DOMINION ‘ ORGANS & PIANOS And will ‘sell at prices~ that must please. New Dress Materials, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Shawls, Jack- ets, Knitted Goods, also piles of Flannels and other Staples. Tweeds at job prices. Suits made to order. I Ready-made Suits and Overcoats; Boys Suits ' and Overcoats in great variet . Splendid value in Men’s and Boys’ ndercloths /' ing, Hats and Caps. R. W. NEVILLE, ( SUCCESSOR TO MR. B. GRENNAN. ) NEW FRESH STOCK IN EVERY lLINE FRESH GROCERI A BOOT 82: SHOE DEPARTMENT THE YEAR OF JUBILEE Cheap Cash Home on}: A call solicited. _ â€"IS GIVING THE-â€" SIGGEST BARGAINS 1N RICHMOND HILL. Fine Teas, Groceries, Provisions, Canned Goods, Crockery, Solid Boots 85 Shoes, 860., AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR; CASH. DRY GOODS. Every Department Complete. Dress Goods in the New Makes and Leading Colour-Cheap. MILHNERY AND MANTLE GOODS INWESEE Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&c. N EVER. DEFEATED. â€"-â€"â€"'-AGAIN TAKEâ€"m FIRST PRIZE AT MARKHAM FAIR I have shown the Dominion Organs and Pianos 38 times at our local fairs of Markham, Scarboro, Brougham, Stout?â€" ville, and Goodwood, and have TAKEN 38 FIRST PRIZES Has been added, to which we invite special attention, as extra value will be given. WM. FLEMING. MAINâ€"STIIEET. - MARKIâ€"IAM Defeating cver Organ and Piano that have been shown. I Proving them the best instruments that are mamlfuctured. New Fall and Winter ONTARIO HOUSE Is now ï¬lled with a Large and Splendid Assortment of Got Six First Prizes this year at Markham for Sewing Machine WOIk. l have a large stock ul'thesc CXCCI“, lent Instruments and Machines on hand in my new show rooms on Main Street. Call and inspect my Muck. Be sure and call and you will have reason to rejoice. Highest prices paid for Butter 8L , Eggs. Choice Family Flour, Bacon, &c., always on hand. JOSEPH H. HALL. Wishes to say to the public that he is opening up a large assortment of Worsted Suitings and Canadian Tweeds at such low prices as will astonish our friends. -REJOICE!â€" ‘6 In great variety at the Constantly on hand. ‘IRE PROOF I Now in Stock. FOR THIS ISâ€" THE AND THEâ€"- R. W. NEVILLE. ISAAC CROSBY. The social7 mom, religious and in- tellectual advancement of a people may be readily gauged by the number of papers they read. Show us a post oï¬ice Where a large mail is weeklv distributed, and around there is an intelligent. orderly people. On the other hand, the reverse will be the rule; Moral, read the. paper. He is a poor man who says. “ I have no time to read.†That is the kind of fellow to make a ï¬rstâ€"class loafer. A Matter Of Economy. As a matter of economy 8. B. B. is the cheapest medicine in use for it takes less to cure chronic‘disemes of the stomach, liver, and kidneys and blood. than of any other known remedy. B. B. B is only One Dollar a bottle. To REMOVE DANDlwnxâ€"Cleanse the scalp with Prof. Low’s Magic Sulphur Soap. A delightful medicated soap for the toilet. Among the Members of Congress in the city the subject of the organizition of the House of Representatives is a tonic of interest. Up to the present no candidate has yet avowed himself in opposition to the incumbents of the ofï¬ces of clerk, sergeant- at-arms