R‘ B, Orr, M. B. and First Silva: Mgflqliï¬ University of’l‘oronto,1\I.G.P.S. Ontario: L. 41TA,]‘111§{]1U1(1 (Late 0: London, England 8111-30011, E LC. . l‘dm‘lm‘me Hours 8 to 9.30 n.111., 1111111 to 2.30 p.133 RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 051100,!)mu- 10 a :23, All night can". utfront door boll mung} Hill, May 3m. 1887. him APT/ALIS": TORONTO UNIVERSITY. r College ofr‘hysicimm u“: Surgeons. (mm: 01? STUUFi‘VILLl-I.) 0"“??ICE IIOURS,#F1'mn 8 to 10 u. 111., 5 to 8 p. In IAICISUU'IYLZI‘) Yvnge Street, Richmond Hm. Rmhtnond lLll, Oct. 121,h,’82. Mambo U. H. RIGG-S, L. D. 3., 5‘ E. Corner King 82; Yonge Sts-, TORONTO. E-A.W. Thankful for the favors of the past yours Er n‘y still be Consulted in any branch of the pro tession, r15 foon ‘ Richmond Hill, . 9th Bl: 244:1) of each month WWWAEIEEES’EB A“? 3 Dr A ROBINSON- (th l’n‘lmm‘ H ousc) Aurora, let, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stoutfville . .mléith. do 151 u-tkh am. .. dc ‘Jictoriu wau'o . .. do {l‘hornhill ( \v’nlkcr'a Hotel) (10 ‘~.‘(00dhriulge . do Kleinburg ‘ (lo Nubian)“ do menized . r always 0111111szth the pmces of unpninuncns. It does LL“ uy wibh Lhu yum 1n en‘sxw’uing Fullerton, €042}; 8.; \ ’amwe ‘ Barristers, Solicitors, &0. Ofï¬ces 18 King Street East, Toronto. Richmonfl H111 Pést Oï¬ice Every Saturday" J S Fungi-mu W Cook, J R Miller PRIVATE FUKD‘S TO LOAN. Toronto. May 29th, 1884. lyâ€"pï¬ $3: E’ï¬iï¬gï¬ï¬fé (JONVE YANCERS, ETC ‘Torcnio ()fï¬ces-Eï¬â€™ï¬bï¬ï¬fï¬ .1 7 _No. 14 Building Rz I can rOrGluO L‘fï¬ces clmmbarsJéToront‘o st. Richnioud Hill Ofï¬ce-ï¬gï¬ï¬m‘fï¬gï¬‚ï¬ A G F LAWRENCE. Nov-1:71:11, 188-1 Money to Loan at Lowest Current Ratcs‘ BARRIETERS. SDLIflIT‘ï¬RS. M}. i5 Toronto Street. Toronto. found no t‘u of Toronin in gush u usa Style Sample 1km cm]fl‘mvom-rs. Cr m1 Stamina hustlers. 'l‘crms, $1 1» uveï¬ this Home“ to conuz Trains going North and South, at m ’,10 1.) 1,11. mud 6.00 D m. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. 35' Palmer, Prop, Amman Gmflon & W’ializfmas E. DOUGLéS ARMOUR, M“; THE ï¬TAE John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq, Hun. Smmtor McMustcr ‘A. M. Smith, Equ Jzuues Metcalfe, Esq. Rev. Enach Wood, D. Loans made or} gapurity 6f Company‘s Policy at. ï¬ssuraime $063 Of London, England, Sir Wm McA‘rmur. K c M G, M. . I", eX-Lord Mayor of London, Pnegidevn t. W W Baynes,EEg.F I A_Seeretary 1311' cent interest. Lounsmude toGhurc Trustees, ni- x» 10W inter ‘ Send for prospuc’gua Largest in Canada. We want reliable, egot- gxm'c men to sell our nurse'ry stoch ,' pruvipus 2:â€" pcrioucu not necessm‘y ; {my man Wlth mm: and energy}:an succued ; ms liberal, either salary or counnissiuu ; outï¬t free Our agents lmve many ndvuumgos. such as. am 'ng humogmwn, hxu‘dy (1:111 Mn stock This season wn have 11 number u‘I choice ' irzlties, which n're of value, and which mm 01x1. be summed frum us, such as .n complete list of New Russian 11 the Hi $5011 “on 1- r . . 3‘0 x)â€, bundch plum, Hilhm‘n m‘spborrv. Moore’s atnby and Tim-ck Champion curmnts, Moore’s 'Dmmond (wave. etc, etc, ‘Nn have given )nLl‘ ‘lm cngion to the pmpnr’utiou uf hunt) STONE &. WELLENGTON, 7â€"3 mm. Toronto. Gnt. w 11's sui‘mble t0 the northm'n sooth-ms oi Jziuudw, For terms apply to _ v DR. J, A. PALMER, jg. (5. W5 mam, tersflohoiï¬ors, 1‘19, I EL Fonthill Nurseries, .‘43‘ F. M’vTA. COULTER, TEACHER OI“ Piano and Organ. - Iiichmond H111. Reserve Fund . . . ..$10,00 Annual Income . . . . . . 1.60 Investh in Canada. . . 1.20 Death chums paid. . . . 10,00 'J'ono:<’;‘0 Rm‘xmobzcns Jz‘ii‘iï¬lï¬‚ï¬ LAWGSTHF 2 AND DR. mm, MAPLE. @mflg SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA Sec. & '1‘rms.f<vr(7aum1i1. 32 \Vullgngton m, ‘ m: cv- y pg 0 H O t1 :9- O iï¬caiml. flush“, ï¬ll-y-ummnï¬vzrrdpvw‘p-l ‘m up n ' r .4, x ( , MOUR, WM. SETON GORDON A. J. WILLIAMS. 