Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Jan 1888, p. 3

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DOMINION " ORGANS & HANOS 77-; MILLINERY AND MANTLE GOODS BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. Every Department Complete. Dress Goods in the New Makes: andgLeading Colonyâ€"Cheap Blankets, Shawls, Clouds, Heavy Coatings, Jackets, Men -& Boy’s Overcaats, Fur Caps, Heavy Tweeds, &c., ac” ac. JUMBO FeEt THE FIRE P360}? 3 THE YEAR OF JUBILEE BIGGEST BARGAINS 1N RICHMOND HlLL. Fine Teas, Groceries, Provisions, Canned Goods, Crockery, Solid Boots-:85 __Shoes, 850., AT Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&c. N EVER DEF EATED. N GOODS Goods at ACtual Cost FIRST PRIZE AT MARKHAM FAIR I have shown the Dominion Organs andf‘fl’iauos 38 times at our local fairs of Markham, Scarboro, Brougham, Stouflâ€" villa, and Goodwood, and have TAKEN 38 FIRST PRIZES WM. FLEMING. MAINuSTREE-r, ea MARKHAM. Defeating every Organ and Piano that have been shown Proving them the best instruments that are‘nmnufactured. New Fa! and Winter A large assortment of Worsted Suitings and Canadian Tweeds at such low prlces as “'1” astonish our friends. 'HE “NEW WILLIAMS! Got Six First Prizes this year at Markham for Sewing Machine woxk. I have a large stock ofthese excelâ€" lent Instruments and Machines on hand in my new show rooms on Main Street. Call and _ inspect my stock. Is now filled with a Large and Splendid Assortmentfof COME AND - SEE. ON TARIO HOUSE Be sure and call and you will have reason to rejoice. Highest prices paid for Butter 8: Eggs. Choice Family Flour, Bacon, 810., always on hand. -REJOICEEâ€" N EVILLE AT WHOLESALE PRICES. â€"Oflers the following To make room for-â€"â€"’~ â€"â€"-â€"AGAIN TAKE“ In great variety at the Constantly on hand. â€"â€"â€"IS GIVING THEâ€"â€" Now coming inf;â€" â€"â€"FOR THIS ISâ€" â€"AND THEâ€"- ISAAC GROSBY. JOSEPH H. HALL. Alexander Graham Bel! isavery iieh man, and so are all his relatives. While he cannot be deprived of his present riches. yet his future income is very much in doubt. Should the derision ol'the United States Supreme Court. be adverse to Bell the people of the country will get chenper telephone service, and the Colliers of a great monopoly will no longer be stuli'ed full to overflowing. Bell is a handsome Canadian. and enjoysthe luxury of the handsomest house in Washington for which he paid $110,000. He is a wellubuillman, with black hair and beard just beginning to turn gray, and has a young looking face. The interior of his home is superb. Water colors, rare paintings, and soft etchings surround you on ever side. The furniture of the house is 2 marvel of taste and rich - ness _'1'he library. which adjoins the main entrance. is a model room of its kind. and contains thousands of rnrc literary {irodueu lions. The binding of the books is of the highest perfection, and you almost fear to touch the covers. Many of the eliuixs are of'carved sundul wood. Mrs. Bell is a dent' mute, although she can converse with her husband rendily, who understands every movement of her lips. She was rich before she married the telephone magnate. but has largely increased her income from his princely gifts to her of large blocks of telephone stock. The statement has been made on the authority of an old copy of Lannran’s Con-- gressionut Directory tlrtt Secretary Lamar is sixty-weight years of age. In conveistion with your correspondent, u prominent Southern gentleman said he remembered some years ago the Secretary, laughing about this biographical sketch. Mr. Lemur said that he had not furnished the material, as he, in common with other members of Congress, had been requested to do by Mr. Lantnun, and the sketch for this reason was written by Some one who was not acquainted with the lacts. This gentleman also showed me aletter from Prof. Gen. W. Strong, of Oxford, 03., in which he says: " Yes,I remember Lucius Lamar well when he was an urchin of about» tnelve years old, in the Manual Labor school near Emory College in 1837. He was under my supervision as one of a number of small boys known as ' Drap Shot Gung.’ I being put over them as an older boy. But there is better evidence than my personal recollection. I have reference to the ma» tricultttion book of Emory College, a public record in which each student on entering the college has to have his name recorded, that of his father. time of birth, residence, etc. It is now before me, and I copy the following from a long list of names: “The Senator from South Carolina will come to order." The summons was treated us it jest by the galleries and the pages on the floor, it. His not so intended. The pre- siding officer look that method of' rebultu iug the Senate and (if having his rebuke go into the Record. Tlieie is a desire among some of the Senators to procure prompt attendance, and the subject has been can-- vassed to some extent. There are Senators who hold that it would be better to do away with the prayer ultogethertlmn to treat, this religious futmula with such an - parent diet'éSpeCt. But of eourb‘e, no proposition to dispense with the chaplain would be seriously considered. and the question is how to prevail upon the Sena-h tots to be on hand in time for the prayer. The prevak‘nt Opinion is that it must his a moral rel'uxmmiun. as past attempts to make prompt anendauce binding by 1850" luxion have failed. As a rule the prayer of the Senate chap-- lain is daily delivered to an almost empty chamber. It is a very rare thing for the presiding: odicer to Cull a quorum to order and frequently not more than halt" a dozen Senators are present. Senators generally admit that it is a reproach to the body to thus ignore the only religious service in connection with the proceedings, and mum-- erous quiet efforts have been made to effect a reform. In the last Congress Senator Hoar offered a resolution to require the presence ofa quorum atthe prayer, but the second day after he failed to put in an appearance in time. When the prayer had been delivered Mr. Hoar entered the chamber wearing somewhat an air of em - harrassment. llis delinquency was ob-- served, and the resolution became a dead letter. This ignoring ot' the prayer has grown to he a habit of the Senate. When Judge Davis, of Illinois, was presidenth tempera. he entered the chamber with the chaplain in one day and the only Senator visihle was Mr. Butler, of South Carolina. Judge Davis did not pause an instant, but with all the solemnin and gravity usually observed by hill] on such occasions, he gave a stroke with his gavel and said: Look Out For It. If you are troubled Wllll a colti or cough, however lighr 1116 attack, look out for it, do not allow it to settle on the lungs; break up the cough by loosening the tough phlegm with Hagyttrd’s Pectoral Balsam. Do You Believe In Sgins? We do; for instance the signs of tor-pid liver are yellow eyes, satlow complexion, pain under right shoulder. irregular bowels, headache, low spirits and weariness. All these signs may be removed by Burdock Blood Bitters which is a 'sure cure for all ir- regularities ol' the liver. Sir John Macdonald is not in favor of the scheme for a zollverein between the United States and Canada. He adduoes three objections, all difficult to get over: “ First, England would have nothing to do with it; secondly, the United States would have nothing to do with it; and thirdly, Canada would have nothing to do with it.” Sir John is a gentleman with a level head. Sentimental poliLics have never appealed to him successfully.â€"â€"1Vew York Sun. “ ‘ Date. 1841, August; name, L Q C. Lamar. Father, L. Q (J. Lamar. When born. yenr1825; month, September; dateY 17111. etc.’ He became at once a member of one of the literary societies, the Phi-- Gamma. The records of that society re" port identically the same as to the time of his birth, Sept, 17. 1825. with other partic- ulars, place of birth. etc.” Am you disturbed [Lt night and broken (if 3" fit rest b3 u sick (child suffering and crying With pain or eutiing teeth ? If so, send nit once und got u bottle of M RS \VlXSLOW’s SOUTHING S) m1? you CHILDREN TEETHING.