And will sell at price-S that must please. w New Dress Materials, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Shawls, Jack- ets, Knitted Goods, also piles of Flannelsr and other Staples. ’I‘weeds at job prices. Suits made to order. Ready-made Suits and ()verconIs; Boys Hilts and ()vercoats in 51rth Vnrivty. Splendid Value in Vleu’s and Boys’ Undervlulh- ing, Huts and (Taps. NEW FRESH STOCK IN EVERY LINE gA BOOT 83 SHOE DEPARTMENT FRESH GROCERIES §iiHE YEAR OF JUBILEE , -â€"I'S GIVING THEâ€" BIGGEST BARGAINS lNiRICHMONI) HILL. Iii’né Teas, Groceries, Prbvisioné, Canned Goods, Cr‘ockefy, Solid Boots & Shoes, 860., AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. THE FIRE PROOF I Defeating every Organ and Piano that have been shown. vl’roving them the best instruments that are manufactured. Jif‘HE “33‘me WILLIAI‘JQ I†Got Six First Prizes this year at Markham for Sewing Machine work. I have a large stock ofthes'e excelâ€" lent Instruments and Machines on “and in my new show rooms On Main ‘treet. Call and insp‘e‘ct my stock. Cheap Cash DRY Every Department Complete. bréés Goods the New Makes and Leading Colors,â€"Cheap. MILLINERY AND GROBS WEEin E’ELGESH GrOCeries, Eafdwaré, Crockery,&c. NEVE D EAEED; DOMINION URGANS & HANOS FIRST PRIZE AT MARKHAM FAIR I have shown the Dominion Organs and Pianos 38 timsz at our local fairs of Markham, Scarboro, Brougham, Stouflâ€" ville, and Good wood, and have WM. FLEMING. MAINu-SEE'REE'Ea :1 I; W. NEVILLE; (SU‘CCESSOR TO MR: B. GRENNAN. ) N F a' I a. n d ' A large asSortmeiï¬vof Worsted Suiting; and Canadian Tweeds at snch 15W prices as will Hslmï¬Sh our friends. PAKEN 38 FIRST PRIZES ONTARIO HOUSE Is now ï¬lled with a Large and Splendid Assortment of as been added. *0 thh we invite special attentiom as extra value will be given. Be Sure and call and you will have reason to rejoice. Highest priCes paid for Butler 8: Eggs. Choice Family Flour; Bacon, 810., always on hand. 41’ WiShPS to say to the public â€"REJOICEZ- call solicited. â€"â€"-AGAIN TAKEâ€"â€" In“ great variety at the Constantly on b’a’ud. Now in Stock. ‘FOR T HIS ISâ€" AND THEâ€"â€" THE ISAAC; mmésgm that he ié bpeniug up 2i . W. NEVfLLE‘. JOSEPH H ’W'nt'lh‘mu US. ï¬ALL _ Prevailing Sicknehs. ; 1158 must mevmnug cumpl-uénls at. this ï¬PaSnn are rheumatism. neuralgia, sore lhrmn, inflammaunm and ccngeslinns For all thesv and other painful troubles Hag-- yald‘s Yellow Oil is the best internal and external remedy ' 1‘ plan YOu Write Poetry? Tbs publishers of The Canadian Fireside Weekly offer TL prim of $10 fur the best poem on the surgeon “ Rrsys, Don’t Leave the Farm;" 31†for the best poem on, “Girls. be kind to Mother," and u I'Yin’i of 955‘ for the best poem on unysubjoct. AH ‘Lm pm‘ms submitted willqb‘e- come; tun pmpm'ty ni' “l‘he Fireside Weemi’hbd should ngtv-xpe -d ï¬fty mu 'n length. '“Y‘Im com- pet‘ititm‘wjlllch n on tha fly 0: Degember, ‘ l “rill nmxenr in the next iésue of The Fun , okly fol‘ wing that date. No poems will bu no rh’d a. ut, harm yearly subscribers of tlw paper. The poems will be submitted to u cvmn-nH-m of .the Tumuto Press Club, who will maid» on the UH .~ of (‘5ch com- pnsition. All communil. ‘Ulj. shoulll )6 adâ€" dressed to The Fino;sixla K’s’oykly. No. 9, Adelaide street: West, ’l‘orgnlvo. , and" n p.,. 