9 El Until further notice, Mails will be rlosed m the above Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" RICHMMD HI IIL MST UFFICE. - M O R N I N G. Going Norm, South, East, and West, at. . . . . . . 8.00 EVENING. Going South, East. and West, at. . . . . . . . . . . 5.30 Mail for ï¬le North. via. Railway, leaves oncea day, in the morning, as above stated. FEST flFFIEE NflTIIIE ! Morning Mail from South,West and East, by Railway,anives at Evening: Mail from Toronto by Yonge-slreet Stage, arrives at. Night Mail from North, by Rail- wav, arrives in .......... . ........ 'UFHCE HUUBS Tornnto, 8 1n Tlml‘nbill 9 “7 Richmond Hill 9 18 King, 9 :30 Aurora. 9 45) Nexwmurket, M «(‘1 Holland Landing, 10 129 GOING Holland Landing, 8 '17 Newmurket, S 33 Aurora. 8 in) King. 918 Richmond Hill. DH“ FM] 1886 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Feeds, S! eds, Seedsâ€" Steele Bros & Co. LocaFâ€"C Musor. Loculâ€" To Let. (Ihungeâ€" P. G. Savage. Holland Landing, Newmurket, Aurora. King, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Toronto, No. 39 : The date printed on cenh paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. ‘ 3 may be founr“ on ï¬le at Geo I 5 I P. Rnwrrll & Co’s Newspinr Advertising Burma (10 Spruce SLNIJPW advertis- ing contracts may be made for it IN NEW YORK THURSDAY, MARCH 17, I887 Complaints are going the rounds of the Opposition press that the paper upon which the ballots for the late election were printed was of' poor quality, so much so, that the marks could be seen through after being folded. We do not. think this complaint can be said against, the paper upon which the ballots in this Riding were printed. The same papers fail to ï¬nd l'ault with the numberng of the ballots, and the electors’ names in the poll books of the local election, so that, the manner in which an elector voted could be traced. \Ve also read ol' complaints against' some of the Returning: Ofï¬cers not perâ€" formingr their duties properly. We do not think anythingr can be Said as to tie manner the gentleman who acth as Re ‘ turning Ofï¬cer, performed his duties in this Riding, as late and early he was} anxiously gong about the district to see‘ that everything was done properly and in order He complains that the allowâ€" ances will not eonpensatc him for the trouble and time occupied in moving about from place to placa. and we quesâ€" tion much it' he could be induced to take the same duties a second time for the same amount of money. We are of the opinion that the law could be very Well altered so as to give tnore time between Nomination Day and Election Day, say, two weeks instead of one. There is too much haste and hurry alter Notttination to get every thing" in proper order, and we do not wonder it mistakes did some- times occur in L'th qnt nee ot’ the short- ness of time allotted There is no quos tinn, owing to the eh ction cry about the deputy returningr t-flicers. poll clerksi constables. &c , trot being entitled to Vote and the general orders from the Reform Head Quartets to MH’H!’ such, that a good many votes were lost to the Min- isterial Candidates. and if there is any doubt about the lawin this respect it should be altered. Any Government, would be very fooli~li to appoint (lfliCl‘I‘S to a pa‘try salary, my of tour dollars a day, which would be the. means oi deâ€" feating their candidates at the polls. CAYUGA, March linkâ€"The County Judge has declared Doctor Montague. Conservative, elected on the revcnunt by a majority 0f1 for the County of Huldi~ mand. The seat was previously claimed ï¬r Mr. Collar, Reform; bya majority (,fï¬vc. Sir John Macdomrld telegrnplign‘larch 15th :â€"â€"Af'mr a careful revision of lhe Government’s ijul'ilit‘s Ilmy may be set. down as fullnws;â€"â€"0m:irin, ]4; Quebec, 11 ; Nuva 80min, 7; New Brunswick.4; Munimbu, 3. A total of 39. Prince Edward Island returns six Opposition members, but British Columbia has already returned four Ministeriuis,u11d the rvmaing two will. undoubtedly, g0 IIIO wine way. These provinces, therefore, nflsct each Olhcr. leaving a total present majorin 39 and the four Northwest seats, bringing it up to 43. The Globe says “ there is nothing more interesting in any daily paper than its births,dcaths and marriages’ column.