Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Sep 1888, p. 3

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Now is our time fur chem mom ma or. The larwest . 1 H . ‘ ’1‘ stock 1n town and WM} be 'sold cheap. v NEVV PA'EWPER ENE ’Ef‘fifigj E?A_E_,JL TRADE Ready mixed paints in all coiors ready for use. Lcds, (his, Turpe‘s, Varnish, Glass in all sizes. ‘ A large stock of AT THE WEE PROM i v - ‘ , (3 - . é People Cryâ€"Save! Saving! Saved! and 11]0DO_V_1:\ifl up for 0. miny (guy by purchasing " ' ' " Household Supplies at tho-Onmzio Housu. " ' ‘ ’ " FULL “NE (W PWWESIGNS, 0 “HEREBY, MEN'S & SHQES. PRICES A.\VAY DO'VVN. Choice Flour, Bacon, 81c. always kept i2; stopk. Bugter and Eggs wantedâ€" Highest “Price Paid. Every Departmem Complete. Dress Goods in the New Makes and Leading Colors.â€"Cheap. It works iike magic, driving the disease or iks symptoms out of' the system. ’Try H I Try it I It builds up the entire system and renders you able to attend to your accustomed pugsuiis. Prepared only by Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&c. MILLENER‘E AWE MANTLE GQODS 1888.} Typhoid, Malaria or Bilious Fever The P9933363 Store 2 in new designs at less than Toronto prices. Usual stock of Groceries, Flour 8L Feed at bottom prlces. March. 1888‘ , SANDERfiON Enos. ,flHEMiSTS ANB DRUEEiSTS, - - RIGHMBJ A large assortment of Worsted Suitings and Canadian TWeeds at such low prices as WIJJ astonish our friends. ALL KINDS 015‘ $3“ Gimme :2 Gmgez‘ies 1;; now filled with‘ial Iron Agg Tonic. G0 TO THEâ€"â€" Are you threatened with In great variety at the Constantly on hand. SPRING. ‘21 FEB and Splendid Assortment of P. G. SAVAGE. ISAAC; CRQSBY. JOSEPH H. HALL. RIGHMQND HILL {15,38,8- THE RE'I‘ALIATEUS BXLL PASSES THE AMERICAN ‘ (muss or Rh.l‘l{ESE.'TA'I‘lVES. Washington, Sept. 8.â€"On the reâ€" sumption of the debate on the Retaliaâ€" tion Bill to-(lay in the House of Reproâ€" sentatives, Mt: White, of New Ym'lc‘ declared himselfin favor of such retaliâ€" atiou as would hurt enemies and not friends. and proceeded to demonstrate that the first section of the bill would inure to the benefit of the Dominion of Canada and to the permanent and lasting injury of the commerce of this country and of American labor. Mr. Lind, of Minnesota, said that if the pendingt bill became a law the Presi dent could by a single stroke of the pen reduce the value of' the millions of bush- els djr- Minnesota and Dakota wheat seven centsa bushel. He could rob Duluth of half her shipping. He could ruin the trade of the twin cities, the pride of Minnesota and of the Northwest. He could cripple the enterprising men of the Northwest. Mr. Lind would vote against the bill because it. was uncalled for, wrong in theory and an unworthy exponent of the power,dignity and honor oFthe American people. Mr. O’Neil, of Missouri, attributed the trouble to the Tory administration in Canada, and con- tended that there was no illâ€"feeling beâ€" tween Irish Americans and Englishmen. The debate was carried on by Messrs. Tarnsley, of Michigan ; Cochran, of New York; McMillan, of’ Tennessee; Farquhar, of New York, and Henderson of Iowa. Mr. White, of New York, moved to recommit the bill with inâ€" structions to the committee to strike out the first section. Lost without a diâ€" vision, The bill was then passedâ€"Yeas, 174, n‘ays 4. The negative votes were cast by Rayne, Dzilzell, Lind and White of New York. The House then ad-- journed. The Halton election was fought out on Wedncsdny of last: week. end on Friday, two days later, the Board of License Commissioners for the county met. The gentlemen of whom we wrote two weeks ago, who openly violated the law under the advice and sanction of a License Commissioner, was granted a license. Four others were accorded the same privilege The total list of licenses thus issued, close on the heels of the election in which the Liberal candidate won, is as follows: Murray H. Williams, Oakville. Robert Bennett, Georgetown. 