' THE YEAR OF JUBILEE 4s GIVING TIIEâ€" v BIGGEST BARGAINS 1N RICHMOND HILL. Fine Teas, Groceries, Provisions, Canned Goods, Crockery, Solid Boots .& Shoes’, 850., AT THE FIRE PROOF ! BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH". Every Department Compict’c. Dress Goods in the New Makes fand Leading Colors,â€"Cheap. Blankeï¬s, Shawls, ClQU‘L’dS, V Hï¬eavy Coatings, J asckets, Men 85 Boy’sLOVereoajts, Fur Gaps, Heavy Tweeds, 860., 886., 860. JUM‘éo Feit DRY G MILLINERY AND MANTLE GOODS LQWES’E ï¬gssmm Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&c. Goods at Actual Cost N EW' GOODS NEVER DEF EATED. I have shown'the DominimflOrgans and‘Pianos 381 times‘ at our local fairs of Markham, Scarboro, Brougham, Stouff~ villa, and Goodwood, and have DOMINION ' ORGANS & HANDS FIRST PRIZE AT MARKHAM FAIR TAKEN 38 FIRST PRIZES Defeating every Organ’ and Piano that have been Shown. P‘roviâ€"ng them the best insti'uinents_tlmt arenmnufactured. THE; “NEW WILiiAM‘S 1†Got Six First Prizes this year at Markham for Sewing Machine work. I have n largefstock 0fthese excelâ€" lent Instruments and Machines on hand in my new show rooms on Main Street. Call and inspect my stock; MAINHSTREETg as A large assortment of Worsted Suitings and Canadia Tweeds at snch 10w prlces as ‘will astonish our fuends. Is now filled_with a Large and Spiendid Assortmen’ï¬of ONTARIO HOUSE COME AND SEE; Be sure and call and you will have reason to rejoice. Highest prices paid for Butter 8L Eggs. Choice Family Flour, Bacon, &c., always on hand. -REJOICEY-a NEVILLE AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Offers the following In great variety at the Constantly on hand. Now coming in :â€"- â€"FOR THIS 18'â€" To make room for- AGAIN TAKE â€"AND THEâ€"â€" ISAAC CROSBY. WM. FLEMING; JOSEPH H. H ALL. Whilelhe ways and muons committee is not holding any tariff sessions the majorin of the commitlee are hard at work on a bill. They are Working vary qnieily, and are very hopeful of success. Ther has hoon no formal canvass 0f the House on the quesrion, but in an informal way many members have been sounded. A bill will he reported at an early date, and there will probably be little if any opposiiion In its consideration. The indicalions are that the mailer will be taken up in a spirit of ooncilialion as far as the two factions of the party is concerned, and a bill will come out of (hexcommillee oflhe whole in such a shape as to Secure the Votes of a majority of the House Ihough it will he scarcely (that any of them would have if they could get just what lhey want. Ave ym'l ï¬it‘é‘tnflmd at night and brnkon of your rest: by n sick child suffering and crying with pain or cutiin teeth ? If so, Send at once and get In home of Mm WmsLow’s Snn'rrnw} SYRUP Fm: CHTLDRHN ' THING. Its vmlun is incnluulâ€" able. Ibvwill relieve the poor little Sulfm‘er inn-- medmt’é’ly Devewl upon it, m others, there is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery nml diarâ€" rhmn. regulates thr'. stomzmh and bowels, cures Wind colic, snftonn the gums, reducns inflamma- tion. and gives tone and energy to the wlm‘e I hear that. Mr. Smelo‘n Urmrn, the long tirrie chivt‘ clerk of the State Department, contemplates resigning hiq place. lt' he does so. I snppnse it will be because he hag a. desirable opportuhltj' to engï¬gé in private linsinéï¬s 6r else that he mnv enter some other branch of the public Service. He could have had a good place in the foreign service long ago if he hull not