We extend a cordial invitation to all to visit our store and BOOTS d’c SHOES! 7 Bargains as never before oflered. Men’s, Ladies, THE NEW SHADES ! THE MILLINERY DEPARTM’N T W M. ATKINSON, : EEGEWE M THE _ FI R E P R OOF .! SPRING TWEEDS I NEW AND ‘ FASHIONABLE. SPRING 1886. Our Stock comprises an immense variety of? Styles and Materials. We aim this Season more‘ than ever to produce the i GENUINE STOCK OF GROCERIES INSPECT. OUR STOCK. ONTARIO HOUSE ! {It}: MILLINERY DEPARTMENT =38 Which is under the supervision of a First- Olass Milliner from the city. on" hand, such as Sugaxs, Coffees, Soaps, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Rice, 'l‘apioca, Homing Rolled Wheat Raisins,Currants,Figs,Oranges, Lemons,&c. TRY OUR 25 CENT TEAS ! 'l‘hey have just arrived and are found to be ofa ' superior quality. I begto thank my many friends and customers for the very liberal snpport and patronage during the past. tand I still inform them that l haVe a FLOUR AND FEED! We specially direct the attention of the Ladies to our always on hand, and delivered on the shortest notice. A Full Stock of Groceries, Hardware and Crockery, ' always on hand. Worsteds, Cotton-(Ides, Drills, Shirtings,‘&c Dress Goods in all â€"â€"â€"~AT THEâ€"â€" LOWEST POSSIBLE "PRICES. Bargains asnever before oflered. Men’s, Ladies, Boys and Children’s Button and Laced Boots, Carpet and Leather Slippers, Men’s Stogas‘, Overshoes and Rubbers. BINDING TWINE I Turnip Drills, Best Make. WHEN, FLIIWEH,FIEI.I] 8t NUMBERS. Especially Grown for us by Celebrated European Growers. V Complete lines in STEELE BROS. ;& 00’s. TURNIP SEEDS, CONCRETE HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. â€"â€"->8~+§«§>@<§?§â€"84â€"'â€" A few tons of very best quality now in stock. Prices 10w. - N. B.â€"â€"Now is" the time to give your order and prevent disappointment when it is wanted. ISTEELE BROS. ck! 0C)., Corner Front and Jarvis Streets, Selected Man gel Seeds A few left. Call early and secure the best ‘ Chum made. PORCELAIN CHURNS, Will be found replete with eVerything A Large and Splendid Assortment of Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, 81c. Choicest Quality and Varieties. ISAAC CROSBY. JOSEPH H. HALL. 85¢. ' VII shay.†said he. ~_s:. Paul. did ever get nn ansher to that long letter wrote to Ephesians 'I" You can buy the Dominion Organs or Pianos on THE EASY INSTALMENT PLAN 3 \WM. FLEMING, AGENT, _ [MAIN-STREET. â€". MARRIIAM. The inebrian‘ steadied himself bv a ï¬nal effort. and looked dreamin at his depmting friend. TEE GREAT Sol'nca: of Consumption and many wasting farms ofdiaeuse, is scro'ula. lurking in the system. The true peciï¬c for this condition is found in Burdock Blood Bitters; that. medicine puriï¬es the blood and builds up the enfeebled frame. (Published by Request.) A gentleman who had indulged quite loo freely, and hadn’t had ‘he discovery made for him in season lo get acarriuge, was helped home by a very good samuritan. He Was very gratent in an exhiluruled way. (And naked {him benefactor’s nnt. lt mny be useful for the reader to know that the popular preparation known as Hagyardls Yellow Oil has prowd a now- ereign remedy for deafness, many certiï¬ed r-ures being on record. Hagynrd‘s Yellow Oil also cures nhhes, pains, and lameness. and may be used internally as well as out- wardly. Did 8:. Paul Ever Get an Answer from the Epheslans? The prices have been placed within the reach of all. being for season ticket (na-I servéd sent on ground floor) In all (four) Concerts. $5.00 ; season ticket ( resented in gallery) to all. [ fnur] concerts. $6.50: single Iickel, renewed soul. on ground floor, each concwl $1.50; single ticks-L. m - served sent in gallery each concert, $2.00 ; single admissian to each concert, $1.00. Applications by letter nhould indicme whether stems are wished on ground floor or in gallery, and should be made early to ensure good seals. ‘1 My nn .7" ' r Pm SL P8311?