«ALBUMSSCHOOLBOOKS, Brushes, Blotting Paper, Writing 86 other Sorts, Card-boards, Combs, Dolls,FancyGoods, Games of Differ- ent kinds Mouth Organs, Pens, Ink, 860,860., BOOTS Mb SHOES! THE NEW ! DOMINION ORGAN S AND PIANOS, THE MILLINERY DEPARTM’NT ONTARIO HOUSE ! GENUINE STOCK OF GROCERIES FIRST PREZE GOLD MEDAL \ ,H‘HE EASY INSTAL‘MENT PLAN 2 WM. FLEHHNG, AGENT, MAIN-STREET. - MARKEAM. SUMMER TWEEDS! NEW AND FASHIONABLE. Best in the VVOrld. msae REGEWED M m F I R E P R 0 OF ! STILL ALIVE “HERALD†STORE on hand, such as Sugars, Coffees, Soaps, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Rice, Tapioca, Homing Rolled Wheat Raisins,Curmnts,Figs,Oranges, Lemons,&c. TRY OUR 25 CENT TEA. 3 They have just arrived and are found to be ofa superior quality. Over all International Competitors,defealing the best inatrumeutsin the world. I beg to thank my many friends and customers for the very liberal support and patronage during the past. and I still inform them that I have a U? FLOUR AND FEED! Richmond Hill, June, 1886. always on hand, and delivmed on the shortest notice. A Full Stock of Groceries, Hardware and Crockery, always on hand. Bargains as never before offered. Men’s, Ladies, Boys and Children’s Button and Laced Boots, Carpet and Leather Slippers, Men’s Stogas, Overshoes and Rubbers. Worsteds, Cottonades, Drills, Shirtings, &c.. he. Dress Goods in all ASE @1213) JEANEDE For Sale for CASH ONLY at the ATHE DOMINIONL Win be found replete withjeV’erything You can buy the Dominion Organs or Pianou on A Large and Splendid Assortment of Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, 81c. Have just. been awarded the Has been proved to be the T H E ISAAC CROSBY. JOSEPH H. HALL. I volume. $31 1101. Milan. ) Mascot duct-.3 Bed: Monday. 1 Brannon) H; bloc in the I To turn up this my epistle for uselul pub. lic purposes. I conï¬rm what I have of late lnithfully referred to in the HERALD more than once. nnd ï¬nally declare it is my hum- ble opinion that the chief ruler of Ontario, Hon. 0. Mowat. will not dare to assert he in no! attnirtted with co‘ndoninr; crimes and allowing: guilt to escape l In a word. it would perhaps be far better for some friend of hi- to suggest the propriety of generous- ly restrnirtiag’bim from making a public exhibition of hitneelf in either western or "Item Ontario, preaching one thing and practising the opposite. There are ï¬tter person: than he for aermonizing. I claim to he one anyhow ! I may be wrong I Re- liat. French domination I Ever steering close as possible towards that shining circle, the shrine of truth, through life i am no respecter of persons, from Duke: dowuwards, but only respect good actions. no matter from what human being emanating. rich or Door. Perhaps there may le more or less truth in the asser- tion that rulers of every nation are guilty of oppression to one person or another. This is natural, and we have to grin and bear much we don’t relish from those we elect to govern us. There is little or no help for it often ; we must submit unless a certain limit is reached. when it is time to rise up and cry "halt. l" Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a. sick child sufl'ering and crying with pain or clmng teeth ? If so. send at once and gate bottle of MRS Wmsnow‘e SOOTHING Sr nnP ton CHILDBEN TEETHXNG. Its value is incnlcul- able It w1|1 relieve the poor little sufferer imn medlncely Depend upon it, mothers. there is no mieteke about it, It. cures dysentery and diar- rhae. re ulutes the stoth and bowels, cures wind col (2, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma- tion. and gives tone and energy to the whole I Item. Mm WmeLow'e Scornmo Smur non nmnmm TEETBING is pleasant to the tastemnd in the prescflptlon of one o! the oldest and best “male nurses and physicians in the United Emma. and is {or sale by all druagints through-- out the world Price twentv-ï¬ve cents a bottle. Be sure and ask Cor “ Mm Wflsnow’e Seo'l'nme SYRUP." and take no other kmd. We L-now that. taking into consideration our calendar of criminal statistics, forgery in olden times was deemed a gigantic evil -'-the penalty being death on the scaffold. In modern times. foflunutely, we are more merciful, punishment being meted out less - at the injury to society's interest is not I it less. but great as in years long ago, needing lessening. not increasmg, for polit~ ical or any