We have no high prices like credit stores. No Gift. Sales, our proï¬ts are too small, but we give a. dollar’s worth of goods for a 55 every time, Come and see. At Slaughter Prices In stock are Boots, Shoes, Fine Slippers. Felt Slippers, Rubbers, Over-- 311008, Felt Boots, Felt. Sox and Rubbersâ€"Below city prices. On the 15th December we will start a great CLEARING SALE of our big stock of Men’s and Boys’ Ova-coats of all sizes, Ladies’ Coats. Jackets, and ‘other heavy Winter Goods, and BARGAINS YOU SHALL HAVE. Weghave just received a full line of FRESH GROCERIES, Icing Sugar, New Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Figs, Nuts, &c. THE HOLIDAY TRADE THE YEAR OF JUBILEE â€"IS GIVING THEâ€" BIGGEST BARGAINS 1N RICHMOND HILL. Fine Teas, Groceries, Provisions, Canned Goods, Crockery,’j Solid Boots 85 Shoes, 850., AT GOOD N EWVS BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. THE FIRE PROOF ! DRY GOODS. Every Department Complete. Dress Goods in the New Makes and ï¬Leading Colors,â€"â€"Oheap. IMW’ESJTE' WSJEBJEE MILLINERY AND MANTLE GOODS Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&c. NEVER DEFEATED. DOMINION ORGANS & PIANOS â€"â€"â€"AGAIN TAKEâ€" FIRST PRIZE AT MARKI-IAM FAIR I have shown the Dominion Organs and Pianos 38 times at our local fairs of Markham, Scarboro, Brougham, Stouffâ€" ville, and Goodwood, and have TAKEN 38 FIRST PRIZES Ijefeating ‘every Organ and Piano that have been shown. Proving them the best instiuments that are manufactured. THE “NEW WILLIAMS!†Got Six First Prizes this year at Markham for Sewing Machine work. I have a large stock of these excelâ€" lent Instruments and Machines on hand in my new show rooms on Main Street. Call and inspect my stock. WM. FLEMING. ‘Add ‘MAIN-STBEET. - MARKHAM. ,2i New Fall and Winter A large assortment of Worsted Suitings and Canadian Tweeds at snch low prices as will astonish our friends. ’ ONTARIO HOUSE Is now ï¬lled with a Large and Splendid Assortment of Fancy Goods and Novelties suitable for ’Xmas and Has marked them so low that business is booming. Be sure and call and you will have reason to rejoice. Highest prices paid for Butter 8:. Eggs. Choice Family Flour, Bacon, &c., always on hand. -REJOICE!â€" R. W. NEVILLE . W. NEVILLE. In great variety at the HAVING PURCHASED Constantly on hand. â€"â€"-FOR T HIS ISâ€" â€"â€"AND THE-â€" ISAAC CROSBY. JOSEPH H. HALL. This query is frequently put to the indomitable and persistent canvasser as a “ poser †by certain obtuse tradesmen who, in response to his eloquent appeals, cannot be got to see their advantage in well selected publicity. To all such, we would simply say (says a contemporâ€" ary) that the man who advertises any~ thing that is reasonably good, and adâ€" vertises it well, is sure to succeed. The reader does not need to go far in search of an example, and one among many, of the worldly wisdom of courting all the publicity the Press afl'ords for agood marketable commodity, when the proâ€" prietor or vendor really means business. The late Mr. Perrins, of Worcester,â€"a great benefactor to his native cityâ€"left by his will a fortune of £700,000, which he amassed by the manufacture of the famous " Worcester Sauce.†The secret of making the sauce is said to have been brought from India some years ago by a Mrs. Grey. It was secured by Messrs. Lea & Perrins, who proved it to be of precious value. The ï¬rm manufactured the article; they made it well, advertised it extensively in every part of the Globe, and succeed- ed in making themselves famous as well as rich. ' It is rather a curious fact that the most successful advertisers are chemists. They discover a fairly good marketable article, and, if they have suflicient cap- ital to advertise it, success is at once assured . The World’s famous pillâ€"men, Holloway, Beeches), Cockle and a host of others, stand forth in corroboration of the saying that “a good thing must not be hidden,†but publicly blazoned wherever and and in whatever language printers’ ink can carry conviction to people’s mind. If we want conspicuous illustrations in these days of modern advertising enterprise, Pears' Soap,†“ Eno’s Fruit Salt,†" Cadbury’s Co- coa.