8. N, Brown, Glenwillinms. J. H. Gould, Burlington, David Dewar, Milton. In the cases of at least fmlr out. of these five, the inspector had reported unf'uvorably on the application. but the Board of Commissioners ignored the re- port which the law provided should be made for their guidance. and granted licenses to men who had no right to them. t Surely the Ontario Government will not long tolerate such flagrant outâ€" rages as theseâ€"Canada Citizen. Mr. Wiison, or Minnesota, twisted the lion’s tail. ‘ A ooannsronnmm of the Dublin Express says: “Episcopalians, Presby- teriané and Methodists have now united ethojirstmentioned through the Genâ€" eral Synod of the Church of Ireland, the second through their General Asâ€" sembly, and (he third through their Annual ‘ Conferenceuin protesting againstflome Rule, and deprecating the evils it. is>certain 40 bring upon the country.” ‘ SOkIEVFierle imagine that theIuterâ€" colonial will not be able' to manage all the Canadian traffic should the bondâ€" ing priviliges be withdrawn. This is an error. In the first place we have practically two roads all the way to the Maritime Provinces, with the exception of a short distance between Quebec and Riviere Du Lnup, where there is only a single line and a single track. ,From Riviere Du Loup, the 'l emiseuam road is about finished, and it makes the way to St. John some two hundred miles nearer than the present roundabout road of the Intercolonial. This 'l‘emislcounta line runs entirely through huzinngian territory. ‘ We have the Montreal Gazette of the 61h containing an address delivered in Christ Church Cathedral in that city on the above subject from the W0sz “I gm the resurremion and the life saith the Lord" by the Rev J. Laurence. vicar of Westow, York, Eng , who is now travel- ing through Canada and the United States in the interests of the Burial, Funeral and Mourning Reform Associâ€" ation ofthe Church of’England. "Agivertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and chargad trunsi» ent rates. ‘ ’ ...'Scontsl Each subsequent insertion, per line. 3 centa t. Contracts for time and space minds on applica- xon. “ The object of this Association is to advocate the burying of all bodies in eoflins made of paper in graves about two feet deep. It is claimed that this will greatly decrease the amount of dis- ease arising from the taint-mg of the atâ€" mosphere, as after being in the ground about four weeks the colfin will break up, allowing the body to be absorbed in- to the. earth, which is a. great deodorizâ€" ing medium. It will do away with. vaults and leaden caskets, which retain the body in a stale of arrested deeomâ€" position, thus spreading sickness, in case the deceased died oFa contagious malady. The same graves may then be used over and over again, being a great conveniâ€" ence in thickly populated countries such as England, where land is scarce. It will do away with cremation, which is claimed to be barbarous and unnatural. EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Ofl‘xco, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscription :â€"$1 00 per unnum in advance. When not paid in advance $31 50 will be charged. Transitory advertisements. first insortian, nA_..‘_ The Association also advocates less The York Herald. Only Four Dissenters. . H.7-KEE1‘LER, Another Outrage. Burlal Reform. PUBLISHED BY Are you it fibrn'bod at night and broken of your rest by asicn child suflering and crying with pain or cutiin T, teeth ‘2 If so, send at once and gen in home of Nle \VINSLO'W’S SooTHING SYRUP you UIIXLDRL‘N ’) EFTIIING. Its value is incalcul. able If. wil‘x re. V,(: .70 the p001”1ittle buffvrer im-â€" mediatuly Dew ud upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. Ft cures dysentery and diur- rhma. regulates t). e stomach and ‘nowclfi, cureg wind colic, softens r110 gums, reduces inflammaâ€" tion, and gives: (10m- and enemy to the who] 3 system. MRS Wms; ow’s 50011;an SYRUP FOR )mmmEN ’l‘mzvrumu iu'plensant to the tastefind is the prescription of one of the oldest and bean female nur . and phyaicians in the United States. and 1‘; for sale by lel drnqgists thro‘m‘n» ont the worm I‘rica twenty-five cents a. bottle Be sure and ask for “ MR: VVINSLdW’G SOOTHING SYRUP " and take no othe 1' Lind. The September Wide A wake opens with ajolly story of the. Harris-m nampaign of 18l0; it is by Mrs. S A, Humphrey, it. personal reminiscence, entitled "Two Con-- apirators," and illustrated by Smetlley. 