obligingly yielded to the wishes of t‘nb wishes of the successive Secretaries of State who desired him to remnin in the (le - pnrtment. Mr. Brown came here from Auburn, N, Y., with MIR Seward, and has a knowledge of our governmental nlfuirs which is pnsseswrl hy vory few men. system. Mns Wmsnow’s SOOTHING SYRUP 1m]: CIITLDREN TEETHING isplensnnt to the tnstmnnd is the prewaription of one of the oldest and host female niirsos and physicians in the United StmteS. and is for Side by n11 druggisgs throwghm out the world l‘rice twenty-ï¬ve cants a bottle Be sure and ask for “ MRS WINSLow’s SUUTHING SYRUP †and take no other kind. Circulars sent to the clerks (if the Navy Department from the Secretarv’s ofï¬ce. ï¬shing each one In state what. if any. are his: h'usinesié ‘employmevits from which he derives a revanile outside of his Govern-- ment work, have broughtnnt some very enriuus information. it appears that a very large pmp’drtinn of the clerks are on.- gngerl in some sort, of Burma nccxlpnlirm which bring; therh compensation. One clerk ert'és that, he is proprietor of .1 well known private school in the city Willl which his name has never had a public eminectinn. Quite 9L n‘amher (if the clerks are newsnapnr cnrrespondentm ()ne reportsa prnfiluhle relation to n Presbyt‘euinn Church The in- formalirih (lieriverl from the cinculm‘ will probably warrant the seeretary in hialiing some changes in the clerical force of the department. The Navy Department clerks have had very easy berths, but there are faithful werkers there who will never be disturbed. ' The arrangements for the important, 'Ceiebrations 01‘1589 and 1892 are progress- ingr satist'actoriiy. It; is proposed to hold both of them here in Washington. the ï¬rst; being the centary ai‘ the Constitution of these United States and the second a world‘s exposition in honor of the Your hundedth anniversary of the discovery of America“ The p‘rojecttisionewhieh appeals to the patriotic, enri debpest sentiment of eVery American hearty. Much abused, or violated. as the Conâ€" stitution may have been, it was framed by ynen who were wiser than their day, and it has served ever since to protect and pre-â€" serve the liberty. and lives nf the greatest and freest people the world has ever known Under it. the mostpowerful as well as pro-- gressive and intelligent of natiens nOW cx-- ists‘ and, besides, it. is an instrument which 'commnnds-tlle respect of all the civilized pawers and people of the earth. lt stands higher in the esteer‘n even of the English people themselves than their hoasted Magnn Charm, and it will so stand until the Crack of doom. Every American is proud of it. and it has set the example for the freedom of nearly all the republics of the Qibhe. The repuhiiéans of, the house continued their ï¬ght on Carlisie Saturday morning, refusing to vote so as to break a quorum. \Vhenit was shown that. there was not, a quorum Vof democrats present Mr. Crisp moved an adjournment, which was taken after a roll call. Nearly 35 democrats were awny when their votes were needed, most of them having gone to New York. They have all been telegraphed for. and it is expected that. there will he a qur'oum present to~-day. There is a feeling of reâ€" sentment on the part of the majority ofthe House at the'absence of the needed mem" hers at this time It is said that more than sixty republicans, after reading the reports and atiidavrts in the ease‘ volunteered their personal assurance to _ Mr. Carlisle that they