Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, MR. R. W. NEVILLE, THE FIRE PROOF I Every Department Complete. Dress Goods in the New- Makes and Leading C‘olors,~Cheap. MILLINERY AND MANTLE GOODS Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&c. THE YEAR OF JUBILEE - â€"-IS GIVING THEâ€" - BIGGEST BARGAINS 1N RICHMOND HILL. Fine Teas, Groceries, Provisions, Canned Goods, ' Crockery, Solid Boots & Shoes, 850., I BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. DOMINION Pianos - - f Ql'ga'ns 1876 Philadelphiaâ€"International Medal 8L Diploma of Honor. 1876 Londonâ€"First Prize. 1877 Australiaâ€"First Prize. 1878 Parisâ€"International Medal and Diploma ofHonor. 1879 Torontoâ€"Two First Prizes. 1880 Torontoâ€"Medal and Diploma. A 1880 Montrealâ€"~First Prize 8L 'l‘wo First Diplomas of Honor 1881 Torontoâ€"Medal and Diploma. 1881 Hamiltonâ€"First Prize. 1884 Hamiltonnâ€"Tliree First Prizes. 1885 Antwerp, Belgium and Internationalâ€"Diploma of Honor, ( the highest award given.) OVER I50 FIRST PRIZES ! VERY BEST IN THE MARKET. I FLEMING’S TEMPLE OF MUSIC, MAIN-STREET, - MARKHAM. A large assortment of Worsted Snitings and Canadian ' Tweeds at such low prices as will astonish our friends. (SUCCESSOR TO MR‘ B. GRENNAN. ) New Fall and Winter In 1884 and 1885. The Globe, Mai], Evening Telegram, Toronto World, Toronto Daily News, Irish Canadian and Freemason speak of the Dominion Pianos and Organs as the A large stock of these excellent instruments to choose from and the best terms given at Is now ï¬lled with a Large and Splendid Assortment of ONTARIO HOUSE Be sure and call and you will have reason to rejoice. Highest prices paid for Butter 8L Eggs. Choice Family Flour, Bacon, &c., always on hand. THIS SPACE -REJOICE!â€" RICHMOND HILL. IS RESERVED FOR In great variety at the Constantly on hand. â€"FOR THIS ISâ€" â€"â€"AND THEâ€"â€" ISAAC CRGSBY. JOSEPH H. HALL. The Capitol is being overhauled and renovated preparatory to the meeting of Congress, and the advent of the national solons is anxiously awaited. especially by the keepers of boarding houses and hotels. and the per diem employes of both the Senate and House. The October term of the United States Supreme Court convenes this week. with an unusually large docket-Alias! being con-- siderably more cases than for the cones-- pending period of last year,-'~in fact, at. least a thousand of them. Some of the cases to be heard are of national interest and importance, such as the right of the President to legally sign abill after the adjournment of Congress, and the Virginia “ coupon crusher†case, in which an appeal was taken from the decision of United States Judge Bond, who imprisoned the Attorney-General and two Commonwealth Attorneys for contempt of court. Then, there are the telephone cases, the case of Maxwell, (the St. Louis trunk sensational murder case ) and the long standing litigan tion of the estate of the famous Myra Clark Gaines with the city of New Orleans In regard to the organization of the House. the opinion is generally expressed in this city that there will be no material change. It is generallv conceded that Mr. Carlisle will succeed himself as Speaker. and it is believed that Mr. Mills;7 of Texas. will be made Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means. The fact that Postmaster General Villas has joined the Presidential excursion at Milwxiukee for the balance of the tour. is regarded as an emphatic move of that gentleman in his aspirations for the Vice-- Presidency. Many are of the opinion that. the prominence given by the Ptesident, to Mr. Villas shows a remarkable lack of political acumen in Mr. Cleveland, who has been credited with so much partisan tact and ndroitness, as it apparently puts a slight upon the other members of his Cubinet, to say nothing of the danger of alienating the support. of other candidates for the second place. Commission