‘ itsvzilue is inculcle- nble. lt will relieve the poor little sufl'orcr im-â€" mediater Depend upon it, mothers, thm‘e is no mistake about it, It cures dysentery and ' r- i'limzi, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inlhuniiin- tion,iu1d gives tmie and energy to the whole system. Mus \VIN SLOW’S Soo'rHING SYRUP 1‘01: CHILDREN TEETHINU isplensunt to tho tlLSt0,alld is the prescription of one of the 01(1th [L1H] bust fonmle nurq s mid. physicians in the United Smmsu and 1S for sale by all (lruggists through-- out the world Price twenbv-five cents a bottle Jh' sure and ask for “ Mus \VINSLOW’S SeoTniNG Sump " and take no other kind. THE LEVELNESS OF THE OLD MAN’S HEAD. MOUTH ORGANS.â€"-Mouth organs 1 from 10 to 30 cents, good valueI for sale at the HERALD store. Our Washington Letter. ( From our own Correspondent) ADVICE T0 MOTHERS WAsnIxGTON, JAN. E), 1888. f A COUNTL‘ERFIJITERâ€"UH Tuesday at ‘Pinc Grove (u village ubuut a mile from Woodbridge) :1 young mun named C. V. [Skelly was detected passing counterfeit ‘50 cent and 25 cent pieces. He was rarrested by constable Hashim and tried before reeve Wallace of this phce, A This powder never varies. A mnrvel of purity, strength and wlmlesomoness. Marv economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot; be sold in connmtitiun with the multitude of low test,sh0rt weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in (suns. ROYAL BAKING Powmm C0,, 106 Wall ht, N. Y. The candidates for entrance to the Duudas high school are to be commended for their success in getting a heap of fun out of Minister Ross’s conundrums. Plcusmm harm less, and easy t use. No instrli ‘ ment or Douche required. One 50:). package , ‘ ' ’ ' “'ill Convince. Beware of dangerous and harmful Liquids. i‘iuufls und (‘aurcrizing powders. Nasal Balm is entirely different‘from any gtlwr preparation. Up in Surnia only one candidate for entrance to the high school was successâ€" ful. Mr. ’wss’s examination papers came near being prohibitory there. HOLLOWAY’S ()Ix'rniwr AND PILLS.â€" Sudden transitions from heat to cold. or from raw'inclemsnt weather to oppressive climates, favor the development of muni- fold diseases, which may in most instances be checked and rendered abortive by an early resort to those purifying, regulating and strengthening Pills. This wellâ€"known and highly esteemed medicine nll’ords a safe and easy remedy for almost. every consti-- tntional wrong which unhealthyclimates, rapid changes. or dietetic errors, can en-- gender, and effectually removes any weak» ness selfâ€"indulgent habits may have in- duced. In all conditions of the system bordering: on disease, such as are indicated by upnlltv. lislessness, restlessness, Hul- loway’s Pills wtll prove especially service- able in begetting the vivncity of mind and body appmc‘iated by both sound and sick. If noVL obtainub‘c at you} druggi’stsi sent pré-paid on receipt of price. 50 cents and $1.00. FULFORD 51. CO" Brockviiia. Ont. Steadfasth fur fm~t_v»twn yum-3 the WEEKLY \VJTNHSS hmS hold to principles whiuh have stood the tents (if timn, ridicule and of opposiu'on. fuir and unfair, and the witness to-duy SPC‘LkS to sixty when: 511 1846 it mmlmto one. Its growth 11st been both ran and Mandy. Its publishers, dosirnus of still furter increasing its circulation, have this your gone 10 1&er nxlmnse to SUCUI‘G u reproduction (\f'L'JIXu LATE '1‘ M. S’l‘lilll’lld E of Davidson Knowlvs (\Vlmwus m3 ,Aod by (311001] Victoriu to paint the scene at Princess BezLLrico’s wedding), entitled It dopicts the llmmornble scene with startling Ienlism, reproducing in oils all the richness. of ORIENTAL COLORING. ("he11icLure,ex0anml by the greatest :n‘t firm in England, wnnld brim,r $1va if soldJmt is reserved EXCLUSIVELY FOIL SUBSCIHBEIKS tn the \VI’I‘N PISS. The price of the “’L‘JmLy “71‘wa and pic- ture is $1.25; the pnppr alone, $1.00. In 1860 the DAUA’ \Vn‘xnss \\’u.H hunched, nnd like the \Vnnm,x, to ndvucnte the sumo prin- ciples rvgtzmllvss of oust. Thu 1»ictnre.“N-_rfl'ur Little (llnldr 1 to (Imm- Unto Mu,” ml the DAILY V7 I’JEJMS‘S, $32?) n, yuan; the 1m: =r ulone, $3.0m. Suffer the Little Children to - Gom'e Unto Me. Mathew Sullivan. of Westover, Ont. was ill with dyspepsia for four years. Finding doctors did lilttle good he tried Burdock Blood Billers; six bottles owed him, and he gained in weifiht to 1’. 