THE HOLIDAY TRADE At Slaughter Prices shoes, Wé huh no high prices like érc’dit stores. No Gift Saics, our proï¬ts are too small, bdt we give a dollar's worth of goods for a $ every time. Come and see_ I, UK) "it: LULu UCUUIUUUI WU wun many a 5n.“- Vu.1u;w;-.m NM.-.†V. 4“. big' stuck df Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats of all sizes, Ladies’ Coats, Jackets, ahd other heavy Winter Goods, and BARGAINS YOU SHALL HAVE. YEAR OF JUBILEE BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. THE FIRE PROOF I Every Department Complete. Dress Goods in the New Makes and ELeading Colors,â€"-Cheap. GOOD NEWTS MILLINERY AND MAN'I‘LE GOODS “re have just ‘réceived a full line of GROCERIES, Icing Sugar, .VTer Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, Nuts, &c. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&c. NEVER DEF EATED. â€"1s GIVING THEâ€" . BIGGEST BARGAINS 1N RICHMOND HILL. fine Teas, Grocerias, Provisions, Ganned Gouds, CrockeryLSolid Boots 86 Shoes, 6560., AT DOMINION ORGANS & PIANOS FIRST PRIZE AT MARKHAM FAIR I haVe shown the Dominion Organs and Pianos 38 times at our local fairs of Markham,- Scarboro, Brougham, Stoanâ€" Ville, and Goodwood, and have TAKEN 38 FIRST PRIZES Defeating every Organ and Piano that have been shown. Proving them the best instruments that are manufactured. rTHE “NEW WILLIAMS!†Got Six First Prizes this year at Markham for Sewing" Machine work. I have a large stock of these eXcelâ€" lent Instruments and’ Machines on hand in my new show rooms on Main Street. Cal] amt inspect my stock. WM. FLEMINGg MAINâ€"STREET. - MARKIEIï¬'B/fa New Fall and Winter A {large assortment of Worsted Suitings and Canadian Tweeds at such low prices as will astonish our friends. ONTARIO HOUSE 'Is now ï¬lled with a Large and Splendid Assortment of Fauéy Goods and Novelties suitable for ’Xmas and Has marked them so low that Bhsinéas is booming. Be sure and call and you will have reason to'rejoice. Highest prices paid for Butter 8L Eggs. Choicé ' Family Flour, Bacon, &c., always on hand; JOSEPH H. HALL. In stock are Boots, Shoes‘ Fine Slippers. Felt Siippers, Rubbers, Uvbr: Felt Boots, Felt Sox and Rubbersâ€"Below city prices. On the 15th Dccerflber We Will stayt a great QJJEARTNG SALE of 9115 -REJOICE!â€" R. W. WEVILKE R. NEVILLE. â€"â€"AGAIN TAKEâ€"=4~ In great variety at {he HAVING PURCHASED Constantly on hand. FOR THIS ISâ€" â€"AND THEâ€"â€" ISAAC CROSBY. Tamarac. _ Is the discovery of a landing p11ysician,and Efï¬e}: years of experimenting it is now offered you in n, perfected state as .9; neveriailing cure for Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung Complaints. MONEY TO IiE MADE,â€"-â€"It is said the dull times are not known by the great publishing bonse of George Stinsou & Co., of Portland, Maine. The reaéb‘n of this exceptional suCCeS-s is found, in the fact that they always give the public that which is keenly appreciated and at pi‘iée's that all can afford. At present- we undeietand,thelr agents are doing wonderfully well on S'eVeral new lines. They need many more agents in all parts of' the country. Those who need p‘noï¬table‘. work should apply_ at once. Not a snufl, powder or liquid,but a. preparation peculiar to itself. Easy to use,pleus_untin effect, Nasal Baum will positively Cure cold in the Head, Cutnrrh and kindred disorders; 01.! Women do as well as men. Experience is not necessary, for Messrs. Stinson & Co. undertake" to show all who are will- ing to work, not hard but earnestly, the