Special Bargain Lile : OVercoats $5 to $8, worth $8 to $12; Job Lot of Fine Dress Goods; Buck Mitts, California Buck Gloves, Fur Top Kid Gloves, Knitted ditto and Curl Back, Kid Face Dress Gloves, Ladies' 4-button Kid Gloves 500; Beau- tiful Shaws Very cheap; Pants to order, $3 50 worth $4 50; Best $1 50 Ladies’ Button Boots yet made ; Choice ' Teas at Wholesale Prices, COME FOR SAMPLE, UGDOur Stock is fully assorted and prices marked close in every class, with many lines of Job Goods which should be seen by close Cash Buyers. Come and test our words. N o trouble to show goods. R. W. NEVILLE- Richmond Hill, -2â€. .. .. â€"â€"â€"G(} TO THE Eâ€" m m ' . A a. W’ “W ï¬red. a" re House? G FULL LINE OF PllthlSItllih, Cllflfllihitl’, BtltlIS Gk SHiliiS. PRICES TAVVAY DOVVN. Choice Flour, Bacon, Etc. always kept in stock. The People Cryâ€"Save! Saving! Savor]! and money laid up for a. rainy day by purchasing; Household Supplies at tho Ontario llouso. Butter and Eggs wantedâ€"Highest Price Paid. March, 1888. “ ‘ in Fliâ€"lllPRll Is now filledeith a Large and Splendid Assortment of New Pall an Every Department Complete. Goods in the New Makes and Leading Colors,~Cheap. Dress MILLENERY AME} MANTLE GGQES In great variety at the A large assortment of Worsted Suitings and. Canadian Twech at such low pl'lCCS Will astonish our friends. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,&e. Constantly on hand. 1888.}â€" SPRING; Are you threatened with Typhoid, Malaria or Bilious Fever TAE’EE Iron Age Tonic. It. works like magic, driving the disease or its symptoms out of the system. It builds up the entire system and renders you able to attend Try it I Try itl . to your accustomed pursuits. . SANDERSON Braces. tlHllMISTS ANII Ellll'lltilSTS, - - he Now is your time for cheap room paper. .‘ stock in town and will be sold cheap. Prepared only by ,. Mai-WW†NEW Ii’A'Ei‘Ti‘Ellï¬N FOR THE FALL TRADE Ready mixed paints in all colors ready for use. Leds, Oils, Turpes, Varnish, Glass in all sizes. A large stock of Fâ€"Uâ€"Râ€"N~Iâ€"â€"Tâ€"-U~-- mâ€"E in new designs at less than Toronto prices. Usual stock of Groceries, Flour 8L Feed at bottom prices. P. G. SAVAGE. 5.9,,“ ,. .g, “WWW JMQHWQ, JOSEPH Pi. HALL. I‘ a . I AM? 353?“ RIGHMEND HILL 3.37%†W The largest is 3317131 :18} {ED BY M. râ€"r. assessed EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yonge street, Richmond -}Iili, Ontario. Terms of Subscription :-â€"~',«'l ()0 per unuuin in mlvm‘ee. When not paid in advance s1 50 will be charged. Tritiisitory advertisements, firstiusertion, perline... R cents. Erich subsequent isertion, per line ......... 3 cents: Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion. - Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transiâ€"- cut rates. ‘ The majority of R. S, White, in Cardwell was 139. Dr. VVilloughby has been declared elected by the Returning Ofï¬cer as Member for the East Riding of Northumberland. The Globe and other Brown. For fastest. Stallion iu- harness ; S B Kaiser, E W Gollop. Farmer’s Speedingâ€"For fastest horses that never took prizes for speeding; A Robinson, J Reamau. . Special Classâ€"Best draught; Spring, Colt by Lincoln ;John Maiuprize. Bestl chueral Purpose Spring Colt by Lin- coln ; John Keys. . CATTLE. Durham Importedâ€"Bull, 2yrs old and over; Wm Porter. Bull, 1 yr old: John Ackrow lb Son. Cow, any age, in milk; John Aekrow & Sou, ‘ Durham Not Imported-Bull, one yr old ; John R Lawrence, Cow, any age, in milk ; John Ackrow & Son, J T Pea- cock, Bull calf, under 1 year; John Ackrow & Son, Wm Porter. Heifer papers had it. the other day that he had given his casting vote for Mallory. He has evidently thought better of it; if he ever intended to have done so. It. would appear that Dr. Willoughby has had a hard time of it in this election. The Markham Sun thinks it is about time the council of that town took into consideration the advisability of having the streets lighted by the electric or some other system, considering that almost every village in Ontario has set them the example. We agree with our friend that the