«DOMINION ORGANS AND ' PIANOS, Come right along and get your share of the Bargains. Grey Cottones from 4 to 9c. yd. ; White Cottons from 6 to 12¢. An immense stock ofShirtings, Cottonades, Denims, Tickings, Cretonnes, Hollands, 81c. A GREAT BBIVH IN EHEIIKSHIBTINESKI BINBHAMS Dress Goods in the Leading Styles CELEBRATION AT grennan’s Cheap Cash House And most fashionable shades, among which is a ï¬ne range of Lace Stripes at 100. yd. Men’s Serge Suits for $4.75 each. A splendid lot of Boy’s Fine Suits at $1.90 each. Men’s Tweed Pants for $1.75 per. pair. Boy’s Straw Hats for 5e. each ; Ladies Sun Hats f'Or 5c. each. A Lot of Men’s 8; Boy’s Felt Hats at 250. each. SPRING & SUMMER EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE Queen’s Jubilee Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&c. 0E? MEI-LINE EXCELLENT GOODS GENUINE STQCK QF NGROQERIES ONTARIO HOUS k of BOOTS 8L SHOES is ofa superior qual- ity, and the prices will surprise you. FLOUR AND FEED Always on hand. Drop in and inspect the Stock. 'AN“Y\TY 1'1 71" l Mgr-Ewe FIRST PRIZE GOLD MEDAL PILES OF GOODS. Over 50 patterns to choose from at BC. and up. Lovely patterns in Jubilee Prints. Printed Muslims in beauti- ful‘patterns and good washing colors for 50. yd. Best in the World. THE EASY INSTALMENT PLAN! WM. FLEMING, AGENT, MAIN-STREET. - MABKHAM. 1 (I? Highest price allowed for Butter and bggs. Over all International Competitorsï¬efeating the best instruments in the world. rockery, Glassware. Lamps, &c., in great variety. A fine lot of Wall Papers 8L Window Shades. The Cheapest- Groceries on Richmond Hill. Terms Cash or Trade. 1887. FIRE PROOF z wish 10812118 to m); friends and customers that I have E Dress Goods, Muslims, Prints, 8m, 8m. assortment of 01} hand: A large and splendid stock of TWGBdS, Suitings, Fancy Trouserings, Cottonades, Den- ims, Shirtings, &c. In Sugars, Teas, Ioffeee, Raisins, Currants, Oranges, 1710s, Lemons, &c., ex ressl for b A .THE DOMINION..L__ You can buy the Dominion Organs or Pianos on Which I intend to sell Have just been awarded the Has been proVed o be the A large stock of AT THEâ€"’- AT THE T HE ISAAC CROSBY. PRICES RIGHT. JOSEPH H. HALL. B. GRENNAN. 1887. very ï¬ne For the past few days Washington has been alive with hotel proprietors, medical men. and old soldiers of the Army of the Cumberland. Each class mentioned has been holding a convention here. The surgeons attended strictly to business, but the Bonifaces, who represented all the leading cities and the leading hotels in the United States, while “much on pleasure bent,†were not possessed of frugal minds apparently. They were banqueted by the local hotel proprietors in a manner beï¬tting professional epicures, and were taken to Mount Vernon, also to see the President, to see the sights ot'the Capital and to the theatres by the public “mine hosts†of this city. and it required a good little sum of money to pay the carriage hire for two hundred visitors. _The chief event of the reunion of the Army of the Cumberland was the unveiling 0fthe bronze statute of Garï¬eld. erected by his old comrades in arms. The ceremo- nies tool: place on Thursday. The day wns one of May’s most perfect specimens. the Crowd in attendance very large. and every detail of the programme successfully carried out The three surviving ofthe ï¬ve com- manders who succeeded one another at the head of the Army of the Cumberland were presantâ€" Genu. Sherman, Buell and Rose- cranz, and rode in a carriage together in the parade with Gen. Sheridan, the presi- dent of the society of' the Army of the Cumberland. The pyrornma, which is to be one of the attractions nrrnnged by the managing comâ€" mittee for Drill week..ish in . cted on the Drill ground. It '(ggi: ntage all be ot'nboul nine hundred e A shown only of nights. kw presentthe navnl battle in Hampton Roads which end- ed with the memorable contest behwen the Monitor and the Merrimac, Unlike a panorama, the iron-clads will be real ves-- sols, made according to the originals, and will be