8 pounds. 13. B, B. cures the worst known cases of chronic dyspepsia after all else fails. A Boon and a Blessing. A boon and a. blessing to mankind is Hugyard’s Yellow Oil, the great pain de- stroyer and healing remedy for external and internal use. Yellow Oil cures nll aches and pains, rheumatism, lame back, sore throat. croun, deafness, cramps, com- tracted cords and lameness. Procure it. of your diuggist. small sum of money was found in his possession and also a recipe evidently for the composition of counterfeit coins. He was sent down to gnol to await his trial at the Assizes. The young man’s father was with him and he was arrested also, but stated that he knew nothing of his son’s doings; he was therefore neâ€" quitted. The young man had been to Chicago sometime ago and it is supposed that he procured the recipe while in that city. Iceently he had been at Al‘- liston and in the township of Adjula, and came from the latter place to Pineâ€" Grove, where the fraud was discovered. The father had three or four hundred dollars in his possession when they were arrested and it. is said that he owns a hundredâ€"acre farm in Adjala. Since writing the ahove,young Skelly has been released on bail to the amount, We beâ€" lieve, 0t'$750.â€"â€"W00dbrid_9c News. ’Jho NORTHERN Mmsummn still continues tn be the fuvm'ito in the home circlr: :Llld SéLbbuth School, mud communciug will] Jnnuury first, with new f;y1m,1ii1m' Im‘pcr and other improvemunté, willbu more attractive sham m‘ur. Prizes of Books are given tn frinmw who canvass Ioritv. Annuulv subscription. 30o” “1m luduction to clubs. Smnpla 'bnpiqs of the difl'orcnt publications mailed on mmlzcutiou. Agents wanted in every town and “Hugo SEA \VONDERS exist in thonanuds i of fm’ms. but 11,1‘0 snx‘prssml by the marvels u) 111w Liuu‘ Those who are 1'11 need of profitmblu work that ciul 1m dam: while living: at home should [Lt (mu: suud thuil' address no Hullutyt x; (‘47.. l’anhmd. Mamm, and me in: frma full inform inn 110w either svx, of n11 11.2«25,cuu (mm fa'mn to 3 per day mud upwards wherever they live. You are, stm'hml free innitle not requime Bomb have made. Wm {‘00 in 5114310 Guy at Lhih‘ work. All succwd gal-L‘IFLG/Ir Emmi. 53m “EMU: LVP‘E/ Absafiutely Pure; 42 YEARS. Remarkable Restoration. JOHN Donn/um & SON Publist 4‘ Cure For DELI] IN HEA, BATAHHH, HAY FEVER, 8|}. 1\I button] POSITIVE RE WARDED are those who read this and then act; they wilLfind honorable mnploymcnt that will not take them from their homes and families. The profits are large and sure to every industrious person, many have made and are now making several hundred (lollurs per month. It ismtsy for any one to nka " upwards per day, who is willing to Work. Either sex. young 01' old ; capital not needed; we start you; everything new. No special ability re- quired; vou, reader, can do it as well as [my one else. “him to us at once for full particulars which we mail free. Address Stiuson &Co., Portland, Muinc‘ Richmond Hill, Dec 156,1886‘ a}! n HAS revolutionized the V lworld duxing the lust E; E half century. Not least among the wonders of in~ ventive progress is :1, method and system of work that min be horformcd all over the collu'ur‘y without, separating the workers from their lionmx Pay liberal ; (my one can do the work. Either sex; young or old; no special ability re- qnirmL ()npibul not imudcd ; you are started Emu. (Juli this nut null rntut‘u to us and we will mull yum imu wilmthing uf grout value and im- qu‘tum-c Lu you, that \inI mm you in business, which will bring; you in man: money right away than anything: else in the world. Gmnd outfit fro-o. Address, True 8; 00‘, Augusta, Maine. pu 'Scent54 Each sub quent maeltlou, per 1110 .. 3 cents Contracts for Lime and space made on applica- tion. AdVOl‘UISCD‘JCDtS without written instructions will be inscer .mtil forbid and charged. Quasiâ€"- enb rates On Farm Mortgages at 8, per cent. N0 legal expcuzcs. Larger Bums at less mtes.