61110 On Sutul‘duys‘ aptly“, 9@ AW? LIEE mumsnmvzmwmx A I) PERRY, )f the Bast Hotels to be ,1). Everything is numugml Sunlph» Rommfur Cmnmnr- 1 Stubling a‘nd attentive d! l’x'octor’s Bus with all theNRR L m 811, mu 12 t1. J. (zupgphe -- r u. n ...$10,000,000 1.600000 3... 1.200.000 10,000,000 " 7 du'ï¬ï¬‚ifom '1‘ C MILLIGAN‘ 1 yâ€"pï¬m rate of momma. Going Norm, South, East, and West, at. . . . . . . 7.40 EVENWG. Going Salim, East, and Vest, at.. . . 5.30 Mail for the North, via. Railway, leaves once a day, in the mowing, as above stated. Until further notice, Mails will be :loscd at the above Ofï¬ce as follows :â€" am HUURS- $30112; Morning M ail from South, West and East, by Rajlwny,arrives at 10.30 Evening Mail from Toronto by Yongevsn'eeb Stage, arrives at. 7.00 "light Mail from North, by Rail- way, arrives at.. ......... 7.45 GOING NORTH . Toronto, 8 05 Thnmhill 0 (‘3 Iichmond Hill 9 13 King . 9 '25 Aurora. 9 42 Newmm‘ket, 0 53 Holland Landing, 10 ua ijIN;? SOUTH. Holland Landing. ‘1' 5'0 Ncwmuvrket, a ()0 Aurora, 8 11 King, R '27 Richmond Hill, 8 £57 ’I‘hornhi‘ll, F 46 Toronto, 9 16 niifliï¬iï¬fa’i} Hill, WST UFFWE. Richmond Hill, Dec. 6111. 1886. Holland Landing. Ncwmuvrket, Aurora, King, Richmond Hill, ’I‘hornhi‘ll, Toronto, No. 14 ; 'I‘ H UltSDAY. SEPTE M BER 6, ’88. Localâ€"R. W. Neville The date printed on encb paper denotes the time when the nubscription expires. We depot bgld ourselves responsible for the 01111110115 01 our Correspoxmenls. 1 ) ‘ may ne mum! on me at Geo T I A 1’. Rows“ dz Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.)whare advertis- ing contracts may be made for it IN NEW YORK LOCAL AND OTHER lTEMS A SPLENDID assortment of new prints at Crosby’s. Tm: Fire Brigade will meet toâ€" morrow (Friday) evening. TEAS of good quglify at Crosby's Tenâ€"Dust. at 19 cents H. Piper is giving a free sight to the Show in Toronto for this week. Tm: infant mortality of the city has been very high the past month A NICE line of 3}] wool dress goods seliing at 100 pm; yd at the Concrete. THE Concrete is the riszht placg for China Granite & Printed Ware, Dinner & Tea Sets at. wholesrlle ï¬gures. THE (lounty Convention of the W. C. '1‘, U. will be held in Richmond. Hill on the 2nd and 3rd of October THE coal men of Toronto have do aided not to raise retail prices just. now How gracious ! Snmrmes and cottonades of the best quality and lowest priCes may be seen at the Fire Proof. ‘ VE WILL take subscriptions fur the Daily Empire by the month, quarter or your, payable in advance. ‘ IF OUR readers would like to see dress goods that are cheap as we“ as good, why! go to the Fire Proof. WHITE, Joselyr; & 00.. wholesale dealers in IIIGGP, have assigned. Liabili- ties $100,000, ' THE HERALD will be sent to any adâ€" dress from now till the end of' the year on the receipt of twenty cents. THE Daily Empire for 52115; at the HERALD store; price two gents. THE corner stone of‘u new Bapxiét Church will be laid on the comer of Jarvis and Wellington) streets, Toronto, on the 15th inst. LADIES buy your Fall and Winter Dry Goods at the Concrete and save whoicsale proï¬t on same. 'W Atkinson, Direct Importer. SUITsr-There are a dozen suits agaiushlie city f'nr injuries caused by defective sidewalks, the claims aggle‘- gating ten thousand doliaysï¬ ' LOOKING AT THEM.‘â€";Smne gentle- men have been looking at Abell's shops in Woodbridgze, to see if they atef 'suicé able for a business they wish to engage 1n. MILK.-â€"- The Government Inspectors in visiting the factories throughout" the province ï¬nd many cases of watered milk offered by the farmers. MR. BENJ. Reddi't, of Richmond Hill, was sworn in as ju'sitice of thie peace in Lhe ofï¬ce of the Clerk of the Peace, Toronto, on Thursday last. TRAIN TIME. A LARGE consignment of Full and Winter Dry Goods for the Concrete. Ex S. S. Devonia, from Glasgow, reported at New York on the 218k inst, will be on hand in a few days. NOT TRUE.