’ The above notice will have to be acted :‘upon'by the many creditors of the Bank iijtrmthis village and' vicinity. Unâ€" fortunately there _ure too many here who will lur'gely'loserhy this institution, and miniâ€"1 who from» day to day suffer through their funds being locked up fjn‘it.‘ VWe read the following in an cxÂ¥ ' change which, no doubt is only one of cases of the same nature. It up- , peat-e. to us. the Banking Act wants a thorough overhauling at the hands of the government. ",‘5 In connection with the liquidation"_ot‘ the Central Bank a paint has risen ."ot' eonsidereble interest to the-,puhlic generally, but more partic- nlarly‘ to some of those'who have the. misfdrtune 'to stand in the double posiâ€"f trion bf *, creditbr's ; Va‘s depositors and of debtpnsqur- notes discounted. John Smith being it; want of funds had a notetfor $500 discounted, but in a short time“ 'afterwurd, ‘receiving 8600 mm anot . er source, deposited it in the bank, so as to have-the fundson hand to meet this note when it fell due v In the mean- itime-the hauls suspend,ed,'n'nd the inter- esting question for the aforesaid Smith 'now is, whether,his-deposit will be taken ‘3' to offset the note, or will he have to ï¬nd fu'nds now to meet the latter and wait patiently ‘to get. his deposit returned sometime in the future. There can be “no question as to what would be equitable l - in such a case, for it would be a great hardship to compel a'mau,perhaps at great inconvenience, to provide other means of meeting his note when he had the funds to do so locked up in the bank to which the note was owing; but us the lii'w is understood at present, it appears he will have to do so.†' "."'4'1 _ : 31in for the North; ‘via.' Railway, feaveq'oncga day, in the mornigg, as -Wé.’atited. ’ ' The acquisition of the Northern by the‘Grnn‘d Trunk, however it may ultâ€" girnntely effect the English bond-holders, iii-lust prove an advantage to the country through which it runs, as the Grand Trunk, fully alive'to what is required of' it. in these days of keen competition, ,will fully rec uip the road and improve the service. or many years the North- ernhas been one of the most conservaâ€" tive railway corporations in the country. hidrowsy, ï¬fteemmileâ€"an hour line. con- 'tent' with the small’ but substantial reâ€" {turns - 'of'slovmess, am} secure in‘the “turn poly bf a trade which competition looses yet taken little from it.“ Un- der the new management there will likely be an overhauling of the entire system .und a shaking." up of departments that will do the old concern good. and bring .it back to the bustling life it knew when the late Mr Cumberl‘and’s energies ty‘erc exerted in its behalf. The Grand- Trunk does not. take it over merely for the pleasure of possession, but that it he made a lively competitor with the C. 1’. It. for the trade of the west coming by .r . MORNING. Going North, South, East, . .- ‘and Westrart. . . . . ..' 7.40 EVENING. G South, East; ï¬nd I Wesflat‘. '." . ‘. .1 . . . . . . 5.30 The" Transfer of the Northern. BHICEHBUHS- :2 f’ M. TEEFY, _. ’ I . Pastmaster. Richmond Hill, Dec. 6th, 1886'. Until further nolice, Mails will be Closed It the above Ofï¬ce as follows :â€" “Gluing Man from South, West , Hgnd'East‘, by Railway,arrives at Evening Mail from Toronto by ' Yange-élréet Stage, arrives 'at. rmgbtAMniHrom North, by Rail- way,‘an'ives at" ........ '. ..... I . jaebqiit’BaJéâ€"W.‘ Atkinson. grow-m . ~11: Kirkby. ms: of mm, etcâ€"York Co. Thomas H Odgins, M a'ster in Chancery, gives judicial notice to the creditors of the Central Bank of Canada, under the Iinding “pact, to ‘send in their ‘claims the ï¬uuidn'nn nn m- bef‘ofe M‘nnfluy, ï¬n. 20. Thursday, Feb. 23,is ap- pointed for hearing andacting upon the report of the liquidators on the claims rent flounder (his notice. The liquidaâ€" tors are empowered to return forthwith on presentation at their oï¬ice, 51 Yonge street, Toronto, of all outstanding bank noï¬ea of the said Central Bank. tomato, ~ 5 Thornhillï¬ gymnast mu gonan Landing, , emu-ht. won, Kins. Richmond Hill, Epom‘hill, , - 1 8&322: Whole No.31540: Volume 29. