Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Aug 1888, p. 3

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Butter and Eggs wzxntcd~ Highest Price Paid aquaranth THE MREWW i Every Department Com plc‘m. Dress Goods in the New Make?) and Leading Colors,â€"~Chaap MILLINERY AME MARKER GGG‘DS éTyphoid,‘Malaria or Bilic‘us Fever Iron. A SEQ Tania. .It works like magic, driving: the disease or its symptoms out of the system. Try it I Try it I It'lpuilds up the entire systey; and ,L'qndcrs you able to attend {to your accustomed puxsuits. Prepared 9:11;] by Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&c. - The Pmpies SM? 2 . . 1w Now is your time for cheap mom paper. The largest ‘ stock in town and will be sold cheap. JVEW PA'I‘TE RN F0 ER THE FAL L TRADE Ready mixed paints in all colors ready for use. Leds, Oils, Tarps, Varnish, Glasg in all Sims. ' A large stock of ' in new designs at iess than Toronto prices. ' 2Usual stock of Groceries, Flour 8: Feed at bottom pmces. March, 1888‘ amtramm mmwxwxmzmmwmmmm ALL KINDS OF ' “61' Chaim :2 Gmmg‘mg A large assortment of Worsted Suitings and Canadian Tweeds at snch low prices as will ustonish our fuends. BROS. GHEMISTS AND BBUEEISTS, r r EIEEHMQI Is now filled with a Large and Splendid Assortment of Fresh Ontma Hausa? AT ngwa (£2 , 1: , , , .~ A 7/ fl 4 ~C 91% Ht 5 rnaâ€"rzvt New fiwmg BRIG 80flfl$¢§z§ Highest Price paid for GOOD butter (35 eggs- Bankrupt Stock Prices in in Dry Goods, ’I‘wccds, Hats, Boots 8: Shoes and Tears fur SEEMEE Eifififiiféiii ESAAG CRG‘SBY. Wmflfiflmflfl-‘i‘fim SHM'JEPMMW . H x ) 1.1 Are you Vthrentened with ALL SUMMER GOODS MUST BE ' CLEARJSD OUT. In great variety at the G63 T4} "WEEK? 3m! flnvmll :md money laid up fm‘ n; rainy Guy by puydmsing ‘wlmld Suppliea :LL.J;‘:;(: Ontario 410115;. Constantly on hand. SPRING. C) 7. U! l» L H”! . Gr. SA VAG‘E. fiIEHMWB HILL SEWER {1888. g) EVERY THURSDAY, At, his printing; Ofl‘me. Tense Street, Richmond ‘ Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscripmm) :â€"â€"SH 00 par mmum in mlvamov. \thu not pninl 1'11 advance :1 50 will be charged. 'l‘mn sitnry n dvcrti s‘omonts, fl I'st in Serbian, .' 8 cents! . :3 ovum urlm ........ . .... Ench snhsmjucnt inflation, 1W? linn (Inntrzmth‘ for time, mul 51mm) made 011 n‘mflica- tinn. l’uwm‘tiwmmnm WH‘nnnt written inatmntimm will be inserted J1] til forbid and chm‘qod Lru 113L- ant rates. The St. Mary’s Collegiate Institute Board has initiated a movement intend~ ed if' possible to overcome the growing expensivenesa and ineliieiency so far zis practical education in Concerned of our High School system. The Board, as an evidence of the need‘oi‘ improvemens‘in these regards, notes that in the inspecâ€" tor’s last report upon the school. " the essential part: of the work of a school» the education of' youthâ€"is passed over lightly, and with scarcely a remmk, while every part of the building, and grounds, and equipment, receives a more or less unfavorable share of attention. The St.Mary’s Board further expresu SOS its opinion thus 2 “ We think that a number of High Schools distributed through ll‘P country. with «in? regard to the roqnironwnts of the population. and the financial nhility ol' the municipalities. is: derirhhlo. and they form an impurtunt linlc in our educational svstom but when the sunport of those schools enâ€" ‘tiils ton wrout u hurden upon the tuffimyors the whole High School system falls into disf'm'nr, the linunciiilly wanker Schools. ulâ€" thouqli doing vxcollont. worlamnst succumb. and only those that sun 21mm] extensivo buildings. expensive oquipmont, and to pny high saluting, will survive. W0. helium we are not alert" in our dissatisfaction at this continual cull {'nr‘further expflntillllt‘t". and: at the clawifirntion ot' o‘ur'schools, not on the lmsis of educational work done. hut on; the willingness and ability of the munioinnl- itieri to spend money. We believe other hoards feel that. although all the Depart» went roquiros in what is useful and mun-- mental. whothm' in mounds, in buildings, or in minipnwnt, is udmiruhle and may he do»- sirulflo, m’vt‘t‘tltolvss it is not. always prurient lo nslc counr-ils for the necessary grunt to nroonte it. if this is exnorionced generally hv Romdi. two quvstions are suit