seen moving about, the perspective being such that they appear to be of lull size. The illusion is such that the Spectator will appenr to be standing on the shore of Hampton Roads Ile sees the water stretchv ing out before him, a lighthouse with a re" volving light is introduced for picturesque effect, and in the distance is Fortress Mon- roe and a number of vessels of the federal fleet anchored nearby. The drama opens by the uppenrnnce of the Cumberland,which comes in under full sail, and drops anchor. The Mvrrinmc then appears and the work of destruction begins, ending with the battle between the Merrinmc and Monitor in which the former is burned. The vessels are worked by screws and severnl seem to get badly burned in the scrimmage. The gains are made of thin iron plates but they have Co’lms at the, muzzle-s which make them look thick and solid. Apparently reduhot shell and shot are fired, which, when thy strike the side of a vessel, explode and make :1 hrillinnt show. During each exhibition 3.500 such bombs tire fired,other vessels are burned and the thrilling scenes in Hampton Roads are vividly portrayed One of the sins of the last Congress, due either to Cheese-muting or to the blunders ot' the rush of a closrng session, was the failure to [nuke provision for the lighting the Washington Monument and running the elevator. As a result only people who; are bold and strong enough to grope to the' top with candles can enjoy the wonderful view from its summit. Thieves protected bythe dnrhness have chipped and marred the ornamental stones within, and now owing to this vandalism, and the failure of Congress to provide the means of protection, the monument will be closed to visitors entirely. The watch force is inadequate to prevent (lepredations by relicâ€"seekers and others who deface the memorial stones simply throuyh depravity of nature. The mnrhle has been chipped in many places, while the silver ornamentation on the Ne- vada stone has been mutilated. and the bronze letters on the Swiss tablet have many of them actually been forced off and carried away as mementoes. During the National Drill it is intended to open the shaft to visitors, provided the Drill Com-- t miltee will furnish a watch force suï¬â€˜icient lior its protection. Liable to Happen. Sudden attacks of cnlds,sore lllroal,croup, swollen glands, rheumatism, neuralgia, and similar troubles, are very liable during the winter and early spring. As a prompt remedy there can nothing excel Yellow Oil. “1 never feel safe to he willloul it," says Mrs. Henry Dobbs, of Berridnle, Ont. A Bvsxmass Hommâ€"" James,†said the ‘milkmun to his new boy. “d’ye see who! I’m n--d0in’ of?†“Yes, sir," replied James; “ you’re a pouring water inthe milk.†"No, I’m not, James; I’m a pourin' xniik in the water. So if anybody arsks you if! put water in my milk, you tell ’em no. Allers stick to the truth, James; cheatin’ is bud 'nough, but Iyiu’ is wuss.â€â€"IIa7;per Bazar. Houown's UINTMENT AND PiI.1.s.-Ab- seesses. Elysinelas, Piles â€"Unvarying suc» cess attends all who treat these diseases ac» cording to the simple printed directions wrapped round each pot and box. They are invaluable to the young and timid, whose buslitulness sometimes endangers life Though apparently loeul. diseases of this nature are essentially blood diseases, but, a little attentimmnoderale perseverance, and trifling expense will enable the most difï¬xlent to conduct any case to a happy issue without exposing secret inï¬rmities to Dny one. The Ointment checks the local inflammation and alleviates the throbbing pains. These directions also clearly point out when and how Holloway’s Pills are to be taken, that their purifying and regulat» ing powers may assist by adjusting and strengthening the constitution. In Dakota 10 per cent. of the county superintendents of schools are women, and they are said to average better than men in ability and faithfulness to duty. An Open Letter Messrs. T.Milburn & 00., Nov. 25lh,1886. I wish I had used B. B. B. sooner, which