â€"-The Empire says it has despatches from a dozen points in Maniâ€" toba and the North-West denying the reports‘ circulated from Chicago that there has been frost. there sufï¬cient to injure. NEVILLE has just'received from the Trustees of a Bankrupt Estate a lot of Goods. suimble for the fall trade, which must be turned into cash at once and mu should see flxose goods quick. Ail Wool Grey Fianncis, ï¬ne and heavy, on‘ny 150. Elm $13911: 33mm. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmond Hill. Ont. ARRWAL‘S. Whole No. 157% : Volume 30. 1\T. TE ICFX', Postmaster. ’7 a. m. to l] 45 11 47 12 ms 12 28 12 43 12 125 9w 23658.12 50134.02 5.866667 CATALOGUEâ€"«We would suggest to the; Mechanics’ Institute people to issue a decent catalogue so that péople would knoï¬v what books they have in the library. AWFULâ€"Congressman Farquhur. of New York, has dcglared war‘ agixinst Canada and Britain; He says he has two hundred and ï¬ftyâ€"ï¬ve thousand men ready to march at the tap of the drum. IMPORTS â€"The customs imports at the port of Ottawa for August were: Dutiablc goods,$104,394; f'rec. $67,000; duty collected, €531,647, Showing an in- crease of $1265 in duty collected. W. C. T. U â€"The W. C. T. U. have decided to have a tent at the T0- ronto Exhibiï¬'iun where vi$it0rs pan read the daily papers, get the Society’s litera- ture and whom could be held meetings if convenient. " FAILING TO STRIKE WAng AT MIL TRENcu’s.â€"-I\Ir. Miller, wp K underâ€" stand, has struck an article £31211: is supâ€" posed to be the makings oi' gas! We NOTICEâ€"Mr. Abner Arnold begs to warn all persms fxom negotiating a note given to Daniel Slang, Edgely P. 0., for $150. being dated on 01' about the 17th of August, 3 month to run. N0 value being received. See posters. irust that it may turn but t9 be 941916- thing more than (gas) talk. ' AN ACCIDENT.â€"On Monday mornâ€" ing of last week, Geo. Cooke, an emâ€" ploye at the Patterson won'ks,\V(!odstockwas working a circulgr gaw, when apiece of wood flew from it afriking 11in; near the elbow and inflictipg a deep cut. SALVATIONISTS ARRESTED.-- The members of tlig Salvaï¬on Army numâ€" bering about; a dozen persons werp ar- rested at NeWmarket on Sunday night. for obstructing the streets. Bailflwas subsequently furnished for their apâ€" pearance in court. MECHANICS’ 1NSTITUTE.â€"The Liâ€" brary Committee of the Mechanics’ Inâ€" stitute desire that members will forward to the Librarian, R. Law, the titles of any books, they WQuid suggest the committee should purchase, as a help tn rhn committee in their selection, by next Tuesday. THE LARGEST SEED FmM.â€"The' well- known ï¬rm of" Steele Bros. & 00., Toronto, have amalgamated their busiâ€" ness with that of Mr. W. H. Maroon, of Niagara Falls, and thejoint concern will be carried on in Toronto under The Steele Bros Co, (Limited). This ï¬rm is now the largest seed ï¬rm in Canada, and one oftlle most reliable. IMMIGleNitaâ€"Notwithstanding that the season is late, immigrants from all pans of Europe continue to pour into this continent. About 300 of them ar- rived in town on Sunday morning. They Were mostly German, English, and Irish. The Germans were bound for the Western States, while the English and Irish were for all parts of Canada. â€"â€"-Tribune. LEVEL ON ONE Permâ€"Rev. Samuel Jones‘who is a kind of religious blizzard, is very levelâ€"headed on the subject, of matrimony. [1e remarked in a recent- sermon that “ the best: thing: on this earth is a happy marriage, and the worst thing: is an unhappy marriage. Whom God hath jnim‘d together let no man put asunder; but who the devil hath jpine‘d let them go to Chicago.†YoRK COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.