weretzoinq to vote for him, and not take part in a ï¬ght. ‘ In 5‘1 Dangefaus Condition. Any person troubled with irregu‘ar act-- ing kidneys or any form of kidney disease, however slight it. may seem, is in a danger-- ous condition if the trouble is neglected Burdor'k Blood Bitters should be taken at once; 1t is the host regulator of the kid-- neys, liver And Bloc-'1 known to the world. Whonyou cannot reï¬t fmni Asthmatic tmub‘es Southern Asthma Cure will at once relieve. Double treatment in each pnckago. A Great Sufferer. The person who is afflicted with riieum'h- tism isa great sufferer and greatly to he bilied if they, cannot prdcure Uagyarda Yellow ()il. Tlfis remedy isrn‘ corln‘vl cure not; OHIy for rheumatism but fora'll external aches and internal pains. $50,000 CLAIMED AS DAMAGES- A writ was issued Saturday against (axâ€"Reeve Henry R. Frankland by the township of York, claiming $50,000 damages for d'crcii‘c‘lion of' duty while in office. Messrs. Stephenson, Dickson and Taylor issued the writ, and the action will, itis expected, cause no little 0::â€" citemcnt in the township. Thousands Suffering-z» Thousands of people are suffering untnid miseries from canstipation, hemlm'hs). biHiousness that might be at once rpHeva and anon cured h’y tit!) use of Burdock Blood Bitters. This invaluable mt'dieine is sold a't_()ne Dollar per†Hollie, thus [)Iac - ing it Within the reach oiail. Tlnmownï¬ PILLS Axn OIX'I‘MENT.‘ Billinusulleclions with all lheir noncomâ€"w innit, annoyancf‘s induced hy almnsphoric changes, or too liberal diet. slmulrl he checked at once, or serious (‘OIISPQIEOIICPS may ensue. When anyone ï¬nds hi9 ideas less clear than usual, his eyesight dimmed, and his head dizzy. accompanied by arlisn inclinalirm for all exertion. physio“! or mental. hé may be quite sure lhnt he is in noéd nfsnmn “Iterative medicine. [let him 53$ oncra send for a lmx of Hollowny’s Pills, :1‘ mild course of which will renmvelhn sfhï¬'p‘fo'r’i’m. and npnmlily renew his usual heullh'lul feeling. tabla, Holloway's Ointment. should be dilligenlly rubbed over the slomach and “701' every night and m" " ' If the bowels bell‘1‘l--' Our Washington Letter. ( From our own Correspondent) ADVICE TO MOTHERS WAsmxaTox. JAN. 3, 1888 Thn only medicine in the market fbaf- kvi‘d im- mediately cum (301d in the Bond and permanent- ly cure Cuttu‘rh, Hay Fever, etc. The London Athenne'irn makes rathâ€" er short work of M r- Donnelly’s artiéleé on the Baeonian cipher. It says thai Mr. Donnelly’s theory is based on a com- plete misconception of the practice of printers in Lord Bacon’s time. He assumes that the writer of the plays must have seen them in proof before publication. and by italicizing certain words and by altering title pages, it, was poseible to form a cipher by which secret information could be conveyed to those who were capable of deciphering it. But in Shakespeare's time. and for a, long time afterwards, no one not himself'a printer ever saw :1 prool'. it would therefore be necessary that; Mr. Donnelly should prove not only that Lord Bacon wrote Shakespeare’s plays, but that he also printed them. Important to Working Men. Alllznns. nwchanlcs and lnhnring‘ men‘ axze lisihle [a sudden ncvidenrs and injuries. as’ well in; painful cm-tls, stiff joinlé rihd lameness. To all thus. tmnhlml win. would remmmerd Hngynrd's Yellmijil, the handy and reliable pain cure for Outward and internal use. PHOTOGRAPHSâ€"313‘ Max Niooiaus, editor of the Avalanche. Sank Centre, Minn, Srnds us photographs of his printing office, in which he has two job presï¬cï¬ iï¬n by a windmillâ€"rt Fact that: is excitingr considerable attention in that section. \Vind is rm important agent in the running of’poiitical papersz, especially about elt'ction lintcs.