Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Sep 1888, p. 2

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‘ Thankful for the favors cf the past year's may still be commuted in any, bunch of the pro Iossion, as follows: -I ‘ Richmond Hill. 9th & 2111)}; of each month . (at Palmer Hohsa) Aurora, (Let, 8th,:16th, and rind Stouifville . . Unfith ram-1m w . mm Victoria Square ...... . Thumz‘nil] (Walker’s Hotel) ‘ W'nodbridg .. ...... . Kleinhurg Noblctun . Vitalizod mgr 0:1_W§LyS on hand MA ~1EALED TENDERS, addressed to tho under~ l s-pznnd and endorsed “’l‘undur for the St Law- rence Canals.” will be woeiv‘ed at thia_oflico until the arrival of the eastern and Western mufls on TUESDAY, the 25th dug of September, nuxb, for the construction of two lncks; mull the deepening and enlargement) of the l!1.})('.\‘ entrance of the H nlops (,‘uuul. And for the' deepening and 011-â€" lmgmuonc of tho summit lavel on thu‘ (,‘oruwull (13,1101. The construction qf a. new lqck at each of the three interior lack stations on the Corn- wall Canal between the Town of Cc>rhwull anti Maple Grove; the deepening and widening‘the channel way of the canal; construction of bridges, 6m: - , A map of each of the localitioa together with plans 8.1m specifications of the respective works, can be Rum.) on and after TUESDAY.the 11th day of S: Member, next, at this 011100 feral] the warm; and for the rcsp ctivo works M: the following mgr; Moped '1)21_1.c For the violin; m: Galops, at the Lockrlmeper‘s Houhe, Grnlcps.‘ Tor deepening the summit level of the Comwull ‘ le, at Dickr‘nson’s Landing; and for the new‘iocks, K'c , at lock-stations Nos. 13, 19 and 20.3.1; LIL: Tcwn of Cornwall. Printed forms of tender can be 3b.thde for thorespectivé wgrlm at the plugds mégtionud. appointment. It ddc-s away with tne‘puy in oxcrucuug v. n“ Fullermu. CM}; & Wallace EJWEEEFJEMIEELHWJ '~‘-‘This House is one of the Best; Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Enabling and attentive boarders. Terms, SM per day. Proctor‘s Bus leaves this Huto‘ tn wmmct wile all the N R R Twins going N03. 11 and South. at 8 a m., 12 0.. 11)., 5.10 p m. and (5.00)) m. C. H. RIGGS, L. .D. 5. E. Corner King 84 'Yong‘e Sta, ' USOR‘ON'TO. ; : (G F LAWRENCE. Noxmh, 1884: Mtg? St. Lawrence Canals. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Money £30 Loan at Lowest Current Rates. BARBISTERS. SBLIGITGRS. 8d}. In the case of firms more must be attached the actual signature of tho. full name. the nature of the occupation and reskdnnqo of each member. of the sumo, Lnd fur hat, a hung; apposit receipt for the sum of NJJUU must nccompzmy the tender for the G-nlops Cmml Wm s, and '1). bank deposit receipt; for the sum of : ,UUO for each section of the works on tho sunn , levelmf the Cornwall Canal ; mm for each of the 100R schions on the Cornwull Canal & bunk deposit rccsipt for the Sum of $4,0L10.” - V ‘ The reépccbivo deposit recoipLSâ€"vchequesXvill at be acceptedâ€"must, be cndor ed'ovopmo the Am. -4: 1) .h . ,Minisber of Railways Imd Cllfiil1§;fl~!ll({r‘;viri\ilvisg forfeited if the part tend ins: declines.enterihg .M “L r. .1‘ . , , iilw com fUâ€"x (he: Works: M. the T114116!) and 05 the terms sham-d in the offer submitted. The deposit receipt); thus sent in will be returned to the-manectivo parties whose tenders are not Vitalized Air for extracting. I will fill roach wmluut 1min {LI} the low st; prices. . Dost youth on rubber ax, cheapest $0“ '5‘ VE'H‘AILZZEHP AER . ‘ 'or- A Roamsow. “ ‘ ' Q CONVEYANCERS, ETC . , N .1 B '1 Toronto ()ches-Cgmfmsgj Richmond Hill Office-g ‘V a On Saturdays. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Member College «if Physicians & Surgeons. ‘ (LATE 0F STOUFFVILLE.) omch HOURSâ€"From 8 mm 0.. m., 5 Lo 8 p.113 ‘ RESIDENCE Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. llicimiond 11111, Oct. 12th, ’82. I5 Toronto Street. Toronto. E. DOUGLAS ARMOUR, VM. SETON GORDON A. J. \VILLIAMS. 6mo J Palmer, Pr This Department doors not, however, hind itself to ucbept the lowest or any tender. Ly Unicr, A. 3’; BRADL’VY, A. )U U ‘L‘! 3. £1: .1 Doctors; Fifi]: ""‘ ‘T BusinesssMon Tsacfnu JnLvo Law Envelopes (pnstpuid) to any pm‘bof the Dominion with their husinoss cam neatly minted tllureun inflluck ink for x Send copy with remit.- ~r “mi-Ram: mamas“. R. B. Orr,M. B. and First Silver Mgialist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario: L. A L, England (Late 02‘ louder}, "England‘ ‘urgeon, Etc. Homce Hours 8 to 9.30a.m., and 1 to 2.30 p.m, BXCHMOND HILL, ONT. > Officohour 10 a. m..All night culls at front door bell Richmond Hill, MR3: Emma, 1887. Armwr, Gonna]; &_Wi2;§iams Department of Railways and (Jams, Ottawa, 8th August, 1888. B) 1:. W. J. WILSON, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. BR. JMEES LANGS’E‘AFF 3 AND .Barr‘is‘teif‘sfiolicitors, .Mmpa “COUNTRY 188 F. McL. COULTER, TEACHER 0F , Pimnu and Urgun. “ ‘ DR. J. A. PALMER, Barristers, Solicitors, &c. meek; DR. ORR, MAPLE, sum; E 023' DENTI‘S‘T, AURORA flésslriwl. gum-i flmml, 34:9me 5W. ‘No. 14 Building & Loan chmmbevs,15Toronto st. w. -_-v-. Ztichmuud Hih’OAt. {ichmom‘l Hlll‘ T C MILLIGAN. L,_Rem of the U ContmlBtmk Pgst Mustang 9 places pf 1' A14; SIS Secretary. 0p- CHEAP CASH HOUSE has just opened a caselof' beautiful dress goods, newest shades and patterns. Every lady should see these goods which are of tho finest material. " ' “ WIDE AWAKE for September, pubâ€" lished by Messrs D. Lothrop & Co.,_Bos- gon, Mass,, is to hand and us usqu is full of entertaining reading matter. CAERIEDrâ€"Tlle by~law for the conâ€" structiOn of-water-works was carried at West Toronto Junction by 99 for, 6 against. REAL ESTATE.â€"-4Mr.-‘O. 0. Going has recently purchased a handsome resiâ€" dence on the Broadway of West. To- ronto Junction~l~ligh Park Avenue. THE PIANO FACTORY,â€"Large num- bers of men are now employed on the piano factory at West Toronto Junction and the walls are beginning to rise rap: idly Skyward. ‘ ' x A HOLIDAY.â€"-â€"Thursday and Friday being the days appointed for the Teachâ€" ers’ Convention at Aurora, the Public School children in this village, Will have a. holiday't‘oâ€"morrow. " ' D:EFUNdT.â€"Tlle Thombury News is defunc‘t. The plant was removed to Markham}, where is'will be utilized in the Sun omen. Mr. Starretb has a {inst tion on the news stafi'of the Empire, Toronto, THE HERALD will be sent to any adâ€" dress from now, till the end of the year on'lthe receiyt of twenty cents. Localsâ€"R W Neville. Localsâ€"Wm. Atkinson. Farm for Saleâ€"Shepherdson‘ “TE HAVE received a copy of the new paper recently established in London, Out” The Evening Times. THE children'of the Batgd Hope are requested to meeyz‘ in the Temperance Hull to-morrow (Friday) at 4 o’clock. MESSR§ Russell 8; Co, Richmond Hill, make good showing in cattle and horses at the Exhibition in Kingston. PICNIC.â€"A picnic of' the Young: People’s Association and Musical circle of the Annette St. Methodist: Church, 'Wesb Toronto Junction, was held on Saturday last on the grounds, north of the Central Public School, and a. high old time was spent. COAL is selling in Thomas for $5.50 a ton. ’3 ‘ A SPLENDID assortment of new prints at.Crosby‘s. . 