†Why then should it be neccssury, look- ing at it from such a point of View, that before insertion is given the money must be paid for being inserted TIEâ€"3. A J. .13 Eh: 333011: “iimnld. NO TIC]? T0 S URb‘ CIKIBERS. Richmond Hill. Ont. ARRIVALS. Whole No. 149% : Complaints. ING NORTH JBS_ ’7 a. m. to 7.80 p. m- M. ’l‘EI‘JVY, Postmaster. 11-15 12 53 Volume 28. 10.30 7.00 7.45 7.051. 3.04.1 6677 15 22 The Bridgewater “ Enterprise†{N} S. ) states in its issue of 2nd March :â€"- ‘3 “‘Our only guide through the ane;~ plored regions of the future is the' lantp of experience. and experience has truly shown three things as necessary and expedient for the Welfare .01 Nova Scotia, viz: letâ€"The overthrow of the Conâ€" servative Government at Ottawa because. as experience has proved, its policy ( the N. 1’.) its extravagant expenditure of the public money, its neglect to further reciprocal trade relations with the United States have been most lturtt'ul to the business prosperity of Nova Scotin. ï¬ndâ€"Reciprocity with the United ‘ States because that country is Nova ‘ Scotia’s natural marketâ€"her trade with the rest of the Dominion being almost nothing. 3rdâ€"Repealâ€"becnuse the Dominion Government emphatically re- fused to give this Prmince its tights as a member of the Federal Government, and as emphatically suid that Nova Scotia had no grievances at all.†If the lamp of experience has shown i them that which the "Enterprise" states, > What a poor light that latnp must give. It would never do to be thtir guide in the future unless they give it a thorough cleaning from the dust and soot with which it has been smeared by those so Called “ patriots." We. would like to inquire in what has the N. P injured in the matter of trade. &c.. in the th- l minton? It has encouraged home tnztnu ‘ tinctures and giwn work to thousands, Wlto.would otherwise be torced to leave their homes and seek it in another land Goods are cheaper by almost a hall than when we had Free 'I rude or an unpro tective tatiff. Why should We submit to have the United States flood the Country with their stuff thus preventing our own articles from being sold. The statement as to the. extravagant expendi- ture of the country is scarcely Worth taking notice of, seeing that it is easy to make assertions. but the thing is to prove that the Government has been guilty of undue expenditure in cotnpari son to the former Government's reign. taking: into consideration the increase of business and Wealth ot'the country to what, it. was then. The fault of the. neglect of the Reciprocity treaty not being in fotce lies not with Sir John Macdonald. he is ready to rent-w the treaty on fair and equitable terms when ever the friends of' the writer in the “ Enterpriseâ€, the President. and other authorities in the United States oi America. see ï¬t to come to reason and do what is right or course, it' we had allowed them to have everything their own way. as they would now like to have, with our Fisheries, then they would come to terms â€"but it would be terms to suit themselves only As to Nova Scotia's “ natural market" being :the United States, it is such talk that makes the States so unreasonable. 'l'imes ‘ were, in our day when we thought. the “natural market†of Nova Scotia did not depend alone upon the United States. We have seen vessels with the producâ€" tions of the ï¬sheries sail for Brazil, British and Foreign West Indies and other places as well as to the United States. It would be a poor look out if only the States alone is to be Nova Seotiu’s “ natural market." “ Repeal of' the Union." the cry upon which the present Government. in Nov:1>‘cotia went to the country in June last, having: gone against them during the recent Dominion elections. It is fair to assume that the people of Nova Scotia repent ol‘ their action on that occasion, and the query is now, what is Premier Fielding and his Government going to do about, it. [)0 they represent the present feeling of the people or do they not ? Mr. Hewitt. the Mayor_of'New York. in a letter to the Democratic Club. deals :1 heavy blow against the Knights Of' Labour. Alter sctling forth lhat iiberly is the great historic principle 01' the ’Democrulic party, he says.