â€"Scicnt£ï¬c Amen; can, NEWMARKET POST OFFICEâ€"F0? the quarter ending 3131: Dec‘r, the rc~ ceipts from the sale of stamps at Newâ€" market post ofï¬ce amounted to $876.76 ; money orders issued. $4123.44; and deposits in the savings bank, $8758. Ahead of All. I have used Hagym-d’s Femoral Balsam in my family for years and have Found it ahead of any preparation of the kind for Cmng voids, el'c. [c-m especially reqnm- mend it for children. Alex. Moï¬'at, Mil’-- brook, Ont. ' This extraordinary man is especiallv Rp- preciated in Spain and in all parts of South America; The Spanish people lmou that. his preparations will cure, with entire cer-- tainty “hat are usually termed hopeless cases. immense success has attended the use ot'the Pills in the violent fevers and severe and dangerous bowel complaints more or less prevalent in all thOSe parts during:r the summer and autumn. In fact, their operation in disorders 01:, this kind is little short of miraculous. Signor Jose Martinez, a gentleman from Havana, re-- cently arrived at Cadiz. has stated that, on the voyage he was attacked with malig-- nant fever. accompanied with vomiting. purging. and terrible pain and constriction of the bowels. The ship's physician deemed him past recovery. and asalast resort. a box of iiollownv's Pills 'as taken from the captain's medicine chest. anda dose administered to the sick man. From thathour, according to his own account, he began to COHVHlePCe, and before the vessel entered the harbor cf Cadiz he was quite well. Facts like this render arguments tin- neCessnry‘ and with such facts the joririinls of Mexico, lmzil, Central America. Peru-- Chili. Buenns Ayres, and all other Spanish America literally teem. Nor is the repu- tation of the Ointment, as a means cf eradicating blotches‘ of the skin, scrofnla, and all external disorders, less thoroughly established or less widely known. Utir Indies use it with confidence as :1 means of removing superï¬cial blemishes. for they nre aware that it contains no deleterious substance; and as :1. family curative for re-- ducing exteiior inflammation. and healing wounds and bruises, it is esteemed above every other nntward application by all ranksiâ€" Mollmworth Times. A Timely Precauticn. To prevent serious disease, rewinm the stomach. livr‘r, bowels, kidneys and blood Wileurdock Blood Bitter“. lememb‘er Hizi‘t prevention is bellex- than cure. False Ruies vs. Common Sense Practice. Professional prvtension is oflen Wrong by dognmric i‘nies, w‘-iie common sense is C(VHIGHL to be right wiHmut ihmn. This is pieâ€"eminently mm as regurris the science of medicine; mnivlhe s11pmior1!w~i’n common sense practice over u curvrznd-driod system ofthc mPre slaves of prvcmiunt has been abundantly established by the success of Holloways world-renowned remedies. Thi< pnwdm‘ xmver varies. A mnrvul of purify, Strunqlh mu] whr>lerd€|lbue$m More economical than the m‘rlilmry >11 lids, mlrl cannot be sold in cmnmmiun \\"‘th 5110 nnultimnlu of low hes .slmrt weight ulum m‘plmgylmm umwlurs. 