reasons whatsoever. British laws on main standards and just principles are deriVed and mostly based on Roman Codes handed down from Justinian. In ancient times the magistrate who wilful- ly condoned offences and let ofl'enders es- eapc ï¬ns liable to safer the pains and pen- nlties accorded to the teal criminnls. Quite right I It should be so nowl Letter stenl~ in: and msking fraudulent deeds to defeat legal heirs are both cardinal sins as had as forgery. which no man in authority should (ondoue without suï¬ering certntn pains and penalties. instead of the actual wrongdoers. As a true test. were I to call for show of hands at any large public nssemblnge, puss- ing a resolution condemning forgeryâ€"and compoundtnz it alsoâ€"not one reasonable person would hold up his hand against such resolution. Slip-In the very nature of things. com- ntingled with the great diversity of human opinion on all questions of mind or morals, there has been. is now. and eVer will be live antagonistic elements battling against every conceivable controversy which can be brought to bear upon knotty theories per- tcintng to politics, religion and various speculative hobbies that again and again irivet studious minds, or call forth express- ion of popular vote. This, however, is not enctly scent-iron rule. for there are ex- ceptions 3 for illustration, it is u‘nitersally sdmittsd. without a reasonable dinsentient. voice, thst the numerals two and two make four : that the-sun rises east and sets west ; thst green sour apples, wives, prime minis! ters end barons" are not. all perfection i With regard to politics and religion there is 3 wide field for varied useful discussion ; those two eminent statesmen. (so called) Sir John Mscdonnld and Hon. Edward Blake might graphically orste on relative mertts of Frost Trude cs. Protection for hullril to enthusiastic audiences. but neither gifted men could hope to convince nll heur- ers, or carry his points by ncclnmution it' put to vote at public meetings, because many would approve the views of one but not the other. The same divergence of opinion arises in thousands of cases meeting Iilh conscientious objectors when n how of hands is called to test. However, there Ire certain unnlternble facts which I desire melting special reference to, coming within exact voting certuinty, like testing that two sud two are four, or young sour apples. On the Rise. “ Lam; have have lheir lime to fall.†my! the porn, but Wild Strawberry leaves me on lhn rile just now. being utilized in Inch enormous qannlilies in mukinz Dr. Fowler’s Extracl of Wild Strawberry-the infallible remedy for Cholera Morbus, Dilrrhuza and olher Summer Complaints. Worms often deslroy children. but Fum- mnn’s Worm Powders dralroy Worms, and expel them from Ihe system. toqu CA'rioucâ€"Services : Thomhill at: am Ind Richmond Hill at 10 30 mm ; the followm Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am. and Thornhil It 10 30 a m, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. PnunY-mnuNâ€"Services at 11 a. m, nydï¬ao sum Prayer meeting on Wednesday evemng at. 30 Rev J W Cameron. pastor 81' Mum's (EPXSCOPAL.)â€"-Services at 3 p m. ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the Ionics and sacrament are held at 11 a. 111 Sunday School at l 30 p 111 Rev W Bates, Rector METflomuâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m, and 6.30 p 111 Bands. School at 2 30 m Prayer meeting aviary Thur ay evening at. ‘30 m. Rev. W R Barker. 30v Punch. '1‘. Leonard. ssistlmt. SOCIETIES Brenna)!» LODGE, A. F & A M, No 23, G R câ€" unts in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock, pm Wm. Leek, W M ; A. Moodie. Sec. I O G T.-â€"-This Lodge meets in the Temperance KI.“ every Weenesday evening at 8 o'clock p m. J 1! Henderson. W C. A.‘0. U. W.. IVY LODGE, No. IMF-Meets in the Commitï¬ee Room of the Masonic Ball. everv second and fourth Tuesdav of each month, at 8 o’clock.p. m. Beneï¬cary certiï¬cate given for {2,000 in case of death. Isaac Crosby, Master Workman, B. Grennan, Recorder, 3. '1‘. Or Tamasxea.â€"Richmond Hill Coun- cil, No. 4B. meets in the Temperance Ball. each alternative Tuesday (Waning at 8 o'clock p. m. Beneï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to members for “.000 or in case of death $2,000. one half payable in one of disability. J. E. Sanderson. Select Councillor. m: Bunsenâ€"Rs lat meeting ï¬rst Friday ‘0! very month,hsld the Council Chamber, I': p.111. Membershi tree. Certiï¬cates issued hmembers enticlin r. em to certain privileges gq‘e‘xemptigns. ‘ m E. Pugsley. Captain. H. n: the? Eduar of the Herald. and cxem Giana. Wm A. Make a. Boorozuy. 