routed :-â€" Wltoroin (run we host curtail or limit our oxponditnro and how Cut] we most (u‘TCctivo- lv lay the issues before the oflictuls who have the control of those mutton-t It, is ovidont, that no One Board can successfully not by itsell‘. Nor should nnv action he tnlmn in regard to umttersupnn which more is much difference of opinion am'mg ~Boards.” ‘ In order to ascertain the opinions of various Bnanla throughout the Province, the St. Marys Board has submitted a series of qixertions tn ofhcr Boards, which as (hey raise snhjrzcts of import- :mce,to ovary par-cm; and ratepayer we (“10min fun Iâ€"~ ' 1. Is it. the opinion of ynnr Board that vlw work roquireri ln‘ho done by the High Suhonls is n10rfipmvinciul than 100M in its murmurs. and Lhnt the burden m” their snmmrl iq [my unoqnnl‘v divided bntwnex: the tnunicipulhhm and «he Government ? 2 In your judgf-Irunz. are pupils! passed mu mpidlv through our schools, wherth lil-firouqh work. of permanent vahm. has In L'lVE‘ place to cramming {or special examin-. Minna ‘2 :3 Dr) you find il’ml monllilv oxaiiiinn‘imis pvmnme sound mlmsatimnm‘ do l'lwy disturb 100 much llw rfiuular work (if lllH soiumi. exhaust the euergivs ol'tmwliers nnd r‘upils. und are lhey followed by an unhealth 1'07- nclion ? 4. Do the English bmnclieu rzcceive as large :1 share of time and ultemiou us you think they reqrire? 5‘ Is Ila? lonvliinq of ucivucn. n5 requier hy llm limpectm', (A) given mo prominme :1. place ? (l3) does llm prescribed equipment including: luhm'umry and practical (sliemialiv mums. wilh Hll 1lie chemical and pliyuioal apparatus, involve too large an outlay? (c) Are your cnnsiiiuoms. in general, ul-isliud with this expenditure '2 6. Has your Bnmd fully met (or is it making pruyisiou {0 meet) the doparnnonm“ requirements in regard to n. gymngzsiumgmi Ihe equipment themof? (n) What do you rf‘gm‘d as essential in the p waphcmnlin du~ munded for physi -:tl cuhum ‘2 7. Is it your opinion llmt Ihe genera] 0x- pendiner l'f’qUiH'd 11y Hm Dopnrnnent in support mn High Sclmnls nn'l Collegiate In- stitutes (grounds. buildings,equipment, stuff (:10, ) is gxcutex‘ Khan municipalities can afl- I‘m‘d at present, '3 8. How many mills in the (iolfai‘ do ynn require. to raise it} your municipality. by taxation, to support your school, oufiinury expenditure onty ‘? 9. What. means do you suggest as best adapted to bring these, and other matters of a like natuie below the notice of Hm Department? Do you consider the. Ontario Asfiuciation of school trustees to be the best ? We nf'e rather glad than otherwise at llie American llil'eum of retaliation. It will help to make a nation of us and deâ€" pend upon our own outlets to the sen using our own sea ports, it could not have come at, a better time. Hope that it may be more than a political dodge of Glover’s, We have before us a copy of Sir Charles Tuppcr’s Budget. speech in the House of Commons, made 12th May, 1887‘ When looking to this thing hap- pening he made use of the following language. “There is, however, Sir, a single cloud on the horizon, and it is right thul should spenda moment in giving theta. passing notice-“411m, is. the question of thiealenud now-intercourse on the part ol'the great lie- public to llaevsouth of us. Now, Sir, I need not say to the House that the question of the protection of our fisheries has not been i a party qneslion in this House. The pro-- tection of our fisheries was urged by hon. l gentlemen opposite and their piesn through out the peri “7 since he abrogation of the ; Wushingloh Treaty. probably with more ‘ vehemenoe than it was urged by the mum-- bers and press supporting the Government. 