in the Capital sometime next month. The Fisheries Commissioners paid Secre- tary Bayard an official visit ibis week, and while no particular line of policy wns agreed upon. the duties incumbent on the Commission Were discusspd in a general way, after which \he body adjourned, with ’he expectation of meeting the Canadian Nothing daunted by the comhntive spirit in which his recent letter on civil service reform was received, by partisans of the party in power, Commissioner ()herly fol-- lows it up with another utterance, in which he announces himself opposed to the apr- pointment of active politicians. on the civil service examining boards. Mr. Oberly's colleagues being absent. it is at present merely a matter of conjecture as to whether or not they wil concur wilh the sentiments expreSSed by him on this question. In the several Federal Departments the lending hureau ofï¬cials are now very busy. preparing their annual reports of the past fiscal year and making estimates of the necessary appropriations for the coming ï¬scal year. In some of the departments an increased clerical force will be called for. to meet the growing demands of the pablic business-more especially in the Pension Ofï¬ce. Where a large addition of clerks is undoubtedly needed, as it is quite often necessary for the present force to work extra hours, when asut’ï¬cient number of “ volunteers" nrnmntly cnme forward. The magniï¬r‘entynéw War, State and Navy Department buildingâ€"probably the ï¬nest and most stylish public ediï¬ce in Washington, is nearly completed and will be ready for occupation next January. Among the latest additions lo the; num-- erous attractions of lhe National Museum, is probably the most unique and ghastly relic ever placed on public exhibitionâ€"~11 necklace of human ï¬ngers, once the proud trophy ofa sioux Indian medicine man; it is a rare mosaicâ€"each ï¬nger standing as a grim representative ofthe savage phvsician’s conï¬ding victims. This work of uncivilized art is a skilfully woven band of beads. from which hang eight. mummiï¬ed ï¬ngersâ€"the tips being colored wiih bright yellow ochre. Oct. 15th, 1887. England and Her Colonies of One Mind. It is wonderful with what celerity and certainty the beneï¬ts ofa great discovery originated in England are communicated to our possessions in all parts of the World. As the pulsations of the heart. send the stream of life through every ï¬bre of the frame, so does each beneï¬cial development in science. emanating from British genius and skill, disseminate its blessings through- out the whole British Empire. The general use in all our colonies of HoLLowAY’s celebrated medicines is a striking illustra- tion of this fact. Starting forty years ago, from the great centre, with the sanction of the home millions as their credentials, they have found their way unto the remotest sections ol'that vast colonial circle upon which the sun never sets. The axiom that greatness does not receive due honor in its own country. fails in the case of Thomas Holloway. His new and simple. yet rapid and effective remedies, were thoroughly appreciated at the outset by the people of England of every class, and foreign exâ€" perience has merely conï¬rmed the verdict ofthe B_ritish publish The Canadas, the least Minute of on. important transatlantic pOSsessions, were the ï¬rst to echo the laudmions bestowed upon the preparations here. They appear to have displayed the ineffective prescripâ€" tion of the provincial pharmacopccia with singular dispatch. The stereotyped prepaâ€" rations for fever and ague, dyspepsia, scrofula, 850, were at once superseded by them, and the press announced their cures as the commencement ofa new era in the samlary history of British America. To suppose that the colonial popularity of the preparations is in mere reflection of her European fame, would he to undervalue both the fagacity and the