†“ Hop Bitters," “ Lamplough’s Pyretic Saline,†and numerous other household words suggest themselves to the mind, and the list might be conâ€" tinued ad infinitum. Clearly, the prinâ€" ciples of good advertising is ï¬rst to get a good thing, and then let all the world know you have it. A Remarkable Case. Frederick Wieze, of Minden, Ont, SUIT-- ered with running sores on both legs which the best of physicians failed to cure. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him completely. Scrofula always due to bad blond, is curable when timely treated with Tm: Canadian and Grip Almanacs for sale at the HERALD store. Of Great Utility. There is no other medicine of such-4, gen-- eral usefulness in [he household as Hag- vard's Yellow Oil for the cure of rheumaâ€" tism, neuralgia, sore thmnt and all internal and external pains and injuries. THE STOVEs To Go.â€" The Grand Trunk Railway has decided to test the new system of heating the cars direct from the locomotive, abolishing stoves, which have been so disastrous to wreckâ€" ing trains. The "l\1artin’_’ system will shortly be tried on the Cornwall Branch and the “Sewail†system on the Ottawa section The apparatus has been severely tested on the Maine Cenâ€" tral Railway. and the results are said to have been most satisfactory. Steam is taken from the locomotive and trans- mitted through pipes the whole length of the traina The arrangements are very simple and effectual. The couplâ€" ing of the pipes is perfect. allowing free passage without any obstruction, and the system has proved its adaptability to all degrees of temperature. The cars are thoroughly independent of one another. A single valve in the centre of each car regulates the degree of heat. The pipes are also arranged for the drainage of the condensed steam to preâ€" vent freezing. It is the intention to ultimately adopt the system on all trains if the present experiment proves successful. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your test by in sick child suï¬ering and crying with pain or cutiing teeth ‘2 If so, send at once and get [1. bottle of BIKE WINSLoW’s SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalcul- able. It will relieve the poor little suï¬erer im-- mediater Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diur- rhoeu, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mns WrNsLow’s BOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING ispleasunt to the tasteï¬nd is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the Umted States. and is for sale by all druggists through-- out the world Price twentv-flve cents a bottle Be sure and ask for “ Mics WINSLow‘s 5001‘me SYRUP " and take no other kind. IIOLLOWAY’S Piusâ€"The ills oflife are increased tenfold by the mode of life so many have to lead ; most especially is this the case amongst the toilers in our factories and huge workshops of the manufacturing districts whose digestions become impaired and nervous systems debilitated by the proâ€" tracted conï¬nement and forced deprivation of healthy outâ€"ofâ€"door exercise. The fee-- tory workers may almost be said to have diseases of their own, readily amenable, however, to treatment if not allowed to proceed unchecked. Holloway’s Pills are 1the most effectual remedy ever discovered lfor the cure of liver and stomach com- plaints, as they act surely but gently, regu-- lating the secretions without weakening the nerves or interfering with the daily work. Description. Pleasing, soothing, healing, relieving, curing, is the description