electric light; is the cheapest in the long run, and hope John R Lawrence, J T Peacock. Heifer, 2 yrs old; John Ackrow & Son, John R Lawrence, Win Porter. HeiferJ yr old; J T Pcaeock,2nd and 3rd,Johu Aekrow & Son. ‘ Jersey ~Bull, Cameron. Gradeâ€"Cow, any age, in milk; Wm Porter, J T Peacock. Thomas Moody, Wm Porter, John R Lawrence. Heifer 1 yr old; 1st and 2nd, Alex Goodfellow; 1 yr old; Lochiel Heifer,2 yrs old; I Goodfellow : Thos Moody. Fat Cattle and Herdâ€"Herd of Catâ€"- Markham won’t make a show of itself by ordering “ï¬fteen coal oil lamps †W " George Cheyne. V ‘ Win Chew, R F Rustin, John Hassard. Chas Stephens. Young. w watson. P ople’s Store ,R McGeaehy, Russell Bros. ‘Gcacliy, Jas Jackson. ,Jamcs Tilt, R Gallaugher, Robb Maxâ€" instead of the better systemâ€"electric. row & Sen, John R Lawrence. SHEEP. Leicesterâ€"Ram, 2 shears and over; J. Goodhouse & Son, Geo Weldriek. Shear-- Elder. Thos Richardson. pears ; Ross, Robt Robb. 03â€, under 1 .Yri JOIN ACkrOW & SUD, white; Joseph Ketfer, Thos Stephens, Geo' Lyons. , ’I‘hos Stephens. 2 bush goose wheat; w Farr, J Ross, Thos Stephens, ley. G rowed; Thos Stephens. J Bell, Robt Robb. Thos Stephens, J Breuls. peas : Thos Stephens, J Roas, J Breuls. 2 bush black oats: J Bell, J Breuls. Thos Stephens J Bell, J Sislev. Wallace, F Daniels. ' _ Thos Moody. seed, growth of 1888 ' w wallis, jun. . . r h g" I d L : Spring Herfcr Calf; 1st and 2nd, Alex ,jfcgï¬inéttalf “Shel eac ' mm an we a tleâ€"l male and 4 females; John Ackâ€" r9118,“ binding reaper : son Bros. '00, Noxou Bros. waggon, thimble skein. J Cruickshunk and Son, A Maynard. 4..)â€" â€" Three caulifloweis; J Dandridge, Twelve parsnips; F Daniels, L Hall. Isaac Elford. ,_ . 7:? I Dr. . ‘ a v The Y‘all-'34 5133351161. harness; L Jones, Win Hodgin, James Emmi F Damels- Pwelve toma'oesi Mr“ Isaac Elford. Collection of roots and vege- tables; Wm Brimacomb. FRUITS. Variety apples. named ; A Thompson, A Gage. cooking apples; Twelve table apples; A Thompson, A Gage. Six cluster open air grapes; w Barrel North- GRAIISS AND SEEDS. 2 bush fall wheat, red; Jos Kefl‘er, J 2 bush fall wheat, 2 bush spring wheat, red; J Bell. 2 bush bar - 2 bush marrowfut peas; JBell, 2 bush common 2 bush white oats; J Ross, J 5reuls, Thos Stephens. 12 euro field corn; 12 cars table corn : T F- Bushel Alsike clover Col AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Mowing machine ; Patterson Bros, Laud- David Todd, A Maynard. Selfâ€" A Harris and Son, Patter- Graiu drill : J wisner Son and Twoâ€"horse Farmers’ Market waggon: J Gen. John W. Laurie (COIL) was ling ram; 1st and 2nd, T F Boynton. Cruickshank and Son. J Burbridge, Phar- elected in Shelbume, N_S_, on Monday Ram lamb: J Goodhouse (f: Son, T F ton.- JCruickshank and Son. Upon buggy, to ï¬n the vacancy in the Dominion Boynton. Two shearling ewes; T F Boynâ€" J Burbridge. A Maynard, Covered buggy Home mused b hid bein , unseated ton, J Goodliouse db Son: Two ewe lambs; J Burbridge, J Cruickshank and Son. ’ ’ ‘ y “ i“ ’ ’ T F Boynton. J Goodhouse d}; Son. Two Double seated carriage, A Maynard Best by 45 majority, notwithstanding the cf-- forts of Premier Fielding who had been a fortnight in the constituency battling against the return of the General. It Brood ewes, 2 shears and over; T F" Boyu-- to’u, J Geodhouse & Son. Pen of one Cotswoldâ€"Ram 2 shears and over; J G may help to convince the Local Premier to leave matters connected with the Dominion House alone and attend to his own department better in the future. Another Railway. Richmond Hill is well provided for with railways, at least on paper. Noth- ing has yet been done with regard to the building of the Junction iailway, although the time is past as allowed by law in which it should have been comâ€" menced. We notice by the Empire that Messrs. Fullerton, Cook and Wal- lace have made or will make application to both Parliaments for an Act to incor- porate the East Toronto and Richmond Hill Railway Company, with full powers to construct and operate a double or single line of railway from a point on the line of the proposed cxtcution