7613:1550 g3? ovary Tuscany ov'enin , in this Mic . from 'I to a oclock. m.PugI- 10g.?rgddom. ’1'. I". Mom-hon, Soc. B. E Law. utmost) Elm. Comm! Emu-Meets for prac- tioo in the Lorne Hall every Tuesday cum in: at 7.80 o‘clock. Wm. Sheppard, Lemur. Aug 4m, 1886. Alumnus Iusmu-gnpl‘dbrm q! ovgr 1900 We: Conanâ€"Reeve, Wm I'u ey : Goun- lnonJi Bedditt. PG Savage, w Powell. F Mucky. 01m. M Testy WWW gummy Good Advice to Voters. ADVICE T0 MOTHERS. CHURCHES J. C. Hutcmsox . ', s violetsgtott‘kvsnts. .: Near the village of Zillinngrf, in Lower Austria, lives Maris Haas, an intelligent and industrious woman, whose story of physical suffering and ï¬nal relief, as related by herself. is Minutes: to English women. “ l was employed," she days, " in the work of a large farmhouse. ' Overwork' brought on sick headache, folloWed by a deathly fainting and sickness of the stomach, until ) Was unable to retain either food or drink. l was'c‘nmpelled to take to my bed.for_ sew t eral weeks. Getting a little better from rest and quiet. I sought to do some work, but was soon taken with a pain in my side, which in a little while seemed to spread over my whole body. and throbbed in in every limb. This was followed by a coug . and shortness of breath, until ï¬nally 1 could not sew.and I took to my bed (or the second, and, nsl thought. for the last time, My friends told me that to: time had nearly come. and that I could not live longer than when the trees put on their green once more; Then I happened to get one of the Seigsl pamphlets. I read it, and my dear mother bought me rt bottle ol Seiuel's Syrup, which i took exactly according to directions. and I had not taken the whole of it before I felt a great change for the better. My last. 1â€" he" began June 3rd, 1882. and continued to August 9th. when I began to take the Syrup. Very soon [could do a lime light work. The cough left me. until was no more troubled in breathing. Nor] am perfectly cured. And oh, how happy I am I i cannot express gratitude enough for Sci-- gel's Syrup. Now I must tell you that the doctors in our district distributed ‘hsndbills continuing people against. the. medicine. telling them it would do them no good. and many were thereby influenced to destroy the Seigel pamphlets; but now, wherever one is to be found. it is kept. like a relic. The few preseryed are borrowed to read,.t and l have [cut mine for six miles around our district. People have come eighteen . miles to get me to buy the medicine for them. knowing that. it cured me, andlo be sure to get the right kind. I know a woman who was looking like death. and who told them there was no help for her. that she had consulted several doctors, but, none could help her. i told her ol’ Seigel’s Syrup, and wrote the name down for her that she might make no mistake She took my advice and the Syrup, and now she is in perfect health,snd the people around us' are amused. The medicine has made such progress in our neighbourhood that people say they don’twsnt doctor any more.but|they take the Syrup. Sud'erers from gout.whd were confined to their bed and could hardly move a. ï¬nger. have been cured by it.“ There is a girl in our district who caught a cold by going through some water, and was in bed five years with costiveness and rheuv matic pains, and had to have an attendant to watch by her. There was not a doctor in the surrounding districts to whom her mother had not applied to relieve her child, but every one crossed themselves and said they could not help her. Whenever the little bell rang which is rung in our place when somebody is dead, we thought surely it was for her, but Beigel’s Syrup and Pills saved her life. and now she is as healthy as anybody. goes to church, and can work eren in the ï¬elds. Everybody was aston-- ished when they saw her out. knowing how many years she had been in bed. To--day she adds her gratitude to mine for God’s mercies and Siezel‘s Syrup." The people of England Ipeak conï¬rming the above. . AFTER. MANY YEARS." “ Whittlenle- Woods, near Clinrlry, “ December 26th, 1883. “ Dnur Sir,â€" Mother Seizel'a medicine sells exceeding well with us. all that. try it speak highly in its fuvour. We had a cune of» young lady that had been troubled many years with pain: after eating. She tells us that the pains were entirely taken away nfter a few doses of your medicine.