â€" The York County Commissioners met on Tuesday afternoon in the Court, House. Warden Ynile occupied the chair, and there were also present Councillors Mil loy 'aml Vunznndt. The sale of toll house No. 2. at the jgnction of Dundus- street and ooncossidn “ U, †Etobicoke. was ordered. It will be bought by a railway section {nun who has occupied it sinee the, toll-gate was abolished. It was also decided (0 place a check gate on the Lake. Shore road, near the Hum- bor Budge. ‘ ' “In order that all reasonable faxiity should be granted to deserving pupils to pI'O'fCCd will] the course prescribed {or 2nd class certiï¬cates, Head Masters may allow thoéc who obtained an aggregatc of 600 marks at the recent examination on 3rd class work, (even if they failed in the minimum marks rcqviircd in each subject) to proceed with the work pre- scribed for a 2nd class certiï¬cate. To CANDIDATES F011 2ND CLASS CE!:’I1_F10ATES.â€"â€"’I‘he following notice has beén mint by the Departmegt of Ed- ucmion to the High Schools of Ontario: A13; OLD B§.ICK.-â€"â€"‘Vhile gt the ofï¬ce of Messré. Close, Falconef & Close, briqkmakerg, a few days agq, we were shown sevqral samples of bricks made in various pdrts of the world. Amnng the lot wags a most 1ï¬lteresting relig of olden times, a brick made ii: Holland in 1699, nearly hundred years 95.20.. it was used in the construction of a building: near New York, at one time the Hheadf quarters of General George Washington. It is much smaller than the bricks now made, but it is far superior; the bright red clay of which it is composed is al- most as hard as stoodâ€"Times. Miss L Lungsmï¬ has returned to Purkdala. Mr P. G. Savage loft last; Saturclziy for New York. Mr Bushnell, Toronto, is the guest of Mr Wm Storey, Mrs Smith from British Columbia 'sv' ' ‘ Bicknor Place. 1 mung at Mrs Jno Coulter left this mowing for a, visit in her daughter in London. Mr James Dobson, postmaster at Yorkville. has been visiting his brother. Mr '1‘ D‘obaun. Miss M. H. Keeï¬or returned t saturqny. _ ‘ 0 Toronto on Mrs Schmidt {irrich on Frid By last from VViu- nipeg, and is smymg with her daughter, Mrs McMahon. Mr Frank Johns was the gugsb of his sister Mrs Wm Storey, the latter panfof last week. Mrs Wm Marsh, and children lezwe to-dny, Thursdwy, for Mount. Pleasant near Peterboru'. Mr Aleck Hume left this morning for Lindsay, where he has obtuiuodï¬ poaitiou in a. tailoring establishment. Mr Robinson. of tho Ayr Recorder, has severed his connection with that paper, and ussumed‘ the management 1):" the York Tribune at West Toronto Junction. Miss Clarkson from Toronto is spending a. few days with friends in this village. On Sunday lust Mr Bates exchanged places with Mr Heathcote, of Woodbridge,who preuched a very good sermon iu Sb Mary’s Church in this Village from the following words '. “ Behold, your house is left; unto you desolate.†opl-s recdvcred ?‘ I'm T111310 lidchmund Hill Methodist Chm-chv on Gummy nighh. the Rev Mr Rutledge delivered an “M10 sermon based on the words: 1:: more no hulm £11 Gilead; is there no phys V 1m thnro? why then is notflm health of tho duughter of my Society Notes. Mr Joe Mo‘griï¬ge, who has been engaged in the shop of ‘Mr Jnn' Coulter fur the past few mom}; ‘, left the village on Wednosdny, intending to V1510 his mother in Shelburne. Mr McCutLig Master of our in this village Mr Salem Ecktmlt, of Uuiouvillo, has returned home from three weeks’ trip to the Northâ€"West. He visited Moosejuw, Regina, Q u’Amyelle and. other planes; \ He repozts the crops good and. the country ï¬ne. DEATII McCUAmâ€"On 18th Augustin: St; Urbain, Pre- mim‘e. County Clmteuuguuy, (Tatlmrino Mo- (luuiu, aged 45 yours. formerly of Kenyon, Glengm‘ry ,Ontqn‘nd Wife of Malcolm McCunig. CARLISLE-In Whitchurch Township, on Satur- day, 156 Sept, \Vm thrllSlO, ngbd 80 years. The funeral took place on the following Mon (11y at Dunkard Cemetery. STUTTAanDâ€"At 331King' street west, on Mon- day morning, the 8rd inst" the wife of A. Smttuiord, of {L daughter. BIJ‘LRRIISL) MARRHâ€"BROWNâ€"Oll Tuesday, Sepfamber 4,1)"; the Rev A W Spragge, of Nowmxu'ket, at Holhmd Landing, tunnel, third daughter of Jmnes Brown, t1) Sidney Smith Marsh, of Shefï¬eld, Engmnd. N0 cards. THOMHILI., Sept 2,â€"-The Emery Foot- ball Club had their annual games in Hoover’s Grove, Emery, tu-day. Two Silver cups were competed for by team» from Concord. St. Andrew's. Elia and lï¬lpery. The Ella eleven played against the Emery eleven for one cup, and succeed- ed in winning iL by one goal to nolhmg. 