. MORNING. Going Norlh, South, East, and West, ‘at. . . . . . . 7.40 EVENING. Going South, East, and West, at... . . . . . 5.30 Mail for the North, via. Railway, lbaves oncea day, in the mowing, as above stated. Until further notice, Mails will be; closed at the above Ofï¬ce as follows :â€"-l 11101111101111) HILL PDST GFFICE. .â€" .-.....D ._..V. , Yonge-strcet Stage, arrives at". 7.00 Night Mail from North, by Rail- way, arrives at ................... 7.45 GOING NORTH. Toronto, 8 10 Tllornhill 9 07 Richmond Hill 9 18 King, 9 30 Aurora. 9 49 Newmnrliet, 10 00 Holland Landing, 10 09 GOING Holland Landing, 7 54 Newmmket, 8 03 Aurora, 8 15 King, , 8 Richmond Hill, 8 42 I‘hornhill, 8 51 Toronto. 9 45 SOUTH“ flFHCE HOURS- Postmaster. Richmond Hill, Dec. 6th, 1886. PflST [IFFIEE NTEEE ! Morning Mailv from South, West and East, by Railway,arrivcs at 10.30 Evening Mail frï¬om Toronto by Hnn Holland Landing, N ewmmket, Aurora, King, , Richmond Hill, I‘hornhill, Toronto, annlâ€"Duncumb. Chungeâ€"Kirkby. Chuuge~Suvnge. Musicâ€"Miss Fulconbridgo No. 30 : Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce sthhm‘o aniikar‘tis- ing contracts may be made for it IN NEW YORK THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1888 THIS PA PER?" The failure of' so many banks in the Dominion as have taken place within al few short months milst of necessity atâ€" tract. the attention of the government, and the question arises in our mind what are the duties of the government, towards the ppblic withrespoet thereto IFS the law, as it now is, sulï¬ciently stringent to guard the public from 105? that can be avoided in the matter 0 bank failures? For instance, take the case of the Central Bank of Toronto, supposing the government had inspectors appointed whose duties should be to inâ€" j spect all bank accounts, and more esâ€" pecially whose duties should be to inâ€" vestigate most stringently and carefully the returns that the banks have periodiw oally to make to the government, is it to be supposed that such fraudulent reâ€" turns as the Central Bank must have made would have been aliowed to pass unchallenged. Some one evidently in the last returns ofthis Bank has sworn to that that is not true, and therefore, liable to be prosecuted for perjury. The shameful showing up that the direc- tors and cashier of this institution have undergone the past week‘ or two ought to be enough to make them forever hide their heads. We, in this village, have undergone considerable loss, inconâ€" venience and trouble in consequence. We hear of several cases thatealls for the sympathy of all who have Feeling for the troubles of hunrrnity. In one case, we are given to understand, that two young ladies or their friends deposited for safe keeping only. and not on interâ€" est,a large sum of money but a short time belbre the bank stopped. it would be worth while to try the question, whether this could be considered an ordinary account of the bank. The duke printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspmldents. The following is from the Toronto Net. :-â€"“Ot‘ the Ccntral's Board of“ Directors who are in town, and who have- made up their minds to face the fury of the storm, one stands to lose $40,000, another 818,000, the third $35,000, and the fourth $15,000. This of course includes the double linbilityl which they expect to have to meet. Onel of them in an interview expressed regret. F not so much for the loss of the money as for having his name ccnnected with t such a disgraceful affair. ‘ There we} sat,’ said he, ‘day after day, like fonlsl believing all that Allen told us. We1 placed implicit conï¬dence in him, andl now have to suffer for it. I knew noth l ing of the Cox transactions, nor were; they ever mentioned at the Board meetâ€" ing. Three years ago Mr. Cox applied; for a bill of discount with us, As soon asit was broached at the meeting of directors [ strongly opposed it. and in order not: to offend him. as we knew he was a dangerous man for a young banki teoflend him, we referred the securitiesl he wanted to give as collateral to our 50% éiciter. He reported unfavorahly on them ,and that was the last the Board heard of Mr. 003’ ‘ How about Barnett ?’ ‘ That is another casein point. When Barnett was running the Chicago ï¬re business in the Gardens [ seized his progerties on a. writ t'or SZLO. Subseâ€" quently he came round and paid it. in Central Bank bills. This surptésed me, and [went round to Cashier All-ca and asked him if he had given Barnett any discount. Allen said he had given him 1 l l t l TRAIN TIME a small lincl'tu insured by Magma Davis, whum he describml :1» :1 wealth umu‘ .th 1L Subgujucu: L'ucdix 'Lvt' t‘u Me 953011: 33131.21le Richmond Hill. Ont. .NO TICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BANK FAILURES. ARRIVALS. Whole No. 1543 ; may be found 0111110 at G00 1" Rowoll 6209’s N0w§pnpp 11 57 10 30 53 45 53 05 Volume 29. 6 37 6 55 7 ('5 7 14 5 52 6 03 615 6 3T 6 48 xhhy Board he presented what he said was a complete statement of'thc transactions with Barnett, and we let it pass. This was two years or so ago, and you see From this what kind of a man Mr. Allen ls,’ ‘ What is the outlook for depositors ?’ ‘ I do not know myself, but Mr, HOW - land stated to a friend of mine that they would get dollar for dollar. I suppose that means double liability all around.’ †Present, Messrs Nnnï¬hmn. Marsh. Dun- can. Savage, Swilzer, LynetL,Glass, Crosby and Dr. Wilson. Board of Education met in the Council Chamber on chnosdny, Feb. 1st. Mr. Switzer presided and stand the ï¬rst business was to organize for flu: yeiir. Mr. Marsh. seo'o‘nded by Mr. 'I. Crosby, mom} that Mr. J. Brown be chairman {or the year.-â€" Carried. Mr. Switzer having left 1116 chair, Mr. Marsh, Seconded by I. Crosby, moved that Mr. Nniiuhton in the :IbsPDCO or Mr. Brown act as chairman.â€"Carried, Mr. Duncan, seconded by Mr. Lynolf'. moved that Mr. Swilzer be secretary for the waitâ€"Carried. Neither motion carried foul'voling for each. I Mr. Savage. seconded by Mr. Crosby, moved that Dr. Wilson be treasurer.â€" Carried. Savage serve. Mr. Savage. seconded by Mr Naughton, moved that Messrs. Crosby, Lynett and Glass be the Committee of mmmgemenn. Mr. Marsh. seconded by Mr: Crosby, moved that Savage, Lynen and Glass be [he Committee. Mr. Marsh again moved, seconded by Mr I. Crosby, the names of Messrs. Lynett. Savage and Glass which was carried. Mr. ()n resuming business, Mr. Naughton in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. Accounls read :â€"â€"W. Hewson, for paint-- ing blackboard, $390. for lhe public school; M. 'l‘eefy, account against the high school for chnlli, (fIC', $35.03; M. Teefy, for public school eleclion. $14 28;. A. J. Rupert. account against public schooly $1,013; G. Trench, (300,; Henry Marsh, lumber,&c.. $8.10. Mr. Marsh moved, seconded by Mr. Duncan, that the above accounts he paid. The meeling adjourned on motion of Mr. Duncan for ï¬ve minutes“ A\1r.I)unc:m asked Ihe quostiï¬n how the School Board stood \viih the Gonna} Bunk an the time of its failure. The treasurer answerud that it was free from loss. The following wsolukiuu was snhmillcd by Min Switzer. and MIN considm'.’1bie dis-- oussiou and referring: to the law, iL \x 11% con- sentcd that the subject should be taken up next meeting . “ Rcszvlvod that the teachers of the public school 1m insh‘uctnd by the Born (1 to tench from the End for 1 1113,1111 the ('lllSM‘S on tlm 'nhjout of tmnpm‘mmc and hygimm in Cunnfliuucn with the school law and regulations governing; tho smnch Mr. Marsh moved, seconded by Mr. Dun-- can, that, the meetings 01" the Ward he held on the ï¬rst Monday of each mnntl] as usual, and that the meeting in March he held at 2 o’clock in the (‘onncil Chamberâ€"Carried. Dr. Wilson, Mr. \lmsh and others were of opinion that the entire snlvjnct of text-hooks as inuqu in the public school should be fair subject for discussion for the School Board to lake up. in