of Nasal Balm, which is recoiv- ing a national reputation as a cure for Catarrh. Cold in the Head, Hay Fever, etc. What’s the Use of Adver- tising ? A live practical Monthly Magazine, with illus- tration and colored plates of fruits and flowers, devoted to the ORCHARD. THE GABI_)~\§,_‘T‘HE LAWN, WINDOW GARDEN, AND, FORESTRY, Edited by an experienced Fruit Grower, and published by the Fruit Growers’ Association of Ontario. Articles contributed by the leading ï¬rqiggmwerp and floriapg pf pntario‘ Suï¬scription price $1.00 also eiiiitling the sub- scriber to u. selection from the ANNUAL DISTRIBUTIQNA 0F TREES AND PLANTS '7 7"__†""' and to a. copy of the Annual Report. for 1887 Twe Sample Copies for 100. Addre ss Horticulturist. ADVICE T0 MOTHERS ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. The Canadian Horticulturist, :GRIMSBY, ONT‘ THE CANADIAN ship in the road. 'J'IIE G. T. R.â€"1tis ieported around the Union Depot, that the Northern trains will pass through the depot, and use the G. T. R. tracks commencing from next. week. This islooked upon as an indication of a change of ownerâ€" Sam 16 copies of the different publications maile on application. Agents wanted in every town and village. steadfastly for forty-two ,years the WEEKLY WITNESS has held to principles which have stood the tests of time, ridicule and of opposition. fair and unfair, and the witness today speaks to sixty Where in 1846 it spoke to one. Its growth has been both rapid and steady. Its publishers, desirous of still further increasing its circulation, have this year gone to large expense to secure a. reproduction of THE LATEST MASTERPIECE of Davidson Knowles (who WM; selected by Qneen Victoria, to paint the scene at Princess Beatrice‘a wedding), entitled ' ‘ i It depicts the memorable scéne with startling realism, reproducing in» oilagnall the richness of lORillilNTAL COLOIBING. ‘T é‘piycture, efgtï¬lted )y egreat-est an; 3min; , n ,: Wou ring $1.50 it sold, but is WEE? ngdLUSIVELY F93; SUBSCIEIB‘EBg'tq'Lha WITNESS. The NORTHERN MESSENGER still continues to be the favorite in the home pircle and Sabbath School, and commencing with: January ï¬rst with new type, ï¬ner paper and other improvements, Will be more attractive than ever. Prizes of Books are given to friends who canvass for it. Annual subscription. 300., {with reduction clubs This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomenegs. More economical than the ordinary 'kiuds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test,short Weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans, ROYAL BAKING POWDER 00., 106 Wall St, N. Y. Sufl‘er the Little Children to Come Unto Me. In 1860 the DArï¬Y WxTrmsniwas launched, and like the WEEKLX, to advocate the same prin- ciples regardless of cost.‘ The picture.Ҥufler Little Children to Come 33;: Me,†and the géktiLY WITNESB,$325¥r; t e paper alone, . 0. 1‘ less, and easy 3 use. No instru ment ox- Douche Pleasant, hung " One 500. package Will Convince. . of dim arena-and harmful Liquids Beware ..i!1gg powders. Nasal-Balm i5 ' VriieMï¬ich VSE‘Zï¬Ã©Vvï¬ï¬} wfiï¬ï¬gsmand pic- 171136 5 ‘1:25;_the paper alone. $1.09. "ï¬ï¬Ã©â€™t 5137555613 éFyB-ï¬â€˜i' Iii-Eggx’sts‘.’ éeht pré-pflid on receipt of price. 50 cunts and 81-00- FULFORD 6b 00-. Brockvllle. Ont. SEA WONDERS exist in thousands of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels ot inventitm. Those who are in need of proï¬table work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett dz 00.. Portland, Maine, and receive free full information how either sex. of all 5 ea, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwar s wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made. over $50 in single day at this work. All succeed CE! DAVID BLAIN, EEQ., President. SAMUEL TREES, ESQ, Vice-President. CHISEOLM, M. M. MCDONALD, B, ROBINSONJC