howden - sings with remarkable ease, and this with l her bearing on the stage, make her at once i a fluorite with Ibo audience. Sh? responded lgï¬wo encor‘el’."â€"~ Toronm' News, 'Marcï¬ 9m, 1'886. She will sing at me Methoéisc Concert on the 24th inst. And Where“ it is pro osed to pay OR the said debt by Ten thousand cum by instalments in each ear during a. period of twenty years from t. a date on which this I) Jaw takes effect ; for which said payments and or paying the ‘in- berest on the debentures to be issued as herein- after mentioned, it will be necessary to raise annual! the said sum of Eight Hundred and Two Do hrs and ï¬fty cents, to be apportioned in each year as follows :â€" In your 1388mm Interest. $500 00 k for Debt $302 50 1881 484 88 317 82 1888 468 99 333 51 1889 2 4:12 32 350 18 1890 MP8}. 387 69 1891 41613“ 38¢. 07 1892 397 12 405'38_ 1893 87 8‘85 425 55 1894 355 57 “6 93 1895 333 22 469 28 ‘ 1896 309 76 492 74 1597- 285 I2 517 38 1898 259 25 643 25 1899 232 09 570 41 1900 203 57 693 93 1901- 173 6? 628 88 1902 H2 151 Mo 82 1905; 1M 16 697} 34 19M 74 50 723 00 1.05 ’ 51310 7M 40 God [in given Min Cï¬urchï¬i a mission to interpret " Hiawmhmâ€â€"-Ifw. Mr. Bog-- art, Ottawa. She will mad here at the Presbyterian Concert on the 24111 of May. And Whereas there is no existing debt of the said Municipalitv. I have much pleasure in saying that' I re- zaxd Mia. B. McCallum IS one of the ï¬nesteoloilta in this county}. AB taper-- excellent voice, peellmr distihc't'i'veneas of cnunciation md alvmpnthetic exp union of the spirit of whatever she attempts makes hur ulwuva‘a success.â€"S- J. HUNTER", Cem- tenary Methodist Church. Hamilton. She will be the Star I! the Methodist Concert hero on the 24th of May. And Whereacsthe amount of the whole rate- nble property‘bl the said Municipality, irrespect- ive of any futfï¬â€˜Ã© increase of the same, and also irrespective of anv income to be derived from the temporaryinvestment of any part of the moneys to be rï¬iséd by this hy-law according to the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici alizy being {or the year one thousand eighty undred and eight ï¬ve was one hundred Eng sixtyâ€"nine thousand two hundred and ï¬fty o are And Whereaf'it will require the sum of Eight Hundred and two dollars and ï¬fty cents to be raised annually bv special rate for paying the said debt of Ten thousand dollars and interest on the debentums to be issued therefor as here-- mentiun’ed. And Whereas to carry the last recited object into eflect,it is necessary for the mid Munici~ Dality to raise the said sum of Ten thousand dollars in th'é'm'anner hereinafter mentioned. Iwu deep}, impressed with the pew» M13- Churcblll 'mnmfened In her heavy reading as well as her vernlilily in taking the uudience by alarm In humorous selecâ€" iiona.â€"Ix’w. H. Pedley. Cabourg. Go to hear he! on the 24!!) av. the Presbyrerian Concert here. And Whereas the Municipality of tho Corpora- tion of Village of Richmond Hill has determined to aid and Essist the said Richmond Hill Junction Railway Company by giving thereto the sum of Ten thousand dollars by way of bonus, under the authority conferred by the said Act ï¬rst in recital, subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions named in the agreement to be executed by the said Corporation and the Company set forth in schedule " A " hereto, which schedule is declared to be a. part of this bv-law. Bits Bowden is a delightful singer. Her manner on the stage while showing per-é fect aelfuponeuton in charmineg winning and modest. Her voice 1| highly cultivated, sweet. powerful. and sympathetic, and her articulation agreeably distinct. All her pieces were weaned, and she had several recalls after her encores.â€"-Picton Gazette. She will take pnrt in the Methodist Con- cert to be held here on the 24th of May. “The gem of the eyening was Miss Chunchill‘s pm-Imyul‘ of (He wooing and famine acenes from ' Hinwathn,’ for which the received rounds of applause.â€â€"‘- Toronto Globe. She le take part in the Presby- mrian Concer’f liere on Iha 24th. Notice is hereby given that a. dividend of Threa per cent for the current 1m] f-yenr, being at the rate of Six per cent per annum upon the paid up ‘cnpital stock of this institution has been declar- ed, and that the same will be payable at the Bank and its Branches on and after llflllflT flF BRUISIHN ! At 2 p. m., to hear and determine on appeals against the Assessment Roll for the currentyenr. of which all persousinterelted are requested to take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. . M. TEEFY. CLERK. Clerk's Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, May 19th, 1886. i1 CENTRAL RANK 0!