Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Aug 1888, p. 2

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tumoe. 'l'mmbg'ro ‘Iimrmmcus. John McDmmld, Esq. (),.7. Campbell, F.qu 1m SuwatorMuMusmr A. M. Smith. Esq: {Jam frlubcalt'e, J-lm. liuv. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at i; per cent interest. Lcunsnmde to Church Trustees, M 9. low rate of interest. Bend for prospectus. '7â€" 9 mo. Imrgcxt in Caninm. We want. relinbln, oncr {1m ic men tn sell our nnrsm‘y Htock ; pruv >113 ex- pc ionm: not necos‘snl‘y ; any mun with 1: 2t and mquy can succeed ; Lszrms liburul, citln nhu‘y m' (-unmiiesiun ; (Inuit free Our nuenm 1nng many 1(,«I‘v‘ll])thgO£-i, such as SOHng homo ATM/Ill. hmwlv (Viimmiiun stock This Reason wt. am in numbm‘ of choice specialties, which are 0!" value, [Lnd which can only be S’ccurutl from us, such in»: n cmnpiete list, of New husmnn npplos, the Ritson mar. Handel's plum, Ililhm'n raspberry, Moore’s :nhy and Black (Jhuinln‘on cnrmnts, Mooru's 431;“;de gmpo. etc, who, Wu hiwc given particular attention to the propagation of hardy ~. rioting suitnblu to the northern seem-ms of Canada, Ii‘m‘tcrms imply in aw mmwwmvmnwguwmm \‘7 saw \rduruummm COUNTRY M' Lummssslh 1‘11 ’cnn huvo 1,000 Envelopes (postpzu'd) to any szrtof the Dominion with their business curd notu printed thereon ixh‘wck in): for $2.00. Send copy with remit- ! nuns figsumce * $063? Of London, England, Sir W‘m. Mch-thut‘. K C M G, M. I“. eijOI‘d Mayor of London, Premdent. . V] VI Bayneququ I A‘Secreta: Q'Ye3erve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,00C W Animal Incnme . . . . . . ‘ 1,600,000 F-yngted in Canada. .. l.200.()00 Deth chums purifi. . . . 10,000,000 STAR This: Houseis‘ one Cf the 110%. Hotel? m‘th of Toronto. lxlvoryi’himz La m V ,. (113.52; Style. 'Samph) 11m;an- Guam-Ker- VCMUI‘H. Good Sta-Jilin; mm (utmuluixo - . Terms, 51 no)" x113“ l’rnpwr's Tins this Hutnltocmimact with All thoNI-L‘R 109M: ’i‘m . going Norfih and South. Ht 8 u. 113., 1'3 (L. 1* 10 p Lu. and (5‘00 1) 1.1. - - “RICHPVIOND HILL. 8‘ F’alnier, «Pr-or), Burristéys, 8913-35513, (he. Ofliccs 18 King Streéa‘.‘ East, Toronto. Richmond gnu rosy ,(ince Every Saturaay. J SFullcrtou 4", ‘W Co‘ok, J R Miller. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. Toronto. May 20th, 199-1, ly-pfim THE PALMER HQUSE nui‘ville .. do rlilmm H .. dc Victoria Sqmjro do 'l‘hm‘ulu‘ll ( WM]: do ‘~ «'oodbridgo - do "‘eiuburg do oblotoz, do Vitaliged uir always on 1mm :11: he places of 'hpnintu" mt. _It. (loud u. ' yiL‘u tuo pun in tlz‘t‘t' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' A G F LA<TTIHZNCE Nov 27th, 1&84 . E. Corner Ki Armour, 8mm“ «3’; Wiiiiams BARRISTEBS. SDLIGI’E‘BRS. 8A}. l5 Toronto Street. Toronto. E. DOUGLAS ARMOUR, \VM. SETOJ GORDON A" J. WILLIAMS. (imo ’I‘hnmkfulfor the favors of H13 past yours ‘nystillboconsulmdh; , y “much of the pm 3:01), as follows ' ; hnmnd Hill.. my; 61: 24'“; 0; each month I‘ ’ ‘5 pex'fiayixxcnns, ETC. ‘ , - L . 1 Nn‘ 1.1 Building& Lorm ' 91,0an ()‘fliceb'clmmbersJfiTomnbo st. Richmond Hill ()Eiice~gfjfifl.fifihf};§ ‘ " ‘ On Samargluys. Money [0 Loan (at-Lowest Current Rates. “tamed Air for, ('xbm ting. I will fin vzh w1th0ut1miu at the lowmst prices. B091 i.1) on rubber $8, cheayest. :30. l WI'I‘ALEZERZEB AME ! Dr A ROBIMSQN. E'lzhiermn, ‘sz‘i LAWEEWWMM r :‘ember College of Physicians $5 Surgeons. (LATE ow marrm‘nm‘LJ I 31013 IIOURS,"F1‘02TL d to 10 [2, 111., 5 to 8 p. m R. B. Orr,'M. LB. and 'First"SQver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. A L, Englxmd (Late Of London, England ngeou, Etc. WOflice Hours 8 to 9.30 1L.111.. and. 1 to 2.30 p.121, DR. J AMES 213x13. WV. J. VVELSON, Barr'st61‘s,Solicitors, Tango Street, "Richmond HHI. Richmond H111, Oct. 12th, ‘82. Fouiglill Nurseries. cc hour 10 n. All night culls at front door boll Lehmond Kill, May 30th, 1857. STONE do WELLINGTON, AS F. MCL. COULTER, TEACHER 01“ Piano and Urglm. MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. 