MULEAN HOWA K. H. D. C. A J. GINTY, ESQ P. P. P. DWIGHT, Esq†Esq : :35, Esq RICHMOND HILL SAVING’S DEPARTAIENT Deposits received and interest allowed thereon at current rates. N0 notice of withdrawl re-- quired Drafts on all parts of Canada. United States and Great Britain bought and said. J. M. LAWRENCE MANAGER Toronto, June 2nd 1887 THE NEW PAPER; GRIP is increasing in influence and ofularity every year! It is a su eme hou'sehokip avmite. while every Politician an Professional and Business _Man en'oys the clever bits which appear in every Issue. ubscrlbe now! g» our Premium and Clubbing List. Circulars giV'I‘ @112 Gimme, See oérrPremium and Clubbing List. Circulars giv‘ ing full particulars sent free. HLook out for Grip’s Comic Almanac for 1888., Price 10 cents. ADDRESS, .uL -.__ r ROYALMW‘I human I“ Will make ics mp eamnce on or about the mm of December. 0 pains are being spared to make the paper worthy’of Canada, and 01 the great party of whose views it will be the ex- ponent. It, will start. with a And able Journalists in eVery‘degmrtment. public may expec Full News from all quill-fl, Able Editorials, Full Commenll, Reliable Commercial New-I, Interesting Sporting Intelligence-l Absolutely Pure: Ever; Son?! in your Subscriptions now, accompanied by the cash, so as to commence with the ï¬rst issue. Address. D. GREIGHTON, u nnnnnn v‘mmu 'l‘nrnnto. NTRAL BANK OF CANADA. Staff of"*BrilliéntIWriiers, 111! new Conservative J oumal about to be started in Toronto, to be called CANADA’S COMIC PAPER. W. BENGOUGH, Artist and Editor. XSSUED wu‘nxu. $2 a Year; $1 for 6 Months. 42 YEARS. DLREQTQRS. GRIP PUBLISHING (30. J on DOUGALL '& SON, Publispe‘x‘rafh ‘ «gamma on or about the 15th 0 pg.in ‘are beling spflare‘d‘:o W "ï¬Tï¬iï¬iï¬ï¬'ï¬bN, Manager EMPIRE, Toronto. A. A. ALLEN. Cashier. TORONTO, ONT- Accurate Report'- MILD Ill HEAD. GATAHBH, ll" FEVEH, 80. M‘éntreal‘ Cure For acqorgpanied‘ The For Christmas Cards, and Picture Frames, and Xmas Presents. Groceries Away Down. Look, Look, Look! .. SAVAGE’S FOR - - PURE - - DRUGS} ! Sanderson Bros.9 RICHMOND HILL, ONT. FARMERS 8: MILL-MEN ! Is the only safe and sure Oil for Self-Binders, Threshing Machines and Mill Machinery generally. Manufacturâ€" ed by EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscription :â€"$1 00 per annum in advance. When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. Trunsitory gdvertisements, ï¬rst insertion, c _,._..|... ‘1wuuuu., MM per line. 8 cents. Each subsequent insertion, per line... .. 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applies.- tion. Advertisements Without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged trausi-- ent rates. REWARDED are those who read this and then not; they will ï¬nd honorable employment that will not take them from their homes and families. The proï¬ts are large and sure to every industrious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars per month. It is easy for any one to make $5 and upwards per day, who is willing to work. Either sex. young or old ; capital not needed; we start you; everything new. No Special ability re- quired ; vou, reader, can do it as well as any one else. Write to us at once for full particulars which we mail free. Address Stinson &Co., M00011 Bros. & 00., Portland, Maine. M. H. KEEFLER, VOu Farm Mortgages at 6 per cent. No legal expenses. Larger sums at less rates. $2500 TO LEND Richmond Hill, Dec 13t,1886. $5000 TO LENp HAS revolutionized the world during the last; lmlf century. Not least. among the wonders of in- ventive progress is a. method and system of work that can be berformed all over the country without; ‘ separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work. Either sex; young or old; no special ability re- quired. Capital not. needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free something of great