Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 May 1886, p. 2

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RICHMOND BILL POST OFFICE. Until further notice, Mail will be closed at the above Office as follows :â€" Mail for the North, via. RaiIWny, leaves once a day, in the morning, as above stated. M 0 RN ! N C. Going North, South, East, and West, at . . . . . . . 8.10 EVENING. Going South, East, and at I a I a o 3 o p o u r PHST 'flFFICE Nfl'l‘ll'lfi! There has not been an election in On- tario for years back,wherein the Catholic rote did not in imagination at least, .‘figure prominently. There are men who, with no small amount of cheek, claim to be the custodians of the Catholic Franâ€"- chise, and are willing on all occasions to 'give their word of honor that it will be exercised this way or that, according to ‘the inducements held out. These men assume a position which they have no right to assume, in order to magnify ‘their importance in the eyes of politicans, and make their path to office straight and smooth. As far as we know, the Roman Catholics of Ontario have never authorized any of their number to be.- 'come auctioneers of their political in- fluence and support. The votes of Catholics should not be turned from one side‘to the other, just as the efforts of a few se'lf appointed leaders to secure a fat‘bertb, succeed or fail. Yet year after year we hear the cry come forth from Toronto or Ottawa that one party iiszgoing to lose, or another party is going ‘to lose, or another party is going to gain ithe Catholic vote. Who authorizes the ‘sale 7 What is the price secured ? These are questions which naturally might be asked by lifelong Catholic Conservatives, or life-long Catholic Reformers. The sequel is that some wouldâ€"beâ€"leaders have secured or are about to secure ofâ€" fice, and have made the dicker on their own responsibility. No doubt a portion of the Catholic vote wavers from one side to the other, but the majority. stick to their political faith regardless of the alleged league transactions and deals which are continually going on. Morning Mail from South. West and East, by Railway,arrives at Evening Mail from Toronto by Yonge-slreet Stage, arrives at. Night Mail from North, by Raiiâ€" way, arrives at .......... .. ...... -. umcE HUUHS- 3.38% may be found on file at Geo I P. Rowell & Co’s Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.)where advertis- ing contracts may be made for it IN NEWYORK Richmobd Hill, Dec. 17th. 1885. Holland Landing, N ewm axket, Aurora, Kine. Richmond Hill, Ehomhill, Changeâ€"Steele Bros. & Co. Localâ€"C. Manon. No.19: Whole No. 1452: The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. GOING NORTH‘ Toronto. 8 10 Thomhill, 9 10 Richmond Hill 9 21 King. 9 32 Aurora. 9 50 Newmarket, 10 02 Holland Landing, 10 1'2 Toronto, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1886. Building is going on rapidly in our little village Mr D. Heiae is erecting a handsome brick residence on the sight of Old Rock Currie, so notorious for its past history. Mr George Shaffer is building a house on the corner of Elm and First Street, and on the south Mr Jacob Heise is just finishing a beautiâ€" ful frame residence, so you see we are not at a standstill. and if we could only get. that. railroad you talk so much about to strike our village, it would just “ set us up." Worth Rememberina. There is probably no boner relaxing remedy for nufl'joims, contracted cordmmd painful congestion, than Eam‘ard'a Yellow Uil. h cured Mrs. John siddell, of Orton, Uut.. who was afliicted for years will] conâ€" lrucliou oflhe bronchial pipes and light-- ms: of the chest. 1! is the great remedy 901' 11.40er er eatsmal pain. 0;" Mayor is in good health and spirits. Never hear him swear now. Am glardrmen are getting Wiser and better. Everything is running smoothly in this quarter of our great Dominion, and farmers, mechanics and merchants are in high spirits over present and future prospects, ‘ â€" The Dunker‘s hold their Spring Feast on Saturday next. 29th inst, and all who arehere by 4 o’clock p. 111., will get a ,“free ticket for soup.” The Gormley Foot‘ball boys defeated the‘Aggqra’g on Friday by ngaxnes to 1. H Thus the World Iioves on. May 25th, 1886. TRAIN TIME. am» {Mk 332mm. NO TIC’E T0 S UBSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Catholic Vote. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Richmond HIII. Ont. ARRIVALS. Gormley. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. GOING SOUTH. 10 2b '7 a.m. to 12 00 1 06 1 13 12 08 12 16 12 40 12 52 1 05 2 05 Volume 28. 10.00 7.00 7.45 805355 134010. “66-177 613 626 645 655 7 0!) 765 AR‘ PMMENSE cnow’n. EVERYTHING PASSES on succnssrULLY' run mm. The queen's Birthday was celebrated as it usually has been in this place for a number of years past by having art Agâ€" ricultural Show and an‘ Exhibitinn of Ladies’ Work. As sure as the year comes round parties will always be found who are dissatisfied with how things go, in some cases, because they or their friends did not obtain prizes, or for some other reason. We take it, the Judge! always do the best they Can, and to their best judgment they grant the prites to those who, they suppose, are best entitled to them. This year’s, we are very glad' to learn, has been the most successful Exhibition held for years past‘ in the number of the people attending, thh number of entries, and consequently the increase of receipts received. The day opened with a gloomy look about it}, that made one doubt of the success of the several undertakings which depended upon whether the weather would lie fine or not. Before noon, however,all doubts as to whether the day would be fine was dissipated. The sun came out sufâ€" ficiently to make every one feel pleasant and comfortable, neither too