~â€" Yours truly. "E. Peel." '5 Stoke Ferry. January 9Ih, 1884. “ Gentlemen.â€"-I have used Siegel's Syrup for several yeam. and have found it a most chncinus remedy for Liver cotnplnilim'and general dehility. and I always keep some by no, and cannot spank ton highly in its praiao.-I remain. yours truly. AFTER SIXTEEN YEARS. “ 95. Newgnte Sheet. WQg-lcsop,thts, †Decamber 261b, 1883. “ Gentlefnon.â€"It in will: the greatest of pleasure I nccnrd my testimony as to the efï¬cacy of Mother Seigel's Syrup. My wife. who has sufl'ered from acute Dyspepsia for over sixteen years. is now perfectly bet- ter through the lole help of your Syrup. I have spoilt! poundl In medicines from doc-- torsâ€"in fact. I hogan to Ihink she was in-- curable. until your marvellous medicine was lried.â€"I remain, yourl. thankfully. A Woman's, Suffer-{nail " Ilford Road Dispensary, Dukinï¬eld, May 3rd, 1884. “ Dear Sinâ€"I am happy to infoan you that the sale of your Syrup and Fill: in» creases bore conttnually. Several of my customers speak of having derived mnre bnneï¬t. from the use of these than from any nthar medicine. In some inslances the effects have been wonderfulâ€"Yours vent respectfully. * THE EFFECTS HAVE BEEN WONER- FUL. Bend] cents postage, and we will mail you free a. rogslmalusble, so In- ple box of goods t at will put you in the way of making more money at once. than anything else in America, Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time, Capital not required. We will start you. Immense pay sure for those who stun at once, Bunsen a Go. Fenland, Maine. Dangerous Fits are often caused by worms. Freeman’u Worm Powders den llrny worms. mun Eofé'éum. “WWW. Consï¬ptuon. We of the Skin. Dropsybdbimneaa of t Rheum, Flattering of Unloéh II! the clogged manner! 0! an Bowen, Kidneys and Liver, carry- ing ofl' gradually without wankenih‘g the system. all the impurities and foul human of tho Mons; at the same uuusuru 01 WHO awnuunu‘ all! we “mu tine Correcting Acidity or‘ the Btongdoh. auxin}; I_Biliousn_e_sa‘,_Dys- “.191 , mun, aiuwunng on tho ï¬ï¬‚’mmm. and Gen- â€â€˜1 _ , W: In and my etha- may!!! Comping“- E‘eld to the t_mmaoo..mrm THE KEY TO HEALTH. AFTER SEVERAL YEA HS. “ Pro. Edwin Eastwood, J. B.†“ Harriet King.†“ Aifred Ford." MARIA Hus. Sanderson Bros.9 RIGHMOND HILL, ONT. PEOPLE’S- STORE. LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE McCOLL’S LARDINE MACHINE OIL! US: It Has No Equal. 433’} For Sale bv B. GRENNAN. Richmond Hill. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, MCCULL BROS. & 00., TORONTO. BOILED & RAW OIL. VA RNISH‘ES. TURPENTINE. FOR - - PURE - - DRUGS ! GEO. F. KELLY, Veterinary Surgeon ! THE PALMER HOUS RICHMOND HILL. 8’ Palmer, Prop. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Torontn. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commerâ€" cial Travellers. Good Stnbling and attentive hustlers. Terms. $1 var day. Proctor'a Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at B n. m.. 12 a. m“ 5.10 p m. and 730 D m. Ofï¬ce &. Residence-g:Q P. 0. ' D : Buttonvxlle-pgymgt This Hotel has been refurnished, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst~class style, and is now the leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar 1": sup gnarl with ï¬rst-class brand of liquors and cigars. .xcellent accommodation for Com mercial Travellers. and the General Public Good Stabl- in! and an attentive Hostler. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL. GRAN]! CENTRAL HliTEL RICHMOND HILL. WILLIAM POWELL. PrOp STEADY EMPLOYMENT T0 GOOD MEN 100 Smart Men wanted at once to canvass for the sale of Canadian grown AGENTS WANTEH! THE FMTHILL NURSERIES, Largest in Cunada. Over 400 _acres. Don’t apply unless you can furnish ï¬rst-class references and want to wark. No room for lazy men, but can employ any number of energetic men who want work. Address July 13th. 1886, NONE NEED BE IDLE. We Pay Either Salary or Commission. EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptxon :â€"â€"$1 00 per annum in advance. When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. Transitory advertisemenm, ï¬rst insertion, ‘ BIL/0USNES8, D YSPEPSIA, lND/GESTION, JA UNDICE. ER YSIPEL/fS, SALT RIIEULI, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, M. H. KEEFLER, Graduate ‘Ontm‘io Veterinary College. Toronto. pe'rline.