â€" “ Within the last ï¬ve years, howevvr. a secret organisation has been growing in strength and power which seeks to enâ€" slave the labour of'this country, and make it subject. to the irresponsible dutnination nl' men unknnwn to the peoâ€" ple. whn are not creatures of- law. ruâ€" spnnsihle to free puhlic opininn and to the constituted :Hllillll'ilitls for their action. Gl'udlltliiv the lenders: of this body have. succetded in stumping out all personal independence on th part 01' a large number nf‘ the \Vm‘kingtncn of the enun- 'ry by refusing to permit nnv pet-suns to mm H living whn are not afï¬liated will: this sr-crt't, organisation. In this wa; the Workinmnen nave been com-ced inm blind nbedivnce tn irresponsible power, and the cundition nf' thnse who have tri'I-d to remain numde of the organistâ€" tinn is in many cases, ll‘l)!_v pituble. They are called by nppt'obious names. are hunted f'mtn shop to shop and denied (tntplnyment on the fearful penalty of stopping all Work, howevet pressing: and itltpttt‘lunl. This is tyranny. agninSt whlch the Denmcrutic party has ever snuggled, and which it must now can-â€" hunt and denounce in no nliSlttkl‘ll tones" Hecnnclndes by declaring that unless the D« mncratic parly dismt‘ns and conâ€" domns all organisations which place the citizen under any other euntml' than that of the law and deprive him of his rightof'l'rce action it will desetvedly peri>h. The Globe ï¬gures out mils own satis- faction that it should have three seats in Ontario County because West, Ontarin gave the lief‘nrmers 599 majority as against Ihe Unnsorvulive majority of' 345 in North and South, Let us see how (his idea would work in Yurk Countv: Conservative mnjnrity in West Conservative majority in York Clvunty.............. 73 ‘ Therefore the (Innservatives should have the three seats. Bad rule that wontwo'rk both ways. National Pulls act promptly upon the Liwr, l‘egulale the Bowels and us a purga- tive are mild thorough. York.... Reform majorxty in North York 295 “ “ East " .160 THE CRIES. 160 455 528 We are glad to notice that it is thei intention of the Minister of Finance to" introduce into his department a system of. Bank inspection. This has been forced upon the attention of the Gov- ernment for sometime past. and the late failure of the Maritime Bank in St. John, N B., only goes to show such« a step as the appointment of'n Government Inspector would not be out of place.K We believe the Bank Presidents and; Managers are not favorable to such anl oï¬cial being appointed. as an exchange; says :â€"“The Government deem it. oi" suï¬icient. importance to place insurance ; companies under Government inspection as a matter of protection to the public. 3 nnd of how much more importance is it, l that. some greater security should be' given the thousands of people who de- posit their earnings in those monetaryI institutions. not. knowing what moment. there will be a collapse, bringing with it, ruin and destitution." It is considered. gas absolute wm-thlessness the present soâ€"l ’cnlled supervision the Government now ;exercises over chartered Banks in re- quiring them to make a monthly state- ment to the Finance Minister of' the condition of the Banks on the last day; of each month. Insurance Companies doing business in Canada are subject to} Government inspt-ction. and obliged by‘ law to pay the expense of carrying it ;out. Therefore why not. take a little of ; the big proï¬ts from the Banks to pay l for Government. inspection. Let the same law apply to Banks as