path to large sdcléefis. It should be reâ€" liieriibered that an aï¬bnt can do a handâ€" some busineéé without being away from home over night. Another advantageâ€" lt costs nothing to give the business a trial, and an agent can devote all his time, or only his spare moments to it. Stinson (36 ()0, guarantee grand success to 'all who engage and follow siiitple and plain directions that they give. We have not space to explain all here, but full particulars will be sentfrce to those who address the ï¬rm ; their full address is given aboVe. A LARGE assortment of Teas from 15 to 70 cents per lb at the Fire Proof. Borinown’s 01ersmâ€"Go where you may in every Country and in all climes per- sons will be found who have a ready word of praise far this Ointment. For chaps, clinfes. scalds, bruises, and sprains, it is an invaluable remedy; for bid legs. b.\d breasts, and piles. it in ty he confiiently re- lied Upon for effecting a sound and per-- manent care. In eases 0f puffed uncles, etysipelnï¬, and rliehmatisiï¬, Holloway’s Ointment gives the greatest coriifnrt b’v ren- ducing the inflammation. cooling the blood, soothing the nerves, adjusting the circuIa-- tiun, and expelling impurities This Dim-- ment shotilel haile ii p‘la’ce iii Every nursery. It will cure all those manifold skin affecu tions which, originating in childhood, guin strength with the child's growth. A High Valuation. “ lflh‘tére was only one bottle of' Eagâ€" ynrd's Yellow Oil in Ménitolm I Would give one hundred dollars for it,†writes Philip H. Eram, of Monteilb, Manitoba, aï¬er having used it for a severe wound and for frozen ï¬ngers. with, as he says, " astonishn lng good results." . , Beak lt In Mind. That pure blood is 1118 life nourishment of the Body, and meané perfect health 116 (me can deny (‘leanse the blood from all impurities with B. B. 15., the best blood puriï¬er known. PEï¬tAtt FlNEb’.â€"â€"'â€"A tea pzdlar was arrested in Woodbridge recently and being brought before a magistrate was ï¬ned ten dollars and costs for peddling without a license. These vendvn's should not. be encouraged. lit the majority of ca'ses it. will be found that just as good articles can be purchased from local dealers at just as low a price. A Frequent Eï¬noyance‘; Who is there that is not frequen'tlv an- noyed by distressing headaches? Sufferers from siclt o‘r nerVous headache will find a perfect cure in Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold by all dealers in medicine. To REMOVE Emotionaâ€"lCleanse the scalp with Prof. LoW’s Magic Sulphur Soap. A delightful medicated soap for the toilet. NATmNAL PILLS are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough nurgalive, acting upon the biliary organs promptly and effecu lually. A Cmch EVIL.â€"Chi1dven are often fretful and ill when worms are the cause. Dr. Law’s Worm Syrup safely expels all Worms. . it would be interesting to know the amount of productive power annually with- drawn from the suni total of human labor by sickness, and {he amount annually re» ‘storedto that sum total by medical treat-- ment; but the details connected with such withdrawal 'and restoration Wetild be of still greater interest, Could they be ascertained. With such infotmati-m before us we might determine the relative values of the medi-4 cines in use, and rejecting the trash. adopt and administer only the true speciï¬cs In some of the unhealthy districts of India. where at certain seasons a. large portidn of ’the population is prostrated by fever and other