1\n~ other sensonable story, and very amusing, is “ Ned’s Base Ball Club. ” by Mary C. Crowley. ‘ Stillanother. delicious in its fun. is “Jermiclty‘s Sacrifice,”‘hy Mrs. Gerber-- ine l}. Foot. “A Little Lombard Hero” is a touching Italian story by Edmond dc Atnicis. trans'nted by a little friend of his. Miss Marcia Thounyfiaughter offlie Ameri- can consul ttt Tutin. "here is a brace ol' suggestive stories, by Mrs. Margaret Storer Warner, entitled “ 'l‘wo Opportunities, ” showing girls and boys who live at. the sun» mer resorts how they can earn some money. i Miss Rislev SteWurt has an entertaining paper. “An Abyssinian Monkey,” narrating her adventures Willi him, and how he be.- came the property of Senator Evarts, and eventually found it home in the Zoological Gardens at Central purk. Edward l‘ivetett Hale writes of some of the great visitors who huve "receiVed" on Boston Common. There is a line article by Rev. H. O. Ludd, the president of the Univct‘situy School of Indian Girls, and appealingr to the youth of America to help build the Ramona ‘. emnr- ial Hall, which shall he a perpetue home school For Indian Girls. The Wide AWuke boys and girls are invited to build the dining room. which is to be known as the " Wide Awake Ilel'ectory.” There is a beautiful nrt--:irticlc for young pointers entitled "Sum mer Lanes ;” it is bv Miss Mabel Robinson and fully illustrated by famous land-scopes by Constable, Corot, Diaz, Hohbema and Bellini. The sei'ieais are very interesting: in Mrs. Crmvuinshield’s training -ship story. Friday. Sept 21.â€"â€"â€"Review Duy~Gmnd renews of all the prize homes and cattle TI;_jhe evening fingd. jllumjzuuimj nf the ground?) and fmewell concert. of the Gipsy Bmy‘i. q. Salm'flzty. S¢-pt. 2ilmlâ€"Exlwnmrs’ Day onlyâ€"None but lelilHlUX'S and assismmg admitfiezl in Hue grounds. The Exhibition Will be cmmiderod closed and vlw treasurer will conunence to pay prizeaut 9 a. m. 'I‘llumdny, Sent. 20.â€"Ammiflcnn Visitora’ Day~0mmnua1inn of judging hursea; Special ring parades ; all the gpmzinl aurgb- 2i0ns ; Inst dispth of firewurks 5 " The Siege of thasmpnl ." Wednesday, Sept. 19!hâ€"~Farmers’ Dayâ€" Judgging horses and came. parfide of henvy draught horses in Lhé ring; fencing exhibi- uuns. ballnon ascensions and drop. Fire-- works in the evening. The Arrangements Perfected for-the " Toronto Industrial. In addition to the usual events, the: fol~ lowing attractions are billed zâ€"The Vienâ€" nese lady fencers; the Gipsy Band; balloon ascents; parachute descents; national dances of lhe' World ; iMoms’ «ample of illusions and mxétex-ies; Prof. Mama’s (log. out and monkey circus ; band compelilion ; school children drill competition; bicycle races: trolling races, hurdle races ; Hunt Club racns, etc. 'l'lxpfqllmving“ is the program by (lays 2-â€" ' ‘ " by the ynung ladies. Donkey races. etc. Saturday, Sept. Nthâ€"Societies Dayâ€"â€" Under the auspices and patronage of the various uniformed SQQielies of the city. Trolling, and hurdle raé 5‘ in the ring. Monduy, Sept. 17ih.â€"-C;liz“na’ Dayâ€"- Grand display of live stock. Special mu lractinns in the horse rin’g.‘ Second bul-- loon ascension and parachute drop. Base ball march. Figewnrks. Tuesday. Seét. 18111.- Germania Dayâ€" Undor the patron-aim of the German citizens of Canada. Special parade of horses in" :he ring. Balloon ay/sacension and drnp. P15119- works and prigiyal illumination of the grounds. Sirâ€"I regret unrlouncing. after 19 years nf philanthropic devotion 0‘ leisure. brain. and mone‘y compdsipg essays in about 50 nmvspupers for benefit of the million, I am shortly leaving. because Governments con-- doné letter stealing, forgery. 6m. in land matters (Esclxems). Hnw glad Attornev" Gnnevuls will be ? This settles Mowut and Thompson's hush ‘7 Coliingwood., 7th,?888, DEAR SIR,â€"â€"I have the honor to encIoae you herein a Complimentary Admission Ticket to the Great, Northern Exhibition, to be held in the town of Collingwood, on Sept. 25th to 28th. 1888. Will be pleased to .have you attend, and will endeavor to make your visit pleasant and profitable. With the compliments of the Board I am, Sll‘, Your obedient servant, ‘ T. J. CRAWFORD, Secretary. [Many thanks for thelcgmplimentiary' -â€"1‘JDI,’£0R] ' Friday. Sept. l,4111.