†said ‘he gentleman, " oh, DOMINION ORGANS AND PIANOS, Parties living at a. distance may s'e‘cure reserved seats by application in ' writing, enclosing the Quandary funds in cash, P, 0. order, or lmnlr draft to the Hon. 'Soc-~ retary, Jnhn Earli, 14 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. from whom oï¬icials programmes. with plan hf the hall, may also be obtained. The concerts will embrace: Tuesday Honing. June lblh, Gounnd's grem- Sacred Trilogy. “ Morq et Vita†(Death and Life)- Wednesday afternoon, June 16th, Festival Matinee, consisting of vocal and insiru» mental selections. Wednesday evening. June 16th. Handel's Sublime Oratorio. “Israel in Egypt.†Thursday evening. June 17th, Children's Festival Jubilee and Miscellaneous Concert. FIRST PRIZE GOLD MEDAL In addition to these celebrated vocalists, Ihe following instrumvnmlisls. foremost- in their reamcnvh departmenll. h‘ovo boen en- gaged :‘ Herr Otto Bendix, Bosion, Dian'llt , Mme; Josephine Chauprton, Chicagohhnrp- isle; Mr Fredenc Archer. New York. organist , and Herr Henry Jacobsen, the celebrated violinist. Best in the World. The array 9!†solo talent is no less im~ posing. Contracts hnve been. made .wiih Fraulein llilli Lrhrmmn. soprano of the Court Opera. Berlin. Germany: Mrs. E. Aline Usgoode. of Philadelphia. and Mrs. Gretrtxdo Luther, nf Buffalo, ladies who stand in the from rank nforntorio sopranos in Amnricu; Miss Agnes Huntington. of New Ym-k. th ideal contrnlm‘ of AmeriCn :< Mr. Albert L. King. pr Ycrlmhe fuvbrile tenor; Mr. Max Heinrich, baritone of the Therdnre Thnhms Concerts; and Mr. D. M. Balicncknhe greatest basso in America. The immense Rink of the Caledonia Curling Club on Mutual Street, has been rented for the Festinl Concerts, which will be given by a chorus of n thousand voices, selected trom over twelve hundred anpii» cunts. assisted by an orchestra of one huno- dred musicians. selected in Canada and the United States, while at. one of the concerts a chorus of twelve hundred children. se- lected from the Public and Separate Schools, will be the chief attraction. These choruses have been in nctive.and enthusias- tic rehearsal for the past four months. and have reached a degree of efficiency which nugurs well for the artistic success of the Festival. On June 15, 16, 17, the City of Toronto willjointhe ranks of those cities which have shown themselves Centres of art. cul- ture. snd enterprise. A monster Musicel Festivll will be held during those days, consisting of one amine and three even-- in concerts. ltis owing to the energy of Mr. F. H. TOrringtan. for many years conductor of the Toronto Philharmonic Sucrety. that this great. musics! event ha been organiZed. An Association has been formed of representative cititens ‘of T0: ronto. of which Mr. George Gooderhnm is Honorary President, Mr. Samuel Nor- dheimer. President; Messrs. James, B. Boustesd,J. Herbert Mason. and Philip Jacobi. Vice-Presidents; Mr. James Me» Gee, Treasurer; aud Mr. lnhn Esrls. Hon- orary Secretary. "l‘he public spirit and 'energy of these gentlemen has resulted in a guarantee fund of $25,000 being raised. and in the arrangement of programmes which have not been excelled in any of the large cities of the United States. 'rmc annrns‘t mysmu. xvzxzr 1x CANADA-=- A commas or MUSI‘C‘AL NOTABILITIES â€"1.000 SELECTED swarms m mm CHOURSâ€"IOO SELECTED MUSICIANS IN 01'“: onansTn’A. AND A 3UP- !‘r.mzxnnv cflohhs of 1,200 ' CHILDREN. Toronto’s Great Musical Festia val. Over all International Competitot’s,defeating the best instruments in the World. A Useful Hint. ATHE DOMINION 2, . Have just been awarded the Has been proved to be the THE you you ‘ A. 0. U. W.