value and im: portanee to you, that will start you in business; which will bring you in more money right aWay than anything: else in the world. Grand Otitï¬t. free. Address, True 85 Co., Augusta, Maine. Purely Vegétablé. Highly Concentrated. Pleasant, Effectua], Safe. Take no other. Sold Everywhere. Price, '13 cents per bottle. DR. HODD ER’ mm m LIINESL'IIHE Sold everywhere. Price, 25- cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers. THE UNION MEDICINE 00., TORONTO, CAN. 011 Notes and Chattel Mortgages at 6, 7 and 8 per cent. LOVELLS Gazetteer and History -â€"OF THE-â€" DOMINION OF CANADA, IN 9 VOLUMES, ROYAL 8 VOL. 0 BE COMMENCED whenever a sufï¬cient number of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of publication. Subscription to the Nine Volumes 4575. to the Province of Ontario or to Quebec $12,541,?» New Brunswick or to Nova, b‘cotia. $1] $0,111 Manitoba ot't‘o British, Colum~ bin $9.50, to Prince Edward Island or to Noflh West Territories $9.50. Each Province to hsve a Map. Please send for Prospectus, Montreal, 41h August, 1886. The York Herald. LARDINE MACHINE ASK FOR DR. HDBDER’S flflMPflUNB CHEMISTS a; DRUGGISTS, And Sold by R. W. NEVILLE, Richmond Hillt PUBLISHED BY gammy. MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED I HAVE JOHN LOVELL, Manager and Publisher E. F. LANGSTAFF. C U R E 8 Live; Cozï¬glaint, stpeï¬sm. Biliousness Sick Headacï¬e. Kidney Mubles, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all Impurities of the Blood from what-1 ever cause arising. Femalé Weak- nesses & Debilitgy. S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., TO RON TO. Thanklul for the favor: of the past years may still be consulted many branch at the pro fession, as follows : Richngopd Hgl 9th & 241:1! of each month Vltallzed Air for extracting. I will ï¬ll teeth without pain at the lowest prices. Best teeth on rubber $5, cheapest $6. (at PalmerHouae) " '7 7 7* Aurora, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Stouflville ...... ....18th Markham. .. .20th chtoriq Sguarl; 11153; VITA LIZED AIR ! Victoria Square . . . . . . . . 215: (1'6 Thomhill (Walker's Hotel) 23rd do Woodbridge ..... . ...28th do Kleinburg . ...29th do Nobleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 80th do Vitalizod air always on hand at the places of appointment. It does away with the plan in extracting - Rogers’ Dental Ofï¬ce RICHMOND HILL. BEST FITTING TEETH MADE LOW f’HICES THE PALMER HOUS This House is aim of the Best, quels to be found north of Toronto. Ever mm§ in managéd in First Class Style. Sample 00m 61' Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stnbling and attentive hostlers. Terms, 81 per day. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 9. m., 12 a. m.. 6.10 p m. and 6.00 n m. RICHMOND HILL. .1 Palmer. Prc GRAN]! EBNTIIAI. Hll'l'lil. This Hotel has been refumished, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rat~cleee style, and is now the lending Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup- Elied with ï¬rsfrcleee brand of II more and cigars. xcellent accommodation or Commercial Travellers, and the General Public Good Stabl- im: and an attentive Hustler. G. GILMOUR, Prop. THE STAR Assurance Soc’y Sit Wm MoArthur, K C M G, M. P, ex-Lord Mayor of London. President. W W Baynes,Esq,F I A‘Secretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1.600.000 Invested in Canada. . . [200,000 Dealh claims paid. . . . 10,000,000 Ton.on REFERENCES. John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Camglbell, Esq., Eon. SenatorMcMaster A.M. Bmit ,~,Esq.: James Mebcalfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood! D. Loans made on security of Company's Policy at 5 per cent interest. Loanamade toChutch Trustees, at a low rate 0 interest. Sand for prospectus. HAZW. GEO. F. KELLY, Veterinary Surgeon ! Graduate Ontario Veteriï¬ary College, Toronto. Ofï¬0e & Resvidence-ngfoï¬'nfgfkhm; P. O. Buttonvilleéï¬ggï¬ï¬â€˜} 335315333 Feb. madam C. H. RIGGS, 1... D. s., And Vitalixed Air used any time; Nothing interior in Dentistry. 