of the Canadian Pacific Railway from Clareâ€" uiont to North Bay, or from a point on the Midland Railway, or both to a point within or near the Village of Richmond Hill thence southerly as near Yongc Street as practicable, to a point within or‘ near the City of Toronto, &c., &c. rWe hope the promoters will be success, ful in their undertaking, VJOODBRIDGâ€"E FAIR! A Full List (Pfâ€"PEG Winners. noksss. Imported Draughtâ€"~Mare, with foal by her side; lsl'. and 2nd, D & R Mcâ€" Geachy, Russell Bros. Colt, entire, 2 yrs; Russell Bros, John Bone, Russell Bros. Colt, entire,l yr old; D & R McGeachy; 2nd and 3rd, Russell Bros. Spring Colt or Filly; Neil Smith, D 8.: Filly or Gelding, 3 yrs; Vl'm Foster, Neil Smith. Filly or Golding, 1 yr. old, D & It Mc- Geaeliy. Canadian Draughtâ€"~Mare, Willi foal by her side ; John Cox, D & R Mcâ€" Colt, entire, 2 yrs; Angus Bolton, Jas Bagg. Colt, 1 year; Martin Moody, D & R McGeuchy. Spring Colt or Filly; D (k: R Mchacliy, Wm Hersey, Francis Fenwick Filly or Gelding, 3 yrs; Wm Foster. Filly or Gelding, 2 yrs; Goo Witherspoon, G Jackson. Filly or Gelding, 1 yr; Jas Tilt. Agriculturalâ€"Mare, with foal by her side; Mounsey Bros, John Thomas, Thomas Webster. Colt, entire, 2 yrs; Wm McClure, Chas Fart" Colt, 1 yr; Win Duncan, J Clark. Spring Colt or Filly, Thos Webster, Jars Jackson, M ounsey Bros. Filly or Gelding,3 yrs; Wm McClure. Filly or Gelding, 2 yrs; Zed, Geo V’Vltherspoon, Neil Smith, me or' Gelding, 1 yr; John Thomas, John Mumprize, Span horses in bar- ness; David Lawl‘it‘, G00 T Win- Gcneral I’ui‘pose-â€"Mllre, Willi foal, by her side; John Rogers, Neil Smith, Wm Usher. Spring Colt or Filly ; Kohl: Agar, John Keys, Neil Smith, Filly or Gelding, 3 yrs Old ; Geo T Ward. Filly or Gelding 2 yrs ; Fred Lansdcll, Sam McClure. Span horses in harness; 20d, t M Harrison. Carriageâ€"Mare, with foal by her side; Colt, entire, 1 yr old; Spring Colt or Filly ; James Tilt, R F Rustin, Robb Moody. Filly or Gold- ing, 3 yrs; Jas MeDonough. Filly or' Gelding, 2 yrs; Wm Farr, R F Rustin, John Rogers. Filly or Gelding, 1 yr; John Clark. Single horse in harness; Levi Elliott, John Kelly, David Roanâ€"l tree. Best shod Roadster or Carriage horse ; Levi Elliott. Roadster-Mare with foal by her side; well. Colt, entire, two yrs old; II Black, Geo Jackson. Spring Colt or Filly; Wm Elliott, R Gallaugher, Wm , Filly or Gelding; S B Kaiser, Robt Maxwell,Geo Hutchinson. Single horse in harness; John McDou-gall, R Dorsey & Son, G Mathieson, Span horses in harness; J Clark, R Gallaugher. Saddle horse, Geo M Lyon, John Mcâ€" Dougall, Isaac Kirton. Speeding, etc â€"For fastest 2 yr old in harness; Henry Black,Wm Munshaw. For fastest 3 year old Roadster in harâ€" ness; A Robinson, John Cole. For fastest running horse; Win Porter, John ,Clark. For quickest time made by boys 10 years and under in harnessing , and hitching up horse complete and driv- ing once around ring; Leslie Farr, Bertie Ream-Jo. For fastest horse in, Snell 8; Bro, John Moore. Shearling ram; John Moore, P Boyuton. Ram lamb; J G Snell (it Bro, John Moore. Two brood ewes, 2 shears and over ; J G Snell do Bro. John Moore. Two . shearling ewes; J G Snell & Bro. John Moore. Two ewe lambs, J male and three females; T. F. Boynton. son and Co. with steel board, w Dick, Elliott. Mafg 00., w Dick. power, w Dick. Sulky horse rake, J Wis-- uer Son and C0. horse, A Maynard, J Bur-bridge. display of carriages and buggies, J Bur-- bridge, A Maynard. CultiVator, J wismer Steel or wrought beam plow, Iron barrows. L Straw cutter, horse power. walson Straw critter hand Driving cutter. single Sleigh, Cruiekshank and Son, J Burbridge. John Moore, '1‘ F Boyuton. Pen of one Fanning Mill, J wisuer Son, and Co male and 3 females, J G Snell & Bro. Churn, A Craig. Gang plow, Patterson Southdownâ€"a Ram, 2 shears and over; J Bros. Wind Mill, in operation, R and w lusseli, lilobt Marsh. Shearling ram; R Marsh, J Russell. Rum lamb; 13‘ and 2nd, J Russell. Two brood ewes, .2 Shears and over; Robert Marsh, J Russell. TWo shearling ewes; J Russell, Robert Marsh. Two ewe lambs: J Russell, Robert Marsh. Longstaff. DAIRY PRODUCE. Firkin of butter of not less than 50 lbs, Mrs Jas Cberrl, Mrs H Peters, Mrs w Deu- nison. N Smith. 