0. H. RIG-GS, L. D. 3.3 DR. J. A. PALMER, 1?? N 61.. 'g (“175 w Dec. & Tums. for Cmmdzt. 33 Wellington Stu, East, Toronto DR. ORR, MAPLE, "HERALD" OFFICE, “inluuond “£11,011t. Biennium; HILL, ONT SURGEON DgNT‘IST, AURORA ‘ner King <3: Yongfifitgu TORONTO: Quanta. A D PERRY, LEFE Quaint 95‘ l. It.” AND 5W. LN Toronto. 'Ont. Dec lst 15:33 Richmond 11111 NGS’H FF 3 T C EWILLIGAN‘ the places pf Wallace \§ HARVEST HOMEâ€""Last Thursday being the day appointed: for a Harvest Home in connection with ’I‘hornhill English Church', a ehjeral thanksgiving service was held “in ‘Trinity Church which was most tastefully and elaborately decorated for the occasion. Members from St. Luke’s surpliced choir, Toronto, formed the choir, while Rev. Mr. Shortt, ot'Woodhridge, conducted the services assisted by the Rural Dean,“ Revs. Langtry, BIerllum, Bates and' Dr. Davies. Rev. Mr. McCollum preached a forcible sermon, taking forhis text: “ Son, thou art ever with me 'and‘ all that [ have is thine.” The ‘serrice' was thoroughly enjoyed by the‘many' listen-- ers, all the more so. beealgse'oi' of such opportunities in country parishes Aftér the Recessional had been sung they turned their steps towards the Mineral Springs fully prepared to do Justice to the dainties so bountit'ully provided; the delicious iceâ€"cream vauâ€" ishing as before the sun. After tea, eye and car were charmed by the tableaux and songs which were given on the ver~ andah of the Mineral Spring residence, it. being especially fitted up for the oc- casion. \Ve have mt heard the result financially, hut as far as we can judge, it was 11 grand suecess. WE WILL rake subscriptions for the Daily Empire by the month, quarter or year, payable in advance. ARRESTEDâ€"«Mn Cox,0f Central Bun}: Fume has been arrested, brought to Td‘v- yonto, andwill have m stand his trial of :nis‘appropriuting funds to a wrong use; YORK TRIBUNEâ€"Mr, John Elliott, of Richmond Hill, gave a short address at the Lawn Party held in Mr. Goo. Reaman's grounds Maple. - PATRIOTICâ€"We have read a very patriotic letter ‘in Tuesqay’s Empire from Charles Durand, Equ (1837)with some pleasure. LADIES buy your Full and Winter Dry Goods at the Concrete and save wholesale profit on sa1ne.. \V Atkinson, Direct; Importer. IF OUR readers would like to see dress goods that are cheap as well as good, why! go to the Fire Proof. SIIIRTINGS and cottonades of the bostquulity and lowest prices may be seen at the Fire Proof. ‘VATERWORKSFâ€"She]burne, Ont.,c:1r' ried a byâ€"luw grunting $12000 for waterworks by a majority of 7‘; on Mon- day last. ' ‘ ’ LOCAL AND OTHER lTEMS THE School Board meets next Monâ€" day. > ' READ the change in the advertisment of P. G. Savage. THE HERALD will be sent to any adâ€" dress for the bulancc’of the firm for 25 cents. . ‘ , . GIRL WANTED.â€"â€"In another column Mrs. Atkinson advertises for a girl. See advertisement. ' NEW CHURCHâ€"A new English, church is going to be built in East, T0â€" mnto. " A SPLENDID assortment of new prints at Crosby’s. THE montth fair will be held on Wednesday nexc Changeâ€"l" G. Savage. Girl wantedâ€"Mrs‘ Atkinson TEAS of grand quality at Crosby’s Teaâ€"Dust at 10 cents 1b. MORNiNC. Going Norm, South, East, and West, at. . . . . . . 7.40 EVENING. Going: South, East. and _ West, at. o . . . .. . . 