independence of our brethren beyond the sea. They may receive our opinions with respect, but they test them in the crucible of experiment before adopting them. They try our reme-- dies for the disorders ofthe body politic. and of the human frame by the same rule. When our system of jurisprudence ï¬ts their necessities, they apply it, and when our medicines prove to be speciï¬cs for the leading diseases of the soil and climate, they joyfully accept and employ them. Hence we consider the popularity of Hollo- way's remedies in the colonies as direct. a compliment to the inventor as the enconmi- ums passed upon them here.â€"Lancashire Pioneer. I (‘ONDEM \ all the Ministers of (in) Justice who shuffled in and out [he Grit Governmvnt of Hun A McKenzie. also our ï¬ve Member uf' \hw annl GnvcrnmenL who allowvd qurlr’ed U;<leI--â€"in--("nun011 TC Escheat to pass as correct I l “AT ONE FELL swaom" (Macdufl) PRQF. Low’s SUIPHUR Son 18 a cheap and handy form of obtaining the healing virtues of asuiph’ur bath. Our Washington Letter‘ ( From our own Correspondent.) ( ADVERTISEMENT. ) J. C. HUTCHISON. The municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan met at the Town Hall on Tues~ day, 11th day of October, 1887, at 10 o’clock, mm. Members present, MeSSrs. Alex.Malloy, (Reeve) Andrew RUPSell [Sane Reaman, George High and Pwer Devins. A petition was presented. by Mr. Devins from Domde M('Gilliv1'ay nnd 38 others for the straightening: of the side-Jim? between Lots 30 and 31 in the 81h Con. Mr. James Malloy made application for a=‘grant to the Vaughan Plowmen’s Association for 1887. The Reeve in Hue chair. Minntca'of previous meeting were read and on motion susmined. 2 lambs and 6 sheép worried;.$27 32 Robt. Robb. 1 sheep killed . . . . . . .. 3 66 John Sniderflshecp and l lamb killed 13 32 -â€"Carried. Moved by M r. Reaman. seconded by Mr. Russell. that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following road acâ€" counts: Mbved by Mr. High. seconded by Mr. Devins, that. the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following claims for sheep killed by dog or dogs, being twoâ€" lhirds their value :â€" Lâ€"ewih Loch, for? 3 sheep killed and? fl Dist. N0. 1â€" George Roaman. for laying plank on bridge at 'I‘easdale’s. .. . .. . 5 Rnbl, Walnut], for gravel . . . . . . . . . Robt. Rumble, for gravel. . . . . . . . . Henry Rumble 26 loads gravel. .. John S Kinnee. rutling in culverts, cedar posts, &c.............. Dist. N0. 2â€" John Jolinsinn. for gravel 4k plank . . A. Dalziel, for lumber . . . . . . . . . . E. Janell. repairing Smith's bridge, 7tl1C0v1..A.r . . . . i . . . . Thos. Sullivan, repairing bridge at Pine Grove . . . . . . . . . . . Dist. N0. 3â€" George Cooper. digging slumps and filling gully _ . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Geo. Peterman. hauling lumber and repairng budge on ’sidenroad betwven lots 25 & 26 . . . . . . . . . Rohl. \\'utsnn.75 loads gravel . . . . . . I. Murray. 780 feet plank at $10 per and 1400 Coilectoré Recgipts...$8 00 Robb Rumble, Sanitary Inspector. . . . 7 00 ‘ â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Russell, that the Treasurer he and is hereby authorized to pay to James Mallny the sum of $30 for the Vaughan Plowmen’s A830" cialion ~C’arried. " Moved by Mr. Russel], seconded by Mr. Reaman, that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to purchase St. (Tatharines De-- hvtures to the amount 0f$7.000. uninvesled Clergy Reserve Funds ~Carr1ed. thousand . . . . . . . . . . . I. .> . . . . . . John Atkinson. building bridges and hauling muleriul . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Paul, elm stringer; . . . . . Jos, Reddmanï¬ï¬m feet at $10 per tween lots 30 & 31 in 5111 Con . . 