hot nor too cold. Instead of commencing the Ex- hibition earlier in the morning everyâ€" thing appears to be crowded into the afternoon. Some alteration is wanted in this respect. Owing to the New Park on which the fair was held being farther from Yonge Street than the old place, the streets were more quiet than we have hitherto seen them on the 24th. We are glad to state that very little if any drunkenness was to be seen, and no accident of any account happened, so far as we could learn. l l l l l l DINNER AND TEA. As is usual the Ladies of the Presby terian Church served Dinner and Ten to an immense throng and retained their well-earned reputation, as the viands were ofthe very best kind, being bmh plentiful and appetising, and the ladies were very attentive and agreeable to all those whulfavored them with a call. THE CONCERT. The programme of' the Concert in connection with the Presbyterian Church on the night of the Queen's Birthday, was fully carried out, If we might be allowed to express an opinion on the merits of having so many readings at a Concert, we should say, it would have been better to have had less,not but that the lady did her part well, but the read~ ings were either too long or throngh some other reason unappreciated. The singâ€" ing of Miss Ryckman in the several parts she was engaged in was highly :tpâ€" preciated, and on several occasions en- cored. Mr. 0. Kelly was a host in him- self, and wherever he is announced to take part in a Concert, it generally is suflicient to draw a croWded house. His guitar solo drew out an enthusiastic en- core. Miss Flora Coulter acted as 80-- companist for the evening with her usual ability and skill. DINNER AND TEA. The anniversary at the Methodist Church was a decided success. The Ladies Aid, that'most important apn pendage to every successful Church, ex-- eeeded their prestige as hostesses in catering to the demands of the hungry public. The amateur waiters had to fly around in a pretty lively style in for»- warding the ample supplies to the front, and the result has been,we have no doubt, that the Treasurer's satchel has been heavily weighted with increased responsibihty, THE CONCERT. The Concert which took place on the night ofthe Queen’s Birthday in the Methodist Church,was a decided success, both in point of numbers and in the amount of proceeds. The Athaena Glee Club was all that ithad been represented, the singing of Mr. and Mrs Manly Ben- son beingr especially worthy of notice. Mr. H. Lee’s recitation entitled “ Arte~ mus \Vard ” was given in an effective and natural manner which well showed his skill, Miss Howden. whose voice is very sweet, received repeated encorcs; the song “ Listening Angels" being particularly well rendered. It goes with- out saying that Miss McCallum sang Well “ Show me Thy Way," receiving a loud encore, which she answered with that sweet piece “The sweet By-and By.” Mr Adams’ recitation, which .he gave in very good style, notwithstanding he was laboring under indisposition, re- flects him great credit. The Prize List will be found in another column‘ Before next year. we trust to see a building capable of holding a sufiioient number, so as to give both Churches an opportunity ofjoining hands over a con- cert that will give delight and pleasure to all that may attend. Both the Pres- byterian and Methodist Churches were well patronized on the night. of'the 24th, and we understand the proceeds to each will net about two hundred dollars after all expenses are paid. Selim complaints have been made to our ears about the want of behavior of some persons in either one 0':- both Churches, which only tends to show the necessity of having a place sufficiently large to hold such gatherings in without being compelled to hold them in places set apart or dedicated for worship. HoLLown'S PILLS AM) UlsTMENT.â€"-The combined ll effects of uver-cuowding, SE“ dentarv occupations and mnnomny of life are only too well known to those who haye to pass the best the best part of their lives labouring in factories and crowded workrooms. The compulsor confiemenz weakens Lhe generalhealth and inducen chronic constipation. indigestion, and various forms of skin diseases. Holloway's remedies are of priceless value to persons of this class, for they can be used without entailing loss of work, being purely vege- table in their compositinnmnd consequently act wnhout harshness on the most delicate system. The experience of more than forty years proves that no means surpass Bolloway’a remedies for curing bad legs, had breasts, piles, and wounds 01 all kinds. THE 24th. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. METHODIST CHURCH. R. & Yonge St. Exhibition. or stockings, 1st l'rs A Henslip;.2nd Miss PRIZE LIST. H 0R5 ES. Imported Draftâ€"Stallion, aged; lat and 2nd‘, John Palmer. Stallion 3 yr‘s'.;lst, D. Hoover. Stallion 2; yrs, Isl. W. Rennie. ‘ Filly. 2 yrs. 13:. W. Rennie. Filly, 1 yr.. lst. Henry Leach. Span of Horses, 1st, W. llemiie. ' ' Canadian Draft.â€"Stsllion, 3 yrs'., lst, John Besturd. Stallion, 2yrs, 1st, John Cox; 2nd. W Cox: Stallion, 1 fix, lst. W Mason; 2nd. DBYId‘MESOVD. Brood More In Wm. Thomas. Filly Z'yrstt W Joyce; Rowden . McVean ; 2nd firs 'l‘hos Svmth. Set under. lclothing. lst. Miss E McVesn: 2nd MM T l Smyth. Painting on Plush; lst Mrs A Henslip; 2nd Miss C Jackes. Painting on Velvet. 1st Miss Trench. Painting on silk, 1“ this A Hesslip; 2nd Miss C Jackes. Painting on Chins._1‘st Mrs A Beaslip; 2nd Mrs Tltos Kersey. Painting on Pottery. Ist )tiss U Jackes; 2nd me A Besslip. Paint- ing in oil, 1st Mrs Thos Wilson; 2nd Ilhs A Benefit)... Painting in water colors, lst. MISI Trench, 20d Mrs A-Eaeslip. “Painting in crayon, lsl ms (‘Reitl Collection of Ladiss’ work. In Miss Rowden. Homeâ€"made shirts, ist Miss E‘ l l PRIZE LIST. H 0R5 ES. lmporled Draft.