would have savad me years of suffering with erysipelas, from which I could get no relief until I tried B B. B. which soon cleared away the itching, burning rash that had so Icing distressed me. Mrs. Edward Romkey, Eastern Passage, Halifax. N. S. SUBSCRIPTIONS for the Mail and World received at this office. Daily Mail $5 per year; Evening Mail $3 per year; Weekly Mail $1 per year; Daily World $3 per year. Payable in advance. May13lh, 1887. Useful to Know. Mrs John Siddell, of Orton, Ont.., was afllicled for years with contraction of the bronchial pipes and tightness of the chest. She was cured by the internal and external use of Hagyard’s Yellow Oil. This remedy cures rheumatism, neuralgia, inflammation, congestion. and external and internal pains. The Hectic Flush, pale hollow cheeks and precarious appetite, indicale worms Freeman’s Worm Powders will quickly and effectually remove them. Our W‘ashington Lettelz (From Cm“ Own Correspondent.) The Globe talks greater nonsense than usual when it affects to regard the aboll" tion of the hard coal duty as knocking the underpinning from under the pro- tectionist system, The duty in question was only in u very slight degree protect-â€" ed and Canada does not produce hard coal and the product of the Nova Scotla mines does not compete with imported anthracite in the leading Canadian. markets. The whole N. P. was con- fessedly an experiment, and numerous changes were to be expected as the reâ€" sult of experience. Supposing that half of the duties were repealed, that would not of itself prove that the system was a failure, but simply that mistakes had been made in the practical application ofthe protective principle. The object sought to be attained, is the proï¬table employment of the greatest possible num- ber of people without imposing undue burdens on the public. In this sense, reduction or abolition of a duty which has been found to stand in the way of industrial development, is a thoroughly protective measure.â€"â€"Ncws. Mr. Kenny, of Halifax,N.‘ 8., has introduced a bill to incorporate the Londonderry Iron Company, composed of Sir George Stephen. Senator McInnis, Mr. A. '1‘. Paterson and Mr. James A. Gillespie, of Montreal, and »Sir Chas. Tennant‘ The Company seek authority to acquire these works $300,000 of preferential shares, and such amount, not exceeding $400,000 of' ordinary shares, as may be used in paying nï¬ the bondholders and ordinary creditors of the company. The head office is to be at Montreal and the capital stock is to be $1,000,000 divided into 400,000 preferential shares of $1 each, and 600- 000 ordinary shares of $1 each but. after the shares constituting the said capital stock are paid up, the stock may be increased to $2,000,000 by a vote of the shareholders representing twoâ€"thirds of the amount of the stock. A Good Test. What everyone says must be truP, or have some foundation at least, and everyâ€" one who has tested it, says that Hugyard’s Pectoml Balsam is a prompt and reliable cure for the various throat and lung troubles caused by colds. which are aways prevalent at this season of the year. Complaints are frequentof the impure water of cisterns. This is inevitahle under the careless management of these useful additions to the water supply, and is a fruitful source of what are called “ malarial diseases.†A roof gathers a large quantity ofimpnre matter. dead insects. droppings of birds, dust, dend leaves. pollen from trees. etc., etc.. all of which are washed into the cistern, unlesss some means are provided to prevent it. Even then the water should be ï¬ltered before it is used for culinary purposes. One wny of preventing foul matter from entering the cistern, is to have the lender moveablc, and swing from a waste pipe to the cistern pipe. In dry weather the pipe is turned over the waste. and after rain has fallen for a sufï¬cient time to wash ofi' the roofs and gutters, it is turned into the cistern pipe. i'l‘he cistern is provided with asoft brick wall laid in cement, through which the water