-School Children’s Day-Erilf Competition ‘by the cadet corps of the city schools and calisthenic exercises by the ynung ladies. Donkey races. etc. Saturday, Sept. Nthâ€"Societies Dayâ€"â€" “Plucky” and “Fundy” have i; rather damp experience with the lifeubuoy ; and in Mrs. Sherwood’s “ Double Roses” both Phyllis and Wilhelmina show the best. qualities in lheir natures. There is an excellent article on Daniel Defoe by Oscar Fay Adams, and another on the old people of Goren by Mrs. Leonowens. The poems of the number are by Edilh Thomas, Mary N. Bradford, Mrs. Butts, and Herbert Wild Bradley. Wide Awake is $2.40 a year. D. Lothrop Company, Publishers, Boston, Mass. 151 Church St . Toronto, ' Sept. 8, 1888. Below will be found a list of the exhibi- tions in which the people of this section are most interested: Industrial at Toronto . . . . . . . “ 10 “ ‘22 Collingwood . . . . . . . . . H... “ ‘25 “ 2S Barrie . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . i . . . Oct. 1 “ 4 Beetnu . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 2 85 3 Marlrharr............. . . . . . “ 4 to 5 Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 9 “ 10 Cookstown . . . . . . . . “ 9 " 10 Alliston . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . “ 11 “ 12 Queeusville.... “ 12 (ADVERTISEMENT. ) To the Ed'ilm' of tjzc Herald. display and expenses in funeral services, and in the wearing of heavy mourning by the relatives of deceased persons. The Association has about a millign members in England, and on its roll are the names of the best known English scientists and physicians and of a large number of the nobility. Great Northern Exhibition. GOOD EVENING! CANADA! Exhibitlon Prc gxlamme. September Wide Awake. L‘BVICE T0 RIOTHERS I an .lUlUULU-u . . ... ood.............. ......n....n‘...0cm H tr |........~........ ‘I (eh............... H H ‘5 I’ll...-..........-. “9.... ...._...,.. FALL FAIRS. J. C. HUTcmsux, There is a. stream of silver pouring into Washington at the rate of half a million dollars worth a day. lt comes in the shape of fresh. glittering new dollars. standard silver dollars of the mintage of’88 with the milling unnicked and the face of the God-- dess of Liberty fresh from the stamp. The stream is flowing at. present from the Phil- adelphia mint, but before long the sluice gate will he switched around and the shin-- inq flood will be turned in from New York. then after a time, from New Orleans. and finally from San Francisco. thus giving the United States a silver belt that will out- shine even that of a champion pugilist. The Adams Express (10. carries the silver in trunks, or ironâ€"bound boxes, guarded by armed men. At this end of the line the silver is carried direct to the Treasury Dc-- per-tnzent in great iron-~lntticed wagons that lodk like the animtil cages in a menagerie. A: the Treasury the boxes are taken into the building and into the basement, then down a winding stain-way in the north- (islet corner of the building into the sub-- basement, where the air at present has an odor of soft mustiness that brings thoughts of mysterious treasures, hidden gold. stories of Capt. Kidd and similarideas. The vi-- sions of the mystic are suddenly dispelled The atmosphere in the vault. is horrible, close. dump and musty. and your cones-- p.mdent, (who began 3:9 Feel the oppressive efi‘t-cts at the vitiate‘fi‘nir, was glad to get out into the corridor. 'l‘he time-Jock door yawn’od iii the entrance; the intricate mu» uhinery, '35 line as that, of a watch. seem-- ingly tot). frnil for the responsible purpose for which it is intendeg. The real door of the vmtlt. however, is inside of this piece1 of mechanisqu‘ul the end at the short corridor. It. is of solid iron, ,5} inches thick, and weighs 5,§5QO pounds. It slides into the wall on the light. and, without the aid of the Windlass that neszles in the wnll beside it. needs the strength of fith men to move ‘. ...