â€"Smllion, aged; let and 2nd‘, J'dhn Palmer. Stallion 3 yr‘s'q‘lst, D. Hoover. Stallion Zyrsl, Isl. W. Rennie. Filly. 2 yrs“ 13:. W. Rennie. Filly, 1 yr.. lat. Henry Leach. Span of Horses, lat W. llen'dié. ' Canadian Draft.â€"Stallion, 3 yrs‘., lat, John Beslurd. Stallion, 2:”, 13!, John Cox; 2nd. W Cox: Stallion, 1 yr., 13!. W Mason; 2nd. Dayxd‘ Mason. Brood More In Wm. Thomas. Filly Z'yraJat W Joyce; 2nd‘Jume3 Diamond. Filly lyr. 131 and 2nd“. thn Bowen. Span of Horses, In W Rennie. General Purposeâ€"Stallion 2 yr. flat 8. General Purposeâ€"Stallion 2 yr, Fat 8. Wilson. Stallion 1I vr, lvst N Kirby; 2nd Jacob Eehmer. Brood Mimi. lat. Gjeoue Weldrick. Filly? yrs. lat Thea Klan-say, Filly 1' yr. 13L Allan McKinnnp; 2nd W J Little. S‘pnn of Horses, 1m Rob! Purdy. (‘arriggéâ€"Slalhon aged. Fist W Mé‘ek; 2nd John“ Baker. Smen 2 y; old F“ J‘ D Smith. Bruod Mare. list E Lnngstafi'. Roadsterâ€"Stallion aged let, E Q» St. George: '2nd. R Hays. Stallion 2 yrs old. ist W Morison. Stall-inn 1 yr, l‘at W 8: A Wright. Brood Mme, l’sl‘li‘. Lan‘gmafi'; Ehd W Meek. Filly 2 yr old,lm A Curtis; 2nd E. Langstafl' Filly 1" yr, In! John Cuaely; 2nd Jolih (link. ' Class VIIâ€"Span of Carriage homes. In J Hunter. Single CarriAge. [at S Shunk;' 2nd M Forsylh. Spam of R'oadsler. Is! John Palmer. Single Roadster, Is! James ucDonougb. Saddleâ€"‘lst Frank Powell, 2nd, Charles Reid Single CarrinizE, special. Isl S Shuuk; 2nd H F Hopper. Single Driving. special, 15L J‘umes Laurie; 2nd 113' & A Langslnlf. Farmer’s Driving horse; Isl D [1 Porter; 2nd A McBride. CATTLE. Bloodâ€"Stallion 3:96:13! PI 08'! Georgd.‘ Brood Mare. Isl W &'A Wright. Pair of knitted wool socks.lst Miss Btuel; 2nd Mrs. 'l‘hos. Kersey. Pair of knitted wool stockings!” Miss Bruel ; 2nd. Miss E McVean. Fancy knitting in cotton. lat Mrs. Thns Smyth, 2nd Miss E McVean. Fancy knitting: in wool.lst Miss E McVenn; 2nd Miss Rowden. Fancy knitting in silk, 1st. Mrs 'l‘,hos Smith ; 2nd Miss E McVenn. Child's over dresss, 1st Mrs Thos Kcrsey. Pntch wnrk quilt, lst Mrs Tltos Smyth; 2nd Miss Rowden. Crazy Patch work. in. Mrs Thus Smyth; 2nd Miss Rnwden. Beer» lin work on canvas, 18!. Miss Rowden ; 2nd Mrs 'l‘hos Kersey. Berlin work on Java canvas, lst Mrs 'l‘hos Korsey; 2nd Miss E McVenn. Berlin work raised, lst Mrs T Kersey; 2nd Miss E McVean. Pair of Pillow Shams. ls! Mrs 'l‘hos Smyth; 2nd Mrs A Heaslip. Braiding on cotton, 1st Mrs C Reid; 2nd Mrs Thos Kersey. Braid- ing on silk. lst. Mrs Thos Kelsey; 2nd Miss E McVeun. Crochet in cotton, Miss E McVean; 2nd Mrs Thos Kersey. Crochet, inwool, 1st. Miss Bruel; 2nd Mrs Thos Kersey. Macrame workJst Miss liowden , 2nd Mrs John Elliott. Embroidery on cotton or muslin. lst Miss Rowden; 2nd Mrs 'l‘hos Smyth. Embroidery on silk. 18! Mrs Thos Smyth; 2nd Mrs A Heaslip. Embroidery Kensington, lst Miss E Mc- Vesn ; 2nd Miss Trench Embroidery Crewel, lst Mrs Thos Kersey; 2nd Miss E McVean. Embroidery Chenille, lst Mrs Thos Kersev; 2nd A Hesslip. Embroidery Arrnsene, lst Mrs A Heaslip; 2nd Miss E McVean. Embroidery Applique. 1st Miss Rowden; 2nd Mrs Lush. Darned Net, lst Miss Rowden; 2nd Mrs A Heaslip. Point Lace.lst Miss Rowuen ;. 2nd Miss E McVeant Limerick Lace. 1st Mrs A Heaslip; 2nd Mrs Thos Kersey. Honiton Luce, 1st Mrs Thos Smytb; ‘lnct Miss Borden. Denied socks Soulhdown.~ Ram aged, lst and 2nd R Marsh. Ram 1 shun Isl and 2nd R Marsh. Ewe aged. Isl and 2nd R Marsh. Ewe 1‘ shear, Ist and 2nd R Marsh. Shropshirean 1 shear, P9! J‘Sialey. Pen nfSheep. lat :‘nd 2nd It Marsh. Pair of Fat Ewes. is: R Marsh ;' 2nd I Sisley. Durham Bull aged, l‘st E Langslnfl‘. Dur-' ham Ball 2 yrs old, Isl G Weldrick. Dur? hum Cow aged. lat G Weldrick. Grade Cow aged. ls! Patterson Bros ;' 2nd G Wel- drick. Grade Heifer 1 year old lst. Patter- son Bros 7 2nd J Sisley. Jersey Bull aged, 1st J Cherry. Jersey Bull l veer old. llt J Cherry. Jersey Cow aged, lst J Cherry. Jersey Heifer 2 yrs old. ls! J’Cherry- Jer- sey Heifer 1" year old. lsl and 2nd J Cherry Holstein Bull aged. lst D Hoover. Hol- stein Bull 1 year old. 151 D Hoover. Hol- stein Heifl'er 2 year old. In D Hoover. Hereford Bull 1 year old, lst Marsh & Holmes. Hereford Bull 2 years old, lat Marsh and Holmes. Hereford Bull l year old, Is! Marsh and Holmes. Fat 0x or Steer, ls! J Sisley. Fat Uow or Heifer. ls! Marsh and Holmes. Leices‘er'Ram aged. In and 2nd G‘ Wel» drick. Leicester Rum l shear. In E San- dprson ; 2nd T Boynlon. Leicvsler Ewe aged. lat and 2nd E Sanderson. Leicesler Ewe] shear, Is! and 2nd ESm-derson. SWINE. Large Breedâ€" Boar aged, Est W Buynâ€" tnn ; 2nd '1‘ Boynton. ‘Boar under 1 yum Int J Weldrice ; 2nd T Bnymon. Sow age-d. lst T Boynlon ; 2nd W Boynron. Saw under 1 year old. Is! T Boynlon; 2nd W Boymen. Cotswold Ram aged. let T Boymon ; 2nd G Weldrick. Cotswold Ram 1 shear. Isl G Weldrick ; T Boynlnn. Cotswold Ewe aged, lst and 2nd 1‘ Bovntofi. Cotswold Ew" I shear, 1st and 2nd. '1‘ Boymon. Brahma, Is! and ‘Ind W & A Wright. Spanieh,lsl and 2nd W ff; A Wright. Silver Spangled Hambnrgs, [at H F Hopper. Pluck Hamburgs. is! and 2nd W & A Wright. houdaant and 2nd W J; A wright. Durkings, l and 2nd,’l'hns Boynlnn. White Leghorn, lsl J Sisley. Plymouth Rocklsl w 5; A Wright ; 2nd H J. Huppér. Cochin. island 2nd w d: A wright. Bantam, lsl H J Hopper. Game. Is! and 2nd E Lang- slafi'. Ducks, 15!. and 2nd w & A wright. IMPLF.‘ M ENTS. ETC. Pair of Barrows, ls: w wright. Fanning Mill. 15! Thus Wilson. Pump,lst H Miller; 2ndJ 6L J Coleman. Root bcuflier. Isl w wright. Farm wuggnn springs, 13!, w Trench. Open Buggstl w Trench. Top Buggy. is! w Trench. 