and postmaster, there are rumors of opposition to all the ofï¬ces below the Speaker, except to Mr. Dalton for post-- master. It seems to be generally conceded that he will be re nominated unanimously. lt is still said that Mr. Raines, of New York, will be a candidate for clerk. though no declaration from that gentleman himself or from any one authorized to speak for him has yet been made public. Some of the New “York Democratic members, it is underst ' \ , maintain that their state is en» titledt 'ne of the ofï¬cial pOsitions. and there is talk of a combination of New York, New Jersey. Connecticut, Pennsyl-- vauia and some of those from the West looking to a redistribution of the ofï¬ces. There is no doubt that efforts are being made to work up such a combination, but. lhow for they will succeed it is impossible ‘yet to tell. Each of the incumbents is fortiï¬ed by the pledged support of their friends among,’ the members, and if there was unity ot'etl'ort among them all in sup- port of the “old slate,†it would be very dithcnlt to break it. But while each of the four is striving for re election, and while the interests of them nll seem to run in harmony, they are networking together. F‘iii’Uespsrnr’admm' "WWW dc‘spnir,†h igmrd mmto for all. Ifafllicted with my lingering disease, remember “While there is life there is hope †Never despair of relief until you have tried Burdock Blood Bitters. It Cums diseases of the sfnmnch. Iivnr and blood when all other medicines fail. The Spenkership is scarcely mentioned, as there is no doubt that Mr. Cm-lisle will be the unanimous choice of his party for re--election. He will have the cordial support of those of his Demncratic assoc-iv ates who do not agree with him on the tarilf question. ' It bias been said [but Mr. Randall would put Mr. Carlisle in nomination for Speaker in the caucus, but as it is customary for the candidates to be put forward by his Own state delegation, that course will, in all probability. be pursued; but the momma-- tion'will be seconded from among the pro- tectionism, perhaps by Mr. Randall and Mr. McAdoo,as a marl: of evidence; it is said, of the harmony existing in the party. Through the President’s conferences with members of his party, it is pretty well known what his recommendations to Con-- gress will be as to the surplus of the Treasury. There will be a deï¬nite urgent recommendation for a reduction of the revenue to the extent of about $100.000.- 000, to‘be secured by adding to the free list of imports and reductions of duties upon necessaries of life in such a manner as not to increase the revenues, and by the-repte of the tux on raw tobacco; The tax on cigars will not ’be disturbed, as it would interfere with‘u' very important. industry. The platform upon which the Democrats won in New York this fall recommended a reduction of $100.000,000 in the revenue. and the leaders of the party are prepared to make the issue direct. Besides the recommendation. which will be explicit. thele will be an administration bill. built on these recommendations, which will be informally presemed to the Demo-- cratic members, and in is expected to go. perhaps with some changes. to the Ways and Means Committee, practically, with the sanction of the parly. The