593nm «Ear-115. Dr A ROBINSON. RICHMOND HILL. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA 366. & Trans. {moan-211a,. 82 Welh’nflo‘n $15.,- Eaat. Toronto Of London, England. flmml. LIFE A D PERRY. D'ec' Is: 1888 Sh}? places pf R. B. Orr, M, B. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. ,L. A L, England (Late Of London, England) Surgeon, Etc. . V . Lï¬â€˜Oflice Hours 8 to 9.30 a..m.. and 1 to 2.30 pm, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF 2 glamour, 11m, 0m. omce hour 10 a, m. \All nighy cullsgttront doot\bel! Richmond Hill, May 30th, 1887'. ,7. “ : Member College of Physician a Surgeon“. (LATE or swommvmnn.) OFFICE HOURS.â€"From 8 to 10 9.. m., I to 8 p. m nxsnmncn Yonge Street, Richmond , Hm. Richmond H111. Oct. 12th, ’82. ' 111:. W, J. WILSON, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Chancery. bonfeyanciars, etc. dflicoséimieï¬a Bank Bufldjngs.WelIington-street, Easti'l'oro'ï¬w J arm Bsquc. ‘ Wm LAIDLAW.~ Q Q C A human. 630mm Kama BAIN, LAIDLAW 85 CO: Banish)", Attomeyd-utâ€"Luw. Soliciï¬q‘rs-‘m QMPCEYY: _.C°“Y9Â¥%B°°?s- 9‘? 03193TIE‘P9ï¬? Richmond 3111 Post as» Every satedâ€. Fullerton, Cook & Miller Barristers, Solicitors,&o.- Ofï¬ce! 18 King Street East, Toronto. PRIVATE FUND‘S- To LOAN'. Toronto. May 29th; 1884.- LAWRENEMMILLIE‘AN CONVEYANCE‘M; Era; , ~15 .1413 't’Id‘" 1651mm Toronto Ofï¬ces'c§ambe33,1§$§mqm at. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceéï¬fï¬ifgnfï¬ On Saturdaysa Mo‘n‘ey to Loan at Lowest Curreï¬t Ram. A G F LAWRENCE. ’1‘ O my. Nov 27th, 1884 - . Worth their EVeight. in Gold! at:- WILL CURE OR RELIEVE ' BIL/OUSNESS’, o YSPEPSIA, INDIGESTIO/V, JAUIVDIC‘E. EHYS‘IPELAS, slur RHEUAI, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, WORM POWDERS. Are plauunt to take. Comm their 011 Purgntlvo. In a late. mm, and 0mm“ documen- of mm in children or Adda. Pills & flintment This Incomparable Medicine has secur. ed for itself an imperis‘h‘able fame throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. ’ And EVery edes of discus arlsln disordered IVER, KIDNEYS, STOï¬nAOH. BOWELS on BLOOD, :. T. HILBURR 8: $0“- iucfemfe the†sedt’etor‘y powers of the Liver, brace the nervous gystem. and throw into the circula- tion .the _ purest Elements tor sustaining and repairing the frame. Barristers,Solicitors, Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. will bu found inv’hlnnbie in every Household m. the clife of Open Sores. Hard Tumours, and sold at In. 11d.,2s.9d~.,.4m 6d'.,118., 22mm! 333 each Box and Pot, and in Canada at 36 cents 90 cents, and $150 0813453, and the large sizes in‘ proportion. ' Coughs. Sore Tin-outs, Bronchitis. and an di'aom? ers of the Throat and Chest, as also 6395, Rheu matism. Scrufqu and ether kinda! sflnvdiseaso J S FullerSon W Cook; J B Miller; Manufac'tured only at PrOfess or Hollowav’s Establishment 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON (ff? CAUTION-F have no Agent in the United Stmrm nor are mv Medicihos sold thew. Il’nrchme‘rs ï¬huuld therefore look to 1he lube? on the Pets and Boxes. If the udchess is not 53-3, Oxford" Street, Londo‘l they are spurious. The dee'Mm'ks of my said Medicines nra' gistered m Ottawa, and also at Washington 33 Oxiord: suave, London. BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS rurlfy, re magma im'pfhye the duality or Loud. T ey assist the dige’s‘tivé organs, 0195115 STOMACH AND BOWELSr DR. J. -A. . PALMER, DR. ORR, MAPLE, ggtctl‘ical..w P. O. Box l88. @an / Dill/IVES , maps 7, ' ' FLUTTERIM) ms aromaâ€, DRYNESS . ; or THE mu, op run/Elï¬n“ ADIDITY 0F ' ’ THOMAS HOLLOW! Jun. 5th 19! Proprlgtgl Into 1033M Central Bank 1mm