2 Horse Carriage, is! wright Bros. Lighl Market. waggon. lslw Trench. Side Bar Waggon, In W Trench. Small Breedâ€"Boar aged. let and 2nd R. S Frisby 'Bnhr under 1 year. 15! R. S Frishy ; 2nd G Weldrick. Sow uged, Isl and 2nd R S F’risby. Sow under 1 year 01:}, let R S Frisby ; 2nd G Weldrick. Berkshireâ€"Boar aged. [31 J Weldrick. Boar under 1 year old, 13! P Boynlm); 2nd J Weldrick. Sow under 1 year old, Isl P Boymon. Set Team. Harness. In! R Nicolls. Set of Double Carriage Harness. lst J Devlin Set of Snap Harness, Island 2nd. J Devlin Pair of Men‘s Boms. lat and 2nd F Mcâ€" Conughy. Iladles’ Boots, lle McCcnaghy. LADIES’ WORK. ' . 6 lbs Butler, lst Mrs G weldrick : 2nd Mrs E Sanderson. 10 lbs Butler special, Ia! Mrs E SandeIson. 12 lbs Bmler special. 13!: Mrs Cherry Home-made Brand, In Miss Bruel ; 2nd Mrs G weldrick. HARNESS AND LEATHER WORK. DAIRY PRODU CE POULTRY. SHEEP: Mrs A Heaslip and Mia: Trench showed a large number of mficles not included in priz’e list. H) which I'sL prize cardi weré' ato- lnched by the Judges. Thele was also a. Very large exhibition of farm implements, noticeable among men) were some from Patterson Bras, as’ also from 01her leading manufacturers throughout the cbunzry. The roads in this place are yet in el bad st’nte. The Council seem to lie dead‘; all they want is to be buried. The Township will yet be got into ‘ trouble. One good man should be suifiei’ent {to put the road or see it put in good order. Instead of that We have five who can‘- l sider filemselvee‘second to none in the} Dominion, and yet the water is still laying 0n the road. $35'spent judicious-7 ly Would haverm‘a'de the eoiVert.and $25 a year fbr the last five years would have fixed and kept the" road in good repair, that is: $160 expended on‘ the road would have given-the ratepayers a road that would have been satisfactory. It will take double that now,‘ and such a policy is "penny wise and pennd foolish " on the part ofgentlemen, some ofwhom, at least. aspire to something beyond'and above serving the people at the Council Board; They Can lay out and mis- spend money when it is 'not required Why not. the Northern R. Road do something towards the fixing of the road '{ We have plenty of money .in hand. T notice by" the Treasurer’s last ‘report 811,000 and more was reported to be in his hands. The ratepayers want fair roads and should have them. M I had been in the Council, I should have seen what could have been done towar‘o‘s makinglthe Railroad Company put the road complained'of in good order. I do net Iikeflmlt finding. but it appears the only way to do with some folks.espeeially who think they liuveran everlasting lease .of power to serve i'n Council; is to show them up through the pnpers, aml en- deavor‘by this means to rouse the’ rate- payers up to make a change. THE last new Venture in illustrated journalism is The Mirror, an eight page paper published in Toronto, whose aim is "' to hold, as ’twere, the mirror Up to nature," in accordance with Hamlet’s adtice to the players. We do not proâ€" fess to know how such a publication, is- sued at 5 cents per copy or $2 00 an- nual subscription, can be produced with such a degree of excellence and yet be found remunerative; but that is, after all, “ none of our business.” The initial number, which is printed on toned paper and may be characterized as a perfect model of typographical perfection, con- tains original illustrations of the presen- tation of the Northâ€"West medal to the Toronto volunteers, some interesting views from the vicinity of Ottawa and Peterborohgh. portraits of"‘the twelve members of the Toronto Baseâ€"Ball Club. and also some capital original comic sketches. Great attractions are promised for the second number, including illus- trations from original sketches of the antiâ€"Scott _ Act dynamite outrages at Orangeville. We wish the new paper success. Bad Roads. To 0.5? Editor of'tfi'e Herald: The great 880"” of beauty is pure blood. Eruptions and all blotches that disfigum the files. may be quickly cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Annie Heath. of Portland. r-e‘rtifies that she was cured by thizr remedy, after sufi'eritfg for tWO‘yenrs. DAVY CRQcK'z'r. Cranberry} Marshville, May 2’4:11,1886. One of ounvoung farmers dislingnished himself {he mher night in catching chicken Ihieveu. The hde htad mno‘e pteny good work before they were stopped, having bagged n fine 105‘, but forlunntely our friend puluin an appearance with his boom“ eran'g in lime lo save same at" the fowls and' secure the marnud'era ' 0n the Queen’s Bitlhduy. as is the ens-- tom, a fair was held which eclipsed all previous ones. in both attractive exhibits and attendance. '1' he trotting and running wees. the displav of cartiages and imple-- ments. horses and all kinds of live stock was excellent. The gyounds. which are large and well fitted up. and the enthusiaam shown by the villagers and the rm‘mem uf the adjoining townships prove that Rich-n mond_Hill has wlumre‘ before it.â€" Toronto New . V The 24th passed 06' vary quietly : n6 rousing cheers. The Iifkamen used a few cartridges in honor of the day. In a respectable sud highly enlightened community like this. it ii strange tllm a flat note should be detected. but. such is the case. The education of nnr buys in many instancvs is a failure. We have hete wlmt might be termed a Church mob. 33:3 num- ber of youths varying in age from twelve In eighteen years congregate outaide the Church and make rude speeches and insult people’who pass in, and when tired of this pustime they play hide-end seek through the grounds. uininetimes they venture in~ side. but not, to conduct. themselves in a becoming manner, as the time is spent in whisperith and pointing. making'it very’ uncomfortable for th'ime it'lio'chance to be near. If we could only urnVide them with bnerd and tuition at Penetanguishene for a twrlve month. it might be the means «if tattclting them common decency in the house of Gud. Never dung Ihe utnmm-h with nauseating and weakening expecmrnnls and opiates ; Hagyald’ Peclnrul Balsam is pleasant and reliable i'n its efiecla. and Safe in all‘ throat and lung complniml that. if neglecled, end in consumption. Mu, 25m. 1886. RICHMOND HILL SPRING FAIR. NEW Dress Geodeat Greunan's A Secret For The iadles. (From out owu Correspondent.) Newton- Brook. Yours, 8w. . Anavs. COUNCIL MmETING.