7 i V ' iR. PATTERSON, ofi Elma, cut with a binder 19 acres of oats in 12 hours. TEAS of good quality at Crosby’s. Tea-Dust at 10 cents % lb. A COLONY of English gentlemen are purchasing fruit. farms in Nova Scotia THE Daiiy Empire for sale at the HERALD store; price two cents. SHIRTINGS and cottonadcs of the bestquality and lowest prices may bv seen at the Fire Proof. IF OUR readers would like to see dress goods that are cheap as well as good, why! go to the Fire Proon No. 15 ; LOCAL. AND OTHER lTEMS DIVISION Court was held here on Friday last, Mr A G F Lawrence pre-- siding, " ' - GREY Flannels, scarlet flannels white flanneh and fancy flannels from 130% per yd. WATER WORKSâ€"The Stoufiville Ad- varice is urging for Waterworks for the village in case of fire. Toronta, 8 05 'I‘horuhill 9 03 Richmond Hill 9 1:1 Kin g, ._ 9 25 Aurora 1 ‘ 9 4‘1} Newmarkeb. 9 53 Holland Landing. 1" 03 Holland Landing. Newmarket, w. Aurora, ;‘ rv King, Richmond Hill, [‘hornhill, A. Toronto, ‘ TfiURSDAYfiEPTfiMBER 1332; THISPAPE yr- um. um, n 1114“ uuvcu mn- ing contrackés mrujlviye nidde for it IN NEW YORK Going South, East, and West, at. . . . . . . 0' .. . Mail for the 'Norih, vi'a.‘ Railifmy, Eeaves once a day, in the warning,“ as above stated. "9 ’ UFHEE HBUBS The date printed on each paper denotes time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinions of our Qorrespondenta. 1 u m I n I I‘Afl P. Rowell 65'ch NewfiIuBBF Advertising Bureau (10 Spr‘ucs‘ _s§:):\'11ara advertis- hmn, “fin” ,, Mqrning Mail from South. Weqt a'g‘d Easfé, by Rhilwafiyfirrives at; Eve'fiing Mail from Toronto by Yonge-street Stgge, arrives at. Night? Mail from North, by Rail- .wgv; arrives Until further notice, Mails will be closed ,at the above Office as follows :â€" Richmond Hill, Dec. 6th, 1886. FEES"? flFFEEfi MESH ! Going North, South, East, and \Vest, at.-. . . . 7.40 EVENING. KICHMWD 1H LL MST 0FFICE. TRAIN TIME. “(7131:: 93am: 3132mm. Richmond Hill. Ont. NO TIOE T0 8 UBSCKIBERS. maw ApVERTISEmews. ~n Whole No. 1-975 : ARRIVALS. MORNENG. GOING NORTH. 8 05 9 n3 9 1:1 ‘5 0 GOING SOUTH. W 3.30% 12?. NI. TEEFY, Postmaster. 0017766 50112341 7388889 may be pun}: on file at Geo 12 Q3 12 28 1'2 43 1‘2 56 l 25 11 47 11 45 1-; 5§ I45 Volume 30. 10.30 7.00 7.45 amas- 3"»;qu 552 603 616 635 648 657 722 the the N C WALLACEâ€"Mr Clarke \Vullace has had h busy summer. Engang in Parliament, until the end of'Muy. then ’away to me Sovereign Grand Lodge of fire Orange 0rder in Irelnnd, then at Canadian Grand Lo lge at; Winnipeg. He looks, though he enjoyed his health and his Grand Sovereignty and his 500 majority in West York. He reports a splendid harvest in York colony In the NOrthwest Mr James Armstrog, menu ager of' the York Farmers' Colonisation Company. has just returned from a visit to the colony, imd he reports that; the crop has been well saved, and that the people are jubilant in the cordial (ex-- pectation of do abundant. harvest. Mn Wallace’sinf’ormniion is that where the frost has strucin it has struck hard, but it has not troubled York colonyâ€"Globe HORSE POISoNED.â€"Messrs II. and C. Ackney of Lot 14, 9Lh' Con. Mark- ham, lost afine three-yearâ€"old gelding by malicious poisoning on the night of August 18th 'i‘he horse was stabled at 8.30 in the evening and was apparently in the best of health. Next morning; when Mr. Acknoy went out to the stable tho animni was: lying stiff and dead in the stall wuh his head toward the open- inzf Dr. Toi't examined the animal and. gave it as his opinion that he had been poisoned with arsenic. Messrs Ackneyo offer a reward of €550 for in» formation that will convict the guilty parties. Any person who would poison a poor dumb animal to revenge himself on its owner is no belter than a murd- erer. A. O. U. W.