- ...,..n_ __ ,V I ' 7' J l by a prosy, business-dike door of grated iron mal‘bars the way and sbrings the visi- tors m a “huh. Although there is but on? vacancy in the Medical Department of the Armthe blmrd which was directed by orders from the War Department to convene in New York on. October 1st next. Wlll examine a lurge‘ number of candidates, and all who come up to the standard will probably receive com;- missions in fgture ns vacancies occur. ’In view of the severe character of the examin nations it is not to be supposed that the list of eligibles will be larger than wlgtgt' is re:- quired to fill vacancies occurring in one: year. ‘ The passagetof tlie‘regolution extending delayed appropriations until September 15th next, alford tempprary reliefgo the Army, which, in view of the wrangle over the Army bill”. seemed in imminent danger of going into a. state of bankruptcy. The Department is now enabled to make all the August, payments, money for which was available under a previous extension resolgp lion. hut which could not be disbursed at all posts because thexe were no funds for mileage to the disbursing oliicera. who would be required to travel to certain posts after the lat of September to make the payments. Telegrams were sent by the Pay masrer General Saturday directing pa - masters to proceed on their puv trips.whi h thev have delayed for the reasons mentioned The construction uf this nglt was begun hm summer. and has cost. ,gbout $30,000. 'gl‘he 8('3l( a at the entrance. 'iflhich will form a part. of Ihe outfit. oust. $l.200. The vault consists of sixteen cell rooms. egch of which will contain about $8,900,009. It. is proposed to have the vault lighted by elec-_- lrlcny, The chances now are that the bone of contention between the two Housesuâ€"thc heavy ordnance question-will be transfer- red from the Army Appropriation to the' Fortification bill,where it properly belongs. and a. pure and simple Army Appropriation bill be allowed ‘to pass. Members of the Senate Appropriation Committee desire, however, to have some assurance from members of the other Appropriation Comâ€" mittee who are likely to be on the conâ€"- ference committee that they will accept the Fertification hill in its present shape or with reasonable modifications before yielding from the Sen-ate amendments to the Army bill. Those'yho have surveyed the situa- tion believe that such assurances will he reegived from the House conferrees it is highly nrobnble now theta Fortification bill will be passed. and. while no doubt changed considerably fmflm its presentshapr, the one important feature which has pro-- voked so much.discussionâ€"-the appointment of an Ordnance Board to control the tip-- proprintions madeâ€"is likely to remain. u. it: h goes when “shut. nearly a foot into Ihe left hand wall. Richmond 3311, Sept. 10th. 1858. To be good and true. 011 you mostly, mothers, ' W131 devolve the care, 0f_ phe‘yolmg immortals! _"1"h§y will compensate, In their baby fashion, F111], commensurate. If there Were no infants, Where would flow the mem All the world collapsing, Embh a. dreary den. They are God’s donations, 0110i zest gifts to man, Sent to train for heaven, Helpers in His plan. In His Word directing Steps we should pursue, II fivrve‘wish ox_1r children, Welcome little darlings. To your niothels’ arms, Winsome and beguiling, Are your baby charms. Little mys of sunshine. Sent; to cheer our homes, Driving out the shadows, W here their brightness comes. Making revolutions, Changing plans and schemes, Filling heurbs and homesteads, With lovu’s loudest; dreams. Babes of every station, And of every name. \Velcomc greetings givo you... Boys and girls, the same. Homes without their presence, Are but prosy things. Void of all the glndness, fl‘hwh each baby brings. Eve '37 tin-59f service, I While their love you share- Wonderful discerning Are those infant minds, Fresh from the Creator, Truth reception finds, Faith in all our actions, Every word believes, ".1 ill deception'a vileness, Trustfulness doceivee. Sow the seeds of virtue, Kindly, gently strewn. Sweet will be the harvest, When to years they've grown. Keep their feet from straylng, _ Where tilt? eyil dwell, Of the ywitfals hidden, Never fear to tell. Gum-d from evil consorts, Give them work to do, Sgttun seeks the idle, Loves their ranks to View. Short the sowing season, Swiftly fly the years ; If we p‘ent not wisely, We shall reap in tears. Make their hnmes the centre 0f thehj childish joys Lu t not; strocb attractions Vit-iute our boys. They the morals gaging, ()f u tnwn or place, Lifting high its standard, Or to low disgrace. Fathers, this your duty. They will bear your name, Wearing it with honor. 