‘ $5000 TO LEND EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Office, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptlon :~$l 00 per annum in advance. W ‘eu not pmd In advance $1 50 will be charged. Trunsitory 3{(I\'ertisomants, first insertion, $2500 TO LEN D Purely Vegetable; Higth Concentrated. Pleasant, Eflectual, Safe.- For Christmas Cards, and Picture Frames, and Xmas Presents. Groceries Away Down. Take no other. Sold Everywhere. Price; cents 1101' bottle. M. H. KEEFLER, Is the only safe and sure Oil For Self-Binders, Threshing Machinesu'and Mill Machinery generally. Manufacturâ€" ed by l. IIODDE ’S WEAR“! MIME [HIRE Sold ovorywhor l’x‘ico, 25 cents xmd 50 cents per bottle. Proluxeflors and manufacturers. M00011 Bros. & Cor, THE UNION MEDIGINE 00., TORONTO, CAN; FOR - - PURE? - DRUGS I 8: MILL-MEN ! Leak, £00k, 100M $AÂ¥AQE® WE HILL, ONT- Sanderson Bros).9 0 BE (TOMMICNCED whenever a sufficient number of subscribers is nl)§uined tr)‘ covet Last, of publicatiun. Subscription to tho Nine anmnus <75, tn the Pruviuco of Ontario wt to quhuc .‘ 12,50, to New Brunswick or to Nova Sum-x r41] 5!), tn Manitoba 01' bn British Colum- DOMINION OF CANADA, IN 9 VOLUMES, ROYAL 8 VOL. bin . GO, to Prince ]()u1\x'xil‘(i_lslylllx1 or to North West ‘crrinories .50. Each Province to have a Man). l’leub‘u send for Prospectus, Montreal, 4th August, 1886.4 0n Notes and Chattel Mortgages at 6, 7 and 8 jjei‘ cent. ' The York Herald. LOVELLS az‘éttccr and History ‘ ASK FOR DR. HMDER’S DOMPUUNB MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED LARDINE MACHINE And Sold by R. W. NEVILLE, Richmond Hill. CHEMISTS 85 DRUGGISTS, gammy PUBLISHED BY â€"-OF THEâ€" I HAVE J O H N LOVE LL, Manager and Publisher E. F. LANGSTAFF. CITRES LIver Complaint, Dwyegsia, Biiiousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all ,lmpurit‘les of the Blood from \tht-; ever cause arising. Femule \Veak- messes 1?; Debility‘ may still be consulted 117170211; bi‘Efich‘ 01 thuévffg fessiou, as follows: Richnmnd Hill... . 9th & 24th of each month THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, 3' Palmer, Prom. , [With House is one of thy) Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in Firét Class Style. Sample Room for Common ciul Travellers. Good Stubliug and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 per day. PIUCtOY'b Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with ull the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 u. m., 1?. a. 113., 5.10 p m. and 6.00 n 111. (at Palmer House) Aurora, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Stouflvillo . . . . . . . . . . . . ....18t11 IVIerkh‘mem... . 20th Victoria Square ..... 215:; ’I‘hornhil] { Walker's Hotel) 23rd Woodhridge "38:11 Kleinburg .. 29th Nobleton .. 30th um. IEDentist not; home on Sundays and Mondays Rogers’ Dental Office RICHMOND HILL. Vitulized air always on hand at the places of aupoiutmeut. It does away with the pa_n in extracting LOW PRICES GRAND EENTEEL MEL This Hotel hzis been unfurnished, renovated, and fitted up in firstâ€"class style, and is now the lmuling Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is 511114 plied with first-class brund of liquors and cigars. Excellent accommodation lur‘ Coummrcinl Travellers, and the Geneml Public Good Stubl: i1ng and an attentive Hostler. G. GILM’OUR’, Prop. S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., Assurance Soc'y Of London, England, Sir Wm McArthur, K C M G, M. P, ex-Lord Mayor of London, President. W W Baynes,Esq.F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1,000,000 Invested in Canada. .. 1.200.000 DeaLh cluxms paid. . . . 10,000,000 TORONTO REFERENCES. THE STAR LIFE 4 VITA LIZED AIR . John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbev, Esq., Hon. SelmtorMcMuster A. M. Smith, Esqll James Metculfe, Esq. Rev. EDUCD \Vood, D. Loans mudo on security of Company’s Policy at 5) per nunbinturost. , _ A Loansmude toChurch Trustees. at {L low rate 0 interest. Sand for prospectus‘. Vitalized Air for extracting. I will fill teeth without pain at the lowest prides. Best math on rubber $8, cheapest $6. GEO. F. KELLY, Veterinary Surgeon! Oflice 8L Residence-r} P. 0. Button Ville-13:3” Feb.2xrd,1885 Thnzxgllgfg'vl for thg favors of the Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, 'l‘uronto‘ VITALIZED AIR AD MINISTERED. C. H. RIGGS, L. D. S., %1?imfm1£ WW. Or A ROBINSON. RICHMOND HILL. Soc. Kw Trans. for Cmmdri. 