33 00 n «â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Russoâ€. seconded by Mr. Reaman. that the Treasvrer be and is here- by authorized to pay thé following acâ€" counts :â€" T. F McMahon. printing 200 2‘; sheets Thé petitions re establishing a road on 9th Con. and wc;mr’z»--1iue bexween lots 30‘ and 31 in 8th ()nn. wei‘e Iaid’oVer‘.‘ ' The Council Nov. to meet at lots 25 & 26,5111 Con. and ï¬lling Wm. MéHish, guarding and ï¬lling on 6th Con. between lots 29 . . . . . Fred Coomhs. building bridge be- tween lota 30 & 31 in 5111 Con . . thousand . . . . . . . . . . . . I. .r.’ . . I A. Dalziel, for plank. .. Wm Mellishhuilding bridge between This powder never varias. A In nrvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be snld in competition with the multitude of low test,short weight; alum or phosphate powders. Sold only 1311 cunsx, ROYAL. BAKING POWDER 00., 106 Wall t, N. ’. ‘ Purely Vegetable. Highly Concentrated. Pleasant Eï¬ectual Use. Take no other. Sold Everywhere. Price, 76 cents per bottle. cuuuï¬RAiih°iï¬ï¬E’snunn Sold everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers. THE UNION MEDICINE 00., TORONTO, CAN. CENTRAL BANK 0F'GANADA. DAVID BLAIN, ESQ., Presidént.’ SAMUEL TREES, ESQ., Vicei’resident. K. CHISHOLM, M. P. P. H. P. DWIGHT, Esq, D. IVLMCDONALD, ESQ c. B, ROBINSONJSSQ. A MCLEAN HOWARD, ESQ J. GIN’l‘Y, ESQ RICHMOND HILL SAV’ING’S DEPARTMENT Deposits received and interest allowed therenn at current rates. N0 notice or withdraw} Im- quirod Bruits nn {L11 parts of Camden United States and Great Britain bought an! sold. Toronto, Juno. 23d 15 “n4. _ -_ 7. “ magisqu Dummy In“ Absolutely Pure; ASK FOR DR. HUDDBR’S BUMPDUNII Vaughan Council. DIRECTORS. 1 .‘ My); JAB. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk than adjourned until 8th 10 am. M. LAWRENCJ Mucus)“: A. A. ALLEN, Cashier“ LIver Complaint, D spepsia, Bi iousness, Sick Heaflache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism, Skm Diseases and all Impurities of the Blood from Wham: ever cause arising. Female Weak- nesses & Debility. OURES 21 00 9 30 59 92 35 37 00 34 00 360 955 Is the only safe and sure Oil for Self-Binders, Threshing Machines and Mill Machinery generally. Manufacturâ€" ed by LARGEST STOCK OF WALL PAPERS Sanderson { Bros.9 FARMERS & MILL-MEN I FOR - - PURE - - DRUGS I RICHMOND HILL, v ONT. M00011 Bros. & 00., THE COUNTRY IS SAFE Advertisements Without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transiâ€"- ent rates. ' EVERY THURSDAY, At; his printing Oflice, Yonge Street. Richmond HiiL Ontario. Terms of Subscriptmp :-â€"$1 00 per annum in advance. When not paid in advance $1 60 will be charged. Transitory qdvertisements, ï¬rst insertion, _ pe} line. 8 cents. Each subsequen .. 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a. sick child aufl‘ering and crying with pain or cutiing teeth '2 If so, send at once and get, a, bottle of MRS WINSLOW'S Soo‘rnma SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incelcul» able It will relieve the pom- little sufferer i1 -- mediater Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it, c cures dysentery and dim-- rhmu, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, [uni gives tone and energy to the Whole system. MRS WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING isplemsunt to the tuste,zmd is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United Stntes. and is for sale by all druggists through-- out the world Price twenty-ï¬ve cents a bottle Be sure and ask for “ Mus WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP " and take no other kind. . Pleasant, In less, and any??? use. No instm ment or Douche required. One 50c. package . ' Will Convince. Beware of dangerous and harmful Liquids, Smli‘fs and Cnuterizing powders. Nasal Balm is entirely different from any gther preparation. 10.0.4. .4.;..x..-t.v.. .J “A..- _.__._._._ -A,,A_,_ _,;; If no't obtainable at 5’63} Eli-Eiglgféitgfaent pigâ€"paid on receipt of price. 