Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Feb 1888, p. 3

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THE FIRE PROOF I Every Department Complete. Dress Goods in the New Makes and Leading Colorsâ€"Cheap. BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&c. Blankets, Shawls, Clouds, Heavy Coatings, Jackets, Men & Boy’s,0vereoats, Fur Caps, Heavy Tweeds, 860., 860., 800. JUMBO Felt OOTS NEVER DEF RATED. MILLINERY AND MANTLE GOODS ‘ DOMINION ORGAN S & PIANOS I have shown'the D0miniotfi0rgans and Pianos 38] times at our local fairs of Markham, Scarboro, Brougham, Stouffâ€" Ville, and Goodwood, and have Defeating every Organ and Piano that have been shown. Proving them the best instrumentsjhat are manufactured. THE “NE W‘ WILLIAMS!” Got Six First Prizes this year at Markham for Sewing Machine work. I have a large"stoek ofthese excel“ lent Instruments and Machines on hand in my new show rooms on Main Street. Call and inspect my stock. THE YEAR OF JUBILEE ‘ â€"â€"AGAIN TAKE“ v FIRST PRIZE AT MARKHAM FAIR TAKEN 38 FIRST PRIZES â€"IS GIVING THEâ€" BIGGEST BARGAINS 1N RICHMOND HILL. Fine Teas, Groceries, Provisions ,Canned Goods, Crockery, Solid Boots‘j&jShoes, &c., WM. FLEMING. MAINâ€"STREET. - MARKHAM. N EW' GOODS Goods at Actual Cost A large assortment of Worsted Suitings and Cana Tweeds at snch low prices as will nstonish our friends. New Fall and Winter Is nowfliflede'ith a Large and Splendid Assortment of ONTARIO HOUSE EAND SEE. Be sure and call and you will have reason to rejoice. Highest prices paid for Butter & Eggs. Choice Family Flour, Bacon, &c., always on hand. -REJOICE!â€" NEVILLE AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Offers the following To make room for In great variety at the Constantly on hand. Now coming in :â€" â€"FOR THIS ISâ€" â€"AND THEâ€"- ISAAC CROSBY. JOSEPH H. HALL. and Canadian Last week, Mr. White. of New York, in-- troduced a bill for the protection and ad-- ministration of the forests on the public lands. It withdraws from survey. sale, entry and disposal the unsurveyed public lands, embracing natural forests and all public lands returned by the public surveys as timber lands, and provides for the ap-- pointment of a commissioner of forests at a salary of $5,000 a year and four assistant commissioners, who shall have the control of all the forest lands owned by the United States. It shall be the duty of the com-- missioner of forests to classify the forests and timber lands and to determine what portion of those lands shall be permanently retained in reservation for climatic and other economic or public reasons and what por-- tion may be disposed of. Lands which are more valuable for agricultural than timber purposes shall be restored to homestead entry and sale. The cutting, removal or destruction of any timber on the forest lands owned by the United States is made a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and im-- prisonment; but the right is reserved to agriculturists and miners to take wood for domestic purposes. The assistant doorkeepers at the various entrances to the hall of the House kept tally Saturday of the cards sent into the members during the day. It, was estimated that there were fewer people at. the Capitol than nsunl, yet1,700 cards were sent in. 600 of these going in by the main door. This ex- cludes all the cards sent in frnm the ladies’ reception room, which were not counted, but they must have numbered at least 500. Any person troubled With irregular act-v ing kidneys or any form of kidney disease, however slight il may seem, is in a danger-- ous condition if the trouble is neglected Burdor‘k’ Hood Bitters should be taken at once; it is the best regulator of the kid-- neys, liver and blood known to the world. The Chicago News compliments Prof. Goldwin Smith upon his foresight in per-- ceiving that commenciul uninn is only a forerunner of politicle union between Canada and the UnllPd Slates. me Smith has repeatedly declared that C. U. would be a sure remedy against annexation, but of course a little fucth ano imporu tunce to a Chicago newspaper.