- IVY LODGE, No. 1143â€"1633:: in the Committee 11.00111 of the MMouimIHnll. every second and fourth Tuesday of eacl; ,m't'gr‘xth. at a o’c10ck.p. m. Ben'eflcm‘r certiï¬orpbg gwefl for 1 34000 in case of death. Isaac Crosby, 'Mutor I 'orkman, B. Grenmm, Recorder, v I . R. '1‘. Or TEMPERANcn.-Richmond Hill Conn; .' (:11, No. 43. meats m the Temperance Hall. emh' \ alternative Tuasday'ev‘eixing’ at 8 o‘clock p. m. Beneï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to members for $i,0|)0 or in case of death $2,000,‘one half paynlfle ; iii case of disability. J. H. Bandexï¬aou. Select 1 Councillor. ' MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library 0‘! over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday‘evenmg, in the Masonic Hall, ftom 7 to 8_ o’clock. WmJ’ugs- Iev_. President. T‘ F. McMahon, Sec. B. E Law. Librarian. Fm}: BRIGAhksâ€"Regular meeting ï¬rst Friday of every mnnth,held in the Council Chamber, at 7 p. m. Membership Iree. Cerciflcates issued to members antltlin them to certain privileges and exam cions. m H. Pugsle'y, Captain H. A. Nichol a, Secretary. » VXLLAGE COUNCILâ€"Reeve, Wm Pugaley ; Cgunâ€" cillors, B Reddjtï¬, P G Savage, W D Powell. 1“ McConughy, Clerk, M Teefy SOCIETIES RICHMOND Laban. A. F at A M, No 23, GR 0â€"- Meets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock, pm Wm. Leek, W M ; A. Moodie, Sec. 1 o G T.â€"Thia Lodge in'eetsih the Temperance Hull every Weenesday evening at 8 o’clock p m. J H Handel-non, W C. * ‘ . RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANnéMeets {of prac- tice in thevLome Hall evéry Tuesday oven- iï¬e at 7.30 o'clock. Wm. Sheppard. Leader. Rowm CATHOLIC-Sel‘vicee : Thornhill a.†1m and Richmond Hill at 10- 30 am ; the following Sunday at Richmond H111 at 9 am. and Thornhill at 10 30 9. m, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. PnEaBYTE'MANâ€"Servicen (at 11 a, m, undo 30 p m Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening It 730 Rev J W Cameron. pastor ' ST MARY’S (EPISCOFAL.)-â€"Sefvices at 3 p m, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at Ll a 111 Sunday School at l 30 p 111 Rev W Bates..Rector. Mnmomwâ€"Servioas at 10.30 a, m, and‘GJOy m Sunduv School at 2 30 p m Prayer meetin every Thurstiay evenmg, at 7.30 p m. Rev: W R atker, Pastor. Rev W F \Vilson, Assistant. ' Graduate Ontario Vetérluuy College,l'1‘aronto. Ofï¬ce 8:. Resid ence-ï¬f 02";3khi‘13; P. O. Buttonville-ï¬iï¬ï¬â€˜} 3:534:52: Veterinary Surgeon ! In the market. Our Spring Stock is second to none north of Toronto; and we invite the public to call and inspect No trouble to show foods; Custom work a. specialty. Repairing neat y ans! promptly done. R. SIVER. . Richmond Hill, April 218$, 1886‘ CHEAPEST «LBESWMBS SPRING STOCK During the last year, and also to the ï¬n); fol the past thirty-ï¬ve years. The great OAKRIDGES! WILL STAND FOB MARES AT THEIR OWN STABLES, They are too well kno torequiro any’pungfli. and their colts are their eat advertisement. INCREASE IN OUR SALES A Fortunate Escape » Mrs. Cyrus Kilborne. Beamsville. Ont, had what was supposed to be a. cancer on her nose.†She was about 10 submit to a cancer doctor’s treatment. when she con-'- cluded to-try Burdock Blood Bitters, intern- ally and externally, a few bottles of which cured Ber. " ' MILESIAN Feb.2nd,1885 R. SIVER takes this opportunity of thanking his friends and customers for their Hus on the public. My sales have been A complete success, and the ‘publlc, have shown that they appreciate my aï¬Orts in placing before them the During: the past few months, is a pfoo! ct tho effect what good roiiable 35 3111mm gummy [flew aavcxtmmwtz. THE. .S‘I‘ALLIONS 2, LIBERAL . PATRMAGE ORIOLE! To Insure, $15 ; Season Mans, $10. H. QUETTON-ST. GEORGE CHURCHS IMMENSE AND 3 LL Reserve Fund. . . . . . .