32 Wellington St, East, Toronto SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA TORONTO. genial, A D PERRY, 9th & 24th of each month ' Lot 8‘ 4th ('nn. ce-Tp, of Markham. Day and night culls promptly uatuudud to Doc lst 1883 thg places pf pagt” years Worth their ‘Neigh: in Gold! This Incomparable Medicine bassecur. ed for itself an imperishabie famu‘ throughout the \Vorld for the alieviation and cure of most. diseases t’o whiélfi humanity is heir. . A G E LAWRENCE. Nov 27th, i884 , 0n Saturdays. Money to Loan at Lowest Current Ram. purify, mgzfl‘nte mind. improye the qu’al‘i‘ty 01’ R 00:). They assist the tligesbivu organs, 01681119 th incrensqthe secretory powers of the Iliveljubface the nervous system. and throw into' the circulau tiun the purest Elements for sustaining amt repairing the frame. LAWRENCNIMILLIEAN CONVEYANCERS, ETC. _No. 14 Building dc Loan Toronto Offices chumbers,15 Toronto at. Richmond Hill Office-fifififlflzffi‘? Thousands of persons have testified than by their use Home they Laue be’en‘ ré‘s'iored to health and strength, after every other x‘n’eaus had proved unsuccessful. Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Office»: 18 King Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Office Every Sammy. J SFulIertou W Cook, J R Miller. V PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. Toronto. Mzw 29th, 1884. lyâ€"pfim win bu found invaluable in every Household h‘ the euro of Open Sores, Hard Tumours. Coughs. S'orn Threats, Bronchitis, and all d'isord oriof the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu m tism. Scrofulu and other kind of skin‘ di‘s‘eusw and sold at ls. 1m, 25. 9d,, As. 6d.‘ 11m, 22, and 33s: enctlnox mm 1’06, and in Canada at: 36 cenfis 900611194. Lnud $1.50 cents, and we fa‘rge m In proportion. Barristers, ALtornoysâ€"at-Law, Solicitors-in Chancery. Collvevanccrs, etc, Oflicesâ€"Imperia‘, Bunk Buildings.Wellingtonâ€"street, East,Turonto JOHN BAIN, QC. WM LAIDLAW, Q 0 C A MASTEN, Gnonam KAPPELI Fullerton, Cook& Miller Manufactured only at Profess or Hollowav’s Establishment 533, OXFORD STREET LOND01» R. 12. (mm. B. and First Silver Medalisé Univormy of ’i'omntu, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. . 21ml (Late Of Ion-ion, England) Sm‘guon, 1‘] to. momma Hours 8 to 0:30 3.113., and 1 to 2.30 p.111, BAIN. LAIDLAW 85 CO. {If}: CAUTX'ONâ€"I have no Agent in the) UuiXed Slaivs, mm" are my Medicines sold there. P'urchuscars shuuld therefore look" to the label on Ihe Pots and Boxes. Iflhe address is not 533. Oxford Street, Londu; tlwv are svurinus. BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. COLD: 'j‘hu ’l‘mdo A'Iurks of my said Medicines are gistercd 111 Ottuwu, and also at Washington-.. Member College of Physicians at Surgeonl. (LATE 0F STDUFFVILLE.) OFFICE HOURS,~From 8 to 10 11.. m., 5 to 8 p. m RESIDENCE angeistreet, Richmond HI": 315 Oxford street, London RICHMOND HILL, ONT. omcehonr 10 u. m. All night calls at front door boli Richmond Hill; May 3Uth. 1887. l) 1:. We (It MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. BR. ' JANEES Barristersfiolicitors, Are pleasant to take. Contain their on Puxgntivo. la 3. auto, sure, and ettcctnal destrorer of worms in Children or Adultl. FREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS: BIL/GUSA’ :8, D YSPEPS/A, LVD.’G£8TIO.'J, (m {IND/CE. _ En YSIPEL/IS, HEARTEURJJ, HEADACHE, ‘ T. MILEURN 81 (50.. 7*. And every species ofdlseasc arisln from Ciaordered leER, KSDNEYS, 8T0 AQH. DOWELB OR BLOOD Richniond H111. Oct: 12th. '82. STOMACH AND BO‘WELS.’ DR. J. A. PALMER, own, MAPLE, P. O. Box l88. Emma. 35mm. AND THE woman, 12.? VNESS OF THE 8KIIV, THOMAS HOLLD \V "L DIZZ/NESS, ’ 030.03 Y, I FL urrmma OF THE HEART.‘ ACID/TY 0F .mn. 5th 18% LM PM":th NGSTA FF 3 T C MILLIGAN. Rear of the CentralBank TDRBNTQ.’

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