â€"â€"Tur0nt0 World. Are you disturbed at night nnd broken of your rest by 1), Sick child suffering and crying with pain or cuting tooth ‘2 I!" so, send at once mid get, 1L bottle of Mus WINSLow’s Soo'rHING SYRUP You ()mLDmLN 'I‘EE'I‘HING. Its value is inculcul- able It, will relieve the poor little suffz rei‘ inn-- mediatele Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it, It cures dysentery and (lim- rlimu, regulates the stomunh mud bowuls, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces infltminm- Lion, and gives tuna and energy to the Whole Hystmn. Mus \VINSLOVV’E SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING isplensunt to the mstennd is the prescription of one of the Oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States. and is for stile by all druggifits through-- out the world Prion twentV-flve cents a bottle Be sure mid ask for ” MRS Wmsnow’s Soon;le SYRUP " and take no other kind. The Chicago News is right. Prof. Smith did express the opinion which it sit-- tributes to him. Not in Cuna‘la, however. but at a public meeting in Detroit. The learned professor’s expressions of opinions on this subject are largely influenced by geographical considerations. Important to Working Men. Artizms, mechanics and laboring men are liable to sudden accidents and injuries. as well as painful cords, stiff jnints and lameness. To all thus tmubled we would recommend Hagyard's Yelluw Oil. the handy and reliable pain cure foroutward ard internal use. Thousands Suffering. Thousands of people are sulfering untold miseries from constipation, headache. billiousness that might be at once relieved and soon cured by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters. This invaluable m"dicine is sold at One Dollar per ballle, thus pluc - ing it within the reach ofall. A Timely Precaution. To prevent serious disease, re4ulate the stomach, liver, bowels. kidneys and blood with Burdock Blood Bitters. Remember that prevention is butter than cure, Mr. Reed seems to find nothing against which to whet his irony. He has made only one or two little sallies, but: he ap-- pears too serious for sarcasm. Most of the time he sits silently in his seat watching the plodding of the House with a scornful ex-- pression on his face. Occasionally he walks ham-way down the second aisle and stands there with his hands against his hips looking a challenge at the democratic party, as is his wont. But. he turns back to his seat as if it were not worth the trouble, and collects about him three or four members who are good listeners or apt story tellers. He spends sometime in getting his republi-- can associates well into the traces, which some are disposed to kick o'ver. Mr. Crain has developed much more composure of manner, and is rapidly grow-- ing to be one of the strongest men on the democratic side. Phelan, of Tennessee. is a plain. unpre-- tentious young man, with a very bright eye and a manner that makes his associates watch his movements with interest. Tracy, of New York, who is a great per- sonal friend of the President, is another of the new members from whom much is ex» pected in time. He has a little head and a [bin face. There are some very promising shaped heads in the House. Probnbly the biggest head is owned by Bourke Cockran, but several have an advantage over his as to shttpe. One of the finest shaped heads in the House is that, of Mr. Bacon. of New York. Another is that of Mr. Rayner, of Maryland, who parts his hair in the middle. Much is expected of these two men. Mr. Bacon's head is one that attracts attention, and is pointed out and talked of in the galleries. Mr. Rayner has shown that he hnsaguod tongue also. He promises to be one of the strongest speakers on the floor of the House. 