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1888 ma. .be found on ï¬le at Geo l P. oWeH- & Co’s Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.)where advertis. in: contracts may be made for it IN NEW YORK BlCflMOND BILL POS’l‘ OFFICE. The dots printed on each paper denotes the time when the‘ subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. ' “frat. ' 9 49 Roman-let. 10 00 Holland Landing, 10 09 HIST [IFFIEE MITRE! ASL-nAiï¬â€˜ mm 93052}: 5mm. NOT 10E T0 SUBSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmond Hill. om. ARRIVALS. Central Bank. GOING~ Noam. 3810 ‘ ‘ 9 01 - 918, GOING SOUTH. 31mm. ll 45 12 68 HWY 12 10 12 30 12 42 12 58 1150 140 10.30 7.00 7.45 6 15 6 10 6 22 6 37 6 55 7 “5 7 14 657 way of the upper lakes anti increasing in volume year by year, and by way of Sault Ste. Marie from the Northwesterni States, Manitoba and the Territories. It. is seldom that. the public proï¬ts by competing lines; though the promises made at: their inception are usually glowing, for the competitors, after get-- ting their projects under way‘, hnvea way of combining for mutual protection that is very disheartening, as by this means all the beneï¬ts expected to flow from the competition are lost. Whether the Grand {Trunk and G.>P._R. will prove an exception to the rule remd‘ins to be seemâ€"News. . . Unlimited. The old or the young may at all times and all seasons of the year lake Burdock lilood Bitters with beneï¬t. when requiring a blood purifying tonic. or a regulator ’of ‘tlxe stomach, bmels, liver or kidneys. The Firemen were then paid their salaries for ï¬le year ’87, and dispersed. Pay roll amounted to $40. The continual changes taking place in the school books of the country is a source of annoyance from which the people of the province‘should be freed. It is also albss to the pockets of the people which they can in too many instances but ill nfl'ord. And, we think, it is about time the voice of the people was heard' and that so effectually as to demands halt in this respect from the Minister of Education. The “ Empire †could do the country no greater service than to turn its attention to this great and crying evil. j VMoved by Fur Savage, Sec’d by Fir Mc Gabon. that J H Sanderson be thanked for acting as chairman and for his Earnest- endeavors to bring the entertainment to a auccwssful issue. The thanks of the Brigade were also tendered to J )hn Puimer for the me of his tables and chairs, m1 motion of For Red- dilt. sec'd by Fir Healy and unanimously carrit'd. - A Fatal Attack. A fatal nuack uf croup is a frequent oc- currence among children. Every houseâ€" hold should be guarded by keeping Hag-s yard's Pectoral Balsam at'lmnd. II. breaks up colds, coughs. croup, asthma and bronw cbixis in a remarkable manner. Minutes of reguiar meeting of R H F B. held in the Council Chamber on the evenâ€" ing of Jan 6th. Capt. Pugsiey in the chair. Members present: Captain, Secretary, For Redditt, Lieu: Savage. RMcDonaid, M Brillinger, J Jordan. A Wright J Brown- iee. A Cumisky, T 'l‘yrrell, T F McMahon. W D Atkinson. C Wright, J Piper, Geo Trench. F McConnghy. Levi Gaby. A Mcâ€" Kenzie, C Trevethnn. For Sheppard. A Savage, 0 McLean, T Ludford, J Sander - son, T Trench. P Mackiem, W Munshaw. A Ashton, C Morrison, J Sharp, W Cooper, John Henley. W S Snyder, John King, and R'obett Garbutt. 