complaints indigenous toa climate alternating between extreme heat rind rain. statisticnl inquiries of the kind suggested have been made, and the results disclose the remarkable fast that Hol.l.0wA\"S remedies are decidedly the most reliable medicines in“ a'll diseases of this class. It is stated that of the persons using them in the ï¬rst stages of sickness. very few have found it necessary to abandon their daily avocations_; and that of the sick who rc-- sorted to them in the crisis of their disord-- ers, in greater number Have been cured than by all other preparations Combined. As-- suming ‘in the absence of rebutting testi-- \many, that this statement is true; the im-- \mense popularity which Hoi.t.o’v?5i"s PILLS and Ulï¬'i‘ih‘sti‘i' hate acquired in the West indies. and other tropical climates, is not surprising. Thepreslige of their reputation in England, and her fur and wide sptead colonies, may have favorably introduced them,- bnt us We ï¬nd them at the expiration of forty years the leading Medicines in all parts at the world. the conclusion that their it'mne has been sell'--'achieved is inevitable. Wonms often destroy chiIdreï¬, but Free» man’s Worm Powders destroy Worms, and expel them from the system. The Great Draw Back on Labor NATIONAL PILLS are the favorite purga- tive and antiâ€"bilious medicine; they are mild and thorough. Presumng that our readers know what is 1 good for lhem and can distinguish a remedy from a poison Or a medicinal nrgalivc which ‘ does neimm‘ good nor harm,we congrmulate them on their Sagacin in adopting two ad-- vertised curatives in preference to sticking to mzaduertiscd abortions, which have no claims to consideration except Ilnse of' age and precedent. We have, as becomes us. a‘ m'o‘s‘t deVou'l I'C‘Spec't f)! such- mrmu'mcn’s of the past as are entitlvd m it, but not the slightest_ yeneratioxi fo'r fh'e an’iquilics of error. within which category a multitude of regul‘xr p'réscriplionsanxe inciuded'r‘Lazmâ€" tale?! Aducrlz'scre A NEW VIEW OF THE SUBJECT. What Is It. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and Wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test,shor_t weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER 00., 106 Wall Stu N.Y. N TORONTO, ON FRIDAY LAST. THE undersigned lost {N‘o notes; one drawn by Andrew McNeal and Charles McNeul, and one drawn by Andrew'Kello, both notes being in favor bf Mark Rbbjusnn. All parties are hereby warned against. negotiating above notes. HAS reilt’lutltfl ized thé world duling h‘e last half century. Not least t m‘nong (tillegnéonders of inf ve ive ‘ r0 ass a A; fat 0 I a system 0 wbflk 51m 51%; biz: berlorinfldl‘éll d’mr the country without separating the workeré from their homes. l’uy liberal ; [my one can do the work Either sex; young or old; no special ability r0- quired.’ Ctmitul not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and 1- turn to us and we will send you free something of great value and im- portnnce to you, that will. start you in business, which will bring you in more money right away than anything else in the world. Grand outï¬t free. Address, True & (10., Augusta, Maine. One 50c. package , > i ’ “’ill Convince. Beware of'dan‘gerons and, harmful Liquids, Snufls and Canterizing powders. _ Nasal Balm is entirely diï¬( ent {rum any 2 rep'amtio :‘MJ ALA. .lx...H.,_._,,_ “if Eat aï¬fainém}: at 7316711} aaxggl sis: geilf lugs-Paid on receipt of pricéi .50 cents and $1.00. FULFORD a. 00.