'l‘wo orthreetimes that he has taken the floor he has made a good impt‘cssiun. He has some of the characteristics ns a talker diSplayed by Mr. Ct'aitt when he first came to the House. He is a fiery, bold talker. The House has been in session nearly two months without, developing anything characteristic. The qualities of timidity and lassnude appear most marked to the hahitne looking down upon the assemblage from the gallery. There are plenty of young men, and there are some fine heads and bright eyes, but, no one has said any-- thing or done anything. The habitues, pointing out the statesmen to their vismng friends, are at a loss for something to say about them. All the members seem to have settled down to the dullest sort. of commonplace. There is none of that noisy demonstration and bustling generally char-- acteristic of the House. Not even a. ramp- ant demagogue has made any striking show- mg. Mr. Cox has been particularly subdued. On one occasion when the House expected a. funny speech from him and had moistened their lips for a laugh, lo! he was serious. He is quite serious lliis session, and it seems as if he were going to start out on an en- tirely new plan. He is very dignified, and not the merry little 00X of old. Our Washington Letter. In a Dangerous Condition. ( From our own Correspondent) ADVICE T0 MOTHERS WASHINGTON, JAN. 30, 1888 THE OTHER SIDE.â€" A former in- mate of the Industrial Home named Campbell wrote a letter preferringr a serious charge against the superintendâ€" ent of that institution. Mr. Irwin’s explanation puts a dilferent face on the matter. Campbell get permission to go to Newmarket and while there he drew from the bank a portion of the money left him by his brother. After spendâ€" ing some for liquor he returned to the Home rather late that evening and raised such a disturbance in the sleepâ€" ing Ward that none of the other men could sleep, consequently. he was searched and relieved of a whiskey flask and his pocket. book. The latter conâ€" tained 312 80 and a couple of blank cheques, and as it is due of the rules of the institution to appropriate any money brought their by inmates to the support of the Home, the said amount was handed to the Inspector. 'As to his being illtreated Mr, Irwin says that he was not, nor is anyone, unless they, as Campbell did, illtreat themselves. Afâ€" ter his pockets were searched he was ordered to dress and as he got up to do so, he staggered falling backward over the arm of a rocker. He was then escorted to the furnace room for the night and the next morning, as he was very unruly, was lodged in the cell; but as that place is rather cold he was removed in a short time to the furnace room and handcuffed, where he reâ€" mained until he collected himself and was willing to act as he should. Jun. 26, ’88. 61110 TRY IT.â€"â€"One of the best and simpl- est remedies for torpid liver or biliousâ€" ness is aglass of hot water with the juice of half a lemon squeezed in it, but no sugar, night and morning. A person to whom this was recommended tried it, and found himself better almost imâ€" mediately. His daily headaches, which medicine had failed to cure, left him; his appetite improved and he gained several pounds within a few weeks. This is so simple a remedy that any ‘person thus afilicted will do well to give it a trial, as it cannot possibly do any harm. This powder never varies. A m urvel of purity, strength zmd wlmlosumeness. More eeonomicul than the ordinary kinds, and czmnot be Suld in cmmwtition with the multitude of low test,shurt weight alum or phosphate powdcrfl. Sold only in czms. ROYAL BAKING POWDER (10., 106 Wull Stu, N.Y. IT’I‘LE‘S CELEBRATRD SHE P DIPâ€" J The best in the world for Vermin on live stock nf any kind. According to British hoard ofttade re- turns. there was imported into the united kingdom during the month of December 53,695 cwt. of beef. against 51.300 cwt. for the same month of 1886. including 51,200 cwt. frnm the United States, as compared with 50,392 cwt- The quantity of mutton received was 81,904 cwtt. against 67.997 cwt., Holland supplying 24,399 cwt.; New South Wales, 4,690 cwt., aguinst 2.509 cwt.; New Zealand, 36 985 cwt , against 25,894 OWL; and the Agentine Republic, 25 800 cwt., against 28,523 cwt. The im-- ports of pork were 24,765 cwt., against 14.