IllC words of one of the gentlemen, " lllC schools instoml of being a benefit are becoming a public burden lo the community, owing to llie number of changes continually made in Ihe books being used." Inaugural meeting of new County Conn- Cil was livid on 'I‘ncslz‘ty, 2E1!) nit. The whole 47 members were pres‘c-nt. Mr. A. Yule, of Aurom, was e‘cctcd Warden on a vote of 34 m 11‘. He did not Imiicve this Council would abolish the toll-gates He told the Council that no action won‘th taken against the county in connection with the Court-house mnttcr. He thought the county would come to nn agrcement with the city in i‘ct'evcncc to the mnintcnnnce of piisoncrs. Some action should be taken by the county and city mnhox'it .s in ret'crcncc to expense in Connor-lion with cases from other counties tried hero. Communications received {om Georgina in reference to roads. and asking Ihntu High school he edublished in that town-- ship; Co. of Welland on abolition of grand jurors; Co. of Kent on assessment of live stock: 30. of Elgin on increase of grunt (0 High Schools. A lotlvr from Andrew (‘nmplicll prrf‘rrrml a serious charge against the superintenl em, (if the Home. RiLhmund Hill High School reported 78 names regismrc'i, average atrondnnce his! reur A10. Newmmliot High School 100 year On Wednesday a motion was made in-- {Inducing {he toll-gate question, but con- sideration of the malter was postponed. Tlm following standing committees were appointed :â€" IFimmce Commitloe~ Jackson, Foster, Felry, Slephensrm, Dollm‘y, Imcor. C(tunly Propelly-Vam th, Russel], Pugslev, Lundy. '!'horne, Austin. Roads and lh'ulgosâ€"Hnrimun, Milloy, Armstrong, Donn. Black, Stonehouse. Equnlm'uion of Assossmentâ€" Evans. Brudxe, 3001!. Russ (King), Willson, Welds-- worth. CO' :mlm- Enluculimw~ Anderson, Wallace, ioe, Rennmn. Knowles, (Ioolimnn. Byme um] iJogislntionâ€"Richardson, {:Llrwden, Ihuco. Sandals. Clemlunun. Imlusninl Humeâ€"-- Norman, TI'flViSQ, Wood, Uigh‘ Winsh. Primng and (Tomingmwiesâ€"â€" Gould, Robinson, Campbell, RUSS (York), Muck-- lulu. The snhjvct of reducing ‘he number 0!" Tonnly Councillms was considered in emu-- mitlt‘o of the whole, but, nolh‘ingdclinile was derided upon. Mr. Isaac Hartman, of Aurora, and Mr. Wheeler, uf Scznboro, “cm uppoinlcd uudim Un 'l‘hursdny letters were mm] from, the Public School Inspector with rvï¬zicnoe tn obtaining [news of Ynili Co with townships. railways, etc.‘ tnmliod thereon. for use in the SCl1()UlS. 'l'huy were laid on the tiih‘e. Trustees of Weston mu] Markham High SclmOlR imported those institutions to be tlmnishing’. 'l‘hu t'nllnwing gentlemP-n were appointui oil High School THISH’PS zâ€"Jnlm I“. lIiIl,‘ sttnn ; Jnmm Laurie. Mnihhum; M, anizhtnn (Vaughan), Richmond Hill; U.’ C Webb, Ncwnmrknt A Rmml (if Audit consisting of John( lilulmulson mid (loo. linkin, County Clerk. 1' was appuintml to act in conjunctinnwith the County Jud-*0. They will receive $3 D(‘l‘(l:|y and 5 cents '1 mile to and From such audit, to be paid out of the general fund Ll Ilie Com (ll. IL was (Iccidrd (I) adpoint an :nbitmtor in Ihe place of W. IL Rowen, deceased, in Ihe mutter betwoen the City council and [he Chunky. Also that a Spt‘ciul cmnmiltoe of the Cm)wa with n cmnmiitco from (he (Ii-v (‘mumil ixuiexvimi xlm UntmioUOV" ml! M NH (‘31. m (:1. Von: out in n“ Cl‘l Board of Education. York County Gouncfl. however strongly objecting to \V H‘n'lmn ,Cll‘. Uf nf' Whit EM (jwiil On motion the superintendent of the York roads was Ordered to lay before the Council a statement showing :â€"Ist, the am0unt paid on ench road breaking stone contract; 2nd, the amount of wages paid each month for work on each road outside of contract; 3rd, the amounts Otherwise expended in cantracts nnd for what purposes. voters, showing the total assessment opâ€" posile each name on the list. A committee was appointed to Wait on the Mnrkms and Health commitme of lhe city Council to ask that. suitable accommo-- damon be provided for persons