to Insurâ€" iance Companies. The bad state of nifaits shown on the winding.r up of 'several defunct Banks only proves the ‘necessity of the public being protected ins much as possible. ll OTTAWA. March 12 â€"The Canada‘ Gazette 10â€"day contains these appoint-â€" menls : L A Seneca]. cl Mumreal. and 'W E Sunlnrd, nl' Hulniltnn, to the SM:- ‘nte; Hun H Nelson. Lieutenant-an levnor of British Columbia; Thnnms ;. n 0 IS . . )f- Robertson, Q 0, Hamilton, a Judge; W t Charles James 'l'ownshend. Amherst, N k l S, :1 pulene judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, vice Rigby, deceased ; Alexander McGibbon, Montreal. Inspec 8 K‘ tor of Indian Agencies and Reserves in 'the Northwest. Territories ; James Grow. ï¬llnspecmr of Inland Revenue for the _ £Windsor district ; F Cliï¬hrd Stimpson. ’ Halifax. clerk in the enstoms ; 'l‘eles- 3 phorc Uuimet, deputy warden of Sr. . Vincent de Paul Penitentiarv. as warâ€"‘ d den, vice Lavinletle. resigned ; Thomas W McCarthy, chief keeper to the deputy warden, vice Ouimet; J H Dewar, of If. § Alberton, Prince County. 1’ E I, a ï¬sh ,. tery oï¬icer and inspector of ï¬sheries for lPrince Edward island. (Special to the Montreal Star.) HALIFAX. March 12 â€" The straight out ropmlers who support the annl Gnvernuwnl are very muel‘. disgusted m the ivny Premier Fielding is attempting to shirk that. transcendent. question. This disgust found expression in a most unmistakable way yesterday. The great issue on which the legishtture came into existence was vaguely referred to in the Governor’s speech in a three line sentence to the effect “that the relations between this Province and the Ottawa Gnvorn - ment might again claim the attention of the House.†Bold Talk In the Nova Scotia. Legislature. 'Attorneyâ€"General Longley declined to interpret the language, whereupon Mr McUoll moved an amendment in order to, as he he said. elicit an expression of opinion at [110 ï¬rst start. Premier Field- ing said an amendment by his own folâ€" lower would be treated a vote of censure. During the (it-bate on the address in repzy to the speeclLMr McCotl ot' Pictou, a free lance‘ supporting the Government, u>ked whip that meant, whether it was repeal or not. Ex Attorney-General Weeks demand- ed that Mr McCall should declare his own position, whereupon Mr McCoH startled the Legislature by declaring that. be was not only a repenler but also an annexatianist This declaration caused a commotion. Mr McCoy, a Government snppmter from Shelburne, expresmad great surprise that repeal had been ignored in the speech from the throne. He thought, that the Gnvcrnuwnt hind exhibited chceding 1y bud judgment, and dnubted their bill eerily on that vilal queSIion Mr James A Fraiser contended that nothing practical could be dom: (ill Nova Scotiu had a delegation of secessioniws at Onawa. The secession issue would never die and he was s'uro repeal wnula be obtained. But while he was a secess- ionist he repudiated the idea of being an annexuunmst l’rvmivr Fielding refused (0 slate whether or not his Government w.tu intended to take any steps to secure reâ€" peul. Mr Thomas R. Black, a Government supporler from Cumberland, could not Understand how a member could take llle Dull) of alleginan one day, and de- clare himself an annexulinnia lhe next day. He admired M r Mchll‘s sincer- ity and expressed his own convicxion llml repeal wuuld soon lend m nnm'xnlinn. IMr Andrews, of An'nupolis. hoped the Government would hold oflice to con- vince the pmple how thoroughly hollow and hypocrilicnl were the calch cries of repeal and reciprocin upon which they had (Ibtui‘ncd quer. Premier Fielding: made a long speech nhirlting repeal, but claiming that he had compelled the Dominion Govern- ment to inaugurate the policy of b -ildâ€" ing the Cape Breton Railway and con-- snlidating the Wei-tern Railway. And in the next breath he denounced that pnlicy as an attempt to bribe the canâ€"- stltuvtwies to elect Liberal Conservatives candidates. After an exciting