- 654 cwt., 17 803 cwt. having been obtained from Holland, as against 11‘547 cwt., and 6.255 cwt. from Belgium, against 2,818 cwt. in December, 1886. STATISTICALâ€"An Ottawa corresâ€" pondent snyszâ€"In all Canada there are about 650 newspapers and periodicals. Of these 72 are daily; 12 tniâ€"weekly, 21 scmi~weckly, 4'53 weekly, 13 semi- monthly, and 74 monthly. The printing oflices employ 5,311 hands, and of these 5,310 know more than the editor. use. No required. Pleasant, harm ‘ less, and eaay t ‘ instru ; ' " “'ill Convince. Beware of dangerous and harmful Liquids. Snutffi and Cnurcriziug powders. Nasal Balm 15 entirva different from any gthur preparation. ‘ cast of publication. ment or Douche ‘Volnmus T Quebec .‘ One 50c. pa kago j 0 BE COMMENOED whenever a. sufficient numch of subscribers is obtained to cover Subscription to the Nine '75, to the Province of Ontario or to 2,50, to New Brunswick or to Nova. . cotiu $1] 50, m Munitolm or to British Colum- bin #0 50, to Prince Edward Island or fit: North West l‘orritories $9,510. Each Province to‘have a Map. Please send for Prospectus, JOHN LOVELL, If “our, olnninrlhle at $517141- lii‘figfii‘dS son? proâ€"paid. 0n rweiptnf mica. 5Q) cents and $1.00. FULFORD 86 00.. Brockville. Ont. SUBSCRIPTIONS received here for film “ Empire” Weekly and Daily payable In advance at $1 and $5. Tamarac Elixir. Is not advertised to cure cansumntion, but it has made some remarkable cures of persons sup~ posed to be in the first stages of that disease. I have used Hagyard’s Pectoral Balsam in my family for years and have found it ahead of any preparation of the kind for curing colds. etc. I can especially recom- mend it for children. Alex. Mofl‘at, Mill-- brook, Ont. The lacrosse case. recently concluded in Montreal, reveals the fact in this so--called natronal game of Canada there is the same “ crookedness" which enemiea of baseball are so fond of charging against it. Lacrosse always has been recognized as a brutal game, and now when itis found to be corrupt as well it will be more than ever discredited in the land of its nativity. Pretty soon baseball will be the Canadian national game. In the States it is waning before the more powerful attractions of drawupoker. Ahead of All. A Great Sufi'erer. The person who is afflicted with rheuma-- tism is a great sufferer a'nd greatly to be pitied it" they cannot procure Hagyards Yellow oil. This remedy is a certain cure not only for rheumatism but for all external aches and internal pains. Absoiutely Pure. SHEEP DIP. ROBERT MARSH. Richmond Hill‘ Cure For BULB IH HEAD, EATfiRHH, HAY FEVER, 8:0. POSITIVE HAS revolfitionizcd the " World duling the last half century. Not least .~ among the wonders of in- ventivu progress is {L method and system of work that can be berfm'mod all over the country Without separating the workers from their homes Pay liberle ; any one can do the work. Either sex: ' young or old; no special ability re- quired. Guy-hall not needed; you are started lrcc. (Tut this out and 1' turn to us and We will send you frue sumcthing of greub value and im- portance to you, (hut will start you in business, which will bring you in more money right away than anything else in the world. Gmnd outfit free. Address, True & 00., Augusta, Maine. Female VVeuk- messes & Debility. Purely Vegetable. Highly concentrated. Pleasant, Efl’ectual, Safe. ASK FOR ER. HUDDER’S BUMPBUND REWARDED are those who read this and then act; they will find honorable employment that will not take them from their homes and families. The profits are large and sure to every industrious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars per month. It is easy for any 0110 to make $5 and upwards per dny, who is willing to Work. Either sex. young or old ; capital not needed; we start you; everything new. No special ability reâ€" quired; vou, reader, can do it as well as any one else. Write to us at once for full particulars which we muil free. Address Stiuaon &Co.Y Take no other. Sold Everywhere. Price, 75 cents per bottle. THE UNION MEDICINE 00., ‘TORON'I‘O. CAN. of New and Choice EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Office. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptlon :â€"â€"$1 ()0 per unnum in mlvnuco. V‘Vhen not paid in advance $5} 50 will be charged. Trunsitory advertisements, first insertion, n 0...». Hanan“, a.“ . v. perlme. . Each subsequent msertmn, per me ...... 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applicaâ€" tion. nu“ Advertisements Without written instructions will be inserted Jntil forbid and charged trunsi» cut rates. Sold everywhere. Price, 23 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, Montreal. 4th AugusLlISSG. 1L; Portland, Muina Richmond Hill, Dec 156,1886. DR.H0DDERS I ran LIIle cm xTitul'eâ€"new g06ds constantly arri and you wxl] find our prices right. $2500 TO LEND $5000 TO LEND 0n Farm Mort-gages at 6 per cent. No legal expenses. Larger sums at less rates. DOMINION OF CANADA, m 9 VOLUMES, ROYAL 8 VOL. Fresh and ofthe best quality. FUEfiE‘KT‘E’REflCaH and inspect our stock of Furâ€" nitureâ€"new goods constantly arriving. We can please you Is the only safe and sure Oil for Self-Binders, Threshing Machines'find Mill Machinery generally. Manufacturâ€" ed by LOVELL’S Gazetteer and History â€"OF THEâ€" SAVAGE’S FOR - - PURE - - DRUGS I RIGHMOND HILL, ONT. & MILL-MEN ! Sanderson Bum, M00011 Bros. & 00., 011 Notes and Chattel Mortgages at 6,7 and 8 per cent. The York Herald. LARDIN . H. KEEPLER, {31% GRQCERIES,GQU And Suld by R \V Neville and Sanderson Bros., Richmond Hill. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, EVERYTHING GOES PUBLISHED BY aid/0mg. I HAVE JOHN LOVELL, Manager and Publisher MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED IE OIL E. Fm. LAI‘TGSTAFF. and all Impurities of the Blood from \vhab-; ever cu-use arising. C‘ II R E S LIver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache. Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism, V Skin Diseases AT John McDonald, Esq. Hon. Senator McMaster James Metcalfe, Esq. Loan s_ do on security John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Cumlilbell‘ Esq. Hon. SexmtorMcMaster A. M. Smit , E‘qu James Metcalfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made on security of Company's Policy at 6 per cent interest. Loansmmle toChurch Trx . 1atees, at a. low. rate 0 luterest. - Send for pmspectufl. E.A4W. GEO. F. IS ELLY, Veterinary Surgeon ! ~-' L t 8‘ Office & Rashfence-T;of P. O. BllttO.LIVille_Day and - promptly: Fob.2nd,1885 The. Ill mm L may sgiklfbe consulte fession, 1m follows : Richmond Hill... This House. is one of the Best Hotels to he found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cinl Travellers. Guod Stubliug and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor‘s Bufl‘ leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at S a. 111., 12 a. 111., 5.10 p m. and (3.00 n m. This Hotel has been refurnished, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the landing Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup plied with firstâ€"class brand of liquors and cigars. Excellent; accol'mnodution for Cmmnerciul Travellers, and the General Public Good SLubl- mg and an attentive Hustler. Assurance Soc’y Sir Wm MCAI‘IhUL‘, K C M G, M. P, eerord Mayor of London, President. (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Stouffville ...... . ....18th Markham ...... Victoria Square . . "21m; Thornhil] (Walks a Hotel 23rd Woodbridge ‘ . n. "28:51:! Kleinburg .. .,.29th Nobleton ...... ...... 30th Vitalized air always on hand at the 1 anpoiutment. It does away with the extracting GRAN]! EENTBAL HflTEL THE PALMER HOUSE THE STAR ISDentist not home on Sundays and Mondays RICHMOND HILL, 3’ Palmer, Pr: RICHMOND HILL. G. GILMOUR, Prop. S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., TORONTO. LOW iPIâ€"IICES Rogers’ Dental Office RICHMOND HILL. VITALIZED AIR 1 Vitalized Alr for extracting. I will fill teeth without pain at the lowest prices. Best teeth on rubber $8, cheapest $6. prices. We carry afull line Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. VITALIZED AIRaADMINISTEBED. Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annual Income . _ . _ . . 1,600,000 Invested in Canada. . . [200,000 Death claxms paid. . . . 