'W Storey declined sending in his resigna- tion And did not wish his connection with the Brigade severed. His name was allowed to stand on the roll. Greatly Excited. People {are up! to get great excitedly in case of sudden accident. and injury. It is Well to be prepared for such emergencies. Hagyard'a Yellow Oil is the :ha’ndiest remedy known for burns.. scnlds. bruises, lameness. pain and all wounds of the flesh. l‘t’is used inlernallv and externally. Tï¬e Secretary rendered 8' r'qport of en- terlainment on New Years. showing the total proceeds to ‘ be $93 70 :‘ expenses, 319; not balance. $74.70. This. by re-- ferring to previous entertainments, proves to have been the most successful yet held. Moved by Fir Trevethan, sec'a by Fir A Wright. that the report be received and adgpted-â€"-Carried. V ‘ The following bills were presented and ordered to be paid on motion of‘Fir McLean sec’d by Fir A Savage zâ€"J Brownlee. for oil, 70c. ; P G Savage, $2 50 ; music for Band. $8.30 ; Sec’y, bill for '87. 55c. Moved by the Captain, sec’d by For Redditt that the ladies and gentlemen who assisted at the concert be highly c'ommendâ€" ed, and that the thanks of this Bttgnde be tendered to them for Iheir services on New Years' evening.â€"Carried. Charles Powell. George Burnham, and Charles Burd, candidates prqpqsed at. last regular meeting, were then balloted for, and the .Capt appointed Fir Sheppard and McMahon distributors of ballots. The ballots we're passed for the candidates and each and all were duly elected, Moved by For Redditl. . seconded by Fir G Trench, that a special Vule of thanks be tendered to the Secretary for the efï¬aiency with which he has ï¬lled the position. The Secretary thanked the membexs for their vote. ‘ Moved ,by Sec'y, sec’d by Fir A Wright, that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered to the Ladies’ Committee for their co-opern» tion with members of Brigade, as it is in a great measure owing to this Committee that the entertainment passed off so suc- cessfully.â€"Carried. ' ' This being the ï¬rst regular meeting of the year. the election of ofï¬cers was the next order of‘business. Captain Pugsley. in vacating the chair, thanked the members of the Buigade for the energy displayed by them in connection -'with the late entertain- ment, and also for the courtesy which had been shown to him. as Captain, during the past year. He felt proud ofthe Brigade. and deemed it it great honor to be senior ofï¬cer of such a Cornpany.“ For Auditors. FirT F McMahon and W D Atkinson were nominated and elected by acclumatinn. The ofï¬cers elect returned thanks to the members for the honor (Bhutan-ed upon them in electing them to ï¬ll positions in the Brimde, I Minutes of meetings held Dec’r 20d and lGLlLregd and 'approyed.‘ Moved by Fir McKenlie." we'd by~Fir Sheppard, that the thanks of the Brigade he tendered to the citizens and surrounding inhabitants who so willingly and liberally contributed towards the substantial supper that was served up 611 New Year’s. 7 For Stéward. Fir'G Trench. C Treveth» an, A McKeane. and TF McMahon were nominated and Fir G Trench elected. 0n mntioh 0f See'ivt. nec'a by Fir Brown~ lee, Fir Geo 'Trench was appointed chair- man. ‘ The chairman appointed Fir Mc-- Mahon and McKenzie to act as scrutineera, and called for nominations for the ofï¬ce of Captain. W H Pugsley was elected to ï¬ll this oï¬ice by acclamalion. The following Were elected by acclama» lion‘ :â€"Secrela‘fy. H A Nicholle; Treas, P G Savage; For of Bose, B Reddilt ; For of H & L, C E ShepparAd. Nominations were then received for the ofï¬ce of Lieutenant. and Messrs. P G Savage. 1‘ F McMahon, C E Sheppard and Geo Trench wele proposed and ballots were ordered to be passed. It. was found that P G Savage was elected. ‘ The Fire Company. II A NICHOLLS, Secretary. ZION UHURCH..