5.30 Mail for the North. via. lailwuy, ionves once :1, day, in "the moming, as above stated. ' ' No. 13 ; ‘ ) may be Idunrl on tug at Geo l P. Rowan &Co‘s Newspaper Advertising Bureau (115 Spruce st.)whure advertisâ€" ing cnntructs may be much) for it IN NEW YORK UFHCE HEJURS " G OING NORTH. Toronto, 8 05 Thornhill D 03 Mahmoud Hill 1) 13 King . 9 25 Aurora. 9 42 Newnmrkeb, 9 53 Holland Landing, 10 03 GOING 11011;;an Landing, 7 50 Newmurhet, 8 00 Aurora, 8 11 King, 8 27 Richmond 11111, b‘ :57 1‘horuhill, 8 46 Toronto, 9 16 SOUTH. Hollgnd Landing, Newm urket, Aurora, King, Richmond Hill, I‘horuhill, Toronto, The dntr.‘ printed on ezmu paper denotes the time when Lhu subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. Morning Mail from Sogth, Wpst and East, by Railway,a__;*rives at Evening Mail from Toronto by Yonge-sirect Stage, arrives at, Vight Mai} from North, by Rail- way, arrives ‘ - Postmaster. Richmond Hill, Dec. 6th, 1886.": ' Until furthcr notice, Mails will be Jloscd at the above Office as follows :â€" WSMFFEEE PETER! MCBMWI} HILL MST OFFICE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1888. TIME. 251w “film: aftmtld. Richmond Hill. Ont. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. NEWV ADVERTISEMEEIS. ARRIVALS“ Whole No. 1573 : IVI. mumâ€"~â€" ‘_ Z7 a. m. to ‘ 7.30 19. 11 47 12 (I3 1‘2 28 12 43 1‘2 55 1 25 11 Volume 30 10.30 7.00 0.33 1.23 777 540 632 641 5 52 G 03 6 35 G 48 6 b7 7 2‘2 MAmguAry; AND VVIIITCIIURCII FAIR. â€"â€"The Directors of the Markham & Whitchurch Union Agricultural Society met at the Mansion House, this week, to revise the Prize List for the next Exhi- hition which will be held on Monday and Tuesday, October lst and 2nd. A large number of prizes have been added to the list, and the former prizes in a number of'instances have been raised. A numâ€" of fresh classes have been added in the horse department, and We anticipate a big turn out. this year. Farmers send in your entries early. Tell your neighâ€" hnrs about it, and help to make this the Show of the district.â€"â€" Advance. r A GOOD CUREâ€"One of the teachers in the public school at Ansonia, was troubled by the dirty appearance ot‘some of Her scholars. One morning she made the dirtiest, stand up in front of her desk before the whole school. Taking a piece ofsoap,she lied a piece of string to it and hung: in about the dirty scholar’s neck. and made him stand there wearin: the budge-for several hours. It look but three lessons like this to enforce cleanliâ€" ness andl'ivhen the school broke up for the summer holidays there was not a brighter or eleaher lot of children in the town. “LARGE ENOUGH YE'I:.”â€"â€"Fr0m last Week’is‘Woodhriid‘iie News: “ The York Herald says the NewS’hns gone back to half its i'ormeii site. This is a mistake. The: Herald mah- muste have noticed that the News' isfaur columns larger than “ half: the him it wais’formerly." Anyway, it is large enough to be the best paper; and as it is enough large for that, it is large enough.”â€"We’re Satisfied. ' I S'I‘Am DINNERâ€"The cable dispatches describe the solia {1011.1 plites, epergncs and diclms used at the skate dinner given by thevszar of Russianin honor of' the Emperor of Germany. Tholmyal family nf France lived 'in similar luxury just befo'ie‘ the Frenpl) Revolution. The common people, whose labor produced all that wealth, weré heavily (argéd and suf- fered l‘bl‘ lack of‘ plain food. Oppression flfivorkswgts own qq‘re.â€"Exchafige. Tom] '. ...................... $277,130 M. TEEF‘I, Bostmaster. HAVE YOU JOINED ?-â€"Thc R. 