'l‘he Coucold and SL Andrew’s eleven played for the other,"qu the Concord won by two gonls to one. The latter was the mote ex oiling mgzch owing to llxa fact 11ml Sn. An-- drew’s whs the' crack team in this locality and were conï¬de“! of Success. Richmond Hill, August 3151!, 1888. A meetmg of Dxrecmrs of H. H. Mechan- ics‘ln'stitule was held in‘lhe library room on the ‘eveniug ()f'ul10ve date. the following member? being presentâ€"Eud-Vice l).Buyle, Messr’s l (lrnshv. W Tren‘cll. W A Sunder-- son, T F McMahon, R E Law and G Trench. ' Mingges of last meeting read and man-- ï¬rmed. ' " V The commiiiee appointed to porrospondl with Masonic Lodge reported that they had correspongled with the Sem'eiarj of lmlge nslging amount of rent for library room And rent per night for m-‘ii’n hall ; Ealso inquire as in repnii-S'roquired in he done 1.0 Library room and (he tollmving answer had been regeived :---‘ln reply ti) ynur communication regpeciing "reni nl library mom and Main Hull ; ul'ler caniiiiemii/m [lin Ind 10 agrees to give library room for ien dollars per year. the insliinie i0 furnish vour own fuel and light and dpvyour own repairs with ihe privilege of llllfil)! down the partition and the rent of the {pain hall iln'ee dollurS'per night, ihe rim} of the library room 10 be paid sem -annunllv. r ()n mntibn of MI“ Cros‘m’, secondgd hy Mr MuMglxon, the report of counuiglee was; accepted. Special committee to clussif'y boom of‘ library reported through Mr. Law. he had endeavored to secme the help of the gum-- mittee but failed and he hm? done the wmk himself which was now cumnlexed An account was I‘vmlmf‘rum Mr M H Keefler for Y L J from May. 1888.011e yemj’s subspripï¬on amounting to $3.25. I Moved byl W 'J‘Iench. éecnnded by I Crash); mat. Ihfl l-xill be paidâ€"Curried. The amount that should be soeut fm‘ urchase of books for librarv was discussed. Messrs. Crosby, McMahon and Law were appointed a omnmixlee m ascermin cost of necessary repairs to he done Lo liblm‘y ran and r011on next meeting Adjourned. v G. TREND“, Sec. The President’s message on the fisheries treaty caused a sensation ut the Capital. In it he stutes that the rejection of the fishery treaty seems to justify it survey of the con- dition to which the pending question is re-- tnitted. He refers to the treaty of 1818 ns afruitl'ul source of irritation and trouble, says our citizens engaged in fishing' in waters adjacent to Ctmadn have been Sub-- jectcd to numerous Vexatious interferences and annoyances. their vessels seiZeJ upon pretexts inadmissuhle, and they have been otherwise treated by Canadian authorities in a manner inexcusuhly harsh and uppresn sive "This conduct." continues the Presi- dent, "has been justiï¬ed by Great ltritian and Canada by the claim that the treaty of 1818 permitted it. We deny.†he con-- tinues, "that treaty agreements justify these acts, and we further maintain that. aside from any treaty restraints of disputed inter-- pretation, the tclative position olthe United States and Canada us neighbors. the growth of our joint commerce, the development and prosperity of both countries, which amicable relations surely guarantee. and above all. the liberality always extended by the United States to the people of Canada, furnished motives for kindness and consider ation. higher and better than treaty coven- ants. While keenly sensative to all that was extmperating in the condition, and by no means indispnsed to support the just complaints of our injured citizens,I will deem it my duty for the preservation of im- portant American interests which Were directly involved, and in view of all the details of the situation, to attempt by nego- tiation to remedy existing: wrongs, and to ï¬nally terminate. by a fair and just treaty, those ever recurring causes of dith'culty.