discussion, during which the Government managed to Inuintuina sphinxâ€"like mystery upon its poiicy with regard In future action upon svcessinn, Mr McCall was induced to wilhdruw his amendment, and the address passed. Domimon Appomtments Gazâ€" embed. Inspectlon of Banks. Minujes bf pre‘v'ious meeting read and on ngolinn sqstained. The following petitions wej'e presented --- ' ' The municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan me! at Iho Town Hall, on Tuesday. the 8th day of March. [887. at 10 o'clock am The Reeve in the ‘ohair. Member's pneaenl,,}lesm. Russell, Reaman, High and Devina.‘ ' l By Mr."Rur‘se’H. from Donald McGillivray and 23 others‘. for lhe nepnirinz of Road on 8111 Con: by Mr. Reaman from Henry Payne and 7 olhers, for‘the subdivision of Road Bent No. 11; hv Mr. High from Thomas WehaIer and 55 others. for the opening Ufa road frum Lots 30 to 35 on the lOIh Con. Moved hv Mr. Reamnn. seconded by Mr. Russell. lhat the Treasurer he and is here-- by authorized to pay tho following road accounts .â€" Dist. No. 1â€" Henry Mun-ah. for plank per. R. Graham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Dis! No. 2- J. W. Hog-z. for drawing 55 loads of gravel an 5th 001)., Edgely. Dist. No 3â€"‘ G. J Kefl'ertfnr drawing gravel on sideuline bt-Iweeu Ims 20 and 2| nn 5th and 61h cnms, . . . . David Burgess. for looking after and repairing bridge over Humber on 10'h Con . . . . . . . Moved by Mr. DPVinS. seconded bv Mr Reumuu. Ihnt the Treasumr be and is hereby Hll'})nviz+4d In [my J Harrislon the sum ()l'$11.36. fur cedar posts and lumber for I'PpniIiug Ihe {mice enclosing lhe Town Hall grounds.--Cnrri9d Mowd by Mr Russell. aecnndpd by Mr. Rvulnan, lhnf [he Trensuwn be and is heron- hy uuthmizcd lo pny Ihe foHowing uc-- unanls:â€"_ Mr‘ved by Mr. Rvnnmn. Secnndud by Mr. has?“ Hm! the Twusurur is hrrphy unlhon'zw] In rm to D A, Nt-Ik-s. M. D.. Ihv sum nl'$20 00. bving in I'uU for medical unenduncnnn Mrs Rutledge for fluclum nfnrm ~- Farvwd T. F. McMahon. printing bills and mud list f0rm.. ..........1 Hurt & (70 , stationery . . . . . . . . . . By»an N0 511 wnslhen passr-d, as- sessmg the Township fuv wads, bridges. etc. The (‘ouncil then adjnurnsd until 'l‘uns - day, Aplil 121h. m mrel at 10 o’clock. mm JAS M. LAWRENCE. Clerk. Mowd by M r. Hmman. secondpd bv Mr Russell. Ihal nwing In ï¬lm abuse» of the van Hull by panties hmding amen-tain- mmns. it he no! grained for any such pm.- wmvs in Ihe futum on any (-nnside-m'ian -â€" Man by M’r. {eamum seconded by _Mr. insaell, thul the Andilm's' Repmt for 1896 hFl't‘th-ived und HduplPd by this (mum-H. and Ihuv the Pink is hmehy auth-iZed In hnvv 300 cnpir-‘S [Vian in the usual mun- n°r. In be divided tumung Ihe several Cunn- ciilms fur dishihu-imu ~â€"Carried. The wti‘rim-s resented Were laid over . F _ P nl! noxl nwmmg. Don't Do It. Don't rack and ruin your lungs with a light lmrlowlng. distressing cuuuh, wth u few rinses of Hngvard’s Peclm-al Balsam will lnuspn lbe phlvgm, soothe 1h? irrimlinn and heal the sore lhroal and brom-hinl pipes. and mm avert lhat destructive disease, consumplion TO HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLLIGIATE INSTITUTES. The next. Entrance Examination to High SchnnXs and Culleuime Institutes will-1e held on July 4th. 5th and 6th. 1887. There will be no formal paper in Orthnepy. but the Examiner in oral Rendingisinslrucwd to cnnsidvr the pronunciation nf'the candidates. in awald inu their standing Drawing hook N0, 4 or 5 nf'the Draw- ing Course fur Public Schools. Examinations will be set in Litera~ tum from the following lessons in the authoriZed Readers. JULY, 1887 (From an Occasional Correspondent) It is tulkvd about here that the Post Ofï¬ce is going to be removed from its present pméiâ€"IIOH. - How tnue this may be lime alone may tell. The rhounmker ‘llat we had here for a short lime has lelt This ought to be a place to give emplnyuwnt for one good man capable of duing good work in mending and making bots and shoes. Dan is as smart as a cricket and moves around like a launpâ€"ligl‘ner. Yours, &c., The pl'kpnl‘ullun sold by druggisls nown as Hugymd's Yellow 01‘ is wmchv of all conï¬dence as u huust-ho‘d remedy for p..in ll has been uver a quarter Ufa (.