offering hay, grain and other articles for sale at the marka place, Messrs. hmsell and Gould were appointed to amt. with X110 Warden as repre entatives ofthe County on the Industrial Exhibition Board. At the evening session, a motion doclm‘u ing in favor of the present mode of main-- tainmg the York roads was carried by a vote of 28 to 14. imlmry. were elected commissicners of the Industrial Home. A grant of $400 was voted to lhe agri-- cultural societies of York County. to be divided as follows :â€"\V(‘St Riding, 931253 East Ridmg, $125; North Riding, $150. The Clerk was instructed to procure a sufï¬cient number of comes of the Ontario Revised Statutes for 1887 to supply each member with a copy. Council rte-assembled on Tuesday last when 3 large number of notices of mohon were given. It ‘vus decided l0 petitiun the Local Legislature to amend the Voters’ List Act by adding a column in the printed list of Whitevnle Methodist church anniversary services will be held on Feb’ry 5111 and 6th. Bradford Rifle Club receme beat King by 45 points. ‘ For dIStmbing the Army Inst wwkin Aurora three young men were ï¬ned $1.75 and costs. Kev. Mr. Harris, of Mount Albert. has hem presented with a beautiful new cutter wilh robe and whip, The system of water-works at Aurora will include an elevated reservoir at the station to supply water for domestic use. The Newmarkct water-works System is now nearly completed, and the wires for the electric light are now_ being strung. The young ladies of Markham are mak-‘ ing extensivo preparations for a leap year party to be held on 11w lOlh of Febzunry. Mr. ll. Willis, of King, has sold lil'ly acres ol land lo llenryCase at $92 per acre, making $4,600 for [be lotâ€"u good plice. The project ofa summer hotel at Jack-- son’s Point. Luke Fimcoe, is being bonmed again, and this time with prospects of agam, success In the Gormley and Victoria Square Rifle match the Square team came out one point ahead. Another match will beheld shortly. The Reformer says that the mom rifle-- shooting recently done. by the Newmm-ket team was "owing in a great measure to The Cmimil of King Township at its Inst meeting passed a Inn-law fixing the maximum numhm‘ (If township licenspa 10 be granted at 10 and the F00 at $13 . Un- dm' 1he new hvâ€"lnw King will have one hotel to every (364 inlmhilmils. Moss‘rs. H. Sharp & C0.. of Markham, have sold to American buyers theirimn pox-led Céydosdale stallions, Bank of Eng- land and Lord Kiutore. These horses are said to have left some ï¬ne young slack, tlwir spring culls selling for $42.30 and up" 1 V/iUUH. At the annual meeting of the E. t. Y Agricultural Society the ï¬nancial report showed the rocvipts for 1887 10 have heart $5.566 '22, and the expenditure, $4367.14. leaving a balance on hand of $139.08. The sum of $59 was received in member- ship ices at this meeting. 'lhe totnl receipts of \Vhitehurch Agriâ€" A week‘s aCCiLlf'UlS at Cane &, Sins' \mGs, Newmmket, are thus summarile hy the Reformer :â€"Elias Pearson had his forefinger cut off near the joint and the SPCOlid ï¬ngnr and Ihumh bmlly cut by full-- ing on :7. saw. Wm. Hinton cut hi5: hand on a. rip saw. Clmrlts Smith had his me jammed by the falling- of nwoigzhv. Art lmw cut, his hand with a hnndsaw. and Frank Willis cnme nom- losing his life by heing (‘nnght by Ihe end of n. bom‘d passing Lhmugh the planer and a post. In [he latter cnse Ihe rollers being somewhat loose, nllowul [he and of the bomd to drop down, or it would have caught him in the body. As in was, his leg was nearly broken. THE usual quarterly services will be llCld in the Methodist church on Sunday next. 18 LBS. good clean sugar for $1 at the Fire Proof. NEW z.\DV’T.