'I‘. of Temperance lizid a‘very nice time at their council last Tuesday evening“. As usual an excellent program was rendered and this council is panting to be Véry popular. if you an deep dyed or just a beginner you ares'just as welcome as a total abstaineh for‘none are rejected, but A1; are mad; welcome in this soâ€" ciety: ’ > POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK, RICHMOND HILLâ€"The following is the 'éamount of deposits in the Richâ€" n1ond~iBiHanch ofthe Post Office Savings Bank in 20 years, ending 30111 June‘,’1388:â€"- TotuJ .lejiésits In) to 31Decemhor, m7. Depositsforhalf-yearcndilrgifiuJunqlws W. C. T. U.-â€"'l‘he members of the 1N0£Npg¢BY-~William Ashby. who W. C. T. U. are requested to attend in is accused ‘of having burned'down the full force at. sharp seven on Tuesday , barns of James Johnston in York townâ€" 4th of Sept, to discuss urgent business. ship, in January. 1880, was brought be- ANICE line of all wool dress ghods fore Mr' Wingfield' Toma}? and “3' selling at 100 per yd at the Concrete. manded um,“ lo‘monoww <11”in l _ r o A 7 THE Concrete is the right phme for China Granite & Printed WarerDinucr 35 Tea‘ Sets at wholesale figures. WORK" ' ‘VANJ‘EDnâ€"Any one wishing; to have washing done can be suited by applying at Mrs. Parsoub’ on Richmond Intreelv, opposite the residence of B. Ric;- ‘fiitt. ‘ “1 MISTAKENâ€"~The North York Reâ€" former says that Mr. Henderson, the Conservative candidate in the late elec- tion for Halbon, was backed up by the liquor intémst. On the contrary it was Mr. Wul‘die, the Reform candidate, that the liquér inferest favored. [Some peo- ple lie unneéessarily. ‘ ’ A SAD accidé'nt occurred at the conâ€"- struction of the new Ontario Rolling Mills building at Windermeru on Moi;â€" day killing one man and injuring five; others. ‘- FOR sale at this oflice the Scientific American, one of the best papers pubâ€" !isbed ; 100. sipgle number ; per year 111 advance. MESSRS. N. 0. “73112189, M. 1)., Jas. Armstrong; and R. N. Taylor have left for Yorkton by the C. P. R. express, to selcét 10,000 additional acres of land for the York Co‘iony, . ’ A LARGE obnsignmcnt of Fall and Winter Dry Goods for the Concrete, Ex 8. S. Devoniu, from Glasgow, rcpomed atNew York on the 21st inst., will be on hand in a few days. HIGH SCHOOL â€"Newmarkct High School has engaged Mr. Robt. B. Potts, an Honor r Graduate in Science of the University of Toronto, as Science Master in the High School. CONSERVATIVE PICNICâ€"Three Minâ€" isters of the Crown took part in a Can-- servative picnic at [Iagersville yesterday viz :â€"â€"-Mcssrs. Langevin, Chapleau and Sir John Thompson (lately knighted) Minister of Justice, FUNERALâ€"The funeral of the late Alfred Medealf', son of the late Mr. Med- caif' who for-some years was Mayor of Toronto, took place in Toronto on Monâ€" day. The Orange body was largely rep resented in the cortege. A GOELING was hatched last summer on the léémn of Mr. John Fleming. of Windsor, N. 8., with four wings. The bird flourished and this summer is strolv ling around with three little goslings from her own eggs. each bearing a simiâ€" larnumber of wings. 2" 8,956 It will be a quarter of a century, Aug. 301b, since the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers was organized at Detroit. 011 the above date 5000 engineers ure :0 Cele» Another puzzle to lhe medical fralprnity is the case of Mrs Sarah Kelley, of Belle ville, N. J. She has lived without food for thirtyâ€"eightduys, but is now gradually be" commg weak. Snufllpox is raging 1n the insane asylum on Ward’s Island near New York. There are over 1800 pauperinsane men in the asylum-200 attendants and fifteen physi-- Cians. 11. M- Sciple. of Boodentown, N. J., has contracxed to build a (loop water steam Yacht, 31 feet in length. 