â€"â€"Rev. J. J. Purcell will preach in the Zion E. L. Church, 4th con. Vaughahpe‘xt’Suuday, the 5th, and on every evening during the follow- ing week; The services in connection with the opening and dedication of the new parsonage will take place on Thurs- ‘day, the 19th. The service will com- mence at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and will be conducted by the pastor. The address of dedication will be delivered by Rev. J. J. Purcell. After which an Oyster Supper will be served in the new parsonage ; and in the evening addresses- will be made in the church by Mr. N. C. Wallace, M. I’.. Dr. Gilmour, M. l‘. I’., Dr Orr, Mr. J. DJYiE and others.. TOLL-GATEStâ€"Al: a largely attended meeting held in Newmarket on the 30th ult., the l‘nllowing resolution was carâ€" ried:â€"“ T-hat our representatives be instructed to move for the abolition of tollâ€"gates and the York Roads to he maintained by the Municipalities through or along which they pass. If they ï¬nd it impossible to carry this scheme that they give their influence to let the roads remain as they are." ATKINSON, :7 the, Direct. Importer, 'will give to all’cash purchasers of Winter .Dry Goods a straight discount .of 10 per cent. and to all cash purchasérs of Furs a straight discpunt of 20 per cent.’ 8% new adveitisement; Richmond‘rï¬ill, J an. 3, 1888. FIRST NUMBER.â€"We welcome to our sanctum the ï¬rst number of the York Tribune, of which Dr. J. T. Gilmour is editor. It. presents a creditable appearâ€" ance, and should it pursue its present policy of treating at. length subjects of local interest, will no doubt prove a popular county paper. The Tribune is, of course. a Reform journal. Subscripâ€" tion‘ $1 per year, strictly in_ advance.- THE Canadian and Grip Almanacs for sale at the HERALD store. JANGLICAN.â€"Next Sunday being the third Sunday in «he month, service will be held in the English Church in the morning. SAULâ€"Being about. to remove from Richmond Hill, Mr. Bob’t Hopper will oï¬'er for sale, on Saturday, 14th inst†a lot of valuable articles, including a horse, two wagons, sleighs, household furni- ture. etc. Sale at 1 p. m., sharp. , S. Eokardt, auctioneer. SUBSCRIPTIONS rebeivedhere for the “ Empire†Weekly pad Dz;in payable in advance at $1 and $5. I A FINE lot of Melton Dress Good from 7 cents per yard up, at Crosby’s. DISCOUNT SALEâ€"Wm. Atkinson. of the lonorete House, advertlses a sweeping discount sale in this issue. A reduction of as high as 20 per cent. will be made in some lines. ï¬VLL Wool Grey Flanhgls 25 inches wiï¬e, for 20 cents per yd. at the Fire Proof. LADIES, call at Atkinson's and see the Dress goods he is oféring at. 7I 10 and 121} cents with 10 per cent. discount off, and you will not fail to get a Dress. METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Rev. F. Rat oliï¬'e preached a very acceptable sermon in the Methodist church, on Sunday morning last, his subject being the " Pearl of great price.†His treatment of the subject and manner'of' delivery pleased his many friends in Richmond Hill ver'y mach. ‘ ‘ ' Commarâ€"If it be true that “the misfortunes of our friends rare not altoâ€" getber diapleasing †and ‘that " misery loves company," those who were plucked at the Entrance Exam. here may derive some comfort from a knowledge of the, fuel. that at London, out. of 147 candi- dates, only 20 passed. Only 11 candiâ€" dates passed at Sutton, and 14 at New? market. THE W. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs. Tyndall’s next Tuesday night. CONVENTION.~â€"A circuit convention will be held in the Methodist church on Wednesday, 18th inst" at which matters of interest and importance will be disâ€" cussed by oï¬ieial members. In the evening children attending the diffu- ~eut Sabbath Schools of the circuit will ROUGH 0N AURORA.â€"-Tbe Borcalie says that‘ the result of the election in Aurora “proves that a man’s word is worth but little in election times,†and comments thus: “ We believe we are telling the whole truth When we say that it is worth less in Aurora than in any other place in Canada.†A LARGE assortment of Teas from 15 to 70 cents per lb at the Fire Proof. THANKs.