â€"â€"1<‘.Kirkby advertises For reinforcements this week. See udv't. A FEW Pocket Diaries for sale at the HERALD Stove; THE 19mm BRIGADE win hold 1hch‘ regular mcciing toâ€"morrow (Friday) cvemng. anm DAYSâ€" Wednesdays and Saturdays are the regular visiting days at the Industrial Home. LENT commences on 151110? February, mu} Easter comes on A11 Fool’s Day this year. FAIRâ€"Tho monthly fair held here on Wednesday last was we†attended, and there was a good showing of cattlv, sheep and pig:. A LARGE assortment of Tons from 15 to 70 cents per H) at the Fire Proof, store WommFunâ€""There is a boy in this village. “ho mnkofl the extraordinary boast tint. he is gclm 1 mid third set of' LOCAL ITEIJS. ALENTINES for sdlc at the HERALD County Chppmgs. MUSIC.â€"â€"As will be seen by reference to card in this issue, Miss Falconbridge is desirous of obtaining pupils for inâ€" struction in instrumental music. HIGH SCHOOLâ€"There are enrolled-11935061 at Richmond Hill High School for atâ€" llelfeTS, tendance this term the names of 78 EXT pupils. Average attendance last: year and for 40. FIN}! PATTERSON VVORKS.â€"- We acknowi edge with thanks the receipt oftwo beautiful lithographs advertising the Patterson Works, Woodstock, one of which contains a ï¬ne representation of their new Light Steel Binder. LADIES, call at Atkinson’s and see the Dress goods he is offering at 7. 10 and 121‘; cents with 10 per cent. discount 03, and you will not fail to get a Dress. A TCRNER.-‘â€"A Unionville man who advertised for a “young man able to play any small instrument to singing,†reâ€" ceived the following application from :1 Richmond Hill youth :â€"“Does the small instrument you want a young man to play turn with a crank ? If so, conâ€" sider me a candidate for the position. Am great on circular work. My health has not been very good lately and I think the country air would do me good. their deposits at the bank. GONE N(,RTU__.T110 Ethel May, ATKINSON, the Direct lmpnrler. lmS‘ which has run excursion trips on Bond’s "300in a large COHSlgnmem 0f Fancy l Lake during the last two summers, has China goods and Glassware, which came l gone to Lake Rgsseau in Muskoka. She along a little too late for the Gift Sale, l will be missed by residents of' Richâ€" and ivhich he is selling exsclly at whole- l mom} Hill who are accustomed to seeing sale ï¬gures and is giving 10 per cent. off‘ her on that pretty lime lake, besxdcs. an“ mum “in Ar mm mm: SCHOOL ELECTIONSâ€"The Minister of Education has ruled that when a school board has given the neeessary notice to have the. municipal and school elections carried on at the same time and the voting: by ballot that the notice serves for all Future years. and that, subâ€" sequent elections should therefore be held at the same time and place as muniâ€" cipal elections, an provided by law, A SKIPPERâ€"A man named Jos, Wreggim, who has been engaged in the threshing: business around this vicinity. unexpectedly departed :1 few days ago for unknown parts‘ much to the disâ€" comï¬ture of anumber of creditan in Our village, J. \V. has been guilty of the like before, and we therefore conâ€" sidar him a ï¬t subject for the press to keep constantly Before the public.â€"â€" Bradford Witness. ALL \Vnol Grey Flannels 25 inches wide, for 20 cents per yd. at the Fire Proof. LADIES and Gentlemen give “'m Atkinson a call and see his fur maps at 31 1'5 wï¬h ’20 per cent. discount nï¬, also those at $2 00 with the 20 per cent. dis- count off. or $1 60 met, and those at, $2 ($5 with discount off or 89.10 net,and so on up to our best caps, all with the discount. HEAVY all wool Canadian Twoods at the low price of’35 cents per yd., splen- did value, at the Fire Proof. THE I'IOME â€"â€"On Friday last a num‘ her of members of the W. U. T. U. of' this place‘ paid a visit to the Industrial Home, taking with them many things to gtadden the hearts and all to the comfort of the little ones cared for there. It was a kind of backâ€"number edition of Christmas with Santa Claus left out. lut we doubt not the pros~ ents Were none the less welcome, and the kind act is a credit; to the society. On their arrival at the Home the ladies were very eourteously received and warmly welmmed, and are altogether highly pleased with their visit At Aurora the members of the \VC. TU, of that place, entertained the travellers with tea, and they returned home. teaching here about 10 o’clock. SNOW Br.oer{.