10,000,000 TORONTO REFERENCES- o. H. RIGGS, L. D. s., THE LOWES POSSIBLE Baynes,Esq,F I Afiecretary ELEng mm. Or A ROBINSON. Sec. & Transit» Canada. 32 Wallington St., East, Toronto SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA Of London, England, A D PERRY, MACHIN E LIFE gents“, 9th 85 24th of each month ,1: any $793611 0! tfie pro cejwt 8, 4th 00;}. T1), of Markham. ’Day and night eefiie promptly attended-to Dee lst 1883 thg places pf pa}: in The Trade Marks of my sail Medicines two giaterod 1n 0tmwa,.a.nd also as Washington. 33 Oxford gtxeet. London and sold at 13.1511, 2S. 9:1}, in. 6d,, 115., 22, and 33m each Box and Pot, and in Canada. at 36 camp, 90 cents, and $1.550 cants, and the large sizes in proportion._ ’ {t} CArvmoxâ€"F have no Agent in Hm United Slams. nor are my Medicines said there. Purchasers shunld therefore IN I: m the label on the Pots and Boxes If "it address is not 533. Oxford Street, Lonflw', thnv are spun-inns. ‘R. 13. 0113131. B. and First Silver Med: University of Toronto, M. G. P. S. Ontario. I, A L. Enghnd (Late 01' London, Englam? SurgeonlEtc. L: ULuuc nours 8 to 9.30 mm” and] to 2.30 pm purify, reguth and impro'ya the quality of ROOd- They assist the digestive organs, clemm increase the secretory powers of the liperzbmcr the nvrvous system, and throw Into» the cu‘cul: tion the purest Elements for sustaining am‘x repairing the frame. Cougihs, Sore Thmntn, Bronchitis, and an disord 91's of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, lev matism. Sorofnla and other kind of skin diseaso Manufactured onlsy at Profess or Hollowav’s Es‘tabllshmel'a? 533. OXFORD. St'EE'EET LONDON This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperislmble fame throughout the World for the alleviating and cure of mast diseases 'to which humanity is heir. Thousands of persons have testified that by theilpse alone they have been restored to health and strengtfi, after every othur‘ means had proved unsuccessful. will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, A G F LAWRENCE. Nov 27th, 1884 V RICHMOND HILL, ONT.‘ Oflicehour 10 a In. All night calls “front door bull Richmond Hill, May 3uth, 188?. IS King Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Oflice Every Saturday. J SFullerton W Cook, J R Miller. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. Toronto. May 29th, 1884. Iy-p6m BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDES Worth their ‘Height. in Gold 1 Barristers, Attorneys-ntâ€"Law, Sblicitors-iu Chancery. Convevanuers, etc, Officesâ€"Imperiu Bunk Buildings.Wellington-street, East,’1‘oronto J on»: BAIN, Q.C. WM LAIDLAW, Q C' C A MASTEN, GEORGE KAPPELE LAWRENENIMIWMN CONVEYANCERS, ETC. Toronto Oflices~N°' 1“ Bum Chambers,1 Richmond Hill Office-n1 Wig at Lawe§t Current Rafcs, Are pleasant to take. Contain their owg. Puxgntive. Is a. safe, Euro. and cllcctzwi’ desmyer ol worms in Children at Adults. DR. JAMES Member College of Physician! k Surgeons. (LATE 0F STOUFFVILLE.) OFFICE HOURS,â€"From s to 10 a. m., no a p. m RESIDENCE ange Street, Richmond Hill. FREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS‘ BAIN, LAIDLAVV & (IO. Fullerton, Cook 85 Miller DR. W. J. WILSON, MEDALIS’I‘ TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Barristersfiolicitors, WILL CURE 0R RELIEVE BIL/008N588, DIZZINESS, ’ D YSPE PSI A, DROPS Y, MIDWEST/0N, FLUTTERI/VG JAU/‘VDICE. OF THE HE ERYSIPELAS, ACID/TY 0F SALT EHEUM, THE 8TOM. IE A RTE URN, DR YNESS’ HEADACHE, OF THE S And chry_s_p§§:lC_s ofrdjsegsa arising f‘m .uA__J “nu every species of diseasa arising from disordered LIVER, KioNEYS, STOMACH. BOWELS CR BLOOD. T. MILBURN 8: (50.. Richm‘ond H111. Oct: 12th. ‘82. STOMACH AND BOWEES DR. J. A- PALMER; Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Oflices DR. ORR, MAPLE, P. O. Box l88. “fled-i m1. 0n Saturdays. Egrgal, AND THOMAS HOI: I30 3 THE 8TOMAOH, DR YIUESS‘ OF THE SKI/V, OF THE HEART, ACID/TY 0F 3,42,. 5m x a! ,No. 14 Building & L‘otm Chambers,15 Toronto sh. LM Pro Haters, p TORONTO. NGSTA FEE T C MILLIGAV Rear of the Central Bank ly-pfim

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