sealing of ï¬fteen new senators in the 5011] Congress. nearly one- fourth of lhe whole body. will effect malerial changes in the working capaciliea of the various com» mittees. The Pontrol of {he organiznion being in the hands of the Republican semi-- tors, no change will be made in the com- mitteps al’feciing the policy of einher party on the lending subjects of legislation. There are mOre changes than usual to be made in chairmanships. but under the rules governing the senatorial caucuses. old and trained legislators will succeed to these pluces. . It would he a wise thing: if Congress were to pass the bill of Mr. Hoar. which provides that. copies of all public documents should be sent to a public librarv. or other place. in every Congressional district. A source of public information would thus be placed at. the disposal of the maple, which other-- wise would never reach them. Each year Congress appropriates large sums of money to print public documents which are inâ€" tended for general circulation, buttlie real beneï¬ciaries of the law are the second-hand book-stores of Washington, which. in many instances, buy the documents for a mere song, keep the more valuable publications ‘l‘ora few years, and then sell them at l fabulous prices.‘ I have great pleasure in Certifving to the usefulness of Hagyal'd’s Ye110w0il “ wriles U. Kavannh. postmaster, of Umfruvi'le, Out., " havmg used It for sm‘vness of the throat, burns, colds, em, I ï¬nd nothing to equal it." A' Claim Veréfled. B'. B. B. claims to cum, all curable dis- eases of lhe Stomach. bowe‘s. liver. kidneys and blood. That it tlctuallv performs all it claims, is proveu by lestimomala of mi - walkable cums. 1101.14»ka Um'erLNT AS!) fruquent caust- of gum and xhvuu-uliun i) [he inflmunmmxy mule ufthu Luuud. Mlleon ed wnh bud dlgusliun mud general debhiky. A fcw dusua of Ill: Villa 14km“ Iu limu me an ekl'cctual prevauum agama-L gnut uml rheuumusm. Anyone who has an attack M'ehher bhould lune Holluwuï¬u (:rnmmn also. the puwvrml uclilm 01‘ which cmuhlm d with the operation uflhe l'nHH. must in-- falliifly‘ “Tact :1 cure. These I'iilu and. u.-- recin on 11w bmud. which my purify Mud improve, “Mung uncu bullduvd I‘lfl,h(‘â€" verity ol‘ Lhusc \iih‘Hsts. pcmevumuce wnh Ihe Ointment, :xl'lur i'umeming IIH: nil'ucmd joints will] warm brine. \viH Mum‘th IULIA uH b'lifl'msn: um] ‘,u‘1,v(:nL an; wruutueut mm: Mt'lxuzi. Our Washington Letter. (From our own Correspondent.) A Postmaster’s Opmion. WASHINGTON, Nov‘n 26, 1887. , mficj-isugskeeaers. Mrs; Robm-"t ,Wil’inmsnn, of (Henï¬a, P'Irr‘y Fraud. 0M Esways: “ T 00111:? mt kePp house without Hugyarcl's Yellow 011’ 'ar hand. I have used it in my famin .f0r ernup, sore throat, and a cm foot and can highly recommend it to everybody.†A Cnvmc EVIL.