\nn.â€"â€" The storm oft last week caused a general blockade of" roads throughout the country, seriously impeding traï¬ie. Mrs. “'ylie and Missy Spragge, who were attending the Teach~ ears’ Convention at Newmarket on Thursday and Friday lastz had a {sly unpleasant experience on their return journey in consequence of the storm. The train was several hours late so that they did not reach Richmond Hill station until midnight. Owing to the almost impassable nature of the roads, it, was impossible to travel further than Patterson, which they re: shed at 3 am. and were obliged to remain until Saturâ€" day. The w‘ather was bitterly cold’ and both ladies suffered severely from the effects of their exposure. At l’iekâ€" cring, the Friday night westâ€"hound passenger from Montreal struck a drift and had to remain all night. In the morning, the passengers were transferred to a train in waiting on the other side of the drift, and brought through to the city. ANNIVERSARY,-The lieadf‘ord an» niversory services on Sunday were nearly snowed under. Rev Mr. Simp son was to have conducted service there in the morning‘ but; found it, impossible to make his way through the drifts In the afternoon Rev. Mr. Campbell conducted service. On Monday evenâ€" ing the anniversary tea was held, and was well attended. A party of eighteen from Richmond Hill were present, havâ€" ing made the trip in I’roetor’s ’bus unâ€" der the pilotage of Mr. Jay Sanderson. A substantial tea was served, after which addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Chapman, of Unionville, and Ilev. Mr. Campbell of Thornhill. Singing by the choir. Rev. Mr. Simpson econ-- pied the chair: Notwithstanding the unfavorable condition of the, roads, the lleadf‘ord anniversary may be considerâ€" ed as havng been a success, the reâ€" ceipts amountingr to about $100. A tenâ€" ecnt tea was announecd l0 beheld on Wednesday Wetting. SEE Savage‘s new advertisement week‘ JATTLE.â€"\Vm. Brigham, of Mt. Forest, recently purchased from Mr. Reesor, Markam, one bullock and three heifers, all thoroughbred Jerseys. EXTRA Fine Stakionery just received and for sale at the HERALD store. ANNUAL DINNER â€"â€"The Markham lFarmers’ Club will hold their annual ‘meeting and dinner at the Queen’s Hotel, lUnionvillo, on Tuesday, Feb. 7th. lG'l‘Cat preparations are being made fpr the occasion. FINED.â€"â€"Hotelkeepcrs in Schomberg, Newmarket and other places north are being taught that the way of the transâ€" gressor is hard. NOTICE.â€"C. Mason has a number of coal and wood heating stoves, 1 set of harness, and 1 farmers’ scale, all of which will be sold at below cost. MARVELLOUS.â€"â€"Thc talk is just now to hold an emortaiumeut for the beneï¬t of St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill, on Monday, the 13th inst. CHECKERS.â€"-Severa1 checker tournaâ€" ments are being held throughout the country. It is quite a popular game in Richmond Hill. Why not get; on a match with some of the back townships? ATKINSON. the Direct Importer, will give to all cash purchasers of Winter Dry Goods :1 straight discount of 10 per cent. and to all cash purchasers of Furs a straight discount of 20 per cent. See new advertisement. INSPECTORâ€"It is rumored that a change is to he made in the License In- spectorship for York ()0, owing to Mr. Mnlloy’s ill health. and the name of Mr. Joseph Stokes, Kettleby, is mentzoned in connection with the position. SALE â€"The sale of Mrs. Speirs household ï¬n‘nimre, conducted by Aucâ€" tioneer Eckardt on \Vednesday, was well attended, and the bidding was lib-- em]. The choice lot, a bedroom suite costing $275, was purchased by Mr McNair. MANTLES, Manlles, Muntlcs at Atkin- son's, Concrete House, will be sold off very cheap. Children’s Twill Mnntlcs from $1.25 up with 20 per cent. discount oil“. UNDER THE SNOW â€" The snow- dril'ts were so bad that poor Jake could nol serve his customers with milk for two days. There is no question about his being badly missed, and the sight of his red cap would have been hailed with delight on Saturday evening. CONVENTION â€"â€"'[‘lic Vaughan S. S. convention, held at Cm‘rvillo on 25th and 26th ult., consisted of ï¬ve sessions‘ and alnrgc number of ministers and laymen took part in the discussion. It was a most pleasing and proï¬table mrch- ing. The next, convention will be held a year hence at Woodbritlgo. UP Hmnm.