1 All parties were at once, upon the question I lthut it was the dLityâ€",~a duty from which no Government, in Canada could for a moment. shrinkâ€"rthut we should maintain the admit- tedâ€"I will not any' the llllth’tSâ€"-bllL I will any the ictmcedud‘ rights that, by long pie-- scription and Ihrbuxh a long coarse of years, has been‘frunkly admitted by the ,highest authorities in the United States as; ibelonging to Canada. The time has not vyet come, and I hush it never will, when luny Governnicnli in this country will be per mined by this House to shrink fur a single ginstnnt from [cinpei'utely and judiciously The York Herald. . H. HEEE‘LER, HIGH SCHOOLS. PUBLISHED BY Retahation. “Asi said before, this cloud, this only l cloud has its Silver lining. Non-intercourse would would not. he :in unmixed evil. I would deeply deplore it ; every member of, the House and every intelligent Canadian would deeply deplorefiuy interruption of the Commercial relations which exist between this country inn} the United States. but. I_ cannot forget that, it'this policv of mm -in-- tnrrourse were adopted, it would lead to the development of those channels ofeommuni- (-ution hetweeu ourselves. and that the com- merce of Canada, which to‘dav is building up New Yorke-I am spea‘iijng ol' the through trafficâ€"which to-rlay in building up Boston and Portland. would he carried through or elusively Canadian channels to Canadian‘ ports. and would huild up Montreal.Qnehce, St. Andrews, St. John and Halifax with a. rapidin which the people of this Country can scereelv ‘tt'nderetaudr Still further. I believe thut.i|'thal. policy of uon'intm-conrse were carried out, strong as is the sentiment of free trade in the minds of the imperial lovernnient. and the luiperinl Parliametiml still. consistently with the policy which Lord Snlisliury laid down when he was in-- terviewed by the sugnr refiners and was shown by them that the hountv-Ted sugar was crushing: out the imiuetries of" the United Kingdom. and when he staid that. strongly as he han adhered to the policy of free trade. he considered that, a condition of things of that kind would warrant the lm-- perial Parliament, without departing from their present nclicv of free trade. in retalia- tin;y by imposing a duty equal to the hounty on the sugar which came into ntimtit‘ltition with that of the refiners of the United King dom. This policy has only to he carried a vwry short step further to lend ller Majesty’s Government to the ,.cnnclusion. that they, would owe it to Canada and to themselves‘. as being the power under which Canada is happy to serve. to meet that policy of non" intercourse by such a different, mode of' treating the grain from the United States of America and the grain grown in Canada, as , would vivii'y the industries of this country. teen extent which Would make the mokt t marvellous chantre in this Dominion. Sir. ‘ ‘Inever expect the time will come “hen non intet'Course will he adopted ; but I am sanguine from my own knowledge of the growing sentiment of puhlic men in Eng: - land of the vital importance of Canada to the Empire, and their duty to give us all the support. to which we are entitled. that ifsuch :t policy were adopted we could doâ€" rive that heueiit from it, and it could he done without any injury to any interest in ‘ the Empire. The competition between the wheat of India and that which could he 3 grown in Canada under such on enormous impetus to that, growth, would he snliiciert to prevent. any uzntelinl ndvnnce in the I price of hrend to the British ConFttmE‘l’. 80, looking at this question in all its heerv- ings. while I felt hound to ‘give it. a pass-- in! notice, and while l most earnestly hone that no such policy will be adopted; nhile l haw. not the slightest idea that it. will. I any tinttnhould it he adopted. great as is the American 'lepuhlic, enormouq tie is the American Republic. enormnm as is their populution. they will find. thatHCnnada fuels thut she has as great and us vnluahle a portion of this North Atiierican continent ‘ under her management. and control and to he developed, an that lrin;r to the South of ‘us: and they will find the people of this country on both sides of politit-t-t. a united hand of patriots who, sinking every other Consideration will say that, whatever Gov-â€" ernment is in power they owe it to their (:"untry. they owe it to themselves. to show that tlzme will he no faltering in maintain-- in to the (Mutual the undoubted and admitte" tight}; .thnt belong to the people of Canada." CANADlAN OPINION. ’l‘ouox'rt . Ont. Aug. 24.