ï¬lters, coming out by the pump perfectly pure, and free from unpleasant odors. HOW TO KEEP A CISTERN CLEAN Fever, colic, unnatural appetite, fretfulâ€" ness, weakness, and colvnlse s, are some 0fthe effects of Worms in Children, de atroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. We Want one hundred good men at once to sell for the Fonthill Nurseries, (largest in Canada, over 465 acres.) Stoudy en‘mloyment and no lost time. Liberal commission or salary. Best ltd-- vantages ; splendid outï¬t furnished 1<‘ mm, Any pushing mun can succeed. Apply for terms, &c, to STONE (f: WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont 100 MEN WANTED THE CENTRAL BANK [1F EANAUA Notice is hereby given that a dividend of three per cent. upon the paid up Capital Stock of this Bunk has been declare/(1on the current; half year, beng m: the rate of six per cent per annum, and that me same will be. payable on and Mtex \Ved- nesdlby, the lst day of June next. The transfer banks will be closed from the 17th to the 315i; of May, both days inclusive. Lull) , mm“ um} 71 um. The Annual Generml Meeting of the Share-- holders for the election of Directors will he held at the Bunk in Toronto, on Monday, the 20th day of June next. Chair to be taken at 12 o’clock. noon. The Central Bunk of Canada. Toronto, 27th April, 1887. MILESEAN \Vill stand for the season of 1887 at their own stables, OAKRIDGâ€"ES ! H. QUETTON ST. GEORGE. April 19th, 1887. 1-8 w FARM TO RENT A Choice little Farm of about 50 ACRES to Rent. 25 acres inll ploughcd ; splendid orchard; every convenience. The stock and implements to be taken at avaluntion. Possession immediate- ly. Apply to J O H N B ROW N . Richmond Hill, March 23rd, 1837. ti,- Not a, Protective Duty The Celebrated STALLIGNS DIVIDEND NO. 6. Insurance $15 ; Season mares $10, ORIOLE! AND A. A. ALLEN, Cushion FARMERS & MILL-MEN E LARGEST STOCK OF WALL PAPERS Is the only safe and sure Oil for Self-Binders, Threshing Machines and Mill Machinery generally. Manufacturâ€" ed by THE COUNTRY 12:5 M00011 Bros. & Cot, FOR - - PURE - - DRUGS I Sanderson Bum, 0ND HELL, 0N1“. EVERY THU R BDAY, At- his printing Oflice, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptlon 2â€"351 00 per annum in advance. When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. Tmnsfltory Edvertisements, ï¬rst insertion, _ yearline ..... _ ......... .Y Scents‘ Each subsequent msertlon, pe lino. . 3 cents Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion. M. H. KEEFLER, WAdverLisementa Without written instructions will be inserced until forbid and charged transi» ent rates. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by n. sick child suffering and crying with pain or cutiing teeth ? If so, send at once and get a. bottle of Mes WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its Value is inculcul- able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im-- medietuly Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it, It cures dysentery uud diar- rhmn, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures win colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, and gives tone and energy to the whole vstem. Mns W INSLOW’S Soo'ruma SYRUP FOR 1m)ch TEETHING isplensnnt to the tastehnd is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United ShLLOS. and is for sale by all druggists through-- out the world Price tweutv-ï¬ve centa a. bottle Be sure and ask for “Mm; Wmsnow's SOOTHING SYRUP " mid take no other kind. STOCK OF OTHER GOODS AS USUAL. P. G. SAVAGE; 33¢- WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BIL/OUSNESS, D YSPEPS‘M, I ND/G’ESTION, J/l UND/OE. ERYS‘IPEL/IS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTS URN, HEADACHE, And every specIcs ofdlseasa arlslnï¬nfrom ï¬isordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, 8T0 AC“. BOWELS 0R BLOOD. Pleasant, harm , less, and easy t _ use. No instru . ment or Douche 7, required. One 50c. package . " “’lll Convince. Beware of dangerous and harmful Liquids, Snufl‘s and Camerizing powders. Nasal Balm is entirely diffo cut from any other preparatio . v.._»ra‘_h _-LVA Ar..n._: .. -_-x: ._..M;_ Prâ€; _ 7 If no? obtainable at you“: diliggists‘. sent pré-paid on receipt of price. 