01- with lasting shame. When in life‘s rough pathway, In ymw footsteps tread, You will Mill be speaking, Though accounted dead. Sept. 7111, 1838 An Ode to the, “Innogents.” Our Washington Letter. (From our own Correspondent.) An Undcuplted Prqof of Ike beneficial qualities of Burdock Blood Bitter-sis found in the gimusands of authenâ€" iic lestjmoniuis published by ihe proprietors The griginal letters being in [heir posses-- sion, {hey can furnish proof positive us to their genuiueuess at any time. Prompt Resuits. “I was very sick with bowel complain: last summer. I tried other medicines but all was no use until I tried Dr. Fowler’s Wild Strawberry. The next day I was a different man.” Geo. H. Peacuck, Strong, Unt. l Homown’s :OXNTMENT AND PILLS.â€" Travellere and Emigrants.â€"â€"Those \vho cross the seas change the climate. but. they do not change ihe constitution. The almi- ed condiiions of life, the exigencies of travel and other causes rendor Ihc traveller and emigrant peculiarly liable lo diseases and accidents when far from oll‘icient medical.airl. With lhese asmwiuled reme- dies m, hand they mnv be said to have a physipjaq always at. lllell' call. and they may be ceitnin that. siluminns will he constantly arising in which they will require it ready resource in time of need. The rlirmnions for use which accompany each box and pot, of [{OHOWHy’S Pills and Uimmnut age writ- ten in plain and simple language, [and are applicable in all cases. Qpnsummive Tandenclgsv are often inherited, but the disease fitse! may gain a foothold fllmugh impure blood had diet, unvenlilated rooms, emu, keep the blood puré and the circuhflion po‘fect by means of Burdock Blood Bitters, and thus wqrd of? consumption, which is ajmply scrofula of the lungs. n that hasbeen popular with the peoifle for 30 years is Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Struwberry for all varieties of summer com- plaints of children or adults. It seldom or ever fails to cure cholera morbus, diarrhmu anti dysentery. THE RED COLOR of thé blood is caused by the Iron it contains. Supply the iron when lacking by using Milburu’s Beef, Iron flud Wine. STUBBORN menm readily take Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. It. pleuseu the child and destroys the worms. A Dezen Years. “Dear Slum-hm twelve years I SDH‘ered from dyspepsm and liver complaint and was so weak I could not leave my bed for eight months. and had liule‘ hope of ever being cured. Three years ago I tried Burdoek Blood Bitters.and am thankful to say I now enjoy good health, and l Advise all who are afflicted to try B. H. B ” Mrs. Harriett Hobbs. Muir Avenue, Broclou, Ont. As AN MD to internal remedies for skin diseases. Dr. Low’s Sulphur Suap proves very valuuble. From Manitoba. “I have been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I used about twelve bottles of itand am now emirer free from the dis-- ease. William Mclnren, Clearwater, Mun. -" MANY MEN, MANY MINDS,” but all men and all minds agree as to the merits of Burdock Pills. small and sugar-coated. A FIRST-CLASS grain and stock misng farm, .. lot 16, concession 11,- Euphrasm. couuny of (filmy. 135 acres cleared and almost; all fit for machinery, buln‘nce best html wood timber. The land is in a. first-class state of cultivation, and n. never failing spring runs through the 1mm. Good comfnrmble house, IL frame barn fix???) with a. stone stnbling. (a. horse stable 24350 and Marge log burn. Good well. Orchard large and bearing the best winter fruits. Stone school house, brick church, blacksmith shop, om, etc. close to the farm. 10 miles from Murkdalo station, 14 mile: from Meaford and other good mnrket towns. Wil be sold chem) and on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to u opened ma 2L Temperance House. Good ac- cgmmodation for the travelling public. Choice temperance drinks. Best brands of Cigars. Com- modioua rooms for travellers. on the premises, Goi‘ing P. 0 , Ont. Or to aw. J. SH EPHERDSON, Auctioneer. Walters Falls I’. 