†Mm'ed by W A Sanderson, sogmnqu by G Trench. Ihat we accept pf me temps of Masonic Lodge for rent of balmsâ€"Curried. Mr Crosby‘ unned. seconded by Mr W Trench, that we instruct library com- minee L0 exnend an amount not to exceed the sum of' $40.â€"(‘arried. The democrats are jubilant over-“the nay he has got the Senate.†as some one expressed it. 'They proclaim the tnessnge to be the highest example of truly Amen-iv can slatesmnnship, and declare their put-u pose to support the President in the position he has Lnken. They expect to take up the bill introduced by Mr. Wilson to give the President power to retaliate upon Canada. as recommended in his message this week, and pass it after making 30th speeches on the subject. 7 Members of the medical profession are looking forward with considerable interest to the meeting of the congress of A mericazi Physicians and Surgeons. It will convene in this city on the lSth of September. and the sessions will continue through the 20th. The arrangements are being perfected, and when the distinguished members of the us-- societion reach this city they will ï¬nd that every thing is prepared for their reception and comfort. The meeting has an imporâ€" tance in addition to the fact that it britth together so manv prominent members 01' the profession. The congress will then for the ï¬rst time. Come into existence, and from that point of view the meeting is in the nature of an experiment. But while this The repuhlicans feel that the President, is trving to “ steal their thunder.†They question the Piesident's sincerity and speak of his action as a political moths. They generally assert that he has all the power necessaryif be ill in earnest. and that. this is merely an excuse for delay in action upon the resolution aiithm-izins: retaliation. Our Washington Letter. Football for Silver Cups. Mechamcg’ Instltute. (From our own Correspondent) of Kiugston, brother of the Head High SCHOOLSDOIIS Suï¬day lust BIR'FEL will be the ï¬rst assemblage oftlie Congress, yet practically it was l'urmed three years when the plan was proposed by one of U143 societies now constitutiong the Congress and was endursed by ten others. Tle ele_ven societies, in accmdauce with the geiieral plan, (Mel) appointed one of (lieir hum her It) C(msxilule an executive com- mittee. The committee met together and decided that an association should be (armed under the name given shove. There is n feature about. the meetings both of the Congress and of the individuiil societies which will he rnther unusual. No business Will he lrnnsacted. The meetings will he devoted exclusiver to the considerâ€"- utinn of subjects pet‘tniniii;=r to medical science. The discussions on topics of medical ethics and lt'llldN-d subjects is ex-- cluded. The congless will not even elect ofï¬cers. The object of the gathering is to consider and discuss profession-n1 topics of a. scientilrc character and nothing else will be brought to the attention of the members. The expenses of the Congress will be borne by the members, and all contributions are entirely voluntary. It is expected that there will be an attendance of about ï¬ve hundiezl members. Three other medical societies not connected with the Congress will hold their sessions in the city at the same time. They tire the American Gyne- cological Society. and the American Assn-- cintion of Obstetricans and Gynecologists, and the PHdi-lh‘lt! Society. Barley ch (mes du Pens . d< 1m sscd Hogs, per Chickens, per pair Butter, 11) rolls. 