} Brockville. Ont J. we are very pleased to hour that Mr. Jug Duucumb, of Beverley, England, is taking some ï¬ne pi :Lurus of our Schools, and likewiac (‘uhlnet Photos and Ambro-~'l‘ypes in this village, and any gonmlennm desiring different costumes to be taken in, ca. supplied at The Gallery. Cabinet pictu en uh the lowést possible price. The Ga _ is open from hnlfrpnsts in the morning 1111 in the evening. Dinner hour 12 to 1 o’clock. Richmond Hill, Dec‘r lat, 1887 marvels 01 invention. ’I‘hnse who are . in need of proï¬t Lble work that can be done Wliilé living M home should mi 01100, send their Adalreag to E! lletg 6g (3.0.. Portland. Maine,- aud receive nee n l in ofm' atioh how either sex. of all n. es, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwur a wherever they live. You are smiled free. Capital not required. Some have made. over $50 in single day at this work. All succeed SEA VVONDEBS exist in thousands of forms, but are surpassed by thé HE NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERYJXIVD we are very pleased to hour that Mr. J05 D VID Ian-A! President. LEE :3 .MUEL TRE 323., Vice-President ï¬iï¬worons: K. CHISHOLM, P. P. g. y, DWIGI so, CE! I). M. MCDONALD, ESQ C. B, ROBINSONJCSQ. A MCLEAN HO\VARD, ESQ J. GINTY, ESQ REWARDED are those who read this and then not; they will ï¬nd honorable employment that will not take them from their homes and families. The proï¬ts are large and sure to every industrious person, mtmy have made and are now making several hundred dollars per month. It, is easy for any one to muko tab and upwards per day, who is willing to work. Either sex. young or old ; capital not needed; we start you; everything new. No special ability re- quired; vou, reader, can do it as well as any one else. Write to us at once for full particulurs which we mail free. Address Stinsou &Co., RICHMOND HILL SAVING5S DEPARTMENT Deposits received and iutm'ust rii ï¬nd MC: V at current rates. N0 Ilgtï¬ce of withdrawl 19»- quired Drafts on all pufts of Cnnzulu, United States and Great Britain bought and sold. Portland, Maine“ J. M. LAWRFNGï¬ MANAGER Toronto, June 2nd 1887 THE NEW PAPER ï¬lm @mpinz, gm?) make H35 Efï¬yearance on or about the 15th I ecember. o pains are being,apmed to make the paper worthy of Canada, and of the great party of whose views it will be the ex- ponent. It will start with a. And able Journalists in every department. public may expect Full News from all quark", Able Editorials, Fair Commvenls, llcllnhlc Commercial me", inté‘l‘esuni Sporting Inlolligcnce. And all other Deputments well sustained. In“ short, THE. EM‘PIRE will be a Bright, Readable. and Reliable Paper. - “H. V!- _D,y,. nouiju; l0luvtfl'““ Everybody Looks for it. All should Read it. DALLY EMPIRE, WEEKLY EMPIRE,‘ $5 per Annum. $1 per Annum. - ". . ’ . Send m your Subscrlptlons now, accompamed by the cash, so as to commence with the ï¬rst ‘ ‘ "‘ ‘\ (‘Dï¬â€˜l’fl‘ll'l‘nn isflsï¬Ã©f Addfess, Abgbiutel’y Pure; Staff of Brilliant Writers, HTBAL BANK OF CANADA. HE haw Cohseï¬rativq mejriï¬l about to be sfa'rted in Toronto, to U5 dalled CANADA’S COMIC PAPER. W. BENGOUGH, Artist and Editor. NOTES LOST. ISSUED WEEKLY. $2 a X‘Iear; $1 {or 6 Mohths. FSUNfD GRIP PUBLISHING CO. TORONTO, ONT. MARK ROBINSON, Maple ‘ ULHIITY md ":3. LREIGHTON, Manager EMPIRE, Toruntd. A. A. ALLEN, éusï¬iai. Accurate Reports. A’u should Read it; Pleasant, harm less, and easy t use. No instru ment or Douche required. One 50c. package carnnnu, , HAY FEVER, a6: i“ Cure For flfllfl IN HEAD. POSITIVE The For Christmas