0., Ontario. 136220 $85$¥¥£92 til lauly; ' Bow wishes every person to call and buy something. READ HIS ADVETISEM ’ T $8 solid com mm! Sold [or fill") un- v . til lately." Best 885 i watch lathe world. Perâ€" fect time- ‘% keeper. Werranted. Heavy ,, A Solid Gold nunung Cases. ~ Elegant and magnificent. Both lsdies‘und gents’sizee with works and cases of cqnalvalnc,nl\lE PERSON! in each lucnllty can secure one FREE. How is this possible! We ansmarâ€"we want one p€r4 ' . I m v son in (3th locality, to keep luv {helrhomeemnd show to those who call, u complete line ofour" valuable and very useful HOUSEHOLD SAMPLE. «1‘ These enmplus,xs well as tho watch,we send iree,:md after you, have kept them in your home for :2 months and shown chemx tolhose who may hm n cnlled,thcy become your own property: it is possible to make this great offer, sending the Suhlbfl)‘ GOLD watch and COST}! samples fish, as the showing of, the samples in any locality, always results in a lnrgc tmdm for m; Liter our samples have been in a locality for [1 month or two? ‘we usually get from $1000 to $506M“ ln trade from the surrounding country. This, the most won in! 01L):- evovl known,is made in order that our samples m We placed at (med where they can be seen, All over America. erto at (mm, mm! makeQBuro of the chance. Reader it wlll he hnrdlysny Lroublo. for you to show theeamples to those who may cull at your homo and your reward will be most satisfactory. A postal Curd cm which to write us costs but 1 con: and after you know sll,ifymli do not care to go further, Why no harm is done. But if ynud lend your address at once, yrvu mm secure FREE one of the best solid sold watches in the world and our lama line of- coser shiny: - I { Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL, Unlocks all the clogged avenues oi the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- ing off gradually Without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humom of the secret-ions; at the some) time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyan pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, gait Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen- eral Debility; all ‘these and. many 9ther similar Complaints yield to the ~-...-.. w‘ A Awn- hap’fiy' ihflfience ‘ of 33113300}; BLOOD BITTERS. 1‘._MILISGBN 6}. (19°, Proprietors, Tomato. RAHD CENTRAL HOTEL is ro-- FARM FOR SALE OR, RENTJ I50 ACRES. THE KEY TO HEALTH. JOSEPH $HEP‘HERBSON, and come and buy. June 215k ‘An Old Favorite NGTHCE. AJ- RUPERT, Proprietor. Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitin, and all dismd‘ era of the Throat and Chest, a9 also Gout, Rheu nmtism. Scrofula. and other kind of skin disease Mmmfiwmred only at Profess- or Hoilowav’s Estabhshmem, 533, OXFORD STREET LONDOM mm mm at 1s.1;§d.,25. 9a., 453.6(1.,]15., ‘22, and 331$ onclfllnx nmant,m1din Cmmdn. m; 36 centgi SOcGnts, and Mix) cents, and the large iizes 1 proportion. (if? CAUTION â€"~_‘1 have no Agent in my United States, nor are my Medicines .80}! there. Purcllgxsers shuuld, fiherefore [0th to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, Loud“. they are spurinus‘ ‘ The Trzugb WISU‘kfl of my {mid Medicines are gisbercd m UtLuwn, and 211930 (Lt Wushingfiou. * THOMAS HOLIJOVVA This lnaompamble Medicine has secur- ed for itself" an imperishuble fame throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most diacqscs who which humanity is hojr. The Pills increase the secretory pnwera of the Liver, brpce the nnrvous say/sham, mud throw into the circula- Lion tlm yum-.6 Elements for sustaining and repairing the ham; J. .LI - :‘uLLa‘W . Grimm‘s U. STEEEQQ (B-Lficaé'smng‘tpn’ D ’l‘hnusnnda of persons have testified thm. by their use nlone thoy hnue hem] restored to health and strength, after every other means had “(w-ad ulxulxccesaful. will bu found" invz-Junbln in every Household the cure vaflpen Sore . 