-Our village fathers will meet on Monday evening next, 3124!. inst, at. 8.30 o’clock. A FIREMAN’S demonstration will be held at St. Cdtherines on the 22nd June. Now boys, you have a chance of showing your skill [- EMBROIMRIES. Laces, Muhfihs, Lace Curtains spkmdid stock at the Cbncrete'. WE shall Be happy to receiv‘e at all times and all‘hours items of public in- terest, but articles of a personal and win- dictive nature‘ we do not. want at. any price. IF you want a Stylish Hat or Bonnet, go to the Fife Proof. WHO CAN ANSWER ?â€"If it costs three cents per gallon to bring oil by the way of the street from Toronto,wh'at Would it cost supposing we had'Railway connection. x. x. x. ANOTHER} FIREâ€"The Mdfl Oflice, Torohto, was visited by another fire on Saturday night last. The fire was chiefly in the inside ofthe building. and damage to the extent of" 845,000 done. CATTLE FAIRâ€"The next mom‘th Cnltle Fah- will be held in' this 'village' on Wednesday next. June 3rd. Any person wi‘shing to dispose of' a few cattle, sheep, &€’., cannot do better than bring them alordz. YOUNG CANADIANS DEFEAT BRANT- FORD -â€"'l‘he Young Canadian Lacrosse Club of this place went to Brantford on Monday last to play a friendly match with the Club of that city. The game commenced at 3 p.m., and at the outset it was very hard to tell which Club had the advantage. but ere long the Y. C.’s seemed to get down to their usual play, and not only defeated but also greatly astonished the Brantl‘ordites by taking three straight games, the first in 15 minutes. the second in 22 minutes, and the third in~10 minutes. If there is any advantage to be gained in the size, the Brantford boys had it, as they were both taller and heavier than their opponents. We might say that we have seen the Young Canadians in much better trim than they were on Monday, but probably this is excusable. considering that it was the first match of the season. The visitors were treated very handsomely, and returned home about midâ€"night, well pleased with the day’s sport. We are sorry our space will. not permit ofa larger report. NEW Embroideries. Eacea, Gkves, Homer'y, 8w , at Grennan’é. COMING.â€"The Salvation Army will open fire on Richmond Hill on Sunday next, 30th inst, declaring war ugaimt’ sin. drink and the devil“ in every form: Meetings (0' be lield in the Converted Billiard Room. rat-the hotfi's of 10 30 a. m , 3 and 7.30 p. m. Silv‘er collection at. the door at night. Rain: TIMPLARS or TEMPERANCE. â€"The York District Council Royal Templurs Gf' Temperance, will meet in the_ Tcmpernncb Hglfl' toâ€"morr‘ow,Frida'y, 28th infilt. A public meeti‘ng in the Schodl Room of' the Methodist Church in the evening, cbmmencing‘ at 7 30 p.‘ m. Addresses (beEVemd by delegates nut} Rev; W. F. Wilshn‘. KNOCKED' DOWN.â€"â€"Durihg r‘he time of 1he Concer‘t in the fresbyt’erian Church on the c'v‘edi'ng 6f the 24111. One or two of the lamps in the chandelier over the ga‘ller‘y were knocked by noâ€" dident, one falling below. Forumafely theliglit Wem om, thu‘s pr‘ev‘eming' what might hav'e been a serious panic among the drowd. Goon Tapestry Carpet fbr 30 cents per yard: at! the Concrete. TAPESTRY' Carpets from 35' cents per yd. at the Fire Proof. A GOOD Bennâ€"The Band boys from Teston deserve n complimentary remark or two {hr the manner in which they disported themselves on the 241th. Wevliuve heard several remark that they were much pleased With the manner in which they played and the gentlernanly way they noted If we should require the services ot'a Band agnin. we hope they will be engaged to play. NEWESI’Shirts and Ties at Grennan'e.â€" A FiNE‘ TRACKâ€"For a few da'ys the latter part of last week a number of our villagers and several teams were busily engaged in making :- race track in the New Park Ground. and by hard work‘ and‘ perseverance tlie’jbb was sat" isfactorily nompleted. and we can now say that we have undouBtedly one of the best tracks'to Be Found north of Toronto. It is a good size, three t’imes around constituting a mile, and a Vast improveâ€" ment to the park. THE amount of Millinery turned out by the Concrete in April was far ahead of what was done in the same month in any former year, and the value and style were ditto. If you want what will please you in Millinery, go to the Con~ orcte. DIRECTORS' MEETING â€"â€"-The Dirac: tors of the Richmond Hill Mechanics’ Institute met on Friday evening last, nod struck the {following Committee :â€" R8~Uninn-â€"-Mesnrs. McMahon, Switzer. W. Sanderson, Wilson amt Nicholle. Debate and Lectureâ€"Messrs. Boyle. McConaghy and Crosby. Libraryâ€" Messrn Law, Moodie and Puusley. Fiâ€" nanceâ€"Messrs. Savnne and Trench. Mr R. E. Law was rcâ€"elected Librarian at. the same salary as heretofore. Moved by P. G. Savage, seconded by'. Mrs-- Uonnghy, that thelnmount 01'320 be ex- pended in binding magazines novr in the Library, and that the balance of money on hand be devoted to the purpose of se- curing the following monthly periodicals : Young Ladies’ Journal, Boys of Eng- land, Sunday ‘at Home, Leisure Hour, Quiver, Chambers’ Journal and Harper’s -â€"â€"Carried. The meeting then adjourned. THE Newest. Styles- in Christy and Straw Hats at Grenuan’s. ' NEw‘Prints at Grennan’s. LOCAL ITEMS. NEW Muslims at Gr'énuan’é. ONE barrel of Machine Oil for sale‘ at this ofiice on reasonable terms. K R. MARSH. Esq , took several prizes at the Fair, for his Southdowns. We only wish we had a paper large enough to give show notices to every one deâ€" serving of them. WIRE Cloth, all widths, for door and window screens“ 0. Mason’s Tin and Hat-de1? Sums. FINE CA‘IiT'IiE.