$10.000,000 Animal Income. . . . . . 1.600.000 Invested in Canada. .. 1.200.000 Death claims paid. . . . 10,000,000 Tonomo REFERENCES. John McDonald, Esq. c. J. Cam};1 e11, Esq., Hon. SenatorMcM ster A. M. Smit ,Esq.: J nines Metcalfe, sq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at 5 per cent interest. Lomumade toClmrch Trustees, at a low rate 0 interest. Semi for prospectus. IE.A.V. 0f Londoni England, Sir 17Vm lgcgrtypr, K‘ C_ 1\_I G,_ M‘ - LIFE - ’ Assnrgmce Socy P, ex-Lord Major of London, President. W .W Baynes.Eéq.F I A,Secretary THE STAR EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subsc'riptx‘on :â€"$1 00 per unnum in advancé. When flot paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. Transitory advertisements, that insertion, per line .......................................... 8 cents. Etch subsequent insertion, per line......... 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applies.- iion. Advertisements Without written instructions will be inaertud until forbid and charged Irunsin‘ out, rates. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. .1 , Palmer, Prop. ’ This House in one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everythin§ is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room or Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stnbling and attentive hostlera. Terms, 31 her day. Proctor‘s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the, N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 n. m., 12 a. 11).. 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. This Hotel has been “furnished, renovated, gmq 9mg 1min flxjgt-c_1a_ss style, an} is} qu the landing Hotél north of Toroï¬to' The barris' sup- Elied‘yvicp unit-class brgqq of 1!guors_u.nd clgug‘s: Excellent accommodation for Comrlï¬e‘fériai Travellers, and the Ggpergl Public Good Stabl- M. H. KEEFLER, See our i'é‘duced loan talilerrlior fuffher infer maxim) apply at the ofl‘ices of the Company GRAN]! CENTRAL HflTEI. RICHMOND HILL. WILLIAM POWELL. Prop ins; and mi attentive Bastien Paid up Capital $1,200,000 Reserve Fund $600,000 Total Assets, $6,111,326 Debentures issued in currency and sterling with half-yearly coupons attached. Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. SAVING’S BANK BRANCH ‘ Omensâ€"No 70, Churclï¬street, Tomuio HON GEO W ALLAN, Senatoryresident Grands Goonmuum ..................... Vice-President Dmflc'ronsâ€"Samuel Platt, M P, Alfred Geodet- ham, G80 W Levis. Thou H Lee, Hon D L Macpherson, Senator Western Canada Wall Papers! Wall Papers ! A Complete Stock of Wall Papers and Bot-s deringe ; something new in styles? and designs, from 5 cents up LARGE STOCK. OF FURNITURE BOILED & RAW OIL, VARNISHES. TU RPENTINE. Mc-COLL’S LARDINE MACHINE OIL ! 0C;- It Has No Equal. cm . For Sale by B. GRENNAN, Richmond Hill. FOR-4 -PURE - -DRUGS I PEOPLE’S STORE. RICHMOND Sanderson Bros.9 ha. y influe’ 7‘ £7" 7‘ 8 CODE nee 0 313313001: gmm a 00., Proprietors. mm. uuuuu'n 0]. I111†BWL'UMULIB' all but! Ban†time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach. curing Biliousnesa', Dys. ' a, Headaches, D ‘zineas, eartburh, Constipation, ryness of the Skin, Dropsy Dmmess of Vision, Jaundice, éalfl Rheum Erysipelas, Serof'ula, Eï¬t’tering o? the Heart, Nervousne’s‘s", and Gen- exal Debility; all these and many gather singilgm Complainï¬ili'eld to the The York Herald. And all Oil-[er material for painters. Paint and Whitewash Brushes all sizes and will sell at bottom prices. Call and see. Usual stock of Picture Frames and Pictures. Heavy stop}: of/Grocexles. Flour & Feed. THE’KEY mHEAï¬H’.