50 cents and $1.00. Flu-FORD a. 00.. Brockvlllo. Ont. M. H. KEEI‘LER, 0n Farm Mortgagea atGper cant. No legal expenses. Larger sums at loss rates. Richmond Hill, Dec lst,1886. $2500 TO LEND $5000 TO LIE-IND TO BE COMMENCED WheLwer a. sufï¬cient number of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of publication: Subscription to 1118 Nine Volumes ~£375, to tlvo Province of Ontyrio or to Quebec 5512,50, to New Brunswick or to Nova. Booth], $11 50, to Manitoba or to British Colum- bia. $9.50, to Prince Edward Island or to North West Territories $9.50. Each Province to have a Map. Please sand for Prospectus, DOMINION OF CANADA, IN 9 VOLUMES, ROYAL 8 VOL. Mammal, 4th August, 1880., LOVELLS Gazetteer and History STOCK OF OTHER GOODS AS USUAL. .. P. G. SAVAGE. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- ing oï¬ gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humore of the secretions' at the same time Correcting Achiity of the Stomach, curing Biliousneee, Dys~ epsia, Headaches, Dizziness, eertbnrn, Constipation, Dryneee of the Skin, Dropâ€: Dimnese of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Eryeipelae, Scrofan, Fluttering hi the Heart, Nervouenese, and Gen- eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints 'eld to the happy influence of U'RDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. um I 00., Proprietors. Toronto. On Notes and Chattel Mortgages at 6,7 and 8 per cent. ‘ The York Herald. LARDINE MACHINE THE KEY TO HEALTH. Ever seen on Richmond Hill. New designs in Wall and Ceiling Papers. The Bordering and Win- dow Shades are the cheapest you ever saw. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, And Sold by B. GRENNAN, Richmond Hill. PUBLISHED BY gummy. ---OF THEâ€" MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED I HAVE JOHN LOVEL‘L, And we are on hand with the Manager mm I’nifliszhor E. I?“ LANGSTAFF. POSITIVE Cure For flflLD Ill HEAD. BATABRH, HAY FEVEH, 3B. may still be consï¬itéa in any- biaï¬ch‘3?"th3“5£5 fession, as follows : Richmond Hill.... 9th & 24th of each month (at Palmer ï¬buaei Aurora, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Smuffville ...... ' .A..!8th Markham ...... .. ..20th ‘Victoria Square .. ...213h Thornhill (Walker's Hotel 23rd Woodbridge ..... . ...28th Kleinburg .. 29th Nobleton .. . . . ...... 0th Vit lized au- alwaysr on hand 911;. Ask your dentist what. teeth he prefers, and we will guarantee to supplv them to you for $8. and will forfeit $100 if not as we represent. \Ve give more vitalized air then all other ï¬rms in the city together. Call and see us, and we are sure you will go away pleased. SURGE ON DENTISTS, S. E. Corngr King & Yonge Sts., TORONTO. VITALIZED [AIR ! RIGGS & IVORY, appointment. It (1565 may with the1 extracting Rogers’ Dental Ofï¬ce RICHMOND HILL. THE PALMER HOUSE This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stumbling and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a 111., ‘ 12 3.. 111.15.10 p m. and 6.00 n m. ' ' BEST FITTING TEETH MADE. LOW PRICES RICHMOND HILL, J Palmer, Pr: GRAND CENTRAL 'HflTHI. This Hotel has been retumiahed, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and is now the leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup- plied with ï¬rst-class brand of 1i uors and cigars. Excellent accommodation or Commercial Travellers, and the General Public Good Stabl. int! and an attentive Hostler. G. GI LMOUR, Prop. THE STA] Ass ranee Soc’y Sir John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq., Hon. SenatorMcMaster A. M. Smith, Esq.: James Metcalfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at 5 per cent interest. Loansmade toOhurch Trustees, at a. low rate 0 interest. Send for prospectus. E.A.W. GEO; ‘F. KELLY, veterinary SurgeOn ! Ofï¬ce 8L Residence: P. 0. Buttonvillc-Eï¬'fl Thagggfpl for the favors o! the Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Torn-311m. Fehflmuflflfy PiesidEï¬ï¬ W Baynes,Esq.F I Aï¬ecretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1,600,000 Invested in Canada. .. 