-â€"Chi';dven are often fretful and i]! when worms are the cause. Dr. Law’s Worm Syrup safely expels ill} Worms. ' mild and thorough. NATIOXAL PILLS are the favorite mvga- h‘vg and antiâ€"hilious'medicine; they are This powder never varies. A marvel of purity. strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the ungtitude of low test,sh0rt weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only isrz (alignsif ROYAL BAKING POWDER Co., 106 Wall ., . . CENTRAL BANK 0F CANADA. DAVID BLAIN, ESQ, President. SAMUEL TREES, ESQ, Vice-Presidunt, DIRECTX‘ORS. K. CHISHOLM, M. P. P. H. P. DWIGHT, ESQ, D. M, MCDONALD, ESQ C‘ B, ROBINSONJQSQ. A MOLE‘AN HOWARD, ESQ J. GINTY, ESQ > RICHMOND HILL SAVINGRS DEPARTMENT Deposits mo Mud and interest allowed thereon at curl-um; rates. N0 notice of withdrawl re" quired Drafts on. all parts of Canada, Unitud States and Gmut Britain bought and sold. Toronto, Juno 2nd 1887 HEMILTFJ SPEEWE} MORNING, EVENING, WEEKLY, THE LEADING LIEERALCONSERVATIVE NEWSPAPER OF CANADA. Weekly Spectator Bright. Incisive, Able Editorials. The Complete )1st of the Day. The Choicest Miscellaneous Reading. Serial Stories by the Best Authors. Dr Tulmuge‘s Great Sormons. The Fullest Market Repnrts. 4 The Choicest Humor. EVERYTHING I‘ï¬R .BVERYBUBY. The SPECTATOR never misses news. is nevqr dull, and never shirks upublic questxou. It 1% always clean and strong. Will purchase for you for a year the VVEERLY SPECTATOR. the best. Conservative journal and th_e_ best vyleekly‘now‘spnpar i1} Cï¬nï¬dflf. Unusually fibeml‘cbmmissious to manta Address TEE SPECTATOR, Hamilton, Ont. L? We will club the HERALD with the SPEC- TATOR for $1 50 cash to new or old subscribers. lvvl‘ v-~ - Snuï¬'s an Cnuteflzmg powders. basal Balm is entirely different from any oLhcr preparation. It not obtainable at your druggists. aunt pre-paid on receipt of prion. 50 cents and $ 1.00. FULFORD a. 00.. Brockvllle. Ont. ,__ ._..l,...._, THE NEW PAPER. (Empim Will make its awommnce on or about the 15th of December. 0 )mius are being spared {:0 make the paper worthy of Canada, and of the grunt puny of whose views it, will be tho ex- pouunt. M. will hunt. with a. GRIP is increasivg in influence and po 1:" every year! 1V is a supreme huuhrhohl av while every Politician and P1 ofescioxml and Business Man enjoys the clever hits which appear in every issue. Subscribe now! ’ Absolutely Pure: Pleasant, harm _ less, and easy 1 ' use. No instru ‘ men: or Douche ‘ ,. ’ ; required. g , ~: One 50c. package ' ’ ‘ ’ " " Will Convince. dun crane and harmful Liquids Egggirgnstfgflzifg powdprs. annl‘Balm is _ See our Premium and Clubbing List. Circulars giv- lng full particulars sent free. um UI BI; ii'. .au in :E' And u‘uiu Journalists in Lavury dupux'tmum. public may UALUOL Full News from ull quarters, A u Lliillbl'fllhi, V'! The ELéok out for Grip‘s Comic Almanac for 1888. Price 10 cents. ADDRESS, I‘nlr famine-uni. iteiinblu (‘omml‘l'clnl Nc-wn, run-45..“ sporting Ehmtiigmwo. ii And 9.11 other qurtmrnm WM] susmuu (1. 1n blwn, '1 n», Emmy“ \_\J'i]_lm a. I:righL,J.uwi:-.17Ju, DAILY EMPI] LE (111'. n... . .7 ,, bhun, ’1 n», EMMM. \_\H] [m n. Izrigm, J.uwi:;l710, and léunmuxu l'nper. Everybody Looms tor it. [an should Read it. ..H‘. l Hond in your Sunsmimunns how, ILUCUII|HhJIiI at pvhm C‘wb, 50 m; M, L mm-unm with Lhc 1n Lu:ou Auuxean. 1:. ,(‘HIHGH'I‘0N, ‘ n. 8%.??? cf EriEEEaeï¬ Wriï¬ars HE new Consorvutivb Journal about to be started in Toronto, to be called CANADA’S COMIC PAPER. W. BENGOUGXI, Artist and Editor. ISSUED wnmuv. $2 a Year; $1 for 6 Months. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. GRIP PUBLISHING CO. TORONTO, ONT. per Aunum. 1 J. M. LAWRENCE MANAGER nihh.x;'u. LAN..;..L.1 “unto. A. A. ALLEN, Cushidr. 