8014 only in cum. ROYAL BA):le POWDER 00,, 1113 Wull 5n, N. Y. ITTLE’S CELEIIHA’WCD SHE‘T‘ “U Pâ€" [The {79% m le‘ T'"m‘ld for Vermin 1911’ live stock of {my kmd. ’ _ V V :' Jun. ‘26, ’ER‘ less, and easy tr use. No instru mcnt or Douche required. V i ‘ A, ~ One 506. packng , ’ ' ‘ "‘ “'ill Convince. I33qu 7;} of dangerous and harmful Liqniaq, 51mm; and (,Tmnvrixing powders. Nasal Balm is cntix'vly diffm-(‘nt from any che'r preparation. _ _ Plcmnnt‘ immij If “(it ohlninnhle at )'01ii‘gifiigï¬is}n‘, qua-paid on receipt of price. 50 emits and (431.00. FULFORD a. 00.. Brockviile. Ont. Absoiuteï¬y Pam; SHEEP DIP. Na 3 al Ea [hi 61110 ROBEI '1‘ “TAR SI- Cure For new Iii Hm, GATERRH, HM FEVER, x3. Richmond Hill‘ POSITIVE arm M O thI‘lTx strn (Inst ( AJvcriirzo‘mr‘ntq “'iUVO‘Jt written insttrnctiana will be inserted Jlltil forbid and changed transivâ€" euh rates. é RE WAQDED are those who' rand p Mliï¬ uiui the-11 m't; they will ï¬nd i ' hmmriilvlo nmnlnymcnï¬ that Will not; take them 1mm iheir homes and fumilics. The proï¬ts are lurgo and sure to every industrious parson, many have m "do and [we now muking.smvaruL hundred dollarshpex month. H is away for any one to mnke $9 and upwards pvr any, who is willing to work. Either ROX. young or old ', capital not, needed; we start you; everything new. No Special nhility re- quired; vmi, rcmlcr, cam do it as Well us my (me 0190. Write to us at once for full particular? whidi we mail free. Address Stinson &Co., EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Oiï¬ne, Yonqa Street, Richmond H ill, Ontario. » Tm‘ms 0f Suhs‘ct‘iptmp :â€" 100 per mmum in advance. Vthn not, pmd in udy uuce .351 50 will be (*lmrgml. ’l‘mnsitnr 'nflvo ' ~semonts, ï¬rst insertion. J }v( -1inn.. .Snouiï¬. Each subsmluont insertion, per line ......... 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on amnion, tirm. Portland, Maine of New and Choice {35: aflwmflxmgï¬m ‘ . Fresh and ofthe best quality. V _ FURNETE’EREeâ€"Call and inspect oï¬r s‘to‘ck of Furâ€" nitflrCâ€"‘éhewlgoods constantly, arriving. We can please you and you WIN ï¬nd our prices right. FOR4 éPWRE- '-DRUG§ I HAG revolutionized the a! "a" "I? ‘3 g. V " “a ‘VUi‘ld durng the lust .lg i half century. Not least. I A . among the wonders of in~ ventim prngrvss is a. method and system of Work that cam be bcrformcd all over the country without sopm'utlnsz tlm workers from their hmle l" y liberal; {my (me can do the \vurk. T'litlwr FOV mung; m~ old; no special ability re. quired. ( icul not needml; you are started free. (Mt Hus (mt llllll 1v turu tn us and We Will mud you {rm mnemclllngs of grout V'ulue mid im- pm‘Lnuv-n to Van, lhnt wlfl SHIN] you in busingâ€"s, which will lwiw; \‘(m in mom mmmy right leny thnn nnything’ 01m in the world. Gmnd outï¬t free. Address, True 8: (30., Augusta, Maine. Isthe only safe and sure Oil for Self-Binders, Threshing Machines and Mill Machinery generally. M’anufacturâ€" ed by Richmond Hill, Doc 1st,1886‘ 0n Farm Mortgages at 6 per cent. No legal expenua. Larger sums at lvss rates. Sanderson Bros.9 L, WT. M0001} Bros. 8?: Cor, M. H. KEEFEER, $2500 TO LEND $5000 TO LEND Female \lek- masses & Debility. l’urely Vegetable. Highly Concentrated. Fleaz'anb, Eï¬ectual, Safe". ‘ ASK FOR. ER. EiflBDER’S BUMPGUNB TO THE “OMMENCED whonovr‘v n. Sufficin munhvr of snhsm'ihnrs is nhtwinazl to cover cost or publication. Suhscriptimi to the Nine Volnmus $75, (:0 the Province of Ontario ur to Quebec :5 12,50, to va ’mmwwick m‘ to Nnvn, hcuï¬im 341] .50. Du Munitoh-u at t': British Cumm- bin. 39.51), to Prince Edward Jslmnl or to 'Nm'bll \Vesb Teri itories $9.5<L Erich Province to have a Map. Please send for Prospectus, Take no other. 