‘ Loan and Savings Company WALTER S LEE, in a variety of designs. Mixed Paints ready for use, in all colors and shades. ï¬nite} (MW. Sec. dz Trans. for Canada. 32 Wellington St... East, Toronto Dec Int 1888 JUNE? T0 LOAN. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, PUBLISHED BY A D PERRY, FARMERS Save your machinery by using Manager A qutalogue of standard and miscellaneous pub’hcations, given as prizes for getting up Clubs for THE MAIL, will be sent to any address upon application. There is no boy or girl, young man or young woman. among you - who cannot secure a. HANDSOME LOT OF BOOKS This winter with very little eï¬ort. if you will oulv make up you? minds to it. The books are splendidly bound and are the productions of the best. known authors. which is n auï¬lcient gum-- antee that they will not only afford amusement but be a. source of proï¬t. THE WEEKLY MAIL is the most popular weekl published, and is only One Dollar 0. your. It as now over 100,000 subscribers. Specxmen copy and prize list sent free, Address THE MAIL. mama. uANAnA. Do on want a. splendid, handsomely bound story 001; ? You can have your choice out of the Toronto Feb. 18th 1883 THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. THEA WEEKLY MAIL FILLINES WARRANT!!!) I'flfl ID Y’s CALL AND SEE ME. The only Den’tist in Toronto using p‘aratus for Feb. 10th, 1386. BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8, Are pieannt to take. Contain their on ngntiva Is a late. lure, and amen-n! dellnmr o! worn.) in Children or-Adnlu. Extracting'Teeth Wilhnu‘t Pair. u uy sum be consulted in any branch‘ of thia 751:6 fession, as follows : Richmond Hill. ......... 9th 6; 24th ate-.011 month (at Palmer House) Aux-om, lat, 8th, 10th, and 22nd do Stouï¬vllle . . . . . . . . . . . . 18th do Markham ...... . . dc Victoria Square .. do Thomhil] . do Woodbridge . do Kleinburg . ..... . do Nobleton . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th do Vitulized mr alw’ays on hand at the places of appointment. It does away with the pmn in thracting Dr A ROBINSON. g SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA Thankful for the m vote of the past yea." rray still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill.†. 9th 6: 24th of an“: mnn‘h W Rogers, VITRLIZHD All! PAHLIIHS ma§ BEST THAT ARE PUBLISHEDâ€" Ask your dentist what teeth he prefers, and We will guarantee to supplv them to you for $8. ind will torfeit $100 if not as we represent. \Ve give more vitalized air than all other ï¬rms in the city together. Call and see us, and We are sure you will go away pleased. SURGEON DENTISTS, S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sta, TORONTO. G. H. HUSBAND, L: D. VITALIZED AIR ' RIGGS & IVORY, Wmamted to be made from the Best Material in the Market. Filling and all other operations nedtIy done My Gold Newtmbrook, June 13th,- 1883. Yonge St. Arcade, Tdronto. . P- LENNOX, DENTIST If you will obtain two subscriptions for RICHMOND HILL. DENTIST, NEWTONBROOK, ONT. nduiinisiored. Broken e‘heap teeth or teeth not ï¬tting made over on short notice. TORONTO 592mm, P. G. SAVAGE. 2nd do 18th do roth dc 2185 do 331d do 58th do nth do §0th do lat the places of with the pan in Hurda up" My 33 (Minn! street, 7.0m] ' 9 Trade Marks of my said Medicines afre ' ‘ slatted 111 Ottawa, and .also at Washington. 'THOMAS HOLLUWAi CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent hin the nited Slates, nor are my Medicines Sold there. Purchasers shuuld'therefox-e. 10611 to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If Ihe‘ address is not 533. Oxford Street, London thgy are spurious. i. ' I Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitis, and all diuord- era of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rho: matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin disease and sold at ls. 13d" 25‘. 