Cards, and isietui‘e‘ Frames, and Xmas Presents. Greceries Away DoWn. Look, LOGk, Look! FOR 4 â€- PURE a +- ERUGS i Sanderson 131058., FARMERS MILLHMEN I RIGHMOND HILL, ONT. Is the only safe and sure Oil for Self-Binders, Threshing Machines and Mill Machinery generally. Manufa‘clnrâ€" ed by EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing 011-109, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of ,Subaexi t‘a‘iop zâ€"E'pl 00 per. annum in advance. When no nud ib Li'tivunce $160 will be charged. Trunsitory advertisements, ï¬rst insertion, porline .................................. Scents. Each subsaquent insertion, per line. 3 cents. per hue. ' 8 cents‘ Each subsequent insertion, per line. 3 cents Contracts for time and space made on applica- tiou. Alivm-us‘éhjepta Without wgitten instructions will be inserted in‘til forbid and charged transi- ent rates. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain orcntiing teeth ‘2 If so, send at once and get it bottle of MRS WINSLoW‘s SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETEING. Its value is inculcul- able It will relieve the poor little sufferer im-- modiutely Depend ,v‘pon it, mothers, there is no mistqu about it, It bures dysentery and diur- l‘hulu, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wiin colic,lspfte1}§ the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, and gn‘es tone and energy to the whole system. MRS WmsLoW‘s SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING ispleasunt to the tasteï¬nd is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States. and is for sale by all druggists through-- out the world Price twenty-ï¬ve cents a. bottle Be sure and ask for " Mns \VINSLOW’B SOOTHING Sun] 1’ " and take no other kind. M00011 Bros. 8: (30,, M. H. KEEI‘LER, WEE; Vegetablé; Highly Con’eéntratéd. Pleasant, EEedtuaL Safe. q. ASK FO R . ER. REUBENS GDMPDUNB $2500 TO LEND 0n Farm Mortgages at 6 per cent. No legal expenses. Larger sums at less rates. vlichmond Hill; Déc lst,ISSG. $5000 TO Ill-END Take no other; 5615 Everywhefe. Price, ’iJ cents per bottle. 1) R. ,HQI)D ER’S EflUEH RN11 LUNG IIIJRE Sold everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers. THE UNION MEDICINE 00.. TORONTO. CAN. ï¬eld! Ire scarce. but those who write to Stinaon a Co..1’ortlnnd. Mainemill receive fr“, full information about work which they can do, and “up! homa.that will my them from $5 to $5 per dny. Some have earned over $30 in a day. Either sex. young or old. Capital not rpqujrccl. You M5 M51181 ï¬res. who start m once A†:. “on are nbsolutefy sure of sun: little fortunes. LOVELLS Gazetteer and History -â€"OF THE? DOMINION 015 CANADA, m 9 V‘oLUMEmovALSVOL. 0 BE COMMENCED wï¬Ã©névm .a,. sufï¬cient; number of su‘bscribequ‘f'i? obtained to cover cost ui publication; Snbs‘c iption to the Nine Volume-$745475, to tha Province of Ontario u! to Quebec $11290, to New Brunswick or to Now} Scotiu $11 50, to Manitoba or to British Colum- bia. 369,50. to Prince Edward Island or. in North \Vesb Teriicories $9.50. «Euchl’rovince to have a Map. Please send for Prospectus, Montreal, 4th Augï¬Ã©t, 1886. 011 Notes and chattel MditgagÃ©ï¬ at 6;? 1139.8. 