â€"The opinion ‘I in this citv in relation to the inert“th 0i r nmmtaininq in a fair but unflinching manner the admitted rights 01' the people of this country.” .l’rcsidvnl (flevehmrl is very guarded; pnhlic 1‘ mm: and heads in the business} housr‘s are ;‘ Enchnex] 1:) take the: view that although the} qumxfion [MS hs-eu introduced in all prohzxu‘ bihlv it may never hncomc law. ‘5 Senmor Allan saidâ€"“ The message ist one to creatn feelings of surprise and disnl nppnintnwnt that the bend of a great naiion should lake wth alpgmnrsm me to he 21‘ party m- eleclinneerinq Vinw of the quosnl Hun, and it is II) he hoped thm CmmdiunS) wiil knmv hmv In conduct, liwmsplves in such a my that this déf’ficuhy hmzxy be got over \vithmxi ill-Jealan in withnr country. lint, we .Ircnipt swim: to he huilied into giving away our rights as amnion under threats 0" retnlinlinn.” Mr. N, C. Wallace. M. P. expressed a View fultby Conservativr-s in all pnrts of Ontario 30 said that Presidtmt Clovulnntl had tivclnred that the ‘ treaty nt‘ the plmiiu pnl‘tentaries nt Wusliing‘ton wen; :1 Fair 'rllltl lznnest settlemth 0? the dillicnlties existing between the two nations for navvntv years The Unrmdmn Parliament ratified the treaty and because the Anwrican Serum rel’usvd to (in 50. President CltAvr-lzmd says his party hndtlone wrong, and huvingtlune wrung thev would (in everythian further in thvir power to injure t 10 other l'ellnwa. Canada. could stand remlintinn better than the Uttitt‘tl States It. would build up the (Ixâ€"- plirt, and imnm‘t trade of the Dominion through the ports of Halifax. St. John and Montreal. Mr. Cleveland had done his own country a Serious and ridiculous wrong. erul opinlnn here is that retaliation, ill-- mead of being an injury, is the yery best, thing that could happen Nova Scotia. mud that Halifax would 'be especially berwfiled. The fish now shipped in hand viu New York 10 West Indian and Cuban ports would then he slipped bv direr‘fl sleamers. wlmse headquarters would he Ilalil‘nx, and instead 01' Nnva Scolmls fluur supply com» ing from Ontario viu Boston. il would all come by the Grand Trunk and lntercolor-iul. {omlintlon would do more than anything else to develop Cnnadian nmionulily and {0 (liver! Canada’s tlu'rmgh'tra‘de Ham Boston; Portland and New York lb Halifax and Sf». John. The Arrangements Perfected forthe Toronto Industrial- In addition to the usqu events, the ful- leVlllLf attractions are billed :â€"'l‘he Vienâ€" ncnc lady fenccrs; the Gipsy Band; balloon ascents; parachute decents; natiomzl dances of the world; Mort-13’ temple of illusions and mysteries; Prof. Morse’s dog, cat and monkey circus ; band competition ; school children drill competition; bicycle races: trotting races, hurdle races; Hunt Club races, etc. The following is the program by days :â€" .. .,. Mr ,- n VJMo'uduy, Sept. 10.~LPrépm‘ation Dayâ€"- Only exhibltors and press reporters udmit~ ted. Tuesday. Sept. H.-â€"Grand Openng cere- monies, the Exhibition opelwd omvially by ; (he Governor-General at. 2 o‘clock p. m., I an which Ceremony 9. large number of lhe! most prominent men of the Dominion will] be present. Wednesday. Sept. 1‘2nâ€"BicycIe and Athletic Dayâ€"Grand exhibit Qf machinery and power implements in‘ full operation. 'l‘mtung races; amateur bicycle and foot races‘ Thursday, Sept. l3.â€"Stockbreeders’ Day "3‘0"" L ‘ " “""i‘m -â€"â€"Tr0uing nud bicyde races in uddiffiou to i1 mch 2 . 0 0 . 1 Kennergy the special regulnr Mtractions. First. but". '1 he Stars dld not fimsh their last 1n- loon 'aacenaion and paraphu‘te (11:09. Atfnings as time was up arid they had to 8:30 p. 19. grand diapluy ,Of fireworks {0‘1" stop playing. They all then repaired HALIFAX, N 8., August 21Lâ€"The gen-- Exhlbimon Programme. lowed by [he pyrotechnic spoclmle “The Siege of Solmsloprd.” Friday. Hoyt. l4llL-Scluml Clllltlrvn's Dayâ€"Drill (:rvmnmilinn hv [he cailvl, (:m'ps or the city N-lmnls and cnlislhenin fixercises by the young ladies. Danku ramet etc.‘ Saundny, Sept, 15 l1.â€"-â€"Snciel vs Ilny-R Under the auspices and patronage of llle various nnifnrmml Suclelies of We city. Trolling 11ml hurdle races in Ilm ring. Monday, Sept. 7tlLâ€"(‘iliznns’ l):1y~â€"- Grand display of live stock. Special mu 11' Lolinns )n the lmme ring. Second lull-- lnon :e:ensinn :nd puraclmte drop. Base lmli mulch. Firownrlis. Tuesday, Sept. 18m.» Gormunin Dayâ€"â€" Undt'r the patronage of the GPrman citizens of Canndn. Special parade nfhmses in the ring. Balloon ascentlnn and drop. Fire- works and pxismal illumination of the grounds. A ,. .n . r‘ v rx Wedlmsdzw, Sopt. ~Xflrh~Farmnr§ Dayâ€"â€" Judging horses and cunle, parade 01' hnnvy draught horses in the ring ; {'e‘ncing exhibi- nnns. balloon ascension?! and drop. Fire" works in the evening. 