“ CANADA. And Wheflaas by an Act of the third session of the ï¬fth Legislature of the Province of Ontario, passed in the forty-ninth year of Her Majesty’s reign, the Ric mond Hill Junction I-milwav Com- anny was (In) Incorporated, and the Board of xovisiozml Directors were empowered to receive for the Company any bonus or gift made to it or in aid of the undertaking, and to enter into an agreement res (‘cting the condition or disposi- tion of rmy gi. ‘of‘bonus in aid of said Railway, and with all such other powers as under the Railway Act 01 Ontario are vested in ordinary directors. RICHMOND HILL. Monday, May 31 815386 WHEREAS by the 628 section of the Act inti- tuled "The Consolidated Municipal Act 1893," it is provided that the Council of every Incorporat- ed Village mayvyusl bylaws for granting bonuses to any Railway Company in aid of such Railway and for issuing debentures payable at such times and for such sums respectively not less than twenty dollars, and heuring or not hearing inter- est as the Municipal Council thinks meet and for directing the manner and form of signing any debentures so issued and: or countersigning the same, and by what ofï¬ce or person the same shall be signed or countersigned respectively, and for assessing and levying from time to time upon the whole rntcable property of the Muni- cipality a. snfli‘e‘ien‘tisum to discharge the debt or engagemndt so coflï¬ucted. But that no Muni- cipal Corporation’shall incur n. debt or liability for the purpose aforesaid, unless the by-law, before the min p‘nssing thereof, receives the assent of the electors of the Municipality in the manner Drovided in said Act. PUBLIC NOTICE in harebv given, to all 171181;] it mm] concern. that the ï¬rst sittings of e r it muv concern. that the-fl?“ sittings of {he Court of Revision, for the Village of Richmond Bill, will be held in the Cnuncil Chamber, on 17TH TO 318T MAY NEXT, Tuesday, 151: day June Both day‘s inclusive. The Amitfhfluecting of tï¬e' Shareholders will be held at theBanking House in‘ this city on Monday, the '21“? day of June next. Th‘ejc'hair to be taken It. twolva o'clock noon. By order ‘0’! the Board. A BnyMy to aid and assist the Richmond Hill Junction Rniilwny Company by giving’l‘en thous- and dollars to the Company and to issue Deben- tures therefor and to authorise the levying of a special rate for the payment of the Debentures and interest. Toronto. 2721: April, xs’s‘di ‘BY-‘LAW N o 116. next. The Truman: Books will be closed from the gym gvatrtimmutï¬. DIVIDEND‘ NO; 1593 1894 1895 1896 1897- 1898 1899 1900 190!- MUNICIPALITY OF Testimonials. 285 I2 259 25 232 09 203 57 173 6? H2 15! IN! 16 74 50 513 10 397 12 878‘85 355 57 A. A. ALuAN. Cashier. for which said payments it will require an equal: annual special rate of tour and thir -seven ï¬ftieth mills in the dollar in additionto a. 1 other rates to be levied in each year. Therefore the Council of the Corporation of thy nglugqofï¬ighmqnd Hi1} epaegsAag follows :7 I?! hereby given that’the above is a. true copy of a. proposed By-Law which has been taken mtO‘ consideration, and which will be ï¬nally passed3 by the Counciluof the Village of Richmond Hill‘ in the evenz‘of‘the aeeent of the elecnors being obtained thereto, after one month item the ï¬rst’ ublication in the newspapers ( Viz. the You!!- mum) and " Libel-a ," of Thursday. the 20th May, 1886.) and at the hour, dnvven’d place herein' ï¬xed for taking the votes of the electors. the poll will be hold. -â€" â€"-â€"â€"n _. _ 7.. 1 That it shall and may de lawful for the said Municipality to aid and assist the Richmond Hill Junction Railway Compunybv giving them: to the sum of_ Ten thousand dollars by wnv of bonus, and subject 00 the terms, conditions and restrictions named in the Agreement set forth in schedule " A " _ r v . . . y . . . u ‘ . . . v . Â¥ . . M. TEEFY, Clorky Clerk‘s Ofï¬cejmchmond mu. May 19th. 1888, - 2 When the assent of the electors of the said Cox'poreition has been obtained hereto and thin by-luw shall have been flnallv passed. it shall be lawful {or thb Reeve of this Corporatlcn to execute the mid agreement on behalf of this? Corporation on procuring its cxaaution' by the “id 99111291?