1mm Ench c vmpotitor must; he u yearly subscriber to The Fireside Weekly, Mill shunld sign a nom de plume to his or her manuscript. and when sending “A the material they have written, should enclose their name and address in aseuled en- Velope, on the outside nf which should be written the same name as on the manuscript The en- velopes contnining the names and addresses will but be 01 ened until after the prizes have been awarded. whon it shall be imperative that the name and ndrlrtass at each successful competitor shall he published. The competlbiqn will close on the 15111 of January me. and the result will gs announced as anon thereafter as possibl lime desiring any furthqr informsï¬ionjyill ‘9_ - min in by tiddréssiug the Canadian Fireside Weekly, No. 9, Adelaide street west, Toronto. (From our own Cnrréépondent.) The question of the election of ul’ï¬cm‘s of the House of representatives grows in inter- est and Importance as the date for the Its-- amnhlinz of Congrezs drqu near. Up to the present thete is no avowed opnuaition. tn the presmtt incumbents of flit) nf‘ï¬c‘ps 'of clerk. Ret'gPtIrH-nlnutlns and pnstnmstet'. thmwh now and tth a whisper can he head that sum? nmsnu wi‘l he h uttng nut i'nt' mm m' ll’tP nthel Ui' tints“ plum-S. The fight is oven the doflt‘lit‘t‘pi‘l'ï¬hlp. It has been claimed among the onmnetilord ol (‘nL Dnnnlsnn. the nreseut tlnm-keuner. thttt he would not have the support of his h tnte d9logatinn~thut of 'l‘eunesse. in support of this asst'rtinu Mr. J. Er VVttshinyzton, (mt) of tht1 mnmhers from that State. has hr‘eu mentioned an opposing Cul. Donelsnn. In a letter rPCPived vvstm-day, Mr. Washington wt'ltPS that all reports try that Pï¬â€˜ettt are false. [Il-l stumps that he will t‘t'ahh Wushingtun within it few davs. and that he will do all in his power for the succe<s of Col. Dunelmn. There is no doubt that Dnnelsnn will have the smtn delegation. and, as an intimation of what is lltt‘ltlzhl of the outcome the hat-- tint: is may altogether in favor of his elec-- tinn. Unless something now unexpected shall occur tm upset ptl‘ mt calculations nflicdré now holding willin all proliuhly he t‘H--9ib(‘li:d‘. Thvre is some complaint among déutocrats that all the ofï¬ces of the House should he hpld hv States ulmnsl in a group, Kentucky having the Speaker. Tennessee- thn don-‘ltpenPr, Ohio the sergeant- atunrms, Teh Yeaï¬; of Torturef . Mm. Thomas ACI'E‘S. of Huui‘lï¬ï¬', Ont., was for ten years a sufï¬zrvr hum liver com- p aim, which doclurs' medicine dxd not re" lipve. After using four bottles of Burdoek Blood Bitters she was entirely cured, and states thm she is like a new woman again. The publishers of the Canadian Fireside Weekly offer a prize of $75 for me best Canadiâ€" an story, $30 for the second, and $20 for the third best. All the stories submittA-d are to become the property o! The Fireside Weekly. and should contuin not less than ten thousand and no more than Mae-en thuusrmd words The judges will be adpoin'ed fmm among literary men whose im- pnr'iuliry will be above sugpiciun. Indiana the Pustnms=er. and Missouri the clvrk._,-1l is 0th UN now too late to make any. tnmhinatim-R for the breaking of the "nug- slate †an: it IS callwd. and for the eIPminn of new mm: in place of old ones But there are dvmn'mws enough willing and readv to enter the I‘M'P fur either of the snhordinatn pnsnirnmâ€" lwlnw the SpPflkPl‘" shinâ€" if an UN‘SI'PCI uf success can he than cnvev'Pd .II romains to he ‘HG’PI'I whether mlv comhivmtiv’c‘tnï¬ in) Gimp: fa change, ,tknd that in thP caucus the present incumbents Will hp Humminme A survey Of the ï¬eld nnw tanks that way. SnPnimr (Var!in in