10 ii}. roll butler, Mrs C Farr, Mrs 12 lb Crock butter, Mrs Cherry. Locke. P Boyntou. Monkman Jr Sou. Pen of I male and 3 females, J Russell. Shropshire, Hampshire Jr. Oxfordshire Downs.â€"Shearling Ram lamb ; John Dicken. Two brood ewes, 2 shears and over; shearling ewes; Thos Moody. John Dickeii. Two ewe lambs; John Dicken. male and 3 females; John Dicken. Sheepâ€"Two fat. sheep, ewes or wethers; Robl. Marsh, Geo. Weldrick. ram ; Fat SWINE. Berkshiresâ€"Boar, over one year; Geo. Sow. over one year, having had pigs in 1888; P Boynton, Jas Boar, under one year; John Dicken. John Dickeu. Two Pen of l 10 lb fresh butter, Mrs wm McClure. 10 lb roll butter, Mrs Jars Thompson. Mrs l Devins. 10 lbs roll butter. Mrs w Denison. 10 lbs roll butter, Mrs A Crib. 10 lbs crock butter, Mrs J Thompson 10 lbs crock butter made by young ladies under 20, Ida Thompson. 5 lbs crock butter, Mrs U Young. 20 lbs crock butter. Mrs J Cherry. 10 lbs crock butter-.Mrs U Young. 2 lbs roll butter, Mrs U Young. 10 lbs. honey renderedGeorge T Ward. Cheese, factory-~made, not less than 60 lbs., 1st and 2nd,Davisou and Scott. Cheese,homo-mnde. not less than 10 lbs, J Breuls. Two loaves of home-made bread, Mrs U Young. J J G Snell dz. Bro, P Boyuton. Sow, under one year; J G Snell (it Bro, J T Peacock, Yorkshire or ,g'ï¬gllier Large Breedâ€"Boar, over one year; R’Dorsey & Son, Geo Wel- drick. Sow, over oue'yeur, having had pigsiii1888; R Dorsey Jr. Son, Win Me'-- Clure. Boar, under one year; Geo Wel-l drick, Wm McClure. Sow,uuder oneyear; Geo weldrick, Wm McClure. Sulfolksâ€"Boar, over one year; R Dor- seyd’. Son. Sow, over one year, having I had pigs in 1888; B. Dorsey & Son, Wm McClure. Boar, under one year; R Der-- sey dc Sou. Win McClure. Sow, under one year; It Dorsey db Son, Win McClure. ' POULTRY. Pair dark Brahmas; lst and 2nd, IV & A Wright. Pair chickens; w 81 A Wright. Wm Milner. Pair Coehins; lst and 2nd, w do A Wright. Pair Dorkings; Wm Bell, ( J Russell. Pair Chickens; lsi and 2nd, Wm Bell. Pair black Spanish; 1st and 2nd, w d: A Wright. Pair Chickens; W (it A Wright, Chas Scott. Pair Leghorns‘, t white; wStA Wright, Wm Milner. Pair t Chickens, white; w of: A Wright, Geo 'lalmer. Pair Chickens, colored. Leghorn; w (k A Wright, J F Thompson. Pair Hamburgs; W (S: A Wright; Wm Dawson. [ Pair Chickens; w (I) A Wright, J H Snider. 1 Pair Plymouth Rocks; w db A Wright, C. Scott. Pair Chickens; w & A Wright, A H Tanquin. Pair Chickens; w & A Wright. Pair Houdans; w 65 A Wright, J H Snider. Pair Chickens; W'm Milner,Mlehael Brown. Pair Game; Joseph Foster. Wm Mlluer. Pair Chickens; w d}: A Wright, Joseph Foster. Pair Bantams; Mrs Robert Wil-- son. Pair Chickens; list and 2nd, Mrs Robt IVilson. Pair Langshans; J H Sold-- er, Win Miluer. Pair chickens; Geo Bnlmer, Jonathan Ellenby, jun. Pair Chickens; J H Snider, Chas Scott, Pair Wyandotls; Chas Scott. Pair Chickens; 1st. and 2nd, Chas Scott. Pair Fancy pigeons; Joseph Foster, George Wallace. Pair Guinea fowl; A Orth, Wm Milner. Pair Chinese geese; 1st and 2nd Wm t cake, Jennie Assortment of canned fruits, Mrs A Gage, Mrs Fred Elliott. Mrs E Peters. Mrs U Young, best loaf, not less than 4 lbs, made from Breadmaker’s Yeast, Isl. Mrs U Young; 2nd, Mrs Jas Calvert; 3rd, Mrs J Russell. For the best. sponge cake. not less than 3 home-made grown in Canada, Mrs w Dennison. Mrs C Scott, Mrs w Bell, Mrs R Wilson. homeâ€"made soap, Mrs A Orth. machine, any make, Singer Manuf. 00,, P Rogers. ' Breuls : Mrs R Wilson ; Bruels. 