11 gas. fresh. don Potatoes, per bag 'A'rmies ............ Onions, p0 do (hunmge ......... Turnips, per (hm inrrotn, per doz Hay, per ton. Straw. per ton THE M A RK ETS 'FOkiUN ’1‘().- THURSDAY, August 30,1888. PRICES AT FARMERS‘ WAG-GONE Wheatfxm,1mw, per bush. $3 1 (19 Spring; do 93 Barley do 0 (30 (mos do 38 Pens . do ., 1m Dygsscd Hogs, per. 100mg†8 00 This powJer never Varies A marvel of purity E rmmth and WHOIOFUTHQI . Mow munmmicul gm the (n'tlimxvr‘v kinds, .ld cannot be sold in qompctigiuu with tho umltibude uf low testï¬lmrt Weightulum or plump)an pmmlm‘a. S01v1 mfly in cum. Roy/m BAKING I_;mvmm (30., 106 Wall The third page of the 'I‘m-nnmlhnx MAIL} is xwtetl fm' “ \Vant †advertisnment. If you Want tohuy or soil nvything. If you Want a gimmian u muchanic. n husi~ Hess. mnc xinmy. lumings. if ynu hnve lost or found anything, or if vou wunt, to ï¬nd out where unynnga it}. advertis» it: the To" rtmm DAILY MAIL and road the advertise - ments on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a word each in" set'tion. Address Tm; MAIL, Toronto. Canada. We have heard of the common sense Boot and now comes Mason, always up to the times, in purchasing the right to dispose of“ Byam’a “Common Sense†Sash Balance, doing away will) the neâ€" cessity of weights and cords in windows and are much clmuprr, more durulile and satisfactory. ' hey can be plucvd in old as well as new windows. Call and ex- amine their merits an If you want to buy or sail a Farm. min vertise in the Torunto VVHHKLY MAIL. Than paper reaches 100.000 l'ztrmex's’ home‘ every week" and your adverzisement 811mm] meetlhe eye of smmaone who warns to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Tm‘OIHO WEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion. 01- Twenty Cents at word for ï¬ve insertions. Address Tm: MAIL, Toronto, Canada. COMMON LSEXLED TENDER-S, addressed to the underâ€" L Sigue'd and mulv‘rsed ‘i‘Tondor fur the St Law- rynco Cmmls.†will be we. email at this 011100 until tlia :ll‘liVfll of tho. 0. to}. . and wostnrn mails on TUESDAY, the 213th day of Sep'tmnlvur, next, for the constructing; of two locks uml tho deepening and‘en‘lxn‘gemcnt of the upper nntrmice of the (:‘ulnps Canal, And tor the deepening ï¬nd on»- liu'gcmenb of the snumiib level on the Cornwall Cannl. Tho constructiqn of {L new lock {it each of the three interior lock stations 0n the Cornâ€" wall Canal between the Town of Cornwall and Maple Grove; the «humming and widening the channel way of the canal; construction of bridges, &c. ' mm“; W». A mu‘yp 01‘ each of Lhe localities together with plums and speciï¬cnbions of the respective works, cum be swan on and after TUE SDAYMIG 11th day of Scpmmbur. new, at this ofï¬ce 1‘01"quth works and for the to gctive works at the following mentiome plgcu ‘ ' Wasllingmn. August. 2%. 1888 For the W311“; ut Gulopn, at tho Lock»lmeper‘s House, Gulops. For deepe‘ning the summit level of the Cornwall (lunul. nt Dickenson’s Landing ; and for the new looks, &c., at lock-stations Nos‘ 18, 19 and '20, 11/6 the Town ofK Cprnwall. Printed forms of tundvr cm; In; obtmngd for the respective Works at the places me‘nbionedi The H , ï¬ve deposit receiptsâ€"cheques will not be acceptedâ€"must be (mnlorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Czumls,nnd will be forfeited if the party mmdorinu declines entm‘ihg into contract for the works :LL the rates and on the terms! stated in the ()Lfer Submitted. The deposit receiptflhus Sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not accented. ' Department does not, howevor,bim1 itself to uccepb the lowosï¬ >r :my ,mlm‘. L ()mnr, Departan of Railways. and Canals; Datum x. August ‘ St. Lawreggze Canals. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. In the case of ï¬rms there ’muSt be nttnchad the actual signature of the full name. the nature of the occupation and residence of each member of the same, and further, IL bank (lbposit receipt for the sum of $6.000 must, accompany the tender fur the Galops Cunle Vx’orlis, and a. bank deposit eiivt for 0110 sum of ,OIIO for each section of ‘19, works on tho smm L level of the Cornwall lmml ; and for each of the luck sections on the lomwull Canal a. bunk dopysit receipt for tho sum of $1,000. Abgaï¬u‘keiy Pure. C. Mason’s, ‘Eiehmqmd hm SENSE. A. 1»; RRADTJTY, Secretary. 1 (\0 95 0 (30 38 [M 8 00 $5 1 (‘3 96 00 (id 40 70 8 an 18 00 12 (:0 20 15 0 4‘) 1 25 00 30 \HJ 00 l J A1: ,. Sl 175 ‘. ID (J 60 20 20 22 00 14 “0 65 24 16 0 {)U Goods, CALL AerlIN Z Is the only safe and sure Oil for Selfâ€"Binders, Threshing Machines and Mill Machinery generally. Manufactured by M0001? ENS. & 00., PIANOS, DONHNION PIANOS~GmmL Square and Upright ; in Mahogany, Figured Walnut. Rosewood and other choice woods, perfect instruments, sold on terms which cannot be beaten. Old organs and pianos taken in exchange. Of world wide fame, in nuz’nemus styles, containing Foley’s automatic mouse proof and all the latest improvoments, at very low prices and guaranteed to give the best i of satisfaction. The Lightest Thinning and most improvud high, roomy arm machine in the market. 501d cheap for cash or good paper. You WIII t . .- ...( V secure excellent bargains by calling at or \vrltmg "to, the Ladies’ French Kid Boots and Slipziers. Gentleman's Amric "1 Walking Bangs; ladies’ Oxford Shoes, ‘_ Gentlemen’s Oxfor 'Sho’es, ' Ladies’ Common Sense @ Oxforé Ties, Seamless Boots, American Walking Etc. ‘1 = “ Gaiters, Alligator Boots, Etc. ALL STX’LES, PRICES ANI) SIZIES. Ladies and Child-.pen’s _ngwam1$.h _Full line 0 9 *R‘ganlple--e)ï¬gaï¬.iusic. RIAIlV-AST“E€â€"EET. â€" WM. FLEMING. We have just received and um opening out u.fn11 line Summer wmu‘. Our stock. n Repairing done Nmflv < 1 \n... Raymond Sewing Machine, and the Eagle Steam Washer, Wringer, Etc., 1: Thanks to the. friends for theiylibeml Fuppnrt in the push. Woum kindly solicitn. con-- tg'uuuucq of you: rutropugc. All goods fresh and prices right. E318 Gammam ouse Is the correct place to ï¬nd all summer Dry Goods @150 Hardware, Groceries and Crockery, the best quality and at the lowest ' figures in the trade. WWV A splendid assortment of Men‘s?“ Boy’s & Youths ready made suits. Men’s Suits from $4.50, 44".“ FEW? Maw Gmmries GO TO TEIE LOIâ€"‘ï¬.NE WWW-MUN“ A Very Fine Line of ‘Whitc Granite Ware Grey Cotton, White Gattom Canadian 82: Imported Shirt- ing, Canadian & Scotch. Tweeds, Extra Value,;;_ ‘ LA RDIN HU ERR AH FOR $5 $E‘WNQ Mï¬ï¬HENES.‘ Just openqdâ€"Jirect from Englnnd And are going to be sum :Lt)>1‘i(:0 Sugars, Spices, Cereal Foods, Canm Brooms, Brushes Fruits in Sensm and Fruit Juls. Candies, Nuts, D a t e 3, Figs, etc. And Sold by R W Neville and Sanderson Bros., Richmond Hill. FOR Fine Groceries, ruits, El THE NEW WHAMS SEWIPJG MABHINE,%% Boy’s DQMENION GRGANS, me Noafly, Cheaply, Quickly. Custer] Viork Dominion. Yourpun'nnmgo bulmltml. Sum-£11m MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED manna. v---..vâ€"_ v-.. V. Children’s Shoesâ€" All Sizes and Prices. 3.65% m._ Eta, Spices, Canned Brushes, Season, FUR CHEAP AN D mï¬ammwm. -â€"â€"~AT THE OLD STAND,â€"â€"â€"- g. MMMON, lnglnnd. Ten. Sets,P1atos,Cups and Saucers, Bedroom Sets. at prices so low thut they will ustonish you. Call and see. Etc. Ike Eagle Steam Washer, Wr'inger, Eta, b 11. full line of Boots and Shoes suitable for Spring my} Our stock in mm, consists of :â€" DR. .FQWLEHS m‘ 0E1. 3WIL D ‘ AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE. BOWELS‘ IT is SAFE. AND RELIABLE FOR. CHELDREN 0P. Mums. 3n Viork n. speciéflty~â€"Second to none in the‘ :d. Suti‘iiuction guurunteed. -' ’ EHABRHM YSERTERY @610. TXKENOHg Gea‘ulemen's Maxwiceï¬afliélking 300% ï¬ï¬féréiiMéfBï¬Ã© ‘O L: I C ’39 /‘ R IDS HQEJ ERR Direct Im'oorter. MACHINE CURES 1.00.