‘ehluly m xhe market, and never fails lo cure or reâ€" lieve :beumhliam, nH-nalgiu. sure Ill-ant. qumsy. dwhwss. burns, sealdd, hluise‘s. Imsl hiles mud internal or exlexnfll pains and )lvquiES March 14th. 1887. HER MAJESTY ()I’TIJNILS Hull DESIREB RE- GARDIK6 TEE ICUYAL PROGRESS Pleasing. soothing, healing. relieving. outing. in the) description of Nuaal bulm. which is receiv- ing a. nations] re amnion as a. cure to: Catmb, Cold in the Be: , Hay Fever, etc. LONDON, March 12. The Queen has had drawnup an outline plan setting forth Her Majesty’s own desires with regard to her jubilee and royal prouress. it will be placed before a special Privy Cnuncil. If lzer health permits she will visit. Birmingham, Manchester, Livur- pnol. Edinburgh‘ and Glasgow and will hold a Session of drawinglrooms and levees at Buckingham Palace. The Queen has exchanged jubilee congratuâ€" lations with the Pupe. who has sea-t her a superb mosaic. Her Majesty in- reâ€" turn has presented the Human Portiif with a rare edition of the Vulgate. The elections in the North West Territories have gone in favor of the Conservatives Caudidatvsï¬lessrs Davin. Parley, Davis and McDowell haie been elected by good mnjmities. The Vision of Mirza. ..... pp. I The Death of Little Nell .. . The Bell 0: Atrl. .. Dom ..... ’l'hechangeliug .. . The Twu Breaths ...... A Forced Recruit at Solferiuo Luciuqu Mo) ality . . . . . . . . . , . . Entrance Examinations THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE. Vaughan Councfl. Worthy of Conï¬dencg.‘ Description. MAPLE. pp. 63â€"66 and 6Sâ€"71 ...... pp. loo-1:4 . r ...... “ Illâ€"IN “ 137â€"141 m... †205â€"206 . . “ 21472â€) vriuo. .. “ 287â€"288 “ 295â€"â€" 7 SMALL TALK - Carried. $1100 310 120 60 414 25 m I‘in 740 500 T0--DAY, Thursday. is St. Patrick's : Day. 4 S C. MASON has A set of Single Har- ness, new; to sail cheap. N0 bdï¬ineas done at the Counci} meetâ€" ing op Monday night last. C(lUBT BATHâ€"Division Court will be held in this village on Wednesday next, 23rd lush, commencing at 10 am. NEXT year, 1888. is leap year, and a matrimd‘uial boon may be eXpected. .I'r would not be much trouble to drop a postal card to the press when a special meeting of either the School Board or Council takes plucei. ' Ta? Kirkby‘s Wheat Granules. for sale at Kirkby’s ' THE Wnodbridge News states that N. C. 'Wallace, M P', will get a seat in the Senate. What. does it mean ? Anoéher election. SPECIAL MEETING.-â€"â€"A special meet- ing of Ihe Fire Brigade‘will be held to-- marrow. Friday. evening. at which all the members are requested to be present. A COMFORTABLE cottage to rent on Richmond Street; in xhe village of Richâ€" mond Hill. Good water. sheds, etc. For particulars apply at this Ofï¬ce. FOR. genuine bargains in Cottonadea, Tickings, Grey and White Cottons. Check Shirtings, and Towelings, go to the Concrete. SEEDS l SEEDS lâ€"Fu rmers and others desirous of purchasing seeds will be amply repaid by leaving their orders with that old and reliable ï¬rm. Steele Bros. & Cm. corner Front and Jarvis Strecls, Toronto. Read Iheir new Ad. AGENTS WANTEDIâ€"Active agents Wanted for a ï¬rmâ€"class English Fire Insurance Co. Liberal Commission will be paid to thnse who will make farm and isnlated properly a spvoinlity. Ad- dresc, stating expexience, P. O. Box 293, Toronto. NEARLY AN ACCIDENT.