12 home -made buns. Victoria Mason, Minnie McClure. Fruit cake 4 lbs, Mrs w Dennison, Mrs R Wilson. Sponge Thom pseii, Bella Watson. Assortment of jellies, For the bs , lst, Miss Duncan; 2nd Mrs. Joseph Natti‘ess; 3rd, Miss Gollop, HOME MANCFAC’I‘URES. Barrel of Flour, exhibited by manufacu urer, 1st and 2nd, Wallace Bros. Ten yds h0me--made flannel 1st and 2nd. Wallace Bros. and 2nd Wallace Bros. J Breuls, Wallace Bros. Tende factory-made flannel, lst Ten yds full cloth, Ten yds tweed and 2nd Wallace Bros. Canadian). lst Pair homeâ€"made blankets. Mrs U Young, wallace Bros. Young, Hiram White. Set single harness, E Gollop. Pair horse blan kets, Mrs U Suit men’s clothing, Canadian weed. 1st and 2nd, walluee Bros. Men’s Balmoral booti, lst and 2nd,I)avid Stewart Pair men’s kip boots, 1st and 2nd, D Stew art. Assortment of boots, lst and 2nd, )Stewart. Assortment of tinsmith Work, st and 2nd Keys and Ballet. Bottle wine, from open-air grapes Bottle home-made wine, not grape, Two bars Sewing LADIE s’ WORK. Patchwork quilt cotton, Jennie Mason, Josie Patchwork quilt; silk, Mrs ’l‘lios Smith. Patchwork silk quilt crazy pat- on], Miss Horner, Aggie McIntosh; l’utchi’vork quilt any other material, MrsT Smith, Mrs 11 Scott; Knitted quilt, Jennie Cordingly, Victoria Mason; Rag carpet, Miss Gollop. Mrs C Scott; Rug mat, Mrs Deveraux, Victoria. Mason ; mat, Jennie Mason, Mrs Heaslip; Mrs Deveraux, Mrs H Scott; muslin, Miss McVeun, Mrs J Bell; in cotton, Miss Gilray, MrsJ Bell; Embroidery in silk; Floor mat, Embroidery in E in Droidery Mrs GVuiizant, Miss Burnside; Ein- Milner. Dorsey (b Son. A Wright, John Moore. lst and 2nd. R Dorsey Pair Roueu ducks; John Moore, J Russell. Pair Pekiu ducks; James Culvert, Chas Pair Bronze turkeys; Wm Milner, Best collection of poul- ducks ; Scott. R Dorsey (2‘ Son. Darker. ry; w (I: A Wright. Roors. Best 6 Swede turnips; Uriah Young, W Best 6 white turnips; Chas Scott. Best 5 field carrots; U Best 12 table carrots ; Pair Bremen geese; J Russell, R Pair Toulouse geese ; w & Pair Aylesbury ct: Sou. broidery in worsted, Mrs T Kersey, Miss M cVean; Embroidery in silk on flannel. Miss Mc'Vcan, Mrs T Kersoy; Embroidery on satin (Kensingtoii). Mrs J McPherson, Miss Anderson; Embroidery on plush, Mrs '1‘ Smith, Miss Burnside; Em- broidery on felt, Miss Burnside, Mrs Heaslip; Berlin wool Work felt, Mrs It W’ilson, Mrs G Van- zunt; Luce (Honiton), Miss E ltowrlon, Jennie Mason; Lace (point), Susan Itowden, Miss Meâ€" Vean ; Lace (mucranle or twine), Sm'uh Cordingv 1y, Mrs '1‘ Smith; Specimen family machine work, Miss Gilmy, Mrs Heuslip; Specimen plain sewing girls under 14, Mina Ward, Jessie Elliott; Boquet of flowers table, Mrs C Scott ; flowers hand, Mrs C Scott, Mrs E Elliott; Col- lection flowers and plants, Mrs J Bonnet, Mrs C Scott; Gent’s shirt cotton hand-mime, Miss (lol< 10p,MlSS McVean; Gent‘s shirt cotton machine made, MrsJ Bell, Miss Gollop ; Flannel shirt hand made, Mrs JBell, Mrs T Kersey; Flannel Chas Scott, I) Lawrie. For 6 heaviest and best formed Steele Bros & Co.’s new short white carrots; U Young, John Bell. Best six maugel wurtzel ( long); U Young w Darker. w Darker, John E Elliott. Early Bose potatoes; H Sutton. Robt Robb. Best half bush white Elephant po-- t tatoes, David Lawrie, Frank Daniels. Best 8 half bus], Beauty of Hebron potatoes, A '1' stockings, Jennie Cordingly, Mrs U Young; Best half buss Queen of i Orth. I) Lawrie. the Valley potatoes; F Daniels, Geo Baggs. Best. half bush 'l‘horburu potatoes; 1st and 1 2nd, A ()rth. rise 3 F Daniels, w Jeffery. Best half bush My other sort; James Brown, 1) Lawrie. 1 Best twelve ï¬eld radishes; w Shuuk, w Darker, Best twelve garden radishes ; F Daniels, Chas Scott. Best two ï¬eld _ squashes; B. Matthews, Joseph Keffer. 1 Best two ï¬eld pumpkins; w Darker. U Breuls ; Harrison, Mrs Bell ; Beat half bush Early Sun- Burnside; Jessie Webster nie Mason, Mrs G Vunzant; Aggie McIntosh, Mrs L Hall; wood. Sarah Cordiugly, Mary McIntosh; cloth or cover. Mrs 'N Reunion, Edith Holmes; Tinsel work, Mrs Vunzent, Miss McVeuu; shirt machine made, Mrs J Bell, Josie Breuls Crochet work in cotton, Mrs Heuslip, Mrs Uriah' Young; ner, Sarah Cordingly ; Victoria. Mason. Jennie Mason; painted, Mrs Cruickishank, Mrs W Reunion; Toil- ' . et cushion painter, Miss Anderson Mrs W.1tea~ BeSt Six mangel wurme' (TOWEL man; Toilet cushion konsiugton embroidery, Beat hall bugh MrsJ McPherson, Miss Burnside; plush, Aggie McIntosh, braiding, Miss Gilmy, arts 0 Scott ; Crochet work in woollen, Georgie Hon Sofa. cushion in