â€"By resolutions at their last meeting, the Firemen return thanks to the ladies' committee and to the ladies and gentlemen who took part in the concert for their valuable services on that occasion; also to those who so willingly and liberally contributed toâ€" wards the substantial supper provided. ,ineet m tfle cï¬urcï¬" be delivered. MAN'ans, Mantles, M antles at Atkin- sOn's, Concrete House, will be sold ofl‘ very cheap. Children’s Twill Mantles from $1.25 up with 20 per cent. discount ofl’. HEAVY all wool Canadian Twecds at the low price of 35 cents per yd., splen- did value, at the Fire Proof. Once more the year has swiftly flown. And Death has from it claimed its own ; To us a few more days are given To labor and prepare for Heaven. 011, um. those days he wisely spent! Those uys which unto us are lentâ€" And may we each and every hour, Be guided by God’s mighty power I If sorrow be our lot to share, We should with hope and patience bear. And strive in each and every woe To be more humble, brave and true. And now a New Year has begunâ€" A year of jo , we hope, for sameâ€" And may «.1 those by sorrow bound, Find gladnesa ere the year's gone round, LOCAL ITEMS. Ll'nes on the New Year. Tmién ‘éddrcsses will Mr E. E Law, who had been teaching at: San“: Ste.Marie. arrived in town on Tuesday of last week. Bis journey down occupied from the Friday previous, and was an experience which, we fancy, he would not feel inclined to‘ repeat. We rem-at; learn of the intended removal of Mr and R033!) .Hop er, who have resided here for ever a. quarter 0 a. century They pm- gose going‘ï¬o Lindsey, where they will engage in usmess. . The Right Honorable Sir John Macdoneld was yesterday seventy-three years old. We beg to offer our congratulations. in a. small way, to the veteran statesman, and may be live to see many more. C‘ooxâ€"GABYâ€"At the residence of the bride's mother. on Wednesday, 11th iust..by Rev. Mr Sim son, MrJames Cook. of Eghngtoh, to Miss une Gaby, of Richmond Him We regret to learn that Mr Geo. Graham, 0. WelUmown insurance broker of Toronto, died of brain disease Monday evening. The Toronto Presbytery have agreed to the translation of Rev. Mr McLeod from the Central Presbyterian Church, Toronto, to Victoria, B. C. We extend a. welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Innes who may now be considered citizens of the Hill. Mr. Innes commenced his duties as assistant in the High School-nu Monday last. I __We reqajgpleggn 2f the intepdngl removal of 1»me Hope will meet Friday afternoon at. four o’clock. Miss Clegg and Miss Maria. Spmggq. of Owen Sound. Who were visiting at Braealde Farm, returned home last week. NEW ADV'T.â€"Mr. F. Kirkby in his adv't. this week prefers a request which no doubt many will grant. Read it. » Mr.Warren and son Herbie, of Aurora, spent Sunday in town, the guests of Mr, W. Hewlson. The York Tribune acknowledges a. call from Mr. E. F'. Langataï¬, and wishes him “ the same." Miss Simpson left town on Monday for Cooks~ ville, where she takes a. position as governess. Rev. Mr. Percival took part in the deliberations of the Toronto Presbytery on Tuesday last Rev John Burton, D. D., has withdrawn from the editorship of the Canadian Independent. Rev. Dr Potts has been lately sick. but is now improving in health. Mr. Bert Sayage is visiting friends in Toronto this week. (ATKINSON, the Direct Importer, has receivch 9. large consignment of Fancy China goody and Glassware, which came along a little too late for the Gift Sale, and which he is selling exactly at whole- sale ï¬gures and is giving 10 per cent. oï¬' besides. . ENGLISH CHURCHâ€"Don’t forget that the annual Missionary Meeting will be held in St Mary's Church here to- morrow (Friday) evening. Rev. Mr. Lewis. of Grace Uhurch, Toronto, 8 Misâ€" sionary from Tullamore,and amember of the Church Army, and others. are ex» pected to be present. It is to be hoped all ,will bé'jhere in full force. 0 Muslim: wi-ll‘he taken up in behalf of the Mission Fund; ) EXTRA Fine Stationery just received and for sale at the HERALD store. COUNCIL M EETING.â€"â€"Tbe ï¬rst meet- ing of the new Council will be held on Monday evening next, when the memâ€" ber: wilthake the oaths of 011309 and qualiï¬cation.