‘............‘.............,..... Each subsequent insartion, per line. u Contracts for time and space made on applica- on. ' ' ' TWILL CURE 0R RELIEVE ixdvartisementa without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and. charged transiv em. rams. And every species of discuss uls‘nï¬aï¬'om disordered LlVER, KIDNEYS, 8T0 AGH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. MILBURN & $0.. Feb.2nd,1885 NURSERY STOCK. And all other material for painters. Paint and Whitewash Brushes all sizes and will sell at bottom prices. Call and see. ' Usual stock of Picture Frames and Pictures. Heavy stock of Grocexiee. Flour & Feed. P. G. SAVAGE. STONE & WELLINGTON, Nurserymen, . Toronto, Ont. Wall Paperal Wall Papers ! A Complete Stock of Wall Papers and Borâ€" derings ; something new in styles and designs, from 5 cents up. The York Herald. in a yarietj of designs. Mixed Paints ready for use, in all colors and shades. Emile}! mm. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, FARMER‘S PUBLISHED BY DIZZINESS, DROP8 Y, FLUTTERI/IU OF THE HEART, ACID/TY 0F THE STU/MACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, ,Dny and night calls promptly attended to Pro Haters, P TORONTO. Save your machinery by 'using Lot S. 4th con Tp. 0! Markham Ask your dentist what teeth he prefers, and we will guarantee (:0 supplv them to you for $8. and will forfeit; $100 if not as We represent. We give more vitalized air than all other ï¬rms in the city together. Call and see us, and we are sure you will go away pleased. SURGEON DENTISTS, S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., TORONTO. may still be consultea iï¬riny 1)}chle of this pro tension, as follows : Rlclgrgopd Hill. 9th & 24th of each month RIGGS 82; IVORY, (at Palmer House) Aurora, 181:, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Stouflvllle . . . . . . . . . . . . ....18th Markham ...... . .. ‘ Victoria Square ...... Thornhill ...... Woodbridge Kleinburg .. Nobleton John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq., Hon. SenatorMoMaeter A. M. Smith, Esq} JamesMetcalfï¬, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loungmgflfagg gggyrity of Company’s Policy at Vitalized air always on hand at the places of anpointment. It does away with the mm: in extracting- 6 per cent intereri'l. 7 Loansmmde toChurch Trustees, at a. low rate 0 interest. Send for prospectus. W Raga-s, VITALIZED AIR 2 Feb. 10th, 1886. Assurance Soc’y 0! London, England, Sir Wm McArthuv, K C M G, M. P. ex-Lord Mayor of London, President. W W Baynes,Esq,F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,00C ‘Annual Income . . . . . . 1.600.000 Invested in Canada. . . 1.200.000 Demh chums paid, . . . 10,000,000 TORONTO [inrmmcwsr Do you want a, splendid, handsomely bound story boolg ? You can have your choice out of the BEST THAT'ARE PUBLISHED If you will obtain twq subscriptions for The only Dentist in Toronto using Hurds twpâ€"- paratus for PILLINES WAREANTEI] FUR Ill Y’S CALL AND SEE ME. Toronto Feb. 18th1883 E.A.W. C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST THE STAR THIS IS YOUR ()PI’ORTUNITY. Extracting Teeth Without Pair. A catalogue of standard and miscellaneous publications, given as prizes for getting up Clubs for THE MAIL, will be sent to any address upon application. There is no boy or girl, young man or young woman, among you who cannot secure a. RICHMOND HILL. Vitalized Air QB udunuimored‘ Broken nhan n tnn‘rh nr tnnHuunï¬ VITALIZBII fllfl PARLHBS BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8. THE WEEKLY MAIL HANDSOME LOT OF BOOKS This winter with very little effort. if you will onlv make up your minds to it. The books are splendidly bound and are the productions of the best known authors. which is a sufï¬cient guaru ammo that they will not only afford amusement but be a source of proï¬t. THE WEEKLY MAIL is the most popular weekl published, and is only One Dollar :1 year. It as now over 100,000 subscribers. Syecimen copy and-prize Est sent free. Address {THE MAIL TURDNTH. CANADA. Thankfpl for the favors of the Best Material in the Market. Filling and all other operations neatly done My Gold Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. adunuisuored. Broken cheap teeth or teeth-nob ï¬tting made over on short notico‘ Wmanted to be made from the Dr A ROBINSON. By means of Vitalized Air. TORONTO Sec. & Treaa. for Canada. 