â€"-â€"The following Resoluâ€" tion of Condolence was passed at the Lodge of'United W0rkmnn,~last Tues day evening:â€"â€"-Moved by Bro. T F. McMahon. seconded by Bro. I. Crosby. that we, the assembled oflieers and mem bers of Ivy Lodge. No. 114, A. O. U. W., hereby tender our heartfelt symv pathy to Bro. F. MeConaghy in the bereavement of his beloved wife, and we hope and trust that the husbund and his sorrowing family may he blest with strength ‘f'rom our Heavenly Protector to bear with fortitude the sad affliction which He, in His wisdom, has seen fit to place ~aspen them. LACROSSEâ€"The Bradford lacrosse team won a match from Barrie and the result is a big master in the Brudf'vrd \Vltncss crowing over the duf‘eaned. In the Toronto papers we notice :â€"“ Presiâ€" dent, Dan. A. Rose, of the O. L. A, has suspended lllc playing certificates held by W J‘ Flclmondsonmf Bradford; Dunc Clarke, of Bruntf‘ord ; Hartley. of Shelburne; Dulmrly, of Stouffville; Stewart and Hewitt, of Bright, and Robins, of Orilliu, all for their connecâ€" tmn with the Bradfordâ€"«Barrie mulch.” So much fur the ’woster. RoYAL COUNCIL “The R. T. of T. Council met. last; Tuesday evening. A great deal of discussion was raised over the desire of the Select Councillor to re- tire for the rest of’ the term, which would not be listenedr to by any of the members. and was therefore let drop for the present. The members are all reâ€" quested. to be present at the next meet;â€" ing as the Grand Councillor of Ontario is expected to ‘be present and will no doubt make. the. evening a vei‘y pleasant QueI " L ’ z 'l'IIIS fall special attention 'will be given to ’1‘weeds,Clothing,Hms & Cups, Boots & Shoes. If you want fine goods come here; if clash is'Iscarce, remember we deal in Dankl'u'pt Stocks and can give you n Pile of-good serviceable goods for a dollar. No trouble to show you through the“‘st00k. Highest price for good butter, eggs and lardâ€"R W chx ille. : , ABEAR.â€"TWO men While working in a field in Bathurst township, Lanark 30.. were startled by a bear. They gave chase to the animal which weighed 300 pounds and shot. is. AN ACCIDENTâ€"As Mr James New-- ton was driving with his grandson ‘on Yonge street, in going cvcr'the crossing opposite Mr Mason‘s store the buug gave a sudden jump ‘and the littler‘o‘y was pimhed out. Fortunately the horse was stopped and the little fellow was picked up uninjured. It waszq miracle it did not prove more serious: L r PETITIONS.â€"-The Council of' West Toront‘o Junction have beén peritio‘n'ed to repeal the by-‘law limiting the number ofliquor licenses to two,‘ and a counter petition is being largely signed by’the friends of temperance] I r ORANGE GRAND: LODGEâ€"At the re- cent session of the Orange Grand Lodge last week at Winnipeg, N. C. Wallace, M. P., was elected M. W. G M., E. F Clarke, M. P 1)., the Mayor of Toronto, D G. M., and Thos. Keyes, Grand Secretary. The next meeting of the Grand Lodge is to be held at Godâ€" erich, Ont. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT.â€"-The con-â€" tract. for doing the printing of the On- tario Government during the next five years has been awarded to Messrs. War- wick & Sops. The price at which they tendered, on a basis furnished by the Queen’s printer, is $27,000 a year. The next. lowest tender was $29,000 ; and the. highest $37,009. YORK TRIBUNE :â€"One day recently J. P. Bull, Esq, J. I’,, had before him John Mason, to answer to a charge of “running” the tollgate. The penalty imposed was $4.00 and costs. FARM FOR SALEâ€"In another column we publish the advertisement of M'r‘Jos Shepherdson. He offers his beautiful farm on lot 15, concession 11, Euph'rasia forsale. Read Advertisement, HARVEST HOMEâ€"The annual Har- vest Home services of the Zion E. Lutheran congregation, on the 4th Con. of Vaughan, will be held 0n next Sab- bath, Sept. 16th. The pastor, Rev. Alex. McLaughlin, will preach in the morning ac1030 and the Rev. Owen Reber, of Markham, will preach at. 7 in the evening. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONâ€"~le To- ronto Exhibition was i opened on Tuesâ€" day by His Excellency the Governor- General and Lady Stanley accbmpfipied by their four sons also Miss Lister, coin pnnion to Lady Stanley} Captain: C. Colville, Military Secretary, and Lieut. A. MacMalion, Aide. The weather was fine and everything went off splendidly. The return match of the Carville and i Loam Richmond Hill teams was played atgLom Richmond Hill on Saturday last and rc-I‘ sulted in a victory for the visitors by 1 { run and 7 wickets Thu game was a' verv good one throughout and with a my. Moved by Sect’y, seconded by Fir. 0. Trevethan, thatfa vote oftthanks from this Brigade be fiendered to Mesdames: P. G. Sarage, B. Bedditt, (3'. E Shepâ€". purd, J. Brownlee, Gr. Tmnclh, C. TI‘C‘“, vethan. Gr. Radditt, R. Sheri: and the the Misses Simpson, Mifis CampbeH, Miss; Eycr for the assistance kindly rendered by them at the Firemen’s Pic» nic on the 24th A1:-g.â€"~Carried. H. A. NICHOLS, Sect’y. Moved by Fir. C. Wright, seconded by Fir. Sanderson, that Steward and Aud McMahon be a. committee to. make enquiries regarding worn- for holding drill and ascertain cost per nightsâ€"Carried. Moved by Fir. Steward, seconded by Fir. Sanderson, that we have Fireman’s Fancy :Drill during winter months if‘n suitable place can be secured for holding salmon? Carried. Moved by Secb'y,seconded by Steward, that‘ And. McMahon be instructed {,6 procure a drilf‘. instructor’s book for fire- men.â€"Carried. ’ ~ Stew. Ge) Trench on behalf of Picâ€" nic Committee reported but. owing: to absence of Lieut. could not give in full. Report given was received and adopted. Moved by Eng: Brownlce,sec0pded by AudlAtkiLscn‘, that Sec. E of B'yéLaw 6 be carriei out as regards names! read. â€"â€"Curried. ' : After the funeral, =eerv~ices~wcre heir} in the Presbyterian Church which Was filled by allirge number who listened attentively and with. decorum to the solemn services on the impressive ocâ€" casion‘ The Rev Mr. Simpson of the Methodist Church made an earnest prayer as also read the second lesson taken from the 15th chapter of 1st. Corâ€"- inthians The Rev. Mr. Percival read the 90th Psalm; and addressed the con- gregation in an impressive discourse from the words of Job 20th chap and 8th verse: “He shall fly away as a dream. and shall not be found: yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of' the night.” The opening: services com» menced with singing the 53rd Paraphrase: “ Take comfort, Christians. when your Friends in Jesus fall asleep ;” which with the usual hymns suitable for the solemn services will lonq be remembered by many who were present. The folbwing names were read out in accordance with See. E. of~By~Law 6: A. Savage 0. Soules, Gr. Buruham, T. Powell. 0 Bird. " Fire Brigade Meeting. Richmond Hill, Sept. 7th,1888. Minutes of' regular meetingy of Riel» mond Fire Brigade after practice held in Council Chamber. Formal Redditt in the chair. Minth of last; regular meeting read and apprcvcd. Firehm C Trevethan nominated [Ier- bert Hopper as a fit and proper person to become an apprentice fireman, Nor MUCH LEFT.