â€"â€" It is probable that, for necoustic reasonï¬, the organ in the Presbyterian church here, will be moved into the gallery. The choir experiâ€" mented with the S. Sorgnn on Sabâ€" bath last, and the result is said to have been quite satisfactory. OBl'rUARY.â€"Wc regret this week to chronicle the death of an old and highly- estoemed resident. Mr. J. Riley, which sad event occurred on Sunday last. The remains were conveyed to Thornhill, on Wednesday, far interment, and were followed to the grave by a large number of ricndï¬. ENGLISH FUNnâ€"A grand corccrt will he given in the Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill, on the 14m of Feb.. 1888, by Mr. Jos. Duncumb, late of Beverley, Ens:- lnnd. where he will introduce his English \Vax Figures for the ï¬rst time in Canada. and he will also intro'luce the Jubilee Sisters of' Barrie, and all wishâ€" ing to enjoy themselves should not miss the treat. See hand bills for full par- iiculuraâ€"AD. )0 COUNCIL.â€" On Tuesday. 0. C Robinson. ofAurora. gave notice of n motion to have No. 5’ tollâ€"gate moved three miles and threeâ€"quarters nearer Richmond Hill. It is some time since Aurora offered to give anything to the Hill, and we regret havng to discourage its generosity by declining: the present offer, but the interests of' the village compel us so to do. The ohji‘et oi? Mr. "obinson’s generosity is obvious, and we trust that our Reeve will see that his little scheme is effectually burked. Mr. X Wilson. of Toronto, spout Sunday with his relatives here. Mr Miltcn Lrvnns, who had been V 1 in; his sister, Mrs K Linklutur, returned to Pickering on Monday lust. Mr Ashfulfl \Vrighb assisted L110 HmJ ford choir in their singing; at 1,113 anniversary on Mon- day last. The Executive Committee mot in the Fire Hall m1 (“zoning of Jun. 17th with nllmombcrs present: mt Sec‘y. Thu following; mombcrs were appomtcd Jor special service for 1%‘8 ;# Fir. A. Linklu’mr ..Fir. C. \Yrighh lst Uranuhmsm. 211d do Our 119mm, Mr. Pugsley, ig attending mm ses- sion of the County (‘uuncil this week. Moved by. For. “eddith, seconded by Lieut, Savage, thut Hm, :Lbnvn numnll member] ho np- pointed to ï¬ll [110 pnsibions before nmned for tho unsuing ymu‘rrCzuriod‘ II. A. NICIIOTLS, Scc'y, m [[548 FALCONBRIDGE TS DERIROUS OF 1‘ ohmining pupils for instruction 1'11 instru- 111m1tnl music. For terms 11111! cronlcntiuls apply at 1101' residunao. Richmond Hill, 15L FuLm Fir. KT. T‘ipm‘ 1“ir..L Inm Fir. M. Bri mg )L Fir. A. qungo.. Section 11050111 FirE. Glover . Fir C. Trevothun Fir L (Emmy .......... Fir I’» 'M', ‘ Heuly,,. Enginocr. [QS Iâ€. MCTI. COULTER, TEACHER OI“ ‘imm and 01‘ng The Fire Company. PERSONALS. HOOK AND LADD ‘ Fir. C. McLean Fir. C. Wright 11' er Sanderson Fir. R. McDonald .. Fir. J. King Fir J. thownlcn Fir A. Comisky . Fir G. Hoskin .“Fir A \Vright ‘ir A Ashton Richmond 1111] Wheat hm. new, per bush Spring 0†Barley do .. Barley do Outs, (10 Pens do . .. Dressed Hogsmnr 100 lbs Chickens, per pair H Butteerrulls Eggsflrosh, doz . Potatoes, per bag . Apples per barrel , Onions, per (102: Cabbage ..... Turnips, per bag . Carrots, per (102 Hay pontcuxuu Straw per, ton SEEDS! A GWD EEG? The Best 3:, $053 The Most Important Factor ’ of 'Fhe llandsornest Illristrzltv<1 Cuuflugue Sent FEW .31": ,4» ‘3‘ e . 553E ED Reliable Seeds. mm Chgg Groceries » erxv A Vow Fine Lima 0i VVIIHB Granite Wan?