hate to stay until after the ï¬rst. aessmn of Cnngrpss. He is hope - ful ut‘ phasing n tmif‘f bill this session and hm; dpvoted (-tmsidwahle energy to th -t end. HP has bud severttl talks with the President since hia ttrrivni here. Members are coming tn \Vttshtugtun in numbers now and manv have nmtters to discuss with him. He has to think ahnut the formation of the cnmtnittpes'r-tt' the Huuse. and there are many other multer to occupy his attention, so thnt he wiii have as much as he can do against the uttening of the- spssion. There is sump itimt that he wiii be the to alt-- nnnnce hi< twm'nittees before, the holidavs‘ but it is hwdiv iikeiy that its mm. The lUiE’H have m iw ntiuptvd. and limrp is likely to he a Ffâ€: w‘x r them that will tnkp up sometimn "v rd 't‘ a it uh“) tww membem main: i' ‘!I ,4\ ï¬x the1 ("'IHIHi'lPPS. 4 \V ‘11! the: P with-mt Ahme- Mt‘ï¬w Mr n-"“7-' =1 m-\~"1h Mn: Y limp \Vm-Y'.‘ > ‘ nozxdent vr~ no omI (mu ~ He thought h. ,, ‘ passing: a 1 mt? luil' .ww» no!» In“ (‘rlngrous hwrw.n<~ 13w ‘ grnnun' now When ; [bought them, w-as n diam-d! h . w. w‘ 7' HOLLUWAY'S ()[N’I‘MENT AND PILLS -'â€" Travellers t0 and from distant climes wnnld (in well to bear in mind that these: chan-zps and the altered diet and smrzuund- ings of their lives nutail manifold risks in health, Occasion; are sure 10‘ allSF in which tliey- will need a remedy small as ilu,se renowned l’illsattd Ointment. and no tiaveller by land or sea should ever fail to have a supply on hand. Then he may truly be said to have a plusiciau always at his pull for the various emergencies of [naval Chills and lovers should be promptly treated. and tlw printed directions should 1w (mnfnllv studied at. the entuuiem-rmeut (.f “Hy illness‘ for llnllnwuy’a reuicdies can be safely usrtl in all (rlinmles. FREEMAN’H WnnM Powmms are safe is all cases. They deslrioy and remove woman in children or adults. Our Washington Letter. Canadian Romances. anmtmuimgm WNW wmr (-m‘res- Hf unurse. St‘ix‘Fanms are used in Wyoming Terri- tory-for fuel. The stalks when’ 'dry are as hard as mnnle wood and make a. hot ï¬re and the seed beads whh the seed in are said to burn better than the best hard coal. An aorta of sunflmers will furnish fuel {or one stove for a year. “WidoWei-mes." the new story by Edmund. . Sheppard editor and publisher of the Toron- oNews and zwtlmr of the “Farmin’Editor’s Sketches,†and " Dailyâ€"The Young Widow up to Felder’s," which were popular features of The Toronto \Veelily News, will be begun on the let of November in The Canadian Fireside Weekly. The Fireside “Weekly is a. ï¬rst-class story paper which is rapidly achieving a large circulation in Gamma. For sale by all news- deulere, price 5 cents. Sample copies can be had free by addressing The Fireside Weekly, No.9, Adelaide street west, Toronto WE trust «,lmse who are Indehli'd to this ofï¬ce and who have been asked for payment of their accounts will forward the amounts, as we are urgently in need of cash atpresent. a. ’ The worn our, wnsw and poisonous mah- ler in the system should escape 1hr ugh Ski-- cretions of the bowels, kidneys and skin, or serious dirsease results. B. B. B. opens these natural bullets to remove disease._ UniVersal Approbation. m The medical profession, Ibl‘ clergy, the press and the public alike acknowledge [he virtues of Burdock Blood Bitten-s, as an un-- equalled remedy for chronic diseases of Ike momach, liver, bowels, kidneys and blood. “3 popdlarity increases wuh its years of trial. Wheezing, gasping sufferers from Asthma re« ceive quick and perrmment relief by using South~ ern Asthma Cure Sold by LL11 druggists, or by mail on receipt of price. . PROF. Low's MAGIC SULPHUR SOAP.