â€"â€"A Toronto clergyman was invited a few days ago to marry a young "couple in a town-not more than fifty miles from Toronto. He accepted the invitation, performed his duties in the most satisfactory maul-1‘: net, and after returning to town and de- ducting his travelling expenses from tho fee handed him by the groom found that he was just five cents ahead. The {hmin have the heartf'elt‘. sym-. pathy of all. The good wif'e' has ,beéq a, good mother to a large family. Eor six years the sickness that ended in death has had its hold on her and the last four months she has beéu‘ confined :to her bed hearing her suifcr'uggs with patience {ind resignation, and Willing; when the time came to resign her‘ spirit; into the hands of her Maker. ' ' V A WORD TO THE WISE, ETCâ€"After having been before the people of Rich- mond Hill andivicinity for over 23 years Wm Atkinson of the Concrete hardly thinks it necessary to say that in the future, as in the past, his chin business will be to please his numerth friends and customers by selling the newest goods at the” lowest . prices, the markets can afford. " His goods are not shelf-- room, antiquated, motheaten, Bankrupt stock stuff'thut are dear at any price, but are the newest goods from the great markets of the United Kingdom. chosen with a View to please the'u'iost fastidious, and imported direct. thus giving the consumer the privilege of buying new goods at wholesale prices, saving the middlemen's profits. Notwithstanding that he sometimes allows a customer a little time to pay he has always been able to more than hold his own with any of the cheap stores, so called, that have yet struck the town and always pays spot cash for everything he buys, giving to his customers the discount saved by this method. The imports have arrived try-day and will be opened up just as rapidly as possible and you are reapect-~ fully invited to call and inspect the stock which will be more than usually attracu tive. Particulars next week. Our death notices this week contain the announcement. of the death of the wife of our respected fellowâ€"toxvnsman, Mr. F. McConaghy. whose end on Sun- day morning last at the hour of four o’ciock, mused, when known, a feeling 0:" pain to pass through the community in Which shehas resided such a long time, having left her native iand to fol- low the fortunes nf her husband some twenty-six ‘years ago. arriving here on the 10th'N0vembor, 1863. For: sale at this office the Scientific American, one of the best papers pub- ,lished ; 100. single number; $3 per year in advance. ' The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, and was followed to the Pres byterizm cemetery by a large number of friends aml acquainlullces of the family belonging-.50 Richmond Hill and from a distance. i 'v ' ' The pall~bearers were Messrs. Boyle, P. G. Savage, J. Coulter, Mopg‘lie, W. Atkinson and F. \Viley. Cricket Match. OBITURARY. John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Cam boll, Esq., Hon. Senntorl’IcMuster A. M. Smitgl, )3qu Jam es Motown, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D, Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at pm‘ cont irltorost. Lomxsmmk: tuChurch Trustees, at a. low rate of interest. Sand for prospectus. 0'; London, England; Sir Wm. McArthur. K C M Q, M. P, eX-Lord. Mayor of Lonqon, President. ‘ W W BaryneskEsmF I A‘Secretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 ' Annua! Income . . . . . . 1,600,000 Invested in Canada” . 1,200,000 Death chums 1mm” . . 