†18 LBS. gbod clean sugar for $1 at the Fire Pljoof. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONâ€"In adâ€" dition to those whose names were given in our last issue,lhe following candidates also passed the recent. Entrance exâ€" nmination :â€"Watson, Floraâ€"~S. S. 6, Vaughan ; Gibson, Amyâ€"S. S. 4, York ; Wright, J ninesâ€"Richmond Hill ; Ross, Eddieâ€"S. S. 2, King. SABB ATH SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. â€"-The Great Mother Goose and her Temperance Family, consisting of Little Jack Homer, Old Woman who lived in :1 Shoe, Jack the Giant Killer, Mother Hubbard, King Cole Bo Peep, Jack and Jill and others of Historic fame, will again 'p'ny Richmond Hill a visit and give one;.ot' their unique entertainments in the Methodist Church,Richmond Hill, on the evening of Monday, 23rd Jan. in aid of the‘Sabbath School. Look out for herl and don’t miss her! COUNTY COUNCIL â€"The inaugural meeting of the York County Council will commence on Tuesday, 24th inst. So far as we can learn from the meetings held to discuss the tollâ€"gate problem, every reeve will be prepared to put forth a schemeof his own for the settlement of the matter. These schemes will, of course, be based on the geographical re- lation.which each municipality bears to the roads in question. If any settlement is arrived at other than to leave the roads as they are, a more liberal spirit will rule the County Council than has been evinced at the diï¬'erent meetings held. By those well informed it is said that a majority of the new council will favor the retention of the tollâ€"gates. G001) -â€"Miss Flossie King. of Beavâ€" crton Public School, wrote at Port Perry High School, and obtained the full number of marks 639. The little girl waS'only aged about 12 years. Around here the oomplaint was the papers were too hard.‘ How was it there? Ten candidates wrote from the Beaverton Public School and everyone of them passed, the lowest making 496 marks. A CALI. 4-At a meeting of the Presbytery held at. St, Mary’s on Jan. IOLh, a call from North Mornington was presented by Rev. Mr. Boyd, moderator of that session, in favor of Rev. Mr. Cameron, late of Richmond Hill. The call was signed by 121 members and 47 adherents. In event of Rev. Mr. Cameron’s acceptance of the call, a special meeting of the Presbytery will be held in North Mornington on Tuesday, February 21, at. 12.30 p. m. to hold the induction service. COUNTY I.Ians1:s.~â€"In this issue we publish the names of those who are licensed pedlars and auctioneers in the County of York, together with their residence and the date at which their licenses expire These licenses are inâ€" tended as well for the protection of the public as the persons lieensed,and parties employing auctioneers or dealing with pedlars should ascertain whether they pog'sess the authority of the county for following their callinv. LADIES and Gentlemen give Wm Atkinson a call and see his fur caps at $1.38 with 20 per cent. discount of], also those at $2 00 with the 20 per cent. dis- count off, or 81 60 net, and those at $265 with discount oï¬' or $2.10 net,and so on up to our best caps, all with the discount. PERSONALS. MARRIED HIGHEST PHIHHS PHIH Alive practical Monthly Magazine, with illusâ€" tration and colored plates of fruits and flowers, devoted to the Choice Quality A151ke. WINDOW GARDEN, AND' Fdï¬ï¬smiï¬f ' â€' Edited by an ex erienced Fruit Grower, and puhlishe& by the wit Growers' Association of Ontario. Articles contributed by the leading frujt‘gmwex-s and _floris_ts_ pf pntnriqt“ Steele Bros 39 Go. ORCHARD, THE GABpEN,_THE LAWN RICHMOND HILL, Asks the favor of your patronage (or 1888, for Field, Garden, and Flower Seeds, Address Cakes and Biscuits, Tees and Cofl‘ees, Oatmeal, Cornmeul, Rica. Sago, Tapioca. Barley, and other cereal foods. Oysters, Cheese, 6w. Canned Fish and Fruits, Eta, Etc. ANNUAL memgqnon 0F TREES AN'B PLANTS H "__‘ ""â€" and