1.200.000 Death chums paid. . . . 10,000,000 TORONTO REFERENCES. And Vitulized Air used any time. Nothing interior in Dentistry; 3mm mm. Dr A ROBINSON. RICHMOND HILL. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA Sac. dz Treas. for Canada, 32 Wellington Sh, East, Toronto Of London, England, MoArthur, K C M G, M. :go‘rd Mayor of London, genial, A D PERRY, 9th & 24th of each month _Lot 8, 4th Con. 08 Tp, of Markham. Day and night 021.113 pmmpbly attend» "m Dec lat 1883 th‘q places 9f pa§t_ years plan in R. B. Orr, M. 13. n; University (>1 ’L‘nnmtw A L, Jingflmnd (Lam S (sc>u,l".m, 1:. mice Hours 8 to: A G F LAWRENCE Nov 27th, 1384 Fullerton, Cook 535 Miller EEEEEEEFJ E $2 LAWREEEEM“ CONVEYANCERS, ETC Toronto ()fï¬ces-Nâ€' “1“â€1‘ cthmbomJ Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"l? spud 110mm 01: DEA patmxtu‘vdlitv free of chm; (1111mm; UNLESS WM ()1; > ‘\(“r:-1Ld\'ise as to ml we make N0 '\ PAT) INT Member College 'of Physicians 8: Surgeons. (LATE OF magnum14.11;) OFFICE HOU1{S,~1<'rom 8 to 10 u. 111., 5 to S p. m RESIDUNt 1‘. Yonge Street, Richmond Hm. «Richmond H11], ()ct. 12m, ’82. BAIN, LAIDLAW & C Barristers, AttornCyMLtâ€"Luw, Solicitorsâ€"1'11 Chancery. Cauvcyzumers, etc, ()mcoswhnpcrm Bank Buildings.\VcHingtun-strcot, ,Iiustfl‘orunto JOHN BAIN, QAC. WM LA]IH.A\V, Q, C C A MASTEN, (Em-mm; liAl’l’l'ILE Money to Loam at Lowest Current Rates. Obtained. and 2111 other luminous: in the TT. 8 Prypellb Qï¬icq mttenflgul to fur MODJdliA’l )FE Eb Orr 011ch 13 (flyipnéitb‘ghi J . ‘ uthltl,‘ aml we 0an obtain l’utcnts in loss Limo mun thgs emote from \VASIUNG'IFON. ' 1b. of » H ‘13 of t 10 U. S Patent 011106. For entouhun um um, Lm‘ms, und reforencus to actual chumps in your own sum: or VVO refer, here, to the l’ustmzm . Money Order Div, mud «to 01m County, address. C.A-â€W0W& CO. BIUHMEmD Hum, Ofï¬cehour 16a m, All night culls at from, door bull Richmondlï¬ll, May lillth, 1857. Worth their ‘Neig‘n: in Gold I DR; VV‘. JR WE Eï¬ï¬b N, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSIOY. This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishablc fame throughout the “World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to Which humanity is heir. The-Trade Marks of mv said T\T< gistorsd 121 Ottawa, and 111m m, \ 50>;1‘01'dktrooi‘, Land.» increase the secretory powers of the Tn‘vcr, brnce the nervous system, and throw into the cireulm tion the pures‘xb Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. p‘v‘lfy, rogumfo, and improyo tho (Inmiï¬y of 310001. They assist the digestive organs, cleans ’ - -CAUTIoN-â€"I have no Agent in the United Smres, nor are myMedicinos sold there. Purcliascrs shuuld therefore 100]: to the label ori lhe Pdfs and Boxes. If the address is‘hot 533. Oxford Streez, Loudoa they are spu‘r' 'ms. ' 4 ' Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they hnue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. and sold at ls. HA, 2:. GA, Jz-L 611,, 11s., 22,1Lm1333 ezncleox and PM, and in (Emma'h: at £50" cents 90 can u , mud 551.50 cm s, and the large Sizes in prunortion. Cgughs, SON Thrunts, Brnnchitig and 1111 Mama! ers of the Throat and Ghost, 1m 1L no Gout, 1c nmtism. Scraffllu and other kind of skin di Diarnlï¬dctnrc<1(nxly at Prafass or Holloivav’b‘ 'azbhx-Jamcnt 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON will bra found invnlnnlflo in mr‘m-y Household in the cure of Open Sores, 111ml Tumour BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDS. Barristersï¬olicitors, STOMACH ‘AND BOWELS, DR‘. J; A. 'BALEE'E "#4:. 1 ANNE?! ' 3‘ Opposite Patent. Oflico, \Vushington,]).c m2. ORR, MAPLE, P. O. Box [88. On Suturduys 33mm, and First 10,)»1. (2. r. : Tm.â€an um,me No‘ 14Bui1dinr,r & Loml chambersJé Toronto st. C MILLIGAN. {any of the Contrulkzmk r nu