111- teet beam. and 7 feet draught. for a trip to California. The New York 'wgeelily bunk statement shows :1 reserve decremae of $L,‘2QJ§ 000. The banks now hold $26,640,000 ill-EXCESS of the 25 percent rule. “ The liabilities of lioss‘ Haskell & Camp-- bell, wholesale deulérs in fancy goods at Montreal, is estimated at?" 25,000. Thele were 1,037 dehlbs in.) 1110 city of New York during the last week in Julya The lulu] gross (121‘ lmnges of the United States for the week ending Aug l'Hh, were $945,772,361, an increase ofll per cent. as compared with the Corresponding period of Inst year. ' From} [he 10111 of July 10 the 10111 of August, 35,6531. Italian immigrants were landed at Cusllé Garden, New. York oily. Al; internahoxml mineral and metallic exposition will 1);: heid at, Washington in 1800. Federal aid will be asked. ’lhe tonnage on lhe Erie Caimul for the seven weeks of the present season has faHen 290.405 tons below last year. V r Bell Boyâ€" the famous 3 3cm 01d ironing stallion-4195 just been sold for $50,000, the third highest price ever paid at auction fur a hurse. Durham University, England, has made the Bishops of New York and Minnesota Doctors of Divinity. The new Governor of the Canadian Northwest hush abolished prohibition, and ‘will permit liquor licenses to he sold. Kim,r Milan has now asked for a legal separation from Queen Natalie. The French Government is him g miliâ€" tary precautions to proxect the flew-strik- ing navvies. '1‘he;§Mayflower will enter the coming 0coan yaght IHUCS this season 1 Jeff Davis' daughmr, Varnin. has wriHeu a booklet. IL is called “ An Irish 1‘: night ‘ of the Nineteenth (,entnm'y.” Bergen. {lie Baltimore absconder, has decided 10 remain at Mantrcal. M. Dvlmsseps now su-vs rlmt [lie Panama Canal will be opunvd in 1890. The Auslmlim: Centenary F:;hibiti0n at Melbourne was opened Aug. 151. The diamond swinrller. lull-QUITE}, li Said to have stolen fully €50,0Q0 worth of" px-Hzirvus gems from Iww le: cilyjcwelers and is ll)SllC‘<tllll;Z nt Mnmrcgsl. Emin l’aslm is said to be marching m)th Emil] Pasha is said to be marching norLb :Iinst the Mahdi. Yellow fever has appeared in the Interior of Cuba. («1 03 BIAI'ESâ€"In Richmond Hiil, nu L’th August, \K :11- ren Mupes,sou of Mr Jesse MupLS, aged 5: months Buried at chdford. GoUGH-At the Hmpital of tho Anglican Sister- hood (if St. John the Divine, Toronto, on Elm 18th iiist., Hom'iutm Hardwood, Wife uf J. C. Gough and youngest daughter of the lam Henry Porter, E-;<1., of St, Juhn Now Brun- swick. Lima-7M Slim-worm, on Aug. 25th, Mrs P Linc, ' mm oi John L1HO,E§q., in her find 3 1'. BATHSâ€"Enteved into rest at Avocu. cottage ~l. incu Albert, on with inst, Thirteenth Him- L'lay Lifter Trinity. Frances (Fanny) \Vlmutioy, [balms lwife of Genrgo Bums umi mother of Roy '. \thitley Butchmctor of Thornhili, form; iy of Avncn, County \fickimv, Ireland “ Bugged are the eyes which we the things that ye see.”»â€"(Holy Gospel for the day). LANgsTAFFâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Thursday, 235ml iust., the wife of Dr. J. Lungitufi, of a Captain M'im;ot:~â€"th& invmmr of (he M0mmr~cvlcbraied his 8.5111 bixxhduy, July 3lst. ‘ In tho Engliah Churches, on Sunday Inst, Mr Buldwin,burrister,’l‘omutn, took the place of Rev \V. W. Hates whohzul been called away on m:- coum, of the serinus illness of his mother. He gave nu excellent discourse he‘re in the after- noon, tulriug for his text, the 2nd chap of Ephe‘ sinus and 19th verse. 