5011] Evorywhvré. Price. '1'! cents per homo. ' '3. TYODDFJR’C miflgéimaia Lumcnaï¬ Snld ovm'yvhu ‘ l’rim‘, cents and 50 cents per bottle. l’ropuetm‘s and manufacturers, THE UNION MEDICINE $3., TORONTO, CAN; LOVELL‘S V I Gazciiccr {mi Histm'y' â€"OF THEâ€" DOMINION OF CANADA, m 9 VOLUMES, ROYAL 8 VOL. Montreal, 4th August,31886 011 Notes and Clmttel Mortgages at G, 7 and 8 per cent. The York Herald. MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED MEDINE MACHINE And Sold by R \V Nevillcmnd Samléi'son 13mm, lichmdnd Hill. CHEMISTS a; DRUGGISTS, EVERYTHNG GGES TUE.than BY graftinin I HAVE} JOHN LOVELL, Manager and Publizbnr E. F. LAXGSTAFF‘ Ive: Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bfliousness. Sick Herdacha, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases mm m1 Impurities of the Blood from what- ever cause arising. {f} {T It 111 S fe'séion, as follows; Rlchmond mu. Thankful for the favors of We puét yams ' * till be consulted in [my bmmch of the pro 4N£,1‘, , (m; l’nlmci' House) Aurnrm, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stourfville ...... mum do Markham ...... .. . ' ' ‘ dc Victoria Square ...... .. .. do Tlmrnhil] ( Walker's Hotel) do \Voodbridge . .. ..... . do Kleinburg ., do Noblcton ...... 50th do Vitulized mr always on hand at Um places of m‘pointment. It does away with the pn_u in extructing This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Chis Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Truvellvrg. Good Stubling mnl attentive hostilerq. Torfnn, :52! nor day. I’mctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with “11 the N R .R Trains going N()1;11h_jL!ld‘SK)uth. at 8 a. 111., 12 u. m†5.10 n 111. 1111111?th n m. C, H. RIGGS, 1... D. 8., S. E. Corner King & Yonge 8135., TORONTO. Roger? Dental Oï¬ice RICHMOND HILL. 13D011tist not home on Sundays and Monday; THE PALMER HOUSE RgCHMOND HI‘L'L.‘ J Painieï¬, Propy Thin Hotel hm: hpml vofnmishod, rolldvnfeg, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, nvnd is now 1110 ln'nling Hotel north of ’l‘orontu. The but iv sup» plied with ï¬rst-cluss brand of liquors and cigars. Excol’ient accommodation for Commercinl Travellers, rmd the General Public Good Stabl- iutz and un attentive Hustler. EMF} CENTRAL HUTEE Vitaiized Air fm' extracting I will ï¬ll toethymhmm 1min M5 the lowest prices. Best teeth cu rubber $3, cheapest $6. VETALIZED All: ! LOW PBIOEQ RICHMOND_ HILL. G. mmmvn; Preï¬x ï¬ssui‘ance Soc’y STAR (if London'Englund, Sir Win McArthuL', K c M G, M. P, ex-Lord Mayor of London, President. W W Baynes.Es'q,F I A;Seeretary Reserve Fund. . . . . . $10,000,000 Ann'un‘. Incnmé. . . .. . 1,600,000 Inveslefl in Canada... L200,000 Death clmms paid. . , ._10_,000,000 Trinoxm im‘mmcns. John McDmm1d,Esr1. C. J. Cmnpbou, Esq., Hon. Smmt‘orMcMstter ' A. M. Smith, 10qu qmnes Metc'ulfa, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loans mud m curity of Company’s Policy at 5 per mint ixltel'egt. Loummmlo toChqraIL'l‘ruqtnm, 11: ‘L low rate 0 interest. Senator prospectus. LT THE LOWES POSSIBLE prices. We carry afull line E.A.W. GEO. F; KELLY, Veterinary Surges": Ofï¬ce 8:, ResiJence‘Y‘†“"4910â€; ‘Tp, nf Markham. P. o. Rutronviucm Wm“ tirvmzftlv attendcï¬â€˜m Graduate Ontario Veterinary (30:10:30 anon‘ FobslndJBSG VITALIZED Am ADMINISTEBED‘ “1â€â€ :o Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA Sec. & Tram. for Canaan" 32 Wellington St., East, anontq gas-um, 'LIFE A D PERRY, Kr. 24151176 prtï¬â€˜n 1ft] y