urrnseiie, Sofa. cushion Armscne on Mrs Heal-dip ; Fancy Fancy knit- Woolion Wool on Wol~ on mitts, Sarah Cordingly, Mrs Wm Bell ; Wol- ou gent’s gloves hand made, Mrs W Bell, Josie Half doz button holes in worsted, Currie tibbosene work, Mrs Housâ€" ip, Susan ltowdcn; Dinning, Mrs lieuslip, Miss Darning, girls under 14, Mina VVitrd, Dnrned not: pillow shains, Jen- Queon Anne duru- ng, Susan Rowden, Mrs T Kcrscy ; \Vttx flowers, Crewcl work in Table ing, Jennie Cordiugly, Mrs T Kcrsey; oeks, Miss Burnsrdc, Josre Breuls; . , Paint- ng on silk or satin, Mrs lieuslip, Miss Anderson. FINE ARTS. Piano, Lansdowne Piano 00,, Thos Hule agent; '7 ' w 101mg, Best two MummOlh pumpkmb: nilpuinting 0n canvass. Mrs Cruiekshunk, Mrs Isaac Elford, John E1110“. ' Heaslip; Crayon or pencil drawing, Miss Haw- , , kins, Mrs Hell; Collection of photos, Win Daw- VEGE PABLLS- son; Copy book, written by girls 14 and under, , Maggie Bowman, Lavina. V’Vruy‘ Twelve blood beets’ Jab“ 'Ben’ Chas lwritten by girls 1'2 and under, Miiinie Robinson, Annie Kellane ; and under, Annie Davis, Annie Kew; ( written by boys 14 and under, Willie Bull, John Scott. Twelve sugar beets; James Dan-- dridge, John Ross. Peck red'onious, I Elt‘ord, J. Dandridge, Peck yellow onions; 1 w Dawson, U Young. Six heads of large; cabbage; James Keedwell,Wm Brimacomb. J Dandridge. Six cilrons (long); L May- nard, J DaudIidge. Six citrons (round); J Sisley, A Orth. Six roots celery; .1. . Kellam ; under, John Kellum, Willie Smith; Copy book Copy book Copy book written by girls 10 Copy book Copy book written by boys 12 and agriflmlig by boy; 10 andhunder, flOscathoai-son, , o 0 es; enmans i no ouris es 1% J Six heads of small cabbage; Chas Scott. ‘McLea.n,Â¥Iennie Thompsoii; ' birds or rininials, Mrs John Harris, W A Wallis jr; Collection of insects, Miss Duncan; of Geological, 1t Cowling, W A Wallisjr; Col- Isuac lection of curiosities, It Cowling. Collection stuifed Collection six of each correctly I Twelve system, for nature acts not by sudden revo- lt Cowling, A Gage. lotions, or shows consequences without an Thos Teasdale, w active cause. ' 'McClure. Twelve winter apples; David , single one, may sufï¬ce to lav the foundaâ€" . Twelve russels ;,ti0u of a complication of disprders. for IChas McNeil.Geo Gal-butt. Twelve winter é disease is as secret as. it is insrdious in us- Twelve l operations. ’ autumn pears; w Bell, Thos Richardson. for protection, but eventually destroys "5; Twelve crab apples; w Dawson, S Mason and Son. Dawson,Wm Jeffery. Barrel winter apples; Thos Richardson, J Cherry. ern Spy apples; Thos Richardson, J05. Kefl'er. T itble . Pequot. of‘ Reflect Deeplyâ€"J edge Wisely. , The following: has 11] ittho germ of greattruth, and people in general world, do well to ponder seriously upon it. The lloss of health is not the work of a moment. or the immediate effect of disease upon the A few months, ' perhaps a As the ivy entwincs the oak stalwart supporter, so disease gradually,» undermines the constitution unseen and up"; felt, till the health is irretricvably lost, or ruined beyond redemption. A slight Ill-- significant cold neglected at the com-- mencement frequently terminates in asthma, bronchitis, consumption or some other fatal complaint, which will defy the most skilful practioner, In this class of diseases Holloway, the renowned traveller, has had the most. extensive practice in this 01- any other age, and consequently his Pills and Ointment have had a greater success than any other medicines in the annals of‘ science. Holloway does not assert that he cures cases of conï¬rmed consumption, though his remedies will give relief after all other means have failed, but he con-- fidently states that in all diseases of the throat and CllPSt,l1lS Pills and Ointment will effect a decided and perineut cure. The Pills act on the blood, and neutralize the virus which depraves it, and will at the snme tims revitalize and invigomte it The Ointment absorbedthrough the skin as meat imbibes salt, prevents the progress of diseases of the lungs in the early stages of' consumption