--A team of horses attached to a load of wood on a sleigh nearly came to grief on the North eru truck Yeaterdny ( Wednesday) The load. being left in the way of the train. shook up the cars cnnsidernbly when they collided. It might have been a bad accident; some of the passengers thought their last, hour had come sure. THE ENGLISH CHURCH SLEIGHâ€" DRIVEâ€"A number of chiidron and their friends ztsscmblt-d at the English ('hurch on Saturday afternoon in order to enjoy a sleigh drive. Thev drove to Maple. where they found a bright warm room awaiting: them. After Feasting to their hearts’ content and viewing the: Village they started l'3r home in very merry spirits. l'he day was all that cuuld be dcsired and was fully appreci- ated by all the party. DRESS Goods sold at a great reducâ€" tion at Cresby’s. SEED ANNUALâ€"Messrs Steele Bros 1 &, Cu , cnrm-r Front & Jarvis Sheets" 'l‘nronm. have isslwd lheir Seed Annual‘ for 1887. We shall be glad to show in In any mm desirous of lnnkinu at a Wnrk tha' is nppaumtq (wmplele in rme «lepnrlment. ll has been Carefully re « VlSt'd and expenditure has not. been wanting in pl‘nduclnu a work of art as well asnf' ill-flvrmul'inn fur the gepernl public. We trust their (‘XPI‘HI'nF will be appreciated by an increased number of cmmm‘ers. IN unity there is strength. but in Wm Atkinson’h Unity Tea there is not only strength but, likewise elegant Bouquet. YOUNG CANADIANS ORGANIZED.â€" The organizalion meeting of the Young Canadian Lacrosse Club was lwld on Friday evening last and well attended, The following are the 0150er elected : President. W. H. Pugsley ; Vice Pres., H. A. Nicholls ; Treasm-er. W. H. Pugsley ; Svcretary, A Cnuher ; Cup - min. A; E. Puusley; Vice-Capt, J. McConaghy. Managan Cmnlnillee, .Vlvssrs. W. R. Pmctnr. P. G Savage, F McConnghy sr. S. S. Snark). W A. Sanderson, J Devlin, B. R. Brown, W. E Wi.ey and C. Skeele. A Cnmminee was also nppninu‘d to make arrangements for hol iing the annual Ouncert on the evening of Good Friday. ELECTION EXPENSES.-â€"â€"The letter handed us for publication, whieh we insert. in another column, goes to show the manner in which the candidates of our friends on the Opposition side man- age to keep down expenses vWe have no fault to ï¬nd with them for so doing. ex - cept so far as In say~that the advertised election expenses as required hv law do not charge the t'uil amount ot'the expen- ses of the candidates. Instead of' lump-- ing the vxpvnses in one sum as some do, the names ot‘the parties and amounts paid shonid be given. W'e wonder if the Bangonuh Concert the other night had anything to do with paying the ex penses of Dr. Lynd 7 PETITIONS roe A Posr‘ OFFICE â€"Wel have. been informed that two petitions! are in circulation at the Elgin Corners to have a Post Ofï¬ce there. one petition favoring the West side and the other the East side. Several person's livian up that way have refused to eign them. deeming it. no trouble to come the short distance extra between the Corners and the Hill. Have the rate-pervert: in this village no voice in the matter ? It. ap-' pears to us thev have. and‘ we trust no Post Ofliee wiil be established so close to us without our opinion being at least. invited in reference thereto. What. with the Patterson Works being: removed. &c.. it, is about time to look out. and we would suggest a petition being signed to be presented to the Government. giring the. views of the ratepayers of this place regarding the object the poti- tione‘ra hue'in View. ‘ ‘ LADIES call at the Concrete and get free copy of March Fashion Paper, am} inspcct the stylish Dress Goods and trimmings to match. LOCAL ITEMS. TUESDAY next, 215: inch. is che‘ ï¬rst: day of Spring. , Tm: weather keepn_ shocking cold. We are gaming tired of it. SEE the splendid colored 44 piece Tea Sets selling at the Concrete for $2.00. YOUNG Ladies' Journal for Feb. and Mafch for sale at the HERALD Slore. EVERY street enrner in now occupied by the Email My playing marblesâ€"a sure sign of Spring. THE Rev Mr Bates. of Thornhill. is spending the 17th ( St. Patrick’s Day ) at Barrie. THE member's of" the Methodist Church are desirous of having a minister for the Church here alone. A School Board meeting took place yesterday afternoon. March 16th, in the High School building. Members presem, J. Brown, chairman, and Messrs Dun-« can.’1‘rench. Lyneit, Glass. Nauehtnn, Switzer, McConaghy, Savage, and Dr Wilson. Moved by Mr Duncan. seconded by Dr Wilson, that the following accounts be paid :â€"- A. Mondie ......................... $00 60 A. J. Rupert........................ 