'J'hurnrhy, Sept. :20.â€"â€"Ammlcnn Visitors’ Dnyâ€"(,vnminnalinn of judging humps; special ring parades ; all lhe special unrav- ,(inns; ‘1;st dial)an of fireworks; "The Sniqe nf-‘th;’~x1(mnl.” indny. Sop: 2].â€"â€"R,oviow Dayâ€"Grand reviews of allqtlm plize homes and .cmlle In the evening final illumination of the grounds and farewell concert of the Gigs, Band. Saturday. Sppt. 22ndâ€"Exhibimrs’ Day onIvâ€"None hut exhibltors and aseislapfis admitted to the grounds. The Exhibition wxll be considered closed and the Ireasgrér will commence to pay prizr‘fl at ‘J u. m. V Are you (lipturhc-d at night- nud broken of 379'“ rostby 2!.51i0kchild snfluring and crying: with pnin or fining math ‘2 1f snuneml at once and (40,th la la of Mus Wmsnowfl Sno'r‘nINa SYRUP ‘zm. Cm .DRHN TENT, .Na. 1 w vulm; is inculcnl» nbln 1t will relieve the poor littlo sui‘farw im-- meditlloly Dupimd upon it, mothm Wihm‘oisno un'stuko about it. It cures dysentery jUILi diur- 1-hmn‘, rniculntm the slxsmunh :Llul lmwe‘lfi: cares wind cnlic, softens the mums, reduces inflamma- tion, uml give; tone [Llll'l mmm‘y to the wlml systmn. Mus WJNsnow’s SOUTHING Sx’nur Won CHILDREN '1‘):I~'l‘}HNn ismletmnntto the 12st {L131} la the pram-rip 'on of one of Hm oldest null west. famuln nuran smvl playgiciuns in the United Shanta and is for sale by all (lruggists through-- out, the world l'rim: twenty-five cunts u. homo Br» sum and ask for “ Mu. WINsLow’s SOOTHING SYRUP ” und take no other kind. Surprlso Party and Presenta- tion. On Thursday evening, Aug ‘33rd, 1888, the Legumes of the late Rob r“ Grundy,met at the residence of Mr. William Lawson. Executor, lot No. 21', Con. 4,3121rkhrnn, spent a very enjoyable evening):7 and on the eye of' their deparâ€" Lure presented him with a copy of VVubstcr’s Unabridged Dictionary acâ€" companied with an address, much to the surprise of the recipient. The fullowing is :1 copy of the address To WILLIAM LAWSON, ESQ .: SIR,â€"\VU, the Legntces 05 [one late Robm‘fz Grundy, our father, lmvu mat hora this evening to render you our sincere thanks for yum‘ servicus us Executor of his will,whi ii duty you havn so faithfully 11nd impartinin performed. It? doubtâ€" lessmust have been at times It task on your mind. but noverthelaas you have done it chenr- full] and Well, giving swtisfnction to [L1] parties concerned, and we hope yuu will accept this Humil dmmiiou as u, proof of our: smisfamzion (31: your sex 'im m...” .N mm,“ w . .. . .. , w) wut‘nmwht W could not bvth-r please yd’u .thu‘u to/prf pt you with \jhia Dictionu. ' \\ o lmpe yoil m livn mm“; in your to pondur nus} inwm‘rlly dig ' the "unbonts, not that wa think ynn huvu so much neml of the informa- Hnn conhxined therein, but in the past. we huvu 1mm 1 you oxpmss IL (Imixe tn h' vn such n. bong", A w) Gud hlesé 3'01] and mm; (Euro offlyou the romuimlm' Hi you): life, is our smcgrc prayer. Signed by ' NR S. {I‘mamnm Mm; ANV RIC mm, Mn AND Mus EDWARD SANDERSQN, Mn JAMES s'ruu’ ‘Nnumm (:\du’1i11ish'fltnr). M r. Lawson, who was much taken by smiprise at the presentation, in reply mudeu lbw liseliug remarks regardng the lane Robb. Grundy, and also of the family still livinxand said that while performing: his duty as Executor. he had done all with this motto. “ Thai; God sccst nm," and prayed and hoped that. when done with this lil'e to mean them all inllcaven at last. In returning: thanksto the donors, the hook he said would be highly prized hy him, and would be an heirloom in his family. Harm WAY‘S PILLS ~â€"Ncrvous irritabilâ€" ityâ€"Ni) part of the human machine 1-9-- cinires more constant supervision than the nervous systmnâ€"l'nr upon it nnr health-â€" and oven lil'e~rlvponds. These Pills strengthen the nerves. and me the saft‘st general purifiers of the blood Nausea, headache. griddiiwsqE numhnes. . nurl mnnlnl apathy yield to them. They dispatch in n smuumry mnnner tlmse distressing dyspep- tic svnmmms. stomacl‘ic pnins. fllthRS nt thu pit of the stnmnch nhduminnl distensmn and regulate :_;lilte cnpricimrs appetites and calnfivwd bowels-dim commonly accompany