utfé‘n‘il‘b'azhd Dec 15% 1883 I each moflh 13-“ J11}. Owl-,M. 1;. mm First 'Silvgi'M9difligï¬ University of Toronto, M. C. P. 8. Ontario; 11.. I AL.E_ng1nnd (Late or London, England} Surgoouflï¬tc. » - ‘ , « , [S‘UHicg Hours 8 to 9.30 n.m., and I to 2.30 pm), mm, 1884 This Incomparable Medicine has secur. ed {hr itself an imperishable‘ f‘any‘ thrc'uglmut the \Vorldmf'oruthe alleviation 31nd pure of most diseases to ï¬xicé hu‘mahityis heir. v p'lrify,1'eqmnbo mm impmyo th‘b 1111115117 0‘7 B 00d. They assist the digestive orgnns, (nouns LL Barristers, So}icit01~s,&c. Ofï¬ces I IS King Street; East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Oï¬ce Every Saturday Worth their ~.‘zfeigli: id 6613! PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. Toronto. Mtw 29th, 1884. LAWRENEEï¬MILLIï¬Eï¬ I CONVEYANCERS, ETC. » Toronto omcosjqn. I4 Building &]:m'nl1 chmmbgrsJé Toronto Ht. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce-333535333; On ‘Suburduys. {Kbm'y/ 25 ann at Lowest Qihfrehi Rates. :A G F LAWRENCE. T C MILLIGAZI. Wis & Ginimeni increase the secretory powerd‘ï¬'f the Tï¬â€˜mrfln-uoe the nervous system, and. W795! into tn . . 3111»:- tiou the puro‘éb' Elemenm tor susthu mg and ruprtltiug the frame. 1m. W. J. WILSO , MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Member College of Physician; a: Surgeoni. ; ‘ i} ‘ ‘ (LATE 0F sToUI-‘FVILLEJ .,..' OFFICE HOURS,â€"From 8 to 10 a. m., 6 to 8 p. m , RESIDENCE. Barristers, Attorneys-nt-Law, Solicitow-izl Chancery. Convovuncets,»etc, OflIcesâ€"Iinperiw Bank Buildings. Wellington-stgeet, ‘E astfl‘uronm JOHN- ‘BAIN, Q.C. WM LATDLAW, Q If! C A BTASTEN, ‘ , - GEORGE KAPPEL RICHMOND HILL, 15%;. om‘ecnour 1c a. m. All night culls am'o'iw doo'r bei 1 Richmond Hill, May 30th, 1887. » r BAIN, LKIDLAVV & co. ThonsnnH-r; o'lt' persons have testifinl that. by thr’ir use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, nf'tor every other means had proved unsuccessful. DR; JM Fullerton. Cook& Miller will be found invaluable in every 11" .~ ‘ the cure of Open Sores. Hum Tamra?» Con '1154, ï¬nro’l‘lmmts, Bronchigiï¬, and 2‘31 «Honk»? ers of the Throat and Chesf'ufs £9 u 11 3.150917%, mm: matism. Scrotum and othb d of skin dimum Manufhctnvcé on'ly at Pmï¬wm m‘ HQHOWï¬V’s 1E§tzlblishéï¬Â»â€˜ 5321. 31mm} STREET Lzm ,’b'!1713..=1}51.,‘29.,.. mqu Tlgm null “at, mud in Unnmln 94lom1’f.,nm1 $1.5“) cents, and the la qro riori'mn. 3:13 cam». iuas 1'21 3: '(1'.vU'T1ï¬â€˜Tâ€"1 have no Aryan: M {In (Jmtpd mes. nor are mv Merlwi'ws 30M thorn. Purchasers shunlrl thervfov'n, My: 1") the label on vhe PMS and anm. H‘ M addrnflfl is not 533. Oxford Street. htmvhn thr‘v Hm, spnvir‘ns. The Trade Marks (1! mv said YR: ï¬r gistered 1n Ottawa. and also at. Was ‘9 33 Oxford street. Lgn‘dpxa Barristers, Spliqitorr.a BIL:'0U3.‘.’[53, D YSPEPSI', , IUD/G {IT/0.1, JAM/DICE. * HEARTBUR'J, HEADACHE, Am pleasant to take. Contain their angntivo. Is a. safe. 37m, and effectual desmyer of worms in Childronor-Adultvs. ya ’ 5.3 WORM POWBEï¬Si [1nd evsr‘; 5:13:31 cf’cflrcacï¬ aflsfnrt‘ffrm; disordered LKVZR, KIDNEny STo‘MAun-i. BOWELC OF} BLOOD, awe/Pam, 3.4a " J S Fullerton RichnTond H111. Oct: 12th, ’82. ange Street, Richmond Hill. '1‘. STOMACII“ Aï¬j) ï¬dv‘: ï¬IiLBURil 8; 60.. DR. J. A. PALMER, LLMGS. OLD WOUN'ES. CULDS‘. on. ORR, MAPLE, MES P. O. Box £83. Lijdctlicarl. girgul. W quk, 1 LAN [ND DIZZINE-«Séi ‘ .7 Ray FLUTTEk/fu'd , OF THE HEART; ASJD/TY 0F THOMAS :( Proprlg NGSTA FF 3 IonéNTo: J R Millci' ELS, 11‘1"“:‘1