10,000,000 'onmx'm )uEF'ERENCES. fissmfiicfisec’y If you want to buy 0r sell a Farm, 36-- vertise in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL. That paper reaches 100.000 farmers’ home“ every week. and your advertisement should meetthe eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Tommo WEEKLY MAIL for Five (‘ents a word each insertion. or Twenty Cents a word for five insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. THE STAR We have heard of the common sense Boot and now comes Mason. always up no the times, in purchasing the right to dispose of' Byam’s “Common Sense” Sash Balance, doing away with the neâ€" cessity of Weights and cords in windows and are much cheaper. more durable and satisfactory. They can be placed in oid as well as new windows. Call and ex- amine their merits at The third .pnge of; the Toronto DAILY Man is nuted fur “ Want "° adveflfivment. If you want to fan] or sell tmyt tug. If you want a situatihu. n mechanitzh busi-' ness, rqacrhinery. lodgings, it' you have lost or found anything, 91‘ if you wantito find out \vht‘l'e nnyth is. advertise in the To" t‘tmlo DAILY Man. and read the advertise - ments on the third page of that pnper. The charge is two cents a Word each in" sertion. Address Tm: Mun, -‘,\Toronto, Canada. ‘ lime practice our boys would play a good game The following is the some 2 CARVILLE. " J Pn,get,b McKenzie D i F. Iohnesb McKenzie D..! T Puget, b McKenzie D. V{ P31111391} c McConughy,‘ Mrs Littgerpf Londonjg the guest of Mrs Eyer. Judge Fulconbridge was in the village last week. “ Mr Redditt accompanied by Mr Wimster, of Aurora. was in town on Sunday lash. - Miss L Davis. of T0r0nb0,is spending a, few weeks among friends and relations here at present. Miss Tnnmtm from L , owoll has secured a. position in Mr Wm Atkinson’s millinery depart-- ment in this village. v 3391b pmvdm' never varies; A m urvel of purity strongtb .und Wholusomeness. W7 W9 economical thim the ordinary kinds, mu] cannot be sold in computilmn with the nmltitude-of 10W teamshort weight. au‘nlm orphcsphute p0Wdel‘B. Sold only in cum. jROYAL B‘mma POWDER 00., 100 Wall 817., N.Y. . n COMMON Kenzie Iredell, b Clufiey . C Pulmermot out .. J Falconbridgeb Clafiey 1 vuerrie, b McKenzie, D4..0 Extras ..... McMahon. b C ROIan ...2 led‘fgéy, c C Palmer 1) Ire« doll ............................. 3 D McKenzie, b C Holmoal Hicks, run out .................. 1 Lawrence, b Imdell.. Ngytpu, c Irodell, I) C _ Holmos Bryden, b 0 Holmes. Cook, not out .......... J Mchmghy, h 'i‘redeAlnfi W Mchqnzimb 031101111030 Clubinoaun out” Extras '. mw'o Mr and Mrs Godfrey and Miss fierce of Mark- ham spent Sunday at Mrs Hume’éil b Claffey,............ C Holmes,b Clnfl'ey. ’1‘ {e111,ru11 out .ul Iznucson, 0 Cook b Mo. Mrs Ferrel, of Broakliu, has been visiting at Bicknor Place. We are glad to notice that Mr Rupert of ‘ Cent-ml is able to be about ngu-ig. We trust see him soon {LE} active as ever. ' Mr Ki)k'und,Mr5 Mchmhlnn and Miss Me Lam},th came from Woodstock to attend the funeral cf the late Mrs McConghy Mr an (1 Mrs A L. Skeele left Toronto on Tues day evening Inst for Lansing, Mich., to attend the funeral of Mrs Skeele’s father. Mrs Meredith, Mrs Dr E Langsmfl’ and child, who havohoen stuyingut the Mineral Springs, Thornbill, left on Wednesday for their home in Broolflyn, N Y. DEATEI ANGELL.~A§3 Lunsing.Mich.. on Monday, Sept. 10th,Homce Angell,in the 73rd your of his Deébzxsod was father of Mrs A. L. Skoele of this village. McCuxmnvâ€"At Riahmond Hill, on Sunday morning, the 9th in (7., 1\Zm‘g.Lreb Kirkland, the wife of Mr ancm McConaghy. aged 52 yean, 1 months and 22 days. a. native of Giant‘s Causeway, County of Antrim, Prov- ineo of Ulster, Imln‘ndA SMITHâ€"HARDINGâ€"At the Methodist Parsonage, Richmond Hill, on the 12m inst., by Rev J M Simpson, Mr Robert Smith, of Richmond Hill, to Miss Mary Harding, East York Mr and Mrs A G Ii" Lawrence and child returned to the Queen city 011 Tuesday. Total Total Abmiagteiy Pure. lst Innings lst Innings C. Mason’s, Richmond h ill. See. (1' Trans. for Canada. ..., U a. Wellingbqn St, East, Toronto 1390 let 1883 So‘ciety Notes. MAXIKIRIEI) A D PERRY, RICHMOND HILL LIFE SENSE. :1 run out 19 Total .. 