5 \" EEKLY‘EMI'IIH Ill‘lllli Bum" " Cure For WU! HI EBB, ‘ EATEHBï¬, HAY FEié'ER £8. POSITIVE &1 pm Aunmu. SO; METVEING NEW IN WALL PAPERS Eï¬â€˜ï¬‚mimre all "New Designs FOR - - PURE - - DRUGS I Sanderson Bros.-9 F‘éRERg & MELL'MEN I RIGHMOND HILL, ONT. Is the only safe and sure Oil for Self-Binders, Threshing Machines and Mill Machinery generally. Manufacturâ€" ‘ ed by EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yongn Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Terms of Subscrivmon :~£F1()0 per mmnm in advance. \Vhen not paid in advance .151 50 will be charged. Transitory advertisements, ï¬rst insertion, .. o 8 cents, .. 3 cents. Contracts for time and apwce made on appliedâ€" tion. Advertisements Without written instructions will be inserted Jutil forbid and charged tram si-v ent mtos. M00011 Bros. Are you‘disturbed at night and broken of your rest by n. sick child suffering and crying with pain or cutiing teeth ‘2 If so, send at once and get a. bottle of MRS Wmsnow's SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is inculculi able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer ixu-â€" mediutely Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it, It cures dysentery and dim- rhcxm, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion. and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mm WmsLow’s Soo'rnma SYRUP yon CHILDnEN TEETHING iï¬plcnsant to the tnsto,mnd is the prescription of one of the nldest and host female nurses and physicians in the United Slates. and is for 80.16 by all druggists through-- out the world Price twentyâ€"ï¬ve cents a bottle B0 sure and ask for “Mns WINsLow’a SOOTHING SYRUP †and take no other kind. $2500 TO LEND $5000 TO LEND .011 Farm Mortgages at 6 per cent. N0 lsgal expenses. Larger sums at loss rates. Riéhmond Hill, Dec lst,1886. VulHnu-s “7.1, I») “w l'rnvnu n! (Jubm'ix) nr m l (glxvl;uu*~‘li,:’1<l, tn Nuw l'yrunsuju' or Lu Nuvu- Sn-nmn Vl‘ll .3â€. tm I\'I:LIIitu|m m In Iirildxil Unlimi- hitl‘ “WI-0. tn Prian Edward lslnml or In North West, 'J‘mu ' .orius :69 50. Ewell l'roviuuu :0 have u [ Map. l lulLb'U tn;an J'm‘ Pltlspumus, Purer Vegetable. Highly Concentrated. Pleasant,Effectua1, Safe. Take no other. Sold Everywhere. Price. 75 cents per'bottlu. Sold evurywhcre. Pricu, 2 I cents and .50 cunts per butt)". Proprietors and umunfmzhm‘crs, 7 DR. 1 OD ‘Ell’S mag mil mus; ma THE UNION MEDICINE (10., TORCN'I‘O. CAN. Gaze: “Cc;- am! History DOML‘HON 01" (JANA A, .‘umamu‘u 1;; “w )181’, I 021 Notes and Chattél Mortgages at. 6, 7 and 8 per cent. The York Herald. LARDINE l‘vTACHINE . H. KEEFLER, ASK FOR DR. HERBER’E BORIPBUNB ) HF. 'klflethi 1H) \vimmwm‘ Hmnhwr ul' ‘éilibhttl'ihl'rfl M nirinLi m pumicnlvinn. Hill's riptim. IIIU'H “7.1, I») “w I'rnviu n! ( And Lower than Toronto Prices. GROCERIES, &c.. (560., AS ï¬SU‘AL. ' P. G's SAVAGE. ADVICE T0 r/IOTHERS m 9 vc CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, And Sold'by R. W. NEVILLE, Richmond Hill. t ‘j’ivage’s, even as low as 3 cents per r011. bJu ‘, Lu) “W I'rnvinm: n! (Jubm'ir) nr Lu m, tn Nuw l'yrunsuick or Lu Nuvu- PUBLISHED BY Sigh-um. LOVELL’S MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED â€"01" THEâ€"- I HAVE #0“ N LCVELL, Mmâ€: E. F. LANGSTAFF. LIver