-â€"- Henling, soothing and cleansing for all eruplive diseases of the skiff. Delightful for toilet use. For Frost Bites. There is no better remedy fer frost blles, chilblains and similar' doubles, that] Hugr yard’s YFllnw ()il. I: also cures rheumaâ€" tism. lumbugo. sore lhroul. deafness, and lameness and 1mm gwemlly. Yellow Oil is used Internally and externally. A Romance of Rural Life. Ihe regular rate. \Vhf’n he Wl‘IIt. into the‘ dining mom and was pan-0rd at, a mhle. he hande his wmler :4 ï¬w- dullul' hiH. This Seemed a curious transaction from u_' mun who was $6 Pager 115 .whure lnw "termk. A boarder who had uvef‘heurd xhe convexsanqn will) the prnprlemr ushad the stranger :ï¬nh'y he tipped the waiter sr) lilwrnlly.‘ “thing slrnnge about that ; [he wailef is always \our best friend at a summer hole]. I make it always n rule to ‘va’ down the preprielor What, is anvr‘d I give to the WailPr. I lose nothing and make the waitei‘ Ha paid the Waiter. A man regiétered a! u seaside hotel. He asked for [he proprietormud warmÂ¥y argued will) him in rogard to terms He gwas to stay fur mime lime. and PUQCEfHIEEI in geiu ring a reduction of five dnl'z n a week from my flit-lld. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength, and whglpspgnenm's. Here economical than me ordinary knds, and cannot be sold in compotition‘with the multitude of 10W test,short weight ulum or phosphate powders. Sold only i811 01115;. ROYAL Bmuxe POWDER Co‘, 106 Wall ‘n., .I. '. 4 The Baniral Bank of Canada. NOTICE is hereby given that a dividend of three per cent for Hm curren: half year, beng at the mtv of six per cent per unuum upon tlw. paid up cupitxfl of the anik,11115 this day Devil L‘clar» ed Mild Ihu V ' sumo will be payable m. the Rank and: ‘lJCS on mud utter Thursday, the 15!; (11 “111181' next. the 15!; d y m . A, umber next. Tho tr nsfm~ bvmks will be clorud frnm the 16th to thu 31'tlldkby of Nnvember, b ‘ z (lays inclusive. Toronto. Oct 27th. 1887 MORNING, EVENING, WEEKLY, THE LEADING LIBERAL-GONSERVA’HVE NEWSPAPER OF CANADA. GET THE 1 Weekly Spectator Bright. Incis Ah] 1 T‘Tr‘v'tnrinls. The (Ir-ml «a pr' of the Day. ’l‘Jvr- k'hmcvbt M‘svelluneous Reading Serial Pton‘v‘q M t‘m- 3’†st Ale ms. Dr T“, ' .;*-‘a G1 ' Sermons. The Fuhmt Mm‘ It Reports, The Choice“ Humor. EVERYTHING PER BVBRYBEJBY. ' The SPECTAg‘nn never misses news, is never dull,nu<1mnVu‘r shirlâ€"Is npublic question. It is always or ,1 and strong. Will plu‘chnsn for you for 11 yénr the ‘VEEKLY SBICCTATUR. me best Comvrvntive journal and thalwst w >17k1y_1m\v_spaper i1; C_n11ndu. ‘ ' Unusually iibm‘nl ‘ chmnissiuns A0 nyeents‘ Address THE 31"]GC’1‘AJITOR,Hamilton, Ont. L'~§’,_W9 Wm club the‘IIERALD with’the SPEC- TATOi, For $1 5U cash to new 6r old subscribers. I -w .w, .. less, and easy t use. No instru‘ ment or Douche required. One 50c. package “111 Convince. harmful Liquids, Nasal Balm is . Beware of dangerous and {mum} and Umuori'lins; powders. cnjiroly (iifl‘ei‘é’litfrmfl any QLhPr preparation. 7 L nnmbar ni’ subscribers is obmiued to cnver can of publicntimL Subscription to the Nine anumes 11.0 the vaiuca nf Ontario or to Quebec .,5m to New Brunswick or to Nova. Scotiu $1] 5". on Manitoba. or tu British Cumm- ln'u. $9.50. to I’rincsI Edwurd Island nr tr North West ’l‘f‘rritories $9 50. Each Province to have a Map. Please send fur Prospeccus, JOHN LOVELL. r Eent pré-paid w r. ,a )nurdruggim 1.00. [)9 certs and Absolutely Pure. I3IVII)ENI) NO. ’7. r’unru’n‘b 'a 66..'L.ocnviize. om. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR A Slgniflcant Fact. By order of the Boaild El SPEETATIIB . A. ALLAN, Cashier Pleasant, harm To less, and easy té 1 "an Nn ianv‘lf (mgr. ( I _ Cure For 391.!) IN HEAD, ,, CHARM, HAY FEVER, £9. POSITIVE flammmmflmsma van-mm Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a. sick child suï¬ering and crying with pain or cutiing teeth ‘P If so, send at once and get a. bottle of MRS WINsLow's SOOTHING SY RUP FOR CHILDREN TEETEING. Its value is incalcul» able It will relieve the poor little snï¬erer im-- mediater Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it, It cures dysentery and diarâ€" rhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures Wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mus WINSLow’s SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TICETHING ispleusnnt to the taste,and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United Staten“. and is for sale by all drugzgista throughâ€"- out the world Price twenty-five cents 8. bottle Be sure and ask for †Mus WINSLOW'S SooTHmG SYRUP " and take no other kind. Furniture all New Designs ., EVERY THURSDAY, At his 1; iï¬bing omce, Yonge Stréé’c, Richmond A Hill, Ontario. perlme.. V V ........ 'Sceuts. Each subsequenp 6531‘ on, ha I ‘ H M v ‘ 3 cents. Contracta for tame rind sï¬ubc’ made on applica- (Zion. Advertisements lflithout written instructions will be inserted Antil forbid and charged transiâ€"« 1-551 00 per annum in Terms of Subecï¬ d in advance $1 50 will advance. When :ho't' be charged. ‘ Tran sitory gdvertisem ents, ï¬rst insertion, ent SOMETHING NEW IN WALE PAPERS FOR- -PURï¬-: :DRUG-s 1 Is the only safe and sure Oil for Self-Binders, Threshing? Machines and Mill Machinery generally. Manufacturâ€" ed by V MéCGll Bros. & 00;, FARMERS 8: MELDMEN ! 13551. If. KEEFLER, Sanderson Richmond Hill, Dec 156,1886‘ $2500 TO $5000 {to 1.,1Egrp‘ ' ‘I 011 Farm long/ages M 6 per 0 ‘ expenses. urger sums at less'rute‘s. ‘ ' Purely Vegetable. Highly Concentrated. Pleasant, Effectual, Safe. A;~'I§ F0 R “ FER. EUBDER’E BflMPflUND Take no other. Sold Everywhere. Price. 75 cents per bbttle. a ‘ ‘ : I ’ fDR. HOD ‘ER’ mm m Lima 111M Sold evvrywhem. Price, 25 cents axid‘ï¬O cents per bottle. Prmrriacors and manufacturers. THE UNION MEDICINE 00.; TORONTO. CAN“ ï¬elds are scarce, but those who write to Stimson & Co.,PorHand, Mnineï¬viil receive free, full information about work which they can do, nnd live at home,thatwill pay them from $5 (0 $25 per day. Some have earned ovor$m in a day Either sex, young or old. Cnpitnl not required. You are sinner! free, Those who start M one. Ere absolutely sure of snug little fortunefl. All is new. LOVELLâ€S . - s ‘ 3‘ _ . , w ’ Gazetteer and History â€"OF THEâ€" DOMINION ()1? CANADA, m s '9‘CL'31-msxmmrl 8 v01.“ ., Montreal, (Lb August, 1886! 