32 Wellington 86., East, Toronto Dec lst 1883 SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA 321mm, A D PERRY, LIFE miscored. Broken . . nnx‘r‘\ ,m Lnnu‘ .... flag places pf pugt†years Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Ofl‘ices 18 King Street East†Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Oï¬ce Every Saturday. Barristers, Attorneys-abLaw, Solicitorsvlnv Chancery. Conveyancers, etc, Oflicesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings.Wellington-street, Eust,Toronto JOHN BAIN, Q.C. WM LAIDLAW, Q C C A MASTEN, GEORGE KAPPELK Fullerton, Cook & Miller B Couswomu. J 1:. Toronto, Nov 18th, 1884 J SFuuercon, w Cook, ‘J R Miller; PRIVATE FUNDS 'I‘O LOAN. Toronto. May 29th, 1884. ly-pfl NOV 27th, 1884 BAIN, LAIDLAW 8: 00.. CONVEYANCERS, ETC Toronto Offices-NC"14 W“ Chambersï¬ Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce-13 Money to Loan at Lowest Current Rates. 'i his Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishuble fame throughoutthe “Torld for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest: Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. 0E? DAVID BLAIN, ESQ, President. SAMUEL TREES, ESQ, Vice-President. K. CHISHOLM, M. P. P. H. P. DWIGHT. 1359., D. M.MCDONALD, Em C. B, HOBINHONJflsq. A MCLEAN HOWARD, ESQ J. GINTY, Esq. purify, regulate and improye the quality of good. They assist the digestive organs, cleans Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, and 9,11 disord era of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu matiam. Scrotum and other kind of skin disease COATSWORTH ‘9. HODGIHS. garriï¬tm, ï¬nlititurï¬, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, OFFICES : 15 York Chambers Lawrence, Milligan & McAndrew RICHMOND HILL SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they lmue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. and sold at ls. lid" 29. 9d., 49. 6d,, 115., 22, and 33! each Box and Pot, and in Canada. at 36 cents.- 90 cents, and 31.60 cents, and the large $1299 in proportion. Deposits received and luterest allowed thereon at current. rates. No notice of withdruwl re-- quired Drafts on all parts pf Canada, United States and Great Britain bought and sold. Members College Physicians & Surgeons. Residence. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, May 23rd. 1882. 1y Pills & Gintment will be found invaluable in every Household in the euro of Open Sores. Hard Tumours, Manufactured only at Profess or Hollowav’s Establishment 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON J. M. LAWRENCE, MANAGER Toronto, June 4th. 1885. R. B. 011,151. B. and First. Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S AL,Engmnd (Late Of London, England] Surgeon, Etc. [S'Oflflce Hours 8 to 9.30 a.m., and 1 to 2.30 tun. M. C. P. a; 8.. Out, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital. Ofï¬ce and Residence,» One door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURS~8 to 10 a m, &12 to 2 p m Thomhill Feb 140;, 1853, Member College of Physicians 3:: Surgeons. (LATE 0F STOUFFVILLE‘) OFFICE HOURSâ€"From 8 to 10 1L. m.V 5 to 8 p. m RESIDENCE Worth their 'Weigh: in Gold I [Eja- CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the United Slates. nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. Ifthe address is not 533, Oxford Street, London. they are spurious. Tim Tracie Marks of my said Medicinefl are gistered 1n Ottawa. and also at Washington. AND DR LEWIS G. LANGSTAFF ! 83 Oxford atreat. London TBOBNHILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University. BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, l) R. W’. J. W I LSON, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF! Barristers,Solicitors. A G F LAWRENCE Richmioud Hm. Oth12Lh.'sz. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. STOMACH AND BOWELS, NTRAL BANK OF CANADA. MONEY '1‘0 LOAN. DR. ORR, MAPLE. George Langstaffl DIRECTORS. No 9 Toronto Street P. O. Box I88. J A MGANDREW‘ gamma. On Saturdays. @2331. THOMAS Honmwu No. 14 Building & Loan chambers.†Toronto at. Jun. 3th I 9] A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. FRANK E. HODGINB. élv T C MILLIGAN. Rear of the CentralBank ly-pflm‘