Complaint, Dyspepsia, _ Blllgusness, 9’1: "amine,- I'Lflnpy‘ 'Imubles, Iglgeurngtism, {km Dlseases and all Impurities_uf the Blood from ‘Vhbt‘, over cause urisiagz. Female Wonk- nesses dz Dobility 0 IT R ES ar n Hllmcinut Linc-(L tn l'UVUl‘ tn Mm Nine (Jubm'ir) nr Lu man may. Thankful for the fa vora of the past years gray; still be consulted in any branch ‘0! the pm mï¬iéï¬fu tou'ows : Richmond Hill ....... "(lit i’alynor House) Aurora, lat, 8th, 18th. and 22nd do Stouflville ...... ....18th do Markham ...... . .20th dc Victoria Square ...... ..- “.2153 do Thornhil) (Walker’s Hotel) 23rd do Woodbridge . "flith do Kleinburg .. ...29th do Noblcton . . . . . 0th do Vitalized am always on hand at the places of appointment. It does away with the pa._n in extracting SURGEON DENTISTS, ‘ S. E. Corner King &: Yonge Sts., TORONTO. Ask your dentist what teeth he prefers, and WC will guarantee to suppr them to you for and will torfeit $100 if not as we represent. We give mute vitalizcd air than all other ï¬rms in the city together. leland see us, and we are sure you will go away pleased. RIGGS & IVORY, VITALIZED AIR 2 Rogers’ Dental Oï¬ice RICHMOND HILL, BEST FITTING TEETH MADE. LOW PRICES This House in one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Tm‘Ontm Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stubling and attentive hustlers. Terms. $1 DOI‘ day. Proctor'b Bus loaves this Hotel to connect with all the N _R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a m., 12 a. m., 6.101) m. and 6.00 n m. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, J Palmer. Pr‘ GRAND CENTRAL HBTEI. This Hotel has bean refurnished. renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rstâ€"class style, and is now the landing Hotel north of Toronto. The bar ic supu plied with ï¬rst-class brand of liquors and cigars. Excenmxt accommodation for Commercial Travullcrs, and the Gvneml Public Good Stabl- 1L! and mu lutbuutivu lioshlur. RICHMOND HILL. G. GILMOUR, Prop. Assurance Soc’y THE STAR Of London, En gland, Sir Wm McArthul'. K C M G, M. P, exâ€"Lord Mayor of London, President. W W Baynes,EquF I A,Secrotary leserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1.600.000 Invesmd in Canada. . . 1.200.000 Dcmh chums puid . . _ . 10,000,000 '1knmN'ru REFERENCES. John McDonald,141ml. (I. J. Cmupbull, “my, Hou.ï¬u1mtor McMuster A. M. $111“,thqu unuua Mutcaflu, Hug. Rev. Euuch \Vood, D. Lomug [mule on} gegurity of Company's Policy at E. w cut interu 't. Lumusmnvvlu ("Church Trustees, ubn low rate 0 iu‘wmhb. Sumlfur pruspeubuu. G 530. F. K E}: L LY, Veterinary Surgeon ! I‘LAJ‘V. Ofï¬cc 8:, Residence- Ph 0. l3x|ttonviHuJX§X Unuluubu ()uLuriu Veterinary 0011.; u, ’i‘urumu And Vitulized Air used any time. Nothing inferior in Dentistry. ‘ï¬ï¬‚w (3mg. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST. AURORA Soc. K: 'I'I‘unw for (human. 5;: \‘v’ulhugtuu Sn, East. Turuubu Duu lab 1653 gnaw, LIFE A D PERRY, 0th a 21131: of each month _ Lot. 3, 4th (on. RUIN-’0 Ty, of Maximum. I! umv nwl m'z'thl: Cal‘s 1“! ‘IKUXL.1!L;:7 mwmlutw thg places 9! U T. 7:“ 1r. 2:. :‘W‘. Fier mm“ ï¬feflgï¬ï¬‚ T’nivm‘afly umemwtn‘T‘L (1.3“ R, Untfln‘ioj Ll. A L, En 111 (Late Of London. Enï¬lnnd: Surgeon. Etc. lafln‘ï¬ce Hours 8 to 9.80 (mm. mm 1 to 2.30 pm DR. JMIES MNGSTAFF! AND~ Ricmmxn HXLL, ONT. Omcehour 1c a. m. All night calls at front door be)! Richmond Hill,- Muy 300b, 1881; Member College of Physicians at sun-cont: (LATE 01? STOUFFVILLR.) OFFICE HOURS,â€"From e to 10 a. 111.. I to s p. m nnsmmzwn Yonge Street, Richri'mnd mu. Richmond Hm, Oct. 12th. ’82. 