011 Notes and Chattel Mortgages at 6,7 M15 8 per cent. rates‘ The York Herald. LARDINE MACHIN- p BEIVMHIVIICNOED wï¬â€˜enever a sufï¬cient GROCERIES, ADVICE T0 MOTHERS CHEMISTS &. DRUG’GISTS, And Sold by R. W. NEVILLE, Richmond Hill. At Savage’s, everi fi§ l'ové' 3 Céuts ‘pgr r011. PUBLISHED BY Emmy. MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED I HAVE JOHN LOVELLK' Manager and l’ublis'hor And LOWei‘ than Tofon‘to Prices, E. F. LANGSTAFF. LIver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and n1] Impurities of the Blood from what‘: evexcmwe arising» Female Weak: messes 6; Debility CURE‘S No fé‘gal &c., Arm, Thankful for the favors of the past years [may stjll b9 q9nsulted inuny branch of the pro fess'iioï¬, ggï¬ollows : h . ‘ Ridh' 0 Hill.. (aganumer House) Ayitora, 1317, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stbufl‘ville . . . . . . . . . . . . ....18th do Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . .20th do Victoria Square ...... ,,§;.._ ".2113; do Thornhimwmtét's ï¬oï¬oi) 23" do Woodbridge . ..... . . 3th (10 Kleinburg do Nobleton . 5 ‘ do Vitalized mr always on hand at the places of anpointment. It does away with the pay in extracting - Ask your dentist What teeth he prefers, and We will guarantee to supplv them to you for $8. and will forfeit; $100 if not us we represent. We give more vitalized air than all other ï¬rms in the city to'gether. Callaud see us, and we are sure you will go away pleased. Rogers’ Dental Ofï¬ce RICHMOND HILL. viTALliED Au: 2 BEST FITTING TEETH MADE. LOW PRICES THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. This Houseia one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Tommi» Everything is nuumged in‘ First Class Sflyie. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stubling and attentive hosblern. Termï¬, $1 per day. Proctor's Bus IIB‘ILVQSV this Hotelflto connect with all the N R R RIGGS &;X IVORY, J Palmer, Prop. Thiiï¬Ã© {35mg N‘Q‘i‘tu uhd’Soutil'rat 8‘ a. 111., m.. 5.10 L) Di; use 6.00 n m. HAM} CENTML m This Hotel has' been .irelm‘niahed, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and is now the leading Hotel north of Tornnto. The bur is: sup plied with ï¬rst-class bnwd of liquors and cigars. Excellent accommodation for Commercial Travellers, and the General Public Good. Stabl- ina and an attentive Hustler. G. LMOUR, Prop. THE STAR Assurance Soc’y Sir Wm Mc'Ai‘thur, K G, MvG, 'M. P, ex-Lord Mayor of London, President. V; .r W W Baypes,Esq.F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund _ . . . . . . $10,000,009. Annual Income . . . . . . 1,600,035 I-nvesled in Canada... 1.200,000 Death clgxms paid. . . . 10,000,000 , . ; TORONTO NEFKRENUL'IS. 98hr: McDonald, Esq. C. J. Cmuphell, Esq., Hon. SenatorMcMaster A. M. Smith, Esq: James Metcalfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loanq made on aegxurity of Company’s qujcy at 5 per cent .intere~»"t. : , Loansmnde toChurch Trustees, at a low rate 0 interest. Send for prospectus. E.A.W. GEO. F. Imam, Veterina-‘Eï¬ Surgeon ! Ofï¬ce Residence-l 'P. O. ButtonVille-333?:n I SUIEQEgfl gpytfjstszfs,’ . E. dorn'e'r King & Yonge 5125., TORONTO. . ,, :.-. ' . â€" Graduate Optuno Vetgrmury College, Tumum‘ Fob’. manssa And Vitalized Air used any time. e mi A ROBINSON. Nothing inferior in Dentistry. “52mm mm. RICHMOND HILL. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA AS USUAL; P. G. SAVAGE. 32 Wemugton St“, East, Toronto Of London, England, mnnmmri 3AM gmmx, ï¬r}: ,A .12 PERRY, & 24th of each month 7:06 3, 4th FOR. 06-11), of Markham. Day and night calm promptly attended no Dec lst 1883 m: B. Orr,M.- B. and. First snv‘er mama-s University of Toronto, M. C. P. Sr Onbï¬o. bu? ALrEnglma (Late 9: 19:489. junta: Surgeon, Etc. , 4 [3015mm Hours 8 to 9.303.111“ Ind 1 to 1.30pm; DR. JAMES Rxcmuoxn HILL, 0x7. .. rm Oflicehour 10 a. In. All night cullsmt fronf i156: be“ Richmond Hill. May 30th. 188‘]. IS KingHStyeet East, Toronto. ._ Richmond 3111 Post: Oï¬oe, Every Sammy: J SFullerton W Cook, J R Miller. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. V . Toronto. May 29th, 1584. r A 1y.pom “uuuuaui mtuvnam uupvdgmqlln ,n.) , . .P Member College of Physician. & Surgeon!- » (LATE 0F s'rom‘l'vnjpmr ‘ .- . OFFICE HOUBSIâ€"Fx‘om '8 {ma 2‘. m4 1 to B p. m ‘» ' REsmExcE .‘ 1‘: m, Yonge Street, Richmond Hm. Richmond E1111, Oct.12tb.'82. ' 9} Barristers, A tSdrgtsys-at-Law, Solicitors-Inl Chancery. Conveyancers, etc, Ofllcesâ€"Imperia; Bank Buildings.Wellington-street, East.‘1‘oronto' JOHN RAIN, Q.C. Wu mmmw,‘q U! C A MASTEN, Gunman mrm ____â€"â€"â€"Tâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" Lawmcmmumm x CONVEYANCE'RS, ~ETC. L, _N6. 14’13‘unding a; Long Tom 11 t 0 O fï¬ce S chungbersflé Torontosfa Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce-333,533: Money to Loan qt Lowest Caryn-J‘ng9 A G F'LAWTENdï¬. '1' c Mmmu. Nov27th,1884 " " 1317:... WILLSâ€; BAIN, IAAIDLAW ï¬a-CO. Fullerton, 0001285 M1116? WERE 5a,: Weigh: in civic“ ,3; .ui‘liil, ,v. u r This Incomparable Medicine hag secur. ed for itself an-A .imperishable famo- throughoutthe World foï¬-ï¬ié alleï¬atiom and cure of most. diï¬eaé’éé to whiolf humanity is heir. ‘ Pills & ointment: Rurlfy, rggulate 13m} liplpgpye 'tpe'qun‘lity qf )1u1uy, xvguluho v.3“; uuluyyv u.uu qumluy u. .» Bhood. They asslst the dlgeahve organs, clean! c , ‘ ,STOMACH 11an BOWELSL. increase the secretory p‘QWerB of thg, '- eubrace the nervous system, and throw int!) he circulm tion the purest Elements w‘: austaimng and repairing the v frame. ‘ ' ‘Thogagnds of persons have tesï¬ï¬pï¬z'tï¬uï¬ fizeir use alone they hauggbefl‘x" iéstoreï¬ to heath and strength; li’fte‘r every othef means had proved unsuccessful. Q3“? WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BIL/OUSNESS', o YSPEPS/A, INDIGES‘T/ON, J/l UNDICE. ER VSIPELAS,, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBUfl/V, HEADACHE, Barristersï¬olicitors: ' .m ‘v :~ Coughs, Sore 'l‘hrua‘ts, quu‘chitia. and all disorgt' era of the Throat nud'CJme, am also Gout, Rheu matism. Scrufula. mm other kind of akin‘di‘ngp‘sg‘ Ma n'unfacturéd only at Pgof'essa or Hongwav’s Establian-ideli,_ 533. OXFORD STREET , Lomnpm, "iiï¬'anm at 15. 1&(1.,2e. 9d.,-.4.§«ied.., 115.. 22. "livid .3! uuanBox and Pub. mm! ,‘m' Canada- at 38“: «aim 90 mum, and $1.50 centm’, and the large m t proportion. ~ ' V NHL! And every species of disease Mum-tron} disordered LIVER, KIDNEvs, 8T new BOWELS OR BLOODI r a". MILBURN an a mwgmmé: why†.; 2' . ~.‘..‘.' “3*! (9}? ft? (VAlyTj-oitâ€"l have no Agdia‘ï¬._ in th'& United Slates. nor are mv Medicines ,- aohf‘ tï¬Ã©ré. Purchase-rs ï¬huuld Iherefore .loolg m the. label on the Pnts'and Boxes. 1 lflh§ address is no! 533, Oxford Six-eel; M'Hdc'i thpv are svurinhs- ‘. ' “#14:: IUr' v u n rum urnnm/‘rarkg 0‘! mimiweméigsgm’é’ gisLerect m Ottawa; mm {1.150 at Wmmggï¬qu: jg ‘ * ~ 4,; TflOMAï¬ .Hogybvm‘a ~~ 52am" 33 Oxford. st ueb, London†WORM “3.9357153!!!- Are pleasant to take. Contain m Puzgutive. Is a. £016, aura. and email! destroyer of wow in Children or Adult; "5“" "'-' ‘gq‘: .‘f f ‘.>' ' ‘LTT'V X MEDALIs‘r i‘rmomro DR. .J.. AL, lPALMEIi; Barristers, Solicitors, &c. omoes 6n. ORR; MAPLE, P. 0. Box [88. i31m1iwi. On Saturdays. £25m. LAB AND _ THE sromoâ€; oer/ms 2 ‘OF ME mm DIZZIN£88§ ’ DROPS y, " FLUTTERIHG' OF THE Hum mom! or I 3 Nam“ é' u);