56 Total b Isnncson.. c Pndgeb..... b E Hnlmes‘ C Isaucson.. run out o Isnacson bIsun‘cson run out ..... b Isuacson‘ not out: . 2nd Innings c E Holmes.... not out not out.“ Extras 2nd Innings the y to A splendid assortment; of 1 Men’s Bay’s £3 Ycuth’s ready made suits. ‘ Men’s Suits from $4.50; Boy’s “ “ 1.00. also Hardware, Groceries and Crockery, the best quality and at the lowest figures injthe tradfl, Is the correct place to find all summer Dry Goodg; Grey Gottnn, Whit-g Cotton, Canadian 85 Imported. ‘Shirt:_* ing, Canadian 80‘ Scotch Tweeds, Extra Value. ‘ The mmmte Howa- Raymond Scwiwg Machine, and the. Eagle Steam Washer, Wriozger, Eta, Elsi. Ladies’ French Kid Boots and Slippers. Gentleman‘s American Walking 3M4:a u’Ladies' foord Shoes. I Gentlemen’s Oxford Shoes, Ladies’ Common Sense m “$53 Oxford Ties, Seamless Boots, Amegican Walking Beets; Etc. ‘ Gaiters, Alligator Boots, Etc. ‘ AI‘L STYLES, PIRICHIS AND SIZES. Ladies and Children’s Wigwams. Full line of 1 Children’s Shoes~ A11 E51285 and Pnices. A Very Fine Lima of ‘Wigite Granite Warq- Is the only safe and sure Oil for Self-E Machines and Mill Machinery generally. by Repairing dono‘NeutIy, Chcnpiy, Quickly. Custer. “york a spocinTtyâ€"seoond to nonejgthq‘ 1 Dominion. Your patronage Solimbcd. Sattisluction guaranteed. "4 Fimfi @EaSS Gmceries, .G-O To THE LORNE $‘T’ORE. Goods, é<<$3fi<§SGTHE NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINEffiigfifi We have just rccoivnd and are opening out In full line of Roots and Shoes suitable for Spring and.) Summer wear. Our stock in part consists of :â€" CALL , AkaIN M00911 Bros. & 00.,“i The Lightest Running and most improved high, roomy , arm machine in the market. b‘old' cheap for cash or good paper. You WJIP secure excellent bargains by calling at or writing to the« '§‘mnp§o--of--FÂ¥EElsie. MAJENufiTEiEwT! - fififlfiRKEEAM. P 3m fifififiifl E? W, WEE, WE’RE?» ETC: DONIINION PEANOSâ€"Gland, Square and Upright ; in; Malmgany, Figured Walnut. Rosewood and other choicgi; Woods, perfect instruments, sold on terms ,whjchfq'cinnot be; I - beaten. Old organs and pianos taken in gxchxaghge Of world wide fame, in nume‘sczus styles, coniaining Foley’q automatic mouse proof and a” the latest improvements at very low prices and guaranteed to give the best of satis action. ’ p FEMS, Thfinks to the friends forihei 5111xme mpport in the past. Would kindlyr'solieita. con-- tinuugce of your abrouu‘go. All goods fresh and prices right. LA RUINE Just 0penédâ€"~(lifect from England. Tea Scfs,1"1ntn§,’3Cups and Saucers, Bedroom Sets, And are going to be sold at priges so low that they will ustonish you. Can and see. HURRAH KNEE: FOR F i n e Groceries, Fruits, Elm. Sugars, Spices, Cereal'Foods, Canned Brooms, Brushes, Fruits in (Season, and Fruit Jars. Candies, Nuts, D a L e s, And Sold by R w Ne'vau‘e and Richmond Hill, ATMNfiQN, DQEEENION ORGANS, SEWENQ MAGHNES. MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED FOR CHEAP AN D sure Oil for Self-Binders, Threshing- L/[nnl- lulu". ,..._ K .M, vA'J.‘ THE OLD STAND,- IC. Sanderson Brosik, Richmond Hi”. AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE é‘OWELSg IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE, ran; bun nnrrm An nah-wax cmLDRm 0R ADULTS. DREQWLEHS; W“ (EXT: 0F. 0* Geo. WRENCH. W M. FLEM!NG. Gentleman‘s American Walking 3M4:a Gentlemen’s Oxford Shoes, Oxford Ties, Seamless Boots, Gaiters, Alligator Boots, Etc. Direct Importer. EABRHGM] ‘YSENTFERY fifiéfiérfi Fltâ€"31713113 Q L: I C ’a® I? R AM PS] Imam HQEKERA“ MACHINE CURES M anufacturéfii

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