â€"'l‘he cattle shown by Messrs. Marsli'& Holmes at the fair on the 24th, were spl'endid' anin‘ia’ls‘ and would have conferred-credit‘on any show in the count'ry. We db not know‘ that they ever exhibited stock before, but trust it will not be the last. time; ’ We do not give this notice beanuse they lubscribe for the HERALD: But because lhey. as young men and young beginners, inc deserving of in. c IACCIDENT.â€"A short time ago a sad accident occu'fred to rI‘hos. Pratt, third rm of Joseph Pratt, who lives in Town- shipof Yerk. h appears that young: Pratt was loading a breech-loading rifle when the shell of thecartridge flew back, striking him in one of his eyes. The accident was very painful am?“ there is no doubt but that’ the young fellow will lose the sight of the eye. although he is progressing very favorably under’ the able fi-e‘atmeut of Dr. Armstrong of" Eglinton. CROSBY’S‘ Stock of Mfllinery is large, cheap and stflisfi. BRANTFORD Stoneware Butter Cracks all sizes at close prices at Grennan’é. In year 1886 for Interest 3500 00 & for Debt $302 50 1887 484 88 317 62 1888 468 99 333 51 1889 402 32 350 18 1890 434 81 367 69 1891 416 43 386 07 1892 397 12 405 38' 1893 376 85 425 65 1894 356 57 446 93 1896 333 2'2 469 28 1896 309 76 492 74 1597 285 12 617 38 1898 259 25 543 25 1399 232 09 .570 41 1900 203 57 698 93 1901 173 6? 628 88 1902 142 18 660 32 1903 109 16 693 34 1904 74 50 728 00 1905 38 11‘ TN {1) And Whereas it is proposed to pav of! the said debt by Ten thousand dollars by instalments in each ear during a period of twenty years from t 9 date on which this by-law takes effect ; for which said payments and for paying the in- terest on the debentures to be issued as herein- after mentioned, it- will be necessary to raise annually the said sum of Eight Hundred and Two Dollars and fifty cents, to be apportioned in each war as follows 2â€"- OFFICIAL CATAL‘OGUE.â€"Wc have an OfiicialCatalog‘ue of the Canadian See'- tion ot'the Colonial and Indian Exhibil tion in London, published under the authority of Sir Charles Tup- per Executive Commissioner. The work is! Well executed of 300 pages. and giving the names of Exhibitors from all parts of the Dominion. Great care and labor haVe been expended in the getting up. We shall be, only too gludfloshow the same to any one, who may (klsire to see it. Politics in this case 'not conâ€" sidered; All are welcome. And Whereas the amount of the. whole rate- abie property of the said Municipality, irrespect- ive of any future increase of the same. and also irrespective of anv income to be derived from the temporary investment of any part of the moneys to be raised by this hy-law according: to the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici aliby being for the year one .thousaud eighty undred and eight five was one hundred Md sixty-nine thousand two hundred and fifty dollars And Wheraas there is no existing debt of the said Municipality. , ScimiBLING books from 2 to 8 cents each fbr sale at the HERALD Skore. And Whereas it will require the sum of Eight Hundred and two dollars and fifty cents to be raised annually bv special rate_ for paying the said deht of Ten thousand dollars and interest on the debentures to be issued therefor as here-- inatter mentioned. Rev. W. G. Howsnu. of Pickering. was the guest of Mr. mud Mrs. J. W. Elflott over Sunday last. Mr. E. Sheppard, Editor of that spicy little fgeefit 1:119 rIorontao NEWS. was in our' village at t. e , .- - Miss Ilia. McLellan of Davgnport Place, To» rd to, is spending a. few days visiting friends and r atives here. ij‘; 'L McLean of Meatordflpent a. few days in town 6 in week. ‘ ' Mr. and Mia L. Davis‘ofAfrcade, N. '1, Were, apehdifig I‘.’ few days here’ 'thiS‘Week. Mrs and Miss Danielsmf Orangeville, are visit- ing their friends and rem-fives in Richmond Hill and neighborhood. Mr.J.M. Palmer _is spending this week with ‘relativen and friends here. after finishing his Final Examination in Toronto 0‘): Saturday last. And Whereas to carry the last recited. object into effect, it is necessary for the said Municiâ€" pality to raise the said sum of Ten thousand dollars in the manner hereinafter mentioned. Aurl Whereas the Municipality of the Corpora- tion of ' Village 0! Richmond Hill has determined to aid and assist the said Richmond Hill Junetion Railway Company by giving thereto the sum of Ten thousand dollars by way of bonus. under the authority conferred by the said Act first in recital. subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions named in the agreement to be executed by the said Corporation and the Company set forth in schedule " A " hereto, which schedule is‘declared to be a. part of this bv-lmw. WHEREAS by the 6323 section of the A)?! inti- tuled "The Consolidated Municipal Act 18%," it ,is provided that one Council of every Incorporat- ed Village may pass by.laws for granting bonuses to any Railway Company in aid of such Railway. and for‘ mailing debentures payable at such times mid f0)" such sums respectively not less than twenty dollars, and hearing or not hearing inter-â€" ‘est aslhe Municipal Council thinks meet and for directing the manner and form of signing any debent’di‘esf‘so issued and tor countersigning the sameyand by what officer or person the same shall be signed or countersigned respectively, and for assessing and levying from time to time u on the whole nat'eable property of the Mum- c pality a sufficient sum to discharge the debt or engagement swarm-ac ed. But that no Muni- cipal Corporation shall il’lbfii‘ a debt or liability for the )nrpose‘ afdresaid. , u‘n‘ltess the by-law, before t a final pas‘e'h} thefédt‘, receives the assent of the electors of t e Municipality