8 per cent. The York ï¬eraid. LARDINE MACHiNE ADVICE T0 MOTHERS GHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS; Anqssolg by R. W. NEVILLE; Richmond Hill: PUBLISHED BY mflixm; MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED I HAVE JOHN LOVELL, SAVACE’S Manager audPuinsheJ; E. F. LAN GSTAFF. LIver Complaint, D spepsia, Bi 'ousness. vSick Headache. Kislpsyh mm“! and all Impurities of the Blood from what-: ever cause uzjising. Female \Veuk- nossqsm & Debility‘ C U R ES Skin Diseasé's All is new. Thankful for the favo'i‘s ,0! till) past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fermion, as folanB: Ri'clgxgoyd Hi} 9th & 24th of each month (th Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Stoufl'ville . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . ....18th Markham ...... .. . .. . Victoria Square .. .2lst Thoruhill E Walker‘s Hotel) 23rd. Woodbrldge ..... . ..28th Kleinlnu‘g .. .. .29th Noblcton .30th S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., Vltalized Air for extracting. I will ï¬ll teem) without, puin at the lowest prices. Best. teeth on rubber $8, cheapest- $6. Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stoufl'ville . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . ....18th 115 Markham ...... . ..... 2m do Victoria. Square . .. ...2lsh do Thoruhill E \Vulker‘s Hotel) 23rd. do Woodbrldge . .. ...28th do Kleinblu‘g .. . . ...29th do Noblcton .. . ..30th (’6 \‘imlized mt always on hand 81%: “$9 plnbés of mupointmenb; It does a.wa Wxth the pan in extracting This House is (met! 583‘. B'e'st Ho‘t'éls to be to Adporth of Toronto. E'ver thingia night].de in i‘li‘ét Classstyle. Sample 001.11 for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stamng and attentive hostlers. Terms. 351 per day; P-rdï¬tor'a Bus loaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Twins going North. 211.1% Sputh.‘ [it 8 a! m., 12 a. 1.1)., 5.10 p m. and 6200 m. VITA LIZED All! 2 Rogers’ Dental Oï¬ice RICHMONB HiLL. BEST FITTING TEETH MADE THEWPALMER HOUSE RICHMOND. _HiLL: '- J Palmer. Pi‘oio, m EBNTHAI. HflTEI. '71. in Hntél has boon roturnisbcd, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rsï¬-gliws style. and is now the ] ding_Hotel north g‘f T012011“): The bag is sup“ U W . “0.-.â€. -.. v.“ .. plied with ï¬rebclasuwund of liquors and cigars. Excellent accon} caution for Commercial Travellers, and the aneml Public Good Stabl- iuu and an attentive Hustler. _ V magmas!) mu.“ G. GiLMbUR, i’rOp. Assurance Soc’y Of London, England.. .; Sir Wm MGArthur, K C. M G,,M. P, eX-Lord Mayor of L‘ohdon, President. THE STAR Jolm grï¬lionnldl, Esq.. C. J. 0am bell, L‘qu Huh. SmmtorMcMagter A. M‘ Smit Esq; J tunes Metcalfe, Esq. Rev: Enoch Wood, D... Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at 5 per cent intnreht‘. Lounsmwle toChu‘mh Trustees, at, :1. law rate 0 interest. Send my prosyectus. E.A.W. I F0 Veterinary Sï¬fgbdn 2’ Ofï¬ce & ResidmeÃ©ï¬ 1‘13, 0 P. O. Butfoni‘i‘l‘leâ€"Efgvï¬gg Feb. QmUSSS Gi‘aduatc Ontario Veterimu‘y Cbliiegis“: 'l’umnto‘ C. H. RIGGS, L.. D. s., W Bayn'es..Esd,F J; A‘Secretary Reserve Fund; ; £ . . . $10,000,000 Annqu Incoiï¬e . . . . . . 1.600.000 Invested in Cï¬hfida. .. 1.200.000, Death claxms paid. ,1 10,000,000 “TORONTO [im‘msscgs- .. . grï¬lionnld, Esq.. C. J. Camgbefl, L‘qu Smuntnvnfnlwnuonu A ww emu mm“ I And. Vitalized Air xise‘ii my time. Nothing inferior in Dentistry. ï¬gmm mam. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AUifbhA Sec. & Trent; for Canada. 32 Wellington St... East, Toronto TORONTO. gaunt. LIFE ,A . I), PERRY, Day and night calls' promptly attend ed to mg and attentive a}: P-rdï¬tor's Bus fit]; all the N R R ..‘ M, Sal m., 12 a. Dec 15!; 1883 tTO‘t. , 4th ,on. 1:13, 0‘; Mukï¬hnii R. B. Orr, N. B. and Firé} hSilger Medalist Univcrsiby of Toronto, M. C. 1’. 