and also removes the phlegm which obstructs respiration, asthma or bronchitis. Thousands in every part of) the civilized world have been cured of these diseases by the Pills and Ointment after other means had been exhausted without successâ€"The Citizen. ... For Frost Bltes. There is no better remedy for frost bites, chilblains and similar troubles, than Hugâ€" yard's Yellow Oil. It also cures rlicuma-~ tism, lumhugo, sore throat, deafness, and lameness and pain generally. Yellow 011 is used internally and externally. ENRIGH THE moon by the use of Mil-u burn’s Beef, Iron and'Wiue. which supplies the necessary blood building material. On the Platform. Public speakers and singers are often troubled with sore throat and hoarseness and are liable to severe bronchial attacks which might be prevented and cured by the use of Ilagyurd’s Peetoral Balsam-the best throat and lung remedy in use. The Triumphant Three. “'During three years’ suffering with dyspepsia I tried almost every known remedy but kept gelling worse until I tried B. B. B. I had only DSPdlt thive days when I felt better; three bottles completely cured me.†W. Nichols, of Kendal, Out THEle ARE MANY INDICATIONS of worms, but. Dr. Low’s Worm Syrup meets them in every case successfully. Praise-worthy. “Last Summer I was entirely lui'l up, with liver complaint. A friend advile me to use Burdock Blood Bitters; I did so. and four bottles cured me. I cannot praise this remedy too much.†John ll. Rivers,1 Orr Lake, Ont. l l OCCAS‘ONAL posts of a good cathartic like Burdock Pills are necessary to keep the E ' blood pure and the body healthy. Important to Working Men. “Artizaus, mechanics and laboring men are liable to sudden accidents and injuries, as well as painful cords, stiff joints and lameness. To all thus troubled we would ' recommend Hagyard’s handy and reliable pain cure for outward S or internal use, ; Low’s SULPHUR Sea? is an elegant toilet “ 1 article, and cleanses and puriï¬es the skin ‘ most cfh'cclually. An Open Letter. Messrs. T.Milburu diCo. Nov. 25th,1886. I wish I had used B. B. B. sooner, which ‘ would have saved me years of suffering with erysipelus, from whichI could get no is- lief unlil I tried H. B. B., which soon cleared away the itching, burning rash that had so long: distressed me. Mrs. Edward Rouiliey, Eastern Passage, Halifax, N. S The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for “ Want †advertisement. If you want to buy or sell anything. 1f you want a situation, a mechanic. a l)usi-- ness, mne hinery, lodgings, if you have lost or found anything, or if you want to find out where anyone is. advertise in the To-- routo DAILY MAIL and read the advertise - ments on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a word each Ill" Hertion. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Cauada. Homewrtr's PILLS The attention of all sufferers is drawn to: those well~known remedies, for thev pee-- 's’ess conspicuous advantages as a safe and a reliable aid in all these emergencies to which travellers. emigrants and sailors are so especially liable. They have been largely patronized by wavfarers by land and sea, and, in fact, by all classes of the community, to their very great advantage. The Pills are beyond all doubt one of the most effective remedies ever disclivered for cases of obstinate constipation, confirmed indigestion and colic, complaints which are engendered by exposure and irregular feed ing. The Ointment will be found of the very greatest service In cases of pilr‘s, ab- scesses, erysipelas and all kinds of local ulcerations. ’ W ADVICE T0 MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest; by a. sick child suffering and crying with pain or cutiing teeth ‘2 If so, send at once and get. a. bottle of Mus WINsLow’s Soo'riiiNG SYRUP FOR, CHILDREN leiiii'rnmc. Its value is irieuleul- able. It will relieve the poor little suitoror inr- medintcly Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it, It cures dysentery and diar- rlicetr, regulates the stomach and how 915, euros wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, and