in the manner provided in safd Act. A By-Law to aid and assist the Richmond Hill Junction Railway Company by giving Teu' 6139113- and dollars to the Company and to issue Deben- tures therefor and to authorise the levying oia special rate for the payment of the Debemurea and interest. And Whereas by an Act of the third seséibn of' the fifth Legislature of the Province of Oiitario, passed in the forty-ninth year of Her Majesty’s reign, the Richmond Hill Junction lxailwav Com- pany was duly Incorporated, and the Board of Plovisionul Directors were em powered to receive for the Company any bonus or gift made to it or in aid of the undertaking, and to enter intd‘ an agreement respecting the condition or disposi- tion of any'igift or bonus in aid of said RailWay, and with ul suoh other powers as under the Railway Act of Ontario are vested in ordinary directors. BYâ€"LAW N 0 116. AnMsTnoNa.â€"At the 3rd (‘01:. West ank. on the 14th imst.v Eliza. daughter or Mr Wm. Arm- strong, aged 19 years. LOCAL ITEMS. 9ch gxIvrrtir-‘mumtfi. Personaffs. DEATH for wigich unfit! payments _ib will teguj‘rt? gm equal: Elimifl éfieéial ‘rite of four and‘ thirt -ae‘ven fiftiéth mills in the dollar in additionto a. 1 other rates to be levied in each year. Thereforé‘ the Council of the Corporation 0! thy V_il_1agq Iof»Ri_c_hm9nd Hi1} epacgs pg follpws ::â€"_ 1 That it shall and may do lawful for the saidr‘ Municipality to aid and assist the Richmond Hill J unctlor. Raflw my Company by giving there- to the sum of Teh‘ thousand dollars by wav 0! bonus, and subjeét to the’terms, conditions and restrictions named in thy Agreement set forth in schedule “ A ” 2 vs hen the assent, of the electors of the said Cdrporation has been obtained hereto and this I) -la.w shall have been finally passed, it shall b' 1'lavrl’ml for the Reeve of ‘this Corporatxcn be executé- the saiwagreemeut on behalf of this Corpontion on procuring its execution by the 351d 99711.11“? - ..--. ‘ u. y .. . .. 3 That, it shall be lewful for the purpose store- said for the Reeve of the said village to onus. any number of debentures to be made for such sums of money as may be requifed for the said purpose. not less than Twenty adhers each and not exceeding in the whole the amount of Ten thousand dollars which said debentures shall be sealed with theseul of the said village and be signeg‘by. the Reeve ensi Treasures‘thereof. N54 4 That the said debentures shall be made payable at the Central Bank of Canada. in Rich- mond Hill in one, two, three, four, five; six. seven. eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventebn‘, eighteen", n'iubteen and twenty vents from tlzé‘fiay herbixiafter'men- tione’d for'this by-law to We efl'ectg and slim“ have attached to'them coupons zor the payment of interest at the rate and iil the‘ mannei'he'refn‘: after'memioned. ' ,,L‘ Is hereby giveix that the above in a true copy of a. proposed By-Luw which has been taken into' consideration. and which will be finally passed. by the Council of the Village of Richmond HilI‘ in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after 0115 month from the first ublicntion in the newspapers r Viz. the YORK mum: and “ Liberal." of 'l hursday, the 20th Mav. 1886,) and at the hour, duv and place herein fixed for taking the votes of the electors, the‘ poll will be held. M. TEEFY, Clerk: Clerk's Ot‘fim; Richmond Hill. May 19th. 1886’ mm. cllvnluvu. , _ I 5 Twas the said debenturgs shallfbeur'in‘terq‘st at and miter the rate of five per' centum per' anm‘x ' from the date thereof, Wh’iéh interest, shall'_ 'pnyuble half yearly on the first dnva of Decé'mb'er and June in each year at the Central BanAgt anaflg at Richm aggfli’ll .. n, 6 That for tljé py'rpnse of? Having the said do~ Dentures and the interest thereon at; the mto‘ aforesaid, an equnl’special rate of fourqu thlrt sever. flftieths mills m the dollar, shall, in add -’ tion to all other ratesflm raised, levied and col-' lected in each yja‘ar" upon all the rateable pro ~_ ertv in the saw Mu’hidipulity during ‘- t-hé nnld‘ cm] of twenty years from the cominginbo eflect cf this bylaw, unless such debentures shall bov' mongsz ,_ .. ...4.‘u,.u. r .,,, gineer for the Richmond Hill Junction Railway do hereby certify that the value of the Work done and materials furnished in the coutruction and equipping of the said Railway since tha' signing of certificate No is a; and that payment of 30 per cent of this amount should be made to the Company from the Rich- mond Hill Junction Railway Municipal Trust Account the same being in pursuance of the terms and conditions of the by-lew ot' the Muni- cipality of the Corporation of the Village of Rich- mond Hill. 7 This this 5mm shM‘I take'pgéet on, from and after the first'day ofJuly in' the year of our Lqrd_qne>t1;ous_a_nd alight huqdreq‘andfiighgxaix; 8 That the debentures to he 5" mad and issuâ€"‘ ed as aforesaid shall be held by t e Reeve and' Treasurer for the time being of the said Village 1 in trust, firstly subject to the conditions at this by law as to time or manner to c‘envert the name into money or otherWise dispose of them ; - secondly to deposit the debentures or amount, realized from the same i,’i the Central Bank of Canada at Richmond Hill in the, name of The’ Richmond Hill Junction Reil'ivmv Munir‘inhl Trust Account and to pay the Shiite out from: time (0 ti me to the said Company ,as they any become entitled thereto, namely. to" pdy to the' said Company thirty per cent. of the Value of the lands purchased and Work done by the said . Company in the construction and equipping of .the said Railway as the same may be from time‘ te time certified to by the Chief anineef‘of the‘ said Railway for the time being in the ‘ him of schedule f‘ B "hereto or like efiect, which cer- tificate she‘ll- also be eountersianed