innr signg llf defective or diminished nervrx (one. Holloway‘s l’ills ate 1.):u'ticulzn'ly recommendvrl to persons of studious and sedentary hnhits, who gradually fall into n nervous and irritable slate,nnless some such restorative be occasionally taken. The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade held a picnic at. Bond’s Lake on Friday, August 24th, which was a grand day of sports and other amusements. It being eivie holiday in the village a large numâ€" ber took in the picnic. About 12:30 they left the hall in a procession, headed lhy the Brigade Band, for the scene of lattrnetion. and, after a pleasant. drive, {arrived there about 1:30. The Waiters lwent to work immediately to prepare the dinner, and the visitors took in any ‘nnd all amusements to be found at this pleasure resort, while the committee hustled through with the races for the smaller ones before dinner was ready. iAt'ter partaking of a sumptuous repnst in large number went to witness the base lball match in a field just next to the “grove between the Victorspf Elgin Mills and the Stars. of Richmond Hill, which proved to be full of fun and laughter for the spectators. The hour laid out for lthis event soon passed away and was ipronouneed by all to he one of the best lever spent in baseballâ€"for amusement lThe “Victors” are no more, as they lost lthe right to that name by a score of' 15 to 2-(nnother match will be played soon). The score is as follows : ‘vSTARS RUNS OUTS I RUNS OUTS VICTURS ‘Piper 3 0 1 0 Crossman flVright 2 1 0 2 Mapes ‘ Gray 1 2 0 1 Coleman I Good 2 (l l 0 0 Ryan lMeLean Z 0 | 0 0 M’Cnllion lHennsy 1 1 ‘ 1 1 M’Kenzie Basto 1 1 0 0 Forest Kelly 1 0 0 1 Williams Lil’owell 2 o o 1 Kennersly The Stars did not finish their last inâ€" "mngs as time was up and they had to Rmhmond H111 leic hoiiday. AUVIGE T!) MOTHERS THE FIREMEN’S PICNIC. 1 Coleman 0 Ryan 0 M’Cnllion 1 M’Kénzie 0 Forest 1 Williams 1 Kennersly 100 yd race openâ€"Alfred “Wight, W Shank. Rm racevâ€" M F Gray. ' Hose Rmwa Trench X: M F Gray, L any 8; Jay Snndarson,U Sheppard N; C McLean. Threw-logged racqâ€"â€"-AH'& C Wright, Lyons 8; Boynton, .nn Dutchman’s whenlbarrow rncc-â€"A K: C \Vrizght, Lyons 85 Baynmn. Illoek raceâ€"C Powell, ’1‘ Trench. 75 ydsjlfl‘iremcn's raceâ€"A Wright. M F Gray. .. . .. -r u to the road where Hm finishing up of the races was held. The races were very interesting, the winners Wing: :19 follows; Boys’ race under 12â€"181. Herb Sunies 2m} John- Bishop. fl V7 Béyrs’ under - let W Savage, 2nd \Villie Bernhnm. fliirls' under 1‘Iâ€"â€"LillievJuckes,Laura Brown. Pipor. {Rug of war~J BmWnlce’s side won. Immigration rmurns for July Show the number ohm-rivalsduv-i:1;:.4;he month to have been 19.621, being an increase of" 4,290 over Hm same month hut ynnr. Thu num-- ber of settlers in “w Dominion dun-mg Ihe mouth was 11,196, bging 2:12 increase of 3 -- 106. 4 During th first seven month of lhe (iniml year the (otan arrivals lmvmbeen 104 - 10L of wlmm 51.513301H9d in Canada, an immense nvm‘ Inst, vear of 10.063 ux-yxvuis and 7,283 settlers. UNSIf‘H'l‘LY PIMPLICS, BI.0';'(:nI~:S, WAN. and all itching hmnm‘s or the skin {we re - moved by using Dr. Low’s Suiphur Snap 'l‘wo clerks in an office. IHTQC clerk (tn sr‘uond) â€"Ynu mm the bi: est fun] 1 u “‘1‘ RIHV. )‘Ixup‘zoytsr (who dry“: 'Jrob like lliF clvrks 1w» wwtn Linm durâ€" iugbnsmvss 11(mrs)4You forgot, S.Ll|111<:l,ju‘xmt I mu how. Like Magic. " It always ucmd like magic. .1 had scarcely uvor new! to give 11m sncond dose of Dr. Fowler’s Exlmct of Wild Strawberry for summer complaints.” Mrs. Walter Govenlnck, Elhetl, Ont. A Confirmedk-‘Cmmbler. is Emmi-ally so because ul’ confirmed dyS-- pepsin. 0r indigeslivm. (gr-used by eating too rapidly, bolting: fond wilhont .(‘lwwing it sulllcienlly. Overlleng the stomach. em Burdock liloml Ilium}: cures dyu'n-psia and all kindred diaeases. (joisw'nnm‘luN Chums many wetims. Wmd of? this dreaddisease by the mm of Small’Sugar-Coated Burdock Pills when ncsdcd. SERS,â€"] have found Ur I‘ler-r’s Extract Wild Strawberry m be the bust remedy I ever used for dysentery and all summer complaints Hmong: Children. and I think it is “commended none too highly. Ahie A. Hen 9h, Viclmia Vale. Annapolis Cm, N.S. A Painful Sybject. “I was ‘Sllfi‘rfirillgl for Ihlee moixlhs with a pain in my hack, Vund wnsmdvjfied to use J3. B. B. I had not nsvdéwn bottles before I became as we” as over. I advise all who érlfi'ux' from pain inflw hack to pso H I". B.” M.Is.Puul Urondenr, IJE‘IIUOXViHL‘, P. Q. DR Law‘s Wmm St'lxr," has removvd 1mm worms from 15 m 30 feel long. It tnpe worms from 15 m 30 feel long. ll also desquys all other kinds of worms. CW8? 