1m. w. J. WI Lso‘N‘, MEDALIST TORDNTO UNIVERSITY. Barristers, Attorneys~utâ€"Lmv, Solicitorsoiu Chancery. Conveyxmuors, etc, ()fllccsâ€"klmporin Bunk Buildings. Wellingtonâ€"street. Egsffl‘utonw J orm BAIN, Q.C. WM LAIhLAW,’Q (1 C A MASTEN, GEORGE KAPPEIJii BAIN, LAIDLAVV 85 ()0: Barristers, Solicitors, 6:0. Oiï¬ces 18 King Street East, Toronto. Richmond. Hill Post Oflice Every Saturday. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. Toronto. May 29th, 1884. LAWRBPJEEWILLIMN Fullerton. Cook& Miller CONVEYANCERS,"ETC‘ , . N . 14B ‘1 Totomo Ofï¬ges-Cli;mb0{.§,{ Richmond Hill Oflice-ï¬ Money to Loan at Lowest Current Ratu} AGFLAwmcxs. Novmth. 188.1 FREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS. BIUO USE/£88,- D YSPEPS/A, INDIGEST/ON; JA U N DI CE. E I? YSIPELA-S', SAL T RHEL'JI, HEARTBUS'U, HEADACHE} Are pleasant to take. Contdin thoii om Purgntivo. In a. 5M0, mm, and effectual desmur ol worms in Chum-en or Adults. Worth their Weigh; in Gold ! V: WELL CURE OR RELIEVE And every §poc1cs of disease ï¬rislnv from} disordered uvan, «mam, sroivmon, BOWELâ€"C 0R BLOOD. Pills & flintment This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself rm imperislmble fume Lhroughoutthc World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. ' Barristersï¬olicitors, purify, regulate and imprnye thé quality of B cud. They assist the digestive organs, clovuus u. increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the cimulm tiou the purest Elements for sustaining wd mpmitiug the frame. '3'. MILBURH 8: (’30.. Thousands of persons have, testiï¬ed that hv theix use alunc they [lane been restorud to health and strength; after every oLhut means had proved unsuccessful. Manufactured Only ntl’roï¬ms or lIuHowuV’s Establishment 5323. ’xr‘um) STREET LONDON [Hm 'Prudr- Marks of HIV amid Murlin-inmx ",1", giswred m ULLuwu, and also at; Wmahimzimh J SFullerton will In; fnuud invuhmhlnin every Household in the curouf Upon Sorea. lIzu‘d Tumnuts, .. Coughs. S'm'u 'I‘ln‘habsz, ermhiï¬q, and 3.11 disord Lars uf tho ’l'llrmmt and Chest, «.54 quu Gout, Rival: mmtism. Scrufulu. and “that kind nf 5"in d‘ mu] sold M; IS. 11.11, 22". 941., AH. (KL, “HI. 2131141 333 mmh liux and Pound!!! in (Igllituhl. mt :lï¬ an “a Summits. "ml .331qu nouns, and Lhu Luge flaw in Dmqu Lion. ‘ (V? Mummyâ€"I have no Agent *1" Hm Unildd Hum-s, uar m'r: mv Mudluim-d fluid llu'l'v. l’urczxsmum shnuM flhurPfum hm}: Lu Ihu label on line Pam and Huch '1!" line midruss is no! 533, Uxfon] Strum, 1,01»th tlwv um Hnurimm Oxford street, Lm BA D LEG 8‘ STOMACH AND BOWELS, DR J. A. PALNIER, nan, MAPLE; a. . ma:ng P. O. Box 188. ‘, OLD WOU‘NDS. COLDLs 0n Saturdays. ifrgal. w Cook, THE era/1146i“, mmsss __ ., 0; m5 arm; Dill/MESS, maps Y, . rerE/a’m'a 0F THEHEM‘I', Ac/nlry 0F No. 14 Building Ki Lonn Gumbel-5,15 Toronto st; 1 hufï¬â€˜ukd .1 Jul .0 w A 3 Proprietors. TORONTO; Rear of the CoubrulBamk J R Miller. 1" M l y-péifl