8. Ontario. L. 5 LV, Englund (Late Of tendon; Band-L33}. b; “mightc. ‘. ‘ . 1:023ch Huurs s to 9.30 a..m., and 1 to £30 pm}, RICIinioND HILL, GREG. omcohom 10 a. ‘m. Ah night calls at 1283?: door bell Rinhmond Hill; May 39th, 1887. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF! Aï¬ï¬ Member College of Phyllcllni I Sargoon {LATE OF mom'vach OFFICE HOURS,â€"â€"Fr0m 8 £9 10 a. 11)., 5' to 3 [Lil 111361153801: Yonge Street, Richmond Hm. 1m. W. J. WILSUN; MEDALIST rename mm , h, H y . ‘ . ,M . Barristers, Attorneys-ut-Ifnw, A Chancery. Conveymmers, etch 6%. ,h. _'u) at 9,, Bank Buildings.\Vellingbon-atreet; Eust,Tox-onto J om: Brim: (3.2.0. Wni LAiDLAW, Q 0 C A MASTEN; _ 620mm Karma Money to Loan at L'o'u'}ést Curréni Rdiéi’. A G F LAWRENCE. '1‘ C MmanAx.‘ N0v27th,1884 ‘ 18 King Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Oï¬ce Every Sunday: Toronto. Maw 2%)], 1884. LAWRENCMIMILLIEAN BAIN, LAIDL‘AW 8:, b0: Fullerton Cook 85 Miller CONVEYANcEiiS; Toronto Ofï¬ces-Eï¬gï¬ï¬‚‘ Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce-E Worth their IVeigh: 111V éoId! PilEs & flintmeï¬t This Incomparable Mediélite Ba's secur- ed for itself an imperighable fame throughout the World fr}? {he alleviation and cure of most d1565$68 to which humanity is he‘ii‘; increase the secretory powors of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and mymlriug the frame. Are pleasant to take. Contain iii/6!} 0;; Purgntive. Is a. safe. mm. and cflpgtnnl desirous:- ol warm: in Childrqn 91- Adults. purify, rngulnte and imptoye the quality 0' 00d. They assist the digestive organs. 019W “Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by ï¬heir use alone they bane been matured to health and strength, after every, when“ means had proved unnauceessflulv. FREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS. geeentgfqiia ‘m‘saaggcsgaï¬a: proimztiom BAD mes. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS Coughs, Sore Throws, Bronchitis} mid 13.11 disorii: ers of the. Thu ‘5 and Chest, u§,&lԤ%Gput. Rhm} mtmism. Sum! 'u and other-Md 0 skin dihem' mm sold'at‘l‘s.IQJWQSASXJH; 6:1‘..1‘1‘s...2m&m2 eigqhï¬ox r1qu ’nï¬hnnf‘ihinA with at; 36 cents (IA.'I“;‘01\‘â€"T hnve no Agent in Ilia: United Sigwxs, nor are mv Medldm‘é's‘ 50k? {Km-0. Pu‘rchakers shuuld lhéi‘efore look‘ to the lube} on the Pots ind quéi _ Iflhe‘ uddresé is not 533, Oxford Srrééj, Lbndot llwv aw. splilri‘uud. ‘3‘ _ _.,v, will bu found invaluable in every Hbuieï¬olii lit? the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. Manufactured only at Profess’ or HoHowav’s Establishment 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON blL/Onl/SIVE‘W,‘ "â€" HEé/NESS, ' DYSPEPS/A, DROPSY,_ ~ INDIGESTION, Harm?de , ,.,. JA UND/CE. or THE Harm ERYSIPELAS, ACID/TY 0F .. {EMT RHEUM, THE STOMACW, HEARTBUR/V, DRYNES8 ., HEADACHE, V OF {ME spy, And every species of dlseaso a'rlsln -from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, 5T ACIQ BOWELS OR BLOOD, r}: ï¬gfli‘l’Ay'miH'feéioinas are a, and also at Washington. myï¬t’l‘m-dob - _ gistated 111 Ot‘mw' 33 Oxford street. Londnn WILL CURE QR. RELIEVE ’i'. MILBURN & £550.. Richniona H111, Oct; 12th, ’82. BarristéfsSGliQiters. J S Fullerton STOMACH AND BOWELB. DR. J-. A. PAEQSER, Barristers, Solicitors, 8w. OflJces 110115011 w Cook, 21 R Millet.- PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. an. ORRLMAPLE, 5319:“an P. 0. Box l88. 0n Saturdays. 2mm. THOMAS HOLLOW» ,Ni‘)‘. 14' Buildm' 52 L032} chamberaflé‘l‘ route. t.‘ J'am' RE 1' 91 Bear of £55 CentralBan'H