8011‘ Mr Arthur Pugsley has gone on the excursicn‘ trip to Manitoba. Mrs R. Hicks from the city is spending a short time here with Mrs R. Sivers. Mr m1de J. Mmmlmn of Toronto, mo vi »' ing at, Lorridgo Farm for a, 10W days. Last, Sunday morning Father Egan, who oere 1] 011m onFriduy from his trip to tho Old Country, gave an mhlr 5:; on Ireland in the R. C. Church in this Villa; 0. Miss M. Wmfl and )Ilss E Johnson, ’who havc been viaitinq Mrs Wnrron Hewson at tho Sunny; sidu have left; for thairhmnes, Mr Hewson ac- companying as fur as Toronto. AS announced in IstL inane the Rev Mr Simp' 5011 gave 21. surmon specially to one ymmg men in the C. M. Church on Sunday lust. He gtwa the young men Sumo sLel'liug advice which thuy would (10 woll to profit by. A TIIOUGTFUL MERCHANT.â€"The Oshawa Vindicator says a merchant in that town has placed barbed wire along.r the front of his windows where the boys are wont to rest their weary bones of an evening, tell yarns and sprinkle the side- walk with tobacco juice. One of these young men not being aware of this enâ€" terprising move on the part of the mew chant sat down on the wire in a most un concerned manner last night, but with a howl of mortal agony he Sprung in the air, lit on all fours, turned a double somersault and then soundly kicked a small boy half way names the street for laughing. Not satisfied with this, he yanked his cont and Vest off, threw them down in the «dust, stood on them and flinging his arms nrou:d like NeWton’s windmill said he could-lick any blunkety blank, blank blank sun-ofâ€"aé-gun who would stick a brad awl‘in him‘ and after consigning the merchant to the eternal depths of the internal regions, he took his departure for Dr. Hoig’s office to se- cure a. plaster for his Wounded entremiâ€" ties. > v Miss Millnr W011: buck to Nialund on Tuesjiny Mr T. H. Roddittleft for Aurora. on Sutugdny: S Misg Spragge returned on Saturday from Owen OUR . Mrs Rohirson from Owen Sound is visiting at Braoside Farm. Miss Doyle, of Toronto. was the guest of Mrs Sterling for u. fuw (Lays. Miss Paisley, Rnchostor, and Miss Gmhmn of Gmlcrich, are staying as Mrs 11. Huudmsou’s. Mr Sudduhy. of Toronto, whd WILS staying in this village for [L day or so, cwlluJ in to 300 u ‘ All the amendments to the Parnell com ’ion hill' have been dcfemed. LACROSSEâ€"~Tile Maitiandfl, of Toâ€" ronto, dci'cei'ted the White Rose, of this village, by four straights, on the Moss Purl; grounds, Toronto, 90 Safiurday last. W. E. Wiley acted as fluid cup-â€" tuin with M. F. Gray as umpire 1'01 the Hill boys. Current Events. Society Notes“ B I Ii'f Ii] . Department (If Hnilwnys my] (fmnflfl Ottawa, an August, 15:; . The respective deposit receiptsicheques will not he uccuptmlfimusb be omlursod over to the Minist of Ilnilways mu] ()11nuls,(un‘1 will be forfeited if the party tendering declines enturihg into clmtmct, for the works Ht the’ rates and (m the terms stated in the nifcr submitted. The deposit receipt: thus; sent in will be returned Lu the respective parties whose tenders are not accented. V This Department dons not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest; or any tender. By Qrd_gr,_ _7 _ works uh the plums mmnliouml. In the, (mac or firm»: them must be attached the actual simmtum of me full nmun, the nature of the (ICCllplLtIOll nml 1'( minute of an 1 member of the sumo, and 1'1‘1‘L‘H0r, :1, bank (10110 , receipt for the sum 01 ,, >,-'Jllf)1'mxat mccumpzmy the tender for the Gillopfi (12mm! \V’url; nml a hunk (loposil‘, rucm‘pt for the sum of ,MUO fur each section of the works 911 the Slllllllllh luvcl of tho Cuxuwnll (lunul ; mul for each of the lock sections on the Cornwull (Junul u. bunk deposib recéipc for the sum of 34,000. ‘ SEALED TI‘INDERS, uddroszzvd to the under- l signed und vmlwrscd “'J‘uml 'fnr the St Lawâ€" rence (‘4an ” will Km received: ,thii (mice