50 cents and $1.00. FULFORD 8!. 00.. Brockville. Ont. 'i'. EILBURN & $0.. $2500 TO LEN D $5000 TO LEND 7011 Farm Mortgages utï¬per cent. No legal exponaes. burger sums at less rates. Richmond Hill, Dec 15t,1886. LOVELLS Gazetteer and History DOMINION OF CANADA, IN 9 VOLUMES, ROYAL 8 VOL. 0 BE COMMENCED Whenever a sufl‘icieiit number of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of publication. Subscription to the Nine Volumes J£75, tn the Province of Ontario or to Quebec $12,50, to New Brunswick or to Nova Seotiu $11 50, to Manitoba or to British Coluln- hiu $9.50, to Prince Edward Island or to North \Vest Territories $9.50. Each Province to have a Map. Please send for Prospectus, MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED LARDINE MACHINE On Notes and Chattel Mortgages at 6, 7 and 8 per cent. Montreal, 4th August, 1886. The York Herald. Ever seen on Richmond Hill: New designs in Wall and Ceiling Papers. The Borderng and Win.- dow Shades are the cheapest you‘ever saw. ADVICE T0 MOTHERS CHEMISTS 85 DRUGGISTS, And Sold by B. GRENNAN, Richmond Hill. I’ BLISHED BY 53mm. â€"â€"OF THE- I HAVE And we are on‘hanc} wiTh the DIZZINESS, ' DROPS Y, FLUTTERING . THE STOMAC‘H, DEM/£88 OF THE SKIN, OF THE HEART, ACID/TY 0F JOHN LOVELL, Manager and Publisher Proprlgg E . F. LANGSTAFF. POSITIVE Cure For MILD IN HEM). BATAHHH. HAY FEVER, &fl. TOE-F Thankful for the fa. vors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fessiun, as follows ; Richmond Hill .. 9th & 24th of each month Ask your dentist What teeth he prefers, and we will guaranteu to supplv them to you for $8. and will forfeit $100 if not [LS we represent. \Ve give more vitalized air than 11,11 other ï¬rms in the city together. Call and see us, and we are sure you will go away pleased. SURGEON DENTISTS, S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., (at Palmer House) Aurora, 130;, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stouffville , . . . . . . l . . . . ....18ch do Markham ...... . ..2‘)Ch do ‘Victoriu Square . . . . . . . . . . . . 213k; do Thornhil] (Walker‘s Hotel) 23rd do Woodbridge ..28th do Kleinburg .. 29th do Noblcbou ...... 30th do Vitalized air always on hand at the places of appointment. It does away with the pug: in extracting RIGG-S 8; IVORY, VITALIZED All: ! Rogers’ Dental Ofï¬ce RICHMOND HILL. BEST FITTING TEETH MADE. LOW PRICES THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. J“ Palmer, Prop, This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Evorything is nmnngod in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial ’l‘ruvellors‘ Good Stubling and attentive hustlers. Terms, $1 var any. l’roctur’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 u. 111., 12 a. m., 5.101) m. and 6.001) m. ERRED EENTEEL HQTEL This Hotel has been refurnishod, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rstrcluss style, and is now the leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup« plied with ï¬rstvclnss brand of liquors and cigars. Excellent accommodation for 10m merc'ml Travellers, and the General Public Good Sbubl» i112 and an attentive Hustler. RICHMOND HILL. G. GILMOUB, l’rOp. THE STAR Sir Wm. McArthur, K C M G, M. P, eX-Lord Mayor of London, President. W W Baynes,Esq.F I Aï¬ecretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1,600,000 Invested in Canada. .. 1,200,000 Death clalms paid. . . . 10,000,000 TORONTO REFERENCES. Assurance Soc’y John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq., Hon. SenntorMcMuster A. M. Smith, Es .: (I Jumos Metculfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made on security of Company's Policy at 5 per cent interest. Loansmndo toChurch Trustees, at n. low rate 0 interest. Semi for prospectus. E.A.W. And Vitalized Air used any time. Nothing inferior in Dentistry. W M1911 mm. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA TORONTO. Sec. dz Trans. for Canada. 32 Wellington St, East, Toronto Dec 15!; 1883 Of London, England, flmmh LIFE A D PERRY, the; places pi Uni\'ur:~ity A L, England (Late of 1 undon, England Surgeon, 14} t0. ' - LEN-)ch Hours S to 9.‘ ,'z1n([ 1 m 30 pm} DR LEWIS G, LANGSTAFF I Members College Physicians A: Surgeons. Residence, Yongo Street, Richmond Hill Richmond: Hill, May 23rd, 1882. Ly Member College of Physicianï¬ & Surgeon.“ (Lula or STOUFFVILLE.) OFFICE HOURS,â€"Frdm 8 1.010 n. 111., 5 to 8 p. m 111mm,}: 1; r†9: Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. DR.‘ JMEEE En‘nMï¬ï¬'i‘AFF 2‘ AND DB. W. J. WILSON, mum memo UNIVERSITY. BJXIN, L‘AIDIJAVV & CO. Barristers, Attorney :Lt‘quV, Solicitors-in Chancery. Convm‘uucx, 9, am, ()moosilmperiu, Bank Buildings.\\'ollingtou»bt,1'cct, 1<Iust,’l‘oronto JOHN BAIN, Q.C. WM LAIDLAW, Q C C A MASTEN, GEORGE KAPI’ELE Fullerton Cook 85 Miller IS King Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce Every Saturday. Nov 27th, 1884 Toronto. May ‘2‘.)th, 1854‘ lawrence, Milligan & McAndrew CONVEYAIVCEILS, ETC. . ‘ N0. 14 Building & Loan Toronto ()fï¬(‘0b'('1mlnburs,\0'1‘orunto st. Rlchmond Hlll ()I'}1(:eâ€"3§ï¬Â§m‘fï¬jlf§§ ()n Saturdays. Money to Loan at Lowest Currth Rates. A G F LAwmmvn. T (3 IUILLIGAN. GEO. F. EKELLY, Veterinary Surgeon! Ofï¬ce & Residence-Z P. O. Buttonville-lâ€™Ã©ï¬ Obtained. and {L11 other business in the U. S, Patent {airing uttendgnlm for MODERATE FEES Our oilice is (Swami) ï¬ll-(3 Agate and we can obtain I’ntvnts in less time than thgsa remgte from \VASHINGI‘ON. Send MODEL 01: DRAW GT We' advise as to puteutubilitv irec of (:hzu‘uo ; and WB make N0 CHAka UNLESS \ï¬â€™lq OBTAIN PATENT We refer, hero, {-0 the l’ostnmstor, the pt. of Money Order Div, and to ofl‘xcinls of the U. 8, Patent 0111013. For circular. advice, terms, and. references to notqu clients in your own State or Cuuuty, address C. A- SNOVV & CO. Worth their ‘Weight in Gold I PATENTS Are pleasant to take. Contain their om Purgntive. Is a safe, sum, and effectual deetmycr or worms in Children or Adults. FREEMAYï¬ WORM PGVJDERS. RichuTond 11111, ()th 12M], ’51 Barristersï¬olioitors, Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. MES @imment This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imporisliuble fame tlirougliouttlie \Vorld for the alleviation and cure of most, diseases to which humanity is heir. purify, regulate and improye the quality of B God. They assist tho digestive organs, cleans th increase the smrntm-y pnwera of the Liver, brace the nervous cm, and throw into the cireula- tion the pure f: Elements for sustaining jgmd repairing the humus. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that. by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. J S Fullerton Will bu funnd invulnuhm in ( Yory Household in the cumoi Open Euros, Hnrd 'l'uumurs, Fcb.2nd,1885 Coughs, Sum Thronts, Bronchitis, nnd 0,11 disnrd era of the Throat, rmd Ghost, “.8 also Gout. Rheu matism. Scmhllu and other kind of skin disease BAD LEGS, ()LI) WOUNDS. COLDS, Manufactured only at Profess or Hollowav’s Estabhshment 533, 03mng STREET LONDON and sold 11th. 191., ‘23. mm, 49‘ (ML, 115., 2‘2, and 333 enchBox n11d1’0b,:nxdiu (1ererde at 36 cents 90 cents, and >‘ cents, and the largo sizes in proportion. (t1? CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the United Slates, nor are mv Medicines sold there. Purchasers shqud therefore look to the lube? an 1110 Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, LondOL they am spurious. Tim Trude Mm‘ks of my said Mvdininefl are gistored m Ottawa, und Man at. \V whingtML 33 0.30111 street, London STOMACH AND BOWELS, Barristers, Solicitors, 830. Ofï¬ces Opposite l'utont ()mce, Washington,D.C. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN P. 0. BOX (88. J A MCANDREW Egrgah \V 0001:, THOMAS HOLLOWAY Day and. night; culls promptly attended to uLLU. 5th 13! ‘Lot 8, 4th Con. 'l‘p, of Markham. ()n J R Miller. 1 yâ€"pGln