500. “Ii-take much pleasure.- in slming that since using Burdock Blond Hitters. I have enlii'elv wonvered. I suffered from impuic hloné‘ and lmd mm 500 lmils. I (Ann con-- [idenlly recommund 1;. B. 3. in mm sufferer from the same cnmpluint.” David HMO”, Spring Valley. Ont. Nature Makes no Mistakes. Nuium’s own rvnwdy for howl-l com-- plainls. Clmlem, mmbus. colic, cramps. vnmiling, seaâ€"sickness, clmlvm inl'unlum. «liiil'ilimL. (lvsenlery. and all (liwnsvs of u like nmum {belonging to [lip Hummer Somm- is Dr. Fowler’s lu‘xn'um of Wild Slmwlwrry which minim ()lnainpd {mu} gill dealers in medicine. Price. 35 cents. 'I‘nm MUST Anummgsm. restorative Ionic- and mild stimulant is M Llhuru’s Bees", Iron and .Wine. U 011011011 ILS u ’1‘eln1M'mwe Hnuso. Good Dc- commodutinn for the travelling public. Choice temperance drinks. lust brunds of Cigars. Con]- 115 rooms for truvullcrs. .11qu ' GRAND CENTRAL HGTEL is re nuunnnfl "q u ’l‘nnnmvnnon Hungm Gnml N 31 SEA \VONIHDRS exist in tlxousa‘mls ‘ of forms, but urn surpassed by the nmrvols of iuwmtinn, Those who mm in need ol’ profitmhlc Work that cun he done While living at homo should at (moo send their address m Hnllett d: (30.. Portland. Muilm, and receive frag 11111 iniommtion how either sax, of all uses, can 021111 from .35 to $25 phr tiny and upwards wlmrcvur they live. You 11.1‘0 saurm-d free. (lupiml nut 1‘3<1111l'£‘,(l. Some have mmln over "'50 in in angle (My 2L5 tlns work All Succeed. READ HIS ADVETISEM ’ T wishes every person to call and buy something. (invents, Ro-issnes and TrudeMurkssecured, and 1111 other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully at- temlef! to. Upon rucnipt of model pr sketch of invention, I make careful nxmmnablon, 21ml advise us to putantuhility Frwn OF CHARGH, FJ-{Ias MODERATE, and I make 'No CHARGE TIN-- mass PATENT IS SECURED. Informntiun, udylce and special references sent on upplmation, Richmond Hill J. R. LITELL' W‘ashihgton, D. C I Department. nf Ratilwnrfi mu} Canals, Opposite U, S lantme Office. ut‘xuvn, Em A august, 1858. RICHMOND HILL, Emit matchâ€"vb? Kcnnersley & Jonh 9R. FCEVVLE. " ' eEXTa QM” «M1: L9 J a» 'r «A My“ iMMiCRATION RETURNS. wlm‘wl‘Cm-d- AND ‘ALL SUMMER chpLAst AND FLUXES OF THE. aoszs IT IS SAFE AND RELlABLE ,FOR. CH-iLDREN OR ADULTS.‘ Nothing Em therTruth. and come and buy. June Elsi; MEET fl 58 EC. TWWB‘E HARRHWAY YSENTERY Hflhflflfiflk‘ GURES AVJ, RUPERT, Proprietor “forth their “Neigh; in G01. mim'ent “WNW mg 6%; leia lncompamblc Medicine hn‘a secur- ed ‘I'm- itself" an in) perishable fume througlmuttlm World for the alleviation and euro (A! most. diseases to which humanity is Emir. pnnfy) my. 1M0 nnd imprnyn Hm qnnlity of P» mod. ’J'lu'y . at the dim-shvu organs, (gleam the incrm‘x‘sn the socmtory powers of the Livenbmw Hm nervous! syHLum. mm Hn'uw into the circulun Linn Mm puma: ]<11umontn for austwining and mjuLiriug; L110 frvuuo. ’ Thousands of persons have testified that hv their us!) alone thy hane bran reaborev} In health and stronglh. nl‘tor every other means had vovnd unsuccessful. wiil hu fuund invnlvmhlo in every Housenlold the sumo! 0mm Sums, llxmi Tunmurs, Coughs, Snm Thrnnf‘s, Bronchitis. n’ild'all disord on; of the Throwi. and Chest), ma also Gout, Rhev nuttism. Scrofulu, mud othcr kind of skin disease The Qintment Manufactuer only at Profesr or Hollowav’s Establishment, 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON. KAI) (burl Sold at TS. Hm, 23. 911., As. FHL, 118.. 22,1L11d 333,. much flux um] 1’0t,1m<l in (lxmzuln at 36 cent: 9” mum, :md $51.50 cents, U ml the large fiizes in u mortion. {fir CAIjTioNâ€"I have no Agent in Hm Unith Slulca, nor are my Me-Ihcin‘es sold them. Purchasers shuuld therefore louk tn the label on the Puts and Boxes. U'lhe addxess is not, 533, Oxford Street, Londol they are spurious. ' The Trade Mm‘ks of my SILiA13f{ldif‘/in03 are gistm‘ud 111 ()LHI.