111ml Tumnurs. purify, regulate and imprnye the quality of lined. They assist the digestiva organs, clown t e STOMACH AND BOWELS, .33 Oxford stroot, London mg & filament BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDfi. The @imment nor: Trade-MarksSeaman's, ,(1 ‘uu .siu the Patent; Office a. d “mu .3 yrcmptly and carefully at- ‘ ‘ .. ipb of model or sketch of invention, I 11 ,examimtion, and advise as t9 pm mm ity FREE OF CHARM), ‘ FEES wrougnagn, and-I 1118.159 NO CHARGE EN" 7 mm PATENT is, sxzcbman. Information, advicg ‘ I“, u and special references sent oh application. The deposit receipt thus sent in will be return- ed to the ruapectvivo parties whose tenders am not. twee ' 7mg“ u , This dfapaiitment does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tenders. By order, A. P. BRADLEY. Secretary» Dopurfment of Ruflwm ; and Canals, ()tmwzy, 81h Autxgmst, 1888. Intending contractors are rumosz to. bear in mind thm’x‘ondura will not be onsidered unless muaa strictly in accordanco with the printed forms an -)o nccom mnied by a. latte; stating that the person or pt, 3 tendering have care- fully examined the 100 y and the nature of the 13111601" lfmmd 1n p119, trm} pit . ‘ ' ‘ In tho ans-‘0 mi" .rms, than) must be attache the ncmnl Hiram. H v; of the full name, (the qnture of the accup m 1 zmd residence of each m’embop of the man ; turthur. a. bank deposit receipt for the sum Cu 000 must; accompany the ten- der for tho (H111le and locks ; and. a. bank deposit receipt for the sum of $7,500 mustuccompan the,A tundor fur the deepening und widening 0 the“ u Lunel-wtuy Mg butjl endfi. pierg, _&e. ' ‘ The resp‘bnbivo deposit reueipts~cheqilefi will nonbo acceptedâ€"mush be endorsed over to the Minister of Railways 11 m1 Camus, and will be for- faitud if the party tendering declines entefi’fig into contract for the works, at the rates and on the terms stated in W :oifer submittud. WThVQ; woka will be 10!; in two Asections, one of which will c- h‘nco the furm Mum of the canal 1 . t1 through the 1v. ‘ nd ; the construction of locks, &c. The_ other, tfie (1091mmng and Widening of the channel-va at how ends of the canal menstrua- tion of piers, é’zc. ‘ . . _ A mai) of fin» locality, together with plans and specifications of the \V‘Ql‘kS./0Hn be seen at this of- fice on and after '1‘ U11) SDAE, the. 9th day 0! Oc- tober, unit. where p1 i7‘t611 forms of tender can also be obtained, A film class of informatiqn. relative to the works, aim be'seen at the olfioé ‘q-f the Local officer in the fawn of Saul}; Ste. Marie, n“; NEALED TENDERS addressed to the under:- b signed zmd endorsed “Tenders for the Haul; Ste. Marie Unuul,” will be raeeivwl at this office until the rmivul of the uusturn and western mails on 'J‘U SDAYJDO 23rd day of “embannext. for the Kornuumou and construe-Zion of u (Jamal on the Canadian side of the giver, through the Island. Of St. Mary. ’ “ On‘ President Cleveland’s Prize for the three best, babies at the Aurora Couutf Fair in 1887, was given to these triplets, Mo lie, Ian. and Re. , children of Mrs. A. K. Dart, Hamburgh, N. . She writes: “ Last August the little ones became very sick, and as I could get no other food that would agree with them, I commenced the use of Lactated Food. It helped them immediately. n‘nd they were soon as well as ever, and 1 con- mder it very lar eiy due to the Food that they are now so wel .” cabinet photo. of these tri lets sentfrce la the mother of any baby am this year ’ @‘aufit twigs. Efl'aa'ie Canal; MR8. DART’S TRIPLETS. lathe best Food for bottleâ€"fed babies. It keep. them well, and is better than medicine ' 6“ When they are sick. “‘5? A valuable pamphlet on “ The Nutrition 0! mama and Invalids,” free ongpplggtion. a gflWELLIS. RICHARDSOL‘I 8: (10.. MONTREAL. P.Q. THE MOST PALATABLE, NUTRITIOUS, and DIGESTIBLE FOOD. EASILY PREPARED. w, At Drugglsts. 25c., 50c., $1.00. Vitrorthw{111.35.}~ IVeight in 61â€"01. THE BEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. ISO Meals for an Infant for 9|.oo. NOTICE TO CDNTRAC‘I ORS, Lactated Food «an. 5th 181 }A16 01

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