until the “Him: 01 mm ountvru and estum mails on EUESDAI the cat]! any of Sept 111])01‘,110XL,1'01‘ the constrummu of 1, Yo lacks and the duclwning and (\nlu'ga'jnieut of the nmmr entrance of the (“flaps ()xuml. And for him deepening and en»- lzu'gmnent of the summit love] on the Comwull Crmn]. The (mmh'mtiun of IL umv lock 1L: aw}! of tho tlnmo interior Inc]: stations; on Lhc‘Cnrn- wall (Junng chwwon the Town of Cornwall and Mm‘lu (h‘m'o; the dwponing and \\ Mumpg the channel way of the 011.11le ; consyructiun of bridges, (to. . A mu ) of each of HM loczfli‘n a together with {mum and 6;)).,(:illcntimm 411' tlw & farm-hive wurks, can In» scan on and (Lfim ’1'Ul«]£§l),»'.\ the 11th day of quivomlmr, 110xL,1L1 filis 011100 Vf( L11 1110 works and fur the res-1w ' e works'm the following mr‘nti’ned plgcus r ‘ For the Works at Gulops, at {113 Lock-keeper's House, (Eulzms‘ For dcnpum‘ng the summit level of the 3011an 0:11:21, “1, 1,)iuhonnon’s Landing; mud {01' the new lorks, AIL, at hmkâ€"Htmimm Nos. 18, 1.0 and Z‘J, M3 the 'l'mvn 01' Gunman. 'I’rinmd forms of tnnflwr cm ' 0 obtained for [Lorospccnivo works uh the plums m *ntiouml. ' ' If‘you want to buy 01-59111; Farm. nd-- vm'tise in the 'J‘umutr) \VkilaKLY MAIL. That paper reaches 100.000 funnel-5' home" every week. and your zulvm'tistemenl shou‘d meetlhe- eye of someone who warms to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a Word each insertion. or Twpnty Cents a word for five insernious. Adfiress THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. St. Lawrence Canals. NOTICE TO CONT IACTORS. We have hoard of the common sense Boot and now comes Mason, always up to the times, in purchasing the right to dispose 01" Byam's “Common Selma" Sash Balance, doing away with the nu» cessity of weights and curds in windows and am much cheaper, 1mm: durnhh: and sauisf'zxctm‘y. They can be phme in Old as well as new windows. Cull and exâ€" amine their merits at . y m (M s‘ d< Peas (h Dressed Hogs, pnr '1mns, 11hr pair Bu tar, IL» .0118. Eggs, fresh, doz. Onions, 1 Cubbugu ...... Turnips, per (1 10.noth per do Hay, pe: ton. gym“: ' 1' tom Mrs General Grant has accepted an in-- vilation to visit Coiumbus, Ohio, during the Grand Army Encampment. and Equsi- lion. She is expected to be present at the exposition, September Il-lh, and during her stay will be [he guest of Governor and Mrs Fox'akcr. \ ' ‘ 1 v w w ’1 Hit: _ M A HUN .5 '17()1'il)N'l‘| B. Tuuuszmy, August. 3£\,1388. PRIKIES A'I‘ FARRUEMD‘ W ALrGUNS Wheat fall, 110w, per bush.“ E. 0 96 Spring (1r) 8:; Baglay (lo 0 :30 0mm do 3‘ Fans do 00 god Hogs, per mom 8 50 The lhird page of [he 'l‘nrmifo DAILY MAIL is nowd for “ Want ” mivcr'tisuuenl. Ifzytm {ant to 3’13: or so” mglhing. If ~you wzmt a silur.‘ on, u. mochmfic‘ a livid-- Hess, mac hinery,¢‘.udgings. if' ynn hnvulost or found nnylhing, or if you want to find out where anyone is. advemim in Hm To" mum DAILY M/ 11 and rpm}. Lfm advertise - ments on x‘nr) lhird page of" {hut paper. The charge is two cents n word each in-- serlion. Addresa '1'sz MA; 1, Tormxlo, Canada. , 0 DO 30110111] 1101150 work Good wagon. A11 l'h'. NII'ES.WM. ATKINSON. The czar of Russia is a great fisherman, nnd he has just bought in Finland a tract of land with :1 river swarming will) mlmono His imperial wife is alw a fair fly easier. and can manage a wicked fisihwith ease and grace. But, did the Czar evér bob for eels? GOMMGN The Polish patriot, Kurkowski, who died last month, is reported 10 have attained the age of one hundred and sixteen. He is said to have followed tliz) banner of Kos- ciusko in 1794. He sowed under Nan yoleon in the Russian umpaign in 1812 and also dislinguished