9a., 43. 8d., 115., 22 each Box and Pot, and in Canada. at 5683;113:113. 90 cents! and $.50 cents, and the large éizes in, Monortlon. ‘ increase the secretory powers of, the Liver, brace the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest; Elements for sustaining and rupturing the frame. Thousands ‘of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. will bu found invaluable in every Household the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumnurs.’ gurify, regulate and improye the quality of M"00d. They assist the digestive organs, clean. Manufactured only at Profe'ss or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON: BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. CULDS‘ This Incomparable Medicine has secur. ed _for itself an imperishable fame throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. Pills & Ointment Member College of Physicians a: Surgeons. (LATE OF STOUFFVILLE.) OFFICE HOURSâ€"From 8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 8 p. m RESIDENCE Yonge Street, Richmond Hlll. Richmond H111. Oct. 12th, ’82. Worth their ‘Weigh: in Gold I Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, Member's Coliege Physicians & Surgeons. Residence, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1882. 1y Omce and Basidance,~0ue door south of P. 0‘ OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 a m,&12 to 2 p m Thornhm Feb 14th,1883, AL, England (Late 013 London, Enzland’f Surgeon, Etc. aromas; Hours 8 to 9.30 135.111., and 1 to 2.30 1mm W. (I! MEDALIS’I‘ TORONTO UNIVERSITY. DR LEWIS G. LANG-STAFF I Dr. 'vGeorge Langstaff9 TBORNBILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University. CENTRAL BANK OF CANADA. Notice is hereby given mat a. dividend of Three per cent for the current half-year, being at the rate of Six per cent per nnnum upon the paid up capital stock of this institution has been declar- ed. and that the same ’will be payable at the Bank and its Branches on and after Both days inclusive. The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders will be held at the Bahking House in this city on Monday, the 215% day of June next. Thatchair to be taken at twelve o'clock noon. By order of the Board. Nov 27th, 1384 R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. S DR. JAMES LANGSTAFFS AND E COLTIWORTH. JR. . ‘ Toronto, Nov 185b, 1884 Barristers, Attorneys-atâ€"Law, Solicitors-luv Chancery. Conveyanceâ€, etc, Ofliceivâ€"Jmperfll Bank Bufldings.Wellingtonâ€"street, East,'l‘oronto J om: BAIN, Q.C. Wm LAIDLAW, Q C C A MAI-mun, Gimmes KAPPELI IS King Street East. Toronto. Richmond, Hill Post Oï¬ce Every Saturday. W M Hall, J S Fullerton, W Cook. On Saturdays. Money to Loan at Lowest Current Rates. 17TH TO 318T MAY NEXT, GOATSWORTH & HODGINSy ï¬arriï¬tcra, 50mm, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, OFFICES: 15 York Chambers, Toronto,- 27th April, 1886. BAIN, LAIDLAW 8c 00.. HALL, FULLERTON & cook CONVE‘YANCERS, ETC‘ Toronto Ofï¬ces-N“ ‘4 Bui“ Clmmbers,1 Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce-f? Tuesday, 1 st day June PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN‘ Toronto. May 29th. 1884. lawrence, Milligan & McAndrew STOMACH AND BOWELS, Barristers,Solicitors, A G F LAWRENCE next. The“ Transfer Books will be closed from the DIVIDEND NO. 4. MONEY T0 LOAN¢ G. P. 6; 8.. Out, Two Years Resident, Barristers, Solicitors, 659. Ofï¬ces om G‘RR, MAPLE, No 9 Toronto Street. Pr 0. Box I88. gamma. J A MaAnbnwa ism. un .mu. 5“: l 3| A. A. ALLAN; ‘No. 14 Building aa‘Lonn clmmbers,15 Toronto st. FERN}! E. Havana. 41v C' MILLIGAN‘ Rear of the Central Bank Cashier; ly-pï¬m