\‘HL,IL)1L1 u 'm :m, \Vuxhiugtou. J'HUMAS HOLIDWAY 33 Oxford street, London -" , HAS revolutionized the world during tha lust . half century. Not lam-it - i nimmigthe wonders ofin vouti‘vo prngi'vss is 1L nmtlmil mud svscem of Wm‘k that, mm b0 performed nil over the country without, samurai,ng the workers from their homes l’uy lilizirnl; (my mm can do the Work. Either sex ; young or (>le; no spacial ability re- quired. Cupitul nut nomlml; you nm started lrov. (MIL this out mid return to us mid we Will soml you {roe smnat‘hing of grant ,vnlne and im- pm‘humo to you, tlml, \\ ill Htui'b ynil in business, which will bring: you in more money right away than anything 015:0 in Hm \Vurld. Grn‘ml outfit I'm-u. Admin ',Truo& Cu.,Augustu,Maine. ‘ F0]? OLD PEOPLE! Sault Ste. Marie-Canal. SEALI“.D “WNDERS m'ldrossod to the under- signed 1 VJ unllm‘sml "'L'ondm's for the Hnulb Ste. Mm‘iu (‘mml,” will be received [Lt this office until the arrival of tlm ensuern and western inzLils on TUESDAYle 23rd duyof “embanuext. fur the formation and construction of a. Cu.qu on we Cunmlizm side oft-110 river, through the Island of St. Mu Tho works will he lot in two sections, one of which will mnhrnco the formation of the canal through the island ; the construction of locks, &c. The other, tho deepening and Widening of the cImnnel-wnv ut both ends of the canal ; construc- tion of pit ‘54, LVc: A 1 x of he, lncnlity, together with plans an R ccificmions‘ of $110 works. cun'be seen at this of; hcu on and utth TUESDAY, the 9th day of Oc- tober, next, where minted for s of tender cmi also be obtuined.. A like 013%, of infbrmatioxi. mlutivo to the works. elm bu so u at the oflioe of the Local officer in the Town of Sault Ste. MaxieI STOM ACE-I AND BO W'ELS. Out Intending: coutrnctorsure requested to beari - mind L11an tenders will not be considm‘ed unles mmlo strictly in accordance with. the prince forms and be uccompumiod by a letter stutlu that, the person or persons tendering have can» fully examined the locality and the nature of the material found i_11_the trial pits. In the (mm of firnm, them must be attached the actual signatures of the full name, the nature of the occupation and residence of each member of tho same ; and tm'thr. u bank deposit receipt for the sum of $31,000 must accompany the ten-- der for the canal and locks ; and n. bank deposit receipt for the sum 01' ODUfiHISt accompany the tenllcr for the dampening and Widening of th? uhnnnchwuy at both ends‘ piers, &c. The yospontivu deposit receiptsâ€"cheques will 11mm), 21vcupt0d~~1uhfib be endorsed over to the linistm- at: Railways and Canals, and will be for: fuitml if the puny tendering declines entering into comm-nut; for the works, at the rates and on the tern tied in tl’ _:offer submitted. A’j‘llrvx dofiosinrwheipt‘ thus sent in will Be return. ed t9 the; respective parties whose tenders are not accepted; ‘ ’1‘hiévl'133parbnlent does not, however, bind itself to accept L119 lowest; 01' any tenders. By order, Sold by druggisls. $1.00. Six for $5.00. Send for eight-page paper, with many testi- monials from nervous, debilitated, and aged peo- ple, who bless Paine’s Celery Compound. In old people the nervous system is. weakened, and that must be strengthened. One of the most prominent medical writers of the day, in speaking of the prevalence of rheumatic troubles among the aged, says: “ The various pains, rhéu- matic or other, which old people often complain of, and which materially disturb their comfort, result from disordered nerves.” There it is in n nutshellâ€" the medicine for old people must be a nerve tonic. Old people are beset with constipation, flatulency, drowsiness, diar- rhoea, indigestion, rheumatism, neuralgia. These diseases are of nervous origin. Paine’s Celery Compound, that great nerve tonic, is almost a specific in these disorders, and by its regulating influence on the liver, bowels, and kidneys, re- moves the disorders peculiar to old age. Old people find it stimulating to the vital powers, productive of appetite, and a promoter of digestion. WELLS.” RICHARDSON a. co; MONTREAL. P Q. NOTICE TO CONTRACT 0R8. The Pills LEGS. ()LI) WUUNHb, ~CULDD um. 5th 1 51 A. 1’. BRADLEY, A16 Cg Secretary

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