to at copy of the Annual Report 1011887; Twe Sample Copies for we. CATALOGUE ' Suï¬soriptibn price $11607 EIESEnttifling the sub- scriber to a. selection from the . ORANGES, LEMONS, DATES, FIGS. RAISINS. PRUNES, CURRANTS. Grocer and NflW IS Yflllfl TIME ! GhoiceSeed Grains Richmond Hill, Nov 9th 1887 F. KIRKBY Boots and Shoes Have always in stock in their season, RED, ALSIKE, WHITE. LUCERNE do OTHER CLOVERS, TIMOTHY SEED, FLAX SEED, ‘&c., 650.. as well as WHOLE & GROUND OIL-CAKE, PURE GROUND FLAX, HORSE dz CATTLE FOOD, BIRD SEEDS, ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZERS, &c., &c., M. Call 6; Inspect Stock. ROBT. SIVER- LADIES’ FINE BOOTS CHEAPEST PRICES IN TOWN. Of all descriptions. Men’s and Boys’ Belmorsls of diï¬â€™erent styles. A large variety of Men’s and Boys' Half Boots, and Gaiters. Childrens work of all colors, sizes and prices. Steele Bros 29 Co. THE LARGEST, ASSORTMENT SEEDS! â€"°HNE, FRESH, CHOICE GOODS,°â€"- COMEâ€"ALLâ€"AND-BUY. MR. R. SIVER wishes to announce that he has an enormous stock of Fall In Men‘s Felt Boots, Felt Stockings. and Ankle Boots. Overshoes of every descrip- tion, such as Manitoba ‘9, Snow Exclu- ders, Alaskan, Ladies’ Carnivals, 6w. Custom work a specialty, and second to none in the Dominion. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Wi I be ready for distribution in Jan’ry. HANDSBMBLY ILLUSTRATED Horticulturist. Candies and Nuts of All Kinds. The Canadian Horticulth ENLARGE!) AND IMPROVED. Give us a call before sellmg. [Isa-3:3 sure and get a copy. AT REASONABLE PRICES. Cor. Front and Jarvis SL, To select from and the THE CANADIAN TORONTO Confectioner. TOR GRIMSBY, ONT. Our stock is still wall assorted, notwithstanding the heavy rush of Christâ€" mas, but everything must go, and to make them “go†we will. give the above liberal discounts to every one purchasing Dry Goods from us. We must make room on our shelves and tables for a tremendous consignmentv of goods ordered direct. from the manufacturers in England and Scotland, and which will be on hand about the middle of February. M And to all Uash Purchasers of ' Fur Caps, Fur Capes, Fur Mulls and Jackets, and all kinds of Ladiél’ Mantles, we will give a straight , STRAIGHT EASE BISEflllNT lll’ ll] PER BENT. M. ATKINSON, of the Concrete House, Rich-â€" mond Hill, the DIRECT IMPORTER. returns his moat hearty thanks to the people of the surrounding section of country for their most liberal patronage during our recent Christmas Gift Sale, and assures them that by their help, notwithstanding the present tightness of the money market, the sale was a grand successâ€"far exceeding anything we have heretofore attempted. Our Monthly Prize‘ Essays; On the Wing; Commercfal Union; Sand and Lime as constitu- ents of the Soil; Dominion Farmers’ Council; Farm Mortgages; Potatoe Tests on our Experi- mental Grounds; Fertilizers and Methods of Planting Tested; Farming as a Profession and a Business; The Farmer's Condition ;~ Prize Essaï¬ â€"Winter Care of Cattle ; Milk Standards ;’ Stoc . Raising and Grain Growing in relation to Soil, Fertility and Exhaustion; Relative Proï¬ts in‘ Dairying and Beef Growing; Should we Feed for Fat Meat or Lean; Fodder Rations for Stock; How to calculate Feeding Rations; Chicago Fat Stock Show; Conditions which affect the di- gestibility of Feeding Stuï¬s; A famous Clyde Stallion (illustration); The Life of an Apple Tree; North; American Bee-Keepers’ Associa- tion; Red Caps; The Ontario Poultry Associa- tion; Winter Care of Fowls; Administering Med- icine's; Chronic Indigestion in Cattle; Laxa- tives; Influence of Feeding Stufls on the Flavor and Consistency of Butter; Losses sustained in feeding "Scrub" Stock; Pasturing and“Soil- imz" Dairy Cows; Farmers’ Indebtedness; Sheaves from our Gleaner; Commercial; Correa~ pondence; Home Magazine Department (six pages). Pleasant, ha less, and easyï¬a use. No instru ment or Douche required. ‘ \ One 50c. package . B ' ’ Will Convince- ew e of dun erous and harmful Li uids Snufls axï¬ Cauterizingg powders. Nasal 313m 18' entirely dlflerent from any gun; preparation Icuhtnn‘-:.mt.1,...