by thevnaevo and Treasurer of the said Village, and is to be attached to the cheque or order drawn by the said Reeve and Treasurer for such’ payment or delivery of debentures. ,x..._‘i .l The Richmond Hill Junction Railway Engineer's Dsgpartment No. 1 Certificate to be attached to orders given or‘ cheques dmwn on the Richmond Hill Junction Rgilwav Municipal Trust, Accuunt. "1,3,! is" uvuvuly Ul uuucuuulms. _ . ’ 9 And if. is further enacted by the‘ Mdhléipni Council aforesaid. thanthe votes of me e} ’é‘tom” of the said Mdnicip’ality‘ will be taken on the“ said pr'opes‘ed by-law at Richmond Hill I , \ on Tuesday, the‘ fifteenth day 0! June, A. D. 1886, at the hour of nihe o'clock in the‘ forcnoon and closing: at thn hour of five o‘clock in the afternoon ‘o‘fAthe N1me dyy._ ; 7 The Compnny 61ml] n'bt issue bonds, as bv the 28 Section oi the Act iflcorpomting them they are empowered to do, beyond the sum of Five‘ thousand dollars. and the mart age to be‘ gi'ven‘ as aforesaid shall be a. decor] f churge’ On the lands, plant and rolling stock of: the said Com~ pmxy, in order to allow the-mid Company? to issua‘ bonds te that amount. CHIEF ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATE. 1| That on_ Mondnm the fouxjteench day of June, A. D 3886. [Lt 10 o clockr in the forenoon at the Town‘Hallfi‘lhe Rowe pf the fluid village of _Rlchmnnd Hil‘l, shall mppbi'fi't, in writing, two_ persons to utmnd at. the final summing up of votes by the Clerk of the Council, and (me to at; tend at the sum polling place on behalf of the persons interfisted’in and desirous 01 promoting the passing'of this By-Law, and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and delir- ous o_{_opxuoaing the pastilng 3f th_is Bv-‘Law. 12 That on Tuesday, thd‘i‘m Jun‘o, A D 1886, at five o‘clock in the afternoon, aafllq' Town Hall. in the villagb of Richmond Hill. the'Clerk of the‘ mid Councfl shall proceed to sum u‘pjhn number of votes given for and against the said Byâ€"Lfliw" ‘ 6“Such mortgage shall contain a. proviso that in (fuse of default by the Company in performing thik‘ agreement, the Corporation may rowed,- after giving due notice as contained in t e pro- via‘l'ons of said mortgage, to take immediate pos- session of and foreclose or sell the said landm plant and rolling stock, and on taking the ac- count of the umouh’t to be due . the oorpt ration on such mortgagesthe measure of dmnuge's shall be the unreleased portion of the Ten“ thousand- dollars ; such mortgage slmll' also contein‘ an' appropriate power of sale and‘tfie usual coven- ants. I“ luv unrnuuuu p: uuo nuuso unq- 10 And that Matthew Teefy, Village Clerk, will‘ be Rapurning Office} for igukixgg the Enid k‘gtes. This Agreement made the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hugdyed audfiglygy sgx- Between the Municipal (Importation 91' the" Village of Riclimnn’flgflfll' harem: celled “ The' Corporatiqfi ” of the 111% van. anglft'he' Richmond“ Hill Junction Railway Company herein called' “ The Company " of iris second part witnesaem.‘ Whereas the Corporation has agreed to aid the" Company by way of bonus to the extent of Teri' Thousand dollars for the promotion, domain“;- tion and equipping of the Richmond Hill J'unq- tic)! Railway us lllayeinnfter mpntionefl. ‘ ‘ 5 In consideration whereof, the Conwrution‘.‘ agrees with the Company to grant to €116,111 by WHy of bonus the sum of Ten thous‘mfli' doliars. to be paid to the Company in the manner set forth in the eighth paragraph (of the by-luw above written. 5 To secure the performance by the Company' of this agreement. the Company shall make: execute, and deliver to ‘the Corporation a. » Morrguge on ’flle lands, plgmt and rolling stock ' of the Compariy for the sum of Ten thousand dollars, and sit the end of each year during the",I mid term of ten years, in case during such year K the Company shall in.all respects have perform- ed this agreement, the Corporation shall release' the sum of one thousand dollars of the sum secured, and when the whole of the mid sum of Ten thousand dollars is released will execufie‘d~ primer discharge of ghgsaid mortgage. S The Company shall during the said period? of ten years curry and convey from, the mid." Richmond Hill Station by Richmond Hill Vil~ lnge all freight that may arrive at the said Ricki mond Hill Station consignéd (ii'add’ressed to any' person in the said Village of Riwmdnd Bill on payment, by such person of the lawful charges for freight within 1L reasonable time after the same may have arrived at the said. Richmond Hill Station, and will also carry all‘ freight that‘ maybe tendered to th ,m to he shippdd over' the said Richmond ‘ Junction Ruilwnv from’ the said Village of Riiihniond Hill to the said' Richmond Hill Station on payment of freight therefor. l ' ‘ ' 7 This agreément therefore witnessethrfhut théf parties hereto for themselves mid their successors" covenant with each other as follows :â€" l Tho CIOIEPILD)’ shall commence and complete the said Railway 21: by section 31 of the Act, inâ€" corporating the Compunv directs, being the Act's second in‘l‘ecital iii the above written by-laW; _ :3 The Company shall, continuously for‘ n' period of ten years from the time Wh en the said Railway shall be completed, run their trains for the carriage of passengers, (for which they will’ alwuvs provide suitable accommodation ) ba- twuen the Village of Richmond Bill and the; Richmond Hill Station on the Northern Ruilroad,’ of Canada, so as to make connections With all of the regular passenger trains of the said Northern‘ Railroad arriving at or departing from the said Richmond Hill Station. unless prevented by the‘ not of~ God or the Queen‘s enemies. Countersigned SCHEDULE “ I SCHEDULE “A.” NOTICE B eeve Treasurer Chief Em

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