- . . _ . _ 3} That it shall be lawful for the pufpoie' storen' sni'ql‘tor the Reeve of the said ‘vmnge to own any number of debentures to be‘ made for auch‘ sums of money nanny be required for the mid purposg. not less thaanwenty dollars each and, not} exceeding in thfaflwhola the amount of Ten th‘éusand @ollarfl'whicb‘ quid de'antures shun p. shqled with the sad) ofth "313?!“ High and bl signa'gby Que Racy}; tang xtenmreg mgrgof. " terms and conditions of the b Jaw of the Muni- cipality of the Corporation of t a Village of Rich-' mond mu: J, 4 That the said debéï¬tured than he ï¬nd. payable at the Central Bunk of Canada. in Rich- mond H_ill in one. two; thraéZ-tour.flve. six, seven; eikï¬fflhne, tan. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,- ï¬ftceu. sixteen, seventeen, eighteen. nineteen" and twenty years from the day‘ hereinaflbr men-' tioned for this by-lnw to take enact: and 511-111 have Mtnched’ï¬o them coupons tor the payment’ of interest at the rate and in thié‘xhunner biz-din: after mentioned. , W , fl , giheer for the Richmond Hill Junction Railway do hereby certify that the†value of the work done and materials furuiéhed in the commotion and equiï¬piï¬g of the said Railway since the signing'bf certiï¬cate N9. is 8 and that payment. of so 1- cont 0' this amount- should be made to the ompany from the Bid!)- mond Hill Junction Railway Munician Trust‘- Aocount the same being in pursuance of the terms and conditions of_ the _by-ln._v_v__c_>f thejgimi- The Richmond Hill} Junction Railway - Engineer's ggpartmen-t No. Certiï¬cate to be attached to orders giv'on or cheques drawn on the Richmond Hill Junction Rgflwav Municipal Trust Account. I‘l,!_l w" 5 That the skid debentures shull’ï¬ear intern? nt' and after the rite of ï¬ve per centnm per annum from the date thereof, which interest Ihhll’be payable half yearly on the ï¬rst drum of? December and June in each year at the Central" Bank of Canada. at Richmond Hill. 6 That for the purpose of huvmg' the said do- benturm and £31? interest thereon at the mta’ aforesaid. an equal special rate of tour and thirty sever. ï¬ftieth: mills in the dollar, shall, in n-ddi-' lion to all otherrnwugbe mine {levied and col-’ leeted in ench'fea‘r upon all t e rateuble pro pertv in the said Municipality during the mid} term of twenty years (mm the cotnihgihto efl'oct‘ of this by-lawyn‘tiless such debentures shall be meamfsi-. ,_ . .- h CH I EF‘IENG’I NEER'S CERTI FICATEL’?‘ 7 The Company shall not issue bonds, as“ the 28 Section of the Act incorporating them they' are empowered to do, beyond the sum of Five' thousand dollars, and the moth age to be given‘ as aforesaid shall be :1. Bacon climb on the landm- ant and rolling stock of _tb’e mid Comâ€"' guy; "1' order to allow the said Companfta issue‘ min to tnnt‘amount. ‘_ 'Vi"‘7r‘hya'i'?izi2rby.1uw atian‘t'alée' e‘ï¬â€™ec't‘ mi,- firan and after the day of July in the fetirqf'ouy Lqrdflneï¬housypd ejght puxgdraqmndyighgy. six._ 8 That the dabenturesfto be signed and issu-f ed as aforesaid shall be he'l'd by the Reeve and‘ Treasurer for thetime being of the said Village' in trust, ï¬rstly luhject t9 the conditions of thin by law as to time or manner to convert the name; into money or otherwise dispose of them ;; secondly to deposit the debentures or nmount‘i realized from the indie éhthe Central Bank 01" Canada at Richmond Hill in the name of The' Richmond Hill Junction Railway Municipe 1i Trust Account and to pay the some out from‘ time to time to the said Company . as they may become‘entitied thereto, namely. to’ pay to the said Company thirty per cent. of the value of the’ lands purchased and work done by the said‘ Company in the construction and myipping oi" the said Railway as the same may be rom time" to time certiï¬ed to by the Chief Engineer of the'. said Railway for the time being in the form of schedule " B " hereto or like effect, which ca’rl' tiflcate shall also be cnuntersigned by the ne'eva and Treasurer of the said-Village. and is to be attached to the cheque or order drawn by the' said Reeve and Treasurer for such payment or delireronf debentures. '. a __v. __i _- . . .4 6 Such mortgage shall contain a proviso that' in case of default by the Companv in performing‘ this agreement, the Corporation may roceed,: after giving due notice as contained in t e pro~' Visions of said mortgage, to take immediate p03: session of and foreclose or sell the said lands.