himself in {he Polish (\1 insurrection of 1830-» 1 . ' This powder no'ver varies: A marvel of purity strength mu] wlmlesmneness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in cnm‘petition with the multitude of low tofitfilmrt wuifllt, ulnm or phosphate pmxulm‘ Hold only ‘x 0‘ 'G l‘owmm (Ax, 1U6 \Vull The French Minister of War has decided that oflicers in the army enjoying pay of $1000 can marry without exacting a dowry from their brides. This' is revocation of the decree of Dec. 1843. brute the event by the biggest picnic and reunjonjn theirflhistory.‘ $21. 5:3 {QLL W EFF?)- _.-., m u wur. 3/4 Ahfioiuteiy Wurga. my. “ m R3. WM. ATKI‘fiSON, liiélxlxxoxld Hill (£1511 “Minted ! C. Mason’s, Richlean MN] A. 1). BRADLWV, . Quorolm‘y. o 96 as m u ()0 50 55 2|) 15 0 45 1 $0 00 HO 9!) 60 36 70 00 65 24 16 50 75 no 351) v0 (>0 16 00 12 00 A16 813 A splendid assortment of Men’s Bigjy’s 85 Youth’s ready made suits. Men’s Suits from $4.50. Boy’s “ “ 1.00. Is the correci: place to find all swimmer Dry Goods also Hardware, Groceries and Crockery, " ' the best quality and at the lowest; figures in the trade. Grey Cotton, bite flotton, Qanadian £1; imparted. Shirte ‘ing, Canadian £2 Scotch Tweeds, “Extra, "Value.- The Cmme Emma Raymond Scwimg Masking, (1,41 171; Eagle Ladies age} Children’s @ij Fun line of?" A Very Finis“ Lima: (33' ‘Wiaim (Maudie Wan-0 Ladies’ French Kid Boots and Sligpers. Ladies’ Oxford Shoes, Ladies’ Common. Sense American Walking Boots, Etc. 1 . ‘ s‘11('[:i'1‘ m gun mmmmm in. EUR CHEAP LEND‘ Repairing (1mm Nagtlly, Chmuvly, Quimljr. 14311011 “in-“pg .1.) 1111mm? Yuut yutrumngo hum-mm. :zuitswm ' H . ‘ f , v ‘ \Vc havd Just rcccu'vd um] um npmmw nut 11 {ml ] Summur we 0111' nim‘ Is the only safe and surc_0il for Selfâ€"Binders, Threshing Machines and Mill Macluucry generally. Manufactured ' by DGMKNEGN @EE‘fi'ANS, Of world wide fume, in Illlnl{”~'C;lls stylus, (:mimii’iing Foley’s. automatic~ mouse yii‘oof and all the latest improvements, at very low prices and guai'ainccd to give the best of satisfaction. MGM}; 3mg“ 90., HANS, * DOXQIIINEOXV FILE: USâ€"(hunf, Square and Upright ; in Mahbgany, Figured Walnut. Hosmvoud and oihor cholce woods, perfevt insijumlch‘fs, sold on terms which cannot be beaten. 01d organs and piamoa Taken in exchange. OALL AGAIN? 2 Q 0065, Thanks to tlm Irionds fortheirIihmiufHumnm in Linuuuco of your 1:1thLumgo. {11 :(u. LA RDIN E GO TO 32f.» “QETL-‘jfifffl “ILWQEZEEKE. ‘ M w’% V “WWNWVWWM~W¢‘? M‘J Jnstopunedidiroct from Eng‘. 'ud. Ton $4019.. Mules ("ups and Saucers, Bcdmom Sets, And nro going to be sold at Juices so low than the W11) 1L. onish you. 111.11 and see. 1%???“ ® 3E3 HUMMH Fem fig Fruits, Etc” Sugars, Spices, Cereal Foods, Canm Broomfl, I’Lrntalw: Emits in Sonso and Fruit Jars. Candies, Nuts, D a t e s, $34M NEW WHHAMS 3%? NE Am] Sold by 1: WM. ATMémfiflN, Children’s Shoesâ€" All ‘ es anti Prices. i rocerien, MCCOLL’S CE L EBRATE 33k It. FOR P i n e 010. 72's: Season, Canned WW “WWW \V Nevifle and T T]- .J‘} OLi‘ Etc Sanderson Bum, iichmnnd Iii” IPF, sh- WILL cum OR RELIEVE SCUM/S l/‘JESS, ’ mam r 783/, f.’,’i:’"‘" ILuFTIfP/HG if}! 1/1“!ch (3F THE HE A 1:! mm”; L Dvl (Jun. J in film vast. \Vnnld 1m ‘vly solicitu con-L :omls Ir "1 21ml )niuLH )' HE/T.’?TRI.\"” 6:53-pm. “333;: JENOIâ€"Iq i) SJmom li'zm’urr, Wri‘rrgor, Eta, Etc“ wicmx Walking Boots, 0. 'mci $110653, " r ' {harmless Boots, “ 'igator Boots, Etc. J 1) :«2 (21425. Direct Imnorter. ‘MAQH‘. 6' TC» 1 (:1 ~ as». arising from m- 0‘” \f‘ “l A C HINE 271"” (S‘TOMAOA‘I RT. (3,: m: HEA 7'2! 0; suitable for SpringV and; um! to none in the TORONTO;

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