gives tone and energy to the whol a system. DIES WINsLow‘s SOOTHING SYRUP FUR CHILDREN ' ‘ IITHING ispleesunt to the tastehnrl is the pres iiption of one of the eldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States. and is for sale by all (lruggists through-- out; the world Price twenty-ï¬ve cents a bottle Bejsurc and risk for “ Mns Winsnow’s Seo’rnmo SYRUP " and take no other kind. Ffliflikr‘icflllékï¬llf Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- ing off gradually without. weakening the system, all the impurities and. foul liumors of the secretions; at the some time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bilicusness, Dye. pepsia, Headaches, Eiszinces, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness“ of the Skin, Prepay, Dizziness of Vision, Jaundiee, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Serofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen. eral Debility; all those and many other similar Complaints ield to the happy influence of 'URDOCK BLOOD BI'I'TERS. ' T._1lllLlsflllN a 00., Proprietors. Tel-oat Pills Yellow Oil, the: AND OlN'l'MENT:- l i Add rces Vv'orth ti. eir . I, I . i I tit distant This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fame throughout the VVerld for the alleviation ' and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir'. The Pills purify, regulate and improye the quality of l? nod. ’i‘hcy assist the digestive organs, cleans tile STOMACII AI‘ED BOWELS, increase the "victory powers of tlio Liver, brace the nervous. our and throw into? the cit-culli- tion the yin ,. .tuuleill‘m‘ for sustaining and repairing the In no. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that. by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had n-oved unsuccessful. _ q t ‘5- Tne Gin .rnent will he found invaluable in every Household the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours, BAD LEGS, OLl) WOUNDS. COLDS, Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitis, and all disoi'r! era o_ be Throat. and Chest, its also Gout, Rhett matism. Serorula and other kind of skin disease l‘vlanufactured only at Profess- er Hollowav’s Establishment, 533. XFOBD 8’ near LONDOlV. and sold at ls. lid†28.9:1., 4s. 6d., 115., 22, and 333 cachllox and Pet, and iii (luniuln. at. 36 cents to wit. , mull. $1.50 cents, and the large sizes i proportion. {ff}:- (‘Airriexâ€"l have no Agent in ll. : United States, nor are my Medicines so I there. Purchasers should therefore 10' K to the label on Ibc Pots and Boxes. 1ft. 9 address is not 533, Oxford Street, Londtr they are spurious. The Trade Murks of my said Medicines are giotcred in Ottawa, ltlltl ul. _ at. \Vitshington V TnQMAS HULDOWA London. Jun. 5th 1 31 53 Oxford street, .2} . AT THE SAMETiME on THE NERVES, 'rHE LIVER, nTHE BOWELS, andthe KIDNEYS This combined action gives- it won- ' derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. “ . ‘ crLE/rr. ME ‘9 {commit/No WILL CURE BILIOUBHESS, FILES, i». OONSTIPA'I'ION, KIDNEY COM- \ PLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALEWEAKNESS,RHEUMA. TIBM, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened ovar Disordered Kidneys! Vlhy endure nervous or sick headaches! Why have sleepless nights! Use PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND and rejoice in health. It is an entirely vegeta- ble remedy, harmless in all cases. ' . Soldï¬yall Druggirts. Priu 81.00...» E, Six/argon. m 1 " WELLS. RICHARDSON &CO.,Proprlatona. MONTREAL, 1’. Q. killleE CAEiADA’S Lilâ€"ulna PAPER.- TS suffer Bilious Pains and Aches D ‘ (Height, 11 inches.) ' FEHVFEHE since its establishment has th ruiprocodontod success, and already it the proud position of Canada’s Leuding but, in order to place the WEEKLY 1.“: and in the hands of every Farmer in the Dominion this fall, the Publishers have had prepared a Handsome and Life-like Bust 01’. SIR JOHN MACDONALD, To be given to every subscriber to the W IZEKLY EMPERE PAYING ONE YEAR. IN issuance. ONLY ,$1 PER. ANN‘UM- NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. THE. EMPIRE, Toronto