7 9‘3 do ....................... 15 83 Moved by Mr McConaghy. seconded by Mr Lynett, that. Mr Boyle be allowed to addrtss the Board. Minutes of last. meeting read and con ï¬rmed. Mr Boyle addressed the meeting at snmP length in reference to the differences of the difletent parts of the School See - tion. Moved by Mr Switzer. Seconded by Mr Mchmghy. that. this Board notify the assessors of each Municipality t0 umetns soon as they lave completed their respective assessments, and recnmv- mend that they denwnï¬ne thatthe mnney required to be rniSed Fnr Public Schrml plirpnses in Union School Section N0 3 Markham, No 4 Vaughan, and Village of Richmond Hill. be in Ilm f'nl- lowing proportinns‘ viz : § 0n Riclv nmnd Hill. and 12; on the orher parts of' the Sectinn Sir John‘s majoritv 1,085; and R'nkcv's in 3150 1,085 This is cnincidence. It is cnnceded Hunt Dvlwsnn is elected for Algoma by about 20, Sir Johnls majoritv in Carletnn was READ Savage’s change of Adv't. Bargains In Every Department. CLEARING SALE Winter Dry Goods CHINA AND GRANITE WARE CONCRETE LOCAL ITEMS. Direct from the manufacturt-rs, svlling at whoiesale- prices. Board of Educatloï¬. SEEDS I Everything for the Farm. Vegetable, and Flcwer Garden at Favor- , able Frices. {Handsome Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogues Free. Great bargains in Oven-oats for the balance of‘lhe Season. Just opened, another shipment of Seed Grain S. Special Prices Paid for Choice Clean Samples in Wheat, Oats. Barley, Rye, Peas, Corn, Etc. EBON’T FAIL TO CALL 2.. STEELE BROS. & 00., TORONTO. ‘orner Front and Jarvis Streets. r Pleasant, In less, and easy use. No instrn men; or Douche requu-ed. . One 50c. packsgo _ ‘ 1 ' " “1!! Conï¬ned- In (Jarletnn was I B ware of dapgerons and harmful Liquids, v _ . Smut sand Cnmerivmg nwders. N snl Bahia W ‘ M Bruce 'w'm 9 entirely different from 11%); other reparation, rather a curmus If not obtuinabh‘: at your druggxsts. sentpre-phld on receipt of rice. 5’) cents and $1.00. , FULFOR a. 00., Brockvllie, om. )v:wsnn is elected 20, i Now Going On. Spliendid SEEDS ! GREAT AT THE SIR-Knowing your nnxievy to do good to those that despitcrully Use you, and believing: that you are Willing to lend a helping hand even to your political opâ€" ponents, [ tak'e' the libertv of enclnaiuz the follnw n: letter which I trust you «if kindly publish for the beneï¬t of all cad: cerne‘d fâ€" ' u . To the Editor of the Herald : W'est York, Refoi’m AssociR-i’an‘} 10 Fehy, 18,87. DEAR Star-As we are anxious to make a seltlemont of expenses incurred in the last Local and coming quinigfl Elections, we should be glad,to* receiye subscriptions-book with amount. sub-I scribed at. chc earliest possible date. Yours truly, Fun. WALLIS,(Sgd) J. J. Tannxun. Treasnrer. r 7 7 Secretary. Address Pnrkdale. By Ihe uane letter you will observe" the desperate efforts we made in the 'r'e-- cent contest to put, down bribery and corruption. and it becomes the duty of the faithful to recoup us for ihe trouble and expense We were at. in electing our csieemed candidate, Dr. Lyud, by the handsome nmjnrity of 528 lo attend to his praclice for the next .four or ï¬ve years. Hoping the fniltlrful will respond liberally and Come down with the ‘ swuz.’ I remain yours. &c., P. S. I presume it would not have been ueceï¬ary to have made the above appen] if Col. Tyrhwilt had. not opposed Mr‘ Mulock in North York. therefore. the Col. is partly responsible for the straits in which we ï¬nd ourselves. Pnof'. Law’s Sulphur Soap is hit:th rpcnmmendpd fur Ihc enre of Eruptinn, Chufes. Chapged hands, I’impiea, Tau, «kc. Weenâ€"At Thornhill. nu Sunday.Fa‘b. With, the wife of Mr W. P. Wood. of ndaughter. Asthma, cured by the double treatment of Southem Asthma Cure, is a common rem-ti. WM. ATKINSON. leerahty. SEEDS I BIRTH. Cure For BULB lfl HEW. BATSBHH, HAY FEVERJB. POSITIVE LIBERAL.~