‘...-.__ _.‘_ A- ..,L,; _.;3 7 If no't 6btainarï¬liei HEB-1‘1} {lag-gggt; E-eB't-iE-paid onreceipt of rice. 50 cents and $1.00. FULFOR a. 00.. Brockville. Ont. $1 Pan ANNUM. Sample Copy Free. Farmers Advocate We also beg to announce that, commencing on Thursday. 12th J annary, and con- tinuing until further notice, we will give to All Gash Purchasers of Winter Dry Goods, 3 Raymond Sewing Machine, and the Eagle Steam Washer, Wringer, Eta, Ewe. Let ’er G0 Riley! Galagher’s Dead. Treaï¬urer‘s Ofï¬ce, York Couutv Toronto, J an 6th,1888. AUCTIONEERS AND PEDLARS. First Class Groceries Go TO THE 1.0an STORE; A Very Fine, Line of White Granite Ware. Joseph Bogart ‘ John Rogers ....... J tunes 0 Stokes, John Smith Geo. F. Stiver Geo Andrews.. J D Evans ..... N J Armstrong David Beldam.... J ames Kuvzmagh A O Andrews Joseph Rear ..... John P Wheler W H Major .......... Alexander Black. 0 M Henderson. Salem Eckamdl‘. » Nelson Smith . Benjamin Rolling John Grice ......... William Stewart. . W H Ellis .. .. R 8 Mann Fred Spofford . . Benj. Tagendha. 62 George Gibburd Henry Scrivener... Ab’m Leehtrenaun Charles Rogers ..... . W H Deitch . .. J M Yonge . John Middleton Abraham Brando Harry i‘iefko ......... John T. Grange... William Bye.... Max Howitz .. Joseph 09431103,... Frank Hurndall Abraham Brando Nathan W Coates J ames P Lazenby John Ellston ......... Abraham Brondy Rob’t G Bnlderson Richard Flaming" Wellington W Thompson D S Mitchell ' Samuel Clark. .. John Waite .. Tho Best Agrl‘cul’t’ura‘l' Faper [n America.â€"The Thanks to the friends for their liberal support in the past. Would kindly solicits oon« tinuance of your patronage. All goods fresh and prices right. CONTENTS OF DECEMBER ISSUE: Just openedâ€"direct from England. Tea Sets, Plates, Cups and Saucers. Bedroom Sell, And are going to be sold at prices so low that they will astonish you. 03.11 and see. Published by authority of County Ceuncil. AND HOME MAGAZINE. WM. WELD, Editor and Proprietor, LONDON, ONT DISCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT. WM. ATKINSON, FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK, NAME NAME FOR CHEAP AND LIST OF LICENSED Cure For . MILD Ill HEAD, flATABBH, HAY FEVER, 80. POSITIVE‘ AUCTIONEERS : PEDLARS : Newmarket Bradford . King .. Brampton .. ‘Unionville Oakville Isliugton ..... Stoufl‘ville ‘ ‘Mulvern .. Queensville. Toronto ........ Mount Albert Woburn ......... Whitchurch Woodbridge Toronto Unior ville .. Ringwood 1[mainly ........... 1 Ifhornhill Toronto :Seaton. Villag ‘Vlswkr ...... “I‘m-onto e RE SIDENC E, do .. ncaster [Toronto H Bloomington :I‘hornhill Toronto ..... ‘Buttonvilleu Davisville W. TorontoJ Toronto ...... do .. I do Little York. [oronto .. do do .. ‘Napanee.. s‘carboro'" wL‘oronto ,. scrim? be}; to Richmond Hill. Sept, 2ch, 1881. P¢ SHORTEST‘ No’ï¬ï¬hz COAL AND WOOD STOVES ! Stoves Cheap for Cash. Also stove-pig‘s: all sizes, kinds sud lengths. Ewe tron - ing and repairéhg' tat £180.81 attendeï¬v o a e Geo. THENCE- MASON is on hand with a mu “no 01‘ STOVES» 1! RESIDENCE. Direct, Importer. Foot .;. One 116m.» Two-horse One horse Foot ‘ One 110156.. ’B‘Wo horseâ€. 0m home Two‘ hors'e One horse‘ Two home .One horse. do ‘ do do One horse Foot One horse ‘ do 7 7 Two horse Foot . . .‘ do One hofla‘ do do do Foot . do ,(l‘wo horse‘ Deseription'bato when License of License Expires Give md‘n‘ can. ‘1 3 NH 88838§8888888$ MACDONALD Treasurer Counhi Yatk- CHAS. MASODL Dnta when Licence ‘ ' Expires. ‘Janqary (10 28th do 315: December lat do (it)! do 12m ' do ' Febgnary, Nov do do do February do [aim 17th do W 22nd do $683! 9 3'4 77 82 .. 00 7.5 00 an 14th 1888 6th 19th 9th 9th 19th 29th 27 th 29th ‘ 7 th 1 1th )4“: 22nd 30th mm, 1:61? 10th 1 9th 1 0th. l 3th 16th 26th Int 17 th 18 I1: 23rd 8th.