~ plant'a‘nd'mï¬ng steak. and on taking the ec-' count of the amount to be due the corpcratwï¬: on such mortgage. the measure of dam». es shall‘ be the unreleased portion of the Ten t ousand» dollars ; such mortgage shall also contain an’ appropriate power of sale and the usual covon. an is v uuuuuuug, VALIqu Au- uu.u... uuv u... H That. on Mondtw, the fourteenth day of June, A. D 18883:“ We clodk iti‘tho lorenoon at the Town Hall, the Reeve of the said village ,9!" Richmond Hill, shall appoint, in writing, t 0‘. persons to attend at the ï¬nal summing up if votes by the Clerk of the Council, and one to v tend at the said polling place on behqu of 3110' nersmis int-errated in and desirous oi promotinn’; the panning of this By-Liiw, and u like number on behalf of the perab’ns interested in and delir-“ one of pppoï¬llg the gf‘fli'ia )B‘V'ALE‘W. _“ ‘ .A m . . . V.- _uj uun u: uluruung uuu punvlus \u nun: uyv nu. 12 That. on Tuesday, the 16th Juxié,‘ “5788f n't'" ï¬ve o'clock In the afternoon, at tha Town Hall, in the village of Richmond Hill, the Clerk of the: mid Council mull proceed to sum up (1)» number of votes given for and satin“ the snid-ByLuq- 5 In consideration wheré'ofl fh'é Corporation! agrees with/the Company to grant to them by way of bmms the sum of Ten thousand dollars,» to be paid to the Company in the manner aet’ forth in the eighth paragraph 61‘ the by-‘an‘ above written. A 6 To secure the perfnrï¬'mnce by the Company" of this agreement, the» company. shall mako.v execute, and deliver to t e _ Corporation u.‘ Morrgnge on the lands. plnn’t and rolling Mk of the Company for the sum of Ten thous d- dollurs, and at the end of each year during t of said tcrm of ten years, in case ' during such' yefu‘r‘ the Company‘nhell in all réapects have )erfom'l- ed this agreement, the Corporalinn shal release the sum of one thousand dollars of the sum secured, and when the whole of the mid sum of Ten thousand dollars is released will execute w proger gliscï¬tgrge of gheï¬aid mertgage. on Tuesday, the ï¬ftbenth day 01‘ June, A. D. 1886, m: the hour of nine o'clockin the, torenoon and closing at the hour of ï¬ve o'clock in the afternoon 0! the same day. This Agreement made the , any of’ , V ,. in the your of our Lord one thousand eight hgdred anglfigllgy six: (Av m y u. uvumnunco. 9 And it; is further enncfkd 13y the Municipal Council aforesaid, that the votes of the electors of We said Municipality will be taken on the mid propeaod bi-lnw at Rilfhmopgl "10 A551 ch36 Matthew Fféfy, ï¬ilnge Clerk. will be_ Eggurning Qgï¬cqr for yum}: the said vgtel. " The Compgnyh†of the__seco_}1d ï¬art yitne'ngeltjll W’ï¬ns iérésmen} tlioiéfdré illitnesnetllrthnt the" partirs hereto for themselves and their uuccessorr covenant; with each other as follows :â€" 3 The Company ‘shall during the said period‘ of ten years carry and convey from the said .Richmond Hill Station to Richmond Hill ~Vil- lage ail fréight that may arrive at the said Bibï¬t mond Hill Station consigned or addressed to any person in the said Villnge of Richmond Hill on payment by such person of the lawful chargqn‘ for freight w‘itliin {1 reasonable timq after the“ same n'mf'y hav'e'nn-ived at the said Richmond Hill Station. and will also carry all {night that- mny be tendered to them to be shipped ovor’ the said Richmond Hill Junction Rnilwnv from the said Village of Richmond Hill to the said Richmond Hill Station on payment of freight therefor. _ Between the Municipal Corpornfion of the’ Village of Richmond Ijill herein called "The’ Corlpomtion " of the ï¬rst varb'vmd che Richmond 311 Jgnctionï¬nilvgny Company herein called. Whereas the Convoration baa agreed to aid-0113’ Company by way of bonus to the extent of Ten' Thousand dollars for the promotion, construc-‘ tion and equippiug'of (he Riclnï¬bfld' 11m Juno“ 'tioq Builwuy us hqeinnfter mentioned: ‘ ‘. u l ’1 ie‘Cduipan) shall commence and complete' the said Railway as by section 31‘0’1 the Act, in- corporating t-he Companv direct-s,being the Act“ second in recital in the above wrifle'n' b'v-liiw. 2 The Company shell, continuously for a, period of ten years‘f’ro‘m the time when the said". Railway shall be completed, run their trains for, the carriage of passengers, (for which they will} elvmvs provide suitable accommodation ) 9: tween the Village of Richmond Hill‘ an‘d‘t 0’ Richmond Hill Station on the Northern Rimmed; ‘of Canada, so as to make connections With all of the regular passenger trains of the said Northern Railroad arriving at or departing from the said‘ Richmond Hill Station. unless prevented by the" tics of_ God or the Queen's enemies. Countersigned SCHEDULE “ B.â€â€™ SCHEDULE “A.†NOTICE Reeve Treasurer Chief En-