- Y Just O1w(\ncd#diroct frrm I‘llighilld. Ton Fofa. “MUM, Film mu] F‘mlonrs, Podroom Sets, Ar\m1nrugnin;:ru n0 MN m, } ricer, SH low that Llwy “"111 zummsh you. Call and see. Raymund S< 1rng ï¬lm-him, aml r710 Eng/7r: Stmm Washer, Wringcr, Em, Etta- Thunks to tho fl‘imnls for {hair 111mm] 51:} w rt in 1le. rust. \Vmfld kim‘xlv soliéit a, 0011-. tiuuunce of your pam‘uuuge. 'All {{uwls irosh and 1?â€in ï¬ght. Highest Prices Paid for Red and Alsike Clover and Timâ€" mothy eds. M, AJ‘Ii'ZEl‘IJ‘SOI“?9 0f the Concrete House, Rich~- mond Hill, the DIRECT hwon’rnn. returns his most hearty thanks to the people of the surrounding section of country for their most liberal patronage during our recent Christmas Gift Sale, and assures them that by their help,. notwithstanding the present tightness of the money market, the sale was a grand success~â€"i'ar exceeding anything we‘ have heretofore attempted. STBBIEHT EASE BEE? 1%} FEB BENT; We must make room on our shelves and tables 101' a tremendous consngnmcnu ofgoods ordcml direct from the manufacturers in England and Scotland; and which will be on hand about the middle of February. Our stock is still well assorted, notwithstanding the heavy rush of Christ-â€" mas, but everything must go, and to make them “so†we will give the above liberal discouMs to every one purchasing Dry Goods from us. Fur Caps, We THE MARKETS TOLLUN'CLV)! THURSDAY, Feb. 2, 188m PRICES AT FAmnms' \VAuGoxs To intending purchasers. get 9&1“ Béieyi Gaiagï¬hmï¬g Dead. alsd beg to announce that, commencing on Thursday. 12H) January, an tinuing until further notice, we will give to All Cash Purchasers of “Winter Dry Goods, in CALL OR A DDRE Be sure you get And to all 0:1st Purchasers of Fur Capos, Fur Muï¬s and Jackets, and all kinds of Ladies’ Mantlbs, we wiH give a straight ASK FOR, M ERCHANTS DISCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT. FUR CHEAP AND In Canada $5 0 82 ,. 77 0 72 47 67 40 20 21 95 I 75 15 {)0 1. _ 00 .. u 00 7 00 $ 1 . &?KEN$@N§ $ -1 83 81 3? 4K 69 25 55 ‘25 26 00 50 ‘20 00 50 00 50 shoivos and tables {'or a tremendous consignment manufacturers in England and Scotland; and Grace? and A - REASM Oatmeal, Cm‘nmonl, Rict‘. S0215): Tupiocu, Barley, Hominy, . Buckwheat Flour, Beans, Jw. Mild Cheese, Oysterq in Tins and Bulk, Oranges; Lemons, Spnnish Onions, Dates, Figs Nuts, Candies, &c. BEEN F0 REE? W 1% WE TIME Y EMS and Shoes Of all floscriptimm. Men’s and Boys’ Belmm‘nla of «lif'l'm’nnt styles. A lurgzo variebv of Men's and 3035' Half Jhmtq, nnd Guitars. lrlrens work 01' all colors, sizes and phccs. LADIES FINE BOOTS EHEAPEST PBIEES IN TflWN. NEE EAERGEST ASSiDRTMENT lid'umnfl {ULNOV Qi-‘u 1887 Caveats, lie-Ln;st and Trade-Marks secured, and all other parent causes in the I’ntont Ofï¬ce and bufm‘u the Courts pmmptly and curofully at; fundm‘. to. Upon rocni‘pt, of model 01' Sketch of invention, I make mn‘nful meniuutiun, and advise us to patcntnlulity FRI-.1: M“ (human, I" MhlillllA'i'll, mul lmnlm N0 ('TIARGE UNA les. 1,\'I‘H?J’l‘ IS x. (mmzn. Information, udvico‘ mm mwciml n-I'oronacs sent. on nvpphcmiou. J. R. LITTELL. Washington, D. ()ppnsitu U. S.1’utunt 0 {1100. MR. 11. SIVER wishes to nmmnnce that he has an enormous stock of Full MAY THE HARD TIMES SURRENDER! In Non‘a Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, and A High Rants. ()vm‘shmm of every descrip- 1hv!l,‘3l1(ih n \hmitulm‘s, Snow Exclu- Lmlies’ Carnivals, &c. SEQVES Z STOVES! COAL AND WOOD SEORTE ST NOTICE Y Richmonfl H111, SepL. 20th, 1887 Cmfnm vmrk n spoeiulfy, mud second to norm in We Dominion. Hopmring neatly and pi‘umpfly done‘ Richmond Hill, is respectfully solicited.‘ a“ «ï¬n Enssnmct Stock. ROBT. SIVER‘ Stovm (‘hmp for Cash. A190 Stove-pipes ull sixm, kind: und lt‘ngths. 1‘1 ave trough- ing and repairing :19 usqu attended to at the 9:3"00- THENCE. MASON 19,011 hand with {L full line of- ASMABLE -' CHARGE CEREAL FOODS- r patronage for ,lcct from and the Direct Importer. Confeétionerl: Give me :1. call. 2111 January, and com-- BRENT C HAS. M ASON’. -m-3 tf